#stapler stuff
lesbenson · 1 year
the problem is that just because elliot’s defining moment for ten years was leaving liv it doesn’t actually make that a character trait of his. like that’s the betrayal. he does actually care about sticking by his people. like a painful amount. 🥴
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glimmerkey · 1 year
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Digimon Agumon Stapler
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vhvrs · 4 months
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this is the most exciting classwork i got rn btw. look at my stapler. you can spin it.
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18catsreading · 7 months
Tula: can I hold it? Can I see the lightning gun?
Jaysohn: yeah
Tula: oh, thank you, wonderful. Great. [SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH TO BITS]
Ava: we need it!
Tula: no we don't! The guy who had it I killed in a second! We don't need it. And in fact, I'd love some examples of any time curiosity has helped this family! A-five, four, three, a-two, one! Let's solve the puzzle and leave forever!
All: [losing it]
Aabria: you --
Thorn: what's a puzzle?
Tula: yea, great question! Let's go now!
Aabria: you look at the reactor
Ava: she's a bit much
All: [losing it some more]
Aabria: oh God. The cycle of violence.
Tula: everyone's so worried about me when I'm sad, but when old Tula starts to come back everybody's got thoughts!
Lila: 😍
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munchboxart · 1 month
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Final designs for the new charms! Unfortunately, those who ordered all 3 stickers will be the only ones receiving the bag design, to reduce waste. Also, for the Floppy Disk design, it will have to be tied with yarn.
Lastly, the printer place messed up the orientation of my business cards so unfortunately, the artwork on the back will be upside down, apologies 🙇‍♂️
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since i’d already played the original trilogy approximately seven million times in french, i finally got round to playing french apollo justice instead. just finished it and hoooo boy was this localisation just as interesting
just like in the og trilogy, the entire thing now takes place in france (presumably paris, though they didn’t specify in this one). at least there aren’t earthquakes this time so it doesn’t feel quite as surreal.
apollo’s “i’m fine!” catchphrase is now “tout va bien !” which means “everything’s fine!”
some of the names have been translated again. for example, trucy is now called “Vérité” which not only is the french form of the english name “Verity”, but it also is the literal french word for “truth”, which gives some dialogues a double meaning whenever they’re discussing the truth. “Vous dites... la vérité... Apollo Justice... ?”
they did not change lamiroir’s name. they did however change machi tobaye to “Tomas Kashkash”, make of that what you will
in the first case, phoenix and kristoph use formal pronouns when addressing each other in court, and informal pronouns outside of court, which is fun. by the final case they’re exclusively using formal pronouns since their friendship has pretty much ended. (it’s a similar case with klavier and daryan, who switch to formal pronouns when they’re trying to be serious/professional and when their friendship starts to splinter.) (apollo and trucy use informal pronouns on each other pretty much the whole way through.)
trucy says “Mééééééé !” a lot
she also calls apollo “Pollo”
wocky kitaki (”Willy” in french) is my fricking favourite oh my god. he speaks in such verlan-ified slang i had to painstakingly decipher every single thing he said. i love him. when he said “sakom” i felt that 😔✊ he’s nigh-incomprehensible just like he was in the english version. absolute king.
in order to make wocky so iconic they apparently had to sacrifice klavier though, because in this version he is english. ENGLISH. AS IN, FROM ENGLAND. usually the french localisation takes its cues from the english version so i thought they’d keep him german, and then when he started calling people “miss” instead of “Fräulein” i thought maybe they’d made him american, like he was in the original japanese version, but NO IT TURNS OUT HE’S JUST ENGLISH??? LIKE FROM ENGLAND????? U WOT M8 JOLLY GOOD OLD CHAP CHEWSDAY INNIT????? I’M FROM ENGLAND, THIS IS THROWING ME OFF TOO MUCH
and they didn’t even commit to the englishification!! he barely says any english stuff at all! he sometimes says “miss” or “mister” and that’s... about it? he doesn’t even have any “Achtung, baby!” equivalent!! he calls apollo “M. Grand Front” which yeah means basically the same thing as herr forehead but it’s entirely in french so what’s the point?? god if you were gonna curse him by making him from freaking england then at least go all the way?? at least his “Objection !” sounds cool i guess...
and his name is “Konrad” in this version. that’s fine because “clavier” means “keyboard” in french (like the thing you type on) so i get that it would have sounded silly. but imo they should have gone in the opposite direction and picked a random english word to name him then. they should have named him Stapler or something. why’d they give him a normal name. he is Stapler Gavin in my heart
ema calls him “minet pailleté” btw which yeah pretty much just means glimmerous fop. (she studied in england too in this version WHY THE FRICK IS EVERYONE ENGLISH)
there were some fun french puns, such as calling phoenix apollo’s “mentor” (french for “mentor”, if you couldn’t guess) and then calling him “menteur” which means liar and sounds very similar
“I killed a man named “Smith” with a bottle because I am an evil human being.”
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somegrumpynerd · 7 months
I'm home everyone I stapled my thumb at work today!
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hellcab · 9 months
{{ I’m gonna write some new AUs for Roth. One AU involves him becoming an entrepreneur after being fired from Gehenna Cabs. His business? Roth provides his services as a warlock. }}
{{ Of course, he cannot stay in Pride City anymore ( with the rent being so expensive ). So Roth moves to Imp City, much to his personal displeasure. Whereas he rents office space next to I.M.P. }}
{{ Also pictured below, Roth watching Verosika and Blitzo having yet another parking dispute. }}
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bumblebeerror · 5 months
Hey buddy!!! I have a few embroidery hoops, needles and thread, but aside from YouTube, nobody I know nearby does it often enough to give firsthand experience. I embroidered a thatch of lavender and a little bee on one of my battlejacket pockets, but it was with regular thread and a regular needle. Can you offer any insight when it comes to the actual hoops themselves, what material works best, any insider tips?
So I’m not a regular embroiderer because it hurts my hands really easy, but I AM a moron who does everything the hard way first so I do have some tips:
If you’re using regular thread, it will help the design if you a) use an embroidery needle [I think you can get them separate from other sewing supplies for like a buck or two, and I recommend getting some kind of needle polisher as well bc then it will last 538463936472 years] and double up the thread 2-3 times to bulk it up and 2) use a smaaaalll bit of glue mixed with water [or spit, I’ve done that too] to twist together the threads along their length. It just helps them go through smoother and lay flatter with less overall fiddling, and if you use School glue or spit it will wash out 👍
If you’re using bulk dollar store quality embroidery thread, you have to be *gentle as fuck* with it while youre working the design. So, work patiently in small sections and try not to yank it too much, just generally be aware that its not gonna stand much abuse until it’s actually stitched in. Also, it’s totally possible to take a pulled end, tie more on, and keep on a-truckin - just make sure you pull a few previous stitches to get to a more sturdy bit, and tie it real close so you’re not trying to pull the knot thru. It’s strength when pulled on leaves something to be desired, but it IS infinitely cheaper than buying every color ever individually for a few bucks each, so pick your poison on that one. If you wanna use good thread basically you need to have planning skills and the patience to wait till stores are open to drive out and go get shit, neither of which I have :D
As for hoops, they are So, So helpful oh my god. You can use them for darning, you can use them for embroidery, you can use them for cross-stitch, you can use scrap fabric to make patches, you can even use them to hold fabric taut to hand-stitch on patches if you need to.
Basically, If you need fabric to stay where the fuck you put it while you work, an embroidery hoop is a godsend. Most are also pretty adjustable - though you may have trouble using them with really really thick or stiff fabrics like fur or denim seams. in those cases you can always use scrap fabric to embroider your design, and then iron on or sew on your new patch.
In order to use one, you just need a bit of fabric that can reach to every curve of the hoop. you place your inner hoop under the fabric, plop your untightened outer hoop over it, and then tighten it up. in order to make the fabric taut, you can leave the hoop a liiiitle loose, and then pull at the fabric till it feels kind of like a drum. then tighten the outer hoop as far as it'll go :D Once youve done that, youre good to go.
I'd advise sketching your design in chalk/charcoal/pencil/washable marker before starting, and if you feel like it you can also mark out a grid pattern of dots using a ruler to keep your stitches the same length, but thats not super necessary.
As for fabrics that work best for embroidery, tight-woven felt is a nice backing for patches but you will struggle to get a clear sketch of your design. Cotton is gonna be easiest to use for a sketch, but its gonna be flimsier. If you can layer both inside the hoop, that would probably work out pretty well, tbh. I wouldnt use stretchy fabrics if you can help it- the resulting patch will likely shrink and the fabric itself is going to be difficult to work with especially if you arent using more expensive thread or a sharp, polished needle.
TLDR: Bulk up your normal thread and smooth it with watery glue, use an embroidery needle and make sure it stays polished, embroidery hoops are lovely, make any threadwork easier, and work best on non-stretchy fabric like denim, cotton, non-spandex poly blend, plastic leather, and probably natural leather if its thin enough.
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dougielombax · 1 year
“But Mr White I can’t! I’m scared! The last bunch of guys who went down there didn’t come back.”
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lesbenson · 4 months
btw i do think eli is elliot’s kid ! love the dynamic of randall trying to strike that nerve in elliot, but to be super honest i would absolutely hate a last minute “kathy lied” plot
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itstimeforstarwars · 7 months
Current project at work is slowly filling the office with toys so that our 23yo delivery driver stops zip-tying my fucking scissors to everything in the office whenever he has to wait for our boss.
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denniswilsonzine · 8 months
Need to find which box I stuffed Coppy into so I can take photos for zine promo.
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(promo photo of Coppy stolen off a random tumblr)
Have actual photos on my phone of Coppy in & out of it's box etc, maybe even sat on my printer lol but not with any other props/items. Probably should photograph that longarmed stapler with my zine backlog / some zine related stuff before it goes bye-bye too.
Yes I bought a Coppy figure thing on preorder (and the virtual badge) just so I could make visual zine related photocopier jokes. Totally missed the whole actual Clippy parody april fools tumblr thing but he's my zine mascot now.
I'm totally Schrodinger's zinester: got my (unused for nearly 20 years) long-armed stapler, a dymo label printer, a box semi full of identical rusty old zines, & several files and print outs of work in progress but no new zines (unless you count the one from last year).
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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🔫 say happy birthday.
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gods-favorite-autistic · 10 months
I want more characters with casual scars. Like the ones that are just stupid or happened on accident.
Like I have a burn scar on my thumb from when I accidentally dragged it on the top of the oven and then (stupidly) immediately put it under water (and then I kept messing with it because I have bad habits)
Not every scar is some traumatic thing, sometimes they’re just things you get from everyday life
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mildmayfoxe · 1 year
11:55pm having so many thoughts and opinions and ideas about my business and not writing any of it down. can’t wait to go to bed and remember everything i’m thinking about tomorrow :)
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