#storyline/conflicts/character development for this season lol
bipaulinadlm · 2 years
anyway. genuine rebelde thoughts no one asked for: (under a read more because wow was that more than i expected to write!!)
i feel like s2 had a very different vibe from s1... in s1 there was obviously a lack of depth/character development but the show seemed to mostly just be silly with minimal conflict and aimed at slightly younger audiences. which was fine. i liked the teens having teenage drama and the musical performances. but s2 was like... let’s throw in drug dealing, threesomes, car accidents, people going into comas, a grown ass adult man trying to manipulate and drug minors, and murder. like ???? idk. it was just very much not what i expected from the show after seeing season 1.
also the musical performances really left smth to be desired :( in the first couple eps it was okay but then all of a sudden it wasn’t about the music at all anymore which was weird bc like... that is the Whole Point! they are at music school! disappointing :/
plus, even though they were obviously trying to make the show more serious, no one actually... developed in a narratively satisfying way? like for example, esteban’s entire arc in s1 was figuring out who his mom was, but now he was just an egocentric asshole for NO reason the entire season. which i did not get. why were girls suddenly obsessed with him? what even HAPPENED with the ilse and laura plotline? why did he suddenly have 0 morals for most of the show and then in the last few moments decide actually maybe i will be normal? just. huh. and that’s ONLY esteban who, along with jana, is Thee most boring character in the show...
anyway. as for other characters:
- jana. boring. lame. tried to do something with her attempting to find her identity but that conflict has been going on for 2 seasons and nothing has happened. also why bring in the video w okane thing and then 1 episode later act like it never happened? plus the car crash thing? like she was fully traumatized from that for an episode but then she and dixon hugged and it was fine? don’t understand
- sebas. WHERE to even start. man was inexplicably useless and just there to be docile and made fun of for half the season then he suddenly became his old asshole backstabber self. NO semblance of any redemption arc with mj, no explanations for why he continues to act this way... they didn’t even delve into his relationship with his mom and her expectations for him! it was all surface-level motivation
- i really liked mj last season but she just felt not there this time. idk she was just there half the time to be with sebas for no reason and to give dixon someone to pine after which was disappointing... the morning after pill plotline was resolved so weirdly...
- emilia . okay emilia was okay in this season but i wanted to see her more :( i appreciated her actual motivation to do Something even if it got her expelled/breaking up with andi and also she seemed to genuinely learn from it. yay for actual character development! for once!
- andi... idk her entire plotline was the addiction and then being there to plot w the others. which... was boring?? i wanted more of her artistic pursuits and stuff bc i liked seeing her start songwriting!! THAT is a fun new road that would have been in line with the show’s vibe! not addiction and an overdose jesus christ. plus i want andi and emilia back together my beloveds
- okane and luka were a high point honestly. maybe just bc okane was new and seemed more interesting bc of that but they both were so entertaining... them just insulting each other at first was hilarious. but also he and luka never actually resolved the whole “taking bribes from gus to sell drugs” thing. and also his relationship (????) with jana was weird af and also never resolved after the whole video incident. i did appreciate that he and luka actually had genuine conversations unlike some people and their love interests (cough cough esteban). and the relationship btwn luka and his dad did actually sort of develop yay for development... i guess... anyway okane and luka saved half this season
- gus sucked. why did we need that. he was the only reason half the plot happened and it was just STUPID! lol. i did not enjoy him as a character or plot device. chicago voice he had it coming
well! anyway. this season was... interesting. i’ll give it a 6 or 7 out of 10 because i am absurdly attached to these characters, i do like some of the drama, & it makes me laugh/ feel happy. and i hope it’s renewed for s3. but was it structurally and narratively good? no
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perpetual-stories · 1 year
Tension vs. Conflict: What’s the Difference?
Good morning everyone! It’s my birthday today and because it’s my birthday I thought I’d post today (that’s kind of an obscure reference to Star Wars Guy and his girlfriend lol)!
Conflict and tension in literature help build drama and keep readers engaged through the end of the book. Learning the distinctions between conflict and tension will help elevate your writing and make your storylines more engaging.
What Is Tension in Writing?
Tension in a literary context is the sense that something ominous is right around the corner. Building a large amount of tension as a writer keeps your readers engaged up until the end of the story. Mystery novels are full of tension and foreboding, and they generally feature tense scenes from beginning to end. Working within the genre of mystery writing is a great way to learn how to layer tension into your narrative arc. Good use of tension makes a story worth reading and keeps readers guessing.
3 Tips for Using Tension in Your Writing
Learning to build tension is no easy task. Even the most seasoned professional writers have trouble maintaining tension from beginning to end. Here are a few tips for using tension successfully in your writing:
Foreshadowing: An important part of building tension is using foreshadowing to build dramatic tension and keep readers on the edges of their seats. In Harry Potter, author J.K. Rowling uses flashbacks and backstory to foreshadow the eventual major conflict that will unfold between Harry Potter and the villainous Voldemort.
Inner conflict: Sometimes inner conflict and self-doubt can be layered in through character development and used to build levels of tension. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the main character wants to avenge his father’s death but is beset by self-doubt, paralyzing indecision, and mental strain. As an audience, there is a sense of tension in every scene as we wait to see if Hamlet will act on his inner desire for retribution or remain stuck in a place of indecision.
A time limit: One great way to build tension in your story is to place a time limit on an action your character has to undertake. By adding the element of a ticking clock, you build tension and increase stakes. This is a common technique used in thriller novels and films as well as action and adventure stories.
What Are the Differences Between Conflict and Tension?
While tension simmers under the surface, conflict is generally out in the open—it's tension realized. Tension might be present an unspoken rivalry between the protagonist and antagonist or in the audience’s awareness of an impending disaster.
Conflict, on the other hand, involves an active clash; maybe the protagonist and the antagonist engage in a firefight or a heated debate, or maybe a character fights off a pack of animals or works to prevent climate catastrophe. Even if the conflict is interior—a character battling low self-worth, perhaps—it still involves opposing forces struggling for supremacy.
What Is Conflict in Writing?
Conflict can come in many forms. Conflict in a story can be a physical fistfight or a passive-aggressive war of words. All that is required for conflict is a manifestation of disagreement or incompatibility between a character and something else. Characters can be in conflict with other characters, with natural forces, or with society at large.
Another type of conflict is internal conflict. Conflict is one of the fundamental principles of narrative and creative writing. In order to write a story worth reading, you need characters whose point of view is in some way challenged and to whom bad things happen. Without conflict, you won’t have a narrative or any meaningful character arc.
4 Types of Conflict and Tips for Using Them in Your Writing
The kind of conflict you use depends on what your plot and subplots are centered around and what your main character wants and needs. New plot points generally introduce conflict or advance existing conflict. Here are some types of conflict to employ in your writing and a few tips about when and how you migh
Person vs. self: An internal conflict is a kind of conflict that only manifests within a character’s head. Though we may see this conflict dramatized through narration or dialogue, or play out in the protagonist’s actions, it is an internal struggle within a character.
Person vs. person: The simplest and most common form of external conflict is when two characters are in conflict with each other. The first stories we are told as kids generally have a clear good guy and bad guy. These stories are early introductions to person vs. person conflict. Person vs. person conflicts are very common, and it’s rare to find a narrative without an interpersonal conflict present at some point in the story.
Person vs. nature: Conflict between a person and forces of nature is a good example of external struggle that can raise the stakes in a story. Some notable stories that included conflict between a person and a natural force include The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway and Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Consider using person vs. nature conflict if you’re interested in writing a story with one main character and few, if any, supporting characters.
Person vs. society: Conflict between a person and society at large is a type of conflict often found in science fiction. Some notable examples of this type of conflict are found in The Handmaid’s Tale and The Hunger Games series. In The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen finds herself contending with a dystopian and oppressive United States government that pits citizen against citizen in order to keep dissent down and quell rebellion. If you’re interested in science fiction or narratives about social justice, you might want to consider exploring conflicts that pit an individual character against society at large.
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onyourowndaisymae · 9 days
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𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 - 𝒖𝒑𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔, 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 & 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒔
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i'm alive. yay! it's certainly been a minute since i've posted anything substantial, and i'm here to rectify that. this post is long. very long. i talk about a lot here-- my absence, my thoughts on obey me nowadays, what i've experienced as a writer on this platform, and updates i'm making to the way this blog looks and runs.if you're interested in catching up but don't have the time or motivation to read all of this, feel free to scroll down to the closing remarks.
☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 ☆
so, i will say this unintentional hiatus was caused by three things: my health, my shaky relationship with the obey me franchise, and the growing difficulties of participating in fandom. i'll address all three in that order.
★ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 - my health has been shaky practically all of my adult life. i'm getting better about managing it, but even now, being twenty two years old and unable to keep up with my peers is... so exhausting. on my worst days, i am stuck in bed and distracting myself from the pain. the american healthcare system is a doozy that gives me a headache, but just know that i'm working towards proper diagnoses and treatment as fast as i can. i know that pushing myself to write for the sake of a regular posting schedule is ridiculous, so i have no intentions to do that. i will roll with the punches of my shitty health and hope i don't get knock on my ass again, lol.
★ 𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐞 - okay. hater time. i don't really like nightbringer.
i know! i know! hold your rotten tomatoes and let me make these stocks my soapbox for just a minute while i explain! i promise i'm not being a thoughtless critic!
i think the writing for the franchise has been slowly going down in quality for awhile. i'm never going to act like this is the best writing i've ever seen in a video game, but obviously season 1 of the og game was good enough to get us all hooked. the conflicts felt real, the relationships felt earned, and the lore was really interesting. season 2 of the og game has a special place in my heart. the franchise used to be romantic! dark! horny! complex! it feels like in recent months, the game has become so sanitized that it's alienating the same userbase that gave such an odd concept a chance in the first place. season 2 opened with an aphrodesiac plotline, and now we can hardly get a kiss from our love interests. i'm not saying everything needs to be graphic smut, but come on! it's a romance game, damnit! with as many competitors solmare has in the otome market right now, i don't know why they wouldn't be focusing on dynamic and interesting romance.
nightbringer itself is. whooo. a dual-edged sword. on one hand, it turned me into a solomon simp, and clearly i can't get enough of this man. it also had some really touching character moments. asmo's arc about falling and missing how things used to be was fantastic. satan's early development and issues bonding with his brothers were handled really well. but at the same time... these characters have also struggled with flat and rushed writing in this game. satan almost exclusively is just "cat guy with a temper" now. barbatos' character, while nice to finally have romantic storylines, has been butchered for the sake of making sure every romanceable character is marketable early on. characters are saying "i love you" ENTIRELY too fast. i get that this is not the og game and things will obviously be different in this timeline, but at the very least, i expect the writers to handle this stuff with care. i'm disappointed by how one-note everything feels now.
also, while i'm up here on my soapbox, i will also say: i think the events are abysmal nowadays. fucking hell. i am disappointed every time i click on a story portion and read three lines before the screen fades out and it's over! the events used to be low-stakes, interesting ways to explore the characters, but now it's just. disappointing. i think something similar has happened to the devilgrams and the romance that used to be in them, although it's nowhere near as bad.
for all of my bitching and moaning, i still clearly like this game franchise. i'm still going to write for it. but i think it's important to discuss these failings as a community. it helps people feel less alone when their passion begins to wane for something they once loved for seemingly no reason. maybe we can prevent the series from falling apart before its bitter end. it does not make you a "bad fan" to be able to critique something you love-- it means you love it enough to know when it's not at its best.
★ 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 - at some point, i found i got really intimidated by posting on my own blog. i began to psych myself out with every post, every like, every thing i got excited about. "is this good enough? do i want people to see this?" it's one thing to want to put your best foot forward, but another entirely to try to make every single thing you post perfect in an ill-fated attempt to fend of criticism from yourself of others. it's why i never took up art or music to any serious degree-- why put so much effort into something that's doomed to fail?
and then came the worry about notes and reblogs and followers. fandom should never be a numbers game, and for a lot of people it isn't. but it became a legitimate worry of mine that people would be disappointed if i didn't put out something with universal appeal, and thus, i'd be disappointed myself that i didn't live up to some unspoken expectation. i wanted to start posting for a new fandom, but then i became really worried people would feel "cheated" for following me when they expected one thing and got another.
obviously, this is not a healthy mindset. i needed to take a step back.
how did i resolve this? why didn't i just quit? well, for starters, i took some time to remember why i started posting. i have been writing fanfiction all of my life, usually shared with only a singular person and obsessed about until all of the dopamine was wrung dry from it. bringing it online was a deliberate choice. at first, it was because i was desperate for content for a small fandom (collar x malice, my beloved!) and thought "if nobody's gonna post this, i will!". but then i got into obey me, a much bigger fandom. through posting, i found a larger community of people who loved this piece of media just as fervently as i did. so many people of amazing talents dedicating their time and effort into expressing their love for this hobby. as i did the same, i began to gain a small following. one of my series blew up and gained me praise from some of my absolute favorite people in the fandom-- now, they're my friends who i adore. i began to grow proud of my writing. i'd never been proud like that before. posting on tumblr has proven to me that i'm capable of stepping out of my comfort zone and take the risk to do something, even if i'll fail. that is something i am so thankful for and can never replace.
i won't pretend fandom doesn't have its faults. every time i log on, i can scroll long enough to find something that absolutely exhausts me. labors of love are, at the end of the day, still labor, and work without appreciation is demoralizing. fandom is run by passion, but when there's a drought of people willing to put themselves out there it becomes hard to invest your energy into.
i don't have a perfect solution for this. all i know is that i can also scroll long enough to find a piece of writing or art so breathtaking that it invigorates my creative spirit. or i'll check my notifications and find a comment or reblog that absolutely makes my day. and isn't that worth sticking around a bit longer?
in the future, i'll try to be better about announcing my breaks and also just... pacing myself better. sometimes it'll be a bit until you hear from me. i hope that's okay. know i'll never log off for good without an explanation. i'd like to keep posting my silly little stories for a long time.
☆ 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 ☆
jesus. that previous section was waaaaay too long. okay. time to lock in.
★ i have a new theme! i used to have a sort of vague space-y theme, but i'm committing to the stars. do you like them? i hope so :3
★ i'm gonna get a bit weirder with the content. part of what has inspired me to keep writing is people coming up with the most off-the-wall, random, interesting ideas that i come back to consistently. that will include some dark content and the themes surrounding it like violence, horror, etc. things here will ALWAYS be tagged as thoroughly as i can. if you're not interested in reading that, no worries! hopefully something else i've written will catch your eye. (and obviously, minors, do not interact with this content. you shouldn't be in here-- my "byf" page has indicated this page is 18+ since the beginning).
★ as a general rule, i've decided that i'm no longer going to take requests. i love the enthusiasm and hearing people's ideas, but ultimately, i never end up doing them. instead, my ask box is always open for post suggestions, conversations, etc. i just don't want the sort of obligation that requests come with hanging out in the background anymore. this is, however, subject to change for special events, like that trick or treat event i did in the past and the fics for gaza event i'm doing currently, so stay tuned!
★ ... despite my in-depth obey me ramblings above, this is a multi-fandom page, lol. i will forever and always give my flowers to collar x malice. i am interested in posting occasional fics here for other fandoms in the general otome genre, so keep an eye out for those.
★ the above rule has been broken by my beloved, twisted wonderland. remember above where i mentioned wanting to post about a new fandom? yeah, it's this one. it became too much of an obsession. the new blog is centered around making night raven college an actual college, as well as just other twst content as well. the username is @daisystwistedgarden. give it a follow if you like that content! i probably won't discuss it much here, as i want the writing to stand on its own, but the pages have very similar layouts. that's me on a sideblog, don't worry :)
★ the masterlists are getting an entire overhaul and will now be organized by character. i procrastinated the hell out of these-- make overhauling the masterlists reason 3.5 for the hiatus. i will queue those up to post overnight sometime this week, so expect those sometime soon.
☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 + 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 ☆
if you're here, i want to say thank you. this blog, which originally started on a whim, has really done a lot for me. i love writing (even if i hate all the boring administrative parts of running a blog) and the fact that you people spare the time to read my silly little posts is insane to me. while i was gone, we hit the 2k follower mark (and the 2.1k follower mark, too!) and i'm just. baffled. thank you.
i'm back, i'm ready to write, and i'm excited to see where this takes me. give me a couple of days to fully replace all the old posts with new ones and make everything look right, but after that, i'll be posting again like normal. if you're interested in my twisted wonderland content, follow @daisystwistedgarden, and if you want to support my writing and gaza at the same time, consider donating to my "sponsor a WIP" page here.
once again, thank you for reading, for liking, for reblogging, for following, for hanging out in my ask box-- all of it. it means the world to me that i get to enjoy this slice of the internet with such wonderful people.
talk soon. (for real this time). xx
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ahti-the-janitor · 8 months
Okay, so... I have some not-so-positive thoughts about Olu/Zheng and Jim/Archie.
So, I'm supposed to believe Olu talks about Zheng all the time etc etc but we haven't seen any of that. I knew it was gonna happen but there was honestly no buildup. I wish they had at least shown some of that so it would feel a little bit better.
I understand that they wanted to add more female characters and I love that but why do they have to break up Jim and Olu to put them into relationships with said women? That I don't exactly understand.
If they wanted relationships for Zheng and Archie, there are plenty of other characters. But also, they could just exist as fun, interesting characters on their own? I think s2 is already too packed with storylines, so now we have this in my opinion pretty half-assed romance and no explanation why Olu and Jim suddenly apparently fell out of love. I think they are trying to make it sound like they were pretty platonic but happened to fuck and it's kinda weird and kinda hurtful and in my opinion makes zero sense bc there was a whole story arc in s1 of Olu and Jim being in love, pining for each other, etc. It wasn't just a random fuck. And then they got separated unwillingly, and may have thought each other dead. But still their reunion didn't have much emotion. But I doubt your feelings would just die away in that time especially if you thought the other was dead and then they turned up?? I know they talked about Jim kissing Archie and such and Olu didn't mind but as a viewer who loves Olu/Jim and loved their arc in s1, I do feel disappointed. And honestly kinda betrayed even that all that development and stuff was seemingly swept under the rug. It feels rushed and disingenuous and wrong in the eyes of someone who really loved these two and was looking forward to seeing them together again in s2.
In my opinion, ir doesn't make any sense to rush Jim and Olu into new separate relationships after putting so much focus on theirs in s1. Why waste that? And why think I would care about Arcie/Jim or Olu/Zheng nearly as much when they haven't had all that development together? Idk, it feels to me like they just threw all of that beautiful storyline from s1 in the drain. And I know people change and stop loving each other (romantically, in this case) and that's life but idk in these circumstances it kinda makes no sense to me. And especially since it feels so rushed and not satisfying at all as there was - like I've said - zero buildup, we barely even know these new characters. And like I said, s2 is already too short and too packed with conflicts and storylines so why did they have to add this?
I wouldn't mind poly. I think that would be amazing, actually. I'd love it!! Some people say they already are in a poly relationship but... Idk it's kinda vague? And Olu was like "I'm gonna go on Zheng's ship :D" and why would it be such an easy decision if he was together with Jim/Jim and Archie? And I don't think I would mind Archie/Jim and Olu/Zheng this much if it wasn't for the fact that Olu and Jim had a pretty big and solid storyline in s1 and now I feel like it's being dismissed as them just fucking. They clearly weren't just platonic besties who had a crush on each other and fucked like once. I feel like I'm going crazy when people and the show seem to insist that to me as if I haven't seen the first season where that clearly wasn't the case.
I don't know if this makes any sense, I have a hard time writing things out neatly lol. But... Some of my thoughts.
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theredhairedmonkey · 8 months
Posting my reply to @kuno-chan’s post separately here as I’m not going to reblog slander disparaging me or others.
Also, since these are just all the same talking points lifted from elsewhere in the fandom, there’s no need to go line by line. Nevertheless, I’ve given this plenty of time and thought, and will break my take down into four parts:
Callum and Rayla
No, Callum is not obsessed with Rayla. Sorry, but one brief evening of him mourning the anniversary of Rayla leaving isn’t a constant obsession lol. This scene shows he still has feelings for her, but it does not constitute a constant preoccupation. For the vast majority of time in s4 before she returned, he hardly acknowledged her. Even when she returned and left again in 4x03, he did not have a any reaction at all, and went along with his day.
Callum is a deeply caring person who would do anything for those he loves, including Ezran, Soren, and Amaya (Yes, even Soren, as Callum was about to fight Elmer to defend him despite being injured himself). This fierce loyalty is part of his nature, not evidence of obsession over one person. His willingness to fight for others can be both a strength and a flaw at times.
At the same time, as Finnegrin points out to Callum in 5x08, his friends are also willing to do anything for him too. It’s a two-way street.
Meanwhile, Rayla seems more singularly focused on Callum, calling him the "best thing I ever had" and clearly pining for him constantly. Her moral compass now revolves around Callum and protecting Callum specifically. So between the two, she displays more obsessive tendencies regarding their relationship. To the point that I have mentioned before it’s a little disconcerting that most of her character arc in s4 seems to just be about getting back together with him.
Speaking of which, even after they reconcile, the lead writer dropped the bombshell that they’re actually not currently dating:
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Which really begs the question, if Rayla is so eager to resume their relationship, why haven’t they? If Callum is so obsessed with her, why hasn’t he taken her back yet?
This doesn’t mean Callum doesn’t care deeply about her. He absolutely does. But if Callum were truly obsessed, he likely would have immediately resumed the relationship. The fact that he has not suggests he has set healthy boundaries and is not driven by obsession.
But that’s just the relationship angle. There’s also the issue with assigning Rayla’s traits (flaws specifically) to Callum. Callum is indeed loyal, and to his detriment sometimes, but loyalty and devotion aren’t the main driver for his actions. They’re Rayla’s. You don’t even have to take my word for it, it’s spelled out in Tales of Xadia:
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Callum’s most important value is Freedom/Liberty, once again spelled out in Tales of Xadia:
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And this distinction is crucial, as it’s the crux of his storyline in s5: is he really free to choose not to do dark magic (or free to make any choice for that matter), and what does it mean to have unlimited potential, and whether that unlimited potential can lead to a very dark place. Once again, flat out stated by the lead writer of the show:
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Notice how Devon explained Callum’s motivation without ever mentioning “Rayla”?
Chalking up his motivation to just an obsession for Rayla that he’ll always have, that he’s just That Way and nothing else, deprives him of this arc and reduces him to a two dimensional sidepiece for Rayla. It strips him of the complexity of his season 5 arc, where he struggles with the meaning of unlimited potential and the darkness that could engender. His inner conflicts go far beyond his feelings for Rayla. Suggesting otherwise diminishes his character development, and it's beyond me why anyone would want that.
Callum and Morality
As I’ve said before, I enjoy Callum’s dark side immensely. I really do. But the point of the Ocean Arcanum, as I've mentioned before, is that everyone has a dark side:
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Thus, Callum isn’t any more particularly morally dubious than anyone else. Sorry, but a single use of dark magic, with already-dead ingredients, in an extremely controlled setting for the very narrow purpose of setting himself free, doesn’t make Callum morally dubious. And I’m sure the average person could see the VAST chasm of difference between using One Bad Spell and dooming the world for Rayla’s sake that the story has no chance of bridging in just two seasons.
He refrained from using the snake chain spell offensively against people, as we've seen it used before (in 2x03). It was narrowly employed just to free himself, after which he immediately returned to primal magic. And in that sense, I haven’t seen a single person argue this one act was unjustifiable.
And, as he gives Finnegrin the wrong list of ingredients, that’s basically the only real act of moral ambiguity Callum has displayed. Because for everything else, you have to hold Callum to a unique (and impossible) standard that applies to no one else. For instance, it's not considered morally dubious when Amaya punched Karim, yet Callum punching Finnegrin supposedly is? Callum is dubious for forgiving Rayla of her crimes (in a show that’s centered on forgiveness and trust as sources of true strength), yet Rayla isn’t dubious for actually committing those crimes? Like, Rayla actually lies, steals, and abandons her friends, yet Callum is viewed as more dubious simply for forgiving her?
Seriously, why am I supposed to think Callum is dubious for saving his friend at the cost of a snake’s tail, yet Rayla is merely “complex” for what she's done?
To be clear, while Rayla has certainly done morally questionable things, that does not make her a bad person or even a morally dubious person overall. But the same must also apply to Callum - his singular use of dark magic for escape does not negate his generally good and principled nature. Very few people would consider his actions in that scene truly unjustifiable.
Callum and Viren
As I’ve said before here, Callum and Viren are indeed foils, and perhaps the most important foil relationship in the series. But the point of foil characters is showing each other’s opposing traits:
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And yea, it should be pretty obvious that Callum and Viren are dramatically different from one another. Callum protects those close to him and tries to do the right thing, while Viren seeks to amass as much power for himself as he can.
This is even clear from their parallel shots that Viren and Callum are extremely different, for good and bad reasons. When opening the door to greet the guard, Viren appears self-important while Callum seems nice and humble. When he confronts Soren on the battlements, Callum is aggressive and angry where Viren was calm and calculated. These are not the same person.
That doesn’t mean Viren and Callum are opposites in every way; some minor similarities are there to humanize Viren, not equate him with Callum. For instance, the moment he parallels Callum and the group’s “I’d do anything for you” was to show that Viren isn’t just a power hungry tyrant but also a devoted and desperate father. However the fact that this is a sympathetic moment undercuts the supposed dubiousness of Callum.
Viren's devotion to his children parallels Callum's loyalty to his friends, making Viren sympathetic rather than wholly evil. But this does not make Callum dubious by association - if anything, it suggests Viren has glimmers of goodness akin to Callum's steadfast decency. If Viren is portrayed as good to the extent that he’s similar to Callum, what does that say about Callum himself?
So while they have a couple superficial similarities, their core character traits and motivations remain opposites. It is unreasonable to equate them based on scant common ground when their differences are so pronounced. If parallels to Callum humanize Viren, that reflects well on Callum, not poorly.
It’s also pretty telling that the same people downplay Callum's explicit and canonical similarities to the moral exemplar Amaya, while overstating negligible common ground with the villainous Viren...
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Fandom Toxicity:
While I can be blunt or harsh about takes I disagree with or think are poorly thought out, I never attack the people holdings those views or suggest that they’re terrible people. I would never, for instance, suggest that people who don’t subscribe to my view of Callum to be incels, or who don’t subscribe to my view of Rayla to be mysoginists, or who don’t subscribe to my view of Ezran to be racists.
It’s not just toxic and offensive behavior, but it’s also inconsistent. When you ask “why is it so bad that some people believe Callum is dubious,” it kinda falls flat when you turn around and call people "incels" for having a different take on Callum.
I’m not going to comment much more on this as I think it speaks for itself, but I also deal with enough bullying and harassment as it is, so this will probably be it for me. I see no reason to continue when you are arguing with such bad faith.
The argument here is basically “since Callum was willing to squish a snake’s tail and risk his life for Rayla, then it’s reasonable he’d be willing to risk the entire world for her.” I’m sorry, but I’m of the opinion that this doesn’t follow and is kinda far fetched. That isn’t a personal attack, just my personal take.
It’s fine to want Callum to be morally dubious. You’d be pushing an open door with me if you think it would be cool headcanon. Completely unsubstantiated by canon, but still cool.
But for whatever reason, the favor is not returned. It should be fine to think Callum has a moral code, that he has a life outside of Rayla, and that he’ll probably rise above his weaknesses and flaws by the end of the saga. Yet the namecalling and mudslinging that this is responded with is just WILD.
I don’t deal well with insults, or namecalling, or the insinuation that I am in denial subconsciously, or I don’t really mean it when I discuss Callum’s dark side. Nor will I entertain it. This type of bad faith dealing barely deserved a response, much less several paragraphs worth, but now that this is all on a page, I’m going to do both of us a favor and say that we’re done.
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wowthatsextra · 8 months
how would you rank the seasons of the oc?
(oh and btw i'm working on your ask, i just love so many of ryan' scenes, so it's hard to find specific ones)
Well I adore all the seasons but my ranking goes a little weird. There are first and second halves bc I can't decide full seasons lol
Season 1 is the best obviously. The classic class dynamics, the characters being babies and just starting off their development, the Cohens accepting Ryan and the beginning of Ryissa and Sethmer/the core four. I remember watching the first two episodes being like- yeah they always fight and burn shit down, this show seems like my thing. Thank you @closetfascination for recommending it xD. The Oliver storyline was so intense and all of the conflicts in that season is so entertaining and dramatic, even though there were ones that didn’t age well- like Luke's gay dad or Hailey's stripping.
Then I'd say Season 2B. Mostly because Seth and Summer and Ryan and Marissa coming back together as couples and as the core four. The Mallpisode was great! The whole "save Trey" drug bust storyline was cool too- I basically gasped when Seth and Ryan are talking in the kitchen and Seth is like, are you disappointed Trey is selling drugs after everything you did for him? And Ryan is like he isn’t, he only confessed to the police to protect Marissa. Seth asks how do you know? Ryan says, because I was about to do the same. It was painful to see the SA storyline and how it impacted Ryissa. Loved Marissa and Alex's relationship in the beginning but didn’t like how they treated them later on- I get that they were getting homophobic backlash but they didn’t have to casually homophobic too :( Julie and the revenge porn situation was so icky although I did like that she was about to kill Caleb for money but saved herself from doing it but he died anyways lol. The comic book storyline was so ridiculous it was funny. And of course, Kirsten's deterioration was the hardest but it made so much sense.
Season 3A. I love how the season starts off them facing external battles (expulsion, scrutiny) but internally going strong. The core four was ride and die for each other! Sethmer planning to go to college together was so cute, and I like that despite being horrible to Ryan, Julie stayed loyal to Kirsten and protected her and the town from Charlotte's scam. It ends with the core four successfully getting Marissa back into Harbour which is very sweet! I didn’t like the Taylor/Dean Hess storyline but him getting kicked out was satisfying and even though Taylor started out annoying, I grew to like her when she started befriending and helping them. I even liked Marissa's public school storyline until the Johnny thing became too depressing.
Season 2A. Loved Seth and Ryan being back but the whole season is Kirsten and Sandy slowly facing issues and it was so painful to watch :( Marissa had it rough with her mom and Ryan leaving and DJ, but her dynamic with Alex started off really fun. I liked Lindsay's character and her relationship with Ryan and the reveal that she was Caleb's daughter but the aftermath was painful as expected. Sethmer started off kinda flaky and shaky but they got better eventually.
Then 4. It starts off dark but I'm glad they took the time to honour Marissa. It feels like a different show but I loved it. Ryan and Taylor's entire relationship is so funny and sweet and I love that Ryan got to be a little lighter this season. Sethmer getting engaged was funny but also a little frustrating. This season would've been higher because I was mostly happy and carefree watching it but it's so low because Frank's introduction was so suspenseful and fun but they ruined it for me by making it another "let's forgive abusive parents for doing the bare minimum". I loved the ending though- Julie getting her degree, Sandy and Kirsten having another baby, independent Summer, Sethmer married and Ryan helping that kid. It was also funny when Chris Pratt was in love with Seth for two seconds lol
Season 3B. It's the last one because it is the most painful lol (Ryissa breakup, everything about Johnny, them being in random relationships especially Marissa and Volchok ew and her eventual death) but I really love it too. Summer and Marissa officially becoming sisters was cute. The post-breakup friendship between Ryan and Marissa came naturally to them without the romantic expectations. Ryan's jealousy arc with MV was so fun- I always howl in the scene where Ryan and Sadie are hooking up in the poolhouse and Seth yells from outside that Marissa is hooking up with Volchok and the scene cuts to Ryan letting Sadie out because "the mood is ruined"- and ofc the prom and the aftermath. Ryan learning about Theresa's baby and putting up boundaries with Jess was cool to watch. Sethmer breaking up over college was frustrating and sad but glad they got back together and Seth smoking weed and burning down Sandy's office was so funny. Kirsten almost relapsing was sad and I'm glad Sandy finally prioritized family over the hospital.
Finally ugh 😭 sorry for keeping this hanging for so long! I'd respond to the other asks soon <3 best wishes!
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paperstorm · 1 year
It hasn't even been a week and I already have so many thoughts for what I'd like to see next season lol.
1. I think the search for Gabriel's killer should be left until the second half bc it would be way more satisfying to end the season with that.
2. I'd like to see Tarlos just being married. I'm not saying that there can't be some kind of drama but have them face it together. They've had so much growth this season I would like to see that continue rather than just more miscommunication now that they're actually married.
3. Have the first few episodes focus on Judd and the Ryders and how the 126 is affected by Judd not being there. Have some focus on Wyatt's recovery and how that affects his and Judd's relationship. Maybe have some scenes with TK and Judd. I think this would be a good opportunity for that.
4. This would also be a good opportunity to explore dual-certified TK more. Have him filling in for Judd on some cases.
5. Actually more of the usual rescues. I feel like we didn't get a lot of those this season.
6. More light-hearted episodes. This season was darker than any of the others and I think next season should return to having more light-hearted episodes.
7. Bring Iris back. We could see more of her friendship with Carlos. Also, have her and TK interact. Iris obviously sees a kinship with TK and I think it would be cool to explore that. Plus it would be great comedy to have two of them getting up to shenanigans and driving Carlos crazy.
7. Bring TK into the Robert storyline and see him and Owen interact. Along with that, see how it affects their relationship with Robert's family since Owen helped Robert die is likely going to be revealed. Explore Owen's grief and how it triggers his trauma over Tyler and have him and TK talk about that. And explore TK's feelings since he was so excited to get to know his cousins.
8. More of the other couples. I want to see more of Paul and Asha and learn more about Paul's background through that. And see Marjan and Yusef develop. And Nancy and Mateo. Maybe they have some conflict and we get to actually see them being a real couple beyond a few cute moments.
8. Maybe see TK thinking about his faith more. Maybe a rescue makes him think about it and he contemplates returning to temple. And with that, have Marjan exploring her faith more now that she's with a Muslim partner that she chose for herself. All respect but I think it's time that the non-Christian characters got a little more focus.
9. Have Carlos and Andrea talk about how Carlos’s relationship with Gabriel hurt him and have her actually listen instead of invalidating it. Have him tell her how much it hurts that Gabriel was so distant with him for most of his life and how he died before they could actually have a better relationship. Maybe have him talk to his sisters too. It's possible that they just don't get how hard it was for Carlos bc they have different memories of Gabriel and they weren't there when Carlos came out so they don't know just how bad it was.
10. Have the season end with them catching Gabriel's killer. Maybe Carlos decides to become a detective. He's obviously going to be involved in the search somehow but have him do it right instead of him getting obsessed and going off on his own which would also show the growth he had this season.
I know this is a lot lol. But these are just some thoughts I had. I just hope that the strike can end soon so we won't have to wait too long
Look at you with so many coherent thoughts!!!! I am still reeling and can’t even begin to have ideas like this yet but I would be into every one of these. Maybe Tim is lurking 👀👀👀
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finalboybyers · 9 months
Do you think Will and Henry will have multiple meetings/encounters throughout the season? I know that some people think that would make us the audience too familiar with Henry and therefore make him less threatening/scary.
i think if the duffers really want to make henry an iconic villain, they should make us more familiar with his character.
it might or might not make him less scary, because it depends on how they’ll handle it. hannibal lecter had his storyline intertwined with will graham’s and they had multiple meetings, but it didn’t make hannibal a less threatening figure. same with harry & voldemort, pinhead & kirsty.
for now, henry/vecna doesn’t have much depth as a villain and as a character in general, mostly because his scenes lack psychological aspect. he’s just torturing/killing his victims, and his whole goal is to take revenge on humanity. personally i think they could use more of psychological aspect with him & will next season, and make their relationship really complicated, without necessarily taking away the horror vibe from their dynamic.
i think it’d be a great opportunity to further develop both characters, and give us some insight into the nature of their relationship, because, lbr, the duffers had so much time to explore it in previous seasons but didn’t. i’d love to see both henry & will have some kind of internal conflict, because of how similar they are, and the fact that they can relate to each other.
i can’t say that i’m 100% sure they are going to have a face to face meeting, not to mention multiple meetings. i’d even say it’s unlikely to happen, because i simply don’t think the duffers are good writers lol. if they wanted to make the will & henry dynamic truly iconic and well-written, they should’ve started exploring it long time ago, and i doubt they’ll have much time to do it in season 5.
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Hi there, Laura! Hope you are doing well and enjoying the holiday season. You don't have answer this ask, but after reading your thoughts on the new chapter, I just wanted to share that you're not alone in feeling frustrated with the BC manga right now. I have certainly been feeling the same way myself. I actually took a break from it for a while earlier this year (still kept up with the spoilers & such but didn't read week to week) partially due to my poor health and mostly because I was feeling frustrated & hoping it would keep my attention better if/when the pacing evened out. Unfortunately, the pacing issues seem to be persisting. Being a bit of a hobbyist writer myself I recognize that it can be very difficult to keep a consistent pace throughout a story especially a very long one so I try to be forgiving of that in works, especially when they are ongoing & published serially (like a manga). I think in this particular case there is just a big contrast between the pacing of previous arcs (i.e. Elf Reincarnation) and this one, and the added pressure of it being the final arc which draws more attention to the pacing here.
I liked what you said in an answer to another ask about how not every series can have "ups" all the time. I absolutely agree and would even go so far as to say that one of the things that was so special about BC and what I loved about it so much was how Tabata filled those downtimes and slower paced moments with really compelling characters & their dynamics with one another. And that's really what I feel I have been missing from the series lately. It sometimes feels like it's moving so quickly that all of these wonderful characters and storylines I came to love as the story unfolded have had to be pushed aside in favor of these epic battle sequences. They're great, of course, but it's not really why I've connected with this story and stuck with it for so long. But I realize that the target audience (at least) is probably connecting with this series for the epic adventure story and battle sequences. My cousin (who recommended BC to me in the first place), for instance, is 100% there for the epic battle sequences and doesn't care all that much about the character development and the little side people (i.e. he's been into BC far longer than I have and I've had to remind him multiple times who Langris even is lol. Needless to say, he'd be shocked to know I've written thousands upon thousands of words just about him and very few words about any battles). I love my cousin & will forever be grateful that he introduced me to such an incredible story that we both adore, but there is no denying that we love it for completely different reasons. And after reading what you shared about your frustrations, I wondered if perhaps you are a little more like me and missing those smaller character interactions and worrying that all these wonderful characters (whether with big roles or small roles in the story) that made BC so special will get their arcs wrapped up in a satisfying way.
When a story starts to move this quickly from one fight sequence to the next in the final battle, it can start to feel like all the characters' intrapersonal conflicts are just getting swept up into the fray, and for a story like BC that always did such an incredible job of giving *every* character their own arc, motivations, and really their own "moment"--it can feel a bit worrying, disappointing, and, yes, frustrating to feel like they aren't getting their moments when they really matter and when it's their last chance to get them. Yes, this is the end of the story of Black Clover but what's so special about the story of Black Clover is that it's not only Asta's story or Yuno's story...it's *everyone's* story. There are B-plots, C-plots, D-plots, all the way to Z-plots. Each and every one of these subplots--these stories and the characters they affect--deserves an ending, and I think there is frustration that sets in in knowing that unless the pacing of the story as it is now drastically changes there will not be room for closure for all (and possibly even most) of these subplots and supporting characters that we've come to know, love, & appreciate.
All of that said, it's still a work in progress. I don't pretend to know what Tabata has planned & I'll reserve judgment until the end. Truthfully, no matter how it ends I will be forever grateful for a wonderful story & amazing characters that I really connected with. I personally don't feel that what has been written is bad, but I will admit constructively that I do feel a little disappointed and am finding it harder to keep my interest with it as time goes on. To me, with these rushed battle sequences, it's almost like it's losing some of that magic (no pun intended) that made it special and different from every other battle epic shounen. I believe that in what it set out to do as a battle epic, it has succeeded and continues to succeed even now as it nears its conclusion, but it went above & beyond that in what it did with its characters and that's where it feels to be falling a little short recently. But again, I'll admit, I think that has more to do with the fact I'm the oddball that was never really there for the battles in the first place, so I'm not sure I can really speak to the "good" or "bad" of the writing, since in a way I feel like it's not being written for *me* because I'm not the target audience, if that makes sense?
I was curious of your thoughts on this (and hope my ramblings weren't too incoherent) so I thought I'd send an ask in case you wanted to weigh in. But please don't feel obligated. Thank you & Cheers, dear!! 💖
Hiya Acacia! I hope that you're well too!!
Tbh, I hadn't thought about BC being a "battle anime" per se, because though there were a lot of battles in the beginning, it was well balanced with the prose, and the battles advanced the plot. (Granted that the battles do advance the plot as well, but they feel relatively meaningless if there's no connection from the reader to the story itself on an emotional level. In my opinion) But we have very similar thoughts about the issue with pacing indeed. To me, it almost feels like Tabs deemed all the necessary characterization to be done, and now he'll just cut to the chase and "hack & slash". Or then, like any writer, he has scenes where he just really wants to get to. And the pacing suffers because of it.
If it was just a few chapters of battles, like... let's say 5 in a row in between some proper character interactions and story arcs where we can learn about the world and the lore, then I wouldn't mind. But because it feels like we've gotten a year of nothing but battle battle battle, it got to me. Luckily there's fanfic and other lil' projects in the meantime to keep one entertained.
I also didn't think about what exactly is the target audience here, because the story started as more character and story centric with some battle here and there, I probably thought the story to be targeted to people who enjoy action and adventure, which would include more than just fights.
But also, maybe this is like the Royal Knights arc (which I forget half the time). That was also very battle centric, but it was building up to something more.
Now, I was lucky enough to be able to fast forward the Royal Knights arc, by going as far as to skip some episodes because it didn't appeal to me and seemed to have minimal contribution to the plot as a whole in my opinion, but now I'm experiencing it in real time so to say.
This doesn't mean that I would dislike BC. I'm not going to say that "because of this BC is bad", because it's not. It's going through a slow season.
I certainly can't blame you for taking a break. I'm on a semi-break myself due to ... well, school. I might have a little more time next semester, but I can't say for sure, because the courses of next semester are supposed to be the toughest ones during the first 4 years. So, I'll be around, but probably not as vocal. And I suppose I'll feel less like I'd need to stay on top of the plot on a weekly basis, because Tabs has moved to the once every 6 months type of an arrangement.
And there has to be more than 2 chapters still to come
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These don't even include chapter 369's MagLuck VS. Lucius clone
This short text gives hope of at least 5 chapters still to come, all probably long ones. However, I want to believe that since they're "major fights" in which the MagLuck team up wasn't counted (meaning that chapter 369's battle isn't considered as "major"), these 4 battles will probably take more than 1 battle/chapter.
Also.... when you look at the colour page, you see at least five things:
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Licita, William, Ichika, Nacht and Adrammelech
Nacht is probably going to tie in on the Yami VS. Morgen battle, and Ichika will meet up with her brother (dare I speculate a team up as well), with a high potential for some sibling reconciliation, because the ground work for it has been set.
Adra is the big question mark, because what exactly are they up to, is up for a debate. But because they are there, and Tabs hasn't placed people on coloured pages without a reason until now, there's potential for something more.
However, the thing that draws attention most, to me, as someone who wants more lore and plot, are Lichita and William.
The image of Lichita looks like it's from a memory, and considering how Asta's grimoire, with Liebe inside, somehow wound up to the grimoire tower, behind a brick on the outer wall, after Lichita died, gives good reason to wish for a flash back, maybe even a small story that takes place in the past. Not just in memories, because I doubt that Liebe can actually remember events of the grimoire in that manner.
And William's picture looks like it's a memory, to me, as well. For now, we're under the impression that William is... gathering himself after, maybe, losing a limb (we've been wrong about these before with Mereo, so I'm not saying that he actually has lost one), but he might feel like he needs to still atone himself somehow. Maybe he's reminiscing to something in his past, after meeting with Julius. That would be plot relevant in more ways than one, and could explain why Will is there, looking so solemn.
So, to me, after some contemplation, I think that we're going to mimic the elf arc, and the Final Arc is only now starting with chapter 370. Things up until now have just been the "Royal Knights Arc" of the Final Arc.
Idk, that's just what I think atm
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Random GG question for you!! If season 3 hadn’t been cut short, what do you think the ending would have been? I know they basically just continued with the storyline in S4, but I still can’t help but feel cheated of those 5 eps!
Feels like they could have wrapped up hitman, maybe SS, then maybe Rio gets arrested at end of S3? But would they have done the whole Rio get arrested fakeout for a finale when they already did it S1??
UGH just feels like if they were able to wrap up more of those storylines in S3, we could have had more interesting Beth/Rio/nick content across S4. BUT probably wishful thinking lol
Anyways, would love to hear your thoughts!
Anon! Hi! Idk what the standard turnaround is on asks here to be considered peak etiquette. I’m on vacation from work this week so naturally I’ve been ridiculously busy. 😂😂 But I’ve been thinking about this question.
I do think s3 had some whiplash moments. Like this one. Where it didn’t make much sense for why exactly Rio was behaving the way he was. But I do think that the general gist of 4.04 would have been how s3 wrapped. It had the shooting of someone (Fitz), which is how every season appears to have been planned to wrap up. And there seems to be a pretty clear delineation between Rio’s emotions pre and post Fitz execution that I think fit a little better into a natural progression leading to forgiveness.
I’ll be honest, it does hurt my brain sometimes to try and think of why the story did what it did. I don’t hate the hitman plot. I think it’s a really good way to illustrate Beth’s inner conflict. It does ask the viewer to constantly read between the lines, and the moments of emotional honesty (even when she’s being dishonest) are lost in the peripheral nonsense. That’s actually the problem with this show, now that I’m rambling about it. The peripheral nonsense. The general trajectory of how Beth grows into herself, how Rio comes to terms with his weakness, how Brio decide to slowly choose each other… That’s all fine. It could have used a little more blatant telling. A little more consistency. But ultimately… okay. But the peripheral nonsense, the time waste, the hours focused on things no one cared about and that which ultimately didn’t progress the story – all that is what bogged it down and made it feel so unsatisfying. S4, after 4.08, is basically useless filler. Too slow and too uninteresting in how it moved the primary story.
And listen, I also wanna add that it isn’t just the Brio investment that makes me say this. I’m all for quality meaningful character development for everyone. But how exactly does trash boyfriend progress Annie? If anything, he illustrates how stagnant she is in her awful life choices. How does bike gang progress Dean? Again, it just highlights the same ol’ character flaws he had from the start. I did very much enjoy the way Stan became much more honest in his resentment of Beth. I always viewed him as not loving the Bolands, and especially not Beth. So his and Ruby’s arc, to me, was pretty well paced and one of the few interesting peripheral storylines in the show. But overall, so much of the magic of seasons 1 and 2 got lost in the subsequent seasons because the peripheral writing became too rambly and lacking direction. Kinda like this post hahahaha!!
What would you have liked to have seen as a season 3 finale?
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licoricesorcerer · 10 months
[3] Korean BLs I have watched so far👇
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Oh! My Assistant
8/10 - the first second episodes was so funny. So many misunderstandings happened, “can’t you just be together??!!!” Such feelings was real during this drama. Joon Seok was soooo annoying🙃👌🏻
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Tinted with You
7/10 - I watched it cause I was curious. I don’t understand the storylines, but manage to finish. I gave it 7 instead of 6 cause it’s unique and the chemistry of the actors
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7.5/10 - well, watched it cause of Tiktok, but I couldn’t enjoy it that much. I postponed after watching 4 episodes, then continue it again after about a month. It’s actually good, but I feel like.. we need more intense conflict, they solved it soo dmn easily. I need more fighttt with tears and sadness *uppss* but still have a good happy ending *plak*
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Wish You
7/10 - Both of the main character has almost the same personality, silence and calm… I don’t get it yet, which one is T and B, they switch everytime🥹 the story is about In Su, whose parents don’t want him to be a singer, trying his best to become a singer, I thought that he’ll suicide on the last ep, but he didn’t. It has a happy ending anyway
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Cherry Blossom After Winter
8/10 - I like the plot, don’t really like the characters. Th chemistry was good, but… i feel like He Bom is tooooooo feminine😭 I want him to show a little bit of his manly side (in which he did in the last ep and made me screamed like “eee???!”) he is cute, indeed.
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Kissable Lips
8.5/10 it has a good storyline, I feel bad for them, it has a sad ending😭 I knew it already but still want to watch lol. I recommend to watch this first and assume the Roommates of Poongduck as their afterlife🥹
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Matching! Boys Archery
100/10 THIS KIND OF STORY❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Gumush so cuteee!!! This is the real role of woman in a drama!🥹
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Ocean Likes Me
8.9/10 I like the plot, it has a cute storyline. The development of the characters to the positive vibes. I don’t quite understand why Tommy needs to go away from Ba Da when he decides to continue his dream? But I’m glad that they are being together at the end. It also has a really beautiful and calming soundtrack💙
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To My Star 1&2
10/10😭❤️ I Love it!!! The first one has an interesting story, the plot was too fast but it good. Meanwhile the second season has a more intense section (too much actually lol). Both main leads has the same portion of seme sides🤣 they switched every time, but Ji Woo’s actor claimed that he’s the top lol lol lol (though he became cute enough in season2). Highly recommended this one❤️❤️❤️
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The Tasty Florida
6.8/10 well, I feel like… so many holes on the story which needs to be covered. Ya.. it’s a mini series though, but among all mini or short Korean series I have watched, this one needed more clarity. I like the main couple, but.. I ship Eun Kyu and Ji Soo more😭😭😭 I want them to be together lol🤣 sorry not sorry Hae Won😖. Despite my personal taste, it’s still worth to watch✨
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strawberrybyers · 2 years
idk thinking about what the cast has said and all the details throughout stranger things, volume 2 doesn’t add up! idk something’s off. vecna gets to your head. he alters reality. maybe they’re portraying the events in a weird way because it’s not reality? like the 2 day time jump was really awkward. the cut to nancy, steve, and robin going through donation boxes was not the next scene i was expecting. it felt like something in the middle was missing. also, i don’t know if it’s because it had been 3+ hours of intensity and action, then it moved to a more solemn tone quite awkwardly and quickly, but when hopper and el reunited, i didn’t feel as emotionally moved by it the way i thought i would. the energy felt a little off to the point i was anticipating something bad to happen. i kept thinking “oh shit vecna is messing with el this isn’t actually hopper”, but no the scene kept going. we then see mike hug hopper. i’m sure mike does care and love hopper, so him hugging hopper isn’t my issue, it’s the fact he hugs hopper and we understand he’s hugging him because he’s been gone, but we know with will they’ve been separated too but he couldn’t hug will and yet don’t know why? this is the beginning of my villain origin story i stg.
and why did they make el and mike have this big “i love you” issue and have it be mike’s only conflict then the season ends and he says “they’ve barely talked to each other”? they never talk about anything ever lmao. that’s what i don’t get about their relationship. the season starts off with mike not being able to say he loves her, but then is able to when will tells him he’s the heart? why did he have to hear that from will? el was literally in tears, begging him to say “i love you” and he still couldn’t say it, but i’m supposed to believe they’re an endgame couple? 😂 i understand they’re 14/15 years old, but lumax is written really well! even suzie and dustin who have only had 4 minutes of screen time together make more sense. el and mike just barely have any development in regards to their relationship. mike doesn’t have any character development at all. they literally assassinated his character for no reason lol. also, el’s arc has been about her finding autonomy and i thought the way they’ve written her discovery to independence, finding family and loving herself was really good. i just feel like her storyline doesn’t fit in with mike. i’m sorry but there’s not much there in my opinion. we’re going into season 5 and they still feel like two people who barely know each other.
and since when can el bring people back to life? why did karen have her own poster if she had like 5 minutes or less of screen time? a poster is an advertisement for the show. the poster is giving a hint as to what will happen in the plot, but karen isn’t even involved in the main plot. she’s completely oblivious to everything lol. then noah said they’re building up byler, but in what way were they building it up? if anything they just brought it down. will and mike barely even feel like friends anymore. why are we going into season 5 still dealing with the nancy/jonathan/steve love triangle? then the parallels between will and henry/vecna/001 couldn’t have been coincidental, right? they both talk about not being able to fit in. they both have experience with the upside down. they even have will dressed like the child version of henry. will is one of the main characters who has an intense tie to the upside down and yet it hasn’t been fully explored for 2 seasons. why did vecna keep him alive? vecna never even mentions will. i’m just wondering in a very delusional way if there’s something else at play? could it be that volume 2 feels so chaotic and messy because it’s supposed to be? i have no idea anymore does anyone have any thoughts
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ghostfalls137 · 1 year
rick and morty 6/10 spoilers / talk
i think like... a lot of this season was talking to the viewers as morty. Havent seen many people mention this aspect to it so I wanted to ramble lol I feel like most of season 6 was just set up yeah... people were saying how inconsistent the show was getting, and they decided to REALLY DRIVE IN CONSISTENCY bringing up old bits like sleepy gary and the butter robot. just a lot of the writers having fun yet also driving forward each character, as each character got their own ep this season directly, to add them all back to relevancy a bit more bc the show does, revolve around rick and morty. so it did that a little less this season
im all over the place here sorry lol I still need to recover from this last college semester lmao
ok so the main point i wanted to make, was in 'story train 2' aka the uh. the episode with Campbell that harmon DEFINITELY wrote. there's a point where rick points at the camera but is talking to morty and he was like 'youre what matters' to the camera aka the viewers. and the last scene in 6/10 reminded me of THAT. his ramble that he always does, the rick and morty 100 years rant, it was the writers talking to us, the viewers.
you wanted this. you wanted the dark backstory, you wanted the serialization and the focus on other character arcs. you wanted to see rick change. and here, now you get it all! you get what you wanted despite the warnings. idk I was baked when I saw the ep, I've gotta do a season rewatch and then a series rewatch again to trace it, but it felt DIRECT. that scene was the writers talking to the viewers. a lot of the season was, really? with the story cycle episode and jerrys internet famous arc 'when they start looking for shit to hate you for that's how you know you made it' yeah that feels like a harmon line for sure. i know there was a lot of internal conflict of what they wanted the show to be, but they seem pleased with what they settled on. this year alone harmon and roiland said that the show could easily go on for 1000 episodes. if one arc gets finished, if one UNIVERSE gets finished, they've created a setup that they can exhaust forever. they always wanted to be like the simpsons and tbh I hope they get a long run
but im VERY VERY excited theyre taking this turn, story wise, writers aside. its honestly the best way they've could have gone, I remember seeing the reveals and being like :] cus yeah. we got rick developing. we got rick regressing! we got to see more of the other characters, id say we got very nice storylines as well. i enjoyed it all a lot and I am very scared-excited for season 7. its interesting to see how many mixed reviews they get and how much bad writing criticism when I can literally trace their thought process for it... as this season showed rick trying to improve and grain mortys trust and respect, the writers were saying the same to the viewers. in a similar sense, as rick showed morty that he would always be rick and to watch what you wish for, the writers were doing the same. no more silly random adventures, were going full canon and you wanted this.
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long-ass tl post below. i'm not trying to start shit i'm just venting bc i've been thinking about this episode for like 12 hours today lol
man. anyway. there were definitely good moments in the finale but I was just so disappointed by the execution of almost all of the storylines' conclusions.
I want to start off that I'm not particularly broken up by any of the ships we thought would happen not happening in and of themselves, but the way we got jerked around this season for all of these storylines to have no real resolution is really frustrating.
The Roy/Keeley/Jamie triangle is a big one for me. We spent all of this season developing all of their characters individually, focused on Roy and Jamie becoming friends (which was great and one of the strongest parts of the season!), and then we wrap it up with... a literal fistfight and shitty, sexist pronouncements of ownership? Taking the foundations of their relationships, the things they've been working on for three seasons - trust, communication, accountability - and just throwing it out the window? And for what?
The Beard/Jane thing makes me absolutely furious. This is the plot thread that makes this finale feel the most rushed and shoehorned, as if they were planning to go somewhere else and just didn't have time. What was the fucking point of Beard After Hours if they were heading towards this shit the whole time
(I do think that montage at the end was supposed to be a dream, but Beard leaving the plane for Jane wasn't!! And if Ted was imagining Beard and Jane being happy together forever that's still pretty fucked up!!)
What was the fucking point of the Zava storyline. What was the fucking point of the Jack storyline. What was the fucking point of the Shandy storyline. What was the fucking point of the Tish storyline. What was the fucking point of Trent's book
(i edited that above bullet like three times while writing the rest of this post because i kept remembering other storylines that went nowhere lol)
Ted himself was giving absolutely nothing during this episode. I thought he was being quiet and reserved because he was bottling up to have a breakdown of some kind towards the end, but he just seemed... empty. Even his final speech to the team felt distant. I couldn't tell if he was conflicted about leaving, happy about leaving... I get the future was supposed to be ambiguous, but I couldn't even tell if he would ever want to go back to Richmond for a visit.
It's been pointed out before (and I agree) that the actor playing Henry is... not the best. He's very flat in a lot of the emotional scenes that he's in, and it made it harder to believe that he really missed Ted that much, especially in 3x08, which was probably supposed to be an important link in that storyline. But I can't blame him for everything - there hasn't been a lot in the script for him, so Dottie's "your son misses you" last week felt kind of unearned. And Ted's reaction to it last week felt real! But then there's barely anything in this episode that makes it feel like he's actually excited to see his son again. (When Henry was coming to visit in season 1, he was tracking the plane! He was chatting about it to Beard and Nate and Rebecca! In this episode we got one text of a gif.) If Ted's story was actually about the sacrifices of being a parent, why don't we get one (1) scene expressing that?
Nate. I really really really wanted to like Nate's storyline this season and the conclusion still kind of pissed me off. It was really that all the important parts were offscreen in this episode - did he choose to be a (assistant) kit man again or was he demoted? How did the team welcome him back? What was Ted and his reunion like? The only good thing was Nick Mohammed's acting - his apology to Ted just instantly made me start crying - but it was like a 2-minute scene! We couldn't have cut that stupid K/J/R scene for more closure on Nate?? There's something to him being back in the same place but more secure in himself, but we didn't actually get to see him choose it in any real way.
I was a big Ted/Rebecca fan in the earlier seasons, but I truly would have fine with them being completely platonic, and by the middle of this season, I was thinking they probably would be. Unfortunately, by this episode they don't even feel like friends anymore. Again, Ted is just doing absolutely nothing during their scene in the stands, and barely anything more at the airport scene. Where's the trust? The openness? And again, all the hints, the misdirects, the biscuits with the boss, the army men... and for what? To barely look each other in the eye, to leave with no promise that they'll ever see each other again?
Again, I do think the montage towards the end was a dream, but Rebecca reuniting with the Dutch guy felt like another really sloppy ending. We didn't spend an entire episode with them specifically not learning each other's names for them to suddenly be soulmates
Overall, I felt like this season varied in quality pretty drastically from episode to episode. I do think part of it was that they wrote seasons 1 and 2 back-to-back before any of it was released, and then this season was written after the huge response to the first two seasons. The rest of this is pure speculation, but I've thought a couple times this season that it felt a little "tryhard", like they were suddenly self-conscious of the goofiness and earnestness of the show but still wanted to do it. And now it feels like all of that led to last-minute rewrites, plots getting shifted around due to audience reactions, and maybe some marvel-style spoiler avoidance (that thing where whenever something leaks/gets guessed, they just change the script to something else to 'preserve the surprise' even if it makes no sense). It's fine when this show is predictable! The first two seasons were still fun when they were predictable!! It seems a little bit like this season was left open-ended in case they decide to do another season or something, but they did the rest of the show such a disservice by doing this that I'm not that interested in anything else they want to say past this point. This whole season, all the plot threads that went nowhere, I still trusted that the writers had a plan to tie it all together in the end because they've done it before, and this is what we got.
There's a place for ambiguity, but when everything is left ambiguous it's just sloppy. If we weren't sure where Ted's mind was at OR Roy/Keeley/Jamie was still up in the air OR Nate's future was uncertain OR Rebecca had maybe found a healthy relationship... any of those would have been fine, but when you have all of them unresolved it feels like no one wanted to commit to actually ending the thing.
whew. anyway. it's just such a bummer when a show you've gotten invested in shoots itself in the foot like this. this post is already too long but i'm going to end with the moments i did like:
I actually liked (most of) the opening scene, it made me laugh maybe more than anything else. I had just convinced myself that no, they're never actually going to have a canonical throuple on this show, and then I really thought for a second that they just plunked Ted/Rebecca/Beard down in front of us with no warning lol
Colin! I'm happy he got his happy ending.
Frankly, my general disinterest in Trent and, to a lesser extent, Colin, really stemmed from the fandom valorization of them from the very first season. It felt like (and I think it was, at least for a while!) that very Tumblr thing of "paying vastly more attention to conventionally attractive white men in very minor roles than any women or people of color that have actual storylines". But they had really good storylines this season - some of the better ones - and I really enjoyed them as written! I just still find their fandoms kind of annoying.
The scenes with Jamie and Roy (before they go to Keeley's) were mostly really lovely. I think that's been the strongest subplot of this season, and it's been a real joy to watch.
(i just realized 'joy' could be a ship name for jamie/roy lmao)
In a general sense, I really like that a lot of the major characters did not end up in romantic relationships, because those aren't the most important journeys they went on. Obviously I have quibbles about the execution (and larger quibbles about the ones who did (see above)), but I love that as an overall message.
Roy going to therapy!! You absolutely love to see it!!!
i keep trying to think of other stuff and keep coming up with more stuff i'm irritated about and it's past midnight so i'm going to stop lol. definitely going to be sitting on this episode/show for a bit but. yeah
The return of the Believe sign. As I've said, I'm a sucker for some well-timed cheese, and that was a really sweet scene.
ETA: OH the diamond dogs scene was actually lovely!! It got so lost in the rest of this episode but it was the only part that attempted to address the actual themes of the show!
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thestupidhelmet · 2 years
jackie ending up with kelso is just another example of how much the writers still hate that character - she's not even happy with him she's stuck in this marriage-divorce-remarriage bs with this cheating idiot and (if the spoilers are true) her interactions with the other characters (eg kitty and red) have her get slutshamed because thats still the treated the writers think she deserves.. i know they didnt care about her character but they could've at least made her be happy, i wouldve preferred her married to a new character rather than kelso 🤷‍♀️ this 90s show is like the second season of the s8 universe lol
Jackie's character in T9S isn't treated as a real person but a device for Jay to be part of the show. Her scene is very short, and if she is slut-shamed, as the rumor goes (I haven't seen the first episode, so I don't actual know), it's a continuation of her being the T7S / T9S punching bag: misogyny edition.
Quite a few people have been writing their own version of T9S in fanfic (which is cool and more plausible, from what I've read, than what i know of T9S so far).
If I were to explore the characters' futures where they have teenage kids, however, I wouldn't use any aspect from T9S or riff off it. I'd base it entirely on S1-S7 of T7S, the character development therein, and the character-consistent storylines from the show (not the OOC stuff that happened in the later seasons in various episodes and arcs).
I already wrote a future fic that takes place fourteen years after the end of season 7 called Jackie Stargazer, but that story deals with heavy subject matter. It's not a light-hearted romp. I'm starting to feel an interest in writing a T7S story where the conflicts are on the level of the show (like many of my One Difference stories and stories like Jackie's Camino Caper).
Might eventually come up with ideas and post them on @those70scomics, and maybe that's as far as I'll go, lol.
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What are you looking forward to seeing in Young Justice season 5?
Ooo, good question! Presuming we get a S5 (fingers crossed), they've been teasing us with Jason for two seasons, so I'd love to finally find out how he died and was resurrected in the YJ-verse. Considering how they adapted Barbara's story, I'm SO curious to see if Jay's backstory is different too. There are SO many longer fics I wanna do with YJ!Jason, but I keep holding out in case they do something interesting with him that I'd want to incorporate (Grandon, make him and Arsenal friends, I beg of you).
Obv I'd love to see Wally come back, but it seems supremely unlikely at this point (though I'd love to be wrong...after all maybe that's just what Grandon WANTS me to think! *insert that gif of Dinah telling Wally he's in denial*).
Also, even though I'm not the biggest fan of Brion, it seems like they're setting him up for a compelling redemption arc. Out of place as it was, I did enjoy the little tease we got near the end of S4 of what's going on in Markovia, and I'm definitely interested in seeing how he manages to finally break both himself and all the newly brainwashed metahumans free of Zviad and Jace's influence. It seems like his allegiances are a real lynch pin in the Light's current plans, so I'm assuming it'll get a lot of focus in S5.
Speaking of the Light, Grandon have said that they'd roughly planned out five seasons of the show back in the day, and have managed to overall stick to that big picture so far. If that's true, then I would presume we may FINALLY see the final, big Vandal & Darkseid showdown that they've been building up since S1. I really hope so, because it felt like that storyline was inconsequential to the main conflict of S4, despite the fact that they featured HEAVILY in Artemis, Zee and Kal's arcs. Like, we already had Lor and the Zods as 'main' antagonists (despite that not being made clear until the back half of the season), and THAT conflict got resolved, but it had next to nothing to do with what Darkseid or the Light were up to, so??? It'd be nice for that storyline to finally end so that we can move on.
I'm VERY excited for Supergirl and the other new furies, and I hope she, Mary, and Big Barda will actually be relevant to the plot and get some interesting development.
I could go on, but this is long enough as it is. I assume most of the things I want to see most, Grandon prob won't give me (more screen time and focus on the S2 kids & Outsiders besides just Gar, Tim speaking...like at at, lol, Cissie and Stephanie getting to be actual characters with Things To Do, etc).
How bout you?? What are you hoping to see next season? 👀
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