#tarot reading for march
astrologers1030 · 4 months
Discover What's in Store: Monthly Tarot Reading
Monthly Tarot Reading: A Monthly Tarot Reading involves consulting Tarot cards to gain insight into the events, emotions, and energies that may manifest over the course of a month. Tarot readers typically use various spreads and interpret the cards drawn to provide personalized guidance for the upcoming month. These readings explore different aspects of life such as relationships, career, health, and spirituality, offering valuable perspectives and advice to help individuals make informed decisions and navigate challenges effectively.
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numinously-yours · 3 months
Pick a pile: what to focus on this month
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I wanted to do a short and simple reading for you all today. Choose a pile and read about your focus for the month of March
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Pile one:
Ten of Wands
You may find yourself taking on extra responsibilities in the month of March. Some of these things will be because you need to and some will be because you feel like you have to. During March, do your best to prioritize the needs vs wants. By the end of the month, things will ease up a bit and you’ll be able to take a rest.
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Pile two:
The High Priestess
This is a month of spiritual growth, pile two! You are being called to listen to your intuition, trust your guides, and embrace your divine femininity. In the duel against head or heart, your head has been winning lately. Logic and plans both have their place and are important, but it’s time to listen to your heart. Really focus on how you feel this month.
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Pile three:
Nine of Cups
This month, take a step back and look at all of the beauty in your life. Your life is filled with love, friendship, happiness, and success. Don’t focus on making changes or feel pressured to DO things. Our world is so focused on go, go go, and NOT going can make us feel like we’re failing. But, what they don’t want you to know, is that enjoying your life in the here and now can be just as revitalizing. Using this month to simply appreciate life will make you even stronger for April.
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Pile four:
Two of Cups rev. and The Sun
Self-love is the theme of March for you, my lovely fours. I think it’s something you’ve been working on and you’ll really be stepping into the power of it this month. Do the things that make you happy and fill your heart with warmth. Stay positive even on the crappy days, and let your light shine. People are noticing your radiance and they are so happy for you (and because of you).
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lilstylez01 · 3 months
New Moon In Pisces Tarot Reading 🐟
Hello, this is quite different from my usual fanfic posts lmao
but, I am also a tarot reader and just made a youtube channel not long ago. I just posted a video about The New Moon In Pisces, feel free to check it out if you are interested.
The YouTube link: https://linktw.in/nFjPMP
Also, here is a little bit about the new moon is pisces and its energy:
Pisces is associated with traits such as intuition, creativity, empathy, and sensitivity. It is a water sign ruled by Neptune, emphasizing imagination and spiritual pursuits. A new moon generally represents a new beginning, a time for setting intentions and planting seeds for the future.
It is time to manifest!
Happy new moon in Pisces!
-Skadi Snoe
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tarotwithlove · 3 months
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most important relationship you'll have in march 2024! pac up on youtube now!
which group did you choose ?? 🕵🏻‍♀️
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vitaminseetarot · 2 months
Hello! This is the second time I'm sending this ask (because my wifi hates me) and I'm not sure if you'll receive the first one. So, I would like to join your game! Here's my favorite emojis: 😃😶‍🌫
Thank you so much for this! Have a nice day :D
Hey there 😃😶‍🌫! Thank you for playing! No worries, I received both requests! Your cards are Burning Coals (orange) along with the 6 of Cups. Your current aura is determined, realistic, and productive. Your energy is rooted in rationality and practicality. I see that you have your head firmly on your shoulders at this time. I'm picturing a foundry filled with busy workers and heat bursting through. You seem focused on getting things done and done right. It seems that generally you have a positive attitude about where you're going. But it also appears that your inner child may be tugging on your work apron a little, wondering when you're going to tend to whatever struck your fancy before. The more laidback, carefree side of you is looking for a little attention. You've had to be a mature person for making a lot of tough decisions every day, and your inner child can see that and respect you for it. There may also be big decisions coming up, ones that seem fated and rather huge (like picking out a college huge), which may be pulling you into this responsibility mode even more. But try to find some time to look over your past, so to not forget yourself in the present busyness and obligations. Remember what it is that this work is doing for you, not just what you're doing for your work. And that ice cream you used to like eating as a kid? Get two cones, enjoy.
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8 notes · View notes
Prediction for March 2023
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Just pick a picture 1 - 2 - 3
Pile 1
8 of Cups suggests that you may be feeling emotionally detached and ready to walk away from a situation or relationship that is no longer serving you. This card can represent a sense of disappointment or dissatisfaction with the current circumstances, and the need to move on to something new.
7 of Wands indicates that you may face some opposition or resistance in the month ahead, but you will need to stand up for yourself and defend your values. You will need to be assertive and confident in the face of challenges or conflict.
King of Pentacles represents financial stability, abundance, and material success. This card can represent a person who is successful, dependable, and financially savvy. You may need to prioritize practical matters and focus on building a solid financial foundation in the month ahead.
Pile 2
8 of Pentacles shows that you will be focused on your work or a project that requires dedication and attention to detail. This card can represent the satisfaction that comes from doing a job well and mastering a skill. You may be honing your craft, learning new skills, or putting in extra effort to achieve your goals.
Ace of Wands brings a burst of creative energy and inspiration. This card can represent new beginnings, ideas, and opportunities that ignite your passion and motivation. You going to be filled with enthusiasm and excitement for what's to come.
The Queen of Pentacles represents financial stability, abundance, and security. This card can represent a person who is grounded, practical, and nurturing. You will have the resources and support you need to achieve your goals and create a stable foundation for yourself.
Pile 3
Knight of Wands represents a burst of energy and enthusiasm for new experiences and adventures. This card can indicate that you will be eager to take action and pursue your goals with passion and confidence.
Knight of Cups demonstrates emotional depth and creativity. This card can indicate that you will be in touch with your emotions and may experience a surge of creativity or inspiration. You going to be driven by your passions and desires in the month ahead.
3 of Pentacles represents collaboration, teamwork, and cooperation. This card can indicate that you may be working with others on a project or goal. You will need to rely on the skills and expertise of others to achieve success.
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alyjojo · 3 months
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March 🌞 2024 Monthly - Taurus
Preshuffle: You’ve been going over something in your head, why someone won’t work with you, cooperate with you, why are they being unfair to you? I’m getting it’s not even about you, or it’s just unfair. Some people suck sometimes, and that’s all there is to it. But you’ve carried this with you for a long time and have either reached a new perspective as you’ve healed, or that’s the goal now. Could be regarding a parent.
Meditation: Your door was on the hill of a beautiful meadow, pretty white flowers all over the ground, and a lamb outside of the door. There was a baby something too, I can’t remember what, another lamb perhaps. Inside your door, there was a snarling lion 🦁 in mid leap, I just screamed and slammed the door. I think the saying is “in like a lion out like a lamb”, but here it’s switched.
Main energy: Page of Wands
For some this is gonna be really deep, for some it’s work, and for others it’s more like a refreshing self-care moment. Page of Wands clarified by The Star is a giddy excitement, you definitely know yourself and the path you’re meant to be on, it fills you up with joy and happiness. *Now* because you’ve probably been through a lot of shit, it’s shown you’ve healed from that. No matter which lane this goes down for you, you’re excited for your future, in a happy and growth centered way. You can see how you’ve changed over the years and like where this is going, directing things towards even more healthy outcomes with Organization and Order, you are the one in charge of your life and how this goes. I don’t see toxic or control, just earth energy, abundance, The Empress, it’s beautiful. The Emperor is at the bottom and marriage is here too, some of you are married, some might be getting married, some are just healing from a past marriage or parents’, maybe children, and it’s over with, some phase of life is anyway. You’re still moving along beautifully, excited for what comes next.
What’s going on in March:
6 Cups rev:
You’ve healed from very painful things in the past, we all have them. Temporary connections, people that moved, people that changed, things we had to leave behind or things that left us behind. Probably several. Ace of Pentacles clarifies showing real potential, a solid opportunity for something, and Page of Wands can show communication. This could be a really healing sort of conversation that brings closure to some things, either with an old friend or a matriarch in the family, mother/aunt/grandmother etc. You could be healing wounds you didn’t even know still existed. For some this could be a spouse or ex spouse. If a marriage is ending, or has, you’re not pressed anymore, Relaxation and The Empress both show you know your worth, so someone either fits with you or they don’t, or didn’t, it doesn’t change how you’re growing, or you’re grateful in the ways it has.
For work, you probably got screwed over in the past, had to heal from a job that didn’t work out for whatever reason, or you didn’t get that opportunity you had your heart set on. But then something else came, or something else is coming, Ace of Pentacles, that is going to make you see why it’s better *this* way. You’re excited for it, you can see limitless options now, or you will in March 🌺
7 Cups:
Limitless potential! You could be confused about which path to take, but you’re excited nonetheless. Ace of Wands & Page of Pentacles clarify, you’re excited to plan - heavy earth energy here. You may not know exactly what goes where and how or when you’re gonna do xyz, there’s a lot of planning to be done. But this is a new beginning you have reason to feel a fire 🔥 relit under your butt, you’re motivated, inspired, and I’m hearing SpongeBob yelling out “I’m READY!” 😆 Page of Wands again at the bottom, something has shown you your purpose, maybe not the details but you’ve got Organization & Order, both earth energies, I think you’ll be fine sorting through those cups.
5 Wands rev:
You could be mending fences with someone you’ve fallen out with, if there’s been an argument or standoff with someone, that’s healing. Some of you are simply refusing to deal with jealous or competitive types of personalities, The Empress is a glow up, she’s beautiful, worth the effort, and knows it. It’s not beauty in a way that’s in your face, she just is, male or female, you’re dressing how you want, looking how you want, maybe buying new clothes or changing your hair, getting a new tattoo, or lip injections if that’s your thing, or just working out and working on your health & body, all beauty related things can fall under Empress territory. You don’t care how it’s perceived, and if that’s negative it’s like “now you know” - avoid that person. Unhealed. Petty. You’ve healed a lot of things privately, spiritually, inwardly, and you keep it to yourself. If not beauty, this can be a mother figure of some kind, or even your own children if they exist, you could come across a situation that triggers an old wound you’re healing from, or are realizing you already have. Things are different now, better. Work related things where competition is the vibe, isn’t your thing. You don’t chase after that (or anything) but you allow what’s meant for you to meet you when it’s time, and you’ll accept this Ace of Pentacles opportunity you’re being given.
The World:
It’s beautiful 🥹 Best reading this month so far (I’ve only done three but it’s hard to beat). The World is the end of a whole cycle, could just be an argument, could be competitive vibes with someone or feeling insecure or like you have to be something you’re not, no. Self Care is at the bottom of the oracles, you’re not giving to anything that’s not giving to you, and you’re not reciprocating toxic bs either - you’ll just walk away, remove yourself, 8 Cups. You deserve better than that. What does give to you, healthy emotions, actual gifts maybe, support, kindness, your cheerleaders, you’ll just take all of that love & double it, triple it, turn it into gold - that’s what The Empress does. Birthing creativity, art, business growth and ideas (or kids) into reality, growing and beautifying what exists into even better than it was.
The Empress:
Clarified by THE 👏 MFN 👏 SUN 👏 byeeee Taurus, you don’t even need me here 🧡 You’ve learned the lesson/s. Some of you are even discussing some of the things you’ve been through, observed, struggled with, bringing light to the pain you’ve endured and overcome. All with positive intent, especially for those healing a connection of some kind. Idk about the other person/s involved, you’re doing your part to be positive and do right by you, attempt healing something that’s fallen out or someone that’s acted out perhaps, shining light on issues for the purpose of growth. Could be a parent, grandparent, child, childhood friend, school mate, spouse, whoever. Some of you are getting the positive attention you’ve worked for and deserve, maybe even a promotion or some financial benefit, I don’t see you having to do much to even get this. You know your worth and so do others, your flowers are coming 💐
Signs you may be dealing with:
Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Libra & Aquarius
Oracle: ✨
18 It’s All Good 😌
Every experience you have in your lifetime has the potential to be a teaching tool. By remembering and embracing this idea, the situations you encounter become less fraught with unneeded emotion and drama. By not attaching labels or expectations for people and situations, you allow the pure divine energy to flow unimpeded. While you have little control over what happens to you at times, you always have control over how you react. Do you react on an impulse? Strike out at others when you feel hurt? Do you crawl into your safe place when the world seems mean and hurtful? Face this challenge in your life head on. Be thankful for the opportunity to experience whatever it is that is happening. Set yourself a goal of learning from every situation in your life. Find that silver lining. It’s there.
Marriage 💍
Sweet Love - Couple - Dependency
Relaxation 😌
Peace - Tranquility - Easiness
Organization - Mercury Capricorn
We enter into March as:
Rhonda Rhino of Amethyst 🦏:
“The road to divinity is paved in forgiveness.”
The true essence of Rhonda is that her dreams came true because she never harbored resentment, this card is about forgiveness. Because she didn’t take her mother’s suffering personally, she didn’t have to work it out. There is a lightness to staying reasonably detached from another’s anger & pain. We only need to forgive ourselves if we have judged others. Rhonda focuses on what her dream is, not what others have done to her, she is the essence of goodness and forgiveness, nothing changed that about her.
What is to be learned in March:
Princess of Amber 👸🏽:
“I quietly sizzle and shine.”
You are connecting with your passion. It is time to focus on the task at hand and not divert your attention. If you are being of service to others, you will reap great rewards. This is a sign of great abundance with selflessness. Put your eye on the work and not the rewards. You’re also being urged to stand up for what you believe in. If you are being asked to compromise yourself, you must not. You are correct to feel passionate about your position, you know intuitively what a fair request is. When your intentions are good and true, you will always land with two feet on the ground. You may be up against pretty big odds, but you mustn’t give in to what you know is not correct. Others see your worth, it’s time for you to, and have faith that you are doing the right thing.
Orange/Amber may be lucky colors 🧡🤎
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yourmoonmomma · 2 months
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Daily Reading - Saturday, March 30th 2024 - The Emperor
Today is a stable day. You may feel a bit more balanced than usual, or may even find yourself feeling a bit bored. Days where nothing seems to happen are still important, and needed, days. Appreciate the peace.
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notoriousbeb · 9 months
Harry Styles Tarot Card Readings | February 2022 - February 2023
February 2023
December 2022
September 2022
March 2022
February 2022
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rebeltarot · 3 months
Going through growing pains literally stinks lmao. But I can't lie they do good things and you do, in fact, mature. So while I was getting whiplash from life (and books - no comment tho) I fell a tiny bit 👌behind on my reading schedule. But you know what, we pivot and evolve. If everything works out the way I plan to (which it rarely does) you might be getting two readings this or next week. YAY. Isn't that exciting? I already picked out all topics based on your highest Padlet votes of the day I chose the reading (which may or may not mirror current results). So if you want to have a say In what readings will be chosen next, definitely vote in each category as readings are scheduled by category not by highest votes total. <3
You can find my reading schedule here (don't look too hard tho pls 🫰). I hope you have fun voting. I'll be back with a reading once I get my shit together (hopefully tomorrow <3 - don't take my word for it tho, life can be funny sometimes). See you ♡♡
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thesensteawitch · 3 months
Pick A Pile Reading
Do subscribe to my channel💗
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I'll be using tarot of saints until the end of Lent season.
Also 1001 nights, as Ramadan month is starting in few days.
Friday readings are opened from 12 am to 12 pm in my time (GMT+2). Bear in mind my timezone and the queue, eventually I'll reply- sometimes next day- so as long as you've sent the request in my messages on Friday.
Your donations are welcomed, but not an obligation. I'd appreciate even one dollar in the current circumstances. In currency transfer it's worth a lot.
Remember to feed back the reading please.
I can swap readings.
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manifestdestinytarot · 3 months
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3/12 - march tarot ritual ✨
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themalayatarot · 3 months
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2-choice draw for the month of March, the month of March is going to be intense and important, why the full moon will take place on Tuesday March 7 at 1:42 p.m. in the constellation of Leo. The new moon will occur on Tuesday, March 21 at 6:24 p.m. under the constellation Pisces.
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first choice: the month of March will be quite balanced between your emotions and your actions and your thoughts, you are more peaceful with the first rays of the sun, we can talk about finding a solution for your professional life, there is an opportunity where an exciting project coming your way. with the tarot cards: you were in rest mode during this winter, now it's time to transform or transform an aspect of your life with the death card in the center, we're talking about the queen of cups, we can talk to me about preparing interviews or a meeting with your superiors, this month of March will focus on your professional field.
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Second choice: this month of March will highlight your fears, your anxieties, your limiting beliefs that prevent you from moving forward and building your life as you wish. You can go through financial difficulties that paralyze you and prevent you from moving forward and having a serene internal dialogue. I am told that you are going to work on this aspect or ask to work overtime which will be accepted.
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vitaminseetarot · 3 months
We've Reached the End of the Rainbow!
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Thank you so much for participating in my free game! We have made it to the deadline and the game is now closed. I'll still be working through and posting all remaining entries that were sent in for the next couple of days. What an unexpectedly overwhelming turnout!
Your feedback is greatly appreciated and I will try to respond to each one.
My next game will likely not be until sometime in June or July. I will be working on many other things in the meantime, like a new PAC coming out next week, and a chance to request personalized paid readings, opening soon.
Until next time, vitaminsee ya!
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