eries45 · 1 year
I’m making a rebels discord server. Reblog this if you want in
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eries45 · 1 year
guys stream shadow and bone pls if i don't see all six of the crows together in one scene i might actually die
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eries45 · 1 year
*chucking canon out the door* AND STAY OUT
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eries45 · 1 year
Holiday Surprises
This is a gift for @the-shanone as a part of @starwarsfandomfests Secret Santa gift exchange.
Fresh snow blanketed the city, making it the perfect day for a holiday party. Leia watched through the mirror as Amilyn peeked out of the window again.
“You know, the party starts in a few hours and you still haven’t started getting ready,” Leia said, focusing on her reflection again.
“I know,” Amilyn replied, turning away from the window and walking toward the open closet.
Leia smiled, slipping the last few bobby pins into her hair to keep it extra secure for the night. “Alright, I’m done with the mirror. You can use it now, Amilyn.”
“Thanks, I won’t take long. I think I’m going to keep it simple tonight.”
“Yeah, me too,” Leia replied, looking through the closet.
Amilyn turned her head in Leia’s direction, “Do you know how we're going to tell everyone that we’re together now?”
“I figured that we can just show up together and let everyone figure it out for themselves,” Leia replied, pulling out a dress, giving it a once over, and placing it back in the closet.
“We can do that, but what if we make it a bit more dramatic?” Amilyn smiled at her reflection. “Like a kiss under the mistletoe or something?”
“I think that we can orchestrate a meeting under the mistletoe,” Leia said, pulling out a second dress before putting it back to pull out the first dress once more. “What do you think of this one?”
“You know, I like whatever you wear,” Amilyn answered, turning to smile at her.
“Yeah,” she replied. “I’m going to go with this one.”
Amilyn turned back to her reflection to finish getting ready as Leia did the same. Leia shrugged her coat on, handing Amilyn hers. “Okay, let’s get to this holiday party.”
~~~ At the Holiday Party ~~~
“You guys made it!” Said Rey, happily. “I was worried that you guys had gotten snowed in because of the storm last night.”
“No, we just had to brush the snow off of the car,” Leia responded, shrugging her coat off and hanging it in the coat closet alongside Amilyn’s.
Leia and Amilyn made their way deeper into the house, closer to where the party was in full swing. Christmas songs blasted from the living room throughout the house and there were decorations everywhere. Amilyn spotted mistletoe hung in the doorways of at least two rooms. She gently tapped Leia, tilting her head towards the mistletoe over the doorway to the living room.
“Do you see the mistletoe above the doorway?” whispered Amilyn.
Leia nodded. “Should we just go for it?” asked Amilyn.
Leia nodded again, smiling. They continued to walk down the hallway, stopping in the doorway to the living room.
“You guys are under the mistletoe,” exclaimed Rey, along with several others cheering. “Now you have to kiss.”
Leia and Amilyn looked at each other with smiles on their faces before Amilyn pulled Leia into a dramatic dip to kiss her. The scene was reminiscent of something from a romance novel. She let Leia back up, “How’s that for a kiss?”
They stepped out from under the mistletoe, “Good idea, Amilyn.”
“Wait,” shouted someone from the crowd. “When did you two get together?”
“I don’t know, Leia,” said Amilyn. “It’s been at least three months, right?”
“I thought it was four,” Leia replied with a grin.
“Why didn’t you tell us that you guys were together sooner?” said Rey. “I put up mistletoe so you could finally kiss.”
“We wanted it to be a surprise,” said Leia.
“We decided this party would be the best place to announce it,” said Amilyn, pulling Leia further into the room.
“Now, let’s enjoy this holiday party!”
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eries45 · 2 years
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I miss Kanan + Kanera
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eries45 · 2 years
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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eries45 · 2 years
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The future with you.
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eries45 · 2 years
dark green is a nice color. underrated
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eries45 · 2 years
The main thing I get from Dylan Hollis cooking old recipes is this:
Recipes from the 1910s and the Great Depression are great, and I suspect it’s because they were made by someone with limited resources. But they found a way to make something good, maybe even something fantastic with those limited resources, and they wanted to write it down and share with their friends so that they could also make something out of saltines and potatoes. Recipes from the 1910s and the Great Depression are written down and shared in love.
The recipes you should fear come from the 1950s and 1960s, which I’m pretty sure are written down and shared as a form of McCarthyism.
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eries45 · 2 years
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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eries45 · 2 years
reblog if you wear glasses. too many mutuals don't know they have glasses wearers in their midsts
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eries45 · 2 years
People on twitter are always like 'there's still people on tumblr?'... As if Twitter wasn't full of stolen text posts, gifs and art originally posted here
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eries45 · 2 years
“nice blog”
thank you im really good at clicking reblog
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eries45 · 2 years
@geekinthecorner - Here's your gift for the @starwarsfandomfests Seas the Day Event. You gave me the option for some angst, so here's some. I hope you like it.
The base is on fire.
Hera’s ears were ringing from the evacuation alarms going off, but all she could think about was that the base was on fire. Everything that she and other rebels had worked to build on Yavin was burning down around her and yet she could not move.
She could feel the smoke from the fire burning her chest with every breath and see the flames of the fire coming closer. The searing heat of the flames came closer and closer, launching Hera back into a memory of a day she would rather forget.
“KANAN,” she screamed, reaching out towards him.
Kanan’s head turned back, unseeing eyes seemingly looking right at her, before he pushed her back onto the ship. Tears streamed down her cheeks as his eyes cleared one last time before the flames swallowed him up, taking him from her forever.
“Hera,” a familiar voice came, sounding far away.
“Hera,” came the voice again, as she felt someone shaking her. “We have to go, now.”
Hera blinked twice, almost jerking away from Sabine, who was holding on to her arms. She blinked again, registering the heat of the flames, almost ten times more intense than they had been a few minutes before.
“We need to get out of here,” Sabine said, still holding onto Hera’s arm to drag her along with her.
Sabine grabbed her arm, dragging her along as she ran through the hall of the base. Hera was distantly aware of this as they moved further away from the fire.
Eventually, they both emerged outside of the base.
Hera gasped, coughing at the sudden intake of fresh air irritating her throat. She turned back, looking at the base. “Hera, are you okay?” Sabine asked, clearly noticing that she was still a bit out of it.
 Hera was silent for a few minutes, listening to the crackling of the flames as they continued to grow higher.
“I-” she hesitated, tears starting to well up in her eyes. “I’m fine.”
“No you’re not fine, Hera. Will you please just go to medical and get a check up? If not for yourself then for the baby?”
“I’ll go after everyone has made it out and been accounted for. Now I need to find the other leaders of the High Command.”
Hera immediately began to make her way through the crowds of people watching the fire spread throughout the base. While she may have looked like a perfectly calm, focused general on the outside, her mind was only focused on replaying Kanan’s death over and over.
Without her permission, a stray tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. She quickly drew a hand under her eyes, looking around to see if anyone noticed. Hera looked around, finding a more secluded area closer to the forest and walking over to it.
She coughed a few more times, trying to expel the rest of the smoke from her lungs. Hera closed her eyes, and the smell of smoke still lingered in the air. All she could think of was the flames swallowing Kanan up and taking him from her forever. Tears began to well up in her eyes, streaming down her face while the fire continued to burn.
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eries45 · 2 years
The Tumblr writing community is dying.
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It’s something I’ve noticed over the past two years of using this site. It was gradual, imperceptible at first, something that most would brush off as a silly concern, or fault Tumblr algorithm for. While it’s true that Tumblr’s engine leaves a lot to be desired, I’ve noticed that even popular blogs have started to dwindle in terms of interaction or motivation. There could be a lot of reasons for this, but the biggest two I’ve noticed, experienced myself, and asked fellow writers about is this: (1) content being stolen, and (2) lack of feedback or interaction. I’ve never seen any logical person defend content being stolen, so I want to address point 2 instead.
Lack of feedback and interaction. I’m not saying this on my behalf so much as I’m saying this for friends and smaller blogs who have lost motivation to write. I was looking at my yandere writing blogs list the other day and noticed that a good majority of them no longer write. I usually update the list every few months, and by that point, more and more writers have stopped writing entirely. This isn’t a problem confined solely to the yandere fandom; in fact, there’s less writing blogs in general these days, especially ones that are active. I used to run a very popular BNHA blog with some friends, but that dissolved after our content was stolen and our followers stopped interacting as much. Out of our 8,500 followers, we hardly got 0.015% notes (~128 notes) on an average post. Tumblr is to blame for the lack of eyes seeing our posts, for sure, but that also means that at least 128 people saw one post and didn’t leave a comment or ask. We were considered a big blog; imagine what it’s like on a small blog.
My friend recently made a post that summed this up perfectly: 
“I’ve seen people say “Be grateful that people even lurk on your page.” and, while I get the message they’re trying to say, it’s more dismissive and hurtful in my opinion. Like you’re saying, “Oh your writing is mediocre, you should be grateful people even LOOK at it.”
Me personally? I’ve heard the argument that AO3 is a better place to post fanfics, and while that might be true, I’ve had friends experience firsthand the lack of interaction there too. I’ve heard the argument that interacting with some writers is intimidating (me included). I’ve heard that argument that followers might be too shy to interact. I’ve heard the argument that writers should write for themselves and not for views / likes / reblogs / etc, and while that’s ideal, it’s not sustainable for everyone. What works for one writer won’t work for another, but you know what will? Interaction.
That comment or ask that took you 2 seconds to write? We remember it. That reblog with the compliments in the tags? We remember it. Every single ‘named’ anon we get (heart anon, sunflower anon, etc)? We remember them. And the best part is? It’s actually easier to do these things on Tumblr since you have the option to send anonymous asks or make a sideblog specifically for reblogs! Trust me, whether the lack of interaction is the cause of a lack of motivation or what have you, every writer appreciates feedback (don’t be shy to offer some critique or compliments) or even a simple keyboard smash with some emojis. Even sitting down for 5 min a day per week to comment on your favorite writers’ new pieces makes a huge difference. Personally, since Tumblr’s activity feed is beyond terrible and I have over 1,500 posts, I don’t always see new reblogs or comments on my content; asks though? Always see those, can never go wrong with those. If you don’t want to reblog or leave a comment, then you can never go wrong with an anonymous ask. 
As my wise friend says: writing is an art, and in order to improve that art, we need other people’s eyes to see what we don’t.
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For the sake of every writer (past, present, and future) on this platform, please share this post.
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eries45 · 2 years
On This Day In History
March 23rd, 2021: A container ship runs aground and obstructs the Suez Canal for six days.
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eries45 · 2 years
Date Night, Anyone?
This is for @yubsie as a part of the SW Valentine's Gift Exchange 2022 (@starwarsfandomfests) Sorry that it's kinda late, I meant for it to be earlier, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
Lothal, Outer Rim
A soft blanket rustled over top of the prairie and the wind slowly shifted the tall grasses back and forth. Kanan looked up from where he was setting a rock on the corner of the blanket, the Lothal sun beamed down towards him. The sky was peaceful, almost tricking him into thinking there was no Empire, no one looking to kill them. Kanan then stood up, looking back towards where the Ghost was parked. It was time to put his plan into action.
Walking up the open ramp into the Ghost, Kanan immediately felt Ezra, who seemed to be in the galley. He reached out with his senses a bit more, feeling Zeb in the galley with Ezra, probably trying to start something, and Sabine in her room, probably working on a new project. Hera was in the cockpit, finishing up repairs to the navicomputer after their last run in with the Empire, so he headed up there.
When he arrived in the cockpit, Hera was fully engrossed in the work she was doing on the navicomputer. He knocked a bit on the door, making her jerk her head up, hitting her lek on the console. “Ow,” she exclaimed, reaching up to rub at the spot she hit. “What now, Kanan?”
“I just wanted to see if I could pull you away from work for a while,” he replied, coming closer to her.
“I don’t know, love. There’s still so much work to be done.”
He pulled her into his arms, “Let’s go somewhere.”
Hera smiled up at him, “What about the kids?”
Kanan looked at her, smiling. “I think we have a pretty good chance of getting away.”
The doors to the cockpit whooshed open, letting a running Ezra in. “Hey Kanan, Hera,” he said, hopping over the console and into the front turret.
“Where is he?” shouted Zeb, storming in, Sabine following close behind.
“What happened?” asked Hera, slipping out of Kanan’s arms.
“That brat ate my waffles and I’m going to get him back.”
“And why are you here, Sabine?” asked Kanan, looking towards the Mandalorian.
“I just wanted to see them fight,” she said. “But that won’t be happening now, so see you later.”
She turned and left the cockpit, entering her room to continue her latest project. “Ezra, come up here,” Hera called, using what the kids called her mom voice.
“Hey, Hera,” he said, popping up from the ladder. “Hi, Zeb.”
Zeb opened his mouth to shout at him. Hera held up her hand stopping him, “Ezra, Zeb, there are more waffles in the freezer, just make more.”
“Alright, Hera. Come on kid, let’s go make more,” Zeb said.
“Finally, now, I have you all to myself,” Kanan said, pulling Hera back into his arms.
Hera smiled, nuzzling into his embrace. “So, what was your plan, love?”
“Well, there might be a bit of a picnic set up. And before you object, it is not that far from the Ghost.”
“That sounds like a solid plan, dear.”
With that, Kanan let go of Hera, before leading her out of the cockpit and through the ship. They both left the ship and headed towards the blanket Kanan set out earlier. “This is beautiful, love,” Hera said, turning towards him.
“Just wanted to do something for you,” Kanan replied.
“Well it is appreciated,” Hera said, leaning up to press a quick kiss to his lips. “Let’s dig in.”
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