#somebody to love fanfic
prahacat · 4 months
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when the horrors catch up and you take an evening off to batch-process
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writing-fanics · 3 months
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When somebody loved me
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
You smiled as you flew through the skies with Lucifer, holding hands. Giggling and laughing, and you two flew through the skies. You loved spending time together soaring through the heavens together, dancing in the skies without a care in the world.
Every hour we spent together
Lives within my heart
And when he was sad
I was there to dry his tears
You wiped away his tears and smiled at him, hopefully as he sniffled. He placed his hand over yours and leaned into your touch. He looked at you and smiled, he was lucky to have you by his side.
And when he was happy, so was I
You giggled, as he showed you his magic and his wondrous ideas your eyes lighting up in wonder. You wanted nothing more than his dreams to become a reality.
For you to be by his side to help him achieve his dreams. Because you loved him more than anything. He sat down beside you and placed your head on his shoulder, your hand over his closing your eyes as he gently rubbed the back for your hand.
When he loved me
Through the summer and the fall
You giggled as you jumped into a pile of leaves, like a little kid. Leaves falling around you as you jumped in the giant pile of leaves. Lucifer watched you with a smile, you were always so carefree and filled with joy.
We had each other, that was all
Just he and I together
He kissed you on the lips as the leaves fell around you. You giggled, as you kissed him back wrapping your arms around his neck.
Like it was meant to be
And when he was lonely
I was there to comfort him
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close. As you comforted him running your fingers through his hair as you listened to him talk. He loved that about you how you’d listen to him. He was lucky to have you as a partner and he loved you for that.
And I knew that
He loved me
So the years went by
Lucifer seemed to start going to the garden of Eden, a lot more often you thought it was for the new creation that the angels were working on. You didn’t know but he seemed to drift away further and further, while you stayed there on that hill waiting for him after finishing work.
When he would come back he’d be tired, and barely wanna spend time with you leaving you feeling understandable yet sad.
I stayed the same
But he began to drift away
You sat there alone on the hill sadly, Lucifer was becoming busier and busier. Slowly drifting further and further away, spending less and less time with you.
Before you could even speak he swiftly left you there standing alone, your hands falling to your side.
I was left alone
Still, I waited for the day
When he'd say, "I will always love you"
Lonely and forgotten
It was your anniversary and he still hadn’t returned, you missed him. Yet you were hopeful waiting for him everyday as he spent time in the garden, doing who knows what.
Never thought he'd look my way
And he smiled at me and held me
You say there alone hoping that he'd come back to you, and you'd feel his arms around you. But he was busy doing whatever he was doing. You missed him, and as you played with the ring around your finger. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
You smiled as he hugged you and you closed your eyes, smiling at the familiar warmth. That you so greatly missed, you nuzzled your head into the crook of your neck. You didn’t want to let go thinking that he’d leave you again. You didn't know this hug was a hug goodbye.
Just like he used to do
Like he loved me
When he loved me
You stared at him with a blank stare, as he was beginning judge for his actions. His crimes against Heaven, for bringing evil into the world. Because of him wanting to give free will to humans.
When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
As you stood there, your mind in a complete state of shock, you found yourself unable to process everything that was happening around you.
The words he spoke seemed to echo in your ears, but they didn't quite register in your mind. All you could do was stare at him, your heart aching with the realization that he no longer loved you in the same way that he used to.
Every hour we spent together
Lives within my heart
The memories of the past flooded your mind, and you couldn't help but wish that you could go back in time and relive those beautiful moments when his love for you was pure and unadulterated.
Despite the pain, your heart continued to beat for him, and you knew deep down that you would always love him, no matter what.
As the weight of everything you were experiencing became too heavy to bear, your eyes began to fill with tears and a lump formed in your throat as you tried to swallow.
You found yourself sitting alone on top of a hill, your knees pulled up to your chest as you sobbed uncontrollably.
The tears streamed down your face, leaving behind a trail of sadness and despair. You looked around, but there was no one to comfort you, no one to dry your tears, and no one to share your pain. The world seemed bleak and hopeless, and you felt lost and alone, drowning in your emotions.
When he loved me
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penny00dreadful · 1 year
Can't start another WIP she said, bitch she fuckin LIED. Personal Assistant Steve to Rockstar Eddie snippet. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 AO3
Smoke curled lazily above them in the slightly chilly night air. Neither of them had bothered to put any clothes back on but they were still warm enough from previous activities so it didn’t really matter.
The guy, Jake? John? James? J- Julian! That was it. Julian was standing next to him just out of arms reach now that the horny haze between the two of them had worn off.
Eddie supposed that was to be expected.
The poor guy probably had no idea if he was about to be booted unceremoniously out of a rockstars luxury hotel room after crashing together under a fog of uppers and thumping music at the after party before they both had quickly fumbled their way into Eddie's bed for the night.
He had no idea if fuckin' security or some shit was going to burst through the door and drag him out half or fully naked now that Eddie was done with him.
And it probably hadn't helped that they had been walked in on, they'd barely been in the room a minute before Steve came looking for him, talking a mile a minute about tour schedules and pre-approved interview questions before he'd realised he was looking at Eddie practically humping the guy against a wall.
They'd stopped when Steve walked in obviously but it had been pretty clear what they were doing and Steve, ever the professional had just rolled his eyes and told Eddie he'd be back in the morning.
Julian clearly had no idea if he was safe here now that the deed was done but Eddie wasn't an asshole. He could be a bit callous all right but he wasn't opposed to his hook-ups hanging around for a little bit if they seemed like cool enough people. And the guy seemed nice enough so he didn’t mind letting him stick around.
Julian sighed a little heavily and ran a hand through his muddy blonde hair. “I feel kinda bad now.”
Eddie turned his eyes over to him. “About what? The sex?” He pulled in a drag from his cigarette.
“No!” Julian answered quickly. “No, the sex was great, really. I mean about your... Your assistant? Probably not the easiest thing for him to see.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Eddie shook his head. “Steve’s seen much worse, believe me. The stories that man could tell.” He laughed. “It's not the first time he's walked in and it probably won’t be the last but he’s practically immune to it at this stage. He’s dragged me by the hair out of celebrity drug dens, parties… he’s pulled me out of more orgy piles than I can count so you know… no skin off his back. ”
“That’s not really what I meant.”
“What then?”
Julian grimaced and glanced down with a look somewhere between guilty and sad. “You really don’t see it?”
Eddie ashed out his cigarette, shrugging and headed back inside. He wanted to get back into bed, his feet were cold and his body was aching from the show he’d just performed. Honestly he could do with as much sleep as humanly possible but he hadn't any idea what the guy was talking about. He'd meant what he'd said, Steve had seen him in just about every position it was possible for a person to be in pre-sex, mid-sex and post-sex. This was nothing new to him.
Julian followed him back inside and hovered awkwardly at the end of the bed, trying to pick his words and unsure if he should be picking his clothes back up from the floor or getting back into bed.
Eddie pulled the corner of the covers back. “I’m not going to kick you out, you can stay if you want or you can go. Up to you.”
Julian bit his lip but crawled in regardless, lying down to face Eddie. The darkness of the room and the way the two of them were lying facing towards each other felt like some kind of confessional.
“He’s clearly in love with you, dude.”
Eddie couldn’t help the full on belly laugh that came out of his mouth. “Steve?!” He asked incredulously. “No way, man. He’s my P.A. and one of my closest friends. Plus the guy is straight as an arrow. Your gaydar must be off or something.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Well… I mean… look at him!”
Steve was… he was the straightest looking man around. All business suits, perfectly styled hair, slightly out of date glasses and ex-jock charisma and physique.
Julian didn’t answer, just cocked an eyebrow at him.
Eddie huffed. “Yeah, okay, I’m stereotyping but like… he fucks women.”
“You fuck women.”
“But you still do.”
“Okay… but… he… listen I know Steve, alright? The guy isn’t in love with me.”
Julian shrugged. “I dunno, man. I’m not trying to be an ass, I swear but it was very obvious… to me I guess.” He sighed again then muttered “Maybe I’m just very familiar with that look.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah." He tucked his hands under his head. "See it every time I look in the mirror.”
“Oh. Well shit. Who’re you breaking your heart over?”
“My best friend. Danny.”
Eddie hummed, rolling onto his stomach and shoving his arms under his pillow, rubbing his cheek against the fabric. “Tell me about him.”
Julian broke into a wide but bashful smile, so bright it was practically lighting up the dark room though it was sharply undercut with just a hint of melancholy.
“He’s the most loving, giving person I’ve ever met. He’d only just turned eighteen when both his parents died and out of nowhere he’s got three younger siblings that are now in his care and the guy barely knew how to look out for himself, you know? He once tried to microwave an egg to cook it. But he really stepped up. He grew up. Like, can you imagine being eighteen and having to go to parent-teacher meetings when you’d only just left school yourself and trying to teach his kid brother how to shave or talk his sisters through puberty… he’s just so… you know?”
Eddie wasn’t really sure he did know. This Danny person made him think of Steve, serial adopter of anyone even remotely younger than him. Sometimes older than him, if Eddie was to count himself. The kind of person who seemed to make it their life's mission to take care of others. He could see the appeal of Best-Friend-Danny, honestly. Steve probably had better hair though. He always had better hair.
“And Danny’s straight?”
“No.” Julian frowned. “He’s not. And I don’t know if that makes things worse. Because he could choose me. But he never has. Over and over and over again, he hasn’t chosen me. He probably never will. And I need him in my life. So I’ve learned to deal with just friends. It’ll... It'll be good enough.”
“Fuck, that’s heavy. I’m sorry man, sounds like it sucks.”
“It does suck. Sucks dick and balls, actually.”
Eddie allowed himself a little giggle at that but the whole situation had wound itself around his brain. Not for the first time he was forced to remember that there are other people out there, other people like him and other people nothing like him who use music, use sex, use drugs and drink and anything else they can get their hands on just to alter their minds for a few hours. Just to forget and get away from it all. Unfortunately this poor guy seemed stuck in the kind of tragedy poets have been writing about for hundreds of years.
They didn’t share any more words, both dropping off to sleep fairly quickly, lost in their own thoughts.
The next morning they shuffled around each other, lazy and easy now that any post-sex awkwardness had left, grumbling and sore from the show, the various substances they’d ingested, the after party and the sex from the night before.
They took turns in the hotel room's quite frankly obscenely fancy shower.
Julian slowly pulled his clothes back on, wincing whenever he had to bend his back while Eddie made it easy on himself, just throwing on his usual ancient and ratty lounging clothes.
The things Julian had said to him the night before were all but forgotten. Because it wasn't even something that was worth considering in Eddie's mind.
Steve? In love with him?
It was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard in his life. Steve was like some kind of clean cut poster boy for straightness.
Even if he wasn't straight they'd just be downright incompatible in every other sense of the word. He was punctual, a morning person, he exercised for fun, he watched sports, he was a bitch and he was always so put together.
Eddie... Eddie was none of those things.
Maybe he could be a bit of a bitch.
Plus, even if it was true and that was a big if, Eddie wasn't in love with him back, so like...
Nothing would ever come of it anyway.
Just before Julian left, Eddie beckoned him back over.
The kiss wasn’t romantic, or heated. If anything it was downright platonic, like closing the book on their short story together.
“For luck.” Eddie smiled and patted him lightly on the chest, watching as Julian turned and left the room, his own small smile on his face.
It was nearly a half an hour later and Eddie was really getting into whatever episode of Real Housewives he’d stumbled upon, he wasn't sure, when Steve walked through the door, carrying a large and violently pink strawberry frappuccino with him.
Eddie made greedy, grabby hands at it from his lounged position on the bed. “You’re a saint.” He said, snatching it up.
“I’m aware.” Steve replied with a dry tone, hands on his hips.
Eddie gulped back two bitingly cold mouthfuls. “No, seriously, you’re the best thing to ever happen to me I swear to god." He gulped down another mouthful, ignoring the sharp throb in his teeth. "You gonna watch?” He gestured to the tv. “I think we’re a few episodes behind.”
Steve scoffed. “While I’d love nothing more than to sit on your dirty sex sheets, I have an actual job to do. Y’know, I have to organise your whole damn life-”
“Excuse you, I have an actual job too!”
“Drugs are not an actual job, Eds.”
“Tell that to a pharmacist.”
“Whatever. Drink your disgusting sugar and cream concoction and try not to get into too much trouble today. We're back on the tour bus at 6am sharp!” Steve started slowly backing towards the door, pointing at him. “And do not watch ahead from the last episode we saw together. We’re catching up on it over the weekend.”
“Can’t make any promises.”
Steve’s hands were back on his hips again and Eddie smiled around his straw.
“You’re the bane of my fucking existence, you know that?”
“Yeah, yeah.” He waved his hand. “Love you too, sweetheart.”
Something flashed across Steve’s face, there and gone before it ever settled. A tightening of his mouth, a clench in his jaw, a pinch in his brows, there and gone. Maybe if Julian had never said anything, Eddie wouldn’t have noticed. Maybe if the thought hadn’t been primed he wouldn’t have seen it.
How many times had he not seen it before?
Steve rolled his eyes, as bitchy as ever. “I’ll be back with the car in an hour. Try to look somewhat human by then, please?” He didn’t wait for an answer, turning on his heel and slamming the door behind him.
It was probably nothing…
Part 2 out now! Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 AO3
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yikes-ajax · 7 months
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I dont have a clever and witty sarcastic comment tonight, I just think she's cute
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belladonazeppole · 4 months
(In)correct Royalflush Quotes
Lucifer: As top in this relationship, I think we should- Husk: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me. +++ Charlie: Angel, you'll be working with Husk and Dad. Angel Dust: Alright! My fantasy threesome! Everyone else: *blank stares* Angel Dust: ...Of people on a team. +++ Alastor, trying to manipulate Husk: Lucifer doesn’t deserve you. Alastor: If he don't treat you right by now, you're gone. Husk, knows that Alastor is full of shit: I'm gone. Alastor, handing him a knife: Now go chop his dick off! +++ Niffty: I like your top, Husk! Lucifer: I have a name, you know. Husk: *sighs* Why. Why are you like this. +++ Charlie: So, what is my dad to you? Husk: The reason I wake up every morning. Charlie, gushing: That’s adorable! Lucifer earlier that morning, barging into Husk′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!! +++ Lucifer: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it. Husk: What- how? Lucifer: You’d be like “come to bed … Mr. President” and I’d be like, “I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.” +++ Lucifer, sweating: Husk, there’s something I need to ask you- Husk: Finally! You’re proposing! Lucifer, shocked: How’d you know? Husk: Lucifer, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner. Husk: I even picked it up once. +++ Husk: Is there a cactus where your heart should be? Angel Dust: What’s up your ass this morning! Lucifer: *walks in* ...Hey. Angel Dust: Hmm… nevermind. Husk, blushing: WAIT NO!
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manufacturedrainbows · 3 months
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My Fabian fanfic is going great so far
EDIT: Fanfic is up on ao3 now! ✨️
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transmascutena · 2 months
(a very quick and unpolished thing i wrote on the bus home today)
Utena, Anthy, and a conversation about love. Around 500 words.
“I loved him,” Utena says. She feels vulnerable admitting it, staring at the ceiling rather than at Anthy curled up at her side. “Not… not in the way he tried to convince me I did. But…” she sighs at the feeling of Anthy's fingers moving gently up and down her arm. “But I did love him.”
Anthy is quiet, and Utena can tell she’s waiting for her to say the next thing, the logical conclusion to this line of thought. It’s the hardest part to admit to herself, let alone to someone else. Let alone to Anthy.
She takes a breath. “Sometimes I feel like I still do.” Anthy exhales against her shoulder.
“Love is,” Anthy starts, then stops. Utena feels her shake her head. “It’s not… enough, on its own. I loved him too. I still do. I think I always will.”
Utena squeezes Anthy’s hand in the dark, and for a while they simply listen to each other breathe. “I’m not sure I even know what love is,” Utena says. “I definitely didn’t, growing up. But I wanted it, more than anything. He knew that. He offered it to me, and he knew I would do anything to keep it.”
“Family,” Anthy whispers, her mouth still pressed against Utena’s shoulder.
“Yeah. Family.”
They’re both quiet for a while, aware of the weight of the conversation. The entirety of what used to be their world, all contained in that single word.
“Do you think…” Utena starts to ask, but hesitates. She doesn’t want to say the words, and doesn't want to hear Anthy’s answer.
“What is it?”
She shakes her head. “Nevermind. It doesn’t matter.”
“Everything matters,” Anthy says simply, but in a tone that tells Utena that she doesn’t have to say if she doesn’t want to.
She sighs. “I just mean, it doesn't change anything. It doesn’t make what he did… better. But I just wonder,” and she has wondered for years now, “I wonder if he loved us too. If any of it was real.”
Anthy wraps an arm Utena’s middle and touches her scar lightly. “He did,” Anthy says, confidently enough that Utena doesn’t question it. “It was as real as anything was in that place. But like I said, love is… It’s not an inherent good.”
“No,” Utena mumbles. “And he hurt us in spite of it.”
Anthy catches Utena’s eye for the first time since the conversation started. “He hurt us because of it, Utena.”
“Oh,” Utena breathes, turning her eyes back to the ceiling. She lets that revelation settle in her chest, but doesn’t know how to feel about it. She was right that it doesn’t make any of it better. She’s not sure whether or not it makes it worse.
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jokerislandgirl32 · 3 months
The Urge To Lean Over And Kiss Him Is Real…
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Can you imagine it? Because I can 🥰…
You could start by kissing his exposed neck and work your way up to his beautiful lips. The sunlight shining on his face as you close in for the kiss, he’d be smiling throughout the kiss, maybe giggling from the intimacy of the moment. He’d likely throw his arms around you and pin you to him in a bone crushing embrace. Tangling his hands in your hair (or gripping your scalp if you do not have hair 😊), and you’d be doing the same to his gorgeous locks. And when you’d finally pull away, you would both be breathless. You’d stare down at him, and he’d stare up at you. The sunlight reflecting on his face making his green eyes glitter with pure joy…
I hope you guys enjoy thinking about this as much as I have 😉!
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fischiee · 4 months
someone tell me why every yorkalina fic explains away the lighter thing as york being a smoker and carolina tries to convince him to stop by taking/being given his lighter...
you're really going to tell me the girl thats hardened by war at 24, has the world's most damaging relationship with her father, and has an addictive obsessive personality ISN'T a smoker like come on...
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chrollohearttags · 1 month
on one hand, them banning tiktok is yet again another means to control and silence ppl from sharing real-time information on situations such as Palestine. Not to mention all the people who are losing their income (this is why Patreon and supporting creators externally is important) but on the other hand?….good riddance. it’s been fuck that app for a while now.
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
When they start dating Sanji finds comfort in the assumption that Usopp has never dated anybody else either. Kissed anybody else. Lost his virginity yet. Because Sanji hasn't, and he just assumes Usopp can't possibly know more about relationships than him.
But Usopp grew up with Kaya until he was 17. And he has done all of those things. So now Sanji is even more nervous about all of this, but Usopp doesn't seem to be more relaxed, either? And it's so confusing. So while Sanji panics about all the firsts they have yet to have together, Usopp does the same.
So Sanji is kind of like "Why are YOU nervous?! You're the one who has done all this shit already I- I don't even know where to start!"
"But it's the first time I do them with YOU. "
We often forget they're canonically anxious teenagers who really really really don't know anything about love and they have to experience these things together. And I find that beautiful.
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capversen1 · 5 months
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i love drawing fanart for my own fanfic!!
fyi: the lil marks on Anthony's hands are arsenic poisoning scabs, and death by arsenic poisoning was popular during the 1950s in Britain :P
- ashley
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penny00dreadful · 1 year
Somebody To Love - Part 2
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 AO3
Like most things in life, trying to make something appear sexy on camera was decidedly very unsexy in practice. Case in point, the repeated motions of trying to look sultry and brooding and sexy in front of a camera and crew that just made him feel goofy.
Steve slapped Eddie’s hand away from his face.
“Stop fiddling with it.”
“It’s irritating!”
“Because you won’t let it dry!”
Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes, continuing to pace up and down the makeup room.
It had been weeks since that hookup with Julian and their tour had finally ended. Eddie had tried to see what Julian had seen, what he'd seen the following morning, he really had tried but he could never find it. Steve looked at him like he’d always looked at him.
He still bitched Eddie out whenever he got too fucked up, he still snatched up his drugs when he thought he was getting in too deep and flushed them down the toilet like an asshole and still dragged him out of bed, unceremoniously dumped him into a hotel shower and hosed him down without mercy whenever he needed sobering up to appear in public.
Because that was Steve’s job. And not only was it is job, Steve was a good friend. A great friend even. To the point that they often forgot they had an employer/employee relationship. Steve could quit tomorrow and Eddie was pretty sure they’d still be hanging out on the weekends or travelling back to Indiana in the summer for the Hoppers-Byers barbecues. Steve would still call to check in on Wayne whenever Eddie was too busy or fucked up to get the chance.
Because he was a good friend. One of his closest confidants. Because yeah, Steve did love him as a friend. And Eddie loved Steve as a friend.
Eddie brought his hand up to his face again, already forgetting he wasn’t supposed to touch which only led to another sharp slap. There was fake blood trickling out of his mouth and smeared across his jaw but it was fucking tickly and irritating the ever loving shit out of him, only adding to his heightened anxiety.
They still had a whole day of shooting left to do but they’d gotten most of the fully clothed dark and brooding closeup B-roll of the band done. Draped over thrones or hiding in the shadows of alleyways with a fog machine in the corner or playing their various instruments in the middle of a graveyard that smelled like styrofoam and the kind of dust that always clung to studio lights. 
They were shooting the music video for their newest single ‘Sucker’, a song about sucking blood which was an extremely thinly veiled metaphor for going down and the latest in a long list of filthy songs he and the boys had penned over the years.
The concept for the music video was a whole Victorian gothic vampire blood drinking thing where each of the boys had a ‘victim’ to paw at and mouth all over and that was fine, really. They’d met their extras and the three girls that were acting against Jeff, Grant and Gareth were sweet but very professional in what they were doing which helped put the boys at ease. Because no matter how big and famous they got they were all still smalltown awkward nerds at heart. The guy they’d brought in for Eddie was slightly less professional but very, very good at acting the part of a vulnerable subby boy for Eddie’s vampire persona to suck dry.
And it hadn’t hurt that he’d slipped Eddie his number for a hookup later that night, so there was that to look forward to.
But the main centrepiece for the music video was the one that was giving him anxiety. He and the boys would share a ‘victim’ all at the same time and it was going to be very sexual and very intense. And because two out of the four members of Corroded Coffin liked women exclusively and the other two didn’t not like women, their shared victim would be a woman.
But the issue for Eddie was, they hadn’t met her. Usually with something like this, Eddie and the boys liked to meet up with the female model or actress a few days ahead of time just to make sure everyone was comfortable, there was no pressure, find out if there was anything that she wanted them to avoid doing and figure out some kind of tap out system if it was a live performance.
But their tour bus had been delayed a couple of days and they’d only barely managed to crash land back in LA with enough time to pee before they had to go shoot, let alone check in like they wanted to.
At least tonight Eddie would be able to sleep in his own bed again for the first time in months. And if the night worked out like he was hoping it would, he’d call that guy and he’d have his bed filled for once more.
“Eds, if you try to touch your face again, you won’t get your surprise.” Steve had thrown himself down on the couch behind the makeup chair, stretched out and not even looking up at him, legs crossed at the knee, one arm thrown over the back, lazily scrolling through his phone, white shirt rolled up to the elbows and the first few buttons undone. 
So like…
They may not be in love but Eddie had eyes. And Steve was a snack and a half at the worst of times so now…
“Surprise? You have a surprise for me, love?” Eddie flapped his hands in Steve’s direction who looked as stoic and bored as he had a few seconds ago, only betrayed by the slightest curl at the corner of his mouth. “What is it? What is it?! Gimme, gimme, gimme!”
Eddie’s own black and billowing shirt that hung loosely open the whole way down, tucked into a pair of tight leather pants fluttered around him as he continued to pester Steve, the tiny clink, clink of his low hanging chains and rings only adding to the cacophony of energy building up in him.
Until a voice sounded from outside the door and Eddie froze.
“I get good grades!”
Eddie could feel his mouth drop open as Steve’s smile grew wider.
“I go to church!” The tinkling voice continued, getting closer.
“No…” Eddie whispered at him in complete disbelief. 
“I’m a cheerleader!” There, standing in the doorway, looking like the picture of Victorian innocence in a strategically low cut, sheer and flowing white sleeping gown with the biggest smile on her face was Chrissy Cunningham.
“No way!” Eddie darted forward, scooping her up into his arms and swinging her around the tiny little makeup room while she squeezed him tight, giggling into his neck. “You’re our victim?!”
“I’m your victim!” She responded, almost radiating brightness throughout the room. He hadn’t seen her since they took off on tour and she was always one of the people he missed the most. His god-damn bright bubblegum pink platonic soulmate and model extraordinaire with the acting chops to make it to the top if she ever decided to pursue it.
“How?!” He set her back down on her feet before taking her hand and twirling her, getting a good look at her costume. “God, you look so corruptible.”
“I know, right?” She batted her big eyelashes up at him. “But the girl who was supposed to play the part had to drop out so we shuffled some things around.” Chrissy gestured over at Steve whose smile had softened out into something sweeter.
“You knew about this?!” Eddie pointed an accusing black tipped finger at him. Steve just rolled his eyes and pushed himself to his feet.
“Of course I knew about this. I know everything. This is your surprise, dumbass.” He flicked Eddie on the ear as he passed by. “I’m gonna go get the boys!” The next second he had disappeared out the door.
Eddie scowled at the empty doorway before turning his attention back to Chrissy, pulling her down with him into Steve’s vacated spot on the couch.
“So tell me, how was the tour this time around?”
“Chris, you know how the tour was. I called you all the time.”
"No, Twinkie." Chrissy scoffed and shoved at his shoulder. “Steve called me all the time. You called me whenever you were lucid enough to use your phone or you didn’t have a dick in your mouth.”
“I still called, didn't I?!” Eddie pouted, trying to give her the biggest doe eyes he could manage. He was only able to hold it for a few seconds before another thought came to his scattered mind. “Actually there is something I wanted to talk to you about. One of the guys I hooked up with a few weeks back said something.”
“Do I have to fight him?”
Eddie smiled and patted her head, careful not to damage the bouncy blonde ‘slept in’ curly updo she’d been put in. “No babe. Nothing like that. He mentioned something about Steve.”
“Yeah. He said that Steve was in love with me.” He shot her a bewildered look, as if to say ‘can you believe that?’ but Chrissy barely reacted.
She just continued to watch him carefully.
Which, oh Jesus, might be the most terrifying thing to ever happen to him in his life because if Chrissy was unsurprised… so unsurprised that she didn’t even move… had she seen it too?
“Chrissy!” Jeff, Gareth and Grant burst into the room and in much the same way that Eddie had, scooped her up and swung her around with delight. The three of them had clearly been just as anxious about the coming scene as he had and were now extremely relieved to be doing it with someone they knew.
In amongst the whirlwind of greetings they were called back out to start filming again and the next time Eddie had a chance to talk to her was on set with his arms around her, pulled flush against his chest, Gareth pressed against her back with his head bent to one side of her neck and Jeff and Grant looming over either side of her with her wrists at their mouths before action was called, so… not exactly a place for private conversation. 
Eddie had to wonder if Steve had spoken to the director so he knew what to expect because by the time the five of them had broken down into giggles for the fourth time in a row, they guy wasn’t looking nearly as irritated as he should have been. 
It was a mix of all five of them being together again that made them all feel a little giddy and the fact that a very sexually charged scene was always so unsexy when it was being filmed. 
And, okay, maybe the last one was Eddie’s fault because he had to hold nasty tasting fake blood in his mouth before bringing his lips down to Chrissy’s neck, allowing it to leak out over her skin making it look like he was biting her and maybe a really badly timed giggle had caused it to spray everywhere, spattering dark red over everyone and causing the five of them to almost collapse into each other with laughter.
Once they had all managed to reign themselves in for another shot the director was watching them with his arms crossed and a contemplative look on his face.
“I’m going to be honest, I should be mad.”
“But?” Gareth asked.
“But Mr. Harrington has pointed out if we cut that shot just before it’s obvious you’re laughing, it looks like you hit an artery. There’s no way that would get past the censors for TV so he’s suggested a R-rated gore heavy version of the music video? Maybe released exclusively online?”
The five of them looked at each other for barely a second before they were all enthusiastically agreeing and volleying ideas for just how gore heavy they could go.
The director clapped his hands. “Alright! We can discuss ideas later, but we really need to get this shot done, so back on your marks and Eddie?” he pointed at him. Eddie had already had more of that fake blood tipped into his mouth (less this time, thank god, considering Chrissy was practically covered in it already) so he could only respond with a ‘mm?’
“You’re going for sultry. Give the camera a good eye-fucking this time around please?”
Eddie shot him a dorky thumbs up before sliding his arms back around Chrissy’s waist and bringing one hand up to rest in the blonde curls at the back of her head. As the director called ‘Action!’ their song was blasted through the speakers in the studio and he lowered his head.
Just as he mimed biting into Chrissy’s skin he lifted his eyes up, trying to keep his gaze as dark and wanton as possible, but just behind the camera stood Steve, looking right at him. As their eyes met, he visibly swallowed, his cheeks went pink and he bit down on his lip hard before a blank mask of nothingness slid over his face and all at once Eddie was unmoored. 
Because he recognised that face. Because he knew Steve inside and out. Or up until that very moment, he thought he did. 
Sure, it was the face Steve used in contract negotiations on Eddie’s behalf with silver spoon label executives he knew how to pander to. But it was also the face that was used when Steve wanted to keep his real feelings locked away. 
The face Eddie realised, with sudden clarity, he’d been seeing on and off for years.
Whenever Steve would have to hold his hair back over a toilet bowl or drag him by the arm out of whatever group sex situation he’d gotten himself involved in. Whenever Steve would watch from backstage, his eyes only ever following Eddie around, whenever they would invariably end up sitting closer and closer during movie nights on the couch, whenever Eddie had chosen over and over and over again to parade his choices of flings and partners in front of Steve, whenever Eddie had thrown ‘baby’ and ‘sweetheart’ and ‘love’ at him, like they meant nothing. Like they couldn’t cause damage.
But they didn’t mean nothing, had they ever meant nothing?
Had they always meant everything to him?
“Cut! Fantastic!” The director cried.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 AO3
@lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring, @child-of-cthulhu, @sweetwaterangel, @anaibis
Chrissy's lines as she comes through the door are from But I'm A Cheerleader! An iconic lesbian comedy about a high-school cheerleader who's conservative parents send her to conversion therapy when they suspect she's a lesbian which... 👀
It's a good watch but even though it's a comedy, it's still about a heavy subject matter so just proceed with caution and keep yourselves safe. 🖤
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skellagirl · 1 year
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(me, crawling out of a hole in the ground covered in dirt and blood and bruises): somebody please...... talk to me about Potion Permit................
(also go read my fuckin uhhhhh self indulgent matheo/chemist oneshot)
(descriptions in alt text)
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thetomorrowshow · 25 days
empires superpowers au masterlist (not up to date)
this story takes place about a year after the end of ‘poisoned rats’.
cw: light eye horror
He’s still new to the whole going-to-work thing. It’s kind of like school, and Jimmy had never liked school, but it’s different in the way that he’s getting paid for his work. And it’s a decent bit more enjoyable than school—he’s learning about cars, getting familiar with the inner workings of machines, and he hasn’t properly had the chance to pop open a hood since he was a teenager and would help his dad with checking the coolant and whatall.
It’s nothing glamorous, but Jimmy really likes his job—more than when he worked as a call service agent, at least. Today he’d learned how to even the weight of a motorcycle, and even though he’d pinched his fingers between the exhaust pipe and the engine, his boss had praised his efforts and let him off early.
Scott usually picks him up from work—they’ve got a second car, but Jimmy doesn’t take his driving test until this weekend so he’s not really meant to be driving himself anywhere—but Scott isn’t free for another hour, so Jimmy meanders around downtown.
He used to live on these streets, so it’s more instinct and less purpose that leads him down to the park across the block from his old apartment building—now closed, he observes, for renovations. The park is lonely at this time of day, two rusting swings hanging silently and a plastic slide gleaming in the sun.
Jimmy stops for a moment, stares at the yellowed grass and bleached plastic playground equipment. He’d never allowed himself to go anywhere near this park, a spot of joy for the kids living in the rundown neighborhood.
He can’t hang here long for risk of being chased off by some bathrobe-clad mother, accusing him of being a predator, so Jimmy turns back to the main part of downtown and heads back in the direction of the mechanic. Maybe Scott’s patrolling in the area, can show off some ice tricks.
There’s a handful of other walkers starting to appear when he makes it back into downtown proper, mostly those returning to work from lunch and high schoolers skipping out of school early. Once upon a time, Jimmy knew how to blend in perfectly with this crowd. Once upon a time, he could never stay in one place for too long.
He slides in among them just as easily as he once might have, moving at the same speed and keeping to the common footpath. He keeps his eyes down and dodges anyone coming from the other direction without issue.
Which is why it’s weird when someone runs right into him.
“Oh, geez—sorry, can I—”
“Well, isn’t it great to see you!”
Jimmy blinks, flinches as the man he’d run into slaps him on the back a couple of times. He . . . he has no clue who this is.
His mind instantly cycles through various brutes from Xornoth’s manor, but this face doesn’t match any of them. This man is a bit stocky, straw-colored hair hanging over his forehead, thin beard a bit darker in color. He’s smiling widely, even as he takes Jimmy by the hand and starts dragging him off.
Jimmy can’t help it—some strange man is pulling him away and he panics—with a snap of adrenaline—
The man jumps back, Jimmy coming with him, as a chair is thrown out of the window of the building beside them, narrowly missing them. He chuckles, taps his nose knowingly.
“You aren’t getting me with that one! Don’t worry, I just want to talk. How about in that deli?”
He doesn’t point anywhere, strangely enough, so Jimmy just glances around until he sees a deli.
All the well-trained alarm systems in Jimmy’s brain are firing, but. . . .
Now that he thinks about it, there is something familiar about this man. Maybe it’s his cadence, or his eyes—
And Jimmy realizes with a start that the man is blind, his eyes clouded over, faded scars stretching across them.
He’s shocked enough that he lets the man lead him into the deli, grab them a table, and order himself a sandwich.
That’s when he notices that the man is not only blind, but has earplugs in.
“I’m sorry,” he finds himself saying loudly as the man tucks into his sandwich, “I think you may have mistaken me with someone else.”
The man winces. “You don’t have to shout, I’m right here,” he says around a mouthful of sandwich. “And no, Tim, I know who you are.”
If that isn’t ominous. And also the wrong name, though it once again scritches at the part of his brain that finds something about this man so oddly familiar. “Jimmy,” he automatically corrects. “Not Tim. And I really ought to get going—”
“Back to Scott?”
Jimmy freezes, halfway out of his seat.
“Because I’m pretty sure he’s patrolling around the East side of the city, y’know. Unless you want to call Lizzie. Pretty sure she’s not busy at the minute.”
The man takes another bite out of his sandwich, scratches his beard.
Jimmy’s stomach goes cold. How did he—how can—it’s—
“See Tim, there’s not a lot that I don’t hear about,” the man continues. “However, there is something that I need to know, if you wouldn’t mind answering.”
He needs to get away. Fight or flight has fully kicked in, and Jimmy needs to run. Jimmy raises his hand, ready to do—something, shatter his chair or collapse the table or hurt him in some way—but the man only tsks.
“Come on then, none of that. The three of us have got to stick together, really. Wouldn’t be good to start fighting, especially with the way Nine acts.”
Slowly, Jimmy sits back down. It’s not because he’s intimidated, he tells himself. His fingers twitch. He could kill this man in an instant, and no one would ever know.
The man puts down his sandwich in its wrapper and leans in, head tilted a bit to the side. “So,” he says lowly, “did you kill them?”
Jimmy knows, instinctively, that he means Xornoth.
And it’s not intimidation that makes Jimmy answer. It’s some strange feeling that he knows this man, and cares about him. Something familiar in the line of his nose and the color of his hair.
“Yeah,” says Jimmy in the same low tone. “Yeah, I did.”
The man sits back, a wide smile spreading across his face. “Good. I figured you did, y’know, but I was sleeping when it happened. You could’ve pulled a runner, y’know? Could’ve been someone else to get them. That wouldn’t have been right, though. It had to be one of their . . . erm, what did they start calling them? Subjects?”
Jimmy swallows, then mutters an answer in the affirmative. He keeps having to remind himself that he doesn’t know this man, as familiar as he is. How does he know so much?
“Right. Back in my day, we were ‘participants’. What a joke.” The man shakes his head, then takes another bite of his sandwich. “Well, thanks for the info. I won’t tell anyone, promise—well, I’ll tell Nine, but Nine isn’t much of a talker, so it won’t get out or anything.”
“Right,” Jimmy manages. He checks his phone; Scott should be coming to pick him up soon. He casts his eyes about, trying to think of anything to say to the strange man with white scars and earplugs.
“What happened to your eyes?” he asks eventually. The man smiles ruefully, one hand going up to trace over the scars. They aren’t precise in any way, some smaller ones littered around the corners, long ones down the middle. If Jimmy looks closely, he can even see the places the irises are entirely missing along with the scar, leaving the man with cloudy white streaks through his eyes.
“Let’s just say—next time those scientists of theirs have you on the table, make sure and ask ‘em to strap down your hands,” the man says. “Not that that should ever happen to you again, but you never know, y’know?”
Jimmy feels slightly ill, staring at those scars. Most of his aren’t self-inflicted, nor nearly as visible as those. Sure, he has one across his cheek, and a small one above his eyebrow, but they don’t usually attract much attention. Scott even thinks they make him look rather dashing. He can only imagine the stares and questions this man gets on a daily basis.
The stranger finishes his sandwich, wiping his fingers off with the wrapper. He stands, tips an imaginary hat toward Jimmy.
“Well, I’ll be off. The city’s a bit loud, don’t you think? Oh, and thanks for footing the bill.”
And then he’s gone, and Jimmy sits there in stunned silence until he shakes himself, heads up to the counter, and pays.
He tries to forget about the man. As weeks pass, he moves on, his days taken up by work and Scott and his friends. And he mostly does forget about the familiar stranger, too busy to spare the mental energy needed to try and figure out who he was.
That is, until one night, nearly a month later.
Lizzie had managed to get a hold of their high school’s yearbook from when she was a senior and Jimmy a sophomore, and together with Scott and Joel they paged through it, laughing at Lizzie’s galaxy-themed outfit and Jimmy’s unbrushed hair.
They stop on the page of the soccer team, and Jimmy knows from the coos and laughs that they’re looking at him and his ridiculous hair, but his eyes are caught on a familiar face.
“Who’s that?” he finds himself saying, pointing to the boy beside him, the boy who has his arm slung around his shoulders, the boy who—in one small picture off to the side, is knuckling Jimmy’s head.
And then he remembers.
He pages through the yearbook until he finds him.
A senior that year. One of his friends, and one of the only people who tried to still hang out with him after his powers got out of hand.
He’d almost completely forgotten about Martyn.
Martyn, the dude with the new Playstation. He’d been powered—not strongly, but with some fairly average super hearing and far vision.
Jimmy thinks back to the man he’d met, blinded by his own hands, hearing so intense that he has to wear earplugs at all times.
And then he wonders, dreading the unknown answer, what kind of mistakes had been made with the experiments before his own—and who on earth Nine might be.
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Summary: Apparently, Crowley has been in love with Aziraphale for the past six thousand years, give or take. This is fine. He’s determined to be normal about this whole thing, and to not clue the angel in question in on his rather inconvenient feelings. Things have been good for them since the apocalypse-that-wasn’t— the last thing he wants to do is screw that up. And then the Bentley takes matters into her own hands. Or speakers, as it were. That’s right. Crowley can’t drive anywhere with Aziraphale without Somebody to Love playing. God, Satan—somebody, anybody, please send help.
Author: everydayistuesday
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