#swamp green court
toxiccrybabyart · 8 months
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More screenshot edits
This time for pearls
So many pearls
One of which belongs to @pyro-caution
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starker-sorbet · 6 months
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Peter was intrigued by the witch who lived in his swamp. He was obviously powerful and well trained if the spells Peter had seen cast were any indication. As well as being respectful to the swamp itself, never harvesting more than he needed for his potions and avoiding aggravating the creatures who also inhabited the area. Not to mention he's incredibly good looking. All of this made the man a promising prospect for a mate. Now how to tell the man of his intentions to court him? Humans were notoriously tricky to deal with so that left Peter mulling over his options. Maybe the head of that annoying blonde knight that kept harassing him would best show Peter's intentions.
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meatenbone · 10 months
Is Sam/Undergrowth 'The Green'?
In DC there is a nebulous force that connects and animates all plant life across all worlds and galaxies (afaik) known only as The Green; the Swamp Thing is connected to it. It was made by ancient elementals, which sounds a lot like the Ancient of Nature in DP.
Lately I've been wondering what purpose the Ancients even fulfill so this works. What if Sam, as part of Ghost King Danny's court, took over Undergrowth's position as Ancient of Nature.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Hey there. Ya got any Goodra facts?
Yup! Goodra is one of my favorite dragon types, and I have one which I love dearly. I'm really glad you asked about them!
Goodra Facts
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-The scientific name for the Goodra line is "Glaucus limus" which roughly translates to, "Blue-green slime"
-Goodra are actually Gastropods, making then related to pokemon like Gastrodon and Mcargo
-Goodra's slime isn't just for show; the slime protects their sensitive skin from dirt and grime that might get on them, which the slime washes away. Goodra covering their trainers in slime might be an attempt to clean them. (headcanon from @xain-russell ). The slime is also used to keep them moist when out of swampy areas
-As well as that, Goodra can also breathe through their skin, and the slime makes it easier to absorb oxygen. 
-The Goodra line is highly valued for their slime, leading it to sell for really high prices at shops. But this has led for illegal breeding companies, who have poor working conditions and have been known to treat Goodra very badly, as their only purpose is to produce slime. The slime can be turned into medicine
-Goodra are very social pokemon and have been known to seek out other members of their line to live with. This can be a problem, however, since members of the Goodra line are very rare to find in the wild. To combat this, Goodra will often befriend and live with other pokemon
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-While Goomy and Sligoo usually live in swamps, while Goodra tend to live in caves
-Research shows that ancient Goodra used to be poison types
-A common joke in midevial Kalos showed of brave knights fighting weak Goomy. With this however, there came a fairytale of a knight training with a Goomy until it evolved into Goodra, and became a very powerful knight itself
-Goodra lost their shells due to environmental changes, but they still have the gene for them. It just isn't active (headcanon from @nerdpokemonheadcanons )
-Goodra toungues are pointed at the ends and have tiny spikes on them
-They have a lot more teeth than you would think, but plenty of them of them are hidden and very, very, very small. They have up to 14,000 teeth, which are located in a part of their mouth known as the Radula
-The feelers are very sensitive, and still hold all 5 senses. They can still smell through their nose and taste through their mouth though
-Because of their really social nature Goodra often form polygamous relationships, and care for their partners deeply (My Goodra has tried to court members of my party, but sadly, they weren't interested)
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-Goodra are very protective of their eggs, and will protect them with their life. It becomes a shock to a lot of people over how aggressive they can get
-Goodra will coat their eggs in slime to make them less appealing to predators
-Goodra can't breathe underwater, but they can hold their breaths for up to two hours
-To show happiness, Goodra will make a squealing noise similar to a hum
-Despite being cold blooded, Goodra don't fully freeze or go into a hibernation in the winter. They will however, become a lot slower and sleep more often
-Goodra that live in swamps eat leaves and grass, while Goodra that live in caves will lick the salt off of rocks, small stones, and sometimes decaying bodies. Their bodies can digest almost anything
-Goodra appeared in a popular children's cartoon known as Dragon Tales
-A lot of old Galarian artwork shows Goodra as a ferocious beast, but this wasn't even remotely the case. The depictions most likely came from the Galarians fear of Dragon Types
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(Art by peron (niki2ki884) on Danbooru)
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sadhatter · 2 months
Obi (Akagami no Shirayukihime) x Reader
A/N: So this is my first fic back after 4 years hiatus. Please bear with me as I get into the rhythm again. xx
Also why are there no Obi fics on this site. I shall be the bringer of Obi Fics for all the Obi stans!!
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Anime: Akagami no Shirayukihime | Snow White with the Red Hair
Pairing: Obi (Akagami no Shirayukihime) x Reader
Order: Pastry with Strawberry Jam
Warnings: Body Insecurity, smutty fluff
Blurb: Your a court herbalist, working alongside Shirayuki. Ever since Prince Zen appointed Obi to be Shirayuki's guard, you have been blessed with the opportunities of seeing this man on nearly a daily basis. Over time, you feel as there is something between the two of you but with your insecurities, you don't know if anything will ever become.
Word Count: 2460
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It was a tranquil week at the castle. Daily routines went smoothly. There were no unexpected visitors or last-minute contests—just peace.
"Hello, Pigeon." Well, that's what I thought anyway.
"Obi." No trace of amusement in my tone. While I did like having him around, he usually chose the worst times to be with me. "You could sound a little more pleased with my presence."
"And you could choose better times to grace me with your presence." I witted back to him as he climbed through the window to walk around the infirmary, looking and touching things like a kid. "Look, Obi, I have a lot I need to do today before Garak returns, so if you want to hang out later, I can, just not now."
I turned towards the desk, placing the pile of notebooks I had in my hands down. However, due to the sheer number, the top of the pile toppled forward, scattering the notebooks across the table and onto the floor on the other side, causing a slight sign to leave my throat.
"It looks like you could use some help," Obi said as he moved around the table and bent down to pick up what fell onto the ground while I cleaned up the scattered books.
"Obi, really—thank you—really, I'm okay." I interrupted my explanation as Obi stood back up and handed me the books that had fallen onto the ground. "Shouldn't you be with Shirayuki anyway?"
Shirayuki is the most recent addition to the Court Herbalists. She is very smart, very beautiful, and blessed with her beautiful bright red hair. She is also the reason Obi has been around the infirmary more often. Since Prince Zen appointed Obi to be Shirayuki's bodyguard in light of the rumors that were started, Obi and I have gotten to know each other better. But the looks he gives her are different from how he looks at me. I'm still trying to figure out how, but I know why. A common herbalist like me with no "assets" could never be with a "princess" bodyguard.
"She's with my master today. He thought after the past couple of weeks they had, they deserved a day away." That's right. It wasn't too long after they officially got together that more drama popped up, causing them to put a hold on their newfound romance.
"Hmm, okay then," I replied because I had started reading and filling out the different pharmaceutical documents. After the first document, I quickly fell into a rhythm of reading and filing. After reading and signing, I finally decided to look up from the desk, only for my eyes to meet with the man, who - apparently - still hadn't left. Our eyes connected (E/C) to gold, which almost seemed like time stopped. The slight swirls of green entwined with the gold made his eyes look like a beautiful flurry of gold flakes across a barren field. His eyes made mine feel like a swamp. I felt my cheeks rise with heat and my throat close with anxiety.
"How long have you been there?" I choked out through the slight opening and closing of my throat.
"I never left Pidge." Screw just my cheeks being red. Indeed, my whole face was red by now. I can guarantee there would be no difference if my face were buried in Shirayuki's hair.
"OKAY!" I said quickly and loudly while standing up, startling Obi and myself with my quick actions. "To the greenhouse," I Declared, kind of hoping Obi would see that I wanted to be alone.
"To the greenhouse," Obi said with a smile as he rose from his seat across the desk and started to follow me out the door.
"What?" I say with shock as I stop in my tracks suddenly, causing him to bump into my back.
"What?" He said with more confusion than anything. "Why are you going to the greenhouse?"
"Because you're going there?" he replied nonchalantly, staring confusedly at my shocked expression.
"You are allowed to be in here by yourself," I say, looking away from him while picking at the skin near my nails.
"I'm aware. Let's go." Fabric hit my face as my jacket fell into my arms. I looked up at the door to see Obi with a bright smile and his arm outstretched towards the sliding door. "It's chilly this time of year, so wear your jacket."
Maybe I wasn't delusional with my feelings. All this time, I thought he had feelings for Shirayuki. And while that may be true, a friend doesn't stay with someone for nearly an hour doing nothing while the other does paperwork. Right? Then again, Mitsuhide and Kiki are always just there when Prince Zen is doing paperwork. But Obi isn't my bodyguard. UGH. Far too many thoughts were running through my head because, before I knew it, we were at the entrance to the greenhouse.
I slide the greenhouse door open, waiting for Obi to enter before closing it behind him. "So, pidge, what are we doing here?"
"I just need to harvest a few different herbs before they aren't viable," I told him, moving towards the different types of herbs and picking out what I needed. "Obi, you don't have to be here. This is a pretty tedious task for someone who-"
"Sounds like you don't want me here, pidge."
"Please stop calling me that."
"Why Pidge? Does it annoy you, pidge?" The more he said it, the more it got on my nerves. With the countless questions that run through my head about this man, this is probably the question that hits my gut in a way I didn't think it would. Why does he call me Pigeon? As far as I was concerned, they were beautiful, majestic birds that symbolized love and luck. And I am not attractive or majestic.
"Just please stop," I said quietly. I was changing the topic while moving through the large greenhouse.
"Why, though, you're my pigeon."
"ENOUGH, OBI," I snapped, causing both of us to be shocked.
"Do you think I'm beautiful and majestic? Cause I'm not! In a world full of pigeons, I'm a seagull. So is this fun for you? Watching me squirm under your presence?" I screamed, even throwing myself into silence as shock and terror ran through my veins.
Why did I snap? Pigeon isn't even that bad of a name. But with these feelings and thoughts racing through my mind, what else was I expected to do? He's always there. Always with me. So why was I so angry?
"(Y/N), I'm s-"
"I'll do this later," I said before sprinting away from Obi, away from an argument, away from hurt, away from my problems.
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"Am I stupid!" I half yelled half groaned as I held a glass of liquor in my hand and my feet up on the couch.
"Yeah, probably. Why would you yell at poor Obi for a name like that?" Garak told me, also in the same position as me but on the lounge across from myself.
"I DON'T KNOW!" I groaned into the pillow I threw onto my face. "I really like him, boss."
"I know."
"He makes me really happy, and he makes me laugh. I'm always amazed by the way he can jump through the trees. He truly is charming." I slurred slightly, feeling a little intoxicated. While I was really good at holding my liquor, the liquor that's in the boss's secret stash is a whole new breed of drink.
"Oh my lord (Y/N). Just tell him? What harm can it do?" Garak told him when she heard the bell ring, asking for someone's attendance.
"It can literally do all the harm in the world. I'm not pretty enough to be admired the way people admire pigeons," I groaned again as she scoffed at me and walked towards the door.
"(Y/N), you have someone here to see you," Garak told me as she walked back into the room properly and sat back on the couch, taking another large swig of her drink.
"You're in better shape than me."
"But this isn't a patient that requires my specialties." Confused by her proclamation, I got up and went to the door. Her specialties? She was the head herbalist; what wouldn't require her "Specialties?"
"Hey, pidge." Just answered my own question. "Can we please talk?" My face nearly exploded from the heat that rushed to my cheeks and ears. My mind running a thousand miles an hour, trying to find a way out of this information.
"Sorry, Obi, I have a lot of stuff here. I need to catch u-"
"NO, SHE DOESN'T, TAKE HER OBI!" I heard my boss yell. When I turned to give her a death glare, she was already staring at me in amusement. I turned back to Obi and saw the small, sad smile he dawned on his lips. Guilt immediately ran through my veins.
"Shall we go for a walk? It's a nice night?" He asked gently and quietly. I examined his posture, which seemed nervous compared to his usual carefree posture.
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"Pidge, I-"
"Obi, why do you call me pigeon?" I asked nonchalantly. On the way outside, I concluded that if this conversation were to happen, it would be better to get it over and done with.
"(Y/N), why don't you think you're beautiful?"
The question caught me off guard. Very off guard. I completely forgot I told him I wasn't beautiful when I snapped. The question blared through my ears like a ringing alarm that wouldn't stop. My whole life has been about helping people and making them feel better. Many of these people are women and young girls, all with flawless skin, light freckles, and beautiful bodies. After every day of serving these women, I would go back to my room and cry. I can be wise and kind, but nothing will ever make me as beautiful as those women.
"Like I said, I'm a seagull in a world full of pigeons." I stared out across the castle gardens with no hint of joy coming from my lips or eyes. "When I look around and see women like Kiki and Shirayuki, I find it very hard to see the natural beauty in myself. Their vibrancies are blinding, and the shine makes it hard to see my reflection."
The words spilled from my lips like they had been there for years, waiting to be released. It felt relieving to tell someone these grievances, but then I was reminded that I was spilling this thought to the man I love. The ball is in his court, and I hate that his next move dictates my own. I am utterly in his hands, and he's fully aware of it.
"(Y/N), I'm not meant to tell anyone this, but when I first came here, it was to keep Shirayuki and my master apart. I've done terrible things to people, unforgivable things." He grabbed my hand and stopped me in my tracks; as the words flowed from his lips, the clarity slowly washed over me. "I'm saying that not all of us are perfect b-"
"You are perfect to me, Obi." I quickly interrupted him, and then the point of his words hit me.
"You perfect to me, pidge. Your eyes, your hair, your skin, your body. It's all perfect to me." His hand slowly reached my cheek, his thumb grazing the skin slightly. "So who cares if the other girls have more vibrant hair or clearer skin. Because to me, you're my pigeon, beautiful and majestic."
That's all it took. The words aren't complex, but they carry profound meaning. Obi's words and meaning were as beautiful as his golden eyes. I grabbed his cheeks, pulling him towards me and smashing my lips onto his. Desperate and needing, but lustful and clarifying. His hands grabbed onto either side of my hips and slowly pushed me against a pillar that was nearby. His hands moved up my body to my neck as mine wrapped into his hair, slowly pulling on his short, brown strands.
One of his hands grazed over the front of my throat and gripped it slightly, not enough to cut off air, but enough to show me that I belonged to him. The motion made me gasp slightly, causing him to pull away.
"Is that okay?" He asked, concern laced in his voice.
"Shut up." I quickly pulled him back towards me, pushing my body further into him than I thought humanly possible. Our lips connected like they were made for each other.
I felt his tongue push slightly on my lips. Mine parting to allow access, our tongues and lips moving together like an in-sync dance. Arms and hands sliding over each other's bodies as if this were the last time we would feel each other. The desperation was clear as day. We had both been waiting far too long for this.
"Ahem." I heard a cough, quickly forcing Obi and me apart quicker than when I moved us together. We quickly turn our bodies to see Prince Zen and Shirayuki, hand in hand, returning from their day out.
"MASTER! Did you have a good trip?" Obi asked like nothing had happened, slowly strolling up to the Prince and throwing his arm around his shoulders. "I hope you guys used protection."
"I think I should be asking you guys that." The Prince responded while shoving Obi off his body. From what Obi told me, it must've been hard for the Prince to trust him with Shirayuki again. Solidifying my feelings for the man, he proved his loyalty to the Prince and earned his title as an aide to the crown.
The Prince pulled on Shirayuki's hand, leading them both past Obi and me. Shirayuki and I laid eyes on each other, and I caught a smile from the redhead. I'll be getting a bit of an interrogation tomorrow. My eyes moved back towards Obi. I saw him slowly returning to me while keeping his eyes on his master and the one he was in charge of protecting as they moved into the castle.
"For future reference,"
Obi and I both jumped, turning around and seeing Kiki and Mitsuhide at the other end of the outdoor corridor. Mitsuhide tried to hide his laughter, and Kiki stood blank-faced with arms crossed.
"Maybe find a room next time." Kiki finished as she dragged a laughing Mitsuhide passed up into the castle behind The Prince and Shirayuki.
"I think I might make do with that advice," Obi said. Before I could ask what he meant, I felt myself thrown over his shoulder.
"C'mon pigeon, we have some catching up to do."
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A servant scurried past Morris and produced, from some mysterious area of their person, a metal box, which the Marquis inspected down the length of their nose. Silver filigree laced the edges, hiding a lock, into which the Marquis slid a thin key and revealed several rows of rings. Morris leaned forwards slightly as they caught the glitter of the candles, then stuffed his hands into his pockets when he noticed the Marquis watching him.
'You really are cursed to put your hands on everything, aren't you?' they said, lifting the box out of reach. As they snapped it closed, Morris caught a flash of the insignia on the chosen ring. A tiny, skeletal hand, etched into the gold band, held an even tinier ruby in its fingers, an approximation of the Skullduggan crest. The ruby matched the pommel of the sword currently resting on the table, and the wine in the bottle beside it.
With a dismissive wave of the hand, which sent the servant scampering from the room, the Marquis examined their reflection. The most prominent feature was a look of disgust. Silks, finery, and other fripperies of the nobility were not usually a part of their wardrobe, the Marquis feeling more at home in a suit of armour or bloodied travelling clothes, and they fidgeted inside the green and yellow doublet, despite how carefully tailored it was. They had already turned down a ruff. In fact they had threatened to strangle the servant with it, and as a threat from a Skullduggan was never an empty one, that servant had almost sprinted for the safety of the hallway.
Morris stood and waited for an explanation. He wasn't sure why he had been summoned to the personal dressing chambers of the Marquis Skullduggan. Some people would probably pay good money to spy on them, although in this instance they would have been disappointed. It seemed that the Marquis had at least three rooms to dress in, not counting their bedroom, and even Morris, who had witnessed them scrubbing blood from their naked body in a stream while singing a cheery song about bread, was only permitted to enter this final one, where the Marquis added finishing touches like the ring and their ceremonial sword.
Regardless of the purpose, he could wait. In such lavish surroundings it wasn't much of a chore, and there was a bowl of fruit on the table beside the wine and two ornately carved glasses. Presumably these were kept in case the act of donning jewellery became too exhausting to bear without sustenance. So far Morris had eaten a handful of grapes and taken a bite from an apple unnoticed. The apple disappeared into his rags as the Marquis turned and reached for their sword. They strung the baldric across their chest and held the straps towards Morris.
'Buckle this for me.'
It was not a request. People in the Marquis's world did as they were instructed or faced the consequences. Morris toyed briefly with the idea of ignoring them, but after a moment he sighed, stepped forwards, and fumbled with the buckles.
'Why're you going to so much effort?' he asked, as he tugged the strap through. The Marquis biffed a hand against his shoulder, which, after bristling with annoyance, Morris forced himself to consider a compliment. Normally they aimed for the head.
'What? Don't be swamp-brained. This is a coronation. I'm the Marquis of Scrantz. If I want to keep our place in the Royal Court I have to at least show up.'
'You said they all think House Skullduggan is full of rebels. Why would they care if you weren't there?'
'Well, you know. We're rebels in an... officially sanctioned sort of way.' The Marquis rubbed their temples, leaving a red mark where the ring dug into their skin. 'Look. If you want to change things, you need power, yeah?'
'And gold.'
'Who are you, the Duke of Dwylionn? All right, all right, and gold. But to get both, you need to have connections. You need to be seen. You need to work with other people, and yes, I know, not my family's strong suit, but we try.'
'Yes! Why do people find that so hard to believe? If we didn't, the other families would all join ranks and try to throw us out of the Court.'
Morris gave the baldric a final pull and stepped back.
'You'd enjoy that.'
'Fair enough, we probably would.' The Marquis wiggled the belt into a more comfortable position. 'But we might regret it afterwards.'
'Hard to regret things if you're dead.'
'Are you saying we'd lose?' They snorted. 'No, we'd regret it because life would be boring without the other Houses to fight. See, this kind of forward-thinking is why they send me and not one of the twins.'
They turned their back on Morris and reached for the bottle of wine, as well as the glasses. That was something the Skullduggans had to be given credit for. Although they would fight anyone over anything, when it came to their wine, there was always a second glass on hand to offer a guest, whether out of generosity or, as Morris suspected, mischief. Many an unsuspecting traveller in Scrantz had been caught off-guard by House Skullduggan's regional wine and woken up, some days later, with considerably fewer clothes, valuables, and other possessions than they started with, and only a thumping headache in exchange. Morris shook his head when the Marquis held the glass towards him and absently pulled the apple out of his pocket instead. The Marquis didn't notice. They poured half a glass for themself, drained it in a breath, and set it down with a clink.
'Right. Onward.'
They were halfway through the door before they realised Morris wasn't following. He stood in the centre of the room, holding his apple, not taking another bite.
'What do you want me to do?'
'Stop holding us up, for a start. Come on.'
'You want me to go to the coronation?'
'Sure, why not? We spend so much time running errands for fairy queens or whatever, it's time you saw a real monarch.' They glanced him up and down, tapping their fingers against their sword. 'From the crowd, of course. I don't want everyone else to know I associate with--'
'Normal people.'
'You live in a sewer. You are not normal. I'll get you through the door, then you can go and stand at the back somewhere, with the servants. Just don't turn into a rat, yeah? Come on.'
People in the Marquis's world did as they were instructed or faced the consequences. This was no exception, either. Before Morris could attempt to reconcile the image of himself, from greasy hair to grey rags, with the interior of the Royal Court, the Marquis had locked their arm into his and dragged him from the room.
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landboundstar · 7 months
From Ghoulies And Ghosties Part 5
Been awhile, but have been working on this and some other works in progress as well as life and tending to the plot bunnies.
Magic normally requires preparation, time, and energy.
That explains half the random shite I carry around with me.
I love when I don't have to do anything to get ready for a ritual.
It is rare. And I can barely manage in my own flat.
But Gotham had a ready made space, perfect to summon who I needed.
The little wildflower reclamation project looked pristine and untouched even when the concrete barriers and basketball courts yards away were covered in detritus and drug paraphernalia.
I was happy to see that met with the Jolly Green Giant's approval.
Okay, he looked more like a leafy cross between the Jolly Green Giant and something from the Black Lagoon, but even I don't look my best when I get unannounced company.
"John." He nodded in acknowledgment.
I nodded back. "Alan." I used his name, rather than his moniker or title. And people claim I have no manners?
The fact it let me speak to the spark of humanity inside of my eldritch friend was just a nice bonus.
He looked around. "Why the nice place, John?"
*Normally, you are using a potted plant. Today, a fully reclaimed wild space? John, you are a good friend. I appreciate what you have done for Abby and me in the past. But, I am not - how do you put it? Down to -"
Do a fertility rite for an eldritch swamp being just once and they never let you forget it.
"That's not what I need. It's about the job I am working. Why I am in Gotham borrowing one of Ivy's pet projects."
"Ah." Alan nodded sagely. "That explains why the plants are so nice and clean. So this isn't a hookup?"
"Maybe another time, but I'm currently on the clock. My current client is having me trying to help with a Gotham based problem. So, I was looking into all the extra magic in Gotham, like where it is coming from. It isn't the magic that is native to Gotham. Or the swamp. I checked."
Alan shook his head. "I cannot help you follow it, since it is of the red and the gray not the green."
"But, if you are guarding Slaughter Swamp and the magic reaches there, you could trace the threat. Since you speak for the trees, right?"
"That is a bit of a stretch, since I don't think it is targeting trees. But Slaughter Swamp can be problematic and does not need to have any more magical complications. And as a fellow Justice League member, I should tell you if there is a problem outside of the realm of the green that needs your assistance." He nodded. "I can work with this. I will help you."
"And what will you be doing?"
"Well, they hired an investigator. So I will be investigating. I'm afraid this is turning into the trope and I'm going to have to cher chez le femme."
"And Batman is okay with this?"
I smiled, and I knew it wasn't a nice smile.
"Who said I was the only detective who would have to cher chez le femme?"
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toxiccrybabyart · 11 months
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Diamond deisgns
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exuberantocean · 3 months
Abandoned Fic Thursday! It's not a think but I'm making it. I've got an 11 page Mash post-war Hawkeye/BJ (or maybe Hawkeye/BJ/Peg? I don't think I ever decided) where BJ courts Hawkeye through long distance psychological warfare via stolen socks.
“Two socks?”  
Hawkeye blearily eyed the clothes on his bed for a moment.  Nearly 36 hours of travel, god knows how many time zones, then a welcome home party...it was all catching up to him awfully quick.  But he was pretty sure he could still count.  “Where did all my socks go?”
He was sure he packed all his socks, seven pairs in wildly varying condition, before they took down the swamp.  So fourteen socks in the swamp, fourteen socks into the army issue duffle bag, there should be fourteen socks now on his bed here in Crabapple Cove.  But there were only a lousy two.
“Is something wrong?” His dad asked.  Hawkeye could hear the door creak open as his dad stepped into the room.
“I didn’t just lose my marbles in Korea, I’ve lost my socks too!”
Hawkeye turned to see his dad frown, more likely because of his continued flippant references to his declined mental health than the missing socks.  
“You still have all the socks you had from before the war,” as if to prove the point his dad opened the top dresser drawer.  All his old socks still lay there, right where he left them over three years before, totally untouched by the passage of time. Unlike him.
“That’s not the point.  I packed seven pairs of socks when I left Korea. There should be seven pairs of socks in my duffle bag.”  Hawkeye picked up the remaining two socks.  They were clearly the worst of the lot, darned so many times they weren’t really worth a darn anymore.  One was stretched out, clearly “borrowed” by BJ one too many times.
No, he wouldn’t have...would he?
The phone rang and his dad ran off to get it while Hawkeye tried to decide what to do with the rest of his clothes from Korea.  Put them in the dresser?  Pack them away the attic?  Burn them?  Somehow he wanted to do all three at once.
“Ben?  BJ Hunnicutt is on the line!” His father called up the stairs.
Hawkeye’s eyes narrowed in on the two socks again.  “That fink!”
“You fink!” Hawkeye exclaimed moments later when his father handed him the phone.
“Hello to you, too stranger!” BJ said cheerfully.  Too cheerfully.
“You took my socks!”
“Now Hawkeye, why would I ever take your socks when I have seven pairs of olive green Army issue socks that I never intend to wear again of my own?”
“Why did you ever take my socks?” Hawkeye slumped on the couch as his father wandered out of the room and off into the kitchen to give them some privacy.
“Well don’t you have other socks?”
“That’s not the point.  The point is that they’re my socks and you took them!”
“Now I never said I took them.  Did you try calling Charles?” asked BJ.
“Why would I call Charles?  Charles didn’t take my socks.”
“Are you sure, did you ask?”
“Why would Charles take my socks?” Hawkeye asked through a yawn.
“Why would I take your socks?”
“I don’t know; why were you always stealing my socks anyway?” Hawk asked, exasperated. 
“Now, I wasn’t stealing your socks.  It’s just that your socks looked a lot like my socks so they got mixed up.  An innocent mistake.”
“My socks had my name on them while your socks had your name on them and my socks were in my footlocker while your socks were in your footlocker so I cannot see how they-” Hawkeye yawned again. “I can’t see how you could have been mistaken when you took my socks.  It was premeditated sock thievery and you know it BJ Hunnicutt!”
“Hold on a minute.” BJ said.
“Sure, BJ.” Hawkeye said, finding to his surprise that he was smiling despite the bickering.
There were muffled voices on the other end of the line a moment.  He could hear BJ talking to a toddler over the line and Hawkeye’s smile melted. BJ was home.  With a family all his own.  He didn’t need him anymore. He found himself clenching one of the throw pillows so tight his knuckles were turning white.  God, he was a mess.  They said goodbye, so now he needed to let BJ go.  Hell, why was he calling?  He had bibs and strollers and baby shoes.  He had a blonde wife with a warm smile keeping a perfect little house. A picket fence along a seaside property.  BJ didn’t need him.  He had nothing left to give anyway. And BJ was certainly never going to give Hawk what he really wanted.  He just needed to rip off the bandaid.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have called,” Hawkeye said when he heard Erin leave.
“What, why?”
“You’re home now BJ.  You’ve got a family of your own.  You don’t need me.”
“What, like I can’t have friends, I can’t have a best friend along with my family?” BJ asked.  He’d been happy and teasing but now his voice was laced with anger.  Maybe that was for the better.  Hawkeye dug the knife in further.
“Trapper never left a note, never wrote, never called, if you were half the husband and father he was, you’ll do the same.” Hawkeye slammed the phone down.
“What was that about?” Daniel asked, coming back into the room.
“Nothing, the past.” Hawkeye said.  “Time to move on.”
If he only had the slightest clue how.
*There's more, but I mean, it's 11 pages long and that's a lot to post.
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
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Since early 2021 we have witnessed somewhere between 7 and 8 million illegal entries across the now nonexistent U.S. southern border.
The more the border vanished, the more federal immigration law was rendered inert, and the more Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas spun fantasies that the “border is secure.” He is now written off as a veritable “Baghdad Bob” propagandist.
But how and why did the Biden administration destroy immigration law as we knew it?
The Trump administration’s initial efforts to close the border had been continually obstructed in the Congress, sabotaged by the administrative state, and stymied in the courts. Nonetheless, it had finally secured the border by early 2020.
Yet almost all its successful initiatives were immediately overturned in 2021.
The wall was abruptly stopped, its projected trajectory cancelled. The Obama-era disastrous “catch-and release” policy of immigration non-enforcement was resurrected.
Prior successful pressure on Mexico’s President Andrés Obrador to stop the deliberate export of his own citizens northward ceased.
Federal border patrol officers were forced to stand down.
New federal subsidies were granted to entice and then support illegal arrivals.
No one in the Democratic Party objected to the destruction of the border or the subversion of immigration law.
However, things changed somewhat once swamped southern border states began to bus or fly a few thousand of their illegal immigrants northward to sanctuary city jurisdictions—especially to New York, Chicago, and even Martha’s Vineyard.
The sanctuary-city “humanists” there who had greenlighted illegal immigration into the southern states suddenly shrieked. They were irate after experiencing the concrete consequences of their own prior abstract border agendas. After all, their nihilism was always supposed to fall upon distant and ridiculed others.
New York mayor Eric Adams went from celebrating a few dozen illegal immigrants bused into Manhattan, to blasting his own party by allowing tens of thousands to swamp his now bankrupt city.
But why did the Biden administration deliberately unleash the largest influx across the southern border in U.S. history?
The ethnic chauvinists and Democratic Party elites needed new constituents, given their increasingly unpopular agendas.
They feared that the more legal Latino immigrants assimilated and integrated into American society, the less happy they became with leftwing radical abortion, racial, transgender, crime, and green fixations.
Democratic grandees had always bragged that illegal immigration would create what they called “The New Democratic Majority” in “Demography is Destiny” fashion. Now they slander critics as “racists” who object to leftwing efforts to use illegal immigration to turn southwestern red states blue.
Mexico now cannot survive as a modern state without some $60 billion in annual remittances sent by its expatriates in America. But many illegal immigrants rely on American state and federal entitlements to free up cash to send home.
Mexico also encourages its own abject poor and often indigenous people from southern Mexico to head north as a safety-valve of sorts. The government sees these mass exoduses northward as preferable to the oppressed marching on Mexico City to address grievances of poverty and racism.
The criminal cartels now de facto run Mexico. An open border allows them to ship fentanyl northward, earn billions in profits—and kill nearly 100,000 Americans a year. Illegal immigrants pay cartels additional billions to facilitate their border crossings.
Do not forget American corporate employers. Record labor nonparticipation followed the Covid lockdown. In reaction to the dearth of American workers, the hospitality, meat packing, social service, health-care, and farming industries were desperate to hire new—and far cheaper—labor.
Human rights activists insist that the borders themselves are nineteenth-century relics. And the global poor and oppressed thus have a human right to enter the affluent West by any means necessary.
Many in the tony suburbs and in universities do not live anywhere near the border. So they pontificate on the assurance that thousands of unaudited illegal immigrants will never enter their own enclaves or campuses.
The result is elite bottled piety—but not firsthand experience with the natural consequences of millions chaotically fleeing one of the poorest countries in the world to pour into the wealthiest. Without background checks, vaccinations and health audits, legality, high-school diplomas, English-facility, skill sets, or capital, the result is an abject catastrophe.
Polls continue to show that the American people support measured, diverse, legal, and meritocratic immigration as much as they oppose mass illegal immigration into their country and the subsequent loss of American sovereignty on the border.
They understand what the Biden administration does not: no nation is history has survived once its borders were destroyed, once its citizenship was rendered no different from mere residence, and once its neighbors with impunity undermined its sovereignty.
Ending illegal immigration now depends solely on the American people overriding the corrupt special interests and leaders who profit from the current chaos and human misery.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On Thursday, February 17th 1876 SS Strathclyde, built by Blackwood & Gordon, Glasgow and owned by the Burrell shipping group collided with a German ship near Dover. 
The Strathclyde left Dover on Thursday, February 17th 1876 and was about two and a half miles from Dover proceeding at nine knots in clear weather. She was overtaken by the German steamship Franconia around 4 to 5pm. Capt Eaton turned his ship to starboard but at the same time the Franconia turned to port and a collision occurred.
The German vessel struck the Strathclyde between her funnel and mainmast, cutting into her to a depth of four feet. The colliding vessel went astern only to rebound and strike a second time making another deep hole abreast of the mainmast The Strathclyde sunk rapidly by the stern. The first lifeboat was lowered with 15 women on board but was swamped by the swell and capsized drowning most of its occupants. A second lifeboat was launched without mishap and managed to save 2 of the drowning people. By this time, the seas were breaking over the vessel as high as the bridge and washing overboard many of those on deck. The captain, 2nd Engineer and a fireman, the last to leave, jumped overboard as she sank Of those on board, 38 were drowned, Capt Eaton was among the survivors.
The subsequent trial, held at the Central Criminal Court in London, of the German master of the Franconia, found the master guilty of manslaughter. On appeal, however, it was discovered that English Law didn’t cover him in English waters, and they had to let him go. This led directly to the adoption by Parliament of the existing International Territorial Waters law, which many other countries already used.
A Leading newspaper of the day reported the story as follows:
As each fresh disaster is reported, it seems to eclipse its predecessors in strangeness and unaccountability. People wondered naturally enough why the Deutschland should have blundered on to the Kentish Knock, when, she had she kept her right course, she would have been miles away, but there was at least the excuse of dense fog and a powerful current; not so with the calamity of last week. The Franconia, in broad and clear daylight, bore down upon the Strathclyde as though maliciously chasing her for the purpose of running her down, and though the captain of the hapless vessel twice altered her course to get her out of the pursuer’s way, on she came till the fatal crash as heard, and in a few minutes the ship had sunk.
The chief mate and four seamen of the Strathclyde jumped for their lives, and scrambled on board the Franconia, where they allege there seemed to be no order or discipline. Seizing hatchets and knives, they tried to cut away the boats in order to help those they had left behind, but the Franconia steamed on without even throwing a rope, the captain declining to turn back when appealed to. Meantime two of the Strathclyde’s boats were successfully loosed, and each swamped by the rush of water caused by the settling down of the ship.
Twenty-nine of the crew and six of the passengers were picked up by small craft which happened to be at hand, but several of these have since died, and about forty other persons were drowned. Amongst the victims was Mrs. Green, a niece of Mr. Dion Boucicault, whose recent family bereavement by the railway accident at Abbot’s Ripton will be fresh in the memory of our readers. No evidence was offered at the inquest in explanation of the conduct of the Franconia in rushing so wildly on to another vessel, or by neglecting to stand by after the accident occurred.
The Franconia is now detained at London, and the Board of Trade inquiry will, doubtless, elicit some statement from those on board. Meanwhile, it is difficult to imagine what excuse can possibly be urged in extenuation of such apparent inhumanity. Captain Eaton, of the Strathclyde, who stayed by his vessel till the last moment, and who is now lying dangerously ill at Deal, speaks highly of the conduct of all on board, but as she went down in ten minutes, there was not time to launch the boats in safety.
There were twenty-four life-belts and eight life-buoys on board. Several of these were used by the ladies, and in some cases they were the means of saving life. Some of the witnesses at the inquest say that had other boats put out from Dover, more lives might have been saved, and the tug Palmerston is blamed for going to the aid of the Franconia instead of the Strathclyde. It is to be hoped, however, that these instances of apparent inhumanity have been unconsciously exaggerated, or are capable of explanation.”
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hi ok been EVEN more months haha oopsies
ok i kinda didn't know what to put on this blog because i started getting way too obsessed with superheroes and stopped consuming as much dw(i still love it but like... superheroes are so COOL) so i thought that in order to keep this thing updated, i'd just expand my horizons by porting over my big media watch/read/play/listen list! this is gonna be a massive post of everything so far, and then new updates will be new pieces of media! everything listed in order(and some brief thoughts)
Batman: The Court of Owls - Snyder/Capullo (Great!) Batman: The Court of Owls Vol 2/The City of Owls - Snyder/Capullo (Alright...)
Batman: The Night of Owls - Snyder/Capullo (Meh, but I had incorrect expectations)
Inscryption(Fucking phenomenal, play this bizarre ass game)
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Doctor Who Series 2(Very good!)
Much Ado About Nothing - Shakespeare, a reading (Loved this one)
Neon Genesis Evangelion - The Original Show (yeah this was a fixation for a while too)
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Undertale (really good, but not as loved for me as others)
Julius Caesar, a reading - Shakespeare (Good one Billy)
Donmar Warehouse Production of Julius Caesar (go women go)
A Page of Madness - 1926 Movie (makes no sense but hell yeah)
Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages (God this game frustrated me so much)
As You Like It, a reading - Shakespeare (I think I remember which play this is)
Howl, and Other Poems - Allen Ginsberg (Liked this one! Howl is the strongest by a lot though)
Lunch Poems - Frank O'Hara (Very cool!)
Rewatch of Over The Garden Wall (god this show is so fucking incredible)
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Everything Everywhere All At Once - 2022 Movie (my movie of the year so far, it's beautiful)
Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop - 2021 Movie (Cute! but it's not much more than that)
Cat Soup - 2003 Short Film (Awesome but also What the Fuck?)
Swamp Thing Vol. 1: The Root of All Evil - Millar/Hester/Morrison
Cat Soup Rewatch (Had to share with a friend)
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Bee and Puppycat Season 1 (Adorable!! so lovely and cute)
Everything Everywhere All At Once Rewatch (had to get a friend to see it for the first time)
Bee and Puppycat Season 1 Rewatch (Ok don't judge me)
The Residents: Triple Trouble - 2022 Movie (idk how to start with this one)
Watchmen - Moore/Gibbons (got some nitpick gripes with the ending: but it's fucking brilliant)
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (Really good! Better ending than the show)
Leonor - 1975 Movie (nothing quite like a theatre yelling "jump off the bridge")
Smiling Friends Season 1 (I knew a lot of the jokes going it, but it's still gutbusting)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (get his ass Gawain, or get yours got, I guess)
Bless The Daughter Raised by A Voice in Her Head - Warsan Shire (a couple really standout poems in a mostly just ok volume. if this one comes across as harsh, i had to analyze this for 3+ weeks for class)
Adventure Time Season 1 (it's my roommate's favorite show, i'd never seen it)
Doctor Who: The Heralds of Destruction - Cornell/Jones (it's good, with material that does hold, but it's not any spectacular)
Batman & Robin - 1997 Movie (Awful, but also not that)
Super Mario Bros - 1993 Movie (This shit slaps, idc what anyone else says)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Volumes 1-3 - Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (It's good on it's own, but it's especially interesting as an adaptation of the show)
JLA: Earth 2 - Morrison/Quitely (I really like it, but also wish it was longer)
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Adventure Time Season 2(still cute!)
The Amazing Spider-Man: Edge of Spider-Verse - lotsa people (They're mostly fine Spider introductions with the man-spider guy one being notably bad and Peni's being notably good)
Adventure Time Season 3 (fun, I started getting really into the show at this point)
Adventure Time Season 4 (fun, still ramping on excitement)
Adventure Time Season 5 (good, but maybe my least favorite season. just a lot of sadder episodes in this one)
Fahrenheit 451 - 2018 Film (it sucks. also they should've been gay. but what do I know)
Ariel - Sylvia Plath (yeah ok cut out my heart why don't you)
Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask - Akira Himekawa (very fun interpretation of the story! but i wish it was a bit longer)
Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons (I like this one more than ages, but not by much)
Scott Pilgrim Comic Reread, All 6 Volumes - Bryan Lee O'Malley (I still love it and find a LOAD in it, despite it's occasional drastically poor choice in language or implication
Le Mani Sulla Citta - 1963 Film (god i could watch italian guys argue all day) watched between Scott Pilgrim Volumes 1 and 2 but I wanted to keep it neat
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Adventure Time Season 6(maybe my favorite season? either this one or season 7)
Dracula Ballet - Milwaukee Ballet Company (Good show! read the book first or it won't make a lick of sense)
Robo Sapiens: Tales of Tomorrow - Toranosuke Shimada (very very cool, super interesting almost a little martian chronicles esque)
Murder On The Orient Express - 2017 Film (very fun and interesting movie to watch: should be noted i've never read the book)
Adventure Time Season 7 (on rereading episode lists, this one is probably my easy favorite. so many good ones)
Pokemon Blue (i was trying to do a generationlocke, you see)
Never Open It: The Taboo Trilogy - Ken Niimura (really really good, the art is especially great in this one)
Pokemon Crystal (see?)
Pokemon Emerald (SEE???)
Adventure Time Season 8 (Great, but the beginning of a slight downward trend in my enjoyment of the show. it becomes more plot focused than character focused here, and that did make it a bit less fun. still great though)
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Loveless - Alice Oseman (I love a lot of her books, and I love this one too! but for some reason it just doesn't strike me as fully satisfying and i don't know why)
Pokemon Firered Omega (SEE???? also i wanted to add romhacks to make it harder)
Adventure Time Season 9 (some really good character moments, but it is even more plot focused here)
Spiderman: Into The Spider-Verse - 2018 Film (holy fuck this movie is incredible, maybe just as loved as EEAAO?)
The Complete Maus - Art Spiegelman (really good! art is great, and the metanarrative is super interesting)
Pokemon Blue (I died)
Time Guardian Volume 1 - Kishi/Ichinose (it's fun, but nothing really beyond that)
Pokemon Blue (guess who died again)
Adventure Time Season 10 (finally did it! the most plot focused of the last seasons, and thus it's maybe the least memorable to me. still really good though)
Spiderman: Across The Spider-Verse - 2023 Movie (it's great, but not quite as good as the first because it doesn't stand-alone. chock full of the best visuals, voicing, and story of the year though)
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Pokemon Crystal (ok....)
Pokemon Emerald (uh huh......)
Ghost in the Shell - 1995 Film (Really weird and interesting and pretty! I liked it)
Knives Out - 2019 Film (it's very good, especially because of the family banter and performances. without it's cast it would probably not be so great. though the plotting does come together in the end for me)
The Spectacular Spider-Man Season 1 (oh my GOD this show is so good)
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (it's good, but I really love to see the detective/criminal battle of wits in mystery/detective movies and that's really not what this movie is)
Snow, Glass, Apples - Gaiman/Doran (interesting take of a fairy tale!)
Punisher 2099 #1 (it's ok)
Punisher 2099 #2 (it's also ok, neither here nor there)
Batman: Fear State - Tynion IV/Jimenez (I do like it, but i wish it placed more character moments front and center. it also tries to juggle SO many damn characters, and a lot of them just feel like cameos)
Shin Godzilla - 2016 Film (you can TELL that the evangelion team worked on this, it rocks. also the movie is very good)
A Field In England - 2013 Film (it's interesting, and weird, but maybe not anything special quality wise)
The Mexican Night - Lawrence Ferlinghetti (spongebob screaming meme I LOVE READING JOURNALS. I LOVE HEARING NOTHING BUT YOUR THOUGHTS AS YOU GO ABOUT YOUR DAY)
Vern, Custodian of the Universe - Tyrell Waiters (it's cool, and the visuals are great, but the plot is not especially good and it starts to lose what makes it interesting later on)
Barbie - 2023 Film (hilarious, incredible)
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Beowulf Graphic Novel - Petrucha/Chamberlain (an interesting take on Beowulf, the art is great![no, i don't know how many times i'm gonna keep saying it either])
Bloom - Panetta/Ganucheau (it's cute and good, but it doesn't go into enough detail or character depth to stick with me)
Inferno - Hickman/Caselli (it's like. alright. it's mostly a political thriller, which is not what i was hoping for when i got it at the library. that's one thing, but i also don't think it's an especially good political thriller. I also don't think it knows where it's going really. i still don't know where it was going and i read the ending and everything.)
Pokemon Blue(it had to all come crashing down eventually, right?)
Cucumber Quest: The Doughnut Kingdom - Gigi D.G. (it's cute and charming! not a lot here beyond that)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - 1954 Movie (it's engaging and interesting, but i'm not sure what to think critically. good? bad? i kinda don't know. also it's disney in the 50's, there's some gratuitous racism)
Porco Rosso - 1992 Film (the whole "oooh fio likes porco" thing makes me a little uncomfy, but besides that the movie is BALLER. go porco go)
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The Golem: How He Came Into The World - 1920 Film (it's interesting, but it's not as enjoyable as stuff like Caligari or Page of Madness)
Superman: For All Seasons - Loeb/Sale (oh my GOD this rocks. so good, so down to earth, so enjoyable. i love this)
All-Star Superman - Morrison/Quitely (I really like this a lot, but I do feel it kinda is off base with what's appealing about Superman to me. it takes Superman and really spins him as a mythical god level figure, to the point where Lois refuses to believe he's Clark and... what the story is is very good. but Superman being regular ol' Clark at the end of the day is what makes him so wonderful to me. This is absolutely a Superman that pretends to be Clark Kent. feel like that's a big distinction. lex's characterization is PHENOMENAL though, SO good.)
And now... my most recent watch............
yeah ok it's more superman
My Adventures with Superman Season 1 (it's phenomenal. like spectacular spider-man levels of good. The voicing, animation, designs, writing, it's ALL here. the overarching plot is also particularly capturing in this show, which sometimes fails to be the case for some superhero shows! i will say that i start to dislike SOME elements of the overarching plot introduced in Ep. 7 and beyond, but they don't diminish my love of this show very much at all. cannot WAIT for season 2 foaming at the mouth, chomping, zinging around my room etc)
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alright! so that just took me like an hour and a half. but that kinda stuff is what i think i wanna do with this blog for now! so if that's your cup of tea keep hanging around! and if it's not... well there's always a chance i decide to change it again so idk your call.
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third-hermit · 1 year
MCYT fanfics
( more specifically empires, hermitcraft and life series )
Learn to love - pastel_sprout
By royal decree, it is declared and agreed upon by both Kings and Queen of Oceana and the Royal Council of Rivendell, that their youngest sons shall be wed under the eyes of Aeor and The sea after both their 18th name day. In this union, both princes bring together two empires in a permanent bond. Oceana is to lend support to Rivendell with food and construction. Rivendell is to lend its magic abilities to Oceana to help keep the sea sane. -or- due to the crisis on both ends of the continent, Rivendell and Oceana set up a marriage between their princes. It does not start well.
Learn To Love - Pastel_Sprout - Empires SMP [Archive of Our Own]
The ocean at your door - series - by Shinygaycomputer
you looked so good in green - scott has to solve martyn’s murder, while trying to heal from and forget why he believes he caused it.
i love a good place to hide in plain sight - bdubs solves martyn’s murder, and cleo and etho try to solve their relationship
i try to worry for soul but i forget to - jimmy’s perspective of you looked so good in green
i’ll figure out a way to get us out of here - lizzie loves her little brother a whole lot.
i’ll find a new place to be from - scar knows his partner loves his secrets, but he didn’t know grian would kill to keep them
you could hear the ocean in a seashell - martyn meets mumbo, who freaks out about literally everything that happens next
the ocean at your door - shinygaycomputer (medieval_bread) - 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series, Empires SMP [Archive of Our Own]
Of giving and receiving love - series - by CrazyFoxLady
flower husbands / rancher duo empires fic
part 1
Scott, prince of Rivendell, trys to court the Codfather. The blonde, on the other hand, is oblivious. He doesn't get it, to Scott's endless frustration. Then the emperor of the swamp meets the Grimland's newest alchemist, a guy that suddenly showed up and quickly worked his way up to the position of count fWhip's trusted adviser. Suddenly the Codfather has many excuses to visit the former enemy's empire.
Part 2
Jimmy and Tango sort out how they will be moving forward. But it seems like even the Codfather was not aware of all the customs. So he get's overwhelmed quickly after his sister lays down what their people expect of him now.
At Rivendell, the prince goes through a crisis. He trys not to drown in those deafening feelings that threaten to pull him under. Will he find the strengh to move on?
Of giving and reciving love - CrazyFoxLady - Empires SMP, Hermitcraft SMP [Archive of Our Own]
Where the ocean meets the sky - series - iceraptoress
Flower husbands / empires s1 fic
Part 1
Seven-year old Prince Scott of Rivendell is looking forward to attending House Blossom's Decade Flower Festival, where he hopes to meet Merfolk for the first time. He is disappointed that no other Elves seem to share that excitement, and his older brother Xornoth tries to discourage his interest. When he does finally meet the Merfolk, he discovers that they are not what he was told to expect.
Part 2
The young Prince of the Ocean Empire had a difficult and traumatic start to life, and survived only to be resented by his people and neglected by his mother. Determined to prove himself, Jimmy struggles to fit into a world where he doesn't seem to entirely belong.
Part 3
As they grow and the years pass, Prince Scott of Rivendell and Prince Jimmy of the Ocean Empire lead very different lives. Well loved, Scott begins the life of study and exploration he has always wanted, while Jimmy continues to struggle for acceptance.
( I haven’t finished it yet but it’s so fucking good im dying)( i will post fanart )
I will add more
please tell me your favorites and come with suggestions!
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kimageddon · 1 year
A Prince of Dathomir - Chapter 109
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-|- Page header by space-b33 -|- Masterlist -|- Prince of Dathomir Masterlist -|- Sins of the Father Masterlist -|- Art Masterlist -|- Check out my : Ko-fi / AO3 -|- Commissions Open-|- Join my tag list -|-
Maul x Nightsister OC (Zaiya Valessa) - Slight Canon Divergence
Word count: Approx 2800 words
Contains/Warnings: Abusive behaviour, power and manipulation.
Chapter Summary: Zaiya has an idea on how to gain power they need to break free of their chains.
Notes: Sorry it's late! There is a lot going on for me right now and a lot of family things happening. I got a little distracted, it's also been hard for me to write with court proceedings looming. But I am doing my best!
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Monster - Part 1
The training was brutal, relentless and painful. Savage had not been pushed this hard since he was young. Though the memories of that time were vague and blurred. He just remembered the pain. Now of course he was tested in ways he had not been prepared for. 
The assignment against the Jedi was simple. Only a small garrison of soldiers and two small Jedi. He had heard they were supposed to be strong… but Savage remained unimpressed. The Clones did nothing to stop him, and the droids only got in the way. He cut them all down and destroyed everyone inside the temple as well. 
It was after this that Dooku had taken him on as an apprentice and became his Master. He had shown Savage how to bleed the kyber crystal, from the Jedi he’d killed and create his own Lightsaber. He chose a double bladed design, not sure why he was so drawn to it, but there was something about that type of weapon that felt right in his large hands. He would destroy his enemies with such a weapon. Good. 
That was when the real training began. Long meditation for hours on his hate and anger. Running for miles with no supplies into the wilderness to test endurance, endless drills with droids or Dooku himself. 
Constant vigilance. He could not be sure when he would be attacked, whether eating or sleeping or meditating, he needed to be ready at all times. His style was vicious, brutal and unforgiving. Savage was a force to be reckoned with, and more often than not, destroyed anything and everything that came near him. 
What he didn’t kill or annihilate… he was punished for. Whether by task or just being struck with an overwhelming blast of blue lightning. Fear and rage in one blast paralysed him in blinding light and pain there was nothing he could do to fight against it. His blood boiled and his hatred grew. 
He’d never felt anything quite so powerful, like he could tear the galaxy apart with his bare hands… but the hole in his gut seemed to grow just as fast. Something in the back of his mind refused to give in completely, and when he finally could take no more and had to rest, he heard it. A whisper of a woman’s voice, telling him to hold on, that she would come for him. That she would find him. 
Who was she? What did she want? He did not need to be found, he just needed to destroy. 
Count Dooku had spoken of his lost brother, Darth Maul. Mentioned how powerful his brother was. Savage wanted that power. He wanted to be able to stand where his brother had and take the power Maul had once wielded. Savage would be a formidable force of destruction that the entire galaxy would fear. 
No one would disrespect him. He would annihilate anyone that stood in his way or dared to try and subjugate him again. Never again.
There was so much to learn, though most of the lessons were nothing but pain. 
Was this what his brother had been through? A brother he could not remember. A brother that was held in such high regard. That was so honoured above him.  
Wait… where had that come from?
Savage’s eyes opened and he stared ahead at the window ahead of him, showcasing a lush green and human-friendly landscape. It felt so alien to him. There was no red fog, no dangerous swamps, no large creatures to hunt. 
Serenno was peaceful. Boring. He found himself thinking back to Dathomir… but there was so little there. If he tried to push back the fog it only caused more pain! The apprentice decided he couldn’t linger on it. He needed to focus on his rage and anger. Through it he would be able to gain the power he desired, and cast off these memories. 
Dathomir was eerily quiet and silent. Zaiya too stared contemplatively out at the landscape though her view was vastly different. The cold chill in the air was present even up on the top of the mountain in the sun.  She stood with her hands clasped behind her back and staring out into the dusk beyond the red mist. 
All her choices, all her paths, all her life had led to this. Savage gone. Feral taken from his home by her own hand. Maul… freed and healed… yet so very hurt in ways she just couldn't heal. The galaxy was at war and she could do little to protect even the few she cared for. 
The ritual, the clones, Kamino, Ventress, Zygerria, her bounties and all the way back to that very first mission on Alderaan. She had walked forward telling herself that she had done everything she needed to. That she was right.
But was she? It ate at her. Could she have done more to help Savage? Could she have done more for any of them? Why did she feel so weak? 
“You’re up here a lot lately.” Zaiya turned, seeing Feral standing there towards the path that led back down to the village. 
“It’s quiet here, I can tap into the Force far more easily when I am on my own,” she explained, though her posture sagged slightly as she let out a deep breath. 
“Do you really think that Savage can be saved?” There was a pleading tone to his voice that broke her hearts. 
“I don’t… know for certain,” she admitted, “but I will do everything and anything I can to break him from the spell they put on him.” There was a long silence before Feral spoke again.
“I suppose… you went to the same lengths for Maul,” he reasoned. 
“I told you before,” she said, turning to face him again, her good eye meeting his. “I would have done the same for any one of you.” He gave her a small smile. 
“Is there anything we can do but wait? It seems that with all the power you two have gained… sitting in a glorified temple seems like a waste.” 
Zaiya stared at him for a moment. 
“Well, that’s what the main building is… isn’t it?” Feral asked nervously. 
“No-- I mean yes it is, but… you’ve given me an idea!” she gasped, her lips breaking into a grin. “Follow me!” 
The two raced back down the path, and on passing through the village, she found Maul and Sixy to join them. She knew where she could go. She knew what she could do to help Savage! 
Her words to Maul were curt, she was angry with him for the way he had grabbed her last time, but for now she put it aside. There was more to do. 
The Nightsister led the other three males out of the main village, avoiding the other Sisters, and toward an old path, no longer utilised and grown over in the swamps outside the mountain. There was another passage that led down, deep into the heart of Dathomir, where she had been only once by accident. 
She’d heard a voice there, speaking to her, and it wasn't until the dream the other night that she had even remembered hearing it before. Was the Fanged God really talking to her then? Was it really him she had seen? If that were the case, perhaps she was meant to find this place.
“Lieutenant, where are we going?” Maul asked coldly as he followed her across the marshes. 
“It’s just… ah! Here!” she gestured to the wall ahead and the group could see a small opening that from one angle just looked like a part of the stone jutting out. Upon drawing closer, they could see the entrance to a tunnel -- or more accurately, stairs, leading down and into the dark. 
“What is it?” Feral asked. 
[My scans detect a winding passage leading far below into the mountain.] Sixy provided. 
“You’re right… there’s a temple down there, an old one,” Zaiya began to explain. “To the Winged Goddess and Fanged God.” 
[An archaic notion for the worship of such deities,] Sixy stated bluntly. 
“So I might think too… were it not for the visit I received,” she admitted. 
“What visit?” Maul asked, sharply. 
“I do not know if it was some vision in the Force or a dream connection, but the Fanged God called me to his realm.” She heard Maul scoff and she rolled her eyes. Of course. “Disbelieve if you wish, sire, but it was the same effect as when you and I have spoken in the Dreamscape.” That silenced him. Feral however was not silent. 
“You two can speak in dreams?” he asked. 
“We have had a connection in the Force, since we were small… It has allowed us to sometimes see each other or even speak when we enter a meditative state or even dreams.” She looked over her shoulder and Feral was staring at her. She also caught the intense look in Maul’s eyes as she turned back. 
“You’ve never mentioned it,” Feral replied quietly. 
“It’s never really come up to mention it before now, it’s been commonplace for me so I honestly didn’t think to mention it.” She shrugged, it was a part of her life as breathing, and yet she became aware it was not common for others to feel and so had just kept it to herself. Feral seemed intrigued but it felt a little too personal. 
[How do you know this vision was indeed the God you speak of?] Sixy asked. 
“Well he certainly looked the part, and I could feel the overwhelming power of the Dark Side… had I not already been, I’d have wanted to drop before him, it was intimidating to say the least,” the Nightsister said with a grimace. 
“You bowed to him?” Maul asked with a snarl. He sounded angry. 
“He’s a God, of course I did,” she replied back, as though it were obvious. 
Suddenly Zaiya was seized by the collar and pinned to the rocky wall. She let out a grunt as her head smacked into the rough surface. 
“You do not bow to anyone!” he growled, getting in her face. Zaiya had finally had enough and she shoved him, hard, into the opposite wall. 
“And you will not manhandle me like I am some servant!” she snapped back, wisps of green smoke trickled out from behind the eyepatch. “If I am your Lieutenant, you will treat me with respect, Maul, lest I am forced to defend myself.” Her eye blazed as she stared at him. Gods, her head hurt. She’d had enough of being grabbed by him when he was in a mood, she should have stopped him long before now. 
Maul’s lip curled, but his gaze was wary. 
“You threaten me?” he asked with a deadly edge to his quiet voice. 
“If I were threatening you, I would not be subtle,” she hissed. “I am telling you what the consequences of your actions will be. I will tolerate no disrespect from you or anyone else.” He regarded her for a long time, but the anger seemed to cool in his glowing yellow eyes. Then he smirked. 
“Good. As you should, Lieutenant.” His tone sounded clipped and she could not be sure if he was still angry or if he had accepted her demand. With a scowl of her own, she turned and headed further down the stairs, and she thought she could see a faint glow at the bottom. 
“You made her bleed!” Fera gasped suddenly. Zaiya turned, seeing the youngest brother glaring between her and Maul. What was he…? Then she felt a slight tickle near the spot of pain on her head. She reached back with a free hand and touched the stinging spot on her head, she only winced slightly and held up her light, seeing the smear of red on her fingers. 
“Hm…” she grunted in displeasure and looked back at the others. Maul’s mouth had formed a hard line and his jaw seemed to tighten, but his expression was otherwise indecipherable. Feral looked like he was ready to punch his brother in the face. 
[Do you require a bacta solution?] Sixy asked, his face as impassive as always. 
“No, head wounds always seem worse than they really are. I’m fine.” She shot Feral a pointed look and decided they had had entirely too many delays. She needed to make contact with the Fanged God again. If she could accept the blessing to become his priestess, then she could gain more power. If she could manage that then… Well she had a far better chance to save Savage and Talzin could not stand in her way. 
The silence was heavy as they made their way down the tunnel, but Zaiya could sense the three had questions. They did not seem to be pleased about any of this. 
Finally the tunnel opened up into a chamber; intricate carvings covered the walls, but what might be left of decor, offerings, tapestries or furniture were long gone. It was mostly empty now. Though it seemed rather clean for an abandoned cave. It was also not very dark either, she could not quite tell from where the glow originated, but there was a slight greenish tinge to the room, much the same tone as her eye and magick.
“It looks well-maintained,” Maul mused, following her train of thought eerily closely. 
“Indeed, perhaps Talzin has kept it in honour of the old ways?” Zaiya mused, though it seemed unlikely, it was she that had turned away from this temple in the first place, so her ma’tri had said. So then who would keep the temple clean of debris and cave-dwelling creatures? 
Knowing she would find no answers out here, she continued to the large door, decorated with more Nightsister symbols. The paint had faded but the carvings remained. It opened to a long room, huge pillars carved into figures on either side leading to yet another door. 
“I’ve seen this,” Zaiya realised, “or a version of it…” 
“What do you mean?” Feral asked, moving to walk beside her now that there was enough room to do so. 
“In my vision, I travelled through the temple of the Fanged God… while it was different to this, the layout thus far has been the same.” She looked around, “even the carved scenes on the walls are similar though it depicts Nightsisters and not the Sith. 
“You saw the Sith in this vision?” Maul asked, standing to her opposite side. 
“Like this,” she gestured to the carvings on the walls between the pillars. They depicted various moments in Nightsister history and mythology, “but it was moments with the Sith… or what I assume to be the Sith, they looked like cloaked figures with swords or lightsabers. There was the figure of the Fanged God in all the depictions. He represents the Dark Side so it is taught, and because of the ties to Dathomir, he is our sovereign deity.” Feral scoffed. 
“The Nightsisters swearing fealty to a male God…” he shook his head. 
“Perhaps that is why Mother Talzin was exiled to begin with…” Zaiya muttered. 
“Exiled?!” Feral asked loudly. 
“Yes, it’s… not common knowledge, but I discovered in the tomes and confirmed with ma’tri. Before Talzin, our clan was connected with the other clans on Dathomir, the Blue Diver clan, the Singing Mountain clan, the Black Forest clan… there are many, but we are now isolated, divided from our other Sisters. From what I understand it was because of something Talzin did. I don’t know what it was though, even ma’tri will not speak of it.” 
“An outcast clan with so much power?” Maul frowned. 
“That might be part of the reason… Talzin does nothing unless it helps her gain power,” she said bitterly. 
“Why would she allow you to go and find Maul? What power did she gain?” Feral asked and Zaiya grimaced. 
“The man she had made a bargain with dared to steal from her. She could not abide such a transgression. She wanted her… property back… and used her keenest tool to do it.” She could not help but curl her lip. She felt like a traitor to everything she had once held to. The clan was meant to be wholly loyal to each other. 
There was a long silence. 
“So then… you never really were one of them,” Feral muttered, as though he had come to some realisation. 
“No. I suppose not.” 
Zaiya reached out with her magick, and green flames ignited in braziers above the door, triggering some kind of mechanism, allowing it to open. As she suspected, there were stairs beyond leading up. 
“Is this like your vision, still?” Maul asked quietly. 
“Yes, up the winding stair to another door… and beyond it was a throne room. I imagine in this case it would be the ritual chamber.” She stared up into the dark, watching the green flames run up the walls along carved channels and to a huge chandelier like fixture. Just like the dream. 
The small group made their way higher through the temple, and sure enough, at the very top--
“There’s the door.” Feral muttered, “Just like you said.”
“Let’s see what lies beyond…”
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Notes: What do we think? Will this ritual succeed? Will they be able to gain in power? What will they need to do to achieve it? And Zaiya told Maul what for didn't she?
He has been forgetting his respect women juice a little bit. But not to worry, hopefully he has a fresh supply.
As always I appreciate all of you for your time and for reading, I really love hearing from you, a comment or rb or like or anything! It really helps keep me invested and excited so if you have the time, a comment or reply would just be amazing.
Thank you so much and I hope you all have a wonderful week!
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grcywtr · 2 years
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º   .   ♔   ⸻   the  capital  of  king’s  landing  welcomes  MEERA  REED  of  HOUSE  REED,  the  LADY  of  THE  NECK.  news  borne  by  a  raven  sends  word  that  she  bears  a  resemblance  to  MILLIE  BRADY.  the  TWENTY  FIVE  year  old  CIS  WOMAN  is  reputed  to  be  PROTECTIVE  and  CHEERFUL,  but  with  the  eyes  of  court  watching  their  every  move,  they  might  turn  out  to  be  RECKLESS  and  IDEALISTIC.  when  songs  are  sung,  their  verses  speak  of  BOW STRING BRUISES, STORIES AND LAUGHTER SHARED EVEN IN THE DARKEST OF NIGHTS, LEAVES AND TWIGS KNOTTED IN WILD HAIR.  whispers  throughout  the  seven  kingdoms  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  HOUSE  STARK,  where  they  conspire  to  HELP BRAN TOWARDS HIS DESTINY.  but  in  the  end  fealty  means  little  when  you  play  the  game  of  thrones. 
STATS   º   .   /   AESTHETIC   º   .   /   PLAYLIST
you are a beloved child of a forgotten house, so elusive that even your castle cannot be found by outsiders. some people would grow to resent the bogs, but you revel in the moss and the mud and the freedom. even as the eldest, there are not many expectations placed upon your shoulders during childhood, and you live carelessly, getting to know the dangerous paths of the neck like the palm of your hand. greywater watch is an elusive homestead, with no knights or maesters, always floating from one place to the other like it is another living, breathing animal in the swamps. 
your father gives you a spear and a net, and then a bow and arrows, and says you’ve got a knack for it. outsiders may say that crannogmen have no honour, poisoning their arrows and letting the lizard-lions deal with most of their enemies, but you know that is not true. a hunter can be as honourable as any knight, perhaps even more so, and hunting comes as naturally as breathing to you. but you’re not a fighter. for a while, that doesn’t matter. after all, the worst mistake anyone in the neck can make is trying to fight against the bogs instead of working with them. you don’t need to be a fighter. (until, of course, you do.)
here’s what you remember from childhood: green springs spent laughing alongside your brother, trying to catch frogs with bare hands, getting your hair braided by your mother’s dexterous fingers. dark nights where ale and wine are not enough to keep you warm, fireside stories that don’t let you sleep, getting lost in a patch of wilderness on the way home. jojen, with a sickly look on his face, dying. your mother, dead. all the memories bleed into each other now, love and joy almost always cutting through the grief and loneliness. 
your father once said you were just like your mother: callused hands and a soft heart. his voice was fearful but you took that as a badge of pride. you can’t stop yourself from helping people, even though the rest of westeros is not like your home, where lizard lions and treacherous paths are the only things you have to worry about. you don’t want to be a hero like the ones in the stories your father used to tell by the firelight. but even as a little, perhaps insignificant, crannogwoman, you always try to stand tall.
your little brother has enigmatic dreams and sometimes his eyes seem old beyond his years. there are times when it makes you afraid, like destiny is an arrow that could be aimed at you at any point. the moment an arrow is shot there is no stopping it, and jojen’s dreams are sharp and silvery. you never let your fear show or your smile falter, but you spend your nights wondering how you can protect your family from something as heavy as destiny. the obvious answer, written into old stories and tales, is that you can’t. it won’t stop you from trying.
there is something special in winterfell, or at least that’s what your father seems to think when he sends you there. that’s what jojen’s dreams tell him. that’s what you feel fluttering in your chest the moment you see those grey stones. if destiny really is an arrow then you can sense its aim, pointing right to your heart.
TLDR; meera is a bit of a feral kid who is nonetheless very cheerful and always trying to get the people around her to laugh. for plotting reasons she is traveling alongside robb and his party at the moment (though with the sinking feeling that there are more worrying matters going on beyond what meets the eye).
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airavatkaziranga · 20 days
The 10 Best Wildlife Resorts and Hotels in Kaziranga National Park
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Exploring the natural world and building a sense of connection with the local flora and fauna can provide you with ensured rejuvenation and relaxation. If you’re willing to discover the diverse wildlife of Assam then Kaziranga National Park can be the perfect option for you. Herein, you can stay at the best luxury hotel in Kaziranga to stay amidst nature and cherish the lush green landscapes of the national park. 
Staying at an all-inclusive wildlife resort during the trip can increase your chances of wildlife spotting where it may also help you to indulge in jungle safari and sightseeing tours seamlessly. During your stay in Kaziranga, don’t forget to spot the big five which includes eastern swamp deer, one-horned rhinoceros, Asiatic wild buffaloes, elephants, and tigers. 
Top Wildlife Resorts And Hotels In Kaziranga For A Comfy Staycation 
1. Borgos Resort And Spa 
Borgos The Wild Haven is a premium resort and spa situated in the Kohora range of Kaziranga. This resort offers spacious rooms which are equipped with luxurious facilities including AC, a mini bar, etc. The other amenities to enjoy here are a massage and spa centre, parking space, and a swimming pool.
2. Airavat 
Airavat is a luxury wildlife resort in Kaziranga providing top-class hospitality services and modern amenities. Along with a dining facility and diverse room options, this hotel can also offer you a customizable Kaziranga tour package for a convenient vacation experience. 
3. IORA - The Retreat
IORA- The Retreat is a 4-star wildlife hotel located in the Kohora range. This range is considered one of the best places to stay in Kaziranga due to increased chances of wildlife spotting. From gym, weaving centre, and gift shop to gym, spa, and restaurants, you can get everything under one roof in IORA. 
4. ROYALE de CASA Resort
ROYALE de CASA Resort is another beautiful hotel in Kaziranga which is known for its grand architecture and beautifully decorated luxury suite, executive suite, and premier rooms. Herein, the in-house restaurant, conference room, and wellness centre will surely uplift your overall experience. 
5. Hongthor Resort
Hongthor Resort is a tranquil wildlife accommodation option in Kaziranga that can offer you world-class recreational opportunities and holiday experiences. Some of the facilities you get to enjoy here are conference rooms, spacious rooms, an in-house restaurant, a lawn, free parking, and a gym. 
6. Bonhabi Resort
Bonhabi Resort is situated just a short walk away from Kaziranga with 14 spacious rooms with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. This resort can offer you the best wildlife experiences where you can just in the courtyard to enjoy the peacefulness of nature while enjoying some in-house refreshments. 
7. The Kaziranga Address
Another 4-star wildlife accommodation option with superior facilities is the Kaziranga Address. This hotel situated in Mohpara is equipped with a terrace seating arrangement, a swimming pool, a garden, and a restaurant. Book a deluxe double, triple, or family room here to enjoy the hotel’s supreme amenities. 
8. Wild Grass Kaziranga
If you’re looking for a comfortable accommodation option near Kaziranga then Wild Grass Lodge is a good and affordable option for you. The homely meal options, rural architecture, and a large ground surrounded by various trees and shrubs here will leave you amazed and help you stay connected with nature. 
9. Villa The Retreat 
Villa The Retreat is a convenient place to stay in Kaziranga equipped with stunning deluxe, villa premium, and super deluxe rooms. The other facilities that this wildlife hotel offers are a playing area, free breakfast, bonfire options, a badminton court, a restaurant, and a secured parking space. 
10. Hotel Landmark Woods
Another restful and tranquil resort in Kaziranga for all nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts is Hotel Landmark Woods. Located only five miles away from the national park, this hotel can provide top-notch holiday experiences with its multi-cuisine restaurant, premium accommodation, and other facilities. 
A good accommodation is the backbone of your vacation and you must book a room in the luxury hotel in Kaziranga only after in-depth research. All-inclusive facilities, 24/7 service staff, proximity to the national park, security, hygienic rooms, and tranquil surroundings are some of the factors you can consider to select an ideal wildlife resort during the Kaziranga trip.  
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