#summer risotto
katelynntheauthor · 4 months
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Main Dishes - Risotto with Fresh Figs and Prosciutto Recipe Fresh, sweet figs and salty Italian prosciutto combine beautifully for this summer risotto that can be served as a gourmet first course as well as a quick dinner option.
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hansonlilah · 8 months
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Risotto - Risotto with Fresh Figs and Prosciutto This summer risotto, which can be served as a fancy first course or a quick dinner option, is made with fresh, sweet figs and salty Italian prosciutto.
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everyveganrecipe · 10 months
This summer Zucchini & Lemon Risotto recipe is perfect for warm nights. Refreshing 🍋 lemon highlights this risotto using zucchini, leeks, corn, cheese, and white wine, topped with basil.
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La Squadra and how they manage to survive the summer because...you guessed it, they are too poor and Diavolo won't give them a break lol 🤣🤣
Risotto ✂️: steal all the fans in the lair
He's the boss so he has all the rights to gather the fans around him. Being so pale also is a curse for him cause he doesn't tan...he becomes la Pimpa's cousin ( la pimpa is a red and white dog from a children's book if you don't know)
No matter how much sunscreen he puts on, the sun will burn him either way...so he prefers to stay inside sorrounded by his lil army of windy electronic slaves.
No one dares to say anything to him, a mad risotto means ouchies for the others.
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Prosciutto 🍖: Circolo Arci lifestyle
This sicilian hottie ( benny stop simping for Gucci's sake!!) Has way too much class to let the summer's heat wave reduce him to an ameba!
So in all his years of experience he found the perfect place to hide during the warmest days: the local Circolo Arci's bar! He will go there around 13 pm and stay till 19:30, where he'll either watch tv or play cards with the senior citizens who also came to seek refuge from the heat wave.
Call him old, but at least he can enjoy the air conditioning system as much as he wants, even if that means loose at Briscola every single time.
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Formaggio 🧀: I'm not an alcoholic, i'm a sommelier
Formaggio, being the king of drinks, will make cold cocktails for everyone...but especially for himself.
Using Little Feet he'll also shrink so he can lay on the ice cubes and enjoy the freshness till he can, even swimming in a cold glass of Gin Lemon!! Illuso one time found him using a lemon slice as a floatie.
After a long, tiring, hot day there's nothing better than the cheese man famous Negroni Sbagliato; but watch out for the ice...he may have layed there commando previously, just ask for the ones in the freezer, just in case..
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Melone 🍈: decency? What's that?
You guessed it, this tuscan weirdo will literally walk around his apartment totally naked with the windows open; he won't absolutely care about the screams of the neighbours or that someone might call the police, IS TOO HOT TO BOTHER!!
If he lived closer to tuscany he would have escaped to Follonica a loooong time ago, but since he has to stay nearby ( and honestly he hates Napoli's beach ) for the missions he just cosplay as Adam inside his own house.
He has to put stickers notes on the fridge to remember to get dressed before gljng out tho, one time he forgot and his neighbour screamed so loud she cracked a window...
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Illuso 🔎: local swimming pool diva
Sun hat? Check! Versace swimsuit? Check! Will to ruin everybody elses fun time? C H E C K~
Illuso is the person you DON'T wanna have to deal with at your local swimming pool area: he is loud, snarky, will make children cry, be a karen to the staff...JUST CAUSE HE IS BORED!!
You'll see him coming looking like an italian Barbie malibu, and once he decides he wants your spot in the pool, he'll make everything in his power to make you leave...
Luckily summer only last 3 months...
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Ghiaccio 🧊: the lucky b*tch
His stand it's his blessing during the summer, White Album automatically regulates his body temperature so he is never too hot or too cold! The lucky b*stard smirks and walk around the lair not breaking a sweat!!
He will wear only a pair of light sweatpants, chug a beer and snicker " Why so bothered? Is not THAT hot ahahahah!!"
Either that or he'll go train early in the morning like gym bro he is, some say he'll even whistle while doing push ups.
Ghiaccio doesn't like summer, but he likes seeing people miserable soooo...it is what it is
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pflugysfood · 1 year
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Filet steak with parmesan truffle risotto
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lawschool-lesbo · 9 months
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some of my favourite food and drink from the summer ☀️
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thunnder-loves-food · 2 years
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Crispy skin chicken thighs on a bed of summer squash risotto and green beans 🤤
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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Pecan Day
These buttery, versatile gems can be sprinkled on salads, baked into pies or cakes, or simply enjoyed as a snack.
Whether eaten on their own or included as part of a myriad of creations in the kitchen, the pecan tree yields a versatile nut that is the only naturally occurring major nut tree in North America. While they began in the US, they have since been planted on every continent except for Antarctica. Even so, it is still estimated that 80% of the world’s supply of pecans comes from the United States.
Healthful and delicious, pecans are a treat that has an interesting history as well as a tasty future!
History of Pecan Day
Pecans have a documented history that dates back to the 16th century, although they were likely around long before that, growing in the wild. This tree grows well near water and the nuts are easy to get the meat from the shell. As the pecan is native to the southern parts of North America, it is sometimes called “America’s own nut.”
The first cultivated planting of a pecan tree in the United States is recorded to have taken place in 1772 in Long Island, New York. Not long afterwards, on March 25,1775, a pecan tree was planted by George Washington at his Mount Vernon estate. That particular tree’s famous roots grow even deeper as the sapling was gifted to him by Thomas Jefferson, who had planted a few pecan trees from the southern US at his own estate in Monticello, VA.
During this same period, settlers used community gardens to plant pecan trees along the Gulf Coast in the southern parts of the United States, eventually leading to the growth of this important industry. By 1919, Texas had honored the Pecan tree by making it into its state tree. While contested by some, Albany, Georgia, is considered by many to be the pecan capital of the United States, boasting over 600,000 pecan trees in the locale.
Pecan Day was established to celebrate this deciduous tree that was enjoyed by the founding fathers of the United States and continues to be shared with the world. First cultivated by Native Americans, it has been transplanted to other countries around the planet, but has failed to achieve as wide of use or popularity outside of the United States.
In any case, the pecan is a nut that is certainly worth celebrating anywhere in the world, and Pecan Day is the best day to do so!
How to Celebrate Pecan Day
Just a little bit of thought can encourage people to come up with all kinds of creative ways to show their love for pecans – like grabbing a handful to munch on, adding them to salads, making a delightful pecan pie, eating pecan crusted fish for dinner, or having pecan ice cream!
Take part in celebrating Pecan Day by using some of the following ideas, or come up with some creative ones of your own in honor of the day:
Throw a Pecan Day Party
Invite some friends and family over and share the joy by throwing a fun Pecan Day party! Pecans are a wonderful party snack that can be served in a variety of styles such as popular praline-flavoured pecans. Pecans are extremely versatile because they work with many different flavors, whether sweet or savory, spicy or mild.
Delectable items that could happily be served at a Pecan Day party include:
Pecan Pie (a pastry pie crust with corn syrup and pecan filling)
Pralines (nuts coated in sugar, corn syrup, milk and butter)
Pecan-crusted Fish (tilapia, salmon, trout, halibut, or others)
Pecan Turtles (candy treat with chocolate and caramel)
Pecan Shortbread Cookies
Chicken Salad Sandwiches (made with pecans, grapes and mayonnaise)
For more recipes, try the website for the American Pecan Council, offering not only recipe ideas but much more information about the entire pecan industry.
Grow a Pecan Tree
Plant a lovely and productive pecan tree to make it a memorable day to always come back to. If planting a sapling, it may take an average of 6-7 years to see a yield of nuts, so it’s a long-term investment to wait for the harvest. But certainly, it’s a worthwhile investment that is good for providing food as well as putting oxygen back into the air and doing something good for the earth.
Practice Pronouncing Pecan
North America is a large place with many different subcultures and local accents. The Pecan is just one of many words that is pronounced differently depending on the location. It’s a highly debated topic that has a lot to do with the divide between north and south in the United States.
One legitimate pronunciation of the word is: “puh-KAHN”. The accent is on the second syllable and it is pronounced with the jaw dropped.
But another, equally legitimate, way to pronounce the word is: “PEE-can”. Here, the accent is on the first syllable and the mouth makes a wide smile while saying it.
The first pronunciation is particularly northern and the second is southern but also could be related to whether people live in the city or in rural areas.
Considering that the trees first grew in the south, it’s possible that the second is the correct pronunciation. However, going further back, the nut was actually named from an Algonquin (Native American) word that described “nuts which required a stone to crack them”.
So, it’s likely that neither of the above pronunciations is exactly correct and an Algonquin Native American would need to be consulted to find out the true pronunciation!
Share the Health Benefits of Pecans
When making treats out of pecans and sharing them at a party, don’t forget to tell friends and family about the nutritional value that pecan nuts can bring. Check out these health benefits that pecans can provide, including:
Protein, Healthy Fats, and Fiber that help with energy
Important Vitamins and Minerals including Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Vitamin E, and Phosphorus
Ability to lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol levels in the blood
Contains Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium to help reduce blood pressure
Acts as a healthy snack to replace sugary snacks, which helps those with diabetes and heart health issues
A good sources of healthy, Omega 3 Fats that can help to reduce inflammation pain that leads to problems such as arthritis
Filled with antioxidants that can help to protect the cells from damage
Buy a Nutcracker
The pecans that are purchased in-store have been packaged and processed but, for people who are serious about pecans, it might be fun to buy the whole nuts and crack them at home.
Nutcrackers can come in all shapes and sizes, from the very functional to kitschy and decorative. Sometimes they come in a set, with different levers, tongs, and ratchets, that can be used in different capacities.
For purists and die-hard pecan lovers, it might be worthwhile to invest in an electric nutcracker. But those who prefer a more rudimentary method can use a hammer or mallet to crack open the outer shell. Pliers could also work as a way to crack the nutshell. Then, once it is open, use a fork or other sharp object to pick out the nutmeat. And enjoy!
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annakailie · 3 months
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Lemony summer risotto
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Lemony summer risotto
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dattarajkamatart · 7 months
Summer Vegetable Risotto
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lettersfromscandi · 7 months
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artoises · 8 months
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Summer Vegetable Risotto
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intcllectual · 1 year
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Lemony summer risotto
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blue-eyed-boss · 1 year
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Lemony summer risotto
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chusthestore · 2 years
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Lemony summer risotto
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