#soz gotta
baconcolacan · 1 year
ough man....the burnout is way too real. I finished up my work backlog but at the cost of my sanity  ༼ ༎ຶ ᆺ ༎ຶ༽ sorry guys,,,I may need to sneep a lil before I start content making again huuuuuuuu ヾ(。 ̄□ ̄)ツ [(--)]zzz
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babybutchldpdl · 3 days
“are you the zodiac killer😰😰😰😰” iwtv is a comedy LOLLLLLL
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mcmuppet · 8 months
me scrolling twt seeing all the happy daniel & ferarri fans
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s1nn0hh · 10 months
looking back at EoS, i always found it a bit funny how different giratina's role is compared to dialga and palkia's. dialga was more or less hinted to be the final boss because the time gears getting yanked made him go Coo-Coo, palkia tries to """finish off""" (keyword: KILL) the hero and partner because of the funny little distortion they caused which made him a bit angry, but giratina? girl's guarding a funny horn in a really large pit. and honestly? good for her.
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swansong-if · 5 months
Happy New Year! I hope you're doing well. I was just wondering if there's anything new to report since the last progress update 2 months ago? There's not many fairytale IFs around and your writing is so atmospheric, I can't help wanting more!
Happy new year to you!!! 😘
Tysm for your kind words, glad you like the story even tho there's so little of it available. Extremely valid question, I'm so sorry I'm horrible at giving progress updates because I have no concept of time 💀 I'd say the chapter is proceeding steadily? Slowly, especially bc I keep adding scenes or changing stuff and then having to go back to change stuff in the prologue so it makes sense lmao but it's been going surprisingly well! I took a break during the holidays because 1) I was working 2) holidays, but hopefully I'll be back on track these days so I can give an actual estimate!
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sixx-writes · 1 year
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Frieza x Reader
Word Count: 2,946
cw: choking, noncon, pheromones, hermaphrodite/intersex frieza, blowjobs, cunnilingus, frieza is a whore with a frussy don’t @ me
AO3 Version | Masterlist
Summary: Frieza is in heat and reader ends up being the one to ‘help out’. PWP.
Part Two
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Existing on Frieza's ship was a tense experience to say the least. Especially since you were a human which of itself was a rare commodity and a woman at that. It garnered you a fair amount of attention from the almost entirely male army members on board and you found yourself being called to repair what looked like intentionally damaged equipment just so that the one responsible could have you alone for a while. You had no choice but to bear it for two main reasons; the first being that you were in the middle of fucking space most of the time and the second being that it wasn't like you had chosen the life you were dealt and had the option to say 'no thank you'.
It chose you instead because of your ingenuity with anything electronic making you a prime candidate to work as a technician for Frieza. You supposed it could be worse after all no one would fuck with you for fear of upsetting your boss so you had peace of mind at least.
That was until Frieza's strange mood swings started up a few days ago which had resulted in the death of three army members for trivial reasons. It seemed on the last poor soul Frieza had obliterated he'd badly damaged a panel in the observation area and the wiring needed to be repaired.
It went without saying that you were nervous having to deal with an unstable Frieza even if you did have express permission to do so.
He wasn't allowing anyone to come near him after the last incident with the exception of yourself and you tried to ignore the little sympathetic glances from the others you passed in the hall when they noticed you had your toolkit. Even the area outside of where Frieza lurked was empty of life and you had to dry swallow the knot that had formed in your throat as you got closer.
You could already smell the acrid smoke from the damaged wiring coming from inside feeling a cold bead of sweat trail along your spine at the accompanying scent of singed meat.
"Come in."
You almost jumped out of your skin at the sound of his voice, forgetting that he could sense you outside where you had stopped. There was no going back now and you committed your feet to cover the remaining distance quickly, seeking out the damage once inside, and paling at the sight of dried green blood still smeared across the floor.
Frieza sat in his chair with his back to you the end of his tail moving restlessly where it lay across the arm as it usually did.
Carefully as you could you moved towards the scorched panel which lay on the floor where it had detached exposing a collection of sparking wires and circuits and you opened your kit to take out your gloves that would protect you from the current. It was a mess unsurprisingly, more than you were equipped to handle, and you would need replacement wire and some other components given how badly it was damaged.
You got down on all fours to get a better look tucking your penlight behind your ear and you heard Frieza gasp audibly behind you followed by an angry hiss through clenched teeth.
"How dare you come in here like that. Now, of all times!" he said with barely contained rage.
Startled, you turned and saw that he was looking right at you now, teeth bared. You felt your heart drop in terror not knowing what you had done to upset him so much.
"I-I'm sorry, Lord Frieza, but I don't underst-"
"Of course you don't. Hairless primitive that you are, you barely understand anything do you? Let me spell it out for you then. You're ovulating. Your need to be bred is absolutely leaking out of you."
Your eyes widened in shock.
You had no idea how he would know such a thing when you barely managed to keep track of your cycle on your own living on this damned ship with no sense of what day it was. Then it dawned on you; Frieza was probably talking about your scent.
That was both creepy and invasive on so many levels you couldn't even react properly.
The emperor let out a choked sound and nearly doubled over.
"Lord Frieza..?" your voice came out small meant to be as non-offensive as possible.
He fixed you with a murderous glare, "Since you're already here in that.. state. I suppose you could help me with my issue."
"Issue? I'll repair it right away-"
"Not that," he snapped, "I have something else for you to take care of. Come here."
Now you were getting really freaked out.
You had no choice but to obey moving nearer noticing how unsteady his breathing was as if he were in pain. He lowered the elevation of his chair and you waited expectantly for instructions. That was until you saw the lower half of his uniform with a very obvious bulge constrained within. Frieza was panting now gripping at the edges of his seat so violently you could hear the warning sounds of how close it was to breaking apart.
 Holy shit.
"You understand, yes? What are you waiting for?"
 You understood, however...
 Actually, no, you didn't understand anything.
A hundred different questions sprang to mind, mainly just, 'Why am I suddenly being asked to give an orgasm to the emperor of the fucking universe when I'm just a technician?' and 'Where was he hiding that?'
You bit your tongue, however, not wanting it to be incinerated from your mouth, slowly reaching towards Frieza as if you were in a trance. You thought he would tell you to stop, that it was some weird joke at your expense, but no such thing happened. He seemed nearly feverish with a faint flush across his nose and cheeks, his eyes having taken on a faraway look to them. It made him appear almost cute in a weird way.
 What am I thinking. Good Lord.
You dragged down the band of his uniform freeing what must have been a very uncomfortable erection if his quiet relieved sigh was anything to go off of. It was tapered and slick with natural lubricant, similar to that of a reptile, you noticed how it had emerged from a slit in his uniquely textured skin. There were no veins anywhere on it's slick surface; only a purplish hue near the base and a small secondary slit near the tip where it faded into pink. You were a little out of your depth on what he might like so you grasped it firmly and gave a few experimental pumps slightly fascinated with how his skin seemed to secrete more of that slippery fluid when stimulated.
Frieza's panting continued to grow louder and it made you more bold when he let out a soft noise of pleasure that he had been trying to hold in. He was more sensitive near the slit in his groin you quickly learned, circling around the base of his cock with your fingertips teasing past the edges of his sheathe, making him gasp louder than before. It was awkward bending over the chair with the way it dug into your stomach but you managed to use both hands, one to work at the shaft and the other farther down, until your fingers were soaked and sticky with his arousal.
He was almost entirely silent throughout but he had a fucked out look you recognized that usually meant your lover was close to coming.
You had a momentary ridiculous mental image of what would happen if his semen ended up being acid or something horrid and shook it off with a smirk. When he did orgasm it turned out to be fairly normal, thick ropes of white the same as a human landed on the back of your hand, the only difference being that it had no scent to it.
"Damn it!" Frieza raged sending you to the floor with a painful thump to the back of your skull on impact that made your ears ring, "Why am I still like this? What do I have to do to make this infernal heat go away?"
He landed a kick to the side of his chair and it collided violently with the wall detaching more panels and you cringed knowing you would have to repair it later. If he didn't kill you first.
He turned on you with a hateful glare having nothing left to break, "What are you staring at? Do you have something to say?"
You barely heard him still not recovered from the fall, meaning to stammer out a 'no', but what came out instead was, "Maybe I can help. If you would allow it, Lord Frieza."
"You clearly can do such thing," Frieza sneered unconvinced, "as you see from your unsatisfying attempt I'm no better than before."
"That's not what I mean. I have something else in mind"
You swallowed nervously, "I-I think it would be better if I just showed you. It would be more enjoyable that way. And, um, could we go somewhere more appropriate?"
"Why can you not just do it here?"
"Because it would be best if we were in a bed."
You flushed in embarrassment despite your fear and you could tell Frieza was considering your words, "Very well. Consider this your last chance. If this turns out to be some pathetic ruse at saving your own life I'll make sure you suffer greatly before you die."
That was how you ended up in the emperor's bed chamber. It was unremarkable as everything else decorum wise with an overly large bed being the only piece of furniture in another depressingly sterile room in the same style as the rest of the ship. It seemed he only used this room to sleep and nothing else.
"Get on with it," Frieza said obviously not amused by your ogling.
"Right. Uh. Lie back on the bed," at his warning glare you quickly tacked on a, "please, Lord Frieza."
Surprisingly he listened without anymore resistance than that lying back to rest on his elbows continuing to watch you. Despite the hand job you were nervous when you took out his cock again, still very hard and swollen, tugging down his uniform with some difficulty over his tail. You had secretly wondered for some time how he managed to get his tail through the hole like that and you had to smother a hysterical giggle knowing that it was probably difficult for Frieza as well.
You settled between his muscular thighs wetting your lips with your tongue before you bent over him, tasting the tip of his tapered cock with a light lick. Almost no flavor aside from a barely noticeable salty tang.
Frieza's annoyed expression turned perplexed, "What are you doing?"
You were almost certain Frieza was older than you, probably much older, and it was disconcerting that he had never experienced a blowjob before. In fact you were almost certain he wasn't finding relief because he was treating sex more like a problem that needed solving instead of something to be enjoyed. You were learning alot about your boss today. A little too much.
You didn't answer, instead taking him into your mouth as deep as you could and starting to suck, careful of your teeth when you bobbed your head. In truth, you didn't know if he would enjoy getting sucked off as you still didn't understand his anatomy well enough. Hell, his very species was a mystery to you let alone their mating customs. You added your hand back into the mix jerking off the remaining length that wouldn't go down your throat although his shape was easier to handle than a human. It barely affected your gag reflex when he slid deeper inside and you couldn't tell if he actually liked it or not.
You explored further down, nearer to his tail, and was surprised to find another hole leaking wetness.
"Don't touch me there!" Frieza shouted.
Which only resulted in startling you so much that your fingers, up until that point were only circling around the edges of the mystery orifice out of curiosity, accidentally slipped inside. Frieza's face went slack as the resistance went out of him entirely. It was tight and velvety and familiar almost like..
You curved your fingers in a come hither motion towards yourself to confirm your suspicion and Frieza moaned loudly making your eyes go comically wide in shock. It was effeminate and raw in such a way that made your belly feel tighter. You'd heard rumors that Frieza's species were capable of reproducing asexually from the others on board the ship but you had no idea what that meant. Aliens reproduced in all sorts of bizarre ways so you never knew what to expect when it came to their anatomy.
In other words, Frieza had both organs, and his race was hermaphroditic.
His tail had instinctively gone around your wrist to stop you at the moment he realized what you were doing and where you were touching but now he seemed immobilized and it hung limply coiled; his face twisted with conflicted lust and fury at your disobedience. You resumed sucking his cock at the same time and his eyes actually rolled back with a small helpless noise from your combined efforts taking effect. The words 'Frieza' and 'helpless' didn't add up in your mind yet you were the one responsible for putting him in such a state. A nobody like you had the emperor turning to putty in your grasp.
By that point it was affecting you as well making your core ache to be filled and your clit grow sensitive against the inside of your uniform from the power trip alone. You tried to stifle it by rubbing your thighs together entirely focused on Frieza's pleasure for now.
Your chin was covered in his secretions as he grew more sensitive from having his hole finger fucked, leaking ceaselessly from the tip of his cock as a second orgasm closed in.
He let out a wrathful hiss through his teeth, "Are you listening? Do you want to die so badly?"
You weren't actually listening, only distantly aware of how rapidly your own arousal was starting to take over your actions, almost alarmingly so. An unexpected side effect that you wouldn't realize until later involving Frieza's cock in your mouth and pheromones that were highly effective on humans as it turned out. You met his eyes with pupils that were blown unnaturally wide before your face disappeared further down slipping your fingers from his tightening cunt and replacing them with your tongue.
You heard the sheets rip as he let out another sound of frustrated need, mesmerized with how he clamped around your tongue trying to hold you inside as you ate him out, and you wished you had one of your vibrators from back home to use. You could picture it so well how the emperor would writhe beneath you and you let out a lusty growl of your own. It was strange getting used to how his cock served as a clitoris but he seemed to enjoy being penetrated nonetheless with the way his legs subconsciously spread further open to allow you just a little deeper than before.
When Frieza came again it surprised both of you with the way his eyes went wide in the moments before ruining the sheets with a much more copious ejaculation than before. His chest heaved up and down with labored panting but you could already tell his cock was far from softening. You rose from your position and wiped your mouth on the back of your hand starting to climb over him.
"Hey! Have you lost your mind?!"
You didn't bother with fully removing your lower armor, just pushed it to the side before lining yourself up over his cock. You didn't miss how he twitched upon seeing your sex exposed to him, an interesting discovery to be certain given the differences between your species, one you couldn't give two fucks over at the moment. It was hardly an effort to take him all the way in until your clit rested against his skin and you allowed yourself a moment to grind finding the coldness of his flesh to be uniquely pleasurable to your overheated muscles.
At last Frieza had regained some strength in your moment of self indulgence because his tail wound around your throat in a way that was meant to be threatening but it only ended up having the opposite effect. You let out a strangled sound of desire as your pleasure soared to unknown heights from having your breathing restricted. You could have actually fucking died when he finally decided to move inside you, something you were no longer capable of doing on your own being held in place by his tail, just a single rough thrust that dragged a desperate sound from your burning lungs.
Frieza doesn't know what to make of your current state and his desire to punish you mingles into sexual violence as he sets a pace that hurts as much as it feels good. He doesn't let off of your throat and your arms go limp flopping uselessly at your sides when you nearly black out he releases you just enough for you to take in a few gasps of air.
"Don't give up now, y/n. Entertain me enough and I might let you live."
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anonymouslyanidiot · 3 months
i ended up playing mincraft (im proud of the skin but i gotta remake it.. i tried to earlier 2day but the site i use waznt workinfgg.. hhh at least m on a posting spree!!!!! yippie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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dont ask what i wax doing i joined an old sever that me and my frind used 2 play on.. hehe
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ratracewriting · 2 months
In my new WIP I must balance:
Attempting to make an interesting dystopia setting in 2024
Divine Machinery
A Protagonist who is NOT just me in a different font (again)
Card Games
Idolatry of Divine Machinery
Somewhat Homo-Erotic undertones with your body-double
Meme Culture
Disillusionment with Divine Machinery; the fact that technology can only give us what we put into it, if we see any sin within, it must have some from ourselves
Wanting to get buff to impress your crush
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okay let me check (i’m assuming playback)
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livingdeadvamp · 2 months
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on her way to beat up awsten knight, no way whiny white boy can beat my orange baby boy
Awstenls gonna slice her in half and use her for the cover of a fandom 5 year anniversary cd with instrumentals and demos
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goldetrash · 9 months
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They look so good together >//< i love them so much rajrlejlkjlkaerjlkaerjkldjkf kflkdf dkfnsfkldsfld
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greenhillguy · 4 months
“   you’re  cute  when  you’re  worried .   ” amy's flirtin!
"i'm cuter when i know my friends are safe and i can enjoy a nice chili dog," sonic mutters, brushing back amy's bangs as he gets a better look at her injury. "and you're cuter when you're not getting concussions in the middle of the battlefield."
for a moment, sonic's own words don't fully register to himself. until they do and a wave of pink crashes over his cheeks. he breaks eye contact with amy, gaze roving over the rest of her to make sure she was otherwise in one piece. her hammer was looking a bit worse for wear, judging from the chunks taken out of it. better it than her, at least.
"lanolin's uh--" sonic coughs, clearing his throat. and, gaia, he knew his face must be close to knuckles' shade of red now. "lanolin's got a med tent nearby. we should--"
if possible, his face burns more. what is wrong with him?? it's just amy! they've gotten hurt around each other millions of times before. nothing was any different now, right?
except for the current of absolute relief that flooded sonic the second he'd made it to her side after she hit the ground and got to see her green eyes looking back up to him, dazed but still bright, still alive.
"you, uh, shouldn't be walking until we know how bad it is." awkwardly, he helps amy to her feet, holding out his arms to scoop her into. "uh, may i?"
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ace-malarky · 29 days
⭐ 🌀
(Am: @literarynecromancy )
Hey Grim! thanks for the ask :)
We're gonna do these for Syn and Halliel bc skies know I haven't given Halliel enough attention lmao
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
Halliel is Not Great with enclosed spaces but conversely being in pitch black is absolutely fine because if she can't see shit, nothing can see her, right? She pulls out bravado like a pro when she's scared in very much a "fake it 'til you make it" facsimile which to be fair has been known to work for her! If there are others with her (Syn) that helps because then she is Not Alone and that gives her something else to focus on because they will Need Help and she can do that.
Syn is maybe a little scared of her the first time they meet as Val (and maybe a little turned on) bc like. consider Dame Aylin. That's the vibe we're going for when Halliel is pissed. She holds herself real still and bristles in a way she doesn't when she's scared herself, and she's got a sword and you get the feeling she will use it when necessary.
Syn does a lot of pretending never to be afraid ever, which is fair enough when you can shapeshift into something with more teeth than whatever's facing you but they're not great at being alone with themself. If you want them real scared, threaten the people they love, just uh. be careful because that's when they stop being careful and a Syn not being careful lets a hell of a lot more humanity slip.
They tend to get more flippant as they get more scared like they're pretending they're not, but you know it's bad when they can't even muster that.
N fuck listen. people are definitely scared of Syn by the end of the book! They do some shit! the aforementioned throat ripping! it's definitely in a monster-under-your-bed kinda way, a little That Thing From The Wilds
🌀 Where is your OC from? Where were they born? Do they still live there, if not why did they move? If they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? How many places has your OC lived in and where has been their favourite?
Halliel has lived in Shutora - the capital of Verial - her whole life but thinks about moving every so often to somewhere out by the coast, perhaps. She'd say the city itself hasn't changed that much but in that way where the shops have changed over and a wider panoply of people have moved in, but it happened so gradually that you don't notice until it's happened and then it's the way it's always been.
There are a few more disused buildings that she remembers being the scene of many a birthday party when she was younger, but now they make for good abandoned haunts and community gardening.
The theme park on the edge of the city is new, too, and that's one hell of a novelty.
Syn uh. well. They settled in Shutora just long enough ago that they seem like they've been there forever, and they certainly know the city like they're a native, but dig too much and you realise that no record of them exists for any education/birth certificate/clubs before they started work.
If asked, they say they come from a little village out in the sticks that barely anyone knows about. Intentionally rural. They came looking for excitement and better prospects and seem content to stay for now, but they always talk about travelling to see more of the world with a kind of longing that makes it seem like they're reminiscing on faded childhood memories
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4awny · 2 years
me and the guys forgetting it was Kyman week & refreshing the newsfeed like:
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enevera · 1 month
transfem ryuu post gained me new followers so i reinstated my normal info post ✨
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sidetongue · 2 years
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henry had more important things to do clearly 
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