#talks with J
angria · 2 months
CW: Christianity, Scripture, shitty theology
My mother got sucked into some bullshit Bible study with her "friend," who is fire and brimstone Baptist, and it's so fucking shitty. She called me with questions because a lot of the "study" seemed questionable and didn't sit right with her.
So I completely geeked out and spent the evening yesterday doing research and typing up notes for her, including breaking out my Greek notes and NT. Then I went over them with her this morning so she could be prepared for her first meeting with her friend.
She called me afterwards and said the whole made her feel so bad. When my mother challenged one of the study's statements "sin disqualifies us from a relationship with God" (which infuriated me...there is nothing we could ever do to lose His love and grace), her friend said God is a wrathful god. ARGGGG. Absolutely not and a complete manipulation of Scripture and theology (and no, there are not two different gods between the Hebrew Tanakh and NT...scripture was written by humans, through human interpretation attempting to make sense of a divine being).
Even that made me feel bad second-handedly. So I reviewed my notes from J's sermons over the years and it just made me miss him so much. He always, always made the effort to remind us that we are God's Beloved and nothing can ever change that.
I miss him. So damn much.
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vurelly · 25 days
the thing nobody tells you about being too cute to boot is that everybody wants a piece of you, literally all my friends want me carnally
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funkyplantguy · 2 months
y'all scar won THREE of grian's mugs i'm sobbing on the floor
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televised-eyes · 5 days
the implications of crowley talking in a baby voice to the bentley are insane bc he does it while holding the plants meaning either crowley has gone completely soft in season 2 or he’s waging psychological warfare with the plants, making sure they know who is the favorite. both options are absolutely bonkers
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nazumichi · 2 years
neurotypicals are so funny sometimes. “well, just don’t forget it next time.” holy shit. you’ve done it. you’ve fixed me. who knew memory problems could be solved so simply? i am no longer autistic, i am ready to join you at the social function. by god.
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i think ppl who record "weird" ppl in public without their knowledge or consent should be mauled on camera i think that would be pretty epic
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libelelle · 1 year
For girls who are so uninteresting 💛
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idliketobeatree · 3 months
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this moment will never fail to crack me up. old as a whole-ass world demon managed to look like a gangly 12-year-old schoolboy from the 40s who's trying to read up on his mate's notes before getting brutally called to answer in front of the class. and u can see his heart stop but he has an aloof and cool persona to mantain, hence the glasses. godspeed(?) little soldier. don't trip on your way there btw your crush is watching from the first row
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star-containment · 7 months
good omens things that keep me up at night part 3: his little smile after he says shut up
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the-chaos-goose · 2 years
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angria · 6 months
Feel so fucking alone.
This morning, I attended one of the listening sessions that are a part of the rector search process at St. P’s. They give us 4-5 question prompts about what we want in a new rector, what keeps us at the church, what are the church’s values and mission, etc. At one point, I said something that was probably controversial…I didn’t say it like this, but basically that I can’t stand P’s (interim priest) sermons and don’t want to come to church anymore because of the lack of pastoral message. He’s an academic, which I can appreciate. But I don’t want to hear a freaking theological conference paper every Sunday.
Got some push back from one the search committee members. Like maybe I could have said it more gracefully/less harshly, but I wanted to make it clear. I do not want this complete lack of pastoral message in a new rector. J was so, so good at it and I learned so much from him. E is too, but she preaches maybe once a month since stepping down from her role. So she is barely there anymore.
I’m trying to remind myself that P is not permanent, that I just need to make it through one more year. But I have felt such a lack of pastoral/spiritual care since P arrived, which has already been a fucking year. I miss J so much. So fucking much. I viewed St. P’s as my home, my safety. And now I’m not sure anymore. Feel so lost, so alone.
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sick and tired of people assuming that our new lady users are porn bots. maybe they’re too shy to post anything. maybe they just want to promote their job. think about and re-evaluate why you’re so quick to shut down other women
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John, somehow in heaven, looking at Destiel: They've corrupted my son! My boy is not gay! He's a man, god dammit.
Bobby: The fact that your son is bisexual doesn't take anything away from his masculinity
John: He acts like a teenage girl
Bobby: Says the one that keeps a diary
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rufwooff · 3 months
Hi I love the designs please put pants on them I beg you
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Here ya go
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...disaster twins pants.
Their refs
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cloudyyink · 1 year
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Talking shit
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saintworths · 2 months
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