#stella is a bitch
chomchomcherrybomb · 2 years
I swear
Stella supporters need to reevaluate their priorities and cognitive functioning abilities 💀
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stolitzsings · 3 months
Thinking about Stolas’s transformation after he met Blitz from Stella's perspective is actually super fucking funny, like for almost 20 years she had a passive, boring, sexless (to her) husband, and then he gets dicked down ONCE and he's walking around like That Bitch and saying things like "people want our money AND our bodies," like fuck her for real but Blitz did Some Things to his whole psyche
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monarchteen · 1 year
fuck all romances except for whatever the brown/black girl got going on with her pasty ass white boyfriend
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velvette-hussle · 3 months
Why are so many of Vivziepop’s male villains so….tantrum-y? Like, they are all so prone to throwing a big ass tantrum, and for what? The first time we meet Valentino he’s throwing one, the entirety of Vox’s part in “Stayed Gone” is the buildup and then climax of him throwing a tantrum until he breaks down/physically can’t throw a tantrum anymore, and what is “Hell’s Greatest Dad” if not Alastor throwing a mild tantrum and then Lucifer fully matching his energy? Even Adam throws a tantrum about his fucking balls right before he dies!
They’re all public tantrums too, and that’s so embarrassing for them. Honestly, why do they all have offsets of the same personality traits? They’re not monologuing (at least not well) either; not a single one of the instances I mentioned is that put together, they’re all reactionary and impulsive bursts of anger that come when the characters feel like they’re losing. Except it’s giving much less “King Kong ain’t got shit on me” (or even Deucalion’s “Gather Your Herbs” speech in S3 of Teen Wolf) and more Loki at the end of “Avengers 2012” before he got pummeled into the floor by Hulk.
The shit makes me feel like Niftty fr. Just kicking all of them in the shins while complaining about why they’re so lame.
Stella also throws tantrums but I don’t think we’re supposed to think she’s still cool after she does it so her case isn’t the same. Plus Stella’s at least got some fucking decorum because I think every tantrum she’s had happened in private with only maybe one or two other people in the room to bear witness at all.
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dumbnotstupidfuck · 13 hours
shout out to brandon rodgers for giving us a bone chilling vocal delivery of ‘well, I’m not letting you, bitch’ that sounded straight out of every abuser’s playbook when you try to break things off, 10/10 no notes
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bookishnewt · 2 years
I've said it before that my favorite detail of Stolas' design is the pupils that occasionally show up in emotional moments and this reaffirms that.
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unchained-hound · 1 month
"But Stolas cheated on Stella!" Sorry I don't care if abuse victims cheat on their abusers hope it helps xoxo
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Honestly the helluva boss villains are so goofy because most of them are like “grr you shouldn’t have done that you’re going to pay for that!” and this is me reaction every time
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salmonfur · 2 years
Ok but the attention to detail is extraordinary! Love this little call back to the pilot
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lousypotatoes · 15 days
Hi! I have no idea how to request stuff but if you wouldn't mind, would you be able to do a helluva boss Andrealphus x reader? (Im not sure if you write for him or not since he doesn't have much screen time I'm sorry if u dont!) Where Andrealphus is so caught up in his duties that he accidentally neglects his partner and how he would make up for it. Pure fluff! Thank you for your time!!
I can try, but I can't promise it'll be good 😭
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Never Again - Andrealphus x GN! Reader
Song Recommendation:
You Are The Reason - Calum Scott
Being married to royalty definitely had it's pros. You had people waiting on you hand and foot, people knew who you were, and you got to shop without worrying too much about the money.
That was one of the best parts.
But being married to royalty also had it's cons. You constantly had people trying to kill you, you had to deal with your husband's bitch sister every time she came over to visit, and your husband got too caught up in his royal duties that he sometimes completely forgot to pay you any attention.
That was the worst part, by far.
Right now, you were currently sitting on your bed, texting your brother in law, Stolas.
You and Stolas were close, confiding to each other about anything and everything, from his feelings towards an imp, to how much the both of you absolutely loathed Stella.
Deciding that you were getting bored of texting, you put your phone down and went searching through the castle, looking for your husband.
After about a few minutes of looking, you found him in his office, typing away on a typewriter. From what you could tell from his body lanuage, he seemed stressed.
"My love are you alright?" you asked softly as you walked into the office.
No answer.
"My love?" you asked a little louder.
Still no answer.
He still didn't answer.
Letting out a puff of air, you walked over to behind his chair, putting your hands on his shoulders. He didn't say anything, instead easing into your touch.
"Is everything alright?" you asked, lightly massaging his shoulders. "You seem really stressed."
"Yes, I'm fine, dear" he said, resting his head back, meeting your eyes. "I just want to get this letter sent out before the end of the week."
"Who's the letter to?" you asked, continuing your massage.
"Asmodeus? I thought you didn't like him?"
"I don't, but this is a rather urgent matter," he groaned as you hit a pressure point.
"What's the occasion?" you asked.
"He wants the two of us to meet at his club to discuss his sex toy production,"
"Why would he want to do that exactly?"
"That I don't know, my dear,"
"Do you want me to go with you?" you smirked, leaning down to his hear. "For moral support, of course."
Your husband chuckled. "As much as I want you with me" he started. "I don't want you in that type of environment."
"Aw, you're no fun," you playfully stuck out your tongue. "When do you think you'll be done?"
"Later today,"
"There's a but isn't there?"
"I'm sorry, my love," he said, lightly frowning. "But after I finish this, I have to attend a meeting at my sisters."
"Of course it's at Stella's," you said under your breath, pulling your hands away from your husband. "Is it actually a meeting, or are the two just going to bitch about Stolas the whole time?"
"No, this is an actual meeting," Andrealphus said, getting out of his chair. "The whole Ars Goetia is going to be there, including Stolas."
He gently cupped your face with his hands. The cold touch of his palms and fingertips making a shiver go down your spine and goosebumps appear all over your skin.
"I know you want us to spend more time together, Y/N," he said softly. "I do too, but you know I have duties to attend to."
"Yeah, I know," you grumbled, looking up to meet his blue eyes. "I just wish you didn't have to all the time."
"I know, I know," he said before closing the gap between you two and kissed you softly.
His cold lips were a nice contrast to your warm ones. Even though this was probably the thousandth time the two of you had kissed, it made your heart melt and your knees turn to jelly.
"I'll make it up to you, I promise," he whispered as he pulled away. "How about we go to a nice place for dinner, hm? Would that make up for it?"
"Mmm maybe," you giggled. "Only if you're paying."
"Don't I always, love?" he laughed. "I'll meet you out front at 8, you better be ready by then."
"I will," you said, pecking him on his beak. He blushed. He absolutely loved when you did that. "I'll see you then, handsome."
He removed his hands from your face, kissing you on the forehead. "I can't wait to see how you look, my love."
"Well, I better go start planning my outfit then," you said, walking out of the office. "I love you Andrealphus,"
"I love you too, Y/N,"
@al-of-the-stars i'm sorry if this wasn't to ur liking i tried my best 😔
i had more planned but i got lazy so im gonna do a part 2 instead 😭
im so excited for the nest episode to come out 🙏
i may or may not have a helluva boss x reader planned out 🤫
stay safe and drink lot of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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chomchomcherrybomb · 2 years
An essay
People who support Stella like to use the pro shipper logic, that liking Fiction doesn’t support irl action, and how it doesn’t affect anyone.
However, this simply isn’t the case, and in this essay I’ll explain why, because apparently people can’t comprehend how supporting an abusive toxic woman in fiction and outwardly applauding it is gross.
Pro shippers listen up as well.
In order for this to be as thorough as possible, we need to establish Romanticization vs study, and comedic effect.
Romanticizing something is to “deal with or describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion; make (something) seem better or more appealing than it really is.” (-Oxford Languages dictionary.) whereas a study or character examination is “1 : analysis or portrayal in literature of the traits of character of an individual. 2a : a brief narrative or sketch devoted primarily to character study.” (-Merriam Webster)
A good example of these two different projections is Bojack Horseman vs 13 reasons why. Both deal with subjects of depression and suicide, along with drugs and numerous sexual themes, but
Bojack horseman is a character study,
13 reasons why is a romanticization.
The reason this is important is because it explains how portrayal affects opinion. This is why we can have horror movies about serial killers doing horrible things, and causing destruction in their wake, and people will be fine.
When people portray horrible shit, like r*pe, torture, murder, espionage etc, they portray it in a very specific fashion. 
When portraying those topics, it’s important to establish why we’re witnessing it, and how it affects the story and how we perceive the rest of the series/movie/book. Most of the time, with subjects like this, it’s established that it’s not a good thing.
Another good example of romanticization versus character study is the joker.
Joker (2019) is a character study, it shows a nuanced take on someone who’s jaded, and mentally ill, and takes it out on society. It portrays The Joker as a dysfunctional and dangerous person, who needs help. The movie focuses very heavily on the mental illness and societal prospects, rather than trying to make them seem appealing. People love this movie (just like I do) because of how it portrays him.
Now, the suicide squad joker is a romanticization. He’s shown as an attractive and sexy psycho, who takes and uses to his advantage. When he kills, it’s seen as cool or it’s played off. People hate this movie because of how romanticized the joker is. 
It’s the same reason why horror movies are still such a huge thing, when they portray murderers, r*pists, or horrible people in general, there’s usually a consensus that the antagonist of the movie is in the wrong. 
People romanticize Stella’s abuse, but hold Stolas to the opposite standard. 
Comedic effect is when people use intense or serious situations and make light of them for hilarity sake.
Helluva boss uses comedic elements in tune with character studies.
As for Amber Bird, their support for her is romanticizing her actions. There’s a difference between enjoying the nuance and toxicity of a character for character sake, verses supporting them and excusing their actions. You can like characters that are toxic, that do horrible things, but don’t portray them as a flawless victim or someone whose actions were justified.
For example: Slashers. 
People LOVE slashers from films and games, have fanart and entire thirst blogs dedicated to them, but understand the character is fucking deranged and will/would kill them if they had a chance. They don’t try to justify their murders (atleast seriously). They enjoy the character as a character, but accept the character is not a good person.
Stella supporters don’t do that. And I also think there’s a difference between the extremes.
Murder isn’t held to the same standard due to its extreme nature. Abuse is something that happens everyday to several people, murder is less likely to happen. Hence why people are more angry at her attempt to hit him and her emotional/verbal abuse than her calling a hit on him.
When you support and defend an abuser, you’re setting a precedent that it’s okay, where it isn’t. 
Pro shippers and Stella Stans alike have this problem, where they portray their character or relationship in a positive light, which leads to toxic mindsets and sets a negative precedent.
Enjoy a character but don’t try and make them better than they are.
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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new draw the squad frame
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njori · 9 months
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Going to Fan Expo today as Okarun!
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blondbitchbeatdown · 1 year
Round 2 : Bracket 1
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therollingstonys · 7 months
happy one year anniversary to that time my best friend posted a fic and someone got butthurt about it, so she spent three months being bullied by their followers!
This is your not so friendly reminder that if you don’t like a fic, you go tell your friends in PRIVATE and keep your shit out of public places where people can be incited to vile, hateful behavior that causes real pain to REAL people.
It doesn’t matter how much you dislike the way someone wrote your favorite character, they are FICTIONAL. There is no harm done to a fictional character who is written a way you don’t like, but when you air your quite frankly petty and immature feelings and incite people to lash out at the author—you are doing harm and you should be ashamed.
If you can’t keep your mouth shut in public and take your complaints to your friends in private you have no place in fandom.
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