prahacat · 1 day
TIL that Christopher Lee voiced King Haggard in the animated adaptation of The Last Unicorn. No idea how that went past me, but pls tell me there's fanfic that honors this fact and has Dooku keeping a herd of the GFFA's equivalent of unicorns on his palace grounds. It's perfect. High society thinks the Count of Serenno wants to be extra af with his menagerie of exotic creatures, but in reality, it's because hoarding unicorns is the only thing that still gives this miserable, old man a speck of genuine joy in life. I need this.
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prahacat · 2 days
Stubbornness and unicorns
I did something, or rather this post made me do it.
I blame @prahacat 💜
I'm actually grateful, because it finally got my stubborn muse in gear to work on a story that has been haunting my brain for some time.
This is shameless fluff, mpreg, pregnant Obi-Wan (Anakin is the father), and Obi-Wan and Dooku having a moment in Serenno's castle garden.
And maybe there are unicorns. 🦄
Obi-Wan walked slowly along one of the many well-landscaped paths in the sprawling park surrounding Castle Serenno mindful of his condition. His stately dressed companion graciously matched his speed to his slow pace, mercifully ignoring the small sighs of frustration that escaped him, kindly lending him an arm to lean on as they made their way.
Only when they stopped in the shade of a large tree did he speak while Obi-Wan rested a hand over his bulging midsection, rubbing reassuringly over the spot where one of his children was eagerly kicking at his taut skin.
"While I'm sure it would be hopeless to tell you once again that I don't think these long walks will benefit you when you are this far along, I'm sure my words will be ignored as always," his stern-looking companion declared with an undertone of resignation.
“You are correct in that assumption,” Obi-Wan replied, flashing him one of his most charming smiles.
"As I am sure you are fully aware of, it is a well-known truth that stubbornness is an inherited trait in your lineage, Count."
"It seems so," the older man admitted with a heavy sigh, "and please, Obi-Wan, how often may I ask you to call me Yan?"
"At least a few times more."
Count Dooku of Serenno let out a small frustrated sigh. His lineage was a constant headache that he was convinced would be the end of him one day soon.
Sensing that it would be fruitless to try to persuade his grand padawan to return to his comfortable chambers, determined as he was to wander, he chose not to argue further as they continued.
They walked in pleasant silence under the bright autumn sun who cast its glow over the wide expanse of the castle gardens that was laid out in the imposing shadow of Castle Serenno. The high, already snow-covered mountains rose in the background and in the pale blue sky above them, both moons were clearly visible, Mantero almost full where it stood low above the horizon.
The park was an oasis of green and lush life, where plants native to the planet and imported species were tastefully arranged in a well-organized style with clean lines that reflected the planet's ruler. Paths and small streams ran between tall trees and bushes, creating intricate patterns and a pleasant background sound with their muffled gurgling. In some places, large open lawns were replaced by small groves of trees, both evergreen and deciduous, in their golden, red and orange fall splendor. Beds of late flowering herbs gave off a pleasant spicy fragrance that mingled with the ripe scent of malum fruit.
Obi-Wan and Yan had just stepped into a small clearing surrounded by tall spruces when a group of slender and elegant creatures surrounded them, only slightly shy to get close to the bipedal creatures.
They were an extremely rare species, reminiscent of equus in their appearance, and thought to be extinct. But a small group still existed, their existence a well kept secret. The beautiful creatures with their gleaming pearly white skin and long elegantly twisted horns had long been sought after prey, not so much for their beauty or rarity, but because they were highly force sensitive and were believed capable of healing and granting eternal life.
Gently they nudged their soft muzzles against Obi-Wan's bulging belly, neighing low in greeting to the unborn children resting there, attracted by their innocent but already powerful signatures. Honored by their closeness and trust, Obi-Wan gently stroked his hands over their soft ears and smooth horns.
Yan also got his share of attention, though more hesitantly, as some darkness still lingered like shadows around him. But the largest stallion, his horns gleaming golden in the sun, allowed him to stroke his neck in a gesture of trust offered to the one who had originally prevented their final extinction.
Against the wishes of his former Sith Master, Dooku had chosen to save these magnificent creatures when he had tracked down the very last of their kind, starved and scared. Under the influence of his former padawan and his young apprentice, he had brought them to Serenno where they now thrived and multiplied.
Five slender foals romped playfully among the adults eagerly seeking Obi-Wan's attention.
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prahacat · 3 days
TIL that Christopher Lee voiced King Haggard in the animated adaptation of The Last Unicorn. No idea how that went past me, but pls tell me there's fanfic that honors this fact and has Dooku keeping a herd of the GFFA's equivalent of unicorns on his palace grounds. It's perfect. High society thinks the Count of Serenno wants to be extra af with his menagerie of exotic creatures, but in reality, it's because hoarding unicorns is the only thing that still gives this miserable, old man a speck of genuine joy in life. I need this.
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prahacat · 3 days
WIP Wednesday
I'm working on something (finally) and I actually have a piece I want to share (awesome)
I just wrote it, so bear with the mistakes and enjoy some Obi-Wan and Quin banter from what will hopfully one day become "Do not underestimate the power of a kiss" or previously known as my unfinished Christmas fic 24kisses.
***. When Obi-Wan finally stepped into the bustling refectory, his gaze easily found his padawan in the crowd. Anakin was like a beacon in the force, his power evident even here surrounded by so many other Jedi. His padawan already had a heavily loaded plate before him, and was eagerly talking to Aayla who was listening to his eager tale with a smile.
Obi-Wan suspected that his young padawan had a little crush on the beautiful blue twi'lek.
However, before he could go further a strong arm was wrapped around his shoulder and Quin's uniquely strong scent of musk, spice and leather, plus something unidentifiable, filled his senses when the kiffar pulled him into a sideways hug, planting a wet kiss on his bearded cheek.
"Damn it, Obes, it feels like kissing an ewok!" He immediately complained. "I miss your smooth baby skin. Why did you have to grow a beard?"
Obi-Wan pushed him away, doing his best to scowl and act superior.
"Because one of us had to grow up," he replied, before smiling and hugging his friend.
"It's good to have you back."
"Glad to be back! Although it will take days to get rid of the stench of swamp.” Obi-Wan smirked at him and wrinkled his nose. "Ah, so that's the unpleasant smell. I thought it was just you." "Shoot, and here I was hoping you'd like my new odor. Guess not." Quin grinned and shrugged, his gaze falling on their padawans.
“I can see Anakin is thriving... what have you given him, growth promoter?"
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, much like his padawan had done not long before.
“No, but it looks like I am doomed to be the short one in my lineage, with the exception of Yoda of course,” he said with at long suffering sigh.
Quin laughed loudly and teased him relentlessly as they made their way to the counter, exchanging greetings with others along the way.
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prahacat · 6 days
theory on the fluidity of minds and souls
The first three acts of Asajj’s life. A how-to on finding yourself. Experimental prose, 1k words | Read on ao3
How to be a Jedi
(1) Don’t listen to the old man.
(2) Child, he says, don’t cry. Here on Rattatak, we are Jedi the best we can. Here’s how to be a temple to each other: brush the red dust from your face before you go to sleep. Brush the dust from his face too. Share the dirty water without flinching, like trusting him comes natural and easy to you. Teach him what to eat, cook for him stews of insects and herbs and if he won’t eat those, tell him you’re sorry, this is all you have. This is all anyone has. Sit and guard the fire while he sleeps; trust him to guard you while you do the same. When you move up north, don’t light a fire at night so the warlords won’t spot you.
(3) Learn to be kind.
(4) When they kill him
don’t rage
don’t rage
but don’t rage, don’t let it consume you
How to be a Sith
(1) Don’t listen to the old man.
(2) All men are liars. So are the women, so is everyone, but the men are more dangerous to you, especially the older ones. Never let him know (he knows anyway). Forget. Never look back. Don’t cry when he throws lightning at you; when you’re alone again, press your fingers against your temples to relieve the headache. Make the silence your friend. Ask questions, but don’t ask too many or the wrong ones; his anger will teach you which are the wrong ones. Watch out for his anger, but learn to watch out for his sharp-edged smiles too. If he offers you food or a weapon, take it; if he gives you a name, hunt them down. If he offers you a glass of wine, sit and drink and look for the lesson: which tool is he trying to shape you into? A blade, a shadow, a shield, a smoke bomb? Be grateful for what you have because he is offering you more power than he offered anyone else, because he thinks you can take the lessons and not fail, the way so many others did.
So this is how you will live: be wary of cups you haven’t filled yourself. Hide daggers everywhere: in your boots, under the folded cloak you use as a makeshift pillow, in your dreams. Keep the holoproj next to your bedroll, make sure it’s always charged, make sure it’s never muted. Here’s a list of essential things you need to have at hand at all times: spare energy cores for your saber, medpacs and bactaspray, stimcaf and sleeptabs, protein wafers in an osmosis pack in case you can’t swallow anything. It’s better not to stare at the stars for too long when you’re traveling. Navigation is all they’re good for. Be grateful for what you have. It’s really all you need: a place for the pain to go and a place to come home to. It doesn’t matter if they’re the same place, and if one day you should catch him pressing his fingers against his temples, pretend you didn’t see. Go skewer some boys instead. There’s that Jedi again: flirt, tease, smile at him with your dewberry-colored lips and painted eyes, so he knows you want to be here, you enjoy what you are. And if you suspect or know that he too has a list of essential things, and that his list is the same as yours, the same as everyone’s these days, don’t let on.
(3) Never forget to hate yourself.
(4) Don’t fall for the blade, it’s not your friend; it will take away everything you own. It’s very simple. He won’t protect you. You can’t protect them. Always expect betrayal; always expect loss.
And when that day comes
—it will inevitably come—
remember your grief and how it was a dull, useless knife to you.
How to be a ???
How to figure out what who you are
(1) Stay alone.
(2) Boil the water before you use it for soup. Strain it and collect the pulp, the gritty dark things you don’t know how to name. Everything tastes like ashes and dust, that’s all you know. Buy some soap and scrub your hands. If you wake with a start in the middle of the night, pressure crushing your chest and your breathing quick and ragged in the quiet of your room, remember to inhale, count to four, exhale, count to four. Lie still and watch the darkness shed from the light. In the morning, roam the markets, buy something against the headache, something to hide your face, something to scrub your hands. When you walk through the streets, pull your hood low. Tell the spice dealers to leave you alone, always stop after one glass of whiskey, tell the men at the corner to fuck off. There will be days when you wake in unfamiliar places; at least try not to have two of them in a row if you can help it. Watch the sunrise. Tell no-one about your past (they know anyway; probably). Always expect betrayal, always expect loss. Forget. Never look back.
(3) Learn to be kind again.
(4) Get some credits, buy a saber; any saber you can find, as long as it’s still alive. Hold it in your hand, gently, feel the worn hilt that has passed through other hands. Were they cruel? Were they kind? Maybe. Did they protect, did they kill? Who knows. It doesn’t matter to you.
Here’s what you need to do to make this saber yours:
calibrate the focusing ring, install a strong core, toss away the parts you don’t need, polish the metal often, swing the saber daily, trust your hand again, close your eyes, listen, be patient, feel how your crystal talks to you, feel it resonate, feel it hum, learn a new language.
Yellow is a good color.
It’s going to take a long time.
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prahacat · 7 days
"Dooku Alone" has to be one of my fav Dooku fics. It changed me forever. Idk something about the concept of him hiding away from Sidious and the war on a remote planet undid me. Old man just wants to be left alone so he can garden in peace. Living the simple Ghibli movie life. Talking to his carrots like he's a fucking witch. Wistfully remembering the days when he used to be a powerful Count but alas. At least, he's safe where he is.
Yeah, the portrayal in this fic did irrevocable damage to my brain in how I see the old guy.
you know that dooku farmer fic?? i read and it and was like 'wow the old man lovers are gonna tear this to pieces' so i figured that i'd mention it to you
What Dooku farmer fic?? Anon you can't just drop this on me without elaborating
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prahacat · 8 days
*boops your nose* send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose : D
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prahacat · 8 days
5 things I like to write about
got tagged by the lovely @cocotter and just had to fill this (really like to write about the things I like to write about)
Decay. Mostly the decay of the mind, as my characters become so obsessed with an idea that it erodes their morality and drives them to make increasingly desperate and dumb decisions, often ending in tragedy. There's just something so tasty about writing a slow descent into madness. <3
Loneliness. Perhaps it's my love for introspective passages, but I tend to isolate my characters. They're stuck in remote settings, trapped in some kind of twisted reality only they experience (hello time loop horror), they feel like they have no one to really talk to, or they're just stubborn idiots who are unable to open up. Either way, they're lonely and longing for a kindred soul.
Grief. In a lot of my fics, the characters are haunted by loss, mourning either an actual death (sorry, Qui-Gon, you got fridged again) or their broken family relationships. Very often, this will be one of the few things they can actually bond over. I love to explore how they cope with their grief or find healing (unfortunately, they mostly just deal with it via 1)
Nature. This is more tricky to incorporate if you're writing fics that are set on Coruscant or aboard cold spaceships, but I love to sneak in a bit of nature-related world-building if I can. My fics will often feature descriptions of nature, cute animals, therapeutic gardening, or characters taking a stroll in nature to collect their thoughts (and I don't care about the canon stance on this, I want Dooku's palace to have gardens and greenhouses and all that pretty shit)
Obi-Wan and Dooku. Fairly obvious, I suppose :'D But the list wouldn't be complete without them. These babies are rotting my brain 24/7, there's all kinds of potential here and I'm never gonna get tired of squeezing them for tons of juicy goodness.
Tagging @rochenn @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart (if you haven't done this one already)
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prahacat · 9 days
The Sith, part two
Okay, so I'm at it again...
This time inspired by this list of prompts, although I won't be using all of them. There will be 11 parts, and I will post one each day.
Find the original master post for The Sith here.
Again, these are just glimpses of a bigger story, but I don't know it either so your guess is as good as mine.
Have fun.
The Sith part two
"You?! Why are you here?!"
Anger burned in his gut and he had to grit his teeth to keep it under control, especially when a mischievous smile was thrown his way, golden eyes flashing mockingly.
"I take it you're not happy to see me, Jedi?" The Sith said, raising his crimson blade, pointing two fingers tauntingly at him. "I was hoping we could continue our friendly 'discussion', and besides, I cannot allow you to spoil my plans."
"You will regret this, Darth," he growled, igniting his own blue saber.
The Sith just smirked at him, replying, "I doubt it, Darling, I always enjoy our encounters."
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prahacat · 9 days
Last line challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
Many thanks to @rochenn and @cocotter for tagging me!
Here's what I last wrote for do not long for anything, an angsty Clone Wars fic. Can't say much about it because it has a disturbing twist, but it's about Obi-Wan, Cody, Ventress, Dooku, and other fleeting accumulations of cells that should never long for anything.
“Master,” says a quiet voice behind him, “I’m back. The Nightsister clan has been dealt with, as you commanded.” Dooku does not turn. “A thousand-flower.” Its stem with the delicate drop-shaped leaves curls around his fingers. The blossom stares back at him, a tiny golden eye with blue lashes. “It was my late brother who introduced them to our gardens, undoubtedly one of his less ambitious whimsies to better this world. He acquired a few specimens from a traveling botanist who, I’m sure, extolled their simplicity in cultivation. If left unchecked, they propagate with an almost absurd efficiency. Remarkable, isn’t it?”
Tagging @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart (hoping to entice you to share some of yesterday's work <3) and, as always, anyone else who'd like to share their writing!
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prahacat · 11 days
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
Many thanks to @charmwasjess for the tag, I've never gotten tagged in this challange before :DD
For writing, here's a little piece of Gone With the Light from yesterday! Girlie is going through it uh oh
“You cannot stay here.”
Asajj had been expecting something like this from the very moment a strange ship had followed her from space into Dathomir’s atmosphere. Surveying the wreckage later had revealed the body of an old colleague of hers—a bounty hunter whose name she could not recall. Someone on Dooku's list of favorite fetch-dogs. She curled her arms around her midsection.
And here's a wip shot of that bending AU I've been thinking a whole lot about. Avatar!Anakin would be a fucking handful
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(this is going to be hell to color :'D)
No pressure tags: @prahacat @bolithesenate @catboydogma @kote-wan @alwayskote @battlekilt @ddeck @razzbberry @ivvmell @lualuadraw @phi-guy
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prahacat · 18 days
Reblog this and put in the tags what you think your role is in your fandom.
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prahacat · 23 days
Writing exercise
I wanted to have some fun and do a little writing exercise, so I've written some short disjointed flashes of a perhaps larger fic, inspired by this prompt list.
I'll be posting one a day for the next fifteen days.
The Sith
"I have dreamed of your legs wrapped around my waist," the Sith whispered against his ear, sending a tingle down his spine in anticipation.
When a hot mouth sucked his earlobe in, biting none too gently, he gasped in pained pleasure, writhing against the strong body that held him trapped between it and the cold wall.
A moan escaped him at the sensation of a well-trimmed beard brushing the sensitive skin on his neck, but he refused to give in too easily and he managed to force out, "maybe if you ask really nicely I can make your dream come true."
"Oh, darling," came the purring reply, "you know our little game better than that, you'll be the one begging at the end."
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
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prahacat · 24 days
Rewatching all of Dooku's TCW appearances. The show does him incredibly dirty but I'm going so insane over the details in there... Him getting winded fairly quickly in duels and using dirty tricks for recovery time. His little glances back at Palpatine when he fights Anakin in the Hardeen arc. The way he consistently doesn't even attempt to cut Obi-Wan in that same arc and the Sifo-Dyas investigation episode. The way his eyes soften for a fraction of a second when encountering or discussing a person he cares (or cared) about. Dusting himself off with the same prissy little motion multiple times when he's not even dirty.
He gets the shortest possible end of the stick both in writing and in model stylization so WHY IS HE CHARMING
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prahacat · 25 days
Last breath
I'm so sorry, but my muse is a murderous thing… heartache under the cut.
Anakin pulled him out of his seat so he could take his place, before he dragged him down to sit on his lap, and perhaps Obi-Wan should have found it embarrassing, but he discovered that he did not care, he just wanted to be as close to Anakin as he could be. With his head leaning on Anakin's shoulder and his strong arms holding him close he felt whole, even though everything was falling apart.
Much later, after, when they could do no more, when all was said and done and nothing could stop the inevitable, Anakin found him in the cockpit, looking out towards a colorful nebula where new bright stars were being born in a fiery birth of energy.
They sat in silence, the only sound their breaths and heartbeats. Anakin had made sure to disable the many loud alarms that warned of the coming end.
As they waited, they reached out to the invisible infinite force that bound everything together, finding each other and twisting their conscious minds together, merging them so they were no longer two half, but one. Gradually, peacefully, they slipped further and further away from the physical world, finding their way into the current that gave life to everything. It embraced them, granted them this last wish.
In the faint light of newborn stars, the only thing that illuminated the dark ship, tiny crystals of ice grew as the last faint pulse of two beating hearts faded away, along with the final sigh of their last living breath.
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prahacat · 25 days
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The Drowning - an Obi-Wan-centric merpeople au about grief, family, deep-sea horrors and environmentalism
star wars prequels & the clone wars | gen | 60k, complete
characters: Obi-Wan, Dooku, Ahsoka
Summary: They have always lived in the reef, hidden in the sea, safe from the unsuspecting land-dwellers. This was their home. But the world is changing. The sharks disappear, the corals lose their colors, and one day, a ship comes to the reef. Obi-Wan would do anything to protect those he calls family. But where do you turn when the world is closing in around you left and right?
Read the complete fic on AO3!
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prahacat · 1 month
Getting Obi-Wan anywhere near the Dark Side challenge impossible. Local fanfic writer and Count Dooku are seething
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