#suddenly life isnt so bad anymore
abstractr · 23 days
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ichigosoju · 5 days
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guideaus · 1 year
yeah i think i'll drop boys run the riot
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sleazyowl · 1 year
U know ur down bad when ur happiness relies on their happiness.
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arty-cakes · 6 months
being both a bretta and zote fan is so so painful actually ppl will always find some way to make sure they never interact again or use the latter to (seriously) demonize zote for stuff he never did while also mischaracterising bretta and i 💥👊💥🥊👊🤜🤛💥🤜👊🤜💥🤜💥🥊 🤜👊👊👊🤜💥 im not good at putting into words why this is frustrating
either make them divorced mortal enemies or reluctant friends who actually enjoy eachother's company either of those are funnier but why make up stuff that didnt happen and then pretend its canon and the reason why they should never talk again..... thats so boring
i was gonna leave this in the tags but no i wanna talk
i know im complaining here but its honestly not an issue i see a-lot like i do see them being enemies or friends in fancontent and to the ppl who do that ily very much. its always cool. and people like my dynamic too and when they let me know it makes me rlly happy lol
but i feel like people need to understand that not every situation is good or bad sometimes they are just. situations. like bretta and zote
and i still feel like there's this general misunderstanding about zote that needs to be cleared up which is that he's not actually.... a liar lol. or i mean the only person he lies to is himself and he's not pretending to be a knight he really BELIEVES he's a knight. don quixote coded like he rlly believes he killed the vengefly king and won the colosseum tournament and whatever. all confirmed by his dreamnail dialogue like it makes it REALLY CLEAR that he believes what hes saying. he's actually having delusions thats why most people in hollow knight choose to help him out its why he cant process life threatening situations. he's still annoying just because of his general personality but NOT because of his delusions. (i'd say something profound about how usefulness ties to worth in most people's subconscious and its rooted in ableism and its why zote hate is so loud and normalized but i dont know how to) basically he is not out here 'manipulating' anyone wtf
bretta's delusional too btw the game literally calls her out (gpz godhome description i think). personally i like that canon decided these two should meet and the result was this awfully tough dreamgod that u can fight 10x that's hilarious to me. if a fan made this up and it never happened in canon i would be like 'holy shit this should be a dlc this WOULD happen' because these two are just like that
also people seriously forget that bretta didnt just leave because of zote she left because of ghost too. girl just had enough of short knights ok she was done with both of them if you bring her back to town she's not suddenly gonna realize ghost is heroic and cool and be apologetic and want them back and zote's mad and jealous. <- this out here is mischaracterising ALL 3 of them its so juvenile what.... and i just dont think she'd care that much about either of them, a lot like how zote barely gives a shit about the infection or never realizes she left, they both have tunnel vision these two are the same do you see it
also tell me he was lying when he called ghost a beast because they are thats all they've been striving for this is a compliment to them i know it
this isnt reallyyy a rant. its a personal grievance because i like them both so i care about their portrayal and interactions and i like it when they aren't lonely. but also they're really light-hearted characters so why not just treat them like that....they go through shit and then they move on easily and go through it all over again. its been 7 years can we cut them a break. i dont wanna see anymore mischaracterising unless its really funny
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mooncheese3 · 10 months
the man called otto au, old man!sj and the luo family. he was not able to escape wyz in the iac bc wyz decided not to sneak into it, instead spending that week in a brothel to waste away a truly big bag of coin he was lucky enough to snatch.
cw // suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts
bc of this sj wasnt able to find out what happened to yq and cultivate,and so stayed a mortal. one day wyz comes across another kid, and tries to off sj since he'd outlived his usefulness. sj outsmarts him, so wyz just leaves with his new assistant, not finding sj enough of a risk to keep alive.
sj wanders, able to get by with money he'd acquired via the things wyz taught him--all very much illegal. one day he stays a bit longer in a town, and ends up staying the night in a brothel. apparently when you assist them in kicking out a horrible customer, they wouldnt mind it so much if you were to sleep in their storage room for free. (his pretty face also helped lmao. the only privelege sj has is pretty privelege, but even that doesnt come often). one night turns into a few days, and a few days turns into a week, and suddenly sj works there.
there he becomes friends with some of the prostitutes, and finds himself with a pseudo little sister with the name sisi
a few years pass; by this point hes a young adult. sj decides to travel around. he still hasnt accepted that yq could be dead (even if his head tells him its very likely yq is), so traveling would mean possibly getting closer to wherever yq may be. he moves in the general direction of cqms, as that was yq's destination. he goes through towns, cities, forests and roads, takes on odd jobs and errands but never begs--never again--yet despite all of that no hide nor hair of his older brother can be found. sj considers going to cqms directly, but if he were being honest...
yq tended to see the good in people. while not a bad thing in itself, it usually led to shitty things happening to people like them. added with the fact that yq was a runaway child slave with no money, wore clothes that kept the cold in rather than out, was illiterate and never learned how to mapread, had never traveled so far on his own with only a vague sense of where he was going, with unkown humans, demons, creatures and plants everywhere on his trek,,, the chances of sj finding his older brother decaying rather than breathing was too high
going to cang qiong and not finding yq there... to him, it would be as close to a confirmation that yq was dead. so he avoids it. (he doesnt stop himself from listening in on conversations about cang qiong, though)
thats how he spends most of his life, traveling and seeing the world, learning about all sorts of things on the way. he spends the freedom hed fought for in what he feels to be the fullest without being around people he doesnt already know. if yq really was dead, then hed be seeing the world for both of them while he could.
when days are too hard and the thought that he'd sent his qige to his death is too strong, sj feels the temptation to follow yq into the afterlife. the sword hed stolen and the dagger up his sleeve find themselves in his hands all too often on those nights, yet no injury ever appears on himself and he breathes just fine the following morning
one day he goes back to the brothel he used to work in, and discovers that sisi isnt there anymore. after catching up with his old friends he travels again, southward where the brothel theyd transferred some of their staff stood
eventually he and sisi reunite. she introduces him to her friend, meng shi, and her son, meng yao. hes appalled when he finds meng yao reading a fake cultivation manual, so he teaches meng yao how to tell a fake from a legitimate one. he also teaches him how to /get/ a legitimate one under a fair and affordable price. sisi wheedles sj into teaching meng yao more, so he does
sj goes back on the road, and somewhere along the way settles in a hut along the luo river. but even when he lives on the outskirts of the village, which was already a decent distance away from any cultivational sect, he still hears news of the head disciple of qiong ding peak's achievements in the defeat of tianlangjun. one thing leads to another and sj finds out that yqy is in fact his yq
a confrontation happens; yqy is beyond happy that sj is alive, if a little shocked and scared that all hes seeing is a ghost his mind conjured up. like canon sj asks why yqy didnt come back, and since yqy is a do or don't there is no try person (this mentality really fucks him up), yqy doesnt give any "excuse" as to why he was gone. he was a coward, incompetent and careless in his rush to go back to the qiu manor. the fact that he went back too late and /tried/ to save sj but found the estate in ashes didnt matter. to yqy, it is the end result that matters, not the effort and process it takes for him to get there. he didnt save sj, and that was that.
in the face of what sj went through, what he experienced was miniscule. look at them! while yqy was dressed in expensive fabrics with a face that looked no older than 20 bc of his high cultivation, sj was dressed in simple and cheap robes with signs of age, hardship, and days under the sun. what right did he have to stand here and make himself seem pitiful and sympathetic when he couldnt even save sj? in the end, all he says is a wretched "im sorry for not saving you."
(hc that yqy always had this mentality, it was just worsened by his shizun. yes hes totally downplaying everything he went through on his quest to try to save sj. yqy has serious self-worth issues)
sj refuses to go to cqms with yqy. hes far too old to cultivate so all he'll end up doing there is be a servant. in sj's view that was akin to returning to his old life, just under a different master in a far bigger "estate"
yqy visits often, leaving behind trinkets sj could pawn or sell and bags of money to keep himself fed and warm. he tries to reconnect with sj, but (like canon, just even worse) sj is not having it. to sj, these "gifts" are bribes for him to stay quiet to keep yqy's pristine reputation. sj drives yqy away, but always finds himself watching as yqy leaves. it seems that therell always be a small part of him that wants his older brother back.
as sj gets older he gets sicker, experiencing aches and pains and dreaded headaches.
yqy notices, and so starts to leave medicine as well.
the longer this goes on, the more yqy looks sad and regretful. the dark cloud that hangs above his head grows darker each time he arrives and is chased away
sj abruptly thinks that he should disappear. when he was gone, yqy was doing well. its only after he showed back up in his life that yqy seemed to start being more miserable.
it of course didnt help that sometimes one of yqy's martial siblings accompanied him on his visits. always staying on the outskirts of his property, but always with an odd and/or dissaproving look on their face. sometimes, sj would faintly hear them tell yqy that coming here wasnt worth it, or at least something similar to it (sj doesnt see the harsh and downright terrifying look yqy would then send that person)
the first time he seriously tries to end his life, it is unexpectedly cut short by a rapid knocking on his door
THIS IS WHERE THE LUO FAMILY COME IN!!! mme luo comes knocking on his door one day, carrying a small feverish toddler. she has no money to go to the nearest doctor (this particular doctor likes charging too high), and the closest neighbor that hasnt already ignored her pleas for help is sj
sj aggrievedly lets her in, giving mme luo an appropriate dose of medicine so she could be the one to coax the kid into ingesting it. the child ends up recovering fairly quickly, and as thanks mme luo leaves a delicious plate of fish in a woven basket for sj
sj returns the basket. mme luo fills it again with another dish, this time with a bowl of sweet and sour pork with bokchoy soup
following the movie, everytime sj (otto) tries to khs, his attempts are unkowingly thwarted by the people hes shown kindness to
at some point mengyao (now very newly named jgy!!) encounters sj again. jgy doesnt stay long, since he does have to return to the jin sect, but he helps around the house. he cooks sj breakfast, teaches binghe etiquette, and becomes an indulgent culinary student to a very eager to show off binghe
each time someone barges into his life, sj always tells them to fuck off. most times he lets them in anyway, but others he shuts them out.
he goes too far one day, so mme luo does her mom thing and somehow gets him to open up. shes always tried to get him to do that, but sj always closed himself from others. this one time, sj tells her about his past and explains why he acts the way he does
while it is indeed the only time hes done so, he begins to allow himself to grow closer with others and let them get to know him, just as much as he gets to know about them
eventually, very slowly, qijiu begin to reconcile. yqy finds the courage to tell sj that he was hasty and was trapped within the ling xi caves, that he did go back, just too late. while theyll never be like they were before, they still had each other in the end
it would be nice if, unlike canon, him helping people inadvertently gets him to live, yk? kindness spreads kindness, that sort of thing
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mugentakeda · 4 months
the weirdest thing about it just being the four of them is how insistent lu ten is about him and azula getting a vote in everything. hes trying really hard to stop feeling weird about it.
at first, zuko was more than okay with just going with whatever mom and lu ten have in mind. theyre the grown ups, after all, and they make a good team. they haven’t been captured, or even chased, so that has to mean something. it never really hit him how well they got along until now that theyre alone. he can’t help but start wondering about how long they knew each other before he was born.
and things between him and azula have been… awkward. he doesnt really know what to do with how well shes been taking this. something her and lu ten both do is that when they think nobody is looking, they get these really tense and faraway looks on their faces.
zuko is pretty sure it has something to do with dad and uncle.
it might be bad of him, but hes not all that upset about being away from dad. hes terrified of what will happen if they get caught, yeah.
but they wouldnt have any kind of fun in this crazy new life if dad was here, would they?
last night, lu ten grilled a bunch of big red fish over a fire, with some steamed bamboo. mom acted out a story for them as entertainment. its something she hasnt done in… well, forever. but she would stop and ask both him and azula what happened next, they both would yell out the possible answers, and mom would pick either or and change the story depending on which she chose to make the ending unpredictable.
its the ease he feels on ember island when just the four of them go, just in a different place. so maybe it’s not as weird as zuko thinks it is.
mom and lu ten decided that leaving was the only way to be happy and have opinions, so they left. the palace rules stopped that, and nobody went along with palace rules more than dad. so he didnt get to come with. mom and ursa aren’t very upset about that, so neither will he.
at the cost of his dad, yeah, and thats traitor talk, but hes alive, isnt he? agni hasnt struck him or everyone else down for being glad dad isn’t here, has she? he’s okay with that and they’re okay with that.
zuko decides as he stares up at the blue sky peaking between the tree tops, that he wont feel bad about wanting to be happy and giving his opinion anymore. and he’s not weird for that if mom and lu ten aren’t weird.
azula is way weirder than everyone that’s weird on the whole earth combined, though. so it might be harder for her to not feel bad about wanting to be happy or giving her opinion. or being happy about things that arent weird, because only the weirdest things make azula happy.
lu ten is better at talking to her than anyone else, but…
he scoots next to her on the rotted log she’s resting on, watching mom comically struggle to help lu ten prepare breakfast.
“do you miss mai and ty lee?” he asks her, forcing himself to sound casual. she hasnt tried to set his butt on fire since they left, but who knows what might change that.
“miss them?” she repeats, but not like shes mocking him for the question- more like she’s asking herself again.
“like, do you wish they were here too?”
his sister makes a face. “why would they be here? this is a family affair.”
“just go with it. for the sake of the question.”
azula rolls her eyes, but hums thoughtfully. trails off.
he tries something else. “do you think mom’s storytelling last night wouldve been better if ty lee was there doing interpretive dance?”
to his surprise, she snorts. “probably,” she replies. “and mai would probably enjoy the macabre of it all. the more drama and bloodshed, the better. you wouldn’t know mother likes all the dark ones just by looking at her.”
azula turns to him, suddenly. there’s something mischievous in her eyes that zuko immediately distrusts. “why are you asking? do you miss mai?”
his face immediately flushes. “no! i was just asking, cus, well…”
“oh, don’t feel the need to explain yourself to me, zuzu. its just the four of us in the middle of nowhere, after all-“
“i was just asking, cus you haven’t seemed… well… sad. about leaving. dad and the palace and stuff. you didn’t even say much when we had to burn our old clothes and wear this green stuff instead.”
azula pauses. she doesn’t quite scowl at him, but she furrows her eyebrows and twists her lips in this weird, thoughtful way. she turns back away from him and sighs.
“cousin lu ten didn’t carry me out of the palace like a little baby. he had to convince me why i should choose to come with. so this is me, standing on the decision i made. why should i be sad about something i chose?”
“i was asleep the whole time, but i think i would’ve said yes to mom if i was awake, too. i just wanted to know why you said yes. cus you… had more going on than i did, back home. this is… way different, for you.”
zuko really wants to believe that she didn’t just agree because she knew that dad wouldn’t punish her if they got caught. and he won’t know if shes lying to him about it either.
“i don’t think i would’ve said yes if mother was the one that came to get me instead of lu ten. even if, deep down, i wanted to come with. and then i would’ve been mad about it forever, and hated her and you and lu ten for leaving me. because mother just took you while you were mostly asleep, and now shes just lucky that you ended up being okay with it anyway.”
zuko startles at how easily she’s talking about this. maybe it’s the distance?
“but lu ten and i… are in the same boat. we’re the same, like how maybe you and mother are the same. and he told me how he felt. and i guess i figured i’d feel the same. so i decided to do the same as him, too. and i have yet to falter, just like how lu ten hasn’t faltered.“
his sister turns to him, very seriously. “father wouldn’t have done interpretive dance to mother’s stories. one day i’ll do interpretive dance to mother’s stories, and so will you and lu ten. so only people that are willing to do interpretive dance to mother’s stories are missed by me. does that make sense?”
he thinks he gets it. in this crazy situation, not feeling bad about wanting to be happy and having opinions probably would mean the same as being willing to do interpretive dance.
“i think my interpretive dance would be better than yours,” he blurts, instead of answering.
azula blinks, then narrows her eyes. “you wish.”
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homicidal-lingonberry · 5 months
Some thoughts on Todd,
he started out as one of my least favorite evil exes, but I think part of that was simply that I could not quite figure out his motivations for a while. what is he gaining from being an evil ex? Why does he cheat on envy and veganism? I think I finally do understand his motivations now tho, and I am appreciating him more for it! and it also makes him seem a lot less jerky.
thoughts are mostly going to be coming from the comic and anime, with a lot of thoughts on his fling with wallace as well.
Todd is basically a pushover who is incredibly out of touch with his own feelings, and overvalues external validation. he is not the type to ever go for what he wants. not purely, not truly. he commits to what he thinks he is supposed to. goes for what he thinks he Should want instead of what he really does.
He isnt a vegan bc he wants to be. he's a vegan bc his father told him he'd never have the willpower to do so! I feel he is also in a relationship with envy bc he thinks he should be. childhood friends, and she wants him? and she's drop dead gorgeous, talented, and successful? he'd be crazy to say no, right?
I think him joining the league was a similar situation. It seemed like what everyone else was doing. so clearly, thats what he should do too, right?
But these arent the things he wants. He places value on these things bc other people do. But these things dont satisfy him, and inside him is an itch to act out in rebellion. the part of him that knows he isnt being true to himself. and he cheats!
He cheats to feel a sense of control over a life that is in no way his own. and I think that is why he feels so much for wallace.
bc why should he be with wallace? why would that be the obvious choice to anyone? It would be so silly to throw everything he has away for some guy he's just met. A guy that most people in his circle would probably consider a major downgrade compared to The Envy Adams.
but he is experiencing genuine attraction!! he is feeling fireworks!! he isnt messing around with someone who is simply a trophy or status symbol. Someone he thinks he should want, but doesnt really. he's messing around with someone who actually gets him going!!
Someone who he is into enough to realize that what he's doing with Envy is absolute bs!!! that everything he is doing is absolute bs!! And he chooses the real desire he has for Wallace, even tho it should seem like the wrong thing to do. In breaking up with Envy to pursue Wallace, Todd is finally Openly doing what he wants, breaking his former pattern of pushing it all down until it seeps out in secret rebellion.
and thats why he stops being vegan as well I think. he realizes its not something he ever truly wanted, he just wanted validation from his dad who was never going to give it to him anyway. And with the new revelation of choice, he quickly casts it aside.
While it seems like he lands in a rough place compared to the other exes, and it seems like wallace fucked him up bad, I think wallace gave him exactly what he needed. Wallace was never going to be the love of his life or happily ever after- Wallace was a wake up call.
Who better to show Todd how to get in touch with his repressed desires than Wallace, a man that denies himself no pleasure, and assertively goes for what he wants? Suddenly Todd can see he is allowed to be unapologetically himself. he doesnt have to be this person he hates being anymore.
What Wallace leaves Todd with is a new foundation to build something true on. One that takes into consideration that Todd is his own person. Its barren, but its steadier than the old one made of lies. and while he's got a lot to learn about himself, I think he will consider his own heart more fully from now on.
Where we see Todd at the end of the anime, he thinks he loves Wallace. But really, he's finally beginning to love and honor himself, and feeling more connected with his own heart than ever. <3
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prismartist · 7 months
no but this actually is so fun and interesting. after months of living comfortably in a community with all the tools and equipment and bases they need, suddenly theyre just thrown into the fucking wilderness with nothing but the clothes on their back. it went from your normal average SMP that's barely survival anymore, to an environment where everyone is forced to face their own mortality 24/7. and due to the limited nature of it—from the deadline to the resources—everything is temporary; any builds made are shoddy, and likely to be abandoned once it's over. bad mentioned alliances and betrayals, but also said that everyone will probably be friends once they get back. the vibe is totally different, more akin to hunger games or the life series than any other long-term server. and isnt that exciting! these guys aren't playing on the QSMP anymore, they're playing an entirely different game. a different genre, even!! they are putting these guys in situations and i am so so excited to see how theyre all gonna adapt!!! we'll probably even see sides to cubitos that we've never seen before.... aggghhhh this scratches my brain i can't wait to see more
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Dubcon mating with alpha dream except hob knows EXACTLY what hes doing:) hob has been all but throwing himself at dream all semester all "ohh wow i would NEVER leave MY alpha like that.. too bad i dont even have one :(" hell cut it as close as possible going to class through his pre heat just to hopefully give dream a wiff of how slick and fertile he is. Dream does not seem to notice. But hob is one of the few omegas in the school this year so hob thinks his chances are pretty good to be able to get him in rut. He follows dream to his office all smug and confident. But he wasnt prepared for how overwhelming getting held down and rut fucked was!! Hes trying to crawl away despite himself but only gets hornier when dream physically drags him back. Hob has fooled around before but never done more than some over the clothes stuff with an actual alpha.. dream gives him his first knot and latches his teeth to the back of his neck to mate him as well. Hob is a bit teary and dream still hasnt come back to himself.. his pants were ripped off his body along with his underwear but dream lays on top of him so hes not cold. Hob is determined to keep his alpha though. Hes got his gym clothes in his bag and he drags dream off to his own room, planning to hide long enough that the bond solidifies and an emergency break wouldn't be possible anymore :) good thing dream isnt awake to make hob see someone for that!! Hes got a weird sense of honor and hob is doing all he can to make the bond permanent before dream can get in his way :)
Oh YES. Sneaky, sneaky Hob. This is excellent.
Hob is ambitious, ok? He’s been told all his life that he’ll never get anywhere or be anything. He sees it as his job to prove people wrong. So he has a plan: put himself through uni, get a fantastic fucking job, and get himself the most eligible alpha he can find.
Not necessarily in that order.
Dream is just perfect. Clever, rich, handsome. Hob can’t understand why anyone would leave him, but he’s not complaining. With Dream’s previous mating bond gone, Hob is free to make his move. He’s a little scared of how it will work out, but Dream has been nice to him and shown an interest in Hob! Not in a sexual way, but that’s only because he’s too professional. Hob is sure that Dream won’t object to them being mated. Hob isn’t the perfect omega, but he’ll do his best. He’s (mostly) a virgin, and he plans to take good care of his alpha. What more could Dream want?
And once he becomes lucid again, Dream is surprisingly compliant. He doesn’t seem angry. He panics at first, but once Hob assures him that he wanted Dream to fuck him and mate him, he just kind of… accepts it. He takes Hob home to his big empty house. He just seems pleased to have an omega around the place!
Hob gets his comeuppance for his sneakiness, because the house isn’t entirely empty. Dream soon introduces Hob to… his son. Orpheus is preschool aged and spends his time split between Dream and Calliope’s homes. Hob is suddenly thrust into the role of step-parent to a child who could conceivably be his sibling, while Dream breathes a sigh of relief because he really needs all the help he can get with Orpheus.
But Hob doesn’t believe in giving up! He rolls up his sleeves (figuratively and literally), speedily reads a couple of websites about blended families, and decides that he’s going to be the best fucking step-parent anyone has ever seen. He does regret his underhanded behaviour a tiny bit, but he’s made his bed and now he’s going to lie in it.
And he still gets to ride Dream’s dick at the end of the day, so… it could be a lot worse. Every time Dream grabs him at the waist and pulls him back onto his cock, shoving his knot more firmly into his hole, Hob remembers how it all started… and he’s honestly really looking forward to his next heat. Dream fucked him so good in his rut, so Hob is pretty sure that spending a pheromone loaded heat with him is going to be amazing. And maybe they’ll even make a little sibling for Orpheus :D
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i think sapnap really loved him. no matter what kind of love you see it as, i think sapnap really, deeply, truly did love dream. he was his best friend. they were inseparable. sapnap wouldve walked into hell backwards for him. sapnap wouldve done anything he said, because thats his best fucking friend. and i think, in the beginning, dream loved him too. but dream is a vicious being, and his main driving thing is that he needs to be in control. and in the beginning, he had that control over sapnap, and it was fine, and they were best friends. AND THEIR ENTIRE FUCKING RELATIONSHIP STARTS TO DETERIORATE THE SECOND SAPNAP MEETS KARL. because for the first time, sapnap felt this overwhelming....love for someone else. and the thing is karl started on the same side as him, technically, and so it was easier to be friends, because he wasnt going against dream, his best friend. and then!!!! karl was good to him. karl was kind. karl let him make his own decisions and feel his own feelings and be loud and boisterous. karl didnt expect him to make himself quiet and small and serious. karl didnt find him scary. and then!!! along comes quackity, and even though they FOUGHT in the beginning, it was fun it was new. he was experiencing a kind of love and connection he hadnt felt before. and meanwhile while all of this is happening, dream is getting deeper and deeper into his villian arc. and without either of them really noticing (sapnap because hes happy and dream because hes angry) they split ways. and sapnap, he starts hanging around people that really care about him. that think he matters. he gets his fiances, he spends more time with george, he befriends people. hes no longer this scary monolith next to dream, hes...a guy. he didnt realize he could just be a guy. but he still holds dream in high regard, because thats his best friend. right?
AND THEN, the breakup happens, accidentially. sapnap finds himself distant from his lovers and doesnt know whats wrong, and things start crumbling. george is asleep. karl is out of it. quackity is gone. and he suddenly finds himself really alone. and so he clings even HARDER onto karl, not leaving his fucking side because what else is he to do. and then doomsday happens. and sapnap is there, fighting against his best friend, because the people hes found he loves are, and they tell him hes bad. is he bad? sapnap doesnt know. but he knows how to listen to commands. dream is put in jail, and sapnap doesnt know how to feel about it. and THEN tommy dies. and everyone hears about it. and sapnap is sad. he grieves for him. how could he do that? he thinks. why? and yet, he still cant find himself to go and seek out answers. he stays, by karls side, conflicted. and THEN he starts trying to contact quackity, and quackity, who now is torturing dream (not that sapnap knows. his exfiance, his best friend, torturing his other best friend without him knowing.) quackity and karl get into the big fight. and sapnap is trying so, desperately to hold it together because goddammit this is the first good thing thats happened in his life and he CANT lose them. he wants to be happy again. he doesnt know what to do.
and then dream gets broken out of the prison. and dream comes to find him. and hes angry. he yells at him, how could you let them hurt me. how were you not there to help me. and sapnap, whos been experiencing love and hardship and all kinds of shit this whole time, who has heard the horror stories and watched the death that followed his hand, he goes why are you doing all of this? i dont understand. and dream goes you know they were torturing me right. and sapnap goes WHO? WHO WAS TORTURING YOU? and dream says it was quackity. he tortured me. and sapnap is.... flabbergasted. taken aback. no, that cant be right. that cant be right. and he gets angry. for the first time, for real, genuinely, he gets angry at dream. and he realizes this isnt his best friend anymore. and he calls him a monster, and he says i NEVER, NEVER want to hear from you EVER again. i want NOTHING to do with this. this is YOUR FIGHT, NOT MINE. and they both leave angry because neither of them expected it. because hes changed so much without either of them knowing, paying attention. because he was always supposed to be good and subservient to dream. because they were best friends.
i think sapnap always loved dream. but i dont think he knew what love was supposed to be. and i think when it was finally taught to him--he didnt need him anymore.
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make-your-own-evil · 1 year
hello could I request some yandere capullo riddler headcanons?
anon, im going to kiss you on the mouth for requesting my very first riddler ask. YES of course you can have some headcanons
note: feel free to reblog my work! just give credit where credit is due :)
70s dad riddler yandere headcanons coming right up!
TW: kidnapping, general violence, light misogyny though reader is gn
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Yandere!Capullo!Riddler Headcanons
have you ever watched Labyrinth?
i make the connection because you will be kidnapped by a narcissistic freak who will put you through numerous 'tests' and 'challenges'
i feel like the typical standard for any riddler to have an obsession is that the object of their desires is also highly intelligent, though i also feel like with capullo riddler you would also have to be as physically attractive as him, in his opinion. think of gaston, but skinnier, socially awkward and highly intelligent
youre probably someone in a position of power. maybe youre an official, a detective, in forensics, etc. his initial goal is to embarrass you. he is back to his old tricks setting up some elaborate challenges. see? youre not as smart as you thought you - wait, you solved it?
the great riddler will not be bested by some lowly city imbecile!
his need to be better than everyone, including you, starts this game. he presents you will increasingly harder and more demanding challenges. at one point you probably have a bomb strapped to you.
the more puzzles and riddles you solve, the more he looks forward to these encounters. he eventually thinks that it may be because he's a loner and humans are naturally very social creatures, but this is dismissed quickly
he's not just a human! he's not like anyone else! he is the great edward nygma! the riddler!
then he finds himself making careless mistakes in everything he does. this should make him furious! it should...
suddenly, being captured isnt as bad anymore, he gets to see his 'game partner' as he's being booked in! you! he thinks nothing of this. just a little banter with someone who is almost as intelligent as himself
"ah, detective L/N! looking as sharp as ever! what did you think of our last game? ha, that hardly matters. its our next game that you should look forward to! imagine this..."
he is delusional in thinking that you enjoy his trials. you SOLVE them, because your life kind of depends on it. but this only spurs him on to make more! oh how you exhaust him. he slows down his intellectual assault on gotham and shifts more towards proving that you cannot possibly compare to him.
he's more so trying to reassure himself that he's the greatest
eventually one of the other rogues points this 'obsession' out to him as he's babbling about his next challenge for you (probably selina since she sees every opportunity to tease him)
"you know, ed, if i didnt know any better i would think that the 'great riddler' has a bit of a crush" followed by snickers and "woos!"
his face turns hot and red. this only spurs on the others more! for the first time, he doesnt know what to say. his mind is racing with explanations and excuses, but no words come out
he has been embarrassed before and it crushes him. he? the riddler? have feelings for you?
the more he sulks and ponders, the more he fears that it may be true. the sleepless nights wondering how you've solved everything. his giddiness when he sees his favorite player. the way his heart races when he speaks to you... the anger he feels when you speak to someone who isnt him. the jealousy of seeing you interact with the other rogues. the dejectedness of your disinterested attitude towards him
theres only one rational solution in his mind... to kidnap you!
you enjoy your time with him dont you? dont you hate sharing a city with knuckle-dragging baboons? dont you hate being surrounded by millions of people who dont see you for what you truly are?? a genius... just like him
his end goal is to convince you that you two really arent that dissimilar, that you are alike in more ways that you can comprehend. that you need him with you! like he needs you with him
his darling Y/N just needs a strong, intelligent man such as he to SHOW them that they would be best suited together.... no matter how long it takes, how many puzzles they go through and how many people will be exterminated if they get in the way
"my dearest, surely someone as intellectually gifted as you can understand? we are two of the same. you need me ~"
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cxrsed-angel · 2 years
eddie x fem!reader (angst)
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warning: angst no warnings i don’t think, around 2k words, not proofread
a/n: been in bad place mentally and i guess this was the result
You and Eddie had been broken up for almost a month now after being together for 2 years. When he broke up with you, he didn't give you a specific reason, he didn't say that he stopped loving you or you’ve done something wrong or anything. You wished he would’ve given you a reason as to why. You thought everything was going great, he graduated in ‘86 and started working as a mechanic, and you were both saving up to move into an apartment in Indianapolis while you attending Indiana State. You had a plan. What went wrong?
You were lying in your bed next to your stuffed animals, you had all the ones Eddie gave you in a box off to the side of your room. You didn't have the heart to donate them, they were really cute and had fun memories attached to them, but you couldn't look at them without starting to tear up. You missed him so much.
The Cure’s Pornography album softly played in the back. You look over at the stuffed animal box and see your white dragon stuffed animal Eddie had given you one day. He had the matching black one. You started thinking about the day he broke up with you, you tried hard not to, but it almost always played on replay in your head whenever you were alone with your thoughts.
You had just knocked on Eddie’s trailer, but you could tell something was off when he answered the door. He didn't look into your eyes, his body language was closed off, and he held his head down.“Um hey um come in” “are you okay” “um we need to talk.” You felt your heart sink into your stomach, you started getting a lump in your throat. “Ok what do you want to talk about” “babe-no um this wow hard,” he laughed lightly, but you could tell it was out of nerves more than anything “Eds you’re starting to scare me did-did you like cheat on me or something” “What! No no but um I think we should stop seeing each other” You felt your heart get ripped out of your chest. You suddenly couldn't breathe. You were trying as hard as you could to start not crying. “What-what-what’d you mean like a-like-a um a break or a pause or something like that” You saw him shake his head, still not looking into your eyes. “No like stop all together not a break” “you want to break up?” He just nods “why-why, did I um do something” He shakes his head. “You could at least fucking look me in my eyes Edward” your voice started to get louder, the sadness starting to mix with anger. He couldn’t even look at you, “why do you want to break up” “just because,” he said nonchalantly. He looked like he didn’t even care. “No this isnt something you can shrug off, do you not love me anymore, did you sleep with someone else, do you just not want to be-” “God! Can’t you just leave Jesus I don’t want to deal the 3rd degree right now can you just leave!” He yelled at you, it was the first time he had looked into your eyes since you’d gotten inside his trailer. “Sure Eddie yea um have a good life.” You stormed out, almost slamming the door, but you remembered he hadn’t gotten fixed yet and didn't want to cause anymore damage, especially to Wayne. You just get into your car and drive home.
Your pink phone ringing on the nightstand next to your bed breaks out of your thoughts that were replaying the scene again and again. You looked at the clock. It was 12 am, who is calling you this late? You get up and sit on the edge of your bed, “Um hello” there was a silence “hello?” you asked, more annoyed now “look if this is fucking prank-” “fuck i missed your voice” you pause, hearing his voice, you missed his too, but anger started boiling again. “Wrong number” you slam your phone down and lay back on your bed. You start reading your book to distract your mind from him. About 30 minutes later, your phone rings again, you stare at it, a part of you know it's Eddie again, but there’s a small part of you that was naive enough to believe it was someone else. You knew it was unlikely you didn't really have friends, especially ones who would call you this late; you were just acquaintances with Eddie’s, honestly. You sigh and picked up the phone “I'm not fucking doing this all night, Eddie” “I know I know but I just really wanted to hear you” He sounded off like he was high or something, you could hear it in his voice. “Are you fucking high right now?” there was a pause “maybe” “fuck you Eddie. ” You slam your phone down but leave it off the hook so he couldn’t call back. “That dick he doesn't call you for weeks, goes out of his way to avoid you, then calls you high he probably wants to come over and get his dick wet”, you thought to yourself.
You lay back down for a minute until you sit up and remember you have a personal phone and a general home phone for your apartment that your mother insisted you have when you moved out. You lay back down, “he wouldn't, right?” You thought about it for a minute and sat up “yea, the motherfucker would” you sprint to the phone as soon as you entered your living room, you see it ringing. You know you should just leave it alone, then take it off the hook and go about your night, but a small piece you believe he’s gonna call, apologize, and you’ll be back together that piece won. You slowly pick it up. “Hello?” this time, you stayed silent “babe, I know you're there,” you still don't respond “please just say something” you had nothing to say, though. You felt numb, you had lost your best friend and the love of your life all in one night, and he couldn't even give you a reason. And here he was calling you high, why, you started crying, ‘why couldn't he break my heart and leave me alone” you thought. You sniffled through the speaker “are-are you crying” you start crying more, hearing his soft tone. The one that had comforted you when you got rejected from your dream college when your pet guinea pig died, every time you had an existential crisis, or every time you would feel alone from having no close friends, he was always there. You sniffle into the phone again “wrong number,” you say coldly. You slam the phone down on and left it hanging off the wall.
You flop down on your couch and start crying, crying over the fact that you had no one, no one you could call and ask for help or talk to, crying because it was going so well, or so you thought, you felt like you messed everything up, like you did something wrong. You slowly cried yourself to sleep like you’d done almost every night since the breakup.
You were woken up by soft knocking on your door, you sat up looking at the clock on your coffee table, “why is someone knocking at 7:00 am” the knocking started getting more aggressive “Ok, Okay give me a minute!” You open the door and see Dustin and Steve arguing “No man, you didn't need to bang her door down at 7:00 in the morning.” “Well, I can't come after school you know that” “yea but I'm just saying we can just knock lightly and -” you look between them “hey whats this about?” “um can we come in,” Dustin asks? You just open the door wider “sure its not like I was sleeping or anything.”
They both come in and sit on your couch. “I would offer drinks but you woke me up before noon so you dont get a nice host” “thats fair thats fair um Steve do you want to um start” you lift your eyebrow up “ok seriously what is this” ‘its about-um Eddie” you stand up and walk over you your front door “get out” “wait just hear him out please” you look at Dustin and roll you eyes as you sit by down “what about…him” “He’s been miserable lately” “and thats my probably because?” “you guys need to get back together, he hasn’t been coming to Hellfire, the dungeon master, he takes is role very seriously and not like him to miss one session let alone every week.” “look Dustin thats rough but I dont understand want you want me to do” Steve started talking “maybe just hear him out whatever he did to make you want to take-” “wait wait wait you think I broke up with him” “well yea he didnt tell us but by the state he’s in we thought you ended it” you laugh and shake your head “no you guys got it all wrong um” you look down “he broke up with me.” There was a huge pause, “holy shit” “holy shit’ “yea holy shit guys so if this is over i would like to go back to sleep.’” They both nodded “um yea come on Henderson I’ll drop you off at school” “yea yea um we’ll see you later,” you wave and lock the door behind them.
You go to your bedroom and gain the sudden motivation to take all of Eddie’s stuff back to his trailer. You hope now would he would be at his shift at the car shop so you wouldn’t see him. After an hour, you were almost done until you see the box of stuffed animals. You were gonna be sad not seeing them, but you knew you needed to give them back if you ever want to even think about moving on. You put the stuffed animals in with the plastic box you had from moving, you decided to do one big box instead of smaller cardboard boxes that way, you just drop it off and move off with your life.
After a 15-minute drive and 10-minutes stalling outside the trailer park, you finally enter and park by his trailer. “Ok, you got this, you got this,” you say to yourself as you get the box out of your backseat. You take a deep breath and knock on the door, you were so anxious and nervous you wanted to turn back and cry, but you waited. You see Wayne open the door “hey kid,” “um hi Wayne um I have some of Eddie’s stuff” He nods, “come on in.” You shake your head, you weren't ready to step back into the place where you felt your heart shatter into a million pieces. You weren't ready to see his stuff, to be in the place that had once been your safe place that now kept you wondering what you did wrong, why didn't he want to be with you anymore. “Come on, kid, we can still be friends” you look up at him, crying a little bit “um really” he nodded “of course.” You slowly walk in and stand in the middle of the living room. “You can just put that on the floor” you put the box and floor and go to sit on the couch, but waves of memories come flooding in, all the movies nights, the first time you tried weed, make-out sessions, him teaching about DnD and showing you the newest campaign he had worked on, you just stare down at the couch.
“You can sit on the barstool, um by the counter” you just nod and go to sit. “Im gonna be honest with you, kid, this is the worst I've seen him since, um since his parents.” You didn't know much about his parents but knew they left him when he was around 10 or 11. That's all he ever told you, and he never mentioned it again. “Well um, he-he made his choice” Wayne walked over and sat on the bar stool next to the one. “My nephew, he um has a tendency of ruining good things, he has a leave before they leave me first mindset, you know, he’s been abandoned by his parents, friends one he started being himself you know, he the the town he grew up abandoned him in a way, you were his first serious girlfriend and honestly sweetie I think he got spooked, he really loves you, and you loves him back, and he’s so use to only me being around I think he wanted to leave before you left him” you felt the tears pooling up in your eyes, now it made sense why he never gave you a reason he was leaving before you left him, you look up at Wayne, “he thought I was gonna leave him” you started crying harder “I wasnt going to,” you say through sobs, Wayne puts a hand on your back “I know you weren't kid I know.” You stay there just crying life you've been doing all month, you just missed him so much, you don't even know how long you’ve been crying, you just felt so bad that he thought you were going to leave him or suddenly not want you and that so many people in his life has made him feel that way, he was the sweetest person you’ve ever known, and didn't deserve all the shit he put up with,
In between crying, you go to get up to leave when you hear the door open, and you feel the same way you did a month ago, lump in your throat, your heart suddenly in your stomach, you felt like you couldn't breathe. “Hey Wayne, I’m gonna go smoke in my-” You slowly get off the barstool “um I was just go-” “no-no, you two need to talk ” You see Wayne grab his keys and walk out. You stand still, staring at the floor, you couldn’t look at him. “Um, listen I’m really sorry,” you see him start to walk near you and flinch away, stepping back, distancing yourself from him. “For-for the calls or-” “ for that and for ending it the way I did, so suddenly, honestly, that night I realized how much I love you, and I’ve never loved anyone like the way I love you, it scared the shit out of me sweetheart, then I started thinking how you weren’t made to stay in Hawkins, you weren't meant to stay in this small ass town, babe, I realized I was holding you back and you could do so much better than me.” You see tears in his eyes now “but I don't want anyone else because there is no one better for me than you Eds. I love you so much, and I would never leave you, and You weren’t made for Hawkins either. You’re too metal for this small ass town.” You see him smile slightly, “but you really hurt me, you know that, right” he nodded “I know, babe I was stupid I should've just talked to you, I just didn't know what to do” you nod “I know Eds”  “can I give you a hug” you nodded again, and he pulls you tightly against his chest “I’m so sorry baby I will never do that again promise Im so so sorry.” You pushed him away slightly “but if you ever break up with me again and proceed to call me high in the middle night Im not taking you back” he laughs a little “while that is fair, I promise I will never break up with you ever again.” You lean up to kiss him and bent down a little and grabbed your face, his lips felt nice and  comforting.
He pulls you away from him, slightly looking down into your eyes, and you stare back at his, “man his eyes are so pretty,” you thought to yourself “I’ve missed my princess, babe” you wipe tears off your face “I’ve missed you more.” “do you want to cuddle or do you still need some space from me” “I can use a cuddle, but Eds, please, please come talk to me ok, I’m here for you and I never want you to feel that way about us again ok babe” he nods and tears slowly falling “I promise”
He wraps an arm around your waist and you walk back to his room. You both take off your shoes and lay down in his bed. He pulls you tightly into him “ ive missed your cuddles” “me too”
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mythicalmyles · 2 years
( 🫧 ) Omggg that Jeff fic was absolutely amazing 🥺. I am back again to ask if you’d be interested in writing another fic for Jeff with a reader who tends to hole himself up in his room and is generally seen as very meek and as a loser by others? It’d be awesome if Jeff was into the humiliation bit but i trust your creative liberty! you rock. like actually. have a great night!!
I would comit genocide for u🥹 also jic it isnt clear readers an adult but still lives w parents (no hate im the same bro)
(Name) let out a scream as he ran through his hall, life on the line and heart pumping loud enough to echo through his ears. His instincts were on full alert as his feet pounded off his wooden floors.
(Name) could hear his attacker catching up, tears dripped down his face. He could make it, he was nearly there. His hand reached out to his door only to have his attacker body slam him into the door.
“Running for your mommy?” (Name) struggled relentlessly as he was pinned to the door, Jeff gripped his wrists and slammed them against the wooden surface. (Name) let out a pained yelp. “Please don’t hurt me.” He begged, repeating himself. All Jeff could do was laugh at his pathetic attempt to save his own life.
Jeff used one hand to pin his wrists above his head as his other hand gripped his hip, Jeff ground his own hips against (Names) ass.
“No no no no. Please no.” Was all he could do as he shook in Jeff’s constrictive hold. “God you are pathetic aren’t you?” (Name) let out a choked sob, head leaning against the door as he accepted his defeat.
“Giving up already? Holy shit even little girls fight back harder. You’re parents would probably be happy their waste of space son was gone.” (Name) sobbed at the mention of his parents, he couldn’t deny he had probably taken some advantage of their caring nature for him but he just wasn’t ready to leave the nest yet.
Jeff kept grinding against him, ignoring the way (Names) shoulders shook as he sobbed. “I bet you’re a virgin too.” (Names) lack of answer had Jeff bursting into hysterics. “Dont worry, i can take care of that.” Jeff let go of him, grabbing his hair as he dragged him to a table and bent him over it. (Name) just kept repeating “No.” as he stared ahead, looking right at his front door.
Jeff kept one hand pinning him down as his other hand pulled down his jeans and boxers, (Name) didn’t bother fighting him anymore. Instead choosing to stare ahead, hoping to blank out whatever was about to happen.
Jeff shoved two fingers into him causing him to let out a yelp, using his hands to try and drag himself away and failing due to the stronger mans hold on him. “Stop, please.” (Name begged uselessly as Jeff scissored him open. (Name) suddenly let out a loud moan as Jeff rammed into his prostate, (Name) hadn’t felt anything like it before.
Stars danced in his eyes as Jeff relentlessly attacked his pleasure spot. “Whaa-?” Was all (Name) could say inbetween moans. “God you really are a virgin.” Jeff’s tone was mocking, almost sounding like he felt bad for (Name).
“Do you even have any friends?” Jeff questioned, fingers still railing into (Names) ass. “N-no.” (Name) forced out through moans, he couldn’t deny the way Jeff was treating him had him rock hard and leaking precum.
Jeffs hand drifting down (Names) back and made its way to his cock, (Name) jumped and arched his back, moaning. Jeff gripped his cock and slowly dragged his hand up and down. Drool started dripping down (Names) chin, falling onto the table.
(Name) let out choked moans, unconsciously grinding his hips back against Jeff’s finger. “I degrade you and now you moan like a porn star for me? What a good little doggy you are.” (Name) moaned again as Jeff degraded him, his cock felt like it would burst if not for Jeff’s tight grip.
“Such a good boy, submitting for me.” Jeffs voice was deep and coated with lust, (Name) didn’t bother fighting him on it anymore, what Jeff was doing felt so good. (Names) stomach clenched, and he threw his head back.
(Name) couldn’t stop himself from letting out a disappointed groan as Jeff pulled his fingers out, Jeff chucked and undid his belt. He didn’t bother pinning (Name) down any more, figuring he was too much of a moaning mess.
“Good boy.” Jeff praised as he pushed his cock against (Names) hole, (Name) turned his head to look at him. His jaw was gaped and eyes were full of pleasure.
(Name) arched into it as Jeff gripped his hips and slid him onto his cock. “You’re so useless, the only thing you’re good for is a good fuck.” (Name) let out a loud moan, feeling Jeff sink his cock into him.
He let out a pained moan but didn’t stop sinking himself onto Jeffs cock. “Fuck.” Jeff whispered as he watched his would be murder victims hole swallow him up, pulling him in deeper.
Jeff couldn’t believe the tightness, he felt on cloud nine as his cock was buried deep into (Names) ass. “You should just be my little whore, ill take care of you’re dumb ass.” (Name) moaned, he didn’t think he’d like the idea of being someones cock whore so much.
Once Jeff was fully inside he took a moment before pulling almost completely out and slamming back in. The moan (Name) let out made Jeff hungry to see what other sounds he could make. Jeff kept up a quick , deep pace, relishing in every loud moan that poured from his new toys lips.
“Please. Please.” (Name) begged as his hand stretched back, gripping his ass and spreading it for Jeff. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his mind was hazed with pleasure, he moaned wantonly as Jeff sped up. The sound of Jeff’s hips slamming against (Names) ass filled the room, (Name) couldn’t hold back anymore and coated the underside of the table in his cum.
(Name) flopped onto the table, ignoring the way his skin dragged against the marble as Jeff continued to slam him back onto his cock. “Such a good fuck toy.” Jeff rasped as his head leaned back, his orgasm fast approaching.
(Name) moaned as he was over stimulated and his prostate was abused, Jeffs eyes doubled when (Name) came again a fee seconds later when Jeff was fucking him through his own orgasm.
Once they had both finished Jeff stayed stationary for a moment. “Did you just cum twice? Within moments? Holy shit.” Jeff laughed, except it didn’t sound mocking this time. More impressed then anything.
“You.. you’ll take care of me?” (Name) questioned, big eyes looking back at Jeff. Jeff’s torn up face shifted into a smirk, rubbing his fingers against (Names) hips. “Yes.” Was all Jeff responded before pulling his cock out of the tight grip (Names) ass had on him.
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threestripeslider · 1 year
i really want to write my own peepaw fic, but i don’t know where to start. how did you come up with your ideas for OMO?
[chanting] ONE OF US. ONE OF US.
oh this is a good question! bc honestly? the first thing i always do is think of a basic “What If...” scenario – in OMO’s case; what if F!Leo ended up in the past? and that’s where i started to build.
the more i thought about it, the more i started to take note of what i personally wanted to know and read; obviously, such a drastic change (from Apocalypse to Instant Peace) will have some kind of consequence for Leonardo’s psyche – you’ve conditioned yourself to survive the worst everyday for the rest of your life and suddenly your dropped into a world where all of that is obsolete? that would fuck me up majorly. so i thought; how is he gonna cope? how is he gonna react? how is he gonna adapt?
that’s also where i decided that my fic was definitely gonna be a lot more slice of life focused, meaning i wanted to write more about the experience of healing, coping and everything ugly about it too. also it helps that i’m a huge sucker for found family/family feels, so i wanted to incorporate that in too.
i guess, compared to most other F!Leo fics, mine’s a lot more slower paced and perhaps a little boring for most lmao as i really just want to write about the experience of healing and the obstacles that come with it – especially when you mix in some family drama and the notion of growing up. bc what is worse for an apocalypse survivor than to live in a world where there isnt a Big Bad to fight anymore? what do you even do then? all your life you’ve trained for this, like. what then? who does that make you?
i think, in the end, all i can advise you is to write what YOU want to read; what is the most interesting to you? what do you want to have a deeper look at? it also helps if you have a vague idea what genre you want to be classified in – not to box yourself in, but to kind of create a red thread to follow like me. i’m orienting myself to the Slice of Life genre, so i’m probably gonna write a lot more about the mundane experiences and the philosophies surrounding them - doesnt mean i wont write exciting stuff, but it just wont be the main focus. write your thoughts down!! it makes it easier to categorize them when you can actually visually see them – i’ve got a bunch of notes on OMO too haha!!
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mipsyg · 1 year
this is the fastest i’ve ever gotten into something and also the fastest i’ve quit being into it lmfao but i am thankful for the leaks because at least i can process how truly awful that finale is before it airs. i would have been CRUSHED if i watched that with no warning. whoever leaked it really saved my soul bc now i don’t have to watch adrien say he doesn’t know how he’s ever gonna compare to his fucking awful abusive father. fuck whoever came up with those lines btw
i get that adrien’s supposed to be the princess, the damsel in distress, and he needs ladybug/marinette to rescue him all the time blah blah, whatever but my god at least let him be there for it??
i also get why chat noir can’t be there, a) that would mean no bugnoire and they obviously really wanted bugnoire (ugly ass design btw but that could just be me being bitter) for the final fight b) he could very easily get akumatized (chat blanc), monarch could literally mind control him to turn against ladybug the moment he realizes adrien is chat (ephemeral) etc etc, ok valid, but let adrien without the ring be there for it? let ladybug send the goddamn text message and have adrien realize he can’t disobey his father and going there as chat noir isnt gonna end well, let him send the ring with plagg, let felix free him and kagami or whatever idc how, like most of the finale could have been kept the same if they really wanted bugnoire to fight monarch by herself but they really couldn’t let adrien be the one trying to reason with his father?????? like ... why IS HIS GIRLFRIEND OF TWO DAYS DOING THAT INSTEADJSDKJD WHO CARES
wouldn’t it have been amazing to see gabriel not mind controlling his slave son to shut up and instead letting him speak out for once? since he’s suddenly so willing to do the right thing for him? since apparently he realizes he was wrong?? adrien can get taken out before bugnoire detransforms if the problem of him being there is the coveted identity reveal (it’s forever ruined now imo like how is anyone supposed to root for the love square after this mess but that’s a topic for another day) that they’re clearly saving for season 16 so people will still have a reason to watch the show.
if the audience is supposed to sympathize with gabriel bc he sacrificed himself so his son wouldn’t be left alone bc of the choices HE made, what’s wrong with adrien knowing both the bad and the good?? if the audience can feel bad for gabriel, apparently only a misguided family man, newly appointed father of the year™️ , why can’t adrien?? let him be conflicted about how his father terrorized a whole city for months bc he was unable to let the past go but also gave his life in the end to solve the mess HE made?? let him be sad and but also thankful that he isn’t gonna be alone and then guilty for feeling like that?? oh wait, if adrien has problems of his own then he can’t be marinette’s perfect sweet boyfriend anymore. my bad, how could i think adrien gets to have any worries and problems apart from trying and failing at being worthy of marinette’s love. adrien standing up for himself? NO! why would he want to do anything for himself when marinette is right there being so amazing and he can just make his whole world, dreams and motivations revolve around her. 🙄🙄🙄
now this finale wouldn’t suck so much if at least there was a cliffhanger of ladybug telling chat noir what really happened, bc that would mean they intended to give the lies and secrecy of the finale a purpose in s6. cause i get why she isn’t telling adrien (like where would she even start lmfao) but why does chat noir not get to know who he fought against for months?? but this not happening makes me think they had no plans for it to be brought up in s6 at all when they wrote that script and it’s truly the end they thought the agreste arc deserved lmao i would love to be wrong but i’m not feeling hopeful. 
the best (worst) part?!?! adrien not finding out his father is monarch is only one of the two enormous life changing secrets he doesn’t get to find out this season. however, i have a feeling his being a sentibeing will be brought up again and he’ll find out eventually but only after he’s been mind controlled some more since his mom, his pseudo-mom, his twin cousin and his gf don’t think it’s necessary to warn him about the importance of those rings. everyone and their mamas gonna be using those rings next season methinks lmfao
anyways fuck this show and i feel sorry for every adrien fan out there that is choosing to remain leakfree and expecting adrien to do anything in the final fight against his abusive father and literal supervillain enemy lmfao you’d think either those would give him a key role in the monarch takedown but uh why would it when marinette can do everything by herself and way better than he ever could. he’ll just take a nap instead.
tales of ladybug and cat noir except when cat noir’s importance to the plot is gonna overshadow ladybug, then bugnoire can do it alone i guess. 
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