#something something generational curses
iamwestiec · 5 months
y'know it very belatedly occurs to me that "in the future you will be the clan leader and I will be your subordinate, just like your father and my father" is um. kind of a cursed precedent to invoke. all things considered.
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alfheimr · 8 months
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i drew this way over a year ago but i think i just forgot to post it here. ingo adventure dx
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witherbythesword · 1 month
if the theory of sam reich being replaced by .. evil wizard dalton reich (and i cant believe i am partaking in this discurse) is true..
i've seen some people asking the question about what those childhood tapes mean. Well i am one of the ancient ones that owned vhs tapes and you know you could replace whats stored on those tapes with overwriting it with new material but it would slowly degrade the quality as the magnetic tape the information is stored on isn't necessarly made to be re-recorded on indefinetly which would also explain the degrading quality of the gamechanger episode.
So my theory is that dalton reich wants to erase sam from history and to do this he is slowly erasing any proof that could hint on sam and dalton being two different people. One thing he appearantly needed to do is overwrite these old vhs tapes of sams childhood.
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mugentakeda · 6 months
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i know this makes no sense cus iroh had only just met zhao in 1x03 i believe but i saw this in a fic a long time ago (or i hallucinated it idk) where jeong jeong also trained lu ten and i Just. lalalalalalaaaaa
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heartfullofscience · 2 months
I get why people often headcanon sampo as very promiscuous like I get where they're coming from but personally I just think the man is absolutely rizzless. Idk I think it's a combination of the disproportionately negative attitude of pretty much everyone towards him and just his general way of talking. I just think he'd go up to someone and say some cheesy ass pickup line and they'd promptly kick him in the balls
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hananono · 5 months
ive always felt that serizawa actually doesnt know a whole lot when it comes to spirits and curses. in claw, he mostly dealt with other psychics, and before that he was completely isolated. the supernatural has always been present in his life, but he has no real knowledge about it aside from educated guesses mid-exorcism and stuff he picked up from video games—he was actually surprised that psychic powers worked on ghosts at all, since in pokémon psychic types are weak to ghosts and not the other way around.
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b1gwings · 3 months
GOOD LORD i have not been able to think about anything else but Fig's undying devotion to her friends since last night's episode. I wonder if she's actually going to persue the paladin stuff, and if she does I wonder if they're going to make her a custom oath??? i know mechanically, oath of devotion is pretty versatile, but ALSO it would be so cool to find something that's so Fig. the way you could combine the warlock "relationships & agreements" stuff to an oath.... her love for her friends is so powerful :(
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nhaneh · 2 months
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Miqo'March 24, Free Day the Aunt
"I never had a mother - it was an aunt who first nursed me when I was very young. She was kind enough, and didn't treat me much different from her own child. I was just never allowed to believe she was my actual mother."
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swagspren · 9 months
I think when Kaladin lashed himself face first into that wall he should’ve been flattened like flat Stanley and spent the rest of the series 2-dimensional. Just my opinion
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solradguy · 6 months
About a year before I got into GG, a phlebotomist said that I have "dark blood" (???) and since then my one friend group and I have joked about my cursed evil beast blood. It's been three years. Happy three years anniversary to my sinister dark blood
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
I’m a bit nervous about sending an ask, but the curiosity has won me over, hope this isn’t too many questions
You said you headcannon Leo Valdez as dragon kin so I was wondering, do you think he has shifts often, if at all? If so, does he generally have some types of shifts more often or is it more balanced? And do the other campers and the seven know? If they do, did he tell them or did they piece it together on their own? If he told them, did he have to explain a lot or were they kind of just like “okay” and didn’t question it a lot? Like they just accepted it and didn’t want to overstep or something is what I mean
I think maybe I’m overthinking this, I really hope I’m not asking too many questions or anything
It's no worries at all! Asks/questions are always welcome!
I think his most usual shifts would be teeth/scales, but they're a lot more subtle so he either doesn't notice them as much or can ignore them. Those ones are probably semi-regular for him but again, more subtle most of the time (most of the time... every once in awhile he gets hit with a stronger maw shift and he's just sitting there gnashing his teeth at the air for like an hour cause his mouth feels weird until it goes away). Maybe also horns.
Less common ones for him but ones he'd notice more are probably wings, tail, and talons. Talons i mostly just think would be funny for him cause he has his habit of tapping his fingers as a stim. Him getting tripped up from the phantom talons while trying to stim, being confused for a minute about why his fingers aren't touching the table and he just ends up tapping out morse code into the air a couple inches above his desk instead. Wings and tail would probably just be pretty standard phantom limbs - they're just there and he's aware of them and maybe able to move them a bit. I imagine he'd eventually try to make some 'kin gear to help with those shifts specifically just so his brain stops error 404ing when his dragon limbs pass through solid objects despite his brain thinking they should be able to tangibly interact.
I don't think Leo would know what otherkin/alterhuman is when he first meets the Argo II crew, and probably wouldn't get the opportunity to learn about it for awhile. He doesn't really have the vocabulary to explain how he's feeling - just that he Is A Dragon. The rest of the crew probably also doesn't know what otherkin/alterhuman is either so they don't have an explanation for him, but, yknow, demigod life is already so goddamn weird, if Leo says he's a dragon that's not the most abnormal thing they've heard that week and they'll just take his word for it and accept it. And Jason probably understands the feeling re: being a wolf therian, even though he doesn't have the vocabulary to explain it either, so there's at least some solidarity there.
Earlier on I think Leo would just crack a lot of jokes about being a dragon, not particularly explaining how he feels about it to the others but just kind of putting the concept out there. He might try to explain it if the topic comes up but, as mentioned before, just struggle too much to try and find the words for it (the adhd/dyslexia/autism wording problems do not help there). I do like to think though that, due to their Hades/Pluto kid soul powers, Nico and Hazel would actually be able to pick up on spiritual-origin otherkin/therians/etc if they focused on it - Nico in particular, probably a lot more passively - and be able to kind of see phantom limbs/shifts sometimes (cause goodness knows how souls/spirit stuff works in the Riordanverse and I can have my self-indulgent silly alterhuman worldbuilding hcs if i want to - also at least partially inspired by some journal posts i've read of people mentioning people/animals/automatic doors picking up on their phantom limbs and being able to track the movement and stuff. if any demigod would be able to do that it's gonna be the kids with literal soul/phantom powers). I just find the concept amusing of Leo trying to explain this extremely metaphysical experience and Nico's just off to the side like "Oh yeah no, your soul is a dragon. Like, very literally. Dunno how that happened but good for you. btw why do you have ghost wings sometimes?" And Leo's grateful for someone helping him explain it but also isn't sure how he should react to statement. Eventually though one of the crew stumbles across alterhuman stuff - probably Leo or Annabeth, most likely accidentally through looking into daemonism stuff (you know they both read His Dark Materials) - and they put two and two together and finally have a means to explain it and Leo could not be more relieved (though he still doesn't know how to feel about Nico's soul comments).
I love rotating alterhuman demigods in my brain
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lavenderjewels · 5 months
I love Higuruma. Not just because he’s so willing to help Yuuji and the others (and because he’s hot), but he’s a character with particular traits that I’ve appreciated throughout JJK. The constant adapting and learning that can be seen with Mahito, strengthening his own capabilities that aren’t inherently offensive or overwhelmingly powerful like Tengen with barriers or Nobara being Mahito’s natural enemy, etc. It’s not like there aren’t interesting aspects to characters that are overwhelmingly powerful like Sukuna or Gojo, but it’s gratifying to see characters who aren’t still find ways to make just as much of an impact and work with others to do so. It’s no wonder Sukuna admires him, while giving far less thought to characters that could arguably be considered more powerful or destructive.
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thefirstknife · 5 months
I have a question about The Sundial weblore bit
It starts off with an interaction between Drifter and Osiris, but only says "some time after the death of Panoptes" while it was released during Dawn. Do we know how long Osiris had been working on the Sundial exactly, or some more specifics on when that interaction took place?
thanks ':>
He started work the moment we told him that we found Saint's grave in the Forest and it's the Drifter's presence there that gives us a hint about when he finished.
At the end of their interaction, Osiris tells Drifter:
“Go home. There’s a Guardian you should meet,” Osiris said. “Yeah, yeah. Hero. Red War. Can’t wait.”
The Guardian is us, the Young Wolf. Drifter went to the Tower to meet us at Osiris' instructions so this must be happening at some point before Forsaken, as until this moment, Drifter had not yet seen us. So Osiris finished work on the Sundial somewhere between the death of Panoptes and Drifter's arrival to the Tower which gives him probably 6-9 months of time to make it. When he finished, and failed, he hid it and it lay undisturbed for at least a year (or a little over a year) before the Psions found it.
Expansions, seasons and DLCs mostly align with real time they're released in so he would be working on it during the rest of Curse and during Warmind. I suspect he probably finished fairly close to Forsaken, given Drifter's presence and Osiris telling him to go meet us. Drifter was out of the system for a long time and appeared pretty much out of nowhere around the time of Forsaken; even Shin Malphur wondered why then. But before he headed to the City, he went to Mercury to help Osiris (at Osiris' request!) and Osiris was the one who told him to go meet us which definitely played a part in him heading to the City.
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chthonic-cassandra · 11 months
[abuse discussion] The petty hill I will die on is that Dracula should never be handsome. Oh, it's easier if he's pretty. Then it's love; these poor maids who are his victims take one look at his face and can't believe something so evil could look so nice. [...] But I'm not in the business of ease. The Brides have always fascinated me, in a very different way than the could fascinate male writers, because I know them. They interest me in the way Melania Trump does, in the way Georgina Chapman Weinstein does. In the way that every woman, at least once in her life, wonders, "Could I just...?" Most of us could never go through with it, of course. But some do. What if the Brides did? What if Dracula wasn't a handsome Romanian prince, but a nameless, faceless, ancient terror? What would you trade for a life of enormous wealth, released from the cruel rigors of ageing into a state of eternal beauty? How much would you be willing to fake, and for how long? Of course the deal is bad, and the monster turns out to be even more of a monster than you suspect when you make it. But again, this is no surprise to most women. And ask any abuse survivor, you have to become a little bit of a monster yourself to escape it.
Alex de Campi, "On monsters," afterward to Dracula, motherfucker!, Alex di Campi and Erica Henderson
Okay, I know I am absurdly biased on this topic, but this is the second time in the past few years that I've seen Dracula's brides discussed in this very specific framework and both times it's made me very uncomfortable so I want to consult with all of you, my friends - how does this land for you, as a way of discussing abuse and as a way of discussing these characters?
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not-so-terrible · 1 year
Konoha: Wow, it’s so great our double agent within the Uchiha Clan has the selfless Will of Fire, completely cancelling out the possibility for trauma, repressed emotion and deep love to trigger the Curse of Hatred and cause them to sacrifice the many for the few they care about. We can relax and leave it all to him :)
Itachi, trapped on a burning clifftop, wrapping Sasuke in duct tape in preparation to throw him over the edge: ~ I will kill our friends and family to remind ☽  you ☺ of ♬ my ☮ love ☠ ~
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Yeah, David Breen had to write a tweet when the fan translated version of the Mandarin version of LMK came out. People were freaking out about Wukong being a deadbeat dad and debating on whether it was a d*ck move or Wukong recognizing that he had sh*t mental health and was not in the proper head space to take care of baby MK.
Also that memory? That was a vision MK had in Episode 3. He was helping Tripitaka with magic circle stuff, the vision broke in and interrupted the ritual, and all hell broke loose. It isn't an actual flashback to his childhood.
Thank you to the person who shared the screenshot in my notes! You're a real one. I'll put it here for easy reference:
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First, I wanted to clear up that I didn't mean my questions in a "this is why it can't be true" way—cause it is true—but in a "these are the questions I have!" sort of way. I think that's how one person interpreted it and I'm like OH NO. MY QUESTIONS MEAN I'M INTRIGUED/WANT TO KNOW MORE I SWEAR.
Next, the visions in 4x03, 4x04, and 4x05 are different than what I think is a memory:
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(4x03 The Great Tang Man) (Sending the curse one because like. what the fuck. what the fuck!)
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(4x04 Pig Napped)
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(4x05 Court of the Yellow Robbed Demon)
These are the visions of Sun Wukong trying to find MK in the scroll. They're different from what Subodhi presses MK to remember ("Tell me of your childhood, your parents." "You do not remember?" "And what else?"):
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See the difference?
Every vision MK has includes the same scenes, except this one. That's why I think it's a memory; that and the way it's framed, with MK closing his eyes in focus. The other visions from 4x03, 4x04, and 4x05 all are unprompted, being forced upon MK. Why make this last "vision" so different from the others? Why show Guan Yin (?) making the stone monkey? That would be because it's a memory—be it MK's, something from the scroll, or a mix of both.
Monkey King not being MK's dad doesn't equate to him not being involved—MK being born from the stone means that he doesn't have any biological parents, it's a weird grey area. I also just can't imagine that Guan Yin (if it was her) made MK on top of flower fruit mountain and that Monkey King was none the wiser (edit: lol it was NOT on top of flower fruit mountain. Anyways, carry on!). I also don't know what other reason Sun Wukong would choose MK to be his "successor".
"Monkey King was ripping his way through memories looking for MK, but kept coming back to the stone. He doesn't know why."
I'll be honest, "he doesn't know why" is SUPER vague (which is good, can't have a writer spoiling the whole show on twitter lol). So, Monkey King doesn't know why he kept going back to the stone...what does that mean exactly? It's vague and up in the air, and it's phrased in such a specific way that I can't help but feel like Breen is being purposely misleading.
Either way, I don't really see the problem with Sun Wukong being a dead beat dad. Like he's not MK's dad, but if he were I don't understand what the issue with that is. Sun Wukong is an interesting character, he means well but he can also hurt others through the distance he builds around himself. In 3x05 Amnesia Rules he literally says "Can you imagine what I would be like if I didn't have friend's? I'd probably turn into a manipulative jerk!" Well, currently all of his past friend's are dead and he is a manipulative jerk. And I love him.
Sun Wukong is nuanced. He doesn't make the right choice all the time. The way he treated the main gang in s3 was fucking shitty ("how could you lead us into this fight without a real plan!?"). But he also doesn't intend to hurt people. He always has his own reasons. And, when he finally realizes the pain he's caused, he tries to make amends and put himself on the line. People "freaking out" about Wukong being a "dick" (which he kinda has been this whole time, he's a little shit and I love him) just reeks of purity culture.
“Point is, mistakes happen, but so long as you leave the world in better shape than you found it, then it’s all good. Right?” (4x01 Familiar Tales)
Wukong makes so many mistakes all the time. I don't know why in this instance it would be one step too far.
There's also just so much we don't know. We don't really know anything about MK's origins, or why he was created, or who created him, or what everyone knows/doesn't know. But I will say, whatever it is I'm excited for it!
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