#spider noob
upsidedownoperator · 11 months
agagagga got bored made a crappy lil fuckin roblox despacito spidersona why did i do this lmao
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heres some lil doodles of em ok bye
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littlewingedlady · 5 months
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Something that i drew an hour ago because I have art block. I'm just playing around with water colors.
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demondepresso · 10 months
I had a day off and was bored bc it was too hot to do anything... so I pulled up a character I made on heroforge some time ago and decided to transfer it on my new sketchbook. No name yet, only that they're part spider, love neon/radiation, and has a cyberpunk-ish style most of the time.
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koolcece22 · 1 year
So... My Work
my works is up on my fanfiction page.
NSFW: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50147053/chapters/126642403
one is already here but i clean it up.
UPDATE! now with short stories 
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daughterofchaos · 2 years
I fed a teeny tiny baby tan jumping spider I found a fruit fly. just look. 🥺
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dunnomicko · 2 years
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purelyshreksexual · 1 year
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deadghosy · 3 months
Okay, I saw the part in the noob!reader post about Kirby. I love Kirby and would love a Kirby!reader in hazbin hotel. Like how he is cute but can consume worlds and everyone is just like *pikachu shocked face*, same with him being able to pull out random weapons from his abilities. I can imagine he got there from a new weird portal and meta knight is like “where is he NOW?”.
Kirby is a being of chaos and I love him ❤️
prompt: you lost the sight of your best friend only to be somewhere completely different.
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Meta knight was walking ahead of you as you picked up flowers with your cute smile. “Poyo!” You said smiling ready to show meta knight your flowers you picked up into a bouquet. 
When all of a sudden, you were getting pulled into a red portal as you screamed out to meta knight who seemed to be in his own world.
“POYO! POYO!” You then get sucked in as meta knight turns to see nothing. “Reader/Kirby?…..where is he NOW!” Meta knight exclaims, his accent thickening in worry as he runs around the area calling out your name.
Meta was basically that Brandon rogers meme when he lost his “child” 😭
You swirl in the portal to get thrown out and roll into the feet of a person. “Oh my! Are you okay sweetie?” The sweet voice says as she picks you up. Charlie looked worry seeing you dizzy. “Poyoo..” you said with a dazed out look from your trip of the portal.
Charlie took you in her hotel, getting you water and suited to rest as vaggie checks up. After 24 hours, they kept you as you became part of the hotel staff.
I headcannon you once accidentally swallowed Angel because you saw him as a regular spider. You literally transformed into his color palette before Charlie made you cough him up.
Angel was so traumatized 😭
I imagine you literally almost ending hell’s population by yourself cause you were hungry..you dead ass ran through the streets eating random shit. Thank goodness Lucifer picked you up and ran.
You once walked into Lucifer brain storming and he saw you…he immediately had a new idea for his duck creation. He made you stay in his room until Charlie said it was your bed time.
Vaggie always keep tabs on you so you don’t cause trouble around the pride ring and the hotel.
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The egg boiz
Nahh cause you definitely had swallowed up the egg boiz to have a egg shell around you to hide in the egg shell like an ability.
Sir Pentious is always scared of the fact of you just eating him. But you don’t cause you literally get fed chips by the bar. So Pentious calms down and lets you have some time with him
Lucifer would probably make you inhale one of his rubber ducks so you can have a duck beak and wings just so he can chase you around with heart eyes excited that his hyperfixation became real
I can see you always following Alastor like the egg boiz did in “scrambled eggs” 😭 except you just waddle beside him cutely
“Poyoooo… poyoooo..” you said softly as you tug on Alastor’s pant leg. Alastor looks down slightly entertained by your language and gesture for him to look at you.
“Well aren’t you an eager little thing…” alastor says picking you up and taking you to show Rosie his new found friend.
Husk once
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You definitely stood outside of the Vee’s tower holding the knife with a smile as Valentino looks so scared closing his curtains.
Angel dust loves you to the point he might adopt you as a sibling since you are pink like him.
Charlie and vaggie are the parents who maintain what you eat and sleep. Dead as you were gonna eat a butterfly when vaggie picked you up like “NOPE! NOT TODAY!” And took you inside for the rest of the time-
See I can personally just imagine that Kirby gif where Kirby eats the whole ass meal on the table. So imagine the crew’s face seeing you do that shit 😭
I can see you getting on fat nuggets and just start to ride fat nuggets like a cowboy 😭💗
Angel definitely recorded it as you just smile while fat nuggets runs around the hotel freely.
I headcannon you bought a bunch a flowers for the crew and the was so adorable how you just picked each flower matching the cast’s colors
Imagine you just watching a hell cartoon and Vox is like “kill them! Kill your entire family” as you jolted shocked and cry at the scary tv man
Niffty once fed you dust particles thinking it wouldn’t affect you…it did cause you coughed and got sick. Niffty cried, not thinking it would harm you as she sniffles giving you soup in your room.
Niffty was banned from making lunch for you😭
Alastor be trying to troll you into eating cannibal meat, like dead ass he would make you a sandwich with “turkey” meat. But you could already smell THE MUSSTTT 🤮
So he failed with that mission. But at least you like his radio station and his jazz music.
Charlie brought you to her meeting with the first man so she can feel comfortable as you are kinda like her service animal.
Adam actually would like you cause you love to eat endlessly and you are pick up size. This mf will literally pick you up with one hand and dribble you like a basketball or treat you like a damn football💀
“Hey lute! Go long!” “Yes sir!” Lute replies back as she moves back far. Adam launches you making you scream as lute flies up and catches you.
“GOALLLL! FUCK YEAH!” Lute says accidentally throwing you off of the cloud floor they were on. “LUTE WTF?!” Adam yells looking at you fall before a portal had eaten you up. “Well damnit…I was gonna miss that lil pink shit.” Adam says before walking away with lute close behind him
Meta knight is back at home was tweaking out as he literally sobs eating with a picture of you on the table. He misses you deeply as he stares at the photo before looking down. “My friennnd…” he says with a sniffle as he covers his face.
Good ending was that you plopped down on the table from the portal as meta immediately hugs you as you smiled happily, showing him the flowers. You guys ate dinner happily!
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platinumrosetail · 5 months
Ok weighter block and request block is Killin me so I thought about this ask
Can you do any 5 ships from any fandom you do x female half spider baby reader
Like reader is in her egg and the egg falls into one of the ships hands and then they say the reader there's now please and thank you
Ooooh interesting. Also everyone who reads this If you don’t like any of the ships I ship then either skip that ship or move on from this post as I don’t care if you don’t like it that’s your opinion and I’m not going to just stop shipping them because you guys don’t like it as it’s my opinion and we all have different opinions and different ships so do take that into consideration before you go wild and comment something you shouldn’t as I’ll just delete it anyway, this is your first and last warning, thank you.
Warning: noob author, female child reader, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: sinbad x jafar (magi), tighnari x cyno (genshin impact), muzan x yoriichi (demon slayer),
Magi!sinbad x jafar:
Drakon found an egg while out picnicking with his wife, he believes the egg was either abandoned or something happened terrible happened to the egg’s parents.
(Remember that she said half so the spouse could be female and the spider half could be male or we could go the male x male route as magic does exist and it could help make that happen and maybe even without magic.)
He decided to bring you to his king and his wife so that they could decide on what should happen next.
Sinbad was curious on why one of his oldest friend brought an egg to him and his wife until he heard the reason.
Jafar decided to take care of the egg as if the egg is in the wrong hands like kou empire then danger will soon come with whatever is inside the egg becoming a weapon of sorts and didn’t want that to happen again like it did with him.
(It’s been a long while since I last seen magi sinbad so I could be remembering it wrong or something but I think that kinda happened with jafar like he was turned into a weapon until he met sinbad and all I could be wrong.)
Sinbad was onboard as he was thinking of having a child with jafar, he wouldn’t mind if the first one wasn’t from both him and jafar as it would help them get started on how parents should act.
When you hatched you were nothing like sinbad, jafar, and the generals were thinking you’d be, it would seem you’re arachnes what with the spider features you have but there’s also some other creatures feature they can see but it’s less than your spider half of what they can see.
Your spider half allows you to climb on walls (unless the other half is also something that can climb on walls then ignore that lol) so you’re a troublemaker if you want to do something but your parents, uncles and aunts won’t allow you, though jafar seems to always be able to get you down whether it’s by coaxing you, getting you down with his strings or using his weapon on his strings to climb up there and get you himself. You mostly get this influence from watching sinbad and what with sinbad teaching you some things you shouldn’t know which gets him in trouble, the two wouldn’t have it any other way.
Genshin!tighnari x cyno:
Collei found an egg while scouting with some of the other rangers she described to bring it home as she could tell by the state of the nest that the parents are no more.
Tighnari was surprised to see collei carrying a fairly large egg after getting back from routine scouting to make sure the forest is in check.
Once she explained what she saw tighnari decided to raise the egg as there was no telling what could happen to it once it hatch especially with the fatui and their experiments that they do on people and creatures.
Cyno was surprised like tighnari first was at the egg being in his shared home with tighnari, though he soon understood when both tighnari and collei explained what she had seen and the possible outcome of the parents along with what might happen if the egg falls in the wrong hand seeing as how they don’t know what could be inside the egg until it hatch’s.
They took care of you until the day you hatched, making sure you were warm and such, there were a few scares but thankfully nothing bad has happened as far as they know.
The day you finally hatched was when it was thundering outside making tighnari, collei, and cyno plus the others in the small village stay inside so as to now get soaked and sick.
You were a hybrid, with your spider half being the most noticeable feature than you other half. Thankfully all his equipment to do a check up on you were inside the house so he can give you a check up after you hatched instead of going out in the rain which would most likely get him sick and that won’t be good especially with you just hatching the same day as the storm and you can get sick as well if he does, you were checked up and the results came out fine as you’re healthy like any other baby born.
Demon slayer!muzan x yoriichi:
Yoriichi had found an egg while scouting for any demons that would come that night but all he found was the egg.
Yoriich brought you to muzan and suggested that they adopt the egg and care for it.
Muzan out of fear of angering yoruichi and having his end by him agreed, not knowing that he will also get the same parental instinct to take care of you.
Muzan made sure that the upper and lower moons are to take care of the new demon heir and if harm should come to the egg then he would gladly make them wished they protected the egg better.
Muzan kept the egg away from Douma as he knew that the rainbow-eyed upper moon is unpredictable what with him having no emotion and to make sure that the egg is safe he leaves it with kokoshibo and akaza as he knows those two are more responsible than Douma.
Though sadly the two usual babysitter had to be unavailable as they were on a mission to find the blue spider lily and the rest of the upper and lower moon wasn’t really trustworthy to take care of you except maybe nakime but she is busy as well, so muzan sadly left the egg in Douma’s care not without giving Douma a warning that he should not bring danger to the egg and protect it at all cost or else consequences will happen.
You had hatched in douma’s care a little before muzan had arrived so while waiting for muzan douma began telling stories about muzan even though only he understood himself as your still just a baby and too young to understand him talking, all you knew is that this male with the rainbow eyes is not your mother who you heard through your egg all the time in the past. Muzan arrived a minute or so later expecting to see his child still in a egg but is shocked to see that there is a baby with spider like feature surrounded by egg shells, he immediately knew that you had hatched as he can see the slime that is usually in a egg on your small spider hybrid like form who is giving a bored look at Douma who still is telling stories about muzan. Muzan quickly left with you after rewarding Douma with more of his blood and went to his home to introduce you to yoriichi.
(A/n: hope y’all like it! I sadly couldn’t do 5 fandoms as it was hard to find two other fandoms that could go with this but I still hope y’all like it 😁 anyway I think that’s it so hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
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|Masterlist|Update Log|Update Log 2|Progress Page|
Requests status: Closed
1. I write for male/gender neutral readers only!!!!!
2. Please Do Not Spam Request
3. Please Do Not Request For Something When My Requests Are Closed
4. if Your Request Has Not Been Made Yet, Please Do Not Spam Me When It Will Be Done
5. When Requesting, Please give a plot
6. Enjoy Yourself And Relax
How to request
You can either message me your request or submit your request in my request box
Who I write for:
• Dc Universe 🔵
- Barry Allen (The Flash)
- Bart Allen (Impulse)
- Batfamily
- Bruce Wayne (Batman)
- Clark Kent (Superman)
- Conner Kent (Superboy)
- Damian Wayne (Robin)
- Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
- Jason Todd (Red Hood)
- John Constantine
- Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
- Roy Harper (Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow)
- Tim Drake (Red Robin)
- Wally West (Kid-Flash)
• Descendants 🍎
- Ben Florian
- Chad Charming
- Jay
• Fear Street 🧙‍♀️
- Kurt
- Nick Goode
- Tommy Slater
• Marvel Universe 🔴
- Adam Warlock
- Billy Maximoff (Wiccan)
- Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider)
- Chase Stein
- Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
- Druig
- Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk)
- Ikaris
- Johnny Storm (Human Torch)
- Kingo
- Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
- Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099)
- Peter Parker (Andrew’s Spider-Man)
- Peter Parker (Tom’s Spider-Man)
- Pietro Maximoff (QuickSilver)
- Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)
- Stephan Strange (Dr. Strange)
- Steve Rogers (Captain America)
- T’Challa (Black Panther)
- Thor Oddinson
- Tony Stark (Ironman)
• Mortal Kombat 🐉
- Bi-Han (Noob Saibot/Sub-Zero)
- Erron Black
- Fujin
- Geras
- Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)
- Havik
- Jax Briggs
- Johnny Cage
- Kabal
- Kano
- Kenshi Takahashi
- Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero/Scorpion)
- Kung Jin
- Kung Lao
- Liu Kang
- Radien
- Reiko
- Syzoth (Reptile)
- Takeda
- Tomas Vrbada (Smoke)
• Percy Jackson 🔱
- Grover Underwood
- Leo Valdez
- Luke Castellen
- Percy Jackson
• Scream 🔪😱
- Billy Loomis
- Chad Meeks Martian
- Danny Brackett
- Wes Hicks
- Mickey Alteri
• Wolf Pack 🐺
- Everett Ross
- Harlan Briggs
What I feel comfortable writing for:
• Bondage
• Overstim/Edging
Stuff I feel if-y to write for:
• Age Gap
• Cheating
• Daddy Kinks
• Poly relationships
• Spit Kinks
• Threesome
What I will not write for:
• Any female characters
• Any Irl celebrities
• Piss/shit kinks etc
• Rape/Non-consensual
• Sex slave type of stuff
Common Questions
Are F!Readers allowed to read my stories?
- Absolutely! Just don’t fetishize it!
Can ppl reblog my stories
- Yes!
Can I request more than once?
- of course!
Why Don’t you write for FTM/MTF?
- I personally do not know how that feels like so I don't think I can really do your request justice and I don’t really feel comfortable writing for that
(If you have any more questions you want to ask me, feel free to message me!)
Get to know me!
• I am Asian
• I am a kpop Stan, and most of my stories are named after a kpop song or a line in a kpop song (don’t judge me)
• I usually take a really long time to make fics so don’t be concerned if I haven’t made you’re request
• Artists I listen to: Aespa, AleXa, Ariana Grande, Baby Monster, Beabadoobee, Bibi, Blackpink, Conan Gray, Dream Catcher, (G) I-dle, GOT The Beat, Itzy, Ive, Jini, K/DA, Kiss Of Life, Lana Del Rey, Laufey, Lee Chaeyeon, Le Sserafim, Little Mix, Lyn Lapid, Madison Beer, Mad Tsai, Mamamoo, Mave, Melanie Martinez, New Jeans, Nmixx, Olivia Rodrigo, Poppy, Red Velvet, Sarah Cothran, Soojin, Stayc, Taeyon, Taylor Swift, Twice, and XG
• I change my pfp every 5 seconds💀
• I watched scream, Fear street, wolf pack, lab rats, literally any marvel movies/shows, some dc movies/shows, and a lot more!
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earth-unicorn · 4 months
Team RWBY+P play Lethal Company.
Ruby Rose
She doesn't get scared very easily. She enters the facility without thinking and moves as quickly and carefree as possible. She's also one of the first people to die because she doesn't fully pay attention to her surroundings.
*Landmine beeps*
Ruby watch out there's a...
Weiss Schnee.
She pretends that she's not scared when in reality she's absolutely terrified. Upon entering the facility she becomes very cautious and jumps at any small sound or movement.
This isn't so bad.
A few minutes later.
Sprinting toward the front door as quickly as possible.
Weiss come back! It's only a spider. They're not that bad.
Blake Belladonna
She's actually pretty good at the game. She's one of the only members of team RWBYP to survive each game because she knows how to deal with each monster. She knows how much each piece of loot cost and she knows how to deal with every event moon. If you listen to her you're more likely to survive each run.
Yang there's a loot book headed your way. Be careful. It will attack you if you're carrying anything in your hands.
Yang pulls out a shovel.
Let him fucking try.
Yang Xiao Long
She also knows how to play the game but she's really only interested in killing the monsters. Which leads to her dying a lot.
Let him fucking try.
Loot bug goes into attack mode.
C'mon you piece of...
Penny Polendina
She's the noob. She knows nothing. She spends most of her time trying to be friends with the monsters. She dies first every time.
Hello Mr Bracken. It is a pleasure to meet you.
*neck snapping sounds*
Blake sighs.
Is anybody still alive?
Checks computer.
Oh Weiss is headed back now.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Weiss jumps in through the door.
Take off!
Blake sighs again and pulls the lever.
Note: I'm going to do team JNPR+O next.
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gt-ridel · 5 months
Shoutout to that guy who made a lobby specifically for noobs and guided me through my first ever game of Lethal Company!
You were so kind and patient, even though I fell down a big hole and got ate by a spider.
I hope you and your wife have a lot of fun playing together in the future!
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iknowthegammer · 4 months
the horror’s of mario (fnaf and mario 64 based game)
mario (as Freddy)
toad (as Bonnie)
princess peach (as chica)
sonic and Luigi (as foxy and toy Bonnie)
tails (as another toy Bonnie)
pikachu and sprigatito (as mangle)
vaporeon (as toy chica)
sonic.exe (as shadow Bonnie)
bulbasaur (as withered Freddy)
snorlax (as withered foxy)
sonic.exe (as springtrap)
catnap and dogday (as endo 1 and endo 2 because why not 🙂)
yoshi (as withered Bonnie)
unikitty (as another withered freddy)
puppycorn (as another withered Bonnie)
dr fox and hawkodile (they both are withered foxies don’t get me why)
big the cat (as withered fredbear)
blaze the cat (as withered springbonnie)
shadow (as another another another withered foxy)
the supposed character that weirdly fit in The Horrors Of Mario are
Isabell, villager, minecraft steve and Alex, knuckles the echidna, Amy rose, rouge the bat and sliver, doom slayer and master chief, tails doll, metal sonic and bowser, eggman (who is withered fredbear), cream the rabbit and cheese, whisper and tangle, infinite, golden sonic for no reason, somehow SMB 3 Mario, raichu and pichu, sonic from sonic boom!?!!, the rest of the smile critters, Huggy wuggy and kissy missy, some few poppy playtime characters (included the prototype), while also having hog and sunky as 2 balloon boys, catbee, banban!?!??, jumbo josh, opila bird, banbaleena, piggy, green face from geometry dash (I have no idea 😃), medic and the rest of his team, bittergiggle, toadster and toaster, plankton and SpongeBob, mommy long legs and her family, peter griffin and fortnite characters, GRAND DAD, waluigi and wario, helly the bird?!??, tv woman and brown camera man, mika kit and Sam, ai robot (yes), Garfield and odie, stephen hillenburg!?!!, Lin- wait no all the links and Zeldas, DASH spider, BFDI to TPOT characters, movie sonic, tails and knuckles, GPTchat, Walter white and his sidekick (idk his name), Patrick, squidward and the rest of SpongeBob, nectar flies, jon arbuckle, Georgie, phglfilms, Matpat, markiplier, jacksepticeye, DANTDM, most importantly.. the rest of Minecraft YouTubers, Roblox, among us, lethal company, street fighters and mortal combat, the simpsons, palworld (they have guns), smash brothers, gnarpy, doors, player (why is everyone clapping.. what is going on..), Star Wars, you can’t beat us, Minecraft creeper, Choo Choo Charles, Lego, Ronald McDonald, needlemouse, Luther and the rest, nerf, party noob, HL characters, left 4 dead, overwatch, stoppy, murder drones, vizie pops work, BF from fnf (included GF and Pico but not boombox), rainbow friends and all the people I missed or whatever else, DDLC, mlp, ya mama joke Brody Foxx, slender man, tattle tail, CN, Nickelodeon, ant, riggy, Rick and Morty characters, mecha sonic and Godzilla, metal helly the bird, Andy apple farm characters, Pokemon characters and Stacy bacy, Amanda the adventure, A man has fallen in the river in Lego city!, II s1, s2 and s3, disney, most of the fandoms (including all of them if not fnaf series) and characters, brawl stars, troll face and etc, saxton hale and the last 2 are nightmare fredbear and springtrap..
and that it I think I got most of the characters no one will never know when facing the most fear of them all.. now main adjective is to get the security guard which somehow he is the most powerful entity that you can’t defeat or defend yourself.. enjoy..
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
Getting this in ahead of whenever you next ask for powers to make into capes. This Blaster/Shaker can slowly generate a translucent bubbly pink foam substance in the area around them. They can telekinetically control these bubbles, but on their own these are only a mild nuisance. The more substantial angle of their power comes when they generate their foam inside a sealed vessel. The higher density within the pressurized container allows for much more powerful telekinesis, capable of lifting and moving the container from within. Common objects that make for good containers of their power include soda cans/bottles, propane tanks, and oil drums.
My mind immediately went to "Kawaii Eco-Terrorist"....I hope you're happy.
This is someone who absolutely has a cult following and is regarded as a hero by plenty of people for her direct action against climate change. One of her most notable feats over a relatively short career has been straight up jacking an oil tanker by filling enough of the barrels that were meant to be filled with crude oil with her bubbles....To this day nobody knows where that ship is, although there are rumours she may have sold it off to some international criminals that the Guild were chasing in order to find her organisation's other activities.
She's definitely sabotaged at least one or two billionaires preferred eccentric method of transport.....Fuck it she killed Richard Branson on Earth Bet just because the idea of balloon on balloon combat is amusing to me.
Aesthetically she looks like the most cliche magical girl character it's possible to be (And it is very important to note that she is in no way Japanese or even Asian, she is just an insufferable fucking Weeb). This is someone who could absolutely be a member of 'Super Magic Dream Parade' if it wasn't for the fact that she's met them and absolutely can't stand them, she thinks they're noobs, casuals and posers.
Her costume is a mix of bright green and pastel pink (Like Transformers G2 Mirage) with a mask that has Spider-Man style eyes....Except they're starburst/explosion shaped.....She also has a crowbar that's been painted pink and dipped in glitter.
Her cape name, and I want you to know that I'm not sorry for this: KabUwUm
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sicksucculentz · 2 months
Regretavator headcanons: Bive. part 2
She can clack her teeth together very loudly and very fast. She does this when she's happy and or excited about something. She tends to do it it a lot when she gets to spend time with Split. It freaked Split out a little the very first time she saw/heard this. They were having dinner together one night and were seated across from each other at a circular table. Bive was gripping the edges of the table with both hands, she sat leaning forward over the table a little, staring at Split, classic frequently seen grin across her face and loudly clacking her teeth at Split. Split just sat there staring back at her with this slightly scared and concerned look on her face.
Now, Split isn't scared of Bive at their current status but when they first met each other Split thought Bive was going to maul her or something. The twitching, paranoia, fits of delusion, and her sure size scared her off at first. She found even though she was a little freaked out by Bive she was genuinely curious about the strange hairy mess and took a risk spending more time around her and boy is she glad she took that risk.
She likes eating chicken in a particular way. She loves it dry and loves to peal it by strands. Of course she eats it as normal but does the peeling thing while she’s chewing. It’s just entertaining to her. She used her claws to do it.
Split often cooks for her. She doesn't now how to properly cook meats so her meals are vegan. Bive has no issue with this at all and quite enjoys her cooking! Split was the one to introduce her to chickpeas. Bive forgot what they were called when asking for them again later and called them “little sand orbs” because of their gritty texture that reminded her of sand. Split often serves her peppermint or ginger tea with her coffee, helps to settle her stomach.
Bive and Split have dinner with each other every Friday. Lampert and Party Noob come to sometimes!
Bive used to be a ball of lint and dog hair! She formed from this ball of lint and dog hair! She started out looking much like a spider. It took her 28 years to reach the point she’s at now aging her 28 of course. She is cannonly a lab accident apparently as it says in her wiki. She was cared for in the beginning years of her life by 4 different female scientists that she grew to view as mothers. They had to leave her at the lab overnight sense it was illegal to take something made in the lab home so she was completely on her own besides the night guards that sometimes kept her company, most of them were scared of her and didn't want to interact.
Bive will not stop growing and evolving. It took her 28 years to get to her current state and size at about 6 ' 8 and about 300lbs rounding up. She's not done growing at all. Much like the teeth of rodents she grows and grows and grows. The growth and evolutions to her body will not end until something ends her life, it's unknown if she can die of old age. She was kind of adorable as a "baby" she looked a bit like those worms on a string but with little spider like legs. She would scuttle around eating bugs, crumbs, other peoples lunches if left out, snacks left out, small meals given to her by staff, and just about anything she could find and fit in her mouth. She only had 3 teeth on the top and bottom and it took her like 3 years to reach a size big enough to finish a whole sandwich.
A smart cookie she was able to pick up language by creeping around others. Doing this also gave her an insight to more than just English. She knows a tiny amount of Korean, French, German, and Spanish! It's not nearly enough to be fluent though, hell she still fucks English up sometimes.
She tends to know a lot of different things but it's more along the lines of dabbling in the surface level of many different topics. She has one little section of something that she's got a lot of depth in and that tends to be criminal justice. She loves true crime, murder mysteries, and even conspiracies!
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gaybroons · 3 months
Could you explain the Quinn / Brady / Trevor tweet for a noob?
Quinn and Trevor have this really funny relationship going on where Trevor loves Quinn but Quinn can’t stand him.
Now if you don’t know, Trevor and Jack have been friends for a while which puts him in close proximity to Jack’s brothers wether they like it or not. he’d notably spent a whole week at their place in the summer.
How do we know this? Quinn volunteered this information before he started making fun of Trevor’s spider tattoo agajslahag anon I need you to know that no one brought Trevor up. He just did so out of his own volition. (Remind me to add the link to this vid tmrw)
There’s been other instances where they bring each other up out of nowhere except Trevor does it to gush about Quinn and Quinn does it to just be a hater lmao (worst jersey numbers and “I love Quinn he’s my favorite :))”)
Brady timing his announcement to be ON Trevor’s birthday takes the focus away from Trevor—who would no doubt be obnoxious about his birthday, thus sparing Quinn from having to hear about it.
Brady and Quinn have been friends for a long time as well, hence the loyalty
Hope that answers it anon!
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