#subzero headcanons
shangsclaws · 8 months
Hello! May I ask for letters F and G for Bihan and Raiden. From the alphabet prompt.
— Thank you Hun ♡.
already did F for bihan right here!
also, unintentional raiden angst incoming… oops
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G - Green: What are they like when they're jealous?
On his own, Bi Han is already no fun and games, a stick in the mud within reason (Lin Kuei reason, that is). Now, though? Bi Han’s jealousy seemingly rears its head at anyone but the one he’s jealous over, and with little explanation to those he lashes out at. It's not as if his subordinates can get an explanation anyway, given how quick he is to shoot down their concerns over his callous behaviour. The grandmaster knows damn well why he's irritated though, it's simply that he doesn't realize he's terrible at keeping his jealousy to himself.
The only behaviour he has to show for his jealousy is the frigid silence that washes over him whenever you are in the vicinity. It’s even worse when catching you and the person he thinks is vying for your attention in the same room -- his jaw clenches, fists curling at his sides, and he leaves the room seemingly in a rush.
"Bi Han," you eye the grandmaster carefully, noting the unusually absent look in his eyes, "is something the matter?" He does not immediately respond, looking at you once with those cold eyes, before turning his back to you. "I am completely fine,” he huffs, “thank you."
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F - Flirting: How do they flirt?
Raiden's flirting feels more like harmless compliments than romantic banter. He's terribly afraid his tame attempts at flattery will come off as Johnny Cage kind of direct, and if there's one thing he was taught as a child, it's to practice modesty. It frustrates him to no end, then, when he notices the contents of his 'advances' get him little to nowhere.
Raiden's interest is instead betrayed by the sheer quantity of his compliments, not the quality. He'll find every excuse to lightly praise you for something, so much so that anyone can tell you're the only thing on his mind. Kung Lao, the cheeky bastard he is, will tease and say he'll compliment you for breathing in his direction next.
G - Green: What are they like when they're jealous?
Raiden's jealousy shows in the form of heightened competition. He'll ask anyone he can to spar, train to an almost alarming degree with Liu Kang and the rest of Earthrealm's champions -- anything to be better than he already is. Even his humble habits he'll forget to practice, asking, at times, if you saw him 'best one of the monks the other day'. It's not particularly alarming, but for a man as unassuming as himself, it's definitely a sight to see.
Raiden knows that this comes from a place of anxiety. His eyes always dart to your face whenever he pulls a clever trick, needing to be sure you’re witness to his prowess. He’s worried about his Outworld competition, and most of all his humble roots — he believes that in the end, without his amulet, he is only as good as a lowly farmer.
“Do you think they saw it?” Asked the thunder champion eagerly, still huffing for air after pulling a rather impressive move with his amulet. Kung Lao chuckled at his friend, shaking his head. “You just tore up the sky, Raiden. We all saw that.”
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aweina · 8 months
ᰔ. pretty little secret : sub-zero. scorpion + smoke.
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bi-han falls asleep at any given moment. years of gruesome self-discipline and carrying on prime titles like grandmaster can be exhausting — even for the cyromancer. in his secluded office, he would have a spread of boring scrolls and unread parchment laying on his desk. for him, that would be a perfect time to take a short nap that he didn’t get the night before. sometimes he would even doze off during training. with his intimidating stance and eyes closed shut, it would seem like he’s in deep thought — listening intently to each heavy punch and swift kick. bi-han is a firm believer that you should never show weakness and for him, that meant his constant restlessness. if a traitor were to catch him off guard in his most vulnerable state, it would destroy all he’s ever worked for. one other thing he’ll never want to admit is that he’s getting old, so keeping his secret habit in the dark is best for his pride.
kuai liang enjoys watching period romance dramas. every since he was formally introduced to earth realm’s technology, he found himself watching lengthy love tales during his free time. there’s a small, television seemingly “unused” in the corner of his room. but if you turn it on — it stores dozens of unfinished chinese period dramas. he even secretly commutes to fengjian to enjoy the melancholic films with the elderly locals — quietly sipping on scorching black tea in interest. aside from an engaging story enriched with beautiful visuals and costumes, kuai liang simply believes that love is a beautiful concept that needed to be seen, whether it would start in a begrudging arranged marriage or through the first moment of eye contact. he isn’t completely worried about his little secret being revealed, rather he would just simply be flustered at the surprised reactions he would receive if word ever got out.
tomas smokes cigarettes when he’s stressed. ironic, right? training with smoke magic all throughout his youth made him fond of the bitter, rich haze. especially with his new appointed duty to mentor the new initiates of the shirai ryu, tomas always found himself on a midnight stroll, his overused lighter flicking a weak flame as a cigarette rested between his lips. it gave him a warm buzz, soothing all the tense nerves in his body. since his robes and gear always have a faint scent of acrid ash, nobody would ever suspect him of smoking. even his soft and friendly personality can be quite deceiving from his smoking habit. although tomas isn’t ashamed of using harsh fumes to get him through a rough patch, he still had his personal reasons to keep this little secret. the main one being that he simply didn’t want to encourage his students to do the same thing — they’re still young after all.
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add. note : thinking about making a part two of this but who knows with me ㅜㅜ
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moronkombat · 8 months
- To Surrender -
- Bi-Han/afab Reader -
tw: Arranged Marriage, Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Failed First Time, First Time
words: 16,105k oops
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snoozisworld · 4 months
Bi-Han x Fem!Reader - Arranged Marriage HCS (Part I)
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A/N: Oh boy... hello ... it's been a while ...... 3 months to be exact. Ive been super busy these past few months with college and work so im sorry i've been mia... heres my apology! its a bit long so this will have two parts, anyways enjoy!!!
.·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·.
(In this AU Bi han never betrayed his brothers and their father lived longer and died of natural causes, Tomas and Kuai are still in the Lin Kuei)
Background: You're part of another clan who's been rivals with the Lin Kuei for years, the current grandmaster (bi hans dad) has grown tired of the decades long feud and has proposed the two clans come to an understanding, as the grandmaster believes an alliance could be beneficial to both clans. The grandmaster of the rival clan (your father) has surprisingly agreed, on the condition that the alliance be formed via a marital ceremony. His eldest (you) and the lin kueis eldest (bi han) are to be married in order to make the alliance official and, in theory, make the bond of the two clans stronger. Bi han doesn't agree and believes this feud would've been solved by simply beating the rival clan into submission, but he follows his father's decisions if he is to be the next grandmaster.
.·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·.
The events following the proposal:
- The first few days after the alliance was proposed, Bi-han was angry. How could his father even consider the possibility of allying with the enemy? It enraged him to no end.
- He spent days training harder, letting his emotions get the better of him. His brothers advised him that it was for the clan's benefit to have the 'enemy-turned-ally' in their good graces, but he was having none of it.
- After a week, his father called him and his brothers to his office. When Bi-han saw the rival clan's grandmaster sitting in the room, idly discussing plans with his father, he almost throttled him. He was stopped by Kuai Liang, who advised him that would NOT be a good idea considering the current circumstances.
- He begrudgingly sat in the meeting, and talked with his father and the others about the alliance, mostly discussing the potential military power, the disclosure of information, strategic planning, etc. But one thing that Bi-han was not interested in whatsoever was the arranged marriage.
- When the topic was brought up, Bi-han instinctively tuned it out, having absolutely no interest in the discussion. Bi-han settled with tolerating the alliance for now, so he saw no purpose in divulging the means to it.
- Of course however, it was the grandmaster's daughter after all, his "pride and joy" as he would call you, so he proposed that the two meet prior to the wedding. He said it would be good for them to "get to know each other". But Bi-han couldn't care less about you, to him you were just a means to an end, nothing more.
- After the meeting was over and everyone left, Bi-han stayed behind with his father. He argued there was no point in meeting you, and that if he was to care about this alliance at all, his father would grant him at least that; blissful ignorance of your existence. But his father didn't budge, he just regurgitated the words of his newfound "friend", that it would be good for him.
The day of the meeting:
- Bi-han would rather be doing anything else right now. Hell, he would rather be helping Tomàs train than be here right now; that's how horrible this felt to him.
- Kuai Liang had managed to convince him to meet you by reminding him of how proud their mother would be. A little manipulative? Sure, but it worked; so here Bi-han was, waiting for you to arrive in the front garden of the Lin Kuei estate.
- He sat on a bench and donned a beautiful blue and white traditional hanfu, hand-sewn by his mother. He played with the hem of his sleeves, slightly annoyed by your tardiness and (even though he will never admit it) he was a bit nervous.
- He heard the gates open and stood up, making his way to the entrance. That's when he saw you.
- Truthfully, Bi-han was never a "ladies man" as Kuai Liang would crudely say. He was just never interested in the pursuit of a relationship, he was more focused on his training. That meant he was never 'exposed' to a lot of women, and the act of interacting with them. As pathetic as it sounds, the only woman he constantly interacted with was his mother.
- After her passing, he completely closed himself off, having absolutely no interest in a relationship, even now. The only reason he's even here right now is because of the alliance. If it were up to Bi-han . . . well let's just be thankful it isn't.
- When he laid his eyes on you, it felt like being hit a bus. As prideful and arrogant as he was, he could not deny your beauty. For a moment he even questioned if you were really that grandmaster's daughter.
- It was weird, it was technically Bi-han's first time feeling like this, so naturally he hated it.
- He would've preferred that you were ugly, so that it wouldn't be so distracting to have you around, but no, you had to be the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. He hates this and he hates you.
- When you approached him, you looked up to look him straight in the eyes as you mouthed something to him. Bi-han didn't hear you and he didn't know if it was because he didn't care or if he was still taking you in.
- The whole conversation was awkward, if you could even call it a conversation. Bi-han offered to show you around the estate, but he wouldn't even look at you, much less talk to you.
- If you asked him something, he would always try to answer with a simple yes or no and he would never properly look you in the eyes; you picked up on this quite early on, which made you go quiet the rest of the tour.
- Safe to say the first meeting was an absolute disaster.
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A/N: okayy! part 1 is done, im tired its been so long since ive even THOUGHT about mk1 so sorry if im a little rusty... anyways tomorrow i post part 2 and hopefully ill get back to a nice rhythm.
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fsfghgee · 7 months
Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)
Bi-Han Canons and HeadCanons 
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Bi-Han is a mama's boy and everything he does is in hopes of honoring her memory. Since Tomas came into their lives, he began competing for her attention and seeking her approval for everything.
Bi-Han has daddy issues. As the Grandmaster's first son, he grew up constantly watched and pushed to the limits to one day be worthy of inheriting his father's position.
Like all Lin Kuei, Bi-Han trained to be a deadly and stealthy warrior since childhood.
Bi-Han's best friends are Cyrax and Sektor, but as heir to the clan's highest position he rarely had time to play like a normal child and often avoided venting to either of them so as not to show weakness.
Kuai Liang knows all of Bi-Han's weaknesses and frustrations. Bi-Han only knows all of Kuai Liang's weaknesses.
Bi-Han values strength and power above all else.
Bi-Han admires Rain's powers and would like to have him as an ally.
Bi-Han can't stand strangers touching him.
Bi-Han secretly respects Raiden and Kung Lao because they were apprentices of Madam Bo, a retired Lin Kuei.
Bi-Han loves to be praised and respected.
Bi-Han secretly respects Kenshi because his ancestors were fierce opponents of his Lin Kuei ancestors.
Bi-Han secretly respects and cares for Tomas, but he refuses to admit it and treats him harshly because otherwise it would make his father happy.
Bi-Han once looked up to his father (when he was just a boy).
Bi-Han was surprised to hear from Tomas that he once idolized him, largely because he always made sure of distancing himself from him, reminding him that they are not equal, etc.
Bi-Han believes that his father's attachment to tradition and blind loyalty to Liu Kang condemned the Lin Kuei to mediocrity.
When his mother died, Bi-Han was bereft and grew frustrated with his father's decisions. And as his father aged and refused to retire, whispers that Bi-Han should take leadership began to spread and when the Grandmaster was seriously injured in an accident, Bi-Han was advised to let nature take its course.
Bi-Han misses his mother and mourns her death to this day.
Bi-Han once saw Liu Kang as an uncle.
Bi-Han misses Kuai Liang's company.
Bi-Han is vain, but supporting Shao in battles in Outworld left him with no time even for basic care some days, like brushing his teeth.
Bi-Han regrets hurting Kuai Liang, but his pride prevents him from apologizing.
Bi-Han has had anger issues since he was a boy and often loses control when under stressful situations. This trait was the main reason why his father refused to retire and considered him unworthy of holding his position. Bi-Han suspects to this day that his father would have preferred Kuai Liang to have been born first.
Bi-Han is proud of his appearance because he takes after his mother. And he is even more proud of having inherited her combat skills.
Both of Bi-Han's parents were excellent fighters.
Bi-Han's father was a close friend of Jerrod.
Bi-Han once admired Sindel a lot. And the news of her death was devastating for him. He regrets having been busy freeing Shao from prison in Outworld, rather than protecting his brothers, Sindel and her daughters in battle against Shang Tsung's Titan counterpart.
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restinslices · 5 months
Hi I’m the anon who asked about the popstar one! (Loved what you did btw) If it wasn’t too much of a problem I love if you could do the Lin Kuei boys + Syzoth too!
Me finally getting to my requests?! Who would’ve thought. Everyone got around 300 words besides Syzoth, who got 400. Why? No further questions.
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You can change him? Well I can accept him as he is! You don’t like the murders? Grow up! The atrocities are a part of him and I’ve decided they’re funny :D
I know the Lin Kuei are a part of Earthrealm but are they allowed to have technology? 
For the sake of this, imma say technology is very very limited 
With that being said, what do you mean you're a pop star? It's not that he doesn't know what it is, he just doesn't get why. All the things you could be doing and popstar is where you landed 
I don't wanna make it seem like everyone is supportive but him but this is Bi-Han. He's going to judge 
He's the Grandmaster so he's always busy. Going to concerts isn't happening and honestly? He doesn't give me the vibes of someone who's a fan of concerts 
He doesn't hate your job, he just genuinely doesn't get it 
Remember how I said Kung Lao will give you brutally honest advice? Same goes for him. You can always trust the truth to come outta him (unless it's about the father he let die but anyway)
I don't see him doing anything special. I don't see him buying posters or tickets or streaming or concerts. He cares for you but doesn't see the need to do all that. 
If he did stream he'd probably just put the video on repeat on his phone and go do other shit. At the same time though, do they even have cell service? Where is Lin Kuei HQ??
Absolutely refuses to add ice or snow to your set for an MV. Be a team player. Damn. Stop thinking everything is beneath you.
“That is entirely beneath me” “aight, I guess you don’t want me beneath you”
He apologizes for his outburst (I was making that joke happen by any means necessary)
I just think he's the most nonchalant about dating a celebrity. Probably forgets you're a popstar
Loses a piece of his sanity everytime a Lin Kuei ninja loses their mind over you. Actually wants to join his father in the afterlife. How y'all even seeing these performances? Y'all sneaking off?!
You're disturbing his peace but hey, it is what it is 
Kuai Liang
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Also doesn't understand why that job, but he's less judgmental than Bi-Han. Not everyone can defend Earthrealm. 
I also don't see him doing a lot. He's busy and also he's just not interested in being around a bunch of sweaty ass fans. Nothing against you 
If he did buy your merch I think he'd set it in like, a box. He only bought it to be supportive. He's not gonna hang it up or anything. To be honest, he might give it to the rest of the guys (Johnny, Kenshi, Kung Lao, Raiden and Liu Kang)
I see the Lin Kuei as private and not really interactive when it comes to normal citizens so I honestly don't know what to say for them 😭
I don't even know if Kuai Liang likes pop music. Him and Bi-Han give me the vibes of someone who listens to white noise to past time 
Like Bi-Han, he's nonchalant about the whole celebrity thing. 
Probably doesn't even have a phone. He probably got an old ass mp3 player. What are you doing with that?
If your songs are more calm and chill, I can see him liking it when you sing while he does something 
Popstars wear dramatic ass outfits and this is definitely when he starts judging you 
“How does it look?” “It… looks”
He's used to practical outfits so I think he subconsciously spots all the ways your outfits could injure you 
“You could be easily spotted” “That's the whole point”
Will he add fire to an MV for background effects? Possibly. He has to have nothing else to do and be absolutely bored out of his mind to do so. Bi-Han says no out of spite and “this is beneath me”. Kuai Liang initially says no and has the same “this is beneath me” thought process, but he folds easier. There's certain things he is absolutely not doing though
“I am not saying 'get over here’ for you” “You're so not fun”
This relationship feels like a hostage situation but oh well
Tomas Vrbada 
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He wants to be as stern and serious as his brothers but we all know I babygirlify him so it's not happening 
He doesn't have a phone but he asks Johnny to use his and have your shit on repeat for the views 
Idk why but I feel like he's a Twice stan so he's no stranger to pop music. I have no reliable sources for this 
I could see him buying pins and keeping them in his pocket since he can't have it on his outfit 
I don't think for any of the brothers, your fans would know you're dating which is something they'd want. They're assassins. They can't be all over the internet. 
Doesn't go to concerts because he can't. Such a sad life 
Gives background smoke for effects cause he's a team player 
Wants to be the first to hear anything you're working on 
Gives you honest advice but nicely 
I think he has conflicting feelings about you always being in the spotlight. He loves that you're happy but is also worried because that comes with danger and if smth were to happen, there's a good chance he wouldn't be there 
I feel like Tomas can lowkey sing (once again no reliable sources present) so karaoke? karaoke. 
You could talk him into doing a collab but it'd never be released. It'd just be for you two 
He wants to keep up with everything you're doing as it's happening but once again, no phone. Instead he just checks in with you whenever he sees you 
The most aware out of the brothers that he's dating a celebrity. 
Probably the brother you'd feel the most supported by because he's the most expressive (?). He makes his support very known and doesn't question why you're doing what you're doing 
He doesn't give me as much Ken energy as Johnny does, but he still gives me “Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him”. Like I said for Johnny, you're Barbie regardless of gender 
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Does Zaterra or Outworld even have popstars? For comedy sake, imma say not exactly 
He was ran out of Zaterra and he was working for Shang Tsung, so even if they do he had no time to actually enjoy music 
So when he hears you're a popstar, he has no idea what you're talking about. You have to genuinely explain what your job is, what you do, what's a tour, what's merch, etc. etc. 
Like the Lin Kuei Bros, he has no phone. He doesn't understand technology at all. He's like a grandpa fr, so his interactions with your music is slim to none when it comes to music videos 
Explain it to him as many times as you want. He doesn't get it. 
You have to actually show him the video on your phone. You have to show him any merch you have so he can pick whatever he wants and you can sneak it to him 
Prefers you singing for him live rather than watching a music video but he watches them anyway because you're really proud of them 
Like Tomas, he likes little pins or other little trinkets 
Since he was in a traveling circus, he knows what performing is but you're getting paid and treated fairly which he finds fantastic 
He is slightly worried tho from his time being in said circus. You have to explain that they're two different things (sorta, not really) and you're ok 
Has no idea what's going on but is supportive anyway
He tries really hard to understand Earthrealm customs and culture to better understand you. Is he successful? Probably depends on the subject 
He doesn't get merch at all or why it's so stupidly expensive. If you weren't giving it to him for free, he probably wouldn't buy it to be honest. He likes that you're proud of how it looks but why is it necessary for success? He just doesn't understand it 
Concerts he somewhat gets. The idea is cute but once he sees videos of people fainting, he swears he's never going to one of those 
Does not want your fans to know you're dating him. Does not want to be in any of your videos as himself or a lizard. Wants nothing to do with the spotlight. He has trauma with being known. 
It'll take awhile to explain to him what fan culture and memes are, but he's ready to learn for you. 
Idk if I wanna write more silly shit or angst shit. I guess we’ll find out next episode
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satansamwriting · 8 months
Would write headcannons on how Smoke, Kuai Liang and Bihan would treat you on their anniversary with g/n reader?
MK1 HC, How they are on their birthday with GN!reader
Hiya anon, I know you only asked for how the boys would treat you on their birthday but I thought it'd be fun to see how they would also treat you on your birthday.
This is a short headcanon.
I hope I did your prompt justice!
Characters : Smoke, Kuai Liang, Bi-Han
Disclaimer : Enlgish ain't my native language. Mistakes might be found in this. I apologies for them, I'm trying my best.
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Smoke's birthday
Wouldn’t notice what day it is
Goes about his day as usual meaning he’d mostly be patrolling around and training. 
He’d be confused for a second when you wished him happy birthday.
Has to look on a calendar to confirm what day it is. 
He’d jokingly complain about being a year older.
If you ask him what he wants to do on his birthday, he would just shrug.
The Lin Kuei never did anything for  birthdays so Tomas doesn’t expect anything.
“Your presence is a gift in and of itself, I don’t need anything else.”
(Y/n) would have none of it. Even if Tomas had affirmed them that he was fine with not having anything on his special day, that didn’t sit right with them. After a hard training, (Y/n) searched for the one person who knew Smoke better than them. 
“You're going to help me bake a cake.” They said to Scorpion once they found him meditating somewhere within the temple.
Surprisingly, the man agreed. 
Hours later, Smoke entered his room only to find the two of them waiting for him. A small cake laid on the table in between. Touched by the gesture, Smoke would smile, thanking whoever was up there for having met you.
Your birthday 
Although this man didn’t care about his own birthday, it's the complete opposite with yours.
He remembers the date for a start.
He wouldn’t do something extravagant since again, the Lin Kuei usually didn’t do anything for birthdays.
However, you can expect to find flowers inside your room.
It's not much, but the gesture still makes you smile.
Finished with training for the day, they walked back to their own room for a well earned shower. Upon entering the dark lit room, (Y/n) was surprised when the light opened by themselves. There in the middle of their room were Smoke and Scorpion. Tomas was holding a plate with sweet bread on it, candles placed on top.
“Sorry, that’s all we could get.” Smoke said sheepishly.
Blowing out the candles, they smiled at the two boys.
“It's perfect.”
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Kuai Liang's birthday
Much like smoke, this man doesn’t realise what day it is
Except, some of the other soldiers in the Lin Kuei would wish him a happy birthday.
One of them being you.
Give him a kiss and he’d melt all the snow around.
Saying something along the lines of you being the only gifts he needs.
Sadly, much like Tomas, this man focuses more on his duties for the clan than anything else. Even when it's his special day.
What he doesn’t know is that you and Smoke had made something for him.
“Happy Birthday.” (Y/n) exclaimed in between chuckles. 
Kuai Liang was surprised to see (Y/n) waiting for him by his bedroom door. It was rather late into the night. Wondering why they were there, the pyromancer found himself being lead by the hand somewhere else.
Arriving at one of Scorpion’s favourite places within the temple, (Y/n) smirked. Stepping slightly to the side, they tried their best to look innocent. Suspicious about something, Kuai failed to notice the smoke pooling at his feet. In a blink of an eye, sweet frosting was smeared on his face. Scorpion glared daggers at Smoke, who had finished materialising. 
Scorpion eyed them both before taking some of the frosting with his fingers. Despite the best effort to look menacing, Kuai Liang was smiling.
“You better start running.” 
Your birthday
“I just want to mention, it was their idea.” Tomas said before evaporating into a puff of smoke.
The moment you leave your room, two warm arms wrapped around your waist.
Wishing you a happy birthday, Kuai Liang would sadly have to leave you in order to complete his duty around the temple. 
Just like Smoke, this man would give you flowers.
I mean, the Lin Kuei temple is pretty isolated so there’s not much in terms of gifts.
Bi-han would silently judge his brother for caring about such a thing.
Watch out, Kuai Liang remembers what you’ve done on his birthday.
“Happy birthday!” 
Finding a note inside their room asking them to meet in one of the Lin Kuei’s gardens, (Y/n) smiled. They haven't seen their partner for the entire day, since the man was always very busy. However, they suspected that Bi-Han, being the grumpy killjoy that he is, was behind this.
They did not think about what this simple note could mean. (Y/n) found out the hard way when, as they entered the garden, a cake was smeared on their face. 
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Removing the frost blocking their eyes, (Y/n) stared at the two smirking boys. The cake was sweet, despite having been destroyed on their face. As laughter erupted inside the garden, (Y/n) could not have asked for a better birthday.
Bi-Han's birthday
Oh boi.
This man would be grumpier than usual.
Would avoid anybody, even you.
He knows what day it is, that’s why he’d be this way.
Asking for the reason to Kuai would result in nothing.
Even his brother didn’t know why Bi-Han became this way on his birthday.
Good luck finding time to talk to him, he's busy being the Grandmaster.
The Lin Kuei did not celebrate birthdays
Watching the cryomancer from afar, (Y/n) sighed. The man was giving everyone the cold shoulder. If Bi-Han wished to stay alone for the day, they would respect his wishes. However, that didn’t mean they couldn’t make something for him. Determined, they left their spot. 
Late into the night, Bi-Han walked through empty halls, his footsteps echoing on the frozen stones. Once inside his room, the grandmaster frowned. Resting on his desk was a box. He could feel heat coming from the inside. Approaching the object carefully, Bi-Han opened it. Dumplings, somehow still warm, laid on a plate inside the box. A little card was placed on the side with two simple words on it.
Baking a cake was out of the question since the cryomancer despised sweets.
An idea eventually popped in their heads. Content with it, (Y/n) marched toward the kitchen. 
“Happy Birthday.”
Your Birthday.
Alone in his room, Bi-Han would eat his gift, the tiniest smile on his face.
If you think this man would act differently on your birthday, you’d be wrong.
You don’t see him for the entire day.
He’s busy being the grandmaster, he doesn’t have time for frivolous thing such as this.
Well his cold attitude is just a front.
Don’t get me wrong, Bi-Han still thinks celebrating birthdays to be beneath him but he can see how it affects your mood when he remains the only one not wishing you happy birthday.
Kuai Liang confronts him about it but Bi-Han keeps his facade up. 
Unknown to both you and his brother, he did have a gift for you.
“Open it.” Bi-Han cold voice was muffled by the mask he still wore.
Fresh out of the shower, (Y/n) laid peacefully on their bed, a book nestled in between their fingers.
Suddenly, someone knocked at their door, breaking their concentration. Opening the door, surprised flashed across their face as Bi-Han came to view. Worldessly, the grandmaster pushed something on their chest. Puzzled, (Y/n) glanced at the object now in their hand. It was wrapped clumsily with brownish paper. 
Not wanting to make the cryomancer wait, (Y/n) removed the wrapping to reveal a beautiful dagger. The silverish blade simmered under the light. The handle was a deep blue, almost the exact same shade as Bi-Han’s clothes. 
“I love it, thank you.” 
Humming, Bi-Han turned to leave. Peering over his shoulder, he wished them a happy birthday before walking away.
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It is my personal headcanon that Bi-Han has his father’s face and Kuai Liang has their mother’s, in this essay I will-
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starsurface · 4 months
Politely asking for regressor Bi Han from mk1 headcanons please :)
I almost feel bad, you asked so politely and I'm warning you now, some of these are kinda sad . . . <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Bi-Han Hcs
❄️ Regresses to about 2-3, sometimes older though
❄️ Involuntarily regressed for the longest time and it terrified him, started regressing when he was about 13
❄️ Did not do CGs for the longest time
❄️ It wasn't until Kuai Liang and Tomas began regressing with or around him that he even thought about
❄️ And even then, you gotta be really, really close to him
❄️ Grew up with a constant fear in mind that someone will walk in, some one will catch him, someone will hurt him while he's vulnerable
❄️ Personal Headcanon that'll effect the rest of my requests: I don't think Bi-Han is a horrible brother. Not a good one, he definitely doesn't like Tomas. But Tomas will glare back at him and mouths him back, things people don't do to abusers.
❄️ ^ I think in the scene where we saw them fight that Bi-Han took it a bit too hard, because yes, Tomas did look genuinely hurt. But I've said things that hurt my own brother before and didn't apologize until later.
❄️ ^ Unfortunately they with both children forced into a terrible situation with no say of their own
❄️ Now, back onto regression hcs-
❄️ Tomas was the first one who found him regressed and it was one of the few times Tomas had ever seen Bi-Han cry
❄️ They were angry tears, and he didn't speak to Tomas for days later, but eventually Tomas sat them both down and they ‘spoke’ (Bi-Han didn't say much, but Tomas found some fruit on his bedside table the next day with a note that only said Bi-Han's name)
❄️ Tomas, Kuai Liang, and himself are his most preferred CGs >:/
❄️ (^ He's had some babysitters, but it took a couple of playdates to even think of it)
❄️ Actually really likes it when Raiden watches him because Raidens really calm and can handle young regressors really well
❄️ ^ Does NOT like hanging out with Kung Lao when hes also small though, he makes too much of a ruckus!! >:(
❄️ Very grumpy baby
❄️ Won't tell you what's wrong, he'll just pout and glare and have tears in his eyes as he stares at the floor
❄️ It can be a bit frustrating, but he knows your doing your best and will cuddle up to you out of apologies
❄️ Lashes out a lot while small
❄️ The easiest things can set him off into a fit of screaming and hitting
❄️ Please don't leave him during this time, just let him act out for a few minutes before hiccuping and looking up at you in shame
❄️ You have to tell him that he's still a good boy, but that's not how we handle our very big and negative emotions
❄️ Experiment with different ways to work with his feelings (blowing finger candles is his personal favorite, but he also thinks it's too silly for him so you have to prompt it)
❄️ No is his favorite and least favorite word
❄️ Hates hearing it from you, but loves hearing it himself
❄️ Hissy fits are also common where he'll stomp his foot and scowl
❄️ Although the softest coe and asking him what's making him all upset makes him melt very quickly and sheepishly whisper what's wrong
❄️ If he's verbally communicating, his voice is very quiet, but he's trying
❄️ Doesn't like watching cartoons but will do so if it means he can cuddle you for a long period of time
❄️ Pulls a Liu Kang and refuses to regress for weeks on end until he drops incredibly hard and is totally dependent on someone (he hates it)
❄️ ^ Kuai Liang and Tomas are working on him with it, don't you worry
❄️ Once had such a stressful week and pushed back his regression for so long that he regressed really young for almost three days straight
❄️ ^ It was also kinda his eye opening that maybe he needed to change some habits of his
❄️ It's a struggle to let himself be vulnerable at times so he'll demand that he changes the channel or cooks his own food
❄️ But only gets more frustrated with himself that he can't do any of the stuff!! >:(
❄️ Just gently shush him and tell him that he doesn't have to be all big and strong anymore, he can be a baby, it's okay
❄️ When he's not throwing a tantrum or having a hissy fit, a pretty good boy
❄️ Pouty, scowly, but also constantly seeks your attention and praise
❄️ Cuddly, but he has to reach out first
❄️ Doesn't speak much unless he has a complaint or is upset, he just doesn't like talking while small
❄️ Unless its a complaint, will complain about everything you do because it's ‘not right’, like putting his goldfish in the wrong bowl and flat out refusing to eat out of them now
❄️ Tell him you don't like being birrated, and his complaining will go to more whiney because he doesn't want to make you feel bad
❄️ He knows he's a lot to handle while regressed, especially if he's had a bad day, and will buy you things when he's bigger as a thanks
❄️ I know it's frustrating at times, but don't yell at him please
❄️ He hates it, he despises yelling, it terrifies him
❄️ Can't do punishments either
❄️ ^ Either of these could cause him to withdraw from you while he's small, and maybe even big
❄️ (Although if all you did was slightly raise your voice when he was upset, he won't entirely run away, he knows it was probably an accident)
❄️ Sitting down, talking about what's wrong, maybe even writing it all out and tearing up the paper later, that's what he'd prefer
❄️ And he is getting better as time goes on, it's really rough at first, but eventually he'll go more for his blowing candles and paper ripping than full on screaming and hitting
❄️ Favorite little nicknames are Snowflake, Sweetie, Baby Boy, Little One, Tough Guy, and Icey
❄️ Favorite little activity has to be reading his nursery rhyme book and cuddling
❄️ Doesn't have any regression items, it too scared to actually own any
❄️ But he has this thick nursery rhyme book that he really likes you to read to him
❄️ Please do voices, it makes him really happy and smiley 🥺
❄️ If you ever got him a paci, he might freak at first, but he does adore it
❄️ Although he'll only use it with his mask on so you can't see
❄️ Although one day he sheepishly used it without his mask, only to hide in your neck
❄️ Your his CG, and he loves you, and he's very thankful to have you in his life <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I love him, I do, but Pookie over here needs to learn how to heal a little bit. He's doing great though (I'm my own mind :3)
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ukit4m4 · 5 months
★┆idk bout yall but i get so fucking sick of people that thinks that Bi-Han used to be a 'good' brother. He's literally not??? A brother that 'used' to be good won't remind the other that he's adopted, posh..
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queerfreakfck · 7 months
if bi han was a cat
he’d be a pallas’ cat
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grumpy? ✅
cold? ✅
adorable? ✅
he’s a pallas’ cat
(thank you to @sunnyspiders for helping me make this beautiful hc)
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shangsclaws · 8 months
F for Rain and Sub-Zero if you don't mind for your mortal kombat headcanons please.
F - Flirting: How do they flirt?
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Being high mage, Rain has both the skill and resources to make his gestures as grand as his position in court. And as ambitious as he is, there’s no doubt he’s putting his power to very good use.
His interest should expect near outrageous amounts of Outworld flowers every day, highly exaggerated gestures when casting spells if they’re around, inviting them to late night dinners tucked away in some private garden of his, and perhaps an invite to a grand ball or two. Everyone in court will know that he is interested, and equally will they know that they’ll stand no chance against him if they should vie for his interest’s attention. Just the way he likes it.
“Are you joining us tonight at the empress’ ball?” He’d ask, one eyebrow quirking upwards as his eyes trailed up and down your figure curiously. “It’d be a pleasure to see you. My pleasure.”
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His version of flirting is as good as platonically patting someone on the back for doing a good job. And even his compliments are stiff. He just doesn’t know how to string up sentences betraying his attraction, especially given that he’s probably fighting himself for wanting something — someone — more than he wants to uphold his duties as grandmaster.
The grandest gesture he can do without having to overthink it is touching his interest when training. To calm his nerves he’s convinced himself it’s for ‘educational purposes’ only, for the greater good. Bi Han’s touch lingers for longer than it should, at least longer than he thinks necessary, but if his interest does not have a keen eye, it could all go unseen.
“Your strikes are impressive,” the grandmaster nods, the hand on your extended arm surprisingly warm to the touch. He holds it a moment, his gaze awfully pensive, before tilting your fist upwards slightly. “Next time, though, you must aim for the head.”
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
Hi! Can I request valentines HCs for Kuai Liang, Hanzo Hasashi, Takeda, Kung Lao! 💌❤️💝🍫
Valentine’s day Hcs for Kuai Liang, Hanzo Hasashi, Takeda Takahashi, And Kung Lao.
Valentine's day is coming right up for you Molly!
Kuai Liang/Subzero
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Five years ago, you met your soulmate. Kuai Liang, The Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.
You love him so much and he loves you too, Since today is Valentine’s day, you decided to make a surprise for him. You went to the kitchen, Preparing to make a red heart-shaped cake for him.
You have all the ingredients you want, you put the ingredients all together and stirred them, then after a while, the cake is ready.
After Kuai finished the training session, he went to his room. That you both share, at first he was surprised to sniff a beautiful scent, rose petals on the ground. He sees you wearing a beautiful medium-length pink dress with hearts on it.
“Y/n.. you look beautiful!” He said to you.
“Really? Thank you! Love~” you replied,
He smiles at you, he had saw the room, and the beautiful decorations you had put in it, the big cake you had put on a table, tea, and valentine's plates and letters.
“Oh! It is valentine's day!!” He muttered, giving himself a light facepalm,
You saw that he hid something behind him, and he walks to you while smiling at you.
“Here is your gift my love~” he whispers lovingly,
“Thank you! Here is yours too,” you thanked him, and gave him his present.
Subby giving you a known look, you knew immediately what he wants and that is more than a kiss or putting a hand on his chest in a loving way.
“Come here, I want to feel you now~” He demanded, lovingly.
“I’m coming dear!” You obeyed him.
Hanzo Hasashi
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Every person in the world knows that you belong to Hanzo, No one dares to lay a hand on you knowing that Hanzo is still alive. Hanzo made it perfectly clear that you are his, you belong to him and no one will touch you, or they would pay the price.
Hanzo knows you from when you were a nurse in the sky temple, that time when he was recovering from being a slave of Quan chi, you were there to help him recover and forget the pain in his soul and in his heart.
No one had ever been nice to him, knowing that he once was the infamous Scorpion, Slave of Quan Chi, But you decided to help him, lot of nurses and people told you to stay away from him for your sake, for your own good.
But you defied them all, and decided to help him despite everything, he was a ruined man, broken to the core, and he needed help at that time. And you were there to help him.
You fully remembered his reaction when you first met him, he was aggressive at first, but, in time he becomes soft towards you, you saw the knowing looks he gave, since, you are the only female who is kind to help him.
*Present time*
“Koibito~ I love you~,” Hanzo said to you
“I love you too~ Koibito~” you replied while playing with your hair.
He didn’t know of the surprise that you are preparing for him, he is indeed in for a surprise.
Hanzo is holding the teacup, as he was pondering your beauty, he always asks himself what he did to deserve a beauty like you. He is just happy with you, he is over the moon as they say.
“I want you to come in the room, you know~” you muttered, as you winked at him.
“Okay!” He uttered,
You hurriedly walk to your room, preparing the surprise, clutching the Valentine confetti cannon. 🎉
As soon as Hanzo’s leg steps into the room, you shot the confetti, alerting him and he holds the sword.
“Koibito! Relax! It is just confetti!” You joked with him
“Koibito! You scared me!” He yelped,
“Sorry, Koibito~” you apologized,
“No.. it is okay! Let us enjoy Valentine's day~” he replied,
“You are right,” you chuckled,
Then both of you kissed, enjoying your Valentine's day. 💘💝💌🍰
Takeda Takahashi
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Never in your life that you thought you are going to celebrate Valentine’s day with your soulmate, Someone like Takeda. You love him, you love everything about him. You know everything about him.
You know that he had been raised in a clan called the Shirai Ryu, and he has some sort of a Ninja lifestyle. You pretty much know everything about him. That’s why you love him!
You decided, that you wanted to surprise him with chocolate heart-shaped sweets! He loves chocolate and you decided that you will make chocolates for him!
You went into the kitchen, melted chocolate in a bowl, then you grabbed a heart-shaped mold added the melted chocolate to it, then, you went to put the mold in the fridge.
After an hour, you cut open the red velvet lid to sprinkle the chocolate you made with it, you also decorated the chocolate with a white chocolate drizzle. After that, you put the chocolate you made into a lovely heart-shaped box.
You went to Takeda into the S.F HQ. You saw him with his friends, Cassie, Jacqui, and Jin.
You boldly walk to them, in the middle of his talking, you gently tapped on his shoulder with your finger.
“Hey Tak~ Happy Valentin’s day!” You greeted then gave him the chocolate box.
“Hey! Y/N!” He greeted back,” Oh. You didn’t have to but thank you for the treat!!” Takeda thanked you, with the known smile and look he gives you.
Takeda took a bite of the chocolate and he was over the moon, he was enjoying every bite of the chocolate you made it. He kept eating piece by piece. By the looks of it, you know he loves the gift you gave him.
“I’m glad that you liked it! I’m going now bye!” You said, then left
You left his friend speechless, they were also speechless by Takeda's reaction, they thought he was just overreacting because he didn’t want to embarrass you, but it seems he likes the chocolate you made!
Kung Lao
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Everyone thought that Kung Lao would never get a soulmate! But you appear and silence them all. No one had ever thought of this, Usually, Kung Lao is the laughingstock of MK, But with you, they respect him and love him, because you inspire them to respect him as well.
You are his powerful Soulmate, you are a powerful sword-woman, and you defeated all of Kung Lao’s friends even Liu Kang. With you, Kung Lao has some sense of peace and agency. Since you are very strong and bold in everything you do.
Usually, they respect him so that you won’t kick their asses, but now, they respect him for real.
Now you Celebrate Valentine’s day with him, you make for him chocolate chip cookies, Red velvet macaroons, and a bunch of handwritten love letters on heart-shaped paper.
He is so happy, he has everything he ever wanted, he loves you, and he showers you with love letters and mooncakes.
Both of you sat in a beautiful place near the riverbank, you put your picnic basket and picnic rug.
Both of you sat on the rug, and you put everything in place, food, sweets, and love letters.
“Happy Valentine’s day, My love~” you started, smiling at him
“Happy Valentine’s day to you too!” He replied while putting his mooncake plate on the picnic rug.
Both of you exchanged gifts and words, and both of you talked and ate the food, Enjoying your time with each other.
Happy Valentine’s day people <3, from your favourite author 🖤🖤.
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moronkombat · 8 months
Any general Bi-Han hc’s? Maybe even a bit of his social awkwardness around someone he finds attractive
Awkward Bi-Han? How'd you know my favorite recipe?
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Bi-Han may think himself suave and smooth but he is not. His idea of human connection is, but if a bit, flawed
When someone catches Bi-Han's eye he is at a loss. What is he to do with this feeling?
He'll stare longer than he realized and it would go noticed quickly
Upon question he begins to come back to reality but does not want to-no he cannot admit he was starting at you. So he'll say something like "There's something on your face. It is distracting me."
He tries to learn from this mistake but his eyes betray him. Still they will linger to you when you enter the room. They always find their way to you when you are around
Bi-Han doesn't stop staring, he simply gets better at hiding them. The glances become quick but frequent and he feels his jaw tighten and suddenly his clothes are too tight and he's pulling at them. These fleeting and quick glimpses at you are never enough and so he continues to keep at them
If someone else were to notice and bring it up, he is very quick to strike verbally towards them and soon enough people learn not to point out his awkward movements and staring when you are around
What sort of confusion is this? How can a man, a leader, be so stunned by someone who happens to be quite beautiful? It is ridiculous to him
And so he tries to speak with you. What sort of Grandmaster is he to shy away from someone? Never. Talking, Bi-Han comes to find you, is rather difficult
He is the Supreme Ruler of horrible small talk. Deep down, he knows this but will never admit it. Bi-Han just does not know how to start a conversation with you that doesn't come across as distant
It is confusing experience to be found attractive by Bi-Han. You notice his staring but he also seems distant when speaking to you. What exactly is this man wanting?
Bi-Han wants you but he doesn't know how to go about it successfully
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mrstrinity1132 · 8 months
A Lin Kuei brothers headcannon.
This has some spoilers from MK1 so beware.
He messed up.
That was dead wrong of him to do.
Bi Han hoe'd his brothers and now they are all separated. Him on one side and Kuai Liang and Tomas on the opposite. It would've been nice if they both joined him and agreed with his vision for the future.
But it is what it is. Guess I'll be painting this picture alone. With of without them. If they get in the way, well...they can go down too. Family or not.
... He misses them.
In the outside, Bi Han has a lot of ambition, but deep within him, he misses his brothers.
Sure, he hoed Kuai Liang. He has the right to be mad at him. He almost died because of his actions. But Bi Han misses him.
He even misses that orphan too. Tomas.
...Fricking orphan.
Yes, Bi Han was always cold to him, but he misses telling him to shut up for no reason.
Every single day, poor Tomas would be told to shut up for just existing. Bi Han would turn around and catch a glimpse of him and tell him; "SHUT UP, ORPHAN-!" Tomas wouldn't even be talking in the first place... Sometimes he would reply; "Whatttt I do? I didn't even say anything... :(" "You're living too loud."
Then, Kuai Liang would step in; "What TF is your problem? Be nice to Tomas!"
Bi Han also gives Tomas a not-so-friendly reminder that he'll never be Lin Kuei. The bewildered look on Tomas' face was priceless, but he wouldn't fight back.
He didn't want that orphan near him.... But he missed him too.
Maybe I should just call them. Hear their voice one more time? Yeah they're mad at me, but let me see what they would say.
Bi Han picked up the telephone and gave them a call.
---- The phone ringed. Tomas sees the number. It's Bi Han! Why is he calling at this time?!? He picks up the phone anyway.
Tomas: Hello?
Bi Han: ...
He doesn't know what to say. It's nice to hear him though. Surprised that he actually answered the call.
Tomas: Hello?
Bi Han: ...
Tomas: Bi Han; are you even there?
Kuai Liang comes in.
Kuai Liang: Who's that on the phone?
Tomas: It's Bi Han...
Angry, Kuai Liang stomps over and forces Tomas' hand to put the telephone down to hang up the call. Either way it went, that call would've been over.
--- Kuai Liang: What did he say to you on the phone?
Tomas: ...He didn't say anything.
Kuai Liang: ...Really?
Tomas: I couldn't make it up if I wanted to.
Kuai Liang: No banter? No insults? ...No "ShUt Up OrPhAn-?"
Tomas: He said nothing. It was silent on the other side.
Huh. That was weird. That's out of character of him.
Kuai Liang: Then...What did he call for?
Tomas: I wish I could tell you. I don't know.
Kuai Liang: ... Well whatever it is, don't answer the phone for him anymore. He hoed us. There is no more talking.
And that was it.
Bi Han has tried a few more times on later days. Kuai Liang refuses to answer the phone. Even watching it ring. Tomas would answer the phone a few times, every call getting shorter than the last. Until eventually, he would stop answering the phone too.
I guess you wouldn't truly miss someone until they are actually gone.
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fsfghgee · 6 months
Are you seeing this?
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This is their public symbol of love, commitment, and a promise of union even in death.
Tomas gave it to Bi-Han with the excuse that he would look better with one on each arm.
Well, needless to say, that Bi-Han wasn't surprised when he saw Tomas wearing a gray one on the very next day...
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