#sterek on a date
mojofun · 2 years
We Challenge Love Every Day
Hello people! It’s absurd that I am finally posting something mine and not re logging awesome fanfiction from fantastic authors, right? Well, here we are! In honour of this beautiful month, I bring you a story about one of my favorite couples: Sterek!
Pairing: Stiles Stlinski x Derek Hale Word Count: 4k Summary: Stiles and Derek are on a date in a café. People flirt with Derek, and Stiles does not like it. He unleashes his ire on a napkin. Then, the tables turn- figuratively, but almost literally Warning: Some swearing, angst, insecurity at work - communication is key! I wish I was better at it
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Gif not mine
The two men were sitting across from each other, in a café full of people. Around them, the mood was festive and relaxed, cheerful even. Between them, however…
At the beginning, when Derek had told him he’d planned a date for the day, Stiles had been so glad— ecstatic, even. He’s sported a silly smile throughout his shift at work, and not even some of his dumbass colleagues had managed to wipe it off.
At that moment, though, he was anything but happy.
His boyfriend was surreptitiously sneaking glances at him, not sure how to start a conversation about what had happened— or anything at all, for the matter.
Not when the younger man was ripping up his napkin with an expression that screamed ‘murder’.
“Stiles?” The werewolf finally called, not out of courage but rather frustration “Will you talk to me? Or even look at me, at some point”
“Shut up” His partner grunted, squishing the maimed paper between his fingers “Just don’t”
“I think you’re blowing this out of proportion…”
“Out of proportion?” Stiles screamed. His glare only worsened when Derek cringed, pleading him to keep it quiet with a grimace
“I… Yeah”
“Six times, Derek” The other brunet hissed, somehow managing to rip up even the tiny shreds that lay in a heap on his side of the table “You’ve been hit on six different times during our date before we even got halfway though it! And that last red-haired bitch—”
“Stiles, please” The green-eyed male whispered, but he was totally ignored
“She laughed in my face, Derek, for crying out loud!
I kindly” Stiles continued, ignoring the other’s arched eyebrow as well “told her to get lost since you were with me, and she laughed! She even told me to shut up, dammit!”
Derek sighed, watching as his boyfriend proceeded to unleash his fury on a new— where the hell had that new handkerchief come from?
Chances were from the table next to theirs.
Still, given the delicate circumstances, he let it slide.
He did not enjoy people coming on to him, not one bit. It made him so incredibly uncomfortable, especially when they were so crass about it, like the redhead Stiles had mentioned. She’d gone straight ahead and felt his bicep, just like that.
In what universe was it ok to touch people without their consent?
Luckily, his beloved brown-haired dork had intervened before she could go further— she would have, he was certain of it.
He’d smelled concern, besides the overwhelming jealousy Stiles was oozing.
That was another reason Derek loved him so much, even if had not admitted it yet; that annoying adorable human knew him so well, and he was worried about the wolf feeling uneasy.
He was so caring, so attentive, and the were often felt like he did not deserve it.
The situation they were in was one of those times, even if it was not his fault.
He hated seeing his boyfriend upset, especially since he could clearly detect hurt underneath all the anger.
“Stiles” He called again, reaching out to grab the younger man’s hand “I know it’s annoying, but please, let it go.
As you said, we are not even halfway through our date, and I want to enjoy the rest of it, too”
The human cocked an eyebrow, presumably because he’d decided that part of their night had been ruined, but he went on
“Besides, why does it matter? I am here with you, and that is exactly what I want”
The young Stilinski beamed at that, finally, gifting Derek a bashful but elated smile
“For a Sourwolf, you can be surprisingly sweet” He commented with a laugh, but Derek could feel how flustered he was— and he loved it
“Come on,” He added, squeezing Stiles’s hand before letting go of it “Let’s get something to eat. You must be hungry”
His partner nodded, and they called a waiter to place their order.
It finally seemed that the worst had passed; they were chatting, laughing, and having a good time.
Derek even laughed at some of Stiles’ dumb jokes, a far cry from his usual glare.
Their dishes arrived shortly after. Obviously, the younger of the two sunk his fork into the older’s food without even asking, but still the were did not seem irritated.
He was simply relieved his boyfriend was back to his usual, annoying self.
Even the subsequent comments on his 'cute bunny smile' did not manage to wipe it off his face.
Thus, they enjoyed a few blissful hours in each other’s company.
Their feud over the bill was not filled with as much animosity as it normally would be, though it was yet again won by the werewolf, who swatted his partner’s hand away when he tried to pick up the receipt
“You are a brute”
“And you are an infuriating brat. Besides….” Derek murmured, leaning closer to Stiles with a smirk “I never heard you complain about that”
He pulled out his wallet nonchalantly, while his boyfriend’s face turned redder than a tomato; it made him chuckle
“Do you want to take a walk after this, or do you want to head home? We can—”
Both males were surprised by the intrusion, and they turned toward the source of it: a pretty blond-haired young woman, with light-green eyes, pale skin and a sweet smile.
Neither of them knew what to do or what to say, and they just stood there in confusion.
Their perplexity must have clearly shown clearly on their faces, because she snickered and went on talking
“Sorry if I startled you, I did not mean to”
“It’s ok, no problem”
“Oh, good to hear that.
By the way, there was something I wanted to ask you”
More confusion, and another cackle from the blonde
“Well, you see” She began, wriggling her fingers “I think you look very handsome, and I was wondering if you—”
“Dammit, not again” The younger man exclaimed, suddenly extremely vexed.
Beside him, he could feel the werewolf tense up.
The girl recoiled, taken aback by such a reaction.
He continued anyway
“Seriously? You’re hitting on him right now?”
Stiles laughed mirthlessly, raking a hand through his already messy hair
“I can’t believe it”
“Stiles” Derek called
“Just when I thought things were finally going well!” The young man grumbled on, ignoring both his boyfriend’s voice and the blonde’s incredulity
“Stiles” Derek tried one more time
“This is the seventh time tonight, and—”
“Stiles!” Derek shouted, finally catching the human’s attention “She was talking to you”
Those five words brought Stile’s tirade to a screeching halt.
His amber eyes widened, and he stared at his boyfriend in disbelief
“What?” He choked out
“She was talking to you” The were growled, his jaw so set it was a miracle the words were even comprehensible.
Stiles turned to look at the blond woman, finally noticing how nonplussed she was
“Oh. Really?”
“Uh, yeah”
I… I guess I should apologize” He began, chuckling in embarrassment “And I do apologize, I’m really sorry.
I thought… I thought you were trying to, you know… With him”
“It’s alright” She reassured, even if she was still a bit bemused "I’m Mindy, by the way, and I was wondering if you w—”
“He’s not interested” Derek muttered, interrupting a conversation that had been going on for far too long in his opinion. He’d tried to hold back, but he could not take it anymore.
To hell with being polite
“Excuse me?”
“He’s not interested” The were repeated, snarling this time. If possible, his jaw was more clenched than it had been earlier
“But— But he—”
“I said he is not interested” Derek almost roared, so loudly that about half the people in the restaurant, customers and waiters alike, turned to look at him.
He did not give a damn
“Now, if you will excuse us, my boyfriend and I have somewhere to be” He added, standing up abruptly and grabbing his coat before shoving Stile’s in his face.
The poor human plucked the jacket away, spluttering, but he soon found his wrist trapped in an absurdly tight grip.
In the next second, he was being dragged away toward the exit, under the incredulous gaze of the entire café and the blonde who— Mindy, he recalled.
The poor girl was staring at them slack-jawed. If only she knew who she had angered…
With his face on fire, he mouthed a ‘sorry’ before being unceremoniously shoved out the door.
When the latch clicked behind them, Stiles couldn’t hold back a relieved sigh, even though he had far more urgent matters to attend to.
In particular, the fact that Derek Hale was still sporting a murderous glare etched on his features, and he was still lugging him around like a sack of potatoes.
That would not do.
He planted his feet on the floor, using as much strength as he could.
To his chagrin, his boyfriend did not even notice his efforts; he kept walking, hellbent on his quest for who-knew-what.
The brunet sighed, acknowledging defeat on that front.
There was no way he could physically best the wall of muscle he was dating— and yes, it still gave him butterflies to think that but no, contrary to what Erica and Lydia always said, he was not a giddy schoolgirl with a crush.
He would have to resort to one of his usual strategies, one he was a master at.
Annoying the daylights out of the werewolf in question
“Ehm, Derek?”
No answer
Again, no answer
“Babe? Darling? Light of my constantly-in-danger life?”
Still no answer.
The stonewalling was irritating him, and his shoulder was beginning to ache, so he unleashed the ace up his sleeve
Ah, yes, the old nickname that never failed to irritate his boyfriend— although Stiles was certain he secretly loved it.
Anyway, it finally got a reaction
“WHAT?!” Derek growled harshly, baring his teeth.
Yes, he secretly loved it— very secretly though.
Making the most of the sudden pause, Stiles tugged his arm free and channeled his inner Sheriff, frowning deeply
“First of all, stop manhandling me; it’s starting to hurt. In case you have forgotten, I am a puny human”
Remorse flashed in Derek’s eyes.
Stiles, being perfectly aware of just how sore of a subject that was for his boyfriend, decided to move on quickly with his reprimand
“Secondly, what the hell has gotten into you? You are more of a brute than you usually are, and that is saying something”
“You know I hate that nickname” The other hissed, but he tutted
“Sure you do. Now talk”
“Stiles, please” Derek groaned
“While I do appreciate you saying my name like that— and a please, I can’t believe it” The human teased, making the werewolf growl softly, in warning— which he ignored as always “Rest assured that I am not going to drop this topic until I am satisfied with your answers.
So, spill”
The older male sighed, and his shoulders slumped.
He glanced around and spotted a bench on the other side of the road, which he pointed at
“Let’s get sit over there”
Stiles had expected Derek to take his hand, but he didn’t; they simply walked side to side, in utter silence, while the green-eyed man looked anywhere but at the brown-eyed one.
When they reached the bench and sat down, the situation did not change.
Neither of them spoke for a while, despite the tension looming over them like a dark cloud promising rain.
Derek hid his face in his hands, which made the human realise their confrontation was going to be more difficult than he’d anticipated.
Stiles shoved his hands in his pockets, waiting for the werewolf-turned-gargoyle to begin his speech.
It took a few minutes —likely more then a few— but finally, his boyfriend re-emerged and sighed
“Are you mad at me?”
Not really, he wasn’t.
Still, he knew better than to relent so soon: he would get nowhere if he did
“I will decide once you are done explaining” He stated.
Derek sighed again
“I know I behaved like an asshole, Stiles”
“Wow, self-awareness. You’re making progress”
“Stop joking" The wolf hissed, and he realised it was a good piece of advice, though granted unwittingly.
The years of acquaintance, and then the months of dating, had taught him that forcing someone like Derek to talk would only make him shut up like a clam.
He had to be reassured with patience, but firmness anyhow
“Fine, I will. But I still want to know what happened back there”
“I… I lost control”
Biting down a sarcastic response, the younger of the two asked another question
“Yes, but I want to know why.
There must have been a reason, and I need you to tell me what it was”
“I was jealous, ok?” The were cried out “I got territorial because she was interested in you and I didn’t like it”
That was… Interesting.
Being the smart guy that he was, likely even above average, Stiles had figured that out from the start. Besides, it did not take a rocket scientist to put two and two together.
However, only a small part of him had believed that, no matter how much his rational mind was persuaded.
He still couldn’t believe that a guy like Derek Hale liked him, and the six people who’d tried to flirt with him —some of which had completely ignored Stiles though he’d been by Derek’s side the whole time— did not help him build a healthy self-esteem.
Nevertheless, he was not the one in need of reassurance at the moment
“Derek” He began, more confident than he really felt “Even if she was flirting with me” He paused at that, still trying to wrap his head around it “You know I would have turned her down.
You knew that.
Why did you make such a big deal out of it, then?”
“You liked it, Stiles” The wolf bristled, anger colouring his tone “Even now, I could feel your happiness at the thought”
Hearing those words, Stiles felt like he’d fallen from the clouds.
Or plummeted down from the sky like a meteor, crashing down on the ground.
Yes, that was a more accurate description
“I… I liked it?”
“Don’t play coy with me; you know I can smell your emotions.
You were happy that she was putting the moves on you. As you are now”
The worst part about that accusation was not his confusion, his utter puzzlement at what Derek was talking about.
Not at all.
It was far more painful to hear the sadness in the other man’s voice, the way it cracked at the end of the sentence.
It made Stiles’s heart clench painfully
“Der, I would never doubt your bloodhound nose” That comparison earned him a light growl, though Stiles was just trying to lighten the mood “But I swear, on whatever you want, that I have not been happy since my outburst when she tried to flirt with you”
“When you thought that she was trying to flirt with me”
“Ah, yes. Right”
“There it is again” The were seethed
“What?” Stiles squawked, startled
“You smell happy, Stiles”
Those four words were full of rage— and pain.
He needed to fix things, promptly
“Wait wait wait, Der.
Listen, I know that Mindy—”
“You remember her name?!”
Oh crap
“Well, it happened a few moments ago, so—”
“That’s it” Derek snarled, standing up and walking away briskly.
Stiles froze, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest
The wolf ignored him again.
Had it been a human, Stiles would have thought he couldn’t catch his cries. But Derek was a werewolf, and if he could pick out the buzz of his jeep —which was admittedly louder than it should be, but still— from miles away, he could damn well hear those broken cries
“Derek, please!”
The tears pooling in his eyes prevented Stiles from seeing Derek stall for a moment.
He could smell the sadness, even from afar.
He could hear the younger man’s voice becoming more choked up by the second.
The need to turn around, run back to Stiles and hold him in his arms was overwhelming, but what really did him in were the few words he managed to make out among his whimpers
“I only liked it because I think I’m not enough for you…”
It was one of the first times, if not the first time at all, that Derek doubted his enhanced senses.
He could not believe he’d heard right. He didn’t want to believe it.
When Stiles released another wail, the other man spun on his heels and retraced his steps in a sprint, refraining from running at full speed only because they were in public.
He resumed his seat on the bench and pulled Stiles in his lap, hugging him tight.
The younger brunet fisted the lapels of the were’s jacket, buried his face in his chest, and wept.
Even through his jealousy, even through his outrage, Derek was stricken at the sight of his usually annoyingly cheerful boyfriend with a face full of tears, shaken by sobs.
All because of him.
Guilt festered inside him, and he felt awful.
Stiles has been there for him countless times, and had saved his lives almost as often. Even before they started dating.
He knew him well by then, and one thing was certain: Stiles was loyal, and could always be relied upon.
He was… peculiar, to say the least, but he had a heart of gold, and he would never cheat on anyone.
He didn’t deserve to be hurt like that.
It made Derek feel awful, but the damage had been done.
He had to fix it, and apologise afterwards.
Nevertheless, he was so confused: what on Earth was the other man talking about?
“I’m sorry” Stiles sniffled, and Derek froze
“What… What are you sorry for?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, Der— can I still call you Der?” The younger man asked, eyes wide with fear.
The older forced a smile on his face, reaching out to wipe away fresh tears and the traces of dry ones
“Of course you can, Stiles. Even Sourwolf, if it helps”
The human did not laugh, or smile.
It was worse than he’d thought
“I swear I didn’t mean it like that. I was just—”
“Never mind that now. I want to know what you meant when you said you are not good enough for me”
Stiles nodded but gulped, taking a shuddering breath before even attempting to speak
“I’m not… I’m not like you, Derek”
“You a—”
“I’m not talking about my human nature” He snapped nervously, and the were smiled. That human, as he’d just called himself, really knew him like the back of his hand “I’m talking about my looks”
That was the last thing Derek would have ever expected.
He was so taken aback he could only utter one syllable
It caused Stiles to groan, but he really had no idea
“You look like a fucking underwear model, ok?”
Brutally put, but it was the truth nonetheless.
Seeing as his boyfriend gave no sign of understanding, Stiles went on with his speech
“Six different people came on to you just today, in the span of a couple of hours. I hated it, but I cannot blame them.
You belong on the cover of a fitness magazine, Derek, and you only got better over the years.
By contrast, the only way you’d find someone like me on those journals is under the word ‘Before’” The young man complained, grunting in annoyance
“It is not just a matter of self-esteem though.
People never take me seriously when I tell them we are together. That last b—
I better not think about her right now” He grunted, barely moving from his safe spot “Sometimes, though, they make me wonder if I’m wasting your time, while you should be with someone better tha—”
“Better how, Stiles?” Derek almost cried out, barely restraining his nervousness after listening to that confession
“Someone more… Like you”
“Like the idiot who just made you cry? Is that what you mean?”
“I… I…”
“You are better than me, Stiles, in every way”
“Please, let me speak.
People have different tastes, Stiles. You know that.
I never understood why you crushed on Lydia for so long, but I guess you found her pretty”
He bit back a smile when the burnet’s cheeks turned as red as his sweater. It was incredibly endearing
“As you can see, it’s a matter of preferences. However, relationships are not based on just looks— not real ones, at least.
Many other things are needed— trust, most of all.
I didn’t give it to you today, and I am terribly sorry for that”
Stiles hung on to his every word, staring at him with transfixed eyes.
Derek wondered if it was because of the unusual insightfulness, or that was just how the other man looked at him and he’d simply missed it.
He also wondered how that could be possible.
Knowing himself, however, it sadly could
“I know you would never cheat on me, and still I… I said those horrible things… I made you cry…”
“Did being hit on really make you feel better?” The were asked, puzzled and ashamed.
Stiles was ashamed too
“Uh, well…
It lifted my self-esteem a little bit, so yeah, I guess you could say that”
“While I don’t make you feel appreciated enough, do I?” He spoke with such contempt that his boyfriend took his hand in his and squeezed it, without even thinking about it
“Der, I know you are not the type to constantly call their partner ‘beautiful’ or stuff like that, to say romantic things in general”
“But would you… Would you want me to be?” Derek gulped
“No” Stiles replied naturally, amazing the other male “I respect that.
Besides, I like you a lot, as you are”
“Ungrateful? Insensitive, rude even?”
“You are none of those things”
“I hurt you, Stiles. I—”
“Yeah, well, I hurt you too.
We both know that running away is your coping mechanism. The fact that you did not cry doesn’t mean you didn’t feel pain”
“I should have known better”
“We were both wrong, Derek. I made you feel undermined, and you almost abandoned me for it.
It was not intentional on either side, but we hurt each other.
I’m sorry for it: I didn’t want to hurt you”
“Me neither, Stiles.
I want you to know that I love you, that I trust you and—”
“You love me?” The human gasped, eyes blown wide.
Only then did Derek realise just what he’d confessed.
Had he really never said it before?
It was the truth, and it had come so naturally, but he only registered just how big of a step it was when his boyfriend’s stammering voice brought it to his notice.
He felt cold sweat over his temples, and fought to keep his cool, but those amber pools he was looking into sucked him in deep again, and he caved
“I… Yes. I do.
You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Stiles.
Everything I wanted but never thought I could ever deserve, not after…”
Stiles exhaled shakily, tightening his grip on Derek’s hand
“I apologise for this tactless declaration, but—”
“I love you too”
That brought the wolf up short
“You do?”
“Of course I do.
I love you, and I love the privilege of discovering who you truly are more and more each passing day”
“I didn’t think you could like what you would see”
“I don’t just like it, in fact” The other male chuckled, making Derek smile fondly
“You are a menace”
“Are you scared?”
“No” The wolf replied promptly “Because I trust you, and I will do my best to show it with acts, not just words”
Stiles beamed at him, and Derek beamed right back before tilting his neck, pressing their lips together in a kiss.
It was the same as always, and they never grew tired of it, but there was also something new that made that their first kiss all over again.
Derek had conquered his fear of being hurt, finding the courage to give his boyfriend the trust he’d so adamantly conquered.
Stiles had never felt more loved than he did at that moment, kissing the man he’d fallen head over heels for.
Always and never did not matter anymore.
They only separated when their lungs began screaming for air, but even then, they never broke their embrace.
They simply sat there, grinning at each other while they panted for breath
“Mh… It seems I have Mindy to thank for all this”
“Say her name one more time and I will rip your throat out. With my teeth”
“But then I could never tell you again how much I love you!”
In response to the human’s teasing, the were moved suddenly and lay down on the bench, trapping Stiles between his body and the wooden beams
“I’ll make you regret saying that”
“You couldn’t even if you wanted to”
The lovestruck smiles returned, even when their lips met again.
How long they lay on the bench, kissing with abandon, neither of them knew.
It was the day they learned a moment could, indeed, last forever— like the song in the movie ‘The Beauty and the Beast’ by Céline Dion recited.
Oh, how many jokes Derek had endured in relation to that movie— and yet, he still would not change a thing.
Neither of them would.
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lost-in-beacon-hills · 9 months
729 notes · View notes
patolemus · 13 days
Sterek fic recs: Fake Dating AU Edition
Because @oldefashioned requested a fake dating rec list, here it is. These are all very funny, as fake dating fics ought to be, so I hope you get a good laugh out of it.
1. Not Your Disney Romance by Wrennefer (Wrenegadeone)
After a long-forgotten agreement of an arranged marriage between Derek and the daughter of another pack's alpha resurfaces, Stiles takes it upon himself to become the most amazing fake fiancé that a clueless, desperate alpha werewolf could wish for.
Notes: Domestic pack, my beloved. Stiles and Derek are precious here, I LOVE THEM!! The visiting pack, not so much, but who cares about them?? It's all pretty lighthearted, all things considered. It's completed.
2. Electricity In the Contact by ladyblahblah
In which Derek has been invited to the Greater Pacific Northwest Alpha Symposium (that's not what it's called, Stiles, stop saying that), and showing up unattached would mean an arranged marriage. When the rest of the pack objects, he agrees to let Stiles come along to pose as his mate. Derek is reasonably sure that he's not going to make it out of this weekend alive.
Notes: Werewolf convention fics are so good! I actually haven't found all that many, considering how common a trope it is, and it's a tragedy because they're always so well done! This one is no exception, and the mini-world building is also great! It's completed.
3. can’t be hateful, gotta be grateful by HalfFizzbin
"Be cool, Dad, we've decided to con Grandma." (Or, the one where the Stilinski men drag Derek to Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma's and she gets the right wrong idea.)
Notes: this one is just *cheff´s kiss* wonderful! It's all pretty domestic and the humor is on point. College student Stiles and the Sheriff are strong armed into spending Thanksgiving with Stiles' grandma, and they find nothing better than to bring Derek with them. Pining and misunderstandings ensue and thus comes the fake dating. It's completed.
4. Gravity’s Got Nothing on You by zosofi
“Three weeks,” Derek says. “Still don’t want to,” Stiles says. “I’ll pay you,” Derek says, and that… that has Stiles interested. Alf’s Antique’s may be a great job, but it’s not a high-paying job, and half of Stiles’s tuition is coming from financial aid, so… “How much,” Stiles asks, “are we talking here? Because I know your family, dude. And it’ll be kind of awkward after.“ “My family thinks you’re some sort of fucking gift to the world,” Derek seethes, like he’s jealous, “they’ll probably be pissed at me when we break it off, so don’t worry about that. Five hundred bucks.” “A thousand,” Stiles says, because screw ethics. Also, the Hale family is loaded. Derek can deal.
Notes: this had such a chokehold on me when I first read it. Absolutely wonderful. Enemies to lovers?? Maybe. Assholes to assholes-in-love, is a better descriptor. There's werewolves, and magic, and it's awesome! It's completed.
5. He’s Not Mine by Sonnee
Derek comes home to find an abandoned werebaby on his front porch and Stiles volunteers to help him out. Surprisingly, that is just the beginning of his problems.
Notes: again, it's all very domestic, like most fake dating fics ought to be. It's a kid fic, Sterek are mates, we have all the love. Not much else I can think to add... it's completed.
6. Real life isn’t a movie (life doesn’t make narrative sense) by dearericbittle (dutchmoxie)
Somehow accidentally insulting a hot guy in a coffee shop leads to pretending to be his boyfriend in front of a house full of werewolves. Stiles Stilinski is living his best life and making the most of his Hallmark movie moment.
Notes: this one had me cracking up because it's so funny! Stiles is living his best life, for real. Derek... suffers. But it's okay, because he gets a boyfriend out of this whole thing! They are disgustingly sweet in that assholish way they have. It's completed.
7. You look like my next mistake by Vendelin
“So, are you dating someone new? Someone who doesn’t mind that you’re frigid?” Kate cocks her head to the side, smiling as though she just asked him about where he bought his shoes. His entire body sighs in defeat as his shoulders grow square. Just as he opens his mouth, someone comes up to stand beside him, snaking an arm around his shoulders. When he glances to his side, expecting to see Isaac, his brain seems to malfunction. Because it isn’t Isaac. It’s Stiles Stilinski, the lacrosse talent of the year, a senior who Derek has seen multiple times from far away, but never ever talked to. In which Derek is a nerd jock, and Stiles is a frat guy, and Derek falls for him even though he knows he shouldn't.
Notes: this one had me HOWLING it's so good!! Frat boy Stiles, my beloved. It's technically not fake dating because it turns into an actual relationship pretty quickly, but it starts as fake dating so I'll take it. Stiles is an absolute sweetheart in this one, I love him! And Derek is shy, and insecure, but he's so great, and everyone gets a happy ending except Kate, which is always a good thing. It's completed.
8. All’s Fair In Orgasms and War by bleepobleep
AVN BREAKING NEWS-- DIAMOND VISTA RIDGE BREAKS HIS CONTRACT WITH HALE HOUSE "We haven't seen much of our favorite rock hard stud from Hale House ever since that indie twink dethroned him as champion in Orgasm Wars, but it's just been confirmed that Diamond will no longer be working for the legendary studio famous for producing some of our favorite werewolf-on-human works. Don't fret, Diamond fans, it looks like he's been spotted cozying up to True Alpha Studios! Apparently he couldn't get enough of that one human and then followed him home. Could it be true love? Keep your eye on this studio-- us at AVN think we're about to get a lot more of Diamond in a very new way!" ~ The one in which (almost) everyone is a porn star, and Derek just wants to curl up with his fluffy blanket and watch the Hallmark channel, but work and falling in love gets in the way.
Notes: okay but is this fake dating? Maaaaaybe. It's kinda complicated. Basically everyone here is a porn star and the pack has this studio where they cater to werewolves and have a whole thing about established relationships, which is where the fake dating comes up. It's surprisingly very fluffy, considering this is a porn au, and Derek is the softest goober in this one. Stiles is completely enamoured. It's completed.
9. Wanted from the You Are series by Asterekmess (Livinginfiction)
With the Hale pack finally settled and safe, it only makes sense that something would happen to screw it all up. To top it all off, Stiles has to pretend to be Derek's mate, or face a pack of angry Alphas. He's doomed.
Notes: Alright so this series is wonderful. The world building done for the Alpha pack is also great, and that's the center of the second part (which has the fake dating). I do recommend reading the first part before jumping on to Wanted because it is a direct continuation. Also, it's an amazing au! It's completed.
10. For Love is Not Ours to Command by weathervaanes
Where Derek's skills at thinking on his feet mean that he and Stiles have to act. For the sake of Stiles' dad, of course, for the sake of the pack. No personal interest interference at all, whatsoever. Right. -0- “Why does my dad say that you and your boyfriend are a bad influence on me?” “What?” “Yeah, what boyfriend? Dude, you are not allowed to not tell me crap like this. You didn't think I'd like be a douchebag or something. Right?” “No, wait, what? I have no boyfriend.” “He says you were with him at the police station.” Stiles blinks. “Uhm. Oh shit.”
Notes: Stiles just wanted to find dirt on Raphael McCall to blackmail him. Somehow, he got himself a whole ass boyfriend. It's complicated. That's it, that's the fic. It's completed.
11. Stiles Stilinski, Boyfriend Extraordinaire by MareLoup
“Beacon County Sheriff's Department, this is deputy Mahealani speaking.” “Oh thank god!” “Stiles?” “I, uh, I need some advice.” “Advice?” “Yeah. So, hypothetically, say you met your boyfriend’s mother and sister for the first time ever. Completely by accident. In the grocery store. And they convinced you to help them make a dinner to surprise aforementioned boyfriend when he got home after work. What would you do?” Danny paused, and then, “Stiles, you don’t have a boyfriend.” “That’s not the point! And I said hypothetically.” “Stiles...what are you doing right now?” *** Stiles never imagined he’d be in Derek’s kitchen cooking a surprise dinner with Derek’s family while they waited for Derek to get home from work. Partly because their visit was a complete surprise. But mostly because Stiles didn’t have a boyfriend. Or even know who Derek was. But he’d already come this far and Papa didn’t raise no quitter!
Notes: this is to date one of my favorite Sterek fics. I laughed so much while reading this, I'm not even joking. The whole thing is a comedy of errors gone right. Stiles somehow finds himself pretending to be Derek's boyfriend, only he has no idea who Derek even is and why his family knows Stiles at all. His inner monologue is one of the funniest I've read, and his slow descent into (good natured) madness is wonderful. It's completed.
12. Love Like An Ache In The Jaw by Anonymous
“So let me get this straight,” The sheriff massages his temples, “You found a magic book, and performed a magic spell that has backfired and magically bound you to Derek Hale, rendering you both in agony if you’re not in the same room.” Derek and Stiles exchange a look. “Um. Yes.” Stiles says sheepishly. “Right. And just to be clear, when we’re talking agony… exactly how agonizing is the agony?” Derek clears his throat. “Sir, I’ve had a pole stabbed through my chest and held there for an hour. This was… similar.” - In which boredom, magic and dumbassery come together to produce a Christmas miracle slash disaster. Oh, and Stiles' grandmother who knows absolutely nothing about the supernatural happens to be in town. Oops.
Notes: another hilarious one. Stiles does Stiles things and ends up magically bound to Derek. No one is amused except Stiles' grandmother, who's having the time of her life, here. It's completed!
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stereklyrics · 1 year
Stiles & Derek are dating, but they're a bit discreet when the pack is around, so the pack doesn't notice they're dating... Until they're having a meet and Stiles is "late", so Erica asks "Okay, where's Stiles?" and then Derek just shrugs and says "Oh, he arrived and was tired as fuck, so I told him to go take a nap. I'll fill him in later, we can go on without him 'cause no one is going to wake him up." The pack is confused, but they just go ahead.
A bit later when they're done with the boring part of the meeting Stiles comes downstairs and just casually kisses Derek and then turns to the pack "What did I miss?" the pack is shocked and Isaac says "You just kissed Derek." and Stiles replies "Well, yeah... It happens when you're dating someone." and the pack is like "DATING?????!!!!!" while Stiles & Derek are just like "Yeah, we thought you guys knew...? But anyways, let's just order food and watch something. "
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 2 months
Hi there! Was wondering there any fics out that that are canon aus but Derek and Stile have like a normal dating relationship. Like one or both realizes, “hey there’s something here and I like you”. Like we’re talking romantic dates, typical dating milestones, etc. but like there still werewolf/Beacon Hills hijinks are going on in the background while they’re just trying to get to know one another better. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Hi @maeyourskiesbeblue! I think so.
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Noticing by orphan_account
(1/1 I 2,203 I Teen)
After the whole thing with the pool and the kanima and the part where Stiles had kept Derek alive, Derek had some time to consider a few things. There had been a…thing between him and Stiles for weeks now, ever since the kanima had killed that mechanic. Derek had been moody for days afterwards and it took Stiles a week or more, even with heavy hints from Erica, to realize that it had been because the stupid thing had hurt Stiles. Derek had been worried about Stiles.
distractions by triggeringthehealing (froggydarren)
(1/1 I 2,748 I General)
There are hunters in town. Young, ill-advised, easy targets for the pack. Still, Stiles knows that walking right into the motel they’re staying at is a recipe for disaster. Since it’s precisely what Derek seems to want to do, Stiles needs a distraction.
just my type by sterekhale
(1/1 I 8,880 I Explicit)
After another failed date, Stiles' friend sets him up with her co-worker, who she swears is "his type".
Yoda Said It Best by OKDeanna, thePurebloodPrat
(21/21 I 99,128 I Explicit)
Derek Hale knows he has a problem. Contrary to what some might believe, he isn’t stupid. He knows the Jeep has meaning to him, real meaning. The kind of meaning that he doesn’t want to think about, let alone stop and have to analyze. Except… his son keeps pushing him about it, prodding at him, and then before Derek knows it, Stiles is back in Beacon Hills, driving the one thing in the world Derek wishes he never had to set eyes on again. If Derek isn’t careful, he could open himself up to a fall, and that would affect more than just his son but also his own traitorous heart. Because with Stiles back, Derek finally has hope again, and its making him want the things he knows better than to ever crave: a home, a future, a life—love.
One-Sentence Premise: To find the happiness they both crave, a lonely stressed-out single dad and a disillusioned FBI agent must confront their shared past and accept the feelings that have always existed between them.
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dropofbittersea · 4 months
“Beacon County Sheriff's Department, this is deputy Mahealani speaking.”
“Oh thank god!”
“I, uh, I need some advice.”
“Yeah. So, hypothetically, say you met your boyfriend’s mother and sister for the first time ever. Completely by accident. In the grocery store. And they convinced you to help them make a dinner to surprise aforementioned boyfriend when he got home after work. What would you do?”
Danny paused, and then, “Stiles, you don’t have a boyfriend.”
“That’s not the point! And I said hypothetically.”
“Stiles...what are you doing right now?”
Stiles never imagined he’d be in Derek’s kitchen cooking a surprise dinner with Derek’s family while they waited for Derek to get home from work.
Partly because their visit was a complete surprise.
But mostly because Stiles didn’t have a boyfriend.
Or even know who Derek was.
But he’d already come this far and Papa didn’t raise no quitter!
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blue-the-hedgehog · 8 months
Teen Wolf 2x12 but it goes a little different.
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He really had a shitty year. He wouldn’t dare to compare it to his friends but he really had a shitty year. Ok maybe Scott turning into a werewolf because of him was not good but at least he wouldn’t die of an athma attack and he became captain of the lacrosse team, ok maybe jackson turning into a manipulated lizard wasn’t fun but he half bring it upon himself as he was so obsessed about taking the bite to became the best , ok Lydia being hurt and manipulated by Peter Hale and her feeling like she is going crazy wasn’t good but now that she knew she seem a little better tho, ok Isaac’s father being killed will the boy was facing his new found wolfiness wasn’t good but he deserved it and he knew that Isaac would come around at some point, ok Boyd and Erica being hunted and tortured weren’t the best way to came into your new superpowered self and ok Allison had saw her aunt throat being ripped of and her mom killed herself, they were both psycho but still it was not fine. Now he was in his jeep with Lydia Martin after he get to find her. He had pushed her away but when his dad had told him that he was a hero, which he wasn’t really, he get back to find her. He had a phone call from Erica telling him that her and Boyd where free because of Chris Argent. it was good ! At least one good thing! Alright maybe he should have get to Allison after her mom’s death and get her into the really VIP club of the-ones-with-dead-mom… maybe she wouldn’t have been so quick to hunt Derek and his pack. Oh he should have bring Derek in the club too! The three of them would have bound around this similarity and maybe everything would have been fine!! Does Scott have told her why Derek at bite her mom? No, he certainly didn’t… So he should have told her and they all should be a little angry at Scott because she should have been, and Derek can be too because Scott always put every bad thing on Derek, and Stiles is angry too because his best friend never asked if he was alright! And always ditch him for his girlfriend! Talking about motherless people, he should have extend the invitation to Isaac too!
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That what he was thinking when he tumbled into the warehouse and hit Lizard-Jackson. Everybody looked at him and Lydia as they jumped out of the car. He looked around and almost directly understood what was going on in here: Isaac was still full of dagger's wounds, Allison had said daggers in hands and was ready to fight, Scott was looking at Stiles with a confused look, somewhere hidding was Peter, he saw the body of Gerard Argent lying in a puddle of black goo and he saw Derek still paralysed on the floor in Beta form,wrecked and a betrayed look on his face. When he get back to reality Lydia went to Jackson and everybody was concentrated on them. Except Stiles, he kept his eyes on the evil Argent Grandpa, he looked dead, everybody thought he was dead. But he saw it , the suptil twitch of fingers. He start to head toward him slowly, well it wasn’t like anybody would notice him. As he arrive next to the old man he heard Peter and Derek leap to Jackson and dig their claws in his torso, back and front. A loud gasp of everyone, a sad scream of Lydia. The strawberry blond girl was crying as Jackson was dying in her arm. She started to walk away when suddenly everybody could heard claws scraping against the floor and Jackson rise back to life as a werewolf. Great so fucking great now the guy will be in the back-from-the-dead-werewolf club with Peter and once again he will be the only one to be alone in a club. He should really had invited Allison and Derek in his dead-mom club!They all cheered up but he felt Gerard try to move under the foot he had put on him to pin him on the ground and he couldn't help but gave him a hit in the face that was received with a grunt. Everybody turned toward him, Scott with his "it's not how we do things" look, not a single "what happened to your face Stiles?" and something hurt in his chest when he saw that Derek was trying to avoid his eyes. Does the guy thaught that he had something to do with all of this? whatever it is. So he look at Scott hand asked before his best friend opened his mouth.
-What have you done Scott?
-I didn't do any...
-Cut your crap!! What the fuck have you done?!
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Stiles was pissed, really pissed and Scott wasn't used to be the target of this much of anger from his best friend. So he offered his best puppy eyes and explained what he had done. And,God help him, Stiles look furious after that. Every soul in this place saw Stiles assessing eyes fall on them, one by one and finally again on Derek. Did the man really thought that Stiles was a part of this shity plan? that he would have breatrayed him like this?! And then, Stiles snaped. He was fuming
-You really had go with this shit of a plan without coming to me for advise?! You are really this stupid Scott?! but I will handle you last ! First someone come and get this VERY ALIVE old creep tied up tightly thank you!
Chris came quickly to put handcuf and rope on Gerard, gun ready to shoot just in case. Stiles walked to Allison and held a finger out to her face.
-You! Can you tell me why you came so violently after Derek and his pack?
She held her head high and almost bite with her words
-Because Derek killed my mother Stiles! You know that my mother his dead! You can't understand!
Stiles’ finger drop with his hand along his side, he shook his head, sadness creeping into the anger and suddenly a little laugh came from Stiles and harsh look and tone were directed to the young huntress
-I can't understand? Me? Your mom is dead yes, It's sad, and I'm sorry for you Allison. But you are seventeen, you should have enough maturity to see what's happening! Derek didn't kill your mom! He had bite her! He had bite her to protect Scott from your fucking psychotic mom who was trying to kill him! She killed herself! She choose to die ! She could have lived as a Werewolf but she choose your stupid family code over her husband and daughter! My mom died too, but my mom never had the choice! She died when I was ten! You aunt killed the entire Hale family, she had killed Derek's mom when he was sixteen! And you dare coming after him because your mom choose to kill herself ?! You don't think that the fact that he loose all his family because of YOUR aunt and had to run away and had to fight your family again, is enough? and I don't list everything here! You came after Erica and Boyd who did nothing to your family for this too?! You had hurt Isaac this bad for this too?! You had fucking worried your dad for this too... You had loose your mom, he had loose his wife ... So get it together ! You are acting like a poor spoiled princess and don't even care about hurting other people ! I don't care that you had been manipulated by your grand father, you could have listen to your dad, I know that he had tried...
The girl opened her mouth to argue but she couldn't came with anything and looked down letting her daggers fall on the floor.
-I...I'm sorry Stiles...I..I had let my pain blind me and I didn't though about all this
Derek was looking at Stiles with wide eyes, a little warmth was growing into his chest. The boy was defending him? Then Stiles started to lecture everyone in the room, coming to Lydia and Jackson after that.
-Lydia, you already had your lecture earlier, think about it would you?
She nodded and almost hide herself behind the very naked Jackson. Stiles sigh before he fetch a spare sweetpant and t-shirt that he let in his car. He through it to the blond boy and didn't wait to speak first
-Just take the fucking clothes! Yes you can throw away those filthy and cheap rags when you get home if you want. But just Shut up and take it. And stop wanting things that people don't recommend to you. Fucking LISTEN! It could help you, don't you think? The bite that you wanted so damn much had changed you in a big lizard manipulated by a stupid teenager seeking revange and after that an evil old man seeking for the bite too! they had used you! So work on yourself now!
Jackson's jaws clench but he noded too once he had put on Stiles's clothes.
-Thanks for the clothes.
-You're welcome, I couldn’t let you walk around naked I'm not a monster...
A low growl, practicaly imperceptible by anyone took place in Derek's chest, he didn't like the fact that Stiles' scent was now all over Jackson. It felt wrong. But he took on him and follow the boy that was now mooving to Isaac. But a softer look appeared on the sheriff's son face
-Are you ok Isaac? Did it heal fine?
The young werewolf nodded and looked at Stiles confused by the soft tone but suddenly something more sour hint in the pale boy's voice.
-How is it to be Scott best friend for a few days? fun? Do you see what happen when you follow his stupid plans blindly without using your brain? You get fucking hurt! Because he don't take you in count in his plan! He didn't thought that you could be fucking hurt! You should stick to your alpha and don't go following my stupid childhood best friend if you are not ready to use your brain! You could have died today! learn to take care of you would you!?
Isaac looked shipishly at Stiles and let a little whine escape. Stiles had use a softer tone and hadn't yell at him. Stiles came to ruffle slowly Isaac hair.
-What I'm saying is that you are clever and you know how to survive but once someone show you some attention you just do wathever they say and t's not safe for you Isaac, I don't want you to be hurt for something like today or be use by someone you understand?
The young wolf nod and melt a little against Stiles touch. The human had been kind, he knew that Isaac would be affraid if he had yell or seemed ready to hit him. But even softer he had made his point heard. Then the boy get to Peter.
-You creeper Wolf! If you had helped your nephew this wouldn't had happened! You just had to kill the evil grandpa and everything would have been fine! Stop hiding !! You want your last remaining family to die ?!
-No, I don't! You have no lesson to tell me you little human!
-Yes I have some actually! You really have to learn how to take care of the ones you love! Because I know you care about Derek! So act like it would you!! You are really smart! I know that you saw what you could have done to avoid this outcome don't you?
-...Yes ,you're right...You're a smart little brat aren’t you?
A mischievous smile was on Peter's face but fall right away when Stiles looked at him with daggers in his eyes. He turn toward Scott, his gaze dark, his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles where white. His tone low and dangerous.
-You! You are the worst best friend that someone could ask for!
-Why are you…
-SHUT UP SCOTT! Didn’t you forgot someone when you did your little pact with Evil grandpa over there?! Do you really care so little about me that you didn’t even ask what happened to me?! Do you see my face?! I may have a few ribs almost broke! The old psychopath over there had abducted me and brought me in a freaking bassement with Boyd and Erica , the two of them being tortured and I had been beaten up because I am your friend! it was a message for you !! You didn't even care about your very human childhood bestfriend before your little huntress of a girlfriend who know how to use weapons! I don't talk about Mama McCall, you had done right for that at least! God! what even was your shitty plan here...Don't! Don't try to tell me that it work because if I wasn't their the Evil old man would have escape! You know pretty well what you just did to Derek!! You had used something very dear to him without telling him about it before!You had let him took the blame for Allison's mother without even giving her the explanation she deserve! She deserve to know why her mother had choose to kill herself! Do you think a little sometimes about peoples feelings? We are living people Scott, not just side kicks in a teen serie where you are the hero!
The young wolf looked like a kicked puppy but wouldn't dare to spoke as he had never saw his bestfriend so angry, hurt and betrayed. Stiles came to put a hand on Chris shoulder, his voice softened.
-As you see I'm not affraid to yell at big strong adults...if you can call Peter an adult... First, I'm sorry for your loss...I can't tell that I know first hand how it is to loose a wife but I saw my dad after my mother died... It was... really bad. You handle it well in comparison. I offer it in his behave but, don't hesitate to go talk to my dad if in need. He would be glade to share a beer with you. Secondly, I heard on my way here that you had helped Erica and Boyd to get free, thank you for that, I wasn't strong enough and maybe a little too stupid ... You are a good man Mister Argent.
-You had done well kid, a lot of people would have run and hide at your place you know?
Chris offered a small smile to Stiles. The teen then walk to Derek and point a finger at him. The man crossed his arms trying to look bigger and confident, ready to took a big yell. But he couldn't help his eyes to go wide when he heard the soft and concern tone in Stiles voice.
-You!! Are you alright? I'm sorry for what Scott had done to you, he should have talk about his plan with you before. If it confort you I wasn't aware of it neither. It was half good and half really stupid, so many things has not been taken in concideration. And I don't want you to think that I was a part of that! If I was it would have been almost perfect, and you would have known, I wouldn't have done that to you...But you should communicate more you know that?! Anyway, you shouldn't have to be forced to bite someone, and even more this filthy Evil Old grandpa and..
Derek couldn't take it he was listening intendly at Stiles but his bruised cheek and his slited lips was distracting. He took the boy’s face carefully in his hands as everyone gasped at the mouvement and as the man dared to cut Stiles mid-sentence. His eyes glowing red as soon as he felt Stiles’ pain.
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-Stiles, just a second... Me, I'm fine, I'm okay, No wound that couldn't heal in minutes and nothing more than a deep feeling of filthiness, betrayal and now it don't seem so important because I know that you are not a part of it... I know it's strange... But ...You... Are you ok? You have more than just you face...You have so much pain ...
Derek couldn't help and had started to drow pain from Stiles, The teen was in so much pain that Derek couldn't understand how he was still standing and yelling to everyone. And as easy as he had snapped from anger, Stiles broke from hurt and the loss of adrenaline, tears falling from those big bambi whisky eyes. Violent sobs escaped Stiles as he hold his ribs even if he couldn't feel the pain right now. Derek was heartbroken as he smell the suddent scent of sadness, fear and pain rolling in wave from Stiles. He couldn't hold a whine and he pull causiously the human against him. With one hand Stiles gripped at his shirt like it was a life line.
-I...I hate all of this! I know that sometimes I don't care about people feelings but now it's too much. Everyone fight because they are too self centered to care about others. And Erica and Boyd where tortured and I couldn't helped them...a...And I didn't even had the chance to enjoy my good game of tonight because I had been abducted and beaten up by this old freak! and ...And It was a really good game you know? I ..I scored a few time and I made us win! Do you believe it!!And I had done everything for Scott, I know it's my fault if he had been turned, it should have been me... (« yes! i should have bite you indeed ! » they all could hear Peter add in the back) But do you think it's normal that he totally forget about me when it come to protecting people he love?! Like her dad would never let Allison be hurt by anyone! And Mamà McCall know about all the supernatural stuff! But me, my dad didn't even know ... I had to lie to him once again...And I’m alone!! I can’t heal fast! I don’t have super strength or, know how to use weapons. It’s a matter of time before you see that Lydia is smarter than me! And we all know she is more than human! I’m the only basic human here! And my best friend forgot to negotiate my safety… And you! You should start to take care of yourself ! Talk to us and try to trust some of us… I know that it will be difficult now because of what Scott had done here but you could trust me!! I trust You! I don’t want you to die!! I care about you! So stop doing your thing alone !! An Alpha is stronger with a big pack! So stop shutting people willing to be part of it away!! I can help even if I’m not a wolf!!
Stiles knew that he should have stop talking long ago as he could hear Scott whimpering. But he was hurt, he had a really rough day and when he saw what had happened here it was too much for him on so many levels. He could feel that Derek had tensed a little and suddenly his sob stoped. Oh god he had told this out loud isn’t it?! He was so fucked, he needed to run away from those two strong and warm arms. He tried to slip away but Derek hold tightened around him and he felt Derek’s cheek against him before the wolf start to nuzzled the crook of his neck. it felt so warm and intimate and he felt safe and so calm that he didn’t move. The Alpha talked low and soft.
-Stiles, I’m sorry… I thought that you didn’t trust me … Didn’t realize that You really cared about me… It’s okay you’re safe … you are not alone
Stiles’ hold tight on Derek’s shirt, his brain start to fill with a fog. The werewolf was draining his pain as he hugged him, he was warm and strong, a shelter of safety around his broken body. The teen let the tiredness took over, Jackson wasn’t a lizard anymore, the old psycho grandpa was tied up, Erica and Boyd were free and safe at the loft waiting for him, Allison was a little confused but hopefully not willing to kill Derek anymore, Lydia was fine, Scott had been yelled at and he would make sure later that Melissa will punish him for his stupidity, Isaac would hopefully think before following Scott’s plan from now, Chris Argent was on their side, Peter was…well Peter but not up to no good for now , no dangerous police call had emanated from the radio in the jeep so his dad was safe at home and Derek was wrapped up around him so he was sure that the man was fine. A smile appeared on his lips as he fall asleep in Derek’s arms.
-‘m feeling like a mom… kids are exhausting…
Derek carried him bridal style, smiling fondly as everyone hold small laugh. Next morning, Stiles woke up in his bed, the Alpha of the Hale pack wrapped around him, his face in the crook of his neck and a hand on his waist. Somewhere in the back of his head, a shadow was lurking, something wrong was happening. But just for a few more hours he wanted to enjoy this safe space, just a little more. He fell back to sleep as he brushed his fingers on Derek’s chest.
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lioniheart · 3 months
This is the most millennial core paragraph I think I've ever read, actually
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imagine-sterek · 6 months
Imagine a No Hard Feelings Au where Derek is about to loose the land to his family home and needs money quick so he answers an ad where it’s asking for some one to date their son and get him out of his shell before he goes off to college and he’ll get paid. But things get serious when stiles actually falls in love with him.
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honestlydarkprincess · 5 months
stiles didn't know they were dating - sterek 👀👀👀 pls thank u and love u
for you, anything<3
Derek was sitting on the couch with Cora, listening to her rant about her least favourite coworker for the second time that day. He tried to pay attention, really he did, but he couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander to his favourite human.
Stiles had been…off for the last week or so. Derek didn’t want to push or make him uncomfortable but he couldn’t help but pout a little when, after months of Stiles being in his space, his thoughts, for most of the day there was suddenly this distance between them. It hurt. Derek had been wracking his brain for days, trying to think of something, anything, he could have done that would upset the younger man.
He knew he should probably just talk about it with Stiles, ask him what was wrong, but this thing between them felt fragile, he didn’t want to do anything to upset it. He was mostly confident that his boyfriend would come to him if there was a problem. Stiles was a talker, no way he didn’t talk about what was bothering him. It was just a matter of when.
And then Stiles walked in and Derek realized he was wrong, very wrong.
ask me about my wips
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jocollins · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Additional Tags: Getting Together, Getting to Know Each Other, First Kiss, First Dates, No cheating, Idiots in Love, Lies, Bad Friend Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Kissing, no outright smut, Plot Twists, Slut Stiles Stilinski, Dating Summary:
Everyone says and believes that Stiles Stilinski is a slut. It takes extra courage for Derek to start dating him, still feeling too burned after Kate.
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alicetallula · 3 months
Sterek Big Bang 2023/2024 - forever and then some by EvanesDust - 04.03.2024
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It was an absolute pleasure to work with @evanesdust on her fic 'forever and then some' for the @sterekbigbang💛! I immediately fell in love with it 😊!
Banner - forever and then some by EvanesDust - 04.03.2024
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Done using alcohol markers, ink pens, gel pens, watercolors, acrylic paint pens and Photoshop for the title and credits
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Patreon post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
Banner as is - Sterek's coffee mugs and badges - forever and then some by EvanesDust - 04.03.2024
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Done using alcohol markers, ink pens, gel pens, watercolors and acrylic paint pens
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Patreon post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
Sterek first meeting coffee date at night - forever and then some by EvanesDust - 04.03.2024
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Done using watercolors, ink pens, gel pens, colored pencils, alcohol markers, graphite pencils, acrylic paint pens and Photoshop for the slight light effect
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Patreon post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
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patolemus · 23 days
Sterek fic recs: High School AU Edition
In honor of my conversation with @darling-winnie about same age!Sterek, as well as my promise to @oldefashioned, here are some high school au recs!
1. Double Cherries (And 'Extra' Hoodies) by undercoverbastard
“No, no - wait - don’t tell me,” Stiles suddenly said, leaning forward and grinning at the boy directly on his right, eyes gleaming with joy and mischief as he spoke. “You want… a salmon burger, swiss, with fruit, and a vanilla shake. Eh?”
Derek scowled, shoving his menu at Stiles as he slumped back. “No,” he said plainly. Stiles pouted.
“Too bad! That’s what I’m penning you in for, Eyebrows,” Stiles said, scribbling on his notepad as he stood and began to walk away. Derek huffed, opening his mouth to give Stiles his actual order, but the only word he got out was ‘I’ before Stiles waved him off without even looking back at Derek or down at the notepad, stride unbroken, as he recited:
“Double cheeseburger, half swiss, half cheddar, no pickles, curly fries, side honey mustard, strawberry milkshake, extra thick, double cherries.”
OR: alive hale family, alive claudia, and high school friends stiles/derek - all wrapped into one, based on a joke from a TV show i watched when i was 7, and then got wildly out of control!
Notes: adorable, I love their banter and the conection they have. Alive!Hale family is always such a treasure, and Claudia and Talia's friendship is great here. It's completed.
2. i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me) by bleepobleep
Derek gets in an accident and loses a few years of his memory; suddenly everything is different— he's not a freshman loser anymore, but a popular senior, captain of the basketball team, a shoo-in for prom king, too, and he should have everything he's ever wanted— except he doesn't seem to be friends with Stiles anymore.
Notes: Derek is not having a good time. Pookie just wants to be with his best friend but it turns out they're not best friends anymore and the world doesn't make sense because of it. A little angsty but it all works out. It's completed.
3. Don't Kiss and Tell by Hedwig221b
Paige has finally got the boyfriend she always wanted. The only thing is, said boyfriend doesn't touch her, doesn't kiss her and spends all his time with Stiles Stilinski. You'd think they were dating, or something...
Notes: When I tell you I go feral for this au every single time I read it! Hedwig has the best unhinged obsessive sterek fics and I'll swear on that, don't even try to change my mind. Poor Paige is definitely being led on here, and both Derek and Stiles are assholes in this one, but they're in love and they're completely devoted to each other, so it's okay (I know it doesn't make sense now, but it will. Trust). It's completed.
4. But Then What... by Stoney
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
Notes: Typical Jock/Nerd enemies to lovers only it's Stiles being incredibly paranoid and angsty all of the time lol. They both had me shaking my head because my babies truly don't know how to communicate, but we got there! Eventually. It's completed.
5. Just The Same by foxlavander
Something is seriously up with the captain of the lacrosse team. There's just no way Derek Hale is human. *** “I was wondering if you're even human. You move so quickly. I mean, it's ridiculously fast. No human should be able to move that fast, y'know? It's unfair for us. I mean, it's obvious you work out, and I don't, so that could be why, but like...I was just wondering if you were human, that's all.” “Stop talking, Stilinski, or I'll—” “Put me on the bench all season?” Stiles asks knowing full well that Derek Hale can't threaten him with shit.
Notes: This one is so good. Stiles is onto you, Derek! But seriously, they're so awesome in this one. And Derek bakes and he wants to open up a bakery and it's adorable. I love them and I love the Hales, everything is great. Look out for the werewolf reveal! It's completed.
6. The In Which Stiles Is Secretly Magic series by apocryphal
All Stiles wants from life is to learn to control his magic, keep his grades up, and not die horribly while saving Beacon Hills from supernatural threats. It's all going pretty well until Derek Hale, werewolf extraordinaire, has to go and ask him on a date. That asshole.
Notes: The lore for magic users in here is honestly so good. Love the world building! The Hales are alive in this one as well, which for me is always a plus. A little bit (maybe more than a little bit) angsty but it ends well. There's a few things going on, but basically Stiles is basically Deaton's apprentice and there are Rules(TM) he has to follow as a magic user. He's pretty badass though! The series is technically not finished, but both parts in the series are completed.
7. cheer up, babe by graveltotempo
He was the basketball captain. And he was a cheerleader. Can I make it any more clear? OR: Derek Hale thought he had his crush on Stiles Stilinski under control. And then Stiles decided to show up to school in a skirt.
Notes: Derek spends all 20k words thirsting over Stiles, as he should. Stiles gets to wear a skirt and be generally awesome. They are disgustingly sweet together.
8. Made Your Mark on Me (A Golden Tattoo) by writteninthewolfstar
Beacon Hills High and Lycan Heights High are well-known enemies. Derek Hale, Lycan Heights' star quarter-back, is well-known for being aggressive and arrogant. Imagine Stiles surprise when he discovers that Derek Hale is actually his soul-mate.
Notes: This one is very sweet. There's insecure Stiles and absolutely lovely Derek. It's abo with Omega!Stiles and Alpha!Derek, and it's actually pretty wholesome. Derek is like public enemy number one of BHHS and a jock, Stiles is a loner, and when they turn out to be soulmates they have to navigate what that means for it. It has 13 out of 14 chapters, last updated in March of 2024.
9. too busy being yours to fall for somebody else by whiry
Stiles, worried that Scott may actually leave him behind because of his newfound popularity, is desperate to cling to something away from the drama of Lydia Martin's amazing parties and the woes of high school lacrosse. What he finds is Derek Hale, a guy who seemingly hates Stiles at first, but slowly, and insistently, becomes friends with him. As their friendship grows, Stiles starts to wonder if they could ever become something more or if pushing what they have will lead him to being alone for good.
Notes: Also very sweet! It's strangers to friends to lovers, and Stiles falls out of love with Lydia without even realizing because he's fallen in love with Derek. The Hales are alive in this one, yay! The way sterek bonds over music is also so good! It's completed.
10. Stupid Over You by Wolfspurr
It's a Friday night, and instead of enjoying any of the numerous things he'd rather be doing, Stiles has been roped into dinner with his dad at the Hale's. On the plus side, Derek Hale will be there. On the minus side, Derek Hale will be there, and Stiles already has a hard enough time not making an ass of himself in front of the hottest guy in school. There's no way this can end well.
Notes: Overall amazing fic! Stiles is his oblivious awkward self that we all know and love, Derek is completely smitten with him. All this wrapped up in a dinner with the Hales and the Stilinskis. That's it, that's the fic. It's completed.
11. Six Minutes by CosmoKid
“What do you want?” Derek practically grows when Stiles is near enough to hear. He can definitely feel the werewolf vibes coming from the guy as well as the fuck off vibes that roll off him in tsunami-sized waves. Stiles has one thing he needs to say to Derek, but he also has eight million questions to ask him about the werewolf thing and he can barely sort out his thoughts as it is, let alone when there’s a ridiculously attractive werewolf who’s basically Adonis staring at him. Derek takes another drag of his cigarette and raises his eyebrows at Stiles expectantly. He shivers and blurts out, “Six minutes.” That makes Derek smirk, but it’s so condescending that even Harris would be impressed. “No offense, Kitten,” Derek starts and Stiles just narrows his eyes at the nickname. Derek keeps his eyes trained on Stiles as if to dare him to challenge the nickname. Stiles bites his tongue and resists it. “But you’re not really my type.”
Notes: This is not your typical high school au, but it's a nice change of pace. It's got werewolves, which we love, and bad boy Derek. Stiles stood no chances lol. It's completed.
12. The covalent bonds series by HaldFizzbin
Awkward Nerd Derek has been crushing on Handsome Jock Stiles since forever—so getting paired with him on a Chemistry project is definitely the best/worst thing that's ever happened to him.
Notes: I went on a little Nerd!Derek and Jock!Stiles fixation the other day so here we have it. Derek is awkward and funny and insecure and we love him. Stiles is Stiles, and he's awesome. The series is not finished, but all the parts of the series are complete.
13. It's Always Been You, Dumbass by stilinskisparkles
“Alright, cool, we should go,” Stiles says breezily, dusting off his hands as he stands. “We should?” “Yeah!” “But… Do you even care about photography?” “Not as much as I should,” Stiles plants both his hands on the table, bracketing Derek in, “You’ll have to correct my miscreant ways.”
Notes: Stiles is helplessly pining, Derek is painfully oblivious and the absolute last to find out. Somehow, they still go on like three dates together. It's pretty great, and it's completed.
14. can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time? by whirl
There's something strange about Beacon Hills. Stiles can't really put his finger on it, but the way certain classmates look at him at school and the way certain adults look at him in the grocery store has him curious. And it's not the sort of pitying looks that his mom's coworkers used to give him, but these ones are longer, more searching, like they're looking for something. Not to mention the weird noises that sometimes come from the woods when he runs, too human to be animal and too animal to be human. Plus the way the Hales have seemed to sequester themselves to the wild and give Stiles serious Cullen family vibes. But Stiles, like everyone else apparently, ignores it. Until it becomes too great to ignore and he has to investigate for himself and find out what is actually going on in Beacon Hills. +++ Or, the one where Stiles and Derek meet, hate each other, slowly get to know one another, and fall totally head over heels for each other all while avoiding curious classmates, an angry ex-girlfriend, and, oh yeah, imminent death.
Notes: This one is kinda crazy but in a good way! It's 120k words long so be prepared for that, and Stiles finds out about werewolves. Derek, pookie, I'm rooting for you all the way! Also Cora, my beloved. I adore her. Stiles is pretty confused all the time for a while there. It's completed.
15. scary stories and roasted goods by graveltotempo
“I have more, you know?” grumbled Jackson, clearing his throat. “Okay, fine. Here’s another; a man goes is staying at a hotel for the weekend. On his way to his room, he notices a door with no number on it-” “An albino woman with white skin and red eyes committed suicide in that room years ago,” finished Erica, inspecting her nails with a smirk. “We know that too.” “A babysitter goes to put two children to sleep in their room and notices a large creepy clown statue in the corner-” he tried again. “Get out of the house, we don’t have a clown statue,” said Allison, tried to hide a laugh at the flustered expression on Jackson’s face. “Two roommates in a room. Sarah says that she wants to go to a party and Mary wants to stay home-” “Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn the lights on?” said Derek, and Stiles laughed, looking at him with sparkling eyes. OR the cheerleading squad, the lacrosse team and the basketball team go camping.
Notes: Another cheerleader!Stiles and Jock!Derek. I love them your honor. It's all very sweet and Derek pines as he ought to do lol. Don't worry, there's light at the end of the tunnel. It's completed.
That's all I have for this one. I probably have more in my TBR but I guess we'll find out. If I ever get there. My sterek TBR only ever grows and I never seem to be able to finish fics as fast as I find them lol. Hope you guys like these!
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christinesficrecs · 1 year
Screamed when I realized you were still an active blogger! Just starting to get back into Sterek. Do you know many fics like The Mating Privilege? So they are dating but have to pretend not to and Derek basically ends up neglecting Stiles and their relationship? A lot of older stories don’t have a ton of tags so thought I’d give it a try:) thanks lovely!
Welcome back! ❤️ Well not very many, but here are a few.
The Mating Privilege by Kikileduc | 35.3K | Mature
Stiles and Derek have been happily mated. The pack is doing well, but in hopes of creating alliances for it to do better, Derek accepts a neighboring pack's request to allow two wolves to join the Hale-McCall pack for a full moon cycle. They hope to form a blood-tie, or at least a long term friendship between the two packs. The issue is Kohona, the tribal leader's daughter, has her eyes set on an unavailable alpha wolf. This could have drastic consequences for their young emissary, however...
I don't like the way she's looking at you (I'm starting to think you want her too) by May_Belle | 13.7K | Mature
It has to look like you and Derek haven't fucked on every flat surface of this house this week alone so that Tessa sees Derek as a strong, totally available alpha that she can possibly make several babies with one day."
Or the one where Stiles and Derek pretend they aren't completely in love with each other for the sake of a possible pack alliance.
Taught by Experts by unpossible | 29K
“Let me get this straight,” Stiles says. “You’re going to be publicly dating someone else.”
How I Long For Yesterday by sweetbutterbliss | 6K | Mature
Stiles blinks, his throat going dry, and he moves his thumb without thinking - liking the post. He feels a surge of petty satisfaction. At least the fucker will know he knows now. He stands up, his body feeling too heavy, and he blows out the already guttering candles. He lets out a sob of frustration when the last one won't fucking blow out. But he sucks it back in and bites down on his tongue, using his thumb and forefinger instead.
He throws himself into their empty bed without undressing. He lies there repeating the words 'Derek blew me off for Isaac' over and over. He tells himself to shut up while rearranging his pillow violently, but he goes to sleep with the refrain continuing its painful loop.
Viridian by betp | 5.9K
Dude, forget Stiles."
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 7 months
Do you know of any Stiles/Derek blind date fics? Where they’re set up. I’m struggling to search this and you’re amazing work is my last hope 🖤
For sure.
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Day Two: Blind Date by christinchen
(1/1 I 918 I Teen)
Stiles is being set up on a blind date. Guess with whom?
The Blind Date Dysfunction by withered
(1/1 I 2,138 I General)
It isn’t like Stiles has anything against going on a blind date. His history of them sucks, but he’s never intentionally ditched one before. But what was he supposed to do, let the kid finish his penis mural? No, sir.
In which Stiles ditches his blind date, and then doesn’t.
Midnight Meetings by Cozy_Rosy28
(1/1 I 2,197 I Not Rated)
Alpha Derek Hale gets set up on a blind date at the urging of his cousin, it isn’t until it’s too late that he realizes his date is his rival. What a way to bring in the new year.
no less blind for seeing you by insane_falcon
(1/1 I 2,695 I Teen)
Lydia sets Stiles up on a blind date. It goes much better than he's expecting.
That Awkward Moment by stilinskisderek
(1/1 I 2,751 I Explicit)
...when your sister sets you up on a blind date with the one night stand you hooked up with three weeks ago who vanished without a goodbye leaving you pathetically heartbroken.
Finders Keepers by inhystereks
(1/1 I 3,340 I General)
“Sorry, I know I’m kind of staring, but she didn’t tell me you were so good-looking,” Stiles babbled, wanting to hit himself even as the words left his mouth.
“She,” the guy said, something in his expression shifting. “Laura.”
“No,” Stiles replied with a frown. “Lydia. Who’s Laura?”
“My sister,” the guy said, brows furrowed once more. “Who’s Lydia?”
“My best friend,” Stiles said.
Lucky Thirteen by Inell
(1/1 I 4,500 I Teen)
Stiles isn't expecting his thirteenth blind date to be so out of his league, but he can't complain when Derek Hale turns out to be a gorgeous geek who could be the perfect man for him.
turn the lights out by CelebrateTheFreedom
(1/1 I 7,357 I Explicit)
Derek is not your stereotypical Omega, when he goes to this blind date event he gets mistaken as an Alpha. If only the nice Alpha next to him knew.
Fuck The Past by Lizbit_97
(10/10 I 28,128 I Teen)
In which Stiles is a lonely, cynical 34 year old. Scott is his stepbrother and encourages stiles to “put himself out there”. Derek is a recently divorced 40 year old looking for love. Oh and it’s the 15 year wedding anniversary of Sheriff and Melissa. A blind date and mistaken identities occur as well as bold decisions... What could go wrong?
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dropofbittersea · 3 months
I know, I just…” Derek trailed off, rubbing his forehead with both hands, frustrated that the right words weren’t coming to him.
“What?” Stiles asked honestly, pulling on one of Derek’s wrists until he could see his expression again.
Derek’s heart pounded in his chest so loud he figured even Stiles could hear it. He inhaled deeply and let the air out slowly through his nose, trying to keep his voice even. “When we take them places, and spend time with them, and make them smile… it feels like…”
“It feels like they’re yours,” Stiles finished for him, licking his lips before snagging the bottom one between his teeth.
“No,” Derek said, taking Stiles by surprise. “It feels like they’re ours.”
“Oh,” Stiles said simply, mouth still slightly open while he contemplated Derek’s words.
Or, the one in which Stiles and Derek have been BCPD partners for years when they are assigned Halloween duty and run into a couple of kids from the orphanage. One fake marriage and two real adoptions later, they somehow become a family.
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