#still a parallel btw and one of my favourites
extravagav · 1 month
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Ok we seriously need to see more sugishita love he's literally the funniest character 😭😭😭
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nightgoodomens · 18 days
"Ty was the first person in my entire life - in my entire life - that I had that with... It was the first time in my life I felt I could just say anything"-DJ
"Deeply joyous. It's deeply joyous. I mean, mainly because I get to hang out with Michael every day. And talk nonsense..."-DT
The parallels are very definitely paralleling
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There are so many parallels 😭❤️
One was married to ladies, divorced, has kids, they met on the show, they fell in love on the show, they’ve been telling everyone exactly what they feel for each other for years but everyone, even when they added a picture of them kissing! said that it doesn’t mean anything. The men openly supporting each other. DJ talking about for the first time in his entire life having someone he can talk with without judgment. How he’s supported and loved. Calling each other favourite cast members and talking about kissing.
Where have we heard it all before? Right.
They’ve been together acting the same way David and Michael are acting, but nobody “took them seriously” because there was no “announcement” until they announced… a marriage! After a relationship of ten years!
Maybe, maybe it’s time to stop waiting for “announcement” and when someone shows you and says they’re in love, you just believe them? Ah, sorry, when their best friend said they’re in love, everyone pretended they didn’t see it either. Why two men in love are a “joke” until they announce they’re getting married (btw people still thought it’s a joke then)? A straight relationship would never receive this much denial. Why people are so vile to those who just see two men in love and so they say they are? No… we are tin hatters and crazy and insane and parasocial and vile and deserve abuse and hate because we think two men are in love when they say and show they are. And these people think they have a higher moral ground as they hate read and stew in their hatred.
I really wish some people took a good long look in the mirror today, but they won’t, they are going to be the ones gasping omg who would have thought! Omg it was so obvious! Omg we thought it was all a joke even when they posted a picture of them kissing, called each other partners, and announced a marriage!
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mysticbeaver · 2 months
10 for rolf and kevin boy, 11 for kevrolf, 12, 16 & 22 for rolf and kevin boy 😁
Under the cut
10. What's your favourite piece of fanart for Kevin / Rolf?
For Kevin I'd say any fanart by guainumbi, like this one. (Fun fact - although they deactivated ages ago I found the artist on insta and I got in touch with them... they were really happy to hear of people still enjoying their old fanart 😊). Another honorable mention is chocowhomps' awesome stuff, their transmasc Kev AU is kinda out there, but you gotta respect that kind of passion and commitment.
For Rolf I'm thinking this this Rolf galore by mariekanker, they always draw him sooo scrunkly shsjdshjd💥. And shape101's portrayals of Rolf's family and all the OCs they made were fun to see.
11. What's your favourite piece of fanart for kevrolf?
It's gotta be this masterpiece. It blows my mind that it's got WAY much more notes than any other kevrolf fanart (getting close to 1k I think! wtf, that's like top eene posts... well, apart from that ship we don't talk about). I'm also fond of this doodle thing, maybe one of the first ones I ever saw, and it's so ancient I used to think it was done by a storyboard artist, but someone confirmed to me it came from Brah-J (kik0thek1ller) on deviantart (they did fanart way back when the show was still on I think)
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
In my deeper brainrot moments I've definitely imagined some zombie survival AU, mostly to entertain myself. It's a common AU idea, I know (oh no, now I'm remembering @torra-and-the-toons's unfinished In The Ed comic, oh the memories... *rubs eyes*)
16. Do people irl know you participate in fandom?
No way haha, I'm kinda reserved about how I spend my time, let alone being in a 20+ year old cartoon fandom. But I guess I could have some fun chats with my big sis about it cause she knows me well for the loonie I am 🤣 and she's a tv show addict anyway.
22. Give us a headcanon for Kevin / Rolf
-Kevin is a bit touch-starved (surprise surprise, I keep drawing parallels between him and Eddy lol), it's kinda self-inflicted because of the tough guy persona he puts up, and how high-strung he secretly is while pretending to be "chill". I think Nazz in her sensitivity might realize this eventually and help him be more genuine with himself and others. Rolf and her should give him some surprise hugs 😁 although it would annoy him (this fanart is sweet btw)
-Despite his frustrations, deep down Rolf is very grateful of his surroundings and how tolerant and friendly everyone is with him, and he grows more conscious of this as he grows up. He could have been a lot more unlucky, especially in school, a kid like that would be a prime target for bullying.
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thelordofgifs · 2 months
4 and 5 + inflection?
(fic ask game) finally getting to the last of these!! thank you for the ask <3
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
I had to think about this one! Inflection, I am sad to say, is not one of my favourite children; I'm very proud of it, but I am still holding a grudge about how HARD it was to write. But I think it would be this:
He smiled at Maedhros: a tired smile, but a real one. “Nelyo, I would not — I will not forsake you, as long as it is in my power.”
Is Maglor unconscious and not really a character for most of this fic? Yeah. Is he still my best little guy? Also yeah. And this line is a parallel to Elrond's earlier promise to Elros that he still loves him best – because that is an important aspect of the kidnap fam dynamic as I see it, that however much love grew between them both sets of brothers would always love each other best – except, because Maedhros and Maglor are Weird About Each Other, they phrase it like this instead of just saying "I love you btw".
Also the foreshadowing, of course. Maglor promises not to forsake Maedhros: and he won't, all the way to the bitter end.
5: What part was hardest to write?
ALL OF IT?? Seriously, this one was a struggle. But I think the sections from Elros' POV were definitely harder than those from Maedhros'; I'm used to writing Maedhros, but Elros took some time to get to grips with. And switching between the adult and child voices while keeping the tone of the fic cohesive was also a challenge. I think I managed to pull it off, though, which makes me quite proud!
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hello I absolutely adore Imogen as a character and I'd like to talk about her a bit.
CW: Heartstopper spoilers for seasons 1 and 2
okay so Imogen's character's really interesting to me in the way that she sort of parallels Nick (mostly in season 2 but a bit in season 1 also).
in season 1, she's shown to be more popular. she's good friends with Nick and most of the rugby players and I'd assume probably has many friends at Higgs also. I see her depicted as a 'bad' person (more before season 2 was released than after) simply because she's one of Nick's love interests and it's odd to me?? it isn't like she really did anything wrong, excluding lying about being with Nick to Tara, Darcy and Elle. like yes sure she's friends with Harry, his lot, and later on Ben, but she's honestly not that bad. when she tells Tara and Darcy she's an ally (this is one of my favourite bits) she genuinely believes that she's doing the right thing. I'm not saying they have to be grateful or anything, but she doesn't know any better and she really is an ally.
sure, she can be a bit annoying, maybe a little overbearing but keep in mind she is sixteen years old. she has a crush, or at least she feels like she's supposed to, on a guy she's friends with. she asked HIM out, HE said yes. she didn't ambush him or anything, in fact I believe she didn't really want Harry and the rest of the group there when she asked Nick out. it wasn't her fault he felt pressured to say yes.
when Nick tells her he doesn't feel that way about her, she doesn't get angry with him or try and convince him to be. she accepts it, regardless of how much that has to hurt, and moves on. she doesn't even tell their friendship group that it's Nick's fault it didn't work out, she says SHE can do better. and she can. I love Nick, but she fully deserves someone who genuinely loves and is attracted to her as a person.
in season 2, it's shown that she's still good friends with Nick! she's moved on, she doesn't try and pressure or force him or anything. granted, the guy she develops a crush on isn't great, but she doesn't know that. when Nick tries to tell her, she (understandably) gets upset and I do not blame her. she believes Ben, the same way Charlie believed him when they started kissing and stuff, and that's not her fault. Ben is shown to be really good at manipulation.
when she ends up realising Ben sucks and hanging out with the 'Paris Squad' it's shown that she's much happier. I think my favourite part of this, however, is how close she grows with Sahar.
her breaking up with Ben was my FAVOURITE thing she's ever done it was such a good scene. it also shows how much she's grown as a person to be able to recognise she really does deserve better and needs to turn her focus back on herself.
her and Sahar help me circle back to when I said she parallels Nick because the situation is a bit similar. she and Sahar start off as friends. she believed Sahar was straight, and when she said so and Sahar got upset, you can see the confusion and panic on her face because she really does feel guilty for assuming and feeling like she's hurt Sahar, and it's shown that she follows her offscreen (showing she HAS been working on herself, btw). it's after that initial realisation that she starts looking at Sahar a bit differently.
the biggest one though is when she sees Sahar on stage (sort of like Nick with Charlie and his drums in the orchestra) and the bi flag coloured lights flash across her.
I think it just parallels nicely with Nick and Charlie's relationship because of the similarities (l cba to list them) in how their relationship began and how her's and Sahar's MIGHT begin (if we get a season 3 and thats a storyline Alice wants to pick up)
overall I think she and Nick are very similar (she also is very golden retriever ish) and she's such a good character and I'm glad she's in the show. she creates conflict (like the date in season 1 and Nick being anxious about telling her in season 2) but not so much that she can't be redeemed or loved as a person/character.
also!! I love that she did the ally to (potentially) queer person pipeline because that's a very realistic queer experience and it brings me a lot of joy to see that depicted onscreen.
dunno I've rambled enough and this honestly probably doesn't make much sense considering I've not slept but I hope you enjoyed this 🫶
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franeridan · 8 months
tbh i think oda meant to reach wano and make it all about zoro the same way he reached whole cake and made it all about sanji. I mean like, at the very beginning, back when he made him japanese and then said "there is a country that's one piece's japan, btw, and that's not where zoro's dojo is" - I think that's why his original backstory is so simple, it was supposed to follow the same trend as luffy's and sanji's and turn into this whole grand thing once they reached wano and discovered that he's the only direct descendant of one of the last daimyo and also of the greatest samurai ever lived, those are great bases to start some form of conflict on? tbh? and also directly mirror our finding out that sanji is some form of prince himself, but then instead we got to wano and the only thing we found out on page was that kuina's relatives were from there, and everything about zoro is revealed in a sbs family tree with oda going "I don't think I'll ever say this in the manga at this point so here". Imho what happened was that oda wanted to form some kind of conflict between zoro's family rights/what was expected of him in wano and his belonging in the crew, but then the way he evolved as a character through the story made it so that his only plausible reaction to finding out all that would be some form or another of I don't care and you don't really write an arc on that, do you. zoro's so simple minded and goal oriented that it's impossible for him to have any serious drama that's not about luffy, at this point. I do prefer it like this, though? everyone in the fandom likes to draw comparisons and parallels between zoro and sanji one way or another but my favourite one is the narrative foils one and zoro's lack of a proper backstory and complications to his being part of the crew make for a great black-and-white situation with them. something like sanji's story being all about running from his past and zoro's being all about running towards his future, I love that so I'm glad this is the zoro we got in the end
still, would be cool to know what oda had planned for him exactly
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artical3237 · 12 days
Probably asked before but what's your favourite project Sekai Unit? And Character? If you don't have any just info dump about something you like about project Sekai
omg thx for the ask!! i havent gotten one is so long fndkdndk
anyways, my fav unit is leo/need and my fav character is lil sbibo. im also a big mmj fan w/ minori being my 2nd favorite thenhonami in 3rd, haruka in 4th, saki in 5th, kohane in-- miya girls 1-a is my favorite trio of all time cuz theyre all silly and so cute. errr ig i dont have any main ships other than minoharu bc i mainly love platonic friendships so im not a polyneed shipper unfortunately. theres also th fact that i hc shiho to be aroace cuz i have to project (hehe) onto my favorites all the damn time and ichika too actually- theres more basis to the ichika aroace headcanon cuz she talks to minori abt the fact that she has trouble singing love songs.
if i have to explain why i love l/n so much (i dont have to but i was given the right to infodump so :P) its because being together was and will always stay as their primary motivation. like, before they wanted to go pro or make their music move other's hearts, the reason they made the band was because they wanted to reunite and be friends with each other again. this is contrasted by the other units who have the same/similar goals and team up to achieve it (not to discredit their own relationships btw im just saying, also n25 is a different story with relatively unclear motivations esp at the start soo). anyways, despite being my least favorite in the group, i firmly believe that ichika absolutely deserves the right to be the leader mainly because shes the one with the deepest understanding of her bandmates and the determination to act upon that understanding. in the main story, saki already had this sort of disconnect from being hospitalized on top of generally being weak-willed which made it easier for her to give up on honami despite how much she didnt want to and honami and shiho are both too frozen in their character arcs to make a move without a push. and ichika is the one that initially pushes everyone. by the end of the 3rd rotation of focus events, all 4 have proven that they can push themselves just fine but ichika is still the one with the most intimate understanding of everyone. honami is actually not that far behind but is still learning to take the initiative, shiho only deeply understands honami (not that she cant do the same for the other 2 she and honami just *get* each other yknow), and saki, whooo boy saki im abt to talk abt her lol. all but saki's most recent event is about introspection and making realizations about herself which is very good for her but doesnt do much to fix that disconnect problem i mentioned earlier. enter: parallel harmonies (spoiler alert ig). after quite a bit of back and forth debate and even arguing between the 2, ichika is the one that ends up accepting and using saki's thoughts and feelings to let saki be in the lead in writing the songs so ultimately, ichika makes the bigger compromise out of the 2. this makes a lot of sense because saki is the one who is more certain about her identity and wants compared to ichika. shes not willing to sacrifice her values and what ideals mean the most to her which is pretty admirable. but the fact that she has more trouble collaborating with ichika than ichika has with her shows that not much has been done in fixing that disconnect saki had with her friends at the beginning of the game. this is not to say that saki doesnt genuinely care about l/n, it's just that she lacks the proper understanding to actually accomodate their needs and wants compared to the rest of them.
sooo i WAS going to segueway into talking abt how shiho was similar at firsr and how this contrasts with honami but i REALLY need to sleep rn sooo uh anon, i hope u enjoyed my hopefully comprehensible infodump abt leo/need lol. will prob talk abt shiho and honami on another post im just rlly tired rn..
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applescabs · 2 months
I was tagged by my buddy @phoenixfangs so lets goooo
Are you named after anyone? I've heard this story a buncha times so I'm pretty sure my mom got my birth name from a singer. She heard it on tv and liked it a lot, back then it wasn't a very common name in my country. My names as of now are 50/50, Tom didn't come from anyone but Teddie was 100% something I picked up from Teddie p4, hahah.
When was the last time you cried? Last Sunday when I rewatched ep 11 of Bucchigiri. especially during the part where Zabu got the absolute shit beaten out of him. Finn came home right after that and doesn't understand that one of the big points of media is to reach you emotionally, so he thought it was weird that I was crying.
Do you have kids? Nah, but I'd like to some day, if fate allows it.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not nearly as much as I used to, because most of my friends are autistic and don't get it most of the time, so I just end up upsetting them whenever I do use it. Being sincere is much more fun anyways.
What sports do you play? None, but I would love to swim or ice skate (or, hell, do some skiing). Neither are really possible for me atm, unfortunately (do you have any idea how expensive skiing is btw. it's crazy). When I was a kid I did gymnastics and streetdance, I also played tennis briefly as a teen, but had to quit due to a lack of people in my age group playing at that club.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? I usually take note of how someone dresses and does their hair. Ever notice how dull most people's clothes are? I like seeing styles that stand out.
What’s your eye colour? Brown, it's not a particularly dark shade, but I wouldn't call it hazel (my dad has hazel eyes though).
Scary movies or happy endings? This ones a little... vague? But I guess if I had to choose... I wouldn't. I don't care about genre or what type of emotional impact it has, as long as it's coherent and entertaining in its own right. (That doesn't mean I don't care about quality btw. I literally just. watch anything and judge it for what it is.)
Any special talents? I'm a boss at packing in groceries quickly and efficiently. Not a talent that everyone possesses, I've learned (sorry Minke <3).
Where were you born? Netherlands babeyyy ✌ North-Holland to be a bit more precise. I lived next to a dyke (not that kind) so I got the real under-sea-level experience. I still live around the area but not in my hometown anymore.
What are your hobbies? Drawing, (writing?), translation and the nuances that come with it, watching movies, tv shows, animes, cartoons, playing video games, reading books, comics and manga. (and then talking about cinematography, parallels, themes, symbolism and the likes) I also collect soda cans (+ the occasional glass bottle), candy packaging, and anime figurines + other merch.
Do you have any pets? My little baby Jody (dog) who I've had since I was 7 years old! She's about to have her sweet 16 on the 23rd (that's in 2 weeks!) she's getting blind and deaf as hell but she's still lively and sweet as ever <3 And my sweet Tiger of course, who's of undetermined age (around 8/9 the vet said) and currently living with my good friend Minke and their 2 other cats (he does not like them) and dog (he is ok with her). He's not with me rn because my mom's bf is allergic, unfortunately.
How tall are you? 1 meter 59. that single centimeter haunts me. I would've also preferred an additional 10 as well.
Favourite subject in school? Art history used to my favourite in high school, and when I was in film school for a brief period I loved film history. I just love anything pertaining to the arts and it's history that involves analysing and comparing it to other time periods, really.
Dream job? I wanna be someone's househusband and make a buncha weird art on the side. Not kidding btw. But if I had to choose a more conventional dream job... it had to be something in the creative or design industry, otherwise I'll probably die of unhappiness.
tageroonie @kuwupikaa @sunflowermews @xrd @isleofair @spunktrumpetsasara and uhhh other mutuals who feel inclined to do this 👉👈
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
idk why but it is so funny to me whenever i go scrolling through the james potter or sirius black tags and i see your prongsfoot rambles and i keep clicking on your blog but am viciously reminded each time that your actually anti-james and anti-sirius and im a marauders stan and im just left sitting there Like An Idiot,,, Again (no judgement here all good vibes i promise :D)
im not kidding this is like the fifth time i've done it just recently idk what's wrong with me
also i love the anakin pfp btw very fall-of-lucifer-vibes
Lmaoo 😭😭 that’s exactly why I stopped with the posts, because so many Marauder stans who saw that specific kind of content I made followed me and obviously didn’t expect me to bash them like crazy and love Severus 😭 It makes me feel bad because I low-key can feel the disappointment seeping through them whenever I see a blog dedicated to the Marauders following me and unfollowing a day later, I’m just one of those blogs whose bios you really need to read before following 💀 All I can do now is enjoy the amount of Prongsfoot content we can barely get.
What I feel for the Marauders is complicated, the only one I actually hate is James—the rest I just bash (I’ve gone almost completely soft on Remus these past few months 😭 he’s my bby I can’t even bring myself to insult him anymore). But I’m definitely not the blog you’re looking for if you want to enjoy Prongsfoot content (especially if you’re anti-Snape, my whole blog’s dedicated to that git lmao). I still love them but I can hardly post anything good about them :(
also i love the anakin pfp btw very fall-of-lucifer-vibes
Omg that’s actually the vibe I was going for!! I absolutely love that parallel (probably one of my favourites of all time) and I wanted a pfp that matched it, + dark red’s my favourite colour. The pic I found was actually too bright and seemed like a fiery orange-red and I wanted a deep red one so I had to edit it like 20 times before replacing my old one 😭
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emanation-aura · 11 months
Very curious about "two gods and the witness"!
Oho!! Two Gods and the Witness is one of my favourite WIPs— I started it shortly after 3.3 dropped and have been poking at it ever since. In short, the “two gods” are Nahida the Dendro Archon and Scaramouche as the Shouki no Kami. The Witness, meanwhile, is Lumine :)
The fic grew out of my annoyance with the fact that Shouki no Kami keeps referring to Traveler as a “mortal”, which… is fair based on the limited information he has, but also pretty much incorrect? Traveler was a shooting star at some point and traversed the universe. So Lumine snaps upon hearing this declaration (and getting beaten half to death, and reliving Sustainer trauma etc.) and goes supernova, briefly awakening her original powers out of pure desperation.
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I’ve been wanting to scream this somewhere but I stole Galadriel’s monologue from LOTR. Like, the part where she sees the One Ring and goes into a mad frenzy— yeah I’m evoking that dark/eldritch feel to her.
And then without spoiling too much, we get a dream sequence enabled by Buer for Lumine and Scaramouche to reconcile, because holy shit they are narrative parallels 🥲. They talk about losing powers, betrayal, being alone, and try not to kill each other.
Especially, like. The hollow space where the Gnosis/her original powers should go, Lumine empathising deeply with that stabbing sensation, of being robbed of something that’s rightfully yours, the past haunting your every step, a destroyed homeland… there’s so much to parallel Scara and Traveler with. It’s so much fun, especially since the more Lumine empathises with Scara, the more she comes to associate him with Aether (done loads of evil; trauma, filled with pain (in particular Aether because of how sorrowful he sounds as Abyss Prince)), and thus is incapable of being angry at him. Somehow I’m trying to work it to get to a point where Scaramouche willingly becomes Wanderer instead of the events of the 3.3 Interlude but I’m not quite there yet.
I guess I’ll leave off with another snippet that’s been occupying my brain recently. I’m so excited for this to be the next instalment of Viator and Viatrix (plug for that, btw) but I still gotta knuckle down and bang out the rest :/
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vampyrsm · 2 months
Dearest Alex, I just got around to reading Soulswap and... i have thoughts. mostly i have feelings, but they are also accompanied by thoughts. Girl... Fristly I need you to know that i had to open my laptop and sit my ass on my desk to write this. Like... there's no messing around. The tears I just cried... omg And the thing is I know I played myself because just as I was reading I was hit by this sudden feeling that I thought I'd read somewhere in the tags a "hurt/no comfort" adjacent thingy. But I paid it no mind. I just kept going and now here we are. And you did this to me on the day i decided to experiment with eyeliner! Okay but on a more serious note, if i did end up crying like a child it's because you managed to hit all the emotional bits one by one. you just didnt miss. Disclaimer, I havent watched a single episode of mha nor am i familiar with any of the characters. Still, you managed to write them in such a way that to me they were clearly developed not only throughout this story but like also from the very first paragraphs when they were introduced. Such a good job! Usually in fandom we are all familiar to some extent with the characters but for me as a complete blank canvas you did great! The thing that brought me to your askbox though was the cyberpunk part of the fic. Now i may be a bit sensitive to the topic because for the past semester i havent done jack shit except for reading psothumanist theory but god fucking damn it i will never Not be a whore for this type of literature. Because girl what do you mean that you both managed to describe the suffocating and loud and isolating and fast paced and restrictive atmosphere of the city (btw the only thing i know about cyberpunk is the video essays about the launching of the game from way back) only to then hit us in the head with the softest most human scenes ive read in a while? let me tell you about my favourite lines.
#1 Nature rules!
The city on the other side of you is bright, flickering and flashing despite the downpour of rain. You didn’t notice it when you were in the garage but Bakugou had modified his bike to light up, the inner trim of the wheels is set alight with bright neon orange lights.
because - and please call me insane for it but i cant help myself when i see good writing it just makes my heart fuzzy- this line makes me chew glass. I think it's because of the way humanity and what it means to be human is depicted here, and the cyberpunk frame is a perfect sandbox for that. So this is a very restrictive city, it's raining and one can suppose it is rather cloudy, and we know that the majority of the lighting is artificial and neon and comes from the stores or the buildings or whatnot. So as the city is this enormous entity, all encompasing, the light provided by it although bright is "flickering" and "flashing".
While the artificial is overpowering the natural (see how the "bright" light of the city is still dominating "despite the downpour of rain") i find it fascinating how the human still manages to prevail.
Not only that but in a way that makes it look like it's the human element that reinstates the natural. To me it looks like the description of the lights on his wheels is like a parallel to a vibrant sunset ("set alight" and "bright [neon] orange lights"). And the fact that it is the human that seeps into the constructed and artificial isin a way stated somewhat literally ("Bakugou had modified his bike to light up"). #2 The reciprocal (?) relationship between the natural and the human. See:
The city eventually bleeds out into green, grass and trees that tower high into the sky. You’ve never been here before.
and also:
The city is obscured by the number of trees and large shrubs [...] [...] “Yeah, been comin’ here since I first moved here. It’s the only place with some real grass.”
I just love how even though the city has been built up to be this unavoidable sort of prison cell there is still a place where despite all the might of it, the city is unable to reach them. There is still a pure space, a free space, unaffected and unpolluted. The trees are taller than the high rises, the shrubs more compacted than the packed appartments and shops. This is a place where the city has no influence, it "bleeds out" and all there is is green and freedom. A place where the only thing to reach the sky is something that has roots deep in the soil.
A place where this image, of something tall enough to connect the earth and the sky is not meant to show the enclosure of humanity but instead to underline the hope and the freedom and the ability to reach for the sky, I am feral i dont think you understand. While the buildings remind the people of how they are stuck on the grownd the trees and a helpful guide leading their eyes towards the endless expanse of the sky Alex i love this!
Lastl but not least #3 What it means to be human - the little things
Now i will admit, i am being a bit lazy and cowardly in not daring to talk about the ending but in my defence 1- i am only human (hehe) and 2- this part although much more subtle kicked my teeth in, punched me in the gut and called me a bitch.
I will preface this by saying that, if you ask me, the kickass thing about any cyberpunk setting (or related setting) is that by taking your subject -in this case human beings- and putting them in a completely extreme and unknown environment -aka a world in which cyborgs and AI and enhanced humans exist- you can more easily examine what the actual core of "human" is. By creating a "post-" world you can expose and study the "human" for the most basic, essential parts of it.
for me those were some of them:
He tosses you from his grip onto the plushness of his bed, the sheets still rumpled from the morning when he didn’t bother to make it. 
Your fingers skate along the sharp edges of his muscles, pressing into the places where the fat resides.
You’re just as scarred as he is, but yours are so different from his. He can see the almost invisible lines where someone has taken a scalpel to you and modified your body.
i love those lines so much i dont even have any words to say. if i were less feral about them i might be able to analyze and talk about them more. Alas.
I will say this though, it's the little reminders of inefficiency and sloppiness and messiness and whatnot that i love so much. the unmade bed is such a beautiful touch in a world in which humans are made into literal machines to work harder to survive. to become efficient and productive. to always be on the grind. and my mad... he didnt make his bed. why? because he was bored, because he forgot, because he is not tidy, because he didnt see the point if he was going to sleep again- it doesnt matter why! all that matters is that he didnt make the bed and i love him for it! also "the places where the fat resides" is such a beautiful and soft and loving reminder of his humanity -not in the philosophical sense- but in the sense of his embodied existence, his physical presense. There is no enhancement, no metal or anything artificial. no toned muscles here, no hardness in this specific part of his body. no modifications. just plain old, soft and heartbreakingly human fat. i-.... i blue screened it's such a sweet and beautiful line i- i cannot think any more stuff to say although trust! i am feeling quite a lot of thoughts.
even the modifications though are not enough to subtract from the sheer, brilliant human-ness, from the beauty of those two people expressing their care and softness and lust and need for one another. just two people, on a messy unmade bed, showing their affection to one another in the most physical way possible. wah! shuddup shuddup shuddup!!!
long story short - and i am SO SORRY for this huge ass ask but i needed you to know! you deserve and have earned to know what your creation and art does to people!- i loved this fic even if it was not upon first glance written for me. i had promised you waaay back that i would do sth similar for cor unum but.... that would be an antire fucking thesis and im not ready yet! i just needed you to know that your writing not only does not go unappreciated but on the contrary, this particular fic reminded me exactly why im studying what i study, rekindled my love for posthumanist theory and also really fucking moved me. thank you so much for taking all that time to think about and write and post this story, and your writing in general, Alex <3 P.S. Since we're talking about cyberpunk and posthumanism and post-apocalyptic stuff, allow me to recommend you and anyone else reading this long ass ask to read "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin. I think you'd enjoy the angst of the whole thing. take care <3
I'm gonna put a read more since this is going to be long with me replying to it all LMAO
When I tell you I nearly cried reading this like, idk, it's just something else to have someone analyse your work so deeply and find these emotional connections; I always forget what it's like to connect with people through fanfiction. I assume people just read and move on, but to read this--it's just, idk, it makes me emotional (in a very good way!!)
First and foremost, thank you so much for reading despite not being in the MHA fandom - I know a lot of people don't like reading outside of their fandoms and this is a BIGGGG fic to dive into when you don't know the characters. I'm very glad I was able to still immerse you though into the world because I really do love Cyberpunk/post-world stuff like this.
You're also not the first, and probably not the last person to overlook the hurt/no comfort tag. I really do to town when I say it's a bad ending LOL. I'm sorry for the eyeliner!!!
This is genuinely so interesting though, to have my work read through the eyes of someone who is essentially studying what I'm writing & to have it validated, it's just such a great feeling. As you know with Cor Unum, I do a lot of research into whatever I'm writing. I've been a big fan of Cyberpunk for some time, and I think a lot of the time people focus hard on the whole superhuman, futuristic human you can be in that type of world - which is cool too! But I think at the end of the day, they are still very much human. Unless they're straight-up cyborgs/A.I. lol
I liked flipping between human moments and these 'cyberpunk moments', I wanted it to be very obvious that these people are "infected" with this need to have chrome & augmentations that could lead to their demise but as well as showing beneath all that metal, there's a human too.
Admittedly though, I wasn't thinking that deeply when writing the passages you mentioned BUT it could just be a subconscious thing for me I guess, like I said I've had this image in my head that it's a very fine line they walk along to balance between being consumed by the need to be something non-human and these human traits that just never go away, no matter how far into the future we are.
Never say sorry for sending me these asks, please!! I literally will think about this for the foreseeable future, it's going to power me through being able to get started on this JJK Cyberpunk AU fic I was making notes for the other night. You are such a lovely person, you didn't need to do this and yet you did, you made my entire night, week, month, year LMAO. You're, yeah, you're just amazing.
Thank you so so much for reading it again, I'm glad I was able to connect to you on a much deeper level than just 'blorbos in an alternate universe' LMAO, it's such an insightful thing to speak with people with their interests especially when it's something they're studying like, idk - the fact you said it moved you and rekindled your love for the thing you're studying? That'll stay with me forever.
I know that futuristic AUs aren't for everyone, especially when I like to latch on the harsh reality of things (e.g. the world would be extremely unforgiving to anyone living, and no one ever really finds happiness anymore) - so yeah again, thank you for sticking with it, reading through it despite not being in the fandom and then leaving such an amazing mindblowing ask.
I feel like I didn't do you justice with replying properly but I get really overwhelmed with praise, and I'm definitely more of just a listener when I'm listening/reading people analyse work so yeah, SORRY if this was a bit of a lacking response but that's because I'm genuinely just grinning so hard my face hurts LMFAO. Thank you so much, I love you a lot for this and I hope the rest of the year treats you so nicely <3
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catilinas · 2 years
Hi! I haven't been following you for long and I'm just starting to get into The Aeneid. Could you explain what you and the other anon meant when you said everyone in The Aeneid is a double of Aeneas? Like who and how? If you decide to answer could you link articles about it too if it's possible (because I'm kinda confused lol)?
the aeneid is (clearly. from its name) a poem about aeneas, so it would be surprising to me if there was any character who didn’t reflect some aspect of aeneas at least a little bit. it is hyperbolic though to say Every Character Is A Double Of Aeneas etc. or is it. eye emoji. there are definitely some characters who are More Blatantly doing doubling things like this Has Been Observed.
most noticeable is (as the other anon was talking about!) turnus. plotwise aeneas and turnus are doubles in that they are both rivals for lavinia. imo the aeneas-turnus doubling starts as soon as the sibyl’s prophecy in book 6 that in italy aeneas will ‘find a simois, a xanthus, and greek camps. in latium you’ll find a new achilles, he too a goddess’ son’ (aeneid 6.88-90 trans. bartsch) LIKE this is saying turnus will be achilles 2.0 But Also aeneas is invading italy! where the sybil says this new trojan landscape is! by taking the role of invader of a trojan landscape aeneas is also framed as a new achilles, and turnus takes the role of trojan defender i.e. what aeneas once Was! and the idea that turnus embodies an earlier (and trojan = not roman yet = defeatable) aeneas is then like. really obvious. e.g. juno tricking turnus into fleeing the battlefield to safety in book 10 as aphrodite saving aeneas from battle in the iliad. there is also the Very Famous parallel in the moment of turnus’ death where ‘ast illi solvuntur frigore membra’ ‘turnus’ knees buckled with chill’ (aeneid 12.951 trans. bartsch) repeats the line that introduced aeneas in book 1 ‘aeneae solvuntur frigore membra’ ‘aeneas’ knees buckled with chill’ (aeneid 1.92 trans. bartsch). what the fuck is going on there. like yes turnus is a weaker (and doomed) aeneas as he dies but also aeneas kills him while succumbing to furor i.e. the force/emotion consistently associated with turnus… like ok you could read it as aeneas overcoming the role of conquered trojan and becoming a hashtag victorious proto-roman via getting someone else to fill his previous role (ritual substitution on main) BUT aeneas killing turnus still ends up looking weirdly like self-sacrifice. and then the academics scream about The Ending Of The Aeneid for One Million Years.
also cool and sexy is that dido is doubled w aeneas!!! this one is kinda an obvious parallel like they are both rulers in exile. they both have dead spouses. they both want to found cities. and alas those cities are destined to be Sworn Foes :( my favourite detail of the aeneas-dido doubling though is vergil being cool and sexy w the verb ‘errare’ (to wander / to Err). the chapter on dido in j.d. reed’s virgil’s gaze (which btw i extremely recommend) says many very cool things about vergil’s Constant use of this verb for dido, including:
‘Dido’s welcoming speech ends with an even subtler and more emotional identification. Her last word—errat, “wanders”—naturally adheres to Aeneas; in his own words, for example, at 1.333. But erro is also her word, connected to her by an etymological pun: the third-century Sicilian historian Timaeus had said that the name Dido was applied to her by Libyans because of her wanderings in exile. [...] The last line of her first speech, in view of this wordplay, makes Aeneas a kind of Dido: perhaps, she fears, he wanders a castaway in some wood or city. Her sympathy with the plight of the Trojans can go no further than to cast their leader as an alter ego’. they are doubles to dido at least. 
and then aeneas seems to see them as interchangeable Enough with one another that him helping to build carthage counts as the city he is destined to found! it takes the literal divine intervention of mercury telling aeneas off for placing the High Foundations Of Carthage (which a Reader knows need to instead by the High Walls Of Rome!!! but aeneas doesn’t!!!) to get him to abandon dido/carthage. fun fact until the end of mercury’s speech where he tells aeneas ‘cui regnum Italiae Romanaque tellus / debetur’ ‘[iulus is] owed the rule of italy, and the soil of rome’ (aeneid 4.275-6 trans. bartsch) aeneas has literally never heard of rome.  and it’s mercury’s promise of italy that makes aeneas claim that ‘haec patria est’ (This Is My Land™!!!!!!) (aeneid 4.347) i.e. the verb ‘errare’ / Wandering does Not define aeneas the way it does dido and they have different fates, actually, and maybe even Wandering for Aeneas Who Must Settle In Italy IS To Err and the doubling starts to fall apart! and you’re like. but what exactly Does make aeneas and dido different. is it just fate??? bcs that fate was/is contingent on a historical Future Enmity between their cities (the punic wars) and vergil is using the future that has already occurred to say this imaginary past was inevitable, and then using the assumed inevitability of the past to say that specific historical outcome Was Inevitable Also. and that is a circle :/ and history Could have gone differently. hashtag here’s how hannibal barca can still win. like to me this is vergil implying that ‘fate’ (the fated foundation and Imperium Sine Fine™ of rome) only goes as far as the contingent historical events that you can retroactively use to justify it. and eventually you will run out of that and end up at the end of the parade of heroes in the present. and what do you (augustus) do then. (but maybe i have been reading too much lucan like the pharsalia brainrot is Real)
BUT ALSO that is kind of the point of (my beloved) virgil’s gaze by thee j.d. reed…… like that every Doomed Youth in the aeneid Could Have Been aeneas and every nation/people each doomed youth stands for Could Have Become Rome or an equivalent. do the doubles everywhere suggest that the rise of Rome Specifically is not as Fixed In Fate as it could be. maybe yeah. or that the Fated Rise Of Rome doomed every other almost-aeneas. pessimistic readings of the aeneid i love YOU <3
anyway yeah. every character in the aeneid kind of Is aeneas. if they have a dad they are Pius Aeneas (e.g. lausus and pallas. esp. pallas who aeneas even claims to be embodying when he kills turnus!). if venus is there. that’s aeneas (helen). if their humanity is sacrificed to the future augustan golden age that’s Also aeneas (turnus and also. marcellus in the underworld). if they Do Some Conquering In An Inset Narrative that is also also aeneas (hercules vs cacus, augustus on the shield of aeneas). if they found a city (or try to. or their city is the ghost of troy. but then aren’t all cities that.) then that’s also aeneas. honestly the aeneas-andromache parallels at buthrotum in book 3 make me go nuts because helenus is Right There! but vergil is like no. aeneas WILL be doubled with a doomed trojan princess who hashtag Lived Past The End Of Her Myth. wild. you can probably find aeneas anywhere if you look close enough! also wait i forgot about his GHOST. the imago of aeneas in book 10. aeneas is literally doubled in a ghostly image of himSElf while he is Still Alive. i get that this is a thing which is allowed to happen in epic poetry but also aeneas IS really extremely undead, especially after book 6, so. yeah. you see evert character being Also Aeneas and you’re like well if everyone is aeneas what is aeneas like. where’s that one article by adam parry. ‘Aeneas from the start is absorbed in his own destiny, a destiny which does not ultimately relate to him, but to something later, larger, and less personal: the high walls of Rome, stony and grand, the Augustan Empire.’ ‘Aeneas' failure as a hero goes deeper than the formality of his speech. As he makes his way through the first six books, we see him successively divested of every personal quality which makes a man into a hero.’ ough. at this point what is the difference between aeneas and his ghost!!!!!!
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rambling-addict · 2 years
So I previously ranked all Raylla kisses from season 1&2 way way back… (if you haven’t seen it, it’s this post)
I was so pumped that we got more than a couple of kisses! The count is at 13 (from both seasons). What other show would showcase a wlw pair like that… and right off the bat from the first episode, too.
This time, I’m ranking my favourite Raylla moments from 3x01 (with my usual rambling commentaries)… because I’m bored.
Here it goes:
1) The “Tell me” Kiss Scene (a.k.a. Shameless NSFW Raylla). So this definitely takes first spot on my list. Not only was it the first Raylla scene of the season, it’s a great homage to their first ever make out scene. The parallel is so uncanny. Raelle with the “I want you so bad”, and Scylla replying “Here I am”. Damn. It’s so hot… but still cute at end, too. I said it before, but that girl in the bathrobe definitely wasn’t surprised to see Raylla making out. Not the first time Raylla’s been caught being horndogs, I assume. Lol.
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2) The “I love you” Scene. I know, I know. Why isn’t this number 1? It’s hot, it’s cute, and so much feels with them talking about their dreams of the future and exchanging I love you’s. This is 2nd, just because this is Raylla’s 2nd makeout scene. And in the first one, we see Raelle being so much more handsy and thirsty. But let’s appreciate Scylla’s eyes in this scene, it’s so mesmerising—truly a siren.
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3) The Foreplay Scene (a.k.a. Fratboy Raelle makes a comeback). Seriously, guys, the way Raelle just wrapped an arm around Scylla’s neck, pulling them chest to chest, and whispering in her ear (in front of everyone)—omigod, so much BDE. And that smirk should be illegal! That last frame—for a fraction of a second, they both looked at each other’s lips. The tension… It was a perfect set up for #2; hence the reason for me calling it as such. They really did continue where they left off in #1. Haha.
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4) Meeting the Ex Scene (a.k.a. The Tomato Thief). This scene is hilarious, and not just with Raylla. But Amalia was right, Taylor’s face in this whole scene is priceless. Raelle had one expression, but look closely and you can see her eyes quickly darting between Scylla and Vira. She was so surprised and caught off guard that she straight up froze on the spot. All she can do was scrutinise every interaction of the two. Meanwhile, Scylla failed at pretending not to be awkward. That little wink she sent Raelle’s way was sexy cute, though.;) At the end, Raelle showed a hint of jealousy…and she was caught off guard again by Vira’s hug. Raelle is such a mess. Scylla is just amused, lol.
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5) The False Alarm Scene (a.k.a. Clingy Raelle). Raelle looked panicked in this scene and instantly latched on to Scylla’s side the moment she saw her. Look at this dramatic bean running to her wifey. There wasn’t any real sign of real trouble, but thinking back on the Bellweather Wedding event, Raelle probably had a similar feeling or deja vu. At the wedding, Raelle prioritised helping others—only to end up “losing” Scylla. And now, at the first risk of trouble, Raelle wasn’t gonna take any chances. When she said she’ll never let Scylla go, she meant it. Also, I love Scylla’s constant need to stare at Raelle… and Raelle’s constant need to be in physical contact with Scylla. They’re too far gone, ladies and gents.
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6) The “I wanna be close to you” Scene (a.k.a. Possessive Scylla). This one is quite subtle, but so so cute. First off, Scylla is like marking a territory with that arm around Raelle. That’s not a comfortable arm position, btw. She’s not gripping Raelle’s shoulder to anchor herself. So it’s a conscious effort to keep her arm there. Secondly, Raelle touched Scylla’s leg to let her know that she was just gonna sit next to Tally for a while. And then what happened? Raelle moved seats… and Scylla scooted over to Raelle’s previous seat! I bet she did that just to be at Raelle’s reach, at any time. So extra, but yet so sweet.
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7) The Supportive Wifey Scene (Scylla’s Version). Amalia had mentioned that her technique for acting is to focus on one person and that was Raelle. Her sole focus is on Raelle, indeed. Raelle is worried, and Scylla shows her support silently. She conveys it with her eyes. And even as Raelle already looked away, Scylla is still looking at her. Again, such a subtle moment, but fully charged.
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8) The Worried Parents Scene. I honestly can’t come up with anything to call this short moment. It’s basically a continuation from #7. They do look like worried mums, hehe. But what I wanted to highlight in this was this shoulder squeeze that Raelle did to Scylla. It was a silent reassurance of some sort. Raylla and silent communication—soulmate vibes.
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9) The Supportive Wifey Scene (Raelle’s Version). And again, we see Raylla’s silent communication in action. It’s the way Raelle has her body turned towards Scylla, as if to say that Scylla has her full attention and support in that moment. She was an unmoving pillar in this scene, just keeping physical contact with Scylla to ground her and comfort her.
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10) The Lovestruck Scylla Scene (a.k.a. worst employees Meg & Jade). And again, we have Scylla just randomly staring at Raelle. She’s trying to multitask listening to Mac and gawking at her wifey, but failing miserably. Meanwhile, we have clueless Raelle. Definitely the worst employees, lol. Oh, and if you hadn’t noticed it yet, Meg & Jade are the names on their work uniforms—probably their fake names.
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Looking at this last pic, I kinda miss cool hair Raelle…;p
And that’s it. I’m so blown away… The first episode might not be as explosive as the final episodes of season 2, but it’s a good start. So many feels… and so many Raylla cookie crumbs. It’s so good to see my babies back on screen.
Feel free to let me know your ranking list.
Save Motherland Fort Salem!
Raylla lists:
How to be the best Spree agent worst Spree agent (by Scylla; edited by Anacostia)
Ranking Raylla kisses (s1&2)
Raelle and her cool hair
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degozarumyu · 5 months
okiiii ep90 spoilers timeeeeeee (very long very rambly very image-filled post ahead)
ohhhhhhh my fucking goddddddddddddddddd aaahahjahjajhhjhudsghiuydaghuygduysajhgdjsahdha (shaking) (crying) (vibrating at dangerous speeds)
this episode completely changes the context of valvelgear not being yuuhi's disk in the s3 visual and I am!! not ok!!!!!!!!!!!!! they may be 8.88 million faceless npcs but they are my 8.88 million faceless npcs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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grrrrggahrggharhgarhghgargharaghrgaghjeagrahjgadfgdashgfghahgsda ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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HEY GUYS CHECK OUT HOW HARD I CAN CRY like ueueueueueue see kuaidul? you didn't need to become someone else to be loved by the creator bc he already loves you :((( gwahhhhhhh
can i also just appreciate how consistent they made the animation this ep like u can tell that some scenes at the end for example seem to be done by the person in charge of a lot of yuuhi duels e.g. vs tell/vs yuuna by the way they do yuamu's hair and background faces but its a lot more 'on model' than usual lol, I love their style regardless but they rly put in a lot of effort this time!!! <3<3 thank u gr staff i love u and owe u my life 💕💕💕
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also. BRUH
yuuga stop disappearing for 2 seconds challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if its bc now that kuai is 'dead' the creator is released? and there can only be one of them existing in that 'reality' at a time for some reason?? 🤔 or he just straight up got yoinked in the world switch lol (or with the preview showing the hat parasite aliens attacking maybe the non-kaizo parts of his weird goha president helmet thing had something to do with it haha)
after seeing it mentioned by a jp fan on twitter I've started to wonder if they rly are in some sort of alternate reality/parallel universe to 7s tho given the 'inconsistencies' e.g. questionable kamijou family timeline, luge and zaion being aliens but luke and neil being (presumably) human, aliens/mik/uts seeming to not exist in 7s era....... i'm still not even halfway through 7s so I can't speak on any of this at all lol but I found it interesting! plus they mentioned rovian and london being cousins and romin and roa also being cousins wouldn't make sense if they were descendants/ancestors :thinking:
I love basing theories and speculation purely off of 'wouldn't it be cool if...' B)
ANYWAYS the way kuai made his final perfect monster representing his ideal (merged) self in transamu prime full armour nova and yuudias could Still manage to take it from him :)))))))) can't have shit in kuaidul spacetime
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haha. im so normal guys.
its a very simple solution really, love someone but are also jealous of them? simply absorb their soul and become them! gg ez
how to get the approval of your father figure that you absorbed in 1 easy step!
oh yea speaking of full armour nova who else up staring at the card art for 15 hours straight
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btw i am also normal about how in this imagined fusion of their soul galaxies while it has aspects of both transamu rainac and prime the actual body is yellow bc kuai wanted to become the milky way to be closer to the creator but not necessarily become yuudias because he wanted to receive that love and acceptance for himself :))))))))
eldest sibling kuai who was made to do the hard work and raise (literally create) his other siblings without appreciation vs. 'perfect' youngest sibling yuudias who was the favourite child given everything the oldest could never have from birth................
im really so glad they let kuai redeem himself in the end by choosing to let himself die (?) rather than taking advantage of yuudias' kindness and possessing him.... as much as I would have adored keeping him around by letting them share the body lolol
on that note yuudias!!!!! I know boundless generosity and honesty and kindness and most significantly 'virtue' is like. the entire core of his character but bro!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pls have more concern for ur own wellbeing,,,, pls,,,,,,,,,, cri
unrelated but it was interesting that the dudi ducasse aliens r actually considered velgearian too! like its something thats pretty obvious now that they've said it since like. they're literally from the velgear star cluster but still lol
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the way yuuga always speaks so calmly and like he's detached from everything is so funny lol 'some problems' i mean. yeah
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average sibling interaction
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btw this was the face where I was like 'ohhhh' abt the lead animator bc this is The Luke Face (i just rly like how they do the lines around the sides of the eyes :3)
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average sibling interaction part 2
random thought i wonder if yuuhi will still have darkness jointech tyrant after all this? or is it a card that only existed in the spacetime... did yuuhi even have a corresponding card in kuai's prime deck??? hm
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look how pretty :] (too bad they fuckin. killed him LOL) (i am sad)
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this is obviously nothing but.... the colours of the galaxy gem thing kinda match lol
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this was cute :3 their relationship has changed so much recently that I'm still a little confused if they're meant to be like. friends or not at this point?? or if its like a 'we've been this close for this long that even if we air out our grievances and try to go our separate ways we're still in sync' kinda thing which is cute
and speaking of cute duos luge and zaion stood (i use the word stood very loosely) directly next to each other this time 🔥🔥🔥 zailugers stay winning
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#nishawsweep (if velgear acts like a surname for velgearians is dudi actually a name adopted by everyone from the dudi ducasse system rather than a personal name? 🤔)
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i know its been 3 eps of this now but aaa im not over how cute it is that everyone's so small compared to yuudias so they kinda look like little fairies :((((( so adorable.......... 💕💕💕
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yuuga who tf r u........ who tf is the creator.......... who/what tf r the oudous........ where is everyone's parents actually
ok i have sadly hit the image limit so I will stop my ramble spam now.... grrrahhrahgrhghgarhahhrgghrgrghghgh i really really enjoyed this episode and this duel as a whole and especially kuaidul as a character!!!!!!!!!
but before I leave i just wanna say isn't zwijou's galaxy so pretty?? its like a reverse of the crab nebula... idk i just think orange and teal is one of the most colour combinations of all time :)
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stormyoceans · 1 year
what are your impression of midnight museum?:) did you like it as a whole? who's your favourite character? what didn't you like?
OH I LOVED MIDNIGHT MUSEUM!!!!!! i mean, okay, let's be honest.. it was an absolute mess and if you asked me to explain what the hell happened in the last two episodes i probably would not be able to do it, BUT STILL!!!!!!! I LOVED IT. sometimes being able to entertain your viewers is more than enough to make a show both memorable and likeable, and i think midnight museum is the perfect example of this
the show is a mixture of fantasy, science fiction and mystery, which are three genres im personally very weak for. the first half also has an episodic nature to it that i miss in television a lot: it can be boring when there isn’t a strong horizontal narrative getting advanced in the background, but if you can make it work it’s really fun for the viewers, and in this particular case i do believe the show was at its strongest when it fully embraced this format. the ‘artifact of the week’ with the enigma of dome’s identity was really entertaining to me, and i loved how creepy and disturbing some of the storylines were. the decision to throw in an abundance of biblical symbolisms as well in the second half of the show probably wasn't a good idea for the plot as a whole, but that's something i find incredibly fascinating so i'd be lying if i said i didn't love every (confusing) second of it
the real strength of the show lies in its cast, though. i already knew that gun and nanon are incredible actors, but i wasn't familiar with tor before midnight museum and i will always be grateful to it for introducing him to me because he is phenomenal. he showed up on that set every single day and decided to give so much yearning longing pining aching worrying agony anguish guilt restraint with the twitch of his mouth alone, and i respect him so much for it. honestly there aren't many people who are able to convey so many emotions in such an effective way. the supporting cast was also pretty solid and some of the guest actors gave an outstanding performance, like fah and tu in episode 5 for example
the other strong point of the show is the relationship between khatha and dome/chan/one. it’s basically on the level of chinese censored gay romance, and even when the writing didn’t give it justice, gun and tor’s on screen chemistry still managed to make it incredibly compelling to watch (an anon once told me that gun would have insane chemistry with literally anyone he got paired with and you know what? I COULDN’T AGREE MORE). the choice of not making their relationship a romantic one does baffle me a little tbh, especially because they were trying to push the brothers agenda while also giving explicitly romantic elements and parallels, but i can easily overlook this since the ending was very satisfying to me (i also don’t think this was queerbaiting btw, but that’s another story)
as for the things i disliked, my main issue with the show is the execution. the premise was original and had a lot of potential, but it’s obvious that the writing team lacked an overall vision of the (overcomplicated) story they wanted to tell: the moment they abandoned the episodic structure to focus on the larger narrative, the events start missing a sense of unity and direction, and the characters feel aimless too. i find every member of the main gang really interesting and likeable, but with the exception of khatha (love that old man btw, he is my absolute fave) they’re all criminally underdeveloped
MDL originally had midnight museum listed as having 15 episodes, and im not sure where did that information come from, but i actually think they did need those 5 extra episodes to make the plot more coherent, give more depth to the characters and explore the relationship between them (we should have had AT LEAST another june focused episode, a couple on triphob and bam and their relationship, one on anthika and boon, and one to let dome gain a little more sense of identity). if we ever get a season 2 they better fix this and fully develop all the characters BEFORE they try to explain what the hell is going on
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smoothie03 · 7 months
WIP Tag List
I got tagged by @j-ellyfish to share a little list of my current WIPs! You can ask anything about them if you want to btw!
Nyo TeuTemp as Schneeweißchen & Rosenrot: These will be 2 little artworks with more fairy-tale-esque vibes. I might make a one shot out of it some day. My original plan was it to draw parallels to the fairy tale "Schneeweißchen & Rosenrot" (Snow White and Rose Red) but instead of Snow White and Rose Red being sisters I'll take TeuTemp and make them cottagecore lesbians instead. Idk I think the aesthetic of the fairy tale suits them.
Animatics: I have planned too many animatics but I hope I can hop on (late) on the trend with crane wives song "The Moon Will Sing" but make it TeuTemp.
TeuTemp comic: I started drawing it in August/September but uni got in the way so I had to pause it :/ But maybe I'll work on it again since the story is very short and about TeuTemp talking about their favourite colors (*cough* each other's eye color *cough*)
Fanfics: I'm working since 2021 on my Spamano fic and I hope to finish it by next year. We currently are at 38 chapters and definitely over 600 pages already :') (I'm suffering, my energy is low)
Another fanfic I have in progress is my Knights Templar fanfic but I'm currently stuck with the plot. It's basically just a bunch of scenarios that could've happened throughout his life or sth.
And somewhere between my archive full of one shot WIPs is a SpAus fic where I've already written the beginning but I got distracted. It would have been a hurt/comfort fic about their divorce because apparently I can only create SpAus stuff, if it hurts and is depressing (like the ship itself) (still love it though)
Tbh I don't know who to tag so sorry!! If you want to talk about your WIPs you can tag me and claim I tagged you xD
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