miniatdetective · 11 months
Primo posto per quantità di acido fosforico ツ
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐬 (𝑆𝑝𝑢𝑔𝑛𝑜𝑙𝑎; 𝑀𝑜𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎): genere di funghi della famiglia Morchellaceae; in tutto nel genere Morchella sono state descritte 15 specie: 6 si trovano in Europa e la loro differenziazione è ancora molto incerta.
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La superficie della mitra è percorsa da una tipica campitura a forma di nido d'ape, nei cui recessi si formano le spore. La forma può essere ovale, a pera o a cono appuntito; il colore va dal marroncino all'olivastro passando per l'ocra.
L'odore è quasi sempre spermatico, talvolta fungino; grato. Il sapore è dolciastro, amabile.
Spesso gregarie, le spugnole crescono in primavera in Europa, India, Pakistan, Turchia e Canada, sia nei boschi di conifere che di latifoglie, su terreni ghiaiosi o sabbiosi, ma anche su terreno bruciato; alcune specie possono essere coltivate.
Durante la raccolta delle spugnole, è importante fare attenzione alla possibile confusione con le specie del genere Gyromitra: in particolare la Gyromitra esculenta, chiamata anche falsa spugnola, la cui mitra rosso-marroncina ricorda le circonvoluzioni della corteccia cerebrale e non mostra la tipica struttura a favo della spugnola.
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Le Gyromiytra possono provocare la Sindrome da Gyromitra, che in caso di consumi eccessivi può anche portare alla morte.
Tutte le specie di spugnole sono eduli solo dopo bollitura e velenose da crude: la tossina in esse contenuta è nota come Acido elvellico e può essere distrutta tramite bollitura oppure essiccazione.
Tra i funghi commestibili, le spugnole sono al primo posto per quantità di acido fosforico e al secondo posto per ossido di calcio.
Le spugnole essiccate devono essere ammorbidite per un tempo che va dalle tre alle sei ore; l'acqua per l'ammorbidimento assume una quantità notevole di aroma di spugnola e non va eliminata (non è velenosa; può essere riutilizzata); l'acqua di ammorbidimento va passata attraverso carta da filtro e liberata dalla sabbia.
Dopo l'ammorbidimento, le spugnole devono essere più volte lavate a fondo e pressate per liberarle dalla sabbia rimanente e/o dalla sporcizia; vanno cotte per circa quaranta minuti, senza coperchio, riprendendo così gran parte dell'aroma disperso con l'ammorbidimento.
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L'acqua di ammorbidimento della morchella può essere ristretta, diventando un liquido altamente aromatico; va in primo luogo speziata con sale e pepe, poi addizionata di uno-due cucchiaini di porto, madera o vermuth (non secco) per far sì che il dolce della bevanda alcolica rafforzi il sapore proprio delle spugnole.
Negli USA, a Boyne (Michigan), ha luogo in primavera un festival della spugnola.
Ogni primavera, centinaia di amanti dei 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑖 𝑠𝑝𝑢𝑔𝑛𝑜𝑙𝑒 (𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐬) si recano nella cittadina di 𝐵𝑜𝑦𝑛𝑒 𝐶𝑖𝑡𝑦, nel Michigan, alla ricerca e alla celebrazione della meravigliosa spugnola
Il 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 si tiene a Boyne City da oltre sessant'anni; prevede degustazioni di spugnole, caccia competitiva nazionale, seminario, mostra di arti e mestieri, concerti, carnevale e molte altre divertenti attività.
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I proventi del 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 di Boyne City vanno agli studenti delle scuole superiori della zona, per borse di studio universitarie nel campo della biologia, delle scienze naturali, dell'ospitalità o delle arti culinarie.
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foodmyheart · 1 year
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Creamy roasted red pepper, chilli and basil sauce with spugnole pasta. Absolutely my new favourite pasta dish 😋 Source: https://reddit.com/r/foodporn
http://foodmyheart.tumblr.com | https://campsite.bio/foodmyheart
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thefoodadvice · 1 year
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Creamy roasted red pepper, chilli and basil sauce with spugnole pasta. Absolutely my new favourite pasta dish 😋 by intonality | Follow on Instagram, Pinterest& check our Website
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translesbianinnit · 2 years
im a big spugnole gal
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stilouniverse · 4 months
Tra le pievi romaniche in Mugello
Il romanico in Mugello Pieve di San Cresci, la facciata San Giovanni Maggiore a Panicaglia Sant’Agata Santa Maria e San Niccolò a Spugnole  San Cresci in Valcava  Santa Maria a Fagna  San Giovanni in Petrojo e Sant’Andrea a Camoggiano
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400 gr di tagliatelle200 gr di asparagi200 gr di spugnole2 uova50 gr di burro1 scalognoolio extra vergine di oliva qbsale qbpepe qbprezzemolo qb Pulire gli asparagi e tagliarli a rondelle. In una padella capiente far sciogliere il burro, poi aggiungere gli asparagi, condirli con sale e pepe e cuocerli per 4-5 minuti. Pulire le spugnole e tritare lo scalogno. In un’altra padella scaldare un po di…
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tess3f · 3 years
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#amerigo1934 #savigno #valsamoggia #torterustiche #tortaerbe #erbeselvatiche #tortaspugnole #spugnole #asparagi (presso Amerigo) https://www.instagram.com/p/COK3oOOrMt5/?igshid=qvt4z3il1psx
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zenzeroincucina · 6 years
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#tortelli #gamberi #bisque #spugnole #clorofilla #foodlove #chefstoday #chefsplateform #chefsofinstagram #gourmetartistry #foodaddict #foodporn #zenzeroincucina
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funghimagazine · 3 years
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Live - Funghimagazine.it @ chat Telegram PH: @giovinazzoangelo Nonostante il colpo di coda invernale degli ultimi giorni, con importanti gelate che hanno riportato le temperature minime notturne anche sottozero fino al piano, in Pianura Padana #pianurapadana, al riparo dal vento gelido, qualche #morchella la si trova ancora. Ora attendiamo con ansia l'arrivo della prevista pioggia, sperando che non ci allaghi e non ci faccia pentire d'averla desiderata. 🆔 MORCHELLA ESCULENTA L. Pers. Var. VULGARIS Classi: #pezizomycetes Ordo: #pezizales Familia: #morchellaceae 🆎 Common names: • Italiano: #spugnole, Spungole, #morchelle • English: #morels • Deutsch: #morcheln • Español: #colmenillas, #cagarrias, #murgoles • Français: #morilles #funghimagazine #blogfunghi #aggiornamentofunghi #semaforodeifunghi #funghicommestibili #funghiprimaverili #funghiphotography #fungi_fan_club #fungi_photo #fungiofinstagram #fungilovers #funghi #mushroomsofinstagram #mushroomfotography #mushroomhunting #mushroomlove (presso Po Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNcEQo1MJkF/?igshid=ceat9s83oxbu
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artistichousewife · 7 years
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Tesori dal bosco! #morchelle #morchella #spugnole
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Running to a Standstill - 2
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Running to a Standstill: A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  2342
Rating:  E
Square filled: None for this chapter
Warnings: none
Synopsis: While on the run from an unknown organization trying to take your son, you meet two super-soldiers.  While they try to help you get to the bottom of who is hunting you and your son, feelings come out and admissions are made that make your personal life even more tricky.
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Chapter 2
Steve had expected to meet you out somewhere casual.  He hadn’t really been thinking about this as a date-date.  More a casual meeting to try and get to the bottom of what you were hiding from.  He’d agreed to let Natasha and Clint organize the venue and convince you to meet him there because they knew you better.  He’d been given the address and name of the restaurant and he’d dressed in his usual casual wear of a blue button-down and tan slacks and when he’d shown up, he suddenly felt very underdressed.
The restaurant was lined in hardwood, and decorated with pots of fresh herbs and copper cookware, giving it a rustic farm feel, but the floor to ceiling wine racks that took up three walls and the fact most of the guests were wearing suits or cocktail dresses said that it was anything but homey.
He arrived before you and was taken to a booth table under some wine barrels, that’s boxed seats were covered in cushions.  He was just looking over the menu of items - some of which he’d never even heard of before and all had prices that made him glad for the 60 years of back pay the army had owed him -  when you arrived.  You were wearing a champagne cocktail dress with a gold lace overlay and around your shoulders you had a red wool shawl.
Steve stood and greeted you with a kiss on the cheek, waiting for you to sit before he did too.  “You look beautiful,” he said.  He realized that it probably sounded ingenuine - the kind of thing you just say to someone on a first date - but he meant it.  He’d thought you were attractive the day he met you, even in the hoodie and jeans that were stained with grass and had a patch where it looked like either you or Geo had dropped ice cream.  Tonight you looked stunning.  The dress was flattering to your figure and you looked radiant with your hair and makeup done for a night out.  Mostly he loved the way you smiled.  You seemed excited to be out on this date with him, though a little nervous.
“Thank you,” you said.  “I can’t even remember when I last went out on a date.  I was surprised when Natasha said you were interested.  So I wanted to make the effort.  Who knows when I will get to again?”
“Hopefully it won’t be that long,” Steve said genuinely.  Not exactly meaning that it would be him that took you out, but realizing that’s exactly how it sounded when you smiled and picked up your menu like you were trying to hide how excited you were.
Natasha and Clint had obviously made you think this was a real date and even though he hadn’t come here tonight thinking the same thing, he decided that he should treat it the same way.  Besides, maybe Clint and Natasha knew something he didn’t and the two of you might be a good match.  Maybe you’d be able to distract him from his crush on Bucky that was never going to go anywhere at the very least.
A waiter came over to take your drink orders and with a little discussion, the two of you decided to share a bottle of Merlot.
“So you haven’t been out with anyone for a long time?”  Steve asked as he browsed the menu.
You shook your head and looked up at him over your menu.  “Not since before Geo was born.  I bet you date a lot.”
He shook his head.  “You know,” he said.  “I think this might be my first real one.  I mean… don’t get me wrong, I’ve had relationships, but they always came out of my work and we never made it to the dating part.”
“Wow, no wonder you picked this,” you said.  “Of course you’d want to make it special.”
“Oh,” he said. “This was Clint and Nat.  I guess they’re playing match-maker.”
You laughed.  “This is so not a Clint and Nat place.”
“No,” he chuckled.  “Well, maybe Nat, but she’d be working an angle.”
You laughed and the waiter returned with the wine.  He poured a small amount for Steve to try.  He had no idea what made a wine good or not, so when it didn’t taste like vinegar Steve gave a small nod and the waiter topped off both glasses.  He took both your orders.  Steve went with a dish that had ham, mozzarella, and truffles, followed by a steak because at least he recognized what they were.  You were a little more daring ordering spugnole as a starter, followed by tagliatelle.
“So why don’t you date?”  You asked, taking a sip of the wine.
Steve let out a breath and shook his head.  “Time mostly.  Never had the time to actually date,” he explained.  “But it’s not only that.”
You put your hand on his and smiled softly.  “What else is it?”
“I’ll tell you what,” Steve said, giving your hand a small squeeze.  “I’ll tell you my story and you tell me yours.”
You seemed to mull the question over for a moment.  “I’m worried that if you know, that will attract their attention.”
“You know that doesn’t make any sense don’t you?”  Steve reasoned.
“Maybe.  But,” you said taking your hand away.  “This is the longest we’ve ever managed to stay in the same place.  I’m expecting them any moment and if you decide to try and find them, then they’ll know it’s because of him.”
“We can keep you safe.  And Geo.  It’s what we do,” he said.
You let out a breath.  “You go first.”
The waiter came out with the starters and when he left again, Steve took a bite of ham and chewed it slowly, focusing on the smokey, salty taste.
“Are you avoiding?”  You asked as you collected some mushrooms onto your fork.
“Maybe a little,” he said.  “I guess there’s a lot of factors.  I don’t know how much you know about my past but I wasn’t always this.  I was small.  Really small.  And sick.  I had a long list of medical issues.  I was bullied a lot.  No one really looked at me as a possible romantic partner.  And I suppose I did go on dates back then, but they were double dates Bucky organized and there was always this supreme look of disappointment on the face of the woman he brought them to meet me.  Like they expected me to look like him.  I was a letdown.  I think it affected me in a lot of ways.  When women look at me now - like …’
“...They used to look at Bucky?”  You suggested.
“Yeah,” he agreed.  “That.  Well, I can’t help but think about back then.  And then I wonder if they like me for me.  I need time to get to know people and that doesn’t work out in the real world.  Only with people in mine and then work gets in the way.  Plus…”
He stopped talking and considered if he had it in him to admit this last piece.  The bit about how he had feelings for his best friend.  He hadn’t admitted that to anyone.  Not Bucky.  Not Nat.  Not even Sam.  He had said he’d tell you his if you told you yours, and it was only fair to keep his side of the bargain if he wanted you to do the same.
“I have had a crush on Bucky for a very, very long time,” he said.
“Oh my god,” you said, dropping your jaw.  “Does he know?”
“No,” he said quickly.  “I didn’t want to make him feel awkward.  He was always a real ladies man.  And now… he’s healing and I doubt his sexuality has changed,” Steve explained.  “And please know -” he reached over the table and touched your hand again.  “I like women too.  The relationships I’ve had have been with women.  It’s just… you know?”
“No,” you said. “I mean, yes.  I get it.  It’s okay.  I know how you feel.”
He let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.   “So… it’s unrequited. But I think I do a lot of comparing people to him, which isn’t healthy.  A couple of people have made the cut, but in the end, things weren’t meant to be.  So maybe I’m not supposed to have that.  Which I guess is another thing.  I once had someone tell me that I was nothing if I couldn’t be a soldier.  And I think it got to me.  This here -” he gestured around him. “- is a level of normal that I don't often allow myself to have.”
You nodded and took a drink from your wine.  Not a small one either.  You swallowed the dark liquid like it was water and when the glass was drained you filled it again.  “You didn't hold back did you?”
“I said I'd tell you mine if you told me yours,” Steve said.
You nodded and leaned back against the back of the booth.  “Yes.  I suppose you did,” you agreed.  “It’s long.”
Steve shrugged.  “For once, I have time.”
“When I went to college, I did lots of stupid little things for money.  I sold blood.  I tutored high school kids.  Just any little thing to give me some money to cover my bills.  One day the biology department had these posters up for an experiment.  It paid a lot.  You got $100 if you were accepted.  And if you made it to the end they'd give you $7500.  So I signed up.  I figured that whatever they were doing was probably safe if it had gotten to the human trial stage,” you explained.  Steve couldn't exactly criticize your reasoning.  He'd signed up for some pretty extensive human experimentation himself.
“I was accepted and once a week I'd go in with a group of about thirty other people and we’d have some injections and then we’d be tested.  It was a little odd.  The injections were painful and the tests were strange.  They'd ask us to try and reprogram a computer. Then try and guess what cards they were holding up.  We’d go on a treadmill for a bit and lift some heavyweights.  Then we'd be sent home,” you explained.  “I made friends with most of the other people but I also met the man I'd end up marrying.”
You stopped talking when the waiter approached and cleared away your plates and didn't start again until he'd bought out the entrees.  Steve waited patiently.  He knew there was no point in rushing the story.  “After about six weeks things started to happen.  John, my husband was running much faster than should be possible.  And I was guessing every single card correctly.  It never lasted.  By the following day we were back to normal, but every time we had an injection it was more.  By the end of the experiment, I'd get those shots and be able to hear every single thought of every person in the building.  Even the ones people don't want you to hear.  The intrusive thoughts you don’t even want to be having.  John could run at the speed of light.”
You drained your glass again and topped it off again and Steve leaned over and took your hand.  “What happened?”
“Project got canceled and we were told we were free to go.  We got paid our money,” you answered.  “Only one day I heard… In my mind… These people… I think they were government agents, coming to take us.  The injection hadn't completely worn off yet.  I told John and he packed a backpack, scooped me up into his arms and we ran.
“It was fine for a while.  We changed our identities.  Got cash-in-hand work.  No one came for us.  Then I got pregnant and when Geo was born the equipment went haywire.  When he cried it broke every machine on the floor cried along with him.  They wanted to keep him there to be tested but we knew what would happen so we ran again.  Only those people found us.  They killed John.  I got away.  But I've been running ever since.”
“Do you know who they were?” Steve asked.
You shook your head.  “I have no idea.  They never thought of anything that linked them to an organization.  Just things that made them seem like authority figures.  Official.  You know?”
Steve nodded.  “I understand.”
“If they're official, like the CIA you can't help me,” you said with pain in your voice.  “You're a private militia.  You have no authority.”
“I see my role in this world as exactly the person who steps in when the government is mistreating its people,” Steve said.  “I promise.  We won't let anything happen to you or your son.”
You nodded and seemed to make yourself smaller.  “I wish I could believe that.”
“You can trust me,” Steve said.  When you didn't say anything Steve caressed the back of your hand with his thumb.  “Do you know what Geo’s powers are?”
“I think they call it technopathy,” you explained.  “He has an affinity with machines.  Sometimes he can even communicate with them.  It’s come in handy actually.  I don't like using him like that but he can make ATMs give us money.  Change car titles to our name in the system.  Have our names changed.  Erase record of us.  In emergencies, it has helped us get away.”
“He would love meeting Tony,” Steve said.  “Maybe the two of you should move to the tower for a while.”
You shook your head fervently, “No.  No.  Too high profile.  I feel safe where I am.  Clint and Nat keep it safe and it's just some apartment block.  No one looks twice at it.”
Steve nodded and drained the last of his wine.  There was a lot to process and a lot of work to do.  He'd need to find out who was after you first and foremost. He just wished there was a way he could convince you the safest place you could be was under his watch.
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ma-pi-ma · 4 years
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Sentiti d’accordo in tempo con tutto quello che perisce e lascia che il cuore raccolga tutta la sua nostalgia che è molto grande e non si contiene in nessuna tomba. Fai di questa nostalgia la canzone del cuore.
Sentiti d’accordo in tempo con il ruscello che si irrigidisce e raggricciato gela sotto il ponte. Una volta era il nastro più bello nei capelli dei campi dell’estate. Una volta correva selvatico in un argenteo serpeggiare attraverso una foresta. Era una primavera. Una ragazza tornava a casa con un cesto di spugnole. Era bella.
Era primavera.
Sentiti d’accordo in tempo con quello che è degno di essere rimpianto con tutto quello che si è messo in cammino attraverso l’estate per morire. Sentiti d’accordo in tempo d’autunno con la foglia gialla che incerta lascia il suo ramoscello un giorno quando l’estate abdica nel vento e l’albero depone la sua corona sul guanciale di muschio che dovrà sopravvivere.
Harry Martinson, da Cicala, 1953
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mimmosmouthfuls · 3 years
#spugnole #pasta in oven . . . . . .. . . . #southworking #myfoodexperience #domenicocafarchia #mymmo #cafarchione #mimmotasty #mimmogourmet #mymmogourmet #thecommensale #eatbuylearnshare #lovelymimmo #mymmofoodtourism #deliziosotour #turismoenogastronomico #MyComfortFood #localguides #googlemaps #foodies https://www.instagram.com/reel/CPnc-44K-FL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gioiaegusto11 · 2 years
Prodotto tipico calabrese dell'Alto Crotonese
Dal siero della lavorazione del latte si ottiene la Ricotta Affumicata Crotonese, prodotto tipico calabrese dell'Alto Crotonese e del comune di Mammola. Il formaggio viene affumicato per alcuni giorni dopo la sua formazione e ancora una volta viene esposto al fumo di legna, ai profumi delle piante e alle castagne.
Da questo formaggio tipico calabrese nascono gli agnolotti ripieni con ricotta affumicata, spugnole e olio di rosmarino dello chef Stefano Binda: ecco la ricetta del piatto completo.
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Chiamato per la pratica di raccogliere la cagliata in contenitori di giunco, che conferisce al formaggio una superficie zigrinata, è prodotto tra la Sila e la Piana di Sibari. Disponibile con latte di capra o di vacca, è di colore bianco avorio e ha una consistenza morbida. Il sapore è leggermente acido pur rimanendo delicato
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kittyskitchen · 3 years
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Menù Orme, ristorante Il Pagliaccio, ho selezionato le foto dei piatti più interessanti: - astice e kiwi - amuse bouche iniziale - ‘colori’: fettuccine di mais e cacao con spugnole - profumo di ricordi: pasta ripiena di patate e anguilla con riduzione di levistico - Lady: dessert pazzesco alla nocciola e lamponi - piccola pasticceria Un percorso che si articola tra i piatti iconici dello chef e tocca vette di gusto impensabili. Ero stata al Pagliaccio diverso tempo fa e nel 2018 è stato del tutto rinnovato, le luci e gli spazi un po’ ripensati, si sta bene e l’ambiente non è per nulla ingessato ma molto accogliente. Professionalità di tutto lo staff circa 20 persone preparate a rendere l'esperienza perfetta, capitanati dallo chef Antony Genovese e in sala dal sommelier Matteo Zappile. Un esperienza che ti porta a viaggiare, come direbbe lo chef, con un piatto, che ha intitolato da Oriente a Occidente, perché utilizza nella sua cucina contaminazioni azzardate, spericolate, oserei dire. Ma alcuni piatti questa volta mi hanno sorpreso più della prima esperienza. Forse davvero per comprendere la cucina proposta qui serve preparazione e attenzione per apprezzarla davvero. (presso Ristorante Il Pagliaccio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVUe02PMREc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stilouniverse · 4 months
Il presepe nel bosco: a Croce di Melago lungo la Via degli Dei
Da Vaglia a Monte Senario Articoli su via degli Dei presenti nella rivista Da Tagliaferro a Buonsollazzo: un altro tratto della “Via degli Dei” Un itinerario a piedi illustrato: da Buonsollazzo a Monte Senario La villa e il giardino di Trebbio La chiesa di Santa Maria e San Niccolò a Spugnole Da Trebbio a San Giovanni in Petroio Itinerario illustrato lungo un tratto di Via degli Dei:…
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