#sorry these are literally like. most of the IFs i have read so LOL
drewharrisonwriter · 10 months
Donor Part 2
Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Pairings: Bestie Henry Cavill x OFC
A/N, Warnings: 18+, follow up to Donor. English is not my first language. There's drinking, breakups, failed IUIs and more. Just an overall adult-themed content. But no smut...YET! (BWAHAHA) As usual, not beta'ed, and plot points are perhaps shaky and a bit far from reality, but hey! It's called fiction for a reason. LOL Excuse my deluluness, you're welcome to join.
I’m AO3, too as MoonDjarin ^_^
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“I don’t think I can do this anymore.” You said, a tear escaped from the corner of your eye, slipping down your cheeks which you immediately wiped with the back of your hand.
Henry pulled you in on a side hug, letting out a slow sigh, closing his eyes as he planted a kiss on your temple.
Five negative pregnancy tests sit on your bathroom counter. 
Five more to add to the stash of tests that you somehow decided you wanted to keep in a box under the counter. Just in case…of what? You're not even sure yourself.
This was your third try over the past year. Three rounds of IUI and a box full to the brim of negative pregnancy tests lay heavy on your heart and mind.
For all the things you've accomplished all your life, this is becoming the most challenging. You already feel like a failure.
"There's always a next time, darling." Henry comforted you, gently rubbing the small of your back. You just sobbed, soaking his shirt with your tears.
"I don't know. I'm so sorry for dragging you into this, Hank." He hushed you gently and led you out to your living room.
You both settled on the couch, where you snuggled to Henry, feet tucked under you, as you continued to sob and he just held you against his broad chest.
"I just don't get it, why is it so hard? I'm literally biologically made for this."
"Well, just because it didn't happen now doesn't mean it won't. It's only been three tries." He cooed.
"Three tries over the span of 8 months, Hank. I took a really long break, I gave up touring for this. You…took time for this, too."
“You do realize that you can’t go on tour when you’re pregnant, right?” He replied and you just let out a loud sigh. 
“But I’m not. I could be touring instead, you could be out on a date with someone you like.” He snorted. 
“Well, first of all. I love you, you know that. And darling, you can’t be in two places at once. These things take time. Why so hard on yourself?”
You honestly feel like your brain is so fried and your body so tired, and bloated. 
You feel like shit. 
The tests may tell you there’s no baby in there, but boy do you look pregnant from the bloatedness, thanks to the fertility medications that have proven themselves useless so far and it’s becoming a tabloid talk recently. 
You can’t read another pregnancy speculation about yourself.
Not when you know it’s not happening at all. Plus, there’s a huge chance of dragging Henry’s name into it, which you’re doing your best to prevent from happening. Not going out in public with him where you know you could be snapped. You haven’t told anyone about your little secret, not even his family. 
“I’m taking a break from this then.” You said softly, after a long pause. Henry looked at you, surprised to hear the words come out of you. He just nodded in response, and pulled you in closer. 
Henry pulled up your driveway and turned down the radio, opening the passenger side of the door to let you in. You pulled the door open and got in, giving Henry light air kisses on each cheek. 
“Look at you!” You leaned back to take him in, and whistled. He cocked his head in laughter with a hand across his chest, like it was about to burst. 
It’s been six months since the last time you saw each other; you stopped trying and went back to touring for a bit, and he went on to start filming a movie and doing press junkets here and there. 
It had been a busy couple of months and it made Henry think of the what ifs. Glad that you both don’t have to think of a child in the middle of all the things going on in your lives recently, but sad that you don’t get to hold your dream in your arms. 
You both have talked about it, co-parenting. You were surprisingly alright with it, “Better have both parents if you can, right?” You had said, but were clear that you won’t be asking him for anything, still offering to not have him on the birth certificate or forcing a set schedule on him to have the child over, which honestly broke his heart. 
You’re always giving him an out, always thinking of him, his career, his family. 
He wanted to give the child his last name, he wanted to take care of them on his times off or even bring them to set on his days with them, but he didn’t tell you that. In fact, there are so many things that Henry held back as he didn’t want to take this away from you, he knows how important this is to you. 
He’d convinced himself that he’d be content with whatever you give him. He just wants you to have your dream and be happy. He can be happy with that, too. 
“So, how’s life on the road?” He asked as you snapped your seatbelt on and he began to drive. 
“Good, the usual.” You replied casually. “And how are you, Superman? A little birdie told me you’re seeing someone.” You wiggled your eyebrows playfully at him, and he just side-eyed you with a cocked brow. 
“Let me guess, Charlie told you?” He breathed. You shook your head, opening your purse to take out a packet of Reese’s pieces. 
“No, your mom, actually.” You replied, shoving marbled chocolates into your mouth. Remembering the phone call you had with Marianne a few weeks ago, and your brain immediately goes into overdrive. Wondering if Henry would still want to donate sperm or if this budding relationship of his had changed his mind. You remember feeling hurt that you won’t be co-parenting with him… But as always, you understood. He has his life, you have yours. He’s already given you so much all those months ago when you tried. 
Your brain went into a hundred different scenarios all at once during that phone call, you wondered how you ever got through it. 
“Hey!” He exclaimed when he heard you ripping the packet and started chewing. “No eating in the car!” 
“Jesus, so strict! It’s just Reese’s pieces, it’s not gonna stink up the damned car. Calm down! Here, have some...” You held your hand out next to his mouth and he reluctantly ate the chocolates. 
“Damn, that’s good.” He muttered. 
“So, who’s the girl?” You pressed on, still chewing, and he just chuckled, shaking his head. 
“No one.” He said, holding his palm out and you poured more Reese’s in them. “It didn’t work out.” He added before shoving the chocolate into his mouth. 
“Oh, that’s too bad.” You replied dryly. 
“Enough about me.” He said, mouth still full with chocolates. “Excited for tonight?” 
“Oh absolutely. Haven’t seen you and the gang in a long time.” He chuckled at the way you referred to his brothers and some of your group of friends’ as ‘the gang’. 
It was Charlie’s birthday and drinks were overflowing, the music was loud, reverberating throughout the exclusive club one of your common friends owns. You were lost on the dance floor, a drink in hand swaying–hoping your legs won’t give out from both exhaustion, fun and alcohol all mixed together like the cocktail in your hand. 
Your friend, Emilia, stood on her toes lightly to whisper something in your ear. You could not hear exactly what she was saying, but she was gesturing with her thumb to the guy behind her holding her other hand, with a huge smile plastered on his face. You just nodded and they left. 
You saw Charlie and Simon going back to the dancefloor with a bottle of champagne on each hand, showering people with the bubbly treat. You laughed as both men refilled the now empty glass in your hand until it overflowed and your shoes were soaking wet. 
Charlie chugged down a bottle and raised it with a loud “Whoo!” when he finished it in one go. You laughed harder and downed your own drink in one go, too. Simon refills it soon as you’re done. 
You’re definitely drunk now. 
The two men went deeper into the dance floor and shared the bubbly drinks with more of the guests dancing. Left alone now with a half-empty glass, you started or more like swayed your way back to the bar, almost stumbling over a bar stool when you suddenly felt a hand slip on your waist, pulling you up to your seat, you turned halfway to see who it was and surprised to see Henry beaming down on you, hand still splayed across your stomach. 
“Enjoying yourself?” He whispered next to your ear, lightly nuzzling his nose at your earlobe. You felt a shiver run down your spine. 
He seemed to be drunk, too. You thought. Except he wasn’t; Henry tried his best to stick to just a pint, knowing that he’d have to drive later that night. But there was something about you, about the situation, about the dress you’re wearing that made him a little bolder than usual. He took his hands off you, afraid of ruining the moment. 
You smiled and nodded in reply, “Yeah. I’m not drinking anymore. I’m too old for this.” You laughed as he settled in the seat next to you. You flagged the bartender and ordered yourself a bottle of water.
“I can’t do this anymore.” You said after downing half of the bottle. “I’m too old for this.” You repeated.
“Would rather stay home with the kids, honey?” He joked and you laughed. 
“Yeah, better call the sitter cause I’m going home now to tuck them in myself.” You joked back with a wide smile as you got off your seat. He threw his head back laughing. 
“No, seriously, Hank. I’m going home.” You told him and he nodded. 
“Let me take you home.” You shook your head ‘no’. 
“It’s fine, Hank. I’m calling an Uber.” 
“There are paps outside, I’m driving you myself.” You snickered at his argument. 
“What difference would it make? Paps seeing us together would only make it worse.” He knew you were right, but he can’t let you go home alone like this. 
But Henry was persistent. He took your hand and led you to a back exit that leads straight to the parking lot, not long after you were seated at the passenger seat of his car as you watched London go by in blur through the window. 
“You okay?” He asked, you’ve be been quiet for far too long.
“What’s going on in there?” He asked, tapping a finger on your temple and you snickered, shaking your head. 
“Nothing…I think I’m just tired.” Lie. You wanted to ask him if he’s dating again after the last one Marianne told you about. You wanted to ask him if he’d still want to donate, and co-parent, and draw dreams together in the air like you did a few months ago. But you’ve thought of this over and over the past few weeks, it wouldn’t be right anymore. 
You wondered why you never thought of possible scenarios before you even started with your IUI’s.
Henry let out a slow breath, he knew exactly what’s in your head. He knew that you weren’t over the disappointment and the heartbreak from the last time your IUI failed. He knows so well, and this is exactly what he was waiting for, an opportunity to open it up.
“When’s your next time off?” He asked and you looked up at him slightly surprised.
“I have one last string of shows in London next weekend and after that I’m a free man.” You replied. “Why? Do I need to babysit Kal again?” You joked. 
He laughed, shaking his head, his curls bouncing on the side of his head. His dimples were so deep and the light that shone through the windshield from the car in front of you casted a beautiful shadow against his sharp features. 
Wow, you are definitely drunk. 
“What are you looking at?” He asked when he felt your eyes on him; He cocked an eyebrow at your direction, but you only shook your head in response. Willing yourself to stop ogling him.
Nearly 20 years of friendship, you asked yourself, why are you only realizing exactly just how handsome he is? 
You always knew he was good looking, great physique, killer smile, incredible sense of humor. But you’ve never seen him in this light nor have you ever felt a warmth pooling in your center at the mere sight of him.
What was in the drinks at Charlie’s party?
He looked at you and let out another laugh and muttered, “Jesus.” Your brows are furrowed, lips slightly parted and you look at him not with confusion, no. It’s as if you’re coming to a sudden realization about something, if only he knows what. 
He called out your name, looking at you quickly and turning his eyes back on the road, his grip on the wheels tightened a bit. Knuckles almost turning white. 
“Hmm?” You sounded like you were being taken out of a daze. He chuckled and shook his head. “You are so drunk, are you?” 
“I guess.” You murmured, blinking a few times before looking down at your hands, playing with the hem of your skirt. 
“May I ask you something?” 
“Go on.” 
“Would you…” He started but he paused. “Would you want to try again?” 
That startled you. After the last time you tried and failed, and then him dating again, you didn’t think he’d still want to donate. And if you’re being a hundred percent honest with yourself, you wouldn’t want to ask him anymore, not wanting to complicate his future relationships by being tied to you with a child. Despite the fact that you think he’s the perfect donor, in all aspects, including co-parenting. 
“I don’t know, Hank. I mean, of course I wanted to try again but…” You swallowed, man, this is hard but it’s for the best, you thought. “But you don’t have to donate anymore.” 
Read Part 3
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@jyessaminereads @summersong69 @itsrubberbisquit
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sevensdeadly-if · 3 months
My problem with this IF is that it lives rent free in my brain. And saying that it's literally one of my favorite Ifs off all time. I think you greatly underestimate how much of a wonderful writer you are. But I digress. Lol I had to make two variations of my MC.
My 3 main routes and probably favorite ROs are
Aster/Fenrir, Nero which is like number 1 over everyone else and then Uriel's grumpy ass.
For Aster/Fenrir I had to make a sarcastic flirty MC because no these two would eat a shy MC alive and I didn't want to be breakfast. They both are the worst and that would just be feeding two sharks who smell blood in the water. Lol tho I suppose the overprotective aspect of having a shy reserved MC with them would also be appealing but I like the fact we can give as good as we get. Ps. Loved the whole reaction to his sister. That was theeeee best thing ever. 🥰
For my best boy Nero I had to make a shy MC. I'm sorry did you see how fumbly cute his reaction to a shy MC is. Them just both being awkwardly sneaking glances at each other is goals. I honestly love Nero so much. Like a normal amount...sure...normal amount.. 😬 👀😏
As for Uriel I like a grumpy wet cat RO so much. I will make him love me 🙄 stupid hot grumpy guy. Love him! I plan on being the most positive friendly open MC with Uriel because we gta dispel, disarm and confuse tf out of him with love and kindness! 💜
All in all I love more ROs the girls are wonderful too an J but these are like my favorites. Maybe I just like the jealous ones best.. 🤷🏻‍♀️😅... I'm gonna go read this again.
I have a problem. No but for real I don't think you know what I mean when I say I truly love your work so much. I cld rant about it to everyone.. probably have.. and if I needed to write a review for what I loved about it.. I like reviewing shit. It would probably be incredibly too long.. like this ask.. sorry. 😭🙈
😭no cause this is so sweet. Like it’s been a really shitty week and this has just brightened my mood up so much. Thank you so much for enjoying the game I really am so glad you are enjoying it and sticking around I appreciate it a lot 🥲
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fatuismooches · 1 year
I've been thinking for a while after reading Mika's character story about Capitano's eyes.. You know in lazzo trailer, we can't see anything on his face except just a black void. Meanwhile in Mika's character story, his eyes glows which intimidate everyone when there's a confrontation between the Fatui and Varka's expedition team.
idk why but i feel like Capitano can make his eyes blaze with intimidating aura at his will? 🤔 (also, the fact that he didn't do that in lazzo trailer really shows how respectful he is towards his fellow comrades even though a lot of them are always mocking and bad mouthing each other except Pierro lol 😂)
I really want Capitano so badly 😭🙏 why he is so cool and mysterious.. I really can't get enough of him 😔 I'm already at 210+ intertwined fate now and still saving (thank u Mi/Hoyoverse for that free IFs in adventurer's hand book 🛐), i really hope that when his banner finally arrived, i can get him to C6R5 🛐💞
(Thinking about florist!reader where they braid Capitano's long black hair with flowers when he is sleeping on their lap rn 😖💓🌺💐🛐)
That would be super cool! 🥺 I feel like he is a guy who avoids battle if possible, since he's respectful and all, so he just kinda. Intimidates others to back down. He's just a respectful guy in general, the first Harbinger probably can't be disrespectful to his comrades, all the npcs talk about his rep lol (I also think they didn't make his eyes blaze in the trailer because we'd never get over it. Okay and imagine- you have no idea what your husband's face looks like much less his eyes *arranged marriage sneak here* and then boom. One day he gets super overprotective of you become someone kept bothering you and all of a sudden you look up and see his piercing blue eyes... help me🙏 and then the angst of him avoiding you because he's scared about what you think of him now🙏 my English is probably bad rn but... i gotta get this out NOW)
You're literally the #1 capitano fan I can't imagine how much you're dying inside waiting for him😭😭 I can't wait to scream abt his lore w/ u omg... And dw with how far natlan is he's definitely getting c6r5 (I'm sorry that's so far away😭)
Omg I can either think about florist! reader from Mondstadt or Snezhnaya. Mondstadt would be cute because everyone there is pretty into flowers and stuff, there's even that flower shop at the gates, plus they'd definitely appreciate the flower love language the most 💗🛐 Meanwhile with Snezhnayan reader, he'd be intrigued at how dedicated you are to keeping these fragile lifeforms healthy in such perilous weather. Either way, you're giving me the picture of reader and Capitano basking in a flower field😔 (Imagine Capitano giving advice to his recruits about what flowers to give their lovers, they're so shook but their admiration soars through the roof)
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kth1 · 4 months
So I just like 75% through 'Protecting bloodline' and all I can say is OH. MY. GOD. THIS IS AMAZINGGGGG. I MEAN LORD BLESS THE DINOSAUR WHO DIED AND WAITED MILLIONS OF YEARS TO TURN INTO FOSSIL FUEL WHICH TURNED INTO PETROL TO SERVE THE CAR WHICH DROVE YOUR MOM TO HOSPITAL TO BIRTH YOU SO WE HAVE THIS MASTERPIECE TODAY😭😭🙌🙌🙌(Kay sorry If I got too cringy-) I mean not literally not lying its soo amazing💜💜💜. But when I was just starting the fic and was getting into it my intrusive thoughts won and I checked the comments and found out YN DIED and literally cried for 1 hour while sleeping- and today I came to continue my fic and realises its an open ending and felt kinda relief lol🥹. Your work is literally amazing if you become an author and write books I'll be most overjoyed❤️. I just wanted to write this to tell you how much I have become a fan- oh wait not a fan- AN AIR CONDITIONER of your fic and wanted to ask whether you write or not anymore?, XOXO.
For two seconds i was worried when i read the beginning of this ask! Hahah
Ahh silly — comments spoil things all the time! BUT YES!! I’m glad you were able to find out it is a VERY open ended ending! 🧡 I wanted readers to imagine what THEY wish! (So many assumed the worse case and got sad) hahaha but optimistic readers were ready to find the positive ways!
YN totally could go either way imo 🧡 that’s the fun of it.
I am so happy you enjoyed this fic too! It’s my biggest one and plus it’s HOBI! 🥰😍
I truly appreciate your loving words too! I haven’t really written in the last 6 months. The want is there from time to time. I do still think up scenarios and “what ifs” plenty 🤣 i’ve just been very busy with my free time (not working). And when i actually get my “me time” i am so lazy and rather watch some movies and shows.
I would probably consider myself on a hiatus? I just havent sat down in a while to write anything 🧡
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pompadorbz · 2 years
Here's a question for you, Do you think Mondo's story would have the same impact had Daiya survived the accident. Everything else would stay the same, backstory of the race, it's effects, the promise (though that one might have to change slightly), etc. Also Do you think that Mondo would have an harder or easier time going into carpentry as Daiya is alive and Mondo would have to tell him to his face over his decision to quit the gang?
SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY! This ask is genuinely super interesting to me, so I wanted to really mull it over as best as I could and cover as much ground as possible. Since this is such a significant change to Mondo's entire character and his relationship with grief, it also means that there is a LOT of possible scenarios, and with that, a LOT of questions to ask. (Also I'm sure everyone who follows me knows the drill at this point, but for those who don't I use both he/him and she/her for mondo because of a headcanon I'm really super fond of. If I say she/her pronouns at any point, I'm still talking about Mondo. I'm also gonna elaborate on how this scenario would affect her gender moments at the end for fun, lol) For starters I want to speculate that this would be something that Mondo would probably wonder a lot himself. Daiya's death was so permanently life-altering that I'm sure he would probably get caught up in the "what-ifs" herself, along with literally every possibility that comes with that (I think this girl has the most SEVERE ocd ever, as well as ptsd which as I know it, is a much more common hc). In the scenario that this were to actually happen, there's a lot we can consider. I'm gonna go through this in list-ish form i think, since it'll make things a bit easier for me lol.
The first thing I think of when this alternate scenario comes to mind is how Mondo would eventually obtain leadership in the gang, or if she even would to begin with. Motorcycle accidents in reality have an INCREDIBLY high mortality rate. People that do survive usually end up paralyzed, or needing amputations, so I think it's pretty safe to say that Daiya wouldn't be coming back as the gang's leader after that. I think with Daiya still alive and Mondo keeping his same promise to him, it wouldn't have more or less pressure, but I think there would be this totally different KIND of pressure to keep the gang running.
Mondo's reason for having the race with Daiya was to prove that he could be a reliable leader to begin with, especially because of how the rest of the gang viewed her before she'd became the leader. That's why Daiya's death during the race is so much more traumatizing, at least thematically. In a really fucked up sense, Mondo technically gets what she wants. He gets to run the gang and really prove himself, but at an enormous cost. If Daiya manages to survive but ends up having his own life be permanently altered by the accident, it gives an ENTIRELY new read on this philosophy, except now, Daiya is alive for it.
A huge part of Mondo's character and her backstory is the fact that he ended up lying about how Daiya died, but now that he's alive, there's a pretty good chance that the gang would know the full truth, unless if Daiya himself decided to keep things between him and Mondo for her sake. Regardless of whichever happens, Daiya is alive to both know, and tell the truth, and I think this gives Mondo such a deep-rooted paranoia. I think she is already so hyper-aware of how people act around him and think of him, so knowing that they either know the complete truth, or that at the very least, Daiya does, and is able to tell them? THAT would make her anxiety skyrocket, although I doubt that Daiya would be one to want to omit that information (more for Mondo's sake later down the line than his own). Like in canon, Mondo's motivations to run the gang would likely still become INCREDIBLY Daiya-centric. Either way I think he feels like he owes an incredible debt to him, and will do anything to make sure she follows through. The gang would become so much more of a chore in both scenarios I think, but on the bright side, I think Daiya obviously still being alive would be able to give her SO much more reassurance that she wouldn't have gotten otherwise, at least not initially. Daiya to me is someone who seems very cool and levelheaded on the outside, but I think that the whole situation would make him feel a bit of guilt of his own despite being the victim of the crash. He manages to sniff out Mondo's anxiety from a mile away, and even if he forgave Mondo, I doubt it would ever disappear as much as it would become much less noticeable over time, as well as generally burdening Mondo less.
When it comes to leaving the gang to pursue carpentry, I believe it would end up being a lot easier for Mondo to pursue with Daiya still alive. I think that there's this understanding with everyone in the gang that eventually, every leader is going to shift out of that position at some point. With Daiya, him retiring and Mondo taking his place is just another inevitability, and so in his mind, Mondo wouldn't be giving up on her promise by eventually doing the same and passing the torch to Takemichi. Mondo was the leader for the amount of time that she saw fit, and now he's moving onto greener pastures. I think Daiya would be a heavy source of encouragement once he learns about Mondo's own ambitions, even if it would likely take Mondo a while to actually admit that he has them (for a while I'm sure it was something she kept secret because of the promise).
In the killing game itself, I think it could DEFINITELY change the course of the entire story. I think while losing his memories would make the grief feel a little more fresh, I don't think it would be NEAR the level of what it was with Daiya actually dying. Daiya still being alive would imply that he'd probably take Takemichi's place as a hit list target. Perhaps he'd see the both of them together in his motive video as well. As for chapter 2 itself, it would ABSOLUTELY change the story. I'd be hard pressed to say that Mondo's trauma is BETTER (It's not a competition here) , but I think that having Daiya alive, as well as his forgiveness would have a HUGE impact on how he views himself and his strength, as well as just being called strong in general. I think the feeling of inadequacy is absolutely still there, but I think in comparison to the canonical chapter 2, Mondo would be in a MUCH better place. Additionally, him not carrying the burden of his lie on his shoulders would make his chapter 2 motive much more easy to stomach. He may even have a completely different motive entirely, due to his gang already knowing the truth, therefore making the motive useless to Junko for the game. Either way, any situation that keeps Chihiro alive is absolutely going to change the course of the entire remainder of the story (seriously, if she was still alive by the end, the end would've come a lot sooner, and the entirety of sdr2's killing game wouldn't have even happened. Also this would likely keep Taka alive as well, and anything that keeps Taka alive is a nice bonus). AND NOW FOR THE ADDITIONAL GENDER MOMENTS. I think that both Daiya and Mondo are INCREDIBLY sheltered individuals. Like I don't think anything could shake me from that belief, and there's a fair amount pointing to this scattered about Mondo's dialogue. Daiya is equally as out of the know as Mondo likely would've been regarding half of the things she'd learn about herself. The only difference now is that he's gonna still be around while these realizations pop up. WHICH OF COURSE, puts Mondo through a brand new kind of dread, especially since him and Daiya were essentially raised in toxic masculinity city. It probably takes Mondo a while to crack that egg into the pan, so to speak.
I also think that the idea of Daiya being the token cishet is absolutely fucking hilarious. Like he is 100% an ally and down for anything, but he also knows NOTHING. Like for once in his life he's not able to give Mondo his wisdom because in his mind, Mondo's the expert on this stuff even though she literally JUST showed up to the party herself, lol.
Sorry for giving such a long response! I do hope it answered your question!!
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subtle-edge-of-rot · 2 years
Been absolutely fiending for more brotherly love lately if my constant Bo brainrot didn't make that obvious. So here's a couple snacks. Yes yes you never sleep alone. Here's how they wake you up.
Lester tries, he really tries, not to wake you. He gets up stupid early for work and doesn't want to disturb you because he knows you need your rest and well, you just look so relaxed and comfortable. But when you sleep with Les you become an absolute tangle of limbs and it's impossible to extricate himself without disturbing you. So when you blink sleepily and look up at him, he kisses your forehead and tucks the blanket around you and whispers, "Sorry, sweet pea, keep sleepin'." If you're still out when he leaves he comes back in for one more sleepy kiss. Sometimes he does this a bunch of times because he keeps forgetting things and has to come back in and he HAS to kiss you goodbye for his very last thing so probably by the third time you're actually awake for real lol.
Vincent moves like a specter so you never notice him leaving the bed. He will bring you coffee or juice, whatever he's also getting for himself, set it beside your bed for when you wake. He won't actually wake you up unless he has to, and if he has to, he will start with gentle caresses on your cheeks, kisses on your neck, stroking your shoulders and back. It coaxes you back into consciousness slowly and tenderly and you wake up like a Disney princess. Being woken up by Vincent is the softest, most sensual way to rejoin the living you've ever experienced.
Bo wakes you up by trying to extend the amount of time you both spend tucked in bed. When his alarm goes off he turns it off and then latches on to you. If your alarm goes off he will stop it for you and bury his face in your chest. If you try to tell him it's time to get up he will say, "Then what're you still doin' in bed" and absolutely not let you up. Will go so far as to lay his full weight on you to keep you from leaving. And then of course will complain about the morning being half over already lol.
It goes without saying that these men are each greedy for you in the worst way and if they wake up with a hunger things go very differently. 👀🥵😩 But oops I'm out of time!
I think everyone missed it yesterday tbh I didn’t get a lot of traction on the idea, but it’s taking off now which is awesome—I could talk about this all day, I’m down bad for a poly Sinclair experience.
Your Bo brain rot has been my obsession lately. Please tell me there’s gonna be more parts to your dilf Bo story because I am obsessed with the version of him that you’ve created and I want to know the entire story lol, I read and re-read your fics! I’m also so excited to see what you have to say about literally sleeping with each of the brothers.
You’re dead on about Les! He’s a cuddle bug and when you sleep with him, you’re going to be all tangled up with him, no ifs ands or buts about it. You’ll be one tangled knot of limbs by the time he’s getting up for work. He really does try not to bother you but with the way you’re intertwined he can’t help making you stir. He’s also kinda loud when it comes to getting ready, pacing through the room, digging through his belongings, turning on the light when he can’t find his keys. It’s probable that you’ll be fully awake by the time he gives you that final goodbye kiss, handing him his thermos of morning coffee before you’re climbing back into bed with a big yawn. You’ll get a few more hours of sleep after he heads out, but it’s likely one or both of the twins will come and lay down with you. They’re all so needy for you.
Vincent is a light sleeper, and he doesn’t sleep for long—his sleeping schedule is fucked. That being said though, he’s considerate and very, very quiet when he slips out of bed to go make some tea for the two of you. He lets you sleep for as long as possible, only waking you when it’s absolutely time to get up and get the day started. You’re right though, he’s the best one to wake you up, as he’s gentle and makes sure you come to in a way that isn’t jarring or annoying. It’s likely he’ll have some food for you as well. He’s thoughtful.
Bo isn’t a morning person, so he’ll try and linger in bed with you for as long as possible, going as far as to lay on top of you when you try to get a move on so you can start your morning chores around Ambrose. He’s grumpy and clingy and desperate to stay warm and cozy with you, even though he’ll be grumbling that the entire morning was wasted away.
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general-kalani · 10 months
⭐ for Dennis and-or Jaden if you're interested
{ Prompt from here! }
SO I was finishing up icons on Joseph when you sent this in so LITTLE distracted lmfao but lets DO IT SO OFC I'M INTERESTED!!!! <3
Once again under a read more because fandom lengths!
Don't want to look at the read more? Overview here:
Most likely characters I'd throw at yours: Belorussiya, Knoxx and Steele, Hammerlock and Wainwright, Blake, Mordecai, TK, Zane, Harlock, Bruno(?), Muckenberger, Reinhard and Kircheis(?), Kesler, Sheryl, Claudia and Roy, Domel(?), Berger, Heiny and Wolf(?), Dietz, Gettoh(?), Vance, Sanada, Nazca(?)
Hmu if you want to discuss anything!!
Azur Lane: SEE I do think the boys would have an interesting time interacting with Belorussiya as WEIRD as that is, I really do think so. Probably because it's a COMPLETELY different fandom that no one expects out of left field. Also she has big ass guns so there's that too
Borderlands: I still gotta recommend Knoxx first up the CRAZINESS LMFAO PLEASEEEE, Steele on the side too because that poor girl is not paid enough
Vince? Absolutely not mans would again die on the spot LMFAO. Gd this is my own oc and I haven't recommended him ONCE in this whole debacle ig that's how much I hate him,,,
Hammerlock and Wainwright would once again though, adopt. Thank god Wainwright was there for that first thread instead of Hammerlock. Hammerlock would've convinced Wainwright to pick those two up LMFAO
Blake is a potential, only because he's interacted with Vault Hunters AND sirens before and that goes well with the bg you have!!
Katagawa would rather die, sorry-
Mordecai is literally friends with one so perfect slot, HOWEVER also a worry because well. Mans shouldn't be teaching a kid how to shoot a sniper rifle while drunk. (It goes well though I swear-)
Do not let Ned near them jfc he'd do so many experiments to figure out how a male siren exists yk-
Zane has too much potential for shenanigans it would be WILD LMFAO
Far Cry: wahjdhjka THIS IS THE ONE I'M DEPRESSED ABOUTTT LMFAO dw not your fault, there's a lot of triggering content in Far Cry but at the SAME TIME- absolutely is for the best though that neither of these characters interact with yours
Harlock / Leijiverse: ONCE AGAIN gotta recommend Harlock. Come on. Space pirate adventures????? WHO WOULDN'T WANT THAT?????
Emeraldas would rather not babysit another boy through the galaxy so she's sitting this one out-
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Anton and Oberstein are once again "uh oh" in this situation. Mostly because of the war going on so as I've already explained in the PREVIOUS post for this kinda thing, they kinda are too military focused so not a chance with these two lmfao
Bruno? Would probably show them the ropes of how to be a Minister of Industry but it's kind of a stretch.
Bittenfeld has disconnected-
Muckenberger would keep them out of the war any way he can. Some fortress in the middle of buttfuck nowhere? You know he's assigning them there. I do say "them" because child soldiers are a thing in lotgh and I REALLY need to tag that- other than that??? Come on, domestic life Muckenberger I am SOFT FOR-
Ovlesser doesn't want to babysit. Either they're GOOD enough to join his division or they're out. No ifs no buts no maybes. So not a good choice LOL
Reinhard and Kircheis I like to think would extend some kind of "immune to military service" thing if they ever decided to adopt two boys. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, I'm not considering it as a choice however personally but maybe you do who knows!!
Kesler my sweet baby boy, he'd train them in the ways of MP (Military Police) stuff, or how to command a ship. ANYTHING he's a good teacher he's so patient and can shut down any arguments.
Schenkopf would do the same as Ovlesser but he's a little more lax on the rules. Still not a good choice LMFAO
Macross Frontier: Sheryl's still kinda fickle in this kinda setting. I mean it COULD turn out to be a Basara Nekki situation where the boys become a band!! There ARE male singers they're just rare in the Macross universe for some reason. STILL, she can still be an influence to them to start a band! Or, in classic Macross fashion, pilots! Possibilities are very limited
Robotech: Gloval would definitely check up on them while they stayed in the civilian zone. Or check on how they're doing with military stuff (pilots, gunners, extra bs yk lmfao)
Claudia once again, best aunt. Spoils them rotten and then some. Roy's just along for the ride and gets dragged everywhere.
Lisa again isn't the best choice there's not much she can do other than go "you need to be more responsible!" Type stuff, not the best option but certainly better than Ovlesser and Schenkopf
Breetai, Khyron and Exedore are wondering how these children got aboard that's literally it LMFAO
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion: See UNLIKE Azur Lane where there's potential there, these space boys don't have much potential unless your boys were the Commander or worked in construction for ship repairs or... Yeah very limited, no chance lmfao
Space Battleship Yamato: Similar to last post where it depends on verse with Dessler! Mostly he'd be wondering why they're not in the military
Domel's possibly either ignored them or let them play with the bird for a little while. Seriously idk why he goes everywhere with that thing!! Either way, very short thread unless there was human relations to work on Gamilan ships??? Again very limited.
Berger is the big brother to both of them even though he's suffering with depression. That's it those are the thoughts LMFAO
Heiny and Wolf are ignored for this post once again, unless they want an eccentric submarine crew that are very eccentric, battle hungry and trigger happy.
Dietz would like to roll to keep them out of battle and dangerous weaponry. Would also adopt them on sight because of his daughter. No in-between lmfao
Gimleh jfc would do as the last post stated just less; indoctrinate into the military or kill them for fun. That's it don't let him near.
Gettoh either trains them as pilots or he's leaving and ignoring them.
Vance has already mentally adopted one after that short thread HE WILL DO SO TO THE OTHER GIVE HIM T I M E-
The Talans are stepping back and away-
Sanada! Once again BL verse is similar to Ned where he'd experiment, lotgh verse he'd rather focus on finding Mamoru Kodai and main verse he'd probably let them work around the lab!
Gairen, Zwordar and Nazca would rather kill them than let them interact. Although once again Nazca might develop a weird big brother family thing that he's worried about because, well, feelings gets a man killed in Gatlantis!
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light-lanterne · 1 year
Honestly coming from being heavy in the Sterek fandom for years we THRIVED on AUs. like, sure, werewolves, fun. But also Merthur, Destiel, Malec, etc. big name ships (with their own fandom problems, but that's not the point lol) with heavy supernatural content very specific to each source materiel. That's fun for a while, but it gets stale QUICK. Usually fandoms live and die off of AUs. It's one of the most fun and interesting and creative parts of fandoms. I've also literally never seen this happen in any other fandom and it is the weirdest, mind boggling situation. I can't fathom why anyone would WANT to stunt themselves from being creative. From asking, 'What if?' That's one of the best parts of fandoms. Just speculating and pondering. ESPECIALLY if the source material lets you down, you always have the what ifs to fall back on for entertainment. It used to be, honestly, fandom could create such interesting content that the show commonly failed in comparison. It just couldn't hold a candle to how people can create such beautiful, interesting things out of virtually nothing. Maybe it came with the death of weekly releases, where we spent a week each episode hypothesizing. IDK I wish there was a way to change it but. Shows almost over so. IDK maybe when the show is dead people will get off everyone's back and move to a new show, so the ones who are interested in being creative will be able to create in peace.
Don't like don't read is a very common statement but it shouldn't be needed for just everything ever in a specific ship. Why are you even in a ship to begin with if you're gonna hate on every possible thought. It's as if people can't separate fact from fiction? Canon from fanon? There's nothing wrong at all with making stuff up for the fun of it. If you only want source material content... go watch the show? Why are you participating in fandom if everyone is suddenly not allowed to change one fraction of an inch of it? I understand appreciating the source materiel, but I also don't see why it's a problem to take that source materiel and flip it on it's head. Why do people care so much...? IDK. I don't even publish my stuff (this might be partially why lmao) but it's still super frustrating. Sorry for ranting in your inbox lol Sorry you get so much flak for literally no reason
hello ! i've got nothing to add to what you said; i've been in a lot of fandoms too and you're completely right !! au's are the way things survive in periods of inactivity / after the show (movie, manga or whatever) ends !!! so it is indeed frustrating when people actively sabotage this huge aspect of fan media :\
please don't apologise for ranting, and thank you for being so kind ! i hope you have a great day or night (and that this anti-au wave passes at last >.< ) !!
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maraudersftw · 1 year
Can I ask these for the end of year questions?
3, 14, 15 and 21
Heyy PC! You can absolutely ask 💗 I shared that post and then disappeared to go meet my friends yesterday, so sorry for the delay lol
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
Didn't write nearly enough this year, but probably this little bit from Retribution (spoilers ahead):
Perhaps it’s too telling: this thud of my heart, the love that flows steadily inside not hard for me to identify anymore when my eyes can’t help but turn to look at James again. But perhaps, even more telling: his gaze hasn’t left me once since I’d sat next to him on that bed all those minutes ago. I smile, now, because beyond all the questions and dreams and the what-ifs, the truth remains that he makes me happy. His eyes close, a small smile lingering on his mouth as we leave the room.
It’s simple, really: he breathes, and the world feels right.
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
Drink Me! but if we're being really honest, all of One Line At A Time
15. something you learned this year
lmao SO. MUCH. but mostly just how incredibly lucky I am to have an amazing group of friends (both writers and readers) in this community
21. most memorable comment/review
Literally everything @all-things-jily leaves on my fics kills me and it takes me ~2-3 business days to find the words to reply to her comments.
But also in early October this year, @redrobyn285 left me a wonderful comment on Of Chrysalism, and it had been a couple of months since I'd received anything like that in my inbox (because I hadn't written a word for like 4 months) and it meant so much to me to read it that genuinely it motivated me to write again
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northern-passage · 3 years
If your ROs had to romance an RO from another IF, who do you think they’d go for?
lea: like i said, i think shea clane from vitue's end would be good for them and they would have a lot to bond over.... monster hunting and obnoxious partners....
merry: i've drawn her with elexis before (also from vitue's end) and i think they're a lot alike but in a bad way.... like they wouldn't be very good for each other. i'd LOVE to see her get with nazeri from greenwarden. a little snarky but also genuine and kind...it would be too much for her....
clementine: danny from smoke & velvet!! they're a lot alike (in a good way) and i think very cute together 😊
noel: adrian shaw from sentinel. i just think they're neat
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dilfwaynes · 3 years
Hi!! if you want, could you write some extra fluffy “Dick Grayson in a relationship” headcanons? thank you!!
sorry for the long ass wait babes, i am gonna start actually writing all requests. wips are on hold atm lol, not proof read !!
parings ; richard grayson x fem!reader
warnings ; none
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he’s the cook out of the both of u
i literally just imagine him knowing how to cook, probably from years of watching alfred and maybe going to cooking classes on the side
doesn’t honestly know what to do with free time so he applied to a few classes tbh
if you stitch his  initials into the curl of your sweater, he’ll melt honestly
same if you carved yours into a few of his
u both have this corny thing of a little heart shaped pin that he wears onto his sweaters also
jason makes fun of you both for it
“fucking nerds”
one night you talk to dick about him and the rest of the batfamily needing one night of a break and to do something fun
thats when you and him come up with a mystery crime game
like u know those ones where u rent a room and everyone gets their own character to roleplay and everyone has to find out whos the killer
yeah thats what u two come up with LMAO
u and richard are not the best at fun ideas
you explain the plans while the rest of them are looking at u like ur crazy
dick is just smiling widely
somehow u get them too all argee
and everyone takes their active role
bruce is a famous detective, tim, cass and jason are siblings whos father just got murdered, duke is the dead dad, barbara is their mother, damian is the butler, alfred is the one in charge of the will, and steph is a family friend while you and dick are guests are the ‘party’
“why am i the butler? is this jasons doing?!”
“no demon child, ever thought maybe its just your role in the family?”
dick facepalms
“both of u stop, the order is random now lets begin”
the whole thing is just a mess and everyone fighting
also declaring that the other is the killer
everything is so messy and stupid that bruce cant even link who murdered duke
“this is unorganized and ridiculous! how can i connect the dots when none of them match!”
in the end everyone finds out steph was the killer, who was the child of an affair and apparently duke was her real father and she wanted revenge
“no way did Blondie outsmart us”
you and dick hype steph up while the rest wants to kill u three
“good family bonding everyone :)” dick 2021
he also loves traditional winter things to do
ice skating and being amazing at it, surprise surprise
shows off sm and laughs when u fall on your ass
also does the whole “oh look ifs mistletoe :9” while literally holding it over your head
you prefer to stay at the wayne manor for christmas time tbh
and fall as well
especially how lively it starts getting around that time
for christmas crime fighting slows a bit and everyone’s running around for christmas gifts
and alfred is always baking something and the manor gets that christmas smell of pine and the coldness outside
building snowmen is without a doubt
same with snowball fights
there’s definitely a point in there where you learn how to start stitches for when dick comes home all banged up
always patching him up and applying medical because you know he’ll never do it
same with reminding him of it
a lil routine of you putting healing creams on the needed places before you two go to sleep
him getting use to sleeping with you everynight that its hard for him to fall asleep without you
you guys are losers and mock bruce whenever he’s talking serious
jason joins in too
bruce always ends up turning around and glaring at u both
for some reason he always has cold ass feet? and he loves to touch you with them and laugh when you scream at it
also has freezing hands and forgets to wear gloves most of the time in fall and winter
so it leaves with you of the duty and taking his hands and rubbing and blowing on them
as well as placing them in your pockets
he loves kissing u the most when you’re both just walking out in the freezing snow
you look so pretty with tinted pink cheeks and your nose heating up
plus your little sniffles
he’ll never tell you but 50% of the time he leaves his gloves at home on purpose
he enjoys watching you get annoyed at him and grabbing his hands in your tiny ones to warm his up
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cosmictulips · 2 years
*waves* I have all but disappeared and I am sorry LOL.
Work got a bit harder lolol. not like, in a gross way. ya know? there's been some attitudes and some adjustments required but it's not hard ya know? it's just i have to put more energy into the work now.
and that's fine.
except I have no energy lol. I have such a low level of energy that like, it literally wears me out putting so much effort into one thing. and that one thing now, is work.
so like, I get home around noon right. and by 3:30 in the afternoon I'm ready to pass out. like that's how low of...energy...reserves I have lol.
I have a few days off coming up and then starting tuesday I work literally 6 days before my next day off. so like, I might be more of a ghost. idk. I'm trying to get shit at least lined up to be queued.
but honestly I'm just tired. and like, doing all this work stuff has reminded me how much I miss having money LOL. but also how much I still feel disconnected from my actual craft, gods and tarot.
Like thank you guys for still turning to me despite that.
but I just feel so lost on my journey. and with l ife. and I"m trying hard to just focus on the road ahead of me. ya know? and the plans I have. because I have plans.
I'm just so tired lol.
I see the messages in my DMs. don't worry. I'll get to yall -or at least most of yall- today. I got a few email readings I gotta do. I just... forgot how much I feel like I'm drifting.
but that's a rant for another time lol
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Keeping Secrets
Title: Keeping Secrets
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 2075
Square Filled: Castiel
Summary: Under the spell of a truth potion, Y/N reveals things to Cass that she makes him promise not to tell anyone, especially Dean. Cass agrees, but secrets tend to find a way of revealing themselves whether you like it or not.
Warnings: Fluffiness, Keeping Secrets, Misunderstandings, Mentions of Killing (not literal), violent threats, Innocent Angels, Language? (honestly, I my mind is so scrambled right now, I can’t remember if there’s any…), Mentions of Kinkiness, and I think that’s it.
Written for @spndeanbingo​ (round 2)
Disclaimer: No my gif. Credit to giuls from tenor.com. All mistakes are mine.
A/N: Secrets, man… so easy to keep, yet at the same time, so hard to keep as well. Or is it just me? A side effect of being a terrible liar? Lol. Well, there’s a fun fact about myself. I am a terrible liar! Happy Reading! xx
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Hey, Cass told me. There’s nothing to be ashamed about, it’s OK.
When you read that text, your face went up in flames with embarrassment, and now, you were on a mission to find one very, soon to be dead, Angel who spilled the beans. You couldn’t believe Cass told Dean! You confided in him in full confidentiality! Hell, Cass promised to keep his mouth shut, that he’d never tell Dean, that you could trust him to keep your secret, but now you knew that you were wrong.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!
“Castiel, when I get my hands on you, I’m going to throttle your stupid angelic neck!” you muttered to yourself, brows furrowed and lips morphed into a deep frown.
You stomped through the bunker looking for the blabbermouth. Still grumbling, you passed Jack’s room, the seemingly teenaged boy looking at you, as you ducked in, with a confused expression. When you didn’t respond to him after he called your name several times, he decided to follow you, wondering why you were acting so strange.
He picked up on a few key words you were saying: stupid, angel, kill, asshole, assbutt, and a few other choice words that he knew were inappropriate but didn’t quite understand what they really implied.
Next, you stormed into the kitchen finding Sam eating a salad. In your already foul mood, you scoffed at his choice of nutrition, rolling your eyes at the gentle giant of a man.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” He asked, looking at you and then to Jack, who shrugged in obliviousness.
“I’m fine,” you hissed, not meaning to snap at him. “Have you seen Cass?”
“Uh, no. He should be in here somewhere. He didn’t mention anything about leaving,” Sam provided.
“Okay, thanks,” you replied, tone still not very pleasant.
You marched onwards, Jack still trailing behind you. He wasn’t sure if you knew that he was following, or if you simply didn’t care, but Jack continued on regardless.
The two of you made it to the war room, the space void aside for a few empty beer bottles that was most likely left by Dean. Growling in disapproval, you walked into the library next, just in time to see Sam walk in from the other end.
“Cass, there you are. Y/N’s looking for you and she doesn’t seem very happy,” Sam warned just as you stepped in.
“Damn right I’m unhappy,” you confirmed, storming up to Cass. “I can’t believe you told Dean!”
“I don’t understand. What did I tell him that I wasn’t supposed to?” Cass questioned, the look on his face completely perplexed.
“Oh, you know what you told him!”
Cass squinted his eyes and tilted his head, a tell that told you he was trying recollect what he possibly could have said. Annoyed with him, you exclaimed in frustration. “I can’t believe you told Dean that I liked him!” you finally revealed, Jack and Sam’s eyes widening and brows raising.
Your body froze when you heard the familiar deep voice echo through the library. You didn’t dare to look back, already knowing your face must be glowing with humiliation.
With wide eyes and mouth slightly ajar, Cass’ eyes went from you to the Dean, who had taken a few more steps closer and was now standing directly behind you, next to Jack. “Uh… Y/N,” Cass started, “I never disclosed any of that information to Dean,” the angel confessed.
“I don’t get it,” Jack interrupted. “I thought we all liked each other? You know, we’re a family?”
Sam cleared his throat at that, giving Jack an acknowledging smile. “Uh, yeah. We do like each other, but they’re talking about a different kind of like.”
“Like what? Like love?” the innocent boy blurted, the word love making you cringe.
“Whoa, whoa, hang on a second,” Dean took control of the room. “Y/N, you love me?” He asked, neck a little stretched out, eyes wide, and mouth hanging open with disbelief.
Shyly, you turned to face him, heart leaping when you instantly made eye contact. “Didn’t you already know that? You texted me that Cass told you.”
“What?” Cass quipped. “I did not tell him that,” he defended himself.
“No,” Dean confirmed. “When I texted you that, I was talking about the hunt.”
Your face went completely white. Just the other day, you and Cass had come home after what was supposed to be an easy hunt. You were adamant that the monster you were hunting was a vengeful spirit possessing innocent people, but it turned out to be a witch casting curses. It was that mistake that landed you in becoming a victim of said curse. A truth curse.
The witch worked at the diner where all the incidents happened. You figured that the ghost was attached to something or someone in the restaurant, but it was the witch mixing people’s drinks with her truth potion. That was how your secret was let out to Cass, but he had assured you that he wouldn’t tell anyone, that your secret was safe with him. And it was true, you told Cass how stupid you felt for not realizing that it wasn’t a spirit but a witch terrorizing the small town. You made a mistake and you weren’t the type that to brush off little mistakes like that. You took it to heart, like you were a bad hunter.
“Oh…” was all you could say at that point, feeling even more embarrassed, and stupid, that you already were.
“Uh, hey Cass, Jack, how about we go into the kitchen; give Dean and Y/N some privacy to talk.
The three of them left the room, heading into the kitchen. You were grateful at that but at the same time, you wished that he would have invited you along, but you knew that it was too late and you and Dean needed to have this talk.
“Y/N…” you flinched at the sound of your name.
Wanting to beat the bullet, you just let everything out on the table. “Look, I’m sorry okay? No one was supposed to know! I know you don’t feel the same way but I hope we can just forget all about this and pretend that it never happened. I was drugged out and didn’t really mean it,” you continued on until Dean stopped you.
“Y/N, stop. First of all, you weren’t drugged out, you were bewitched with a truth potion. Everything you said was the truth, not something you didn’t really mean.”
Your shoulders dropped knowing he was right. The only thing left now was to take the rejection. There would be no more fantasizing about all the what ifs because all those dreams were about to be crushed by the hard truth… Dean Winchester did not love you back. Great.
“Okay, I get it,” you sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. I know you don’t feel the same way, so I’ll do my best to get over you,” you told him.
“What? No!” Dean exclaimed. “Y/N, you don’t have to do that. Uh…” Dean’s demeanor suddenly changed and if you were reading his body language correctly, he seemed tense, timid… cute. No! Y/N stop it! Don’t think that way! “Uh, I actually kind of…”
In the kitchen, Sam leaned against the prep table, Cass sat at the table, while Jack stood in the middle of the room. “So...” Jack started, “when you said that they were talking about a different kind of like, you mean love?”
Sam met Jack’s gaze, “basically,” he answered.
“Okay… I don’t see what the problem is. Don’t we all love each other? I mean, it’s pretty much that same thing, right?” Jack questioned.
This time Sam let out a soft chuckle. “No, Jack. Y/N is in love with Dean… romantically.”
“Oh! Okay, I get it now. So Dean is in love with Y/N and now Y/N is in love with Dean! They both are in love with each other! That’s a really good thing, right?” Jack smiled, proud of himself for final grasping the situation.
“Yes, that is correct,” Cass answered instead. “But after we killed the witch and the potion wore off, Y/N told me not to tell Dean. But she ended up telling him herself instead, albeit it was unintentional.”
“I think this will be good for them. They deserve to be happy,” Sam grinned, actually glad that the truth was all out there.
Dean struggled to admit his own feelings. He wasn’t the type to talk about his emotions but if he wanted to have a future, like a real future, with you, then he had to tell you. He had to confess to you too.
“You actually kind of what?” you asked.
“Uh, I actually kind of… you know. I like you too,” he finally said it.
It was your turn to be dumbfounded. You weren’t sure if you heard him correctly, but at the same time you didn’t want to ask him to repeat himself, scared to find out that it was merely your delusional head playing tricks on you. It couldn’t be possible that Dean felt the same way, right?
“Y/N, did you hear me?” Dean inquired.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you correctly. I thought you said you felt the same way,” you giggled bashfully.
“Because I did.”
You froze at the confession. There was no denying it now. Dean had just confirmed that he felt the same way you did. The thought of how to proceed from there was short-circuiting your brain, not once ever thinking this was possible. Dean had said, on more than one account, that in this life, falling in love was impossible, that it would only end bad. You agreed with him, but that didn’t stop you from feeling the way that you felt, and now he was admitting that he had feelings. Those exact forbidden feelings he said hunters couldn’t have.
Having never planned for this unforeseen moment, you shifted your eyes from his to whatever you could find in the room. You were looking at an open book when you heard footsteps, and when you looked back to Dean, he was right there in front of you, his lips an inch away from yours. An audible gasp escaped you and Dean simply smiled.
“I thought you said hunters can’t have love,” you gulped, eyes trained on his invitingly pink lips.
“I say a lot of things Sweetheart, but if you’re willing, I’m willing to give this a try too. You know… give us a try.”
Averting your eyes to his, you searched for something that told you he was lying, that he didn’t mean it, but when you saw nothing but sincerity, you couldn’t help yourself. You lunged into him, arms wrapping around his neck and lips smashed against his in a needy fashion. Dean growled, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist as he hoisted you off the ground a little. When you pulled away, you were both breathless with matching dopey smiles stretched on each of your lips.
“Wow, Winchester,” you grinned.
“Better than you imagined?” he teased.
“So much better.”
“Everything okay in here?” Sam asked as he stepped back into the library, Cass and Jack in toe.
“Everything is great!” you beamed, taking your place beside your new boyfriend, hands intertwined.
“So are you two together now?” Cass questions, looking at your interlocked hands.
“Yup! All secrets are out. There’s nothing to hide anymore,” you assured.
“I see. Then can I ask you a question, since there are no more secrets?” Cass directed his question at you.
“Uh… go for it,” was you reply, not knowing you would soon regret it.
“When you were under the truth spell, you said you wanted Dean to punish you. To tie you up and punish you all night long. Spanking and choking you. I don’t understand why’d you want him to inflict pain on you.”
Your face went red as all eyes were on you. Jack had no idea what the hell was going on, but Sam gave you that horrified look, knowing he just heard something he wasn’t supposed to, or needed to know. Dean on the other hand was shocked at first, but quickly smirked at the notion.
“Cass!” you shouted it mortification. “I’m gonna kill you!” Just as you were about to attack him, a flutter of wings echoed through the room and he was gone. “Cass!”
A/N: You made it to the end! Thank you guys for reading! I appreciate you taking the time to read what I wrote! If you enjoyed it, please reblog to help share my fic, and leave a comment because it acts as fuel to keep writing and to keep posting! Y’all have a beautiful morning, day or night! xx
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bloviating-vy · 2 years
Hello, can you tell us the inspiration behind your OCs? Or perhaps provide some visuals?
I personally see the OC from Her is like a mix of Rihanna and Baek Yerin in terms of personality and musical style, and the OC from A Man For All Seasons somewhat reminds me of Inga Lam from Buzzfeed Tasty 😅
And there are some who are just so cool and yet so human, I don't know who to associate them with (e.g the noona from A Woman of a Certain Age, and the Baepsae Financial's Y/N)
Would love to know more about your OCs, they're all so delightful!
OMG what a fun question and speculation!
OC Visuals
I have no idea what various OCs look like or would look like - and am reluctant to add to it in specificity. Mostly because for me, once a movie version of a book comes out, whatever I imagined them to be disappears and is superimposed with the visual and that makes me sad. I can never picture Galadriel as anyone other than Cate Blanchett (and as much as I love Cate Blanchett, it makes me sad, too).
Other than providing general descriptions in terms of perhaps a specific ethnicity, I try to keep physical descriptions open because I, in general, don't physically describe characters or their appearance. This is probably because I find the internal much more interesting - and also because I do not feel terribly confident in my physical descriptors or fashion sense.
(Sorry if that is disappointing!)
OC Inspirations
Full disclosure: all my OCs are at heart, myself. Regardless of what their backgrounds or stories are, I usually take a part of myself and flesh it out. Spin it into what-ifs, etc., throw them into a scenario and see how it plays out. That doesn't mean they ARE me, or that they look like me, but their essence is me.
1) Her series: Main OC
I know I just said that OCs aren't necessarily me, but uh... fun fact: when I first got into BTS, I tried to think of how I, as myself, could conceivably meet them and be with them. I aged myself down 15 years and tried to keep as much of who I am or was (or wished to be) and that is the OC. This includes her interests and musical tastes.
So 100%, this OC - out of all other OCs - is the most me.
2) A Woman of a Certain Age: Unni OC
Unni is every badass woman that I wish I could be!! She's just so strategic and deliberate - the total opposite of me. The only thing we really have in common is our penchant for expensive jewelry lol. Also, their difficulty and pain at trying to conceive was inspired by many of my friends who also had unexplained infertility. Honestly, I wish I were Unni 100%.
3) A Man for All Seasons
I love a good trope and the OC's pregnancy/wedding situation is inspired by a friend that had this happen to them. I was Seokjin on the phone! The OC is also very me in the sense of Mandarin immersion for my kids, reading interests, and being really fertile (but not necessarily getting pregnant on birth control).
4) In Search of Higher Returns: Baepsae Financial OC
I used to be a financial advisor and also had my own firm and used to be a board member of the local Chamber of Commerce and though I was not remotely as successful, this OC/story was inspired by the fantasy of someone like Yoongi walking into my life after a long day of work. She is way cooler and more awesome than I ever could hope to be (or dress).
General inspirations
Many of these stories are inspired by two particular friends who literally live the YN life. They amuse me greatly and I love them more with my whole chest! A lot of the OC's friends and events are modeled off of my friends in real life - especially the MBAs and lawyers and generally all the older, middle-aged people in my life (of which I am one of).
I hope that's not too much of a let down!!
Thank you for the ask, Anon! It was a lot of fun to talk a little more about my OCs!!! I appreciate you!
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earstwo · 4 years
hi hun! i really love your blog, creations and the warmth and kindness you exude... and OF COURSE the way you worship our lord and saviour Adam! random question sorry, but what are your fave adam pics/shoots/looks etc??? hope you are well and staying safe during these crazy times
hi! wow, thank you so much for your kind words! they truly made me so happy and i hope that i can continue to create things you love
as for adam... i put some time and effort into this because it was hard to narrow things down in any capacity. 
so here are a few of my favorite looks:
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listen, there ain’t no ifs, ands, or buts about this look being absolutely, devastatingly hot. when i first saw this video i was so fucking shook. i think i watchd it at least 15 times in one sitting, truly trying to grasp how one human being can be that attractive! and large! and smoldering! jfc
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(credit to @forcebensolo​ for this pic) this is such a fucking look. the fact that he’s just chillin’ in his hotel bathroom in hawaii (literally gets into said bathtub at one point) and still looks this gorgeous just like...lights my entire brain on fire. the eyes! the hair! the goatee! we get it, dude. you’re perfect. 
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listen to me. listen. when i tell you that this photo fucked me up beyond repair, i mean it with every single fiber of my being. if you tasked me with trying to find a photo that is hotter than this photo, i would fail miserably. the photo does not exist. i don’t even know if i can fully articulate how much i love this look. i want him to ruin my fucking life. 
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ok the burn this stage door looks are all fucking wonderful, we been knew, but this one in particular really just gets me. he doesn’t look like a celebrity here and it does things to my brain and my heart to see him in this kind of outfit with that fucking wet hair. this man has casually gorgeous down pat and i’m truly never going to recover. i don’t know how that girl in the picture isn’t dead on the ground. this must be right before she died. rip her, but what a way to go.
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ughhhhhhhhhh, paterson. i am a little bit in love with paterson, you guys. he’s so soft and gentle and sweet and quiet and it makes my entire body hurt. i love how adam played this, and of course, he looked absolutely gorgeous doing it. i love this hairstyle on him so much! i could honestly just watch this movie on repeat forever and i’d be happy. good, soft boi. 
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this look always gets to me (gif set featured here) because it’s just so BEN to me. when i read fic with modern ben, this is what he looks like. he’s got that goddamn good boi sweater on, he’s not scruffy but he’s got a shadow and his hair is perfect. rey and i are equally fucking shook by it. it doesn’t get much better than this.
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oh, look. it’s another modern ben look, here to set me on fire.
and lastly, because if i don’t stop myself, i will spend the entire day doing this, this is the look that truly makes me question people’s sanity when they say anything even remotely related to adam driver not being ridiculously gorgeous:
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it truly haunts me. we are not worthy of this level of perfection. adam in a white t-shirt looking directly into the camera with the most insane bedroom eyes i have ever witnessed? ok cool i guess i’m just dead see y’all on the other side
in closing, i would also recommend this post for a similar run-down of a+ driver looks. i think there’s two of them, actually, but i only ran into this one while searching my adam tag lol
i love this man too much. it is a problem. hope you enjoyed me gushing about him for the entirety of this post. i squeeled through most of it like a big dumb baby idiot. 
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Why do You dislike Scott Snyder? I mean I have my reasons.. like a lot of the Court of Owls stuff, his convoluted plots, making Dick a punching bag for the broody bats, horrible at writing the family as a family he literally wrote Death of the Family I mean....*kill bill sirens* ... Also the ''son of a Damian'' line from Black Mirror etc. But I'm curious if you have more reasons since I'm pretty new and I'm told that he likes Dick and wanted to write Dick focused books and I don't.. buy it.
LOL yeah, all of that for sure, and I mean.....tbh, I don’t pay enough attention to his interviews and stuff to even be aware that he’s said that about liking Dick and wanting to write Dick-centric books, but I’m with you on that....not necessarily meaning anything.
God knows I’ve lost track of how many fic writers in this fandom swear up and down they love Dick Grayson and yet I avoid their stories with extreme energy, lmao, because I’ve read enough of their takes on DG that I’m like hmmm, yeah, we are not the same, lol. I mean, there’s a certain couple fic writers who just are like....DETERMINED to mention Danny Chase every single time I make a post about why I’m annoyed by the focus on Dick’s allegedly infamous temper. And its always the exact same song on repeat, they’re like “OH-HO, so apparently you don’t remember the time Dick choked Danny, a literal CHILD, just because Danny had the nerve to tell him Jason died, cuz like, I do, and it was AWFUL and Danny could have died TOO y’know, that’s how mad Dick was.” 
And then I just kinda stare at these words that apparently mean things, and enter a fugue state where an unknown amount of time passes and by the end of it I feel 80 million epochs older, and its like....no, I absolutely do remember that time when Dick grabbed Danny by the shirt and yelled in his face because he just found out his brother died and Danny said “what’s the big deal, its not like it doesn’t happen all the time” and this was absolutely not an awesome and fun scene for anyone, no matter how understandable Dick’s upset was at the time. BUT, I also happen to remember, since y’know, it was in that literal exact same issue, how then Dick went to see Bruce, and due to BRUCE’S upset about Jason’s death, Bruce literally punched his remaining son to the ground, screams about how it was all Dick’s fault, and kicks him out of the house Dick grew up in and tells him to leave his keys with Alfred. 
And its like......the very same people who LOVE to throw around references to Danny Chase in order to puff up the claims about Dick Grayson being volatile and extreme and having a Dangerous Temper like, flat out REFUSE to ever even ACKNOWLEDGE that scene with Dick and Bruce, from the literal exact same issue, because they at the same time claim that THIS was bad writing and OOC and Bruce would never.....but apparently, the writing from ten pages before it was just fine and completely accurate and Dick absolutely would not only ever, he would always, and thus Dick’s Legendary Dangerous Temper is canon and its why Dick can’t have nice things or people being nice to him in these writers’ stories, its too Dangerous, he might get mad I guess.
And each time this comes up on this site, I’m always like....hey, science side of tumblr, is it possible that insisting on vilifying Dick for his reaction to someone in the wake of Jason’s death whilst simultaneously refusing to acknowledge the scene of Bruce’s reaction to Dick is canon or in-character despite existing in the exact same issue and written by the exact same writer.....like....could this be one of those double standards I’m always going on about? And isn’t it in fact reasonable to question just how much or how little someone actually means it when they say they love a character but want that character flogged in the middle of the town square for a Bad Reaction to something that also prompted a Bad Reaction from another character but this character, they’ll like, throw themselves in front of a moving train if it keeps someone from daring to even suggest that THEIR reaction was canon and in-character and might potentially say something damning about their temper or behavior with friends or family?
*heaves endless sigh of endlessness*
Sorry, that example was right there on the tip of my brain today because like....I literally just saw another post around this oft-deceased and resurrected and killed to death again dead horse like, five minutes ago and then came to dip into my ask box for the first time today and it was like.....destiny. Assuming destiny has some free time to kill and nothing better to do, which, I mean, hey, everyone’s allowed a hobby is all I’m saying.
LOL sooooooooooo, ANYWHO, its just like.....ugh, I’m so over being expected to take at face value any writers, whether professional or fan, saying “oh but I love this character or that character, and due to that being my preface to everything else I say or do in regards to this character, you have zero basis for claiming that you do not like or trust my depiction of this character because ummm, read much? I literally JUST said, I love them though? Wow. Insert scoffs of incredulity here, I don’t even know how to talk to someone who thinks I don’t like a character I claimed I like just because literally everything else I say or do about them paints an opposing picture to the contrary.”
LMAO. Sorry. Had to get that off my chest. But yeah, like, I think EVERY canon Batfam writer has made a similar claim in recent years about pretty much every Batfam character, and at a certain point it starts to be like....okay, if all of you are telling the truth here, shouldn’t we see more canon evidence of like....these characters that you’re writing, like....actually even LIKING each other? At what point are we allowed to question the legitimacy of you saying oh I totes love this character, that’s why I write their family as abusing them, that’s just love, baby, that’s what it looks like.
Personally, I’d like to see more of us at least using qualifiers? I mean, I do say I don’t hate Tim, or Bruce, or any of these characters, but I get how people could be dubious about that and be all, umm, you rant about them a lot, because like...yeah. Fair. That’s a valid critique. SO its a lot more accurate for me to be like, I love 90s Tim and I just have become increasingly less enchanted with the character over the past twenty years since then, enough so that my knee-jerk reactionism to people bashing Dick’s character BECAUSE of what Dick did or didn’t do to Tim in their eyes, is like.....disinclined to view the situation or his character these days through 90s-Tim rose-colored glasses. 
Similarly, I truly don’t hate Bruce, at least not when he’s not being written as physically and emotionally abusive and/or just plain neglectful, BUT I absolutely despise the abuse apologism rampant in most fandoms, but particularly in this one, where people will make like Cirque-de-Soilei contortionists in order to prove that Bruce beating this kid or that kid isn’t actually abuse, its cuz they made him do it....rather than people just being like, no, that’s abuse right there on the page and I don’t stand for it or stan that Batman, so I have zero desire to defend that scene or his actions there from his perspective, and am totally fine with taking a seat when someone speaks up about how much they hate what Bruce did to his kid there in that scene and how it affects their read of the characters as a whole.
Its like....that too, is a thing you can do, instead of just.....trying to explain why Bruce isn’t abusive see, because what happened there wasn’t actually abuse, since it couldn’t have been, because Bruce isn’t abusive, see, he would Never.
And yet so rarely do people actually do that, and we have people literally championing themselves as members of the Good Dad Bruce Protection Squad when the frank reality is there CAN BE NO GUARANTEE of him ever and always being a Good Dad, when like....his characterization, ultimately, is dependent on how he’s written by canon writers who ARE NOT US. Which makes that desire to see him as just a good dad and nothing but a good dad always, like....not quite as understandable as it otherwise might be, and instead just kinda....willful, an admission that a lot of fans in this fandom will just flat out ignore all evidence to the contrary of this stated claim about what Bruce inherently IS, when inherently all he is happens to be a character who manifests whatever those in creative control of him choose to manifest via him. Like.....there are ways to go about that kinda thing, its just....that isn’t it. Something like “Proud member of the Keep Bruce Wayne a Good Dad Squad’ or something along those lines? I’d have ZERO issue with, because that’s ACTIONABLE, not WILLFUL. It posits not that Bruce simply IS this way and there’s no ifs, ands or buts about it, but rather that just because he isn’t this way in some instances, that doesn’t mean we have to agree with it or condone that interpretation of him, y’know?
But people are like....unwilling to make that distinction or hold that nuance a lot of the times, so my dislike of Bruce as he’s written in certain ways or by certain writers like....grows and evolves and mutates into Godzilla rampaging through downtown New York, until its understandable that people reading my blog intermittently and who don’t follow everything I say on the subject are like.....”Bold of you to claim you like lizards in this one post when I have here nine other posts where you’re just like, FEAR the murderous monster-lizard destroying New York for it is Dangerous and Fearsome. Cuz one of these things is not like the others, bud.”  
*Shrugs* Anyway, all of that’s just my allergy to Staying on Topic, so make of it what you will, hopefully you get what I mean though even if you don’t have like, the requisite Kalen-Garbled-Nonsense Secret Decoder Ring. Back to Snyder though....yeah, he can claim he likes Dick all he wants, because y’know what, Tynion says the same thing and its been well established by moi that my fondest wish for Tynion is that he be kept far, far away from Dick’s character whenever possible. And I’m pretty sure Tom King claims he loves all these characters and we’re all like HAHAHHAHA and we know Lobdell insists he loves Jason Todd and its like wow how curious then that hardly any other Jason Todd stans love you.
The ironic thing about my random bouts of ugh Snyder in a lot of posts however, is that......tbh, its not even his depiction of Dick that makes me dislike him as much as I do? LMAO. I mean, I’m not a fan of it personally, for a lot of the reasons you mentioned, but I don’t like a lot most canon writers’ depiction of Dick these days and haven’t for years. The thing I really dislike Snyder for, personally, is his depiction of Damian.
Its just.....its very Not Good, a lot of the time. Oh, there are moments here and there, but you could claim that for any writer, really, but for the most part, like.....ooof, I haven’t read Snyder’s work on Damian recently enough to really cite specific moments off the top of my head, because I’ve been avoiding anywhere he’s writing Damian for awhile now BECAUSE of it, but....a LOT of the ‘demon brat’ shit in regards to Damian comes from Snyder’s work, and like, I’m always kinda like “hey is making Demon anything the go-to nickname for a kid of Arab descent who is already compared to a terrorist enough as it is like....really the best we can do” to begin with, and Snyder absolutely 100% does not help with that.
To be fair, its not remotely like its all just on him, the stuff that has had a lot of us complaining for years about the blood son crap and the insistence on acting like there’s this stark divide between Bruce and Damian and the rest of the Bat siblings, I mean, see: Tom King again, its just. Ugh, okay, Im gonna have to get back to this in the near future with actually sourced gripes about why I think Snyder’s Damian in particular is absolute crap and could he just not, though. Because it really is my chief complaint with him, like I was never gonna be a fan of his in general just because he’s someone who's like DARK MULTIVERSE BATMAN FUCK YEAH and I’m someone who’s like DARK MULTIVERSE BATMAN UGH FUCK WHY.....lol....BUT like I mention in other posts.....its not like he’s incapable of doing decent stuff or that he’s never written anything I like, because ironically, he IS the biggest canon backer of Duke Thomas and pretty much single-handedly responsible for Duke retaining as much of a presence as he has in recent years instead of just appearing and blipping out of existence like a one-hit wonder, and that can’t be overlooked or considered inconsequential.
That just also kinda makes it all the more annoying that his Damian is so very.....objectionable to me, but yeah. Anyway, that’s the curious case of my very mixed feelings on Scott Snyder, with a side dish of generalized “lol oh, so you do in fact love this character? Well magically all my criticisms of your take on them have now disappeared!”
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