#stupid games and they will win SO MANY stupid prizes
prettyflyshyguy · 1 month
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More Supernatural - VG crossover bullshit. I have a fever. And the only prescription is more antagonizing. O'Byrne and Roy are from from an in-development story, Virtual Ground, and they are having a great time getting along with the Winchesters because Roy should be dead, and we don't talk about what's under O'Byrne's suspicious nicotine neck patch.
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ilostyou · 1 year
i love when taylor uses a pretty common phrase in a song and then it becomes her phrase and it will from then on. just be hers
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cygnahime · 27 days
I must emphasize that I was never even a little allo or het. I watched the first several episodes of Utena in my early teens and thought she was dumb for this whole caring about a boy's opinion issue and not even wearing an ACTUAL boy's uniform, and did not for another ten years learn or realize that that was a kind of queer way to respond, you dingus!
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Maybe they shouldn't have eaten so much avocado toast. Maybe then they wouldn't be in this predicament.
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demo-ness · 7 months
it's kind of insane what a slam dunk the democrats had in the upcoming election, and they just like... threw it in the garbage and then lit the garbage on fire. all they had to do was not support genocide
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jungwookjins · 1 year
it was a joke jfc
i didn't realise how seriously kpop stans take kpop. lesson learned🙄
unfortunately, jokes do not always translate the best when 1. ur on anon so i have no idea if we know each other to be on joking terms and 2. the joke is being told through text bc tone doesnt always carry over best, so i took the ask at face value, and if my response including my willingness to explain if u were actually asking in good faith was still too harsh for u, idk, i got nothin else for u here anon
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piduai · 2 years
also with gk yaoi girlies in particular i feel like there's no middle ground ZERO, it's either late 20s-30+ insane millennials who are into the vilest things being like how DARE you say that my rape incest pedo necrophilia scat fantasies are not wholesome and family-friendly!!!!!! OR equally insane zoomers who have nothing better to do than write weekly call-outs for the aforementioned dames and are cancelling hateships for being abusive. the rare well-adjusted girlie who just likes x because it's two hot guys together or whatnot almost feels like a unicorn and a blessing
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fuzzyunicorn · 1 day
I’m serious girls, stay away from me. You’ve tried to murder me in this lifetime like you’ve done in past lives. Now I understand why you girls thought you’d have success, because u girls as a friend group have deliberately gotten me killed throughout multiple lifetimes. You girls as a friend group have an muilti-lifespan obsession with murdering me. God has sent me here many times with my soul contract being to help and heal this planet and its inhabitants. For example god has repeatedly asked me to come here to this vile planet to heal the sick with white magick like Jesus Christ did (he was using magick but white magick not evil black magick) in my past lives; and so you girls who have a multi-life track record of masquerading as Christians purposely sought out jobs (the males in ur families as well as ur past life husbands as clergymen) in the Church for the sole reason of getting me burned at the stake as a fuckin’ black magick practicing cocksucking witch (I can personally n historically confirm all witch trials throughout all of history it is true if some girls in the villiage didn’t like you yes they got you killed) when in reality u girls and ur fam have multi-track life record of working with Satan so he’ll make ur girls physically beautiful and the men in your families powerful as well as rich and well known. Ain’t that some shit literal Satanist infiltrating Churches for the sole aim and purpose of killing god’s Light Workers so this planet and its people and animals and sprits may not heal. Don’t play dumb, I know you girls know this the psychics you girls went to told you girls all about this and it encouraged you girls it made you confident in your ability to kill me as well as my soulmate. And not only that but that you could successfully murder my four innocent children and offer them as sacrifices to the Devil as children of Light Workers and especially Angels are incredible prizes to Satan as their powers are incredibly potent and he needs to constantly power up. God has seen every single second of this saga and he’s given you girls so many chances to make it right, and yet you girls keep trying to kill me wether it be thru black magick, spreading awful rumors to tarnish my reputation to the point I literally off myself, all the way to hiring hitmen and when that didn’t work you tried getting your side piece boyfriends to break and enter into my home so he can rape me while you watch n finger blast yourself to the raping and murdering of me (all that which was just listed has been attempted in this lifetime alone). Stay the fuck away from me. I know you the ring leader in particular keeps breaking that promise to god you’ll finally atone for your sins against me, my soulmate and our children. I know in your lifetimes it’s in your soul contract to god to stop causing harm to us no matter how big or small the significance, as well as apologizing and atoning to both of us yet you keep trying to murder me and him on the occasion and do sperm magick on him to this day. It really is true witches have an obsession with sperm. I got a secret for you girls: since you are doing sperm magick on my soulmate bc you can’t handle the jealousy of me bearing him his children, mine and his soul team (our guides, our ancestors, our guardian angels and our spirit friends) have been showing you a male who you were lead to believe is my “soulmate” who is in fact not my soulmate, guess who it is? It’s been a rotation of the males in not just your families (so your fathers n brothers and cousins) but also your friend’s boyfriends and fiancée’s… so you girls rendered your own brothers, fathers, cousins and your own boyfriends n fiancée’s not only infertile but also testicular cancer among whatever else black magick you girls saw fit to play around with. Good job now you girls can’t have families of your own (remember girls god also stripped you girls of your reproductive rights as you wouldn’t stop doing black womb magick on me) and so can’t your partners or brothers. What else have you girls wrought down upon your families?
#so now you girls are too frightened to throw stones and hide your murderous hands?#does killing me thru black magick and destroying your victim’s lives to the point they take their own lives is not murder in your girl’s#law book? oh forgive me then for calling you girls exactly what you are and prove to be#y don’t u girls get busy messing w more men’s sperm? which girls think 4 a second I know it’s impossible 4 u girls to put two and two#together… if you’re rendering random men infertile#and men can physically produce 1500 sperm PER SECOND then how many innocent babies have u girls murdered in this lifetime alone???#if you are a child killer and a murderer then you can’t be mad n upset when you get called exactly that#if u girls think the loophole solution is to keep finding new partners I need u idiots to think for a sec… if you casted dozens upon dozens#womb magick on me and it’s not allowed to touch me or my soulmate’s female family members and since all Divine Beings r not permitted to#neutralize this black magick so the point is this black magick is going to have to land on somebody who is it landing on? ur future partner#so anyway you slice n dice it u girls and ur loved ones are the recipients of all this womb & sperm & death & insanity & homelessness & dru#addiction & life ruining magick#play stupid games win stupid prizes u dumb fuckin’ cunts#& from what I can see with my lidless third eye this group of girls has dwindled yes but some in particular won’t stop casting this black#magick so keep in mind girls who are the recipients of all this magick (u & ur loved ones & any n all potential future partners— not me#or my loved ones nor is it my soulmate or his loved ones)#a lesson u bullying bitches should learn and learn fast is don’t dish out what u can’t fuckin’ take
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corv-idae · 3 months
I wish it didn’t feel so miserable
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clanoffelidae · 3 months
ugh i need food first I haven’t eaten yet today and just got another scammer, looks like they’ve already gotten over $200 too and have been going for a few days, gonna switch to desktop for this cleanup instead of mobile cause that’s too many people for me to do via mobile and not lose my mind lol
(I message every single person in the notes of scammer begging posts when I get them to notify them 1. For awareness and 2. So that if they were someone who reblogged it they can help disseminate the word to their followers who would’ve seen it)
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so theres a lot of posts going round about the titanic wreck and the missing submarines; all of them that ive seen have made very good points about how shoddy the submersible seemed to be and how the company decided to wait eight hours before reporting it, and how this is a play stupid games, win stupid prizes for the ultra-wealthy who paid like 250grand a ticket for this thing.
but what i havent seen any posts about is how the titanic wreck is a gravesite and this tourism is disturbing the graves of over 1500 people.
sometimes its kinda hard to remember that those on the titanic were real people; it was over a century ago, the story has been romanticised in so many ways (like the movie), theres conspiracies theories galore that cloud everything with misinformation, but at the end of the day, those who died were real people.
do you want their names? heres a list of them; its a long read. and for fun, heres another site where you can see photos of the children and babies who died aboard.
their bodies are long gone and their lives long forgotten. all we have to remember them and honour them is the wreck itself. its all we have of them and it is their gravesite. its their tombstone.
caitlin doughty/ask a morticians video on the great lakes discusses the topic well, and why we should leave these shipwrecks alone because again, they are the gravesites of all the souls who died aboard those ships. we rarely have bodies to recover so we really are left just with the wreck.
and what really upsets me about titanic tourism is how the majority of those who died that night were not the ultra-wealthy rich folks you might picture when you think of ocean liners.
61% of the first class passengers survived
42% of the second class passengers survived
24% of the third class passengers survived
24% of the crew survived **
the majority of those who died that night were regular folk; not to be cliche, but they were just like us. titanics wreck is not only a gravesite for over 1500 people, its also a majority working class gravesite.
and look at us now. look at what were doing. the ultra-wealthy can pay the equivalent of peanuts to them to disturb a mass gravesite of the exact kind of people they exploit today to hold onto all their wealth. 
its easy to point and laugh at these dumb idiots in their playstation controller submarine, seemingly held together with super glue and duct tape, but its also important to remember that what they were doing was simply disturbing a gravesite for fun. though the company does research, these guys werent down there to conduct research, they were there so they could brag about it to their friends. its like “climbing mount everest” while your sherpa does all the work.
if you cant tell, i have a lot of feelings about this. shipwrecks and ocean liners are one of my special interests and im currently building a (beginner’s) model of the titanic, for fucks sake. but i would never go down to see that wreck because its a fucking gravesite and we should not be disturbing their final resting place.
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shmeemsy · 10 months
The compassion fatigue is compassion fatigue-ing
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cryptidafter · 1 year
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Ah, ZZS, putting yourself in the middle of a battle that isn’t yours in a world that you’re unfamiliar with can only go swimmingly, right?
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princessbrunette · 4 days
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sometimes, bunny!reader had very little self awareness. even less when she was with rafe.
you’re at the nail salon, waiting for the lady that worked there to fetch the card machine so rafe could pay for the mani pedi you just received. he’d been running errands all day, but had made that little window of time so he could pick you up and pay for you himself — he was thoughtful like that, for you anyway.
“taking her time, jesus.” rafe complains under his breath, hands stuffed in his pockets as he looks around the salon, straight faced. you tsk, gently smacking the arm of his that you clung to.
“they’re having a busy day, rafey! don’t be rude.” you inform through a glossy pout, adjusting your grip on him when he shrugs carelessly.
“yeah well, i got shit to do. what time is it, anyway?”
you lift your phone, tapping the screen with one taloned nail to awaken it. rafe looks over your shoulder too, like he subconsciously didn’t even trust you to tell him the right time. sometimes you did that, telling him it was earlier than it was when he’d ask so that he’d spend longer with you, thinking he had more time. whilst you were on the well behaved side, it was one of your more sneaky habits.
however, the kook boys attention is stolen from the clock at the top of your screen nearly immediately when you carelessly display his own dick on the lockscreen. the worst part is how you’re not even trying to hide it, practically waving it around for the salon to see. you turn the screen towards him, bracelets jangling as you shake the screen a little.
“see, m’not lying about the time toda—”
rafe snatches the phone from your hand, wide eyed as he glances around. “the hell is this, huh? why is my dick your lockscreen? don’t need people seein’ what i’m working with kid, jesus— change that shit. now.” he scolds and you pout.
“but, daddy i like seeing it.” you put on the innocent act— one you do all too well as you bat your eyelashes up at him, clasping your freshly manicured hands at your front, thinking the ‘daddy’ nickname will win you some points.
“do you like sitting down? ‘cos you’re not gonna be able to do that either if you start talkin’ back. change it.”
you stare him down for a second, resisting a foot thump before yielding, sulkily taking your phone back and opening up your camera roll to find a better picture to use as your lockscreen.
“good. play stupid games win stupid prizes alright i don’t need you parading my—” his lecture his cut short by the salon assistant returning, asking if he’d like to pay with cash or card.
you continue to sulk once you’re in the passenger seat to his car, choosing to inspect your nails over interacting with him. as he concentrates on pulling out of his spot, he glances at you quickly. “hey, cheer up.” it’s more of a command and your pout only deepens.
“i liked my lockscreen rafey. i changed it because i missed you.”
surprisingly, he huffs out a quiet laugh.
“and — and a picture of just me wouldn’t have sufficed? nah, you missed my dick.” he shakes his head, squinting out at the road ahead.
“missed both.” its quiet, but he hears anyway— glancing at you once more.
“yeah? well guess where we’re headed now?”
your interest is piqued and you peer over at him, eyeing the handsome cameron.
“home. so once again, you’re gettin’ what you want. so… so stop looking so heartbroken, alright? you’ll get your fix.”
like that, all is forgotten, leaning over the console to smear a glossy kiss to his cheek and grab him through his pants — usual behaviour back in tact.
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barcaatthemoon · 2 months
attention whore || alexia putellas x reader ||
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minors dni, 18 +, smut ahead.
alexia punishes you after act like a brat to get her attention.
alexia's grip was tight on your hips as she led you away from the hotel bar. many of the girls were watching the two of you. frido and sandra had been sat with alexia earlier in the night, the three of them deciding not to indulge with everybody else. you may have all just won a big match, but there was still a lot more work to do. you understood that, but you also wanted to cut loose and have some fun.
"don't try to look back, just keep going," alexia said with a sharp pinch to your thigh. she didn't seem to care at the little noise you made from the pain. it had been a long time since you had done something to get alexia like that.
"ale," you whined. she placed her hand on the back of your neck as the two of you got into the elevator together. she forced you to turn and look at her. all you saw was the angry flare of jealousy in her eyes. "ale, i'm sorry."
"no, you're not," alexia laughed. it was dangerous whenever she got like that. you knew that you'd be punished, but the longevity of it was unknown to you. alexia could get over it within a couple of minutes or she could decide to drag things out and torture you for weeks on end. "if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes."
"i wasn't playing any games, i swear. all i was doing was talking to another player," you tried to plead your case with her, but it was no use. alexia wasn't going to buy any of your excuses, not that you blamed her. alexia hadn't been giving you her attention, so you tried to seek it elsewhere.
"don't lie to me, it will only make things worse for you," alexia warned you. she knew what you were doing because you had done it before. you were a very needy person, and alexia had a lot of practice dealing with that. she had been getting used to it before the two of you had even gotten together. "god, i don't even know if i want to look at you right now."
"ale, please." you weren't sure if pouting and playing up your neediness for her was the right move. your question seemed to be answered once alexia got you back into the hotel room. she seemed hellbent on turning your desire for attention back on you. it was attention that you wanted, so alexia was going to give you everything that you could handle and then some.
"strip and get on the bed for me with your legs spread. don't you dare lay a finger on yourself, understood? tonight, your body is mine, and only mine," alexia told you. you followed her instructions, undressing yourself quickly before you scrambled up onto the bed. alexia watched you lay there with your legs spread for her as she poured herself a drink from the mini bar.
you started to squirm beneath her gaze as she pulled a chair up across from where you were laying. alexia smirked as she sipped on her drink. there wasn't a single hint of a movement to touch you just yet. alexia seemed to be content to watch you squirm and suffer under her gaze. and the worst part was that you couldn't do anything to cover yourself up without warranting a worse punishment from her.
"are you going to sit there all night ale?" you asked her.
"be patient, let me finish my drink bebita. you're getting what you wanted, i'm paying attention to you," alexia said. she leaned forward a little, just enough to place one of her hands on your ankle. alexia noticed the way that your eyes flicked down to her hand on your skin and tsked. "eyes up here. i want us to both enjoy this moment."
"sorry," you mumbled out an apology. alexia leaned down and pressed a kiss to your calf. you struggled to keep your eyes on her as she finished her drink. alexia finished her drink, and for a moment, you got excited about the idea of her getting in bed with you. "what are you doing?"
"getting myself another drink. you're so fucking hot that i feel absolutely parched," alexia answered smugly. you hated the look on her face, even if it was one that you usually loved. alexia raked her eyes up and down your body as she poured herself a second drink. this time, she sat down on the bed in between your legs. foolishly, you sat up a little, only to be shoved right back down.
"ale," you whined.
"(y/n)," alexia mocked. you pouted and looked away from her, rolling your eyes as you did. alexia grabbed onto your jaw, forcing you to look at her. she leaned in until your lips were almost touching and told you, "if you look away from me again, i swear i'll stop. and trust me, i can go a lot longer without fucking you than you can handle."
"i'm sorry," you apologized. alexia let go of your jaw, allowing for that hand to go straight between your legs. "tell me what you want from me."
"i want you to lay back and let me have my fun," alexia told you. it was difficult not to sit up and move with her, but alexia wasn't giving you that option. you knew that if she stopped again, she'd make you beg for her to touch you again later. you were getting past the point of even wanting to be bratty with alexia. she was finally touching you, working away at the tension that had been building up inside of you.
you wanted to close your eyes as her fingers toyed with your clit. alexia knew just how to touch you in order to distract you. she knew exactly what she was doing, but you held strong. you forced yourself not to let go, even as alexia pushed two fingers inside of you. she was moving with the intention of roughly fucking you, something that alexia knew would have you looking away from her before you came.
"ale, please," you whimpered. you reached down and grabbed her wrist, slowing her movements down just a bit. "i can't do this much longer. ale, don't make me, i'm sorry. i'm so sorry."
"you haven't even cum yet. don't you want me to make you cum?" alexia asked as she curled her fingers inside of you. she watched as your brows furrowed and a small string of curse words left your lips. "i thought that this was what you wanted from me."
"i wanted you, that was all. i just wanted your attention, but not like this. i'll behave, just please, let me close my eyes," you pleaded with her. alexia shifted, spreading your legs a little wider as she pushed her hips against yours. "ale, please."
"since you've been asking so nicely, i guess that i will, under one condition. i want you to tell me how much you love me," alexia said. she stilled her fingers inside of you, but kept her thumb rubbing lazy circles around your clit.
"fuck! i love you so much alexia, i swear. i love you so fucking much, i don't think i've ever loved anybody like i love you. i love you on the pitch, i love you at home, and i love you right here between my legs fucking me. i love you when i'm staring at you, and i love you when i can't see you," you rambled. alexia's features softened as she leaned down and kissed you. her fingers started up again, and this time, you couldn't hold yourself back. alexia didn't seem to mind as she felt you clenching around her fingers.
"hey," alexia said softly as she pulled her fingers out of you.
"what?" you asked weakly. alexia laid down next to you, staring at you as she propped herself up on her elbows.
"i love you too." alexia leaned in and kissed your cheek.
"do you love me enough to get me some comfy clothes?" you asked her. alexia nodded and rolled out of bed. you watched as she grabbed some clothes for you to wear before changing out of her outfit from the bar.
alexia was a little extra cuddly once she got back into bed with you. she could tease you in the bedroom all she wanted about you wanting her attention, but she wanted yours just as badly. the only difference was her method of grabbing your attention. however, both of you almost always seemed to cling to each other the same way once you got a little bit of acknowledgement.
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bakubunny · 5 months
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@dcsiremc you started this with your lil, “better run along, daddy’s waiting,” nonsense, so eat up.
tw: jealous!izuku, f!reader, aged up characters, daddy as title, mild degradation, mild breath play, exhibition, reader is called puppy, katsuki loves to instigate bs
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your cheeks grew hot the moment katsuki’s hand lightly rested on your shoulder unnecessarily. he was hovering over you, answering a question you had about a case file. izuku cleared his throat from across the work room. you immediately pulled away from katsuki, who was looking back at izuku with a smug grin, unbeknownst to you. he watched as a vein bulged in izuku’s neck.
fuck, this is too easy, he thought. katuski knew how possessive izuku was and how easily he got jealous, especially when it came to you. he’d been doing this kind of shit all day - standing a little too close, speaking a little too softly so you’d have to lean in, taking one too many glances at your body when you weren’t looking - in an effort to set izuku off for the hell of it.
the final straw was when it was just the three of you in the agency. you were in front of the microwave. katsuki walked over and brushed his hand on the small of your back, hovering there as you froze while he reached around you to grab a coffee mug. you heard a pencil snap and a chair roll against the floor as izuku stood up.
“need something, kacchan?” tension laced his tone of voice.
katsuki looked at him in bewilderment. “no? just wanted a cup,” he said, holding the only other all might mug in the office in his hand.
you kept your head down as izuku walked over.
“then why the fuck are you touching my girl again?” izuku spat. he shoved katsuki’s shoulder.
“izu, stop-”
“shut the fuck up, brat, i’m dealing with you next,” he said.
katsuki bit back a grin. “tch. dunno what’s gotten into you but you need to chill.” izuku got in his face.
“keep your hands and your eyes to yourself, and i will. and you,” he said, turning your direction. izuku grabbed your bicep. “you just gonna let him do that when you know good and well who owns you? hmm?”
you froze, unsure of how he expected you to respond.
“answer me, pup,” he said quietly, leaning in to look you in the eyes.
katsuki’s grin broke and he snorted. your body grew hot.
“n-no, sir,” you whispered.
you flinched when his grip tightened.
“then what should you do?” his voice was as soft as he could manage, but the look on katsuki’s face told you he heard izuku’s every word.
“go to you.”
“that’s right,” izuku said.
izuku dragged you to the table where katsuki now sat with a plate of food for his lunch break. he took a fistful of your hair and pulled hard.
“ow! what are you doing?”
“reminding you of what’s mine. bend over. now.” he pressed your face into the table in front of the smug, blonde hero.
“are you crazy?” you asked. heat rushed to your core as izuku pinned one arm behind your back and grabbed the other to hold both of your hands tightly in one of his.
“you wanna play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. you know daddy doesn’t like to share,” he said. he lifted your skirt and ran his fingers along your panties, already more damp than you’d wanted to admit.
your breath caught as a thick finger slipped into your cunt. his skilled hand rubbed into your spongy sweet spot in a way that made you flutter around him, closing your eyes and biting back a whine. you tried to turn your face away from the grinning man you knew was staring down at you.
“no, no, don’t be shy,” izuku said. “you wanna be a brat and whore yourself out right in front of me, you’re gonna let kacchan see your pretty face when i make you cry.”
a whimper slipped off your lips. izuku pushed a second finger into you. he pumped harder and faster, the messy sound audible as you moaned.
“yeah, that’s what i fucking thought.” he leaned into your ear. “you’re just a dumb puppy, need to be put in your place. too stupid to know any better without my help.”
your cheeks burned as katsuki snickered, seeming unphased by what he was doing.
izuku shoved slick covered fingers into your mouth to clean off before pulling your panties down. he made quick work of unbuckling his belt and freeing his heavy cock. you cried out when he pushed into your cunt with a single thrust, tears pricking the corners of your eyes from overwhelming girth as he set a hard pace. the breath was knocked out of your lungs as he fucked you, a cold sweat forming on your skin as your body tried to adjust.
“izu, fuc- ah! it h-hurts,” you whined.
izuku’s hips slapped harder and faster into yours. “stop bitching, i know you can take it. take it like a good girl. take my fucking cock.”
the lump in your throat burned from the mix of pain and overwhelming pleasure rapidly overtaking your body. tears fell down your cheeks when a hard smack hit your ass and you groaned. katsuki looked down at you with a sickening grin as he ate.
“tch. dinner and a show. at least you’re good for somethin’,” he said.
izuku grunted. he let go of your arms and moved a hand to grip your hip. his free arm worked its way under and around your neck as his bicep flexed. your eyes rolled with his thrust at a slightly different angle, dragging his cock head along your sweet spot at a blinding pace.
“hear that? even kacchan knows where you belong,” izuku said, his warm breath fanning your skin.
you made a pitiful attempt at pulling on izuku’s tightening arm, the size of him and the strength of his hold only making the sound of your wet cunt sloppy and lewd as you clenched hard around his cock. lightheadedness trickled in as gurgling moans added to the disgusting slew of humiliating noises your body made.
“nuh uh, baby. who owns this pussy? who do you belong to?” he growled.
a shudder rolled down your back. you gasped as his grip loosened slightly. “daddyy-”
“say it again.” izuku’s lips grazed your ear.
“d-daddy, fuck, daddy,” you whined, drool pooling in the corner of your mouth.
his fingers dug into your hip hard enough to bruise.
“that’s it, puppy. better keep it up til you fucking cum. wanna hear you tell me that when you cum for me,” he said.
with your head spinning, the coil in your belly felt ready to snap as you nearly came undone. izuku’s balls clapped against your clit, sparks of tingling pleasure in your body as he moved, fucking you hard and deep. the sound of your slurred, pathetic voice crying out over and over as your legs shook made him groan.
“gonna make - shit - make me cum, fuck,” izuku said. c’mon, i know you’re close. be a good fuck toy and cum on my cock.”
“daddy, ah-”
you moaned and trembled when your orgasm came crashing down in white hot pleasure as you pushed your hips into his thrusts. izuku fucked you through it as his own hit, filling you with his hot cum with a growl.
“fuck, that’s it, milk my cock dry…. s’ a good girl….”
izuku groaned again before kissing your head as you came down from bliss. you could already feel wet heat trickling down your thighs. katsuki’s grin told you he was never going to let you live this down.
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆
one month later
you stood at katsuki’s desk, clarifying something about his recently submitted case file, feeling the weight of izuku’s eyes on you as he answered you. katsuki glanced in his direction and smirked.
“better run along. daddy’s waiting.”
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