#teacher au mikey
peach-moths · 8 months
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Michael you sweet boy there's not a thought behind your eyes, such an oblivious turtle
Part of @junoinouterspace Rise Teacher AU if you didn't read the first fic in the AU "Slipping Through My Fingers" it provides context with Miles Morales (yes that Miles Morales) and his role in the AU
(Hera and I added the ShellShocked ship to the au because we like that ship and we do what we want it's our au lmfao)
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junoinouterspace · 9 months
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some refs i made for an au that i was inspired for after watching Abbott Elementary. I think these boys deserve a nice domestic au.
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gidget-claws · 1 year
Good future AU where Donnie and Mikey become teachers at the same university and wear cloaking brooches to disguise themselves-
Then Donnie gets caught by a student
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Read more for an info dump about it ✨️
After of the Krang invasion, crime slows down, and the turtles are vaugley known for being vigilantes. They remain generally anonymous and people are still immensely skeptical they even exist and/or are mutants moreso just people in costumes to hide themselves.
The turtles start to grow up and with it, Donnie and Mikey start to realize they all were more thrown into the role of heroes. It wasn't much of an option with the world being so dependent on them, literal life or death of themselves and innocent civilians. Leo pushes the two to pursue their own desires, though the two don't want to immediately opt out of the hero-lifestyle.
So they settle on a compromise.
By day, they're simple human teachers. Brothers working at the same university in a quaint little apartment. Donnie a botany teacher and head of the robotics club, and Mikey an art teacher and may or may not be the one spray painting murals around the art wing.
By night (and weekends), they're back to helping out their older brother's as they did growing up.
Sure rumor had gotten around for the science and art majors that their respective professors look weird if you look in the window of their classrooms at night if they're in there, but it has never become anything more than a joke. Outside of the janitor who barely bat an eye at the brothers, they've never been caught without their human disguises.
Until a student stays hidden in the lab after it closes to try and finish a project and the teams worst liars are up against a barrage of student's jokes and questions on the facts of the matter. Let alone their older siblings weekly questioning of if they've been seen.
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seagull-scribbles · 9 months
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Warm up doodle of Donnie²
[based on @naivesilver’s AU that you can read here]
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powderrr · 7 months
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Au, where the guys are school/college/university teachers. With and without humanizations
Raph - life safety and physical education.
Leo - foreign languages and literature
Donnie - mathematics and physics
Mikey - art and works
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Аушка,где ребята преподователи школы/колледжа/университета. В хуманизациях и без
Раф - ОБЖ и физкультура.
Лео - иностранные языки и литература
Донни - математика и физика
Майки - изо и труды
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bambiraptorx · 8 months
I love love LOVE that none of the Turtles are straight A students in the Draxum raises them AU. Especially as it has nothing to do with knowing the material or being smart enough. This was EXACTLY my experience in school - I knew the answers, I just struggled to get the work done. (Dyspraxia and undiagnosed ADHD will do that to a person).
I made a rather long post about the nature of the yokai school system awhile back (here, if you want to read), and honestly one of the big issues they face is that, since teaching is a volunteer position, there's an incredibly large range of teachers who know their material, but weren't necessarily trained to teach. (And even professional teachers irl can be sucky sometimes, so it's not unique to the yokai system.) And it's not like there aren't good teachers who understand how to accommodate the needs of different students, but (again like the real world) some of them are willing to do much more to cater to students' needs than others.
For example, Lua's favorite teacher is an English prof who assigns a low homework load and always makes sure to announce assignments multiple times so that no one misses them. Demophon's least favorite teachers are the ones that demand class participation from day one when he doesn't know them or his classmates. Millie's favorite is the mathematician teaching his algebra class who lets him sit in the back and stim like crazy. Ragnarok's favorite staff member is the janitor who lets him hang out in the school's greenhouse over lunch and help weed the carnivorous plant section.
But even when they're with the best teachers possible for them, they still don't get perfect grades, they just don't. They weren't made for school, and really any kind of formal education system goes against how (and what) they were intended to learn. And that's before you factor in every single one of them having some form of undiagnosed neurodivergence.
It's kinda in contrast with their lives in canon-- sure, they never got a chance to be in school, but what that did give them was the opportunity to pursue any and all topics that they wanted to. Each of the canon turtles is very intelligent and skilled in their own ways, and I wholeheartedly believe that not a single one of them could write a five-paragraph essay.
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joontroverted · 1 month
hate the way you smile
bully! baji keisuke x popular girl reader
fandom : tokyo revengers
word count : 5.5k
tags : he is a bully (only to you tbh), dubcon, panty kink, he gives you a wedgie lol, pussy eating, anal fingering (just a bit), exhibitionism, groping, stalking (kinda), they are in school for the only purpose of them wearing uniforms, but I've been kinda vague about that because I hate writing high school aus, so you can def imagine them to be in college, all characters are 18+ only
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you're not a loser.
quite the contrary actually, you're very popular. 
you joined the school pretty late, which itself was not very common, causing everyone to ogle at you. and judging from the way they treat you, they liked what they saw.
your features and mannerisms captivated everyone, right from the way you walked into class to the little smile you gave after the introduction the teacher forced you into doing. that would've been called cringe on anyone else, but you pulled it off.
keisuke has been waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it never does. 
yeah yeah, you were the shiny new thing when you first walked in. and then you got most of your answers correct in class, no matter when the teacher called on you. most of the answers, that is, because when you got an answer wrong and the teacher corrected you, keisuke finally felt vindicated. that would be the start of the chipping of your bright exterior. 
but no. instead you snorted (and God even your snort was cute) and rolled your eyes, muttering stupid before smacking yourself on the side of the head with the tip of your pencil. that had the class giggling, causing even the teacher to smile as she continued with the rest of the topic. 
what the hell? what was even funny about all this? 
(he watched you tuck your hair behind your ear, with a little lopsided smile on your face as you suddenly realized the rest of the class had heard you. you fanned yourself as if that would blow the embarrassment away somehow, and for just a second your eyes flitted up to his. he turned away immediately.)
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"what do you think of the new girl."
“huh?” says mikey stupidly, his eyes trained on takemichi of all people. keisuke shares a look with draken, deciding to get to the bottom of whatever that is, later.
“she has a name, you know,” says draken, stretching, as the three of them are spread out on the bleachers. 
“what, d’you like her or something?”
“very funny,” he replies, rolling his eyes at keisuke. “emma thinks she's really pretty, and you know emma. she immediately went up to her and started chattering away and the next thing you know they have a bubble tea date planned. i think she even dragged takemichi's girl into it.”
“i don't think they're dating,” mikey’s head whips around, finally decided to acknowledge the two of them.
“they hold hands all the time!”
“did both of them come and tell you word for word that they're dating?” says mikey seriously. 
keisuke and draken exchange another incredulous look.
“yeah, that's what i thought” says mikey victoriously. he turns to keisuke. “do you like her?”
“who the hell are we even talking about anymore?”
“the new girl, keisuke, god, how can you forget what you were talking about so quickly?”
“tch. there's nothing to like about her. gave me something to laugh at with that stupid little introduction she gave us on her first day, but she's just another girl. i don't know why everyone's so obsessed with her.”
“she gave me some of her lunch when she saw me sniffing her,” says mikey unhelpfully. “people should start doing that more.”
“you should stop sniffing people,” replies draken, disgusted.
“guess what she smells like!”
“like cocoa butter on some days and like flowers on others,” blurts out keisuke. 
both mikey and draken turn their heads to keisuke.
“that's what all girls smell like, what the fuck!” he retaliates, looking away, his face burning.
“emma doesn't.”
“yeah, and neither does hina. or takemichi,” drawls mikey, squinting at him. “and you're right. she does smell like cocoa butter. i don't know about flowers. but then again, i’m not the one obsessed with her.”
“i'm not obsessed with her!” hisses keisuke. “and keep your voice down, will you, i’m sure the rest of the world heard you!”
“mikey! draken!” a voice calls from the field in front of them. 
they all turn to see it's you, in your skorts and top, visor in one hand and racquet in the other. the skorts (who the hell came up with that mopey idea) seem to hug your waist just right, the shortness of them making your legs look longer. your top is sticking to your skin from all the sweat you had built up from the match you just had, the white becoming almost see through, and he wonders how you’re either actually goddamn stupid or that desperate for attention for you to wear a red bra underneath it.
you wave at them enthusiastically, and you're close enough to them for him to see your eyes land on him, and you give him a little wave too.
mikey and draken wave back. keisuke rolls his eyes and looks away. “fucking of course she plays tennis, how pretentious,” he mutters.
“how come the girl you're obsessed with doesn't give a fuck about you?” snickers mikey as you walk away, surrounded by your group of girls, chattering and laughing. 
“i'm not obsessed with her first of all, and second of all, we don't even know each other because i’m not a serial sniffer like you.”
“maybe you should be,” sniffs mikey, “‘cuz guess what i smell right now?”
“shut the- ”
“a boy in looove,” sing mikey and draken together, bursting into laughter.
walking home, the more he thinks about your tennis uniform, the more he's pissed off. that wouldn't be a regular bra now, would it? probably a sports bra. he imagines you peeling off the tight top in the locker rooms, laughing with the other girls. how the sweat makes it a bit harder to tug off the bra, causing you to flail around a bit, before it comes off fully. he thinks about you basking in the freedom from it for a bit, chest heaving from all the exertion of the game, nipples hardened from the sudden exposure. 
he imagines you bend over and tug off the skorts you were wearing, wondering what panties you had on. would they be red, like your bra? you seem like a stuck up bitch who would make sure of stupid things like that. judging from how snugly the skorts had fit you, your panties would probably be digging into your soft skin, wouldn't they? were your panties riding up your pussy? the thought is quickly followed by the image of tight, red panties wedged up your pussy, he could almost hear you whine as you pulled them down and off of you. he didn't even have to imagine the rest before he broke off into a run to his home so he had some material left to finish himself off.
bad thoughts. these are bad thoughts that are too raunchy and precious for someone as annoying as you. 
(to his utter irritation, it's the small smile you had on your face when you waved at him that pushed him over the edge at the end.)
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you're not a loser.
so fuck knows why you're so hellbent on doing the project exactly the way you wanted to, with absolutely no room for creative liberties, no changes in font, and every single time keisuke suggested something he could see you typing up a storm on the group chat. he made sure to see the message, but not read it and then be conveniently offline for the rest of the day. he was sure you would resort to calling him to beg him to not deviate from the color pallete you (and you alone) had decided on. obviously everyone else nodded and went along with your decision. but you hadn't called. 
so here you are, trailing after him. 
he groans and keeps walking down the hallway.
“keisuke! i just wanted to let you know that i know it feels like i'm being so restrictive, but all these rules are just for the presentation, like the ppt!” you dodge a couple walking hand in hand and you turn around and wave at them. “you guys are so cute! anyways, keisuke, you have complete freedom over what you want to say during your part of the presentation!”
“ha, so can i talk about my favorite kpop star while the rest of you are talking about the american involvement in the korean war? thanks!” he snorts, striding away.
“i didn't mean whatever you want, i meant you can speak about your portion however you want! the format we've decided on is just for the ppt!” you hurry around a sharp corner he took, still following him.
“we didn't decide anything. you chose the topic, and you chose the format of the ppt,” he grits out.
“well, when we were going around suggesting ideas, everyone seemed to like mine, so they went with it. and you weren't even in the meet!”
he grunts. that was true.
you open your mouth to say something and someone’s calling your name, so you turn around to respond to them. by the time you turn back he's gone again.
“fuck! fuck!” you mutter, adjusting your tote bag over your shoulder. God, he is so irritating. him and how serious he always is about treating you like shit but never taking it all the way. you always feel the prick of his eyes staring at you, and initially you always turned to smile or talk to him, but he'd just look away and outwardly ignore you. 
you had taken to staring back at him, in hopes of him at least taking it as a sign to leave you alone but that hadn't worked either. 
instead, now you know how his silky hair slinks to the front of his face as time passes during classes, and how he absentmindedly gnaws on his pens with his canine teeth. you know how he actually prefers putting his hair up in a high ponytail rather than a low one on the few occasions that he does tie his hair. you know he's actually studying when he’s wearing his red reading glasses. he takes his blazer off often and he's rather ripped, and you're embarrassed to say that you might've asked around why. your classmates said he has a black belt and used to beat people up for fun. 
you can't figure out if that's a joke or not. 
you don’t care that he ignores you, you have enough friends and more than enough people who would pay attention to you. but it kept building and building. everyone said he was a quiet but nice guy. was rowdy when he was younger, but mellowed down and began to focus on school a bit more. you would love to see that side of him, especially now in the crux of the group project. he still had a wild side to him apparently and everyone knew not to mess with him and his loyal set of goons kazutora and chifuyu (who is quite the loser himself), but you'd had just about enough today. you had messaged him that you would like to talk when classes ended, and clearly he didn't give a fuck. 
one last attempt, you promise. one last attempt and then you can boot him off of the project and be at peace again.
remember when you couldn't figure out if they were lying about baji keisuke being a bully or not? well, you're about to find out, because while you're digging through your bag for your history project folder, you don't see the foot sticking out right around the corner you turn.
one minute you're walking on solid ground, the next minute you're in the air and crashing down on it.
your bag provides no security at all, all the books, your cute stationery, the folder, your sanitizer, lip gloss, and all the little trinkets clatter onto the floor, spreading out onto the empty hallway. 
you look up to see golden eyes, framed by dark silky hair staring down at you. 
“what the fuck?” anger rolls through you. “what the fuck, baji?”
“oh, so it's baji now, is it? it was keisuke! keisuke! just a second ago!” he mimics your voice with a laugh.
you're still on your knees on the floor. you look around, and the school is empty, even the last of the people remaining would be downstairs in the cafeteria. 
“lookin’ for all your admirers?” he sneers, bending down to pick up one of your keychains. 
“what do you want from me?” you ask, reaching up to take it from him, but he snatches his hand back. “give it back!”
“you don't have to worry about this,” he says cooly, watching you try to gather all your stuff. you're on all fours, grabbing your things. you're getting nowhere ultimately, everything is far too spread out.
keisuke watches as your skirt hikes higher and higher up, teasing him with little glimpses at your white panties. was that lace on the sides? keisuke almost falls to his knees just from that, as you continue being a stupid slut so obliviously.
“get up!” he snaps and hauls you up with a firm grip on your bicep. “i told you not to worry about that!”
“oh yeah?” you ask, turning to him, your voice raising. “i would love to not worry about this, considering i was just minding my own business! i would love to not worry about the group project but you don't give a fuck!”
he raises his eyebrows, watching you go off on him. you get closer and closer to him, and start pushing him in his chest. “i'd at least like to have a conversation with you, but no, you're such a fucking asshole that you'd rather just stare at me resentfully like a creep instead of actually come up to me and talk to me! but i get it you know, i'd also be so full of hate if i was made to repeat a year but still remained as stupid as i was when i failed!” 
the silence that follows is palpable. 
you don't stand down. for once, there isn't a spec of your usual sweetness or benefit of doubt. you are glaring at him, looking right into his eyes, daring him to respond. 
“so you've been asking around about me, huh?”
“that's rich coming from you. if i see you stare at me one more time, or blatantly ignore me, or disrespect me again, i'll gouge your fucking eyes out!” you hiss, pushing him one final time. you turn around and once again bend over to start collecting your things.
“you are not allowed to- “
“i'll leave you alone if you do this.”
that makes you turn back to him. hurts a lil bit to see you only listen to him so he'd leave you alone, but he’d brought this upon himself. “what do you want,” you spit. 
he stares at you for a moment. you wonder if he's just gonna burst out laughing at how you deluded yourself into thinking that he'd leave you alone, right after he knocked you to the ground like that. his hair's out of his ponytail and his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek, his fangs flashing at you. 
he tilts his head to the side, and gives you a lazy grin. his eyes however, remain serious and trained on you.
“show me your panties.”
you balk, your anger dimming, replaced with confusion. “what?”
he looks serious as ever. he leans forward into your personal space, his hair almost brushing yours. “show me your panties,” he says slowly, as if he were talking to someone stupid, “and i'll consider leaving you alone.”
“con- consider? you told me you'd leave me alone!”
“depends. yes or no?”
“no! no! obviously no!” you're completely flushed, and you try pulling the hem of your skirt down defensively, wishing you hadn't snuck off to the bathroom to roll it up an inch before you came out to talk to him. “i'm not gonna show you my panties!”
he looks at you with a sort of bored but also amused look in his face. 
“do you seriously think i haven't noticed that your skirt's shorter now than it was in class?” he flips the tuck of your shirt up, “ah, there it is. you've rolled your skirt up just to come talk to me.”
“no… no!” you sputter, all the fight in you bleeding out from embarrassment. “i didn't, and i didn't do it for you!”
“i know you want my attention anyways. so let me be clear. either you show me your panties, which seems like you wanted to do that anyways, or i make you show me your panties.” he smiles, so simply and easily as if he's discussing what to get for lunch. “as simple as that.”
you snort. “you're gonna make me show you my panties? and how's that gonna work?” 
he laughs. “easily.”
you shouldn't have asked that, you think. keisuke pushes off the wall he's been leaning on and walks towards you. you walk back, unsure of what to do, your eyes never leaving each others, yours wide in shock and his sharp like a snake. your back hits the wall, and now you've got nowhere to go. 
“like this,” he whispers, and tugs you forward a bit by your belt loops. he then reaches forward, peering above your shoulder, and you stupidly lean forward almost on instinct. his silky hair brushes against your cheek, and for a second, you're lost in the sensation of that and the next moment, you feel his fingers fiddle with the back of waistband of your skirt, untucking it. 
“you tuck your shirt into your panties, huh?” he murmurs, “you're really such a loser.”
“what are you do- ah!”
his fingers are on the waistband of your panties now. and he pulls. the fabric gets pulled up from the back and digs into your ass from his tug. embarrassment floods your body from how humiliating this is, but also from how disgustingly wet you feel yourself getting.
“keisuke! keisuke, please!” you whisper, turning to look at him, but he's still looking over your shoulder. there's no way to conceal his view, because not only is he taller than you but also he can see down into your skirt.
“ah, there she is,” he mutters. another tug. “i don't know why you didn't want me to see ‘em. well, i already did see a bit of them when you were sprawled on the floor on all fours looking helpless, but you can't expect me to be satisfied just from that.”
“keisuke, please, stop it!” you squeal, ears hot. you can't believe he's basically giving you a wedgie, his fingers are in your panties and your out in public, more or less.
“all right then.” your panties snap back in place, stinging a bit. he pushes away a step, hands up. “run along then, little loser.”
you stand still head down, with a humiliating feeling settling in you. you don't want to leave.
he watches you not make a single move to your fallen bag or even to run away. 
“fuck, i knew there was something weird about you! i knew you weren't this sweet little popular preppy princess everyone makes you out to be!” he laughs, his deep voice echoing down the empty hallway. “you're a nasty little whore, aren't you?”
“m'not a nasty whore!” you whine, “i just- “
“fuck am i gonna have my way with you,” he whistles. “i was being polite earlier. turn around.”
“why- “
“talk all you like whore, but i better see you listening to what i say,” he cuts you off. He takes off his blazer, dropping it to the ground and folding his arms. “turn around.”
you turn around, with an inkling of what he's going to do. you stare at the lockers in front you and bite your lip.
“hands on the lockers.”
“what are you go- “
he lifts up your skirt and tucks it deep into the waistband, leaving you panty clad ass completely exposed. the cool air hitting you there directly makes you clench involuntarily and he almost moans from how cute and innocent that looks. he's finally got a good look at your panties. white, fitted cotton panties with a lace trim. it's ridiculous how simple it and how much it manages to choke him up. the back of the panties are still a bit yanked up from where he had pulled earlier, and you're clearly dying from embarrassment based on how low you're holding your head.
well, there's no time to waste.
he grabs onto the waistband at the back of your panties and pulls. the material disappears into your cheeks, digging up and up and up as he pulls, and you almost lose balance from the force of it. “keisuke!” you gasp, your hand coming back for some support. “i- “
“are you stupid?” he snarls, tugging up once more, causing you to jump from how mean he sounds, “or are your hands on the lockers?"
your hands are immediately on the lockers. 
“good girl,” he mutters, “goood girl.” he pulls more and more on your poor panties, and they're crudely rubbing against your hole. your feet almost leave the ground with ever tug he gives, causing you to bounce. you're almost dead with humiliation, but the grinding against your clit and the embarrassment of the whole situation has you so flustered and wrecked.
“i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, keisuke!”
he's so focused on your hot your ass looks, clenched around your panties like that, soft cheeks being put through such torture, and he can't imagine how your puckered little hole must feel from all the abuse it's taking. makes him wanna kiss it better. 
“what is it? you don't like being treated like the little loser you are, huh?” he croons into your ear. “is this not princess treatment enough for you?”
he lets you go all of a sudden, and you almost crumple to your knees, but he catches you and hauls you up, turning you towards him. 
“you havin fun?” he taunts, towering over you. 
“fuck off! you're so mean!” you sniffle, trying to pull your panties down.
“ah ah,” he says sternly, smacking your hands away. “none of that. i'm not done with you. boys!”
the door of the classroom next to you is kicked open and you see kazutora and chifuyu walk out, who follow keisuke like shadows and drank up every word he said loyally.
you glare at keisuke, who has both your wrists in a firm grip in just one hand of his. he grins at them. “told ya she's a slut.”
kazutora snickers, but your eyes remain on chifuyu. he's on the fucking math team with you! you glare holes into his eyes as he looks your way, and his cheeks turn pink, either because it's nerd recognizes nerd or it's because your skirt is tucked all the way up with your entire ass and panties exposed.
keisuke's attention is back on you as he lifts your wrists above your head, pinning them to the lockers behind you. you try to fight him, but it's fruitless. he then tucks the front of your skirt into your waistband too, leaving the front of your panties exposed too.
your panties have a little heart stitched onto the front, your pubic hair peeking out from the lace on the leg holes. 
“now, isn’t she a pretty baby,” keisuke laughs to himself, as your heart flutters a little from that praise. “hold her up for me, boys.”
“what do you mean hold me up?”
kazutora and chifuyu position themselves on either side of you and hold on the sides of your underwear. “chifuyu!” you gasp, turning to look at the boy, who refuses to make eye contact with you, but does what his supreme leader says anyways.
“hey!” keisuke snaps his fingers in front of your face. “you don't focus on anyone but me, kay?”
you narrow your eyes.
he squishes both your cheeks with one hand, making your lips pucker out. “answer.”
“okay, okay,” you whimper, breaking eye contact. 
“eyes on me, sweetheart. i'm gonna let go your hands now. if you try anything, you're gonna find out cute you look with a smack on your face, got it?”
your eyes turn watery as you look into his, lips pushing into a pout. “got it,” you mutter.
“there's my girl. now let's see what we have here.” and with that he sinks to his knees, till he's face level with your panties. he places his big hands on the outside of either thigh, running them up and down for a moment, sending shivers up your spine. he grips your thighs and watches his nails sink into your fatty flesh, and how you gasp at the pain that feels so good.
he leans forward and places a kiss on your mound, and then goes lower and places another firm kiss on your clit. the little whimper you give spurs him on. he pushes his nose between your lips and sniffs, groaning to himself. 
“fuck that's good pussy,” he presses his nose alone the slit and goes up and up until it meets your clit and he presses down as his lips comes up to rub your pussy through your panties. his nose rubbing on your clit has you moaning, as if there aren't two of your classmates holding you up by your panties, your legs weak. 
“gimme those hands,” he demands, his voice rough. you place your hands in his gingerly. he places a gentle kiss on both of them, so uncharacteristic to the situation you are in, and how he's been treating you. “i'm gonna give you a very important job, got it?”
“uh huh,” you whisper.
“you're gonna hold my hair up while i eat your pussy through your panties, okay? i don't wanna be missing a moment of it because of my hair getting in the way”
you almost short circuit. you stare at him dumbly, and are brought back to the moment when he places a sharp right onto your pussy lips.
“yes! yes!” you nod, and with your painted pink nails, you gently push back his hair and hold it in a ponytail. “this okay?”
he nods, and gives you a little wink. you gulp and look away.
“all right, we're back to business,” he mutters, going back down to your pussy. “hold ‘em higher for me.”
kazutora and chifuyu (whom you'd almost forgotten about from the previously somewhat sweet moment) pull your panties higher from the sides, making you gasp as they dig into your pussy this time.
keisuin prods and pushes at your pussy lips. he pushes the leg holes of your panties closer and closer together, little by little before he yanks on the top your panties suddenly, causing them to slip between your lips and tug up to your clit.
“ah! keisuke! that's really- “
“c'mon boys hold her higher for me, will ya? i don't mind if your bounce her for me. pussy's so wet just from all this panty action, let’s see how sensitive her little clit is, huh?”
he's talking over you like you're some thing. the boys pull you higher this time, and you can't help but marvel at the strenth of your panties for a hot second before bliss shoots up your body as the crotch of your panties rub against your clit, and you're finally getting some good direct action. 
keisuke watches the wet spot in your panties grow bigger and bigger as your panties dig deeper into your clit, your fat pussy lips hang out from either side of the thin bunched up material and your knees knock together from how horny you are and how desperately you're trying to squeeze for more friction. all while you diligently hold his hair back. even in this debauched state, you're adorable. his dick is straining against his pants, he unbuckles them and frees himself, his mouth watering as he dives right in.
panties riding up to the maximum level, he laps up against them, tasting your juices. he spreads your lips even further, making sure there's no room whatsoever for you to escape and you whine and kick. his eyes almost roll back to his skull and his soul ascends when his tongue comes in contact with the slick and gummy insides of your pussy, clenching around both him and your panties. he's growing jealous of your panties now.
“change of plans,” he says, gruffly, “hold her up by her legs, and if you drop her, i swear to god, you're dead.”
chifuyu and kazutora are quick to follow, as they each take one leg and lift you up, holding you open and ready for keisuke, but this time with your entire pussy directly facing him. you wail at the sudden change, but to no one's surprise you're ignored.
keisuke pushes your panties to the side and can finally see your pussy in all it's glory. your cute little bush and your gaping pussy from all the edging it has taken a minute ago. he rolls his saliva around in his tongue and then spits a glob of his spit right onto your pussy. you clench at the feel of how lewd it is, the warm, thick saliva coating your vagina and sliding down, dripping from your asshole. it's disgusting, but it feels so good. 
he pushes his entire face in, slurping and swallowing all you have to offer. you're glad that the two are holding you up, because you're too fucked out to even feel the tips of your toes, let alone stand. through all this, you make sure to hold his hair back, because you don't want him to be mad at you.
a finger presses on your asshole and you quiver with shock, snapping out of your daze. “kei- kei, keisuke, not there, not!”
you babble stupidly, passed the point of coherence, as keisuke lets you bounce a little on his fingertip dipping in and out of your puckered little hole, while he slurps up your perfect little pussy, sucking and flicking your clit. 
“‘m gonna cum! ‘m gonna cum!” you sob, kicking your feet a bit, like the spoiled little thing you are. 
“cum baby. i've got you,” he mutters, as he reaches up one hand to give your tits a hard squeeze. that's the final straw for you, as you finally let go, nipples aching, pussy tingling and asshole prodded open. you come on his mouth and he eagerly drinks up every last drop, jerking himself faster and faster. 
“bring her down,” he groans, and the lower you down to the floor, still holding you and keeping you spread. you look up him, your mouth agape as you watch him fist himself and push himself to the edge, cumming all over your face. at first you're taken aback, but then you just sink into the feeling of the hot cum drizzling all over your face dripping down… it almost feel therapeutic.
god. you really are a whore. and a loser.
you sigh. 
“oi, go pick her stuff up, and put it in her bag. nicely, like in however cute way she usually does it.”
you're gently set on the ground, on your hands and knees, shaking slightly. you see kazutora and chifuyu walk away and start gathering your stuff up off of the floor. keisuke kneels down to you, pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket. he pushes you slightly onto your knees and wipes the cum off of your face so gently and so sweetly, you could've mistaken it for your sweetheart wiping your wet face after a running home on a rainy day.
“you okay?” he asks.
you blink. “are you happy?”
“are you happy that you finally got to debase me and see me as a person and not some shiny new thing?”
“to be honest, you were a shiny thing till i wiped all the shininess away right now.”
you smack him on his chest with the back of your hand.
“i'm sorry,” he says looking into your eyes. “i just… um. have a crush on you that was so overwhelming that i wanted to, well, debase you,” he mutters. 
you laugh, and scratch your face. “whoa, i totally had no clue whatsoever.”
“is your face still sticky? tora, she has some wet wipes in her bags, toss ‘em over.” the wet wipes fly into his hands, and he pulls one out, wads it up and starts cleaning you up again. 
“how did you know i have wet wipes in my bag?”
“maybe i’ve looked through it before. maybe i haven't, who knows?” he shrugs, not looking at you, suddenly extremely concentrated on the area near your eye. 
“when did you even- ”
“i might also have memorized your schedule, and all the classes you take. oh, and i also need your panties from today.”
he gets a slap in the face for that.
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this was 2.5k words longer than it was supposed to be. i'd love to hear what you think of it 😇
likes, comments, asks and reblogs HIGHLY APPRECIATED ❤️
read my other tokyo revengers fic!
kiss it better (ran haitani)
dividers by the super creative @anitalenia you can tell, I'm kinda obsessed 🌟
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sleepis4theweak · 8 months
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Except plot twist: all of them are based off of posts I have saved as reblogs in my drafts.... I like to save stuff there to look back on! And so I was scrolling through them for doodle inspo!
So credits:
1- @trashyandtiredsol ! From their ref of themselves here! <3 2- @cuddlebugmonster 's Usagi <3 <3 <3 Whom I love so much.. his design is so amazing I'm in love with it AH! Ref post here. 3- @bulbabutt 's Mona Lisa! I've been following their comic and I'm so so interested in seeing where it is going....... here's the one I have saved (tho theres a third one now!) and here's the first in the series!
4- @scarylarry376 's rottmnt oc Elise!! I just think she looks really cool hehehehe... I've been wanting to draw her for a while! Post here! 5- @winkwonkblog 's Leo from this post!! LISTEN LISTEN I JUST LOVE THE WAY THEY DRAW THE TURTLES OKAY??? IM OBSESSED AND LEO IS SO PREEETTYYYYYYYY <3 6- @probably-not-a-rutabaga 's aberration au Leo!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH AND ALSO HERE'S THE POST I AM FASCINATED BY THIS AU
7- @junoinouterspace ... listen this au has been in my head for weeks now it feels.... teacher mikey.... and also his design.... it rotates in my head constantly... mayhaps an unhealthy amount even..... I adore it. Here's the post! (Also I forgot Mikey's nose ring OH NO-) 8- @defnotnoodle 's Miku Donnie!!!! EXCEPT I COULDN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO THEIR LITTLE BROWSER FACE COVERING IM SORRY AHHHHHHHHH) Post here!! <3 9- Little note cat <3.... Its a cat that I doodle on all of my notes... he's stinky :/
10- @sha-biest 's GF MIKEY AND AMMI!!!!! BECAUSE I LOVE THEM AND THEIR DESIGNS!!!!!!! I've been wanting to draw them for a while and they were just as fun to draw as I imagined..... anyways posts here and here! <3
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dandylovesturtles · 4 months
Does the movie still happen in SideLines AU? \
Yes! Though it would be radically different and I haven't thought much about how exactly events would play out. Leo already got his character development, though, so someone else would be the driving force of the story. Probably Raph, or maybe Mikey?
Ooooo, actually, idea for a very Raph and Mikey centric movie plot: Mikey wants to prove himself but Raph keeps trying to protect him (because he has even more ptsd about not protecting his brothers with what happened to Leo) that they are the ones fighting in the beginning, and Raph's inability to trust Mikey is what leads to the key being stolen. And the way to win is for Raph and Mikey to reconcile their differences, with Raph acknowledging that Mikey is as strong as the rest of them and he needs to trust him, and Mikey acknowledging that his brother's help isn't meant to be a sleight but is there out of love.
I'd have to think about this a lot more to give you, like, a chain of events. I actually had a completely different answer ready for this and then thought of that while I was typing lol.
As for what I was going to say, while I'm not sure exactly how the movie events go down in Sidelined AU, I do have some idea of how it changes the bad future timeline.
By the point where the timelines diverge, Leo is recovered as fully as he ever will, able to walk around the lair most days and even go out on missions, provided he's careful and knows his limits. He still uses a range of mobility aids, given how he feels on any particular day, including the wheelchair for bad days or days where he knows he would be walking more than he could otherwise handle, but he's still relatively active.
The Krang invasion reverses a lot of this. As supplies dwindle, Leo starts suffering from malnutrition and a lack of sleep, and doesn't have access to medicine to help with the pain and fatigue, which takes a big toll on his body. Also, he really overdoes it and pushes himself too hard in the early days of the invasion, which accelerates his decline. By the time Casey is old enough to remember things, Leo is entirely wheelchair bound and doesn't often leave the base, only using his portals when he needs to to evacuate members of the resistance or help civilians.
He is still very much Master Leonardo - he's highly respected in the resistance, and anyone who wants to look down on him for his disability (or for being a turtle) either learns quickly or dies. However, he's not Casey's teacher in this timeline, instead leaving that to Raph and sometimes Donnie and Mikey. So Raph is Sensei now, and Leo is Master Leonardo or just Uncle Leo.
Leo takes over most of the care of Casey after his mom dies, since he's always at base, only sometimes sending Casey to Donnie or another adult when he's particularly busy (he's still the guy in the chair here, and also handles a lot of the day to day running of the resistance). Sometime early on, Donnie builds Leo a new chair that either hovers or has some other way of mitigating rough terrain (spider arms maybe?), and he frequently lets Casey ride on it. Even as Casey gets older, hanging off Leo's chair as they move around the base is second nature to him.
Casey was so used to Leo only being in his chair he was a little shocked on coming back to the past and seeing that Leo walks fairly frequently. He also grabbed onto Leo's chair sometimes out of habit, which made younger Leo tense up initially; something they eventually work through as they get closer.
Though all four turtles make it longer in the invasion than I usually headcanon (since I usually think of Raph as dying while CJ was too young to really remember him), they do still die, and Leo is the first to go. Casey is about 11 or 12 when this happens. When the Krang finds their base while the others are gone, Leo tells Casey he loves all of them and then portals him and the other non-combatants to safety, giving his all to hold the Krang back and give them a chance to escape. After that, Raph (who was already close to Casey anyway as his teacher and another of his uncle-dads) took over as the main adult looking out for him, and started taking him out on missions.
I'm not sure what happens next but I think it's Donnie who goes next, and then Raph and Mikey's deaths playing out the same way Leo and Mikey did in the movie. Especially since that goes with what I was saying above: Raph in the future comes to see and accept Mikey as an equal rather than someone to baby, foreshadowing what their relationship will become under happier circumstances.
Thanks for the ask!
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svnaaaaaa · 5 months
ハイエナ (Hyena) - Sano Manjiro 'Mikey' (AU)
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pairing : mikey x fem reader
summary : based on my first story's 'ハイエナ' (hyena). it seems that fate has its own ways, doesn't it?
warning(s) : based on manga, spoilers from chapter 43, 241, 263, 272, 273 (i hope you guys finished reading the manga already), no related to the first part so can read on its own, angst, slight rejection, curse words, almost similar to netflix's '20th century girl',
previous : part one
author's note : i have been watching yoshizawa ryo's 'picu' on bilibili and once again, i'm in love with this mikey cosplayer hehe. also for the letter i couldn't write it so it is depends on your imagination.
the whispers in a classroom felt so loud despite it was just whispering. yoshida hoshiko stood behind the homeroom teacher as she peeking the class from behind. "hoshiko-chan, come greet your friends." the teacher said, showing her child-friendly bright smile in order to not scare the child away. slowly moving to the front, hoshiko stunned at the view of her now classmates. "h-hello, i'm y-yoshida hoshiko. i'm from america." hosiko said shyly as she looked at her feet. the whispering continues and then the teacher clapped her hands. "alright, how about hoshiko-chan take a seat next to emma-chan?" the teacher said as an arm raise up indicating that she's emma-chan. hoshiko walked her way towards the mention table and the girl, emma, looked at her way. "nice to meet you, i'm emma." the girl introduced herself, smiling. hoshiko smiled shyly and took her seat.
"i'm hoshiko."
after school, while hoshiko clearing up her desk and put her items back into her backpack, she felt someone approaching her. hoshiko turned around and it was emma. "would you like to come to my house?" emma asked. "i had to ask my mom first." hoshiko told emma and emma just nodded her head, understanding. "it's okay, we can go ask her together." emma replied, causing hoshiko smiled shyly. hoshiko never had friends back in america, it was because she's different. her family moved to japan before she was born and right after she was born, her parents immediately registered her as american-born japanese. due to that, kids at her kindergarten back then wasn't into accepting diversity. therefore that's why hoshiko was a bit taken aback towards emma's friendliness.
as soon as they arrived at the front gate of the school, hoshiko saw her mom standing while carrying her baby brother. "mama!" hoshiko shouted, running towards her mom's way. "hoshiko-chan!" yoshida airi greeted as she wrapped her arms around her daughter. then saw a girl behind her daughter. "who's this?" yoshida airi asked. hoshiko turned around and gesturing emma to stood next to her, emma did so, smiling at yoshida airi. "this is my new friend, emma-chan!" hoshiko introduced as yoshida airi held out her hand. "nice to meet you emma-chan, thank you for being hoshiko's first friend here." yoshida airi said and emma reached for yoshida airi's hand and shook it. "i am happy to be hoshiko-chan's friend+" emma said, making hoshiko blushed and yoshida airi chuckled. "that's a relief." yoshida airi said.
"that's a relief that your mom allowed you to come to my house right?" emma asked and hoshiko felt guilty for it. her mom has come all the way to school to picked her up with a baby brother in a carrier ended up hoshiko wanted to play at a friend's house. 'it's not that they have time to play with me.'
'later okay hoshiko, mama needs to attend to aoi for now.'
'hoshiko, please understand us, aoi is still a baby and needs our attention more than you do. later papa take you play outside okay?'
"i'm home and i bring a friend too!" emma greeted as she took off her shoes, followed by hoshiko. "good afternoon." hoshiko greeted. sano mansaku came into the front hallway to see the girls. "oh welcome home emma and welcome." sano mansaku greeted, smiling. "this is hoshiko-chan, she's new in my school." emma introduced as hoshiko bowed her head. "nice to meet you." hoshiko said. "it's the middle of the year, how come she's new?" a voice spoken up and it was mikey. "shut up." sano mansaku said and just knocked on mikey's head, causing him to whimper. hoshiko watching the whole scene and she just giggling. mikey looked at hoshiko while rubbing the spot on his head, smiling shyly.
few months later, as hoshiko adjusted to her new life in japan, her friendship with emma blossomed. same goes to mikey. whenever hoshiko is in his house, he would like to stay at home instead of playing with keisuke or with sanzu, or both of them. he would always stood behind walls to listen to her voice, especially her giggling, because it makes his heart warms up. he don't know what love is but if he could describe one, it would be the one that warms his heart.
ever since then, he could feel something weird in his heart. he don't know what it is but he knew he didn't like it.
"yo mikey, what are you doing?" mikey was shocked by the sudden voice as he looked up and saw shinichiro. hearing the girls giggling, shinichiro smirked at mikey, causing the nine year-old blushed. "mikey you weird." shinichiro said and left him at the hallway. "what do you mean by that shin-nii!" mikey shouted, causing the two girls in the kitchen to stop their doings and went to the hallway to see the ruckus. "mikey!" emma shouted, placing her hands on her waist. hoshiko watched the scene as mikey left and went outside of the house. smiling at mikey's action, hoshiko followed emma back into the kitchen as they were preparing for dinner.
at the playground, mikey just swinging at the swings as keisuke and sanzu were swinging at the monkey bars upside down. "yo mikey, what are you daydreaming about?" keisuke asked. "maybe..." sanzu started as mikey alerted the tone used by sanzu and stood up, walking towards sanzu's way. "what, maybe what?" mikey challenged him, making sanzu shut his mouth quiet. keisuke sighed. "it's okay you know." he said, making mikey looked at his way. "we all knew you like emma's friend." keisuke added. this time, mikey ran away from the playground to his home.
once arrived back at home, mikey opened the front door and see hoshiko's back. hearing the front door opened, hoshiko turned around to see mikey and smiled at him warmly. "welcome back mikey-kun! you're just in time." hoshiko greeted and mikey confused. "for what?" asked mikey as hoshiko looked at the hallway and then turned back to him. "we're going to visit your mom, i can't wait to meet her. i wonder if your mom and my mom-" "SHUT UP!" mikey shouted, making hoshiko shut up and just looked at mikey.
'why is he acting like this?'
"go home hoshiko, i don't want to see you ever again." mikey fumed, making hoshiko confused. "what do you mean mikey-kun?" hoshiko asked back, truly confused by this sudden persona. "i hate you!" this time mikey yelled aggresively, making hoshiko flinched by the word. "because of you, all of my friends belittled me. just go home." mikey confessed. tears building up and with that, hoshiko ran out of the sano residence. "manjiro, what was that?" shinichiro asked, as he has been standing right after hearing mikey shouted earlier to see what was the fuss about. mikey ignored him and told him that he will be waiting outside.
that was the last time yoshida hoshiko went to the sano residence because right after hoshiko went back to her family residence, she found that her parents has been packing their things because they had to move back to america since her grandfather was fallen ill and no one was there to take care of him.
remembering mikey's words, hoshiko obeyed her parents and without last farewell to her best friend, sano emma, hoshiko left japan the last time with a heavy heart.
days later, sano sakurako, mikey and shinichiro's mom was announced dead. emma learnt that her best friend has left japan and not talking to mikey for a week. and with that, mikey has been feeling weird about himself, like the jekyll and hyde situation.
"laugh, haruchiyo." mikey said as haruchiyo was on his knees, laughing his heart out with slits on the sides of his mouth. keisuke was on the ground, seeing his friends with blood, haruchiyo's blood on mikey's hand and haruchiyo's blood on his mouth. shinichiro shocked with the situation and immediately brought haruchiyo to the hospital for treatment. as for keisuke, it was best for him to go home for the time being.
later that night, shinichiro confronted mikey regarding the afternoon event and mikey could say was, "what ... got into me? when i came to, i saw what i had done to haruchiyo's face." confused by his own action, as if it wasn't him who did that earlier. "i'm sorry shin-nii, i don't know why i did that earlier." looking on the ground, shinichiro just sighed at his younger brother. "manjiro, it is not me that you should say those words to." shinichiro said to mikey and the next day, mikey and shinichiro visited haruchiyo at the hospital for haruchiyo's forgiveness.
in his fifth grade, mikey met his friend for life, his anchor, a kid with dragon tattoo on his temple. draken, ken-chin. "you're mikey-kun, right?" draken asked, making mikey nodded his head at him. "yeah, that's me." mikey admitted as he popped in his lollipop into his mouth. "what is it?" mikey asked. "my middle school seniors are asking for you." draken informed. "if you don't want to, i mean-" "i'll go with you." mikey cutted draken off.
"since you asked, i'll come along." mikey reasoned and after that, mikey followed draken right after he placed his stuffs at school.
"let's be friends, kenchin."
four years after hoshiko left japan, her family decided to move back to japan right after her grandfather died. it has been a year since they moved and hoshiko's brother, aoi, went to the same elementary school that hoshiko used to go to.
"mikey!" the five boys grunted, looking back to see mikey on his glory hawk maru scooter. mikey who keep a straight face, just ignoring their whines. as mikey arrived, all five of them got off from their bike, except for mikey.
while baji was dragging mikey's scooter to find a gas station, the five of them went to the beach. at the beach, both draken and mitsuya were racing their way to the sea while pahcin and kazutora were relaxing under a shade, enjoying the beach view. kazutora looked around, weirded. "where's mikey?"
mikey approached keisuke and his scooter. "i forgot my swim trunks." mikey told him and as soon as he arrived to where keisuke stood at, mikey raise up his leg and kicked his scooter to the curb making both keisuke and the other gang members shocked. "hey ass-holes, why did you hurt the most important thing to me?" mikey asked as rage filling his body. "but you did that!" one of the other gang members mentioned and with that, mikey swung his leg and the guy with a second. mikey turned his head to the side and looked at keisuke, "baji, you're not hurt right? i'm sorry for you to sacrificed yourself for something like this." mikey said. keisuke watched mikey's back. "you still can stand right? cause we're going to slaughter them all!"
shinichiro, who was smoking outside of his bike shop, saw mikey riding the scooter to his way. "hey shin-nii! i totally ruined hawk maru!" mikey said and rubbing the back of his head. "could you fix this for me?" mikey asked, making shinichiro snickered.
right after shinichiro fixed the scooter, mikey left the workshop. then a boy came to the workshop, approaching shinichiro. "are you sano?" the boy asked, making shinichiro turned around. "that would be me." shinichiro said as the boy held out a letter, giving it to shinichiro. "it's from my sister." the boy said and after that, he left. shinichiro was dumbfounded, assuming that a girl tried to confess to him by using her little brother.
happy with his delusion, shinichiro skipped his way back into his workshop.
"how can i get stronger?" a boy whimpered as he was on his knees. tears welling up his eyes as he looked up at shinichiro. "i want to be like you, i want to be a hero!" the boy shouted, making shinichiro smiled. "a hero, huh?"
"i should've gotten it properly like this too."
later that night, shinichiro opened the letter to read it on what his secret admirer wrote for him. "oh? what is this?" shinichiro asked to himself. coming out of his room, he searched for emma or mikey or whoever he saw first to give the letter to as he read that it wasn't for him in the first place. "emma, are you in here?" shinichiro asked as he entered the kitchen to see emma working on dinner. emma turned around. "hm, what is it?" emma asked and shinichiro handed the letter to her. emma looked at the letter then looked back at shinichiro. shinichiro nodded at her and emma took the letter. "you might want to take a seat for this emma." shinichiro warned. emma looked at him, pulling the dining chair next to her and sat down. shinichiro do the same thing with a seat opposite to emma as emma opened the letter and starts reading it.
"yo mikey." draken greeted as mikey entered their usual café. smiling, mikey walked his way to where draken sat at. but then, he saw someone familiar. "hoshiko?" mikey muttered. the familiar eyes that he knew looked at him back, turned to be a boy.
"i'm home." mikey shouted, entering the house. the house seemed gloomier than ever. mikey entered the kitchen and saw his grandfather, brother and sister, sat at the dining table as emma was sobbing. she looked up to see mikey. "m-mikey..." emma muttered his name. sano mansaku pat her head. mikey felt unease with the situation. "here, mikey. read it." shinichiro said as he handed out the letter towards mikey. taking the letter from shinichiro, mikey went off to his room.
plopped on his bed, mikey opened the letter.
after everyone in the sano family learned the truth about hoshiko, all of them couldn't sleep well that night.
august 14th, 2003, shinichiro went to meet hoshiko in heaven. smiling, shinichiro chuckled as he saw hoshiko in front of his motorbike shop right after he was killed by kazutora after learning that keisuke was in his shop, attempting to steal a motorbike that he was about to present it to mikey for his birthday.
"i miss you, shin-nii." hoshiko said as she approaching him with a hug. shinichiro hugged back, crying. "i miss you too brat, now let's go. we can the meet the others when they are ready." shinichiro said as he placed his hand on hoshiko's shoulder and walked their way towards the light.
"Until now, I lived life thinking I was all alone But now I can move on 'cause it could be the two of us If you feel the same way too."
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remedyturtles · 3 months
Yes, you. I adore you so much you have no idea. FUCK.
I love your latest oneshot about the boys "stare directly at the sun" and I'm going insane. I AM UNWELL. I could write a whole ass essay about how much I love it, how you've written the characters felt so authentic and how you've emotionally broke me in the worst places possible, I've read ROTTMNT fics before, but this one stood out being an alternate setting with character being HUMAN and living normal mundane lives. How much their lives differ from what we know in the OG series yet we can spot things that stayed the same.
I love how instead of being crime fighting Ninja's, while I know that's pretty badass, But these kinds of fics makes the characters feel real for me, there's not much human setting fics of the boys which I'm sad about, (kinda wish there's more) I could literally write my own fic about em but sadly I'm not built like ao3 authors with the time and energy to do so :(( which your fic touched me on a personal level, they are going through school problems, SPLINTER HERE BEING A GOOD PRESENT FATHER GAAAHHH and then having more access in mundane things it holds a special place in my heart omfg...🫶✨
And the fact Leo wants to be a doctor my heart goes out to him 😭😭😭 I'd like to ask what do the other brothers dream to become in the future? What careers they wanna do? I have a few guesses, but I truly wanna know it in your inverse human au you've cooked up with and totally cool if you ignore this part– I don't wanna take more of your time— buuuut I really wanna know more about your human au about the boys;
Are other canon characters still there?
How drastically did you change the world to make it more humanely normal for them?
Do Yokais still exist?
Will this just be a oneshot one time thing or can we expect more of the human verse of your world?
Oahskwbw anyways, thank you so much for existing and writing your beloved fics, I love your works sm you're literally one of my favorite ao3 authors, it's making my heart explode!! Pls do take care of yourself also!!!! <33
STOP you are far to kind to me omg
i am incredibly influenced by the fact that i've read 'problem child' by taizi approximately a MILLION times. also shoutout to 'teenage mutant ninja what now' by tangledinink and the related 'scotch gambit' by like_theletter. OH and of course 'running on low (all the way home) by gibbouslunation. if you've never read human au's before and liked mine, DEFINITELY check out these!!!
writing 'stare directly at the sun' was literally because i had this idea of leo not wanting to be a doctor anymore being like a HUGE red flag and essentially built a story around that hahahaha.
i have zero intent of writing more in this au (i wrote it in 11 days like a fever dream and now i am turning my attention back to firefight haha) but i will answer your questions regardless:
no idea if there's other canon characters. it is genuinely just the real world lol, so no yokai.
raph is currently in university for education to become a teacher, undecided for what age but probably younger. mikey has changed his big ambition at least once a year, anything from chef to professional gymnast to zookeeper. donnie is going to take engineering (to start, he wants to milk the education system for all it's worth so he may get multiple degrees) and he would be accepted at any school he applies to so he will choose whichever one accepts leo haha
cheers mate thank u for the kind words ;__;
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peach-moths · 8 months
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No context sketch of high school aged Mikey and Woody from Hera's ROTTMNT Teacher AU (@junoinouterspace )
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junoinouterspace · 6 months
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another teacher au meme to fill the void
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gidget-claws · 1 year
Last thing for today shdhhdhd I keep forgetting what I've posted here and what I've posted to Twitter lmao
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atlantahammy · 7 months
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If you all thought I was done, Welp you're wrong. >:D This is my April design for my own AU. So notes: I inverted the colors of April's bat from green to yellow, as an indication of her ninpo becoming her own instead of it being Karai's, she is a Hamato after all, so what better way to show that its hers by making it her yellow?
Speaking of, yeah, instead of green I am having her embrace the yellow! indicated by the classic jumpsuit. xD Its Actually a combo of her Ninpo Jacket, the movie's concepts of the suit, and what is her canon adult look. I really like her ninpo bun, so I kept it~
Much like Raph, she has her nails painted the colors of her brothers~ that and her little heart bang cowlick were stolen from @cokowiii / @cokoweee
I also gave her 2003 April's emerald green eye color. Why? Pretty, that and the green mixes well into her pallet.
Yes, she works for channel 6 now, and she's a teacher... a teacher in whoop-ass!!
Did no shading because I did not want to spend half a month or more on this and wanted to get all my designs hammered down. xD
Raph - Leo - Donnie - Mikey - Casey
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shinycrybaby · 11 months
Hi Mati! I have a request :)
Could you do a tokyo rev x reader(any of the guys is fine) related to ballet? My hc is that out of all the guys mikey or rindou can do ballet (just a random one since I think those 2 are pretty flexible) Maybe some fluff with them fooling around in the studio with y/n or angst related to the dark side of ballet (eating disorders, body image issues, injuries etc)
TR Boys who ballet
Characters: Manjiro Sano, Haitani Rindou, Imaushi Wakasa, Inui Seishu
Genre/Tags: Fluff, A bit angsty on Rindou, Established relationship, Kinda no-gangs AU
Warnings: There might be some typos since I wrote this when I was sleepy, implied or referenced bullying on Rindou's part, (let me know if I missed something!)
A/N: I didn't actually expect to receive a request 😭 what I had in mind was something like headcanons but ig this is fine too.
Also, dear anon, I hope you don't mind. Since I'm not really that knowledgeable with ballet, I kind of just went over the general things or from what I know. I can't write or come up with something angsty for your suggestion like the body image one ajdjfjsksbc I really do hope you don't mind 🥹 and I hope you enjoy reading too!
Sano Manjiro / Mikey
He’s absolutely giving me vibes that he enrolled to a ballet class just for shits and giggles back when he was young, because you and Keisuke would tease him about being so good at the dojo that maybe he should start looking for other things to do.
But then Mikey actually took interest in it. And he actually slayed it.
You, Keisuke and Haruchiyo, along with the Sano family would watch him when he’s got recitals or performances. (Baji would cheer as if he’s watching a fight or something).
When you eventually got into a relationship with Mikey. Oh lawd. He would use his flexibility to his advantage.
You know that one meme where the person would kabedon someone but with their legs. IT’S MIKEY 😭
Mans legit would trap you in a corner with his perfect split, you don’t even know if you’d die of embarrassment or feel butterflies from it.
But when it’s serious time, he’d actually reserve a dance room for at least a few hours. He’d invite you to watch him practice, or give you a private performance that actually makes you smile at him with pride.
If you’re both in the mood for it, he’d even teach you a thing or two. Inviting you to stretch with him and then he’d be all up your personal space trying to teach you.
When you get some basics down, he’d lead you to dance with him, guiding you and then whispering to be careful with your feet because he knows how much it would hurt especially if you’re not a ballet dancer.
If you are, then it just makes things easier. It’s dance after dance with him. It’s kind of like your thing with Mikey. There’s nothing more intimate for the two of you than dancing closely to each other. Feeling each other’s movements and soul to the sound playing on the speakers
Haitani Rindou
I actually think that Rin would be the kind to do both gymnastics and ballet. (Of course, he’d still be doing some martial arts.)
We already know how flexible he is. Back then his teachers would actually be surprised, thinking he’s a natural at what he does. (He is)
Among the Haitani brothers, Rin is actually much quieter, or rather, reserved.
He’s confident, of course, but definitely quiet about it.
And since he’s quiet about some things, it took you quite some time to figure out that something was bothering your boyfriend, Rindou.
You’d soon find out his insecurities about being a male ballet dancer. All of which stemmed from his classmates at school.
Rindou would of course have fought back, but he’d promised you then to not get into any trouble, because he knows how worried you will be for him, not knowing that the situation now has made you double your worries for him, along with some anger thrown at the guys who even dared of saying bad things to him.
Your priority however will always be Rin, so after finding out about his insecurities and the stigma that he was facing at school, time with him were either spent with you reassuring him, or validating his feelings, or giving your all to make him feel loved and appreciated.
Rindou would never find out, but you and Ran had plotted and tracked down the guys who’d called him names and even dared of speaking bad about him. They learned a thing or two about ballet too.
Rindou of course started to feel light about your constant reassurance, and he was even surprised when you took some classes with him. Now there’s more time spent together with him, and he’s very happy to teach you about ballet.
He'd even use that time to impress you more. But you're already impressed with him, and absolutely in love from the very start.
Imaushi Wakasa
Another flexible boy. (We’ve all seen how this man literally turns into a fidget spinner with his perfect splits and spinning kicks wigjsjdhsjgi)
Oh, he’s proud. He doesn’t flaunt, but you’ll see it in his eyes how proud he is to be a ballet dancer.
He’d take you shopping for shoes or tights when he needs to replace the worn-out ones.
This man will legit lecture you about the best kind of shoes to wear for ballet. If you have no idea about this kind of stuff, you just give your all to listen to him, because you might pick a thing or two when picking out a gift for him in the future.
When he’s being mocked for being a male ballerina, he won’t hesitate knocking the person down their high horse. If the person doesn’t stop, he might even kick them straight to the face (with grace) — if this happens, please stop him, because we don’t want him potentially going to jail.
Like Mikey and Rindou, Waka would teach you if you’re down to learning at least some basic. He absolutely loves being close to you, so even if you don’t want to learn, he doesn’t mind. He’d instead waltz with you, because again, he loves being close to you.
And on that note, when he has to practice, either for a performance or not, he’d ask you to help him with his stretching.
When he’s got shows, he reserves tickets for you and you don’t miss one of his performances. Of course, you love every second of it, just to watch him in his element. All grace and beauty, that pride wells in your heart whenever you see him on stage.
Inui Seishu
Another beauty and grace.
Please he’s so perfect. 😭 if he rocked and slayed those heels, he wears then he'd be slaying ballet as well. I just know it.
He doesn’t care about other’s opinion with regards to his choice of hobbies. In fact, he'd rub it in their face nonchalantly that he’d achieved more than they ever could.
You, alongside Koko, would also rub it in the haters faces that Inupi is so much more better than them. In the most derogatory way that had others looking down in shame because you guys are right.
Inupi, like Mikey, uses his skills to his advantage when it comes to you. Let’s not ignore the fact that Inupi can be very cheeky if he so pleases.
Those times definitely surface when it’s just you two.
When he’s practicing or just stretching and warming up, he’ll shamelessly look at you through the mirror while you’re on the other side of the room. He’ll give you “that” look that had you melting into a puddle, all the while he’d grin lazily while doing his splits.
If ever Inupi feels some kind of insecurity with himself, you’d quickly notice from how his dancing becomes different. It’s either stiff, or there’s a distant look on his face.
When this happens, you’d ask him to take a break from dancing, and just listen to him speak all about how he feels.
These slumps usually happen when he’s got a big performance ahead of him, so in times like these, you do nothing but be there for him, until he’s ready and he’s back to his old self. All grace and beauty and that hint of cheekiness he shows around you.
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