#taking a step back
Submission about grades
I'm stupid, I would've gotten 3/4 questions on a AP Physics 1 HW wrong if my friend hadn't helped me. I'm a so called GT/AP student, so smart and skilled and molded from elementary school. I'm not worth anything if I can't good great grades and keep up with/outperform my friends.
I'm not suicidal but I say things like I want to kill myself because I think the shock of such an awful statement takes the stress off. Like you just need to scream and get everything out and such a serious statement kinda snaps you out of it.
I'm probably a horrible person for trivializing suicide but I can't help but use it for it's own purposes
Hey there,
Even though I don’t personally know you I do not think you are stupid at all for feeling as though you need to get good grades as that’s what’s expected of you or what you expect of yourself. Almost like without good grades or getting grades that are better than your friends then you are nothing.
In instances like this I feel as though it’s really important to take a step back and just try to enjoy your surroundings. Like what’s happening around you, what can you see, hear or smell. Go for a walk and take note of what other people are doing, sit down on a public bench and just people watch or watch the world around you for a little while. By doing this you are not only giving yourself a break from the stresses of study and grades, but you are enabling yourself the opportunity to begin to enjoy life again just like it should be.
So, experiment with different things. Discover what your likes and dislikes are, what interests you in life. Hang out with friends socially, try not to talk about grades, just have some fun.
The point is to show you that there is more to like about yourself than just your education and your grades. Yes these things are important, but so to are life experiences and self-care. Just something to think about.
In terms of your use of saying things like “I want to kill myself” when you do not get the grades you feel like you should’ve received or gotten, this sounds like it’s just become habit for you as you may feel as though you have let yourself down and are not good or smart enough. This is why I feel it’s important to go back to the basics and just take a break now and again and just focus on something entirely different than your studies, try to find the enjoyment in life again if that makes sense.
If you are wanting to try to not say things like you want to kill yourself in times where you feel your grades aren’t good enough, then try to just take a breath and stop yourself before speaking. Try to remind yourself that you tried your very best and that yes, you wish you had done better, but you are still good enough as a person and are very deserving of being alive. And I know that this won’t be easy at all given that those words are engrained in you but with practice and taking each day as they come you will be able to have a better outlook on life.
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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sparingiscaring · 2 years
Finishing up some of the body details of my new OC ref arts (/personal picrews-)! Soon everyone can see. Uh. All my gremlins in tasteful underwear.
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i’ve discovered i’m tired of doing literally everything myself so even if that’s kinda led to a lot of loneliness and self isolation it still feels better than straining myself at 100% all the time just to get half that on a good day
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Its Official
It's time for me to take a step back from Tumblr, officially. I haven't posted fics on here for a good while, though I've been wanting to, and I think its time that I finally throw in the hat.
Tumblr used to be a great place for writers to share their work but, for the past few months, it just feels like a creativity farm. Creators, whether writers or artist, or other, have been made to feel like cattle who produce work for people who show no gratitude.
I've seen posts of people asking for fics of a certain show/film, character or trope. "We need more fics of *insert character of your choosing*!!!!!!". So writers make it for them. They put effort into coming up with ideas, to writing the fic and making sure its true to character, true to the source as much as possible, and as much like the request as possible. And then they post it.
And then they get a like.
Now don't get me wrong, a like is great but it is not a show of appreciation. Liking a post means exactly that - you like it. A reblog is a sign of appreciation - a way to thank the person for making this work. You don't need to leave a comment or a tag in the reblog, the reblog itself is enough.
I've seen so many creators posting about the lack of interaction and being called entitled, and then see them lose motivation. Its heart breaking. Its heart breaking to see these talented people lose the love they had for their passion because people feel entitled to ask for that work and then show no appreciation.
I'm fortunate enough to not have personally experienced this. However, seeing the way others have been treated has demotivated me. Looking back over my fics and looking at my like-reblog ratio has demotivated me.
I'm just tired of the way creators are treated on here.
So I'm going to go, for now. I'm not even going to attempt to write for this site anymore because this is not the community that I signed up for. I'm going to go back to my original crappy writing site (I love it), writing for my original crappy fandom (I love them) that inspired me in the first place and hope, pray, that they can bring back that spark, that love, I had for writing.
Maybe then, once I have that spark and once creators, of all types, are treated right on this platform, I may return.
I will continue to read the amazing fics that are posted here, I will continue to appreciate my fellow creators by liking and rebloging your work but I'm taking a step back, officially, from creating for this site.
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renecdote · 3 months
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do you think Bruce ever lies awake at night thinking about all the things he has taught his kids and how it seemed like a good idea at the time but maybe some of those habits are actually more bad than good
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swordheld · 8 months
do the silly thing. if you do not do the silly thing time will pass and it will not be the same silly thing it could have been. it will still be silly, and it will still be yours, but it will not be the same. this is both a blessing and a curse, but so is living; and if you do not do it now when will you? who will? it has to be you, it was always meant for you, waiting for you.
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omnificent-orion · 2 months
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Don't ever forget. Wherever you go…
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Need some advice. I’ve got 2 friends who we used to be in a group of 4 with (including me) long story short 2 of them started dating, broke up and it was ugly so they aren’t friends anymore. We split our time but me and my best friend just ended up sticking together since we were splitting our time. She’s my closest friend and she told me in October she wasn’t vibing with our mutual friend anymore. We’d had a phone call from her in before that where she said she didn’t like that we only ever hung out in a group and wanted to see us individually which is agreed with and have tried to put in the effort to see her but I’m not seeing as much of that from her side. It seems my best friend and her though just stopped talking privately after that. My best friend can be very stubborn but I feel she’s bottled a lot of feelings for awhile and has had some unfortunate moments with our friend but in my eyes everything was fine until she told me it wasn’t. Now I feel weird talking in the group chats even though my best friend assured me she doesn’t mind hanging out with her she just is creating some of her own boundaries. I just feel weird that our mutual friend doesn’t know anything is wrong and if she does she’s not saying anything. I have spoken to my best friend that it makes me anxious to talk about it and she said she wouldn’t anymore and that she isn’t going to have a convo with our mutual friend cause she explained a lot of the stuff she’d have to say might be hurtful and she doesn’t want her hurt our mutual friends feelings. I’m trying to upkeep my personal relationship with our mutual friend but I’m also getting the vibe she is disinterested or just doesn’t have time for me now. She has a job and a boyfriend she lives with so I get it. But I don’t know how to stop feeling so anxious about all of this and wanting to fix problems that I have no business in fixing as they aren’t mine. Any advice? (P.s this is a friendship group from college to now which spans across 8 years so we’ve changed a lot but just so you know time frames and we’re all mid twenties)
Hey there,
As I am sure you know, overtime friendships with others are bound to change regardless of how long we have been in the friendship or friendship group for. This is normal as people will go their separate ways sometimes and this could be for many different reasons as you have experienced with one of your friends within the friendship group.
It can be very hard when two friends within the group decide to date and then break up. It can cause a lot of distress and anxiousness of where to go from there, how to divide your time up with everyone to enable you to stay friends with them. I think that you and you other best friend are doing your very best in trying to split up individually to spend time with your other friend. I know first hand how difficult this can be so I admire you both for doing your very best in trying to make it work for all involved.
I think that your other friend making boundaries, despite being hard, is a good step to take and I am wondering if you could do the same in regards to trying to take a step back and acknowledging that even though you want to try and fix everything between all, that it’s not your place to do so and even thought this can be hard to accept, there’s not much that you can really do without possibly causing even more problems.
So, I guess what I am trying to say is just focus on your best friend and hanging out/ catching up with them. It sounds as though your other friend may have a bit more going on for them right now which is completely OK, but just let them know you are still there for them and perhaps then let your other friend decide on what to do with the friendship with you and your best friend. I know this won’t be easy to do but try to take a step back, be kind to yourself and just do what you need to do for you right now. Unfortunately, we cannot keep a friendship going if the other persons heart isn’t fully in it, so try to keep this in mind and perhaps talk to your best friend about it for some comfort and support.
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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bloodsbane · 16 days
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warmup doodle that ended up not even being a warmup bc i got distracted for 3 hours. inspired by my new chilaios fic stepping stones where everyone's favorite enthusiastic but dense blond doesn't know not to Loom yet
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A German tribute to the death of the queen
A German tribute to the death of the queen
Queen Elisabeth the second did remind me of my dependable grandmother.7 Years after the world war two, Queen Elisabeth had started to mend European and global wounds by lovingly embracing all nations again. Us normal people usually only see the glamour, luxury and endless fulfillment of their needs, but now that she died and I reflect upon her life and see the sacrifice royals have to make…
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queenrojpag · 2 months
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justwannabecat · 8 months
“Hey Mom, Dad, what would you do if me or Danny comes back as a ghost?”
Maddie looked at Jazz as though she were silly for even asking. “Why, we’d catch you, of course! It’s not like it would actually be you, just a shell.”
Jack frowned. “Even though it’s not really them, I’d still feel bad if we did any of our experiments. We’d probably just exterminate them as quickly as possible so your souls could rest.”
“But we could get so much information from them! Why wouldn’t we? It’s not like they’d feel it!” Maddie shot back. Jazz sighed and walked away as their voices began to rise, indicating a starting argument. She had what she came here for.
And, glancing at the cold spot by her side, so did Danny.
College is fast approaching, and Danny knows that it’s unlikely he’ll be accepted anywhere. Really, that’s fine. It’s just… he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life living in fear of his parents and lying to them. It would even be fine if they restrict his powers as long as they close the portal and stop all the ghost attacks! He just doesn’t want to be scared!
So Team Phantom comes up with an idea. Jazz will ask what will happen to them if they become ghosts. And Jack and Maddie both agree that, at the very least, they should be caught and Ended. There is no chance for a safe reveal. No hope that he could ever stay.
So he leaves. Jazz switches to Gotham U without telling her parents, and Sam and Tucker both agreed that they wouldn’t go to Gotham for college to throw off any leads the Fentons might have.
They destroyed the portal before they left. A very, VERY thick layer of ghost ice managed to contain most of the damage. They leave behind two prerecorded tapes, one where Danny knows they’re recording a message and one where Jazz quietly threatens the Fentons to leave them alone. She says that she would sooner kill them before she lets them lay a hand on Danny, who by the way, still feels emotions and pain, and your stupid confirmation bias is preventing you from making any real progress in your career.
(That’s all I have so far but I couldn’t stop thinking about it lol)
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leafsfromthevine · 2 months
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the boys are fighting (together. homoerotically, even).
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sleepsucks · 4 months
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petitesmafia · 4 days
hc thinking about Chuuya being that nonchalant friend who never really talks about if he's having a hard time or if he just went through some rough shit so whenever Shirase calls to catch up he's just baffled as hell
Shirase: so i ordered a large fried rice and the delivery guy brought me a MEDIUM Chuuya: that's unacceptable Shirase: i know right? btw bro ur eye bags are looking a lil dark Chuuya: yeah busy day yesterday. a dragon attacked the city so i had to handle that Shirase: Shirase: excuse me? Chuuya: so did they refund u the difference for the rice Shirase: no no no. PAUSE go back wdym DRAGON? Chuuya: there was a dragon. i got called in and i also owed the guy so i just handled it. it's fine i just need some sleep. btw u should stop eating so much takeout and just learn to cook Shirase: what goes on
Shirase: kinda annoyed today like the bus was 20min late. i should really get a car Chuuya: do u even have ur license Shirase : that's not important rn. do u have any recs since ur car's nice Chuuya: i guess it was nice Shirase: wdym "was"? did u upgrade Chuuya: no it blew up Shirase: what Chuuya: it's gone Shirase: HOW did BLOW UP???? Chuuya: no idea. but seriously u should look into getting a license before driving around bc what are u gonna do if u get caught
Shirase: lemme tell u the craziest thing happened yesterday. bumped into this girl at a cafe and we got to talking and guess what? she knows yuan! Chuuya: really? Shirase: yeah i wanted to tell u yesterday but u didn't call me back Chuuya: sorry i got trapped in some guy's book Shirase: Shirase: huh Chuuya: it was some mystery novel with a bunch of killers. i just fought everybody to get out so it's chill Shirase: what are u talking about Chuuya: enough about me tho. so how's yuan doing
basically it’s always Shirase just asking why Chuuya didn’t tell him about these crazy events and Chuuya’s just like “I don’t like making a big deal out of things. I don’t think it’s that serious” and Shirase is like YES IT IS???
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awetistic-things · 5 months
jesus would be absolutely horrified at what’s happening in gaza right now
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