#spanish vocab
er-cryptid · 9 months
Emotions (Spanish)
love = amor
worried = preocupado
angry = enojado
sad = triste
embarassed = avergonzada
afraid = asustado
kind = tipo
happy = feliz
amazed = asombrado
delighted = encantado
bored = perforado
tired = cansado
sensitive = doloroso
hate = odio
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solecito-study · 1 year
Vocabulario de los postres 🍦
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El pastel, la torta - cake
El bizcocho - spongecake
La torta, el pay - pie
La magdalena - cupcake
El flan - flan
La magdalena, el pastelito, el cupcake - cupcake
La esponjita, el bombón (mex.) - marshmallow
El helado - ice cream
La paleta de hielo - popsicle
El bastón de caramelo - candy cane
El chicle - gum
La galleta - cookie
El batido, La malteada (LatAm.), el licuado (LatAm.) - milkshake
La paleta (LatAm.), el piruela (Spain) - lollipop
La gominola - gummy candy
La rosquilla, el dónut, la dona (LatAm.) - donut
Sabores/tipos - flavors/types
de chocolate - chocolate
de pecana - pecan
de fresa - strawberry
de vainilla - vanilla
de limón - lemon
de queso - cheese
de manzana - apple
de calabaza - pumpkin
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necessitoescribir · 1 year
¡Los expletivos/insultos*!
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Carajo — Shit/Goddamn it/Fuck; also a way to intensify regular sentences
“Dónde carajo está mi celular?” — “Where the fuck is my phone?”
Chucha (de tu) madre — Shit/Goddamn it/Fuck
¿Qué chucha? — What the fuck?
Cojudo — Stupid person
Quiero (culear/cachar) tu madre — I want to fuck your mom
Necesitas ser castrad(o/a) — You need to be castrated
Traga leche — Cum swallower
*I’m pretty focused on learning South American (particularly Peruvian/Ecuadorian) vocabulary, so this list does not include Caribbean, Central American, or Peninsular Spanish
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sunandhubris · 1 year
Food vocab - czech, spanish, english
(langblr reactivation challenge day 4)
czech - spanish - english
brambory - patatas - potatoes brokolice - brócoli - broccoli celer - apio - celery cibule - cebolla - onion česnek - ajo - garlic čočka - lentejas - lentils fazole - frijoles - beans houba - seta - mushroom hrášek - guisantes - peas chřest - espárragos - asparagus kapusta - repollo - cabbage kukuřice - maíz - corn květák - coliflor - cauliflower lilek, baklažán - berenjena - eggplant mrkev - zanahoria - carrot okurka - pepino - cucumber paprika - pimiento - bell pepper petržel - perejil - parsley pórek - puerro - leek špenát - espinaca - spinach
ananas - piña  - pineapple banán - plátano - banana švestka - ciruela - plum meruňka - albaricoque - apricot broskev - melocotón - peach citron - limón - lemon hrozny - uvas - grapes jahoda - fresa - strawberry borůvka - arándano - blueberry malina - frambuesa - raspberry ostružina - mora - blackberry rybíz - grosella - currant vodní meloun - sandía - watermelon meloun - melón - melon pomeranč - naranja - orange mandarinka - mandarina - mandarin třešeň - cereza - cherry
mléko - leche - milk sýr - queso - cheese smetana - nata - cream šlehačka - nata montada - whipped cream jogurt - yogur - yogurt máslo - mantequilla - butter
mouka - harina - flour med - miel - honey rýže - arroz - rice těstoviny - pasta - pasta olej - aceite - oil ocet - vinagre - vinegar hořčice - mostaza - mustard
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ipaaciir · 1 year
Education system vocab
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English - German - (MX) Spanish - (BR) Portuguese
education system - das Bildungssystem - el sistema educativo - o sistema educacional
education - die Ausbildung - la educación - a educação
school - die Schule - la escuela (usually public) / el colegio (usually private) - a escola
preschool - die Vorschule - el preescolar - a pré-escola
elementary school - die Grundschule - la (escuela/educación) primaria - a educação primária
middle school - die Mittelschule - la (escuela/educación) secundaria - a educação secundária
highschool - das Gymnasium / das Abitur (?) - la (escuela/educación) preparatoria / el bachillerato - o ensino médio
college - die Fakultät - la facultad - a faculdade
university - die Universität - la universidad - a universidade
bachelor’s degree - der Abschluss - la licenciatura - o bacharelado
master’s degree - der Magister - la maestría - o mestrado
doctorate (PhD) - die Promotion - el doctorado - o doutorado
postgraduate degree - die Graduiertenausbildung - el posgrado - os estudos de pós-graduação
diploma - das Diplom - el diploma - o diploma
degree - der Abschluss - el título - o diploma
grade report - der Notenspiegel - la boleta de calificaciones - o boletim
grade/mark - die Note - la calificación - a nota
assessment - die Beurteilung - la evaluación - a avaliação
test - die Prüfung - el examen - o teste
certification - die Bescheinigung - la certificación - a certificação
certificate - das Zeugnis - el certificado - o certificado
grade - die Klasse - el grado / el año (escolar/académico) - o grau / a turma / o ano
Any corrections are appreciated! (especially for German)
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Call to Revolution and Table of Universal Brotherhood (Science, Labor and Art), by Jose Clemente Orozco (Muralism)
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anime-academia · 27 days
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Martes, dos de abril 2024
vocab de la historia "Alfredo"
acerca - about
aleatorios - random
cabeza - head
cualquiere - any
dejan - leave
diarias - daily
ecuador - middle/halfway point
herramientas - tools
hormiga - ant
mandonas - bossy
nariz - nose
oreja - ear
peso - weight
relajado - relaxed
tamaño - size
Es una historia de una hormiga que sueña con ser un hormiga exploradora. Su comida favoritas son manzanas porque son jugosas, crujientes, y deliciosas. El sueña con de encontrar una manzana roja, fresca, y rolliza. Así que, Alfredo dejó del nido y va hacia los árboles que puede mirar en la distancia.
if my grammar and whatnot is bad, i'd be grateful for corrections <3
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er-cryptid · 5 months
Arriba 8.2 Vocabulary
la farmacia = pharmacy
la perfumería = beauty supply shop
el acondicionador = conditioner
el cepillo de dientes = toothbrush
la colonia = cologne
la crema hidratante = facial cream
la crema de afeitar = shaving cream
el desodorante = deodorant
la pasta de dientes = toothpaste
el perfume = perfume
el talco = talcum power
la joyería = jewelry store
el anillo = ring
los aretes = earrings
la cadena = chain
el collar = necklace
los pendientes = earrings
la pulsera = bracelet
el reloj inteligente = smartwatch
el reloj de pulsera = wristwatch
descripciones = descriptions
de diamantes = diamond
de oro = gold
de perlos = pearl
de plata = silver
más tiendos = more shops
la carnicería = butcher shop
la florería = flower shop
la heladería = ice cream shop
la panadería = bakery
la papelería = stationary shop
la pastelería = pastry shop
la quesería = cheese shop
la zapatería = shoe shop
devolver = to return something
gastar = to spend
hacer juego = to match
la nevería = nieve shop
la paletería = paleta shop
la floristería = flower shop
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silenttranslator · 1 year
"Cien años de soledad" Vocab, Part 1
Welcome to the first annual* vocab list from Gabriel García Márquez's magnum opus!
*not actually annual, probably like every week or something
For some reason, I'm crazy and decided to read though this novel in Spanish to try and better my skills. While it's considered one of the best novels ever written, I've also heard horror stories about its difficulty, so I'm going to be creating a vocab list of things I didn't know while reading to not only help myself but anyone else who comes across this! Let's get started.
aldea (nf) - small village; this word comes up a lot in here so far
cañabrava (nf) - reed
diáfano (adj) - diaphanous, translucent, clear (as of sky), bright (as of light)
lecho (nm) - bed, riverbed
pulido (adj) - polished
carecer (vi) - to lack, to not have; in context here, used with "de nombre" to describe the time period, "many things lacked names"
desarrapado (adj) - ragged, shabby
alboroto (nm) - noise, din, racket
montaraz (adj) - rustic, coarse
gorrión (nm) - sparrow
truculento (adj) - gruesome, horrifying
espantar (vt) - to scare (away)
desenclavar (vt) - to pull out, to remove (forcibly)
desbandada (nf) - jailbreak, (figurative) stampede
pregonar (vt) - to announce, to proclaim
desaforado (adj) - enormous, boundless, immeasurable
desentrañar (vt) - to figure out, to unravel; used here in the context of pulling gold out from the ground
imantar (vt) - to magnetize; used here as a participle "lingotes imantados"
sobrar (vi) - to be left over
empedrar (vt) - to pave, to fill
empeñarse en (v.pron+prep) - to insist on
palmo a palmo (adv. expr.) - in by inch, meticulously
conjuro (nm) - spell, incantation
cascote (nm) - (piece of) rubble
calabazo (nm) - pumpkin, gourd
desarticular (vt) - to break (up), to take apart, to dislocate (medical term)
colgado (adj) - hanging, fixated by, frozen (computer term)
relicario (nm) - reliquary, locket
rizo (nm) - curl, ringlet (of hair), loop
And that was just the first paragraph! That's one thing I've noticed about his writing style, he LOVES very long, drawn out sentences and paragraphs. At this rate, every post might be just one paragraph... We'll see what happens.
Hopefully this is a helpful list to everyone! Look forward to the next lengthy vocab list!
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solecito-study · 1 year
Español dominicano 🇩🇴 | Dominican Spanish 🇩🇴
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I'm studying Mexican Spanish but Dominican Spanish fascinates me so I'd thought I'd make this list :]
please feel free to send corrections if I got anything wrong
Allantoso/a - someone who talks a lot but does very little; all talk no action
Viejebo/a - older person that wants to dress and act young; "hip with the kids"
Palomo (lit. male pigeon) - guy who's a coward or shy when it comes to flirting
¿Qué lo que? - What's up? *can be abbreviated as klk in text
Tíguere - quick-witted guy, guy with street smarts
Pana - buddy, pal
Yala - okay, alright
En olla - to be broke
Chin - a little, a bit
Jevo/a - guy/girl, boyfriend/girlfriend
Colmado - grocery store, bodega
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necessitoescribir · 1 year
Tener vs Haber
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Tener is used to...
To show possession
Tengo los pasaportes en mi bolso.
To talk about appearance
Mi abuela tiene ojos hermosos.
To express age
Yo tengo 25 años.
To show states of being
Yo tengo mucho frío.
To talk about illness
Ella tiene dolor de cabeza.
To express obligation
Rosa tiene que hacer su tarea.
To say “I feel like”
Ana tiene ganas de cenar comida italiana.
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Haber is used to...
Express existence (impersonal verb)
Hay muchas bicicletas amarillas en el parque.
Form compound tenses (auxiliary verb)
Ellos ya se han ido.
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langivi · 2 years
some spanish vocab that i never seem to remember …
realizar - to carry out, to do
vergüenza - shame, embarrassment
agarrar - to grab
apagar - to turn off (a TV for example)
la herramienta - tool
el valor - value, courage
encima (de) - on top, above, on
insoportable - unbearable
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modaycocina · 1 year
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La intención de este post es enseñar las diferencias entre Look, Watch and See como menciona el titulo. El Objetivo de este, es aprender vocabulario.
Hecho por: Catalina Pérez.
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matcha-stain · 1 year
ive started studying spanish while at work so here's some words i learned recently
coser - to sew
lavantar - to pick up (most inoffensive lol)
(re)coger - to pick up
organizar - to organize
doblar - to fold
una cosa - a thing
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leahhstudiess · 2 years
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[1/30 days of productivity]
Today I studied German vocab and grammar. Got through half of the first KON-TAKT workbook which means I got to lvl A1 in a day which I’m really happy for! Tomorrow I will still study the second part of the book. Also I have a cute and fluffy bunny keychain as you can see. ♡
I managed to read a bit, like articles.. I read about nature, history, music and Dubai. I also started Edward Snowden’s Permanent Record. It was a lovely day! ♡
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