#also i need them to put siempre rebeldes on usa spotify STAT
bipaulinadlm · 2 years
anyway. genuine rebelde thoughts no one asked for: (under a read more because wow was that more than i expected to write!!)
i feel like s2 had a very different vibe from s1... in s1 there was obviously a lack of depth/character development but the show seemed to mostly just be silly with minimal conflict and aimed at slightly younger audiences. which was fine. i liked the teens having teenage drama and the musical performances. but s2 was like... let’s throw in drug dealing, threesomes, car accidents, people going into comas, a grown ass adult man trying to manipulate and drug minors, and murder. like ???? idk. it was just very much not what i expected from the show after seeing season 1.
also the musical performances really left smth to be desired :( in the first couple eps it was okay but then all of a sudden it wasn’t about the music at all anymore which was weird bc like... that is the Whole Point! they are at music school! disappointing :/
plus, even though they were obviously trying to make the show more serious, no one actually... developed in a narratively satisfying way? like for example, esteban’s entire arc in s1 was figuring out who his mom was, but now he was just an egocentric asshole for NO reason the entire season. which i did not get. why were girls suddenly obsessed with him? what even HAPPENED with the ilse and laura plotline? why did he suddenly have 0 morals for most of the show and then in the last few moments decide actually maybe i will be normal? just. huh. and that’s ONLY esteban who, along with jana, is Thee most boring character in the show...
anyway. as for other characters:
- jana. boring. lame. tried to do something with her attempting to find her identity but that conflict has been going on for 2 seasons and nothing has happened. also why bring in the video w okane thing and then 1 episode later act like it never happened? plus the car crash thing? like she was fully traumatized from that for an episode but then she and dixon hugged and it was fine? don’t understand
- sebas. WHERE to even start. man was inexplicably useless and just there to be docile and made fun of for half the season then he suddenly became his old asshole backstabber self. NO semblance of any redemption arc with mj, no explanations for why he continues to act this way... they didn’t even delve into his relationship with his mom and her expectations for him! it was all surface-level motivation
- i really liked mj last season but she just felt not there this time. idk she was just there half the time to be with sebas for no reason and to give dixon someone to pine after which was disappointing... the morning after pill plotline was resolved so weirdly...
- emilia . okay emilia was okay in this season but i wanted to see her more :( i appreciated her actual motivation to do Something even if it got her expelled/breaking up with andi and also she seemed to genuinely learn from it. yay for actual character development! for once!
- andi... idk her entire plotline was the addiction and then being there to plot w the others. which... was boring?? i wanted more of her artistic pursuits and stuff bc i liked seeing her start songwriting!! THAT is a fun new road that would have been in line with the show’s vibe! not addiction and an overdose jesus christ. plus i want andi and emilia back together my beloveds
- okane and luka were a high point honestly. maybe just bc okane was new and seemed more interesting bc of that but they both were so entertaining... them just insulting each other at first was hilarious. but also he and luka never actually resolved the whole “taking bribes from gus to sell drugs” thing. and also his relationship (????) with jana was weird af and also never resolved after the whole video incident. i did appreciate that he and luka actually had genuine conversations unlike some people and their love interests (cough cough esteban). and the relationship btwn luka and his dad did actually sort of develop yay for development... i guess... anyway okane and luka saved half this season
- gus sucked. why did we need that. he was the only reason half the plot happened and it was just STUPID! lol. i did not enjoy him as a character or plot device. chicago voice he had it coming
well! anyway. this season was... interesting. i’ll give it a 6 or 7 out of 10 because i am absurdly attached to these characters, i do like some of the drama, & it makes me laugh/ feel happy. and i hope it’s renewed for s3. but was it structurally and narratively good? no
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