#sometimes it's funny to think that. all my money is literally just. numbers on the screen
zhongrin · 5 months
everyday, i see so many numbers.
on screen, on paper, handwritten, printed, messy scrawls, block lettered. 7197 likes. 58 reblogs. 10937 notes. 12940 retweets. 628 kudos. 8094 followers. 14 works. your salary of $4060 has been credited to your account. you have $510 savings in the bank. your groceries amounted to $367 this month. someone just bought you 3 cups of coffee. you graduated with a gpa of 3.8. 27 years old. 87kg. 3mg. 2 tablespoons. 155cm. 5'4. 5,5 hours. 12 days 4 hours 46 minutes 11 seconds. 72. 80%. 30:70. 88198. 12-01-1990. 29,273.
it's all numbers, numbers, numbers.
perhaps with time, i'll learn which numbers truly matter in life.
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dantemisan · 2 years
What’s it’s like to be Ace’s and Sanji’s lover?
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Request from @httpmakima
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Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x Reader and Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader.
Genre: Fluff [AU]
Warning: none
Word count: idk. (Someone need it?)
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Vinsmoke Sanji
So, you will most likely meet at the restaurant where he works. After a hard day at work, you often visit a restaurant to eat there, because due to your work schedule, you cannot afford to come home often, let alone spend time preparing dinner.
Sanji is quite a loving man, so he can't help but notice you, the girl who visits this place so often.
One day you catch eye contact with Sanji when he, like a chef, goes out to prepare a couple of dishes for several rich people. (Actually, he immediately notices you, because he was peeping at you through the glass in the kitchen).
Since then you two exchanged numbers when Sanji saw you leaving and decided to do this "brave" act, he-he
Back to the main point:
Sanji is not shy about social foreplay. he can easily kiss you, tell you that he loves you so much, or flirt stupidly with you.
Believe me, he does not have the best flirting, I am silent about his tackles.
Flirting and tackles are taken from an open source on the Internet, literally from the very first site if you enter in the query string: "The best collection of tackles for beautiful girls 2022"
If you want to go shopping SANJI WILL GO WITH YOU! Yeah, he's the kind of guy who's totally willing to spend all his money on you, get blisters on your feet, and then lug 100 bags of expensive clothes. "All for you my sweetheart!!!♡"
Sanji brags to Zoro, like "just look that I have a girlfriend, marimo😘😏"
Criticizes videos of undercooks who, in his opinion, cooked scrambled eggs wrong, and you are sitting like: "Sanji, cook me scrambled eggs correctly plz🥺"
In your morning it is simply obligatory to have a pleasant aroma of pancakes with vanilla and the most delicious coffee for cheerfulness.
Btw, Sanji will bring you breakfast in bed.
Sanji doesn't like the stereotype that a girl's place is at the stove.
But Sanji will still teach you how to cook different dishes if you really ask him to do so. Sanji is not a particularly nervous person, he is kind and partial to cute ladies, so he will hardly yell at you if you accidentally burn his kitchen, just take offense.
If you want to go to the spa with Sanji, he will agree, well, what could be better than spending a relaxing day with your girlfriend? Massages, manicures, pedicures, jacuzzi, milk baths, he don't care it is important to him that you feel cool.
Portgas D. Ace
let's pretend that ace is great at drawing, because, uh, there was a headcanon that he's pretty creative, so.. yes, just ✨imagine✨;
"Ugh, all these girls doing different exercises, and also these cute corgis" You think when someone grabs your attention by gently touching your shoulder. You raise your head to see who it is.
"Yo, I drew you, do you want to take a look?" Says the brunette with the "ASCE" tattoo on his shoulder
"Come on, Ace, show me what you did," You say with a smile when Ace smiles back and sits down next to you, showing you.. you? lol
You rlly like the way he conveyed your tired eyes staring at the phone. "woah, not bad, dude"
You are good friends with his two brothers because Luffy thinks you should be best friends because all of Ace's friends are supposed to know him. Sabo is a calm but busy man, so sometimes he can't chat with you, but your friendship is good.
Just like Sanji Ace is not shy about hugging you, kissing you or flirting with you. Ace's flirting and tackles are his own creation, so it looked better when you didn't know he came up with it.
Yamato hangs out with you sometimes, but sometimes dad won't let her out of the house😢😭😭
OMG! Funny case: because of his narcolepsy, Ace suddenly fell asleep again, holding a fork in his hands and falling face down on a plate. It was your first time, so frankly you thought he was dead. You panicked, as well as the rest of the visitors to the establishment, but suddenly ace wakes up, gets up and is like: "oh, excuse me😇" and wipes his face with a napkin.
Ace tik toker, don't try to convince me. ✨Imagine✨ he's one of those people who make videos without meaning: just like "oh, looks like I accidentally turned on the camera, well, let me film how Sabo and (Y/N) are chatting🥰"
One night you guys stole a lot of coins from the wishing fountain just for fun, just say it.
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respectthepetty · 3 months
I am back to once again stir up discussion regarding color in Cutie Pie, and I'm doubling down on what I said about Kuea last time. KUEA KEERATI IS A BI-COLORED BOY.
Without a doubt, his primary color is red, and he's even pulling Lian's blue as early as episode one - but I started counting the number of times Kuea has worn yellow in the first 7 episodes. It's at least once an episode, sometimes the bulk of the episode. The lights in his Dragon's Lair house are both red and yellow. The car that Lian gets for him to drive in episode 7 is also yellow. At first, I wondered if he might be wearing yellow as a nod to Kon-Diao and their friendship, but the bulk of the scenes he wears yellow, he is with Lian or by himself. Lian even wears a tie with yellow and blue stripes. I'm gonna watch more episodes and keep track of the yellow a bit further, but I think 7 episodes with at one yellow shirt per episode is enough for me to declare Kuea both a red rascal and a yellow-orange oddity.
Thoughts, lol?
Kitty, you know what my thoughts are because we have been through this, but now I'm thinking that I'm going to fight you in a Texas Chicken parking lot! (I kid, I kid . . . or do I?)
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Just because I wrote I'm finally getting on this bi-colored train due to how well I think To Be Continued is doing it does not mean I'm going to flip on Kuea too. Cutie Pie JUST got out of Petty Prison. And do you know why it was in Petty Prison? Because Kuea IS F*CKING RIDICULOUS!
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He was lying and sneaking around when there was no need. He was coming up with these elaborate plans to hide shit when HE COULD'VE JUST COMMUNICATED! Which is funny because Yellow/Orange Oddities communicate. Sometimes too much. Like "telling people they need to poop" level of communication.
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But you know who lies, sneaks, schemes, and stays on their bullshit? Red Rascals!
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Which is probably why Kuea and Yi don't like each other.
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So instead of these two being honest with their partners, they hide their true colors because THEY ARE STUPID!
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So this pendejo decides that Lian won't love him if he knows he wants to be a Korean Idol or whatever.
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And he thinks Lian won't love him if he knew what Kuea's real major is.
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And he thinks Lian definitely won't love him if he is speed racing Love-in-the-Air style.
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But instead of this dum-dum actually giving up those things, or, I don't know, confessing to them, he decides to LIE, LIKE A LIAR!
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So while Lian is trying to figure out exactly what version of Kuea he is about to marry, Kuea is hiding his real self which, ironically, reinforces his true colors since his scheming makes him even more of a Red Rascal. His color is literally always staring us in the face!
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It's the red flag (or folder) that constantly comes between them.
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Oh look! It's the other red flag between them!
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And what's funny about this is Kuea gets mad at Lian for being cold to him when he is ACTIVELY LYING, so he runs off to his SECRET house where he has neon signs of his SECRET persona!
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So the pot keeps talking shit about the kettle!
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And the kettle has to figure out how to deal with a lying pot.
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Which is to go along with his bullshit since Lian loves the idiot!
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Because Lian has always known who Kuea is.
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He has known Kuea since that liar was a damn baby. Day one. Fresh from the womb!
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The childhood merch wasn't for nothing!
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So he knows the yellow isn't Kuea's. Because it's LIAN'S FAMILY'S!
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You remember that great party that was happening for Lian's dad? The one where Kuea rejected Lian's proposal in front of God and all his guests?!
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Look at that! The merging of two families!
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But wait?! Why does Kuea wear so much yellow?
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This Slut for Christ could've been married to Lian YEARS AGO, but mentiroso had to keep lying and didn't realize that Lian loved HIM. Lian was doing everything for HIM! The story was about families, traditions, and old money versus new money, but when it boiled down to it, it was about loving Kuea for who he is, not because Lian was told to but because he genuinely loved that Red Rascal's lying ass.
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So thank goodness Lian knows another ridiculous Red Rascal who he loves dearly, but also has learned how to fight a Red Rascal and their stupidity from.
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So these two could FINALLY get together at the end wearing their true colors because it mattered who they were and not who their families were or wanted them to be. And that's also why there is still a little yellow in Lian's tie.
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/\ <- This is a hill.
And I'm dying on it.
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pumpumdemsugah · 9 months
I've seen a weird number of ebegging posts on here from ages 19-24 where their main reason for ebegging is they "can't work due to anxiety." It's basically code for "I live with my parents rent-free and either don't want to work or am too anxious to work but want spending money for video games and 'fun' expenses but am too scared to ask my parents and don't want to work for it" and as someone with anxiety that works full-time, it's funny but also frustrating to keep seeing.
This reminds me of this video that people were laughing at of this young woman crying because she had a job interview and asked for accommodations but the way she went about it and her lack of self awareness was so funny and weird.
She asked in a way that would be really off putting for hiring managers. Her request wasn't entirely unreasonable just a bit dumb ( she said she had issues with time blindness so wanted a 20 minute window so she could be late) but the thing is, most jobs are simply not going to do that, you will literally have to work with this. I'm bad at keeping time for ADHD reasons so I usually give myself 2 to 3 times longer than I need to get ready. There are things you can do so instead of being late you barely cutting. It's easier said than done but just get a job with a flexible start time. Some places won't be able to accommodate you. Sometimes you just need to lie, use the job to skill up until you can get a job with a flexible start time
There's a level of helplessness with how some people online deal with the developmental or mental health issues that feels insulting. It's like all of you can't have the same extreme anxiety and I think it also comes down to what someone called, treating your community like a wallet. People are desperate so you have to be mindful how you ask but some people literally just don't give a fuck so needs a list of issues and ism so people don't roll their eyes
Where's that tweet about online ADHD ppl that went " what can you people do ?"
It's the weird lack of boundaries, not caring how you come off and helplessness. I know people are struggling and some don't have family they can turn to but some people really test how deep being understanding goes
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ckret2 · 4 months
I don't really understand Bill's abilities. If I'm not mistaken, it was said that he knows lot of things because every image of Bill works like a camera through which Bill can observe this world.
And at the same time, he knows where long-forgotten treasures are buried and which lottery tickets you need to buy to win. And recently you said that Bill knows everything about humans, until the moment it is necessary that Bill did not know about something so that there would be a funny situation.
And also Bill can see the future. Is this how he was able to see where the treasure was buried and which tickets needed to be bought? Did he see in the future that a treasure would be found in some place, and tickets with such numbers would let somebody win money?
You don't fully understand Bill's abilities because they haven't been fully explained. It's on purpose. He's a mysterious guy with secrets and he doesn't sit around thinking about how his own abilities work. However, I've shared what you need to know in order to understand as much as you're supposed to about what he's done so far.
Yes, he knows lots of things because he's been spying through his eyes on earth for millennia. This is based on semi-canon info: Bill states this in the Bill Cipher AMA. ("JUST DRAW MY FORM ANYWHERE IN YOUR HUMAN WORLD- EACH IMAGE OF ME ACTS A PEEPHOLE FROM MY DIMENSION TO YOURS.")
He knows where long-forgotten treasures are buried because "long-forgotten" means the last human who knew is dead. He's not a human, he was around when it was buried, he knew about it at the time.
HOW he knew isn't explained because it isn't necessary—it's supposed to be weird and impressive that he knew and that he flung it out so casually—but it isn't hard to think up logical reasons: buried treasure has a whole lot of money in it, I'd think a few of those dollar bills could have been luckily angled to watch the treasure-buriers while they were drawing up the treasure map for where they planned to bury it. Or maybe the chest they used had an Eye of Providence on the iron lock and it could see where it was carried. Or maybe one of the people who buried it was wearing an Eye of Providence brooch. Doesn't matter. What does matter: if Bill knows about something old, it's because he has known about it.
When he's looking at the lotto tickets, his eye is bleeding and Mabel says he's looking into a higher dimension. Other places (definitely chapter 29, I don't recall if any of the other upcoming references have been posted yet) state that Bill can see into higher dimensions, which lets him see through solid objects (such as walls), but doing this makes his eye hurt/bleed. Therefore: he's looking through a solid object—the scratch-off surface—to see if the cards have winning numbers. This wasn't explained in chapter 20 because you're supposed to go "how tf did he do that," that was the goal.
"And recently you said that Bill knows everything about humans, until the moment it is necessary that Bill did not know about something so that there would be a funny situation." <- Now this here is what we call a joke about the writing process. I am not literally stating that Bill's powers are supernaturally controlled by the concept of comedy. I'm stating that, as a writer trying to craft an entertaining narrative, sometimes my decision to include a line is based less on "does this hold up to rigorous scientific & logical scrutiny given the internal rules we have constructed for this universe?" and more on "is it funny enough to balance out the fact that it's a little bit implausible?" I won't fully violate the rules of his powers solely for a gag, but sometimes it just ain't all that serious.
Here are Bill's 'sees/knows things he shouldn't' powers based on what has thus far been shown in the fic:
Knows a lot of random stuff; they're among the Lots Of Things he's observed over the millennia. This is based on semi-canon info.
Can (occasionally) see into "higher dimensions," which lets him see through solid objects, at the cost of pain and a bloody eye.
Can (constantly) see into the future; full extent yet to be explored in fic, but it's at least a few minutes. Please note that every time this has happened where we see it from his perspective, he LITERALLY SEES the future, visually, with his eyeballs. As in, he looks at the place where something is going to happen, and sees it happening there. (Places he's observed the future just off the top of my head: ch 2, 7, 18, 20, 27, 28, 34, 35—there may be others I've missed.)
Can see & hear things in the mindscape (ex: Dipper's ghost floating around) that other people (ex: Dipper's whole family) cannot
Can see in the dark (explicitly confirmed in ch 34 but he regularly hangs out in the dark startling people—ch 15, 20, 24, 26, 32)
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neonscandal · 5 months
Hello.... Another fanfics ideas, cause you also love BNHA. Your top 5 fav JJK characters will be besties with who (in your opinions) if they were in other universe, with your top fav characters from BNHA? Hope my questions are not confusing.....
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Wait, I love questions like this lol 1) I feel like there are such obvious connections but still, the chemical reactions would be funny ✨ 2) it reminds me of tiktok series I've seen a few creators do which I will now spend several hours tracking down just to hyperlink them here (unless I get distracted by something else.. okay there's one more but I lost steam). If you end up writing something, please feel free to share but also, I apologize if I misinterpreted your question. I wrote everything out then reread it and realized maybe you meant to inquire whether my top faves for each would be friends with each other... which, tbh, I guess is kind of addressed based on the results of this previous ask? Thank you for asking!
Nobara Kugisaki 🤝 BakuSquad - I mean, Ashido and Kugisaki are kind of a no-brainer, no? Except that's not Kugisaki's in to the BakuSquad. No, no. No one joins that band of idiots without the eponymous leader's express invitation and, characterwise, Kugisaki is who Uraraka could be with more intentional fleshing out/personality. She snatched Bakugo's respect by being equally headstrong, aggressive and capable of backing her smack talk up.
Additional Prospects: She would, of course, be on track to intern with Mirko in any capacity for the same reasons above. She would give Todoroki and Fushiguro a hard time in equal measure.
Yuji Itadori 🤝 Eijiro Kirishima - Itadori gets along with everyone. Midoriya is a very obvious choice, as well (sunshine, cinnamon roll, green flag and sunshine, cinnamon roll, green flag), but there is a gravitational pull that keeps two himbos in orbit of one another and I'm not strong enough to deny that. Literally, look at Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. Plus, the physical prowess that follows him from universe to universe makes him an ideal sparring partner for Kiri and an interesting combatant against Bakugo.
Additional Prospects: While he'd generally be in the inner core of the BakuSquad (re: Bakugo and Kirishima), something tells me he'd spend a lot of time with the outer ring as well (supplementary classes with Kaminari and Ashido...). He'd be able to stomach convo with Mineta and, considering the generosity, Mineta would be mindful of toeing the line of decency so he wouldn't lose an ally. Only with Itadori since Kaminari is sometimes just as depraved as the little grape. Itadori would earn Bakugo's respect but Bakugo would still be wary any time Itadori and Midoriya's paths cross. Even though he sees Itadori as an ally, he's still gunning to be number 1 of whatever is at stake and both Itadori and Midoriya are capable of giving him a run for his money.
Megumi Fushiguro 🤝 Kyouka Jirou - TBH this could have gone so many ways. Kaminari would be all over invading Fushiguro's personal space as soon as he debuted, much to Fushiguro's dismay. He would be a great fit with Shinso too but... neither of them would go out of their way to socialize unless someone extroverted forced the issue, let's be for real. They would also hate that. But Jirou's mellow and shares an interest in music so she wouldn't be entirely grating to be around and I think they'd just kind of mesh well without overcrowding one another.
Additional Prospects: That's not to say Kaminari still wouldn't be a force of nature in including Fushiguro in class 1A hijinks. I just think Fughiguro would prefer the company of less volatile personalities like Ojiro, Shoji, Koda and Tokoyami. He can't help but attract extroverts like there's blood in the water. He and Todoroki would, of course, get along to an extent but I don't think Fushiguro would tolerate constant mention of Endeavor and Todoroki's subsequent family issues. Todoroki's of the talk it out camp and Fushiguro would prefer to never discuss it again. One ill timed trauma dump and Fushiguro would be fixing his hands to summon Mahoraga.
Kento Nanami 🤝 Naomasa Tsukauchi - Nanami would consort with and tolerate a number of adults: Rock Lock and Aizawa come to mind because they are rational and understand that kids are meant to be kids. Tsukauchi in particular is far enough from the fray to suit Nanami's passing desire to leave the chaos of his moral obligations (as a sorcerer or whatever he's imbued with in universe). But he's also patched in enough to be the tip as to when Nanami needs to resume his responsibilities.
Additional Prospects: Depending on where Oboro is in his origin story, I think he'd also be a necessary counter balance to Nanami's staunch, straight lacedness in the same way Haibara is. Haibara and Oboro would be a force to be reckoned with for all parties considered. Nanami only meets up with Aizawa when he knows Present Mic is on patrol or DJ'ing. Also, The Black Parade once summoned both he and Tokoyami but they never spoke of it again.
Satoru Gojo 🤝 Keigo Takami - One could make an argument for All Might (strongest and strongest in each respective universe) but... I think Hawks and Gojo's predisposition to be weapons at an early age kind of embodies the burden that Gojo otherwise carries alone. Always looking to quell that isolation, Hawks would understand. PLUS, who else has a "strong" moral code (... using figuratively as applied to both) and a bluntness to keep others in check? People overlook how silly goofy Geto has to be to keep up with Gojo. The three of them would wreak havoc, naturally.
Additional Prospects: Gojo would go out of his way to endear himself to Aizawa, as well. Because how grating to be adopted by yet another loud extrovert? Gojo would not be successful but, for the kids, Aizawa would do as needed. Aizawa probably sees Gojo as a slightly more competent teacher than All Might. He likely also recognizes what festers under Gojo's facade of frivolous indifference in the same way he sees past All Might's bravado. Student wise, Gojo would still gravitate toward the most unhinged for mentorship: his Big Three + Midoriya and Bakugo. Iida might be demented enough but the knife handed attention to rules would not work out in the long run.
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fuck-customers · 1 year
Not a fuck customers, but this interaction with a customer made me realize something about my workplace, and I wanted to share because I think it's kind of funny in a "lmao building management is fucking terrible" kind of way. (Context: I effectively work in a mall, except it's full of small/local businesses and does its best to seem fancy and upscale even though it's honestly kind of terrible.)
Yesterday while I was at work a customer came up to my register with an item their kid had run out of the store with, apologizing profusely and worrying about getting in trouble with security. I rang them up for the item, gave them a receipt as proof of purchase, and assured them that they would be fine, but tbh it wouldn't have mattered if they had just walked off with it on purpose, because come to think of it, security at my workplace is a complete joke.
No door sensors, no item sensors, no anti-theft technology of any kind. I see security guards on occasion, but I've never actually seen them DO anything except walk around in uniform. There are cameras, but I'm about 90% sure they don't work (given that our AC was broken for like 2 years and there's a bunch of other shit that's broken or close to it, it wouldn't surprise me). It could all just be security theater, for all I know; I work in one of several shops in the building and people routinely carry items between shop stalls; I am constantly getting people bringing me stuff from other stores, thinking they can pay for it at mine. There's basically nothing to stop people from walking off with whatever. As an example, we sometimes stock these expensive blankets at my stall, and one time someone walked off with two of them in the middle of the day. No one noticed.
We're too understaffed and underpaid for me to give enough of a shit to do anything about it myself; I have too much to deal with at work to stress myself out about shoplifters, and because I'm also that anon whose managers schedule literally one employee per shift to cover our entire stall, there's no one else to back me up or help keep watch while I deal with the crowds and the messes they leave behind, so I honestly don't even care about thieves anymore. The only reason I ever notice or care is because when stuff goes missing it fucks up our inventory numbers and makes it seem like we still have stuff that people have taken, and then I have to waste time scouring the store to try to find it.
So like, shoutout to that customer for trying to do the right thing, but security is such a joke it's practically just the honor system. They literally had nothing to worry about. Building management only cares about one thing, and that's money. (You'd think that would mean they'd want to prevent theft, but I guess they decided the businesses that rent space here can eat the losses as long as they still get the rent in on time.)
@staff I HATE the new text editor!
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Lmfaooo I know I already yapped my way into ur inbox earlier but. Sighhhh aroace reader has been on my mind again and I’m literally screaming clutching my torso rolling around on the floor crying thinking about it no joke <///333
I think that aroace reader + stsg comes with SO much comedic potential I physically cannot 😭😭 especially with reader who’s pretty much romance averse with satosugu (secretly) being their exception… like maybe shoko and utahime end up talking about their love lives and ask reader about THEIR love life and reader just deadpans “oh I don’t do romance. Doesn’t interest me” and satosugu (particular toru) are just like “….🙁ok but but but but but but-“ LMFAOO BUT THIS ALSO WORKS WITH READER WHOS COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF HOW STSG FEEL ABOUT THEM DESPITE IT BEING OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE ELSE???? imagine being with them out in public, being all affectionate n shit and then a cashier asks “oh are you guys dating? :)” and before either of them can get a word in ur just like “oh no, we’re just close friends haha!!! I know it looks like we do but none of us having feelings for each other at all haha!!!!” And they just look so fucking dejected like satorus shoulders slump and he puts on such a babyish pout…… and sugus just nodding and smiling along (he’s trying not to start screaming and crying on the floor) or maybe someone comes up to you and asks for your number before noticing suguru with his arm wrapped around your waist and satoru who’s got his arm around your shoulders and is looking at you like you hung the stars with your bare hands n the person is like “oh sorry I didn’t notice you guys are dating!!!” But reader is just like “huh?? No we’re not dating u can have my number!!” LMFAOOO I CAN SEE SATORU PULLING THIS FACE
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They’re so funny I actually cannotttt 😭😭😭 another thing that’s been on my mind is that if sugu didn’t leave and stsg + reader sorted out their feelings for each other, they could all be teen parents to little Megumi ☹️☹️ satoru gets some money from his rich aah family (cause no way they aren’t rich cmon he was spoiled as a kid) and buys a nice apartment for you all, maybe somewhere by the sea… firm believer that suguru is the mother of all time like. He absolutely makes pancakes with syrup and blueberries and whatever else for u all in the morning……. U guys wake up early in the morning sometimes when it’s still a little dark with Megumi in his tiny little raincoat and take him out for walks by the beach….. collecting pretty rocks and seashells….. megumis dogs swimming in the ocean and satoru skipping stones while sugu reminds him not to go too close incase the tide comes in unexpectedly and he gets his shoes soaked…… I gotta stop myself now or else I’ll go on the lengthiest sugu rant you’ve ever seen but. You get the idea. Sugu being a caretaker mommy for one actual baby and one baby that’s actually a tall pouty bastard that’s so insufferably charming <//333 and you ofc!!! (His favourite baby) (joke he adores you all equally) (even if he lovingly pretends satoru is his least favourite)
HAAHHAAAAA I SERIOUSLY CANT STOP THINKING AB THEM I NEED HELP 😭😭😭 AS ALWAYS I HOPE UR DOING ALRIGHT N TAKING CARE OF URSELF!!! AND ARIIIII the merman sugu asks you’ve been getting have actually been making me laugh my ass off everytimeeeee 😭😭 sugu flopping around like a seal and hating all humans except reader is so fucking funny to me like he’s just straight up dissing the human race but just looks you dead in the eyes and says “but you’re one of the good ones” GOODBYEEEEE 💀💀💀 ANYWAYS HOW HAVE U BEEN???? UP TO ANYTHING INTERESTING??? :3 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 gives u a flower + pancakes (sugu made them) u deserve it mwah mwah hope ur ok <333 🌷🥞
OLLIEEEEEE IT’S ALWAYS GREAT TO SEE U IN MY INBOX DW !!! we are yapping together 🫂🫂
PHDJDGDHDH THIS CONCEPT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME I HOPE U KNOW THAT 😭😭…. aroace!reader makes us all insane god bless. u are so REAL for mentioning the comedic potential bc it’s literally so beautiful….. i think i’m biased towards this option:
reader who’s pretty much romance averse with satosugu (secretly) being their exception… like maybe shoko and utahime end up talking about their love lives and ask reader about THEIR love life and reader just deadpans “oh I don’t do romance. Doesn’t interest me” and satosugu (particular toru) are just like “….🙁ok but but but but but but-“
IT’S JUST SOOOO FUNNY AND SWEET…. but i think stsg would also be so smug abt being reader’s exceptions 😭😭 losers. lovesick fools. utahime is just like… don’t you and those idiots have a thing 🤨🤨 and reader just goes well yeah but that’s different. they’re satoru and suguru. <- as if it’s just the most obvious thing in the world and stsg are sitting there all quiet and smug….. mentally squealing……… idk i just lovelovelove the idea of reader being very blunt with their emotions because they just don’t view romance in the same way others would and it flusters stsg Every Single Time. they used to always daydream abt being teasing bfs and making them flustered by acting all lovey-dovey but as it turns out they’re the ones who keep getting caught off guard by reader….
this is rlly just a random thought but. i’m just imagining them in the future, living together, not necessarily labelled in any way but they very much Love each other… suguru is smoking by the balcony late at night (he’s planning on quitting bc he doesn’t want to worry his babies <3) while satoru & reader are keeping him company… and reader just casually mentions that they want to live with stsg forever. that they’re happiest like that and don’t ever want it to end. and they’re just bluntly telling the truth but suguru and satoru are genuinely Losing It bc????? did we just get proposed to ????????? satoru is oddly quiet bc he’s trying to stop himself from blushing and suguru just clears his throat and tells reader that they feel the same way ….. but he’s not nearly as suave as usual bc he is in fact getting choked up LMAOO i love them sm they’re so silly ….. T—T
ok but back to ur lovely thoughts !!!! the idea of aroace!reader being oblivious is also rlly charming to me 😭😭 SATORU MAKING THAT FACE LMAO HE SOOO WOULD ……. i picture suguru just kinda twitching lol like he’s trying sooo hard to keep it together but a part of him kinda wants to kiss reader all over their pretty face so that they get the message. (jokes on him bc reader would somehow still assume that it was just … platonic kissing … just kissing the homies goodnight …..) sigh. it’s tough out here for stsg BUT i think they’d also be really endeared by it …… their oblivious lil reader….
AND WAHHHHH LIL BABY GUMI 🥺🥺🥺🥺 OLLIEEEE YOU’RE KILLING ME a nice house by the sea…….. taking walks by the beach…… and . mommy sugu ..,, our lord and saviour ……. makes u breakfast every morning and wakes u up by kissing u :(((( lets u cling to him while he cooks .. sighhhh. sigh sigh sigh. being a househusband could’ve fixed him idc 😔😔
Sugu being a caretaker mommy for one actual baby and one baby that’s actually a tall pouty bastard that’s so insufferably charming <//333 and you ofc!!! (His favourite baby) (joke he adores you all equally) (even if he lovingly pretends satoru is his least favourite)
AND THISSSS PLS u know the way to my heart….. caretaker mommy sugu 🥺🥺🥺 he would thrive off taking care of his babies like truly. he’s the Mother ever. and now he has one lil baby to Actually Mother and two overgrown babies to coddle and tease…… his dream life tbh. now i’m just imagining reader, toru & gumi waking sugu up on mother’s day to celebrate LMAOO they made a cake and everything….. he’s exasperated but secretly very touched :’3 maybe tears up a lil later when he’s looking at the world’s best mommy <3 cup u guys bought him LOL he’s such a sap …..
AND ARIIIII the merman sugu asks you’ve been getting have actually been making me laugh my ass off everytimeeeee 😭😭 sugu flopping around like a seal and hating all humans except reader is so fucking funny to me like he’s just straight up dissing the human race but just looks you dead in the eyes and says “but you’re one of the good ones” GOODBYEEEEE 💀💀💀
PHDJDJJD NO BECAUSE SAMEEEE i still have a couple more mer!sugu asks to get to actually… they’re all so great…… my anons have converted me fully into a mer!sugu stan and now i can’t stop thinking abt him 😭😭 HE’S SOOOO FUNNY U GET IT COMPLETELY LIKE …. he’s just a grumpy little seal man ……. ”you’re one of the good ones” NO BC LITERALLY!! THAT’S HOW HE FEELS…… reader is his emotional support human <33 he doesn’t like anyone else and WILL consider drowning anyone who gives them trouble but then reader gives him a Look and he’s like. sigh. 😒😒😒 you’re no fun. <-… he’s insane actually BUT WE LOVE HIM <33333 silly lil fishy !!
WAHHH URE SO SWEET OLLIE 😭😭🥺🥺 thank u for the flowers and sugu’s pancakes…….. i am munching on them gratefully…… here are some nice sunflowers 🌻🌻🌻 and croissants 🥐🥐🥐 for u <333 I’M DOING WELLL trying to catch up on asks + cooking up a lil sashisu/reader thingie.. 👀👀 i haven’t been able to post fics as regularly bc of uni but hopefully i can get it out by next weekend :33 and thennnn i think i’ll focus on mer!sugu…
ANYWAY WHAT ABT U ???? how have u been ?? tell me tell me 🎤🎤…… i hope it’s sunny wherever u are, here it’s still cold n gray T—T but spring will be with us soon … stay strong …….
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cha-melodius · 8 months
I got a list, so you get a list. 4, 11, 20 (please take this as permission to answer 20 as many times as you want, I LOVE LOVE LOVE writer meta)
xoxo MJ/kiwiana-writes
Ahahaha I will always take a list!! Thanks! You're out here with some ones that made me have to think for a little while lol. (Meta asks for writers link since there's a cut at the end of this post.)
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Pretty sure I've shared this before in a question like this, but too bad. I just love the tension that builds in this sequence (and the release that comes immediately after this; spoiler alert: Alex runs). From Chapter 7 of Nova, Baby:
Diego chokes out a fake laugh, but there is real fear in his eyes now. “I’m sure I do not know what you’re talking about. You know my customers are never for sale.” “So it wasn’t money, then,” Alex surmises. It’s not that surprising. Batista is good at hitting people where it hurts. Diego says nothing. “How long do I have?” Alex asks. Out in front of the store, a car door slams. “Better for you if you don’t run,” Diego murmurs. Fat chance of that.
11. What do you envy in other writers?
Oh, a number of things. The biggest ones are probably humor—I think my writing can be reasonably funny but not the kind of side-splitting hysterical one-liners some people pull off—and really poetic, beautiful language. Sometimes when I read a really achingly beautiful work I feel like giving up lmao. Oh, and some people just seem to be able to pull off effortlessly sexy writing—not even talking about smut here, but just the overall vibes of the work. I mean, it's probably not effortless, knowing what I know about writing, but it feels that way.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Oh man, the meta question. I do love talking about meta in my writing but I never know which fic to pick when people ask me these questions. Ok, this time, instead of focusing on one work, I'm including one piece of trivia about the last 5 works I published lmao.
The post-blowjob scene in Falling Down the Stairs of Your Smile was added at the last minute (literally I had already uploaded a draft to AO3 before I went back and added it) because I just got it in my head that I really needed a moment of Henry telling Alex to stay. I love thinking about all the ways that would fundamentally change their relationship from the beginning.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, I did a fair amount of reading about people surviving on rafts in the ocean for Enemies of the Ocean. There are lots of crazy stories out there, and one of them—Steve Callahan—is referenced in the fic. The most insane part about THAT is that Callahan's boat was called the Napoleon Solo. Yes, really. Too bad the story was for a different fandom.
The sir/daddy pronouns joke in Something To Be Proud Of, which several commenters loved, was shamelessly stolen from @dumbpeachjuice. See! I'm not actually that funny. 😂
I really wanted them to get caught in the rain wearing less clothing in Lessons in Foreign Diplomacy (by which I mean wearing only a shirt and pants and not a full waistcoat and jacket combo), but @orchidscript disabused me of the notion that anyone would be strolling the grounds in such scandalous attire lol.
Although I have in fact visited the Harrods Food Hall, I have eaten only one of the cheeses featured in Will You Brie Mine? (manchego), to my deep disappointment. Someone get me some monk's head cheese, stat. Also I went back and forth about whether to make Henry a baker or confectioner or something of the sort, but the man gives cheese recommendations in canon! How could I resist?
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motownfiction · 9 months
school bag
Sam’s school bag doesn’t look like Sadie’s.
Mom evaluates them everyday on the first day of school, even now that they’re going into their senior year. Sam wants to roll his eyes. You’d think with their eighteenth birthday looming, with their married best friends down a few streets, and their general trustworthiness, she wouldn’t have to inspect them like this. But she does it, anyway. Amazing what a little power trip can do for you.
Every year, it’s pretty much the same. Sadie packs all the books she needs for all of her classes that day, a plastic water bottle, and an apple in case she gets hungry at her locker. She’s perfect. She’s perfect, and Mom gives her a pat on the head to tell her so, sometimes literally.
Sam’s school bag does not tell the same story.
He hasn’t figured out how to get his textbooks yet. He usually borrows from Will or Daniel, whichever one he isn’t in class with during that period. Instead, Sam carries his subjects differently.
English is Dire Straits, Making Movies. No better understanding of Romeo and Juliet.
Math is The Exciting Wilson Pickett. No numbers more important than “634-5789.” Jenny and Tommy Tutone can both eat it!
Science is Sam Cooke, The Man Who Invented Soul. He might not know much about biology, but he knows enough. So does Sam. Just ask Steph.
He has the nerve to say that last one out loud in front of his mother. He deserves the daggers she’s staring at him now, but they are so sweetly worth it.
“I don’t know why you won’t just take your education seriously,” Mom sighs, still rifling through Sam’s school bag. “After that meeting with the professor in Ohio, who said you had more potential than some of her senior students … I don’t know why you wouldn’t take that to heart.”
“I tried to take it to heart, but I think I have a murmur,” Sam says.
Mom rolls her eyes. Typical. Even when he’s funny, it’s wrong. She pulls out the only book in Sam’s bag and shakes her head at it.
“And what’s this?” she asks, holding up his copy of Things Fall Apart. “I know this isn’t one of the required books for your English class this year.”
“No, it’s not,” Sam says. “You know my system.”
Mom scoffs a little.
“How could I forget?” she asks. “You do all the reading a year in advance, which actually puts you behind the other students, who are reading it fresh.”
“That’s how it seems to you. Anyway, I’m still getting a head start. I talked to Lucy’s mom, and she said she likes to assign this in freshman lit courses. Like college.”
Mom’s eyes light up a little bit.
“Is this your way of telling me you’re going to college?” she asks, too much hope in her voice.
But Sam just shrugs.
“It’s my way of saying I’m interested in what they read,” he says. “I’m less interested in shelling out all that money for classes when I can just walk into a library and read for free.”
Mom probably doesn’t need to look that devastated, but she can’t help herself. Sam understands that by now.
“All your potential,” she mutters. “All your potential, stuck in between cardboard and vinyl.”
Sam grins from ear to ear, and only part of him really means to smile.
“I know,” he says. “Isn’t it great?”
(part of @nosebleedclub september challenge -- day v! yes, i am a week behind. this is what happens when i go back to work)
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osaemu · 8 months
life update under the cut bc this is a blog and people talk about their lives on their blogs!
omg okay so its only wednesday but I SWEAR ITS BEEN A WEEK SINCE THE WEEKEND. i have a five-slide presentation due at midnight that i havent started ((its 7:30 pm here)) and math homework due tmrw and im procrastinating bc i dont wanna do them 😭😭
ummm i have to make my queue post and then my mutuals post sometime soon. maybe ill do a selfship one too when my comms are done!! comms meaning art comms from other people but im writing in exchange so i have to do those too. maybe ill open writing comms for money whenever i set up paypal or something idk
kinda sucks that we finally got topless gojo but not the way we wanted it LMFAO,, sorry gojo nation. i would be devastated but dazai my number one pookie bear had the best day ever today so..... womp womp. also chuuya was so cute n silly in todays episode so i just cant bring myself to be sad rn lol
i think its funny how i stay up until 2 am most nights willingly and i dont drink coffee or energy drinks at all. im just built different!!
oohhhh i wanna talk about my irl friends rn. so irl whose codename is gonna be link on here is super cute n silly, she also writes fanfic but not nearly as often as i do. shes an ao3 girlie and shes super into zelda and thinks i write too much lmao which is probably true.
codename elsa is literally gorgeous. perfect breathtaking amazing in every way possible. shes a year older than me and i love her sm!! she thinks dazais very skinny which is true but...... hes my bf (real) (not clickbait)
codename jeanmarco is three years older than me and goes to berkeley :D theyre super fun to talk to and i cant wait for them to come back n visit!! i told them about the bsd and jjk updates today (theyre mostly involved in the aot fandom) and they said they were happy dazai survived bc otherwise i wouldve gone insane :3
honorable mentions: codename cat who got me into jjk (my old crush) left me on delivered for a whole month LMFAO, if it was anyone else they would be blocked but he leaves everyone on delivered so. im trying not to take it personally bc hes sweet but very bad at person-ing edit: he liked my spam post right after i posted this wow i manifested that so hard yall
also codename partay! keeps saying that if i were an animal id be a cat. idk why, i was whistling the other day bc i love whistling and she was like "hannah if you were an animal you'd be a cat".
anyways thanks for reading my life update ima do these more often now lmao!
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papirouge · 6 months
i don't lurk in infidelity subs but I do in regretful parenting ones and the things I've read...
First of all, most members are always women. And it's incredible the number of stories where they talk about their husbands being extremely excited at first about having children, and then getting completely detached once the kid arrives. And some will talk about how they weren't sure at first about having a kid, but they're husbands were SO adamant about it they ended up caving in and getting pregnant and for what? So they'll end up in charge of most of the childcare, even if she also has a demanding job and takes care of the house.
And while sometimes the husband attitude seem to change for no reason, many times there is one: the child is born disabled and the husband gets dissapointed and gradually checks out, or he wanted a son and got a daughter. There was this story of this woman who had a daughter, the husband had a temepr tantrum because it wasn't a precious babyboy, left her and went to have an affair with another woman. Like WTF?
Many times, these women will be left with most if not all the care of heavily disabled kids, even if the husband is still around and living in the same house. And they'll talk about how it'll forever be a life sentence since these kids will never be able to take of themselves and nobody wants to help them, because many babysitters don't know how to care of a special needs kid and pretty much nobody wants to care of a heavily disabled adult unless they're a nurse and getting paid well.
The funny thing is seeing sometimes comments from the men from these communities like "i'm so ashamed of my own gender and how we treat women." Some of them will spill the beans and tell women the truth: like some are bosses in heavily male dominated fields and will be honest in telling these women how sometimes their employers will literally take more work just to be away from their wife and kids. Some literally choose fields were they'll have to work away from home just to avoid their families. And worse, some actually will, for example, pay of their own pocket money to stay a few days in random hotels and tell their wives they have to work those days, just to do fuck all in the hotel, and not have to deal with the wife and kids. And these women will swear their husbands are so hard working and will take care of most of the child care and house work to not "overwork" their hubby, not knowing shes doing most of the work in general. It's so fucking gross.
this is why I think every woman who wants a kid needs to consider the possibility of being a single mother. Because that's what many of these women with whole husbands living under the same roof are: single mothers. The husband, at most, will be the fun parent who only plays with the kid for a while and then leave the hard work to the mother.
This is also why I don't get conservatives and trads who whine about young people, specially young women opting out of marriage and motherhood and the divorce rate. Many men just don't seem to care about being decent husbands and fathers, and many recent their marriages. Like just a decade ago men would whine about their wives and refer to them as "the ball and chain" and many boomer jokes are about hating the wife and the kids. Now they have the audacity to blame women as if they were the ones badmouthing their husbands and kids at any opportunity they had.
Another thing that women talk a lot about in this forums is being already stressed out with one kid, barely keeping up and they're husbands already want another one. Obviously when you're not the defualt parent doing most of the chores you'd want another one ; you know damn well all the hard work will fall on your wife shoulders.
So many husbands just dont love their wives, it's really sad honestly.
I remember in Tanzania watching men sleeping/laying on the streets and asking what they were doing and why they didn't go back home, and the tanzanian who was with me explained those were men who didn't want to come home with their wife/children 💀 that's an international thing.
rn I'm getting pinkpilled by TikTok lol One video that stuck with me. It's a girl saying that you're either an unmarried single mother or a married single mother, but regardless of your marital status you'll always be the only one to raise your children because men will always have a neglectful parenting 💀
I have sisters with children and one of them is still with her husband and NGL she's the one who constantly has to check out for the kids bc her husband is kinda meh She's always so stressed, having to scream to get shit done... It looks SO exhausting. And she also works full time.... There's no way I would live that life. Either I get a sahw or I don't get children.
Also I would think before getting pregnant. I'm not planning taking contraception (for health reasons) so I have to talk with my husband about refraining from intercourse as much as necessary.
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Another Winterberg Fic Idea I will probably never write...
Ethan and Karl work tech support in a call center.
Ethan is a software guy and Karl is a hardware guy.
They sit right in front of each other because they’re respective teams sit next to each other and Karl is one of the agents who sits on the boarder.
I might include other RE Village folks.
Chris is definitely a supervisor and so is Alcina. Miranda is a manager: Chris and Alcina’s direct supervisor.
Alcina has never worked the phones here. She’s got management experience and that’s all that matters.
Chris has been on the phones but it’s been years and you know how tech changes quickly, he’s got the basics but not the nuances of the new tech, etc. He’s perpetually tired, drinks way too much coffee and pretty much lets his team do what they want as long as their numbers are good. They are.
Alcina is a stickler for customer care. She is always on Ethan’s ass because he is a honey badger and gives no fucks but somehow still excellent at his job. The only reason he still has a job though is because he doesn’t really talk to customers he talks to field techs. And well as long as they get the answers they need field techs don’t really complain. They don’t want to bring any attention to themselves of course.
Karl unfortunately talks to customers, he is one of those techs that has to walk customers through troubleshooting steps and he’s very good at it, customers really like his voice, he’s gotten hit on so many times he’d be rich if he had a dime for each time. Male and Female, all ages.
Ethan’s got a pretty good voice if he didn’t sound so dead inside all the time. Karl thinks it’s cute. He loves hearing Ethan give the techs shit for being lazy and/or dumb. He can’t believe he gets away with some of the shit he says to them.
Ethan eventually warms up to Karl. They have the same shift, go to lunch at the same time. Ethan is recently divorced from his college sweetheart, Mia.
“Yeah I went to college and this is the job I ended up with.”
He has an infant daughter. EX is a liar and cheat, but the daughter, Rosemary, is his. Paternity test plus she looks just like him. Karl never finished college, ran out of money.
Ethan dresses business casual. Wears jeans only on Fridays but always with a nice button up and oxfords. Karl dresses just rolled out of bed casual. He has been known to wear his pjs to work. He always smells nice though. Ethan doesn’t know how he manages it. No one can really tell the difference between Karl’s pjs and his regular clothes though honestly. The man wears sweatpants to work, gray ones, so no one really complains. And flip flops. Sneakers sometimes. But he’s been seen in flip flops in the winter and rain. The man will wear shorts to work. With boots. The season also doesn’t matter.
Alcina hates him based off his fashion sense alone. It annoys Chris but since there is no dress code he can’t really do anything about it. Miranda is trying to get a dress code enacted but as of yet it’s still not on the books.
Ethan thinks it’s funny. He’s always commenting on Karl’s t-shirts. He has quite the collection of novelty shirts. If a shirt says something inappropriate, he just tapes over it.
Karl frequently forgets his badge and tailgates all the time. Ethan always gives him shit every time it’s him.
“I have a kid to feed, Karl. I can’t lose my job because you can’t be bothered to keep up with a piece of plastic on a lanyard. Seriously, you can literally hang it around your neck if it’s that difficult to keep up with it.”
“My dog ate it.”
“Well, get another one. They’re free.”
“I don’t need to the boss lady finding out how irresponsible I am now do I?”
“I pretty sure that ship has sailed, Karl.”
I want to write this so bad.
Imagine the interteam pot luck. LMAO.
If anyone wants to steal the idea or even add to this feel free!
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
So We Meet Again:
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An: This is back in time a bit again, right after Blinky first meets Macy. Still pre Selena.
Blinky’s POV:
It was almost time! I’d been waiting all day, running out the clock to go see my new friend. I’m sure my family noticed my excitement, but I was always excited. They wouldn’t question it. Or so I thought.
“Why do you keep looking at the clock Blinky Baby?” Baby asked me.
I made up a quick lie. When you say outlandish things all the time, nobody questions it anymore.
“Don’t you think that old thing is boring? Otis should paint it.”
Baby seemed to contemplate my question, taking a hard look at the old clock.
“Yeah, but wouldn’t that hide the numbers?”
I laughed.
“He can’t paint the numbers back on Baby. Unless you think your brothers illiterate.” I joked.
“I don’t know, have you heard him speak.”
I threw my head back with a loud cackle. Baby could be so judgmental when she was in one of her better moods. It was odd, but her insults were never hard hitting. Just light jabs beneath the first layer of skin.
“In my home state, your accents would be considered quite funny. But I think they’re cute.”
“Aww Blink, you’re gonna make me blush.”
I giggled wildly. It was impossible not to be giddy around Baby. She was always a fun time. Sometimes I even got jealous of her victims, they got so much of her attention. Better than being tortured by old man Spaulding. He didn’t keep people around long enough to see their personalities. He had no need for such psychological advantages.
But if there was one thing Baby was good at, it was getting under your skin. Both figuratively and literally. She was a wild card, and vastly unpredictable. No two kills the same, but each leaving her happier than the last. Baby didn’t mind killing innocents, that wasn’t a moral quandary she had. But it made her so much happier to kill a bigot. The smile on her face was contagious after she did the world of one of them.
“You could always paint the clock Blink, add some colour to this kitchen.”
I nodded.
“I think I’m gonna go for a walk.”
“Isn’t it getting a bit late?”
“Baby, this is Texas, the sun don’t set until like 8pm here. I’ll be fine.”
“Whatever you say kid, hey, pick me up something shiny on your way?”
“I’ll see what I can find.”
Baby hopped up from her chair and rustled my hair. I frowned cause I had just got it looking somewhat presentable.
“You’re the best Baby Blink, my favourite little scavenger.”
I swatted her hand away.
“Hey, hands off the money maker!” I laughed.
She shook her head, laughing while she left the room. I threw on one of Otis’s hoodies, and put Macy’s blade in the pocket. I’m sure Baby would remember to tell the others I went out. And if she didn’t, I could always blame it on her. After all, I did tell one of the “real adults” where I was going.
I couldn’t help but skip all the way there, humming some of my favourite songs under my broth. My outfit was more simple today. I had freshened up the stripe of pink at the front of my hair, using some beat root powder to make it more vibrant. Then I dyed some of Baby’s old white shorts so they’re be the same pink as my hair. If there was one thing I hated, it was wearing mis-matched shades of the same colour. Blues and purples were more acceptable, because their tones didn’t differ much. But warm colours could be vastly different, and entirely unsimilar. I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing salmon pink with fushia. I shuddered at the thought.
My shirt was just a random old band tee baby had cut up. And Otis’s hoodie was plain black. It practically covered the shorts, but I didn’t mind. It was cozy. And despite daytime Texas being quite brutal, nighttime could get a little chilly. Especially for someone my size, who didn’t have enough body fat to properly insulate themselves.
I wore my very dirty old beat up converse. They could hardly be considered white anymore. I had switched the shoelaces out to be pink and purple. It made them look a little prettier. My hair was simple, split down the middle, with two heart shaped berets holding back my bangs. I hated when they touched my eyebrows.
I leaned against the wall, being a little early. But it wasn’t long before I heard the sound of a motor bike approaching. I didn’t even bother to hide my smile. Macy hopped off her bike, taking off her helmet and shaking out her hair like she was in some sort of movie. I couldn’t dare look away, she was memorising.
“You actually showed.” She said.
“Of course I did silly!”
She chuckled lightly.
“So, what’s on the agenda?” She asked.
I hadn’t actually thought that far ahead, just excited to spend time with her.
“We could go to my favourite spot?” I offered.
“Lead the way.” She smiled.
My favourite spot was just a little ways down the road. There was a big oak tree in the centre of an empty field. But you could see practically everything from the top. We made small banter on the walk, trying to ease the tension. Most of it lead by Macy. Talking to my family was easy, but I was so afraid of slipping up in front of her. Showing her the real me, which would surly make her run like all the others had.
Otis thought I didn’t know what happened to them. But I wasn’t dense, his clothes always had a few more stains when my crushes would disappear. That was something I wasn’t willing to allow to happen to Macy. She didn’t deserve that, so I’d have to keep my distance. But three days couldn’t hurt, right?
“You good Blinky?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Just thinking about what my sister said earlier.”
“What did she say?”
“She wants me to find her something shiny, I told her I was going for a walk. Which technically isn’t a lie.”
Macy chuckled.
“You really are serious about keeping this whole thing a secret. Can’t even tell you family you made a new friend?”
“Friends don’t come easily out here. They’d be suspicious of your intentions.”
“Mmm, and what intentions is it that you think I have?”
I bit down on my lip, trying to think of something to say that wouldn’t ruin the moment.
“Kindness is abnormal round here, you could be trying to get something from me.”
I made sure to keep my tone light, and not accusatory. It was hard to control the sound of my voice, usually more devoid of infliction unless I was focusing on it.
“So you think I’m going to use you?” She questioned.
I shrugged, “wouldn’t be the first time, surly not the last. But I don’t mind it all that much. So long as I get to know you better.”
She seemed a little hurt by my words, and I felt a little bad. But she was quick to brush it off.
“We’re here.” I said, pointing to the towering tree.
“Wow, that thing must be ancient” she said.
I laughed, moving forward and reaching up to the lowest branch. With a little jump I wrapped my hands around it, swinging back, and then forward to swing myself around and land on top. I looked down at Macy, we’ll hardly even down, at this branch we were practically the same height. I leaned my back against the tree and crossed my arms to attempt to look casual.
“Showing off are we?” She mused.
“I don’t know, was that cool?” I asked sincerely.
“So cool.” She laughed.
She climbed up the branch after me, and in that moment I decided to make it a contention. Sure, she was strong, like impressively so, but that meant more weight. Weight could slow you down. I was as light as a feather, and my joints didn’t much care for the laws of physicals. I could dislocate things at will, in a pinch if I needed to.
She seemed to catch onto my challenge as I was three branches above her.
“Oh you little shit, get back here!” She laughed.
“You’ll have to catch me first!”
She was gaining on me and quick. But I’ve climbed this tree a hundred times, I knew all the good branches. When we met near the top, she grabbed my wrist, almost causing me to tumble. But she was quick to catch me and pull me to her chest.
“Woah, that was close.” She said.
I took a deep breath, my heart hammering in my chest. But was it because I nearly just fell to my assured death, or because I was so close to her. I could feel her breath on my face. It smelt like peppermint and old tobacco.
“You smell nice.” I said, before I could stop myself.
She laughed airily.
“Thank you.”
I hurried my face in her chest out of embarrassment.
“Aww, don’t be shy Bumble Bee, that will only make you more adorable.”
It felt like someone had maced my face, I was so hot. I just grumbled some words into her chest, before finally pushing away and finding my footing. I looked out over the field and her eyes fallowed.
“Isn’t it odd how things can feel so small from up here? Raccoons look like ants. Is that how I look to you?”
I hadn’t meant to tack on that last sentence out loud.
“If you’re an ant, then you must be the queen. Cause I would follow you anywhere.” She said.
Was she trying to kill me? Because it was working. I felt like I forgot how to breath.
“Hey Macy?”
“Yes?” She turned to look at me.
“When you go back home, will we keep in touch?”
“Do you want to?”
I nodded softly.
“What if it’s boring on your side of Texas?” I said, as if that was the most natural explanation.
“Oh trust me, I have plenty to keep me occupied over there.”
I frowned, which she seemed to notice.
“I just meant I’m busy is all, my brother and o practically do everything around the house. It would be nice to have someone else to talk to.”
“Perhaps we could exchange letters.”
“Who raised you, the founding fathers. There’s phones now Blinky.”
“Wait, you don’t have one do you?”
“Nuh uh, only the house phone.”
“Well then, letters it’s is, but I’ll give you my number just in case.”
I didn’t mean for it to sound unenthusiastic, but o was still processing the entire conversation.
“So this is like, a second date right?”
“If you would like it to be, then yes.”
“I think I would like that very much.” I said.
We stayed up in that tree to watch the sunset. It was probably the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Other than the colour of the sunset reflecting onto her face. That was what really made me breathless. I climbed down much more carefully, it was dark now. When we got down to the last few branches, Macy picked me up, cradling em to her chest and jumped down. A small rush of adrenaline shot through my body.
I wasn’t sure what came over me, I normally wasn’t so into kissing. But I couldn’t help myself. I pulled her chin towards me and smashed my lips into hers. She froze in shock for a second, before hungrily kissing back. I wasn’t sure how long it lasted, my head was spinning the whole time. When we finally pulled away, she leaned her forehead onto mine, laughing softly.
“What was that? Carful little rabbit, you don’t want to start something you can’t finish.”
I was glad the sun had set, cause my face was beat red. Why was she so effortlessly flirty. I couldn’t bring myself to speak, suddenly being too overwhelmed which she took note of. Letting me nestle into her neck.
“Let’s get you home yeah?”
I just nodded. Coherent thought had still yet to catch up to me on the ride back to our spot. I leaned up against her bike as I tried to calm my racing heart.
“It’s ok Blinky, I’m not upset with you. You just startled me is all. But it was a very pleasant surprise.”
I nodded. Her face scrunched up in thought.
“I don’t wanna say goodbye.” I finally said under my breath.
“Hey, I’m just a few city’s away ok. We’ll talk, I promise.”
“Promise?” I said, holding out my pinky.
“On my life.” She said, locking her pinky with mine.
She kissed the back of my hand for good measure.
“You should head back, it’s quite dark now.”
“Goodbye Macy.”
“Goodbye Blinky”
An: Just wanted to write something short and fun after the last one lol. Not Macy and Blinky have officially established their relationship. But Macy has to go back home to Tommy, boy is a mess without his little sister 🥺 she can’t beat up Hoyt and Monty if she’s not there.
Tag: @oceansrose2002 @myers-meadow-selfship @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better
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aonoexpat · 1 year
Stumbled a little bit, but getting back up!
After the rush of running around getting a bank account, a tax number, a phone number, a guitar, a more permanent place to stay and a job, I somehow, miraculously, weirdly, had a little dip in my energy levels. So I spent some days sorting myself out a little more calmly, and granted myself a late afternoon trip to the beach for my first swim!
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The weather was still lovely and the water was very refreshing, though I hurried out again quite quickly when I saw a sting ray egg and confused it for a jellyfish 😅
That night my friend took me to Wilton's bush to go glow worm spotting. It was absolutely magical to see them just hanging (literally) around in such numbers. Unfortunately my camera couldn't capture their faint light, but imagine that starry tunnel in Efteling's Droomvlucht and you'll get an accurate idea of what it looked like. We also saw some spiders, and eels in the creek (I touched one and it was YUCKY):
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The next day we went on a beautiful hike along the Skyline track, which was my first introduction to the scorching Aotearoa sun. I applied SPF50 broad-spectrum sunscreen a total of four times in three hours and still got very close to getting burned. But the views were grand! It's funny how hills in the background can sometimes feel like generated terrain in video games, like places outside of the map you can move in as a player. But you can just walk up them, and there's a path there, and you can go anywhere you like, and it makes you feel really free 😊
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The background choir of cicadas is still ringing in my ears. These noisy little bugs are everywhere around here, but difficult to spot sometimes. I managed to capture this one on film, but be warned: it's LOUD
I ended up with two huge blisters on my heels from the hike, but don't you think for a second that that stopped me from going to a ceilidh dance at the local Gaelic Club that evening! Had a grand time, and the keyboard player celebrated his 90th birthday with us :)
The next day it was time to put my skills to the test and try my hand at busking at the Harbourside fruit & veggie market. I got there way too late so it was tricky to find a good spot, but I ended up playing for about 2.5 hours and made upwards of 30 bucks, so I was pretty content! I also got gifted a plate of food and a nice cold can of Sprite by a passer-by, and a lady told me to get a loudspeaker so people could hear me better. Luckily I already got my hands on one the other day, so next time I'll bring it!
A great experience all in all, but unfortunately this was also my second encounter with the intensity of the sun, and this time I wasn't as well-prepared.
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As you can see, it was a fairly overcast day, so I thought it was safe enough. But I sorely (again, literally) regret putting off applying sunscreen for as long as I did, for the next day my friend found me throwing up in the bathroom with a bright red and swollen face. "Sun stroke? Yeah. It happens." He got me a glass of water and some rehydration medicine and kept a watchful eye over me the rest of the day. It's times like this when I curse the pressing issue of online privacy because I vowed not to upload pictures of my face on this blog but by god you should have seen it, it's still not back to normal and probably won't be for up to a week. It's painful and itchy and has started to peel now, and every time I look in the mirror I'm reminded of what a fool I was for thinking it would be fine. A hard-learned lesson I won't soon forget.
Here's my artist's rendition of the transformation of my face:
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So, I've been taking it easy since then: staying in as much as possible, watching some House of the Dragon on my friend's HBO account, convincing my bank that yes, I do have a valid visa, and no, I'm not laundering money, and figuring out how to work that loudspeaker for next weekend's markets. There's a storm raging over the North Island right now, cyclone Gabrielle, so staying in isn't much of a punishment. Te Whanganui-a-tara mostly experiences rain and strong winds, luckily nothing that warrants alarm, let alone evacuations.
Tomorrow I start my training at the bar, which I'm very excited about! It turns out the wages as established in my contract are a little stingy, but I'll live. I'm happy to have something for now, and if I don't enjoy it enough, I'll leave again. I look forward to having more of a routine, and a steady income to ease my worries a little. Life here is expensive, and with money transfers from The Netherlands taking several working days to arrive I'm feeling a little anxious every now and then. Luckily my friends here are happy to help me out if necessary. I'm very, very lucky to have them to rely on over here ❤️
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
im really liking story mode and splatoon 2 in general so far, and i just got to the 4th area, so here are some random thoughts i have on it in no particular order.
I rlly like that Marie is basically the only other character here. I may be biased cuz she's my second fav character (shiver is number one ofc) but i just rlly like her commentary. But not have Callie here to also say random stuff is kinda sad..... Like at first i was like yessss lets go only Marie(no offense, i love callie). But i miss her :(
I may be one of the few sheldon enjoyers as someone who actually likes reading all his dialogue, so i appreciate him also being here.
THIS IS HARD. I know i suck at video games... but some of these levels just feel so LONG. And making me fight enemy octolings with a charger is evil. Anyway yeah i need some easier levels spread out between these like splat 3 had. Cuz this is..... not good. I have to keep taking breaks cuz the long levels do be mentally taxing. Like hello this is funny squid game i cant be bad at smth intended for kids. I havent straight up failed a level yet but ive come close.
Hello?????? The ruins of ark whatever its called salmon run map is so cool????? Why dont we have this in splat 3 yet. Its so fun.
speaking of salmon run, not being able to throw eggs or have the movement of splat 3 is so cursed. like, what do u mean thats not a thing????
Yeah the not being able to do the lil charge thing up wallls is so unsatistfying.....
I had to play as a guy cuz i wanted my splat 3 hair. (the ponytail) which i dont usually care about in games, but the girl inklings have cuter voices.... Oh well i am a dude now lol. Luckily gender is a game to me so i dont actually care other than the voice difference
Pearl and Marina my beloveds.... HOW COME WE DONT DONT GET STAGE SPECIFIC DIALOUGE IN SPLAT 3????? not only do deep cut not get many chances to speak in story mode they also have repetitive news segments...... so sad.. its ok i still love them. But yeah i love these funny creechurs. why are they like that. they say so many insane things. pearl and marina are so funky :D
Forcing me to use the hero charger for certain levels is so evil and messed up. I only like dualies, rollers, and sometimes brella. They cant do this to me.. I cannot aim....
As with splat 3 i am enamored with the backgrounds in the story mode levels themselves. i love just wasting like 5 mins just staring at them. I want to make literally any of them my desktop background but idk how to get a good pic of them.... man especially the upside down city looking one in 3. its so pretty and just UGH ITS SO GOOOD/
I am so poor..... what do u mean clothes cost money/?? i have to play the game??? all i want is to dress up my funny lil squid... i need a splatoon spinoff that is just a casual game thats like a dress up/room decoration game. maybe w like a cooking minigame too. thats ideal. like animal crossing or smth but squids. Shooting ppl is stressful.... (dont ask me why i play splatoon if i dont like combat cuz its scary. i couldnt tell u)
WHY ARE ALL THE INK COLORS IN THIS GAME SO MUCH PRETTIER THAN THE SPLAT 3 ONES???? ITS NOT FAIR. Some of these blue's are so pretty... i want...
none of the multiplayer maps have rlly stuck out to me in any way. Like they all just kinda feel the same lol. I think like maybe one or two i thought were cool? but idk the names. i def like the aesthetic of a lot of them.
I wanna just try all the weapons and specials but noooooo i gotta level up. just gimme everything ok
i also wanna explore the stages but as far as i know there isnt recon. I was just gonna do a private battle but turns out u cant do those w one person. And i was so excited cuz there were splatfest stages availbe too...... so sad i just wanna check out the maps but idk how to/if i can do that.....
the amount of times ive fallen off the map in the main level select area of story mode is more than i can count. its not even funny at this point
I also just cannot find some of the scrolls/sardines in some levels despite playing them mulitiple times. Not to just expose myself as incompetent over and over today, but i am 100% gonna need to look up a guide cuz i do not have the patience for this.
Also the rhythm game is surprisingly one of my fav things so far??? Like i am having the most fun ever with this thing. I want it in splat 3 so bad w all the new songs. Its actually just so fun. Like idk maybe better than story mode somehow. Maybe i just have my priorities wrong tho lol
Anyway yeah tats all i have 2 say for now... I think. idk im having fun w the game so yeah
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