#still this makes so much sense like... why mercury specifically? that's why
katyspersonal · 1 year
Interesting possibility about Hail the Nightmare chanting and... mercury?
Alright... This time it is quite a headcanon moreso than a theory, as I will refer not only just to the facts found in game, but also to the features and alchemical meaning of mercury that I, honestly, only found out in this fanfic about Micolash's magical mirrors:
It is not that I didn't know that mercury is basically 'liquid' metal of course, it is just that I did not pay attention to it within the Bloodborne context. But here, a bit from this fanfic that made me really THINK of it:
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Basically: this metal would serve very well as a medium that connects the waking world and the Nightmare realm, and work well in the portals, as a metal that is also a liquid and combines two of the basic natural elements in alchemy system (water and air). The belief that it was a medium to connect two opposing, paradoxial things was recognised within alchemy.
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But also, when I read about it, it made me recall that in the lyrics of Hail the Nightmare ( x ), there WAS, in fact, some bit about "silver water in the darkness":
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I am not an expert in Latin though, so let me know if anything. However from the context it seems like their blood is "tainted" by "silver water", because 'et' here can also mean like... 'our tainting THAT IS silver water'. Pale blood that cosmic Kin bleed is closer to greyish yellow than 'silver' (so, drained out of color), so it is not likely to refer to that, right?
But you know what DOES, actually, feel like silver liquid (or watery silver, more literally)? Mercury! It is silver-colored, and is (sort of) liquid! And there is another bit:
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'Tenebris' means darkness, and internal filenames of Bloodborne ( x ) consistently refer to Nightmare realm as darkness, too:
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Ok ok ok trust me, I am going somewhere with this! We also can confirm that people in the ritual room where we find Micolash are not likely to be other Mensis scholars, but rather, victims of Micolash; they wear only rugs, they have shackles, and their cages are smaller than his. We also know that Brain of Mensis was made by Mensis:
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It is not hard to see that Brain of Mensis appears to be made of melted bodies, not unlike how heads of Winter Lanterns are made of melded together Messengers. Except, this time, it is just... people?
So uhhh! This makes me think that maybe, Hail the Nightmare is not chanting or prayer of School of Mensis, but rather a lament of the victims of the ritual, that now 99.99% likely became Brain of Mensis! They sing about how they are cursed to be stuck in the Nightmare (the 'darkness') and can sense the 'silver water' connected to the fact. So, could they be stuck between worlds because before the ritual, they've gotten completely stuffed with mercury - the 'glue' between worlds, to be dragged in more effectively! This makes that 'Vale, vale' in Hail the Nightmare even sadder, to be honest:
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And also sort of a bonus (not really, it is absolutely relevant): you remember how mercury bullets that the hunters use ARE connected to Oedon, who IS a Great One?
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So like! What if! That actually makes even more sense to use THE metal that, within the lore, would be THE glue between the waking world and the world of the Great Ones! Because!! A medium of this nature would provide a muuuuuch more effective way to be connected to a Great One and transmit that Great One's will! Through your mercury-filled body! Because what if mercury glues the mortal and the divine together!
Also, since mercury is naturally poisonous for humans (very very much so), it might be an explanation for why hunters use bullets of this for so many years? Because as of now, they are held together by the 'magic' of a Great One that endorses bloodshed, that uses mercury for easier connection with them!
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Honestly, absolutely None Of This would've fallen into the right place for me had I not read that fanfic, revealing some observations and facts about how mercury was supposed to work in alchemy lore and what it meant within it. So, I owe it to the writer for the inspiration.
It actually makes so much sense all of a sudden that I think I am going to adopt this headcanon about how mercury works within Bloodborne world and what it means for the characters and their... "science"? Heh. In the universe where we have magic and Hell knows what else, it would not be a very far stretch if some presumptions and theories of alchemy were pretty much legit laws of nature, you know! And again, it just makes so much sense in my eyes now.
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saturns7moon · 17 days
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hihi everybodyyyyy, astro observations p2, let’s gooo 😋.
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personally!!! i’ve seen that a lot of venusian influence within a family can show instances of having health issues linked back to sweet foods. like for example, my taurus mother is a pre-diabetic, and she’s told me that it generally runs throughout our family. i don’t have diabetes but i’ve noticed how me and my siblings have a really bad sweet tooth. eating too many sweets makes my (7H taurus moon and mars, sidereal libra sun and rising) tooth ache, the youngest (taurus rising, sidereal pisces stellium) has been scolded a lot for eating way too much sugar as well. same as i, lol.
now question for my fellow taurus placements. how do u feel about cooking? are you good at it?
i’m crying, right after i wrote this, i was scrolling on tiktok and there’s this video of this woman, meg deangelis, who says that one thing that she can never understand is when people say they can’t cook, and she’s basically saying how it baffles her. i had an inkling, so i searched up her chart and she’s a taurus sun and aries venus 😭. taurus people are commonly stereotyped to liking food a lot, which makes sense since taurus is the more down-to-earth side of venus, and venus is about comforts, and taureans find comfort in food! aries is ruled by mars, aka planet of war and what-not, and i’ve found that aries placements mixed alongside taurus placements love to cook in the kitchen because the kitchen is known to hold sharp cutlery in there, which commonly used whilst cooking.
i was listening to criminal by britney spears earlier today, and i swear that song is so so 7H mars coded. like falling for someone that isn’t the best of the best or people being against who you love like. i still can’t word it properly, but if you’re a libra rising/taurus rising/7H mars (scorpio/aries/venusian mars can count as well depending on aspects!!) please listen to the song (specifically whilst watching the music video🧍🏾‍♀️) or read the lyrics and tell me you understand what i’m talking bout 😭. like i know y’all would get it 😭‼️
^ also “why try” by ariana grande feels the exact same to me toooo omg.
having an afflicted 3H, 7H and 11H is literally my villain origin story. like it’s either i have no friends, i get bullied/outcasted or i go through the WORST friendship breakups ever like oooooh whoever has it out for me did a good job bro 🤧🤥.
(i have a 3H capricorn chiron, 7H moon and mars, virgo rules my 11H, and my mercury (sagittarius) is afflicted, i was never gonna win bro 😭)
a mutual of mine on twitter said something that i completely agree with, and it’s basically saying how having any ill feelings towards someone like, for example what she talking about, beauty can really damage ur venus personally. like, people who are severely racist for example, do y’all see how they age or look so ugly because they were berating how other people look specifically. or people who hate on women are just naturally nasty to be around. they don’t have to be physically ugly (they usually are tho) but you can tell by how they treat women what rewards and punishments they receive in life.
does that make sense? let me know guys 😭.
i absolutely love when i have my venus return/when venus is in capricorn because i feel so so pretty which makes so much sense considering in sidereal astrology i’m a libra rising ruled by my sagittarius venus, like i love all things venus, and when venus is in capricorn/sidereal sagittarius, i feel so good. which makes a lot of sense on why i don’t really care for or feel irritated when mars returns to taurus (or sidereal aries) because aside from the fact that i never really related to being martian ruled, my natal mars is literally retrograde, so yeah mars returns are not my favourites at ALL 😭.
(actually i take it back it’s not that i feel irritated? i just don’t think anything significant happens to me during my mars returns. i probably need to go check personally in my own time, but yeah. i just backtracked since in both my tropical and sidereal chart, i’m martian and venusian either way 😭.)
what’s ur favourite planetary return?
“bedtime story” by frank ocean (unreleased!!) is the most scorpio venus ass song i’ve ever heard in my life…i love it so so much sigh. the poetic, angsty, yearning that a scorpio conjures up because who could honestly be better at being so deeply consumed by emotions than scorpio? (many many other signs but it’s not about them rn!!)
yknow a while back i did a part one for sos the album by sza as the signs, and i haven’t made a part two but would y’all like another part!? or would you like me to do this with other albums? let me know pls 🧍🏾‍♀️.
this is probably common knowledge amongst other astrologers, but i definitely believe that virgos, specifically the risings, are so mean to their selves is because their 12H is ruled by the sun, and whilst the 12H is the shadow side of ourselves that we choose to hide from, as much as they would like to hide, virgos have their shadow side constantly in their face as the sun shines so hard on everything they aren’t ready to touch or aren’t ready to see. whether it’s their selves personally or others around them, there’s an underlying sense of dread that they live with because they know that no matter where they run, their mind will always remind them of what they choose to hide underneath, which results in the fear that people/society (scorpio 3H) will see the absolute worst of who they truly believe they are, and judge them ruthlessly for it (aquarius 6H).
one thing i’ve noticed is whilst saturn in pisces has been transiting my 5H, is the romantic side of my life has been lacking so much 😭. like coming april would make a year since i last had a crush on someone, which is funny to me since i used to crush on ppl so often. however, it makes sense since saturns main themes are about structure, discipline and what you want to create in the long-term, and i’ve noticed that i don’t just want to even have small crushes or what not on others because not everyone meets my standards (structure) and i want my first relationship with someone to mean something and to become something (long-term plans involving relationships) and nobody around me has given me that, so the lack in my love life is mainly just because i’m sticking to my standards and they haven’t been met yet 🤷🏾‍♀️. saturns job is to make you understand what you truly want and what you don’t want or what isn’t benefiting you, and since saturn had gone direct back in november, i’ve definitely been noticing this, especially since we’re in a saturnian season rn (aquarius) and valentine’s day just passed lmao. so just to give an example or help you understand how saturn has been impacting you, let’s say saturn is trainsiting your 9H and you’re in education, maybe you’re realising the course that you’re on isn’t for you, or your long-term plans just don’t mesh well with what your studying for yknow or you could realise how you’ve started building more around your education in regards to what you want in place for you in the future.i’m also using that example since saturn is currently trining my 9H and i’ve realised university is definitely not what i want to go through with after i graduate college tbh.
thinking about how majority of my planets are in my 1H-7H axis (1H sun and jupiter, 7H moon and mars) and how i genuinely can have the choice to create multiple identities 😭. to explain, when i was born, my mum gave me three names. mae, lola and the last one i don’t wanna disclose lmao, but i saw a tweet a while back talking about how your name(s) can definitely link back to your birth chart, and remembering this again makes me love astrology a whole lot more tbh.
(actually i lied i have 4 different names, but that name is very very close/similar to my younger sisters name as well and i can never tell the bloody difference 😭, but y’all get my yapping.)
feeling tired or like u can’t be bothered to do shit???? the moon is most likely void of course or your mars/moon is negatively aspecting (square, opposite, conjunct) transit mars/moon. when the moon is void of course, it’s basically just a period of time (usually less than a day i believe) when the moon is literally like not aspecting anything in the sky, so she’s wandering around until she transitions into another sign. usually astrologers say that during this time, it’s difficult for ppl to make plans or have any motivation to do anything as ppl are less likely to make solid decisions about anything in general, to summarise, it makes ppl lazy 🤥!!
having 1H synastry with anyone depending on the planet is so interesting to watch from an outside perspective, because you can either see two people adore one another’s energy or be completely revolted by one another. like for example my best friend has my younger sisters aquarius stellium in her 1H and it’s hilarious to me how much those two dislike each other, and then not too long ago my best friend told me how my sister reminded her a lot of herself at my siblings current age and it just clicked for me lmao.
i’ve noticed that people with a mix of aries, gemini with a small dash of water in their chart have such a hard time processing their emotions or are just very abrasive when it comes to their emotions, putting practically over emotions most of the time, leaving people to perceive them as quite emotionally stunted or selfish to be honest. i’ve noticed that it’s commonly believed that these types of people don’t really care for others as much as people care for them, leaving a lot of miscommunication within these relationships, especially if the other person is water heavy compared to them.
hi yes this is long overdue, i’m very very sorry, i just lost motivation to continue with my stuff and life unfortunately has been a mess to keep up with! i’m not gonna promise anything new cus knowing me i’ll probably dip for awhile again, but hopefully you all liked these observations and pls leave ur thoughts and opinions in the replies, i always enjoy hearing what you guys have to say :)
okay bye bye, lots of love, lola <3.
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sh0tanzz · 4 months
Heyyy! I was wondering if I could request a post on anton’s ideal types / future s/o based on astrology?? I love your attention to detail in your works and just honestly your blog overall!! xx
ANTON'S IDEAL TYPE based on astrology
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
Physical Appearance:
Surprisingly I don't think he has that much of a specific type regarding things like skin tone, hair type, etc there's more indicators for aesthetics rather than overall physical being. Anton's Venus is in Taurus + he has an Aries Stellium. He'd be attracted to someone who is confident and comfortable in their own skin; confident enough to try/wear stunning bold makeup looks whilst also comfortable enough being able to go out with their bareface. He could like soft or "no makeup" makeup looks as well. Someone who presents as neat, has good style and wears nice accessories that aren't too flashy but noticeable. Healthy hair with a bounce to it. Someone who'd take HIIGGHH effort into taking care of themselves (skincare,haircare,shower routine). Could be into someone who's curvier or an hourglass figure (Idk why but I keep thinking about Volleyball girls. 😭) His mars is in Gemini which rules the hands so he'd maybe like someone with pretty hands or wears rings + gets their nails done.
His Mercury is in Aries and he has the aspect Moon conjunct Mercury so he'd like someone who is very understanding and understands nuance enough so they don't take what he says wrong. (ngl I feel like his moon/mercury aspect gives him his soft soothing voice). Someone who speaks whats on their mind when communicating. Can just ooze healthy confidence and being self assured. A person who has a random/childish sense of humor just like him. Someone who allows him to be independant and can be independant. As said before his Mars is in Gemini which I like to call the sapiosexual placement, he'd want someone who loves to learn new info and has many interest and is able to have intelligent beyond surface level conversations with. Someone who has genuine opinions and can make up their own mind. Enjoys a person that can pursue what they desire and not become too deflated or hesitant about what they want; he just loves a sense of ambition. Essentially has their life together or at least has plans and goals they want to achieve. Can be on the talkative side he wants his own YAPPER.
Someone who understands boundaries and doesn't try to push people with things they can't handle. Someone who practices gratitude and knows that being considerate goes a long way. Can stand up for the people they care about. Can be spontaneous and have fun but knows there are times where being serious and receptive is important.
Could find someone who wears various high quality perfumes or scent sets attractive.
Finds flowy dresses and skirts cute perhaps, sundresses or clothes made of satin come to mind.
Someone who knows to be assertive/extroverted but still capable of being gentle and subtle could catch his eye
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rachetmath · 6 months
Jaune the Strategist
Jaune: Um… General Ironwood? I have a question.
Ironwood: What is it Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Why not release the video footage of Tyrian killing a bunch of people?
Clover: Are you crazy? If we release such a video it cause panic in Mantle.
Jaune: I hear you. But... isn’t the Atlas military already being framed for countless murders?
Ironwood: Yes.
Jaune: And no one in Mantle is willing to follow protocol because they don’t trust us right?
Ironwood: Well... yes.
Jaune: Okay. So why not use this to our advantage?
Ruby: Explain.
Jaune: I mean come on. Seriously? We have proof. We have video display. And if this has been happening for a while then we have dead bodies that can hold our case.
Ironwood: Mr. Arc, I’m going to need you to further elaboration.
Jaune: What’s there to- Look, Tyrian has been killing people for a while, right?
Qrow: Yeah.
Jaune: We have video proof that he committed the massacre at Robin’s party. We could just report this and clear Penny’s name.
Ironwood: That is true.
Jaune: Plus with the few bodies Tyrian left behind, which I’m hoping your Atlas soldiers investigated completely. Like the time and location of death. As well as how they died. Basically if Tyrian left multiple victims, can’t we compare them to the other corpses from the party.
Ironwood: Huh.
Jaune: Not only that but Tyrian has a poisonous tail. Didn’t some of them have a hint poison consumed or at least small pick to their bodies.
Ironwood: Oh. That is something to consider.
Clover: Okay, but still doesn’t change the fact if we tell the people a killer is on the loose it will cause panic.
Jaune: True. But it could also make people listen. Think about it, they’re already being invaded by grimm everyday. And now they have killer amongest them. Wouldn’t that force them to reconsider they’re options?
Clover: … My… My Oum he could right.
Marrow: Okay but what about Robyn?
Jaune: Mantle’s Champion? Happy Huntresses? Are you serious? Do you honestly think she would not make a killer her top priority?
Marrow: Huh.
Jaune: I’m just saying, why are we keeping this under raps and quickly turning to Martial law?
Ironwood: Wow… anything else Mr.Arc
Jaune: Why frame Penny?
Ruby: She’s the Protector of Mantle.
Jaune: She also a robot. With a human soul. Who recorded everything! Who so far never got hacked? So why her specifically? If anything I would have got Penny out the way and framed one of the Ace-ops. Specifically Marrow. Hell why not frame Robyn herself?
Marrow: Whoa why me?
Jaune: You know why.
Blake: But tell us why.
Ironwood: Damn he’s right. That absolutely makes sense considering he’s a Faunus and recent member of the Ace ops.
Jaune: Exactly.
Blake: Are you two serious?!
Jaune: Blake think about how much conflict that would cause. A faunus in the Atlas military. An Ace operative killed and injured a bunch of innocent people. Humans and faunuses mind you. Not only would that cause division amongest the people of Mantle but the school and the soldiers.
Ironwood: He’s right. We have faunases who attend this school and are apart our units.
Jaune: It’ll be chaos. Racism and Hatred in the air. And with that much negativity the grimm attacks would be sky rocketing to the masses. Screw trying to get Amity Arena up we might as well have focused our time on containment. Hell that would been a better reason to initiate Martial law. Something I think Robyn would agree to. Considering Fiona is a faunus and her teammate.
Ironwood: So basically framing Penny was-
Jaune: A stupid idea? ABSO-FREAKEN-LUTLY!! Who ever made this plan had to be dumb as bricks.
Watts: *sneezes*
Jaune: I’m mean now I might as well ask this question. Has anyone ever disagreed with Penny’s creation?
Ironwood: I mean-… ... actually... yes we had a few people who disagreed.
Jaune: Also if you have a file for Tyrian, then what about Cinder, Emerald, Mercury or Hazel?
Ironwood: Why yes we---- Hold up. You all saw Hazel?
Jaune: Yeah.
Ironwood: And you survived?
Nora: Yes. Though with our tails between our legs. How do you know him?
Ironwood: How do you think I lost half of my body?
Jaune: Damn. And I thought Ren and Qrow had it worse. How powerful is he?
Ironwood: He crippled Ozpin.
Oscar: (And he said he stood a chance. He could’ve killed us both.)
Jaune: (We’ll most definitely need to jump him.) An-anyways, back on topic. So, who out all the other people were against the Penny project? Simply put who hates Pietro the most?
Ironwood: Well… there was Professor Watts.
Jaune: Professor Watts?
Ironwood: He was an inventor as well. He was even to soul creator of the Atlas robots you’re associated with. However he died in accident.
Jaune: How long ago?
Ironwood: Months ago?
Jaune: Okay now that’s weird.
Weiss: So what Jaune? He died.
Winter: Yes but I understand why Mr.Arc is suspicious. In Cinder’s file, after committing four first degree murders she disappeared.
Jaune: Then she suddenly appears back at Beacon with a way to hack the military.
Clover: Tyrian was captured but then escaped and he disappeared as well.
Qrow: Then he came out nowhere and tried to capture Ruby.
Ironwood: Hazel disappeared once too.
Oscar: And then I saw him on my way to Mistral.
Jaune: Is any of this making sense?
Ironwood: Yes. Clover I need you to follow up on some the victims of the previous crimes. And Winter I need you look into Watt’s case. Lets make sure he’s dead. If not we need evidence.
Winter: Yes sir.
Ironwood: Well, Mr. Arc it seem I underestimated your intelligence. I will not call in Martial law.
Jaune: No-no. Keep it in mind.
Jaune: I am. But Robyn could still cause trouble for us down the road. We need to be ready when she could take things too far.
Nora: But-
Ironwood: It’s only if she continues to be an obstacle.
Nora: *silent*
Ironwood: Alright. Everyone back to work. Keep an eye out for Tyrian. And if you learn anything you report to me immediately.
Ace-ops: Yes sir.
Ren: Yes sir.
*JNPR Dorm Room*
Nora: Jaune, I can’t believe you sided with Ironwood.
Ren: Nora, it is a constitutions plan. It’s not going to happen.
Nora: I’m just saying the people of Mantle are already having a hard time.
Ren: I understand but-
Nora: But what? That getting Amity Arena up is more important than helping the people.
Ren: What about the world? What about all of Remnant?
Nora: How can help the world if we can’t help a country?!
Ren: We can’t always focus on the small things Nora. We need to consider the bigger picture.
Nora: So after all we’ve been through before you want to throw that away?
Ren That not what I’m saying. I-
Jaune: ENOUGH!!
Jaune: Please. Stop arguing.
Ren: Jaune, look I want to say-
Jaune: Stop. Sit. Both of you.
Nara and Ren: *sit separately from each other*
Jaune: Look, Nora, I understand. I know Mantle going through hard times. Due to the trading routes and transportation being limited, people are starting to struggle to get in and out of city. Stores and companies are closed so people are having trouble finding work. And without work, they can’t make money. And without money they can’t pay rent nor provide for their families. Basically majority of those people might as well not have homes soon.
Nora: Then you know why Martial law can’t happen. It will make things worse.
Jaune: Yes. That is why I would rather keep it as a last resort. However, with Mantle’s lack of funding and resources, I almost can’t blame Robyn for what’s she’s doing. However, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Nora: Hmm.
Ren: Well said Jaune.
Jaune: And you. Don’t think I’m openly siding with Ironwood. I only did that because I need everyone on the same page.
Ren: Jaune.
Jaune: At Beacon, Amber, Ozpin and Pyrrha died. Then the world got divide. Mistral, we almost died.
Nora: We survived.
Jaune: Through the skin of our teeth Nora! We got lucky! And Hazel, Emerald and Mercury stilled escaped!
Nora: *hates when he’s right*
Jaune: Now Tyrian is here. And even if my theory on Watts is correct, we still don’t know what they’re up to. Not to mention, we’re keeping secrets too. Especially, about Salem., who may have sent them here to retrieve the lamp. And worse, kill Oscar.
Nora and Ren: … … …
Jaune: Look… … Basically what I’m saying we need to be careful. We are no longer students. We are hunters. Every move we make could jeopardize what we are trying to accomplish. Even the people we trust could be a problem if we’re not careful.
Nora: So you don’t trust Ruby?
Jaune: Yeah. But keeping these secrets could get us in trouble, or most likely, have a gun to our heads. And Ironwood has plenty of them compared to us.
Ren: So what should we do?
Jaune: We do what we started this journey for. We search for answers.
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famdommcfanface · 4 days
An analysis of alcemy for the Magnus Protocol!
I have just finished the episode I have found a list of alchemical symbols let's fucking gooo baby. Just to clarify it is my belief these are the new entities. I know it would probably be better if they were less rigidly defined but I love sorting things and am hyped!!! This is going to be long so strap in (not all of those though they're just to illustrate)! I am so sorry if you use dark mode (like me!) these images are almost all transparent.
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1: Mercury!
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Referring to both the metal and the planet, go wild. Mercury is all about transcending boundaries as it's kind of both a solid and a liquid (it's not but whatever), specifically the boundary of life and death, possibly even transcend death. That seems relevant. Also related to snakes so if snakes show up... probably mercury. Also if we ever get some sort of white queen in a chess way? Mercury. It also represents the mind, or spirit maybe? It's got a lot going on. Colin said it'd make the world end. Fuck yeah probably why not.
2: Salt
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This is one that is not included on one list I have but is on the other. I'm not guaranteeing all of these are significant I'm finding it hard to find a definite list. If you look into just all the alchemical symbols they've got loads and I doubt they're all significant. Anyway. Salt is the physical body in this trifecta (we'll come onto that). Very to do with physicality, the body, honestly might manifest in a few ways similar to the Flesh. Also to do with purification? In general but also 'purifying' the body which I think medieval people meant in a good way but sounds evil to me. There is also of course, seperate to the whole alchemy thing, salt circles and all that. You've seen supernatural you know what I'm talking about. Although that's also to do with purification.
3: Sulphur
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Or sulfur, if you are American. This one's actually got a few different symbols but let's go with this one for now. Honestly, and I know we shouldn't be comparing these to the TMA entities, but this one's pretty desolation. It's all dry heat and masculine destructive energy. Yeah this one's 'masculine' and mercury's 'feminine' for some reason, I doubt that will come up. Which I guess makes salt non-binary. This is the red king, too. This is the soul in the 'tria prima', Mercury, salt and sulphur, which were the three first elements apparently, and also cause disease? Idk. That might be relevant. Hell's meant to smell of sulphur, that tells you most of what you need to know. Again, we've all seen Supernatural. Colin said something about this making you go mad. I think yeah sure but less spiral-type mad more slaughter-type mad.
4: Air
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Right, onto the four basic elements. These all have a humour related to them too and air has blood for some reason. Air is life and light and God and passion and all that good shit. I have to imagine it's gonna have some vast shit going on too because I don't think Jonny can help himself, but it's also to do with being changable and generally quite nice. Oh also ideas and creativity. All that good shit!
5: Earth
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Basically the opposite of air. The 'masculine counterpart' as all these websites keep saying. It's associated with salt, which makes sense, and is all about stillness and being grounded and again, I feel like there's going to be some buried attributes in there. It's got the humour black bile which is all about sadness and shit. Most of the four basic elements are fairly self-explanatory.
6: Fire
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You know what fire does. Passion, emotion, love and hate and all that. Although honestly in an alchemical way fire seems to be more emotional. So far (and I am writing these as I look into them) if you want something based around physical destruction you're gonna wanna look at sulphur. Its humour is yellow bile.
7: Water
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Water, humour is phlegm, connected to mercury, honestly alchemically I can't find anyone having much to say about it but y'know. It's water. BUT I HAVE THINGS TO SAY ABOUT WATER. Okay so this has gotta be the deep, right? The whole mix of the buried and the vast thing with the sea? That killed the girl Alice saw? Or at least was involved with the death. It's all very water.
8: Lead
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Right, onto planetary metals! Which Mercury kind of also was but hey ho. So, Lead is associated with Saturn. So, alchemists believed that lead was the base metal, that all other metals were just lead that had turned into something else. Which means it's really important but also kinda sucks, and is why people kept trying to make it into gold. So lead is also to do with change but also kind of purity as they thought it 'purified' into gold. Also associated with the Roman god Saturn/Greek god Chronos, who are both to do with time so that might be involved.
9: Tin
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To do with the planet Jupiter. It seems to be connected to wisdom and maturity and education and all that. BUT ALSO. It is connected to Lady Mowbray, hell yeah. Because I watched a video about the arg and noted that on the back of Lady M's assistant's clipboard or whatever is this symbol which I recognised at the time as Jupiter! Now. What does tin have to do with dogs and eating people. As far as I can tell fuck all. I thought I'd misremembered for a moment and it was actually the Saturn symbol because that would work with cannibalism at least but no Lady Mowbray seems to serve... tin. Which is kind of funny. I get the connection to nobility at least, Jupiter is king of the gods after all, but as far as I know he doesn't hunt people with dogs? Idk.
10: Iron
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Related to Mars and, as I'm sure you can tell, men. Because these fuckers loved gender. Similar to fire it's all about anger and passion, but also seeing as Mars is the god of war I don't think it's beyond belief we've got something similar to the slaughter on our hands here.
11: Gold
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Connected to the sun and therefore does not have a classical god I can interpret. Damn. Maybe Apollo? Gold is about having gay lovers. No. So gold's big thing is that it doesn't corrode. Something about staying as you are, the opposite of Air's changability, sort of similar to earth... I could make something out of this.
12: Copper
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Well hello ladies. Copper actually has a cooler symbol but I suspect we're sticking with these. Connected to Venus, obviously, which is all about attractiveness and desirability because copper is a very pretty metal. Personally, I would say episode 2 is to do with copper. I don't know if ink5oul themself is (I think they might sort of span entities) but what's her name from the episode and her obsession with looking good seems very copper to me. I know I'm not sorting all these episodes (yet! I have to relisten first) but this one jumped out at me. Copper is also to do with love, of course. I feel like one reason maybe the desire theory got so big is a lot of alchemical elements are to do with love and desire, so that just sort of bled through?
13: Silver
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That's right, it's the moon! Very to do with mystery and weird shit. I think if you get the non-literal elements of The Dark you've got Silver. Also keeps away evil, again, Supernatural. Although it also has to do with tides so I think there is a very small chance that actually this is the Deep? I doubt it though.
14: Antimony
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So I wasn't going to do the mundane elements because they're less likely to be important (you'll see) but some of them are really interesting! I might not do them all. Anyway, antimony is about the wild and animalistic side of human nature, and is to do with wolves. That remind you of anyone? A certain... aristocratic milf? I know she's connected to tin but it should be antimony okay??
15: Arsenic
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Arsenic is cool, we all know it. It's my mum's favourite element on the periodic table. Anyway. Swans? It's to do with swans. Apparently it transforms its appearance like a cygnet to a swan. It also fucking kills people which I'm not convinced the alchmists were aware of.
16: Bismuth
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Nobody knows what they were doing with bismuth. RIP. Also, I don't know my astronomy but that is taurus. Does that mean anything? I looked into the metal; it's quite pretty and people get it mixed up with tin.
17: Magnesium
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Oh boy. It's hard to extinguish once it's lit, so it represents eternity! That's gotta be something babyy! Some combination of the end and the vast and all that.
18: Phosphorus
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They thought phosphorus trapped light. I know it's easy to say this from a modern perspective but alchemists were fucking dumb. I feel like I could disprove this. But they were the first scientists so we have to be nice to them I guess...
19: Platinum
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Supposedly a combination of gold and silver, hence the symbol. Possibly something about being bound to something... idk.
20: Potassium
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Or potash. Didn't seem to have much historical context. But I believe it has very important modern context.
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21: Zinc
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They burned zinc to get what they called 'white snow'. You fucking idiots snow is already white.
That's it! Honourable mention to horse dung, which is a more obscure element but gets its own symbol and everything.
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also soap and urine and all sorts of shit so I think we should stop there. What have we learnt? Possibly nothing! One of these has got to be to do with plants - I assume earth? That would make sense. One's something to do with luck from the sounds of things and I have no idea what that is, hopefully someone knows more about alchemy than I do for that. There's definitely some sort of watcher and I think either that's the eye crossed into this dimension or possibly mercury? I don't think the names are going to be these because honestly imagine Lady Mowbray being like hey I serve Tin. She's probably going to say Jupiter but we all have to know in our heart of hearts. It's just fucking tin. I am very tired I am going to bed.
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sreegs · 1 year
Would you be willing to share your sources relating to the submarine/submersible technology? I believe you, but I’d love to a. read more on the subject and b. Share something that isn’t a tumblr post with a family member
i linked wikipedia articles in my reblog which, themselves, have sources in their references, but i'm not sure what specifically you're asking for a source on.
i presume you're asking why i asserted a sphere is safer than a cylinder which is more or less just physics and not strictly related to subs. a cylinder has more surface area than a sphere of the same diameter therefore it has more surface for pressure to act on. moreover the nature of material manufacture means that a cylinder has more seams (2) than a sphere (1).
spherical pressure hulls are usually made of two halves of forged titanium or steel then fused together along one seam. the titan was two halves of a titanium sphere attached to the ends of a carbon-fiber tube. where the tube was joined to the spheres it made two seams. this is really oversimplifying it but the point is to highlight that seams can provide a point of failure because they're not part of the same continuous material. the more seams the more potential points of failure
if you're asking about the DSVs themselves, when it comes to functional deep-sea capable vessels i guess it's important to point out the difference between a "submarine" (the long tube shape you see used in the military) and a deep-sea vessel like a bathysphere (which is not a submarine because of its lack of mobility).
submarines, especially modern ones, can handle some pretty impressive depths but they don't go anywhere near as deep as vessels designed to travel to the deep sea. military sub max operational depths are probably classified but their reported depths are in the hundreds of meters
modern dsv's dive past ten thousand meters. which is way, way more pressure.
so to understand modern DSVs, here's the description of the batysphere concept and some of the original designs, which which were the first deep-sea capable vessels just much more primitive. they were lowered on cables and didn't travel on their own power. so they weren't really vehicles
here's the next logical step, the bathyscaphe, which allowed it to move up and down under its own power, however the crew cabin is still a sphere. you can see them protruding from the bottom of the vessel in some photos
"deep-submergence vehicles" (which i linked in that reblog) are a bit more closer to submarines in terms of design and mobility, but their crew cabin designs are still spherical, with few exceptions. the deepest-traveling ones are spherical
crew cabins are pressure vessels. meaning they're built to withstand the force of the pressure of the water outside the vehicle. DSV's may have multiple components in compartments that don't look spherical at all from the outside but it makes sense when you realize some of these compartments aren't pressure vessels. some are solid foam. some even flood with sea water by design
take a look at this diagram of the Alvin with crew inside:
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the largest pressure vessel is the crew cabin. there's a few other smaller pressure vessels to provide variable ballast (flooded with sea water or pumped with air) and some mercury vessels to provide leveling trims (to tell which way is up)
the rest of the vehicle is either pressure-resistant foam or empty space in which water can get in because the components inside are small enough and engineered to withstand the pressure. remember, because water pressure acts in all directions, the less surface area you have, the less pressure you need to worry about to maintain whatever function you need to perform. since the crew compartment is so big and so important, it's the thickest titanium and probably engineered to more exacting safety standards than some of the other parts
a couple people have already commented more on what i posted with good insight into things i can't explain as well. here's someone going into detail about the sphere vs cylinder issue:
and here someone linked a very informative youtube about the manufacture of the DSV Limiting Factor including footage of the crew compartment being forged from titanium
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alevolpe · 4 months
Please tell us about Luna (and Artemis)!
Luna as I mentioned here was a part of the rebellion group that included Beryl and the 4 kings back in the silver millennium, she was a crucial part of the operation as she was the only one with direct access to the Moon Kingdom and the Queen.
Though let me take it back a second and explain who Luna is. The name Luna isn’t her name per se, but more of a title/position in the royal court that is passed down. The role of a Luna is given to a human woman whose job is to be a caretaker, specifically she’s the caretaker for any reborn senshi.
Say the current Mercury does anything that gets her executed, the new Mercury will be reborn on Earth and it’s Luna’s job to take her from her human parents and raise her til the age where she’s mature enough to be independent.
Additionally, since it happens that a whole life of a Luna can pass by without her even needing to take care of any senshi ( read more on how old the senshis are here, in the comments) she also is entasked with small roles as advisor for the queen and mediator during Earth expeditions, both of these jobs are her responsibility ONLY if it has to do with the senshi.
Our Luna didn’t raise any of the senshi, they are all adults when she is given the title of Luna, despite that Luna still tries to be there for (most of) them like a mother would. She feels for them and understands the terrible situations they’re in. That said she’s not treated well by all of them, really the only ones that treat her nicely and with respect are Mars and Neptune, and in her own way Mercury.
Luna is very passionate, even in her current life, she’s very driven by a sense of justice, while also having a very compassionate heart toward the people she’s supposedly betraying. Though she’s never swayed to think that what she’s doing isn’t right, the people of Earth deserve better and for that, the Moon Kingdom has to fall, even if she knows it means most likely means the death of the senshi and the princess.
She’s eventually discovered and executed, Mars tipping off the Queen to her doings. Mars is a very interesting character in silmil and she’s def the most “lawful good” out them all, but with her future vision, she does what she has to make sure the pieces fall into place for a better future. She knew Luna’s execution was the only opening for such future, so she regrettably did what she had to do. There’s 0 animosity between them, more like a mutual respect and liability. They never talked about such issues openly between each other, but there was always a silent mutual understanding. Mars understood Luna’s actions and Luna’s understood Mars’.
Skipping to the current time, the same Luna that was executed was reincarnated into the body of a cat, my theory is that cats are nimble, low key creatures who are able to fairly easily integrate into society while still not being human and so that’s why the Queen chose such form. She didn’t want Luna to be a human cause she doesn’t need Luna to stick around long, cats live much shorter lives and she only needs Luna to care of the senshi during their ‘transitioning training’ period and then die, having fulfilled her purpose.
All Luna’s memories were erased, only keeping very foggy, but clear goals in her mind. Awaken the senshi, find the princess and stop the evil Dark Kingdom. I like to think Queen Serenity chose this past Luna to reincarnate instead of just getting a fresh new soul because Luna already carried that sort of experienced motherly vibe with her, making it easier the ease the senshi into accepting their new destiny, but also maybe as a sort of taunting punishment. This is your punishment for your betrayal, you’ll unknowingly help defeat the same group you were a part of all those years ago and that empire you tried to destroy, will rise once again, with you knowing no better and dying before even getting to witness it.
As for Artemis, my ideas with him are definitely not as fleshed out. I most often tend to see him as the royal advisor of the Queen, his name also being a title. He really believes the Queen to be a sort of superior being, but he does also have a deeper attachment to her, seeing the more human side to her, which no1 else really gets to see.
He’s a bit more on the cynical side when it comes to the Earth people. Not that he sees them as completely inferior, but he believes people like them need beings like Serenity to mantain peace and order, even if they don’t know better. Humans are inherently selfish and self-destructive, he witnessed it, being a human who grew up on Earth.
He regularly interacted with Venus, being another victim of her manipulations, even if not to the level of Serenity, and holds her to a standard higher than the other senshi, seeing the rest of them as unmotivated and ungrateful of being a part of the court.
Unlike Luna, he retained his memories when he got reincarnated. Lying and withholding information to the true extent of what the senshi, the princess and the kingdom truly entail to the future of the girls and Earth itself, even from Luna.
He believes he’s doing the right thing, that Queen Serenity knew better and that this is how things should be. Though in the back of his mind something doesn’t feel right, he feels hurt and betrayed. Why was he reborn as a cat? He understands why Luna was, but why him, he showed nothing but devotion and loyalty to the Queen. Did he really not mean anything to her or does she really know best and knows that Artemis’ fate is ultimately inconsequential to the rise of the new kingdom?
This conflict within him is a major part of his growth as a character, learning to unwind and truly rethink what being human means through the girls and especially through Mina.
Regarding their relationship, I really do not ship Luna and Artemis. Through the majority of the first arc Luna is left in the dark by him and lead to make decisions that ultimately will cause the girls more harm than good. They are coworkers at best and even after stuff get a lil cleared out, Luna still holds a huge resentment toward him never really gets resolved (in my hc, Luna doesn’t live past the 2nd season, sorry, ik, I love her too).
This is long I know , sorry. LOL, but hopefully it clears some things up and of course all I write int his asks is still a draft, so stuff might change.
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theeldritchcorvid · 4 days
TMAGP 19 Thoughts
Spoilers, as always, below the cut
So the alchemy stuff in the ARG was apparently Massively significant, huh?
First things first: All this 'spiritual transference' shit seems like multiverse stuff - and of course Celia is interested in it if it'll explain why she keeps waking up in weird places. What's interesting is that Sam recognised it from the Institute. I think everyone suggesting that the Institute is figuring out how to hop between universes is bang on the money.
Now. The INCIDENT. HOLY SHIT! This has given us major intel about the Protocol.
So. The Protocol appears to have been originated by the Royal Society as a way to control blasphemous science, such as alchemy which was illegal in Britain at the time of the statement. What's really interesting, though, is that apparently Newton was investigating the Arbor Philosophorum Perfecta. This is apparently a precursor to the Philosopher's stone called Diana's Tree, made of crystalline silver. Which befits the description. But, most importantly:
According to wikipedia, all of Newton's research on this - was DESTROYED IN A FIRE. (caused by his dog, apparently, irl. and indeed, in this episode, Hooke's proof of Newton's blasphemy IS THE DOG.) Sound familiar, anyone? It should. This seems to imply that the Protocol, whatever it is, is the same thing that destroyed the institute. and I think I know why:
And the OIAR shut it down. The Royal Society was a huge part of the establishment historically so it makes sense that the OIAR may now be linked to them.
ALSO Sam's onto it! He's right. The computers are listening. Sidebar: Now I really need to look over all the incidents: specifically, WHO heard them, which may be able to tell us WHY they heard them. It is no coincidence that Sam gets an incident about alchemy and the Protocol the moment he and Celia discuss the field.
And also, this may tell us why Alice is getting the JMJ errors - her refusal to engage or learn further. This is awfully reminiscent of S3 of Archives, though, when Elias was feeding Jon statements to lead him toward becoming marked by the fears. I think Alice knows this, or at least suspects, so is trying to prevent Sam from going any further into his case and being led down some horrible path by the computer. Is this from experience? We know she's seen some shit.
We now also know the Bouchards are powerful, corroborating what Lady Mowbray told us by mentioning them. And Elias did seem to come from wealth. Hmmmm. More lore to come I suspect.
Finally: Colin's alive! And listen to what he says. 'He.' Is He the computer system? He also mentions 'it all balances' - not too much mercury or the world ends, not too much sulfur or we all go mad. (direct quote, thank you Transcript)
In alchemy, mercury is believed to shift between life and death. Sulfur represents the soul, evaporation, expansion and dissolution.
Is 'he' Freddie, I wonder? Lots of 'seeing'. And the alchemy is linked to the Institute... it's all right there, I know it is, I'm just still unsure if Chester, Norris, and Augustus are from Archives or not. Sigh.
In short, I think I need to get into alchemy. Anyone got any alchemy book recommendations?
Next week: Last episode before another hiatus, possibly a new external, and hopefully some major lore.
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twistedastrology · 2 months
🪐 my take on the outer planets 🪐
saturn is constantly given a bad rap just because it does its job- saturn's placement in your chart isn't always a bad thing- it can signify difficulties in that area of your life, yes, but it can also tell you what you have unwavering resolve in (especially if you're saturn ruled or saturn is positively aspected)
for example, my saturn is in my 1st house in leo (cancer rising) and I've seen people say that saturn in the 1st house can indicate a fear of growing old or being lonely, whatever- my personal experience with this placement is, ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you i am fucking petrified of losing myself- losing my mind, losing who i am and dying early are my worst fears (dreams in which im dying are NOT the best ive ever had 😮‍💨)
but as a result of this, i know myself SO well. i do think saturn in the 1st house can indicate issues with finding yourself IF it's afflicted, which mine isn't (thank god 💔💔💔)
im also very scared of growing out of touch with the world around me- dont get me wrong, i love being a hermit, but if im ever that old man that can't understand trends or whatever and is overly cynical of younger generations... dawg- take me the fuck out 😕
uranus i LOOOOVEEEEE and i think it stands for so much more than just rebellion- my uranus has a LOT of power in my chart (so does my neptune but they're in mutual reception 😮‍💨) because my moon is cusped (1° pisces, but i feel both pisces and aquarius influence 💔), and it and my mercury im pretty sure are why i think backwards as fuck- (fun fact, my mercury is FIRMLY direct but it likes to act like it's in retrograde 💔💔💔💔)
but!! more interestingly, i have a very specific mental process where whenever im goin thru it, i cant stay goin thru it for a while- if my brain is fucked up for a little too long and i start getting pissed about it, my uranus takes over and legitimately propels me through the pain in almost an instant. i could be going through something for weeks and once i start getting pissed about it or legitimately bored of it, the next day it's like nothing ever happened BUT i still learned from it
ofc I have to do something to trigger that effect, which is where my mars in cancer comes in and i do a workout to tap into the physical catharsis and BOOM, go to bed and wake up the next day a new man 🙏🙏🙏 god bless 🙏🙏🙏
neptune Ok i am not entirely sure what made whoever said neptune is the higher octave of venus think that but I've never been able to see it. this might be controversial as hell but neptune is the higher octave of the moon to me and jupiter is the higher octave of venus. THAT BEING SAID-
neptune is an absolutely fascinating planet to me lately and im not sure why- i do have a couple transit aspects with it right now but ive wanted to write about it literally all day now- U KNOW i might love it so much bc it's in my 8th house actually that would make sense- ANYWAY-
neptune to me is the source of all the visions from god i get, especially my creative ones- (source: it came to me in a vision from god.) the moon is a very creative placement in my opinion (i have a WILDLY different idea of the moon that i can go over in another post), so neptune follows a similar current, but neptune is higher creativity, higher emotion, etc- it's the planet of spirituality and the absolute depths of our subconscious, like to the point of past lives, that's the kinda shit neptune fucks with
but because it's also the higher octave of the moon, to me it can absolutely represent addictions and vices, everything garbage- personally, my neptune isn't very afflicted at all but i also have a major lack of earth in my chart so i Do find myself experiencing classic neptune-based paranoia sometimes- fuck dude i went neurotic for a week at one point, that was some serious neptune delusion- But my uranus/saturn pulled me back from it, because like i said, saturn makes me petrified of losing myself, so those two joined forces like "ya this shit ain't cool actually take it out back and shoot it"
i might make a post on specifically neptune stuff soon and/or right after this bc the hyperfixation is hyperfixating 💔💔
pluto i FUCK with because it's such a soul searchy planet (my 8th house is very active so ofc i fuck with pluto) in the darkest ways and i love that shit- jonathan davis has his pluto in a fucking mastery degree (29° virgo) and i am to this day like 😦 over it- and it makes SO much sense for him to have PLUTO of all planets in a mastery degree- and i have mine in 26° sag so like im not that far behind... 💔
but dude that's mastery of some SERIOUS transformative powers- that's mastery of the wildly darker shit in life and that is so fucking tight to me- i value that kinda stuff more than anything dude- probably why korn is my fav band (been listening to them as i write this 😭😭)
one thing abt pluto that i DONT agree with tho, and this is more of a scorpio thing BUT i know everyone loves to say scorpios are the sexy signs but dawg... it's cancers... i swear 2 god it's cancers- i will write an entire fucking post on cancers and why i HATE everyone's interpretations of them bc everyone's like "cnanncers are cRYBbaueiis and tHyeyre the most emOtIknal siGnsns 💔💔💔" Bro. Bro. Bro dont do me like that for the love of god. that shit made me hate my rising sign for SO long and also not relate to it!!!! then i started doin my own research and found out "Oh fuck nvm im totally a cancer"
BUT if you look at pluto like the actual God- nowhere in his mythology (that I read anyway- i could be wrong i dont wanna act like i know everything) does it say anything abt him ruling over sex or sumn like that- but everyone says pluto rules over sex!!!!!! Where!!!!!!!!!!! dawg they said he was a god of abundance bc he ruled over the underworld and gems and stuff were found underground 😭😭😭
i do think pluto fucks with taboo shit though But back in the ye olden days when astrology was being developed, sex was not taboo at all, that's a new development that i think uranus fucks with more because uranus is a very future focused planet in my humble opinion
i could definitely keep writing but i think this is already a novel SO- to specify tho, this is all my opinion of the planets, ive read PLEEEEEENTY of books and stuff so by no means do i not know how this shit works, but my uranus makes me rip everything apart and make my own take so 💔
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13lunarstar · 4 months
About nakhstras in the Vedic Astrology
For those who are interested in Astrology to fully understand their psychological portrait, knowing solely the Zodiac sign ( the day you were born) is not enough. Modern Western astrology comprises 12 different Zodiac signs, and this is how we are different or similar to someone else. Being born with someone close to our birth date makes us think that we are supposed to have identical personalities, or at least very much in common. However, in reality, it is very rare. Why does it happen? The answer hides in nakshatras.
Nakshatras (aka lunar mansions) are parts of the ecliptic in Vedic astrology, each spanning 13°20' of the celestial sphere. There are 27 nakshatras in total, each associated with specific qualities, attributes, and planetary rulerships.
In contrast to Western astrology, which divides the Zodiac into 12 equal sections, known as the Zodiac signs, Vedic astrology contains nakshatras which divide each Zodiac into 3 subcharacteristics for a more detailed analysis of an individual's psyche and life journey. Each nakshatra is ruled by a specific planet, shaping its unique characteristics and symbolism.
Also, nakshatras are subdivided into quarters called padas, enhancing the complexity and depth of astrological readings. By analysing the planetary placements within specific nakshatras and padas at the moment of birth, Vedic astrologers can uncover valuable insights into an individual's personality traits, temperament, strengths, weaknesses, and life experiences.
Imagine someone born as a Scorpio in Western astrology. Scorpios are known for being intense and passionate. But let's say this Scorpio is born under the Anuradha nakshatra ruled by Saturn, a planet of great wisdom and discipline, which adds qualities like determination and leadership. This individual might be even more focused and result-oriented than the typical Scorpio. They could approach challenges with a strong sense of purpose and resilience, making them stand out as someone who doesn't give up easily. So, while they still have the typical Scorpio traits, the influence of Anuradha makes them even more driven and capable of achieving their goals.
And now, picture another Scorpio born under the Jyeshtha nakshatra, which is ruled by Mercury - a planet of intellect, communication and information, and associated with intelligence, resourcefulness, and independence. This Scorpio might display a sharp intellect and a knack for problem-solving. They could be highly analytical and perceptive, often delving deep into understanding complex matters. Their independence and self-reliance may lead them to prefer working solo or taking charge in group settings.
Unlike the typical Scorpio, who may express their intensity through emotions, this individual might channel their intensity into mental pursuits or communication. They could excel in fields requiring critical thinking, such as research, investigation, or technology. While still possessing the passion and depth characteristic of Scorpios, the influence of Jyeshtha nakshatra adds a cerebral dimension to their personality, making them proficient at navigating intellectual challenges and asserting themselves through knowledge and skills.
As you can see, if two individuals are born under the same Zodiac sign, their distinct nakshatra placements can result in contrasting personality traits and life courses. This underscores the complex relationship between the Zodiac signs in Western astrology and the nakshatras in Vedic astrology, which collectively shape an individual's psychological portrait.
Want to learn more about Nakshatras and Vedic Astrology? Follow my blog and understand yourself better with the help of Ancient Wisdom.
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runicmagitek · 6 months
stole this from @wingsyouburn because why not! Not going to tag anyone, but if you'd like to fill this out yourself, consider yourself tagged!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 384 :')
What's your total AO3 word count? 1,836,435
What fandoms do you write for? Yes.
Ok but real answer? Current active ones are FF, Fire Emblem, and 13 Sentinels. I'll bounce around tho, depending on what inspires me. Like I always dip in and out of any video game fandom.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) Sweet Dreams (Witch from Mercury, sulemio) 2) Finally, Beautiful Stranger (FFVII, aerti) 3) Wings of Valor and Compassion (Overwatch, pharmercy) 4) Give Them Something to Talk About (TLOU2, Dina/Ellie) 5) No Safety in Desire (BotW, Urbosa/Zelda)
It does please me that my top fics are all femslash HSKDJAJD
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I definitely try my best to!! Unless it's very rude or makes me uncomfortable in some way, then I either don't comment on those specific bits or just ignore it altogether. I've had a handful of people make very backhanded remarks and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it's really awkward when an absolute stranger treats me with too much familiarity just bc we share the same ship.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Limbo? It does not have a happy ending and ends on a very horrifying note. What Becomes of Practice also comes to mind, seeing that the main character goes through hell and ends up dying, though IS reunited with her father in the afterlife 😭
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? God I really don't know. I'm more of an angst writer, so a lot of those happy endings are prefaced with a lot of pain lolsob so I feel pretty much any of my angst with a happy ending fics can qualify for this!! Tho I have received a ton of comments about how fluffy and cozy Finally, Beautiful Stranger's ending was, so I'll pick that one!!
Do you get hate on fics? Not regularly, but it has happened. I've gotten "ew this is gross" remarks on just writing about gay people. I've gotten weird comments about a brief nightmare scene in a fix-it fic, despite tagging for it, bc "she's suffered enough, why would you do this". And more recently, I've gotten some "this doesn't make sense, why would this character ever be depressed/angry" bc I guess female characters who are conveyed as bubbly in the source material aren't allowed to experience any range emotion outside of that and shame on me for wanting to explore darker themes, like recovering from trauma and depression. Bonus points when the male pov character does way more fucked up stuff and no readers call him out on it (sorry, I'm still very bitter about this)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hell yeah! All my smut, even my attempts at pwp, always incorporate feelings and more often than not gain a plot along the way. I can't help it. I love the build-up and tension leading to the main event. I need to give my readers blue balls, I guess fjlahdskdh
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not really. I'm more of an AU person than anything. Even going through my fics, the only proper crossover I've written was If You Had Life Eternal, but even that is like, reimagining Warcraft characters in the Diablo universe and that's kinda it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? SADLY YES >:/ thankfully, it was removed from FFN, but I really hated that someone copy-pasted my fic and just changed the character names to fit their ship.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I have!! Several times!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope. The closest I've come is like, sharing ideas on a single continuity with someone else and then writing it out on my own. I do like collaborative stuff with people I trust, but I don't want to co-write anything lolsob
What's your all-time favorite ship? EVER????? It varies from fandom to fandom, even year to year. Celes/Setzer will always have a special place in my heart, even if I don't write for them as often anymore. But right now, keinatsu is dominating my life and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? God, so many. I have my one Setzer fic that I posted the first chapter, managed to write the second one two years later, and then…. did fuck all with it. Also remembering the Darill/Maria/Setzer longfic I wrote and even did an initial editing pass, but that's now rotting on my laptop. It got a bit too personal at one point and I don't know if I'll ever share it :/ oh and that one Overwatch longfic I got 80k~ into and then abandoned bc the fandom was shitty and I didn't want to invest any more time in it
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, describing scenery, evoking all kinds of emotions.
What are your writing weaknesses? jfc I'm incapable of shutting up and keeping things short
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I guess it depends? Like I used French in Darkness/Starlight for Jidoorian and the only times Setzer spoke in that was when he was open about his feelings, but didn't want Celes to know. But if the reader translated those parts, they could get more insight as to where his headspace was at. But normally, I would want things written out in a way that's understandable to the audience. If there's a phrase or whatever in a different language, I try to italicize it, but that's it.
First fandom you wrote for? Vividly remember writing about my self-insert OC in a post-canon FFVII/Sailor Moon crossover that lived in spiral-bound notebooks at the age of 11. But the first fandom I actually posted something for online was Metal Gear Solid back in like… 2001???? It was forever ago lolsob
Favorite fic you've ever written? This changes over time, but I'm still very proud of What Leads You Here. I put a lot of work into it and am so happy I could share it with the fandom and even happier that a ton of folks enjoyed it!!
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twinkinspector · 2 years
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takami keigo / hawks ❥ astrology masterlist ❥ generational planets
❥ birth date: december 28, 2119
❥ birth time: evening
❥ birth place: fukuoka
❥ pop astrology analysis
hawks has a capricorn sun, scorpio moon, and leo rising. this feels like a pretty balanced big three! it describes his public persona pretty well, imo. he’s hard-working, as evidenced by his status as the number-two hero. i think his scorpio moon is well-represented in his “i-don’t-give-a-shit” persona. because he does give a shit. he just doesn’t act like it. his leo rising is....... well, yeah. he’s super popular, everyone loves him, and he’s got a larger-than-life persona – although it’s kind of all curated. that falls in line with the sign of leo and specifically its placement in his ascendant – it’s what he projects to the public. his cockiness is..... very leo lmao i don’t think i’d change a thing here! these three placements meld together really well in his case.
❥ in-depth below the cut ❥
❥ capricorn sun: pragmatic. ambitious. disciplined. intense drive for achievement. proud. can be a workaholic. realistic. goal-oriented. grounded.
hawks is so cunning. he’s able to think logically about things and has foresight that not a lot of other heroes seem to have. he’s much more realistic than his fellow heroes and works tirelessly to fulfill his duty – even though he would “rather be a lower-ranking hero” so he can slack off. he’s so complex and has a lot of contradictions in his personality, but that’s how real people are. and that’s why he’s so relatable.
❥ scorpio moon: not really interested in surface-level relationships. desires long-lasting and deep connection. potentially very secretive about their feelings even though they are intensely emotional. creative. mysterious. captivating. ambitious. empathetic – or at least aware of the vibes around them. a bit manipulative at times. the moon is in its fall here.
hawks is well-liked as a pro-hero – sure. but i don’t see him getting very close to anyone, really. he doesn’t seem interested in the relationships he has with other pros or any of his surface-level acquaintances. he’s definitely secretive, mysterious, captivating, aware of the vibes around him, and can be manipulative – all of these are PERFECT examples of why he turned spy. his creativity is always on display when he uses his quirk. he uses it in the most unexpected ways! he also uses it to retain his placid appearance – even while he’s chasing down villains with his feathers. this mirrors the way scorpios tend to maintain a placid surface while their emotions might be raging underneath.
❥ leo rising: bright. shiny. dramatic. everything is BIG. emphasis on hair. confident. generous. attractive to others. strong mind. clear intentions. self-aware. body-conscious. warm. eager to stand up for what he believes in. loves new tasks.
i think hawks’s leo rising is a really prominent placement for him. whatever he wants to project to the public, he does. leos tend to be a bit larger-than-life, and this checks out here. he also has SUPER dramatic facial expressions, especially in the manga. he’s able to sense vibrations through his individual feathers, making him even more body-conscious than most other heroes. denki and bakugou both have this placement as well.
❥ capricorn mercury: matter-of-fact. to-the-point. not a fan of idle chit-chat. authoritative. professional. from personal experience: it can seem like they’re talking down to you – big mansplaining energy.
his lack of professionalism is probably because of his leo rising and definitely that sagittarius venus. at the same time, his lack of professionalism isn’t perceived negatively – it almost works in his favor regarding his career. it’s communicated in a way that people still feel his sense of responsibility. hawks is super honest and blunt, often to the point of being rude. i do think his libra moon tempers his communication a bit, making it more palatable than it would be otherwise.
❥ sagittarius venus: independent. freedom-loving. adventurous. fun-loving. not a big fan of commitment. open-minded. honest. probably a fan of hookups and fwb-type relationships. impatient.
from his wiki: hawks's given name is composed of the kanji for "disclose, open, say" (啓 kei) and "enlightenment, understanding" (悟 go). even his name outlines his honesty. he often seems restless – like he feels caged in – by the pro-hero framework. he says that he wishes he wasn’t so popular because it would give him more freedom. his impatience plays into how quick he is with literally everything. he’s used to getting things – and getting them fast – which (as a Sagittarius Bitch™️ myself) sounds about right for this placement.
❥ capricorn mars: high achiever. quietly confident. self-motivated. cool-headed. likes to face challenges alone. one of the most tenacious and determined mars placements. strong principles. mars is exalted here.
dude is literally the youngest pro to make the top ten and is just generally a prodigy. that’s high achieving af. he’s confident for sure – but not quietly so. the quiet confidence of cap mars is more about their security in their own ability – they don’t need to go around telling everyone how great they are. while he’s not quiet per se, i wouldn’t say there’s any dissonance here. he’s just a loud guy lmao i don’t think it has anything to do with his mars. he’s cool-headed when presented with a challenge, which is why he’s such a good strategist. he often faces challenges alone because he’s literally too quick for anyone to help him most of the time. a hallmark of cap mars is that you just wouldn’t want to mess with them...... and i wouldn’t want to mess with hawks (AT LEAST IN COMBAT SKSKSJA;OFSIDJ).
❥ gemini jupiter: curious. easygoing. restless. easily bored. quick-witted. quick to catch on. quick to learn. loves learning. excellent perception of reality. jupiter is in detriment here.
we know i love sagttarius jupiter, but i also love gemini jupiter even though it’s in detriment. something interesting about planets in detriment – they’re challenging placements, but those challenges grant wisdom that make the placement arguably stronger than one in exaltation or domicile (imho). if you get a handle on your “negative” placements, the reward is usually huge. gemini and sagittarius are sister signs, meaning that while they’re similar, they have key differences. the main one is their goals – sags can be very single-minded, while geminis tend to float from idea to idea. this even manifests in the ability to multitask. hawks will often subdue criminals with his feathers while he’s still holding a conversation and isn’t even visibly reacting to the conflict. he is a master multitasker. it’s insane. again, from dat wiki: hawks's given name is composed of the kanji for "disclose, open, say" (啓 kei) and "enlightenment, understanding" (悟 go). he’s constantly learning and trying to understand things around him – especially when he turns spy for a bit.
❥ gemini saturn: ability to articulate information. good problem-solver. detail-oriented. prone to anxiety and overthinking – the burden of intelligence. intellectually complex. often gets new ideas.
i said this earlier, but he is sooooo complex – full of contradictions. and that’s really why i love him. two things can be true at the same time. and he’s proof! his ability to articulate information is really highlighted when he gives endeavor information through the meta liberation book that he highlighted. he’s using his judgement – knowing that he shouldn’t be outright with the info. but still communicates it in an effective way. which also ties into his problem solving and how detail-oriented he can be when he wants to be.
❥ cancer uranus: creativity. a fresh perspective. eccentric. intuitive. aspires to understand life itself. homebody. family-oriented even though he has family issues. strong reactions. patriotic. frees other generations from limiting traditions. sometimes takes time away to refresh.
since he’s slightly older than the student-age characters and younger than most pro-heroes, hawks has one different generational planet from the younger characters. this changes his general outlook on life a bit. where the younger characters deal with more introspection and “coming into themselves,” hawks deals with family issues and his ideals. he’s a fresh perspective and a bit unconventional in comparison to other pros. i would definitely say he’s a bit eccentric. also (tw here for family issues) his backstory with his parents is crazy sad. he wants to be family-oriented but his parents were so shitty to him that he has to wrestle with it. and this manifests in the way he wants to give the public the security that he didn’t have as a child. i touched on his dramatic facial expressions earlier, but this probably plays a part in them too – he has strong reactions to situations. he’s able to easily control his emotions, but those gut feelings are there. he’s patriotic in a...... weird way. he wants to give security to the public even while projecting his “i-don’t-give-a-shit” image, which – again – breaks the mold a little as far as limiting traditions. he refreshes himself with alone time – i can kind of see this when he’s spying. he takes a step back from what he’s used to and looks at it through another lens.
❥ overall
i think hawks’s placements interact really well with one another. with all his capricorn placements, i’m surprised he’s not more straight-laced – but he has some sagittarius and gemini energy that definitely give him the desire to be the exact opposite of that. he wants freedom in spite of his high achievement. he wants both things. and i don’t blame him. and what is gemini energy if not duality? i was initially surprised at how many earth placements he had, but after looking more into him, it clicked for me. he stays grounded in situations that someone with different placements might not. too much air and he might lose himself. too much fire and he might get carried away and combative. too much water and he might have a bit of an internal conflict. i really think his chart is spot-on. there’s nothing in here that i really disagree with. ALL MY HOMIES LOVE HAWKS
❥ chart
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yunhohours · 2 years
Your birth chart are the best thing on tumblr. Can you do one for Jeonghan too? Thank you!
Omg 😭 Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy them! <3 Here’s my go at Jeonghan’s chart!
Jeonghan’s chart is such a special combination if you ask me. Not that we would expect anything less from him. He’s one of a kind.
Not many people will be Jeonghan’s type. Not romantically anyway. He has his sun, mercury, and venus in libra. Libra is a venusian sign and venusian signs are associated with love and beauty. Appearances are very important to Jeonghan: the way he looks, the way things look to other people, and probably even his partner’s appearance is highly important to him. That being said, his moon is in aquarius and aqua moons like people that stand out. His mars is in scorpio so he likes a bit of edge. It’s likely that he would end up with a partner that others find to be “shocking,” but is also well-liked and respected. Perhaps that person has a unique sense of style that catches people off guard or a personality that makes people fascinated because they’ve not seen anything like it before. But this person must still be mostly held in high regard by others. He doesn’t want the uniqueness if it comes with too many scrutinizing eyes. He can take a bit of polarization because that just proves his partner’s true individualism (and he loves that), but he doesn’t want to be seen negatively because his partner is. Appearances aside, Jeonghan will be attracted to someone that goes with the flow and doesn’t cling to him too much. Libras are notoriously indecisive and flirty so he will likely not commit right away. He’ll want to enjoy attention from as many places as he can get it for some time. He doesn’t want to be smothered. He wants to have fun and see where it goes. His aqua moon is also very independent so, again, don’t cling to him. Be chill. Take it day by day. When you are with him though, he’ll want it to be a mostly harmonious time. Libras crave balance and peace, so he doesn’t want anyone too aggressive (usually). His aqua moon and scorpio mars will definitely have fun with banter and teasing though. In essence, be unique, be chill, be light, be carefree, be playful. That’s what he wants. I know I wrote so much for this section but I was struggling to find the right words to convey exactly what I mean with Jeonghan so I had to write a lot in an effort to come close to what’s in my head dkwndk
Moving on to if and how he would pursue someone he’s interested in… it’s hard to say who would be chasing who. All his libra energy wants YOU to chase HIM. He wants to be the object of desire, even if you’re the object of his desire. All that libra is so charming, too, so he’d get his wish. You would be falling over your own feet for him. His scorpio mars is also an extremely alluring placement. People with this placement have a tendency to be magnetic. They radiate a sexual energy that people gravitate to without even trying. This placement is also known for getting what they want and moving strategically but stealthily. So he’ll have you chasing him because it’s what he wants. He’ll just make you think it’s your idea. That’s why I say it’s hard to say who’s doing the chasing. It’s both. But he wants it to seem as if he is the high prize that you just happened to be lucky enough to catch.
In a relationship, Jeonghan is considerate and pleasant. He is not one to express emotions verbally too much (aqua moon), but he will show his love by listening to you, helping you, making you feel appreciated through actions. He may have a tendency to be passive (libras are people pleasers), so sometimes you may have to make sure he’s properly voicing himself and what he wants/needs. His scorpio mars can be explosive once he has taken too much for too long, but it takes a lot of slow building to reach that point. Try not to let him get there. It’s not a good time for anyone. Ask him specific questions about his own feelings/desires/etc that he can’t just defer to your opinion on, because he will in order to “keep the peace” or “go with the flow.” Give him time when decisions need to be made because he struggles with weighing his options. Make sure he has plenty of time to spend with his friends because friends are very important to him! He loves being together with you. He just needs to have his own time and freedom too (as we all do).
Okay, buckle up for the sex talk. Jeonghan has a scorpio mars. I already mentioned that scorpio mars radiates sexual energy, and I mean it when I say that this is a constant thing. Jeonghan will have a way of making you want him like you’ve never wanted anyone before, intentional or not. The way he looks at you, his tone of voice, his word choice… it all oozes sex. You’ll be fighting yourself to keep your hands off him. But it’s okay if you can’t. He’s likely to be ready to go at literally any time. Scorpio mars has a high sexual appetite. This placement also likes flirting with danger, so… nothing is off the table. Any of the riskier kinks you can think of are possibilities with Jeonghan. Definitely the type to touch you or fuck you within ear or eyeshot of others just to watch you struggle to keep your composure. I’ll rest my case here because, like I said, nothing is off the table. I would be talking forever.
In conclusion, Jeonghan wants a one-of-a-kind partner that feels as light and free as he is. Whoever catches his heart will be the luckiest.
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HELLO MODS OF THINKING ABOUT MILGRAM ... what do you think about the new mv please infodump on me
Saturn's Thoughts - I love milgram so much for all their little details!!! Like at the very beginning we can know that the hand that flipped the hourglass was Mu's victim due to the shirt color?? (Admin Venus might start crying if you mention socks though) Also straight up, I want the worker bee dresses. They're so pretty?? And of course Admin Venus comes out with an immediate banger of a theory, Mercury has the most internet meme ever, and admin Neptune even came out of her hole to offer whatever the heck this is!!! And this shot?? Literally gives me goosebumps.
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(Also congrats on finishing your finals Galacticus!!!)
Venus’ Thoughts - I’m not going to go too far into info dumping because I already did a whole initial takes post (as Saturn so kindly linked), but I will say that I really liked this MV! It’s deceptively complex; even though the fact that Mu was a bully in the past was technically “new information,” they knew that the fanbase would already know/expect that. So, while they tell that story, they bring in the bee/chrysalis/butterfly metaphors, the hourglass flipping back and forth, the lyrics which seem so self-obsessed but still fearful at times, and, of course, the parallels with After Pain. The song itself is a solid banger, too! Plus, even though it feels to me like the verdict should be a super obvious guilty, I’m not sure about doing it. Unlike the first video, where (in my opinion) Mu was the victim but lacked charisma/likability, I think that in this video, she’s clearly the bully, but she’s much more likable/rootable. She has that hint of self doubt; rather than painting herself as a victim who’s done absolutely nothing wrong, she paints herself as the villain who worries that that’s exactly what she is. That’s much more compelling to me, and I’m glad that they took this more aware path forward with her.
Neptune’s Thoughts - It’s bug time! First off Venus idk how you continue to come up with such banger initial thoughts posts considering how few braincells we had last night but pop off. Anyways, I really liked the whole bug/queen bee concept and the continuation of the hourglass metaphor. I was confused about why she ate the green stuff at first but it makes sense for it to be royal jelly. The parts that stood out to me the most were her causally shoving the servant bee to their death and how she quickly transitions from a look of “what did I just do” after stabbing the victim to a maniacal happy look.
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Mercury’s Thoughts! - Hello loves! Mercury here with absolutely no comprehesable thoughts! Right when we were watching it at 2am, my brain first thought “Oh god not the Chimera Ant Arc AGAIN.” And then “lmao Queen Chrysalis looking ass” and finally “man Muu and Chloe Bourgeois are kinda similar lol.” OKOK onto actual thoughts! Muu’s frilly collar is absolutely supposed to look like a flower. TIME FOR MORE FLOWER ANALYSIS WOO!!! The closest one I can find is yellow hibiscus, specifically one that has the red veins like her collar. Like a lot of yellow flowers, yellow hibiscus represent friendship, joy and good luck. LMAO
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Another thing I noticed is after Muu “breaks” most of her servant bees, the three left are notably the ones with bright colored hair. By looking at their hair styles, they’re her friends from the picture in After Pain and the ones she was with on the rooftop in INMF. (kinda off topic, but all of Muu’s servant bees have small wings from the beginning, but Muu has a transformation at the end to get wings. Not exactly sure where I’m going with this tho??)
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Finally, both Muu and Haruka similarly have a shot of their victim flash super quickly at the end. I don’t think that’s coincidental that the two characters that are notably together in Milgram have a similar shot in their MVs.
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40 - Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced?
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So happy to have an album that isn't going to be torture to get through. Almost every track on this album is on *at least* one playlist of mine.
Purple Haze-
An absolute monster opening riff leading into one of the better songs of all time.
So, i know i have Unusual Opinions regarding music and musicians, and one of my stronger ones that I have is that Jimi Hendrix was very likely bi.
"Hold on now!" come the cries of the boomers. "prove it! Prove that the always flamboyant, immaculate, WAY ahead of his time, extremely fashion-forward and highly passionate rock star who tragically died young might be bi!".
To which i say: "did you even hear a word of what you just said?" He straight-up says "excuse me while i kiss this guy" and the entire English-speaking world collectively went "no, no, that's not what he said, he said... Kiss... umm... the sky! Yeah, that totally makes sense!".
Except i used to have a live recording of this song where he very clearly said "while i kiss. that. guy." Keeping in mind that this was before Freddie Mercury or David Bowie could sit down for an interview and say something like "I'm openly bisexual, i fancy both men and women, to roughly the same degree." and the interviewer would then immediately say some dumb shit like :"yes, but why are you gay?"
In short: Jimi was bi, most music magazine interviewers are crap, they have been crap for a long time, bisexual erasure happens TODAY, so of course it would have happened 50 years ago, deal with it.
Manic Depression-
I absolutely love this song. Also, and more distressingly, I also absolutely relate to this song.
The solo is insane, the riff work is phenomenal, and the bass and drums are perfectly in the pocket. (Also, for what seems like a fairly simple drum beat, it's MUCH harder to keep that constantly-shifting time signature in your head than one would think.)
Hey Joe-
Is this the best song about "murdering your cheating spouse and then fleeing the country" ever written? I think so.
I mean, I'd put the Dixie Chicks' "Goodbye, Earl" up there, but I don't think she left her hometown after the murder.
At any rate, a psychotic psychedelic R&B classic.
Love or Confusion-
An anthem for all the autistic folks out there like myself who genuinely can't tell if a person is actively flirting with them or just being polite.
May This Be Love-
I will always be in favor of daydreaming like a lazy-minded fool.
Much more mellow than the earlier songs on the album have been, but Jimi still works in some outstanding guitar noodling.
I would bet money this song was an influence on Incubus's "Aqueous Transmission".
I Don't Live Today-
The biggest goddamn mood on the album, and how I feel almost every time I'm made aware of The News.
The Wind Cries Mary-
Another absolute classic song. Sad but beautiful.
Kurt Vonnegut's lament: "So it goes..." in song form.
When I was young, (for some reason) I thought he was referencing the Virgin Mary. Now, I think she might have just been more of "the one who got away".
People of a certain generation and a specific level of culture will likely associate this song with Tia Carrera.
Either way, this song melts faces. The drummer is a goddamn maniac on this one.
Third Stone From The Sun-
I've never listened to this album on acid, but this song seems perfect for that exact mindset with the trippy, heavily-distorted vocals.
It kicks ass, though, don't get me wrong.
Foxey Lady-
People of a certain generation and a specific level of culture will likely associate this song with Dana Carvey wearing a flannel shirt tied around his waist.
(Look, if you haven't seen Wayne's World, you owe it to yourself to do so.)
Are You Experienced?-
The last line of this one (not necessarily stoned but beautiful) always made me figure that "being experienced" is a shibboleth for anything from "you smoke trees?" to "DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE MACHINE ELVES?!"
and damn do I love the backwards drumming.
Stone Free-
Okay, Jimi, I'm pretty sure they DID realize they "were the ones who's square". That's why they would stare at your bizarre marching band leader outfits. (I'm absolutely Not knocking his bizarre marching band leader outfits, I honestly wish I had the panache to pull that kinda shit off.)
51st Anniversary-
Man, between Stone Free and this one right after, I'm guessing Jimi didn't think much of marriage, huh?
Idk, as a happily married man, this one just doesn't click with me.
Highway Chile-
This very easily could have been me after the army, if I had had a car that actually worked.
Can You See Me-
This one rings a bit hollow after all the earlier "yeah, baby, I'm out of here, see ya never, no strings on me" songs, just saying.
It rocks, nonetheless. Also maybe the only time "aww, shucks" had been uttered in a song that still goes this hard.
See directly above, except the aww shucks part.
Red House-
And this one, right at the end, proves the hollowness of the last two broken hearted songs in my eyes.
"Girl left while I was gone? Welp. Fuck it, her sister was cute."
A monster of a blues track, regardless. One of my favorites, and that solo is INSANE.
Favorite Track: This is a tough one. A close race, but it's Purple Haze by a nose.
Least Favorite Track: Remember. It's barely about the girl in question! It's about the bird that won't sing and the dumped dude who won't eat because he has the sads.
Sorry about the long time since last time, full disclosure I got thoroughly addicted to a podcast called Kill James Bond, wherein three trans people discuss (and frequently skewer) the poster boy for toxic masculinity. It's fantastic.
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xxoxobree · 2 months
hi angel, i’ve been really into matchups recently — a coping mechanism for how stressed uni has me. i’d love a matchup with one of the jjk men please? i do have a favourite, and i do have a type…so i’m curious to see who i’d be matched with. i’m a leo stellium — leo sun/rising/mercury/mars w/ a pisces moon and a virgo venus. i’m also an enfp. i’m a bit of a firecracker. passionate and intense, feisty and emotional, spoiled and demanding, principled and loyal and incredibly romantic. i’d like to think i’m brave. i’m not afraid to fight for what i believe in. i’m also the eldest daughter, and a bit of a perfectionist. i’m a huge city girl, and i enjoy reading, writing, shopping, and curating hyper-specific Spotify playlists. i also love doing my skincare and makeup, and have an extensive shower and self-care routine that gives me almost the same benefits as therapy does. i adore late night drives, sunny but cold weather, the mountains, and the city lights. i grew up amongst skyscrapers, and i couldn’t live without them. my favourite way to spend a night out is with my girlfriends, going from one swanky bar to the next, exploring new restaurants, giggling and gossiping the entire time. i’m not a big fan of the outdoors, or of bugs, lizards, amphibians, stinginess, and indecision. i talk a lot, i love talking. i suppose it’s why i tend to gravitate to people opposite from me. my best friends are both introverts and i’ve always had a thing for quieter men. i’m still discovering my style but i know i like stuff that’s bolder and a little glamorous. i’m a huge bootcut jeans girl. i only really wear gold jewellery, but i’m trying to mix metals at the moment. thank you so much. x
Oh girl 🫢😭 I wanna be your friend, you seem sooo fun..
It’s Giving Princess Satoru
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Gossip sessions with him could you imagine his input ? 😂😂😂
Spoiled and demanding ? No problem anything you want it’s yours. Maybe he’ll make you beg just a little bit for the fun of it.
Gojo is a Sagittarius tho (Sag gang ♐️🤪) so it’d be interesting to see two fire signs together, maybe you two would burn each other out ?
Cherishes your loyalty and appreciates you so much for being there for him. Rewards you for it (Geto ptsd.)
Let’s you do skin care on him, will remind you to do the skin care routine on him.
Will walk with you to see the city lights, loves the, too.
Loves that you have a good moral compass and sense of self, will ask you your opinion on everything before he makes big decisions. Ask your opinion on random stuff to just to make sure what he thinks is normal.
Will put in effort and go the extra miles when it comes to dates. It’s an ego stroke when you tell him how great the night was.
Probably doesn’t listen to a lot of music so he does take your suggestions on songs will talk to you about the songs after he’s listened.
He WILL, be one of the girls and go bar hopping with you if you let him, but he’s fun so no one minds that he’s there
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