#tajin crosser
Let Me Know That You Are There
Posted on AO3
The pain didn’t register. Not at first.
Not until the air left his lungs, and Dan felt his lightsaber drop to the ground. Then his body followed, and when he tried to take a breath- ah. There it came.
A flicker of alarm. Distant. Not Dan’s own. Quite probably he needed to feel alarm, needed to move, but a creeping numbness spread from his wound, blanketing the hurt and his mind alike.
Footsteps in the grass. A disappointed tsk. “Such a pity. Hardly a challenge at all.” Something seized the back of his robes, and Dan barely managed the wherewithal to grasp for his lightsaber before pain screamed through him.
Darkness filled his vision. Air caught in his throat, bubbling, blocking his choked attempts at breathing. Spasms twisted his muscles as the Elder dragged him across the grass - a few steps, a few miles, it didn’t matter when Dan couldn’t so much as lift his head. Warmth reached for him, a steady reassurance thrumming through the Force. He wanted to curl into it, to cling like he was still a newly-chosen Padawan startled by loud and unknown sounds, but-
No, he tried to send back to Master Tajin. Don’t. Trap. The Force slipped away from him, though, and Dan couldn’t concentrate-
The Elder dropped him onto his stomach. Searing agony shot through his torso, and the darkness overcame everything else.
 “Better! It’s been a long time since I came across an opponent so strong in the Force.”
The words rippled, oil across water. Dan struggled to pay attention, to swim back to the surface. Was he swimming? His clothes certainly felt damp enough.
He managed to peel open his eyes just in time to see a scrawny leg wrapped in rags set down in front of him.
 Oh no.
The Elder- the darksider- and Master Tajin had come straight to him. Dan heard the hiss of rain hitting plasma, followed by the much sharper hums and crashes of lightsabers colliding. He tried to take a deep breath, tried to move, to get up and help, but all of it eluded him. The best he could do was keep listening, keep squinting through the rain, bearing witness as his master dueled the Elder.
...his master, who was definitely doing a better job than Dan himself. Despite everything else, a thread of triumph brightened when Master Tajin twisted away with one of the Elder’s red blades, and cut the weapon in half. Yes!
It caused the Elder’s earlier smug composure to vanish. He snarled, rage surging through the Force and causing Dan to flinch, before lightning steeped in dark energies erupted from his empty hand. Master Tajin dodged the first blast, and swept in close, catching the next on his blade. But the lightning kept going, and the Elder still had a second lightsaber, which he started- to raise-!
Dan grit his teeth, and reached for the Force. He couldn’t get up, couldn’t fight, but maybe he didn’t need to. Maybe- just maybe- He lifted an arm, and the lightsaber safely hidden up his sleeve shot forward, blue blade springing to life midair-
It didn’t hit. The Elder swept his own weapon, knocking Dan’s aside with ease. Everything seemed to freeze, as black and yellow eyes glared into his own, stealing what little strength Dan had managed to muster.
Master Tajin didn’t freeze.
He dropped low, allowing the lightning stream to shoot harmlessly over his shoulder, and leaned into the Elder’s space. Before the darksider could react, green plasma speared through his chest. For a long, silent moment, both men remained still - then the lightning flickered, faded into nothingness, Master Tajin deactivated his lightsaber, and the Elder collapsed upon the grass.
A sharp breath tore out of Dan’s mouth, and he let himself drop, eyes sliding shut. He could feel himself slipping away again, the numbness returning, but Master Tajin was there. Master Tajin was calling his name, and coming rapidly closer, which meant everything was going to be alright.
 “...easy... I’ve got you...”
Motion. Slow, steady, a gentle back-and-forth. Dan didn’t bother trying to open his eyes. He could feel Master Tajin’s presence curled around his own, same as the older Jedi’s cloak wrapped around his physical body. Despite his damp clothes, the extra layer helped keep a layer of welcome warmth next to his chilled skin.
Safe, Dan drifted in and out of awareness. He could hear the occasional murmur of reassurance from his master; felt the careful steps on wet stone as they descended from the mountains. At one point, there came the sound of high-pitched, overlapping cries, but Dan no more than twitched before Master Tajin spoke, and the cries cut off.
Some indeterminate amount of time afterward, further voices exchanged words in hushed tones, and Dan groaned as he was set down upon a hard surface.
“Peace, padawan.” Master Tajin smoothed a hand over Dan’s hair, his presence in the Force remaining close. “We’ve reached the local healer’s home.” Oh. Good. Dan wanted to look- wanted to ask- but neither his eyes nor mouth cooperated. Instead, he managed to shift a hand, turning it over in silent question.
Master Tajin’s fingers immediately wrapped around his own, and Dan finally let himself rest.
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tarisilmarwen · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 - "Jedi Business"
(Indulging in some Visions whump because shut up you can't stop me, also Dan hurts too prettily for me to resist.
Prompt used:
No. 6 "Do or die, you'll never make me, because the world will never take my heart": Recording/Made To Watch/"It should have been me.")
The verdant blade swung in wide slashes, nicking one assailant, then parting another, cleaving him at the knees so he toppled and fell forward in the middle of his attack.
Master Tajin didn't let the stench of blood or the pained screams stop him, methodically, purposefully, pushing the mob of them back with his blade, steering them all for the inner chamber of the facility, the heart of the complex.
Outwardly, to an untrained eye, he seemed fully in control, saber moving swift and true, elegant in its deadly precision.
If those who knew him could see him... if Dan could see him...
The boy would assuredly pick up on the severe pinch in Tajin's mouth, the anxious way his eyes worried, wrinkling with distress. The static pulse of his fear reverberating through the Force, managed, but turbulent under the surface.
But the last he'd had contact with his padawan, Dan was facing a situation very similar to this one.
"Master!" the boy called through the comlink, distressed and panicked. "I've been ambushed!"
Tajin halted his steps, stiffening, a spike of worry piercing through him. "Where are you?" he asked urgently, feeling along the line of their training bond and sensing danger danger DANGER all around his padawan.
"I checked out the bar, as you instructed," the boy told him, and Tajin could hear his lightsaber flaring, blocking the pew! of blaster shots. "But when I went through the back alley to look through the wastebins I was jumped! There's so many of them!" he cried, and Tajin's heart almost stopped at the fear in his mentee's voice. "I can't hold out!"
"I'm coming, Dan," he promised, stowing his comlink and hastening to hail down a public speeder and clamber in, directing the driver to the underground levels with all haste.
Hours of frantic searching and questioning had led him here, to the den of a cruel Coruscanti Underworld spice boss. Tajin hadn't bothered with pleasantries at the door, sensing his padawan inside and unleashing controlled hell on the thugs and jackboots blocking his way in.
But, alas, it seemed he faced the same situation as his missing apprentice.
Surrounded on all sides, too many opponents, simply not able to endure.
Tajin let loose a Force Push to buy himself some breathing space and panted hard from the exertion, chest and shoulders shuddering, trembles moving through his frame from his outstretched palm.
Belatedly, he raised his blade against a vibro pike, feeling the electric jolts tingling on his blade, vaguely pressuring on his hands.
He shoved the hefty Chagrian aside, but couldn't prevent the quick jab of the staff to his ribs.
"Hgnnh!" he grunted, feeling the pike's sharp tip digging into his side, the sharp electric buzz seizing his nerves.
As if sensing his weakness like firaxan sharks to a fresh kill, the gangmembers closed in, leveling blow after blow now, relentless and overwhelming.
Tajin felt his connection to the Force withering as he was overcome by his increasing exhaustion.
A punch cracked hard against the side of his head and the fight was over. Dazed, Tajin felt hands grasping his arms, hauling him forward. His lightsaber still hung in his right hand but no one tried to take it from him, not until they'd pulled him through a set of wide double doors after a long hallway on the other side of the room.
Then he was flung down on his knees in front of an imposing wooden desk, lightsaber tossed haphazardly down on top of it.
The Houk sitting behind the desk sneered down with beady amber eyes, almost dwarfed in the folds of his massive face.
"Well, this must be the Master." His large shoulders rolled a little forward as he leaned timbered arms across his desk, folding ring-crusted hands. "Come for your little apprentice, I imagine? Hmm?" His Basic was heavily accented, and even across the distance Tajin could smell the stench of raw sewage on his breath.
Fighting just to regain his own, Tajin didn't let himself be riled by the remark. "You're playing a dangerous game," he just warned, voice calm despite his panting.
"Am I?" challenged the Houk, eyes flashing. The chair beneath him creaked as he rose to his full, impressive height. Tajin felt the floor shake under him as the man stalked around his desk, displaying his fine custom-tailored silk suit—the criminal boss had done very well for himself, apparently. "Seems like you two are the ones playing with the Rhydonium nitrate here," he countered, "sneaking around my back alleys. Poking your Jedi noses into things that aren't your business."
Tajin bit back a comment about how the disappearance of a little Twi'lek girl—one of the children on the List, a Force Sensitive—and her mother's frantic pleas to the Jedi Council on the secure line were definitely their business. He focused on keeping calm, even as the Houk's shadow blocked the overhead light, the man towering over him.
"You wanna see what we do to your kind around these parts?" the crime boss asked, contempt and loathing dripping from every syllable.
He barked something in his own language, making a sharp gesture.
A holoscreen behind the desk flickered to life, showing the feed from a camera elsewhere inside the compound. Tajin's blood chilled at the sight of his padawan, sitting surrounded by thugs in a chair in the center of a stark room. Harsh light spotlighted him; cables wrapped around his wrists and ankles, pinning them to the arms and legs of the chair. He was already bleeding from the forehead, and as Tajin watched the recording one of the thugs slammed a thick fist into his padawan's temple, snapping aside the boy's head.
Dan grunted and flinched up in the chair, but no accompanying flare of pain in the Force followed along their bond. This must have happened before he'd gotten there.
Tajin squeezed his eyes closed and bowed his head, sending out a silent apology.
Abruptly, his head was seized, meaty fingers pinching around his neck, in his hair. A short cry left him as he was forced to look back up.
"Ohhh no," the Houk sneered. "You're gonna watch every... last... second of this. Teach you lot a lesson about messing with the Underworld."
He angled Tajin's head back, pulling at his scalp, his painful steel grip threatening to crush the human's skull. Tajin grimaced but made himself look straight ahead at the screen, only letting the edge of his vision pass over his lightsaber on the Houk's desk, making note of where it lay.
He watched the recording with sick unease and grief.
Dan was pummeled, over and over, not a single being in the room pulling their punches, each blow cracking with horrible thunder. The boy held his tongue bravely as he was punched, slapped, kicked, spat on at a couple points, only letting out small yelps at particularly brutal hits. His too-thin, too-small body jerked about in the chair as the beatdown dragged on and on.
His face was a bruised, bloody mess when it was over.
Whispers of anger curled around Tajin's ears, but he breathed in carefully, repeating to himself over and over There is no passion, there is serenity to keep himself calm. Still, his heart rent with every terrible blow that landed on his young padawan.
He was almost numb when the recording finished and blipped off.
Seemingly disappointed by Tajin's lack of reaction, the Houk dropped him, leaning back and kicking him square in the back.
Tajin caught himself on his palms but his face still knocked against the floor harshly, bouncing, sending pain shooting through his skull.
"Force freaks," the Houk muttered. "Can't even break properly. Worse than droids."
Inhaling slowly, Tajin lifted his head and checked the chrono on the wall and his periphery senses with the Force.
"You should take cover," he commented dryly.
"What?" The Houk turned towards him, perplexed.
From the front of the compound there came a sudden thunderous CRASH! As the Houk and his henchmen jerked eyes about in bewilderment, Tajin staggered up and called the lightsaber to his hand, already moving to push past the mooks to the door.
Ten minutes. That was what the local Underworld Police precinct captain had promised him, in exchange for Tajin's very helpful information about this particular gang's base of operations. Ten minutes to fight his way through, find his padawan, and get out, before the heavy armor team breached the door and started shooting everything inside.
The sound of blasterfire was already loud down the hallway and Tajin took advantage of the confusion to find the side door out of the office. He heard the Houk roar in outrage behind him as he realized what was happening, and the next moment huge chunks of wood splinters flew past him, the crime boss having picked up his own desk and hurled it full force after the Jedi.
Tajin felt pieces shred through his robe, scrape his side, but he didn't stop running further into the compound, looking with his senses for the familiar life pulse of his padawan.
Dan had been floating somewhere between awareness and unconsciousness for some time now, his head still ringing from the—likely—concussion he'd sustained after multiple deliberate blows to his face, but the faint sound of blasterfire in the distance stirred him.
Blinking in confusion, it took a while for him to parse his situation. He'd been stuck in a cell, it looked like, laid out on his side on the floor, hands and ankles in binders. He could feel the dried, crusted blood caking his forehead and mouth and his body ached in multiple places, face swelling, limbs bruised, sharp pains in his chest.
He slowly started clearing the fog out of his mind. Blasterfire inside the compound could mean either rescue or danger. In either case, he couldn't stay put. The missing little girl was there; he'd seen her as he was being dragged in, huddled in the corner of another cell, quivering and frightened. He had to try to get her out.
Dan took careful stock of his injuries. Fractures to his ribs and clavicle, possibly to his cheekbone. But his arms and legs weren't broken. So he was at least ambulatory, if he could get out of the binders.
Deciding upon that as his course of action, Dan braced himself and then began curling his legs tighter, scraping them along the ground as he tried to angle his ankles within reach.
Pain rang out through every limb, his body protesting shrilly, as soon as he moved.
Dan clenched his eyes, willing himself courage through the pain. He shifted position, arching his back, stretching with his hands. His fingers fumbled as they touched his heels and the metal loops of the binders, his shoulders strained. There was a particular trick to releasing these. If he could just get his feet in the right...
His fingers pinched the center release mechanism and with a bit of Force-assisted prodding, the latch snapped free with a click!
Dan exhaled in relief as the binders popped off his ankles and he could stop arching his back, relaxing, releasing the tension. He rested for a moment or two, screwing his face at the reverberations of pain moving through him. He leaned into the Force, opening his mind, letting its warm presence settle over him like a supernatural anesthetic, cooling the alarms of pain inside him.
Carefully, he rolled and pushed himself into an upright seated position, his body moving awkwardly, stiff and uncomfortable. He curled his legs again, the other way this time, bending them towards his chest. His fractured ribs knifed at the motion and Dan held in a pained gasp, pressing his teeth and lips together, lifting his bottom just enough to pass his hands underneath.
He squashed himself even smaller, whimpering a little at the jagged pain in his side. Ankles, then toes, and this time he did gasp as he managed to wrestle his bound hands past his feet, so they were now in front of him.
Tingling with the small victory—and the not-so-small shrieking pain burning through him—Dan brought the binders up to his face and used his teeth to bite down on the joint.
His jaw clenched tighter until he was rewarded with another click!, the binders dropping loosely into his lap.
He needed another minute before he moved again, bent over, breathing hard, letting the sharp vibrations in his body fade into a blunt ache.
One hand touched his ribs, the other braced against the floor, he held his side as he staggered shakily upright, gaining his feet. He blinked away the sudden dizziness furiously—he couldn't afford to pass out again—and straightened, examining the door and the room beyond. There was a single remaining guard, a Besalisk, staring anxiously down the other hall towards the sound of blasterfire and combat.
Dan spied his lightsaber on the far side of the room, tossed in with a pile of credits and chips—the gang members had been betting for possession of it. Steeling himself, he stepped up to the bars and reached through, stretching out a hand towards it.
The Force is my ally, he recited inside his head. I am one with the Force.
Warmth filled him, and his saber clattered only a moment before flying to his hand.
The blue blade sprung to life, slicing cleanly through the bars and then one of the Besalisk's hands as the guard whirled around and lunged at him; Dan dodged to the side in an adrenaline-and-Force-fueled burst, splaying one hand to push back his opponent.
The Besalisk crashed into the table and Dan didn't stay to see if he would stay down. His teeth rattled and he panted hard through the sharp discomfort, clutching his side as he ran.
It was easy enough to retrieve the girl, a gentle smile and a reassuring mind touch through the Force were all she needed to cling tightly to Dan's middle. With his injuries, he couldn't pick her up, but he held on tightly to her hand as he led her towards the outside.
There was a familiar presence tugging at him. Relieved and exhilarated, Dan followed the feeling, letting the Force guide him until he rounded a corner and spotted Tajin leaning wearily on the wall.
"Master!" he called. Grinning, he closed the distance. "I thought I felt your presence!" he quipped.
Tajin's expression was strained as he pushed off the wall, his gait unsteady, and Dan noticed his master's side was soaked with blood through his robes before the older man unexpectedly swept him up in a hug.
Ashwood and teak filtered in through his nose, the soft warmth of the man's Jedi robes all around him. The little girl squeaked a bit as she was squished between them. Dan's eyes widened, innocently bewildered, until he read the worry and relief and guilt in his master through their bond, and realized how much distress the man was in.
"It should have been me," Tajin was whispering, the words soft in Dan's dark hair. "I should have sent you to the apartment and investigated the bar myself. You shouldn't have had to..."
He trailed off, his voice clogging.
Softening with concern, Dan pried his arm from his side and tried to return the embrace, flinching when his hand brushed his master's bloodied clothes.
"You're injured," he said, an edge of alarm in his voice. "We need to get out of here quickly, before the guards return," he urged, nonetheless wrapping his arm around Tajin's left shoulder to reassure him.
"I'm sorry," Tajin said, voice trembling.
Dan was touched, but also chagrined, as his master's embrace was tightening more than was comfortable with his injuries. "Master," he called, forcefully pushing back, breaking the hug. "It's all right. You could not have known what would happen." He projected reassurance through their bond. I'm all right, I will heal, this is not your fault, this is not your fault.
Tajin took a shuddered breath and, after a long moment, composed himself.
"You're right," he acknowledged. "We need to finish the mission."
Dan smiled and held up the little girl's hand in his, as she shied into his side. "Luckily I just did that."
Tajin double-took and then let out a short laugh. "So you did," he chuckled, leaning down to the little Twi'lek's level. "It's all right now, little one. We're going to get you out of here."
She frowned skeptically, and Dan couldn't blame her, the both of them must have looked a mess, battered, bruised and bloodied. Dan's adrenaline burst was starting to wear thin, and Tajin heaved as he straightened.
Without needing to speak, both Jedi wrapped arms around each other's shoulders, supporting each other. Tajin was trying not to put too much weight on him, Dan noticed, but his master was still heavy as he leaned on him, his exhaustion showing.
"There's a medical clinic about one block up," Tajin told him, as they shuffled quickly on stumbling feet for the nearest door. "Can you make it there?"
Dan felt like he wanted to collapse on the steps as they pushed through the thick metal service door, almost startling an Underworld cop before he recognized their Jedi robes and relaxed. But he delved deeper into the Force for strength.
"I can if you can," he told Tajin.
The three of them—the injured master and padawan, reunited from their ordeal, and the youngling they had come to save, clinging to them like a lifeline—haltingly made it past the perimeter as the compound was swept and cleared behind them.
Tajin: *worried parental noises*
Dan: ~~Ain't nothin' gonna stop my smile/Ain't nothin' gonna sloooow meeee doooown~~
Basically how I picture their relationship on any given day lol, I'm so weak for a good Jedi Master-Jedi Padawan bond. Hope all two of you who read this enjoyed it.
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triscribe · 1 year
Evidently there are only 40 Star Wars Visions fics total on AO3, and a quick perusal of tags didn’t seem to include my new faves Master Tajin or Padawan Dan
I Am Going To Remedy This
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geekygirlexperience · 2 years
When the Jedi Temple on Coruscant is under attack, Kantam Sy springs into action to stop the assailant
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nedmelting · 1 year
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my scrunkly would never get stabbed through the stomach by the world’s messiest gay 
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lightsaber-dorphin · 10 days
Related to my Jedi Corps lore: the Eno -> Cere -> Trilla lineage was part of the ExplorCorps and so was the Tajin Crosser -> Dan G’vash lineage
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 3 months
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New micros, this time of Tajin and Dan from Visions!
*credit for my pixels here*
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gffa · 3 years
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   Takaya Hashi as Tajin Crosser | David Harbour as Tajin Crosser    Yuichi Nakamura as Dan Gavash |  Jordan Fisher as Dan Gavash    Produced by Trigger, Inc.
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“The fact that everything must change and that things come and go through his life and that he can’t hold onto things [...] is a basic Jedi philosophy.” --George Lucas “The Jedi believe that you don’t hold on to things, that you let things pass through you, and that if you can control your greed, you can resolve conflict not only in yourself but in the world around you because you accept the natural course of things.” --George Lucas “The Jedi are raised from birth so they learn to let go of everything. They’re trained, more than anything else to understand the transitional nature of life, that things are constantly changing and you can’t hold on to anything. You can love things but you can’t be attached to them. You must be willing to let the flow of life and the flow of the Force move through your life, move through you. So that you can be compassionate and loving and caring, but not be possessive and grabbing and holding on to things and trying to keep things the way they are.” --George Lucas
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laciefuyu · 3 years
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Star Wars Visions: The Elder
Tajin's reminder
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space-blue · 3 years
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The Master vs. the Elder
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Tajin’s POV
...because apparently I couldn’t stop at just one chapter...
He knew something was wrong a split second after Dan switched off his comm.
The Force rippled, like grass pushed down by an oncoming wind, and Tajin’s heart skipped a beat. He focused inwards, awareness searching along their master-padawan bond, and found his student caught in a moment of wary alarm. With good reason: something Dark stood before the boy, and Tajin found his feet moving of their own accord.
“Run-” black cloak hitting the ground, red lightsabers igniting- “Get away, Dan!”
Of course not. His student was nothing if not stubborn. Tajin could feel Dan ready himself for a fight, unwilling to flee. In anyone else, he might admire that dedication to standing fast before evil.
Anyone besides his too-young padawan.
Tajin took off at a run.
He’d been willing to split up - willing to trust that Dan would only scout the area, would call for assistance if he discovered a clue or something out of place. And the boy did so, checking in as soon as he came across the dead animal. But Tajin didn’t account for the Dark presence springing an ambush, rather than vanishing deeper into the mountains.
Echoes reached him, of rapid steps and clashing blades. They skittered and buzzed, overlaying the truly audible sound of approaching thunder. A few villagers waved as Tajin bounded around the outskirts of their home, but he couldn’t waste any time with a reply; a growing sense of danger darkness danger surged through the Force, centered firmly around his connection to Dan, his secondhand impressions of the old man with two screaming lightsabers-
 Too late
Tajin nearly tripped mid-step, shutting his eyes as he slid to a stop. Burning raced down the bond, the shock of it more jarring than anything else. Breathing deeply, Tajin took a moment to center himself, and kept moving.
He set aside the sharp flickers of Dan’s pain, sent back as much reassurance as he could: I’m coming. Stay alive, I’m coming to you. His padawan tried to respond, tried to send some sort of denial, but then another overwhelming burst of pain took Dan too far away for Tajin to reach.
And still the darkness lingered. Waiting.
The thunder continued, joined by a light rain as Tajin continued to climb. At one point he passed the three younglings who’d led Dan up into the mountains - they all gaped, startled by his rapid appearance and swift movement. Tajin only slowed for a moment to call for them to go home, then resumed his greater speed, following the dwindling light of his padawan’s presence.
Only injured, not killed. He’d only been injured, not killed.
Tajin did not let fear or panic rule his actions. He moved quickly, but mindful of each step, that he didn’t land upon a loose stone or treacherous patch of mud. He projected further reassurance at his student, whether Dan could consciously sense it or not. He slowed when he crossed the final ridge, and got a clear look at the stretch of valley below.
Short grass, bent low by the gathering moisture. A few scattered boulders, likely deposited by ancient glaciers. Two humanoid figures: one seated, one laying prone upon the ground.
At that point, Tajin took greater hold of his emotions, and breathed through them. The imprint of Dan’s distress coiled through the Force, entwined with smug satisfaction from the old man perched above him. Tajin couldn’t afford to let himself be distracted by either one.
If he lost the coming fight, it would mean death for both himself and his padawan.
“Better,” the Elder called, when Tajin stopped moving forward. “It’s been a long time since I came across an opponent so strong in the Force.”
Dan stirred when the darksider came down from his seat, casually stepping over the injured boy as one would a branch laying in their path. Tajin refused to let the indifferent gesture induce a reaction within himself.
The Elder drew forth his lightsabers, a wicked looking pair of weapons, and Tajin did the same, rain turning to steam as it hit the ignited plasma.
They both paused, studying one another.
And the Elder advanced.
A few brief, parried blows passed between them, the Force swirling with anticipation. Chuckling, the darksider grinned wide, showing off his yellowed teeth. “Yes, a worthy challenge! Oh, how I wish I had met you long ago, when I was much stronger!”
Tajin didn’t say a word. He resettled his lightsaber, and took a single step, then deliberately paused. Only when the Elder’s expression twitched with oh so slight annoyance did Tajin lunge. Their blades clashed; the Force shrieked. A grasp- a twist- and Tajin came away with one of the darksider’s weapons. He didn’t waste any time at that point, lightly tossing the saber up, and letting it come down atop his own. Two smoking halves dropped to the damp ground.
In the back of his mind, Tajin felt a brief flare of pride from Dan, but couldn’t afford to let it distract him. The Elder’s rage swelled, from a distant river to a surging wave, and sure enough-
The old man’s hand came up, twisting, channeling a Dark power Tajin had read of but never seen in person. He dodged the first blast of lightning, sweeping low as he closed in, and caught the second on his lightsaber. It tried to break free, reacting as if a living, furious thing, which only wanted to be unleashed and spread far and wide. Tajin grit his teeth, concentrating on holding the wild attack in place, preparing for the right moment to let it go-
Dan’s blue lightsaber flung through the air, propelled with the Force even as its owner remained sprawled in the grass. The Elder still managed to bat it away with his second weapon, but that moment of inattention was all Tajin needed.
He released the lightning with a hard shove, sending it over his shoulder, and dropped into a lunge to catch the Elder through his chest: a killing blow. The old man gaped, stunned by his swift defeat. Darkness rippled with impotent fury, but- it began to fade. Lightning dissipated. The Elder collapsed.
And so did Tajin’s padawan.
“Dan!” Injured, not dead- only injured, not dead- He dropped to his knees beside the boy, looking him over with both his eyes and the Force. The abrupt dimming of Dan’s presence hadn’t been death suddenly claiming him, but rather, exhaustion. Tajin got a moment to breathe through his relief, before something went click behind him.
A detonator.
Something big exploded in the distance. Tajin whipped around, heart hammering, expecting screams and death knells in the Force- but, no. Whatever blew up didn’t harm any villagers in the process. He turned to look again at the Elder, only to stare as the body crumbled into blocks of ash.
Dismayed, Tajin released a sharp breath.
He would deal with the darksider’s remains later - Dan needed help first.
Moving carefully, the Jedi pulled off his outer robe and draped it over his padawan, gently rolling Dan over while wrapping the sleeves around him. Dark burns marked where the Elder’s lightsaber had slashed; painful, but not lethal, Tajin sternly reminded himself. A calculated cruelty, injuring the student to draw forth the master.
Dan wasn’t nearly as small as he used to be, but Tajin could still pick him up and tuck the boy’s head against his shoulder. Once safely situated, he started the slow journey back down towards the village.
Even being cautious, the movement jostled Dan closer to consciousness, and at one point a small moan slipped free. “Easy,” Tajin murmured, readjusting his grip around the boy’s knees and shoulders. “Rest easy, padawan. I’ve got you. You’re going to be alright.”
Something seemed to get through, whether it was his words, his tone, or simply his presence in the Force. Dan sighed, relaxing further into Tajin’s hold, and didn’t make another sound as they continued onward.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, three small figures loitered at the bottom of the path. The instant they spotted the approaching Jedi, the younglings rushed forward, crying out. Dan twitched; Tajin swiftly shushed them. The last thing his padawan needed was to try and move before his injuries had been seen to.
The younglings stared with horror at Dan’s limp form, but one of them at least managed to collect herself enough to point out the local healer’s house. As soon as Tajin started walking, she and her friends darted off ahead of him. They reached the house far in advance, which he thanked them for, seeing as it meant the old woman met him at her door.
She tutted, pulling aside layers of cloth to get a better look at where the Elder’s lightsaber cut into Dan, charring skin and muscle alike. At least two organs had suffered damage as well, but Tajin could only be grateful the nature of their weapons meant his padawan hadn’t bled out in the time it took to reach him.
The healer guided him inside to a small examination room, patting the low table as she passed it by, heading for the cabinets that presumably held bacta, bandages, and whatever else was needed. Reluctant, Tajin nonetheless eased his padawan down, prepared to step back and let the healer do what she needed to-
Dan groaned. A small, soft sound, but it kept Tajin from moving away. Instead, he shifted closer to the boy’s head, and smoothed a hand over the loose tufts of dark hair. “Peace, padawan. We’ve reached the local healer’s home.” Another faint noise. Dan’s mind refused to relax. He wasn’t quite awake enough to open his eyes, let alone give voice to his question, but Tajin thought he could feel the shape of it through their bond-
The boy’s hand turned over, palm up, fingers open in silent entreaty. Tajin didn’t hesitate to grasp them with his own - an equally silent promise, that he wasn’t going anywhere.
I made a brief post about it yesterday, but since y’all have read this far I’ll say again: I’ve got a Visions Discord server up and running now, open to any fandom member who’d like to join and ramble about favorite episodes or exchange ideas for more fan fic. If the link is expired, feel free to poke me directly for an invite!
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brachiosaurus-on · 3 years
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I just want to know what conditioner Tajin uses.
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triscribe · 1 year
Tagged by @pumpking64​, thanks!
Share your wallpaper: I’ve never bothered swapping out the generic “abstract blue-green paint smear” image that came with my phone, but if I did it would probably be to one of my best kitten photos, aka The Scrungly Little Beast
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(also the icon for my @triscribeaucollection​ sideblog)
The last song you listened to: Rooftop, by Nick Santos
Currently reading: Working my way through every Sea Beast fan fic on AO3 that catches my eye
Last Movie: The Sea Beast, on Netflix
Craving: Chocolate cake, but I shouldn’t have that for breakfast
What are you wearing right now: Soft green nightshirt, green lounge shorts I pulled on when I first got up
How tall are you: Five feet, three and three quarters inches, or ~162 centimeters for my metric system friends. Why do I specify the three quarters? Because my mom is five foot four inches, and I have been stuck at a smidge shorter than her for years. But my day will come. Maybe not this decade, maybe not the next, but sooner or later she WILL begin to shrink, and then *I* will be the one who is a quarter inch taller! Muahahaha!
...ahem. Moving on...
Piercings: None
Tattoos: Nope
Glasses? Contacts?: Negative on both
Last drink: Sweetened Peach Sparkling Water. My local grocery store sells their own brand in various flavors, eighty cents for a liter bottle. Healthier than soda, at the very least
Last show: Hogan’s Heroes - we have all six seasons on DVD, and they’re good comfort content when there isn’t anything good to watch on television
(”Colonel Hogan, I must know what is going on here!”
“Schultz, if I tell you, you could become a tremendous hero-”
“...I hear nothing, I see nothing, I Know NO-THING!”)
Lasting thing you ate: Piece of fried chicken for dinner
Favorite color: Turquoise! Because I was the doofus as a kid who couldn’t ever pick between blue and green, so I compromised and went with both at once x’D
Current obsession: Father & son feels between Captain Crow and Jacob Holland from the Sea Beast movie
Unrelated obsession: Master & padawan feels between Tajin Crosser and Dan G’vash from the Elder episode of Star Wars Visions. Totally unrelated. Right.
Any pets: YES. So Many Pets. We’re actually at a low point right now, with only two dogs, two rabbits, seven chickens in the bathroom, and twenty eight cats of various ages (which will go down as soon as we start adopting out the eleven most recent kittens)
Do you have a crush on anyone: ...maybe.
Favorite fictional character: My own? Crant the Wolfen. Somebody else’s? Hmm... Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars), Peter Parker (Marvel), Cassandra Cain (DC), Will Treaty (Ranger’s Apprentice), Tiffany Aching (Discworld), Aizawa Shouta (bnha), Eowyn (Lord of the Rings), Bumblebee (Transformers), Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones), etc etc...
The last place you traveled: Florida, visiting my dad for my birthday a couple months ago
Thanks again! Tagging: @153-centimeters-of-sass​ @blackbeltkitten2​ @catboy-pentheus​ @kaiseaya​ and as always anybody else who’d like to snag a spot ;)
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geekygirlexperience · 2 years
Caught with his secret girlfriend by Keeve and Dan G’Vash, Bell has to make a choice whether or not to tell his friends about considering leaving the Jedi Order...
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majormiles · 3 years
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I’ve got a bad feeling about this. Be safe, Dan.
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