#sorry im not trying to argue i just like talking about storytelling
leoxxii · 2 years
YES kamala being a mutant instead of an inhuman doesnt really matter. but my dumb ass started caring for that circus and MAYBE im a bit sad that marketing ploys and possible petty wars between ceos ended up with said circus getting trashed!!!! maybe i want these characters to get something GOOD for once and not get treated like dogshit in some fued to sell more x-men vs sell more inhumans!!!! maybe i just want the several years worth of tv shows, shows that got me into the mcu and comics, to have had SOME impact on the larger story!! at LEAST to be able to, i dont know, have ONE inhuman show up in the background of those giant battles that happens every once in a while?? maybe i just want those years of build up to,,, go somewhere and not just fade away in favor of "well, people like this more, so the other stuff doesn't matter anymore"??
or maybe its just funny that mr maximus boltagon has been stuck on the moon for like 8 years now and kevin fiege is desperately pretending he never existed in the first place!! i dont know what my feelings are im just upset an entire faction of characters are getting sidelined because a different one would make more money.
plus my brother predicted her being a mutant instead and he wont stop bragging about it so thanks for that too 😭
#like. inhumans have really good potential!#black bolt and maximus have very similar dynamics to thor and loki so like. THEY COULD BE GOOD.#the actors are good the characters are THERE its all possible if u just. get some actual writers and directors?? good ones????#plus its like. BOTH the x men and inhumans have been so ignored in favor of the avengers#that its just gonna be weird to have EITHER spontaneously show up now#like. where the fuck where they when thanos was about to DESTROY THE UNIVERSE.#everyone just busy or smth??? charles wasnt concerned about it???? NO mutanrs decided to help???#or is kamala older than all of them and we're gonna get teenage mutants with wildly different origins#like its not a mutant vs inhumans thing to me. its a 'continuing the years of inhumans makes more storytelling sense#than throwing mutants in now and trying to figure that out instead'#the entire show felt like a build up to future inhumans PLUS black bolt return in dsmom made me hopeful!!!#like!!! sue me!!! i thought it was being laid out for us 7 inhumans fans!!! yes im a bit upset!!!!#sorry i keep seeing all these posts arguing over it and its peeving me off#i KNOW its all meaningless shit that doesnt matter and theres barely a difference between mutants and inhumans anyways#but it matters to me and i LIKE THEM so im sad everyones getting screwed over bc two old men keep arguing over what makes the most money 😭#marvel#inhumans#ms marvel spoilers#GOD i talk so much. I CARE ABOUT THEM VERY STRONGLY....
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abracazabka · 7 months
Hockey ask pt 2 bc I had this idea of Johnny ending up as a lifetime Devils player and by the time his contract his up and he can choose to sign or not, some reporter asks him if he will resign and he kind of looks at Daniel who's now like 30 and he thinks of how they've known each other since they were kids and they've known both the prettiest and ugliest parts of each other and is like, "You kidding? They'd have to pry me out of Jersey with a crowbar."
And Daniel watches the interview later and he's like, "Knew Jersey was better than New York." but the argument is so old and it doesn't even matter so Johnny's like, "Guess it grew on me." and by it he means Daniel.
Sorry for the long and hyperspecific ask asldfkj
Interviews in general are one of my favorite means of storytelling in fan works because they force characters to face themselves but also add a barrier between them and their love interest so there's this tension and AHHHH
with your first ask my answer seemed a bit lacking because tumblr deleted my responses three times!!! so that was kind of a summary, but I said in a previous version that Johnny would say stupid shit about Jersey in interviews and get into fights all over the place, but that it and Daniel would grow on him. SO WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE HEHEHE despite you clearly knowing more about hockey than me LMAO.
ough God them growing together, being on a team together to witness the good and bad, the insanity and the intimacy, OUGH! God that dialogue you wrote between them really is driving me insane because that is so very Daniel, so very Johnny.
Yes there's the barrier of an interviewer being there but also, Johnny just has these reservations despite being a strike first guy! Oh, Daniel, please PLEASE I am begging you to look into your teammate's eyes and see that he means YOU have grown on him. and you're not kids anymore and you should think about the future (the sports journalism scandal in the making about you two being lovers, of course)
I also talked about New Yorker Johnny in a response tumblr deleted. It was mostly in the lens of making fun of him for still being a baby about the cold despite being a New Yorker and a hockey player (and I was talking about Daniel keeping him warm, WHATEVER HAHA) but I mention New Yorker Johnny because of what you said about him becoming so attached to New Jersey.
A moot and I simply love shoving Johnny into Newark especially, because the LaRussos are there! If Johnny really does become a fixture in the Devils team and Daniel and Johnny grow to appreciate and depend on each other after the rocky, often bloody start, I'm sure the LaRussos get to watch Daniel and Johnny cutely play ice hockey at local rinks (heavily bundled up with their famous faces hidden by scarves of course) when Johnny inevitably follows Daniel back home like a lost puppy.
There is something in me that always goes fucking nuts when Johnny finds a place of belonging. He is my special guy and I love torturing him but not more than I love tenderly placing him in a loving environment. New Jersey fights him and he fights it, but ultimately he fits into the state and the team and into a role where he and Daniel are so so very close. Ahhh!!!
Though, Johnny still argues the merits of New York over Jersey. He takes Daniel all the time, even if they probably end up living in Jersey...together 😈 hehehe when they retire and the world's a little kinder, they will be the cutest famous couple, I'm telling you. Yeah I'm jumping the gun with the ~romance~ but whatever, sue me. I'm crazy about them.
Thank you anon!!! Who knew hockey could make Johnny into a New Jersey boy? I'm indebted to you. <3
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
okay first off i am sorry for the uproar i started about red lights (i forgot to mark my emoji)
okay so i was in the middle of reading another 30k fic when i saw the notification and had to stop everything and scream; your way of world building and storytelling is absolutely insane
like i said, yongbok is really starting to become the new hannah. his feelings are blatantly obvious now, and i get that he may be hurt- but he has no right to talk to/ act that way towards y/n. i feel like yongbok is terrified of things changing and refuses to grow up. he doesn’t hate hyunjin, just hates the fact that he isn’t the center of y/n’s world anymore. during their fight, he was saying a lot of words, but i feel like he didn’t communicate his feelings properly/ coherently enough for them to make sense and for y/n to understand. if he wants the security and reassurance he’s asking for, he needs to be vocal about it. he can’t just argue and act passive aggressively and expect y/n to get the memo. and him leaving y/n at the candy shop ESPECIALLY pissed me off. he was the one asking y/n to tell him how she pulled it off, then got pissy when he found out the truth. i also feel like this hurt his pride cause it told him that hyunjin really is a genuine guy and yongbok didn’t really have a valid reason to hate him- so he wrongfully took that anger out on y/n. it breaks my heart that y/n put so much work and love into his birthday, only for him to spend the time arguing and accusing her not caring enough. yongbok has also probably figured out y/n’s feelings, meaning that everything he did afterwards (stealing y/n on the train and making her come with him when hyunjin was trying to talk to her) was him consciously sabotaging the potential relationship, which also rubbed me the wrong way. a very common thing in this story is y/n letting everyone walk over her and the two people i never expected that from was hyunjin and yongbok. and while i hate his actions, this really showed how good of a writer you are. it shows how his character isn’t one-demensional, and that he has thoughts and emotions outside of being the “social butterfly sunshine”
on the other hand i am really proud of hannah. even though she wasn’t involved to too much this chapter, i feel like her few scenes show who she really is and her real intentions. especially by her apologizing in chapter 8 and helping y/n get ready, you can tell that she really does want the best for y/n- even if her actions don’t always reflect that. i also feel like she knows of the feelings, or is atleast getting there; and i see her becoming a supportive pillar for y/n in helping her get the confidence she needs to believe that hyunjin likes her as well.
yeonjun oh my god, ily. his and y/n’s banter is really sweet, and you can just FEEL how much they’ve missed and needed eachother. (which makes me pissed at felix again because of how selfish he’s being and not considering yeonjuns feelings but that’s for another time) especially with felix no longer being a reliable figure for y/n, im happy she has someone who she can feel completely open with (besides hyunjin cause he’s kinda the problem rn) you can tell that she really needed someone to listen and comfort her, and i really hope yeonjun stays a constant throughout the rest of the story
AND FINALLY, the convo at the end with chan made my heart swell so much. the fact that he’s told his band mates all the way back in the city about her, just shows how much he’s fallin for her.
thankyou so much for continuing to update this story and for responding to all these asks. your writing is truly something beautiful and i’m so happy that you are doing it professionally. make sure to let us know when your book goes out on pre-order, cause i promise i will be one of the first to buy and read it. hope you have an amazing night🫶🫶
also this is really scaring me so i am going to politely ask for an angst rating for chapter 10
hii 🥺 oh it was YOU who brought up red lights hahahaha. well….you’re in the right direction so
i loved reading what you felt about yongbok, its so accurate and true to his character. he definitely has this side to him, instead of the usual “social butterfly sunshine” and he definitely did get angrier realizing he was probably wrong about hyunjin’s character, since hyunjin’s intentions with the birthday gift planning were extremely genuine, and even he could see that.
he is also acting out to not being the center of her world, which is sad but he definitely needs a better way to communicate without being hurtful :(
hana, in her head, is doing everything right for yn, and is being a wonderful friend. its interesting because you can see how her actions could be helpful, but the way she goes about them or expresses herself can be extremely…out there.
im so happy you liked yeonjun being there. he is the friend yn needs and they did miss each other so much, which is sad too considering their friendship was broken up for nothing. hyun’s convo with chan, the savior for the angst in that part 🙏🏻 he definitely is falling for her (or already has but does not realise it yet)
thank you so so much for this review. i love you for sending me all your thoughts. these kind of messages really keep me going and keep me inspired :(
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sarah-sandwich · 3 years
"I need a hug" please and thank you!
Hi friend! Here it is! Remind me to never commit to a fic a day for an entire week again lmao
Happy last day of National Storyteller Week to everyone who creates or consumes stories! Jump over to my ao3 for 5 ridiculous parkner fics 👌✨💛
Peter, no
He probably should have clued in sooner, a lot sooner.
Him and Peter have been attached at the hip for three years, ever since Peter ran into the lab in the middle of a video call with Tony, shouted something about an arm-wrestling tournament with the Avengers, and begged, “You gotta come trash talk them for me! Please, Mr. Stark! No one roasts as good as you!” Then, after receiving Tony’s resigned agreement, exclaimed, “I’m gonna dislocate Captain America’s shoulder!” turned tail and sprinted back out, ignoring Tony’s, “Peter, no!”
It was over in under a minute but he was bewitched.
“Who was that? And why haven’t I met him?”
“I’ve been avoiding this day,” Tony said in a world-weary tone. “You’re either going to hate each other or get on like a house fire. Either way, I’ll never know peace again.”
In usual Tony Stark fashion, he was right.
He thought he’d seen every side of Peter there is. He’s seen him soft and sleepy under the blue glow of the television. He’s seen him wired and manic as he pursues a project on little to no sleep. He’s seen him broken and bleeding in more ways than he cares to count. He’s seen him laughing until he cries, crying so hard the only thing he can do is cry with him, too exhausted to feed himself, too angry to speak, and he’s been there when he’s on the cusp of dropping dead from embarrassment (usually pointing and laughing but hey, somebody’s gotta keep him humble).
He knows him like he knows his sister, like he knows his mom, like he knows himself.
His point is, it shouldn’t have taken this camping trip to put the pieces together. Realization shouldn’t have hit him like a log to the face when Peter rolled up the sleeves of his borrowed flannel and suddenly he couldn’t breathe for wanting to kiss him stupid.
Well, stupider.
A moment later, Peter picked up the bag of tent poles like they weighed nothing and somehow managed to dump them all over the side of the road like a can of pick-up-sticks.
It’s gonna be a long weekend.
“What’s this thing for again?” Peter asks, raising his arms high over his head to hold up the long swath of fabric two times his height.
“It’s a rain fly, Peter. It keeps out the rain.”
“It’s not supposed to rain. Trust me, Aunt May checked the weather like 50 times before she would let me leave.”
“We still need it.”
“But why? We could sleep under the stars.”
“It traps in heat.”
“Sounds like another tally in the cons column. It’s hot as fuck, dude.”
“Not tonight it won’t be. Temperature fluctuates a lot in the mountains, especially when the sun goes down.”
“Temperature fluctuates in the mountains,” Peter repeats mockingly.
Harley stops what he’s doing. “If you really wanna sleep under the stars I don’t have to share my tent. Enjoy the skeeters.”
“You love me too much to leave me to sleep with the wildlife,” Peter says, voice muffled from under the rain fly as he attempts to drape it over the erected tent.
His heart skips. Does he know? Has he been that obvious even while oblivious to his own feelings? Did Peter figure it out before he did? Has he been graciously not saying anything about his huge undeniable crush while—
Peter squawks and tumbles forward, the tent collapsing under him with a snap that echoes through the trees. The rain fly flutters over him like a burial shroud.
“Please tell me whatever just broke was a part of you.”
“Uhh, sorry.”
He sighs. He’s in love with an idiot.
The tent leans a little to the left when they’re done with it but he’s pretty sure it’ll hold up through the night. Just in case, they limit how often they go in and out of it (which, in his opinion, is the way it should be done regardless).
A breeze rustles the trees, scattering pine needles as birds chitter and small unseen wildlife scurries around the underbrush. He breathes in deep, savoring the scent of dirt, pine, and fresh air. He’s been in the city far too long.
Peter stands with his hands on his hips, dirt crusted on the knees of his jeans, his borrowed flannel pulling tight across his chest as he watches a puffy white cloud scoot by with a befuddled expression.
He turns to Harley. “So umm, now what?”
He shrugs. “Whatever you want. You’re the one who’s never done this before?”
Peter stares at him blankly.
“Right. Forgot who I was talking to.” He shakes his head and walks over to the car with a sigh. “This way, city boy. It’s time you learned to fish.”
“Sounds smelly.”
“Mmm.” He pops the trunk and pulls out two fishing rods—one old and dinged up, the other brand-spankin-new—and he passes them to Peter so he can grab the tackle box and a white plastic bucket with a lid on it.
“And slimy,” Peter continues, wrinkling his nose at the bold ‘WORMS’ printed on the side of the white bucket.
“That it is, but there aren’t any rats and no one has pissed on the place you need to sit so it’s automatically better than anything the city has to offer.”
“We’ll see about that,” Peter grumbles.
“Y’know,” Harley drawls lazily, eyes half-lidded as he watches Peter jump from rock to rock along the shoreline, “usually when people are lookin’ to catch a fish they cast their line into the water rather than leavin’ it on the ground.”
“Oh is that how it’s done? I had no idea,” Peter says, stooping down to peer into a small pool sequestered away from the rest of the body of water. “What do tadpoles look like?”
“Uh, little squirmy guys.”
“Very descriptive, thank you.”
“Mhmm. Anytime, darlin’.”
Peter looks up at him, eyes narrowed and he jolts under the sudden scrutiny.
“What?” he asks. He always calls him darling. It’s just a thing he says—a southern thing. So what if over the years he’s stopped using the name for anyone else? It doesn’t mean anything. It’s not weird.
“Are you falling asleep?” Peter asks.
“Pfft, no,” he says. The sun is deliciously warm, seeping into his skin and turning his bones to butter as the katydids buzz and birds sing. A warm breeze ruffs his hair and he finds himself blinking slowly.
“Dude, you’re totally falling asleep.” Peter grins playfully and hopscotches across the rocks back to him as he teases, “You know, usually when someone wants to catch a fish, they do it while they’re awake.”
“I am awake, dummy.”
“Not for much longer.” He comes to a stop at his side and tweaks the brim of his hat. “Look at you. You’re like an old man falling asleep in his recliner in front of the big game.”
“Napping is a perfectly respectable part of fishing,” he argues.
Peter throws back his head and laughs. Backed by blue sky and thickly forested mountain, sunlit from above, he’s never looked better.
Should he tell him? Is now the time? He can’t imagine living like this—knowing how he feels but bottling it up and keeping it a secret from his best friend.
Then again—
His fishing rod dips and he sits up with a start, hands already moving for the reel.
“Woah, is that a fish?” Peter exclaims, peering into the lake.
“Sure hope so. Can’t imagine what else it’d—,”
“Can I pull it in?” Peter asks, bouncing on the balls of his feet like an excitable puppy.
“No, you if wanna get a fish you have to put in the work.”
“What work? Laying around half-asleep?”
“Yeah, exactly. I’ll let you take it off the line, how ‘bout that?”
“Eh, that’s okay. I’m good.”
He wrestles the fish out of the lake, a bass about two hands long, and then holds the flopping fish, hooked through the lip, out to Peter.
“There you go. Just pop that puppy off the hook and toss ‘im back in.”
“Wait, you don’t even keep the fish?”
“What would I do with a fish?”
“…eat it?”
“That’s a whole song and dance I ain’t got the tools or the patience for. Just grab the fish, Pete. Preferably before it suffocates.”
Peter makes an unhappy sound in his throat but reaches for the fish. Just as his fingers brush the scales, the fish gives a mighty wiggle and Peter flinches back towards the lake.
“Eep!” Peter squeaks and goes into the water with a splash.
Harley hunches over, laughing his head off as Peter sits up, water streaming down his face and dripping from his hair.
“I hate you.” Slipping and sliding in the muck, he makes his way through the mid-thigh deep water, back to dry land, and then keeps walking past Harley and up the hill to the trail that will lead him back to camp.
All the while Harley laughs and laughs, taking a moment to free the fish back into the lake before he sits down and tips his face to the sun, chuckling and committing to memory the way Peter’s soaked jeans and flannel clung all over his body.
“I still don’t see why—,”
“Shush,” Peter snaps, frowning in concentration over the tiny flame he’s been babying to life for the past fifteen minutes.
He sighs. He tried to convince him to wait until supper for a campfire meal but Mr. Eager Beaver insisted on trying his hand at it now. Had they made sandwiches they’d be done by now and could be hiking. But no. Peter wants to play Boy Scout so they’re going to sit here and starve until he gets a fire built just to spend five minutes roasting hot dogs and then have to put it out again.
To make matters worse, Peter’s no longer wearing his shirt since it got soaked in the lake. He’d gotten attached to how he looks in his clothes. Now he’s wearing on one of his standard nerd-pun tees and a wrinkly pair of khaki cargo shorts and he’s going to have to convince him to at least put on long socks before they hike or he’s going to risk getting poison ivy or poison oak all over his calves and ankles.
“There it goes! There it goes!” Peter exclaims, sitting up tall and motioning at him to look at the little flame as it eats up the pile of twigs and tinder.
“Very good, dear,” he says dryly. “Now see if you can keep it going with some real wood.”
Peter cocks his head at him. “Was that a double-entendre?”
“Why on earth would I imply that we should put a part of my human anatomy in the fire, Peter?”
“I don’t know,” he murmurs, squatting beside the fire as he breaks up a stick. “Dick jokes are funny.”
“You’re a child.”
“And yet you— Shit!” He flinches back from the fire and falls on his backside.
He comes alert with a spike of adrenaline, rushing forward to— to— pat out flames with his bare hands? He doesn’t know. “What happened?” he demands, checking Peter over for damage and finding nothing, not a burn or singe in sight.
Still sprawled on the ground, Peter looks up at him through his eyelashes with an embarrassed grimace. “I don’t want to say.”
“But you’re okay?”
“Yeah,” he sits up cross-legged and rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
He stares down at him as he looks down in his lap. “You’re really not going to tell me what just happened? I already saw you fall in a lake because you were scared of a fish. It can’t be worse than that.”
Peter looks up, neck crimped and mouth screwed into an unhappy pucker. “I thought something was on me but it was just the grass.”
Harley stares. “So, you thought a bug was on you.”
“Yeah. I’m starting to think I’m not cut out for this place.”
What has he gotten himself into?
Peter hasn’t stopped chattering about everything under the sun since they left camp. And considering where they are, there’s a lot to chatter about. From bugs to birds to types of trees and identifying clouds, he’s heard it all. It’s why he’s not paying attention to the path like he should, too busy watching the way Peter waves his hands animatedly as he rambles, the way the sun lights his eyes and makes his hair shine, the way his lips shape the words.
He hasn’t taken in a word he’s said for the past twenty minutes but he’s watched him with rapt attention while his mind churns through his options. He’s not one to ignore something once he knows about it. He doesn’t want to keep this a secret. There’s no reason to. It’s nothing shameful and if Peter doesn’t reciprocate then… well, nothing changes, right? He’s fine with that. Best friends is still good. Great, even.
But if Peter does reciprocate…
His breathing quickens at the thought. How did he not notice this ridiculous crush sooner? It’s like something has been awakened inside him and now it refuses to shut up and go back to sleep. He gravitates towards Peter like an orbiting moon. He’s a moth to Peter’s beam of light. Helpless under the thrall.
Peter suddenly looks right at him. “—you know what I mean?”
“Huh?” His foot lands wrong and rolls over a root. His ankle screams out and then he’s dropping as it gives out.
“Woah!” Peter catches him, one arm around his back and the other fisted into his shirt at his shoulder. His brain goes offline, only processing the way Peter is pressed against him, the way his face is angled over him like he’s on the verge of dipping him into a kiss, the way neither of them moves or speaks, staring instead with startled realization.
He thinks he imagines it when Peter’s eyes dilate but then they fix on his lips and there’s no way he’s imagining that.
Lights flash in his head and he forgets to breathe as they hang suspended in time.
Then Peter bites his lip and his cheeks flush dark pink as he yanks Harley upright.
He stumbles, unprepared, and his ankle gives out a second time.
Peter catches him by the elbows babbling, “Oh my God, I’m sorry! Are you okay? I didn’t mean to—,”
“I’m fine. I…” The rest of the sentence vanishes from his tongue as he looks into Peter’s eyes. He loves his eyes—warm and affectionate, they always give him away. Whether they’re bright with curiosity, sparkling with delight, wide with embarrassment, or narrowed in anger, he’s an open book. That’s why the look in his eyes now gives him pause. He’s never seen it before—or maybe it’s been there all along but he hasn’t noticed until now.
They’re dark and focused like he’s seeing through him into his soul and likes what he sees so much he wants to eat him alive.
His heart thunders as he lifts a hand to Peter’s cheek. This is it. This is the moment he tells him and finds out where they’re going to go next.
Peter’s eyes go wide and he swallows thickly, but then his gaze shifts beyond him and he freezes except to carefully grab his forearm in a too-tight grip.
“Bear,” Peter breathes.
His awareness of their surrounding returns so suddenly it hurts. Birds sing, bugs buzz and chirp, somewhere nearby a creek burbles, and behind him on the path, something scuffs the ground and then snorts and sniffs harshly.
“No,” he says quietly. No, he refuses to allow this to be his reality. This cannot be happening. He won’t allow this to happen.
“Harley, bear,” Peter repeats, grip tightening.
Oh my God, this is happening.
“Don’t run,” he says in an undertone. “You’re not supposed to run.”
“We gotta run.”
“Peter, no.”
“Harley, there’s a fucking bear.”
“Listen to me—,”
“I’m gonna grab you—,”
“—we gotta stay still and—,”
“I’ll carry you and—,”
“—non-threatening so—,”
“I’m going to get you up a tree and then—,”
“—it won’t chase us.”
“—the bear will chase me.”
“It’ll be fine.”
He waits in the tree for over an hour, ankle throbbing, sick to his stomach with worry, wondering if he’ll ever see the idiot he stupidly fell in love with ever again. Even if he didn’t get eaten by the bear, he’s no good out here in the woods. He could be lost. He could be too hurt to move. He could be—
—covered in what smells like animal shit and standing balefully at the base of the tree.
“I need a hug,” Peter says, voice small.
“Did you—,”
“I did what needed to be done.”
“So that’s—,”
“Don’t say it. Do you need help getting down?”
“I’ll figure it out. Don’t touch me.”
“That’s fair. I’ll be in the lake. Will you bring me all of the soap and soap-like products we own?”
“Yeah. Gimme a minute.”
“Thanks, Harley.”
I love you. I’m glad you’re not dead. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t come back. My life wouldn’t be the same without you in it. You’re everything I want.
“You’re an idiot,” he says.
Peter nods. “Yeah.”
“Black bears can run 35 miles per hour,” he says conversationally. They’re sprawled on a blanket while the fire crackles nearby (but not too close, they’ve had enough disasters for one day). His foot is propped on the tackle box, elevating his ankle and Peter is beside him, flat on his back staring up at the stars through the trees, close enough that their arms brush.
“Trust me, I know.”
“They can also climb trees,” he continues reading from his phone. “You should never climb a tree to avoid a bear.”
“If a bear notices you, stay calm. Most bears don’t want to attack you.”
“Dude, I get it.”
“Move away slowly and sideways. Do not run. Do not climb a tree.”
Peter snatches the phone out of his hands and sits up. “I panicked, okay? I can’t lose you! I had to get you out of there.”
He goes still, the crackling of the fire and the crickets the only sound in the night.
“Say again?”
“Don’t,” Peter says harshly, still holding his phone far out of reach. “Don’t make fun of me about this one. You don’t get it, okay?”
This isn’t how he expected this to happen. Hyper aware of his heart beating in his chest, he asks, “What don’t I get?”
“I was terrified.”
“And you think I wasn’t?”
“Not in the way I was. I was— It was like— It was like if anything happened to you, nothing would be okay ever again. I don’t—,” He pulls in a deep breath, chest heaving as his eyes shine uncommonly bright in the firelight. “I don’t know. You’re— Ever since we met things have just felt right and good in a way they hadn’t before and I’ve already lost so many people and then you were in danger and I couldn’t do nothing. I couldn’t.”
“Okay,” he says gently, sitting upright and scooting over on the blanket. “Okay.” He takes the phone and sets it aside then takes Peter’s hand in both of his. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m okay.”
“I think I’m in love with you,” Peter says miserably, sniffing and wiping his eyes with the back of his free hand. “I think I have been for a long time.”
“Well, that’s lucky because I think I’m in love with you too.”
“You— What?”
“Mhmm. Since at least this morning.”
Peter stares at him. His lips twitch. “This morning? For real? Are you teasing me?”
“A hundred percent serious. It hit me right before you dumped my tent poles all over 36th street. Unrelated, you should wear my clothes more often.” He pauses and then says, “I think today was the universe asking me if I was sure I wanted to be tied down to your dumb ass for the rest of forever.”
“And?” Peter asks, eyes wide in the firelight.
“Yeah,” he says, smoothing a curl away from his forehead. “I’m sure.”
Peter leans in and kisses him, soft and quick. “Is that okay?”
Heart in his mouth, he says, “I think you can do better.”
Peter laughs and smooths his thumb over his cheekbone. “I love you.”
“I love you too, darlin’.”
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dessarious · 4 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt94
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Marinette could honestly say she hadn’t been this relaxed since before she became Ladybug. She was leaning against Chloe as they sat on the couch while Selina asked them and Luka questions about themselves. At least when she and Damian weren’t trading barbs. It was so… normal in a way. She didn’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing and outing herself. She wasn’t waiting for the next Akuma attack or worrying about keeping everyone around her calm so they weren’t the next victim. She wasn’t hiding anything from the people in this room and that made all the difference.
“Oh I assure you there is nothing more entertaining than watching Tim try and explain a cold case to the toaster at three in the morning.” Selina’s eyes were shining with repressed laughter but Damian rolled his eyes.
“If by entertaining you mean pathetic. But if that’s your gauge for entertaining I vote the time Todd shot himself because he was doing target practice and forgot to switch out his rubber bullets with live ammo.”
“I think I missed that one.”
“I still have the tape if you want to watch. Watching him fire off five rounds and then scream like a little girl as they come back at him is well worth the time.” Selina was still laughing when there was a knock at the door.
“It’s probably Daddy coming to lecture me about something.” Chloe sounded resigned and Marinette’s temper flared.
“I’ll handle it. He won’t risk pissing off Bruce Wayne’s fiance.” Selina jerked the door open before blinking in surprise at the person on the other side. “Can I help you?”
“I’m here to talk to Chloe.” Marinette looked at Chloe in confusion and saw a matching, slightly more pissed off, expression as she recognized Adrien’s voice. As far as she knew they hadn’t talked since Chloe transferred. When Selina looked back and raised an eyebrow Chloe hesitated before nodding. Marinette could feel the tension radiating off of her. Adrien stepped past the woman and stopped immediately. It was obvious he hadn’t expected so many people.
“What do you want Agreste?” The open hostility in her tone caused Marinette to wince. Even if it was his own actions that ultimately led to the rift she still felt bad that she was the focal point that made them both lose their oldest friend.
“Can we talk in private?” He wouldn’t look anyone in the eye and his tone was off. Chloe must have heard it too.
“Anything you have to say to me can be said in front of everyone here.” He looked like he was going to argue, but ended up letting out an irritated sigh.
“Fine. I need your help to get in contact with Ladybug.” Marinette tensed and she felt Chloe’s arms tighten around her.
“Absolutely not.” Adrien actually glared at her.
“Why do you want to contact Ladybug?” He transferred his glare to her and Marinette could feel a growl starting in Chloe’s chest. She pinched the other girl’s arm as a warning. She had no idea who Chat Noir had been and Marinette didn’t want to risk Adrien recognizing Plagg’s influence.
“It’s personal.” Marinette actually shuddered. She honestly didn’t think she could deal with him coming on to her without physically assaulting him at this point.
“If you won’t say what you want I’m not going to bother Ladybug about it. She’s got more than enough to deal with without your nonsense.” Chloe’s imperious tone was a front and Marinette studied Adrien as he pouted at the floor. It wasn’t what she expected though she couldn’t say exactly why.
“Look, I get that you all hate me because my father turned out to be Hawkmoth.”
“No one here hates you because of that Adrien.” She tried to make her voice gentle but she could hear the strain in it.
“No, we hate you because you are a self serving asshole with no real concept of empathy.” Everyone in the room frowned at Damian. He wasn’t wrong, it was just a bit hypocritical for him of all people to be pointing that out.
“I need to talk to Ladybug to see if she can help my mother. For some reason when Nathalie told her about my father she forgot to mention that my mother was never actually missing. She’s in a secret room, in a coma because of the Peafowl Miraculous. She only told me after she was certain Father wasn’t going to get out on bail.” He mumbled the words to the floor and just about everyone inhaled sharply at the information. Yeah, all she’d told them was that Gabriel was trying to get his wife back.
“So what, you think Ladybug will let you make the wish your father wanted?” Chloe sounded more confused than hostile at least.
“No. I’m well aware she won’t risk that. She might be able to help her though since it was a Miraculous that caused the damage. That or she might know someone who can. Either way I have to try.” He sounded so… lost. For all he’d made her life miserable, on both sides of the mask, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He’d lost everything.
“We’ll make sure your message gets to her.” Marinette felt Chloe tense behind her again and started rubbing soothing circles into her forearm. This was something she needed to do, and not for Adrien. The truth was that Mme. Agreste didn’t deserve to continue to suffer because of the things her husband or son did.
“Thank you. And Damian could you have your father contact me when it’s convenient?” Damian just scowled at him.
“My mother was never declared legally dead and she has her own shares in Gabriel. Given everything, if she wakes she’ll likely want to sell them. If she doesn’t they’ll go to me and I certainly don’t want anything to do with the company.”
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hongism · 4 years
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okay hi. so. first of all this incredible and stunning banner was made by the talented and lovely @hobiance​! the banner at the bottom was made by the equally talented and lovely thot @franklytae​, and i’m so so grateful to both of them for helping me out with this and am really touched to have their creations on this post. now. it is absolutely unreal that i am making this post. it’s crazy to see how my blog and i have grown in the past year and a half, and im so grateful for every single one of you who follows me, whether you are an active follower or not. also this is absolutely insane because in just six months you all have made my following nearly quadruple and that’s absolutely bonkers on so many levels. while 2020 has been tumultuous for us all, i cannot argue the fact that it has been my best year on tumblr so far. 
i have been able to meet so many fantastic people, grow friendships, grow my skills as a writer, gain confidence, and i have found friendships that are so treasured and valuable in so many ways. i’m really so so grateful for this platform and for the opportunity to share my work here with you all.
i really don’t know how to verbalize how i’m feeling because on one hand, followers are just a number and it’s unimportant in the long run. on the other hand i truly am grateful for every single one off you and i want you to know how grateful i am. but i really don’t want this to be about me because i really wouldn’t be on tumblr still without the people i’ve met along the way. through tumblr i have found lifelong friends who are beautiful inside and out and i will never stop being grateful to know them and walk this path alongside them. it’s truly a blessing and i feel so so lucky to get to know them. cue the ridiculously long tags of people whom i love and cherish so so much. i apologize in advance because no matter how many times i stare at this post and try to remember and get every single person who is valuable to me, i know i will inevitable forget someone so i am very very sorry if i miss anyone.
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓂𝓊𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@hobicomeholla29 @thatmultifandomhoe @yoongi-sugaglider @strawbxxymilk @meowxyoong @blondenamjin​ @dee-ehn​ @a-tiny-8iny​ @atiny-dazzlinglight​ @atiny-piratequeen​ @atiny-wooyoung​ @kesmonster​ @theredcarat​ @enchantedyeo​ @seonghwabrainworms​ @jintobean​ @jinterlude​ @joonsrack​ @moonmintrails​ @inkedxclouds​ @koophoriia​ @kimcritique​ @moonpjms​ @daechwlta​ @suhdays​ @ppersonna​ @vivpurple7​ @ironicarmy​ @joopiterjoon​ @btsxdoll​ @btsbiaswreckedwriting​ @minniepetals​ @chillingtae​ @searchingtae​ @ladyartemesia​ @staerrylights​ and many others who i literally cannot for the life of me remember right when it’s important aoifdjjioejsoi some of you guys i only really talk to on discord, but i think that’s where i talk to people the most anyways. i know im really bad at following people so i may miss a few of you here and there, but know that our friendship through tumblr and discord is so valuable and important to me and im grateful for all of you 💕
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@yolokoo​ @franklytae
hhhhh you two little shits honestly i know i won’t be able to tell the two of you how much you mean to me because words are Hard. still i am so so lucky to know the two of you and so so lucky to be able to be friends with you two. y’all know i would swing so fucking hard for you that i would dislocate a shoulder but it would be worth in. i love you both so so much and know that no matter what paths we all take in life, i will always be here to support you and cheer you on along the way
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝓀𝑒𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓇𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@hobiance @miamorjoon​
lainey within ten minutes of meeting you on discord i married you iajoidfoisdjfo. honestly that’s the boldest i’ve ever been, but i’m really grateful that i stepped out of my comfort zone and interacted with you because if not i would be missing out on such a crazy crackhead amazing friendship that’s filled with rats and roaches and annoying atlas bc we love her. sometimes it’s scary how similar we are but i love our late night crazy music sessions and your passion for cowboys 🐀🤠
atlas i honestly do Not remember how we met aoidjfoij pls don’t be offended i don’t remember how i meet anyone. i only remember meeting lainey because she reminded me of it the other day. but anyways i am super glad that we started talking because you’re one of tha craziest wackiest zackiest ladiez i’ve ever met and you really unleash the inner crazy in me (in a good way i swear). even though you tell me to shut up most of the time, you are seriously one of my fav writers out there and so knowing you and being your friend is seriously w o a h and a blessing for sure 🐀
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@jamaisjoons @honeymoonjin @ddaenggtan @cest-la-tae​ @bangtiddies​ @mygsii @mindays @luxekook @floralsuga 
oh god i hope im not forgetting anyone hhafhiuehisuda oKAY you each are super duper special to me in your own special way and i could sit here for literally hours and ramble on about how much i love each of you. the basic fact of the matter is that each of you have impacted me and my life in some way.
sol, sora, bette - i am so lucky to have been able to meet you and work alongside you and talk to you daily. it’s normally extremely hard to work with friends or make friends through work, but i got so lucky with you guys and am so blessed to get to talk to each of you and know you ((special thanks to sol for Obey Me and 7 demon daddies)) ((another special thanks to backbone bette for having the courage to speak up when no one else does)) ((one more super special thanks to miss sora who is the kindest and sweetest ball of uwu i’ve ever known and Stan the Man the Icon and the limbless basketball game story remains Iconic))
dAIJA gahhh im so lucky to know you, you are such a valuable and incredible friend. you have a huge heart and you’re always looking out for other people. as much as i love screaming about hyunjin and victon with you, i really love just getting to chat with you in general because you’re so sweet and loving :ragecry:
e m i omg i wish i could remember when we first started talking bc i feel like it was some crackhead energy but honestly i feel like we have that crackhead energy 24/7. i really love listening to your stories because you have such a knack for storytelling which duh of course you do you’re an actress you know how to tell a story, but also you are just fun and exciting to get to talk to.
renae my lovely spiritual girlfriend you are such a wholesome sweet soul on every level w o w you have a heart of gold and you are so talented and wonderful as well, truly the whole package and a half, and you are such a good friend. somehow i only recently found out that you’re a multi but having listening parties with you (even if discord doesn’t tell us we’re listening together) is so fun and i just love chatting with you
reese omg i dont appreciate how you attack me with jisung and hyunjin but we are linked because we both switched to jungkook urls aoijsdfoij you’re such a fun person to talk to and i love getting to talk to you more and getting to know you better because you’re so sweet and loving and have a love of tea that rivals emi’s and mine which is crazy
monday mondayyyyyyy omg i remember the first time we talked was in a kakao chat about the flower shop story and i was Shook because i loVE your works and you were talking about how you liked mine and i was internally p a n i c k so bad ajflkjflk but after that we started getting to know each other better and we started the bee gang then we bonded over piercings and honestly you are just such a cool gal. like wow a queen. idek what else to say other than you are so cool i wish i was half as cool as you asoifjiof but really ily lots uwu
and last but really absolutely not least, mr. beau. wow i feel like it’s been such a long time since we met and started talking to each other. you were one of the very first people i talked to on tumblr, and you welcomed me so swiftly and with open arms. i know i can really rely on you and trust you, you are such a valuable friend, and i love being able to talk with you. i am so beyond proud of you, i know both alex and i are so so proud and happy for you, and i am so proud to be able to watch you grow into the person you are and deadass im crying rn just because im so proud and lucky to have been able to talk with you and help you. you know things about me that no one else does hehe and you are truly such a valuable and wonderful friend on so many levels. i will always always always be able to say that i am proud to be your friend and proud to know you 🤧
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thegeminisage · 4 years
hey liz i've been thinking a lot about story structure lately and i wanted your take on how you decide what structure your stories will have? i know there's that "you have to do what your story needs and tells you to do" thing but these bitches dont ever tell me anything they just multiply so. thoughts? - bma
(as an aside, i don't know whether involving medium would change many things but it may be worth considering. mainly i think medium is just a matter of arrangement and that the story would be for most intents and purposes the same no matter how you choose to tell it. i guess you could argue that structure is arrangement in itself and intrinsically tied to medium but i sort of feel like it is secondary arrangement, if at all? like if you consider time as an element to outline -- the time IN the story (how things happen to your characters) is not necessarily the time you’re telling the story IN (how you are telling your reader that things are happening) aka internal chronology doesnt equal your work’s pacing? or should it??? does this make sense? i dont think so. i am sorry.) - bma :|
NOOO dont be sorry ur making total sense
i think there’s 3 thots to unpack here (medium, structure, & chronology) & i’m gonna start with medium bc it’s easier. im also putting it behind a cut bc it’s gonna get just stupidly long and rambly. i’m sorry in advance if it’s not helpful to you, i have a lot to say for someone who has never taken even one single class on writing and as a result doesn’t know jack shit (there’s a tl;dr at the end dont worry)
about MEDIUM: 
so like ok i’m just some goof-off with a HS degree who writes fanfiction but In My Very Super Qualified Personal Opinion, i don’t think that most of the time medium is intrinsically tied to STRUCTURE of the main storytelling arc...i think the art of storytelling itself is distinct from the medium you choose to tell the story IN. this post puts it better than i ever could but basically for me, i feel like the story itself is sort of the raw, malleable concept, and the medium you choose to tell it in is how you convey the information??
like in a book, you can say “she forgot her keys” and in a film you have to show her smacking her forehead, heading back into the house, and swiping her keeps off the counter. you can’t TELL in film, you have to show. similarly i regret every day i cannot perfectly describe a facial expression with words when i see it so clearly in my head. for audio-only podcasts that are dialogue heavy out of necessity you have different limitations than you would for, say, animated music videos with no dialogue at all. games allow for more interactivity and exploration while sacrificing accessibility, tv shows allow for more length while sacrificing, uh, a big hollywood budget...medium affects the kind of story you can reasonably tell which is why some stories are better suited to one medium than another. i think trying things in other mediums is a good way to stretch your storytelling muscles but with enough skill nearly any story could be told in any medium. i think when trying to decide on a medium you just gotta weigh the pros & cons and what you feel comfortable with/what you think would be most effective/what would evoke the strongest reaction
re: structure:
firstly “do what the story tells u to do” is a little silly like...the story isn’t sentient. come on. that’s like “i can only write when the writing gods inspire me” there are no writing gods! inspire yourself! it’s all in our weird messed up brains! ok anyway.
this is, again, just how i do things, and i am 700% self-taught so take it with a grain of salt, but when i sit down and start blocking out a story from scratch i don’t...actually consider the big structure at all! sorry if that’s not helpful to you. i like to make a list of everything i want to happen, and then put it together in a few different orders to see what looks best. and when i’m finished, whatever i have just like...IS the structure i go with, with perhaps minor tinkering to make it flow more smoothly. (i think this might be in the same spirit as “do what the story tells you” with less bullshit and more Agency Of The Writer.)
for long and more complex projects, i actually usually have several lists - one list of stuff that is, for example, the Action Plot (the kingdom has been cursed, i’m tracking down my serial killer sister to bring her to justice, i’m running from djinn who wanna kill my dad, i’m trying to bring my dead not-boyfriend back to life). then i have another list for Character A & Character B’s romance or whatever. and maybe a even another one for solo character development (magicphobic prince learns to love magic, former werewolf hunter figures out his family is a cult, half-demon learns to embrace his own nature). and as many lists as we need for however many Main Characters and or Plots/Sideplots
how i order the lists: individually first. don’t mix them together to start with. when deciding the order of an individual list i like to, for example in a romance arc, use escalating intimacy. “A and B have dinner together” is naturally gonna go way sooner than “A and B kiss” or “A and B talk about A’s angsty backstory” because that’s more satisfying. draw it out, good/important stuff last, dangle that carrot so we have a reason to keep reading! for singular character development, it’s basically a straightforward point A to point B...if i want my guy to start hating magic with everything he is and end up being very comfortable with it, i have to put “reluctantly uses magic to save his own life” WAYYY before “casually using magic to light torches and reheat his cold stew.” 
the tricky part for me is when i’m done with these lists and then i need to mix them together To Pace My Whole Story. (this is usually why i wind up with a rainbow colored spreadsheet.) i don’t like to put too many things too close together because then the pace feels uneven. even if my Action Plot is only a thinly veiled excuse for romance and character development, i still don’t want to focus on a romance for 30,000 words and then go “and oh yeah in case you forgot Serial Killing Sister is still coming for your asses.” the more sideplots and major character arcs you’re juggling the harder it is to get an even distribution, which is my main concern always
and like, generally, whatever i have when i’m finished...is my structure. (sorry.) 
i don’t know much about the classic 3-act or anything like that, but i usually can divide them up into 3-5 big arcs based on story turning points. sometimes i take a scene out of one arc and put it in another because it fits better and i like for my shit to be organized, but usually by the time i’m finished with all that, that’s what the final story is mostly gonna look like. (there have been a few exceptions when i realized i needed extra scenes/changes while i was MID-DRAFT and let me tell you that murders me EVERY time. it happened on the merlin fic i’m currently posting and that was like my own personal hell.)
this is also where thots about chronology come in:
i think time CAN be an element of this if you WANT it to be, but it doesn’t HAVE to be. if you want it to be, i would consider it just another “list” like character development or the romance arc. 
i usually plot without considering Time very much...to me, it’s all down to the events you want to show, and however much time it takes is the byproduct. if you want to show something from a character’s chilhood but then tell the bulk of it when they’re adults, that’s one thing. if you want to show a scene from their childhood, teenhood, young adulthood, etc, that’s a different kind of pacing?? i usually do it this way so i can regard time like wordcount: it takes as long as it takes. 3 days or 3 years, a 1.5k drabble or a 100k epic...overall, my LARGEST CONCERN is that even distribution. in the same way that i don’t want one chapter to be 30,000 words when the rest are 10,000 words, i personally am not a fan of huge timeskips offscreen
(because this where i think someone’s own internal chronology DOES matter...this is just a personal preference, as a reader i have a hard time really comprehending, say, a year timeskip or a 10yr timeskip when all i did was turn one page. like, a year is such a long time. i can’t even begin to describe how different i am now to how i was a year ago. it’s the same for character development. time IS development and as a writer i’m not really comfortable having that take place offscreen - for main characters, at least. it’s just too jarring. a little prologue with something happening 10 or 20 years ago is usually fine, but for the most part, i’m not a fan. ...i can do one chapter per year a lot easier than i can do two chapters in childhood and the other 8 in adulthood. of course you can play with this a LOT with nonlinear storytelling, which is a whole other very cool thing, and someone skilled in their work can keep me sucked in no matter what, but imo if you don’t want to risk throwing your reader out of your work it’s better to keep things steady)
HOWEVER sometimes time IS an element u wanna consider outside of just making sure your shit is evenly distributed...if your heart is moved to tell a story in a specific timeframe, over a year, or from solstice to solstice (this was almost the timeline for my merlin fic and then i changed it), for the first six months of a friendship, or even a huge journey in the span of a single day (toby fox had a lot of success with this one lol).
i think it can help to choose a start and end point for your chronology the same way you do for character development (prince goes from hating magic to being ok with it, story takes place from ages 8 to 25, or from new year’s eve 2038 to 2039, whatever) - that way you can keep your distribution even, if that’s a thing you want to do...even if you have a lot of skips you can still note what happens offscreen to make it work better in your head? like, if you just make it another List, another column on your spreadsheet, when you’re in the early stages of organizing you can be conscious of it and make sure it’s playing into the story the way you want it to
anyway these r my thots im SOOOO SORRY this is so long lmao. brain machine broke today which is why i had to ramble more to explain myself. the tl;dr in case ur brain is melting out of ur ears & u didn’t sign up for an essay:
imo medium is totally distinct from storytelling tho ofc some stories are better suited to some mediums
structure? i don’t know her. i plot w/o regard to structure and then if it looks funny i mush it into a more structurally sound shape
my main concern when structuring anything, including time, is an even distribution of Events and a steady rate of escalation
structure to me is just what i have when i’m finished plotting. i’m sorry one day i’m gonna take a writing class
internal chronology matters to me personally because i have a little bit of time blindness but maybe not to everyone, i know many very successful stories where they disregarded that entirely to no ill effect
writer’s block isn’t real! everyone just needs more rainbow spreadsheets
thank u for asking I HOPE i didn’t make you regret it too badly lmao and that at least a little of it was helpful!! 
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vague-idea · 5 years
This is purely fueled by petty rage and caffeine so buckle the fuckle up.
There has been a lot of talk lately about if Celine was a good person, how bad Actor Mark was, blah blah blah. This is been a topic from pretty much day one of WKM but recently it’s popped up in relevancy. I’ve never really vocalized my thoughts on the matter, despite having many. I’m the kind of person who tears stories apart for fun, so I know a bit what I’m talking about. Get ready for these spicy hot takes, cause guess what: 
They’re all bad. All of them. Including everyone's favorite boy. That’s right, the uwu-too-pure-for-this-world-boy, Damien.  
Now put down your pitchforks for a second and hear me out. You can send me hate later. What I’m here to do is take a look at Mark’s characters, look at their actions (both implied and shown), and then show that none of them are innocent. If this is a mess, uhhh sucks to suck I guess. (the person sucking is me. hah gottem)
First, before I get into the characters however, we need to discuss Mark’s storytelling. Personally I like it quite a bit. It’s interesting and it’s engaging, but it does have its quirks and flaws. You can see the improvement, but it does effect how his characters have come across. Mark himself has admitted to writing Celine poorly in WKM, and I would tend to say that much of WKM should have been adjusted. It’s not “Who Killed Markiplier” but “Why Killed Markiplier” as Mark has said, and the why was never really shown in the series. It’s explained in a live-stream, and if you can’t get your intentions across in the series then something in the script is wrong. Having said that, Mark has improved his writing immensely and I applaud him for that. 
Mark prefers to tell a singular story, leaving much of what he intends up to speculation. He doesn’t tell you the story of how Wilford became the insane goofy murderer he is today; he shows you a moment of weakness and connection between Abe and Wilford. He doesn’t show you how Damien and Celine became Dark, he tells you the story of two siblings protecting each other and being backed into a corner in which playing the part of a villain is their only escape. The intention is plainly there, but you have to understand the characters to truly get the story. “You’re too focused on the minutia” is true. The fans pay too much attention to the details of the story. You have to focus on the characters and their motivations to understand the tale Mark is weaving. Don’t focus on Wilford being in two places at once, or Damien’s hand turning gray in one shot. Focus on the characters and who they are because in the end that’s what they are: characters. With the release of DAMIEN, Mark has made it clear that the characters are the important things, made to be placed into whatever story he pleases. (uh Mark if you’re reading this that is a dope idea and holy fuck im hype)
Now to actually talk about the characters. 
Let’s start with Celine, since she is the main focus of this debate. First and foremost, Celine is manipulative. She knows what she wants, and she will get it at any cost. This is shown from the moment she steps into the manor. She turns everyone against the DA. Isolating us, and making us feel vulnerable. Then, with a gracious olive branch, she let’s us help. We are now special, but we can only trust Celine. An interesting parallel to “Don’t Trust the Seer.” After the DA has the fall, Celine is there yet again. Forcing Damien asleep, she uses us to gain a body, and then kicks the DA out into the mirror, making us now a viewer of this world. In DAMIEN, she manipulates Damien into sleeping. Keeping him tucked away and safe. Celine’s primary characteristic is manipulation. Getting what she wants, no matter the cost. She is protective, she is abrasive, she is determined, and she is cold. 
Now let’s look at Mark. His personality isn’t so plainly laid out as the others (seeing as he fuckinn dies in the first five minutes), so we’re going to have to rely on what the others have said about him to get the picture. The first thing we hear about Mark is from the Colonel. Obviously, a man with prejudice, but still has an insightful look into who Mark is. “My name is Markiplier now! Forget that my friends are the ones who helped me along the way. Just look at me and my money. I need to pay people to be my friends. Ahaha. Oh you like me, too bad.” Then, even Mark himself has said: “I used to be somebody. Maybe not somebody good, but I was somebody.” (Granted this is from the meta ending, but I’m still going to use it because ADWM still applies and I’m an asshole and you can’t stop me) Both these sentences are inferring to a man who was changed by fame and fortune. This infers to a man who took and took, so up his own ass that he started ignoring his friends in favor of becoming richer and increasingly powerful. I think that is that crux of Mark’s character: power and control. 
In DAMIEN, Mark has some insightful comments that back this up. “You stole everything from me.” ... “Well you wouldn’t even have anything in the first place if it wasn’t for me.” ... “You were never good enough for Celine.” ... “I gave up everything for her!” This exchange back and forth between Damien and Mark leads me to believe that Mark, through his power and fame, gave the twins everything they had. He gave Damien his mayor position. He gave Celine money, influence, power, and his love. Mark might have thought he was doing these things for them, but if you look at who Mark is, he was doing these gracious actions to have control over the twins. Damien now owes Mark for giving him his job and his power. Celine owes Mark for her comfortable home and a loving husband. This is further proved by Mark’s interaction with the Colonel. Using the money that William owes to Mark, the guilt of cheating with his wife, Mark controls the Colonel and makes him work for him. Controls him, up til the moment that William looses his mind. Mark values control, and he values power. 
I don’t think I need to explain how Wilford is a bad person, but ya know let’s just say it: cheater and murderer. His character is insanely fun, and I love the depth and nuances to it, but he’s not the one we’re focusing on today. Here’s just here for me to say that I love him, and he was just a pawn in the backstory of WKM. 
Now, for the controversial opinion. Damien. Everyone’s sweet, innocent, could never hurt a fly, mayor. Well, sorry my guys but that is just not correct. Damien’s role in this story is integral, and let me say the misjudgment of his character annoys me a lot but that’s just cause I’m salty all the time so let’s just jump into it. Damien is not innocent. As Mark says, “Always the righteous crusader. Pure as the driven snow. Acting like you’re the only one without blood on your hands.” There is blood on his hands. Good intentions aside, Damien has a fatal flaw and that is that he is a coward. He may want what is best for everyone, but he cannot find his own spine. Throughout WKM, despite being the mayor - a fuckinn leadership position - he takes a backseat of running after the Colonel, running after the DA, and running after Celine. He is easily used, and easily discarded. He lets others walk over him, and in doing so lets everything around him fall apart. It isn’t until DAMIEN when he has lost literally everything that he finally sheds the title of pawn and becomes a player. Damien isn’t pure. He is soaked with the blood of every dead body he could not lead and he could not protect because he was too much of a coward to do what was right. 
Looking at all of these characters, I hesitate to label them as bad or good. I know I just said that they’re all bad, but welcome to clickbait. Celine is manipulative, but she cares about her brother and she fights for herself. Mark is power hungry, yet he loved and he lost. Damien is a coward, yet he cares for others. Looking at them as they are, I cannot say that they fit perfectly into role of villain or hero. This story isn’t that simple. It’s created to flip the script. 
But, everyone is arguing about Celine and Mark’s past so let’s jump into that mess of a conversation. 
Celine is a manipulator. Mark wants control and power. Damien wants everyone to be happy. William/Colonel has a one track mind and currently it’s set on fuck. This is who they are, and from this we can try and determine their backstory. Granted, this is my view and my speculation but I think I’m pretty on track. I can honestly say that at one point, Celine and Mark loved each other. They are both too obsessed with having what they want to settle for marrying someone they hate, or even marrying someone they were indifferent too. They loved each other, and they had to have each other. Things can change, however. What started as something fueled by love can turn into something fueled by vengeance. 
Mark is obsessed with control, and so he tried to keep a tight hold on what he loved. Celine detests being the pawn when she is the player, and so when she wanted William, she had to have him. Throughout the series it is shown that Mark viewed Celine as his. William/Colonel stole her from him. She was his, and she was taken. On the opposing side, Celine is no prize to be kept. Her love shifts from Mark to William/Colonel and she takes what she wants. At the end of the day, she would carve their hearts out for attempting to keep her in a cage as their pretty songbird. Also, I believe that Damien knew that Celine was cheating, but he couldn’t bare being the one to break apart his childhood friends, so he said nothing. He let his cowardice destroy what he only wanted to preserve. 
Celine and Mark could have never worked together, because they both want to control and they couldn’t control each other. Damien could not lead, and was used and walked over until he and those he loved were dead. William/Colonel barely had a say; each step he took was a line in Celine and Mark’s strategy. It wasn’t until he broke that he was able to break the script. 
So what does this mean, Eli? Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? Why doesn’t this story play into exactly what I want? Why don’t these characters fit these little tropes I want to place upon them? 
It means none of that, reader. You can call them bad, and you can call them good. You can make Damien into a hero, and you can make Celine into an abuser. You can say Mark was taken advantage of, you can blame the manor, or you can call him evil. You can do whatever you want with them, but that is only possible by ignoring that they are so much more than that. This story is not meant to fit into a square. This story at its basis is to show that these are stereotypical characters, meant to play a role, who have broken it. 
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tinkslittlebelle · 5 years
An Unpurrdictable Outcome
Warnings: deceit, pain, crying, slight panic attack, self-deprecating thoughts, yelling and arguing, tv remote and several pillows being thrown, sneezing, angst-ish, cat, let me know if there is anything else
Word count: 3,057
Parings: LAMP
Summary: The light side were having a movie night when deceit showed up and forced Virgil to reveal something he wasn't ready to show.
Notes: This is the first fic I'm posting on Tumblr! Yay! I hope it's not to bad. This has been sitting in my drive for a looong time. I hope you enjoy!
They were all sitting on the living room for movie night. Roman and Patton were leaning up against Logan, his arms wrapped around both of them. Virgil sat on the floor in front of his boyfriends, in between Logan legs. Patton was playing with his hair while Roman held his hand. The movie they decided on was the Princess Bride, a classic. Filled with romance, witty jokes, sword fighting, storytelling and was based off an actual book. It was the perfect movie, everyone had something to love, and they fact their gay little selves had a crush on Wesley.
As the credits we're rolling, Virgil had now moved up on to his boyfriends laps like the overgrown cat he is. Patton was still playing with his hair, Logan traced his fingers on his back . And Roman had moved his head from Logan's shoulder to Virgil's butt. As Virgil was starting to drift off to sleep, a small purring like sound could be heard from him. His body was also slightly vibrating from purring. Of course  if he was fully awake, the purring and vibrating would have stopped due to him being self conscious.
When the credits ended, they looked at the peacefully sleeping Virgil. Not wanting to wake him, knowing how hard it would be for him to try to go back to sleep if they did, each grabbed and lifted a part of him. As the started to make their way to the stairs, Virgil's eyes snapped opened. Startling his boyfriends, causing them to drop him. He quickly got up off the ground, and slowly started to walk back to the couch.
“Virgil are yo-”
“Shhhh” Virgil brought his finger to his lips, telling all of them to be quiet. As Virgil stalked forward, much like a cat, he grabbed a remote off the arm of the couch and chucked it at the blinds. There was a clear sound of the remote hitting something that was not glass, it sounded almost like it was a person
“Ow!!!” Deceit walked out from the blinds, rubbing the middle of his forehead.
“What do you want Deceit?” Virgil stood in front of his boyfriends, who were very confused on how he knew he was there and how he nailed him right in the forehead
“You” Deceit smirked, no lies in his voice. He started to walk forward but was stopped when a pillow met his face.
“What for?”  Virgil had another pillow ready to throw at Deceit. Something about Deceit was off. He wasn't lying, he was telling the truth, something that he didn't do unless given good reason to. The way he was telling the truth was very eerie. Virgil knew something bad was going to happen but he had to protect his family
“I've realized that you are constantly lying to your” he stopped and looked over at the others “ family. And Im supposed to be deceit. So I figured out a way to make you suffer and getting what I want”
Virgil could feel his fight or flight reflexes kicking in. He desperately want to run but he doesn't want to leave his boyfriends. The adrenaline from when Deceit showed up was almost gone. He was starting to shake.
“I have no idea what you mean”
“ Ha!! You really think you can lie in front of me!” He strode forward, dodging the pillow that was thrown at him. “ Your appearance! You lie to them about your appearance. They think you look just like them,  just like Thomas.” Deceit was super close to Virgil. A gloved finger poking in to Virgil as he pushed him back
“Stop this!!” Virgil knew full well what deceit was doing. He worked so hard on keeping his secret safe. He worked so hard to be accepted. So hard on earning the others affections. So had to protect his family. And Deceit was about to ruin everything
“No clear physical traits of being a dark side, nothing that shows of who you truly are!”
“ I'm nothing like you!!! I'm not a dark side!!” Virgil was on the verge of tears.
“ Aw! Sure you are Virgil! But why don't we prove it to your boyfriends. you'll be rejected and back with me sooner than you think” the finger that was placed on Virgil's chest was removed and taped onto his forehead, emitting a yellow glow from it. Virgil stumbled backwards feeling the pain erupt all over his body and collapsed to the ground, pulling his hood over his head. It hurt, everything hurts. Being forced into a form he hasn't used in so long was painful. He could feel his ears get smaller as 2 more animal like ears started to grow on the top of head, until the human ears were gone. His nails grew longer and pointier. He could feel his tall bone extending outside of his body, growing a tail, extending outside of his pants. His teeth growing longer and sharper, pricing the inside of his mouth. The tip of his nose and nostrils turning black, with the black pointing down slightly to his lips.  He squeezed his eyes shut for a split second and when he opened them, the world looked different.
“Ha ha well that worked perfectly!!! I honestly thought you would have struggled and fought back more” deceit clutched his stomach, laughing “guess your family turned you soft.” The others walked towards Virgil to see what happened while roman walked towards Deceit, sword out.
“I made him reveal his true self to you! Isn't that what relationships are all about? Honesty” before Roman could lung at him, he sunk out “ until next time”
Roman turned and looked at his boyfriends they seemed kinda scared to do anything, he made his way over and joined him. Finally Patton spoke up
“ Virgil are you ok?!” He went to put his hand on Virgil's back. The second he did, Virgil jumped up into the air, almost as high as the ceiling, and over his boyfriends. He landed by the stairs. With one quick glance, he looked at their pleading eyes and they saw bright glowing purple cat like eyes. And he ran up the stairs, locking himself in his room.
Patton was a wreck. Both from crying and sneezing. He would just walk past Virgil's room and he'd have a sneezing fit.  Soft sorrys in between sobs could be heard on the door. Virgil apologizing to Patton for making him sick. Once Patton would stop sneezing, in a sniffly voice he would say that it's ok and that everyone misses him, that he even misses him even if he's allergic or didn't understand. Virgil would not reply again
The others didn't seem to be any better off although they weren't sneezing. It had been a week since Virgil ran to his room. Confused and sad as to what happened to their beloved Virgil. There were countless attempts at trying to get him to leave, ranging from begging, soft comforting voices and bribing with Virgil's favorite food. All proved to be unsuccessful.
The only idea they had of what happened is that he now had a long slick cat like tail and purple cat like eyes. Logan had been theorising on what happened to Virgil. Deceit somehow altered Virgil's appearance. Causing him to run to his room from embarrassment or shame and locked himself in there.
“I mean, it makes sense!!” Roman loudly exclaimed loudly enough for Virgil to hear in his room “deceit turned Virgil into part cat!! Virgil already acts like an overgrown cat, so he turned him into one.”
“Yes Roman we understand that” Logan said sighing into his hand. He had a stack of books around him to  search how to change Virgil back.
“I know that!!” Roman huffed crossing his arms across his chest. “I'm going to fight him!!!”  
“Calm down now, kiddo ”
“I will not calm down!! Virgil is part cat!! And that is not ok!”  Roman's face was red.
“Now now there is no reason for violence. I'm sure will figure everything out” Patton held a tray of freshly baked cookies, holding them out to is two boyfriends.
Roman sighed, his voice now at a normal volume “ I'm know, I just miss him so much. He must be so scared, and he won't let us help him” he looked up at Patton with tears in his eyes.
“Aww baby came here” he handed the tray of cookies to Logan and embraced Roman. “Logan dear, would you bring those up to Virgil, if he doesn't come out, tell him you have them and leave them outside his door.
“Of course, my love” he took the tray and head to Virgil's room.
Virgil was scowling at his reflection in his mirror, with tears streaming down his face. He's tried everything, he can't change back. His boyfriends will hate him now.  Maybe there was a slight change that they could maybe- no he had lied to them and Thomas. He deserves their hatred. He shook his head, glancing down at is dresser.
“No, they love me for me, not for what I look like. I should've realized this days ago” thinking about how much he missed them and wanted to  see his boyfriends. He took a deep breath and looked back up at his reflection. It's not as bad as he remembers. Maybe they will actually thing it's cute! Running his hands through his hair then his ears.  Taking another deep breath, he walked over to his door, gripped the handle and turned it. His ears twitched.
“I'm going to fight him”  Virgil sucked in a breath, that was Roman's voice. He wasn't talking about him...was he. He listened more, he could hear Patton talking but couldn't understand it.
“I will not calm down!! Virgil is part cat!! And that is not okay!!” Tears were threatening to fall as he let go of the handle, taking a few steps back, covering his mouth with his hands. He knew it , he knew it, he knew it!! They never loved him, they way he truly looks and now they won't ever love him again. He stumbled over to the head of his bed, instead getting on, he slipped right onto the floor, pulling his knees to his chest, head on top, his ears were down flat and his tail wrapped around him protectively. He was full on crying now, his hands still on his mouth, muffling his sobs. He was crying so hard, he didn't hear the knock on his bedroom door. He didn't hear the voice ask if he was ok. He didn't hear the voice saying that it was coming in. He didn't hear the door open. He didn't hear the footsteps walkover to the bed. But he did hear the voice when it was right next to him.
“Virgil?” His head shot right up, glancing quickly at who he assumed was Logan, and dived under his bed. “Virgil, please” logans hand went to reach for Virgil under the bed but Virgil hissed and swatted it away. If is wasn't for this situation, Logan would actually think that this was cute.
Logan sighed and placed the tray on the floor and slid to under the bed to hopefully where Virgil was. “Patton made cookies. He wanted to make sure everyone had some. They're your favorite.” Virgil didn't respond but Logan could hear Virgil slide a cookie off the tray then bite into it. Virgil make a small moan of joy as he kept on eating. “ I was going to just leave them outside of your room and tell you, but you sounded distressed. So I entered without your permission, for that I would like to apologise.” Logan sat there for a little bit without getting a response, he was about to get up and leave, when the tray came sliding back out from the bed, cookie less.
“It’s-It's alright, Lo” Virgil's voice was small and hesitant. Logan smiled to himself. Virgil actually spoke to him again and it wasn't through a door like he thought.
“Virgil, we were hoping that you will join us for dinner again tonight”
“.....no”  Logan sighed, expecting this
“Why not?”
“Because…. because I heard Roman talking about me”
“Whatever do you mean, my love?”
Virgil was growing irritated “ I heard him talking about me!!! Saying that he is going to fight me and that it's not right that I'm part cat!!!” Tears were falling from his eyes again.
“Virgil, he was talking about Deceit. He's frustrated that he turned you into a cat”
“He didn't turn me into a cat! I've always been part cat. I've tried to hide it from you guys for so long, keep it hidden!! And hoped to be accepted!! To hide the reminder of me being a dark side!! The reminder of when all of you hated anxiety before you even know who I was!!!” Virgil was furious, they wouldn't understand, he's a dark side and they are light sides. More tear we're falling, but they stopped instantly when he heard a sob come from his logical boyfriend. He looked out from under the bed and saw the Logan had moved, so he was looking  under the bed, although he couldn't see anything, his eyes darting everywhere. Virgil could see in the because his eyes were already well adjusted to the dark and having night vision comes with being part cat.
He could see how disheveled logan looked, his hair was a mess, tear running down his face, his tie lossed and wrinkly.
“V-Virgil please, we don't hate you. We miss you. We don't care what you look like, we care for you. Please it not right without you” Virgil was taking back, Logan never shows this much emotion. He's hurt. And if Logan is this bad then the others were worse.
“..... fine…” Logan gasped
“.... make sure Patton takes allergy medicine, maybe I'll come down for dinner.” Logan took in a deep breath before sitting straight up again.
“Alright, I'll possibly see you tonight” his voice was still shaking but it was hopeful now. “farwell Virgil”  Logan stood up, picking up the tray, walked out, and closing the door. Virgil sighed, what had he just gotten him self that into.
As Logan walked down the stairs, he tried his best to contain his excitement. He's usually quite good at hiding his emotions but for reason, he hasn't been. With Virgil gone he has been pretty sad, and the possibility that Virgil will come join them for dinner made him..
Uh… pretty excited.
As Logan walked into the kitchen, he saw the faces of his boyfriends, his excitement fell. They look upset. As soon as they saw him they ran up to Logan
“are you ok, Logan? Is Virgil ok?”  Patton wrapped him in a hug
“yes? What wouldn't I be?”
“you were upstairs for a while. We thought that Deceit or someone had showed up.” Patton let go of Logan, and Roman hugging and kissed him in his place
“We were about to go up there and save you if need be” logan laughed at his emotional lovers.
“No everything is quite good, in fact, I have some good news.”  Patton’s sad face rose into a hopeful smile.
“I suggest you go ask thomas to take some allergy medication. Virgil may be joining us for dinner.”  both Roman and Patton couldn’t help but squee and jump up and down
“Really?!” the two said at the same time.
“Yes but you need to take the medication and remember that this is Virgil. He is probably already really nervous and we don’t want to scare him.” logan pushed up his glasses. “You two need to be on your best behavior. We dont’ want to freak him out, then we’ll be out a boyfriend again for who ever knows how long”
“But he knows we love him”  Roman sounded slightly hurt
“Yes, but he also heard you talking earlier, and made him think otherwise” Roman's hand flew to his chest in offense
“I was talking about deceit! He hurt my love!! And I will not stand for it!”
“Then sit for it because you still have to apologize to Virgil” Roman instantly shut up, not expecting Logan to yell. “ He hasn't just affected you, Deceit has affected all of us. But Virgil the most, he scared and it's hurting him to think about what we think of him now” Logan stared at Roman for a while before moving to the kitchen to get dinner started. Patton walked over to Roman and started rubbing circles into his back
“ It ok Ro! You know how Logan get when it comes to emotions, it's the one thing he isn't very knowledgeable on.”  he gigled and stopped rubbing his back and smiled up at Roman “ Chin up love! We are going to see Verge again tonight and we are making his favorite foods!!” He dragged Roman into the kitchen to start helping Logan. As they were washing their hands, Logan spoke up again
“ Patton, did you ask Thomas about the allergy medicine?”
“ Oh shoot” Patton quickly finished washing his hand and dried them before sinking out to talk to Thomas. Logan glanced over to Roman
“Roman, I wanted to apologize to you. I let my emotions get the better of me and I overreacted and for that i'm sorry.”
“You don't have to apologize. You didn't over react, Lo. I was just letting my ego get to my head and wasn't thinking about how this affected everyone else. I'm just - I'm supposed to be the prince, the one that slays the dragon and rescues the damsels in distress. And Virgil was hurt in our very own living room!” Roman looked down at his feet, shuffling them nervously. “I should of been focusing on helping Virgil not fighting Deceit.
“It's alright, Ro. Let's just agree that we both could of possibly been in the wrong for a bit on our reactions.” Logan held out a hand to Roman, which he took, before pulling him in to an embrace
Patton popped up a few seconds later, surprised to see them hugging, and made up so fast, after they were just arguing, before shrugging and joining their hug.
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a language that i never knew existed before - Day 12
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For @dawninthemtn, who asked for a modern AU in which “Ben Solo keeps trying to cancel his Book-A-Month subscription service, but just can't seem to say no to the friendly customer service agent”.
This was so much fun to write, especially since it allowed me to sneak some epistolary storytelling into this collection. Thanks for the prompt, and I hope you enjoy the ficlet!
Reylo fam! ‘Tis the season for giving, so come get your very own holiday ficlet right here!
25 Days of Reylo Also available on AO3
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Cancellation/refund
My friend used my credit card to sign me up for a one-year YA subscription as a prank. I didn’t realize until the first box arrived today. I’d like to cancel the subscription and just pay for the box I’ve already received, if that’s okay.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Cancellation/refund
Hi, Ben! I’m so sorry to hear about your experience with our service.
Our refund policy allows you to change your mind anytime and get a full refund for boxes not yet received. But might I suggest changing boxes instead? At $29.99 per month for a box of three books with a combined retail value of up to $59.99, we’re the most affordable book service in the country! If YA isn’t your thing, we offer eleven other standard boxes, along with an option for customization.
If you’d like to give us a second chance, please take this quick quiz to determine the best box for you. The results will automatically be emailed to me upon completion, and I’d be happy to guide you through the selection process.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: First box!
Hi, Ben!
Your first sci-fi/fantasy box just shipped out today, and should reach you within three working days. I hope you enjoy the selection, and thank you again for choosing to stick with us!
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: First box!
Hi, Rey.
Three working days, just like you said. Everything looks okay, thanks for your help.
Regards, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: First box!
Hi, Ben!
I’m glad to hear the box arrived on time! If you don’t mind, please keep me informed on how you like the selection. I’ve got a few other suggestions for you based on your quiz results, and I’d be happy to switch your subscription if you’re not absolutely pleased with the sci-fi/fantasy box.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: Re: First box!
Hey, Rey.
I think that might be for the best. Sci-fi just isn’t what it used to be. Or maybe I’ve changed; it’s been a while since I last read anything in that genre.
Of course, if that’s too much trouble you can always just go ahead and process my refund. I’d hate to take up more of your time.
Regards, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: First box!
Hi, Ben!
It’s no trouble at all! I first joined Resistance back when it was an actual store, and I’ve always loved matching readers up with the right book. As long as you’re okay with it, I’d like to keep going until we find you the right match.
My next suggestion for you based on your quiz results is one of our non-fiction boxes, the history/anthropology combo. Please let me know by the 23rd of this month if you’re interested in that so that I can arrange for the switch and shipping.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: New box
Hi, Rey. The box just arrived today, and the selection is perfect.
So perfect that I already pre-ordered all three of them earlier this year.
I think it’s pretty obvious that this service and I just aren’t meant to be, as great as it is. I really do appreciate all of your help, especially you taking the time to discuss books with me off the clock, but it’s probably time to call it.
Unless you’ve got a third suggestion?
Sincerely, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: New box
What can I say? I’m good at my job – too good, in this case.
I’ve got at least three more suggestions for you, if you’d like to keep going. And your box should have come with a return ticket, if you’d like to send it back; I don’t see the point in you keeping the duplicates, unless you have a friend with the same unique taste in books? I’d be happy to process the return and credit it to your account. Same goes for your first two boxes; I’m sorry I forgot to mention it earlier.
I’ve actually really missed talking about books with someone, so really, thank you for humoring me. If you ever feel like debating the SWEU again, feel free to reach me at 555-3494. I like that things can get heated when we talk about those books, but it’s probably for the best if I don’t argue with a customer on my work email.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
Rey: So technically we’re not supposed to tell anyone about this yet But Wait You still collect comics, right?
Ben: You make me sound like a teenage boy. I collect graphic novels, yes. Why?
Rey: You say potayto, I say potahto ANYWAY I know you’re not 100% happy with the customized box
Ben: They’re your picks for me, of course I’m happy with them.
Rey: Ben
Ben: I am! I’m just not happy with the fact that I barely get any time to read. And when I do get an hour to myself, my brain is too tired for anything intellectual.
Rey: You cutthroat lawyers and your ridiculous endless work Back to my point
Ben: You have one?
Rey: Very funny, Solo Okay so next month we’re announcing a special new box Limited time only And we’re only opening it up to 200 subscribers
Ben: Sounds like a big deal. What do we get, hand-bound manuscripts?
Rey: Even better Two trades and a hardcover, no extra charge
Ben: You’re kidding me.
Rey: Nope Completely serious You in?
Ben: Hey, Rey? No offence but that’s the stupidest question you’ve ever asked me.
Rey: Whatever, nerd I’ll sign you up
Ben: You’re my favorite person right now, thank you.
Rey: Careful, Solo Keep saying nice shit and I might actually start to like you
Ben: And we wouldn’t want that, of course.
Rey: Of course
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Congratulations!
Hi there, Ben!
Your assigned customer service representative recently entered you for a chance to win one of our 200 limited-time-only comic box subscriptions.
We’re very pleased to let you know that you made the cut! As of next month, you’ll start receiving two trade paperbacks and a hardcover volume each month for the remaining duration of your subscription. We also noticed that you have seven months left with us, and as a sign of our appreciation we’d like to offer you the chance to add on another five months at the standard rate of $29.99 per month in order to receive a full year’s worth of comic boxes. If you’re interested, please contact your assigned customer service representative by the 31st of this month.
Congratulations again, and we hope you enjoy your boxes!
Best regards, Paige Tico, Head of customer service, Resistance Books.
Rey: Did you get the email???
Ben: Just read it. Can’t wait for the first box. Thanks, Rey. By the way, sign me up for the extension thing.
Rey: Can you believe how far we’ve come? It feels like just yesterday that you were trying to cancel your subscription at every turn
Ben: For what it’s worth, I’m glad I didn’t. So fucking glad. I wouldn’t have gotten to know you otherwise.
Rey: Stop, you’ll make me cry Ben? I’m happy we’re friends too
Rey: Is it there yet?
Ben: Rey. It’s been two hours. I haven’t even left the office yet.
Rey: Okay, NOW is it there yet?
Ben: Still at work. You’re the one who shipped it, can’t you track the package or something?
Rey: I could But I think I prefer it this way
Ben: Of course you do. You’re lucky I have no other friends.
Rey: As if you’d stop talking to me even if you had a hundred other friends I’m your favorite
Ben: Says who? Maybe Poe’s my favorite. I’ve known him since childhood, after all.
Rey: Poe is a prankster and you fucking hate him
Ben: I wouldn’t say hate.
Rey: Ben He stole your credit card and signed you up for a year’s worth of YA books
Ben: And if he hadn’t done that, you and I would never have met.
Rey: We haven’t Met, I mean Shit I don’t even know what you look like BRB, I’m gonna go stalk you on social
Ben: Honestly, I just assumed you already did.
Rey: Wow, I’m offended HOLY HELL, BEN
Ben: So you’ve found me. If this is about the ears no, I don’t know what the fuck’s going on there either. No one in my family does.
Rey: What ears? Your ears are FINE, silly I was talking about your hair Christ, do you shampoo with unicorn blood or something???
Ben: That would be very soulless lawyer of me, wouldn’t it?
Rey: Shut up, you’re not soulless Funless, maybe, but I’d like to think I’m helping with that
Ben: You are. In the interest of fairness, I’m going to stalk you too.
Rey: Not much to see, but go right ahead Ben? Wow did I scare you off already? And here I thought that was a decent picture
Ben: Shit, sorry. Got pulled into a meeting. It’s a great picture.
Rey: You don’t have to say that
Ben: Well, it is and I mean it. And… I hope this isn’t creepy but I love your smile.
Rey: Not creepy at all By the way I like your eyes
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Come celebrate the holidays with us!
Hi, Ben!
Did you know that before Resistance Books went online and became the #1 book delivery service in the country, we were a tiny little indie store known as Gatalenta?
This holiday season, we’re returning to our roots – and we’d love for you to join us! Resistance Books will be participating in the annual Coruscant Christmas Market with our very own pop-up store from the 15th of December onwards!
This is a great time for you to come on by and check out the full range of our diverse offerings. And if something catches your eye, you’ll be able to bring it home with you for the same incredibly reasonable rate you know and love – pick any three books from our store for just $29.99!
We hope to see you there!
Warmest wishes, Amilyn Holdo, Founder and president, Resistance Books.
Rey: Hey, did you get the email about the pop-up store?
Ben: Yeah, I was just about to text you. I just realized your boss is a friend of my mom’s. Anyway, this is probably extremely unlikely but Will you be there?
Rey: Seriously?? That’s so weird And yes, actually I’ll be helping out 21st-25th, 11AM-8PM
Ben: You’re working on Christmas?
Rey: You know me Not like I’ve got anything else to do
Ben: Okay, feel free to say no but… What if I go on Christmas? We’d get to discuss books in person And maybe after your shift we could hang out? I haven’t been to the CCM in years, but Maz’s Cantina used to make the best hot chocolates.
Rey: Books, hot chocolate, and finally getting to meet my mysterious Internet stranger? Ben Solo, you’ve got yourself a date
Ben: Great! I mean Cool. I can’t wait. See you then.
Rey: See you!
Ben: Hey, so I just woke up and you’re not here Which is fine, it’s your choice to make And last night can be whatever you want it to be But… Rey, I know what I want it to be I know we moved fast, but yesterday meant a lot to me You mean a lot to me I just… I just want to make sure you know that before you make a decision And the decision’s yours to make, completely I’ll go along with whatever you want As long as we’re at least still friends Because I don’t think I could bear to lose you entirely, Rey Fuck, I don’t think I could bear to lose you at all Shit, sorry, that’s too much I’ll stop now Just… text me back, please?
Rey: Babe I’m in the kitchen Hurry up, breakfast is getting cold And Ben? You mean a lot to me too ❤
This is a little over two thousand words and stopped being about tsundoko about halfway through (if it even was in the first place), but it was such a fun idea to play with and I hope the format doesn’t get in the way of the story. I thought emails and texts would help me keep things short, but obviously that didn’t pan out.
Anyway, thanks for reading as always and I hope you liked it. Please don’t hesitate to like/reblog/comment!
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myideaofluxury · 6 years
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STORYTIME: taylor swift called me a baby god????
so in case you’ve been living under a rock, last friday, july 13, i met taylor before the show in philly and it was everything i had ever dreamed of it being and more... so i figured i should discuss the full story! full disclaimer i am very bad at formal storytelling and i know this is tumblr and nothing is formal but nevertheless, let me live. also if you want to skip to the actual meeting taylor part of this story i’ll put the start of that in bold so y’all know what to look for because i’m a very charitable person.
so a few months ago, my angel of a friend erin (@yousayouvechanged) invited me to come to the show in philly with her, and i cannot thank her enough. none of this story would’ve happen without erin, and i mean none of it. but it was last wednesday when erin texted me “i need yor birthday,” “im on the phone with taylor nation,” “i need your email,” and “im not joking” (those are all direct quotes btw, i have the conversation open on my phone literally right now). to make that part of the story short - taylor nation dmed erin asking for various information such as her name, phone number, and the best time to reach her. they then called her and told her that there would be a “special opportunity” waiting for us to pick up at will call between 4 and 5 on the day of the show. i was not involved with any of this, please don’t bombard me with questions that i do not have or know the answers to.
ANYWAYS flash forward to last friday when i get to the stadium. i meet up with erin (for the first time!!) and we basically stand outside of will call for 20 minutes before concluding that it wasn’t open. it was at this moment that i remembered that there was another will call at the other side of the stadium and suggested we walk there. well, we did, and basically that will call. had no idea what we were talking about, but made 4 different phone calls and told us that they did have something waiting for us...at the first will call that we had just come from. and so we walked back, waited for will call to open, and that is the we picked up our wondrously purple (!!!!) meet & greet pass for before the show. (also i just have to say, when i tweeted my picture of our m&g pass, so many people were so happy for me and i have truly never felt as loved as i did in that moment, so thank you if you were in any way part of the response to me meeting taylor. that feeling was almost as good as the feeling of meeting taylor. almost.)
once we got into the stadium, we waited in the area where our pass told us to wait for about 45 minutes before taylor nation came to get us and check us in for the m&g. after they checked us in, they led us into this extremely hot stairwell with no air conditioning (if you saw any of my tweets that day, you know how unbearable the heat was in that stairwell) and made us wait there for about 20 minutes. after the stairwell debacle, they moved us to a hallway just outside of rep room - it’s also worth mentioning that i got screamed at by both security and taylor nation for trying to take a picture of the entrance to rep room, but it’s fine, and then we waited for about another half hour.
once they took us into rep room after telling us to leave all our bags on a table outside, it really started to hit me that oh fuck, this is happening. first thing i noticed - tree paine aka my favorite person ever, just standing in the middle of the room, to whom i yelled “queen of publicists!” me, erin, and tree were in the midst of a great conversation when i saw the curtain open for the first group to go in and meet taylor. and there she was: miss swift herself, in all of her tall, blonde glory. all i can remember from that moment was screaming at erin “SHE’S WEARING PLAID! PLAID!,” so we can get back to rep room. it was around this time that tree told us to walk around and that we could get food or drinks. first of all, let me know why rep room exclusively has dasani bottled water...i mean it’s whatever, but still. it was in this moment that i decided that i needed to eat a really obscure food just so i could say i ate something really random before meeting taylor swift, and that’s why i ate a singular broccoli before meeting (not eating, contrary to my typo on twitter) taylor. the actual throne from the lwymmd video was also in there, and we tried to take polaroids sitting on it but uh...there was no film in the polaroids, and i’m pretty sure we broke one of the cameras trying to put film in so we gave up on that. for the remainder of our time in rep room, we basically just walked around at sat on every couch possible and looked at every possible detail (direct quote from me to erin: “we’re never gonna be in here again, so i suggest we make the most of it now”), including the rainbow dress from the end game video (at which i screamed “’GAY RIGHTS!’ - JENNIFER LAWRENCE”) and i thiiiiink the dress from the delicate video, but i was obviously more focused on the rainbow dress.
suddenly we were next in line to meet taylor (and also last in line to meet taylor). at this same time, i like it by cardi b started blasting in rep room, so i took that moment to fuck it up and go off a little, as one naturally should. this has no significance to the story, but it’s a fun detail because now i can never listen to that song ever again, and because i turned around to see tree laughing her ass off at me, so it’s safe to say my job was done there. we got back in line, and talked to steph from taylor nation briefly about how nervous and excited we were, and she handed us our card to get our picture with taylor after the show.
finally, the curtain opened, and suddenly i was making eye contact with taylor swift. the first thing she said was “HEY!!!” to which i responded with “oh my god, you’re not real” so there’s that. naturally erin and i introduced ourselves, and taylor asked us where we were from (GOD I AM REALLY BAD AT STORYTELLING I’M SO SORRY). i told her i came from jersey in the area around metlife and she asked if i was going to any of the shows there and i too her i’m going to all three and that i have pit for night one! her response? “oh i’ll see you- OH I’LL REALLY SEE YOU THEN! and you’re like, so tall...” (i’m 6′4″ for anyone wondering and yes i was taller than taylor and yes she had heels on). then erin talked about how she was from pennsylvania and we told taylor we met through a group chat made for her and her face completely lit up oh my god it was the cutest thing.
now we get to the good part - i told taylor i had 3 things to talk to her about and so did erin, and taylor told me to “go for it,” so i did! while i do want to keep some of the real details of my conversation with taylor between me, her, and erin, most of the general parts that i’ve tweeted about will be mentioned here. i started off by talking about how the last year of my life has been really hard for me because of men (this is the part of the conversation where taylor went “ohhh” and sighed deeply), and thanked her for giving me a soundtrack to all of my emotions during that mess. while i was expecting some meaningful response, i was not expecting the following statement to leave taylor’s mouth: “everyone should love you...like, you’re so handsome! you walked in and i was like ‘oh my god a baby god!’ [to erin] isn't he so handsome? [to taylor nation] right, isn't he so handsome? you’re so cool!” and that is the first moment in which i died. then i got into the part of the story i’ve been waiting almost five years to talk to her about - for those unaware of my emotional trauma, my father passed away a few years ago, and taylor and her music were essentially the main driving force behind me getting through the hardest and darkest period of my life. i do want to keep this part of the conversation to myself, but i remember thanking taylor for “giving me a reason to be happy when i couldn't find anything to be happy about,” to which she thanked me and said “i’m so honored that you would credit me in any way for that...that’s so unfathomable to me, i’m so sorry.” to this moment, i still can’t get the image of her face during that conversation out of my head (she was so sad, you guys, she was so upset for me i love her so much). then i told her i had something to ask her “like...privately” and she leaned in and that is when i asked if erin and i could each take individual pictures with her. at first, taylor said “mmm i don’t know, they’re gonna argue about it,” which was completely fine by either of us, but we’ll get back to that.
after that, i let erin have her moment with taylor and let me tell you - it was the absolute cutest thing i had ever seen. there are no two people i love more than taylor and erin, this is a fact. after her and erin had their moment, taylor stopped and thought for a second, then leaned over to taylor nation and said “they’re fighting, so we’re gonna do separate pictures” (queen of comedy). so i took that moment to move to the other side of the room, because my left side is my good side...but taylor didn’t seem to be getting it (”oh, but i thought we were gonna do individuals” “i was just making an excuse” “isn’t that what you wanted?” “OH OK OK i get it now!”). so backstory - when i’m really, truly happy, i do this thing in pictures where i close my eyes intentionally and i explained this to taylor and asked if we could do that for our picture, and she was like “of course, yes!” the rest of that part is history, i guess. just like...scroll up if you want to see the outcome of that.
after her and erin took their picture, i asked taylor for one more hug, and she said “of, of course!” and that is how i became enveloped i the tightest hug i have ever experienced. i said “i love you so much, thank you for everything” and she said “i love YOU, buddy!” and that was the second time i died that night.
that’s basically all that i can remember as of right now sksjskjskksjsk so if you made it this far...congratulations, i guess! but seriously, i know i’m not a great writer so this was probably a pain in the ass to read, i can imagine. but thank you to anyone who ever rooted for me to meet taylor, and thank you to everyone who was happy for me when it finally happened. i really haven’t ever felt so loved.
and finally, thank you @yousayouvechanged and @taylorswift. i love you two more than anything and anybody else in this world. july 13th forever.
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
im sorry about sending you an ask about how I thought bellarke might be a 6 season arc. You publish asks all the time and tell the anons you think theyre wrong. (and you dont coddle them when doing so..) I honestly didnt know you would think it offensive, i was only looking for an interesting discussion maybe. i didnt even have anything to back my theory like you do, only a gut feeling. I just wanted to know your opinion.
I’m getting really frustrated with fandom is the problem. I wasn’t offended by your ask really, or I would have blocked you. I try not to jump to offense. Although it’s hard sometimes when some people DO mean to cause offense.
But I’m tired of wanting to enjoy Bellarke, wanting to believe in Bellarke and having people constantly tell me it’s not happening, bellarke fans even. Tell my my spec is wrong. Or say it’s something else.
I’ve decided NOT to be an open forum for anyone with an analysis, because this fandom is too antagonistic and negative. That means I sometimes don’t want to debate with people who aren’t being antagonist or negative but just want to discuss. I am sorry. Public discourse is exhausting. It’s probably better if you send me a DM to talk about it, where we can actually have a conversation, not just one anon comment and then me having to defend my meta.
And I’m tired of writing reams on how I see the structure going and spending hours putting the pieces together to come up with a theory that is backed up with evidence and then having people go, “NO, I disagree,” and then disputing me and expecting me to debate them, when I just put all my energy into my previous theory. It’s all there. That’s my argument. I don’t have a counter argument. I don’t want to debate. 
Your points are disputing what I already said. But what I said is STILL my answer. What else do I have to say but repeating what I worked really hard on already. 
TBH I don’t even know WHICH ask you sent me, because I’ve gotten a FEW. The more often I get a certain comment, the more frustrated I’m going to get with it, especially if it’s along a certain line and that line is, “I know you said/believe/ship this but I think you’re wrong and here’s what I think.” Especially when I’ve just posted a whole bunch saying the opposite of your comment. 
And you know what? I do sometimes agree with people who come up with new ideas and spec and analysis. So maybe that’s what you’re looking at. But if the new spec is DISPUTING what I just said, without ever actually addressing what I said, or bringing up a point with my meta that you are concerned with? Just substituting it with yours? That’s not a discussion, is it? That’s a “no it’s not.” I’m gonna get frustrated. And tired. 
You’ve got to give me a REASON to consider your analysis over mine. I need to see evidence. Or a question about what doesn’t work with mine that got you thinking. Because the thing is, I don’t just RANDOMLY come up with my meta. It’s not just “oh this is a cool idea.” I am basing my meta on evidence I see in the text and in storytelling. So if you can’t address the evidence I’m using, and can’t give me your own evidence, the new theory is just “oh look I had a cool thought and I���m going with it.” Cool thoughts don’t do me. That’s not actually how you analyze stuff. In order to analyze you have to be clear about canon/data. You are analyzing CANON. Cool thoughts are spec or fanon, not analysis. And i’m not arguing them. 
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thedoctorisadhd · 7 years
what's once on this island about?
i hope ur happy anon, bc this took me literally like six hours im not exaggerating even a little
short answer: so u take the original plot of the littlest mermaid and u plunk it down rIGHT in the middle of 1920s haiti, right
long answer (like, REALLY long answer. like REALLY long. im sorry i dont know how to summarize when there are so many good things):
“there is an island where rivers run deep…”
“where the sea, sparkling in the sun, earns it the name, ‘jewel of the antilles.’”
“an island where the poorest of peasants labor —”
“— and the wealthiest of the grand hommes lay.”
“two different worlds on one island!”
“the grand hommes, owners of the land and masters of their own fates.”
“and the peasants, eternally at the mercy of the wind and sea, would pray constantly to the gods.”
those are the four storytellers, beginning the play. lydia started the first line, then abby, then dori, then natalie, and repeat.
(oh yeah, also this is the jr version. also, i dont know everything bc i was backstage the majority of the time)
so the gods that the beach people / peasants are dancing to, theres 4 of them. asaka (played by lavanya in our production) is the goddess of the earth, erzulie (played by luke who’s closeted, so i change it to a god, erzulio) beautiful goddess of love. agwe (played by ian) is the god of the sea, and papa ge (eli, of course, and it’s literally pronounced papa gay), my personal favorite, is the sly demon of death
and this is all described in the first number “we dance”
stay tuned yo it gets better.
(its so good. dont ever listen to any version besides the chatham one i can guarantee you that any non-eli papa ge, any non-luke erzulie / erzulio, any non-lavanya asaka, any non-ian agwe, any non-lydia / dori / abby / natalie storyteller will not be as good)
so basically theres this storm, and in this storm is a little girl and the gods are like “no papa ge we’re not killing her you fuck” and they irresponsibly plunk her down in a tree
and so tonton julien (ben) and mama euralie (izzy) come along & are like “holy shit a kid” (and this girl is crying her eyes out of course bc as mr adam creatively put it to the girl who played young ti moune, “you were just dropped in a tree by some randos you’ve never seen before in your entire life”) but like theyre poor and dont have a lotta food and shit so they try to leave but the gods, showing some small modicum of responsibility, like, use the force to pull them back. so these peasants adopt ti moune and name her ti moune and theres a whole big number about her growing up called “one small girl” which i quite like actually
then ti moune is grown up (sammie) and she sings about like “whats my destiny yo” all naive in “waiting for life” and sees a car which is a big ol lead-in to the next number. which brings us to
so in the beginning of “rain” theres this HILARIOUS section of dialogue with the gods picking mangos and here it is bc i cant not include it man
asaka: 🎵 pick a mango! 🎵
agwe: 🎵 a juicy mango! 🎵
erizulie: 🎵 a lovely mango! 🎵
papa ge, being Himself: 🎶 a poison mango! 😈 🎶
[all of the other gods look at papa ge]
anyway, after that theyre all proposing things to do to get ti moune less naive, with such wonderful suggestions from these dumbasses as “splash her with a wave” and “scare her half to death”. and then erzulie is like “yeah u do that imma give her what she wants bye” and the other gods are like “????????????” and shes just like “You Heard Me” and just goes like “Love Can Conquer Anything!!!!!!! :)))))))) ❤️💞💕💚💛💙💜💝💘💗💖❣️” and papa ge is like “that’s bullshit this whole thing is bullshit that’s a scam fuck the love here’s like two reasons why” and they argue (and asaka remarks that this is “more amusing than mangos”) and the gods are all “HMMMM🤔🤔” and then they all go “A BET!”
and the gods all start like pitching in to set up this bet, so like erzulie gives her strength and asaka’s gonna guide her but then papa ge interrupts like “IM GONNA MAKE HER CHOOSE” and then johnny boy i mean ian i mean agwe then calls dibs on choosing the circumstances of the bet
and u remember that car right? well ian agwe is like “that. thats the place where the 2 worlds meet” and he creates a big ol storm and in the song he says (one of my favorite lines, actually) “rain makes the road such a dangerous place” (he did amazing in that song but i feel kinda bad bc like. he was overshadowed by the other gods who are all incredible singers, and parts of it were too low for him. like, eli can sing as high as he did, but ian really cant sing that low)
also they used the fish flags from the seussical two years ago when sammie’s sister sidne played the cat in the hat. i always found it hilarious that dori of all people they couldve chosen played a fish
ANYWAY. so the car is goin down the road and crash oh no a car accident. totally not what agwe was (shot)gunning for
and so ti moune pulls this guy outta the car right, and — by the way, now we’re in this super intense number called “pray” — and this song is real fuckin good alright.
my opinion upon this is based almost solely on the fact that within the first like ten lines of this epically long song a peasant, talking about the guy that got pulled outta the car (daniel, that’s his name), says, literally: “papa ge wants him!” i will remind you that papa ge is pronounced “papa gay” and what makes it even more astronomically fuckin funny is that both hank, the guy that played daniel, and eli, who as u may know played papa ge, are mlm.
anyway no one wants to help daniel even tho he’s Actively Dying bc Fuck The Grand Hommes, Am I Right Guys We Cant Do Anything Were Peasants And There Is Sanctity That We Must Never Talk To Look At Or Think About A Single Grand Homme, Ever™ but ti mounes gonna help him bc Fuck You Guys and she keeps him alive while tonton julien goes to find the guys family after she’s Finally persuaded the guy to do this
and ti moune doesnt sleep for Three Fucken Days by the way. thats important in the next number
also daniel is supposed to be good looking so of course ti moune Falls In Love With Him despite never having seen him before in her entire life, and also hes unconcious the Whole time. i dont understand the heterosexuals
anyway, tonton juliens at the gate to daniels family hotel and he’s like “pls let me in i need to speak to monsieur beausome!” and the gatekeepers like “get the fuck away my guy” and hes like “no but its urgent!!” and the gatekeeper SLAPS BEN [LAST NAME REDACTED]*
so ben i mean tonton recovers and like seriously gets down on his knees and begs and the gatekeeper is still like “FUCK! NO!” and then ben fucking [last name redacted]* SCREAMS SAVAGELY “I HAVE FOUND HIS SON!” HOO BOY
and then at the end of pray you hear a long high note and then one specific girl takes it HIGHER ????????? idk who it is for sure but im willing to put my money on lavanya bc jesus christ can that girl sing
*people always say bens full name when referring to him for some reason, so it’s not ben bc which ben? it’s not ben b. it’s ben [last name redacted].
so pray goes ge STRAIGHT into forever yours. not the reprise, thats later.
so. forever yours. in a STUNNING turn of events (sarcasm. absolutely the least stunning thing after the whole “papa gay wants him” in pray), the VERY fucking FIRST LINE IN THIS WHOLE FUCKING STUPID HEARTFELT SONG is literally ti moune saying “i am a tree, holding away the storm”. are you fucking serious. are you kidding me. you waste the first line on that monstrosity,
anyway basically what happens in this is ti moune is singing about tending to daniel here it is
i am a tree holding away the stormhere in my arms i’ll keep u safe and warmeven the gods wont dare to cross this linewhere my life is forever yoursand you are mine
and on that last word, “mine”, papa ge joins in and it is fuckin CHILLING, not LEAST bc eli has the voice of a fuckin angel (and sammie too, but i think eli’s is just slightly better)
so eli stalks in and the first thing papa ge does, in a True demonstration of the gay / ge agenda, is Drag The Het.
(then he goes on to say “this boy is mine”)
so eli’s also got a knife (a fake one) and this is another Important Thing so yeah
anyway sammie ti moune should “TAKE MINE FOR HIS.” (her life she meant) and papa ge is SHOOK. he just … stops. “wot”
so yeah. ti moune, in one of The most IMPRESSIVE displays of heterosexual tomfoolery and ridiculousness i have Yet Seen (scene), trades her life for this Complete Fuckin Stranger she pulled out of the car wreck whomst has not as of yet spoken a Single word to her bc HE’S BEEN UNCONSCIOUS THE WHOLE TIME!?
and heres another good line, the first gay daddy nico diangelo himself eli papa gay papa ge has had since “wot”: i am the road / leading to no return
(and this is also where eli goes REALLY high. like not for basically everyone else, but for him)
then daniels two dads apparently, grant and hugh, pick him up and take him back to the hotel and ti moune is like “NOOOOOOO��� and makes mama and tonton let her leave to go find daniel, and frankly i am not very interested in this specific part of the song so fuck that i skipped it lmao lets get to lavanyas fuckin SOLO
alright. “mama will provide”. exactly what it says on the tin, taking it into account that asaka would be mother earth i guess
really all this one is is lavanya’s fuckin angelic voice and What Exists In Nature, and i cant very well put lavanya’s voice down on the page for yinz to hear can i? the only notable thing i can really think of besides this next piece a dialogue  will share w u is in the beginning theres a bunch of ensemble doing weird repeating acapella and some hopping in like frogs. “COO COO coo coo cOO COO COOO” “SHAH shaSHA-ah” “buuuuu BUM! BUM! bum” its sounds slightly weirder than it is
anyway here’s the best dialogue:
everyone: MOSQUITOS??
asaka: HA!
ok, so ti moune finds daniel who doesnt know who she is bc, you know, he was unconscious the entire time. she gets him to know she was the one who nursed him tho. and they go to the front of the stage and ti moune sits and daniel puts his head on her lap. again, poor hank
now, “human heart”. jesus. i have literally cried over this song.
so erzulie goes out on stage to where hank is slowly suffering, probably, and sings this GODS DAMN BEAUTIFUL SONG about like, love n shit i guess. the storytellers and the other three gods act as a sort of choir. that’s pretty much all there is to say about human heart tho. moving on
ok so for “pray (reprise)” the gossipers (which are apparently supposed to be the storytellers, but fuck that thats lame, give my Cool Hoes lianna and taylor parts tbh) go out on stage and sing about how daniel is spending all his time w a peasant and shes a witch and yadda yadda yadda. and then theres some lame romance shit that i dont have fuckin time for
anyway, the song culminates with daniel’s father comin out on stage (lmao). which father, u ask? he had two of em? well that was grant and hugh, this one’s iain. conclusion: daniel has three polyamorous gay dads. this is the gayest production of a play ive ever seen. i mean papa ge? “papa ge wants him”? the fact that tonton means uncle so mama euralie and tonton julien arent married? “this boy is mine” coming from daddy gay himself? the fact that daniels last name means beautiful man? the “beautiful god of love” (as luke said, refusing to misgender himself in his introduction U GO LUKE)? the fact that out of the main cast (the 4 gods, the 4 storytellers, daniel, ti moune, andrea, mama euralie, and tonton julien) there are literally eight (8) actors who Arent straight (id bet that two others arent str8 and or / cis as well but im not sure)? just change daniel to danielle and itll be perfect
ayway daniel’s 3rd dad comes out on stage and tells him to stop this nonsense, young man ANYWAY NEXT SONG
in “some girls” the rich guys at the hotel all are doing a really lame colorless boring dance. then this girl andrea (ava) comes out and sings about the rumors about ti moune, that she’s stupid or wild, and daniel tells her to stop, then ti moune arrives and andrea really condescendingly asks her to dance for everyone and daniel encourages ti moune
so ti moune does a slow lame dance and then it gets loud and wild and fun! then when she’s done andrea goes to daniel and is like “she’s in love with you you oblivious fuck if you care at all you’ll tell her —” (unclear about what he’s caring about) and andrea is interrupted by ti moune who’s like “HI I HEARD MY NAME WHATCHA WANT ANDREA” and daniel goes and breaks her fuckin heart right
how he does this is he’s like “oops sorry i thought u would realize that we could never marry bc andrea and i are already engaged (since we were babies)”. daniel demonstrates an amazing amount of calmness about being forced to marry this girl he’s known all his life, and an incredible amount of insensitiveness bc TI MOUNE WAS NEVER FUCKIN TOLD THAT HE WAS ENGAGED. honestly i loathe literally every single character in this play except for the gods and the storytellers lmao
the reprise of forever mine.
so. ti moune is alone on stage and she goes like “gods please are u listening help me” and then. u hear. eli’s fucking amazing evil laugh and the gay himself appears
and he’s like u gotta keep ur promise ti moune im here to collect on that Soul
did i mention elis voice is beautiful? no i dont care, im sayin it again, eli [last name redacted] has the voice of an angel
anyway he’s like “u gave him ur soul, now u have to PAY” (the line he used here is “i am the price you’ll pay” and that sounds cool as shit)
and so “father homosexual,” as he was dubbed by luke, takes out his knife and sings “your life is forever mine” and holds the knife to ti mounes neck and ti moune yells “PLEASE DONT” and and and
he stops.
“trade your life for his.”
so papa ge gives her the knife and tells her to go stab daniel and he sings “i am the road that leads to no return” as he walks to the left side of the stage, and erzulie appears at the right side and sings human heart as papa ge continues with his verse from the first forever mine as ti moune struggles towards and away from daniel, straining, being pulled by opposite forces, love and death, and the two unite in singing “forever mine!” and ti moune casts the knife to the floor and screams “NO!”
and the music stops
and daniel sees the knife and picks it up
and says “why?!”
(fuckin bitch shoulda stabbed him when she had the chance)
and ti moune gets cast out and like, withers away at the gate neither eating nor sleeping, and then daniel comes to the gate with andrea at his wedding and sees ti moune and gives her a coin when she runs after him, and she collapses and the gods, sOMEHOW GAINING SOME MINISCULE VIEW OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR FUCKIN ACTIONS, all start CRYING. (erzulie won the bet) and erzulie hugs ti moune and papa ges probably off somewhere feeling sorry for himself bc you cant fuckin see him in the footage (nah, he’s off at the side of the stage with the other two gods neither of whomst you can see either), and mama euralie comes to sing this sad and pretty number “part of us” and then tonton and baby ti moune arrive as well for some fuckin reason,
and mama euralie says,
“and then the gods blessed her and turned her into —”
and then the gods hit their staffs on the floor (ian a bit gentlier bc his was falling apart bc he wouldnt stop fucking licking the fucking ribbons, ian) “a tree!”
and the tree comes up, forwards this time thankfully (phew) and and the tree fuckin cracks the walls of the hotel, get rekt scrubs, and the tree fuckin stalks daniel i guess, and daniels son sits by the tree and looks up and theres a peasant girl in its branches, and ti moune touches everyones hearts and also their livers, and everyone starts singing “why we tell the story”
also, fun story real quick, ive never actually seen eli dab i dont think (that’s something i need to accomplish real soon), and the dance he went off to the side and did with like, lydia, and agwe and ben [last name redacted] and daniels son and hugh — i guess all the boys in musical theater and also lydia, and the dance they have to do looks pretty damn like dabbing, and like, eli’s holding his staff so he cant do a true dab, really, but he can do a one armed one — but no. his dancing looks more like fuckin waving. ben [last name redacted] is dabbing, daniels son is dabbing, im like 80 percent sure ian’s dabbing directly behind eli, gloria’s dabbing in the back, but no, nOT ELI. im pretty sure he’s deliberately avoiding it smh
whOOP exciting parts over. now it’s time for Sad Half Circle Around Tree Girl i guess
“the stories that we weave,” and the storytellers and daniel’s son and the peasant girl in tree moune’s branches all come to the front and —
“there is an island where rivers run deep…”
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uniformbravo · 7 years
ok here are some of my Actual s2 thoughts (voltron spoilers below)
so back when i first watched s1 i guess i wasn’t totally 100% into it?? i dont remember if i ever really talked abt it on here but i remember being a little confused and trying to figure out why it was so popular bc i honestly didn’t think it was that great but idk i must’ve warmed up to it at some point between then and now bc i was way more into it this time around aaaaa
i rly did like s2 better than s1 tho??? idk maybe it’s just bc it’s new so it’s the hype of new content & everything but dang overall i do feel like i enjoyed it more
i rly like the art style and especially the animation style like this is probably just me coming to this show straight from lolirock but like... while lolirock has a really appealing art style im honestly not a fan of the type of animation they use so it felt really nice to come back to like. hand-drawn stuff idk just! voltron is a v visually appealing show in all aspects god bless
everyone is still super trans wow i can’t believe every character is trans
tbh i love shiro? but it’s weird bc i actually think he’s rly boring when it comes to his “leadership” kind of characteristics but like also he suffers a lot and gets a lot of the plot-heavy development and normally i might be annoyed by that but im just...... so weak
also speakin of shiro there was a lot of shiro/keith this season and like..... ok im gonna be honest i dont rly ship them or anything like at all im not too keen on the two of them that way but this person i follow has this au where they’re brothers and imagining them that way made me enjoy their scenes like 100% more so like Good Shit (but tbh keith saying “you’re like a brother to me” or was it maybe “father” i can’t remember but either way that line killed me pls i want them to have a rly strong platonic bond i want shiro to feel rly protective of keith and i want keith to feel safer around shiro aaaaa i love it so much)
pidge starting to adopt altean terms and phrases fucking killed me dude like with the time vocabulary n shit, even the others started picking it up a little bit it’s So Fucking Good im so happy aaaaaAA
i still love keith and lance i hope they never calm down w/ each other and keep fighting forever bye (like rewatching s1 when lance is like “yOU AGAIN” and keith is like “who are u” hfhdgd gOD that was so GOOD)
a lot of the character development was rly good but tbh im a little disappointed by the lack thereof when it came to lance and hunk like ?? at this point they’re still treated like the Joke Characters for the most part, i mean lance did have his one little moment of glory in that one episode but i would really love to see like. an actual full character arc w/ him. and i know hunk did have some stuff in s1 w/ like the balmerans & shae but this season it felt like he was just kinda pushed aside and i mean the same could be said of pidge, who did have a lot of story in s1 but barely anything in s2, so maybe i’m just being a little impatient lol i mean. if u take a step back and lay it all out, s1 focused on shiro, pidge, allura, and a little bit of hunk, and then s2 focused on shiro and keith, so maybe s3 (idk if it’s even confirmed yet but like hypothetically) will focus on lance and hunk more? and probably shiro again tbh  i mean it doesn’t really feel like anything’s been set up to go into a lance or hunk arc, but at the same time there wasn’t really any setup for keith’s whole s2 thing in s1 either, so there’s still the possibility that it could all happen in s3 but like. with the way s2 went and the unanswered questions it left about keith i can see s3 being very keith-centric, not to mention all the reminders we got about pidge’s whole family issue this season, so s3 will probably focus on that a lot too idk i mean at the end of the day they are pretty short seasons, it makes sense that they can only focus on a select few characters at a time, so i feel like at this point it makes sense to just sit back and wait to see what happens, & then if hunk and lance are still kind of shoved aside w/ nary even a mere setup then wtf actually
not to keep running w/ the negativity & criticisms but honestly what i really love in a show is complex characters written realistically and w/ voltron i feel like it /almost/ delivers but not really? like, not to bring up lolirock again but that show has fairly one-dimensional characters who are written relying more on their character type than anything with a ton of depth; the protagonists are Good and the antagonists are Evil; auriana is the goofball, talia is the responsible one, iris is the main character or the “pure good” one, mephisto is the clumsy villain, praxina is the irritable villain- like it’s all just very straightforward (most of the time). i feel like voltron is a little more complex with its characters than lolirock, but in the end it still kind of sticks to the same method of characterization; it’s definitely not as cookie-cutter, but each character does have one or two characteristics that blatantly stick out and make them.... i dont know, really predictable? like you Know that every time a girl shows up lance is gonna hit on her, and every time there’s some cool technology pidge is gonna fawn over it and every time there’s food hunk is gonna say some shit about being hungry, and keith and lance argue a lot and shiro gets the team’s shit together because he’s the Leader and it’s just like basically, with voltron it feels very “telling” rather than “showing” with most things, and besides manifesting in the story it shows in the way the characters are written, too. in most situations, the characters’ reactions are written based more on those few main characteristics they’ve been given than more realistic reactions to their current situation, and maybe that’s a little confusing but i’ll try to clarify actually im sorry but i just completely lost my train of thought and i can’t get it back, it’s currently coming up on 1am and im incredibly tired right now so i’m gonna have to cut this short but like. basically, the characters in voltron kind of have their main characteristics and it’s fine to have things like that bc it helps define characters but the way the writers use them feels a lot like those hogwarts house sorting quizzes that are like “what’s your favorite animal? a) lion b) snake c) raven d) badger” like it tends to be relatively straightforward and predictable in a bad way, and a lot of that execution has to do with the storytelling style the show has overall
ok ANYWAY let’s say something more positive now: the soundtrack to this show is absolutely phenomenal tbh i remember thinking this last time too, just the general sound it has, it feels like an homage to the older series and acts as a subtle way to bring that kind of aesthetic into it and i rly like it (i mean i’ve never seen the old show so idk what kind of aesthetic it has but u know what i mean. the kind of “old video tape sound” kind of thing. u know the game oxenfree, which has a similar music aesthetic. god idk how to explain this i hope u know what i’m trying to say. i rly like voltron’s soundtrack)
like i didnt mean to go on this big rant all “here’s everything i didn’t like abt voltron what a Bad Show” bc i actually really like it a lot!! the fact that im picking it apart like this is actually a good sign that i like it bc if i dont care abt something i won’t put in the effort, u know? if i don’t like it then i won’t be all “here’s what i hope to see from this show in the future” right
anyway it’s fuckin 1am bye, i love voltron goodnight
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