#something something cogs in the machine they couldn't step out of it even if they wanted to.......
quinns-art-box · 2 years
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gee, tsumugi! how come team danganronpa let you have THREE protagonists??
or as i like to call this drawing "i needed everyone to know that yeah sure i ship them, but also i find the fact that v3 has three characters who are all protagonists in their own separate ways really interesting and i think it's a fun parallel and they're a cool trio. also what if they kissed though"
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age736 · 3 months
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hailed to be considered the most powerful warrior in all the universe. passed around from generations and generations of saiyans throughout a thousand years from the day yamoshi became the very first super saiyan. only then a thousand years later, on a planet that wasn't his own, fighting the self-imposed emperor of the galaxy, one son goku fueled by his rage, became the first super saiyan in millennia, second only after yamoshi.
a form hailed for it's legendary power, yet to modern saiyans it's truthfully only the stepping stone towards true power. as the super saiyan itself has a versatile amount of forms it can appear in to aid the saiyan it's being used by- one form in one timeline even connecting the saiyan's primal roots by combining itself with that of the oozaru. infused with god ki as well, it even forces a change within another saiyan transformation called super saiyan god to turn into something completely and entirely new.
the super saiyan itself is a form fueled by raw, unfiltered emotion- and most often, that of rage. anger is a core emotion to a saiyan's power, so it only makes sense that a form like super saiyan exists for that, especially considering the existence of the oozaru. yet why is that? one would consider it strange that the legendary super saiyan only ever existed once, and was only ever told is stories in fables for the next thousand years. wouldn't it had made sense for another super saiyan to appear? it makes even less sense for a saiyan like son goku, who not only has no memory, but no interest in the saiyan way of life.
it all comes down to a number of factors that the saiyans on planet vegeta seemed to not understand about their own biology. vegeta saiyans believe in a might makes right society, ruled primarily by a caste systen. the strongest live and the weakest die, it was simple as. however even if you were weak there was still something for you to usually do in saiyan society, as running an empire requires multiple cogs in the machine that aren't just warriors. but this mindset resulted in the assumption that a saiyan's power at their birth is all they'd ever amount to- leading that saiyan down a path of nigh permanent weakness, especially those considered in the low class. and those lower class saiyans that were birthed with an abnormally high power level were snuffed out or sent away on planetary conquering, as to not be a threat to the higher class warriors. not to mention, low class saiyans outnumbered mid class and elite saiyans combined. this would only result in, of course, weaker and weaker children as the generations went on. by the time it the rule of king vegeta the iii, it was probably impossible for a super saiyan to occur by natural means without a drastic biological mutation (such as broly).
a second reason for this was emotion. it has been told to us time and time again by saiyans that emotion is a weakness, and that to be a saiyan warrior is to be cold, ruthless and cruel. that is how you became strong. yet that couldn't be anymore of the opposite. the power of the saiyans is fueled almost entirely by their emotions- most applicably being rage. two of the saiyan's most prominent transformations- the oozaru and the super saiyan- are in fact formed that are primarily functioned by rage. yet it is not just anger that fuels saiyans, as other emotions such as excitement and sadness have an influence on either strengthening or weakening a saiyan. even so much of a saiyan doubting their own power can cause that power itself to become weaker, as we have seen in a case like son gohan. emotion is a prime source of power for a saiyan, and without it in it's fullest the super saiyan would've been impossible for any saiyan to achieve on planet vegeta.
lastly, the most important one in fact, was training. this couples back into how a being's power calculated at their birth was a weakness for saiyans, as because of that they saw little value and even disgust in training one's body. the power you were born with was basically going to be your power for the rest of your life in their mind, and that resulted in weaker and weaker generations of saiyans. whis, the angel of universe seven and undoubtly the strongest being in that universe- said so himself to son goku and vegeta that saiyans grow their fastest when they train together. that should be pretty important shouldn't it? yet until goku, saiyans never trained, or if they did- they were usually basically seen as sort of anomalies. the best example i can give for this is bardock's squad with totapo, toma, pumbukin and seripa. they were all considered to be low class warriors, but were hailed as one of- if not THE best squadron on all of planet vegeta. bardock himself having been so revered that he had the honor of being lifted in the caste system from low class to mid class, the first and only time that has ever happened in saiyan history. they were so strong because they worked together, which saiyans do not often do- even in squadrons. only showing further proof that to grow stronger as a saiyan you needed to work with other saiyans.
these are i'd say the primary reasons why a super saiyan hasn't shown up in the universe since yamoshi, and in my own honest opinion- freeza's fear of it was frankly misplaced. has he not blown up planet vegeta, goku would've grown up as a low class saiyan who- considering who goku is at his core- would no doubt even be a more stand out case of a lower class saiyan than his father. yet never to any sort of level that he would've been had he not been sent to earth. the saiyans themselves probably would've just happened to grow weaker and weaker in each coming generations until either someone else or the universe itself snuffed out their candlelight.
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matt0044 · 3 months
The Mythical "Arrogant Localizer."
Too often I find a perpetuation of this narrative, especially with A.I. set to wiz all over Anime subtitles, that translators or ADR Script Writers had it coming. That they dared to tamper with the original by "changing personalities" and "pushing agendas" so much that CR decided to axe them for the politically neutral A.I.
Here's the thing:
Whenever some weeb claims that a translator was arrogant or "couldn't listen to criticism," it's not that they're acting like they know better. It's because they do know better.
They know that Japanese words or sentences can't be translated one-to-one into English, owing to how each country that the originate from were world's apart before global travel grew in scale.
They know that context and setting matters, especially in the case of something like Fire Emblem where characters in a medivel-esque setting would likely speak not unlike Shakespeare characters.
They know that each character has a distinct voice. An honorable Samurai like Goemon is going to have a more refined sense of speaking compared to the wise-cracking Lupin or the sardonic Jigen.
They know, especially, that humor based on puns or cultural references won't always work from one language to another.
Know what they also know? That 4kids was actually not good. They grew up during the days of dubs being borderline overhauled because of a poor sense of marketing. They'd prefer to not go back to there because they actually love Anime.
Of course, a lot of them are beholdened to what their clientelle want for their title's international distribution. Thus those who's produced the Anime they're bringing over are entitled to step in and object if they so choose. There have been incidents like that but that they get rectified speaks to the level of quality control these days.
Like... Brendan Blaber's attempted changes with Love Complex were unilaterally shot down. He was an jerky freelancer who did ADR script writing and overstepped his boundaries.
And all of this are things that translators on Twitter will affirm. I get the allure of the conspiracy theory. Of trying to figure out what's really going on and that those in the industry wouldn't dare reveal their nefarious plans.
But if we're going to have any conversation about translation and what's too far for the localization process, we need to take off out tin hats to focus on what we currently have to work off of. Either that or apply for a job in translation and see things from the inside for yourself.
Furthermore, if any of these translators seem "testy" or "unable to take criticism," it's that they keep going on and on about their choices in translation and how the theory overall goes. Yet so many are too eager to paint them as the villains and won't listen to a damn word.
Frankly, they should be angry. Social Media has broken down the divide between fandom and those who work on their shows where you gotta kowtow to what the former wants or you're the bad guy. Even when you try to debunk misconceptions and misinformation, they still want their lightening rod for their ire.
So no wonder they seem like assholes. They're just done entertaining those who will never, ever, ever see them as anything other than the villain.
But even assuming that they’re everything outrage merchants have marketed them as, AI in Anime on any level isn’t a win in any sense. It’s starts with subtitles, then voice acting (and we all know how authentic those sound) and soon it’ll make its way over to Japan.
Animators dying or being hospitalized because they won’t be good little cogs for the corporate machine? A.I. ain’t asking for time off. Voice Actors complaining about salaries? AI ain’t asking for pay period.
But you know what? Let CrunchyRoll invest in this. Let them try to hoard more money… and crash n’ burn in the process. Because it’ll take a popular title being subtitled with very erroneous lines to make the webs wake up. Nothing like a few Titanics to scare the straight.
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steebart · 29 days
School sucks
For the first few years of school I got straight A's and it wasn't difficult. I wasn't making mistakes, not meaningful ones, and the only way to learn is to make mistakes. When things started getting difficult and my grades started slipping I didn't know how to adapt because I never learned how to learn. I just thought I wasn't trying hard enough, so I put in more and more effort to maintain my straight A's. I skipped out on hanging with my friends because I prioritized getting my work done, and once my work was done I felt like I had to maximize my free time by doing the things I enjoyed. I thought I enjoyed video games, and I did for a little bit, but what I really enjoyed was hanging out with my friends. Videogames and the internet just happened to be the easiest way to do that at the time. As the stress grew the enjoyment I gained from playing video games with my friends diminished. It distracted me from my problems momentarily, but they were there when I was alone. Eventually the anxieties grew so loud that I couldn't even enjoy hanging out with my friends. I got angry at them, lashed out, got defensive, pushed them away.
I've pushed away so many friends. I think it's because I wasn't really thinking about them, I was using them to avoid my problems. They were distractions for me, tools, cogs in the machine, not human beings. Now that I've actually opened up to them about my problems and tried to understand their problems from their point of view, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I thought I was introverted. I thought I just didn't like talking to people, that my anxiety made me incapable of being around large groups of people. I just didn't see people who I was unfamiliar with as equal to me. I thought they wouldn't understand me, so I didn't bother to understand them. To me, they were all strangers, and I was taught to be scared of strangers. The more people I talk to and understand, the more I see how we're all the same. I see just how small my narrow my perspective of the world really was. I feel like I can understand anyone if I try, and if it isn't working, then I need learn from what isn't working and try a different way.
Communicating with someone isn't just lecturing them. You need to ask questions to learn. I was told that as a kid, and I memorized that phrase, but I never applied it to my life. I was always afraid to ask questions because I lacked confidence. I thought saying the wrong thing would make me look dumb and everyone would judge me. I was scared of other people. I was reacting like a frightened animal. The point of school is to learn. No one is dumb, we just haven't been taught something yet. I was prioritizing not embarrassing myself, pretending to be someone I'm not to be cool, over my learning. I thought I needed good grades to be successful and the only way to do that was burn myself out. It just made me miserable instead.
I never questioned why I wanted to be successful. I thought it was something I just had to do, that everyone had to do. At the time my perception of success was based in imitating the people I thought were successful, but I'm not them. I'll never be them. If I only ever strive for what they are then I'll only ever be disappointed. I need to forge my own path. I need to be confident. Ask questions. Speak up. That's the only way for me to learn. Every time I stepped out of my comfort zone and hit on obstacle, I thought it was my fault. I thought I was the problem, like I was just too stupid to understand. But no one is stupid. No one is dumb. They can understand, we just have to teach them. I didn't remember any of the stuff I was taught in school because I didn't learn how to learn. I learned how to take tests and follow directions, how to stay in line, how to pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I learned that Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. And yet I was tempted by by the apple of Eden. I trespassed others because I thought they would trespass me. I was perpetuating the system that did not have liberty and justice for all. I believed that if I just did what I was told, I would be rewarded.
Now that I realized that I didn't want "success", my priorities seem so much clearer. I don't want anything other than to do what feels right in the moment. Whenever I feel bad, it's because my body is telling me something isn't right. I was stressed in school because I was pushing myself too hard, and when my parents saw me struggling and got worried, I interpreted it as disappointment and felt even more shame. I thought I could just try harder, but the amount of effort wasn't the issue, I was just applying in the wrong way. If I feel like I'm doing the right thing then I feel no guilt, no shame. For me, dissonance was the difference between what I thought was right, and what was right for me. My parents weren't disappointed when I told them how I felt, nor were my friends. I just had to communicate it in a way for them to understand, to teach them how I feel, not just lecture them. We want the same thing, to be happy. To be a family. We can only teach others if we talk to them like they're our kin, with the intention of making them proud while not sacrificing our own values.
I believe in you. I really do.
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arcade-writing · 2 years
I could write an imagine where reader is a magical being with powers equal to the X-men character storm, but she has an advantage she has angel wings and is in love with viktor and decides to show her wings to him so viktor can help her clean it up. las, may contain smut, if you feel comfortable.thanks
Omg first request on this blog! This Is awesome!
I love the X-Men, tbh Im a giant nerd for hero movies. The X-Men series was my favourite. I remember watching the cartoons and still watch the older movies.
But anyways- lets get this started!
Tangled up
🍋 Fic
pairing: Viktor X fem!Reader
Warning: electricity kink, wing kink, canes being used how they shouldn't, blow jobs, riding, slight nipple play
Requests are open!
Hope you enjoy! I wasn't sure what kind of smut you wanted so I hope this pleases you!
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Viktor has always found you interesting. You were a recluse much like him, stuck in your own part of the academy delving further into your work. You often went on walks near the lab when something wasn't going right. Your thoughts spiraling as you tried to figure out what you were doing wrong.
That's how you met. You were pacing outside, hardly focusing on where you were until you bumped into him. Before he could even fear hitting the floor you had your hands on his waist. Keeping him still as you frantically apologized. He was in awe at your strength.
Sure, he has a meat head of a partner already but what really struck him was finding out you weren't very active. It seems your walks around were the most exercise you seemed to do.
Then it was the long jackets you always wore. It was the best way to know where you were in a crowd - always look for the long coat stitched at the back like a corset. He couldn't think of a time he saw you without it. But whilst he was curious, he didn't feel the need to ask.
And finally, what intrigued him the most was the way you could make any Machine spring to life. He tried watching your hands work many times but still can't figure out how you do it. You pull cords and rustle in the cogs and wheels before it suddenly sparks.
It was like magic.
You were a private person. He respected that as, after all, he was the same. But he was so use to being around jayce he expected you to be an open book. To where your heart on your sleeve - it startled him when you weren't. Even sky was always obvious about her feelings. Those were the people he was use to attracting but once again, you were different.
But due to your private nature he never expected to be in this situation. What situation? You had him locked in the lab, your usual jacket was thrown off and messy matted wings were drooping off your back.
"Viktor-?" You asked, fiddling with your fingers.
"you need...my help?" You nodded in response. His face scrunched as he thought. "These are not my expertise."
You immediately deflated at his words. "Please, I don't trust anyone more than you - I just need some assistance."
He couldn't deny that he was buzzing at the sight of this new discovery. Whilst your request to help get the molting feathers stuck to you was underwhelming, it could also give him an opportunity to study you further.
He shook his head. Clearing his mind as he turned on the Hexclaw - glancing to you.
"Come sit, this will be strong enough to hold them."
"isn't that a laser?" You pointed to the hole in the hands palm, stepping back.
"you really 'tink I would make this without giving it multiple purposes?" He raised his brow.
"I'm trusting you - if I get laser blasted in any way, I'll punch you."
Oh he was aware. Of all people to trust with this secret - you chose him. Why? He would like to consider you both close but this was unheard-of. A human with organic animal traits? He's never seen such a thing in Piltover or Zaun. But your existence showed it to be possible.
You sat on the stool, nervously watching the claw whirr to life. It clamped on the edge of your wing. Slowly picking it up until it was completely spread. You appreciated Viktors gentleness. Or atleast attempts - the claw did dig into your bone a little but it wasn't painful.
"how did it get this bad?" He asked, circling around you to get your lifted wing. He leaned on his cane as he inspected it. Trying to not get too close incase you got startled.
"I usually wear something to bind them - hence the jacket, it covers them whilst I'm in public." You sighed. Remembering the long process of getting use to being restricted. The anxiety that chewed at you when you were locked away in your lab that someone will somehow see you.
You weren't ready to be known like that. You only wanted Viktor to know. Only he could.
"But it tends to be pretty tight and messes up my feathers, I'm starting to mault and well- it just made everything tangle."
He hummed. Gesturing if he could touch, you nodded. Viktor gently tugged at the most noticeable tangled bunch. You hissed in pain as you felt it pull. He muttered an apology before shuffling to his desk. Bringing out a small comb and a smallbox. You looked at him curiously as he returned.
"I am going to see if I can de-tangle it." He pushed a chair closer to him with his better leg, sitting down right by your wing.
"what's in the box?"
"Gel, jayce got it for me since I kept knotting my hair but I've never really used it."
"no wonder its such a mess." You huffed out a laugh.
You hissed again when he used the skinny handle of the comb to pull at your feathers. Carefully pulling them apart until it no longer clumped. He rubbed in the gel, cringing at the texture and probably the fact he was using something for hair for feathers. Wasn't really the same thing. But it was all he had.
And that's how he went through with it; rubbing in the gel to any part that knotted. Using the combs handle to pull at it and used his hands to smooth it out. Dragging his nails along your wings to search for any more tangles and get out any maulting feather.
Your cheeks went pink as you could feel how gentle he was being with you. Moving your other Wing to your lap, picking at what you could and plucking out any loose feathers. You bit back the gasp that threatened to squeak out; spinning around to see what he was doing. Viktor was in his own world, twirling his hair as he dragged his nails through your feathers. Trailing his fingers towards the top of your wings, feeling the bone beneath. You shivered at his touch.
"fascinating." He muttered.
"V-Viktor?" You called.
He snapped out of his thoughts and yanked his hand away. "I was stuck in thought - I've never seen wings like yours before."
"it's fine...I was just surprised."
"I'll attend to your other Wing- if you wish."
You nodded your head. Afraid that your words will become out more desperate than you wanted. The Hexclaw dropped your now soothed out wing and he did the same thing for the other. How long did you two sit with each other? He was now more aware of what to do and was able to pick what was left with ease.
You jumped when he grabbed a fistful of feathers.
"Does that hurt?" He asked, loosening his grasp.
"a little." You huffed.
He hummed, giving it a harsh tug that made you seeing stars. Hands shaking as you choked on your moan, trying hard to not let it slip out. You turned, grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulled. Copying exactly what he did to you and he let out a noise of surprise.
"did that hurt?" You mocked.
"I see your point."
His cheeks were pink as he stood up, using the table to stabilize himself. He walked Infront of you, one hand in his pocket as he looked down. A mischievous smile on his face with a dangerous twinkle in his eye.
"I am curious, is there any other part of you part bird? Or just the wings?"
"just the wings...." Your voice trailed as you tried to keep your eyes on his. Gaze flickering down, you were now eye level to his crotch. You'd have to bend down a little to be perfect eye level but it was still tempting you regardless.
"Can you fly?"
"Yes but I've become rusty at it since coming to Piltover."
You could feel sparks on your finger tips. Your emotions spiraling as you fought back every instinct to touch him. You doubt he felt the same towards you. You've been crushing on him since your first meeting - he was pretty. And then made your feelings grow bigger by talking to you. Trying to include you when you passed by his lab.
Your eyes snapped to his hand. Refocusing your attention so he wouldn't see your struggle. It only made your thoughts worse. Watching his slender fingers curl around his cane, a tendon popping out as his grip tightened. Such delicate hands. Talented hands. You've seen his Inventions - he was a master with them.
His other hand reached out much to your surprise. Your hands accidentally smacking against each other. He cursed as he yanked his hand back, looking between his hand and yours.
"You can produce an electric charge." He pointed out.
"oh-!" You jumped up. Cursing to yourself as you tried to stop the brewing magic tingling your hands. "Im- I'm also magical."
"only electricity?"
"Well- it's more complicated than that, it's lightening and when my kind are more in control with their magic we can also cause thunder - it's difficult to control both right now."
"that's how you do it." He snapped his fingers, your whole body jolted up. Sitting straighter and looked up at him.
"do what?" You asked, tilting your head.
"Charge my inventions! here I thought you were fixing flaws in my mechanics but no, you were using your powers to give them life - which is - uhh eh- showing off but I'll forgive you."
"you caught me." You sighed.
"You are remarkable."
Your cheeks were set aflame. Taken back but his words as you tried to stutter out a remark. He left you further fumbling as he gave you his hand.
"shock me again." He insisted.
You immediately declined. Fearing for his safety.
"It's only a small spark - I'll be fine."
You wanted to question why but knowing Viktor it was something scientific. He did have a habit of disregarding his safety to satisfy his curiosity. You took in a deep breath as you conjured a light spark between your fingers, grazing his hand as he jumped.
A large grin was on his face. His ears turning red as his gaze changed. He was looking at you with an unfamiliar flicker. You felt yourself throb, you didn't even notice you leaned forward. Your hands crawling up his thigh until you heard him grasp.
"i--- IM SORRY-!" You tried to move back but he grabbed your wrist. Pulling you back to his crotch.
"You've been so good, answering all my questions, letting me handle your wings - I should reward you."
Was this really happening? Did those words really just leave his mouth. He gave you a moment; waiting for any signs to protest or reject him but you just sat there. Stunned. He slowly unbuttoned his pants, his breath stuttering as he pulled his semi hard cock from his briefs.
"Go on, take it."
You leaped forward, grabbing your hand around the base as you held his thigh with your other hand. Keeping him steady as you moved. Taking him in your mouth with a shudder. He was bigger than you expected. You swallowed as much as you could. Sinking your head down until you couldn't anymore. You could feel him in your throat already. You looked up at him as you began to bop your head. He Moaned as he held your head.
Realization hit you. This was Viktors cock in your mouth. You were sucking him off. He liked you enough to let you do this. He WANTED you to do this.
You moaned, your pace picking up as you swirled your tongue around him. Your hands shifted, one on his hip and the other grabbed his ass. He let out a groan as your nails digged into his plump rear. You thrusted his hips forward, making him fuck into your mouth.
He hunched over, his cane threatening to fall out of his grasp as he tried to move himself at the rapid tempo your head was moving. His eyes rolling back when your tongue lapped up his tip.
"im gonna-" Viktor gasped out as he tried to pull away. unsure what you wanted but you just looked at him with eager eyes. Thrusting his hips until tears stung your ears as you gagged around him. You finally took all of him and it was too much for him.
He spilled his load down your throat. Moaning as you swallowed. You drank up what you could before leaning back. Gasping for air as you watched his cock twitch. Still hard.
"Are you sure that isn't another one of your powers?" He chuckled. Stumbling to a chair to sit.
You barked out a laugh. Shaking your head. Eyes fluttering down to his cock. You rubbed your thighs together as an idea struck you. You slowly stood up and began stripping. Making sure to arch your back to show off your breasts, Swaying your hips as you started pulling down your pants.
"You were so curious about my body earlier - it would only be fair I let you examine me."
He sat up, gulping as a smile stretched out on his lips. He could feel his mouth water when you turned, spreading your legs as you bent over. Slowly pulling off your underwear to show off your slick folds. Your wings fluttered feeling his eyes trained on you.
You stood back up, kicking your clothes to an unknown corner. Turning your head to him with a grin.
"How kind of you." He smirked.
He pulled you to his desk. Tapping an empty spot and you immediately jumped up but he shook his head.
"turn around, I'm not done examining your wings."
You turned and sat on your knees. His hand went on your back, pushing you until you were laying on your stomach with your slightly ass in the air. You were giddy with excitement when you felt his hand trail down your wings.
Steadying himself against the table as he used the handle of his cane to lift and move your wing. Running it down your back until you felt it Tap your thigh.
"spread them." He ordered.
You nodded your head, spreading your legs further, lifting your ass higher. Your words caught in your throat you felt the handle rub against your folds. He balanced it so pressed against your clit. You moaned as you grinded against it.
He tugged a fist of feathers again. You groaned as you clenched around nothing. Free to express your pleasure as he dragged his fingers through them.
Every jump and shift made the handle rub against you perfectly. You were shaking as you felt your brain go fuzzy. Sparks lighting up your nerves as he yanked another fistful.
"Viktor....I'm- I'm gonna cum-"
"Already? I haven't even fucked you yet." He scoffed. Smiling as he removed his cane. You whined in protest.
Viktor just shook his head. Pulling you back and lined himself up to your entrance.
"Do you not want me to fuck you, then? I can just sit back and watch you touch yourself instead."
You shuddered as the head of his cock rubbed against your clit. God's- he was too much.
"no- please- fuck me." You whimpered, pressing against him.
You both gasped as the head of his cock pushed between your folds. He slowly sank into you, his hold faltered as he leaned against you.
"we might need to change positions." You could hear the frown in his voice.
But you didn't let that stop you. You slipped off the desk and kissed his cheek. Rushing off to grab your clothes whilst he watched with slight fear. You folded your clothes along the desk to make it more comfortable and turned back to him.
"lay down."
He slowly nodded. Following your request as he adjusted his position. You took your time to make sure your clothes were placed under his bad knee and tailbone. His face was red as he laid there.
"thank you." He smiled. Kissing your hand.
You felt your soul light up as you leaped onto the desk. suddenly pulling off his trousers much to his surprise. Folding them to the side and threw his briefs elsewhere. You used his trousers to add extra plush under his bad leg. Knowing a pillow would of been better but you were doing what you could for him.
You straddled his thighs, hovering just above them so you didn't add any weight to his legs. Hands trailing up until you were holding his cock. An idea popped into your head as you conjured lightening.
The shock went straight to his cock causing him to jump. He let out the loudest moan you've ever heard. Pre-cum already drooling out as his dick twitched.
"do that again-!" He barked out. "Please- please-"
You pressed your thumb to his tip and let out another spark. His back arched as he trembled. Your eyes went dark as you grabbed his vest, practically ripping it in half as the buttons clattered on the floor. He didn't expect this sudden change of behaviour. You were unhinged in your pursuit to pleasure him.
Sucking his nipples as one hand jerked him off whilst the other was pinching his other nipple. Shocking him where he was most sensitive.
He whimpered as he cummed. It splattered on both of your stomachs as he squirmed.
"i thought you wanted me to fuck you--" he tried to sound smug but he was a mess.
He gasped as you suddenly lined him up at your folds. Sinking down on his length before suddenly slamming down. Taking every inch. You threw your head forward as you leaned against his chest.
"You feel so- Cítíš se tak dobře." Hearing his mother language did something to your brain.
You sat up, keeping one hand on his chest as you bounced. Both of you too far gone to be bothered by the lewd noises that was being made between you.
"good girl- keep-" his own moans cut him off.
Your moans filled the room as your wings spasmed behind you. Stretching to full height as he jerked his hips up. His thumb pressed against your clit as he rolled and rubbed it.
"oh- Viktor-!"
You were seeing stars as you came. It crashed like a wave as your head threw back. Thunder shaking the sky as the lights flickered. Viktor whimpered as he felt overstimulation take over.
You dropped as soon as the adrenaline died. Both of you panting as his soft cock slipped out of you. You sat up once you felt your energy come back, he looked ready to fall asleep.
"hey- Viktor." You mumbled, nudging him.
He let out a noise, barely able to keep his gaze focused.
"i love you." You giggled.
"i would hope so, you were bouncing on my cock a moment again."
You both laughed as you rolled over, pulling him close to you.
"i love you aswell, my dear." He kissed you, deep and meaningful as the lights finally turned back on.
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wanndavision · 3 years
show you the stars - tony stark
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PAIRING: Tony Stark x Kid!Reader; Avengers x Teen!Reader
CONTENT: Angst; Death; Set in Age of Ultron (although i changed a few things lol); Dad!Tony content (but sad); Unedited
A/N: honestly, i don't know what i think about this. i enjoy the concept, but idk if i executed it properly. anyway, enjoy!!
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Tony Stark wasn't a very sentimental guy. At least, it never seemed like he was. It always felt as if he had other priorities, other things that took up his mind that weren't useless memories.
No one knew, however, just how much of a sap Tony truly was. He's a man with a striking intelligence, so not only could he keep as many memories as he wanted, he could hide it very well. One moment, years ago, has never left Tony's mind since the night it happened.
"How do the stars stay in the sky?" you turned to him, eyes wide as ever as you awaited an answer. He bit back a smile.
"You tell me," Tony leaned back on the grass. You followed him, copying his every move as you always did. "How do you think they stay up there?"
He was told to challenge you; make you think for yourself. He almost scoffed when he read that in the parenting book he bought. Surely, a kid could already think for themselves and he knew you definitely could, with or without his help. Still, he implemented it, challenging you when it almost wasn't needed, when it wasn't important -- when there was no pressure to be right. He knew too much about that to force you to go through that at such a young age.
Your eyebrows were furrowed together and Tony could swear he could see the mini-cogs turning in your head.
"I think they stay there because they want to." you said finally. Tony wasn't sure how to respond.
He looked at you curiously. "Care to explain?"
"I think...they like it up there. I know I would," you admitted. Your eyes were glued to the sky, amazement shining along with the reflection of the moon. "I wanna see the stars."
"You can see them now."
You shook your head, turning to him, face determined. "No. I wanna see them closer."
Tony smiled softly before nodding, gaze now turned to the sky. "Then you will. One day, I'll show you the stars, the whole universe, even. How does that sound, cupcake?"
You smiled widely. You hugged his arm tightly, head resting on his shoulder. And for the rest of that night, the only thing coming out of your mouth were questions and theories about what the stars looked like (up-close. You made sure he didn't forget that part).
Tony couldn't help but think back to that as he looked at you, sitting just outside of the meeting room. Ultron was loose, two unnecessarily powerful HYDRA soldiers had just beat their asses, and your safety was now jeopardized.
Tony's leg bounced up and down as his mind went over every scenario where you could get hurt, and then every precaution he could take to prevent any of them from happening.
Everyone's voices were drowned out. His mind was running at 100 miles per hour, and he needed it to run faster. For you. For your safety.
A strong hand clapped his shoulder. He turned around, looking up at Steve.
"We're heading out." Steve said. Tony nodded, looking back down at the table once Steve's hand left his shoulder. He could feel Steve's body behind him. Tony groaned lightly.
"Do you need something?"
"We won't let anything happen to them, Tony." Steve said softly. Tony swallowed and bit the inside of his cheek. He looked up at him again.
"I know you won't." With that, Steve left the room, leaving Tony by himself.
He's made plenty of promises in his life, but one he swore to himself to keep was the only one he's made to you. And he wasn't going to give up until he's shown you the universe.
You weren't even supposed to be there. You were supposed to be in a safe house, hidden, away from Tony and everyone else, protected by people he trusted. You were supposed to be safe.
He didn't know why you showed up, but you did. You did, and now you were just as much danger as he was in, if not more.
"Go, Y/N!" he yelled before being struck down by one of Ultron's soldiers. You stayed frozen for a moment, staring at him. He had always taught you to be brave, to fight for what you believed in, but right now, he needed you to just run.
And you tried. Ultron caught you before you could run out the door you came in, holding you up by your neck. Tony screamed, using one of his blasters to fend off all of the other robots attacking him. He lifted his arm to get Ultron, only to have it get knocked down again.
He could hear Ultron talking, probably to him, but he wasn't listening. All he could think about was your throat being crushed by his own creation.
He struggled to push the things off of him. Steve tried to get Ultron away from you once he saw his hold on you, so did everyone else, but it seemed they were all in the same position as he was.
Tony could barely see you beyond the soldiers attacking him. One hand was around Ultron's wrist, the other up and reaching for him. You were reaching for him. You needed him.
He sat up against the force of the machines. You needed him.
He blasted each away, one after the other, some at the same time. You needed him.
He was finally free, running to you on his injured legs. You needed him.
Your hand began to slowly fall, and it seemed as though you were getting weaker with each step he took. He sent a blast to Ultron, but it seemed to be useless the second your body hit the ground. The thud made his stomach drop, and the coloring in your face made his entire body crumple along next to you.
"You'll join them soon, Tony Stark." Ultron mused, leaving through the broken window seconds after his own words. Was that his goal? Only get you?
Tony removed his helmet along with the upper part of his suit. He cradled your head softly with his hands, lifting you up to meet his chest. His body shook. His chest hurt. You were gone.
He sobbed. You were gone.
He held you tighter, and as his body was shaking, he placed a soft kiss on the top of your head.
He could never keep his promise to you.
You would never see the universe.
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decepti-thots · 3 years
[put 💙s in my ask and I’ll tell you an AU I’ve come up with but never written.]
i am taking this meme as an excuse to talk about the time i tried to sit down and think really hard about what you'd have to do to make a faction swap AU for minimus work remotely logically. (in case anyone couldn't tell, i find this idea really interesting; trying to keep a character fundamentally the same character while still logically justifying them being on an ideologically different "side" is SUCH a challenge and i love it, lmao.)
this one will be long. haha.
it's difficult to get to that initial setup, because minimus is someone who sincerely believes that fundamentally, a core part of good morality is following the rules laid down to avoid sending everything into inevitable chaos that hurts people. even when things are unjust or wrong and still "allowed" under the system, his instinct is to find ways to do it "right" within those confines, not to object to the strictures that allow that injustice to exist period.
but i don't think it's impossible to imagine him breaking with that under extremes; strictly speaking, when tyrest was changing the accord/law to allow all his awful bullshit, on luna-1, that was also fully allowed within the system as it was set up. tyrest was, strictly speaking, entirely within his rights to just rewrite the law to make all that objectively evil shit he was doing "allowed". and minimus blew his head off for it when it became clear just how unacceptably far he'd gone. i don't think it's an insurmountable hurdle.
so you get him in there. now what?
there are a lot of ways you could take it, but i think an interesting angle would be that the decepticon army does not have a lot of beauracrats, and could probably desperately use someone who can do that, and do it well. (i'm sure tarn would agree.) this has the added bonus of keeping obsessively moralising minimus away from the worst of the gradually escalating atrocities that would inevitably lead to it becoming unacceptable to maintain his loyalty to the faction... for a time. it's something of a double edged sword for minimus right from the get-go; on the one hand, he would be a very essential part of something that is Important, and he would have absolutely severed himself from his previous life that he has such hangups about.
on the other hand, i've said before, i think an often overlooked element of minimus' characterisation is that he wants to be something bigger than himself. like, that's a huge part of the motivation for taking on the armour. it's easy to see his character archetype and slide into the obvious archetypal idea of "overly strict guy surrounded by reckless idiots wishes they could just have a nice quiet day for once, wants to settle down and do boring shit forever and not get dragged into all this", but actually, minimus put on a dead guy and went out to be a big, dramatic hero and was so distraught at the idea of that being taken away from him he had a fucking breakdown. so maybe being an important but ultimately invisible cog in an increasingly violent machine isn't actually as good a fit after all.
you can make minimus a con, but you can't KEEP minimus a con. that's just not going to be maintainable without fundamentally changing the character. so minimus as a con is minimus who defects to the autobots, and here's a concept for that: he approaches them, and while they're disinclined to trust any defector, let alone with anything of importance, they're running out of loadbearers at this point, and the magnus armour has been empty for a while. it's starting to cause issues. they strike a deal to get him out without getting him on The List: they'll fake his death, shove him in the armour, modify it to make sure if he steps one single toe out of line it'll turn on him, put him under tyrest's extremely close watch, and in return he's their enforcer, with more inside knowledge of the decepticons' movements than anyone, and so he's very, very good at tracking them down.
they probably figured with the way they were burning through magnuses, they wouldn't have to deal with the balance of risk vs reward for very long. unfortunately for them, minimus canonically far outlasted literally every other bearer of the armour, so that didn't wind up being the case.
(one of the concepts i discussed with friends way back when vaguely spitballing this idea was the idea of him as a handler of sorts at some point- specifically, because i think their antagonism is REALLY interesting and underutilised in canon, i was interested in him at one point potentially being a handler for deadlock. that's not a *necessary* thing for this, but given deadlock's defection, it's interesting. minimus meeting drift on the LL and partly hating him so much because deadlock WOULDN'T defect until much, much later? hm.)
for minimus' part, the guilt he'd have at having fucked up so spectacularly with joining the cons would absolutely bring his zealotry about e.g. the code and proving himself to tyrest just up to 11. minimus as magnus has to be the most autobot an autobot can possibly be, and he can absolutely never be minimus, who aided such terrible things, ever again.
the reason i've never committed to writing this despite clearly thinking about it a lot? i just think actually nailing that knife edge balance of not going "ok well for the sake of making it work i'll just fudge the characterisation a little" would be. possible, but very hard. and i am not up to that level of scrutinising my own work right now. haha. but. maybe one day. who knows.
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loominggaia · 2 years
With how bad of an alcoholic Glenvar is what would it take to get him to quit? What kind of event would be so significant enough would be needed to get him to finally quit the drink and sober up?
Damn, good question...Actually I don't think there's any one event that would make him decide to quit. There's a reason he drinks the way he does, and until that reason is addressed, he's always going to have some kind of addiction to cope with it--whether it's alcohol or not. Let's look at that for a minute:
In Flopper and the Whopper, we find out that Glenvar started drinking as a teenager shortly after he left home. He drank to cope with his shitty fishing job and the belief that there was nothing better out there for him. He even expresses apathy towards suicide in that story because he doesn't see a future for himself beyond being a faceless cog in a capitalist machine.
Glenvar has a line in "From the Ashes" where he says he doesn't know what his father's face looks like. He claims it doesn't bother him, but then takes a big gulp of booze afterwards, hinting that it bothers him more than he lets on. It seems like a throwaway line, but it actually gives a good bit of insight into why the guy drinks. Ancestry is extremely important in his culture. The fact that he never knew his father is something that has always caused him grief.
On top of that, he's mentioned in at least one story that his mother never hugged him or taught him how to deal with his emotions, which is why he deals with every situation by cracking jokes and not taking anything seriously. He doesn't know what else to do. Getting drunk makes it easier to laugh and dulls the anxiety of whatever bad thing is happening to him. His mother was fairly abusive--not out of maliciousness, but because she herself was traumatized and couldn't bring herself to be tender with anyone, including her own children. So she'd discipline him by yelling and hitting him instead of talking things out. Needless to say, this took a toll on his self-image quite a bit. He doesn't think very highly of himself.
So the short of it is...Glenvar drinks because it's the only way he knows how to cope with hardship. If he were to quit alcohol, it's very likely he'd just move on to some other harmful coping mechanism like drugs, binge-eating, etc.
In order to really quit, he would have to learn real coping skills. He would need some serious therapy to address all the traumatic shit he's been through in his life, and help him process it in a way that's healthy. Because as of now, he's just kind of distracting himself from it by being drunk all the time.
Ideally he'd replace the drinking with a healthy habit, like a constructive hobby. I think it's definitely possible for him to sober up, and he does admit that he has a problem, but at this point in the series I think he's too scared to take the first step in actually addressing it. He hates that he drinks, but it's the devil he knows.
That's just my take.
Lore Masterpost
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danmills-blog1 · 5 years
Hunter: A Horizon Zero Dawn short story
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A chilling wind howled and swept in from the north. Leafs in nearby trees danced and swayed to the melody of their song. The orange, decaying appendages rustled softly in the cool zephyr, breaking the silence which had cascaded across the valley. Dark, rolling clouds loomed overhead shrouding the world from the glory of the sun's warmth and protectionu. I had always found autumn to be the most calming of the seasons. It was a time after the excitement of summer and a prelude to the grinding halt of winter. In autumn all things began to shut down, a silent lullaby that lulled all things living to find rest. But in a world such as this, rest and reservation resulted in death. On a gently sloping hill overlooking a glade I sat silently as the world rolled by. But I was neither without purpose nor my settlement chosen without reason. A low pitch warble caught my attention, almost like a mumble of some unknown dialect, as a grazer stepped into view. Standing on four, spry and limber legs this amalgamation of steel and synthetic muscle walked leisurely through the emerald grass which blanketed the valley. A single, glowing azure eye protruded from its skull. Monitoring, detecting, searching. Finding no determinable threat the lean machine dipped its head down into the grass, clueless and vulnerable.
Now was an opportune chance to strike and I knew my window was brief. Unfurling my bow from its confortable position slung over my shoulder and shifting onto one knee I could feel anticipation swell fiercely in my chest. Everything I have learned has led to this moment. A single shot to prove my mettle as a future hunter of the tribe. Drawing an arrow from the quiver and pulling its slim shaft against the bowstring. I was careful not to pull it too taunt in fear of it snapping and ruining my hunt. Pulling back I could feel the tufts of goose feather at the end of the shaft, dyed red with the blood of past kills, tickle against my cheek. Holding still, eyeing up the bounty below, I recall my father's teachings and the vast wisdom he had bestowed upon me as a boy. My eyes scanned the grazer, its head still buried in the swaying blades. Examining its slim, steel frame I found its weaknesses I knew I could exploit. Four canisters, sitting at an angle, rested at its hip. Each filled close to the brim with a mucus green liquid. Blaze. A highly flammable substance notorious for starting bush fires all across the territory. Far too risky. Instead I aimed at the supple, synthetic fibers that stemmed from the body to the base of the skull.
Feeling confident and sure of my aim I released the arrow in one fluid motion, embracing the moment of stillness in body and mind. I could hear the dull thrum of the bowstring as the arrow soared, piercing the misty air with ferocious speed. The grazer jerked as the arrow hit home. It was a beautiful shot, a personal best. Luckily the breeze had been minimal, gently kissing my skin as it carried the sweet scent of dew and honey. But most of all it didn't jar my arrow from its course. The grazer collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud, convulsing and thrashing as it drummed a tattoo on the ground with its death throes. An ear-splitting shrill emitted from the dying husk as stillness took over. There was always something satisfying about taking down a machine. Unlike most animals that perished with a single arrow, two if necessary, a machine was far more tenacious and challenging. A worthy adversary for even the most seasoned hunters. Descending from my vantage point I slid down the rugged, stony face of the hill, dislodging pebbles as I went. Reaching the foot of the incline my mind began to ponder the ambiguity of the metal devils that roamed the territory. My fascination towards them had been the topic of rumor and suspicion among my fellow tribesmen. But I could never fault them, it was human nature to fear what one couldn't comprehend. But my curiosity had always outweighed fear and apprehension; nothing could quench my endless thirst to derive more knowledge and insight from these metallic monsters.
The grazer was dead before I could get to it, the azure shine of its single sensor had faded to black. Lifeless and cold. The gashes it left in the ground as the life faded from added a simplistic game for me to play; carefully walking along them like a performer on a tight rope. Drawing a skinning knife from the scabbard strapped tightly to my thigh. Surgically removing the synthetic fibers that that bound the beast's neck and other limbs to the body, I began rummaging the underbelly of my kill, searching to remove anything of value to sell once I returned home. Springs, sprockets, cogs, gears. For something to have such an intricate amalgamation of moving parts, of fundamental attributes but not to have a beating heart was why many cynical elders believed these things not alive. But they are alive! They may not have the characteristics of a badger or boar but they too feared death. It was ironic, a machine being alive.
Storing all collected valuables into a bag I departed the scavenged cadaver of my fallen prey and began to make my way eastward, towards home. The sun was scrapping the tips of far off mountain peaks, ushering in the dark of the night, my queue to leave. 'The dark was dangerous' my father would tell me as a scared little boy, full of monstrous terrors and ferocious machines that could disembowel a wary hunter that strayed too far from the beaten track. His lessons were my most valuable possessions; no machine carcass could provide anything of substantial worth that could ever juxtapose them. Tall grass swayed to the calm rhythm of the evening breeze, brisk as it was peaceful. Crickets chirped in the distance, speaking a foreign, indecipherable tongue. A dialect that puzzled yet amused me. It was a silent night, no signs of people or machine disrupted the bliss that encapsulated the wilderness. But like the grazer I too was clueless and vulnerable. A low, guttural growl broke the silence, from what direction I could not find the origin of the sound; growing louder and louder with each passing second. A cold sweat broke out all over me, glistening beads of salt rolled down and around the contours of my figure. And then, my breath hitching, I caught a glimpse of something in the tree line beside me. My body frozen, my gaze fixed, I eyed the shadowy figure that obscured itself in the shade. The longer my eyes glared into the gloom, adjusting to the darkness I came to a stark realization that I was no longer the hunter, as crimson eyes glared back at me.
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