#steven is jesus
ipusingularitae · 1 year
steven universe future it's just an analysis of what would it be if jesus (human body) lived enough to save everyone and then have an existential crisis after realizing how he doesn't have a practical purpose anymore
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i know there's great potential for steve angst being like 'i have a crush on eddie but he keeps pushing me towards nancy' and indeed i have loved fics like that. but also i think it's hilarious when like. you saw steve in that scene. his ass was not listening to a word coming out of eddie's pretty, pretty mouth.
eddie confessing his feelings and apologising for trying to push steve towards nancy and steve being like 'what when did you do that??' and eddie's like... in the upside down remember? and steve's like oh. i was. uh. distracted.
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toomanywatchers · 6 months
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spacy-snail · 1 month
People are real quick to do a complete 180 and forgive Watcher after making the most basic backtracking statement they could’ve made
Like I know the standard for YouTube apologies is fucking 6 feet in the ground but like, it’s the most basic PR statement they could’ve given
Am I glad they apologized? Yes. Do I think they regret it? Yes. Do I think it was for the reasons we hope (aka caring about the fans)? No. Do I think they were sincere about their reasoning? No.
I think it comes back to why they were willing to make this decision in the first place: money
And to the parasocial people who are fighting for their lives to defend them, just remember that they were ready to drop you and whoever wasn’t willing to dish out $6 so they could travel around the world, continue living in one of the most expensive cities in the the country, and drive their Teslas around
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lesliemeyers · 2 months
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an inch away from more than just friends
still versions thus higher quality under the cut ↴
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turtletoria · 6 months
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when youre in a 3/4 left facing bust competition and your opponent is turtletoria
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cherry-waves66 · 1 month
everyone who absolutely fucking VILIFIED and demonized Steven Lim, and reacted to Ryan (and Steven) with such visceral racism don’t deserve to watch their new content btw 🥰🥰🥰
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pedro-pascal · 2 years
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NOPE + letterboxd/reddit comments (credit)
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outer-space-face · 1 year
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Loving this lore we're getting for Steven & Ricky's space adventures ajshsjsh
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renthony · 2 years
Pretty fucking tired of people saying that nonbinary people writing inhuman nonbinary characters is inherently "bad representation."
It might not be for you and suited to your preferences, but nonbinary people are allowed to represent themselves however the hell they want. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's inherently bad.
If you want more human nonbinary characters, the answer is not to give shit to nonbinary people who like making nonhuman nonbinary characters. They're not the villains, here.
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sparksetfire · 2 months
i just think it's actually so nice how steven knight does care about his actors and wants to show off their talent especially if they aren't that well-known. lizzie was only meant to be in one episode but steven said he had to write her into a bigger role because natasha was too good an actor to just waste on one episode - and the projects she's gotten off the back of peaky like wheel of time are great to see as she's getting recognised more for her talent. sk also said part of the reason he regrets killing off barney was because then he'd be letting go of a brilliant actor he wanted to work with (especially since he was barely in it but would've had potential in terms of his character but also his actor) . and jordan bolger had to quit his role as isaiah in peaky due to scheduling issues and other committments and now sk has him cast in his new show 'this town'. i just think it's great to see how he does recognise the worth of who he's working with
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icantspellthings · 3 months
(Me 7 years late to the discourse) god I've forgotten how rotten, gross, and putrid the atmosphere around Martin and Steven was in the beginning of the film. Steven your the adult here for fuck sakes this is definitely an inappropriate relationship to have with a 16 year old boy who is the son of a patient you killed! Ugh especially with how in the script Martin was supposed to kiss Steven when he gave him the watch instead of hugging him...and the secret meetings, the late night phone calls, meeting him in his office, lying to his colleagues about who Martin is. And then the "I'll fuck you and your mother like you wanted" quote....
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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“If your future looks unclear... You've never left God’s sight. He's been watching out for you the whole time. You can trust what's ahead.” —Steven Furtick
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ringneckedpheasant · 2 months
rewatching steven universe after realizing I have ocd & probably have since I was a child is really. something.
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u just had to bring up the six lil mf nuggets, didn’t you harrington ?
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masterreborn · 5 months
okay for real though what was up with moffat’s rampant casual misuse of the terms “psychopath” and “sociopath” back in the 2010s. like i can think of half a dozen instances in doctor who s5-7 alone and that’s not even mentioning whatever the fuck was going on with bbc sherlock. why did he do that
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