#sw secret santa 2022
omaano · 1 year
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They went shopping for presents for all the foundlings and all of Luke's students. I'd bet Din would appreciate a bit of help...
My Secret Santa gift for @piinkmune through @starwarsfandomfests, Happy Holidays! I tried my best to squeeze them into all the holiday clothing in the world for you (and with a bit of Leyendecker inspiration for me) ^^
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piinkmune · 1 year
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Heres my piece for the @starwarsfandomfests secret santa exchange!! Had a blast with this as always~
Happy holidays to @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing !!! Hope your season is full of magic and happiness and Obi-Wan 😉🎄❤️
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hrtiu · 1 year
Santa Fett wishes you a very Merry Christmas!
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@flagcaptainart @healer-and-sentinel​  I hope you enjoy your gift! I imagine Boba as the Santa of Tatooine, and Fennec is the power behind his wintry throne 😂 Happy Holidays! @starwarsfandomfests​
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shellheadsblog · 1 year
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Happy Holidays @diviluscorner!! :] I hope you like your gift for @starwarsfandomfests' secret santa event!!
[Image ID: a clone within the 13th Battalion under General Jaro Tapal is carrying a young Cal Kestis on his shoulders. They're walking the halls of a Republic cruiser while Cal is leading a conversation between the two]
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soclonely · 1 year
Star Wars Secret Santa: Building Traditions
Happy holidays ! I hope you enjoy your gift! This is for you @hrtiu
Pairing: Bly x Aayla
Theme: simple holiday traditions and soft thoughts together!
Thanks to @lilhawkeye3 for running @starwarsfandomfests. You are so amazing and I love you very much!
Building Traditions
“Bly, darling I love you. But did we really have to go for the one piece matching pajamas?” Aayla laughs, examining herself in the bathroom mirror. “Its comfortable, don't get me wrong. But..”
“But what?”
“But I feel absolutely ridiculous.” She sighs, shaking her head. “What's the point of it?” Aayla makes her way out to the living room and sits down, taking the warm mug of cocoa Bly’s made for her. “Thank you.” She smiles, inhaling. “Extra chocolate?” she asks hopefully.
“And cinnamon.” Bly chuckles, landing on the couch next to her. “I know how much you like your cinnamon.” He takes a sip from his own mug and sets it down, turning to face Aayla. “I can’t believe you don’t like the matching pj thing! I made sure to get the softest set they had. And it's our tradition!”
“Tradition?” Aayla laughs. “Bly! It is our first Life Day together. We don't have any traditions yet!” She sets her mug down onto the table, and wraps her arms around him. “You silly man, trying to make traditions without me.” She kisses Bly right on the tip of his nose and smiles. “What am I going to do with you?”
Bly grins, pulling her into a tight hug. “Well sorry I can’t help myself!” He chuckles, sighing deeply. “I am just so excited to share my first holiday with the woman I love. I am just getting a bit carried away with taking it all in and exploring all there is to do and celebrate.”
“That's an understatement. You dragged me all over Coruscant yesterday to look at holiday lights. And if that wasn’t enough, you tried getting me to jump on a transport ship with you to check out lights on another planet!” 
“I thought it would be romantic!”
Aayla sighs, sitting back up. “Bly, is everything okay?” She asks softly. “I have loved everything we have done so far, but it seems like you are piling a lot of expectations into this holiday.”
The commander is silent for a minute. “Well, it’s just the first Life Day I am spending with someone other than my brothers and I just want to make it special, like they always did.” He looks up at Aayla and chuckles. “I know it’s a bit lame to say but.. I miss it. The chaos, the stupid traditions we clones made together.It always made it feel super special.”
“Oh Bly,” Aayla smiles softly, taking his hand in hers. “You could have just told me that from the start, instead of trying to find things yourself.” She plants another small kiss on his forehead. “Would you feel better if we invited a few of the men from the 327th over with us to stay for a night or two?”
“Force no!” Bly jumps in immediately, shaking his head. “No, I think I would prefer to spend it with just you this year.” He wraps his arms around her once more, leaning back into the soft cushions of the couch. “But, maybe we can take a look at some of the traditions we have and mix a few of my old traditions with our new ones.”
Aayla snuggles into him, rolling her eyes.“We don’t have any traditions.And the pjs do not count!” She tilts her head up to him and smiles sleepily. “We will have them some day though.We have plenty of time to find some of our own. But until then, i would love to learn about some of the traditions you and your brother share.”
“Alright then.” Bly chuckles. “I think I would like that very much. We have many Life Days to share. And besides,” he closes his eyes and sighs, the corners of his mouth slowly turn up. “It will be easier to make traditions when there are kids involved.”’
“Don’t you dare go there right now, commander.” Aayla yawns sternly, shaking her head. 
“Yes, General.” he chuckles, saluting her.
“Happy Life Day, Bly”
“You too, cyare.”
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ashenthornes · 1 year
Life Day Traditions | SW Secret Santa
Found Family: Obi-Wan Kenobi & the 212th Attack Battalion
Prompt: Obi-Wan sharing Stewjoni traditions with the 212th
Theme: Life Day
tags - @starwarsfandomfests / @shellheadsblog (hope you enjoy)
A/N: These traditions are real traditions that Scottish people celebrate, and Crom Dubh na Nollaig is an actual folkloric figure similar to Krampus!
Obi-Wan sighed as he looked over the ship. There were no decorations in sight, which he supposed made sense for the GAR, but it saddened him. Every Life Day at the Jedi Temple, he and Anakin would have decorated their quarters with the traditions they brought from their home planets. But his quarters at the Jedi Temple currently lay empty, and would not have any decorations in sight, save for those lying in storage to be taken out to decorate. 
Waxer, one of the 212th Attack Battalion stood next to Obi-Wan, surveying the ship with him. "General, are you alright?"
Obi-Wan shrugged. "This is not normally what Life Days looks like for me. I wish I had brought some of my decorations with me, I am not used to the space around me looking so barren."
"What does Life Day normally look like for you then, General?" Waxer asked. 
"Well, typically Ana- General Skywalker and I would have decorated our quarters at the Jedi Temple with anything that followed traditions from our home planets. It was quite fun, actually. And we would spend most of the morning cooking and preparing a meal for all the Jedi who wished to celebrate with us. Then, we would have breakfast together and then continue preparing to celebrate together." Obi-Wan explained. 
"Why can't you do that now, sir?" 
"Well, I suppose I could. I just don't really have all the supplies I would need, especially to cook a meal for those of you willing to celebrate with me," Obi-Wan said. "Unless, of course, we have the time to go planetside and do some shopping?" 
Waxer nodded. "I believe we do, sir. I'll round up some men, and we'll meet you at the bay."
Obi-Wan blinked in surprise. He was not expecting Waxer to be so up for celebrating Life Day with him, or for him to be willing to round up some of the men to go shopping with him. 
"I suppose I'll have to type up a shopping list," Obi-Wan murmured. "And I'll need to let Cody know." 
Finding Cody actually turned out to be quite the task. The man seemed to be difficult to find on most days, but this day it was especially hard to find him. His helmet was usually the best way to find him, having such a distinct visor that very few others did. Obi-Wan could not find him and decided to comm him later. He walked down towards the bay, a copy of his list in his hands and enough credits to pay for decorations and food in a pocket on the inside of his robes. 
When Waxer spotted him, he grinned widely and waved at Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan waved back and began walking a little quicker. He joined the group and greeted each of the men Waxer had gathered. But when he got to the last man, he did a double take. 
"Cody? You're joining us?" Obi-Wan asked. 
"Of course, General. Wouldn't miss dragging these men all over a marketplace. They're bound to make it interesting." Cody replied, smirking. 
"Well, then, if we have everyone, let's go." Obi-Wan hopped into the LAAT/i, waving the others inside. 
Obi-Wan smiled as he watched the men hang up the rows of fake holly vines over the railings of the ship. Strings of light were strung from wall to wall, and little candles burned atop tables. After finding a small store that specialized in Stewjoni foods and decorations, the trip ended up much easier than Obi-Wan had thought it would be. Obi-Wan was putting together a meal, though it was nothing as grand as it had been in the past. He hoped it would be enough for all the men, as everyone was pitching in to help with the decorations. 
"So, General, what's with all the greenery?" One of the men asked as they pushed the vines up to the others up atop the wall. 
"Back on Stewjon, people would bring greenery into their home because it represented life in a time when there was not much of it on dark nights. Some of the greenery has special meaning and purpose, like how holly wreaths are supposed to ward off evil spirits from entering the home." Obi-Wan explained, gesturing to the wide variety of fake greenery they'd chosen while planetside.
"What kind of evil spirits?" Another asked. 
Obi-Wan glanced around, then gestured for those interested to gather closer to hear the story. "A spirit named Crom Dubh na Nollaig would stalk the towns around the Life Day season, and watch all the children to see who was being bad or good. When he discovered a child who had been acting up during the season, he'd pay them a visit on the night before Life Day. When a child would hear the howling of the wind coming down their chimney, they would know that Crom Dubh na Nollaig was going to be visiting them that night." 
One of the young 212th members looked on, wide-eyed. "Did he ever visit you?" 
"No, I was a good child. But I heard the story often. Now, go and continue decorating. I have a meal to cook!" 
Obi-Wan waved them off, turning to check on the men who had volunteered to help him cook. Obi-Wan had chosen easier to prepare food, given that he didn't have as much time as he normally did and they were cooking for more people than normal. They'd be easy to dole out and would be enough for each soldier to feel full. Trays were already prepped, and the meal was almost ready. 
For the first time since the war had started, Obi-Wan felt content and safe. 
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starwarsfandomfests · 2 years
☃️🎅🏽 ‘Tis the season!
If you’re looking for sign-ups for the 2022 Star Wars Secret Santa, look no further!
Info sheet & rules are included on the sign-up form, but here’s the main details:
Sign-up form closes Friday, November 18 @ noon PST
Gift exchange takes place Thursday, December 22!
Gifts can be one of the following formats:
Fanfiction (500 word minimum)
Fanart, traditional or digital
Spotify playlist: 2 hour minimum runtime
Photo edit or aesthetic: minimum of 3 images
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majorshiraharu · 1 year
Holiday Secret - Din/Paz
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Holiday secret trip on a snowy planet, a Din (Mando) / Paz fluff fanfic gift. My gift for @omaano​ as part of the @starwarsfandomfests​ holiday fest <3 thank you so much for doing these, I’m always happy to be a part of it, happy holidays and new year!
Paz had taken Din on a much-needed vacation to take his mind off all the recent stress that had been consuming his mind day to day. Din was only told this was about a mission, Paz knowing all too well that Din would find a trip for a vacation a waste of his time with everything going on, but Paz knew him best and knew he needed to relax. They landed on the planet, fluffy flakes of snow falling outside the ship, slowly sticking to the hull.
"So, what's the job?" Din questioned, the snow reflecting off the black of his visor.  "Just follow me, we have time." Paz replied as he started walking off, his footprints left behind him as a trail for Din to follow.
As they walked, Din's thoughts got lost like the ground beneath the snow, the calming presence of Paz relaxing him. He had been wondering what this mission was, as he was not told much and while he was both eager and annoyed about this, he felt at ease with Paz leading him through this place. After some walking and navigating through the trees, they came to a small hut. Din turned to Paz, a puzzled expression hidden by his helmet as he waited for Paz to speak. "This will be our place for the next day," he said, turning around to Din.
Before Din had a chance to respond, he was hit in the face with a snowball. Confusion slowed his reaction time, falling back into the snow, the softness cushioning his fall. He dodged the next one Paz hurled towards him, grabbing some snow as he rolled to the side. Gripping it tightly in his hand and quickly formed it into a ball, throwing it quickly at Paz after dodging his next throw. The snow collided with the armor, turning back into small flakes as it blew apart.
 "Nice one," Paz said before charging at Din, picking him up, and throwing him into a large pile of snow, before slipping on it and falling into the same pile. A laugh escaped from Din as he watched Paz fall face-first into the snow. Snow slid off his helmet as he turned to look at Din, who was trying to hold back more laughter. The two of them entered into a wrestle match in the snow, tossing each other around while laughing like children.
After some time passed they became exhausted, the armor becoming heavy and the cold slowly getting to them. Paz recommended they go inside and take a break, releasing their armor and starting the fire to warm up. The light of the fire shone through the small hut. Paz hung a small pot above the fire, its glow getting more intense as steam escaped the top. He walked to the kitchen tucked in the corner near a window, pulling something out of a cabinet. It was two cups and some items. Din couldn't make out what exactly he was doing, it looked like some kind of drink. He walked over with the cups, passing a cup to Din. It warmed his hands as he held it, looking at it. Tilting his helmet up, he drank some of it, feeling the heat thaw out the cold that remained. "Thank you," he whispered, finally understanding what this mission was actually about. Paz looked at Din, bowing his head slightly before taking a sip. Din relaxed into his chair, putting his feet up on the small table between them and the fire.
They relaxed for a while, chatting about life and what both of them had been up to recently while away from each other. Happy to be together during this time, a time that was meaningful to Mandalorians who value each other more than most. After refilling his cup, they joined each other on the floor closer to the fire, leaning into each other, watching the flicker of the flames.
Paz stood up, grabbing a box from the corner, and placed it on the small table behind Din, he stood up looking into the box as Paz opened it. They were symbols, and some animals, little wooden and metal cut-outs, with a string tied around them. He took some out, holding them in his hand, admiring the pieces before looking at Paz who began hanging them near the fire along the boards that lined the walls. Din did the same, taking the pieces in his hand and slowly hanging them on the wall. It didn't take too long before the box was empty, and the wall was decorated. Taking in the joy of seeing them all hung up, Din asked Paz where he got these. Finding out he had made them, as they had lost most of their things when their hideout was attacked. There was a small bit of sadness in realizing their cherished items had been lost, but knowing Paz took the time and effort to recreate and make new ones filled Din's heart with love. As he looked at Paz he noticed him standing close, moving his arms to put a scarf around Din's neck.
"The sun is setting, we don't have much time," Paz said before walking past Din, to the door leading outside, motioning Din to follow him. So he did, walking back out into the cold, which was more noticeable without his armor on. Paz began moving snow with his hands, piling it carefully and forming it into shapes, Din joined him, before questioning what they were making.  "A Mythosaur," he replied. Neither of them had ever seen one in person before, but they had seen art and heard stories, repeating those same stories to foundlings. It had been some time since they had spoken its stories, so while they built it they recited them to each other. Reminiscing about memories and their favorite stories told to them as kids. It took a long time and the sun had set a while ago, the only light coming from the two moons slowly moving across the skyline. They stood there looking at their creation in the dim moonlight, proud of what they made together. Their hands stung from the cold, snow melting from the warmth of their hands having soaked the gloves they wore. They decided it was time to go back inside. 
Din threw more wood on the fire as Paz was rummaging around in another box. What was he doing now, Din wondered, ready for a rest after all the work. Paz approached him, removing the scarf around his neck that had become wet from melted snow, replacing it with a blanket, that wrapped perfectly around Din's shivering body, barely touching the floor. Din removed his gloves and placed them near the fire before crashing on the soft couch, Paz joining him after grabbing his own blanket. 
Pulling Din against him as they both leaned back, Paz wrapped the blanket around himself and Din. Exhaling as the tension in his body relaxed, Din’s eyes slowly closing as Paz told him stories, thanking Din for being here with him and that these activities brought him so much joy, especially sharing them once again with Din after everything. They both slept soundly, the fire crackling next to them, the light from the flames dancing around the hut, reflecting off some of the decorations as the moonlight crept in through the windows. Dreaming of the holidays they shared with family as children and now shared with each other in their own way, something that was special to each of them and that they wished would continue for years to come. Joyful memories in an unknown but more peaceful time than recent years, something they both needed and would cherish. —------- Happy Holidays, I hope you enjoyed this cute Paz/Din story, all the best for the new year!
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dilfdarthvader · 1 year
once again participated in @starwarsfandomfests for the holiday exchange! this time i wrote maybe the fluffiest fic i've written in a while for @yatsukisakura ! if anyone needs some plotless obianidala rambles, i gotchu
On the night before Life Day, three new parents rest in their home on Naboo.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, CT-5597 | Jesse/CT-6116 | Kix, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-6116 | Kix, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Boil (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Wooley (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, no order 66, Fluff, Family Feels, Winter fun, Snowball Fight, Drinking hot cocoa while the family cause wintry chaos, Building Snowman, Winter Baking, Everyone just gets to enjoy some peace, Star Wars Fandom Fests Secret Santa 2022 Summary: Obi-Wan took a sip of his hoth chocolate and cuddled closer to Cody’s side. They’d had their fill of fun in the snow and retreated to the warm fire and hot drinks in the semi-protected alcove near the back entrance to the lake house. They were content to watch their family continue to enjoy all the winter fun. While only encouraging the chaos a little bit.
For @ann-i-inthestars as part of the @starwarsfandomfests Secret Santa!
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eries45 · 1 year
Holiday Surprises
This is a gift for @the-shanone as a part of @starwarsfandomfests Secret Santa gift exchange.
Fresh snow blanketed the city, making it the perfect day for a holiday party. Leia watched through the mirror as Amilyn peeked out of the window again.
“You know, the party starts in a few hours and you still haven’t started getting ready,” Leia said, focusing on her reflection again.
“I know,” Amilyn replied, turning away from the window and walking toward the open closet.
Leia smiled, slipping the last few bobby pins into her hair to keep it extra secure for the night. “Alright, I’m done with the mirror. You can use it now, Amilyn.”
“Thanks, I won’t take long. I think I’m going to keep it simple tonight.”
“Yeah, me too,” Leia replied, looking through the closet.
Amilyn turned her head in Leia’s direction, “Do you know how we're going to tell everyone that we’re together now?”
“I figured that we can just show up together and let everyone figure it out for themselves,” Leia replied, pulling out a dress, giving it a once over, and placing it back in the closet.
“We can do that, but what if we make it a bit more dramatic?” Amilyn smiled at her reflection. “Like a kiss under the mistletoe or something?”
“I think that we can orchestrate a meeting under the mistletoe,” Leia said, pulling out a second dress before putting it back to pull out the first dress once more. “What do you think of this one?”
“You know, I like whatever you wear,” Amilyn answered, turning to smile at her.
“Yeah,” she replied. “I’m going to go with this one.”
Amilyn turned back to her reflection to finish getting ready as Leia did the same. Leia shrugged her coat on, handing Amilyn hers. “Okay, let’s get to this holiday party.”
~~~ At the Holiday Party ~~~
“You guys made it!” Said Rey, happily. “I was worried that you guys had gotten snowed in because of the storm last night.”
“No, we just had to brush the snow off of the car,” Leia responded, shrugging her coat off and hanging it in the coat closet alongside Amilyn’s.
Leia and Amilyn made their way deeper into the house, closer to where the party was in full swing. Christmas songs blasted from the living room throughout the house and there were decorations everywhere. Amilyn spotted mistletoe hung in the doorways of at least two rooms. She gently tapped Leia, tilting her head towards the mistletoe over the doorway to the living room.
“Do you see the mistletoe above the doorway?” whispered Amilyn.
Leia nodded. “Should we just go for it?” asked Amilyn.
Leia nodded again, smiling. They continued to walk down the hallway, stopping in the doorway to the living room.
“You guys are under the mistletoe,” exclaimed Rey, along with several others cheering. “Now you have to kiss.”
Leia and Amilyn looked at each other with smiles on their faces before Amilyn pulled Leia into a dramatic dip to kiss her. The scene was reminiscent of something from a romance novel. She let Leia back up, “How’s that for a kiss?”
They stepped out from under the mistletoe, “Good idea, Amilyn.”
“Wait,” shouted someone from the crowd. “When did you two get together?”
“I don’t know, Leia,” said Amilyn. “It’s been at least three months, right?”
“I thought it was four,” Leia replied with a grin.
“Why didn’t you tell us that you guys were together sooner?” said Rey. “I put up mistletoe so you could finally kiss.”
“We wanted it to be a surprise,” said Leia.
“We decided this party would be the best place to announce it,” said Amilyn, pulling Leia further into the room.
“Now, let’s enjoy this holiday party!”
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@starwarsfandomfests @yubsie Happy Life Day!
Here is your gift for the season ❤️❤️❤️
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qo-promise-me · 2 years
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My revealed Secret Santa 2022 fanwork, I felt so proud to participate in this event, and I hope to participate in another event in the near future.
All thanks to @quiobisecretsanta
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wasdplz · 2 years
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I posted 733 times in 2022
That's 199 more posts than 2021!
19 posts created (3%)
714 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 517 of my posts in 2022
Only 29% of my posts had no tags
#sw trash blog - 41 posts
#star wars - 41 posts
#mass effect - 32 posts
#dragon age - 23 posts
#vidya games - 13 posts
#leverage - 13 posts
#lotr - 11 posts
#😂 - 11 posts
#reference - 9 posts
#stranger things - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#every time i’m forced to use chrome bc of work or whatever and i’m assaulted by ads and other weirdness from various sites i get so mad
My Top Posts in 2022:
Just saw some post where op said “do not add tags when reblogging” like ???? Are u new here
5 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
So this has been a Fun couple of months.
A little over a month ago, half the people at work got laid off. Including me. We recently lost our biggest client so the unspoken threat of layoffs was in the air but tbh i thought i was safe. I was one of only 2 ppl left on a very specialized team and i had been there years longer. Surprise! 😡
Then getting my severance was a mini nightmare. Finally got it and it was like half of what i was told, bc it got torn to shreds by taxes before i even got it.
Then abt a week ago i found out a close online friend died. I hadn’t known him v long, probably only a couple years tops, but we played overwatch together several times a week and i chatted w him in discord every day. So it hit me harder than i expected.
A little light at the end of the tunnel, though: i applied to a job last week and just found out yesterday that i got it. But yeah. Rough 2 months.
8 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
SUBNAUTICA - Full Soundtrack OST - Music by Simon Chylinski
11 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
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Oh m y god
48 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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For @mishikaiya for the@masseffectholidaycheer secret santa :) Leon Shepard i tried to do garrus too but i forgot how incredibly bad i am at drawing turians i'm sorry omgggg
65 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ladonegrohumano · 8 months
38 Top 200
İntizar Elmira Rəhimova
44 Top 200
Pusu Kejoo Beats
54 Top 200
Onu Bağışlamaq Olarmı Namiq Qaraçuxurlu
90 Top 200
La Alegría (Happiness) Yasmin Levy
Pain with betrayal - AMJAD ALAMEER
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İntikam Rojee Beatz
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Whiskey Cola Picu
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Idea 10 Gibran Alcocer
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Dancin (Krono Remix) [feat. Luvli] Aaron Smith
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Let Me Fight One More Time xel04
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Eshghe Man Moein
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Kül Mark Eliyahu & Cem Adrian
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Mehmet Emmi Selda Bağcan
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Experience Ludovico Einaudi, Daniel Hope & I Virtuosi Italiani
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Slow Dancing V
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Самая (Speed Up) Mada (uma banda polaca)
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Девочка улёт Неизвестный
99 Top 200 With You FEARSTbeats
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You Take My Hand (feat. Jamie Irrepressible) Tinlicker
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немерено лампабикт & Элли на маковом поле
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Fragole Achille Lauro & Rose Villain
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greedy Tate McRae
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Canzone d'estate Levante
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A Fari Spenti Elodie
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Te Karam Da Vibrirash Ice Cream
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Bad Company Purple Disco Machine
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Hele Bi (Club Version) Alişan
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La leçon particulière (Bande originale du film "La leçon particulière") Francis Lai & Christian Gaubert
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İntizar Elmira Rəhimova
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Госпожа Adil
117 Top 200 Destroyer of Worlds Aaron Hibell
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Let Me Fight One More Time xel04
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Qurban Olsun Clara
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La Alegría (Happiness) Yasmin Levy
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Orquestra Maldita TRASHXRL & Mc Delux
147 Top 200
Experience Ludovico Einaudi, Daniel Hope & I Virtuosi Italiani
149 Top 200
Secret ID Moojo & Da Capo
151 Top 200
El Watar El Hassas Elsen Pro
170 Top 200
Memory Reboot VOJ & Narvent
50 Top 200
Ağrılar mor ve ötesi
106 Top 200
Niye Gamlanırsın Mustafa Kemal Şimşek
120 Top 200
İntikam Yemini Toygar Işıklı
144 Top 200
Ters Canbay & Wolker
149 Top 200
Eman Eman Etd Produktion
163 Top 200
Kader (Moskape) (SW&RVR) Enes
176 Top 200
Sleepwalker (Slowed) akiaura, LONOWN & STM
33 Top 200
Joséphine Reda Taliani
71 Top 200
Yababa (Tunisian Mix) Pablo Fierro
102 Top 200
Anchor Point (feat. Stevo Atambire) Ahmed Spins
114 Top 200
Car's Outside (Sped Up Version) James Arthur
133 Top 200
ברולטה שגב, ערן יוסף & עידו בי
148 Top 200
Ani Kuni Polo & Pan
151 Top 200
Me Robaste el Sueño (Tambora) Martina Camargo
181 Top 200
Do I Wanna Know? Arctic Monkeys
7 Top 200
28 Top 200
Blue Monday (feat. JD Davis) [Sped Up] Oliver Heldens & DJs from Mars
109 Top 200 немерено лампабикт & Элли на маковом поле
179 Top 200
верните в моду любовь две тысячи ярдов
197 Top 200
Memory Reboot VOJ & Narvent
198 Top 200
Хто ти Klavdia Petrivna & OSTY
199 Top 200
Девочка улёт Неизвестный
125 Top 200
Love Don't Let Me Go Angelina Jordan
177 Top 200
Грозна Група Жигули
78 Top 200
Let Me Fight One More Time Yullia
96 Top 200
El Watar El Hassas Elsen Pro
121 Top 200
Idea 10 Gibran Alcocer
122 Top 200
Valse Evgeny Grinko
126 Top 200
Sleepwalker (Slowed) akiaura, LONOWN & STM
127 Top 200
Pusu Kejoo Beats
137 Top 200
Secret ID Moojo & Da Capo
145 Top 200
Je veux ZAZ
147 Top 200
Waste (Speed) Ren
148 Top 200
Orquestra Maldita TRASHXRL & Mc Delux
157 Top 200
Pişman Değilim Semicenk & Doğu Swag
162 Top 200 Boshret Kheir Hussain Al Jassmi
166 Top 200
Şəhidlər Ölməz Ali Asgar Mammadov
36 Top 200
Whiskey Cola Picu
89 Top 200
Hikayem Bitmedi Can Bonomo
107 Top 200
Gönül İster Duman
109 Top 200
Dûr Kejoo Beats
179 Top 200
Halay Mustafa Özden
184 Top 200
Bu Gece (Nostalgia Sessions) Selin
187 Top 200
Kader (Moskape) (SW&RVR) Enes
199 Top 200
Rewend Erol Egemen
13 Top 200
Kaancept Rapatouille
118 Top 200
My Love Mine All Mine Mitski
131 Top 200
Broken Trust SAY3AM & Staarz
146 Top 200
We Fell in Love in October girl in red
167 Top 200
Étonné Kiff No Beat
2 Top 200
Si No Estás Iñigo Quintero
130 Top 200
Break the Chain Gene Loves Jezebel
Beds are Burning
21 Top 200
Kokokokoko (feat. Jidenna & Theology HD) Moonchild Sanelly
13 Top 200
Ojapiano KCee
63 Top 200
Esmel (feat. Aboutou Roots & Vegas) Youles International
136 Top 200
Mani Djindala Oumou Sangaré
159 Top 200
Wé dans wé Serge Beynaud & Ste Milano
163 Top 200
It's Not Easy Lucky Dube
49 Top 200
SIMMER DOWN Black Sherif
55 Top 200
SHAQ & KOBE Rick Ross & Meek Mill
121 Top 200
My Baby (feat. Joey B) Magnom
19 Top 200
Cincin Hindia
102 Top 200
Am I Bothering You? Reality Club
137 Top 200
Alone Again (Naturally) Gilbert O'Sullivan
Jeff Buckley
56 Top 200
This Time Tomorrow (In The Canyon Haze) Brandi Carlile
71 Top 200
Jubel Klingande
74 Top 200
Jane Jefferson Starship
76 Top 200
ONE MORE TIME blink-182
79 Top 200
Nightmare Polaris
82 Top 200
Liquor & Cigarettes (feat. ArrDee) Chase & Status & Hedex
84 Top 200
Am I Dreaming Metro Boomin, A$AP Rocky & Roisee
107 Top 200
Laced Up Hilltop Hoods
143 Top 200
The Party (This Is How We Do It) [feat. Montell Jordan] Joe Stone
No Diggity (feat. Dr. Dre & Queen Pen) - Blackstreet
163 Top 200
Strut Elohim & Big Freedia
176 Top 200
Eat Your Man Dom Dolla & Nelly Furtado
181 Top 200
Trippie Redd x Sofaygo x Rage "Righteous" knockoff cartie
188 Top 200
Give Me Everything (feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer) Pitbull
197 Top 200
Hard Times Baby Huey & The Baby Sitters
200 Top 200
Love Keyshia Cole
194 Top 200
The Reason Hoobastank
77 Top 200
Payaso (Cancion por Bulerias) Bambino
100 Top 200
Born Slippy (Nuxx) Underworld
102 Top 200
La Grange ZZ Top
109 Top 200
El Fin del Mundo (feat. Axolotes Mexicanos) La La Love You
123 Top 200
Don't You Want Me The Human League
140 Top 200
Wind of Change Scorpions
149 Top 200
Désenchantée Kate Ryan
194 Top 200
ASI ES LA VIDA Enrique Iglesias & Maria Becerra
46 Top 200
Bateau Blanc Flush
110 Top 200
Chanson sur une drôle de vie Géraldine Nakache & Leila Bekhti
165 Top 200
186 Top 200
La plus belle pour aller danser Chris Garneau
187 Top 200
Retiens les rêves Grand Corps Malade
193 Top 200
Dad'Algorythm Shaka Ponk
96 Top 200
Nothing Else Matters Phoebe Bridgers
101 Top 200
Jane Jefferson Starship
v#50 Top 200 VULGAR Sam Smith & Madonna
51 Top 200
LALA Myke Towers
55 Top 200
Una canzone senza tempo - Ligabue
101 Top 200
Too Far Gone? Metallica
37 Top 200
Solitude (Felsmann + Tiley Reinterpretation) M83 & Felsmann + Tiley
94 Top 200
Seven Jung Kook & Latto
191 Top 200
Lança Menina Luísa Sonza
21 Top 200
Ползать ЛСП
22 Top 200
It Girl Aliyah's Interlude
32 Top 200
113 Top 200
Friesenjung (Sped Up) Vieze Asbak, Joost & Ski Aggu
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hardcasey · 3 years
Fic Masterlist
all fics cross posted to my AO3 here
updated (2/19/2022)
all 18+/nsfw are marked
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Won’t Fade into the Background 
A collection of stories focused on background clones
Soft Hands, Soft Hearts | Wooley x Reader | Rating: T
Sweet Tooth | Toast x Reader | Rating: T
Better than Watching Paint Dry | Blackout x Reader | Rating: T
Fools Rush In | Goji x Reader | Rating: T
Joy Ride | Hawk x Reader | Rating: E, 18+ only!!
Color Me Impressed | Sinker x Reader | Rating: T
Party Hardy | Boost x Reader | Rating: T
A Drop in the Ocean | Monnk x Reader | Rating: T
Home Front | Waxer x Reader | Rating: E, 18+ only!!
501st Legion
In Tune | Rex x Reader | Rating: T
Coruscant Guard
Tangled Sheets | Fox x Reader | Rating: E, 18+ only!!
After Hours | Fox x Reader | Rating: E, 18+ only!!
Delta Squad
Wedding Bell Blues | Boss x Reader | Rating: T
Fright Night | Sev x Reader | Rating: T
The Mandalorian/The Book of Boba Fett
Snowbound | Din Djarin x Reader | Rating: M, 18+ only!!!
Coming Out on Top | Boba Fett x Reader x Din Djarin | Rating: E, 18+ only!
Fandom Events
Snow Warning | Codywan | Rating: T (SW Secret Santa 2021)
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