#sweet corn and the cows
kentuckyangel-first · 3 months
Sunday Musings
I seem to muse a lot lately. I’ve caught myself talking out loud to myself lately too. I do have an answer for that — sometimes I need advice from an expert, but then I remember the definition for expert. EX, former, SPURT, a drop of water under pressure or a drip, so an expert in this case is a former drip under pressure. At this age there is a lot of pressure too. Behind the eyes a pressure…
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agwnowb · 3 months
Sunday Musings
I seem to muse a lot lately. I’ve caught myself talking out loud to myself lately too. I do have an answer for that — sometimes I need advice from an expert, but then I remember the definition for expert. EX, former, SPURT, a drop of water under pressure or a drip, so an expert in this case is a former drip under pressure. At this age there is a lot of pressure too. Behind the eyes a pressure…
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rat-fanatic · 10 months
I am fucking this shit uppppp
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yourbleedingh3art · 2 years
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Hes me
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frogchiro · 9 months
Please please I'm begging on my hands and knees for my slasher!Graves because I just read it and I'm so unwell about it 😩🙏🏻
I can totally see Slasher!Graves as a type of guy to kill any man who even tries to look at his pretty little darling. And I have feeling he definitely intimidates her on purpose just to see her squirm and shiver, watching her from the shadows and stealing her panties and whatnot ughhh
Oh he definitely does!! I mean, who wouldn't be intimidated by him. He much older, 40 already, not to mention that something in his blue eyes is just...off to you and he's an old perverted fuck to :((
When he found out that you were renting out a room on old Mrs. Marjorie's farm he had mixed feelings. Sure you could stay in that dingy old motel just outside the town but it was far away, not to mention not a suitable place at all for a young lady such as yourself.
Staying with old Marjorie was a frankly much better option since it was safe and you worked for a living on the old woman's farm which made Philip's heart stutter a little and cock harden, such a hardworking girl you are.
The one problem was Marjorie herself. She was an elderly woman but incredibly strong and resilient for her age, she owned a much smaller farm which mostly consisted of a peach orchard, a few chickens and two cows. She's widowed, never remarried and never had children and even with her strength and health of an ox he guesses she took you in as a helping hand, but the thing is...The old hag is for some reason very protective of you so Philip had to be extra careful whenever he wanted to interact with you, but truth be told you didn't make it any easier.
You were a skittish thing, shy and easily flustered too and when he swung by the orchard the first time, all big and burly and proud like a prized stallion he saw clear as day that you were intimidated by him which Graves ate.up.
Now whenever he sees you running errands in town or you're working on the farm he makes sure to "accidentally" just happen to run into you and ump his charm up to the heavens; lowering his voice into a seductive low gravely drawl, flexing his broad shoulders and well-build biceps under the plaid shirt he had on, moving his strong hips a little in a way that made you stutter and shiver. But he just can't help himself! It's only natural that a man like him would go wild for a lady like yourself, your pretty tits almost spilling over the neckline of your dress and Philip feels his blood rush to his cock, oh what he wouldn't do to that soft body of yours~
It's only when the old had calls you back into the house and sends a glare his way is the spell broken and Graves almost bares his sharp teeth in annoyance, if it was anyone else other than the woman they'd be rotting in the middle of his corn field getting torn by coyotes or long gone after a visit to the pig pen.
The only consolation are your cute frilly panties that he managed to snatch from the drying line outside, your sweet scent still lingering on them despite the sharp bit of the wash machine powder. It's on that evening when he sits naked in front of his fireplace back on the ranch, panties to his nose as he jerks his thick cock roughly when he decides that he needs to see you squirm more, even if that means you'll start seeing a dark figure just outside in Mrs Marjorie's orchard <3
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najia-cooks · 5 months
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[ID: Buttermilk being poured from a Moroccan ceramic cup with orange and black geometric designs into a glass. End ID]
لبن نباتي / Lbn nabati (Vegan traditional buttermilk)
Lbn (لْبْنْ or لْبَنْ; also transliterated "lban") is a Moroccan buttermilk drink. It is not to be confused with standard Arabic لَبَن‎ ("laban"), meaning "milk"; with Levantine لَبَن‎ ("laban"), also called لَبَن رَائِب ("laban ra'ib"), which is curdled milk (a.k.a., yoghurt); or with Levantine لَبْنَة‎ ("labna"), which is yoghurt that has been strained and thickened.
Instead, lbn is a traditional buttermilk. It is historically made the same way Western traditional buttermilk is: by leaving raw milk to sit at room temperature while the cream separates and rises to the top, allowing the cream to ferment, and then churning the cream until it separates further into milk solids (cultured butter) and a cultured liquid byproduct (traditional buttermilk). Commercial Western buttermilk, and some Moroccan lbn, is now no longer traditional buttermilk but instead cultured buttermilk, which is produced by fermenting low-fat milk; this produces a thicker, more acidic liquid than traditional buttermilk. Lbn is usually made with goat's milk, though cow's milk is also often used.
Lbn—very sour and tangy, slightly sweet, and about the consistency of milk—is consumed as a refreshing after-dinner drink during the summer. It is also used to soak كُسْكُس ("couscous") (made from durum, barley, or corn flour). Couscous with lbn is called سَيْكُوك ("saykouk") in Darija (Moroccan Arabic), or أزَيْكُوك ("azaykouk") in Tamazight.
Saykouk is a cold dish, commonly eaten in the desert and in rural areas during the summertime; but it is also sold from food carts and by vendors on bicycles year-round in cities. On Fridays, Moroccans often eat couscous dishes with lbn on the side, and may make some on-the-fly saykouk by pouring lbn into their bowls to soak the couscous that remains after the vegetables or meat in the dish have been eaten.
This recipe resembles cultured buttermilk, in that it ferments non-dairy milk with live cultures to achieve a sour taste. However, it more resembles traditional dairy buttermilk in taste and texture. Note that this lbn is intended for drinking and for recipes that call for Moroccan traditional buttermilk, and not for replacing Western cultured buttermilk in pastries or pancakes.
Recipe under the cut!
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2 cups full-fat oat milk
1-3 vegetarian probiotic capsules (containing at least 10 billion cultures total)
A few pinches salt
A few pinches granulated sugar
Make sure your probiotic capsules contain no prebiotics, as they can interfere with the culture. The probiotic may be multi-strain, but should contain some of: Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidus, Lactobacillus acidophilus. The number of capsules you need will depend on how many cultures each capsule is guaranteed to contain.
Instead of probiotic capsules, you can use a specialty starter culture pack intended for use in culturing vegan dairy, many of which are available online. Note that starter cultures may be packaged with small amounts of powdered milk for the bacteria to feed on, and may not be truly vegan.
Other types of non-dairy milk may work. My trial with soy milk did not succeed (it never became notably tangy). Soaked and blended cashews will thicken substantially, so be sure to blend cashews with at least twice their volume in (just-boiled, filtered) water if you want to use cashews as your base. I found that oat milk, as well as being more convenient and cheaper than cashews, more closely mimicked the taste of lbn. I have not tested anything else.
1. Boil several cups of water and use the just-boiled water to rinse your measuring cup, the container you will ferment your lbn in, and a wooden spoon or rubber spatula to stir. Your bowl and stirring implement should be in a non-reactive material such as wood, clay, glass, or silicone.
2. Measure oat milk into a container and open probiotic capsules into it. Stir the powder from the capsules in until well combined.
3. Cover the opening of the container with a cheesecloth or tea towel. Ferment for 24 hours: on the countertop in temperate weather, or in an oven with the light on in cold weather.
Taste the lbn with a clean implement (avoid double-dipping!) to see if it is ready. If it still tastes 'oaty,' continue fermenting for another 1-3 days, tasting every 12 hours, until it is notably tangy.
4. Blend lbn with large pinches of salt and sugar; or put lbn, salt, and sugar in a jar with a lid and shake to combine. Taste and adjust salt and sugar.
5. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. This lbn will continue to culture slowly in the fridge and will eventually (like dairy lbn) become too sour to drink.
Serve chilled.
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redd956 · 2 months
Worldbuilding Food: More than meets the eye
So, you want to world build food but maybe you don't know where to start, have hit a roadblock, or are just looking for some interesting places to addon to. I've got your back.
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Vegetables, Fruits, Grain, Nuts, & Fungi
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One of the first things I think of when it comes to food is fruits and vegetables, and the line between them is surprisingly small.
Like tomatoes are vegetables? Pumpkins are fruits but other gourds are not? When does a herb become a vegetable? Although important to classify, don't let it be your main focus.
Start with
How the produce grows
What it looks like throughout different stages of its life
What parts are edible
How most people consume the produce
How the product is harvested
Is it seasonal
What about the produce that makes its growable environment habitable
How it spreads/reproduces
There's many different unique ways fruits and vegetables grow in just our real world, but that doesn't mean you can stop there.
Cranberries grow on vines that actually float on the surface of soggy ground and water in wetlands. Cashews actually grow on the bottom of cashew apple, which is it's own edible product. There's lots of different ways plants can grow, and what they even need to do so.
Some produce even have their own defense mechanisms (which often which becomes a form of flavor to us). Don't think these defense mechanisms stop at protection from predators. Strawberries are an aggressive plant, fighting, killing, and taking over any nearby plant neighbors. Some plants have thistles and thorns, and others are the hard shell or peel we end up effortlessly cutting through.
Try to think of some environmental things in the world your working with that the produce would have adapted to.
I think my favor example of this IRL is sunflowers. They change directions to face the sun, and when they can't find the sun they face each other. Eventually their seeds weigh them down, and which they'll always face east.
Don't forget fungi is edible too, and has it's very own unique properties.
(Don't forget yeast -> bread, you can make up whatever food you want)
Meats & Agricultural Animals
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I myself am not a meat-eater, but I understand the importance of animal products to a society. If you world doesn't have it, don't fret. This sector won't just be about meat products, but it will contain a lot of it.
Food and what animals are considered for consumption changes from culture to culture. The same can be said for treatment leading up to their role in society as the food on people's plates. Often times a culture cannot imagining eating an animal they see as part of the family, such as dogs or cats IRL, but other times it's seen part of a religious practice such as cows.
There's a lot of cultural stuff that goes into our agricultural animals, both for work, dairy, textiles, and food.
Here's some ideas to start with
What parts of them are edible and used for food
Do they produce any dairy or egg products
How old do they have to be before becoming a produce animal
Are the animals used for other resources too i.e. bones, fur, skins, skulls, blood, etc.
How much food does one animal make
Typically how are they are killed, if they are
What conditions are these animals kept in and are they viewed humane
What environments allow these animals to thrive alongside the people of your world
What does the animal eat
Now... Let's into some culture and religion
Religion and culture has a major impact on what we eat. Take for instance Kosher, Halal, and more. Historical shortages in food even to this day affect what foods we eat. Culture also affects our tastes. The corn line of the United States is drowning in corn, and yet corn is seen as a sweet treat over seas in many nations.
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How the harvesting goes changes a lot about a society, big and small. Think about how terrible a year would go in medieval times if harvest came up incredibly poor, or how wealthy our modern day world would look to those people due to mass production.
Here's some things to think about
What time of year are the biggest and most important harvest(s)
How common are agricultural workers
What would the average person see if they watched people work
What technology/tools are used
What happens if the harvest goes wrong
Do farmers/harvesters get special rights for their role in society
In older societies harvesting and how that went completely shaped how the next year would look. In some cultures the harvesters have been revered, while in other if crossed to far would be expected to tear the country to pieces. Think about the role harvesting plays in your society. What would happen if they striked? Or if a disaster swept the land?
The environment itself will change a lot about what harvesting look likes. Why does this environment work? What are the environmental risk to both the crop and workers?
Are we farming in the water, in the middle of the arctic, underground, high up in the trees?
Exotic Food & Immigration
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While establish what the everyday food in the area is, don't forget to pay mine to the opposites. Immigration and trade play a major role in what foods end up on our plate. As cultures combine and mingle so do their food.
Take one look at the United States, infamous for it's large potions, fatty foods, and immigrant culture cuisine. A lot of foods in the United States are the results of cultures meeting to improve and add onto one another's foods, that includes American styles of pizza, tacos, and more.
Even major cities around the world have styles of foods unique to them.
Let's think
What locally seen foods count as exotic
What foods are nearly impossible to get
Is there access to foreign brands/produce
How expensive is most exotic foods
What styles of cooking are being brought in by foreigners
How do people get exotic foods
What foods would the locals not be able to eat due to not being used to it
Try to think about what makes this food exotic in the local area. Maybe it cannot grow in the local environment. Maybe the quality of the food is simply better overseas. Maybe the animal or plant is far too aggressively invasive for locals.
Trade & Transport
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Food is both a very important export and import, especially in time of devastation.
Don't forget about exports too, what is your society giving out to the world, and getting back. Not all trade has to be capital based. Perhaps your world simply trades on good or service for another.
Here's some things to think about
What's being exported and imported
Are whole animals imported/exported
How is the trade being done i.e. trains, boats, aircraft, teleportation, etc.
Are there any obstacles to trade
What places are all involved in trading
How is the trade brought to where it needs to be inland
In what ways do these trades improve the lives of locals
Transportation is also super important to where food ends up, and more so in what volumes. How do people get all these produce or animals relocated? What kinds of storage are we seeing to keep things fresh (if health standards are even up to code in your worldbuilding)?
What poses a threat to things in storage? i.e. mold, foxes, animal thieves, disease, etc.
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With supply and demand, comes outages, taxes, and restrictions. Unfortunately not everything in the food world goes right. There's natural disasters to come and destroy crops, hostile settlements to block trade, and especially that person who is really bad at cooking but they love doing it so you don't have the heart to say no....
Anyway let's talk restrictions and where they can come from
Wartime can cause a lot of original farmers and workers to become soldiers. It also can lead to the large scale destruction of precious farm land, crops, animals, and overall places to cook.
Perhaps there's a particularly poisonous food, and way too many suspiciously poisoned people. That's when law comes in. There's many reasons for food and drink to become outlawed. Religious reasons, danger, regulations, inebriation, etc.
Knock knock! It's the United States here to embargo your random country. Outside factions can always become an obstacle, leading to loss of traveling cargo or straight up missing farmers too. Nothing comes in, and sometimes nothing comes out.
Perhaps a common plant or favored animal is running low on populous. Now locals are more so focused on reanimating a dwindling population, more so on eating it.
Whether it be hoards of invasive bugs, prion disease caused by cannibalistic animal feed, or sudden inexplicable field of dead corn sickness happens. Maybe something has swept over the land, and no one ever bothered to try to plant said crop again.
Natural Disasters
Natural disasters can not only cause the elimination of entire villages, but accidentally bring in lots of invasive creatures too. Catfish is off the menu for as long as carp is intown.
Straight Up Difficulty
Sometimes a fruit appears once a year, or a tasty creature is a dangerous one to take on in order to eat. It can be difficult getting the right ingredient sometimes. Other times it's new to the market. So much can happen when food is involved.
Preparation & Flavor
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Finally all the food in the world is available, but what are we going to do with it.
Make it even better!
I personally find preparation to be the best part of worldbuilding. Now I get to imagine my fictional little people stewing their pots, and kindling their fires. Reflect off of real world recipes, and maybe even write down exact fantasy recipes of your own.
Don't forget about herbs and spices (I see you British people).
You have five basic taste receptors in your mouth: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and savory. They make great descriptors and fun places to explore when looking into what your foods taste like. Smell can play an important role too.
Does it smell awful and taste great, smell sweet and taste bitter, perhaps it doesn't have anything at all going on.
Happy worldbuilding!
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lwh-writing · 2 years
I was just contemplating Fullmetal Alchemist (as one does), thinking about the absolute peak hilarity that is Ed, Al, and Havoc, the certified Country Boys(TM), teaming up to bully Mustang, the certified City Boy(TM), when I was struck with an epiphany.
Riza Hawkeye is the OG Country Girl.
Lived in the middle of nowhere with her father in a 1900ish setting. In THAT time period and THAT location, she and Hawkeye Sr. would've had to have at least a homestead type of deal. Something small that they could work on and live off of on their own, unless they hired farmhands (which I doubt).
So a two-person homestead. I would love to claim they cultivated dairy to go with Arakawa's background, but to make that livable, it would be too many cows for 2 people to realistically handle on their own. So either they did a smaller animal, like, say, sheep and goats, or they harvested corn, wheat, or tobacco. Midwesterner here, so let's say corn and wheat.
Anyway, Riza and her father living it rough on a homestead.
Money's a bit tight at times, but Hawkeye Sr. can take care of most of the repairs with his alchemy, so they always get by.
They've got chickens, two cows, and a lovely mare who pulls the cart whenever they need to go to town.
Three-year-old Riza being super excited about feeding the chickens for the very first time, giggling and squealing with joy as she throws feed everywhere.
Five-year-old Riza walking five miles into town to attend classes at the little one-room schoolhouse. There are a little more than thirty total students, only eight of which are anywhere near her age.
Seven-year-old Riza holding back tears when Hawkeye Sr. teaches her how to pluck and prep a fresh chicken. She can do it all on her own with a dry eye by the time she's eight.
Eleven-year-old Riza finding a goat one day on the farm, and after checking with the neighbors to see if they're missing one, decides she might as well keep it.
This is a mistake. The goat and Riza are mortal enemies. The thing will refuse to stop nipping at Riza whenever she goes out to milk it. But it keeps giving milk and sneaking away only to come back with baby goats, so she's left to suffer in silence.
Twelve-year-old Riza waking up at dawn in the summer to go detassel corn. Comes back around noon with scrapes all up and down her arms and eats enough to feed an army.
Thirteen-year-old Riza learning how to shoot and being known as the best shot for miles around before the year is up.
Fourteen-year-old Riza coming home from school only to find a sharp-looking, sweet-talking, soft-handed City Boy who her father claims is going to be his alchemist apprentice from now on.
Riza despairing about Roy-Fucking-Mustang and his complete and utter incompetence at everything that isn't alchemy. The boy can't cook, can't hunt, and wouldn't know the first thing about farm animal care if Bessie the Demon Goat bit him in the eye.
Eventually, Riza puts Mustang on cleaning and laundry duty, because that, at least, he can do. (Thank God for his three-dozen sisters and their insistence that Roy pulls his weight with chores.)
Riza's schoolhouse friends sighing over "that handsome Roy" and Riza blanches because she could never see herself falling for someone who thought milking the cows hurt them somehow. (It doesn't. Refusing to milk an animal is extremely harmful to the critter involved, and it's very likely that they could get an infection and seriously injure themselves and/or die. Don't let the radicalized vegans fool you)
Riza, to her chagrin, does develop a crush on Roy-Fucking-Mustang, who wouldn't know farm animal care if Bessie the Demon Goat bit him in the eye.
Roy, for his part, has long been crushing on Riza Hawkeye, the swol farmer's daughter who could pick him up with one hand a shoot a goose out of the sky with the other.
Neither admits it though because Roy has long since embarrassed himself past the point of no return, and Riza has complained too much to the folks in town that if she were to romance Roy now.... Well. Ain't either of the kids going to make the first move, so no move is made.
Fast forward a decade or so and Team Mustang is investigating something in the country.
Ed, Al, and Havoc are giving Mustang shit about approaching a horse wrongly and how there ain't no fancy cars out here.
Roy tries to refute it and shut them down, but Riza snorts and idly says something about him still not knowing jack about farming despite living on hers for two years.
Riza exposes Roy. Ed, Al, and Havoc rejoice. Roy despairs about his secrets being out, and Maes demands any and all pictures once he finds out.
And that's how Roy Mustang spent the rest of his days being bullied by four blond-haired Country Folk(TM).
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silvermoon-scrolls · 8 months
Bloody harvest
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GatheringFiKi Trick or Treat 2023
Trick: "The God of Harvest receives whatever sacrifice God of Harvest desires."
Pairing: Fili x Kili (AU) Words: 624 Content Waring: Blood, Character death, rated Teen.
It had been a lean year, with the last harvest being as poor as it had been. But they had managed. They were a tight-knit community, and everyone had helped out. Fili and Kili might be kin to the magistrate but they had not been eating any better than anyone else in the village. Almost men they were, and if they could not eat properly, at least they could sate other hungers.
With this year's harvest moon soon upon them, and the crops once again failing to grow, the atmosphere was a solemn one. Their storehouses were empty – they could not survive another year like this one.
In the gathering dusk, it was with heavy hearts the Elders decreed that a sacrifice had to be made. Not of corn and fruit, nor of gold and gems, not even of cow and goat, but of human life and blood. 
And who better to appease the harvest god than the one among them with hair flowing as if spun by golden wheat, they said. Fit of body, in the prime of their life; the gods would not be satisfied with anything less, they said. A small, collective gasp went through the gathered crowd then, from fear and relief alike. Not a word raised in protest.
Kili would have spoken. Kili would have screamed – if not for the hand that was squeezing his own with a deadly grip, soundlessly asking him not to interfere. Fili was staring straight ahead, his golden head held high. Kili could sense the fear radiating from him, but also his resolve. Fili had already accepted his fate. 
With a shaking voice, Kili begged for the knife then. If this was to be done, it should be done by him and no one else - by him who loved Fili the most. There could be no argument made against that, and the intricately carved knife hilt was solemnly pressed into his outstretched palm.
They walked away in the growing darkness. The silent eyes of their kindred watching them leave. Into the wheat field they went. Hand in hand – shoulder to shoulder. The stars and the waning moon giving them light to go by.
In the middle of the barren field they sank to their knees, facing each other, foreheads touching, their breathing forever in sync with the other’s. The fingers of Kili’s right hand were curled around the knife whose sharp blade gleamed and mirrored the sliver of the moon above them. The fingers of his left hand were intertwined with Fili’s, their grip unbroken since the reveal of their fates.
“I will follow you,” Kili told him.
“You should not,” Fili said in a barely audible whisper. But the grasp of his hand did not waver.
“I will.”
In low voices they addressed the God of Harvest, asking him to accept this gift of life in exchange for growing fields, plentiful harvests and the continued lives of their people. The words were carried off on the wind into the darkness, and when it returned it held the scent of fertile soil, growing grass and sweet, delicious nectar.
Their friends and families would eat. They would be together. That was enough.
As their lips brushed against each other’s, Kili sank the knife first into the heart of his lover, and then into his own – though they were the one and the same.
Pain and darkness enveloped him, but the only thought in Kili’s head was to not let go, that as long as he could hold on to Fili’s hand they would find each other again, in the next life, and the next.
The life-bringing blood seeped into the soil, coloring the earth red, and the God of Harvest was well pleased. For now.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 3 months
Any Wisconsin/Iowa ship headcannons? They’re adorable dairy boys :3
Personally I ship illisconsin (illinois x wisconsin), but this is pretty damn cute too :3
I’m thinking about making Iowa lactose intolerant and both him and Sconnie being sad about it 😭
Despite being lactose intolerant, Iowa owns a farm with cows, and whatever he doesn’t sell to other people, Sconnie turns into cheese. Then they both sell some stuff :3 (honestly with how sweet Sconnie is, he’d probably give some away for free to kids lmao)
Speaking of Sconnie being sweet!- uhhh. yeah he’s really really friendly, sometimes a little too friendly. But if ANYONE he dislikes (he can never truly hate someone /j), comes within 10ft of Iowa, he becomes VERY passive aggressive and even mildly possessive. Cuz we luv sweethearts with a mean side.
Okay listen. Both of them are golden retriever boyfriends. I dare you to tell me I’m wrong. /j
(Mildly NSFW hc under the cut)
They have definitely done the *cough cough* 😏✨nAuGhTy NaUgHtY✨😏 *cough cough* in a corn maze before. I’m not wrong. At all. Fight me bitch /J
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the-occult-lounge · 4 months
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𝓐 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓯 𝓗𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓘𝓶𝓫𝓸𝓵𝓬
Imbolc is a Celtic tradition that marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The Celtic pagan holiday falls on February 1st-2nd and heralds the change of the seasons and the shift from the dark days to the sun filled days ahead. This celebration, from information gathered from Irish poetry, dates back to early 10th century. From informaton gleamed the holiday was originally around the veginning of spring and aligned more towards rebirth. However, we can justify this with the meanjng of the word Imbolc. The holiday's name means 'in the belly of the mother' and within the earth at this time sturs the seeds of spring.
Brigid resides over this holiday and was originally worshipped by a class of poets and historians called the Filid. Brigid is a Celtic fire and fertility goddess, daughter of Dagda, lineage of the Tuath du Danann, and deemed one of the most powerful Celtic deities. It is also believed that she is a triple goddess due to the fact that she has two sisters with the same name but they seem to represent different aspects which is very much the summize of most triple deities. As time moved away from paganism Brigid was adopted into Christianity as St. Brigid and was still saint/goddess of dairy maids, cattle, midwives, newborns and nuns.
Per https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/imbolc:
"Brigid appears in the saga Cath Maige Tuired and the Lebor Gabála Érenn, a purported history of Ireland collected from various poems and texts in the 10th century."
"Myths about Brigid’s birth say she was born with a flame in her head and drank the milk of a mystical cow from the spirit world. Brigid is credited with the very first keening, a traditional wailing for the dead practiced at funerals by Irish and Scottish women."
𝓘𝓶𝓫𝓸𝓵𝓬 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼
❀ Animals: Firebird, Dragon, Groundhog, Deer, Hare, Rabbit, Ewe, Sheep, Lamb
❀ Birds: Robin, Swan
❀ Colors: Brown, Pink, White, Red, Orange, Pale Yellow, Silver, Lavender
❀ Customs: Lighting Candles, Seeking Omens of Spring, Storytelling, Cleaning House, Bonfires, Indoor Planting, Stone Collecting, Candle kept burning dusk till dawn; hearth Re-lighting
❀ Deities: Brigid, Virgin Goddess, Venus, Diana, Februa, Maiden, Child Goddess, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Vesta, Gaia, Selene(Greek), Cerridwen, Demeter, Persephone, Prosperpina, Vesta, Branwen(Manx-Welsh), Cernunnos, Heme, Osiris, Pan, Cupid/Eros(Greco-Roman), Dumuzi(Sumerian)
❀ Element: Earth, Fire
❀ Flowers: Yellow Flowers, White Flowers, Marigolds, Plum Blossoms, Daffodils
❀ Foods: Dairy, Spicy Foods, Raisins, Pumpkin, Sesame & Sunflower Seeds, Poppyseed Bread/Cake, Honey Cake, Pancakes, Waffles, Herbal Tea, Cheese, Spiced Wine, White Meats, Yogurt
❀ Gender: Female
❀Herbs: Acorns, Angelica, Basil, Bay, Benzoin, Blackberry, Celandine, Chamomile, Clover, Frankensense, Heather, Lavender, Myrrh, Rosemary, Willow
❀Magick Areas: Cleansing, Purification, Renewal, Creative Inspiration, Initiation, Candle Work, House & Temple Blessings, Fertility, Awakening, Protection, Truth, Wand Cleansing
❀ Other Names: Candlemas (Christian), Brigantia (Caledonii), Oimelc, Festival of Light, Brigid’s (Brid, Bride) Day, La Fheill, An Fheille Bride, Candelaria (Mexico), Chinese New Year, Disting-tid (Feb 14th, Teutonic), DisaBlot, Anagantios, Lupercalia/Lupercus (Strega), Groundhog Day please note the celebrations are similar but are vastly different when you look at the details
❀ Scents: Jasmine, Rosemary, Frankincense, Cinnamon, Neroli, Musk, Olive, Sweet Pea, Basil, Myrrh, Wisteria, Apricot, Carnation, Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary
❀ Stones: Amethyst, Garnet, Onxy, Turquoise
❀ Symbols: Brigid’s Cross, Corn Dollies, Epiphanies, Candles, Lanterns, Sun Wheels
Learn more, like rituals for this holiday, at:
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the-ultimate-squish · 9 months
Excluded Squishmallows
Licensed Squads
Adopt Me! Squad
Berkshire Hathaway Squad
Blippy Squad
Bluey Squad
Cocomelon Squad
Disney Squad
Godzilla Squad
Harry Potter Squad
Hocus Pocus Squad
JoJo Siwa Squad
Knott's Berry Tales Squad
My Hero Academia Squad
Peanuts Squad
Peppa Pig Squad
Pixar Squad
Pokémon Squad
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Squad
Ryan's World Squad
Sanrio Squad
Sesame Street Squad
Sonic the Hedgehog Squad
Spidey and His Amazing Friends Squad
SpongeBob Squad
Star Wars Squad
The Nightmare Before Christmas Squad
Veefriends Squad
Due to lack of link on the wiki and inability to find on the internet
Atwater the Monster
Barella the Betta Fish
Bryar the French Bulldog
Dawson the Dinosaur
Djimon the Iguana
Griffith the Caterpillar
Houston the Bull
Jenna the Boar
Kumali the Bigfoot
Lars the Turtle
Luna the Unicorn
Lux the Manta Ray
Marigold the Cow
Maxie the Frilled Lizard
Meghan the Bat
Mills the Monkey
Neelu the Alien
Penelope the Pandacorn
Preeti the Slug
Rayen the Sloth
Roderigo the Red Panda
Russ the Narwhal
Shasta the Bigfoot
Sy the Angler Fish
Tianna the Pterodactyl
Weston the Mantis
Unnamed Squishmallows
Aqua Racoon
Blue Octopus (pet toy)
Blue Raccoon (hug mees)
Candy Heart with "HUG ME"
Candy Heart with "LOVE ME"
Candy Heart with "SWEET"
Candy Heart with "XOXO"
Capsule Cat
Capsule Cheetah
Capsule Husky
Capsule Llama
Capsule Mouse
Capsule Seal
Capsule Tiger
Carowinds Pineapple
Chocolate Heart
Cookie Heart
Dark Grey SeaCow
Gold Capsule Unicorn
Green Parrot with Bow (MX)
Grey SeaCow
Grey Sloth
Hershey's Chocolate Bar
Justice Peach (clip-on)
Justice Rainbow (clip-on)
Justice Watermelon (clip-on)
Justice Yeti (clip-on)
Mexican Flag
Mexican Chick
Mexican Corn Señor
Mexican Corn Señorita
Mystery Bear
Mystery Blueberry Muffin
Mystery Bunny
Mystery Capsule Machine
Mystery Frappe
Mystery Cat (Anime eyes)
Mystery Cat (Shades)
Mystery Cellphone
Mystery Cinnamon Roll
Mystery Dinosaur
Mystery Drink
Mystery Dog
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Giraffe
Mystery Koala
Mystery Lamb
Mystery Llama (Pink)
Mystery Macaron
Mystery Mint Shake
Mystery Mint Ice Cream
Mystery Pudding
Mystery Shrimp
Mystery Sloth (Fuzzy Belly)
Mystery Sloth (Holographic Belly)
Pink Capsule Unicorn
Pink Cat holding heart (hug mees)
Pink Caticorn
Pink Chick (Peeps-style)
Pink Mystery Chameleon
Pink Mystery Dragon
Pug holding heart (hug mees)
Purple Chick (Peeps-style)
Purple Spider
Rainbow Llama
Red Parrot with Hat (MX)
Red Penguin with Blue Scarf (MX)
Teal SeaCow
Tie-Dye Valentine's Day Frog
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just-somedude · 11 months
A different outlook in terms of healthy eating… research the diet for gestational diabetes. I am probably one of your older followers and have had gestational diabetes four times. I’m kind of an expert on how it works. I had a maternal fetal specialist tell me once that he has whole family follow this diet and that people would be healthier in general if they did.
It’s all about balancing carbs to protein to prevent blood sugar spikes and eating three meals and two snacks. All 3-4 hours apart from each other. Carb units are 15 grams and protein is about 7-8 grams. All snack are two carbs units to one protein unit. Breakfast was also 2 carbs to one protein. Lunch and dinner was 3 carbs to two proteins.
Nothing is really off limits you just have to a lot for it and you learn pretty quick that if you choose healthier options you can eat more.
Milk counts as a one unit of carb and one unit of protein. Starchy vegetables such as peas, corn, potatoes and beans count toward carbs. All other vegetables are “free” and you can eat as much as you want. And complex carbs are better then simple ones. Skinny cow has almost the perfect ratio of carbs to protein if you’re craving sweets. (Which I mean I was pregnant when I needed to follow this diet).
So the schedule looks something this:
Breakfast 7:00am
Snack 10:00 am
Lunch 1:00 pm
Snack 4:00 pm
Dinner 7:00 pm
The first week is the hardest as you learn portion sizes and the balancing but then it becomes pretty easy. And it gave me more energy, which was probably the result of healthier blood sugar levels.
I need to get back to eating better. I’m so busy looking after everything and everyone else that I allow myself to fall by the wayside and end up skipping meals and then just snacking when I realize I’m hungry.
I’m really trying to make self care a priority lately. I hope everyone else who is struggling to become and stay healthy can find the motivation and strength to preserve. I’m in the same boat as you.
This is extremely good information. You described exactly what I mean when I say to eat more often, but smaller meals. Your metabolism will thank you, and so will your mind
It's a struggle, but you've got this
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isfjmel-phleg · 7 months
The recent Lost Children comic (which I enjoyed!) dealt with the fates of a lot of unaccounted-for child sidekicks. Secret is back! The Newsboy Legion is back! Etc.!
But I recently encountered one such character who should have been among that group. What happened to Joshua Terrill, aka Spitfire? He's Ray Terrill's half-brother, thirty years his senior...but he's also only eight. And he completely disappeared in 1996 shortly after being introduced.
Story time!
Joshua was born in 1946 to Langford "Happy" Terrill (the original Ray) and his first wife, Gayle. He inherited his father's light/energy-based powers but with greater intensity and became the Ray's sidekick for a while, using the codename Spitfire.
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(The Ray 1994 #18)
He had a lot of power at a very young age and didn't know how to control it. In times of heightened emotion it was quite dangerous. The powers also seem to have affected his aging (perhaps similar to how his father's aging has been slowed/stopped), and he started to mentally regress. By the time he was eight, he had the mentality of a four-year-old.
And then one day he got upset when his father didn't return from a mission in time for his birthday, and he accidentally destroyed the house...and his mother.
Happy's solution to this was to drug Joshua's food, stash him away in a cryogenic chamber buried in the middle of nowhere, and pretend this kid never existed.
Forty-one years later, some guys fool around with the site of the buried chamber, and Joshua, not a day older than in 1954, is on the loose.
We find out that he's got enough control of his powers to use them to convert a truckload of corn into popcorn.
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(The Ray 1994 #18)
But he's scared and confused and desperate to find his dad, and unfortunately this results in lashing out with his powers at almost anyone who comes near him, regardless of intention.
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Quite possibly ends up killing a few people here.
Not that he seems to realize that. He's still a small child who talks to cows.
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(The Ray 1994 #19)
At one point, he thinks he's found his dad, but false alarm, it's the villain who's been impersonating Happy for a while (long story).
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Soon it's Christmas. This child is still on his own and without shelter in Colorado in the middle of a snowstorm. His efforts to get Santa's attention fail.
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(The Ray 1994 #20)
A couple happen to find him and naturally are concerned. Where is his family?
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He's actually a sweet kid when he doesn't feel threatened.
But Nadine Terrill, his father's second wife (now divorced), isn't too pleased when he shows up. She knows her ex-husband had another son from a previous marriage who was born in the 1940s, but an eight-year-old child claiming to be his? Clearly the product of an affair from when they were still married.
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Now that they have a lead on Happy's whereabouts, Joshua flies them out to Philadelphia, where they hang out at Ray's empty apartment for a while and Joshua spends a lot of his time floating around upside-down because why wouldn't you if you had flight.
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(The Ray 1994 #21)
When he finally meets Ray, his initial impression is to attack him, but Ray's not having that.
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(The Ray 1994 #22)
But once Joshua knows who this strange young man is (although it's unclear if he has grasped that this is his half-brother), he takes to him immediately.
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And he jumps back into his old role of sidekick when Ray must go and protect his mom.
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He continues to fight when Ray is removed from the equation, but unfortunately...he ends up destroying Nadine's house.
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(The Ray 1994 #23)
But ultimately he helps Ray take down the villain.
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And gets ice cream.
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(The Ray 1994 #24)
It's been a long, exhausting day. The Terrills stay the night at Nadine's friend's house, and Joshua gets put to bed.
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But he doesn't sleep well.
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(The Ray 1994 #27)
And when he wakes up disoriented and terrified from a nightmare...
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His father finally catches up to him, but Joshua mistakes him for the imposter he met earlier.
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(The Ray 1994 #28)
In a state of extreme panic, he runs away.
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Nadine survives the explosion, but her friend does not. Joshua has inadvertently killed again.
Ray goes after him, but Joshua has expended so much energy that his powers give out and he collapses mid-flight into the ocean.
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He is rescued before he can drown, and the next we see him, he is back in bed at Ray's apartment, sleeping peacefully.
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And that's the last we ever hear of this child. The series ended with this issue, Ray got regulated to guest appearances and team outings without much (if any) acknowledgement of his personal life, and Joshua was never even mentioned again.
So what happened to him?
Putting him back in the cryogenic chamber shouldn't be an option; not only is it unethical, it did nothing to solve his problem--rather, exacerbated it.
And how much of what we know about his background is true? We only know what Happy tells Nadine about him, and although she has demanded that he tell her the whole truth, he has a history of lying and manipulating, so everything he says is potentially questionable.
What we see of Joshua's behavior does seem to back up the story. He does get overwhelmed by emotion and uses his powers in destructive, sometimes deadly ways. His mentality does indeed seem to be that of a child younger than his physical age. But is he really as hopelessly uncontrollable as his father makes him out to be? Under normal circumstances he seems fine. Whenever he does lash out, his narration reveals that it's not erratic; he's in frequently in circumstances that would terrify any child, and he's trying to protect himself. Within less than a day, he destroyed his house, inadvertently killed his mother (...or did he?), and his father drugged, froze, and abandoned him. That would be incredibly traumatic.
Surely there's a way that his out-of-control powers could be restrained. Earlier in the series, it's shown that Happy has the ability to basically hypnotize Ray into believing he's lost his powers. Why didn't he try that with Joshua, if only as a temporary solution?
Ray's powers are greater than his father's, though, so if anyone could find a way to help Joshua out permanently, it would likely be him. After all, it wouldn't be the first time in this universe that a hero had to straighten out a younger counterpart's unmanageable powers (as Wally did for Bart in 1994).
So the ideal ending would involve not only Joshua learning to better control his powers but also getting the emotional support he needs (which would further help in that direction). Handing him over to the care of his father full-time would be a mistake, but the entire family should get the opportunity to work on rebuilding their relationships.
And with some stabilizing, maybe the Ray and Spitfire could be a thing again. Maybe Joshua, like his brother, could join a team. He's not too far in age from Damian or Jon or Chris.
But we never do get to find out, and since Ray and family have since been rebooted and made almost completely different, it's unlikely Joshua will make an official reappearance.
Doesn't stop me from having questions, though.
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fisheito · 8 months
i understand you perfectly!! i think maybe some people have less coordination to catch the bouncy ball brain that can happen when someone's excited and passionate abt smthn is maybe why others have said they have trouble understanding what you mean sometimes? but it made perfect sense to me and YHHEEESS!!!!! YES I WANT YAKUMO TO BE SEEN BY CHICKENS!!!!!!! i think about him as a wee one a lot bc there's SO much sand in the sandbox to make little sandyakus out of. like are forest animals less likely to be wary of him because more yokai (as far as we've seen) are in the forests? COW YOKAI WHEN?? (just olivines halloween costume and i just finished polishing my milk bucket)
thinking of a very scared little snakey boy crying hysterically over a duck flapping at him is so sad but also. too funny im so sorry yakumo. grandma and grandpa have their work cut out for them to not only raise a semi feral child but whatever yard birds they have keep trying to fight and there's only so much you can do while holding a long and terrified child on your hip who may or may not understand the common language at this point!! child yakumo is FASCINATING and i want to know so much more about what they had to deal with, like the only humanity he's ever known was 1) cave murals for him to base his DIY human form and 2) fuckers both small and adult size terrorizing him in the cave
personally! i like the idea that even after operation cave adoption yakumo was pretty immediately in fawn mode and probably had a very deep understanding of behavior that gets smiles and soft touches vs behavior that gets loud and angry (like most full ass human children do) but like? what if he had a biting streak like a lot of other full ass human children do? is it just instinct? does he have fangs?????? (i say yes but im a monsterlover first human third) i also think it would be funny and also sweet if the chickens are PISSED at a snake coming into their yard and their hutch but wait! snake has corn? corn? corn? corn? this snake can stay. i think little yakumo should get to hug a chicken!!! they're very friendly and like people and many of them like to be pet and snuggled it's his right as a country boy to show up at his grandparents and have many excited birds running to see him. ladies LOVE this guy
also grampa harvesting(?? is that the word. collecting. idk) eggs and yakumo helping for the first time and he's like "look :) this is an egg for us to eat. it's how the chickens say thank you for giving them a house :)" and baby yaks just. holds egg every carefully. eyes big with wonder. places a raw ass unwashed still has some straw on it egg into his mouth and swallows it whole. grampa watches his jaw pop in and out of place. grampa needs a smoke after this one. stories to tell eiden while looking at the baby pictures when yakumo is in the bathroom. he comes back to the main room and eidens like "aww yakumo why didn't you tell me you solved your grandparents mouse problem within the first month of you staying here 🥺 that's so sweet" "mmhmm mmhmm. he just slurped them up like spaghetti and i only fainted twice seeing the tail hanging out of his mouth" (yakumo is so embarrassed he levels the entire klein continent)
AND AND speaking of small animals and me having 0 memory of canon did bring it up i DESPERATELY want to know how topper felt the first time he had to meet yakumo. did he get super poofy and do the weasel war dance because predator with essence close to Quincy range? or did he just scamper into the kitchen one day and tug on the hem of yakumos pants like "excuse me papá said you would make me a sandwich" bc we know they can understand each other and that topper is a chill little guy, but just how smooth was the first interaction!!!
i also! feel like i am a bit incomprehensible here ahaha. i think a lot of it is the excitement, and my very scattered attention span and energy levels. we are playing intellectual racquetball. but you are very understandable to me and very funny and very kind! thank you for appreciating the creatureness of yaks and giving him lots of thought and love and chickens. and for allowing me to put this long ass ask in your box 🩷🐟
i didn;t think any of that was incomprehensible but then again who am i to act as a baseline for comprehension sfoijiseojclokls thank u for ur long ass ask every paragraph filled me with visions and made me engage in More THan Just Sensible Chuckle
(side note: i kno we all joke about olivine being cow but . kinda makes sense. they're curious and intelligent... they have complicated social structures and bffs... they are gentle but also tanks and will destroy u if that is their true desire. does olivine like being brushed? i'll have to wait to find out)
-i cannot believe it didn't click but grandma and granpa rly DID raise a feral baby. i always wonder how lil yaku ... ebven formed his human body? like, what informed his knowledge of human anatomy? behaviour? processes and??? uhhh i'll just pretend it was magical Great Serpent generational knowledge embedded in his DNA or smth bc aint no way yaku learning how to be People from the bullies, like u said 😥
DO SNAKES MOUTH ON THINGS? like, gnaw on things with their gummy litl mouths to figure out the world? i know they usually use their tongue to investigate but the image of a baby snake... who doesn't know that a certain food item is too big for them... so they keep trying to eat it from diff angles. but it's not working and tehy're not venomous so their only weapon is to squeeze something , which is not helpful in subduing the stationary giant food item but i guess this is the point where they try to figure out how to unhinge their jaw properly (technique is important!!) so. i guess they succeed in the end? How big is too big for an unhinged snake jaw?? child yakumo pouting because he can't eat an entire pampo in one bite? 😅
-desperately necessary visual: yakumo and eiden pulling up to the ol' farm in their carriage. they disembark. eiden spots the ladies (hens) running from the horizon. the chickens keep comin'. some are HAULING FEATHERY ASS. some are more casual trotters. eiden starts to recognise the speed demons in the flock (he will name them and narrate a race in his head every time they visit). yakumo is surprised they recognise him, even tho they do this EVERY TIME he visits. he promptly gives them snacks from his stash.
re: topper... i'd guess that since topper met yakumo post-eiden, he wouldn't register yaku as a threat. yaku has chilled out by that point, and always smells like tasty human food. WAS THERE A CANONICAL MOMENT ALREADY DISCLOSED WHERE TOPPER MET YAKUMO FOR THE FIRST TIME??? I DO NOT KNOW. topper just seems abnormally chill and friendly sooo I shall guess that topper would survey the vibes of yakumo and go "that seems like. a quiet fella. smells like meat. will he give me treats? paPA, does he provide treats???" quincy: idk go ask topper: NOICE (hops off to investigate yakumo's treat quotient) so drama-free. finally someone who speaks your language. both squeaks AND food 🥰
anyway your entire ask is just a compilation of things i need to see PLEASE FORTHE LOVE OF SNAKES the images are so vivid. so cute. i simply must (clenches fists) (clenches toes)
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whitedemon-ladydeath · 6 months
"lol what's in Iowa besides CORN" u know what. I don't care. Iowa has been a backbone for feeding your asses for generations and is one of the biggest corn distributors of the world. Farmers are some of the hardest working people I know. some of yall wouldn't know hard work and hard labor if it showed up and bit u in the ass
the smell of corn after the rain makes my chest swell. it reminds me of home. its sweet and earthy. We feed your asses and we're proud of the hard work they do.
My great grandpa was one of the sweetest old men who ran a farm and then was a cattle truck driver with his boys. He was always working until he died. he died from a fall in his 80s while he was fixing up his house. He had the respect of my entire family and the respect of our town and community. he wore bib-overalls and long underwear and a truckers cap and always had a smile on his face and my entire family gathered for his birthday every year despite having beef with each other
farmers are the backbone of Iowa and a large chunk of the Midwest. I moved to Minnesota, to the Twin Cities, and these clowns had the audacity to mock my accent. very bold words from the people who sound like the moose from brother bear 🤨
the open skies, and beautiful sunsets. The smell of corn and earth after rain. The Loess Hills, where the only other landscape like it is in CHINA. The native prairies. The cows with shiny fur in the sun, grazing. The Trails, the rivers where people sneak out to fish without a fishing license. The crickets, the fireflies
Iowa is BEAUTIFUL. it has its problems, JUST like everyone else. but it's not boring, for me. it's peaceful and quiet. Keep my home out of yalls mouth. The amount of classism and people calling us stupid and ignorant with no understanding of what has been done To the people of rural areas is ridiculous
Sure. people can get bored and stir crazy but my family has been here working their asses off for generations and we have the stubbornness and pride to prove it
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