#sorry for making another joke about john thinking sam is gay. Like i do it on purpose
sammygender · 28 days
teenage sammy is soooo. canonically a mathlete canonically a soccer player canonically a theatre kid canonically did tech (i know the latter two could be the same thing but i do not think they are; ep mentions him being in our house and oklahoma and mentions him having done tech... ur not IN a musical if you did tech for it.... sam was on stage AND at another venture he did tech... my little theatre kid...). How did he have time for this. did he just sign up to every extracurricular he could find. probably as a way of getting out of the motel. Sorry dad i cant come hunt tonight i have theatre rehearsals :) and you just know john HATED it. what do you mean you have theatre rehearsals i dont give a fuck about your theatre rehearsals you blew off a hunt for soccer practice three days ago you are NOT doing that again...... and sam going But the director will kill me if i dont show up an do you really want me to draw attention to myself??? You dont even need me i might as well go..... john is probably two seconds away from making a homophobic remark about sam doing theatre before he reconsiders because maybe sam's actually gay and he doesn't care if sam is gay as long as sam hunts. sam misses the theatre rehearsal. still signs up to do oklahoma in the next town though. this post snowballed
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abarbaricyalp · 3 years
Idk if you are still taking prompts, but you know the vine two dudes chilling in a hot tub 5 feet apart cause they're not gay, and a girl quoting it in a park about two girls in the distance and one of them hearing and going "Actually I am gay" Like that scenario, only involving them fixing the boat? Maybe Sarah quoting it to give Sam shit when she thinks Bucky cant hear and Bucky goes "Wait, no I'm gay" or something, or just the general gist of that. Sorry if this us too specific, I've never sent anyone a prompt before :P
Hello Friend! Thank you so much for sending anything in at all! I know the vine you're talking about, but I couldn't find it on Youtube. (I did find a two day rabbit hole of old compilations though) This was also my first foray into writing Sarah as a fully fleshed character! I was excited to get the practice 'cause I had an idea bouncing around in my head about her and Bucky talking after he wakes up in the Wilson house. I kept her a little more like she had been in my other fics pre-show here. I so wish we got a little more of her!
Feel free, anyone, to send me Sambucky prompts!
The North American Superhero in a Domestic Situation
Sarah Wilson loved her brother deeply. The kind of soul crushing love that could only be formed through family, loss, and approximately four thousand brawls around the living room throughout their life. She looked up to her brother more than she could ever imagine looking up to anyone. Even when they were fighting or picking on each other, she couldn’t help but feel a swell in her chest when he came into her line of sight.
That didn’t mean she understood him. In fact, from the age of eight, watching her brother interact with the world had become her go-to pastime. Why did he have to roll every pea around the plate individually before eating them? Why did he and his friends spend seven years socking each other in the arm to prove friendship? Why did he talk to himself in the mirror, even when he knew Sarah or someone else was standing in the doorway?
Sam Wilson was just deeply weird. She had no idea how he had tricked the Avengers, a plethora of bad guys, and half of the media world into thinking he was remotely cool. She saw a news story once that had King T’Challa standing on a platform with Sam and the newscasters talked about how impressive Sam’s suit was. It was unnatural, the effect he had on people.
And in all her years, she never thought she’d see anyone weirder than Sam. But then James Barnes had showed up. It was like a complete reversal of Sam. Sarah was taken in for approximately three hours by his charm and face before she realized he too was deeply, deeply weird.
She justified sitting on the edge of the Paul and Darlene, watching her brother and James Barnes spar off about some dumb trivia fact, by deciding it was an anthropological expedition. The North American Superhero in a Domestic Situation. She watched Sam watch Barnes take a long pull off his beer. She watched Barnes kick his feet up near Sam’s legs and then draw them back quickly when a current jolted the boat. She watched Barnes’ fingers tap-tap-tap against the edge of the boat, inching closer to Sam’s shoulder before he chickened out and brought his hand back to his own lap. She watched Sam suggest Bucky take his jacket off, ‘unless you plan on sun blinding me with the robocop arm.’ She watched Sam look away when Barnes did shrug his jacket off.
When she was seventeen and Sam was fifteen, she had found Sam crying in his room, pillow pressed to his face to muffle the noise. They were at the age where going into each other’s rooms uninvited started international conflicts, but Sarah, who watched her brother intently, felt like she knew what was going on. So she let herself in through their Jack-and-Jill bathroom and shut the door behind her.
Sam didn’t stop crying, not even to yell at her to get out, so she sat on the end of his bed and rolled a baseball under her foot for a while. Finally, she’d said, “You don’t have to tell Mom and Dad, y’know.”
Sam had just about wailed and bit the corner of his pillow to stop himself.
“That’s gross, stop it,” Sarah ordered and pushed Sam’s shoulder back enough to yank his pillow free and then reached over to wipe the tears from his cheeks. “I should make you do the laundry this week so I know I’m not touching your snot germs,” she teased softly.
“How did you know?” Sam hiccuped out. Tears were still brimming at his eyes, but they didn’t fall.
“I’m your older sister. I made you. Like a doll. You think there’s something about you that I don’t know?” she joked. And when the tears did spill over his long lashes, she sighed and pulled him closer to her side. “I just know the way you interact with that boy from the basketball team ain’t just friendly.”
“Jesus, do you think he can tell?” Sam asked and she could hear the mortification in his voice.
“Sam, he’s a freshman in high school. The only thing he knows is that he’s scared of everything too. No one’s paying that much attention to you.”
“Screw you,” Sam muttered.
“What’re all these tears for you if you didn’t make a move and get shot down?”
“God, Sarah, can you not say things like that?”
“Watch your mouth,” Sarah warned with no heat in her voice. “Come on, tell me what’s wrong. I’m not leaving until you do.”
“I just…” Sam sat up and worked his jaw for a while. His chin dimpled and his eyes watered but he managed to control himself. “I’m scared, Sarah. I’m scared of never being in love. Of having to leave if I am. I’m scared to say something and I’m scared not to say something. I’m so scared of...losing any of it.”
“Sam,” Sarah sighed and pulled Sam into another hug. “You’re fifteen. You’re not supposed to be in love yet. You don’t have to think about any of that. You just have to focus on passing Geometry, alright? Mom’ll whoop your ass more for failing than anything else.”
“I have a B+, that’s not failing!” Sam snapped. He kept his face against her shoulder for a second long before he sat up and wiped his tears away. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
“Who am I gonna tell? I told you, my friends don’t like you as much as you think they do.”
“Your friends like me more than they like you,” Sam shot back and he almost sounded normal.
Sarah smiled softly and patted Sam’s cheek. “I won’t tell Mom or Dad. Of course not. That’s for you to do. But--”
“I’m always going to tell them when you sneak out the window.”
“No! Sam! You can’t! You owe me now!”
“Going to field parties is not the same thing!” Sam said in a shriek as Sarah leaned over to pinch his sides. They grappled for a second before Sam managed to push Sarah off the bed.
“You owe me,” she reminded him as she walked back to the bathroom.
Sam wiped his eyes again and nodded. “Sure, Sarah. I do.”
Sam almost had the same look on his face now. Like there was something he wanted to reach for that he thought was too impossible to hold. The Older Sister Instinct to Antagonize into a Solution kicked in.
“Two bros, chilling on a boat, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay,” she sing-songed. Sam looked mortified again but masked his face into something more irritated with a roll of his eyes when Barnes looked over at him.
“Ignore her. It’s this old video--” Sam started.
But Bucky interrupted to say, “Actually I am gay,” as he looked back over at Sarah. “Sorry if I got your hopes up,” he added with a grin that really did get the hopes up.
“What?” Sam asked and Sarah, ever watchful, could see the beer bottle shaking in his hand.
“What?” Bucky repeated innocently.
“He said he’s gay,” Sarah clarified.
“Thank you, Sarah,” Sam ground out. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Bucky snorted. “When would I have said anything? ‘Sorry for ripping your wings off and kicking you off of a hellicarrier, by the way I’m gay.’?”
“You did what?” Sarah asked.
“‘Sorry for claiming I didn’t bomb the UN only to be reverted back to the assassin who would have done that and then fighting you again. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘Thanks for saving my life. Sorry about the giant undersea prison. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘There’s an imminent battle with weird ass space dogs that want to eat our faces. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘Sorry about Tony Stark, whose life I kind of ruined. Lovely funeral. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘I’m in the middle of being pissed at you about the Shield. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘Maybe don’t take me rolling through a field of flowers. It does things to me ‘cause I’m gay.’ ‘John Walker’s fucking insane. I’m gay, but definitely not for this bullshit.’ I mean, come on, Sam.”
“Flowers?” Sarah asked.
“Besides, why would you care? I don’t make it a habit of telling straight guys I’m into guys.”
“You don’t seem to make a habit of telling many people that,” Sarah pointed out. “I googled you. Nothing suggesting that came up.”
Bucky shrugged. “I’m a guy from the 30s. It was trained out of me.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Sarah said quickly. “Back up away from that because we’re not gonna try to Oppression Olympics our way through our histories. Did you just say Sam was straight?”
“Sarah!” Sam hissed.
“Sure. I mean, I saw him with Romanov. Hill. He has Tinder on his phone.”
“Samuel Thomas, you better not,” Sarah warned lightly. “You’re better than that.”
“He’s a lady-killer.”
Sarah snorted and had to bring her hand up to her face. “He definitely is not. There has been no lady-killing on his end for a long time.”
“Sarah!” Sam tried again.
“You explain it to him then. Mr. 30s is gonna need the long way round explanation.”
Sam sighed and dragged his hand over his face. “Dammit. Fine. I’m not straight either, alright? I’m...bi, or something. It’s been a while since I’ve had to think about it.”
“What?” Bucky asked, not unlike Sam had.
“He said he’s bisexual. Interested in both parties. Swings either way. Hit a homerun and then hasn’t really swung since.”
“Sarah, Jesus Christ,” Sam groaned.
“What?” Bucky asked again.
“I was engaged. To a man,” Sam said.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Bucky asked, clearly missing the irony.
“Oh, it was inconvenient for you but I had plenty of opportunities, huh?” Sam asked. “Ms. Tell-It-All over there wasn’t joking. I haven’t swung any direction in a while. Not since before I met Steve. My fiance died. And then it never came up.”
Bucky blinked at Sam. He kept bringing the bottle halfway up his body and then setting it back on his leg without ever taking a drink. “Fuck, Sam, I’m sorry,” Bucky said, which was not what Sarah was expecting and it clearly wasn’t what Sam was expecting because Sam finally moved closer to Bucky on the bench.
“What for? You didn’t do anything. This time.”
“Yeah, but if I’d known you were into me too, I woulda kissed you in Germany.”
“Oh, I am so not into you,” Sam denied. “And I wouldn’t have our first kiss ruined by immediately running into the government’s roving show monkey.”
“That’s the worst,” Bucky agreed and also finally moved over on the bench until they were pressed thigh to thigh. “Tell me how much you don’t like me again,” he challenged.
“I can’t stand you,” Sam answered and brought his hand up to Bucky’s jaw.
Sarah couldn’t fight down the grin that came to her face and turned to prop her feet on the pier, back to Sam and Bucky. Just this once, she didn’t need to watch her brother to understand him.
Read on AO3 here!
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beesweatercas · 3 years
Why dont u like 15x20? Full explanation please haha akkhckskf
Wow you just like playing with fire huh well dear since you asked:
Cw: su!cide, mental illness
1) Destiel aside, it was really ooc for Dean to just be like “yeah it sucks that Cas and Jack aren’t here but you know you just gotta move on :/”. We’ve seen how he reacts when someone close to him passes away, whether it’s Sam and he overdoses on medicine (Red Meat) or sells his soul, or it’s Cas and he drinks excessively and generally gets extremely depressed. Being all cheery and talking about moving on is not only a red flag for someone contemplating suicide, it’s just so out of character for Dean.
2) The blurry wife. Um. Really. I know it was meant so it was “open for interpretation” but that’s really just a fancy way of excusing misogyny.
3) The wig. If you’re going to give Sam that ending, at least do it respectably. Sam’s ending was alright, in theory, but the way it was done by making his wife blurry and naming his son Dean and the whole montage was just ridiculous imo. If they showed it better it would’ve been okay.
4)The fact that when Sam died he was surrounded by pictures of his blood family. No Cas, no Jack, hell, no pictures of his blurry wife that he loved so dearly. For a show that had a main message of “family don’t end in blood,” that was a crappy way to end Sam’s character.
5) Dean has been suicidal for a long time, and killing him off when he’s finally “happy” isn’t giving him peace or giving him the ending he wanted. If you’re going to go ahead and say that he’s gotten over Cas’s death and Jack’s absence, fine, but that would mean that Dean was content with his life. Why would he want to die when he’s happy and free? He canonically had a job application on his desk, so it’s clear that he didn’t want to go just yet, and even if he did, he wanted to at least get another shot at normal. This isn’t The Good Place where a character chooses to die when they’re happiest and at peace, this is Earth and that is not a message you want to send to human beings who are alive right now. It’s not like Dean was 90 years old and had enough of life, he was in his 40s. Who knows what could’ve happened if he had gotten the chance to live the way he wanted. And also just... a nail to the back, really, wooow. Plus Sam totally could have prayed to Jack to save him, so there were definitely ways to prevent Dean’s death and simply choosing not to use those options was ooc and sends a bad message to all people struggling with mental illness.
6) Agent Bon Jovi. Yes the idea was cool and all but come on they could’ve chosen a name that doesn’t sound funny. It killed the mood.
7) If you really think the plot of the finale was good, sure, you’re entitled to your opinion. But really take a look and think about the way it was done. The whole thing was 3 montages, a death scene, and a monster of the week plot line. I know the motw thing is their classic go-to, but for a finale I just expected something more. Also let’s not forget how they played carry on wayward son and then IMMEDIATELY followed with a COVER of carry on wayward son. Please-
8) Also following up on the Dean dying thing: Dean canonically, explicitly, wanted a big funeral with “open bar, choir, Sabbath cover band, and Gary Busey reading the eulogy.” Sure, he was joking around a bit when he said that, but it was a hyperbole, an exaggeration, which means that he stretched what he meant to say, and he did want a funeral that was still meaningful and cool. What did he get? His brother and dog watching miserably as his body burns. It’s not like there weren’t friends of his that were still alive and able to come say goodbye. Do people really think Claire, Garth, Eileen, Jody, Donna, and more wouldn’t want to attend Dean Winchester’s funeral?? At the very LEAST they could’ve had Jack come down from Heaven for a few moments.
9) Not really the finale but it’s continued from 15x19: A TODDLER IS GOD. Jack should’ve had the chance to be a kid. Despite his appearances and powers, he’s still new to the world. He’ll make mistakes, just like he did before he was god, but those mistakes will have even greater consequences. I know that was where the story was going and there wasn’t really a way around it, but it just leaves a bitter taste.
10) Not even for destiel reasons, but just the fact that Dean didn’t even talk about Cas’s death. Even if he told Sam about it and said he doesn’t reciprocate those feelings, at least he would have said SOMETHING. “He saved me” isn’t enough, I’m sorry. That’s the reason Cas’s death fits the bury your gays trope; not because Cas came out and died, but because he was practically erased after that.
11) The lack of characters. Go ahead and claim corona restrictions all damn day, there was still a shot at the end with the entire cast and crew smushed together on a bridge. Mask-less. I’m sure there were a few actors who would’ve felt comfortable enough to be in the finale. If schools are able to be open with thousands of kids spreading germs everywhere and endangering each other as well as the teachers, then a show can have like 3 people added to the set for a few scenes.
12) John is with Bobby and Dean in heaven?? THEE abusive John Winchester?? You really think Dean will feel safe with his abusive father right around the corner?? You really think SAM is happy about that?? Bobby wouldn’t stand for that either! They tried to redeem John and his behavior, and that’s honestly inexcusable, that man has no right to be anywhere near those boys.
13) 15 years of character development? I don’t know her <3
14) Bringing back Jenny was pointless I’m sorry it really was, I didn’t even remember her and they killed her off 0.2 seconds after revealing her. I-
15) Might I add that if only 30% of your audience enjoys the finale, you aren’t doing your job correctly lmao
So yeah. If you’d like me to elaborate on any of these points feel free to send me an ask, dm me, or reply to this post. If you’d like to argue with me, feel free to do that too.
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marauders-map-irl · 3 years
this is Not An Accident (written very poorly by me)
Living here, in this small, ignorant town, going to my small, ignorant high school, looking like I do, loving who I do, sucks. And that’s to say the least. For some background, I live in a small town in the countryside of Tennessee, called Greenton. I go to a high school called Cookie-Cutter, which is pretty ironic because it is much like a high school you would see on tv.
Everyone pretty much hates us here. I can’t say that I blame them, though. I hate me too. My family is the only strange family here; everyone else is pretty normal (extremely so). Everyone mocks us and bullies us. My mum is African American and my father is Irish. They both joke that we’re the 21st century version of the Brady Bunch.
There’s 7 of us, including my parents and I. I’m right in the middle of my brothers and sisters, and perhaps the most normal, but that doesn’t say much. My eldest brother is John (20), and he’s the oldest of us all. He’s mixed like the rest of us, he’s cisgender male and gay. Then comes my eldest sister, Moira (19), who’s non-binary and pansexual. There’s me next (16), and I’m cisgender female, asexual, and aromantic. After me came my trans (female-male) brother (12), Mikey, and he’s heterosexual. Lastly came my sister, Brittany (9), who’s showing signs of being demiromantic.
We’re the only people that aren’t white in the entire town, and we only came here to help dad’s parents in retirement. The town is extremely ignorant, and it doesn’t help that we came from a big city either. In school, I’m an outcast, though I suppose it’s better than being constantly bullied still. They’ve stopped all contact with me completely, deeming my lack of wanting any sexual activities at my age strange. The teachers even think I’m weird too, and as such have either called on me excessively or just stick to grading my perfect papers and not making any conversation with me if unnecessary. I tend to get perfect grades, what with having absolutely no platonic ties to anyone outside family.
That brings me to where we are currently. In math class, staring out of a window I’m somehow always seated by. The teacher, whatever her name is, is droning on and on about a group project worth half of our final grade for the year. Three people just either groaned or were making tiny grunts of displeasure, meaning I was in a group this time. This project must actually be important. I look up about 4 minutes later, when someone sits next to me and taps my shoulder. Looking up, it’s the very person that continues to poke fun at me, Jessica Kaileia. Well, Jessica, 1 of her most loyal cronies, and another nerd. Sam, I think his name is, and I recall he always eats a slice or two of pie everyday at lunch.
“Do you need something?” I ask Jessica coldly, averting my eyes quickly from her makeup-caked face.
“We’re project partners, Mckinlay. Otherwise I wouldn’t risk my wellbeing talking to you, trust me,” she smirks slightly and her cronie sniggers, but I just roll my eyes and Sam snorts.
“So we’re using last names? Didn’t think you liked your last name anymore, what with your father being a serial killer, Kaileia,” Sam says, making me hold in my giggles as Jessica shrieks.
“You forgot the part where her mum left her for a woman,” her cronie says in disgust, clearly trying and failing to conceal her own laughter.
“Mackenzie!!” Jessica says in a shriek that would rival that of Petunia Dursley.
“Watch your volume, Ms. Kaileia,” the teacher says in her monotone voice, barely glancing up from her issue of The Quibbler.
“Yes, Ms. Binns. Sorry, Ms. Binns,” Jessica says, rolling her eyes before returning to glare at Sam and I respectfully.
“What was the assignment?” I ask, wanting to rid myself of these potentially cruel people as quickly as possible.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll get it done by tomorrow and put your names on it. I am second in our year. Of course, I will need your first and last names, well, not yours Kaileia,” Sam states, staring at the packet of instructions and not looking up at us once.
“Yes, well I’m first so I’d actually like to do the work, if you don’t mind. Not that princess Allura and her bestie Romelle here would appreciate getting a fair share of the project,” I say, snatching the packet gently and looking it over.
“Who are they?” the cronie asks, making both Sam and I snort.
“Homewreckers one and two,” Sam says as I divide the instructions in half and give the easy half to Sam.
“Language, Mr. Avery,” the teacher’s monotone voice rings throughout the classroom and Sam apologizes half-heartedly.
“Wait, why do I get the easy part of the assignment?” he asks me offrontedly.
“Because I’m the first in our class,” I answer easily in a ‘duh’ tone, to which he nods with a slight frown.
The assignment was straightforward and easy, although to Jessica and her friend, it would be like rocket science to a 3 year old. I set to work, knowing that if I start now, my half would be done by the end of lunch hour. I didn’t pay much attention to my bullies, though them being in my peripheral didn’t support the cause at all. They were seemingly doing their nails (more like the minion doing Jessica’s nails) and talking about stereotypical popular girl things. The tiny bits that I actually heard made me roll my eyes so hard and so often I was worried they might actually get stuck.
“What’s your name? I need to know for the project,” I ask the she-devil’s minion, but she looks to Jessica for confirmation before speaking.
“Clara Maythers,” she mutters, as though the mere thought of speaking to someone as ‘abnormal’ as me scared her very being.
I nod half-heartedly before adding her name to the list and continuing the project, trying once again to ignore the ignorant bastards behind me. I turn slightly when I see Jessica forcing Clara to hold up a magazine for her to read while she blows her wet nails dry, making sure I couldn’t see them at all. When I was looking over what I had, the intercom came on and the principal spoke. Her voice shook with laughter and I’m sure her face was turned up in a smirk. It was probably another prank. This is Cookie-Cutter, after all. We’re a very stereotypical high school and I’m a very… let’s just say mold-breaking student.
“Could Ms. Alessia Mckinlay come to the front desk to be collected. There has been a family emergency,” she says family as if she doesn’t believe my strange family is one, and I’m sure she doesn’t. There’s incoherent words being said to the principal and she grudgingly continues. “Please,” and after that, the intercom cuts off and all heads turn my way.
I make my way to the front office, as asked, and am hit with sneers, sympathetic looks, and pretty much everything between hate and loathing. I’m not even able to make my way to the front office before my parents steer me away from looking in the lobby. I look at them with a mix of skepticism and worry. Principal Maera did say there was a family emergency, after all.
“What happened?” I ask, trying to look over my parents’ shoulders and failing, due to them forming a wall in front of whatever they were hiding.
“Your sister… There was an accident and…” mum cuts herself off there with a choked sob, making me look to my father for the remaining explanation.
“They…” my father then stops himself, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly, either searching for the right words or not wanting to say them aloud (although in retrospect, it’s probably a mix of both).
At this point, I’m worried for all of my sisters, frustrated with my parents for not telling me what’s wrong, and attempting to stay positive and force all the negative thoughts from my head. I manage to shove through the human wall before me and my body freezes at the sight. Laying in front of my eyes is my little sister, Brittany, battered, bruised, broken, and lifeless. Her pants are down to her ankles, her rainbow underwear just past her knees, and blood is drying and caking around her…
I tear my eyes away, but they somehow end up right back at her. This time, though, I’m studying her face. It’s frozen in pain, but there’s also an air of peacefulness present. There’s bruises forming around her neck and littering her face, but I try not to focus on that. I try to focus on all her happy memories. I try to focus on her laughing as mum caught her cheating in Monopoly. I try to focus on dad hiding a grin as she stole a bit of the cake batter for my birthday last year. I try to focus on Brit. But it’s so hard. I try to focus on her happy times. But I always end up looking into her wide, horrified eyes.
My body’s seemingly on autopilot now, because I somehow make it over to my 9 year old sibling to shut her eyes properly, but I didn’t think about it. I thought about how someone could do this to a child. I thought about who could do this to a child. I thought about why someone would do this to a child.
But soon enough, a camera flashes, and then 2, then 5, and then I’m surrounded not only by my baby sister’s blood, but light from what seems like millions of phones. Soon enough, I feel like I’m under a microscope, and viscous scientists are picking apart my every move. Soon enough, I’m back to the main lobby of Cookie-Cutter High School in Greenton, Tennessee. And soon enough, the laughing, mocking, sneering, jeering students return full force.
I hear my mum crying in the background and muttering something about this being an accident. About it having to be an accident. That just makes me mad. Does she not see the freshman taking pictures of her youngest child’s corpse? Does she not see the sophomores laughing mercilessly at her and my tears alike? Does she not hear the juniors yelling at us that our whole family is a disgrace to human-kind? Does she not hear the seniors telling us that we all deserve the same fate? Does she not see my principal’s smug smirk as she watches the whole event and does absolutely nothing?
“This wasn’t an accident. How can you beat someone up on accident? How can you rape someone on accident? How can you murder an innocent child ON ACCIDENT? I get that you’re in shock or whatever, I really do. BUT HOW THE HELL COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK THIS WAS AN ACCIDENT? PEOPLE HAVE BULLIED US EVER SINCE WE MOVED HERE! THEY MOCK, TEASE, PUNCH, BUT NOW THEY’VE GONE TOO FAR!” my father is telling me to stop yelling, but I don’t hear him. All I know is that I see red, whether that be from the blood pooling at my feet or rage, I have no clue. “DON’T YOU SEE THEM LAUGHING, RECORDING, YELLING AT US?! DON’T YOU SEE HOW THIS COULD NOT HAVE POSSIBLY BEEN AN ACCIDENT?!” and by now, I’m crying, but she has to know. She has to become aware. She has to stop this. She has to. “Please,” I say to no one in particular, taking my sister’s dead body in my arms and sinking down to sit on the floor.
I can’t do anything but hug my now limp sister and pray that this is just another practical joke. Hope that she’s not really gone. Wish that I could have been a good big sister and protected her.
She had so much life left to live. She was only NINE, for god’s sake! She was going to grow up! She was going to make it past the fourth grade! She was going to do well in school and get into the college she wanted to go to! She was going to be successful in her career and her life! She was going to die when she was old and senile and only after beating a terminal disease like cancer, because that’s the stubborn bastard she is. Was.
This wasn’t an accident.
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hawkland · 3 years
Dear Fandom5k Author
My AO3 account (sidewinder)
Hello and thank you for writing for me! I’m excited to give this exchange a try for the first time and cannot wait to read what you can come up with for one of my requests. Please note I’d love any of them equally, no matter if I have more prompt ideas for one or the other. Some I seriously would love just about anything about since they are so rare, others I have more specific requests to scratch itches I haven’t seen written before (or that much.)
General Likes:
Soumates with a twist. I love soulmate/soulbond AUs, as long as it’s just not a shortcut to happily-ever, no-conflict fluff. I want there to be some difficulties or angst involved. For instance, I’d love seeing any fusion/inspired-by fics based off the concept of the AMC Soumates series - where there’s a newly-developed scientific test a person can choose to take to find their soulmate (if the other person out there has also taken the test). That way it’s a choice to find out or not. Would an already established couple want to take the test to find out if they’re really “meant” to be together or not? What if they find out other people are their “soulmates”? What about the possibility of platonic soulmates vs romantic? Discussions for the future if/when one partner dies before the other? I’d love to see these questions played out with one of my fave ships in either a  happy or somewhat angsty/dark way.
Vacation/travel stories. Being unable to travel this past year+ thanks to covid-19 has me desperate to explore and live vicariously through my favorite characters! So I’d love a story involving travel to somewhere new (to them). It could be a romantic getaway/honeymoon trip to somewhere special - and I love it when an author “takes me” to a favorite city/place of their own. Or two friends just going on an escapade together, maybe one sensing the other needs some time away from a stressful situation or workplace.
Smutty likes: I love extended kissing scenes, frottage, light restraint play, sharing-one-bed-for-~reasons~-ooops-how-did-we-wake-up-cuddling, bathing/caretaking an injured partner-turns-erotic, desperate/reunion sex.
Canon-divergent AUs - I’m always good with fix-its, shifts in canon that only change one thing and see what happens next or instead.
Do Not Wants:
A/B/O dynamics, mating heats. (I do like Supernatural fics that explore Castiel and the angels having bird-like behaviors and instincts, however.)
animal abuse/death
anything related to pregnancy/childbirth/kidfic (except for Jack in SPN)
formalized BDSM relationships
unrequested alternative-universe scenarios such as high school/mundane/genderswap/coffee shop/fantasy/etc. There are a few ships/groups where I would enjoy specific AUs, and those are outlined below.
Completely sad endings/permanent character death or injury that isn’t part of canon
Rape/non-con between requested characters. Dubious consent is fine in situations like magic spells/possession/fuck-or-die, however.
AU - Canon Divergence, Character Development, Established Relationship, Getting Together, Fix-it fic, Interpersonal Drama, Smut, Angst, Canon-Style Plot - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery/Procedural, Slice of Life, Worldbuilding, Horror
In general for SPN, I love canon-divergence AUs at pretty much any point in time (especially as they kept having so many dumb reasons in canon to keep Dean & Cas apart just when one or the other seriously needed support or TLC!) I’m okay with post-series Heaven fics as well as canon fix-its/completely ignoring the finale, and I like exploring both human!Cas as endgame or Cas keeping/getting his full angelic grace back (which is a slight preference to me, as he repeatedly seemed to genuinely value/want to be an angel? But exploring all possibilities in fic is cool for me.)
I’m a sucker for Castiel Whump/hurt!Cas in general, so long as the author remembers Cas is a bad ass and not just a baby in a trenchcoat. If he’s going to suffer, I want him to suffer stoically until he just cannot keep up the facade any longer.  
SPN-specific DNWs: mentions/implications of Wincest, past or present; extreme bashing/characterization of John and Mary Winchester, or Jimmy Nowak, as homophobic. 
Group: Castiel/Dean Winchester Group: Castiel/Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Give me all the finale fix-it fics - no I’m still not over it, I’m still happy to read any new twist on how Cas got out of the Empty and got back together with Dean (and Sam). If Dean still dies early/ends up in Heaven, I’d like a story that explores what happens when one gets bored of peace-and-happiness-ever-after. (Yes, I’m a big fan of The Good Place and as such it makes me wonder if eternity with no conflict and everything you could ever want would just melt your brain and identity after a few millennia.) So what then?
I’m also stealing a Tumblr rant as a prompt I’d love to read, if you want to get into some good dirty smut:
ive had it up to here with fictional gays being like “i love you and if all i can ever have is that knowledge it’s enough for me” we need more “i have been struck down by horny insanity and i beg you to fuck me once. i’ve had three smirnoff ices and i’m gonna be crazy now. we can pretend it didn’t happen i don’t give a shit just gimme daddy’s blunt instrument” it’s more realistic [x]
Um so yeah. I’d love an au where, anywhere along the line when it’s been their/someone’s/the universe’s life on the life, Cas takes the initiative decides they’re gonna have crazy sex even if it’s just once before the end of the world/we die. But then, oops, we’ve survived, now we have to deal with it. ...Please?
For something different, maybe more romantic/fluffy, I’d really love a vacation/getaway story here, since they never really got anything like that of substance on the show. I want to see Cas take Dean somewhere beautiful and amazing in the world he’s never gotten to see before. Show him there’s more than just greasy diners and the landscape of America to enjoy and experience. If you want, they could stumble on a case/haunting/monster from another part of the world while they’re at it...but I just really want to see Dean having some mind-opening and expanding experiences beyond what’s he’s known and seen so far in life.
In specific with Cas/Dean + Sam, I love another tumblr idea I saw recently where Sam totally keeps bringing up the idea of “Sastiel” as a fun joke between him and Cas, and Cas plays along, and it drives Dean up the wall. Cas has to just keep re-assuring Dean that no, he doesn’t see Sam that way...but why does it bother Dean so much? A.k.a. Dean has to finally own up to the fact that it bothers him because he wants Cas to feel that way about him.
Castiel (Supernatural)
I just love Cas, period, end of story, he’s my One True Character of SPN. I love any stories that try to explore him more fully—be it his relationships in the past with other angels and being a BAMF commander/warrior of Heaven, or what specifically it is that keeps him so tied to the Winchesters. I love stories that feature his true-form in some fashion or try to dig into the alien/different nature of angels vs. humans.
Also, another Tumblr-musing-turned-prompt (I lost who posted it, sorry!) I'd love to see explored in a canon divergence fic focused on Cas. Specifically: 
"I would have loved an arc for Cas (after he got his grace back) where he wanted to help people, like he was helped. Spending time in soup kitchens or healing people, and through that developing a sense of self purpose, leading to his grace replenishing unexpectedly. Sort of fulfilling the traditional angel role (as we know it nowadays) by replacing his faith in heaven/dean with faith in himself, to redefine himself as a protector of humanity instead of heaven's soldier."
Group: Castiel/Dean Winchester & Jimmy Novak Group: Castiel & Jimmy Novak
We know Cas carried a lot of guilt for what happened to Jimmy and his whole family. So I'm interested in a post-finale, canon-compliant (I guess?) fic where Cas tries to reconcile things with Jimmy in Heaven. Maybe Jimmy & Amelia were one of his first "projects" or test cases in trying to build a new and better Heaven with Jack? (And it's what he was so busy with while Dean was still alive.) Or, is it weird in Heaven with Cas and Jimmy looking so similar? Does Cas still fight doubts as to whether Dean really loves him, or just desires this body/form that isn’t his own?
Otherwise, I've been thinking about Endverse!Cas, who had lost his grace/powers as the angels have all left and abandoned humankind. What happened to/where is Jimmy in all of that? (If we go by the canon that Jimmy was not killed, nor went to Heaven, until the end of Season 5, when Lucifer blew up that vessel and Cas was resurrected by Chuck.) Are they now two "mortal men"/souls trapped sharing one body? Is that why Cas is so messed up/always seeking an escape through drugs and sex? (Besides of course Dean having changed so much.) This is one prompt where I don’t mind a very dark/not-so-happily-ever-after ending.
The Police
Angst, Character Development, Established Relationship, Getting Together, Humor, Interpersonal Drama, Smut
Group: Sting/Stewart Copeland
Yeah I’ll always request these two together even though I know it’s a long shot to find anyone else as obsessed about them as I am. Really anything at all whatsoever would make me happy for this ship: Reunion Tour-era fic, early punk days before they grew successful, soulmate AUs...
I’d also love a spooky story where they’re on tour/on the road somewhere and end up in a haunted hotel. Or their tour bus/van breaks down in the middle of nowhere and they have to seek shelter in an abandoned house or farm or something...and supernatural weirdness ends up affecting them or bringing them together.
If you want to go the crack route: it wasn’t enough for Miles to take them all around the world to tour in “exotic” locations back in the day. He’s arranged for them now to go on the ultimate tour...of outer space and alien worlds.
Crossover Fandom
Action/Adventure, Character Development, Interpersonal Drama, Angst, Canon-Style Plot - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery/Procedural
Group: Abe Morgan (Forever TV) & John Munch (L&O: SVU)
I’ve had a long running headcanon that these two could have been friends back in their respective 60s/early 70s hippie days. I’d love either a story set back then, “pre-canon”, or them running into each other in NYC later in life. Munch ending up in Abe’s antique shop, for instance, while on an investigation?  
Group: Dean Winchester (Supernatural) & Ezekiel Stone (Brimstone) Group: Castiel (Supernatural) & Ezekiel Stone (Brimstone)
I’m fascinated by the idea of crossing over these two canons. Even if there’s some conflict in their approach to Hell/Lucifer/demons, there’s still a lot in common. Dean & Ezekiel having both put in their time in Hell and being demon hunters, for instance, and their complicated relationships with (fallen) angels. I’d love to see them bonding over their experiences (Maybe they even meet in Hell? Time DOES work differently there…) Maybe somehow after Ezekiel completed his mission for the Devil, he did get his second chance at “life on Earth”…but the devil’s trick is that it’s not HIS Earth, it’s in a different dimension (Supernatural’s). I’m also curious how Ezekiel might respond to Castiel as an angel–perhaps he mistakes Cas for a demon at first, with his powers, but then they realize they are in fact hunting the same demon? Cas is stuck in an alternative dimension and recognizes Ezekiel as a similar soul to Dean’s, and seeks out his help?
Basically I’d love some kind of casefic/demon hunt here, with the characters bonding over their shared/similar past traumas, taking care of each other when/if injured on a hunt, and/or perhaps helping them sort out their complicated feelings for another (ie, background Cas/Dean and/or Zeke/the Devil are TOTALLY welcome here, as I ship both of those ships.)
Law & Order: SVU
Group: John Munch/Odafin "Fin" Tutuola
Character Development, Established Relationship, Humor, Getting Together, Interpersonal Drama, Canon-Style Plot - Freeform, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery/Procedural, Slice of Life, AU-Genre shift
Munch/Fin is one of my eternal OTPs so I’m always happy to see something new featuring them! I’m always good for procedural/case-fics. And this is one request where I’d love to read some AU-Genre or setting shift, reimagining the two in some other situations besides police work. I’ve always loved the idea of John hosting a conspiracy/weird news radio show or podcast, and Fin as someone completely skeptical but who gets wrapped up in one of John’s mysteries. Or John as the owner of a bar somewhere that Fin is one of his regulars, and over time their friendship develops/deepens into something more.
Supernatural RPF
Misha Collins/Jensen Ackles Established Relationship, Getting Together, Smut, Fluff, Slice of Life, Humor
It’s odd for me to be into an actor RPF fandom (I usually only fall for music/band-related ones), but what can I say...these two just make it almost impossible not to see the possibilities!
I was thinking I’d love something set post-Supernatural...their first time seeing each other again after a long time apart? (What with the show ending, covid, Misha’s surgery, etc etc.) Could be at a convention or maybe they get to go off on a getaway together somewhere private/romantic and it’s...kind of tense and maybe nervous/angsty at first? Like with doubts about whether they can/should go back to the way things were before.
Or: putting tin-hatty speculation about the “secret/real identity” of Alma Perpetua aside, I love their poetry and I’d love any “Cockles” fic using one of their poems as inspiration.
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
The virgin Hazbin vs. The Chad Helluva
((hey is the “virgin vs. CHAD” meme associated with alt right or anything iffy guys I’m kinda worried it is. PM me please))
This is long. Also read my earlier post for context.
Earlier this month I was chatting it up with a friend about how Viv gets heat for her material stuff while other purposefully “edgy” or “problematic” writers get a pass. The convo made me realize another important note about why I prefer Helluva to Hazbin and that’s it’s approach to it’s own themes and humor:
There’s a spectrum of pure shock/schlock humor to biting, meaningful satire. South Park, Drawn Together, Panty and Stocking and anything by Brandon Rogers is on the schlock end. Bojack Horseman, King of the Hill and Aggretsuko are on the black-comedy-satire end. In the middle are Rick and Morty, Kill la Kill and Venture Bros, where the humor can be either basic and cruel or strive for something more.
The schlockiest of schlock still have their followings who are in on humor that’s, first and foremost, out to get under your skin and even makes fun of them. When these works are “progressive” it’s usually just through sheer representation of a minority, and if they DO strive for a message, it’s little more than a much needed hot-take pointing out how stupid something is. South Park in it’s prime was ESPECIALLY good at the former.
Another interesting about these properties? The characters aren’t really that complex. They ARE strawmen! They are stereotypes! They ARE awful people. But either through the sheer audacity of the situation or how much the plot involves them, you somehow end up caring for these miserable, one-note people.
Viv’s humor fares more on this basic “schlockynottooseriousparody/comedy”-side of things, but Helluva Boss does this better than Hazbin.
Helluva Boss -both the actual pilot and it’s promotional material- doesn’t make any promises for any “deeper” character development. None of these demons at I.M.P are good people. None of them are SUPPOSED to be good people - they are literally demons who were never human and know nothing but absolute sin. 
((yes, I know this sounds similar to the “they’re in hell” non-argument. My point is not that this defense is foolproof, but that it works better in the context of Helluva vs. Hazbin. It’s a world building quirk, even though I’m not 100% sure Viv and her audience are in on the joke))
It makes their weird bits of NOTawfulness more funny because what business do they have being polite about their work or having any emotional connection to each other(Moxxie and Millie)? But they do! Blitzo is weird, even for a demon, but again he IS ONE, so his breaking into his coworkers house is just “annoying” to Moxxie and Millie rather than, you know, stalking which is absolutely what that is <--- it’s a bit of comedy that, to me, tells you what you need to know about these demons and what somehow is and isn’t good to them, which is to say: it varies!
((The one MASSIVE exception to this is Stolas who is 100% predatory and it’s played for laughs. Beejesus no. Get  owl boy out here. ))
Different series use their mythical creatures to different affect. In Satina the joke is that this demon-antichrist really is more of a little girl with a looser dad w. the version of hell being a send up to classic, even basic depictions of demons in media. Helluva’s different, with the Hell in that world being more of a ritzy, scummy city where everyone’s a dick to everyone else, and that’s fine. Even the joke in the beginning where the imps interview one of their clients tells you all you need to know about why this guy is in Hell, how he doesn’t get the point, and what the humor and tone of the short is striving for. I guess that’s why I’m just not offended by them using the R word, Blitzo laughing at the homeless (which is more of a joke on Blitzo, I thought), or the child murder. It felt oddly in character for these awful little creatures.
Helluva knows what it is and what it wants to be. While it’s fans and creators still take it too seriously, it really doesn’t set out to do much.
Hazbin has 99 problems and good world-building aint one. What IS one of those 99 problems - just as if not more than the lackluster storytelling or world building - is it’s attitude towards the subject matter.
Hazbin wants to have it’s cake and eat it too, but it isn’t properly established and the creators/fanbase already overemphasis how our cast ‘isn’t ALL bad; deep down’ and how they’re ‘complicated’. It gets me mad when people claim Angel IS GOOD representation because I just ‘don’t know the whole story yet’.
-You’re right! I don’t. Stop building it up because as I’ve said before what we have at the moment is what we 100% get. I can’t criticize what I don’t know but I can criticize what I do know.
And what I know about it is Viv tends to promote her brand as being representive of LGBT+ people. Her fans and her act as though her works are actually a total net-positive ‘guyz we’re just being edgythey’reinhellandit’sapilotsoit’sfreefromcriticismanywayletswritefanfictionforaserieswedon’tactuallyknowyet.’
If Viv and her brand didn’t promo Hazbin as being deeper than it actually is/NEEDS TO BE at the time of this production in the storytelling - well THAT would axe a lot of the bad criticism right there. For all the discourse in the She-Ra and SU fandoms about what is and isn’t good representation, the showrunners of those cartoons don’t aim to stereotype + hit for the lowest common denominator while also insisting that their show is actually woke and ya’ll “just don’t get it.”
((As an aside, if you are any of the following: gay, crossdresser, sex worker, undead spider demon-whatever, and you DO find Angel Dust empowering. GREAT! AWESOME. MORE POWER TO YOU.
But just because you aren’t offended by it and it was made with good intentions does NOT give it a pass < that’s the point I’m trying to make. ftm even with the explaination of the infamous ‘Charcoal’ design in SU, black people still have the right to be offended))
Remember the episode of Family Guy where Quagmire’s dad transitioned? It was Family Guy so no matter what it was gonna fumble the message, BUT what made things 100000x worse was Seth McFarlane promoting the episode as something the Trans community would really like.
It’s one thing to be ignorant or trying -and failing- to make a difference. It’s another to be arrogant about it. 
If you are gonna go all schlock-humor I think it’s best to take the lead of Bltzo’s voice actor, Brandon Rogers. He makes A LOT of sacrifices for the most insanely-purposefully-offensive jokes that straddle between making fun of everyone or just rustlin some jimmies. Dude’s the modern John Waters.
He also doesn’t promote himself as a gay icon. He just is gay and what helps a lot of his characters is that he’s often making fun of gay stereotypes by giving them character or making homophobes the butt of the joke. Brandon doesn’t act like a net-positive. It’s when you hear him in interviews that you know he’s genuine and know he’s not a threat.
And it’s why I don’t have the same expectations I have for his work that I do for Vivs; Vivs works are often telling me how I should feel. ((ftm it’s also why Brandon’s approach to writing, comedy and potentially deeper elements are better than Doug Walker’s or Sam Fennah’s attempts to make awful people “moving”))
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.....hey is there anyway we could give Viv’s shows to Brandon cause I would love a Brandon-Rogers-flavored Hazbin/permanent Helluva!
TL:DR: If Hazbin had established itself like Helluva with it’s cast just being unlikable, nothing else you needed to know about them, it could have then PROBABLY have worked it’s way up to being like Venture Bros or Rick and Morty in it’s activism. As is, it’ still only “progressive” in a hypothetical sense, and I’m sorry but that hurts it’s credibility as a joke and a thought piece, which or whatever it wants to be...
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Sam in grade school telling Dean about his Valentine's Day crush
“Wait.” Dean pops his head back in the living room, where nine-year-old Sam waits excitedly for his brother to return, so he can finish what he was saying. “Is this a jam or a jelly conversation, Sammy?”
“Uh,” Sam thinks hard. It is a difficult question. “Jelly?”
“You got it.” Dean disappears again, and reenters the room about two minutes later, holding a plate with peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches. “Now.” He announces, putting the plate in front of his brother, and picking up one for himself as he settles down on the couch. Sam sits cross-legged on the edge of the bed. “Tell me all about her.”
“Who, Ms. Moseley?” Sam’s face scrunches into a frown. 
“Do you have a crush on Ms. Moseley, dude, because that’s not -”
“No, obviously not!” Sam shrieks. “Did you just ask me to tell you about my crush?” Dean nods, patiently. It’s the first time Sam’s ever talking to him about this. Any other times had just been Dean telling him vaguely about the girls he hung out with, and trying to scope out any information in return he could try and use to tease him with, later. 
“Oh, it’s not a ‘her’.” Sam thinks about what he just said. “Wait, should it be, ‘It’s not a she’?” He wonders aloud, eyes questioning, turned up at Dean.
But Dean’s currently debating the ‘should’ factor of another part of the sentence. He falls silent, trying to process what his little brother just presented him with. It’s not a girl - so Sam’s into boys? Sam’s gay?
The first thought which runs through his head, is of Dad. He would never be okay with it - Dean inwardly shudders, to even think about it. He remembers what happened before. And he really doesn’t want his brother to get into trouble for something like this, especially when he’s still this young.
But, Dean decides, with one look at Sam’s expectant face, that that’s a conversation for later.
“I dunno which one’s right, but I usually just say ‘her’.” Dean tells him, and Sam seems satisfied. “So, uh. You were saying. He’s a boy?”
Sam nods, looking so sure that Dean’s taken aback for a bit. “His name’s Castiel. That’s how you gotta say it: Cass-tea-ell. If I say anything else, he starts calling me Samuel.” 
He sounds so happy sharing that, Dean’s heart grows in size. 
But not really knowing what to say to it, he just replies, “Isn’t that a little too strict?”
“No, it’s okay.” Sam shrugs, like he didn't even think about that. “He’s really awesome, Dean. And like the smartest kid in the class.”
“That’s you.” Dean states, flatly. “Your teachers sure think so -”
Sam shakes his head. “The teachers don't really like him. I don't think they want to tell people how smart he is.” Dean scowls at that, but nods, to keep his brother going. “And he draws really nicely, too. He had wings - angel wings, Dean! - drawn in his drawing book, and when I really liked it, he told me I could draw them on his hand if I wanted, and I did want to do that, actually, so then I -”
“We don't draw on other kids, Sammy.”
“They were very small, okay?” Sam pouts, an indignant look growing on his face. Dean exhales, and raises his hands in defense. “But they looked really nice. And, uh, he looks really nice, too.”
Now, this is comfortable territory. Dean leans back against the back of the couch, and wiggles his eyebrows. “Oh yeah?”
“He’s got blue eyes.” Sam tells him, like that’s the most obvious answer to his question. “Blue! Nobody in the class has blue eyes, Dean.”
“Is that why you like him? Because he taught you how to say his name and lets you draw on him, and has blue eyes?” Dean grins, and Sam’s face starts to redden. 
“No! I like him because he’s Castiel, okay? I’m just telling you about him.” He folds his arms on his chest, probably ready to close off just as randomly as he'd announced he had a crush - Dean’s worried he drove him back into the shell he’s only just come out of, so he stops making fun. 
“Okay, okay. Cas doesn’t sound half-bad. Does he like, like you or something too?” Dean asks, cautious, because he doesn't think there's a lot of chance of that happening. Sam's amazing, but this other kid probably just thought he was a friend. Not a lot of gay kids in fourth grade, Dean assumes. He isn’t going to say his brother’s weird, but he sure as hell is rare. 
“He does.” Sam announces, interrupting Dean’s thoughts.
“He told you that?”
“He wrote it.” Sam almost looks proud of himself. Dean forgets everything else, and wonders if it would be too weird to hug his brother right now. “On a Valentine’s day card.”
“Yeah, and before you ask, I can’t show you.” Sam purses his lips, but there’s clearly a smile playing on his lips. Dean does what’s required of him, and pretends to be dejected.
There's a moment of silence, where Sam's probably framing out what he wants to ask next, and then he does it. “But Dean, could I go to his house? On Friday?”
“The 14th?”
“Yeah?” Sam looks up at him, hopefully. 
“You know Dad won’t be home till Sunday, right?” Dean swallows. He hates having to say ‘no’ to his brother for this, because Sam almost never asks to go to his friends’ places. He gets why they can't. But this is even a date. A fourth-grade date, or whatever, but goddammit. Dean hates having to turn him down. “I couldn’t pick you up from his house, Sam.”
“You could take Benny’s bike?”
“Castiel's parents would think that's weird.” Dean shakes his head. 
“But -” Sam looks so upset.
“I’m sorry, Sammy.” Dean chews on his lip. “It won’t work out like that. But, uh.” An idea comes to him. Whoa. “What if you called him here, instead? He could have someone pick him up at night. Or hell, you and I could walk him home if we left a little early." Sam's eyes shine. "Now, look. If you don't have a problem with your friend seeing this crappy hotel room where we live, I could -”
Dean had been about to suggest he’d make himself scarce, but he’s cut off by armfuls of excited Sam, suddenly hugging him. It’s unexpected, so Dean takes a minute to hug back, and then Sam’s saying, in a muffled voice, “Thank you! Castiel wasn’t sure if you’d understand, but I told him of course, you would. He doesn’t know you, he doesn't know how awesome you are.”
Dean grins at that.
On one hand, it’s kind of - maybe relieving? That this kid is aware of how ununderstanding people can be, but also a little depressing that he thought Dean would be like that. Of course, they’d never met; but there’s nothing Sam could be, that Dean wouldn’t support.
He's his brother, for god's sake.
(However, it was a fair point to make, considering John would’ve never acted this way. Even Dean knows that.)
“Dean?” Sam says, wriggling away from him finally. He gets back on the bed, and starts to eat his sandwich, finally. “Do you have any plans for Valentine’s?”
“Oh, you see,” Dean begins, dramatically. “I’m nowhere as popular as my kid brother, so I guess I’ll just spend it watching movies with Benny or something.” Sam giggles at that, and Dean chuckles too, inwardly wondering if he should set up a date for himself now that he was probably going to have to get out of his house - but eventually deciding against it, because he really wants to meet Castiel now.
By dinnertime, Sam has gotten over himself, and has presented to Dean the card Cas made for him. Dean could have the time of his life joking about the pink glitter that's everywhere, but Sam’s so excited to show Dean, that nothing else matters. He’s just happy his brother’s happy. 
And though Dean doesn’t address it until Valentine’s day has come and gone, on saturday, while walking to school with Sam, Dean tells Sam about why he’s going to have to keep this from Dad - and possibly, other people in his life too.
It feels like yet another conversation about the monsters, John keeps running away to hunt.
And it sure doesn’t feel good to have to be the one telling Sam about this, but someone has to. He needs to know, even if it's only as much as thirteen-year-old Dean can tell him about homophobia.
Dean just hopes he never gets into trouble because of it, because he knows for a fact he won’t stand for it - be it against a kid in Sam’s grade, Dad, or the entire frigging world. 
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was feeling super emo and finished my S15 watchthrough ahead of schedule!!
thoughts are below the cut, some gems include: -i physically rip my shirt open during the confession scene -gay angels are bad but lucifer gets to say “cuck” on screen -dean should have gone to hell when he died at the end but ACTUALLY HANG ON THIS WOULD FIX EVERYT-
literally the empty doesn't have another speaking role after the library despite being a major player and a big bad?? incredibly half assed writing and planning.
dean literally gets cas killed for no reason though. like, all of cas’ other deaths had very clear cause and effect, but the cause and effect here is that if dean hadn't randomly decided to put down his god killing boner to go and kill billie instead then cas would still be alive. this isn’t me being dean critical (though it kinda is) it’s just a really half assed redundant writing choice that doesn't hold up?
i no joke tore my shirt open during the confession scene because after seeing all the gifs i thought i was already over it i had already done so much exposure therapy to the confession scene i was NOT expecting it to hit the way it did, i was NOT prepared i went to clutch my pearls but i was in fact wearing a crewneck instead and she did not make it :( my last surviving college shirt :(
i hate the dog im sorry waste of screentime considering plus i can never fucking trust this show around a dog, all 3 dog based episodes have been weird as fuck.
CAS PHONE CALL AFS SGAGAGSW HW DID YAL WATCHTTHIS LIVE WITHIUT LOSING ITi know it’s JUST the devil bu afsgdgsgs HOW DID YALL WATCH THIS SHIT LIVE OH MY GOD dadsdAGSFAGSFGASFG. and then after this convincing heart wrenching performance dean promptly forgets that cas exists.
they literally brought satan back. gay angels no but satan yes.
cw really said: satan can come back for one last fake redemption arc haha he tricked you!! but the gay angel STAYS in turbo hell where he belongs.
also lucifer gets to say "cuck" twice. gay angels?? very bad and we can’t show that kind of behavior on screen. but we CAN say cuck not once but twice (and once more in a flashback)
Dean asking jack to come back to the bunker with them to come back home and be a family again and they’ll fix things up and make the place nice and be a family...
(I’m feeling dean critical right now cause of all the shitty writing but this was still REALLY SAD objectively one of the saddest parts of the finale was jack loosing his father his personhood his freedom and his future and dean loosing the last link to cas he had left)
Dean: "what do you mean of course he's gonna come back to the bunker" Jack: "Dean I’m not coming back home" (literally dean told jack he wasn’t family but that’s still jack’s HOME and he SAYS IT)
a song montage of the shows greatest hits where they show dean's handprint scar and also Zachariah but NOT CAS at all until towards the end which was almost worse than not showing him at all. literally Zachariah  got an equal amount of screentime what the fuck. cw really said angel equality not angel equity!!
me watching this episode for first time in nov as my first ever spn epsiode: whats wrong with this man why is he acting like this?
me now after mainlining 12 seasons in 2 months: whats wrong with this man why is he acting like this?
-did they tell jackles to pretend like he was being penetrated for this scene? very weird vibes of "it's in me" “this thing is in me” "it's going all the way through me" “i can’t move it’s in me” "just gimme a minute" “wow this things really in me”
-the goodbye scene doesn't even work dean was lit trying to kill sam with a gun 3 eps ago. like, the show being about brothers against the world at the end doesn't even work they've done nothing to earn even the illusion of this. do you guys maybe think its possible that the show evolved away from this at some point during the last 15 years?????????
- having the john winchester family portrait on sams wall. bitch literally who even is that??? and not a single photo of cas OR JACK. literally you can tell me no photos of cas ok sounds fake but sam would def hang photos of him and jack??
-they should have sent dean to hell last minute. it would have been really funny and honestly more narratively cohesive. and also did i mention VERY FUNNY. dean winchester who stabbed death got his best friend killed cause he had a revenge boner, tried to sacrifice his kinda son like twice, tricked amara into helping him, yadda yadda these are just from the last few eps there are a ton more. just saying it would be very funny if dean got sent to hell for one if not all of those things.
(not even being dean critical i just think it would be very funny. a reverse lily sunder if you will)(and then cas could pull him out of hell again)
- huh. maybe dean is in hell, maybe this is actually his own personal hell, just trapped wandering forever and his father lives down the road and no matter how hard he drives he never gets anywhere, the road he used to love being twisted against him while actors posture about his life on a bridge......huh................
-if dean dies and goes to hell THEN cas can come pull him out again as a big reveal!!!! forget the onion field forget lamp can you imagine ending the series that way???? the balls that would have taken??? THE FUCKING PAYOFF???????????????!! LAZARUS RISING 2.0!!! someone please shoot me i can’t bear holding this knowledge in my mind for the rest of my life.
All in all I’m very disappointed and very glad that this show does not exist outside the minds of it’s fans. very happy that the secret bad version of supernatural that aired on tv during a pandemic has been so thoroughly de-fanged by everyone’s constant efforts these past few months cannot thank you all enough <3<3<3
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bailesu · 5 years
One Day in Paris (Haruka / Michiru Fanfic)
This is for a Haruka / Michiru exchange thing for @amrynth.  
I’ve put the story behind the cut as it’s kind of long for a tumblr post.
One Day in Paris
By John Biles
For the Haruka/Michiru stuff exchange.
Some days, Haruka loved being a detective. A good, challenging mystery.  High speed chases on high mountain roads where one wrong turn meant going off a cliff.  Shootouts in a Monaco casino.  Romance under the stars.  Finding yourself tied up the next morning and your wallet stolen.  Being arrested as a homeless person and…
Okay, her last job hadn’t *ended* well, but the start had been awesome.
“But Saaaaaam,” Makoto wailed into her cellphone two desks down.  “I’m a detective!  I can’t just let criminals rampage even if we did plan this for a week!”
Detective Minako had legs which wouldn’t quit.  Wouldn’t quite *kicking her desk to a beat*, that is.  Detective Rei, who had the desk behind Haruka, was starting to crumple paper and make grunting noises, and this could not lead to *anything* good.
“So you’re saying it’s Lupin,” Detective Zenigata said, four desks down into his cellphone.
It’s never Lupin, Haruka thought, sighing; she was busy checking her email to make sure she hadn’t missed a summons from their boss. The last time she’d done that, Head Detective Setsuna had somehow gone back in time and wrecked the best date she’d had in high school.
Petty, yet powerful.
I need a mission, Haruka thought as Rei now rose and began heading over to Minako’s desk.
Also, I need to convince Head Detective Setsuna that this open office arrangement is a *bad idea*, she thought as Makoto now babbled to Sam; no one was sure if Sam was male or female; Haruka was pretty sure Sam was a woman, but whatever Sam was, Makoto was headed for another crash and burn.  Haruka would have felt sorry for her but now Clippy rose from the grave, occupying half the screen on her monitor.  ‘Do you want help with your resignation letter?’
‘I want a damn mission to get me out of this office,’ she typed in.  ‘Also, I thought you died.’
‘That is not dead which cannot die, but with strange aeons…’, Clippy began.
Not another cult case, dammit, Haruka thought.
“If it’s a woman, it’s not Lupin, it’s his confederate Fujiko,” Inspector Zenigata said into the phone. “Be very careful; she is nearly as cunning as Carmen Sandiego, who *still* has my Betamax, dammit.”
A coffee mug slid onto the desk, and Haruka started, then saw it was Detective Usagi.  “I thought you were on the Osaka Jewelry case,” she said to Detective Usagi.
There was a crashing sound as half of everything on Detective Minako’s desk (six figurines of Sailor V, five of various idols, four pictures, a baseball signed by Babe Ruth, and a stack of books Minako would never read but claimed she would) all fell off it because Rei and Minako were engaged in either a fight to the death, foreplay, or probably both, Haruka assumed.
It had been kind of sexy the first three times but after Minako had accidentally somehow knocked Haruka’s favorite racing trophy into the toilet (which was fifteen meters away, an act which was *never* clearly explained to Haruka), Haruka now wished they would keep it at home and be professional at work, like *her*.
“I want to explain it to you, but the Kingdom of D was involved and Umino had to pass himself off as the princess and I just don’t want to think about it,” Usagi said, looking haunted.
“If those two weren’t separated at birth, I will be stunned,” Haruka said, then tried her coffee.  She took Usagi’s hand and squeezed it.  Usagi turned a little red. “You are a master of coffee.  Did you catch the thief, then?”
“It was all a trap to kidnap the princess, and we barely rescued Umino from the deathtrap when they realized they had the wrong person,” Detective Usagi said, trying to sit on Haruka’s desk.
Makoto sat at her desk, clutching her head, while Detective Ami patted her shoulder over and over, trying to help but not knowing what to do.
“I think I have to help Makoto,” Usagi said.
“Drop by any time,” Haruka said.
Salvation had arrived.  A mission, so she could get out of this madhouse before…
“So is that your gun, or are you happy to…” Minako began.
“It’s my gun,” Rei said irritably as she tried to pin Minako.
“That joke only works with Detective Conan or Inspector Zenigata,” Ami pointed out.
Minako sighed.  “Ami, the straight woman’s job isn’t to ruin my jokes.”
The mission was to investigate the break-in at Renate Jewels in Paris.  Ahh, gay Paris, Haruka thought with satisfaction.  A city of beautiful buildings, great food and drink, love, and… hopefully not another chase through the sewers.
“No one in this place is straight except maybe Conan but he’s too young for us to think about that,” Ami said.
“Ami, you made *me* the straightwoman,” Minako said mournfully.
Haruka fled to get in her car and drive to Paris.
******************* Haruka then remembered it was not in fact possible to drive to Paris, so she got a plane ticket and arranged for a Lamborghini to be waiting for her in Paris.  When she arrived, she got it and… immediately fell asleep from jet lag in the parking lot of the rental place.
The next morning, she woke up, went to her hotel, took a shower and headed off to investigate the case, hoping the trail had not gone cold.  She felt alive; she needed her missions to give her purpose after she’d been banned from racing, even if it was all that freak Dirk Dastardly’s fault!
Then she headed out to Renate’s Jewels, a beautiful boutique near the Seine; a superheroine and a villain were fighting on a roof nearby, but Haruka ignored them; they had no jewels and were not part of her very important mission.
Renate was a middle-aged redhead who looked oddly familiar to Haruka, but Haruka didn’t worry about that, since it probably wasn’t going to be relevant.  “So she seduced you, tied you up, and then stole everything.”
“I wouldn’t have minded being tied up if she hadn’t *stolen* everything,” Renate said, then swooned.  
Haruka caught her and put her up on her feet.  “You should probably loosen your corset so you can breathe properly,” she said very seriously.
Renate said, “I’m going to need your help, detective.  Why don’t we go upstairs and you can help me do it.”
“Sorry, fair lady, but I’m on a *mission*,” she said, kissing Renate’s hand, then quickly adjusting her corset without taking it off.   Soon, Haruka headed for the Regal Arms, as the thief, who Renate had identified as the notorious Jewel Thief Michiru from a photo, had left behind a pack of matches.  The place was huge and grand, exactly the sort of place for an exciting showdown.  Every piece of furniture was worth two years of Haruka’s salary.
That would make her triumph cooler.  
She paused to adjust her suit in the mirror.  When confronting your nemesis, you have to have everything *just right*.  If your tie is out of place, it ruins the moment.
She then went to the front desk, presenting her badge and a photo of Jewel Thief Michiru running out of a shop with a bag full of jewelry.  “Have you seen this woman?”
The clerk adjusted her glasses.  “Yes, she was lounging around… our lounge… all night last night, looking increasingly cranky, then finally her friend dragged her upstairs with the help of the night concierge.”
“Can you describe the friend?” she asked.
Hotel security footage showed Michiru, clutching a wine glass in one hand, unconscious and being dragged onto a luggage cart by a dark haired man in the hotel uniform and by a dark haired woman who was ambiguously teenage and wearing a black blouse, black knee-length skirt, black high stockings, black boots, black nailpolish and a pink rose over her heart which looked lost, but certainly stood out.
Haruka said, “Can you get a printout of that?”
After some tech fumbling, she and the desk lady got the footage sent to Detective Ami for analysis.  She also got the desk lady’s phone number, the address of a good chicken place, and the room number of Jewel Thief Michiru.  
And the advice to never eat at Francois’ near the Arc d’Triomphe.  Or however you spell it; Detective Haruka never sweats the details.
The elevator took her to the twenty-third floor and she made her way down the hallway to 2307.  She pulled out the keycard the clerk had given her and unlocked the door.
“I’m going to have to steal the crown jewels,” she heard Michiru say; she flattened herself against the wall inside the little atrium; to her right was the changing area and a hanging closet; beyond that was the bathroom; she pressed herself against the left-wall, then realized it left her visible, so she slipped into the hanging closet, where a half-dozen dresses were hung up.
The burgundy one was the best, but Haruka wasn’t sure if it really matched Jewel Thief Michiru’s hair.  As she contemplated high fashion, she heard a woman she did not know.  “I’m sure she’s coming.  The Fox told us that her plane arrived last night.”
“Then why didn’t she come to the hotel?” a despairing voice said from the bed.
“Why do you *want* her to find you, anyway?  You’re not the Riddler’s sister, right?” the woman asked.  “I need the money to get Father exorcised, but if I go to jail, I can’t help him!”
“What good is stealing things if there is no one to recognize my skill?” Jewel Thief Michiru said.  “I am in this for the sport, to pit myself against the best.”
“Then why are you worried about this bozo?” the other woman asked.
“I am not a bozo!” Haruka said, coming out and throwing the finger of accusation at the other woman, who turned out to be the teenager from the photo, holding a short fighting staff.
Which she now flicked and it somehow extended into a glaive.
“Don’t bring a glaive to a gunfight,” Haruka said, drawing her gun.
“Now, now, Detective Haruka,” Jewel Thief Michiru said, getting up off the bed and striding closer, gracefully. “Point the gun at me and make empty threats.”
“They’re not empty!  I’ll shoot!” Haruka insisted.
“We both know you won’t shoot us,” Jewel Thief Michiru said, gliding closer. “Why didn’t you show up last night?”
“Jet lag,” Haruka grumbled.
Jewel Thief Michiru stopped, then said sympathetically, “I forgot to take that into account.  My apologies.” The other woman, still unnamed, frowned.  “Okay, what is *actually* up with you two?”  She had turned her glaive back into a staff and put it in her black purse.
“Oh yes, Haruka, this is my new assistant, Hotaru.  She’s a cyborg assassin from the future.”
“I’m not a cyborg *or* from the future,” Hotaru insisted.  She pinched her arm. “This time, anyway.”
“I’m from the future!,” another teenage girl said from the balcony; she wore what looked like a Star Trek uniform to Haruka.   But she was armed with something like a lightsaber.  The big heart on the end did make it stand out.
“No!  You’re going to ruin our sexy confrontation,” Michiru said angrily, pointing at her.   The glaive vs. Heartsaber battle began wrecking the hotel room, so Haruka said to Michiru, “How about if we check out this chicken place I know about until they’re done?”
“My plans… in ruins…”
Then the scented oils caught fire from a parried Heartsaber blow and the whole suite went up in flames.  Haruka picked up Michiru and ran.
“So I got docked two weeks pay because Paris caught fire and it wasn’t even my fault,” Haruka groused to Usagi later as they ate okonomiyaki which Makoto had made them since they both had, as usual, no money.  
Makoto flopped down on the other end of the couch with her pork okonomiyaki and put on Netflix.  “Did they riot?”
“Don’t let the boss know or I’ll lose even more pay,” Haruka said, shaking her head.
“He doesn’t know I sunk Atlantis, either,” Usagi said conspiratorily into Haruka’s ear.  Then she began stuffing her face.
I thought *I* sunk Atlantis, Haruka thought.
Makoto would never ever tell them it was the result of her trying to date a brother and a sister at the same time without either finding out about the other.  Never, ever.
So don’t tell Haruka now that you know.
Iris Out.
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Can we request? I would totally wanna see an insecure! richie or eddie fic :)
This request is coming in SO LATE. And I am SO SORRY. It has been sitting in my ask and I honestly don’t know why I haven’t worked on it?! Accept my deepest apologies and an insecure Richie AND Eddie fic. It is based off the Modern AU story @sammy8675309 and I have written on another blog @wearethelosersclub. This is dedicated to the blogs, artists and writers that love Reddie and inspire me! Happy New Year my loves! I am tagging you hope that’s ok!
New Years Kiss
Pairing: Richie and Eddie
Warning: They make-out :)
Also located on Archive of Our Own
“Eddie’s been flirting with you so much lately, Richie,” Beverly said taking off her shirt to pull on a dress. At this point in their 5-year friendship, she did not care about changing in front of him. He would enviably pretend to hit on her anyway.
“Nice knockers, Bev. And I KNOW.” Richie did not even look at her as he plopped down on her bed. He was so tall his feet stuck out past the end of the bed.
“Are you going to kiss him at Midnight?” Beverly asked in what was supposed to be a casual tone. 
Richie rolled his eyes knowing what a romantic Beverly was. He would never say this aloud, but Beverly and Ben would have made a great couple because they thrived off drama and everyone’s love life. However, that was never going to happen. Bill made the first move back when they were 13 and now they were 17, miraculously still dating. Ben’s chance was all but gone.
Richie wished he had made a move on Eddie back then. Maybe they would not be so deep in the friend zone that he wanted to scream every time he saw Eddie. However, their friendship meant everything and it came first above any romantic feelings.
“Eddie has been laying on the flirt HARD since our huge fight.” Richie turned on his side to look at Beverly as she put on eyeliner. “What about that shitty fight would change things?”
Beverly rolled her eyes up as she applied the eyeliner to her lower lid. “You are so in love with Eddie that you fucking prevented him from going on his first date. Perhaps he has caught on to the obvious.”
Richie sat up and snatched the cigarette pack on the bedside table. “I was just advising him that he deserved the world and not to go on a date with someone willy-nilly.” He took out a cigarette.
“Which in turn got you two in a huge fucking fight for 3 Days.” Beverly grabbed her lighter from the desk and tossed it to him. “Well, your advice worked. He didn’t go on the date and you managed to convince him it would be a mistake. He is probably flirting with you at last so you get the hint and ask him out yourself.”
“I pushed my hair back for a hangout we did and he said I looked beautiful. I nearly choked.” Richie lit the cigarette taking a long drag from it immediately.
“You say hangout like it was more than that,” Beverly smirked at him through her makeup mirror.
He kept his face neutral. The hangout was a ‘first date’ between them. It was Richie’s way of making it up to him.
When Richie said he would take Eddie out on his first date over text, Eddie did not answer right away. He felt his heartbreak with every passing minute he didn’t text back.
When Eddie finally responded he wrote:‘I know this is just a joke or some guilt thing…but to tell you the truth the idea of my first date with my best friend, sounds surprisingly amazing.’
So they went on a date at the quarry, packed a picnic and hung out the entire day. It was winter time so they did not swim but it was still perfect in every way. Perfect because Richie was with Eddie.
He craved for their relationship to become more than friends. Richie even tried to show this when he entwined their fingers at one point. Eddie turned extremely red squeezing his hand back in a reassuring way.
Nothing more happened which only seemed to confirm that the date was not enough for Eddie and him to be together. They also had not told anyone about the date, so Richie was concerned Eddie felt embarrassed about the whole thing.
“He likes you so much.” Beverly said picking up her mascara. Richie stayed silent smoking thoughtfully. She sighed heavily battling with herself about something until she blurted it out, “Bill told me Eddie has a crush on you.”
Richie laughed blowing out a smoke ring, “Liar. You just want something to happen between us.”
“I’m not lying! Bill told me I swear, but you have already said you wouldn’t believe me if I told you that Eddie is in love with you. WHICH HE IS.” She pointed her mascara at him in a threatening way.
“You are a mastermind using your boyfriend as your puppet to convince me of your lies.” Richie wanted to believe her. Except his insecurities were overpowering anything Beverly told him. “Sorry, need proof by him sucking face with me then I will be convinced.” Richie finished off the cigarette and started to grab another when Beverly stopped him.
“Eddie will not kiss you if you smell like cigarettes.” Beverly grabbed her pack from him and placed a cigarette between her lips.
“Bill’s alright with your addiction, why can’t Eddie?” Richie pouted.
“Bill’s had a little over 4 years of practice and he sometimes smokes too. Eddie has read every bit of information about how smoking kills known to humankind.” Beverly said between puffs.
“I didn’t even tell you the most painful part of all this.” Richie ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
Beverly looked at him concerned, “What?”
“The mix CD he gave me for Christmas…is like only fucking love songs. I basically cried at half of them because they remind me so much of Eddie and I.”
“Oh shit you never cry, what songs?!” Beverly asked excitedly.
“Your Song by Elton John, Lay Me Down by Sam Smith and John Legend, Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, Piece of My Heart by Janis Joplin - to name a few. But the one that really hit home was Ed Sheeran and Beyoncé singing Perfect Duet.” Richie felt his chest tighten just talking about the song.
Beverly’s eyes had grown at each love song Richie listed off, then frowned at the last one, “Wait, I haven’t heard Perfect Duet. How does it go?”
Richie took a breathe and sang,
“I found a love For me Oh darling, just dive right in And follow my lead Well, I found a boy Beautiful and sweet Oh, I never knew you were the someone Waitin’ for me ‘Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowin’ what it was I will not give you up this time But darling, just kiss me slow Your heart is all I own And in your eyes, you’re holding mine.”
Beverly sat down on the bed and gave Richie the cigarette which he took gratefully. He had started tearing up refusing to look at her. She put her head on his shoulder and held his free hand.
“God, you have such a beautiful voice.” Beverly breathed.
Richie smiled, “It is girl in the song but I changed it to boy because it is honestly a gay anthem for Eds and I.”
“Sing that to him tonight and he will kiss you immediately.” Beverly took the cigarette back. “So I will finish this cig, put on lipstick, and we will head to Bill’s place so you can get it on with Eddie!”
“Shut up, Bill. I am literally flirting up a damn storm and Richie is not getting it.” Eddie huffed out in anger. Bill had just told him that he needed to try extra hard with Richie tonight.
Bill looked at Eddie skeptically, “Are you suh-sure you are flirting? Because I fuh-feel like you have no idea how to fuh-fuh-flirt.”
“Fuck you Denbrough. Have you seen you flirt with Bev? You suck too.” Eddie pointed at him accusingly.
Bill shrugged, “I don’t have to be good at it. We have been t-together forever, she knows I am shit at it.” He smiled sneakily.
“What do you expect me to do? Jump his bones?” Eddie grabbed a hard cider and started chugging it.
“You think he would complain?” Bill laughed. “Just k-k-kiss him at midnight.”
“He doesn’t like me like that.” Eddie said dejectedly. “Trust me. It is all a game to him. Mess with me as much as possible. At this point, I bet he knows I like him and is having fun making me fall harder for him. The asshole.”
Bill shook his head, “You are an idiot. Oh l-look! It’s the other idiot.”
Eddie turned around, his heart already beating. When he saw Richie stroll in with Beverly, his stomach clenched and his breathing picked up. Eddie prided himself on keeping it cool when Richie was around, considering he had been in love with him forever. However, something had changed between them in only a week since their big fight. The night they made up, they spent it talking in his bed until 7:00 AM.
He smiled to himself thinking about what happened:
Eddie could not believe the position he had woken up in. Richie’s arm slung around his waist, his legs practically on top of him, the two of them spooning like they wake up every morning cuddling. Richie was already awake texting with his other hand. Eddie turned his face smiling softly at Richie. Their lips were centimeters apart from each other. He considered cutting his losses and closing the gap, but instead, he said, “Morning Rich, I seem to be trapped under you and I need to pee so fucking bad.”
Richie laughed and untangled himself from Eddie. He walked toward the bathroom but not before looking back to see Richie unashamedly checking him out. He coughed and glanced back at his phone then let out a chuckle.
“Looking at a stupid video?” Eddie called before closing the bathroom door.
“Nope, I posted something on Instagram that you will have to look at!” Richie shouted from the other side.
When Eddie came back out, his breath was minty from brushing his teeth. He did not want to assume anything but maybe he could get Richie to kiss him before he had to meet his mom for Christmas dinner at his aunt’s house.
“What time do you need to get going?” Richie asked. He was sitting on the bed and had thrown on his David Bowie shirt. David Bowie was the latest musician Richie was obsessed with. Two weeks ago he played Heroes on repeat for a week. He was still wearing his boxers which was making Eddie flustered.
Eddie looked at his watch. “Shit, in like 30 mins. I guess I am not showering. Mom will be pissed at me.”
“You could just call and tell her you are still not feeling good.” Richie suggested wiggling his eyebrows.
Eddie rolled his eyes. He walked around his room grabbing his nice clothes and shoes to put in his backpack. “But I was never actually sick, I told you that last night.”
“Yeah, you were just avoiding me and everyone.” Richie said sadly.
Eddie pierced his lips and looked at Richie’s bleak expression. He put down his backpack and walked over to stand in front of him. He liked staring down at Richie for once, not in a power-hungry way, he just noticed more of his vulnerability from here. It made him curious, as the shorter friend in the group, if he looked weak when all his friends talked down to him. He hoped not, the thought made him anxious.
He could not stop himself from pushing a stray curl out of Richie’s face. Richie gulped audibly and his cheeks tinted pink in the sweetest way. Eddie prayed he was reading the signs correctly.
“I was confused but we are friends again and that’s all that matters.” Eddie placed his hand on Richie’s shoulder. Richie put his over Eddie’s and their touch was electrifying. They stared at their hands then at each other, Eddie began to lean forward making the decision that he was going to go for it. Richie’s eyes widened and he leaned in eagerly.
Just as they were about to kiss, Eddie’s phone alarm went off. Whitney Houston’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody breaking the trance they were in as they pulled away from each other quickly. He never expected Whitney to betray him in this way and he would be changing that alarm the second he could.
He grabbed his phone to turn off the alarm then noticed there were 25 missed text messages in their Losers Club group chat, 5 texts from Bill, and a missed call from his mom.
“Jesus, what are you all talking about in the chat?” Eddie chuckled at their probable enthusiasm that Richie and Eddie were friends again.
“Wishing each other a Merry Christmas,” Richie said slyly. “And they are happy we made up.”
“I missed talking to everyone,” Eddie said as he unlocked his phone. He looked at the Bill texts first which said:
Big Bill: what happened last night
Big Bill: Oh my fucking god wake up
Big Bill: eddieeeee
Big Bill: did you tell each other how you feel
Big Bill: holy crap that photo is so cute
Eddie stared at Bill’s texts in utter confusion then looked up at Richie, “What the fuck did you do?”
Eddie opened the texts to see:
Trashmouth: Eds and I made up.
Bev: proof or it didn’t happen.
Bev: merry christmas kids
Trashmouth: *photo of Richie cuddling a sleeping Eddie* I am putting this on instagram.
Bev: SCREAMING!!! Are you finally lovers?!
Richie was typing on his phone and then just started laughing hysterically laying back on the bed. “We have 6,000 likes on insta.” Richie wheezed.
Eddie let out a guttural scream, “I am going to fucking kill you!” Richie screeched as Eddie launched himself on top of him. He took Richie’s phone and threw it on the ground so he could jab punches everywhere he could hit. This did not stop the laughter bubbling from Richie. He was not even defending himself clearly unphased.
Eddie got up and pulled Richie out of the bed. He was huffing and yelling incoherently about Richie needing to ‘get the fuck out’. He grabbed Richie’s pants and phone, shoving them into his hands and marching him out of the house. Eddie was pushing him so hard he almost stumbled down the stairs multiple times, laughing the whole way. He pushed him out the door and looked it.
“See you for our date when you get back, Eds!” Richie laughed from the outside.
Eddie walked back up to his room opened their chat to write: Merry Christmas my friends. I was busy taking out the trash.
As Eddie watched Richie make a beeline to him tonight, looking gorgeous as usual, he wanted to kiss him with all his heart. Except their friendship was so vital to his life, he knew they could never come back from kissing. If they went for it, they had to go all in or stop being around each other entirely. The later terrified him so much he glanced down at the alcoholic drink in his hand and chugged that down like the first. He would be getting drunk quick for sure.
“Are we doing shots tonight?” Richie asked when he stepped in front of Eddie. He hesitated for a moment then wrapped his arms around Eddie in a hug. Eddie returned the hug snaking his arms around his waist, breathing in Richie’s cologne and cigarette scent.
“Absolutely!” Eddie said into his chest.
The losers had a great New Years Eve talking about their busy year of applying to colleges and the stupid things they had done together. They took a photo clinking their champagne glasses at midnight. Richie and Eddie wanted to kiss each other but with so many people around, it was impossible. Even though it was all their best friends, they were too nervous.
“Richie and Eddie, can you go into my garage and g-grab m-more ice from the other fuh-freezer?” Bill asked nonchalantly.
“Yeah!” Beverly said at his side. “Lots of ice! Thank you!”
“Sure.” Eddie replied. He got up from the couch and Richie walked behind him. When they got into the garage and checked the freezer it was empty.
“What the hell?” Richie asked looking at Eddie to explain.
“That’s weird.” Eddie closed the freezer then walked over to the garage door but it was locked. He banged on the door but there was no answer.
Richie reached from behind to try but failed, “How are we locked out? Someone would have had to…”
“Lock the door on the other side. Yeah. Beverly and Bill planned this.” Eddie said in exasperation.
“Bastards.” Richie muttered. He turned around and sat on the front of Bill’s car.
“Bill’s going to be pissed if we leave a dent.” Eddie pointed out.
“He locked you in a garage with me on New Years.” Richie smirked.
“True. Fuck Denbrough.” Eddie hoisted himself next to Richie.
Richie immediately leaned the side of his face on top of Eddie’s head and sighed. They took out their phones to individually text insulting things to Beverly and Bill for locking them up.
Eddie tried to stay relaxed but it was proving impossible with Richie leaning into him like this. He needed to ground himself in some way, force himself to believe this was real, so he put his cell away and he took Richie’s hand firmly in his own.
They stayed like that for a little bit, enjoying each other’s company. Then Richie kissed the top of his head and Eddie shuddered involuntarily.
“When we were counting down to midnight, I wanted to kiss you so bad.” Richie admitted. Eddie closed his eyes and removed his head from under Richie’s.
“I can’t do this.” Eddie could feel his eyes stinging from potential tears. “We can’t do this.” Eddie tried to pull his hand away but Richie held on tighter.
“Please, Eds. Just talk to me. We can’t do what?” Richie’s face was extremely close with his defenses completely down.
Eddie’s eyes met Richie’s golden brown ones then flickered to lips. “We can’t kiss. Everything will change.” Even as he heard himself say this, his free hand went up to caress Richie’s cheek. A courage flowing through him that he did not realize he possessed.
“Does change have to be a bad thing?” Richie brought his forehead to meet Eddie’s, his lips parting in a distracting way.
“I guess not.” Eddie whispered in an unsure tone.
Their breaths were intermingling. Slowly they brought their mouths together, lightly brushing against each other. It was already too much for Eddie but he did not stop Richie or himself as they molded their lips together.
The kiss was everything Eddie wanted and more. He always assumed there would be fireworks, as they say, happens. For him, it was like that first real breath after almost drowning. There was rushing in his ears as if water was truly filling them.  
Richie placed his hand on Eddie’s chest. Eddie knew he could feel the rapid beat of his heart, taste the sweetness of hard cider still on his mouth. Eddie wound his hands into Richie’s hair, something he had wanted to do since they first met.
Richie’s mouth moved against him, hot and restless. Just the way you would describe Richie. They deepened the kiss, parting their lips. Their tongues touching and exploring, all insecure thoughts flying out of their minds.
Richie’s hands went to Eddie’s legs and pulled them into his lap. Eddie gasped as their clothed chests touched and he smiled. Eddie clawed at his back to bring them closer. Richie was gripping the back of Eddie’s shirt for dear life.
Richie was more grown-up than Eddie had let himself realize, though every kiss was burning away his memories of the boy he had been. They both were no longer children as they let all their feelings be thrown into this moment.
They pulled away to breathe, Eddie kept his eyes closed but could feel Richie looking at him. When he finally opened his eyes, Richie’s eyes were pouring into him with so much desire he almost passed out.
“Happy fucking New Year to me.” Richie smirked.
“I think you mean to me.” Eddie brought their lips together for a gentle kiss. “We should try to get back to the party.”
Richie tightened his hold around Eddie, “But this is a way better party.”
Eddie grinned but removed Richie’s hands from his body, “They will suspect something and I am not ready for any of those kinds of questions.”
They readjusted their outfits and smoothed down their hair. Eddie found the spare garage key and went to unlock the door.
“Wait,” Richie stopped him and kissed his cheek quickly, taking Eddie’s breathe away once more. “Ok, now let’s go.”
@sammy8675309 @dandeliontozier @reddie-brasil @takemetothetide @ohheydatsme @slashpalooza @richietoaster @girlgh0sts @reddieforanything @edsbrak @loneredballoon @beepbeeprichiellc
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eddiediazofficial · 7 years
my two cents
on Dean Winchester putting the Bi in Bitch
For one, I have to say that I compare him and Isak from SKAM in one way: the fact that Isak pretended to be straight and had no trouble flirting with girls because (as a Gay) they had no effect on him sexually. It wasn’t until Even that Isak was seriously freaked. Dean is the same way---he has absolutely no trouble with women, and I can’t name a single time he’s been shook except maybe when Pamela kissed him in Heaven lol We all were shook tbh ANYWAY it’s generally men that give him the Shakes
Because of overwhelming evidence, a lot of fans think (for good reason) that he is bisexual, woven into the story (specifically his arc) since season 1.
He’s going to be 40 in a couple years and has yet to admit anything about his sexuality, in a single word or phrase.
Has absolutely zero trouble sleeping with and flirting with women, and becomes visibly flustered only when around a dominant and/or good-looking male, maybe someone he’s got a connection to.
Gunner Lawless, his childhood wrestling hero. Dean has palpitations and holds Gunner’s hand way too long when they meet, his first B&E was because he broke into someone’s house to see a Lawless match ffs; he freaks out like a kid when he thinks he’ll get Gunner’s glove; and when Gunner is thrown to the floor beside Dean, he winks up at Dean and Dean dead ass looks AROUSED for a hot second. ? honestly same
Aaron Bass, a gay man who flirted with him and caused Dean to stumble backward over a chair leg. DEAN WINCHESTER, tripping. He was fine acting his FBI role UNTIL the SECOND Aaron insinuated they had a “connection,” after which he became tongue-tied. A good looking guy like Dean hasn’t been hit on by every gender before, enough to be chill and shrug it off? Get real. His excuse for not taking Aaron up on his ‘offer’ was: “It’s just a—you know... a federal thing.” His reason wasn’t even a legit, valid reason, i.m.o; it was just him (awkwardly) stumbling for an excuse in the moment rather than the obvious “I’m straight, but thanks.” Later refers to Aaron as his ‘gay thing’ to Sam when it’s revealed that Aaron wasn’t actually flirting with Dean.
The Siren, who disguised himself as another FBI agent. I just have to point out that the Siren didn’t know that Dean would offer him his flask in the car. If his persuasion is spread through saliva, how the fuck heck was he supposed to infect Dean if not through a flask they share?? I WONDER. ‘Brother figure’ my ass. Dean is broken, okay, after being raised by John Winchester’s A+ Parenting and simply can’t differentiate between familial and romantic love---unless it’s like as obvious as a literal blood relative---bc his experience of both has always been skewed and short-lived. Simple as that.
Castiel, the angel who gripped Dean tight and raised him from Perdition. I don’t even need to get into this with y’all ffs
The deputy from Yellow Fever. Dean was basically drunk from that poison and dead ass flirted with that guy. In regular old Dean language he said “You’re awesome” and when the deputy smiles and tells Dean the same, albeit a little awkward, Dean smirks like ‘HA bitch yeah I know,’ and reaches to put a hand in his pocket. Is it plausible that he was reaching for his cell phone to get the guy’s digits before Sam dragged him away and cleared his throat pointedly?? Like sorry now’s not the time for flirting, Dean??? MAYBE SO. Or he could’ve been trying to put a hand in his pocket because he would look cool, leaned on one foot and smirking. Either way: NOT STRAIGHT SITUATION. I stg just watch the scene and watch Dean’s smile; he’s… It’s a lot.
DR SEXY?? Are you actually kidding?? This brings up a great point: Dean says he doesn’t like things, only for it to turn around and make it canon fact that he DOES in fact like that thing. Dean dead ass watches a doctor show where the star is a ‘sexy’ doctor, who he knows pretty well considering a flaw in the doc’s costume was how he knew it was Gabriel messing with them—“I swore that a part of what made Doctor Sexy sexy is the fact that he wear cowboy boots.” Dean not only thinks another man is sexually attractive, but admits to CONTEMPLATING what EXACTLY makes that so. And when Sam teases him about it, Dean chocks it up to “guilty pleasure.” ?? And no chick flick moments, when Sam later says that Dean does actually love chick flicks, which Dean confirms.
Traveling to 1944, Dean sees a group of men pass by in suits. Right before this, a group of women pass going the opposite direction. Dean didn’t so much as glance at them; his eyes immediately went to stare after the men. Sure, maybe he was admiring their clothing; he does love the style of the 40s, confirmed. But let’s be honest; guys look GOOD as HELL in those suits, and Dean’s used to women in dresses. But men in slick suits and jaunty ass hats?? WHOO
Dean wore a pair of pink, satiny panties when he was 19. And he ‘kind of liked it.’
Sam teases Dean that people think they’re dating because Dean is butch, therefore possibly over-compensating for being gay which an overwhelming number of people used to and still think automatically means weakness, specifically in males. I wonder why Dean would never admit feelings for other men when raised by (again) John Winchester’s A+ Plus We Don’t Cry or Speak About Feelings Like Ever Parenting. Dean literally fakes a laugh in this scene after Sam says that btw. Don’t you think if he was completely straight he’d just tell Sam to fuck off, like siblings do? As someone with siblings, yes, I think so.
Checks out Cliff’s naked ass dick in The Curious Case of Dean Winchester; literally just walks over and lifts the blanket, despite the fact that they knew Cliff was Cliff and just mentioning his wife enough with such certainty would’ve been enough to trigger him; that guy was a terrible liar. Did Dean seriously have to do a dick birthmark check? Shut up
The scene (11x18) where Sam says something stupid Dean thinks is stupid and Dean replies with, “Yeah, well there’s times I want to get slapped during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask. That don't make it a good idea.” ?? Explain this
Sam turns on the radio and it’s ‘All Out of Love’; this is after they’ve lost Cas (and the Impala) in season 7. Sam apologizes, possibly because Air Supply is always joked about as the gayest band and that song as the gayest song, and he assumes Dean hates it. Maybe Sam feels bad because the first line that plays is What would you say if I called on you now, and said that I can’t hold on? There's no easy way, it gets harder each day. Who does Dean always ‘call on’? Cas. Sam goes to turn it off and Dean stops him because it’s ‘probably the only thing on,’ but as soon as Sam looks away Dean starts to sing along--he knows the song, and is obviously really into it until Sam glances his way and he stops. Yet another moment in which he pretended not to like something that he actually enjoys, a song by a notoriously ‘gay’ band that talks about feelings.
Cowboys  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the security guard in 07x20. Charlie couldn’t flirt with him because she’s gay (”not my type. not a girl”), so Dean talks her through it?? Even though that guy shouldn’t be his “type” either??
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princesscas · 7 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day! To celebrate, here’s some amazing destiel fanfics that I recommend! Under the cut is over 50 fanfics, some are AU and some are canon. Mostly AU because that’s what I mainly read.  All of these fanfics are over 10k, so no one shot’s. I might make a one shot/under 10k reclist later maybe? If anyone’s interesting in that let me know :D 
Happy Valentine’s day, Dean and Cas are in love <3 
♥ = My all time fave 
* = Recently added
*What Happens In Vegas (Canon AU) -  Words: 12,188 - “Dean wakes up with a wedding ring and without a clue where he is."
Down Like Water (Canon AU) ♥ - Words: 14,512 - “There's no time for nerves, no time for second guessing. There's only right now, and right now he has Cas."
Everytown, USA (AU) ♥  - Words: 56,972 - “Dean's determined not to stay in one place for long--he's enjoying his new-found freedom too much. Castiel might be the one to make him stick around.“
Preacher Comfort (AU)  ♥  - Words: 42,799 - “Dean Winchester works as a nurse at an after-hours medical clinic. He's a champion at what he does, but for him, professionalism has its pitfalls: good-looking patients make him flustered. Luckily, his fly-by-night infatuation evaporates within minutes, since most patients only swing by once. Castiel (fondly known as Bee Sting Guy around the clinic) is one of those iniquitously handsome fellows – and he keeps coming back. He's also a Catholic priest, 94% asexual, and in need of the tender love that happens to be Dean's speciality.”
Hope on Fire (AU) - Words:  32,968 - “The Civil War ended, but left Castiel weighted down with guilt and shame. In an attempt to start over, he moves West, building a life for himself outside the small mountain town of Purgatory. Five years later a storm blows in, bringing the Winchester brothers and bitter memories along with it.”
Heartburn (AU)  ♥ - Words: 51,941 - “Dean Winchester, a certified Burn RN, is one of the most dedicated employees the St. Devic Hospital has and today is no different. But when his patient expectantly goes into cardiac arrest and needs to be transferred to the heart hospital floor under the care of one Doctor Novak, Dean can’t help but feel his patient isn’t the only one who’s going to have to get his heart under control.”
Mistakes Are Better When They're French (French Mistake AU) ♥  - Words:  21,791 - “Number One: Dean would definitely never appear on a soap opera. Number Two: Dean Winchester did not wear makeup. And Number Three: He was not gay! God, Cas, whoever was listening - Please get them the hell out of here. “
The Day I Fly Away (AU) - Words:  42,846 - “In which Castiel is schizophrenic and loves to play Sorry. Dean is his doctor. "Tell me yours." "Mine?" "Your story." "I don't like my story."
Kingdom Come (AU) - Words:  97,700 - “Dean’s life is all work. He’s either at the bar that’s been left to him, serving drinks and cooking with his friend and partner Benny, or tinkering with prosthetic limbs. The rest of his life is one unhappy mess after another. Finding a stranger in the bathroom of his bar, after hours, doesn’t necessarily improve anything.“ This fic has been deleted but on the destielfanfic post is an EPUB download link. 
What I Need (AU)  ♥ - Words: 46,998 - “ A joking phrase commonly heard between a surgeon and his tech is "Give me what I need, not what I ask for." Dr. Novak and his tech Dean will soon learn the impact this phrase has on life outside the operating room.“
Unknown Quantities (AU) - Words: 8,568 - “No one ever tells Dean anything.(or: Dean Winchester and the not-relationship crisis of 2014)”
Misha's Not in Vancouver Anymore (Canon AU) ♥  - Words: 74,129 - “An accident on set results in Misha ending up in the SPN!Verse and stuck with a confused and irritated Dean Winchester. Dean, Sam, and Castiel have to work together to find a way to send him back. Misha's cheekiness brings to light the things that Dean only ever thinks about in the space between waking and dreaming.”
Ghost Dance (AU) - Words: 51,194 -  “In post-apocalyptic isolation, Castiel nurses Dean back to something like his former self, but will a time come when Dean's recovered --and rediscovered-- too much?“
Waves (College AU) - Words: 54,132 - “Dean Winchester is the average guy: football, college, kid brother, nice car, girls and beer; his life is black and white, that is until he meets Castiel Collins: pretentious, slutty, sweater-wearing genius, who won't even take the time to look up at him from his obscure novel while he insults him. And then everything is shades of gray and Dean is drowning.”
Jump The Track (HS AU) - Words: 83,180 -  "t's Dean's senior year at Lawrence High, and he's already given up on himself. It takes the arrival of the strange, intense, awkward Castiel Delacroix at the school to prove to Dean that maybe his life is worth saving after all.”
I Like You (Like Me) (Coffee Shop AU) - Words: 11,195 - “Dean’s the owner of his own pretty successful coffee shop, and he’s absolutely, totally not in love with the hot accountant guy who comes in every day. He’s way out of his league. Isn’t he?”
Bottoms Up (Canon) - Words: 28,103 - “Sam could’ve kissed them both when he got to the bunker one day to find a string of clothing (his heart nearly burst with hope when he saw the abandoned flannel and trench coat) leading to a very naked pile of limbs tangled on the couch. Just kidding. Of course it wasn’t the couch. Sam always imagined it as the couch because the fact that he actually found them on the dining room table had tainted the happiness of the memory.”
A Need For Breathing (Canon AU) ♥ - Words: 27,687 - “When Dean and Castiel reunite at the bunker, Cas has a nasty case of pneumonia and Dean takes care of him.(Slight AU set early season 9 in which "Ezekiel" healed Sam without possessing him)” 
Absolution (Canon AU, NSFW) - Words: 15,032 - “Sam and Cas need to figure out how to rid Dean of the Mark of Cain and do it fast. Dean wants Cas to kill him, but Castiel, Warrior of God, has some history in helping humans find absolution. The question is, will it be enough?”
Carry On (AU, NSFW) ♥ ♥ ♥ - Words: 148,000 - “When Sam gets into Stanford, Dean needs a bigger paycheck than Bobby’s garage can give him. Luckily, he knows a guy.” *This fic has been deleted from AO3 however in the link there is an EPUB download* 
Après (Canon) - Words: 24,045 - “When the angels stop falling and Castiel makes his way out of the trees, he finds himself alone and oceans away from the Winchesters. For once, Dean flies to him.“
The Summer Holds A Song (We Might Sing Forever) (AU) - Words: 10,769 - “When Castiel Elkan rents John Winchester's beach house for the summer, all he's looking for is a quiet place to write. From the moment he lays eyes on John's teenage son, he knows his chances of staying free from distraction are nil.“
Do What Feels Good (Canon AU, NSFW) - Words: 12,572 - “Castiel learns to love alone time in the shower. And then he learns to share.“
Santorum Will Pry My Porn From My Cold Dead Hands (AU) ♥  - Words: 41,725 - “AU President Santorum bans all pornography, and Dean decides to start his very own prohibition racket. Unfortunately, the only person he can find to 'perform' is Castiel.  
Have Love, Will Travel (AU) ♥ - Words:  94,054 - “Castiel Novak is a reclusive writer with a childhood so tragic it's left him terrified to leave his home—until his overbearing brother, Gabriel, drags him out for a night on the town full of booze and strip clubs, and he encounters Dean Winchester, a mesmerizing and mysterious stripper with secrets of his own. Both men find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other, and soon Dean's private dances for Castiel become much more, as both men confess their troubles and find solace in each other's company. But neither can seem to find the courage to take their relationship further than the intimacy of the club's VIP Room—and just when Dean's own brother gives him the excuse he needs to finally admit his feelings, Dean discovers something that brings it all crumbling down. Will they find a way past their demons and their trust issues, and back to each other?“
All In (HS AU) - Words: 12,672 - ““Are you staying for dinner, Cas?” Mary asked. Cas and the Winchester boys sat at the kitchen table doing homework, Dean and Cas working more side-by-side than together since they only shared one class.Castiel glanced at Dean and Dean spoke up for both of them. “Definitely.” he said.Mary went about her business finishing dinner preparations and when she was safely away from the table, Dean leaned over to Cas. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I thought we could maybe say something about us tonight.”Cas started to snap back, but closed his mouth when Mary came near to get something from the refrigerator. He watched her warily until she went back to the counter. “I don’t know, Dean.”“It won’t be a big deal, I swear.”“You said your dad-” Cas cut off again, this time because Sam’s eager head popped up, ready to listen.” 
Control (AU, NSFW) - Words: 10,976 - “After Dean spanks Castiel over his desk for making a typing mistake, he then makes him pull down his trousers and fucks him."
A Movie Marathon, Captain Morgan and Sweet Dreams - What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (HS AU) - Words: 15,251 - “Dean Winchester, 18 years old, enjoys the last weeks of his senior year in high school with his best friend, the shy, dark haired Castiel, before finally reaching summer break. When John Winchester goes for a hunting trip with Uncle Bobby over the weekend and Sammy stays the night at a friend's house, Dean seizes the oppurtunity and invites his best friend over for a movie marathon night, expecting, as always, an awesome time with Cas. Well, he get's his fun - he just certainly had not expected it to come along like /that/.“ 
Crawl (AU) - Words: 10,961 - “It’s been almost four years since Castiel left Kansas; he'd eventually settled in an island town where he has a job, a house, and a life without the Winchesters. Every winter, Dean drives down to the coast to see him.“I shoot guns. I beat up monsters. I fix cars, Cas.”“I guess I should have done something worse to yours than hide the distributor cap, then.”
Professional Couple Only (Canon) ♥ - Words: 37,153 - “There's a haunted apartment building in Vermont, and the ad says "Professional couple only". Dean and Cas rise to the occasion.“
Dean Winchester, Straight Shooter (AU, NSFW) ♥ - Words: 15,550 - “Dean Winchester, star of StraightShooter.com, is a gay-for-pay porn star with a huge following. Cas Novak signs on to do a scene with him, even though he dislikes "straight" porn stars on principle. But Dean is more complicated than he first appears, and after inadvertently learning his secrets, Cas finds himself falling for him.“ 
I Don't Want to Go Back Alone (AU) - Words: 12,695 - Dean is the new kid, Castiel is blind. Romantic angst and fluff ensues. (Based on the short film, "Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho")
The Silence Between Heartbeats (Canon AU) - Words: 32,204 - “Fic that replaces Carmen with Cas. And then, when Dean wakes up and he meets Cas for the first time he freaks out because it's the only man he's ever loved and he's so confused as to how he can be real when he obviously had to be something the djinn created.” 
A Room Of One's Own (AU) ♥ - Words:  94,118 - “All Dean wants is a little privacy. Cas doesn't understand.“ 
Sweaters & Cigarettes (HS AU) ♥ ♥ ♥ - Words: 150,00 - “Dean Winchester is in high school, crushing hard on Castiel Novak, the unbelievably hot goth who Dean does his very best to convince himself he hates, despite the fact that he can’t really stop staring at him. Dean tries, but when the two of them finally cross paths, their first conversation takes a surprising turn. And suddenly, they both find themselves falling harder and faster than they ever could have expected.“ *This fic has been deleted from AO3 however I have an EPUB copy, if you want it just message me and I can email you it* 
Impossibly, We've Already Caught Fire (AU) - Words: 25,059 - “After a fire ravages his apartment, nurse Dean Winchester moves in with his best friend.”
It's Only Love We're Falling In (AU) ♥ - Words: 18,779 - “Castiel is a nurse. Dean isn’t a very pleasant person. Castiel and Dean don’t get along at first, then, naturally, like in most romantic comedies, things happen. Like unwillingly falling in love.”
The Laundromat 'Verse (AU) - Words: 48,939 - “Dean runs a laundromat. The punk kids come to him for all their clothing repair needs.That includes their bad boy ringleader, Castiel.”
I Wanna See Your Animal Side (Canon) - Words: 18,554 - “Dean gets attached to a dark-haired, blue-eyed kitten. He hates cats, so he can't really say why.”
Muscle Memory (AU) - Words: 18,916 - “Dear Castiel, Hello – it’s Castiel. This must all seem very confusing, and I’m sorry for that. Dean says to tell you that this isn’t some kind of ‘time-travel stunt’, although I’m sure that won’t be your first thought. I know it wasn’t mine. I’ve told Dean to leave now, as this is my notebook and I want everything in it to come from me – or rather, from you. I know you think it's the fifteenth of January, 2010, but it isn't. At the time of my writing this, the date is the fourth of October, 2013. Dean Winchester is your boyfriend of a year and a half, and you no longer work at the library, and in early 2010 you were hit by a car and hospitalised. I’m sorry.”
A World Above Water (AU) - Words: 35,187 - “Castiel’s hope for freedom is threatened by a chance encounter with the Crowned Prince of Lawrence, who is trying to avoid an arranged marriage”
To Find A Family (AU) - Words: 26,434 - “When Dean's little brother gets taken away, he's expecting the fight that ensues. He's expecting the stress that comes from separation, expecting to do all he can to get Sammy back from whatever awful foster family he's been placed with. He's not expecting Castiel Novak.(Castiel, in turn, isn't expecting his first foster child - five years old and angry - to be the one that leads him to the family he's always wanted, but life has a funny way of working itself out)”
Shorten the Distance (AU) - Words: 43,034 - “ Nerdytr3nchcoat" and "Impala67" weren't looking for romance on the dating website called 'dateangels.com'. Castiel was looking for friends and Dean was just looking to get his nagging brother off his back. What they didn't expect to find was each other.“
Learning Curve (AU) - Words: 37,853 - “Dean is a pre-school teacher and Castiel Novak is his new student's intriguing guardian. They both know the sacrifices that come with caring for others, but, over time, they learn what it means to want something for themselves.  
The Breath Of All Things (AU) - Words:  65,409 - “Dean Winchester was twenty-six years old when a car accident killed his father and left him paralysed from the waist down. A year and a half later, Dean is in a wheelchair and lives in a care home in Kansas, where he spends his days waiting to die. It's only when Castiel Novak starts volunteering at the care home that Dean starts to wonder if a changed life always equals a ruined one.“
Cooking With Gas ‘Verse (AU) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - Words: 217,460 - “Castiel Novak has it all. He's rich, famous, has a top rated cooking show and restaurant, drives an expensive car and wears Armani. His producer throws a contest to spend a day with Chef Novak, cooking and learning techniques. Castiel wants no part of it, but Balthazar insists and Castiel will do as expected. What Castiel wasn't expecting was to fall head over heels for the winner. Dean Winchester hasn't had a successful relationship in his 34 years on Earth. He's got a past he'd like to keep hidden, and his life rotates around his family and his business. Winning a contest to spend a day with his favorite TV chef is a shock, but a welcome diversion from his day to day life...until he meets the guy, and he turns out to be a big jerk. Dean figures he should have expected that. What he wasn't expecting was that same gorgeous blue-eyed man to sweep in and shake up his entire world.” *To this day, this is my #1 favorite long AU destiel fic out there* 
Don't Let it Burn (AU) - Words: 86,383 - “Cas and Dean have been through much together; they got married, expanded their businesses, dealt with health scares and the ups and downs of making a relationship work. Now expecting their first child, life is busy and happy for both of them. Cas is invited to be part of a new show on Food Network. He and several other chefs, including up and comer John Bartholomew, are the judges for a new high-stakes competition show. He’s flying to New York a lot, while Dean holds down the fort back in Kansas. Dean’s a pretty happy guy these days. He’s given Benny more control of Winchester and Sons, in preparation for cutting his hours back when the baby comes. There are new babies in their extended family and Ben’s on the Dean’s list at Stanford, really, things couldn't be better. One drunk driver, and tragedy hits the Winchesters hard. Dean’s entire world is upended in one night, and he needs Cas more than ever, but Cas is in New York more and more, leaving Dean to deal with the situation in Kansas. He’s falling apart, slowly but surely, close to the edge and about to tumble over, and Dean can't help but wonder if anyone will be left to catch him when he inevitably falls.”
Any Little Heartbreak (AU) ♥ - Words: 76,897 - “Dean Winchester knows everything there is to know about the human heart.Well.Anatomically speaking.”
Life In Pink (AU)  ♥ - Words: 25,174 - “At just 33 years old, Dean Winchester is one of the most sought-after wedding planners in the city. He’s chased his dream ever since he was a kid and is now on the brink of making partner at his firm. But the wedding that’ll make or break his promotion? Is his best friend Dr. Castiel Novak’s. It’s going to be the event of the season - unlimited budget, no expense spared - and it’s the kind of task that Dean has been waiting for… except he’s hopelessly in love with Cas.“ 
Unfold Your Love (AU) - Words: 35,476 - “This is the story of how a cop and an ER doc meet and fall in love.”
P A R A N O V A K (AU) - Words: 20,618 - “Castiel has always been a sad, “not quite right” young boy, at least according to Aunt Naomi. Ever since his Father abandoned them for “God’s work”, and his Mother killed herself shortly after, Castiel has been struggling to connect to the living…and finding it too easy to connect to the dead. Milton, Castiel’s home, crawls with ghosts and lost souls - not even his own home is free of them! Seeing ghosts has always been a part of him, and he wouldn’t give up his power for anything, but it doesn’t become a problem until he meets young, troubled Dean Winchester.“ 
Breaking Seals with Body Counts (AU) - Words: 35,197 - “Dean was chasing a murderer, chasing the man Castiel Novak was rumored to be indebted to, partnered with, and with so many shadows lurking in darkness, questions unanswered, psychopaths amuck, surprises looming every which way, being in love was the last of Dean's priorities, and the first of his worries. Dean had broken a few rules over time, to get where he was, but he'd never ached so much to destroy all the real work he'd done, and never yearned for an act so atrocious as slipping into Castiel, a suspected criminal and residential asshole, and letting his skin and mouth become Dean's own drug and dealer, especially with such enemies waiting to strike down on him and Castiel with a fury like they'd never seen before, bigger than the both of them. And this was only the beginning.“ 
A Batch Made in Heaven (AU) ♥ - Words: 23,119 - “When the rich Castiel Novak buys half of Dean’s bakery, he knows things aren’t going to work out. Castiel comes in with a plan to change nearly everything that makes A Batch Made in Heaven Dean’s, and while Dean resists at first, he soon realizes that maybe Castiel isn’t everything he’s taken him to be.“ 
Dead Things and Washing Machines (Canon) - Words: 26,114 - “Sam is sick and, despite Dean’s strict no-research-rule, finds a case. It’s like these cases sneak up on them when they least expect it. Dean says the hunt can wait; but, Sam doesn’t think that’s the wisest decision so he calls Cas to work the hunt with Dean.Dean and Cas drive out only to find that the motels are all full; so, they end up in a one-bedroom/one-bath condo, sharing a bed and reveling in the stylish, fully-furnished, khaki-pants lifestyle.Hunts don’t pause or slow down; they’re fast-paced and brutal. Dean and Cas’ relationship takes equal turns at both.”
A Winter's Tale (Canon AU) - Words: 64,316 - “Cas is sick and Dean finds a journal that Cas kept about his time alone as a human”
Plus One (AU) ♥  - Words:  90,872 - “Castiel Novak might have to attend three weddings in two months, but he’s not about to let his brother play matchmaker. His family’s Internet streaming company is too important to let a relationship steal his time, but he knows exactly what to do–hire someone to pretend to be his boyfriend.Dean Winchester has worked five-star hospitality long enough to know how to fit in with Castiel’s crowd, and this job could score him the connections to make his acting career take off. It’s a business deal, no matter how they’re drawn to each other. When the lines of their contract start to blur into real feelings, can they withstand Castiel’s family and jealous fans working to split them up?”
Bandaged and Bruised, I'd Still Pick You (AU) - Words: 12,398 - “Cas is a paramedic with a tragic past. Five years ago he lost a patient on the job and never fully recovered from the emotional trauma it caused. He's become an expert at pushing the feelings aside, but Cas's past comes back to haunt him when he saves his lost patient's brother from a car wreck. When the two men fall for one another, both of them learn how to patch old wounds and find new life with each other.”
Touch My Scars Away (Canon AU) - Words: 18,449 - “Dean Winchester has spent a life hunting, so it was only a matter of time before he ended up with an injury he couldn't handle on his own. Settling in at Bobby's, Dean undergoes surgery and the subsequent physical therapy required to get back to his life and his job. His physical therapist, Castiel Novak, however, challenges everything Dean had ever believed about himelf: his sexuality, his lifestyle, even his devotion to hunting. Cas's healing hands may heal more than just Dean's bad knee.“
Will You Wait Until Tomorrow (AU) - Words: 28,731 - “Castiel just got the all clear — testicular cancer has left him with scars, mental and physical, but it won’t mean his life. Now comes the task of putting himself back together and realizing he’s not worthless just because a part of him is missing. With the encouragement of his wife, Tessa, he seeks out the help of a sexual surrogate.“
On Drowning (Canon AU) - Words: 28,731 - “The absolute last thing Dean would ever admit, after saving Cas' life, is that it was all thanks to the unhealthy amount of time he spent reading about drowning on Wikipedia.Not that he's not grateful, but what he really needs is an instruction manual for everything that comes after.”
The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through Chlamydia (AU) - Words: 89,337 - “Dean doesn't expect to see his one night stand again, but then again he also doesn't expect to find out he has an STD. Sometimes life is hilarious like that.“
How I Want to Go (AU) ♥ - Words: 110,064 - “The one where Cas has cancer but he isn't telling anyone about it, especially not his gorgeous new boyfriend, Dean Winchester, or his useless but well-meaning brother, Gabe. Anything but resigned, Cas is determined not to let his diagnosis govern his life.”
An Exercise In 'Worthless' (AU) - Words: 26,547 - "I mean, you’re–” He gestures at Cas, in his neat oxford shirt and nice pants. “–and I’m a high school dropout who tattoos for a living.“
Good Things Do Happen, Dr. Sexy Edition (AU) - Words: 110,526 - “Dean has hit rock-bottom when he wakes up from a coma after causing an accident while driving drunk. He doesn’t see that it's rock-bottom, though. He believes he's still in free-fall because the darkness that has killed John Winchester and has almost claimed Dean’s life, too, is all he can see. But then Dr. Novak steps into his life, a guiding light in Dean’s darkest hour, and no one can blame him if he notices just how attractive the doctor is. If it only weren’t for the problem that he’s falling hard for this man, which will most certainly lead to a broken heart and more whiskey. Because that’s what happens when a washed up drunk like Dean Winchester falls for a doctor who is sexier than Dr. Sexy. Or isn’t it? Then there are also Dr. Novak’s brother Gabriel, who isn’t ashamed of watching Dr. Sexy, and Balthazar, who has a tendency to blurt out the most inappropriate comments at the most inopportune times. And of course don't forget the issue of family. Because Sammy is in Stanford and better off without Dean. And Dean is happy for him, he really is, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still hurt. Or that it doesn’t have to be dealt with if Dean really wants to take up the fight and heal.”
Somebody to Love (AU) - Words: 11,109 - “Dean wakes up in an alley after a bar fight with no memory of the actual fight. When a handsome stranger comes to his rescue, Dean’s torn between being wary and being grateful. But fortunately, Castiel knows what he’s doing. Even if it originally doesn’t necessarily seem that way.”
Your Name is Castiel (AU) - Words: 10,310 - “Yellow walls or blue walls. Yellow walls or blue walls. Yellow walls or blue walls.”
Paradise (AU, NSFW) - Words: 13,857 - “Maybe next time, Castiel would ask his realtor what kind of house he was moving into before a green-eyed, half naked man showed up on his doorstep with cake.Or, wherein Castiel accidently moves in next door to a porn studio.”
Carried Away (AU) - Words: 81,529 - “Living in New York City, Dean Winchester's life consists of working as a pediatric nurse, leaving little room for free time. His best friend and roommate, Castiel Novak, happens to be a surgical resident at the same hospital that Dean works at. Even though they see a lot of each other, the two of them have learned to coexist with ease.When the annual fundraising gala becomes the talk of the hospital, it only makes sense for both of them to pretend they're together to kill two birds with one stone. The gossip about them finally stops, and no one tries to set them up with a date for the gala. It's easy enough for Dean and Castiel to act like a couple at first. However, they each end up getting more than they signed up for as the line dividing what's fake and what's real between them blurs.”
Further Adventures (AU) - Words: 38,028 - “Cas regards him with that level gaze. “So you’d be the submissive one.”Dean flushes. “Um, yeah.”“Hmm,” Cas says.”
300 Things (Podfic link) (AU)  ♥ - Words: 76,500 - “Dean’s life at twenty-four makes him feel like he’s forty—he works two jobs to help pay bills for his house and put his genius little brother through private school, and has spent six years (on and off, let’s be honest) working on his mechanical engineering degree at KU. With so much of his life devoted to his family, Dean has little time in his schedule for class and no time for social interaction. Then, while getting his classes together for the fall, he finds himself in a do-or-die situation: He must take his last literature class now, his spring already filled with those left for his major…except that none of the English classes will fit his schedule.” I think this fic is deleted but I have an EPUB file if you would like it!
Jeté (AU) - Words: 10,848 - “Castiel has been photographing their ballet company for two years now and he and Dean have barely exchanged six words, and yet somehow when Dean breaks his leg, it's Castiel who takes him home from the hospital and takes care of him.”
Salvation (AU) - Words: 99,719 - “Dean is an honorably discharged marine who lives in celibacy because celibacy is better than the alternative.Castiel is a well renowned doctor who has suffered through enough death for a lifetime.Before all this, Dean and Castiel were "the real thing", according to everyone around them. Then life happened and they were screwed out of everything.Now, ten years later, Dean and Cas see each other again and they have to face everything holding them apart.”
Unsolicited (AU) - Words: 56,274 - “In which Dean Winchester gets an unsolicited dick pic from an unknown sender which is both totally not disappointing in that it's a really nice dick pic, and incredibly disappointing in that it's clearly a downloaded picture of his favorite porn star.There's absolutely no way it's actually this porn star sending it to him, right?Right?”
Sex 101, or: That Time Castiel Asked Dean to Teach Him How to Have Sex (Canon AU, NSFW) - Words: 50,215 - “'I want to have sex,' Castiel announces suddenly.Dean chokes on his gulp of Baja Blast."***Wherein Dean teaches Cas how to have sex, and Cas teaches Dean why to have sex.”
Deactivated (AU) - Words: 23,676 - “The morning after his scene with Dean, Castiel wakes up to the realization that he has made a massive mistake.”
Breathe Lightly (AU) *MCD* ♥ - Words: 28,561 - "To my first love, and my last, Dean Winchester. These are the things I want to tell you: the human body is 60% water. The number of neurons in one person is the rough equivalent of the number of stars in a small galaxy. There is 0.2 milligrams of gold in your blood. The heart is an elaborate engine. I love you."
SextersAnon.com (AU) *Dom/Sub* ♥ - Words: 169,136 - “After years of self-imposed celibacy, Castiel Novak decides to seek an anonymous sexual partner to engage in long-distant text-based activities. Things get personal quickly, though...”
Something by the Sea (Canon) - Words: 30,700 - “After suffering the horrific cost of being cured from demonhood, Dean and Cas settle down in the small town of Old Orchard Beach, Maine, buying a run-down shack near the beach to call their own. Dean attempts to get into a normal routine– fixing up the kitchen, chopping wood for the fire, and picking out paint colors– all with the pleasant backdrop of Cas’s company and a beach fifty feet away. These things prove themselves to be fragile, however, and the past haunts Dean in the form of nightmares and strange phone-calls from an untraceable number, along with the far-from-innocent history of their new house.“
Just Pretending (AU) - Words:  41,752 - “A cool job, a nice apartment, a hot girlfriend. Dean had it all. And lost everything. That’s when he gets the chance to be featured in an article in the famous magazine “Heaven on Earth” and reside in a luxury hotel for four weeks. And win a shit ton of money. The catch: it’s only for married couples. And because Dean’s life is a disaster the only person who is willing to play along and marry him is the person who despises him the most. But playing Couple with Cas Novak for a month can’t be that hard, can it?”
Let This Remain (AU) - Words:  63,082 - “Dean Winchester dropped his little brother Sam off for his freshman year of college, then dropped out of his life completely. Now, nearly a year later, Dean's gotten himself together and is back in Lawrence to make things right with his brother. As he works to build his life in Kansas, Dean finds himself repeatedly crossing paths with Castiel Milton. Maybe the universe is trying to tell him something at a time when he's actually ready to listen.”
The Hands that Bind Me (Canon AU) - Words:  56,827 - “Dean is struggling with adjusting back into the civilized world after a year of fighting for his life in Purgatory. He's going to need some angelic assistance reining in his darker impulses.”
Your Very Own Doctor Sexy (AU) - Words: 51,294 - “It's an easy and average life for Dean Winchester. He worked hard, helped Sam and Ruby through law school while helping Bobby expand his garage. There isn't much to want until a car crash changes Dean down to the very core of who he thought he was. Working closely with the Novak brothers, all doctors, changes his life in a way he can't account for.”
* Sexiest Man Alive (AU) - Words: 24,017 - “Cas' struggles at dating actor Dean Winchester, as told through fights and longing, phone calls and memories.”
* Painted Angels (AU) ♥ - Words: 105,637 - “Author Castiel Novak has finally hit the big time, with a book based on his failed college relationship with a brilliant painter. He's put all his pain behind him, but at a book signing, he comes face to face with Dean Winchester for the first time in twelve years, and the reunion doesn't go like Cas hoped. Dean's a broken man, with a lot of scars and secrets, shoulders weighed down by his demons and self loathing. Cas sees a second chance with the man he's never stopped loving, but Dean's moved on, and is about to get married. Sam launches a "brilliant" plan to reunite his brother and his best friend, but Cas is worried it will all blow up in their faces, and he'll go through the agony of losing Dean a second time.“
That’s all the fics I have listed for now, i’ll add more fics in the future :D
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fearlyssa · 7 years
Why exactly do you think hiddleswift was fake?:) I think so too btw
SO MANY REASONS! For one thing I'm a Kaylor shipper but even aside from that what reason does someone even have to believe it could be real is the better question! lol The whole thing was just SO fishy from day one with them on the rock on a basically private part of the beach (I go to that beach all the time, the more public part and I've never seen a pap there in my life! Not just there but anywhere so idk why people think they just follow them around. That's stalking which is illegal, they call them to be there, they always have. It's big deal) and somehow not seeing the paparazzi (or not caring) right in front of their faces taking pictures of them kissing and it just got worse from there! I thought for sure they'd plan a breakup that July when he had to film in Australia (as that could've easily broken up even a legit couple) but no, she actually WENT WITH HIM and then they started going to all these other countries together and meeting his parents and stuff (which she didn't do with Calvin after over a year. Which I also think was fake but that's another discussion altogether) and being super overly affectionate and when people asked him if it was real he said "Me and Taylor Swift are very much in love and our relationship is totally real" or whatever (I was paraphrasing but you get the point, it was awkward and he used her full name which made it a bit less than believable) so she goes and visits a hospital in Austrailia like the next day so that people will focus on that. And then there was the tank top which he's only making worse now with the whole story about it and then they basically stopped hanging out after he finally went back to Austrailia without her but they continued to make it look like they were still hanging out occasionally by posting old pictures they took together where he's wearing the same outfit (I guess he doesn't have more than one outfit or just wears ones that look exactly the same all the time so people think he never changes his clothes even though he's rich and can afford whatever clothes he wants? lol Connor K used to do the same thing but Taylor always brings a change of clothes because she's smart haha) and then there was the time he was seen getting onto her plane only to find out she wasn't even on it at the time and was seen getting on it later after he was gone. lmao The whole thing was just ridiculous really. I like them both as people (well I don't know anything about Tom as I hadn't heard of him before that but he seems nice) and I totally get why they beard because they both want to hide being gay (there've been rumors for years that he's dating his publicist who is ALWAYS with him. They could be seen hugging in the background of a video from July 4th that one of Taylor's friends posted on snapchat which got mysteriously deleted shortly after it was put up with no explanation hmm) but their 'relationship' was just such a joke tbh and so extra that I just don't get it. So much so that I actually think they could've been doing it on purpose to out themselves so that people would just put two and two together themselves so they wouldn't have to actually come out and admit they've been lying to everyone for years (again, not as big of a deal as people think because all celebrities beard, not just gay ones. They want their privacy just like anyone else. Particularly when everyone's watching them all the time) so they'll lose less fans. And I don't mean to sound so angry about it, if it benefited them in some way then good for them. To each their own. I don't judge them for it but I mean, come on, it wasn't real. lol I get that people just want to be supportive and give her the benefit of the doubt that she was being honest with us but I mean if you just think about it logically it makes no sense. If it were real then she cheated on someone or might as well have because she clearly moved on from the relationship with Calvin for no real reason the second she met Tom even if they waited to make it official until after they broke up so I mean, if that were to have happened, then no judgement shit happens sometimes but how can people just brush off such out of character behavior? And all the other weird stuff on top of that even if they thought other relationships were real? I mean if you watch videos taken by fans of her with both Calvin and Tom at times they didn't know they were being filmed you can see how she literally doesn't interact with them at all other than purposely dancing next to Calvin's face to try to get a reaction out of him at the 2015 Billboard awards even making fun of him with her friend for not dancing whereas in videos like that of her and Karlie they're literally hanging all over each other and kissing. Yes, she was drunk or she wouldn't have done that in public but being drunk just lowers your inhibitions, it doesn't turn you gay. lmao Anyway, sorry this was super long but those things are just among the MANY MANY MANY things that convinced me that her relationships with men were fake and she's been dating girls her entire career about a day or two after she broke up with Calvin and tbh I had been hearing the rumors for years (since AT LEAST 2012) and just couldn't bring myself to admit the truth before so I'm surprised I didn't realize it earlier. I had been getting more and more skeptical since 2014 around when 1989 came out. Now there's no convincing me otherwise. She could come up to me herself and tell me she was straight and I'd still think it was a lie. She may not be a lesbian, she could be bi, pan etc. (for example I think John was real and obviously Drew and Sam) but it's obvious to me that she at least romantically like girls. That much is true, at least IMO. :)
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Saving, Mr. Holmes
Chapter Seven- I May be Lost
Words:  3055
Warnings: Smut, language. 
A/N: @onepissedofsquirrel 
Kassie’s P.O.V.
When I woke up from surgery, I woke to Sherlock beside me. His hand held mine tightly and I smiled as I squeezed his hand tightly. “Hey… I called the number you gave me. Dean is on his way. He has about…” I looked down to my watch. “Four more hours.” She smiled and squeezed my hand.
“Poor guy. He hates flying. It’s his biggest fear. DON’T TELL HIM I TOLD YOU.” Sherlock smiled and squeezed my hand.
“I won’t. Promise.” I smiled back at him, just sitting in the quiet while enjoying his hand in mine. Then the doctor walked in smiling wide.
“Well Mrs. Carter. I see you’re up. How long have you been up?” Sherlock looked down at his watch.
“About 3 and a half hours.” I looked at him stunned. Time sure does fly. Speaking of flying Sam and Dean will be here soon.
“Well, Ms. Carter, we’d like to keep you until later tonight. We just want to make sure there’s no extensive damage. We would like to continue to monitor your vitals, but you’re cleared for food, drink, and visitors. We’ll get you the first two here in just a second. Just page us if you need anything. Other than that you’re healing nicely and we see no signs of permanent damage.” I nodded and watched the doctor leave. Then I turned to look at Sherlock.
“That’s going to be forever.” I whined like a child.
He smirked and picked up a bag from his side “Not to worry I had John pick you up some things.”
I took the bag and smiled before opening it. Inside were books.   Mainly on lore and my journal. He got into the hospital bed with me making me giggle a bit “Are you sure you can do that?”
“I’m Sherlock Holmes! No one’s going to tell me to get off. Plus I kinda already made the doctors mad.”
“Of course you did.” I laughed as I snuggled into him and started to read the lore books. I set books in Sherlock’s lap while my journal lay open on my own. I wrote in it as I found new information in the books. I was nuzzled into Sherlock’s side allowing his warmth to comfort me. I smiled as I turned to look at him. Sherlock smiled back and we both leaned in softly. Then I heard the all too familiar throat clearing that could belong to none other.
I looked to the door seeing Dean standing in the doorway with Sam right behind him, “I told you they we’re a thing!” Dean shouted while pointing at Sam.
That’s when John popped his head into the door. “SEE! Someone agrees with me!!” Sherlock looked at John and rolled his eyes.
“Oh shut it, John.” Dean chuckled and Sam looked between the two.
Sam then looked at me, “They always like this?”
I laughed and pointed to John and Sherlock, “Only when they are talking. It reminds me of home.” I smirked a bit.
Dean then zero’d in on me. “Wait a minute. You too are avoiding. What’s going on between the two of you?”
Sherlock and I both smiled nervously when a nurse walked into the room. “Here you go sweet heart. We brought you some food, you must be hungry. We got you cleared for a burger with a side salad and pie for dessert.” At this Dean perked up. All over again, he forget the subject at hand reaching for my pie. I laughed and handed him my fork before sitting up further to eat my burger.
I ate slowly, my stomach still a little queasy. Sherlock stayed in the bed with me. I had to set the burger down midway through eating. Sherlock looked down at me as I placed it down. “You’re not done… You haven’t eaten anything all day, either.” I pouted  and Sherlock copied my face. “One more big bite, for me?” His fingers trailed through the ends of my hair and I took one more bite from the burger.
“When do you get out Kassie? Also, why didn’t you just pray for Castiel?” Sam questioned.
“Yeah Dean’s boyfriend doesn’t like to answer my calls.” I smirked.
“I’m not gay Kassie. With how much you have heard in the bunker, you’d think the two of you would quit with the jokes.”
“Yeah sure whatever. Also, never mention boning girls to me again. I’m like your sister. That’s weird man. Anyways he must not be taking international prayers.”
“Who’s Castiel?” Sherlock asked.
“You got a hell of a deep voice. Deeper than mine even. Makes sense why Kassie likes you so much.” Dean commented.
I flipped him off before looking to Sherlock “Cas is an Angel.”
He looked at me, then the Winchester boys “Like a legit Angel?”
John peeped his head back in the room again, “Sorry, hello again. We do mean like flying all powerful with wings and all?”
I laughed, “Yes, John. We do mean flying all power with wings and all.”
“He wears a suit and trenchcoat. When he doesn’t have his powers we call him ‘the baby in a trenchcoat.’” I said with a slight smile spreading on my lips.
“I don’t remember that in the journal.” Sherlock said as he gently took it from my lap.
“You feel asleep before that part, sweetie.” I opened the journal to correct page and allowed him to read from it. I looked around the room to see three pairs of eyes watching the interaction between Sherlock and I. Knowing looks evident on their faces. “I should get out soon I hope. They’re just keeping me for observation.” I watched as Sam, Dean, and John all leaned in close to each other. Each one saying a word. “Definitely. A. Thing.”
Sherlock and I both looked to the three, “Shut it.” We said in unison.
“Point proven,” Sam chuckled before high fiving Dean and John.
The nurse came back and taking my tray “Wow you ate more than we expected. Feeling any better?”
“Much thank you.” I smiled “May I leave soon?”
“Actually that’s what I came in here for, seeing as how you have not one but four seemingly capable men, two of which are listed as your family, the doctor sees no problem discharging you to their care. You have to promise that you’ll stick to strict bed rest until at least tomorrow morning. Longer if you’re still feeling queasy.”
I smiled “Just wait till you see my flat… it’s totally awesome.” I said looking at Sam and Dean after the nurse left. I went to stand but stumbled slightly. Sherlock came to my side quickly keeping me balanced. “Thank you Mr. Holmes. I need to get dressed. Who’s gonna help me?” I said looking from Sherlock, Sam, and Dean.
“Your boyfriend can help you.” Dean said with a wink. I knew it was payback for the Cas thing. He stood and walked out with Sam and John.
Sherlock pulled out the simple outfit he had John bring from home. It was a long white sweater, chestnut colored jeans, and my oxfords. He took out a plain white bralette with matching  underwear. “Okay.” He said his voice shaking slightly. I could see he was nervous. I stood trying to help him out as much as I could.
“At least you’ve already seen me naked.” I giggled as I untied the hospital gown letting it drop. He picked up the underwear and I took them from him, “Just catch me if I fall.” I got the underwear about half way up till I started to sway slightly. He took over pulling them up the rest of the way.
“How about you sit?” He motioned to the bed and I did as he asked.
“Never fantasized about you putting my clothes on. Just taking them off.”
“Do you really think right now is the time for those comments.” He asked as he pulled the bralette over my hair pulling it down slowly to cover my chest.
“Doc said I need bed rest.” I mentioned as I placed my hands on his chest, running them down his torso slowly.
“Kassie behave please.” He said sighing. I huffed and pouted my lips out. I raised my arms for him to pull the sweater over my head before pulling my hair from under the collar. He got the jeans up halfway, before wrapping my arms around his neck. “Hold on tight, princess.” I did as he asked and he stood up slowly, pulling my jeans up the rest of the way and fastening them. I slid on the oxfords and Sherlock picked me up, before sitting me in his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he helped me with my pea coat. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled as I rested my head in the crook of his neck. Just then the nurse knocked before rolling in a wheelchair.
“Oh she won’t be needing that.” He said as he stood with me still in his arms. He carried me out while I snuggled in closer to him.  Sam, Dean, and John looked at us both with huge grins on their faces.
“Oh yeah they’re so dating. There’s no denying it now.” John pointed to us as he laughed.
I didn’t have the energy to say anything against it and I really didn’t want to. “Fuck you guys.”  
Sherlock and I got our own cab while John, Dean, and Sam got another. I stayed snuggled up with him not wanting to leave his side. “You’re really cute when you’re clingy.” Sherlock whispered as he kissed the top of my head.
“Don’t talk you’ll ruin it.” I smirked looking up at him with my chin placed on his shoulder gently.
We made it home and I groaned “Stay with me. Let Sam and Dean stay upstairs.” I complained and he smiled getting out and picking me up bridal style. I giggled at the feeling and let him carry me down to my flat. I closed the door behind us, locking it behind us. I smiled and Sherlock sat me on the couch, slowly bending down to remove my shoes.
“Socks or no socks, princess?” I smiled and looked at him.
“Mmmm, none.” I smiled as he slid them off of my feet. When he stood he slowly removed his own before setting our shoes by the door and coming back over to me. I smiled and reached up for him, he smiled and took my hands.
“Ready, princess?” I smiled and stood slowly and he slid my jacket off, laying it over the arm of the couch.
“Now you,” I smiled. Sherlock slipped his hands down to my waist as I slowly pulled his jacket off his shoulders. Once his coat reached his elbows, he shrugged it off laying it over mine. I smiled as he bent down to place his hands on the back of my thighs. I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck as he walked us to my bedroom. Sherlock slowly laid me down on the bed, and I moved over slowly so that he could climb in next to me. I smiled draping my leg over Sherlock’s waist.
“I almost lost you today, Kassie. I don’t ever want to lose you…” Sherlock trailed his finger over my leg gently.
“I don’t ever want to lose you either, Mr. Holmes.” I smiled slowly climbing into his lap as I kissed him once again. Sherlock smirked and rolled us over slowly. He settled between my legs, as his lips trailed down to my neck. I moaned quietly feeling his arousal pressing against my thigh. The combination of his soft lips pressed to my skin and the feeling of his hardened member pressing into my thigh caused a rush of heat to pool in my panties. I moaned quietly pressing my hips closer to him as his hands trailed under my sweater, gently pushing it over my head.
“Ms. Carter, you are absolutely gorgeous.”  His lips pressed against the column of my neck, sucking lightly as his fingers gently dug into the skin of my hips. Sherlock slowly kissed lower, as his lips explored the newly exposed flesh. His hands trailing along my sides. Sherlock kissed between my breasts before gently biting into the flesh, sucking lightly as he left yet another mark on me. I moaned, running my hands under his sweater. Pushing it over his head, slowly turning us over as my lips gently pressed to his lips. Our lips moved together slowly as I gently moved my hips against his, the tiny moans leaving his lips fueling the fire more. Sherlocks head tilted back slightly as I pressed my hips down against his erection. I moaned, distracted by the feeling of him pressed so closely against me. Sherlock took this as an opportunity to flip us over again, trailing his hands down my sides. His fingers gently hooked into the waistband of my pants, pulling them down as his lips trailed down my stomach. I moaned as he settled back between my hips. I moaned reaching for Sherlock’s pants button. I undid it slowly and pushed his pants down as far as I could.
“Sherlock…” I moaned quietly while Sherlock pushed them down the rest of the way, pushing all of the clothes off the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hand trailed down my legs wrapping them around his waist. I moaned quietly as he lifted me from the bed. Sherlock pulled the covers back before climbing under them with me. He slowly slid lower between my legs. He kissed just below my bralette before pushing it up over my head. Sherlock looked up at me as his lips locked around one of my nipples, sucking gently. I moaned arching my back into him as I grinded into him. Sherlock moaned quietly around my nipple causing my arousal to leak into my panties.
“Sherlock… I need you… now…” I moaned quietly pressing his boxers down. Sherlock slowly removed them pushing them off the edge of the bed. I moaned quietly when his fingers looped into the waistband of my panties. He slowly slid them down my legs, leaning down to kiss the insides of my thighs.
“No time… Need you…” Sherlock muttered against my skin as he slowly worked his way up to me. I moaned reaching between us as I lined his cock up with my sex.
“Sherlock… I need to tell you something…” I moaned quietly when he slipped slightly between my lips.
“I know, Kassie… It’s my first time too.” Sherlock smiled lightly, before propping himself up on his elbows. He leaned down kissing me gently.
“This is gonna hurt, princess.” I nodded slowly and bit my lip as he slowly pressed into me. I winced, whining quietly as he pressed in entirely. I whimpered quietly as he ran his fingers gently through my hair. I pressed my forehead against his forearm. Soon the pain faded and I was begging him to move.
“Sherlock.. Please.” Sherlock slowly pulled out before pressing back in, his hands tangling into my hair as he slowly thrust into me. My back arched gently, my sensitive nipples pressing gently against his chest. The friction of his movements against my nipples adding to my arousal. I could feel my stomach tightening slightly, and from the way Sherlock's thrusts alternated between, deep and slow to shallow and fast, I knew he was close as well.
“Sherlock,” I breathed out in a shallow moan as I tightened around him.
“Kassie,” I felt his breath beside my ear as he moaned. Moments later, I felt Sherlock spill into me. I moaned quietly, biting my lip roughly. Sherlock moaned quietly before laying on my chest gently. I smiled while breathing erratically. I laughed slightly and snuggled up to Sherlock as he moved to lay beside me. I smiled as I laid on his chest. He turned his head, kissing the top of my head gently.
“So are we a thing now?” Sherlock questioned as he ran his fingers through my hair.
I giggled and looked up to kiss Sherlock gently, “Everyone knew it before we did, but we’ve always been a thing, Mr. Holmes.”
“Good. I enjoy everything about you and I would very much enjoy to call you mine.” Sherlock smiled and leaned down to kiss me again.
I kissed him back lovingly before nuzzling into his neck. The mixture of the concussion and sex wiping me out. I yawned quietly as I slowly started to slip into a deep sleep.
When I woke up Sherlock was still sleeping. I got dressed in a black silk nightgown with low cut back. There was delicate lace trim around the cut in the back that contrasted nicely on my skin. I looked back at a sleeping Sherlock and smiled. I ran my fingers along the keys sat down at the piano and started to play ‘Lost’ and started to quietly hum. I didn’t look up as I heard the bed creak as Sherlock sat up. I allowed the song to take me away even closing my eyes as the soft music began to fill the room. “I may be lost, but at least I’m looking.” I sang to myself with a little smile remembering all the times my father sang the line in the car as he drove me home from school. I looked up to Sherlock once I finished playing.
“That was beautiful, though I’d like to hear you sing. Maybe next time?”
“Maybe.” I said with a smile as I stood and walked to him getting on the bed in front of him. I straddled his lap gently. “Sleep good?”
He nodded “After last night.” I giggled a bit and kissed him. “I like this nightgown you have on.” I felt his fingertips slowly sliding up and down my spine. He kissed at my neck sucking slightly, as I moaned out quietly.
“Kassie… we found a case.” I heard Dean say from behind the door.
“What kind of case?”
“Black eyes downtown.”
I smiled at Sherlock a bit “Okay. I’ll be right out.”
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