Cueillette de morilles
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Oh surprise
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infoscoop · 1 year
Intoxication alimentaire : moquons-nous du douanier Rousseau !
Intoxication alimentaire : moquons-nous du douanier Rousseau ! https://infoscoop.fr/wp-content/uploads/intoxication-alimentaire-moquons-nous-du-douanier-rousseau-2766.webp Morilles ou champignons toxiques ? Le reportage TV sur France 2 suscite une confusion mortelle et une intoxication alimentaire. #intoxicationalimentaire #lavaged'estomac #douanierrousseau #morilles #champignonstoxiques #reportagefrance2 #champignonsmortels #confusiondanger #mourirderire #champignonstueursderungis #intox #lavagedestomac #purgedelampoulerectale #gyromitres #rungis #france2 #intoxication https://is.gd/rgvlbV
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nicozphotography · 1 year
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robfrid · 1 year
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It was #earlychristmas #lastnight with #theguys :) #friends #gay #gaychristmas #love #holidayspirit #feelslikechristmas #dinnerparty #secretsanta #lifeisgood #champagne #morilles https://www.instagram.com/p/CmUh61hr6tk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Hi, could you tell us more about your night time walks with your cats?
I wrote a post about it last year if you want to check it out :) Usually we go down to the torrent because you can’t get lost with this itinerary; even when you don’t see anything you can hear where the water is, and then going home is just a matter of going up and up until you emerge from the woods. I was a bit concerned about getting lost at first because as an ex-city person, the forest at night is an experience of profound, total darkness that I’d never had before. It’s unsettling and lovely.
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(Although the flash and the snow make things look deceptively luminous here.)
The cats usually retreat to the barn in the evening (as they’re supposed to—it’s their prime hunting hour and I want them to keep the hay rodent-free) but when they hear me walk past the barn after dark they’re like “yay we’re going on a walk tonight” and I see three cats jump out of the window one after the other and then follow me. It’s very cute. All four of us enjoy our night walks.
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I love how many wild animals you can hear at night (and without Pandolf scaring them off), the forest feels so much more populated than during the day. And I love how lively cats are after sunset.
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They spend the day sleeping on the couch or in my bed (depending on whether I’ve made a fire in the living-room) but then at night they keep chasing each other around, climbing on things, exploring, playing pranks on each other... Morille likes to hide (very poorly) behind trees or rocks and then pounce on me or the other cats when we walk past. She does it 12 times per walk and we pretend to be very startled every time to make her feel formidable.
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Tridi 13 Germinal an CCXXXII
(Lundi 1er avril 2024 / Monday, April 1st, 2024)
🇨🇵 Texte en français et en anglais / Text in French and English 🇬🇧/🇺🇲
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Le calendrier républicain, adopté pendant la Révolution française, était une tentative de rompre avec le passé monarchique et catholique en instaurant un système de mesure du temps basé sur les valeurs républicaines et agricoles. Chaque jour du calendrier républicain était dédié à une plante, un animal, un outil ou un événement symbolique, reflétant ainsi les idéaux de la Révolution.
Le mois de Germinal dans le calendrier républicain français représente le renouveau et la vitalité de la nature au printemps. Du 20 mars au 19 avril, Germinal est le mois où la terre se réveille de son sommeil hivernal, où les bourgeons éclosent et où les premières fleurs colorent les paysages. Il incarne le début de la saison des semailles et le travail de la terre, symbolisant ainsi l'espoir et la promesse d'une nouvelle récolte. Germinal rappelle également les idéaux républicains de liberté, d'égalité et de fraternité, en invitant chacun à contribuer à l'essor de la société et à cultiver un avenir meilleur.
La journée du 13 Germinal dans le calendrier républicain français était dédiée à la morille, un champignon particulièrement apprécié pour sa saveur délicate et sa texture unique. Originaire de nombreux endroits dans le monde, la morille se distingue par sa forme distinctive en cône ou en entonnoir, ainsi que par sa surface irrégulière et alvéolée.
Ce champignon pousse généralement au printemps, dans les bois, les prairies et les zones boisées. Il est très recherché par les gastronomes pour sa saveur unique qui ajoute une touche raffinée à de nombreux plats. Sa texture ferme et spongieuse lui confère une polyvalence culinaire, pouvant être utilisée dans des plats tels que les risottos, les sauces, les omelettes ou tout simplement sautée avec un peu de beurre et d'ail.
La morille est également appréciée pour sa richesse en nutriments. Elle est une source de protéines, de fibres, de vitamines (notamment les vitamines B et D) et de minéraux tels que le potassium, le magnésium et le phosphore. De plus, certaines recherches suggèrent que la morille pourrait avoir des propriétés antioxydantes et anti-inflammatoires bénéfiques pour la santé.
En célébrant la journée du 13 Germinal dédiée à la morille, nous mettons en lumière ce joyau de la nature et invitons chacun à découvrir et à apprécier la richesse de notre biodiversité.
The Republican calendar, adopted during the French Revolution, was an attempt to break away from the monarchic and Catholic past by establishing a system of time measurement based on republican and agricultural values. Each day of the Republican calendar was dedicated to a plant, an animal, a tool, or a symbolic event, thus reflecting the ideals of the Revolution.
The month of Germinal in the French Republican calendar represents the renewal and vitality of nature in spring. From March 20 to April 19, Germinal is the month when the earth awakens from its winter slumber, when buds burst open, and the first flowers color the landscapes. It embodies the beginning of the sowing season and the work of the land, symbolizing hope and the promise of a new harvest. Germinal also recalls the republican ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity, inviting everyone to contribute to the advancement of society and cultivate a better future.
The 13th Germinal in the French Republican calendar was dedicated to the morel, a mushroom particularly prized for its delicate flavor and unique texture. Originating from various places around the world, the morel is distinguished by its distinctive cone or funnel shape, as well as its irregular, pitted surface.
This mushroom typically grows in spring, in woods, meadows, and wooded areas. It is highly sought after by gastronomes for its unique flavor that adds a refined touch to many dishes. Its firm and spongy texture lends itself well to various culinary applications, such as risottos, sauces, omelets, or simply sautéed with butter and garlic.
The morel is also valued for its nutrient richness. It is a source of protein, fiber, vitamins (including vitamins B and D), and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Furthermore, some research suggests that the morel may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties beneficial for health.
By celebrating the 13th Germinal dedicated to the morel, we shine a spotlight on this natural gem and invite everyone to discover and appreciate the richness of our biodiversity.
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victorino53 · 1 year
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Durante la “Filomena” de principios de año. #invierno #nieve #frio #filomena #morille (en Morille, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClTIRt9MsKQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Just finished reading Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson and dudeeeee I cannot wait for the sequel to come out so in the meantime I'm satisfying myself by making picrews of Niamh's "gaggle of girls" 😌
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crisdrawsandcries · 2 years
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Drawing practice with the kids!
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girlwithfish · 2 years
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Mall day
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planetegg · 2 months
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Joyeux Noel
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On sort de chez soi on fouille on regarde partout dans les forêts et alentours on est fier de cueillir sa première morille
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21 mars 2024 10h46
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quietflorilegium · 3 months
"He was rather richly dressed in dark maroon satin, so either he was a very good minstrel or a young aristocrat posing as one. Good minstrel, Maewen decided. It was in the way his pained eyes met yours and yet looked way, way beyond, full of thoughts and knowledge and strong sadness. Someone’s let him down badly, Maewen thought when she first met those eyes. She wished she knew who had and why."
Diana Wynne Jones, "The Crown of Dalemark"
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figatellulaque · 4 months
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Ravioles aux morilles réhydratées, champignons de Paris, blettes, châtaignes, poudre de morilles et chanterelles, parmesan. Servies sur réduction de bouillon de légumes maison, tendance asiatique, eau de trempage des morilles, poudre de morilles et chanterelles, châtaignes, crème, thym.
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rutassierra · 6 months
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
I had a dream last night that ouija boards for cats became the new trendy item, everyone wanted one and said they really worked for communicating with cats—they were shaped like the outline of a cat’s head and you’d put a finger and your cat would put their paw on the pointer thingy and you’d follow your cat’s movements towards the letters to spell out words they wanted to say. So obviously I got one, and tried it with Morille and the first words she spelt out on the cat ouija board were CHEESE RIND which made me and my friends laugh, then we tried again and the next message my cat wanted to communicate to the world was THE SHADOWS .... THE SHADOWS and we were like ok this was fun! time to stop
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