#take my dogshit writing guys
onlysanepeoplesleep · 29 days
umm dont hate me y’all I was bored.
for: @b3achysurfur cuz you wanted smth like this I think? I know you never asked me personally but I couldn’t stop thinking about it so I decided to write it.
disclaimer: english is not my first language.
tw: death and slight blood (but like I’m bad at describing it so there’s not much.)
The day had gone like this: Alex came to her room (or prison or cell or whatever the synonym of ‘locked up somewhere against one’s will’ was called) did mandatory checkups and then stayed to chat for a bit. Not that Ashlyn participated, instead opting to stare blankly at Alex until he understood that she wanted to be left alone. And once he did (quite dense, he was) he left without a word.
Finally being alone for the few minutes or hours (she never knew the time anymore) before twelve, she worked on devising an escape plan. She knew they couldn’t escape via window, mainly because no one was allowed permission to leave the cubed room without guards following them. Ashlyn was aware that leaving through the alternate dimension wouldn’t help either, since their bodies stayed tethered to its original spot.
A pain to work with, yes, but not a nuisance. She could find a way, somehow, and she would. She wouldn’t let her friends stay in this weird asylum place any longer than they had to. By any means necessary.
Ashlyn could feel her body being transported to the alternate dimension, the way her stomach dropped and her heart began to beat faster until she blinked and she was still in her claustrophobic room, but the scraping and screeching of phantoms gave away where she was.
She didn’t take long to get off the bed and made her way to Tyler’s room (where everyone had unanimously agreed to meet up the first time they’d been sent to the phantom dimension). Everyone else was already there when she opened the door and she felt relief wash over her once she saw them — as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders temporarily. They were somewhat safe — as safe as one could be in a dimension with deadly creatures out to kill you.
It didn’t take long for everyone to begin looking for a way out. They went in pairs: Tyler and Aiden (obviously), Taylor and Ben and Ashlyn and Logan. Once the teams had been made everyone was quick to split up (save for Tyler and Aiden, who were stuck sitting in Tyler’s room).
Ashlyn hadn’t been paying attention when it had happened. One minute, she had been looking through a hallway checking for phantoms with Logan behind her — and the next she’d heard him scream and drop his gun on the floor with a loud clunk. She looked over her shoulder, a question about to leave her lips when she paused.
A phantom held Logan’s face between two claws, pressing down on either side and making a sickening crunch. She winced but didn’t move. Logan was screaming, crying, pleading to her to do something, but she was frozen. She couldn’t tell if it was fear or mild curiosity that was stopping her from helping the boy.
Her hesitance paid the price in the end, with blood oozing out of Logan’s eyes and nose and ears, and one last sickening crunch echoed through the halls before Logan stilled. The phantom dropped him immediately, the manic grin on its face never dropping as it charged for her. Ashlyn’s feet finally moved, dodging the attack and grabbing the discarded gun from the floor. With a resounding bang, the phantom dropped to the floor and stayed down.
She wasn’t sure why she had to bite back the grin that was forming when she looked at Logan’s body. Claw marks were bruised into his face and the blood kept oozing out until it made a small puddle on the floor. Ashlyn tilted her head, something akin to surprise flowing through her as she blinked at the sight.
Logan was dead. Logan was dead.
A grin finally broke through her face and this time she didn’t fight it. Maybe she should feel sad since Logan was part of the team, part of the same team she’d sworn she’d protect and yet here he was. Lying on the floor looking pathetic as ever. She showed no sympathy towards him and almost wondered why, before deciding that contemplating such queries would be a waste of her time.
Instead, she walked passed Logan’s body and made her way back to the gang. They all seemed worried about the noise, asking questions and wondering if she was alright. She reassured them, of course she was alright. In fact, she was delighted!
“What’s got you smiling like that?” Tyler asked, almost suspiciously.
“Logan died,” was her only explanation before the room burst into relived laughs and celebratory clapping.
“Actually?” Aiden asked, tilting his head with a smile, “he’s like actually dead?”
Ashlyn nodded, “yeah.”
“You know what that means?” Taylor said, grin stretching into a happy smirk. “Party time!”
And with everyone’s enthusiasm, they set up a party with whatever decorations they could find (which wasn’t much, but Taylor was really good at compromising) and before long the starch-white walls had been splashed with a variation of colours from Aiden’s paints and ‘LOGAN DIED!!!’ was written on the wall with bright red paint.
Ashlyn had never been to many parties before, she could count on one hand how many times she’d attended a party willingly. But she didn’t think any other party or event could compare to the tomfoolery they got up to while celebrating the death of their teammate. Aiden started a conga line; Taylor shredded paper to throw it around the room like make-shift confetti; Ben showed them a few dance moves and even Tyler was enjoying himself.
Deep down, Ashlyn knew that no sane person would host a party for a dead comrade, but it’s been a long time since she was considered ‘sane’ and the facility they were locked in just proved it. So maybe she let herself indulge, just a bit, now that Logan was gone.
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bowl-of-brain-worms · 1 month
im so deep in the dungeon meshi sludge man. im having those late night thoughts you should NOT listen to yknow? but im finding more and more parallels between myself and laios and Bro. I Dont Want That.
not because i hate him, i love that guy. hes so sweet and good and silly. but like. real talk. the way fandom treats him drives me insane and i think its BECAUSE of his relatability.
fans treat laios like hes dumb. "he doesnt know what sex is! hes so oblivious to everything around him! hes a drop out! hes a baby!" My Brother In Christ, he is a biologist. hes explicitly talks about the possible mating habits of living armor. the way he tied thistle to his back definitely aint the way you tie a christmas ham if you know what im saying. he dropped out - not because hes stupid - but because he didnt have the correct accomadations and honestly pretty dogshit coping mechanisms.
does he have trouble with recognizing the feelings of people around him? absolutely! but that doesnt make him dumb!! hes constantly shown to be able to think on his feet and come up with clever solutions to the problems he and the party faces. hes impulsive and doesnt think things through all the time, sure (eating raw parasite for example) but it geniunely pisses me off that people immedietly write off all the intelligent decisions he makes beyond that.
being a drop out doesnt make you stupid. being bad at talking doesnt make you stupid. needing help in certain aspects of your life (in laios' case, social skills) does not make you stupid. its something that i have to tell myself too often and seeing the fandom fall into the same unconcious cruelty of believing someone to be stupid against all contrary evidence is. idk. disheartening i guess. but also maddening.
on a lighter note, i dont think laios is a monsterfucker. hes just a furry. i will not be taking questions.
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strangesickness · 3 months
i'm very fond of the idea of patricia becoming close with the losers when they're adults (after derry part 2 in which stan survives because its MY headcanon and i make the rules) and i need you guys to consider that she fucking hates bill's writing in the novel. stan buys bill's books when they come out and patty tried to read them and i don't have the book with me right now so i can't get the direct quote but her response basically amounted to "why would anyone want to read something so awful!?"
so imagine her husband gets back from this whole ordeal and he has all these new friends with him now and one of them is that guy who wrote all those shitty books she hates! like thats so funny to me. at first she tries to pretend she thinks his writing his good "oh i haven't read any of your work but stanley loves it! it's so amazing you're such a talented writer" but eventually he finds out she thinks his writing is utter dogshit and he can't even find it in himself to be offended because she's so outraged that it's kinda hilarious. i think she would lighten up on her criticism a bit after talking to him about his books but she would give him so much hell for his ridiculous premises. she still refuses to read more than a chapter of any of the books. she watches one movie based off one of his books and is absolutely horrified by it and refuses to watch any more, he insists it was just a bad adaptation.
bill and patty friendship PLEASE it'd be so funny
i think this becomes 100x funnier if she thinks richie's funny, and in this AU he has a comeback writing his own material after derry 2 and she loves his acts. like bill is just standing there with his horror novels like, "wait so she thinks my novels are reprehensible but richie's comedy isn't????" like that's hilarious. imagine being bill and someone thinking the content of your novels is more crass than the content of richie "trashmouth" tozier's stand-up???? richie is delighted when he finds out and takes every possible opportunity to make fun of bill for being a godless heathen among other things
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jellybeanium124 · 3 months
ok but an ask on my rp blog got me thinking. what would stede and ed think the other's biggest flaws are? I think there's a tendency in fandom to sort of "soulmate" them, which makes sense. who wants to see our two beloved guys fight like a realistic couple? (I mean obviously there's still plenty of Big Dramatic Fights in fanfic, but like, outside of that).
here's some preliminary thoughts (I'm not super attached to these hcs so feel free to fight me lol): for stede, I think he wouldn't like ed's tendency to give up the second things start being difficult for him. I imagine ed is gonna be working on this one in retirement, now that he's not doing the thing he's gotten so good at anymore, but he's not perfect and breaking that habit will probably take work. TO BE CLEAR this isn't a "haHa eD's sO adHd hE cAn'T sTiCk tO aNytHiNg hArhaR" thing, this is more about how ed's never had the option to fail until now. his whole life has been succeed-or-die, so failure would reasonably scare him. stede would definitely push him to keep trying past that initial "oh crap oh shit I suck dogshit at this and could never possibly be good" phase everyone goes through when learning something new.
as for what ed thinks stede's biggest flaw is... fuck this is hard. ok, like, let's list stede's flaws. stede can be brazen and rude and bitchy, but never to ed, and often for ed, so ed would love that. stede has self-esteem issues. ed can probably relate to that and it wouldn't bother him if stede needed some extra re-assurance because ed needs it too. stede can be selfish/have trouble understanding others' wants and needs. so far we've never seen him have any trouble at all not being selfish with ed. on a longer timescale I bet it'll happen, but I don't feel super confident definitively saying that's it.
I don't like leaving posts unfinished but this isn't an essay I'm writing for school and I've thought about it for long enough now that I don't think I'm coming up with an answer anytime soon, so hit me with your thoughts!
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uninformedartist · 9 months
So a review on Helluva boss So2 ep 6
Ok so gonna break this review down into positives and negatives with my additional thoughts.
So always start off with this, big props and love to the animation team we know know and see your struggle working under Vivienne and animating her over-complicated designs. Props to the BG team really stunning backgrounds, was actually a bit over the top for me (Ozzie's palace and especially the dildo factory shit was moving way too fast) but did pause to have a look at the BGs it is really pretty, the shit pacing made everything a visual blur tho.
VA work stunning love always a joy to hear Alex and James in any VA work tho Fizz's song was eyyy not the best but don't blame Alex it was a shittly written song in general especially when it went to the heavy metal part, overstimulating af and again shit pacing during the song and the flashing visuals gave me a headache. Striker's new VA, Ed's voice really grew on me he should've been Striker in the 1st place because I know for a fact Norman couldn't reprise his role for future episodes.
I loved Ozzie and Fizz's relationship especially the end scene where you can see Ozzie development or got hold of the best technology to give Fizz functional limbs, was a tender scene their relationship and interactions made me smile. I'll give Viv 1 ty for not fucking up their relationship, ty Viv (I can be nice to her :). Tho 1 scene that bothered me... the 12 sec Ozzie dong scene 💀 my soul it was just so jarring especially with the fast pacing. Felt like a race car coming to an immediate stop then speeding off again. Would've like the scene replaced with Fizz telling Bliz something nice about Ozzie, why Fizz likes him. I'm tired of queer couples/pairings in this show describing their partner in 2 ways, 1. how good they are in bed or 2. they got x anatomy that's amazing. But its Viv writing this ep, sigh her and her damn middle school sex jokes I'll let it slide.
Now negatives:
I said it before I'll say it for all eternity, the pacing was dogshit bad oh my soul wtf... Viv, Adam whoever I know you guys don't listen to criticism but if any criticism you take fix your damn pacing 😑. I had to pause multiple times just to see what has happening, what was said, what this paper/sign etc said. It was bad, and that paired with the overdetailed BGs and character designs, for the 1st time ever I got overstimulted from a HB ep and had to take a 5 min break to rest my eyes (was by Fizz's song). Its a noisey spinning kaleidoscope this ep, so unpleasant and its all pacing. Stay on certain scenes a bit longer and allow the audience to take in the scene before them (that flackback scene) its makes a difference. If you get overwhelmed/overstimlated ect by such visuals I recommend watching the leaked episode its much better in terms of pacing since its mostly storyboards and there is no color, plus its just the VAs talking with no background music and zero to minimal sound effects.
I didn't care for Crimson in this episode, I know he became Viv's favorite 😒 but seeing this fucker back so soon, it wasn't enjoyable, especially since the only reason he's in this ep is for a "big score" 😑. Also I'm tired of this over convenient plots, Fizz so happened to be in the greed ring and so happened to run into Blitz and Striker so happened to be in greed meeting with Crim who need a man for a "big score" AND SO HAPPENED Striker sees Fizz/Blitz fighting outside the window 🙃. Its all too convenient for me it takes me out and I then think how the plot coming together is ridiculous.
Striker is so under utilized. Since Viv hates him (confirmed by sources I can't pull now apologies) and she wrote this episode, everything established of Striker in So1 is destroyed. He's a husk of his intended character, all talk no show, a misogynistic clown who you can see Viv has no care writing him properly because she doesn't like him which is fucking horrible, this woman will butcher an integral villian, one with a good motivation (he hates blue-bloods) all because "oh I don't like him he's not in my fav OC list", petty af.
Fizz's disability and how its handled, spoke about it in this post:
It still remains the same though now we see it wasn't Wally holding the cake just some other imp and the card Bliz made for Fizz was a love confession still doesn't justify his reaction shoving the imp and his still underlying jealousy of Fizz since they were young. Yes it was backing off from a love confession/ashamed he's not as good a performer as Fizz, Blitz was jealous of Fizz. Made another post saying how I like how Fizz sees his disability, he's content, happy, has Ozzie who understands him and even made/went out his way to get Fizz the best prosthetics to better his quality of life, I like that good on Fizzy :).
5. Going to be a separate long post on (ಠ_ಠ) Blitz, THE FUCKING BIRD IS BACK 💀💀💀 why your rotisserie chicken ass not in hospital or we just skipping past that and how Viv keeps I'm gonna say it, forcing her characters to have daddy issues by writing this fucking irritating basic fanfic trope of killing the mother offscreen/not having the mother in the picture/us seeing her face. A commenter pointed this out and it irritates me because its the 3rd time she does this, she show Tilla (Blitz's mom) in pictures, you think there would be an episode revolving around Blitz's childhood etc but no she's "in" a fast paced pitty party flashback. This woman really can't show an ounce of respect to any female characters.
This is all for now, will be making more posts the more this ep settles in.
Score: 4.7/10
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
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I will never not fucking hate this take with all my fiber being. The take of “In order to criticize media, you must make said media first on your own, otherwise your words are useless”, like how people have told me “You think you can do better? Go make your own show!”. Like….PLEASE shut the fuck up, whoever has this mindset needs to wake up and get their heads out of their entitled asses. The worst part is that that’s not the worst take here. The other one is the one I hate the most, the “You have to acknowledge and appreciate the HARD work that went into making this you don’t understand!”
I am so….fucking tired of this toxic ass outlook on how we have to suck up to said media and “appreciate” the hard work that went into it, as if that’s automatically going to make our critiques MAGICALLY go away. Like yeah, you made a movie, yeah, you animated something, yeah, you wrote a book, good for you, I’m happy, but since when did working hard on something automatically mean you’re above criticism??? You learn this shit in fucking school. If you worked hard on an essay yet didn’t do well, you working hard doesn’t automatically mean that the teacher can’t criticize your work. You working hard on a test doesn’t automatically mean that the teacher will let you off the hook for screwing the answers up. People can improve, people can ALWAYS work to be better. People can give credit where credit is due, but that doesn’t erase anything else. These people are fucking clowns and so is Vivziepop, because she liked this tweet and SHE HERSELF has flat out said she feels this way before:
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“I can take criticism” my fucking ass. 💀
Like….Viv, I don’t know what to tell you this but I’m not going to suck your dick and praise you for creating an indie animated project and push aside all of the issues I have with your writing solely because of the fact. You created an indie pilot. Cool beans. Good for you. Yes, the Hazbin pilot had talent and passion poured into it. Yes, the Hazbin pilot had effort put in, yes, ALL of your projects have effort put in it and it’s amazing how successful and famous you are, but nobody should have to stroke someone’s ego just because they worked hard and made something big. Disney’s Frozen was a huge and successful hit but that doesn’t mean I’m going to give it a pass and magically ignore all the issues I have with it. At the end of the day Viv’s writing is still dogshit and I’m not going to ignore it just because “she worked hard”. Like…genuinely I need people who have this mindset to grow the fuck up, get out of their diapers and stop acting like toddlers who need their hand to be held and act like they deserve to be praised nonstop.
Like………Imagine if one day Steven Spielberg just came out and went “Hey guys I was a huge inspiration of your childhood and a very successful man who directed smash hit movies that changed the entrainment industry for the better so that automatically means you can’t criticize me or ANY of my movies, only praise please because I worked so hard!” It just doesn’t fucking work like that.
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weebsinstash · 11 months
I sent an ask responding to the Izuku parts that I hope you got.(if not fml)
But I figured I should send a separate ask to talk about Miguel.
So like my thoughts have been centering on this scenario where you're his secretary or assistant because he is the CEO. He's a beta and you're an omega.
You guys have a purely professional relationship, tbh half the time he doesnt even realize you got you're heat and just finds out you called in when you dont respond. Really the only thing he cares about is you doing your work, getting it done on time, and not half-assing it.
But then he gets the spider DNA and everything goes to shit. Not only does the spider DNA give him extra abilities and enhanced senses, but it also gives him some alpha traits/tendencies.
He goes in to work thinking it'll help distract him and get him back in the rhythm of everything only to just get fucking hit in the face with your scent. Queue him rushing past because it takes everything in him not to just pounce on you.
But as I said, he only got a few alpha traits. He didnt actually become an alpha. So while he's out here wanting to just pin you to his or your desk, knot and claim you....he's completely incapable. His body is completely incapable of performing those actions and it only leans into his yandere behavior and tendencies.
I've also been think like(depending on how one writes abo), sometimes betas dont have a sent or if they do its extremely faint. Yandere beta miguel who cant even smother you in his scent because he basically doesn't have one, meanwhile you dont even realize he's changed at all because you cant smell it.
Though because he doesnt have a scent he would absolutely sneak into your house/appartment. Its basically the only upside in his eyes.
Also anytime you go into heat and have to miss work? He is immediately taking your seat from your desk and huffing it while he touches himself. Then at night as spiderman will come just close enough to be able to smell you but still not lose control of himself, absolutely getting off on your scent and sounds of pleasure from you using a toy.
God this shits been living in my brain rent free for like the last week and wont go away 😭
I got the Izuku ask :) trust me when I say I am simply dogshit awful at getting back to people and being consistent
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Picture if Reader is actually a really competent employee of his at Alchemax but Miguel like BARELY pays any mind to you because, you know, he's got all sorts of shit constantly stressing him out and occupying his mind on top of migraine, and suddenly you're going into work and bringing him his preferred coffee as usual when, he tries to make small talk? You've worked for this man for like at least a year, basically only speaking when necessary, and one day you lean over to put a coffee or some papers on his desk and that brings you just close enough for him to take in a breath of your scent which instantly helps alleviate his headaches
You're basically done giving him what he needs and you're literally about to leave the room when he suddenly calls out (almost in a "wait I need to catch you before you leave" kind of urgency) and you pause and look at him with those big eyes of yours he suddenly can't stop staring into when Romeo hits you with "so .... how are you?"
And you're just kind of stunned for a few moments because this is a man who basically doesn't speak to you unless he needs something, even when you go to him to pass along a message or something or other about his schedule and your secretarial duties it's typically just a sort of "got it, thank you" sort of response and you're sent on your way again, or given another task, so in ao forth. You basically can't get a good read on the man's personality because he simply doesn't talk to you enough or at least about anything other than work
He officially enters the Goo Goo Eyes Zone where when you like someone almost everything about them is so cute and had more meaning than it actually does and is basically finally seeing you for the first time. He FINALLY notices what kinds of perfumes/body mists you like to use to smell nice even if it's something you've worn for ages, the ways you prefer to style yourself, which little accessories or rings or whatever may be your favorite, little mannerisms you may have like clicking pens or singing little songs when you think you're along, like when you're doing something and it's you're just like occasionally singing, like he finds you washing a coffee cup in the break room all "--and its doooOooone!"
The need to learn more about you escalates because suddenly he's like "wait I've known them for all this time and never noticed all these things, what ELSE don't I know?" And it really is an obsessive infatuation. You live in a high rise where you don't really have to worry about closing your blinds or anything which is perfect for Miguel "don't you know i have enhanced senses" O'Hara to watch you from the roof of the next building over. You never lock your windows because, what's the point? He starts learning your schedule and meticulously taking all kinds of notes until it's the level of him outright entering your apartment to snoop through all of your things and potentially plant bugs and cameras
One day you're opening your window and kind of poke your head out to look at the city and you notice weird sorts of, almost gouges in the wall outside? What are those from? (Well sweetie, turns out, when you were going to town on yourself last night to relieve a little stress, he was the equivalent of like 10 feet away, clinging to your building, listening to and potentially recording every little gasp and finger flick)
But he gets SO frustrated when you're, you know polite, but, not exactly as receptive as he's hoped? When in reality he's still being awkward as fuck and you're still kind of adjusting to him paying attention to you, and it probably feels good to have him seemingly recognizing your efforts but like, you don't wanna. date him??? At least not so suddenly or anything, so he's trying to court you, but, it's becoming harder and harder to be around you at all, let alone when your heats start coming up. He could never tell before that your scent starts changing when That Time is coming around, gradually shifting and becoming something he finds differently hypnotic, something that makes him want to bury his nose in your neck while also, being buried in you period
He'll grow the balls to be more direct with you eventually, but he justifies everything by telling himself he just wants to get to know more about you, and that the stalking is just him trying to get to know you a little more, so when he sees you face to face he can win you over and make you his mate treat you better, obviously! He'll... he'll ask you out to dinner next week, he promises! But for now, he's just gonna, stay right here perched under your window, seeing and hearing and smelling everything
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likeadevils · 3 months
Any timeline news bestie?
actually yeah!! a good chunk of news that i need to officially type up and source, but if you want to just take me at my word that i’m not making up interviews:
@1989worldtour and @taylor-on-your-dash found an old interview where taylor says she wrote back to december in new york, meaning it was likely written in early/mid may 2010
in that same interview she also said she wrote mine while on tour, probably in texas (that’s her saying probably texas not me). which would put it march 10-12 2010. the thing that trips me up about that though is scott borchetta said she showed it to him in february, which isn’t a big time difference, but taylor left for the bahamas right after texas. i don’t know exactly what day she left, so it’s possible she flew from texas to nashville’s to the bahamas and recorded the first mine demo then, but unless she did that the next time she could be in nashville would be on the 21st, and the next time she’s in nashville for longer than a day would be march 29, both of which are pushing the february mix up. but no matter what taylor probably wrote it in early march, since all the dates in february were in australia and tokyo, which seem hard to mix up with texas.
in that same interview she said she started mean in her kitchen but then had to leave to go play a show. that could be whenever, but the only 2010 show she played without a show right before/after it was in baton rouge on may 29, where she had two days off before and after it, so speculation but better than the “idk sometime in spring?” that i had it under before
(side salad: you might be thinking claire, is that too many may 2010 songs? and if you’ve read the speak now timeline you might be thinking, but what about long live in the first week of june and the story of us in the second week of june? is that too many songs? and to that i’d say wow, thank you for paying so much attention. but, taylor does go into writing frenzies in the months right before she finishes an album, and she finished writing for speak now in june and recording for it in july, so like. it makes sense that there’d be a cluster right at the end)
nathan chapman, the guy who produced basically every song taylor recorded between 2006-2011, posted a couple photos from the speak now and red sessions! unfortunately we don’t know which song she was making in the speak now picture (my kingdom for speak now studio credits), but the one from red is likely girl at home— it is the only released song taylor made with him at his house after cutting her bangs and straightening her hair
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and some super early tortured poets speculation— on october 17, post malone said he’d just hung out with taylor, and on october 20 deuxmoi said taylor had just been in LA working with a new producer. dm is normally absolute dogshit at getting information out of taylor’s camp, but idk about post malone/whatever producer’s side of things. so i’m putting a very shaky maybe on fortnight in october 2023
if anyone has an opportunity to enter electric lady studios please tell me if they have a tan couch in front of a dark wood background. i have crawled through their website and instagram and i can find no such couch but taylor and jack working in a non-electric lady/his house studio would be insane (EDIT JACK BUILT A NEW STUDIO IN LA AND THE PHOTOS I WAS TRYING TO TRACK DOWN WERE PROBABLY TAKEN THERE)
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tedtalkcity · 4 months
its me robbie from @dykeseesgod welcome to the silly guy zone
more info w/specifics about the thangs under the cut ^_^
RELIGIONVERSE: set in 1950s new york city following an angel named theodore who is very much not supposed to be on earth. other key characters are his wife (cecily) his weird priest situationship (elijah) god (deity) and luci (satan) ALSO I HAVE A GOOGLE DOC CHRONICLING MOST OF THE LORE THAT YOU CAN READ HERE
INDIE: weird loser named atticus stalks his partner from highschool (axel) because thats easier than addressing his deep-seated childhood trauma. other key characters are axels current girlfriend (mitchell) takes place from the time theyre in 7th grade (2012) to more or less present day (2022)
VARMINT: two twins named shad and shishka, following the long-term aftermath of their dad, damien, killing their mom, sam, and damiens subsequent outing as a prolific serial killer. and theyre also furries! ive had these characters since i was literally age 8 they are my oldest ocs and my dearest children. takes place in 2021
HOMETOWN USA: fucked up town where every resident is based on a song by tom lehrer. no real story just a bunch of guys existing. theyre going through world war III. set in a vague anachronistic alternate 1960s
G&S INC.: normal office guys. listen to andrew in drag by the magnetic fields. set in the mid to late 1990s. daniel and andrew are mitchells parents btw. and emmetts there too
RAINFOREST FLOODS: haunted waterpark! ghouls! ghosts! soul crushing life ruining guilt over things that cannot be changed! toxic yaoi! sorry im getting tired of writing these. characters are andy bruce vincent kelsey and jeff. shared with @ratsbypaulzindel. you really got a hold on me by the beatles
SHITROACH: the most annoying people youve ever met in your life (gabby nelson graysong) are in a band that sucks dogshit. and also theres other people (niamh newt winona schmidt)
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streaminn · 1 year
This is my first time writing on PC! It's so much easier :)
Okay, remember how I wrote the bit about Enid going through a depressive episode in 2nd year?
This is my first time writing on PC! It's so much easier :)
What if I wrote the episode and Wednesday taking care of her? :)
Streamer Enid AU.
Also! I have a song recommendation! Love Like You from Steven Universe. Specifically the duet of Ashe and Caleb Hyles! :)
(They aren't dating yet.)
"Are you alright?"
"To be honest? No. Not in the slightest. Feel like dogshit."
"Is there anything I could do to help?"
"No, not really."
"Do you have... do you know why you feel this way?
"Melancholy, then."
The werewolf lifts up her head from it's spot of a disgustingly pink pillow.
Enid blinks at her.
"I might be fruity but 'm not a fruit, Willa."
Wednesday feels like she's been shocked by Uncle Fester.
"You said I have Melancholy. I'm not a fruit."
"Melancholy is sadness without an apparent reason," she wants to add venom to her voice. Call Enid Stupid and idiotic.
But it's Enid.
"Not a fruit, Enid.'
The blonde pouts, drops her head and lets out a pathetic sigh.
"Watermelon is my favorite fruit."
"I'm fond of Belladonna berries, personally."
Enid lifts her head again, this time turning on her back to face Wednesday properly.
She smirks. It's the closest she's been to a real smile since Monday.
It's Thursday.
"How are they named both so young and so old? I hear Bella and I think of Twilight- I hear Donna and I think of this old baker-lady from San Francisco who smoked like crazy and yelled at everyone. She beat a- did I ever tell this story?" Enid's grin is small. She has told Wednesday this story. Enid was tired.
She must've forgotten.
"Never." She lies.
"Well, she- she got robbed- attempted-ly robbed- is attemptedly even a word? Anyways- she almost got robbed, got the guy that broke in, and beat his ass with a rollin' pin. The cops had to pry her off!"
Enid's smile is bigger.
Her scars are lit up by light of the moon that peaks in from the window.
Her eyes glow in the dim lighting.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"A pleasant story," Wednesday pretends she's never heard it, "what happened to the baker?"
"She's still alive! When I went home over break, she was still kickin'! I think she started smoking more, which is horrific- seriously, this woman smokes like 2 packs a day. It's nuts."
Wednesday hums.
She stands up and walks to the door.
Her head snaps back so fast she can hear the pop that sounds in her neck.
Enid's hand is outstretched, and she's standing now, when Wednesday turns around she's retracting it in embarrassment.
"I- there's not really anything you can do to help, but that didn't mean I wanted you to leave." She flushes and looks at the floor.
"I'll only be gone a moment. I'll need Thing's help, also."
Thing runs to Wednesday's feet.
Enid's face is red. Wednesday can see her eyes get glossy with tears.
"Promise you'll both come back?"
Wednesday's hand tightens on the doorknob.
"I swear on Thing's life."
She faces the door again.
"Swear it on my life too."
Wednesday turns fully at that.
"Swear it on mine too. You care about both of us too much to lie."
Enid swallows harshly. She doesn't move. Her arms are behind her.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"I swear on the life of Thing Addams and Enid Sinclair that I will only be a moment."
Enid stares at the ground. She turns back to her bed.
Enid's on her stomach when Wednesday reenters the room.
Their room.
"Enid." Wednesday speaks quietly.
She spent time on this, but Enid needs rest.
She'd feel awful if she woke her "roomie."
"Yeah?" Enid rolls onto her back again.
What if Enid didn't like it?
Wednesday wants to vomit and scream and run away.
She doesn't.
"I have something that requires you to close your eyes and follow me."
Enid laughs- a puff of air, really, but it's better than her downcast face.
"First you're gone for 11 minutes, now you want me to follow you blind?" She stands and closes her eyes.
Enid counted.
Enid smiles.
Thing runs to his box.
Wednesday grabs her backpack.
She takes Enid's hand.
Her hand is warm. Her fingers are pink from the cold.
They start moving.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're 'bout to bury me alive!"
She sounds playful.
"If I wanted to kill you, I'd have used one of your revoltingly pink scarves to strangle you."
Pink scarves.
Her fingers are pink.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
They're outside now.
"Nice to know you have it planned. Though," Enid almost trips over a tree's root. She barely slows in following Wednesday, "I can't help but feel hurt that you'd be so..." She doesn't need to look back to know the smug shit is smirking, "barbaric! That's the word!"
Wednesday considers letting Enid hit a branch head-on.
She moves Enid out of the way of the branch that she can't see.
"I mean, I figured after being besties for so long you'd at least think about giving me some kinda dramatic death. Throwing me into a fire as my lover begs for my life? No? You have no taste, Willa."
She imagines Enid with burn scars. She thinks they'd run up her arms like sleeves. Maybe splashed across her ribs and stomach.
The scars would be pink.
Her eyes would still be blue.
"I'd kill your lover first. No witnesses."
"You wouldn't grant me my final death-wish of being dramatic as I go?"
'I'd join you in the fire. I'd burn with you because to lose you would kill me in a different way.' It climbs up her throat and sets on her tongue.
She doesn't let it leave her mouth.
"I'd write something funny on your urn."
"Make it a pun," they're nearing the spot now, "and I'll consider forgiving you for not giving different-timeline me a death worthy of being on a K-drama."
She leads Enid to the spot.
"I'm not a dog, Willa-"
She sits.
"-I take offense."
"Open your eyes."
Enid opens her eyes.
They're on a blanket in the forest. Wednesday has the laptop the sat delicately on the blanket.
The blanket's big.
"Wednesday..." she breathes softly.
"You always wanted a girls night." She sets her backpack down, zips it open, and pulls out her supplies.
Nail polish.
Cans of juice and soda.
A another blanket.
"You are the best roomie." Comes out soft. Like it left her mouth without her knowledge.
"I thought... if ever I should indulge you." She pauses.
The stars are bright, so far out from the light pollution. It illuminates them both.
Enid stares straight up to the sky.
The colors of the stars reflect in her eyes.
Her face is lit up, just barely.
There's pink in the blue of her eyes from the stars.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"It should be now."
Enid stands suddenly, faces her roommate, grabs Wednesday's face and kisses her.
Her lips are warm.
Her lips are pink.
They both stare at each other when Enid pulls away. Neither making a sound.
Enid sits back down.
Wednesday stands.
It's quiet.
Enid gasps sharply, and turns her head up to face Wednesday.
"OMG! Can we watch The Sunrise Paradise? Please?!"
Wednesday blinks.
"The... Sunrise Paradise?"
"The K-drama? It's sooooooooo good! Swear on Thing!"
Wednesday presses her lips into a line.
Enid's warmth sits on them like the taste of red wine.
"Swear both on Thing and me."
Enid's face drops, and for one, dizzying moment, Wednesday wonders if she's said the wrong thing.
But then Enid grins. Bright and blinding and beautiful and Wednesday understands why humans love.
Enid, still grinning, places her right hand over her heart.
"I, Enid Sinclair, swear on the life of Thing Addams and Wednesday Addams that The Sunrise Paradise is the most incredible show ever."
Wednesday joins Enid in her sitting.
"I trust you."
The show is good, Wednesday loathes to admit. The characters are well-written and the cinematography is great and the actors are a perfect cast.
"It's adequate."
Enid has a smile on her face. She hasn't stopped smiling.
"That's Wednesday for 'you're so correct that it's embarrassing me, Enid.'!"
"That's... That's 'Wednesday'?"
"It's how you talk; I wouldn't force you to talk differently, so I learned how to speak Wednesday!"
"I- uh..."
A gasp.
"Do I have the Wednesday Addams lost for words? Oh, I feel powerful!"
Wednesday wants to slap the smile from her lips.
She wants to kiss them.
"You mentioned a "Twilight" earlier."
"I don't think it's your kinda movie. It's like watching Tyler and-"
"You don't need to add more. Tyler's essence being in that movie is more than enough to sway me away."
Enid nods.
Then flops backwards, starfishing herself.
Enid looks at the stars.
The stars light up her eyes.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"I was wrong. earlier."
"What'da you mean?"
"About my favorite fruit."
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"They're strawberries and blueberries."
She lies next to Enid. Shoulder to shoulder.
She looks at the stars.
There's green.
"Yes, Enid?"
"Do you think... do you think we'll be together forever?"
Wednesday's heart beats harder.
"In what way?"
"Like-" Enid sticks her arm up so Wednesday can see her hand flip about. "-like friends?"
'Why just friends?' she wants to say.
She doesn't
"I meant it in first year when I said your mark was indelible. Even if we grew apart, there's no doubt in my body that I'd remember you."
"How did I leave an inedible mark on you? You never told me."
"Answer the question."
Wednesday takes a deep breath through her nose.
She pushes it out through her mouth.
"I think... I think to lose your mark would be to lose my humanity. The compassion you taught me."
A huff.
"Everyone's got some compassion."
"Maybe. But I've always been told that I needed to express it by people who faked theirs-" She turns to look at the side of Enid's face.
She's still looking at the stars.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"-You live by compassion. You exude it."
Wednesday turns to face the dimmer stars above her.
"I've always learned better by example."
She feels a hand brush hers.
She takes it.
"If we were to grow apart, how would you want it to happen?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like. Would you want to go our separate ways hating each other? Slowing losing contact and not doing anything to get it back?"
"I would want to lose you through your choices."
She can hear Enid shift to look at her.
She turns herself to look at Enid.
The stars are brighter.
"What?" It's breathless.
"You're important to me, Enid. I want what is best for you. If we were to grow apart, I'd want to be from you deciding it's what's best for you."
Enid turns to face the sky.
Wednesday's still looking at the stars.
"I'd want to hate you."
"'Cause, I... You mean quite a lot to me too, Willa. I don't ever want to forget you. If we grew apart, I'd want to hold a grudge because those last. Donna still knows that robber's name and she still calls him the scum of the earth. That 30 years ago when he was 15 and she was 35."
"Mother has said to be careful whom I offend. She's said spite can weather time better than love."
Wednesday likes the quiet.
It leaves her less stimulated.
It makes it easier to burn the curve of Enid's jaw into her mind's eye.
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"Right and wrong."
"Spite can weather it better. But I think you mistook her words. You think spite will weather time better than love. It's only a can."
Enid's thumb brushes the back of her hand.
"I think it depends on the people with the love."
Wednesday hums.
"What could make you hate me, Enid?"
"Hmmmm. That's tough."
Enid looks at her.
Wednesday never stopped looking at her.
"Set all my stuffed animals on fire and replace all my clothing with black suits."
"Simple enough."
"Are you planning on earning my- my- my ire? Could you really be so cruel?" She puts on a faux shaky tone.
"I'm only saying it's surprisingly easy to make you hate someone. Maybe I was wrong about you being compassionate. Maybe you're as spiteful and vengeance-loving as me."
"Maybe so."
Enid squeezes her hand.
She squeezes back.
"What about you? What could make you hate me?"
Her scars are pink.
Her eyes are blue.
"Make everything pink."
"Hey! Show some respect- pink is an incredible color!"
"Maybe so."
Her scars are pink.
"I just don't think I could bare to forget blue."
Her eyes are blue.
-Writer Anon.
i love the repeating of enid's colors, really slamming it in how much Wednesday thinks they're important. How much Enid is important. Also idk if its just me but the pink dye is enid's hair temporary, the pink tint of the scar will fade to something darker. But blue? Blue is enid's eyes, blue will forever stay, it wont ever change
Just like Enid's presence, enid's mark
anyways, have this lil tidbit
"I think i said i'd rather hate you because it would be easier," Enid says. "but.. i don't think i would hate hate you."
Wednesday eyes her, "What do you mean?"
"Hate means disliking something so much that its all i see." A breath of air comes. "But i don't think a part of me could ever hate anything about you. I'm sure that'll stand even when we're miles apart."
Wednesday stares. Is that.. a good thing? She stays silent but the slight raise of her brow was enough for Enid to explain.
There's a pause and she really wondered if she was really going to say what she's planning to. Well, in for a skip and all for a drop or however it goes.
"Maybe if you asked me last year, i'd consider it but now?" There's a shy smile on Enid's face, her eyes staring onto the curious ones of Wednesday. Its hard to even think that she could've hated the girl lying next to her. Its no wonder the words that come next is easy, like settling into a bed. "I love you too much to even do so."
Wednesday stares.
Enid scrambles for a response, the beat of her heart loud and pounding against her ears. "I mean obviously you don't have to love me back and stuff! its just part of the explanation-"
She's still staring.
"-and like Love means seeing the thing you like and dislike about a person and still willing to care for them despite that! So i could never dislike you enough to hate you because i love you alot more-"
"i think i get it," Wednesday murmurs and its in the silence that Enid realizes just how close the two are.
Now they're both staring and Enid is lowkey losing her shit inside her head because did she just confess?
what kind of dumbass just confesses accidentally!?
Her, apparently, oh my go-
"That would mean i love you too," Wednesday carefully places and just like that, she drags Enid out of the depth she just drowned herself in.
Wednesday has that gift, she supposes. Being there.
"oh," Enid replies. "Cool," she continues, hardly trying to fight back the grin that's growing on her face. "Coolio."
There's warmth in her palms and they're still holding hands.
"Cool," Wednesday agrees and she's smiling.
She's beautiful, Enid notes. If lying down and making an embarrassment of herself means she could see that-
Well, she wouldn't mind doing it for the rest of her life.
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To that whiteknight that said my opinions are crappy and that I don't know what it takes to write or animate a single episode, here's the thing. I'm an actual animator and I'm a writer. Here's the thing, animation is like math. It's only HARD when you don't understand it's systems and methods and principles, otherwise it all just becomes tedious work, so even though you might have a fun little idea in your head, actually bringing to life is not fun at all. But the results from all your hard labour is what pays off, thats the true fun of animation. The results are worth it, not the actual animating part. So animation is not hard, its tedious as fuck.
Second of all, you don't really need to even have a script to write a good story. You see Hayao Miyazaki's films? No screenplays, its all in the storyboards. Generally, you can even improvise and still get good writing, for example an author named Steven James writes clever and thrilling books without any outlines, it's all organic. Miyazaki and James's ways of writing are organic, they just hop into the story and figure it all out as they go along. Even Shu Takumi, man behind Ace Attorney doesn't have any outlines, he just hops to it. So no, scripts are necessarily needed for writing episodes, besides these guys wrote entire games, novels and movies without scripts. So it isn't really needed, so sorry if you thought a good story requires a script, I don't need to be a qualified scriptwriter to write a good story, besides, a lot of people are qualified and yet they write dogshit and destory entire franchises. I don't need to demonstrate my ability to write a good script, I should demonstrate my ability to write a good story. Helluva Boss prioritizes a toxic ship rather than well-written characters, conflicts, arcs, drama, action, etc. This toxic ship therefore destroys the characters it has build up, for whatever reason the writer chooses to keep I don't know, but they are not a good writer if they can't see the effect this worthless ship has on it's characters. And in order to protect one of its characters who was clearly in a position of power to stop this affair, they blame it on the victim then villainize them for the rest of the season. I very well know Blitz has ruined many of his former loved ones' lives, and he is clearly at fault and must be punished, but his relationship with Stolas with it ruining Stolas's whole life and family is not one of them. Stolas is responsible for the destruction of his family and his reputation, it was of his own doing. Instead of making him get what he deserves and gets character development and becomes a better person, someone we can actually sympathize with for once, the writers especially Vivienne simply choose not to. Bad writing, dare I say garbage writing.
I agree make Bird boy face consequences for his own damn actions instead of throwing the blame everywhere but him.
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intertexts · 2 months
OK OK SINCE U ARE PRETTY FAR INTO PD NOW. I NEED TO ASK. DO U HAVE A FAVORITE CHARACTER. do u have a favorite moment. whos backstory are u the most interested in seeing. what are u excited to learn about the world . I AM PUTTING UR BRAIN UNDER A MICROSCOPE AND DISSECTING IT IVE GOTTA KNOW. what villains are u most afraid of. write me an essay on ur feelings about mark winters. etc etc etc etc WHATEVER U WANNA TALK ABT RN im standing in the middle of a field like a scarecrow and just SCREAMING at the sky
ok putting all of this under a cut because its so fucking long???
ok ok ok. lets see. they r all so so so good it's impossible 2 choose but also iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii really fucking like dakota dude..... i like him so much. so much. i will admit. i am a massive fucking fan of a character who stays silly. massive fucking fan of the emotional king dedede hammer that comes down when the silly guy drops the silliness. i love it when characters literally r incapable of processing their emotions. gebuinely i don't know what he put in that guy but it is cartoonish the way my neurons light up at him its not quite akechi from p5 levels of FUCKKK YEAH THIS GUY MY FUCKED UP LITTLE GUY!! but it is Getting Close!!!
whose backstory.... fuck. okay. Most interested in wiwi's backstory. of course. i AM really interested in vyncent's whole deal but i feel like his fucked up knife that possesses him (?????????) is slightly more of a specific thing than backstory. and i DO wanna know howww the jrpg protag isekai'd here but also like. consider... wiwi. also i wanna know if im right & ashe/ashes fucked up demon grimoire r responsible for his mom's death. ALSO I WANNA KNOW WHY MARK'S A LIZARD GUY.
FAVORITE MOMENTS SO FAR.... i LOVED the spirit world shit it was all so cinematic it was so lovely. usually im dogshit at like, visualizing descriptions in my head? but all of that was very much oh, yeah for sure, ive seen this cartoon! i know whats happening! that whole episode went hard as fuck. can't believe we got vyncent with a gun ashe going holy shit why am i fucking doing this imgonnadie william having a horrifying crisis over eating a fucking soul & dakota getting murked in one episode. & mal is just. on just. such a different level such a different world from Anything else they've experienced. its so good.
also i still really love the winding-down end of that amalgam island ep (5?) where they r exhausted & coming off so many huge emotions & stress & stuff & tide arrives.... that's really the scene that fucking hooked me i think. going ohhh yeah theyre just fucking kids and everyone at this table Knows theyre kids in a world where people will just fucking kill you. like,, yeah, it WOULD be fucked up if you were seventeen and ran into an island full of horrifying human and animal experimentation & abuse!! and theyre not playing it as a motw adventure where its just sillygoofy? ok. ok!! maybe these guys know where theyre taking it. like i can count on one hand maybe the amount of times ive been like "yeah im sure whatever the creators do will be good they've always done good & thoughtful work. i don't have to continually be delegating brain space to how im dissatisfied with this story." so i guess. i just like the show a lot!!
what am i most interested in about the world... ohhh man i love cape worldbuilding it's maybe like one of my favorite things. so i guess i'm interested in All of It?? in an overall probably-wont-be-answered-because-its-not-that-genre way i'd love 2 know what religion looks like in a world where JESUS IS A TRADEMARKED SUPERHERO & kids can come back from the dead. id love 2 know more ab the dynamic btwn politics & the cape world here thats always interesting? i really enjoy the approach they took 2 the kid heroes in the beginning, as in: these guys are literally still students they are not Supposed to be doing big hero shit. theyre not supposed to be doing teen titans or x-men shit & it is in fact a massive massive fuckup on their guardian's part when they Are in those positions. i'm a big fan of that i like it a lot more than the alternative. (unless yr like in a world like parahumans where there Is a narrative & in-universe reason why child & teen cape teams exist)
what villains am i most afraid of....... ok i kind of feel like being afraid of mal is like, being afraid of hurricanes or something. like sure i can be nervous about him but i can't fucking do anything if he's coming this way. so it's better i think to not think about it until it comes up & then pray. so i guess i AM really concerned about the overlord stuff. i dont know where it's gonna go but i know it'll be nowhere good & i know it'll end up getting people hurt. so.!!!!!!
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masterwords · 2 months
only fools rush in
Tumblr media
Summary: After a custodial interview with Vincent Perotta drags up some of Hotch's well hidden childhood trauma, he takes Morgan on a little road trip into his past. (They also have quite a bit of sex.)
Pairing: Hotch/Morgan
Words: 13.3k
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse & child death among others...they are all on ao3 but that's the biggie.
Notes: First off, this is long. Like super long. Like probably should have broken it up into chapters but I have too many of those in progress right now and I just wanted to stamp something as finished. Second off, this is probably the best story I've written in recent months. I've been posting updates to multi-chaps but my writing has been dogshit lately and I feel like this one...isn't. It turned out nice. I'm proud of it. Third! It's basically a really long headcanon dump. And beyond that, it almost fits into the Chicago universe but not quite so if you notice some similarities...that's why. Ultimately I wanted to keep the sister thing separate though.
“He looks too happy,” Derek said quietly to Hotch as they stood outside the one way glass. In the small room, with its banged up gray walls and dirty tiled floor, sat Vincent Perotta. A few years older than they’d last seen him but all things considered, he looked no worse for the wear. His hair was kept as short as ever, his features stony but content, his eyes void of compassion. “I don’t like it.”
“I’ll make it quick,” replied Hotch, though the twisting aching mess in his gut told him it wouldn’t be that easy. Derek was right, he looked almost happy sitting there. Like he was ready to receive a visitor, not an interrogation, not questions pertaining to a murder.
“You think he knows anything?”
“I do. I think he was way too good at what he did to be kept in the dark.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. You think he’s glad Russo’s dead?”
“Absolutely. He may have ordered the hit himself.”
Derek turned to Hotch, eyes wide. “You really think that?”
“He blames Russo for putting him here. Always has. Russo had to have betrayed him. He already had Jimmy before we found him, so in his mind, all of these years, it can only have led him to the conclusion that Russo was working with us. Our visits to Russo sealed the deal.”
“He’s got connections on the outside.”
“I’ll bet they’re limited, he’s a relic, but they’re reliable. And whomever it was that hit Russo is likely to be someone Perotta trusts.”
“That smile…” Derek muttered, unable to escape the shiver it sent up his spine. Hotch squared his shoulders.
“He’s going to take a swing at me personally,” Hotch said, knowing what he was about to walk in to. After his last conversation with Perotta, there was nothing else to make of that smile. Perotta had done some digging and planned to share his findings. “I’d prefer if it were only you standing here.”
“Why’s that?”
Hotch bit the inside of his cheek nervously for a moment, trying to weigh his options. They weren’t good no matter which side of the scale he was on. He was walking into a well-laid trap. A small voice told him to bail, that he really didn’t care who killed Russo or why. Russo was a bad guy who did awful things and he got what he deserved...that was the easy part. But murder is murder, and that part of Hotch that believed in his oath couldn’t abide by his murder going unsolved. Not if he could manage it.
“He and I have unfinished business,” was what Hotch settled on. “In his mind.”
“How so?”
“I left him hanging on a point that he wanted to discuss. He’ll have gathered plenty of talking points, judging by the look on his face.”
“He’s going to say things I’d rather not have an audience for.”
“You want me to turn off the cameras?”
“No.” He thought about Derek in the interrogation room, Derek being faced with the realization that his colleagues were about to uncover a secret he’d done everything in his power to bury for good. Hotch had been careful then not to say anything, once he figured it out, once he saw that frightened angry look in Derek’s eye. He couldn’t turn off the camera then and he wouldn’t ask Derek to do it now. Derek’s secret had remained between the two of them and Gideon, nothing in the paperwork, nothing in any files, nothing in the trial. Buford was tried for murder, Derek didn’t have to give details and Hotch planned to keep it that way. He had a feeling Derek had since shared it with some members of the team, after going through therapy, after working through it, but that was for him to decide when and where and if he did it at all.
Hotch looked into that room and knew Perotta would give him none of the same courtesies. If he could only have one thing, if he could just not walk out of that room to an audience, he could manage. He’d be okay. That would be enough.
“You ready?” Derek asked and Hotch nodded, setting his jaw. “Good. Let’s get this over with and go home.”
Hotch grabbed the door handle, setting his palm against the cool metal and pressing down just hard enough to push it inward. He squared his shoulders and walked in with as much confidence as he could muster, given the roiling storm in his stomach.
Read the rest on AO3!
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adri-loves · 1 year
Hi, this is going to be the first fic I have ever written so no hate, please. No gender is specified for the reader :)
(Has not been proofread so expect spelling errors <3 )
A/N: I hope you like it! This is just pure fluff. I know nothing about gambling so writing this was a little difficult. Uno is the game taking place and if I got any of the rules or items wrong, I'm genuinely sorry. Have a wonderful day or night)
The Dogshit Gambler
When you joined the military, you would have never thought you would end up gambling. You and your coworkers played a harmless game of Uno until it took a turn. It was your turn and you had one more card till you won. Your friend placed a red card and you placed your last card. It was a close game but you stole your victory from Horangi. "I almost had it, good game y/n," said Horangi. You smiled at him and laughed a little bit "You really are a dogshit gambler"
As more time passed everyone calmed down. You locked eyes with Horangi across the room. You smiled at him kindly and waved him over. "good game" you said to him. "yeah, it was a good game." he said. "Horangi, why do you gamble?" you asked. He looked at you with a curious expression. "It has a rush of adrenalin and hope to it. I think every time that I might win something but I just end up losing more than I had." You felt a little regretful for asking that question. Your thoughts were interrupted when Horangi asked, "why do you gamble?" You laughed a little bit and smiled. "What, did I say something weird," he said. You shook your head, "no you didn't, it's just that I don't gamble." He looked at you with a small smirk on his face. "Beginners luck then." You guys laughed a little and locked eyes. "Want a drink?" he asked. You gladly accepted
You were having a peaceful conversation with him after you got your drink of choice. "How about another." you looked at him and smiled. "Of drinks?" He laughed and shook his head. "No, how about we have another round of some gambling." You looked at him with a sarcastic look on your face. "Horangi this is why you have so many gambling debts." He laughed a little and stated the rules. "If I win this round of Uno you owe me a kiss." you blushed a little bit and giggled softly. "you know what, fine, and if I win you have to buy me another drink," you said. "Deal", said Horangi.
You had 2 more cards to place and were on the brink of winning. As you looked over at Horangi you noticed that he had only one left. "shit" you said under your breath. "alright I placed a red 6". Horangi looked up at you from his cards. "I can't wait to get my winnings," he said as he placed a draw 4 card and won the heated game. "time for my kiss.'' you sighed softly and softly kissed him on the lips. He leaned over to your ear and whispered something softly into it "whose the dogshit gambler now?"
A/N: this was so fun to write and I hope you like it<3 sorry if there are any spelling errors or mistakes.
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1800duckhotline · 22 days
hi! im not able to send you dms but i really want to know what you think about hazbin. i downed the entire thing in a day out of morbid fascination of seeing how that artstyle animates, but the quality of the script and handling of the structure of the show are so dogshit that the show has been lodged in my mind. and my friends who i can rely upon for their thoughtful analysis are not people who would watch it.
basically Hello Send Help
Honestly you summed up most of my plights within the show already, its just dogshit all around flaming and whatnot and i cannot believe there's 30 years old who eat this slop up. i can forgive teenagers for liking it (i am very self-aware as someone who read fucking homestuck when i was 13) but i cannot forgive fully grown adults for thinking this show has any sort of nuanced or well-written story
i finished watching the show feeling less aggravated by the designs and visual dev of the whole thing (though obviously its still really bad), and instead more by how insultingly and exhilaratingly bad the writing was.
i could literally take out my blocknote review of the whole show starting from ep 1 to ep 8 but i want to spare my friends who dgaf about hearing about this show. so ill just try to resume concisely my thoughts using my notes as crutches
this will be a very long one and again to spare people of pain ill put it under a readmore
vivienne medrano does not care about the female characters in her own show. idk about helluvaboss and i honestly dont want to watch it unless someone watches it with me, but from what i hear hazbin hotel was supposed to be the show "focused on the girls" while helluva boss was supposed to "focus on theboys". you'll never guess what happens in this show. the main 2 girls, who are supposed to be protagonist, are completely flat characters, that are given the slightest margin of spotlight THE LAST TWO EPISODES OF THE SEASON, and no 8 episodes isnt a justification for the dogshit writing they have. vaggie is the "angry mean militaristic lesbian of color who also coddles her white girlfriend" and charlie is "goody two shoes who doesn't use her powers as literal PRINCESS OF HELL because it's 'too mean' and who is babied and is also written like a baby that doesnt know how to act besides being 'positive and whimsical'". they are literally a ship trope shipped together because idk.
most of the development in the show is handed onto the guys, obviously, as they get the most songs, most exposure to their backstories, and most interactions that are somewhat written less one-dimensionally than the girls. (not to say the guys aren't also walking ship tropes for fanfic purposes). like you can't spin this in a way that doesn't sound bad, the men just get more spotlight and that's a fucking fact. so much for "focus on the girls". fucking SIR PENTIOUS GETS A SONG AFTER HIS DEATH, GUYS
none of the angel vs hell lore makes any fucking lick of sense, and i dont mean to say it needs to be biblically adjacent, it just doesnt make fucking sense even in the "original" lore it is constructing. how is hell supposed to be a threat to heaven when hell denizens dont have access to heaven?? this question alone makes anyone question what the hell the exterminations really are for. also, like, i really fucking hate adam, he's literally the most annoyingly written villain, like he's not even funny in a trashy way. if you want to make your main villain a hypocrite who's also a massive misogynist and sexist, writing him like a frat bro makes sense if your story is set in a college campus. this is HEAVEN AND HELL. all of his lines are just stupid and senseless for the context this all takes place in (also like lute being essentially a tradwife for him is literally such a stupid choice, if you want to make a meaningful commentary about misogyny among women this isnt how it works)
all of the sin and pure shit and repenting deal is like... literally awful. for a show that prides itself on owning the bigots who think gay sex and doing drugs and doing crimes is all inherently evil, the writing really does not do itself a favor of subverting this real-world bigoted way of thinking. as unintentional as it might be it kind of just reinforces it when the character they decide to 'repent' is fucking angel dust, a literal sex worker stuck in a cycle of abuse with an abusive rapist pimp and who does drugs as a way to cope in his life. because obviously sex work (and bdsm) is inherently sinful and disgusting and the only way to repent is to give up disgusting gay sex and sinful drugs and just stick it to the abuser that has you literally by the leash! i dont think this was intentional but it comes off as hilariously stupid and straight up tactless. (also we don't talk about how the storyboarded for the song poison apparently also drew rape comics of angel dust and valentino before as a kink thing)
oh on the topic of valentino, i dont fucking get people liking him. he is literally shown to be abusive and a rapist. people will see a thin man who's not straight and hump his legs like their life depends on it. at least he isnt white but i'd actually say this makes everything worse because vivienne medrano LOVES making the characters in her show of ambiguous ethnicities/backgrounds and ends up making most of the awful ones, of color. again dont think this is INTENTIONALLY done but it still comes across as horrid nonetheless. whew!!!
also i hate alastor in all types ways sauces and forms. he exists to attract fangirls and rabid fans who love tumblr sexymen. other than his design being tremendously aggravating, he's literally just fucking useless, and i hate that the show tries to shoehorn in halfway that he's supposed to be a "dad figure" to charlie when he literally never has done anything dadlike for her in the whole show (and yes i watched the pilot, i still dont think this counts). the only saving grace for alastor is his voice acting. everything else needs to go. there is no saving this one
and, on the topic of alastor, i'm not the first one to point this out but something about him owning husk's soul (the one character being voiced by a black VA, who coincidentally also has a design that is conveniently ambiguous with him being a fucking. winged cat furry demon ig) has like some really bad vibes about it that i can't quite put my finger on. i'm not entirely qualified to like dissect the issues this whole show has with like... the way certain implied characters of color act within it (i say implied because vivziepop is allergic to giving the main characters of her shows actual dark skin colors that arent grey, except maybe some one-off side characters) but it was just so jarring i had to mention it
i also hate lucifer because again, made for purely fanfic ship tropes and rabid fans who are obsessed with 'pathetic sopping wet cat men' with that signular character trait. his persnality is: Depression and Dad. I literally hated every fucking moment in this show where he was in a scene and was treated as "just some guy". same with charlie. Like the lack of authority they have for a supposed KING AND PRINCESS OF HELL is just... i dont know? stupid?
conclusion is that i hate the show, i will however bee seeing season 2 just because at this point im in it for the long run, its just like, other than the visuals being awful; it was legitimately the least aggravating part for me (THIS DOESNT MEAN I LIKE THEM, I DONT, I HATE THEM TOO) but the whole writing is just... wow. i just don't understand how they got a24 to back this up. like you cant make this shit up this bad even if you tried. and im sure there's a trillion other things other people have more eloquently explained in how and which ways they are bad; these are just some of my thoughts.
my concluding statement is that i also feel really bad for people who do entire rewrites of this thing as 'fans'. i dont get it. like i get doing redesigns because it can be an exercise and because lets be real, like, everyones design is bad, hardly anything is salvageable or makes sense. but rewriting... guys please just make your own stories from scratch. at the cost of being told "omg this is just like hazbin hotel!" you have to persevere and just write your own shit. because doing the redesigns means unpacking heaps of 'lore' that doesnt make any whatsoever sense...
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hexpositive · 1 year
Sneak Peek - Hex Positive, "Building Your Witchcraft Library"
Finally getting back into my podcast writing! Here's a little snippet I've been working on for a future episode on how to build your personal witchcraft library. It's very definitely a WIP and a little bit stream-of-consciousness and there will be LOTS more context and commentary in the full episode, but for now I hope you all enjoy and I'll see you when the hiatus ends!
Not all books on witchcraft and paganism are appropriate for beginners. It’s just a fact. And I don’t mean that in some elitist, gatekeepy, “These are deep magical secrets, not for the uninitiated” kind of way. I mean that some books simply aren’t appropriate for beginners as foundational texts. Whether it’s because they’re outdated or contain bad information or require context to be fully understood or need to be read critically or just…shouldn’t be someone’s first exposure to the core concepts of modern witchcraft, there are some books that aren’t for beginners. Not because beginner witches are stupid or incapable of reasoning or thinking critically, but because some things need to be read with an eye of at least a little bit of experience, just for proper perspective. 
Brand new witches aren’t going to have that right off the bat because that’s something that takes time and research and discussion with other witches to acquire. It’s like picking produce. When you first start out, you probably aren’t going to know apples from oranges as far as resources go. Everything looks good, everything’s exciting, everything seems like a good option. You probably have some idea of what you want to try out, but it’s hard to know which resources are right for you and what you want to accomplish. So you try things. And along the way, you’ll find out that apples and oranges are different, and that there are different varieties of each one, and how to tell a good fruit from month-old dogshit in pretty wrapping.
First impressions are really hard to unlearn. And if your first exposure to witchcraft is something that is hella problematic, that’s going to be a hard pattern to break out of later on. I mean, look at all the trouble we’ve had over the years trying to unteach all the Silver Ravenwolf bullshit that was so pervasive in the 90s. And yet, AND YET, we’re still seeing some of those older books being recommended to new witches. 
Honestly, I cringe any time I see Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft being recommended as a foundational text. For brand new witches, like sweet darling poppets straight out the cauldron. Like I physically wince. Not because it’s a bad book or because Buckland is inherently a bad resource (although he kind of is), but because it’s both a very niche text for a very specific type of magical tradition and because it is HORRENDOUSLY outdated. 1986 this book was published, by a guy who hadn’t updated his thought processes since the 60s. And you can TELL.
But only if you have the context. Only if you’ve seen something else that says, “Hey, there’s more than one way to be a witch. There’s more than one way to do magic. You don’t need a huge ritual for everything, you don’t need to call on deities, you don’t need to be naked, you don’t need to involve gender roles or fancy tools or obscure substances, and by the way, there was no secret European witch-cult.” If you haven’t heard or read or been told any of that, Buckland’s word might as well be gospel. Because that’s your first apple and you can’t tell if it’s good and you don’t know that there are better ones out there.
-from the forthcoming Hex Positive episode, "Building Your Witchcraft Library"
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