starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
@starwarsfandomfests gift exchange piece for @thenegoteator !
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For the prompt comfortable clothes, Cal trying to put the Bogling in a sweater (it needs a sweater for sure)
I really appreciated your gift for me over the summer, thank you again for that!
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
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My gift for yatsukisakura for @starwarsfandomfests 2023 gift exchange! They requested Obianidala making Christmas food together 🥰
Happy New Year! This was a lot of fun to work on!
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
so fancy! 🤩
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My Secret Santa Gift for @commanderfoxtheshield for the Star Wars fandom fest gift exchange event @starwarsfandomfests Cal and Merrin enjoying a dance at a winter gala <3
Happy Holidays and New Year! <3
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
This is the best fic name I’ve seen in a long time 😂🩵
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Padmé Amidala/Sabé, Padmé Amidala & Luke Skywalker, Padmé Amidala & Leia Organa Characters: Padmé Amidala, Sabé (Star Wars), Mari Kosan Additional Tags: Life Day (Star Wars), Life Day Fluff (Star Wars), Planet Kashyyyk (Star Wars), Ration Bars (Star Wars), those things must seriously be nasty, i mean seriously, holiday markets, Padmé Amidala Lives, One Shot Summary:
Padmé had meant to enjoy Kashyyyk, she really had, but her entire trip had been eaten away by constant meetings with the fracturing Partisans. If only she didn’t feel like she was forgetting something…
happy holidays to @darthrevcn! I had so much fun writing this, I hope you enjoy!!  @starwarsfandomfests
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
The best kind of surprise 💜
This is my gift for @katrina-loves-birds for the @starwarsfandomfests Secret Sants gift exchange.
Title: Hope is the Light that Keeps Us Warm
Summary: Leia looked at the chrono on her office wall. It was just before lunch time. If she snuck out now, she could get in a couple of hours of shopping and maybe pull together some catering for a small Life Day gathering that evening.
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: none. Pure fluff.
Leia had thought that things would calm down after the Empire was defeated. She was swiftly learning how wrong she’d been.
Mon Mothma had been elected as Chancellor of the New Republic and had quickly restored the Senate in order to help her lead the new government. Leia, as a former Imperial Senator and leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, had felt it was her duty to now help the fledgling New Republic leaders find their footing.
She’d really, really hoped to be able to have a proper Life Day celebration this year though.
Leia looked at the chrono on her office wall. It was just before lunch time. If she snuck out now, she could get in a couple of hours of shopping and maybe pull together some catering for a small Life Day gathering that evening.
She pulled open the desk drawer where she kept a more comfortable pair of shoes and toed off her fancy slippers. She was just pulling her cloak on over her blue brocade tunic when Threepio entered her office.
"Oh, Mistress Leia. Senator Xiono wishes to discuss some matters with you. He wouldn't elaborate when I asked him, stating that I was simply a droid and had sufficient information to pass onto you, which I find to be a rather rude dismissal. However--"
"Thank you, Threepio," Leia said, interrupting him. She sighed and hung up her cloak. At least her feet would be comfortable for the meeting. "Please show the senator in."
*   *   *
Han walked the market district of Hanna City on Chandrila, perusing the different stalls and storefronts with only mild interest. The city was clean and fairly free of crime; a big difference from most places Han was used to frequenting. Even serving in the Rebellion, he'd found himself in less reputable places more often than not.
"Hey, Han, check this out," Luke said.
Han turned to where his brother-in-law was pointing to a flashy set of jewelry.
"Think Leia would like it?" the kid asked.
Han smiled, fond. Luke may be a Jedi, maybe the only Jedi left in the whole Galaxy, but in moments like this, his humble background showed.
"Kid," Han said, as if Luke hadn't put an end to the most feared man in the Galaxy only a few months ago, "your sister is a princess. She probably had more jewels and pretty baubles than she knew what to do with. Get her something that will remind her of you."
Luke flushed, running a hand through his hair. "You're right." Then he turned that suns-bright grin on Han. "Thanks."
Han grinned back.
Behind them, Chewie warbled a question.
"That's a good idea," Luke said, turning his smile on the big Wookiee.
That the kid could still smile like that after all he’d been through gave Han hope for the Galaxy.
They wandered the shops a little longer as they looked for gifts for their friends. Luke talked about various holidays on Tatooine and how he’d spent them with his aunt and uncle.
Han had never been big on celebrations. His life had been brutal from the beginning and things hadn’t ever really slowed down. One of the first holidays he’d had, had been spent with Chewie’s family on Kashyyyk. He’d felt awkward around the large, welcoming Wookiees, but by the time the celebrations had come to an end, he’d felt like a part of the family.
Now he was learning to be part of a family all over again. He had a wife; something he’d never hoped for. Companionship, sure. But not a constant, loving, steady woman like Leia. And a brother-in-law who sometimes seemed wiser than his years.
“Red Five to Captain Solo. Come in, Captain Solo.”
Han blinked and focused on Luke. “It’s ‘General’ Solo, kid. I worked hard for those pips.”
Luke smiled back. “You were parsecs away.”
“I guess I was,” Han acknowledged. “We’d better get a move on if we’re going to pull this party together before Leia gets home.”
*   *   *
When Leia returned to the apartment she and Han shared, it was to the sight of a small Life Day tree decorated with faintly glowing Life Day orbs in their sitting room, and the smell of something mouth-watering coming from the kitchen. She was a little surprised, since Han hadn’t shown much inclination to cook in the few weeks they’d been on Chandrila, but he must have subsisted somehow before they’d met.
“Han?” Leia called, heading for the darkened kitchen.
Her husband appeared and wrapped her up in his arms, giving her a soft kiss. “Welcome home, princess.”
Leia sighed, winding her arms around his waist. “Hey there, scoundrel. I like the tree.”
“Chewie helped me pick it out and carry it up here. It’s not much—”
“It’s perfect,” she said. “And the food smells great.”
“I hope you like it,” Han said. “I didn’t have time to consult the committee.”
Leia smiled fondly and leaned into her husband’s embrace. “I’m not a committee,” she teased back.
Han kissed her hair. “Go get comfortable, and I’ll set the table. But don’t take too long.”
Leia reached up and cupped Han’s cheek, pulling him down into a kiss. “Be right back,” she promised.
She walked back to the bedroom and changed her formal Senate clothing for flowy rose-colored pants, a loose white top, and a simple brown half-robe over the top. Then she let her hair down from the complicated twist she’d pulled it up into that morning and after brushing out the long strands, she pulled it back into a serviceable braid.
As she finished tying the braid off, she listened to the sounds of Han moving around the apartment. He was such a good man. It had taken some time for her to see the diamond behind his rough exterior, but now he was all hers. And she was his. Even with all the changes the New Republic was bringing about, she felt so grateful for Han’s solid presence in her life.
“Almost done, sweetheart?” Han called.
“Just coming out now,” she said, smiling at her reflection.
Han had turned off the lights in the apartment, and the soft glow of candlelight called her into the living room. As she stepped into the room, the lights came up and Leia stopped, struck.
A resounding “Happy Life Day” greeted her ears, along with the sight of many beloved faces.
Hera was there with her three-year-old son, Jacen. Zeb and Sabine. Chewie and Han, of course. Lando and Mon Mothma. And Luke.
Leia turned to her husband with happy tears in her eyes. “Han, what—? When?”
Han came forward and slipped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side. “You’ve only been talking about a Life Day part for weeks now. I put out a few holocalls and got everyone together who could make it.”
Leia shot Mon Mothma a look. “Is that why you kept me in meetings all day?”
The Chancellor smiled. “You husband and brother asked me for my help to surprise you.”
“Well, it worked.” Leia tightened her arm around Han’s waist.
“Happy Life Day, Your Highness,” Han said.
Leia snorted, grinning up at him. “Happy Life Day.”
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
night sky in your eyes
SWTCW ||| Rex x Reader (platonic or romantic) ||| 500 words
for @urfriendlyneighbornightfury for the @starwarsfandomfests 2023 Secret Santa event!
“Are you sure we’re heading the right direction?” Your words come out in a slight pant. The two of you have been walking for quite some time now, trekking along the snow-covered path through the forest. The latest storm’s effects were still visible as the trees bowed towards the path from the weight of the heavy snow on their branches.
Rex chuckles slightly. You feel a slight flash of ire at how he sounds unaffected by the hike, but it quickly fades to amusement as he turns to look at you, his nose and cheeks flushed pink from the cold. 
“I’m sure,” he reassures you. “I’ve been up this path before.”
“Not in the wintertime,” you counter. Rex has turned around again as he continues leading the way, so he doesn’t see you pause to scoop up a clump of snow and throw it at his back.  Your victorious laugh fills the air as he whirls around to only get nailed in the face by the second snowball you throw. He sputters in surprise, losing his balance and falling backwards into a drift.
“Sorry!” You call, stumbling your way through the snow towards him. “I was aiming for the back of your head. I didn’t think you’d turn around!”
Rex blinks up at you blearily. There’s still snow trapped in his curls and on the tip of his nose, so you brush it off for him. He quirks a smile when you offer him your hand to help him stand again. “Thanks, but…” He pulls sharply, and you let out a yelp as you fall on top of him and Rex rolls you over into the snow. It’s so cold, seeping in through your jacket and wetting your hair. 
“No fair!” You shriek, laughing as you try to escape, but Rex drags you down by the waist. At this point, you’re both equally covered in snow, so you give up and flop limply back on the ground. 
You close your eyes for several minutes as you both lie there together, faces upturned towards the sky, sides pressed against each other. Rex inhales sharply and you know he’s about to break the silence that’s fallen. “Thanks for bringing me out here,” you say, determining to speak first. “Even though it might be a bust, this has been a lot of fun.”
“What do you mean?” Rex’s voice is light but full of awe. “It hasn’t been a bust— look.”
You open your eyes and your breath catches in your chest. The aurora borealis, what you’ve come all this way to try and see, have lit up the night sky. The purples blend into pinks and greens, a neon watercolor painting against a black canvas. They move in a wave, dancing across the sky with you, Rex, and the stars as their captive audience. You risk a glance in Rex’s direction to find he’s already watching you, a smile still on his face. 
“I’m glad you came with me.” 
His expression softens at your words. “I’m glad I came, too.”
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
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Happy New Years! @ann-i-inthestars
I love the idea that post war where they win the clone wars, Cody, Wolffe, and Fox accidentally create a tradition on a Cookie competition for life day so I made a photo of their first before it dissolves into chaos.
thanks for hosting! See you next year!
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
💚🩶🖤 fantastic as always
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Mandalorian (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Din Djarin & Grogu | Baby Yoda, Din Djarin & Cara Dune & Greef Karga Characters: Din Djarin, Grogu | Baby Yoda, Greef Karga, Cara Dune Additional Tags: Rest and recreation, Friendship, Life Day (Star Wars), Fluff, Humor Summary: Holiday parties were something that Din knew existed, but they weren’t exactly something he was overly familiar with.
For @ladysongmaster as part of the @starwarsfandomfests Secret Santa!
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
Oh the ending 🥺💚
look to the future now (it's only just begun)
Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels
Rating: G | No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M, Gen | Words: 2,453 | Chapters: 1/1
Relationships: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Other Characters: Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, C1-10P | Chopper
Now that Hanukkah is over, it's Christmas tree shopping time for this rather unconventional family on their first holiday season all together in one house.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Christmas Decorations, Ghost Crew Are Family, Family Fluff, Parental Kanan Jarrus & Hera Syndulla, Jewish Ezra Bridger, Blind Kanan Jarrus, Adopted Children, Unconventional Families, Mistletoe, Domestic Fluff, Chopper is a Menace
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My @starwarsfandomfests Secret Santa gift for @majorshiraharu! Can't believe this was my first time actually writing Kanera haha I'm sure it won't be the last 😉 Hope you enjoy and have a happy new year!
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
you’ve correctly embodied the spirit of the company holiday party, my dear padawan 🎁🩵
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Every year, Palpatine and his inner circle–Vader, Tarkin, Thrawn, and Krennic–have a company Life Day party and organize a gift exchange. Every year there’s one gag gift, one uncomfortably-thoughtful gift, and one gift that went way over the spending limit. This year is no different.
“the messed up imperial crew found family of vader, tarkin, palps, krennic and thrawn who all lowkey hate each other” + company holiday party
Happy Holidays and happy Life Day to @the-dank-farrik! I hope 2024 brings you as much or as little Star Wars content as your heart desires, lol <3
Enjoy this silly little fic and thanks for all you contribute to fandom!
+ a HUGE thanks to Hawk & Wander for running this event again this year @starwarsfandomfests
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
even without the seasons in space, this is such a warm holiday scene! 💚🎁
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the ghost crew's first holiday together as a team!!
my gift for @mymblesbuir as part of the @starwarsfandomfests winter gift exchange!
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
Chaotic end of year family photo📸🩵
I heard that the proper kind of decorating for Christmas is on the day hence I made them doing this on Christmas morning lol @starwarsfandomfests
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
Soft and precious Codywan 💛🧡
A secret Santa for @starwarsfandomfests 2023 event. A gift for @bluemaskedkarma. Happy Holidays!
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
💛🧡 this fest wouldn’t exist without @wanderingjedihistorian so only fitting they receive more fabulous Codywan art for their holidays!!
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Winter fun with the 212th and adjacent headaches :3
Happy Holidays and New Years @wanderingjedihistorian I hope you'll like this❤️ (how does it feel to be the recipient of all my codywan-related drawings XD?) Jedi are horrible disasters when you put them on ice and I will not be convinced otherwise.
Thank you @starwarsfandomfests for organizing this exchange! ❤️
Close ups under the
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Could I have detailed out any one of these on its own and be done with it? Most likely. Did I get overwelmed with all the cool reference pictures I had found once I decided what I will draw, and then couldn't pick? Absolutely. Will I still draw Cody and Obi-Wan the first time I'll have time for a personal project next year even though I don't want to see them ever again? You know me and can recognize patterns, of course that is what I will do XD
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starwarsfandomfests · 5 months
Amazing start to this year’s event! 🤩
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Trilla never got to graduate from Padawan-hood in canon, but I think she and Cere deserve it and a very good hug, therefore that is what they will be getting.
For @diagonalhorizon for this year's Star Wars Secret Santa for @starwarsfandomfests!
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starwarsfandomfests · 6 months
Two more days to sign up!
‘Tis the season - for Star Wars gift giving! ❄️🎁
That’s right— the Star Wars Secret Santa Exchange is back for 2023!
The basics: submit any ships or found families you like along with at least one winter theme: winter fun, New Year’s, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, etc.
Fanfiction, fanart, playlists and/or photo edits are all welcome in this event 🎨
Thursday, December 7 @ noon Pacific time: sign ups close
By Monday, December 11: prompts distributed
Thursday, December 21: check in date.
Sunday, December 31: Share date!
General requirements:
All gifts will be related to Star Wars. This includes all three movie trilogies, all television series, and any games or Legends related content. No NSFW content is allowed. This event is open to all ages. Joining the fest Discord will be required for mod to distribute updates and pairings.
Gifts can be one of the following formats:
Fanfiction (500 words minimum, no set maximum word count)
Fanart: traditional or digital
A Spotify playlist: 2 hours minimum runtime
Photo edit or aesthetic: a minimum of 3 images
Full fest rules and info here
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starwarsfandomfests · 6 months
‘Tis the season - for Star Wars gift giving! ❄️🎁
That’s right— the Star Wars Secret Santa Exchange is back for 2023!
The basics: submit any ships or found families you like along with at least one winter theme: winter fun, New Year’s, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, etc.
Fanfiction, fanart, playlists and/or photo edits are all welcome in this event 🎨
Thursday, December 7 @ noon Pacific time: sign ups close
By Monday, December 11: prompts distributed
Thursday, December 21: check in date.
Sunday, December 31: Share date!
General requirements:
All gifts will be related to Star Wars. This includes all three movie trilogies, all television series, and any games or Legends related content. No NSFW content is allowed. This event is open to all ages. Joining the fest Discord will be required for mod to distribute updates and pairings.
Gifts can be one of the following formats:
Fanfiction (500 words minimum, no set maximum word count)
Fanart: traditional or digital
A Spotify playlist: 2 hours minimum runtime
Photo edit or aesthetic: a minimum of 3 images
Full fest rules and info here
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