#supercorp soulmate marking au
theevangelion · 2 years
Soulmates: The Ending
(Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32)
Five years, one marriage, three new additions to the top five list of viewing points in the city later. They were still falling in love in new ways, some days, but just not every day.
That was what Kara wanted to write in the anniversary card. The thing she was trying to capture in a less on-the-nose way. She stared at the blank card, wanting to write the perfect thing, understated but precise and bursting with adoration for her wife and the funny, lovely, wonderful life they had built together.
Even now, some substantial interim of time having ticked since everything went the way life eventually goes; Kara still felt the urge to pick up her phone, exasperated and at a loss with herself, wanting to run it past someone who had a very distinct, if not mean-spirited, knack for words.
Five years later, her lovely perfect happy ending was still making good on the deal. Five years later, Kara still missed Cat as though it were a journey, in small and daily ways, in perpetual discovery of all the things that could remind someone of another person.
Cat was her platonic soulmate. It felt settled and okay in her heart. Her buddy-up for a field trip from some distant quaint patch of nebula where they were made from the same stardust; somewhere upright and decent where carbon took care of its own.
Their lives intersecting for no time at all, and yet the time had been exact, but just not enough.
The two concepts were not mutually exclusive. Her love for Lena. Her grief for Cat; a difficult, bicameral woman that—for one reason or another—the universe dictated some profound connection; despite their staunch, differing opinions in what they understood that connection to be.
Cat was a woman that Kara did not like—much less love—most of the days she had been alive; until Kara did like her, and then she liked her a great deal. That was painful. There, for just a moment, then gone like a mist of breath in the air. In the end, to lose her was the most pain she had ever felt. It was also necessary, and Kara understood that now; to have that good and precious small interim of time with Cat, was to know her, and to learn—true and for herself—that they were not each other’s great, grand, perfect romance story.
They were not supposed to be that thing.
To grow and understand who they were was perhaps their great and important service to one another’s life—defacto. The process of figuring it all out was both an act of war and healing, in fluctuating balances, and that changed everything. It changed Kara’s entire outlook on the world.
The grief had been steady and solid, time had now passed, it still hurt that way because it always would. But Kara had arrived at her own answers—with abundant certainty—feeling that if it were not for Catherine Grant; her temperament, her worst days, her selfishness, her grand and quiet gestures of love too, then Kara would have never understood the most important thing of all.
She did not need some soulmate scribbled on her skin to complete herself. Kara was already complete, perfectly as she had always been, and nobody could add or detract from that.
Kara had to lose something big in order to find the answers; the pain was necessary in order to shed her skin like a snake and embrace bigger dreams than a nice easy life that yearned for the only thing it knew would be an eventual guarantee; a soulmate.
Catherine taught her everything.
It was okay to be selfish.
It was okay to make scary, terrifyingly big decisions.
It was okay to choose and marry the woman she once mistook for the cleaning lady on her first ever, real day on the job reporting something for the news.
For Cat, or at least Kara hoped, their kinship was a reminder that one could never be an island. True love was indeed real; it was simply the way the world understood that love that wasn’t quite right. Love was abundant and everywhere, in the small acts, the big ones, if one simply looked hard enough—or didn’t look close enough at all—then love coloured everything.
Love painted lipstick, highlighter and blush until the last breath of itself.
Lena had Sam. Kara had Cat. The love was different, lasted for different times. They did not need to be grieved and gotten over. That was unnecessary. Their marriage was a different kind of love; something stronger, tougher, and all-terrain than the traditional soulmate thing.
It could weather funerals, weddings, too much time apart, too much time together.
There was room for all of their baggage, for all of their inappropriate laughter, for arguments that could be paused and came back to after a long stroll in the park with a shared ice-cream, licked and split with such tension that the comedy of it, the wobbling and held-back smiles, became too much to remember why they were angry in the first place.
There was room for a worn leather armchair, comfy for a good read, yet never sat on for good reason; they brought it to the new house and placed very precisely by the upstairs window in the hall.
Looking out towards the garden, where the roses bloomed, with a set of reading glasses and a Kindle to the side, as though someone might pick them up and find those last two chapters—someday.
For Kara there was room for a long protective dust bag, just about big enough for a dress, that sat solitude in the guest bedroom closet, unopened and never touched, yet always there and waiting just in case she got brave one day.
In the end, despite wanting to, it had simply never felt right or appropriate to open the bag and all the memories that had gone inside. That was okay. Catherine would understand. She wouldn’t, but Kara decided that she would, and they could fight about it someday if there was a great-beyond.
Kara blinked and came back from her daydreams. The card was still blank, and her expansive wandering thought-processes had stumbled along, finding nothing worthwhile. She sighed, rubbing her forehead.
“Kara, baby, just write your name in block capitals at the bottom, with a signature at the side, like you’re at the DMV.” Someone noticed her lack of discretion as she hung pensively over the card. “It will be funny, I promise, I’ll laugh with joyful abandon like an Edwardian school girl.”
“Lena!” Kara glared furiously.
She stared down the lens of the baby monitor interface.
“Sorry,” Lena said sheepishly through the speaker. “I just wanted to check I set it up right. I saw your stressed big decision thinking face. It didn’t look good—that was yesterday, and then the day before yesterday too. I was worried on the hat trick.”
“Worried or brown-nosing?” Kara narrowed.
“I figured you needed intervention. For my wellbeing, not yours. Two more days and you may have begun wondering if it would prove easier to throw out the whole wife instead of trying to write a good anniversary card—”
“Okay this.” Kara pinched her nose. “No, this is—” She pointed up and down at the glowing red light on the baby monitor.
Kara left the nursery that was coming along now, some furniture already built, with paint samples still sitting crooked on the wall for them to get used to—forest green was proving the winner.
Lena liked that it was unisex.
Kara liked that it reminded her of Lena’s eyes.
A trudge down the hall, fuming, furious despite not wanting to be, Kara opened their bedroom door. Lena was sat cross-legged and crooked, her spine hunched forward, glasses pushed up her nose, pretending to be technical support for the baby equipment in her lap.
Kara continued her point, “That was weird, like I was talking to HAL 9000. Can you not run a surveillance operation on me in our home? That’s the pressing issue on today’s agenda.” She was more flustered than she could cover.
“I’m sorry, Kara. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“HAL, stop it.” Kara lifted a finger, warning her, halting it, sincerely growing irritated with her wife. “Quit.”
Lena bit her lip.
She could not stop herself, because she was a dork, a bigger dork than Kara ever gave her credit for in the beginning when swept away by her charming, dashing and sophisticated thing. The lovelight had been too strong. It still was, but Kara had been married for five years, knew things she didn’t back then.
Lena’s dorkiness the main point.
The kind of adorable nerd who liked old science fiction with puritanical arrogance for the original Star Trek, Colin Baker as the Doctor, and Stanley Kubrick, so much so that despite the hot water…
Lena could not stop herself.
“Look Kara, I can see you're really upset about this.” Lena shone the mini-flashlight and spoke down the barrel as though she were an AI robot. “I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.”
Kara rolled her eyes, flustered, amused, both things and also heavily pregnant, which for some reason or another always made her cry actual tears when her processing juggled too much at once.
“Joke’s over.” Lena shot up when she heard the hiccupping breaths that couldn’t hold the stuttering in Kara’s chest. “The joke is over. It was a terrible joke. A disgusting, rude, and thoughtless—baby girl.” Lena grimaced with shame and took Kara in sturdy, protective arms. “Beloved. Oh, what have I done? You’re growing a little baby and here I am—a big stupid asshole—pretending to be a robot.” She shook her head severely. “If you ever wanted to leave I would give you everything, the house, the works, plus the shirt on my back, and Jesus do I wish I was joking right now.”
They weren’t loud tears. That always made it worse for Lena. They were the quiet, embarrassed, sniffling tears that hid behind the backs of Kara’s hands because she felt silly—like she was a little girl being bullied by the popular kid, hiding in the bathroom at lunchtime—something heart-breaking and pitiful like that. Lena never felt so horrific as she did in these moments. It wasn’t discussed, it didn’t need to be, Kara knew her wife perfectly and she hated making Lena feel so guilty.
“I’m being silly. I’m not upset. It’s,” Kara’s lips wobbled, her croaking voice so soft and reassuring. “It’s pregnancy hormones, which makes me more frustrated, because I can pinpoint the problem but because I am more frustrated, because I know the problem, I then start crying all over again. It’s not you, baby. It’s the burden of carrying your zygote and making it into a healthy, happy and normal child, which as you can imagine, is a lot of pressure and my body gets dumb and sensitive.” Kara calmed down a little.
“Oh, my baby. Oh, my sweet, lovely, darling precious little—” A flurry of kisses, trailing, hurried, pecking and kissing all along her temples and hairline as though Kara had to be loved in this expunging and absolving way. “The burden of carrying my zygote must be horrifying and yet I have never been more in love.” She pulled back with a weak grin. “I have never been more attracted or felt more devoted, and I’m never going to joke about Stanley Kubrick again.” Lena took her wife’s damp little cheeks. “That name is on the list of names that can never be said in this home.”
“That’s a short list.” Kara smiled and felt a little more together. It was a short list. Lex, Morgan Edge, and that was it.
Lena pressed close and hugged tight, rocking them side to side, pecking and kissing and in-love with her wife.
“What do you want for dinner to—”
“Lena?” Eyes wide, Kara felt something different all of a sudden.
“Your water?” Lena pulled back and stiffened.
“God no.” Kara slapped her arm. “I’m only six months.”
“Right, yes. That,” Lena nodded and scratched her head. “I went to medical school. Why am I like this? Incessantly panicking. Thank you for not suffocating me with a pillow while I sleep. I would if I was you—twice just to be on the safe side.” Her eyes widened in gratitude that Kara was forgiving. “What’s up, baby?”
“You were hugging me, and you did the thing, absentmindedly, because your face was in screen-saver mode so I know you didn’t mean…” Kara bit her bottom lip and squirmed, aware they needed to get things done today and this was inopportune. “You did the thing and it felt so good, in a naughty way,” she whispered the last part lower than the rest of it. “So, do it again?”
Lena melted into something so fond and loving there were not words to capture such a tender and rapid decomposition of thoughts and feelings.
Her thin lips pushed slowly up her cheeks, pushing out a little too much, as though faintly cooing without intention or silliness to it. Time didn’t dampen the wonderment. Lena still felt the same things—in the same ways—that she had years ago.
Kara saw it in her face every time they did this.
That joyful curiosity when someone first begins making love to the person they love; the absolute astoundment that they could be a source of desire, of need, for such a mind-bogglingly beautiful woman who got the thump-thumping of Lena’s heartrate going mad.
That was how Lena treated it, every time like it was the first time, like she had something big to prove because she wanted Kara to feel good in the kind of way that would carve in her memories as the greatest first of all firsts.
It wasn’t the first, of course, not even the thousandth, but Lena did the look and Kara melted with a muffled, blushing exhale that craved and wanted Lena to fix her hormonal upticks like a problem to be solved with her hands.
“You felt good, baby?” Lena cocked her head to the side and smiled sweetly, absolutely in love yet teasing her anyway. “Did my leg brush between your thighs?”
“Daddy.” Kara gave her the warning look—the sincere threat that if she fucked around and edged her it wouldn’t end pretty. “Please.” She giggled and closed her eyes, rubbing her embarrassed red cheeks. “I don’t like using crude words they don’t sound sexy when I say them. You know you did the thing,” Kara whined.
“Oh, I can fix that sweetheart. I’ve got you.” Lena cooed in her very calm way, tugging down her panties, bunching them as she walked back over. “Here. There you go, baby, you just hold these, whichever way feels comfortable, don’t you worry about saying a single fucking thing. I’ll take care of everything—take such good care of you—I’ll clean up after myself.”
Lena stuffed her underwear in Kara’s moaning mouth, fingers trailing along the ripe cherry blush that came up instant and red on her cheeks; then the tip of Kara’s nose, the corners of her lips, her fingers slipping inside and pressing down on the end of her tongue, careful not to push too much cotton in her mouth.
Kara whimpered and stared with fixed eyes as though her brain were evaporating into steam—teeth biting harder into her wife’s underwear.
She was pregnant, Lena never forgot it, the panties hung on Kara’s chin in the most adorable way possible; the section inside her mouth between her incisors tasted like Lena’s wet, distinctly exact and perfectly intoxicating cunt.
Lena guided Kara towards the bedroom wall. They came to a gentle stop against the leverage of it. Lena’s knee slipped, opening the inside of Kara’s knee, then pushing it aside all the way. She took Kara’s leg one direction while her other thigh pressed forward, put pressure on little aching cunt lips and sensitive spots within, grinning and kissing and touching the side of her tummy in the gentlest way.
“Daddy!” Kara muffled through the panties with wide eyes and best hopes. “Feels good.” She nodded, frantic.
“I love this. I love you pregnant. I love the way you feel. I love the way your body gets so excited over the sweetest things.” Lena’s eyes almost rolled into her skull as she took Kara’s wrists up above her head. “You keep these here, okay? Can you lock your fingers behind your neck so they’re out of my way? I wouldn’t want to have to tie your wrists in ribbons. My wife all strung up and dripping down herself, pregnant and sensitive everywhere?” Her eyes narrowed and her lip went between her teeth. “It wouldn’t be the politest thing I ever did.”
“We’re married, we’re past polite,” it muffled sweet and cute through the panties on her tongue.
“I’m not.” Lena growled in the darkest, raspiest voice. “I’m very polite, and generous, and giving,” Her thigh pressed harder between Kara’s trembling legs.
The summer dress was the perfect material; the lemon printed fabric that had so much stretch and give to it. Lena pulled down the chest, exposed stiff sensitive nipples, darker, slightly bigger than usual, thumbed around softly and knew they needed to be touched very gently. She kissed her wife, teased breasts that had grown a cup-size or two.
Lena had a smile on her face, nibbling her bottom lip, a great mid-morning if ever there was one.
“Here.” Lena’s eyes flickered, noticing Kara’s arms shift funny and then a responsive wince on her face. She brought her by the waist to the bed, putting her down, shuffling her hips further up. “Here you are growing a little baby, and me—a giant stupid asshole—I’ve got you pressed up on that wall like your feet aren’t killing you.” Lena cooed and dipped down, disappearing immediately.
She slipped her head under Kara’s dress, teeth nipping at the hem of her panties, pulling them down and then pushed her thighs back, fast and quick, everything following on from the other in a way that left Kara stumbling over whimpers muffled through panties she didn’t want to spit out of her mouth.
Then Lena’s tongue went slowly up the parting of her cunt lips.
It touched everything, took everything, flicked up off the end of her clit and dove straight back down to kiss and suck on little pink lips that had never—for all of her life—been quite as sensitive as they had been for the last few months.
“Feels good.” Kara rocked her hips. “Daddy—Jesus Christ!” She wailed and craned her neck back when Lena started sucking.
She tugged her sun dress up her waist. Lena pulled it back down again immediately, a silly look in her beautiful green eyes, as though she had quite enjoyed hiding down there. It made Kara burst out laughing. Kara did it again, pulling it up her waist, Lena sucking her clit but gawking with a certain look—a hermit crab without her house—her hand reaching up to tug the skirt back over her head in a swish of fabric.
It took minutes, Kara was panting, rolling her hips, sobbing into cotton panties and the edging relief of an orgasm on the brink of itself.
“I love you,” Kara murmured and pulled a pillow over her face, lengthways, clutching it hard to her belly and burying forward into it. “I love you, I love you, please—please I’m going…” Kara cried out. “I’m sorry I know you like me to ask first.” Her hips thumped up instinctively where Lena was sucking her clitoris—fingering her one, best and most favourite spot precisely.
Lena licked everything slow and steady and perfect. She kissed around her cunt, gently, precisely, for no other reason than needing too—because here was this mind-bogglingly beautiful woman, her wife, pregnant in a lemon print sun dress, thighs and dripping cunt pressed into every different part of her face.
“You never have to ask, baby.” Lena finally reappeared. “It’s not serious, not like that. I love that you can’t hold back right now.” Her lips wobbled with a weak grin.
She pressed up and over, allowing Kara to cup and taste herself, enjoying the attention with responsive kisses back, the silly kind, the little kind, the ones that went all over her face in pecks.
“You’re in a very silly mood today,” Kara observed with glazed eyes.
“And you,” Lena said, lofty and somewhat butcher, because her little wife was pregnant, and this dictated a certain mood. “Are in desperate need of a snack and some water.” Lena guided her back down.
“Stop. It’s fine! You’re so much,” Kara teased and shook her head. “Come on, come here. Your panties are off—too late now. I had the sample, I want the wholesale size.” Kara grabbed her waist and tugged her close.
“Can we wait until tonight?” Lena hummed. “I want to figure out the accessible, OSHA approved, best way to sit on your face and rub my cunt all over it without killing you, please.”
“Jesus!” Kara’s eyes rolled and lips went between her teeth. “I love being pregnant. I love doing this with you. I cannot express how much I miss you sitting on my face and rocking yourself the hard way around into a widow.” Kara laughed boisterously with a furrowed, exasperated craving for her wife’s suffocating cunt.
Until she stopped laughing.
Lena was a widow.
“Lena,” Kara said and opened her eyes. “I know you won’t care but I’m sorry. I didn’t think when I…that was insensitive. I forgot.”
“Baby shut up,” Lena kissed her cheek, not caring in the slightest. “I know you were kidding. I know.”
“I just don’t ever want you to feel like…” Kara shook her head. “You know. I know you know.”
“I know, but I feel like you want to say it anyway just to make sure that I know.” Lena welcomed it with a very graceful patience.
She laid down at Kara’s side, touched the blonde hair off her forehead, swept it to the side, waiting for anxiety to reel itself away from somewhere Kara had wound it too tight.
“You know.” Kara agreed and closed her eyes because she did want to make sure. “I just don’t want you to feel like our marriage negates anything. I noticed you didn’t go see her last week. You do that every week and you didn’t.” Kara rambled. “You didn’t go and take her flowers and I don’t like that because then here I am—a giant stupid asshole—not reminding you when you forget to take her flowers. Or, making you feel like we’re having a baby and so you can’t go see her anymore...”
“I didn’t forget,” Lena smiled and shook her head. “You didn’t make me feel like having a baby means putting Sam in a box.”
“You didn’t forget?”
“I appreciate that it matters to you. I love that it matters to you, actually, because there are days where I feel it and on those days, I know I can just feel it and not hide anything from you.” Lena thought around everything, her eyes going to the ceiling, then the window, everything and anything but Kara. “I have a wife and I’m having a baby with her. I also had a wife—a best friend—and she has been gone for some time. That’s very sad, but it’s not sad in a flowers every week way anymore. I think it’s sad in a flowers when I want to take flowers kind of way.”
“If you’re sure,” Kara nodded.
“I figured we were on the same page.” Lena pecked her temple, sitting up and clambering to her feet for snacks and water. “You haven’t taken Cat flowers since…” She stopped and thought about it.
Lena realised she was thinking about it.
Lena looked, somewhat concerned, when she realised Kara was wide-eyed and thinking about it too.
“Shit.” Lena closed her eyes. “Kara, I’m so sorry.”
“No, no.” Kara waved it off. “You’re right, it’s been a while, I didn’t even…” At least three weeks by her own calculation. “Do you mind if I take flowers tomorrow?”
“Why would I mind?” Lena glanced, then smiled. “If you’re going into the city take the four-wheel drive please?”
“I’ll go the long way.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know,” Kara said. “But I want to do that. So, I’ll take the four-wheel drive and I won’t go the bridge way, okay?”
“Thank you baby.” Some tiny scars would always remain, this they both knew. “Take my card tomorrow. After you see Cat, buy some more sun dresses for me to play and hide-and-seek under; get lunch somewhere nice then come by the office and show me the sun dresses and we can get second lunch.”
Somehow, supposedly, by miscalculation of the universe, this woman wasn’t her soulmate.
Except she was.
Lena was her everything.
Lena went downstairs. Kara laid there for a minute, rubbing her belly, yawning and thoughtful. It had been more than three weeks. Cat wouldn’t mind, except Kara knew that Cat would very much mind. The pregnancy brain wasn’t just one of those things people talked about. It was real and it happened all the time. In big ways. Kara knew Lena had a baby monitor camera in the kitchen, up on one of the cabinets, peeking over, pointed at the oven just to makes sure the stove was always off.
That was the extent of the brain fog.
So, Kara didn’t put too much weight into the lack of flowers. She didn’t until she did, because she missed Cat, she always would, and she felt guilty on all directions about it.
Kara missed her more than she had ever missed anyone, anything, and it would always be poignantly uncomfortable to not have her for the big moments in life.
Not her baby shower.
Not even her wedding.
Kara sat there with that thought. It always got her. It always would. The smoke got in her eyes and the sting in her throat. The wedding, and the way Cat could have been there if they had known more sooner, moved it up quicker, but they didn’t, and so Cat wasn’t there, wouldn’t have ever gotten to see a fourteen-thousand dress she paid for.
That made it difficult and hard and unbearably poignant on the morning of the day, alone in the mirror, Cat not there to fix things, to drink champagne with, until she was there.
“Miss Danvers?” A man had knocked on the door with a package in his hand. “Miss Luthor told me to send this up for you.”
“She is so dreamy,” her mom lapped it up—thrilled just like the rest of her family. “Ugh, to think I tried to talk you out this…”
“She is a keeper alright,” Dad nodded too.
Kara couldn’t remember everything; the chatter, the ruckus of her sister and family and bridesmaids gushing away because their daughter—their sister, niece, and high-school friend—was marrying the perfect, charming and good Lena Luthor.
She couldn’t remember because nobody came.
Not one of them.
She just liked to pretend, sometimes, because that was something else that should have been at her wedding too.
Kara had married someone other than her soulmate. It was acceptable in National City. It made for quite the dinner piece. In the rural mid-west, where farmers and church people lived, it was not the done thing.
It was not what people did except it should have been fine—it could have been quite fine—because Catherine had passed away the year prior and there was no longer a soulmate to marry.
Kara could have gotten away with it if she didn’t publish the story spread. She thought about it before, knew the consequences, then did it anyway.
She loved Lena.
She loved Lena so much that she was not prepared to pretend that it had fallen in her lap as a consolation prize. It was the prize-winning, blue ribbon, best in show romance story, and Lena deserved to have it sung from the rooftops.
Cat deserved to have her story told the way it had been lived too, because soulmates weren’t just husbands and wives, they were friends, family, colleagues and all sorts of in-betweens.
The package came, Kara remembered now how she instantaneously knew the who and what, because she had known the handwriting clear as her own.
There was a letter first, simple and concise.
You deserve big dreams, my girl.
Take your glasses off and change your lipstick.
Sheer, not matte.
Cat had known ahead of time, and right as always, it had been the odd thing Kara couldn’t put her finger on. Cat hadn’t been there that day, except she was there in the ways that mattered, and it was perhaps the only reason Kara made it down the aisle.
Kara thought about her wedding, about the dress bag in the closet, the one she had never been able to bring herself to open.
Today was the day.
She got up off the bed and walked along the hall to the guest bedroom. It was empty and unfurnished, waiting for orders to be delivered. There was a furnished guest bedroom along the other end of the hall for family and friends, because Lena in her very charming way proved impossible to not adore, and so Kara’s family did come around eventually—just not in time for the wedding.
Kara closed the door and looked around the empty walls. This guest bedroom was realistically for show, furniture nobody would use chosen and ordered so neither of them would have to acknowledge that a seven-bedroom house was wildly unnecessary, just like everybody told them it was yet they wouldn’t listen.
They didn’t have better excuses; they couldn’t say they fell in love with good bones and solid structure, just the garden and the land, which would have been a fairly good excuse except they built the property from scratch, and seven bedroom was better than six, then six and a half bathrooms also seemed better than six, because maybe they would have more children, that was how they had justified it to each other.
More children, Kara now just hoped not seven bedrooms worth.
She took the dress bag out, hung it on the door, then stared at it for a minute. She knew what was inside. She remembered the first time she saw it, remembered the day perfectly, remembered Cat with a fondness to it, and a certain guilt too because perhaps Cat would be angry if she knew it was only being opened for the first time now.
There were tears in Kara's lids but none on her cheeks.
Things ended and that was always okay, it had to be okay, because Cat had a good life and Kara was having one too. She had her soulmate downstairs, making sandwiches, singing loudly, licking her lips to get every last little taste of Kara's good mood from the corners, and who could ask for more than that?
Who would dare ask for more?
Not Kara.
She unzipped the never-opened dress bag and there was her great, grand and final gift from Catherine Grant.
The navy silk blouse, the matching-coloured pants, perfect and pristine and exactly as they were.
The gold earrings and necklace were in a plastic bag attached to the hanger; the sunglasses carefully hung on the blouse pocket too. Cat had given her everything worn that day, in that photo, the first time Kara had ever looked at a woman and felt like that was who she wanted to be, how she wanted to look, felt things she didn't have words for at that age.
There was a note too. Kara didn’t want to read it, the tears were already dribbling, but she did read it; she cried into the nook of her elbow, quiet as could be, choking on it almost, because a certain wholeness settled in her soul. A confirmation, a goodbye, a closing of the book.
I wonder what made you look—a good day or a bad one? I don’t keep last season outfits, I never understood why but it always felt very important that I keep this one.
You were loved, Kara.
I know that you still are.
A little girl once laid on her bed, feet kicking in the air, revelling on every pretty picture, then found herself struck by one in particular. Everything about the picture leaving her stalled, fixed, blank and blinking, quite certain she had just seen the most immaculate, pristine and ladylike person who had ever lived, in the world, in the history of everything.
The clothes, Kara had thought at the time. She wanted to dress like that one day, when she was older and ladylike. Kara laughed despite the tears. Things come full circle. People leave, often sooner than we would like, but that’s quite alright, because life goes as it’s always going to go.
Now, Kara was having a little girl of her own.
Kara had made her decision.
She chose the cleaning lady.
And God, what a lady she was.
AN: Well, this was a fun afternoon of posting 33 chapters to Tumblr!
So, Hi. Hey. Howdy. Thanks for reading--if you made it this far--and please consider checking out my other stories too! I have a ton on Patreon and that’s also where I accept prompts, and you can also find more included in my Tumblr blog here :)
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luthordamnvers · 6 hours
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See all the Marks of my Wounded Past on AO3
Kara Zor-El was sent to Earth to protect her baby cousin. She landed, but never found him. Instead the name of a stranger was indelibly written in her arm since her landing. She never paid much attention to that name; survival was much more important to accomplish, with no one to take care of her anymore.
Lena’s life was forever changed when her soulmate mark made her appearance at the age of twelve, when not only one name showed up, but two. It didn’t get any better when more kept appearing and appearing. Exceedingly alarming, she was sure one of the names wasn’t even human. And then they met each other.
OR Soulmate AU
Language: English || Words: 50,640 || Chapters: 3/3
I am extremely excited to share the supercorp fic that I wrote with the incomparable @snowydragonscave for @supergirlmayhem. And art from the amazing @rustingcat who did a FANTASTIC job understanding what the fic was about, first of all, and second making it come to life with her honestly breathtaking drawing [Here]
This was a labor of love, (and tears because... this was never supposed to be this long) and truly I couldn't ask for a better co-writer than Snowy. It was a joy, and truly an amazing experience that I hope we get to repeat. Thanks to everyone who cheered on us, and to the creators of the event. It was an honor to participate.
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sapphicgraphixx · 4 years
Me, choosing the soulmate fic tag:
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Also me, somehow shocked when they turn out to be soulmates:
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as fate would have it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/300Njh4
by catcogrant (browneyedgenius)
The Kryptonian concept of Dihlectiao, or Soulmates, has existed since the dawn of time.
Kara remembers asking her parents, when she was still on Krypton, how they'd met. "We are Dihlectiao," her mother would smile, reaching out a hand for her father.
So when she falls in love with Lena Luthor, she can't help but check her wrist each and every moment for the mark she hoped knew would appear.
Words: 1171, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: SuperCorp, Fluff, Soulmate AU, early seasons, pretending lena did not react to kara being supergirl In That Way
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/300Njh4
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superblue · 4 years
supercorp SOULMATE AU please? Thanks :)
-my first ask, thank you so much! have some slight angst (that takes place mostly in lena’s head) with a very happy ending :) send me prompts!-
“I didn’t really understand the concept when I first came here. Earth, I mean,” Kara says and Lena’s hearts plummets. It’s what she expected, really, but still she clenches her jaw as she nods and smiles and urges Kara to go on, to keep on talking. 
Kara doesn’t say it, not in those exact words anyways, but it’s all that Lena can hear. I don’t have a mark. I don’t have a name. Lena, despite the revelation, cuddles closer. It’s pathetic, but she can’t help herself. She doesn’t have a name. Doesn’t have Lena’s. 
Kara’s place is comfortable, calming. Where Lena’s walls are bland and white and adorned with nothing but burnt-in sad stares, Kara’s are yellow and full of smiling faces. Picture frames all over the place, in some of which Lena - proudly - has found herself in. She likes it better here, prefers spending her time here where everything smells sweet and of Kara. Far away from work and a building that adorns a last name Lena never wanted, far away from having to be someone she’s not. 
It’s a hiatus, every Friday night - deemed movie night - a long, drawn out sigh of relief. The large bowl that had been filled to the brim with popcorn is now empty, their movie having ended some hours ago. But as always they’re still here, Lena in one of Kara’s sweaters and both of them partly covered by the same blanket, limbs sprawled out over a couch so comfortable that both of them have fallen asleep on it, rather than the bed, more than once in the past. 
Their conversation gets interrupted, every now and then, by stifled yawns and eyes daring to fall shut, but Lena still watches Kara in the dim light as she talks of her home. 
“Alex was the first to tell me about it, naturally. I thought it was exciting. Soulmates.” Kara chuckles, revels in the memory. “She showed me her mark immediately. Sam, on her hip. Back then she thought it was going to be a guy. She never shut up about it, ever.” 
Lena smiles, her trembling fingers playing with the fabric of Kara’s shirt. She looks at her, knows what will come next. 
“I would’ve done anything to have my own.” 
Lena knows it’s not her place to feel like this, whatever it is. Disappointment. The feeling seems to be mocking her, almost, and Lena knows it’s deserved. She had known it’d be like this, she had always known. People with a name like hers don’t get granted a soulmate, not someone like this. Not someone this bright yellow, this good. It had been a pathetic thought to begin with. 
Lena breathes quietly through the silence, not trusting her own voice, unable to stand that look on Kara’s face. Her features open, like a child’s, disappointment written all over them. Lena wants to reach out, instead grips her shirt tighter. 
“So you don’t have one?” she asks eventually, though the answer had been clear as soon as the subject had been brought up. There’s no hiding the pain in Kara’s eyes, in her entire being, and there’s no hiding the fact that of course Lena’s name would never find a place on Kara’s skin. 
“I don’t,” Kara sighs, asks the question Lena had been scared of. “Do you?” 
Kara must know she does, that everyone here on earth does. It’s not what she’s asking, not really. “What does yours say, what name?” is the question Lena reads between the lines, between soft fingers now playing with her hair. Lena closes her eyes. 
“I don’t have one,” she lies, whispers. Painfully so. Kara Zor-El burns on her shoulder. 
Lena paces the DEO until finally Alex, with an eyeroll - more affectionate than annoyed -, allows her to enter the room. 
Kara is positioned under a red sun lamp, no longer in her supersuit. Different parts of her body are adorned with bruises, blue and yellow like bold strokes across a canvas of skin. She looks weak, feeble. Human. After a day full of fighting aliens, Kara Zor-El looks like a little girl, soft features and shallow breathing, eyes closed only until Lena approaches and she opens them slowly, followed by an instant smile blossoming on chapped lips. 
"You're here," Kara whispers through said smile, as if there'd been another option. "You were there." 
Lena's cheeks redden as she imagines what Kara must be recalling. Fighting that alien, tumbling down 30 feet onto the hard concrete of the city below, Lena yelling at Alex to let her through.
Lena falling to her knees, Lena begging, Lena softly caressing her face. Lena telling her to stay alive. You have to. 
Just like Lena needed to be there, needs to be here now. 
"Of course I'm here. Kara, I…", Lena begins, but stops herself quickly. How do you tell someone that they're your entire world, when their skin doesn't even bear your name? 
But Kara doesn't push, asks something unexpected instead. "Can I see it?" 
"What?" Lena's heart sinks. She knows what Kara is asking for, her lie weak from the beginning. 
"Your soulmate mark," Kara clarifies, just as Lena had expected her to. "Can you please show it to me?" 
Lena does. She pulls down her shirt to expose her shoulder, but it feels like more than that. The act feels like undressing, like taking off her shirt, her bra, stepping out of her skin. Lena's never felt as naked or vulnerable, but all Kara does is gently trace her own name with soft fingers. 
It's an intimate silence that follows, a comfortable one. Between them there's only soft breathing and a name, and Kara's tears. 
"You're mine too, you know." Kara whispers, continues because Lena doesn't know what to say. "My soulmate, I mean. I can feel it." 
"But you… -" 
"Don't have a mark," Kara finishes for her, sighs. "I don't think I need one, to know that it's you. I just do." 
The words run like fire through Lena's veins, spreading a painful warmth that she knows will not last. "How can you be sure? How-" 
"Lena." Kara takes Lena's hand, playing with her fingers as she speaks. "I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life, trust me. I have no way of knowing that this is the right thing to do and yet, if you'll let me, I know I'll want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side." 
There's another retort on the tip of Lena's tongue, tears welling in her eyes. Kara squeezes her hand, shakes her head. 
"I don't have your name, but I want it. I choose you, Lena, shouldn't that count for something?" 
Lena wants to say yes, wants to scream it, but they've just deemed words unfit to always convey the right answer, and so she leans forward instead to kiss Kara. To kiss her soulmate. 
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aspidities · 4 years
Happy Friday! It is indeed a posting day, once again, in the rapidly-approaching-New-Gilead that is America. Blessed is the fruit of my constantly-frustrated smut loins.
For AO3 I posted a Supercorp soulmate mark identifying AU, in which Kara’s mark contains the words ‘Fuck, you’re big’ and Lena’s are ‘Damn you’re tight’. Watch as I finagle my way around the obvious solution for how they meet!
And then for Patreon, it’s finally here. The often-discussed, much-asked-for, but-only-one-person-actually-requested Supercorp Bring it On AU. Featuring a terminally-pissed-off-and-yet-smitten punk Lena and a-terrifyingly-oblivious Kara, as well as a bunch of spirit stick references, That Carwash Scene, and a slutty Lex, to boot.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias Additional Tags: Endgame Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, valentines fic, SuperCorp, Valentines au, Lena Luthor Needs a Hug, Useless Lesbians, Soft and Fluffy, this is just cute, Cute, Soulmate AU, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, I got carried away with this, But I also had fun, Fluff and Angst, A little bit of angst, but not super angsty, Minor Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, you find your soulmate through wiriting on your wrist, Also one iris matches the eye colour of your soul mate, POV Lena Luthor, POV Kara Danvers Summary:
February 14th, King and 5th, National City, Eight o’clock.
A date, time and place, written on the inside of her wrist, for where her supposed soulmate would be, and a single blue eye that was said to match.
“Why did it have to be Valentines?” Lena scoffed to herself.
Or the Valentines Soulmate AU no one asked for but I wrote anyway. A combination of an address written on your wrist and a matching eye colour to your soulmate. Give it a shot!
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gone-for-mcgrath · 3 years
im gonna lay down my ideas for some supercorp fics, feel free to create a fic based off them but please i want to see the ideas coming alive.
soulmate au in where soulmates get tainted neon if they ever have skin contact. Supergirl had a late visit at lcorp in where things got interesting. so intense she got up late and was flying faster than the speed of light to reach the deo base.
"Fun night supergirl?" Kara stared back at agent Vazquez with a confused look. what was she taking about?
She passed down alex whose eyes almost popped out of her head when she noticed the neon marks running down her thighs.
"I think you should take the day off" Alex said while pointing at kara's thighs. Kara unlocked a new shad of red that day and rushed out the window.
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emiliarowan · 4 years
I see a lot of Supercorp Soulmate AUs where both humans and Kryptonians have marks, but what if only Kryptonians had marks. And when Krypton got destroyed Kara thought not only did she lose her home and family, but her soulmate as well. But then she gets to Earth and sees that Clark has a mark and Lois has a mark, even though it’s not normal for humans, so she has hope, but she can’t be 100% certain because her soulmate still could’ve died on Krypton.
And then she meets Lena. And she has the same mark.
Somebody write this bc I have too many WIPs.
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spaceman-earthgirl · 5 years
Supergirl Reveal Fics
I thought I'd put together a list of my fluffy reveal fics after the most recent episode. Feel free to add your own.
A perfect beginning
Based on the prompt: "First date/first kiss plus identity reveal that's fluffy and wonderful."
They're kissing when Lena slips her hand under Kara's shirt and she expects to find soft skin, what she doesn't expect to find is a super suit.
A part of me is missing, when you're not here
Based on an anon prompt from tumblr:
"If it inspires you, could you write a fic with Lena having to move away for a while to run the business and they are all mopey and sad and even more clingy because they’re not going to be in the same city anymore and after a couple of insufferable weeks Kara caves in and risks it all by telling her best friend that she’s Supergirl just so she can fly over whenever? I just love the combo reveal + friends to lovers and you do it so forking well."
Lena Nose Best
Based on an anon prompt from tumblr:
"Could you maybe write a Supercorp story with Lena connecting the dots Kara is Supergirl because of her perfume? Bonus points if it's a getting together kind of story."
In your arms, where I belong
Based on an anon prompt from tumblr:
"Hi, beautiful writer! If you’re accepting prompts, could you write a story with Kara not being able to sleep and so she texts Lena to see if she’s up, and then she tells Lena she’s having trouble sleeping and they talk until Kara falls asleep. Then it happens again, and again… So it becomes a deal between them – if either of them has trouble sleeping, they’ll call each other. Until it becomes a dropping-by-late-at-night-because-I can’t-sleep deal and soft, drowsy talks over the phone become sleep overs as they grow closer and closer due to their late night confessional calls?"
Out of the shadows and into the light
Soulmates au where you have a black mark on your skin that turns to colour where/when your soulmate touches you for the first time.
Something's not right
Based on an anon prompt from tumblr:
"In spirit of Chyler wanting to play Lena can you do a body switch au, where they just go with it thinking it's a dream bc they had too much to drink so they don't tell Kara at first AKA Alex gets to witness just how flirty her sister is with Lena and then calls her out on it while Lena finds out about the sg secret when Kara rips her shirt open in front her thinking she's just Alex."
Wrong place, right time
Based on an anon prompt from tumblr:
"psst. prompt, if you want it. Supergirl accidentally breaks into Lena's apartment and goes to sleep on the couch (She thought it was Alex's and she was exhausted)."
Caught Out
Based on a tumblr post by laoisepotter:
"Headcanon that Lena realizes Kara is Supergirl slowly over a period of time simply because she keeps throwing stuff at her and it just escalates to the point of there’s no other explanation as to why she can catch all these things.
Like it starts off innocent enough with like pens and keys but after a couple weeks she’s chucking three staplers at a time and watching Kara catch all of them at once and she knows, she knows her theory is right. If Kara doesn’t fess up by the end of the week the desk chair is next"
It's better together
Dealing with someone who's drunk is hard enough but dealing with a drunk alien with superpowers is something else entirely.
Or Alex needs to call in Maggie for help when she finds a very drunk Kara and Lena at Kara's apartment.
Supergirl goes to thank Lena for her help after they finally take down Cadmus.
Don't give alcohol to aliens
Lena is surprised when a drunk Supergirl lands on her balcony late one night.
Light in the dark
After rescuing Lena from her mother, Supergirl flies Lena back to her apartment because Lena wants to see Kara.
What's On Your Mind?
Thanks to a new form of Kryptonite, Kara temporarily gains the ability to read minds.
All In A Day's Work
Kara's hurt and Lena's not going to leave her side, not for a moment.
Lena finds out Kara's secret, by finding Supergirl in Kara's bed.
Kara becomes jealous when she thinks Lena is flirting with Supergirl.
Oops there's more of these than I thought but I hope you enjoy.
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theevangelion · 2 years
Soulmates: Chapter XXXII
(Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31)
On Thursdays, a little late in the morning, Kara kept a rolling date.
It was less of a date in the traditional sense, more of a perpetual visit to confession. The winter had prolonged and drew out the frost. The coldness ordered the city with the skeleton of a tree on each corner, here and there, empty shrubs, flower bulbs on apartment balconies fused tightly with pre-grief, and try as everything might, the world still struggled to find bloom in the rapidly approaching mid-March, some three months since the story spread was published.
“Turns out I can be a drama queen.” Kara pushed out her cheeks, rocking back and forth on her feet. “I mean, who does that? At a funeral. Makes it about them—their wedding. Then she cancels the venue, like some perfect Princess Charming, and there I go, three days later, asking if we can rebook it.”
In her head, Kara imagined the knowing look.
“I know.” She folded her arms. “I’m getting better. At being a good girl, I mean. It just hit me hard. It felt like…how do I go through with it? Pushed all the way back to square one—worse than square one even. Just some awkward, boring, sad, hurting person, and there she is—Lena Luthor—looking at me like I’m important, and special, and like...I’m worth the wait.”
“You are worth the wait,” a voice chipped in.
“You’re stalking me now?” Kara snatched around with a glimmer in her eyes, smiling as she glanced the eavesdropper up and down.
Lena grinned and faced a headstone adjacent. She shook her head, flowers in her hand, apparently here with the same idea that some things needed to be confessed to those who would not tell secrets, and other things forgiven by those with no absolution to offer.
“I’m running a little late today. I usually come by around nine, nine-thirty.” Lena rubbed her neck. “I can come back?”
“Don’t, stay.”
“You’re sure?” Lena glanced with careful eyes, double-checking and very gentle in the way she said it. “She was your person.”
“She was your friend.”
“Still is.” Lena tilted her head. “Always will be.”
“Want to text her and tell her you can’t make brunch today?” Kara had a mischievous smile, thinking about how long it had been since they did something good and sporadic. “There’s a park nearby. Let’s get coffee and take a walk, baby.”
“Which park?” Lena offered her arm for Kara to hook into as they walked back the way they came.
“It’s not in the top five, maybe the top ten though.”
“If it’s not in the top five it may as well be a multi-level parking garage.”
“Would you still come on a date with me if it was?” Kara looked at her a certain way, as though spring had finally broken behind her eyes. “You look beautiful. I like what you did with your hair this morning.”
“Brush it?” Lena knitted her brows.
“Sure, yeah.” Kara tucked a rope of jet-black hair behind her ear.
“I would go on the date with you.” Lena pressed forward and pecked her lips, then slipped an arm around to tug and keep Kara warm in the clutch of her side. “About the wedding venue…”
“So, you did listen in?”
“A little.” Lena shrugged. “Our original date got snatched up quickly. What would you think about a June wedding?”
“June is only a little longer to wait, sure.”
“June of next year.”
“I’m not in a rush.” There was a patient, radiant smile and no irritation to be found behind sea green eyes—despite the insanity—despite the nightmare Kara had proved to be in the aftermath. Lena just kept loving her in the right way. “I’m not going anywhere. I have some time on my hands, enough to waste, just to follow you places for the exercise, maybe the view of your butt too. June next year?”
“June next year.” Kara pressed her cheek to her girlfriend’s shoulder. “Lena?”
“I love you,” Kara whispered and stared ahead, clutching her arm, matching her idle pace. “I don’t just mean I love you, here and now, I mean…” She blew a little exhale, almost a whistle, like someone’s dad recounting the size of a big freshwater fish that had taken some time to reel in. “I love you in this horrifically logical, sensible, and completely thought through way. I love you the way you love someone when you look at them and your brain says…” Kara grinned. “Oh, there you are. The woman who’s going to be the mother of my children. The person I’m supposed to build a nice, good life around. Who I’m going to be sixty, seventy, maybe eighty with, and I’ll still be looking at you like you’re my best friend, my wife.” Kara held it for a moment. “My person.”
Lena nodded slightly and held open the gate, glancing at Kara with a certain look as she walked through first.
“Your person, huh?” Lena rasped as she followed. “I think we clarified that a person is much, much, much bigger of a deal than a wife or soulmate—we did do that, right?”
“Mhm.” Kara cupped her cheeks. “And there you are.”
“You know”—Lena brushed the tips of their noses—“I think being the mother of your children might be one above that.”
“We should probably get married first.”
“Probably,” Lena grinned as she thought about it. “It’s a fourteen-thousand-dollar dress. You should wear it the way you chose it. Then we can have a baby, maybe two, or seven, what do you think?”
“Two would be nice.”
“We’re still stood in the middle of the path. You want to keep walking, save this for the park?”
“Nah,” Kara kissed her—really kissed her—kissed her for the first time in a long time like it was unavoidable and necessary. “Let’s just stand here in everyone’s way, outside a cemetery, and plan our children’s names please.”
“Boys or girls?”
“Not one of each?” Lena seemed surprised but happy. “Two little girls?”
“Mhm.” Kara nodded. “Both of them with your hair and eyes.”
“I want a little Kara Danvers too?”
“Then three daughters.”
“Not two as in one little me and one little you?” Lena’s brow knitted again. She suddenly jolted forward, careening into Kara and nearly knocking her over, a busy pedestrian elbowing them out of the way unceremoniously. “Are you okay?” Lena patted. “Hey! Did your mother never teach you to keep your hands to yourself and play nicely?”
Lena went fiery and bright-eyed at the stomping man, in a way Kara had never seen before, and knew she shouldn’t feel so tight, awoken, and aroused about. It hit too quickly. Lena was so feminine and dignified, silver-tongued and faintly upper-class, but never arrogant or precise with it, and so the clenched fists and snarled bottom lip did things for Kara.
Then the man turned around.
“I would ask the same but the way your brother turned out?” He spat at her feet. “Shame it was your wife who died and not him—what a fuck piece—I would have banged.”
John, Kara suddenly realised it was her old colleague—the man who wrote the original questions and found himself fired because of it.
Kara barely managed to keep a grip on Lena.
Then she let go, in a decided and intentional way, because Lena was owed this one. She strode forward. It wasn’t some towering, terrifyingly intimidating change in her demeanour. John didn’t take a step back. He didn’t have some—or any—fear in the eyes. He just grinned, shit-eating and smug, pleased to get the reaction he wanted.
Lena said something inaudible. John’s expression flickered, softened almost. They talked. He hung his head, a little solemn. They talked for what felt like forever. It was maybe only a minute or two, but the fact they were talking the way people talked and there was no shouting or aggression proved to be equally as confusing.
Lena came back in her own time.
“What was that?”
“Spill.” Kara hooked her arm again, noticing the tension of a barely cooled-off temper. “Whatever you said seemed to have an effect.”
“Apologies do that to people.”
“He apologised?”
“I did.” They stopped, largely because Kara stopped dead in her tracks. “Don’t…make it a thing. I know, I know I should have defended Sam’s honour, or something.” Lena pinched her brow. “That was a very broken man who lost everything in his life because of my brother. He just…needed to feel like that mattered.”
“He was awful to you!” Kara pulled away and scanned the street, ready to give him a much harsher reality check. “He does not get to blame you for his problems—”
“I know that. Kara—stop. Kara, I know that.” Lena took her biceps firm and brought the stormy temper back to attention. “He was—is—a very broken man, and sometimes people just need to begin healing on their own terms.” Lena almost hushed it away.
“Wait.” Kara paused. “You didn’t just apologise, did you?”
Lena grew sheepish.
“Lena, what did you do? Kara glared.
“In fairness—” Lena held up her hands defensively. “He was a very good reporter. I followed his work solving the Riddler killings—it was fascinating.”
“What did you do?”
“I offered him a job.” Lena scrunched her face. “Nothing that involves interfacing with me—ever. Just, you know, an auditor of sorts.”
“Of sorts!” Kara felt furious and well aware it was not her right to be angry over this. “Lena, baby, have you lost your mind?”
“The first real conversation you and I shared” —Lena did the look, the pre-argument look, when she was frustrated and holding it back— “You asked me what I was going to do to help the Midwestern Mom who lost everything on the LexCorp IPO. Well, there is your Midwestern Mom, Kara, I’m sorry it isn’t the sweet, nice, naïve old lady who buys lottery tickets for her grandson’s college fund.” Lena tossed her hands in the air. “I said I was going to fix it and do something good for the people who lost everything, and I meant what I said, Kara. It wasn’t lip-service. It wasn’t conditional on those people being objectively good people. So, who better to judge me than my worst critic?”
“Definitely two of you.” Kara realised and said it simultaneously. “An abundance of you. I did not know you had that kind of temper, that’s the first thing. The second thing is…well you know.” Kara tugged her girlfriend’s attention with the firmest grasp on either cheek. “All of it together, combined, accounted for and on the books? I want your children. I want you, because you are very hot, and very—you know—Daddy.”
“Is that…” Lena looked around. “Is that the argument finished?”
“We still haven’t moved.” Lena observed and dipped her chin in her scarf, blinking and furrowing at the absurdity. “We just—did we just plan our children, plus all the other stuff, and have an argument, right here?”
“Mhm. Yes, we did.” Kara kissed the corner of her mouth. “I think this becomes the third, maybe even the second stop on the tour, when our kids are old enough, and they groan in the back of the car while we drive around and point our lives out for them.”
“Where’s the first?”
“I’ll show you.” Kara pushed a slow, certain smile. “June, next year.”
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luthordamnvers · 7 months
So many cool prompts, but I would go with my favourite trope - Soulmates AU =3
Soulmates AU is for Supercorp in the same universe as my Dansen soulmate AU. Of course, I have only the general outline, because I do write like this. Anyway...
In that fic I explain how the soulmate marks are a human occurrence, and not even all humans get it. So, picture s2 Lena, hearing the same words branded on her skin for a few years now, and seeing Kara's non reaction. Of course, negative self deprecating Lena Luthor is convinced that either; Pretty blonde non-reporter is not her soulmate, or that CLEARLY pretty blonde now-reporter doesn't want to be her soulmate, because she's a Luthor. But Kara kept coming back to her, with interviews, and donuts when she sensed Lena needed a friend, and that fiercely defended her when everyone thought she was the one responsible for the metallo thing. And as their canon relationship progresses, Lena keeps falling and falling for Kara, but she never mentions the soulmate mark.
It all makes sense to her, when Lex tells her Kara is Supergirl. Kara doesn't know they are soulmates, she's an alien. And then she goes into denial because HOW can her soulmate lie to her for YEARS, knowing how important honesty is to her. It's BS.
However, I always intended for the fic to start in the finale. And Lena explaining all this to a very oblivious Kara. WHO told her sister (in the aforementioned dansen fic) that the soulmate marks were a more complex and "wiser" system than the matching matrix on Krypton. And going out of Kara's reaction, how their relationship changes, if it changes, given how they were in s6.
I guess it would be considered canon complaint, but yeah, I even have the idea about having a Brainia version of this trope, but when i tell you i am very insecure of my writing of both Brainy and Nia...
Anyways, thank you for your ask, anon.
[WIP game]
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winterskywrites · 5 years
Supercorp soulmark au? Maybe where one of them comes from a culture where those don't happen?
On Krypton, soulmarks would appear on a person’s eighteenth birthday. It was a rite of passage, and traditionally, on the morning of said birthday, the first thing someone would do would be to find their mark. Some people chose to display theirs openly while others kept them hidden, but either way, everyone agreed that soulmarks were sacred, a gift from Rao.
But when Kara Zor-El arrived on Earth, she found that humans were not so gifted.
She despaired at first, mourning the loss of a coming of age she would never have, until she saw Clark wearing a button-down with rolled-up sleeves and saw a what looked like a tattoo on the inside of his forearm. A tattoo that no one on Earth would be able to give him.
“What’s that?” Kara demanded immediately, grabbing his arm.
Clark blinked down at her, then bemusedly turned his arm to let her see. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “It just appeared on my arm one morning.”
“The morning of your eighteenth birthday?” Kara demanded.
Clark’s brow furrowed. “Yeah, actually. How did you know?”
“It’s a soulmark,” Kara breathed, tracing the mark with her fingers. Clark’s soulmark looked like a pencil, about four inches long, equally spaced between his wrist and his elbow. Kara stared at it greedily, drinking every detail in. If Clark had a soulmark, then it must mean that Kara would get one too. It must.
“A soulmark?” Clark repeated.
“On Krypton, everyone would receive their soulmark on their eighteenth birthday,” Kara explained. “It’s a gift from Rao. Your soulmate will have a matching mark.”
Clark looked down at his arm, eyes wide. “Really?”
“Really,” Kara said solemnly. Then, a thought occurred to her, and she added, “Or, at least, they would if they were Kryptonian. I don’t know if it would happen to a human.”
That question was answered a year later, when Clark called Kara and told her eagerly that Lois Lane, one of his fellow reporters whom he had a massive crush on, had an identical mark on her forearm. “She says it’s a tattoo, but that can’t be a coincidence, can it?” he asked, and Kara assured him it couldn’t be. A few months later, Clark and Lois began dating, and Kara began counting down the days to her eighteenth birthday.
She woke up that morning and immediately searched her entire body for a mark that hadn’t been there before. She couldn’t find it at first, then she twisted around to look in the mirror and saw a sunburst between her shoulder blades. Still staring into the mirror, she gently ran her fingers along the mark, then she watched her face light up in unmistakable joy.
Now, all she had to do was find the other person who bore the same mark.
(The first time Kara saw Lena in a backless dress and saw the rays that burst across her back, her heart almost stopped.)
This has a sequel here.
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ao3feed-supercorp · 3 years
as fate would have it
by catcogrant (browneyedgenius)
The Kryptonian concept of Dihlectiao, or Soulmates, has existed since the dawn of time.
Kara remembers asking her parents, when she was still on Krypton, how they'd met. "We are Dihlectiao," her mother would smile, reaching out a hand for her father.
So when she falls in love with Lena Luthor, she can't help but check her wrist each and every moment for the mark she hoped knew would appear.
Words: 1171, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: SuperCorp, Fluff, Soulmate AU, early seasons, pretending lena did not react to kara being supergirl In That Way
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/300Njh4 via IFTTT https://ift.tt/300Njh4
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femslashhistorian · 5 years
Hello I just wanted to share a Supercorp soulmate fic called Holding Rivers by Fromanothersun and it is a true masterpiece. It has pining and feels and something that sets it apart is it is written from both povs. You should read this hidden gem if you get a chance.
Thanks for the ask / rec. 
I love (Supercorp) soulmate AUs. This one definitely goes on my to read list.
Holding Rivers by FromAnotherSun
Eliza explained it as the Brand, a unique mark that could only be shared with one other person. It would etch itself onto your skin the first time you touched your destined partner. Soulmate, Eliza had said, the person whose life was meant to be intertwined with yours.
The Brand, Lillian said dispassionately, was nothing more than a mark of weakness, a crutch that humans relied on as a delusion of security in a life of no guarantees. Despite its permanence, its appearance was arbitrary at best and thus had no true meaning.
That conversation ended abruptly there, Lillian withdrawing all pretenses of attention, but even then, Lena couldn’t help but think that there was more to the Brand than that.
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kryptocore · 6 years
Supercorp soulmate au
Soulmate au where whenever your soulmate gets hurt, you get a mark on that spot.
Lena never getting marks while growing up, thinking that she’s the only one without a soulmate.
When Kara gets exposed to kryptonite for the first time, Lena’s entire body goes red. It gives her hope that she has a soulmate, but also scares her that her soulmate experienced that.
Kara fighting Reign probably terrified the shit out of Lena.
When they start dating, Lena saw Kara bump into the edge of a table, but she didn’t get a soulmark. She becomes sad because she thinks that they aren’t soulmates. That’s when Kara tells Lena she’s Supergirl.
Because Lena has an attempt on her life every damn week, Kara always zooms over to Lena when she gets hurt.
“BABE, I SAW THE MARK, ARE YOU OKAY???” “... Kara, it’s just a paper cut”
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