#sometimes i think im crazy
tame-a-messenger · 3 months
You saying Angela is obsessed with Damien is so funny to me because it couldn’t be more true. Idk how or why that is but I couldn’t agree more
She's obsessed with him in the same way a nerd is obsessed with an eldritch god, she just finds him so obscure?
I get the vibe whenever she laughs about something he's done/been related to it's like laughing at an inside joke or something? like something that is close to your heart? something precious.
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theleafunderneath · 7 months
tw s/h mentions
losing hope. sometimes i feel like cutting myself again. sometimes the idea of killing myself happens at random parts of the day. i want to find a fulfilling hobby. i really like learning languages so itd be nice to become fluent in my mother tongue, tagalog. i want to have something to look forward to. i feel so isolated. i feel so lonely. i feel so sorry for myself. i just want to disappear. i dont want to speak to people anymore. my extraversion has disappeared. i wish i laughed from my gut more often. i wish i had a group i belonged to. i wish people wanted me around. i wish i could stop being such an idiot. i wish i wasnt such a fool and i wish i wasnt insane. i wish i could know im not crazy for feeling this way. i wish i could hate him. i wish i had a reason to hate him. i wish i had someone to blame. i wish things were back to normal. i wish we were just friends again. i wish i had more to hold onto every day. i wish i could find a reason to stay. i wish people wanted me to stay. i wish i wasnt so miserable for no good reason. i wish i never followed my feelings. i just wish i was okay. i wish that everything was over. i miss when i was okay. i miss when i was happier. i miss when i would laugh from my gut every day. i miss the people in my life who shaped me into who i once was. i miss who i once was.
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nibbelraz · 11 months
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Sometimes I think about how all of Binghe came from him
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horrorknife · 22 days
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babe, this wouldn't be the first time it will not be the last time there's no parasol that could shelter this weather
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emomomortal · 2 months
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they're having a girl's night! which means painting nails so she's painting the tips of his fingers with a paintbrush
I'm their biggest fans I wish them nothing but a life of whimsy and joy
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humans-are-tasty · 11 months
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sentientstump · 11 months
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what's there in the distance
133% team canada back in action? you bet
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butchviking · 1 year
i hate being a mentally ill adult actually. i hate that there’s always groceries to be bought and housekeeping to do and work in the morning i hate that we have no space to feel it all i hate that we walk around acting normal. there are so many people i know who are clearly deeply unhappy with their lives and we make silly little jokes that allude to it but sometimes i want to grab them by the shoulders and scream ‘i know you are miserable!! we can’t keep living like this!! this is why people break!!’ im sick of this drudgerous apathy i want us all to be dramatic like when we were teenagers i want us to sob together and scream bloody murder at each other and tell each other we want to kill ourselves not as a funny post-ironic joke but because we all feel like that sometimes!! i want us to get fucked up on god knows what til we can’t open our eyes i want us to take care of each other instead of always taking care of ourselves i want us to be vulnerable i want us to hold each others hands in the ambulance!!
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comradekatara · 28 days
I meant Hama and Katara... But thank you for the Kanna & Katara Link. I'll go theough it.
ohhh yes i obviously have so many thoughts on hama and katara as well..... hama is the embodiment of who katara could have become had a) her circumstances been slightly different (and worse) and b) had she had less emotional strength & resilience & desire to cling to her own humanity at all costs. like, the fact that katara gets multiple figures who embody the terror of her submitting to her most vengeful instincts and perpetuating the cycle of violence instead of working to end it is honestly quite beautiful, as that tension culminates in "the southern raiders" and katara lets herself prioritize her own humanity over her pain and rage and (totally justified) desire for revenge.
i know a lot of people think that hama and jet are the most politically confused aspects of the show, since they do play into the thing lok does where it's like "all oppressed peoples who employ radical means of resistance are simply cackling mustache-twirling terrorists," and while i do think that the way hama is framed at the end of "the puppetmaster" is in poor taste and lacks nuance, it's also pretty clear to me that a) their trauma is portrayed as sympathetic b) their stories are depicted as tragedies and c) atla doesn't actually demonize violent methods of resistance. like if katara wasn't literally the main character i'd feel much more comfortable making that critique (because lok does do this and it's liberal bullshit and it sucks), but we see katara use violent means of resistance as early as episode 6 of the whole show. she's literally framed as a hero for doing ecoterrorism; even when she's actually in the wrong in that situation, her desire to do whatever it takes to help people and encourage them to fight back against their oppressors is celebrated unconditionally.
the lesson katara has to learn from them is that she must never let her anger and desire for revenge consume her over her love for humanity and her drive to help people. jet and hama are both deeply traumatized in a way that made them prioritize wanting to wield power over others in the same way that they were once made vulnerable and helpless, and katara recognizes that instinct in herself too, that instinct in every person who has been subjected to that degree of violence. hama targets fire nation civilians out of spite, because she was once a regular girl from the southern water tribe who was targeted for reasons beyond her control, made to fight and treated like a villain. the reason she goes after "regular people" instead of targeting actual combatants is specifically because she knows that if the roles were reversed, the fire nation wouldn't care about differentiating her people in those roles; she's giving them a taste of their own medicine.
she used to be a resistance fighter who fought back against the imperialists on her land with everything she had, and it didn't work. she suffered unimaginable horrors, and in the process discovered an ability that would allow her to make others suffered the way she did. no, she's not a good leftist or whatever, but her motivation is understandable. she's driven by pain, not reason, just as katara and zuko are in "the southern raiders," just as aang is in "the desert" when he loses appa, just as sokka is in "the boiling rock." when one is hurting that badly, the desire to ease one's pain supersedes logic, supersedes one's core values in general, the values of grief taking its place. hama has been grieving her entire life; whoever she was before the raids is gone, and now she is someone shaped wholly by pain. and had katara not met hama, been traumatized by her, and thus vowed never to be like her, who knows whether she would have had the ability to take a step back and recognize within herself that she is standing over that precipice, and instead walk away from the threshold of violence, and back towards herself.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
sometimes i think about how the people who hate on my takes on here would talk to each other and its always phrased like the twitter fandom drama i see but completely irrational and it makes me giggle
"calling kusuke abusive just because he shot his brother with a lethal weapon, plotted his murder, planned to use their grandparents to assist in hurting/killing him, and tried for years to expose his secret to the entire world against his will and through knowingly hurtful means in order to destroy everything he cared about is so stupid! what a stretch!"
"the saiki k fandom is so damn sensitive. i shoot my brother with massive guns all the time and its not abusive because he just blocks it!" HELPEKSJJSJSKSKKS
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
see my brain just doesn’t register the idea of anyone having a ‘one true love’ which is why the common fandom tropes of making canonical love interests terrible in order to justify why your ship is better always bugs the shit out of me. it feels like the only reason you would do that is if the idea of the characters in your ship having any other sort of romantic relationship that was important to them, even in the past, is a threat to their current one, therefore all their past relationships need to be demonized in order to make them ‘not real love’ so that they remain pure and chaste and ready for the True Love of the endgame ship.
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metukika · 4 months
is teru socially aware or does no one ever verbally question the things he does and says?
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hauntedpearl · 8 months
at some point. maybe. castiel should have stolen a piece of dean's soul and made himself a baby. and just like he just has this baby now. when he's not with the winchesters? yeah he's taking the baby to school actually. he is taking it to the park. he is going to the soccer games. does dean find out? maybe. at some point. it will drive him insane, which I think would be very funny. sam is just scared of the baby and also concerned about the logistics of baby making in this manner and not entirely concerned enough about the violations to the cosmic geneva convention which stipulates no soul stealing! but you know! it's whatever! anyway. give that man a baby he wants one so bad!
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featheredmoonwings · 1 month
Here's a thought.
Sam has been irrevocably changed since his coming back from hell (and jumping in of course). So often I find myself looking at later season's Sam, a Sam who's not a firey rebel against what the world wants of him, a Sam who would fight for himself. This is a quietly submissive Sam who can't stand to disappoint Rock No.1. Someone who takes on pain again and again and again because he's so used to it.
Sam from the first seasons it's not the same Sam as the later. This is a broken, traumatized man who excels at being high functioning and I am SO sure of it.
He LOOKS resigned and tired a lot of the time. And it reminds me of hell!Sam begging himself not to remember. hell!Sam knew what he was talking about and what we're seeing in later seasons is his reflection.
And let me throw in a Silmarillion reference because why the heck not. Like the souls of elves go to Mando's halls, Sam's soul needed to go to heaven and heal from all the years of hell he suffered (earthly ones and hell ones). He was not ready to be reembodied in earth and now he's come wrong.
Like 5 different entities warned us about Sam's shredded to ribbons soul. To me, that doesn't sound like a soul that should've been put back in a body.
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samsnax25 · 5 months
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then they can make all man pregnant!
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You know what's insane about the Hunger AU. the fact that Grian is trying to die because he does not want to inflict pain upon his friends, but that's exactly the thing that's tormenting them. he's become so determined to stop himself that he's hurting them anyway, and it only gets worse the harder he tries. he doesn't want to be cruel but leading the Hermits on like this about the potions is cruel. he doesn't want to hurt them but seeing him half dead is hurting them. i am shaking like a dog
hunger au really is all about how suicidal ideation and mental illness can just twist your entire perspective into a knot.... like the objective reality is that he IS hurting his friends with this and he IS going to hurt them 10x more when it comes to the potions!!! but grian is so caught up in his own head and his hurt and his guilt that he cant see that or accept the cognitive dissonance that comes with acknowledging it. Its a genuinely tragic set of circumstances and being able to showcase the rapid spiral down followed by the slow crawl back up through recovery is so so so rewarding for me as a writer-- not least bc of reactions like these >:]
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