#some more info about these two!!
vwritesaus · 28 days
meet sasha and kiyoshi, disaster duo
going off this poll, i've decided to share a snippet of my original work ft. the main protagonist and her boyfriend :> more under the cut!!
      Sasha sucks in a deep breath and steps in front of the couch. Immediately, her boyfriend’s eyes flick up from his phone screen to her face.
      ‘Yes, Sash?’
      With as much will as she can muster, Sasha says, ‘I need your help with something. Something only you can help me with.’
      ‘Sure!’ Kiyoshi declares, and his enthusiasm is enough to cause a small smile to tug at Sasha’s lips. ‘What is it?’
      That small smile quickly falls apart and dread fills every crevice of Sasha’s being. But she needs to do this. She has to. It’s the only way. It’s the worst idea she’s ever had.
      ‘I can’t believe I’m saying this, but…’ She shakes her head, wincing at the words that come out of her mouth. ‘D’you wanna go to the gym… together?’
      The following silence is devastating. Sasha wants to dig a hole into the floor and crawl into it.
      Kiyoshi blinks at her, his mouth agape. ‘Huh?’
      Groaning into her palms, Sasha bites, ‘Please don’t make this more painful than it already is. Just say yes or no, dammit!’
      ‘Sasha…’ Peeking through her fingers, she sees Kiyoshi dump his phone onto the cushion next to him and hold his hands out to her, palms up. ‘As much as going to the gym together would make me very happy, I also know you.’
      There is no malice in his voice, just pure fact. He does know her, and she knows herself. Kiyoshi’s the sporty one, the gym rat, the muscle pig. Sasha is… not.
      ‘Which is exactly why I need you to motivate me to go. Who knows what can happen in the future?’
      ‘The future?’ Alarm is rife in his expression. ‘Babe, where are you going with this?’
      Sasha drops her hands from her face, her voice turning dry as she shoots Kiyoshi a weary look. ‘Well, y’know how it goes. All those YA novels. The trope is always the same: the protagonist didn’t know they were magic, and then all of a sudden they need to save the fucking world and they are very conveniently armed with MMA knowledge and are super fit and have amazing stamina and know how to hold their own in a spontaneous fight with otherworldly creatures. As you know, I am the complete opposite, so I better start training in case one of my future goddamn visions ends up being a plot to destroy the world and I’m somehow the only fucking person who can stop it.’
      Gasping for air, Sasha tries to catch her breath and curses her lungs for not being to do their job properly. It just hammers the truth of the matter right down to its core. Kiyoshi is frowning, deep in thought, but there’s something in his expression that flickers ever-so-slightly. She knows what’s up. He’s trying to keep his face neutral, and if her nerves weren’t so shot, she’d be doing the same.
      ‘Tell me I’m wrong,’ she says to him instead.
      ‘Sasha. My love.’
      It’s inevitable and Sasha cannot blame him for it. No longer able to keep his face straight, Kiyoshi crumbles and peals with laughter. Never mind that Sasha glares at him.
      ‘My love, I adore you, but you are thinking way too hard about this.’
      ‘I gotta be prepared, Kiyoshi!’ Sasha argues.
      ‘You are prepared!’ he counters. When all Sasha does is stare at him, question marks flying around her head, Kiyoshi puffs out his chest and states with confidence, ‘You have me! Ya think I’m gonna let ya fight alone should one break out? Girl, please. I’ll always have your back. Just say the word and I’ll come and one-two punch the living shit out of whoever tries to mess with you!’
      The whole scenario is emphasised with Kiyoshi’s signature grin, the one Sasha’s seen flashed at the opposing team during his volleyball matches, and with him flexing his biceps. The whole thing is hilarious, and Sasha would laugh if not for the overwhelming fondness that blooms across her whole chest. God, she got lucky with this guy.
      But there’s just one small problem with his proposal.
      She says gravely, ‘That’s sweet of you, darl, but I hate to break it to you... you don’t have MMA skills either.’
      Kiyoshi blinks. Sasha blinks back.
      ‘Guess we’re fucked then,’ he says.
      ‘Guess we are,’ she echoes.
      ‘Better go train then.’
      ‘Better go train.’
      Tapping a finger to his chin, Kiyoshi’s voice suddenly becomes pensive. ‘Say, wanna place a bet?’
      Not one to back down from a challenge, Sasha asks, ‘What kind of bet?’
      Dark eyes sparkle and Sasha’s hooked.
      ‘If you can survive two consecutive days training at the gym with whatever regime I throw at you to “prepare for the end of the world,’ Kiyoshi pitches, ‘I’ll do whatever you want for a week.’
      ‘A month,’ Sasha rebuts, smiling when Kiyoshi nods his head in agreement. Then she pauses. ‘And if I can’t?’
      She regrets the question the second it passes her lips for an evil-looking grin splits Kiyoshi’s cheeks.
      ‘If you can’t,’ he says, ‘you have to eat my famous stir-fry.’
      Horrified, Sasha splutters, ‘Kiyoshi—’
      ‘Broccoli and all. Every. Last. Bite.’
      ‘You fucking arsehole!’ she shouts. Seeing no other alternative that won’t end up with this conversation being a waste, Sasha throws her hands up in defeat. ‘Fine! Just you wait. I’ll fucking do it.’
Two days later
      She storms out of the living room, not wanting to give her boyfriend the satisfaction, but his delighted laughter follows her. It’s contagious, and she laughs quietly to herself. But her determination is stronger.
      ‘I gotta say, Sash. I’m very surprised,’ he says in awe.
Watching Sasha drop the weights on the floor with a deep groan, Kiyoshi’s mouth turns down at the corners.
      With her hands on her knees, huffing and puffing and wishing for a long, long shower, Sasha peers up at him through her eyelashes. Her hair is stuck to her forehead, disgustingly damp with sweat, and her arms are screaming at her, but she manages a smug grin.
      ‘What can I say?’ she wheezes. ‘I’d rather kill my arms and legs, hack a lung out and feel like death than put Satan in my mouth.’
      Kiyoshi laughs and smiles hugely at her. ‘I can see that! I’m super proud of you though.’
      He makes a heart with his hands to exemplify this, and Sasha barely manages to make one as well.
idk who else specifically is interested, but i'm tagging @alastairstom since you wanted to read ajksdas ♡
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prideprejudce · 11 months
the more i think about Oppenheimer the more disappointed i get because at its core it’s such an interesting story to tell. like the whole manhattan project catapulted the entire world into a new atomic era that we could never go back from whether we were ready for it or not. and the fallout from the project not only changed and devastated the lives of hundreds of thousands of people (including of course the victims in hiroshima and nagasaki + the people living in new mexico where they tested the bomb) and the continued generational trauma of the bombs. also just the general mass panic and fear that the Cold War instilled into every citizen in the states who were literally waiting to one day be just annihilated by a nuclear attack. the whole creation of the atomic bomb had so much impact on the world. so doing a deep character study of both oppenheimer and his colleagues on the moral ambiguity of their work in the project and the outcome of it is such a great movie concept. but the film didn’t feel like that at all. instead Nolan gave us the watered down story that he’s best at and spent almost three hours forcing us to watch whether oppenheimer had to lose his disneyland government fast-pass due to his communist ties or not (spoiler: he does) and how strauss doesn’t like him because he got his feewlings hurt once. all the other scientists and physicists were given one or two minutes of screen time and were really just names to a face. the actual bombs creation was given a sidelong glance and trivial explanation at best. and of course to tie it all off the main female side characters were either naked/having sex for 80% of their screen time or was given the character depth of a piece of tissue paper
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cringefail-clown · 1 year
Will we get grimdark Roxy? :3c
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ill do you one better
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humming-fly · 11 months
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Congratulations to the Diablo team and Inarius and Lilith for making/being the most divorced couple of all time
(for the record drawing these i was picturing them Pre messy breakup because it's even funnier for me to imagine them just being utterly awful right from the get-go)
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ifindus · 9 months
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Nord-Norge * Trøndelag * Vestlandet * Østlandet * Sørlandet
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There's been some talk about the Norwegian Regions lately, and I decided to do some tweaking of their designs and make an informative map!✨ Might also do an introduction post later...
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mabaris · 2 months
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sometimes, reading D&D lore, i am reminded that one of bioware's first big games was D&D IP, and many of those writers went directly on to work on dragon age
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how do the takers reproduce? Do they clone?
Wouldn't you like to know weather boy—
No but, it's not something we'll ever get into on HOW it happens, and revealing where they actually come from is a spoiler.
But like they just are. You know how some things you've just never seen a baby version of? That. Expect they just don't have a baby form.
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r0semultiverse · 10 months
I’m going to go ahead and say that “loving Boruto” isn’t the reason Sumire & Sarada are unaffected by Eida’s Otsutsuki ability. Himawari is clearly affected (in the new chapter, but already had started establishing a bond with Kawaki in the anime so that’s why she has her doubts) and Mitsuki is too. Sumire has an Otsutsuki chakra connection via Nue (it’s never explained well and it’s only in the anime but it’s said it’s linked to the Otsutsuki). We still don’t know about Sarada yet, but it’s clearly not about “love.”
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frog-girlfriend · 3 months
watched the livestream 👍🏼 cried 👍🏼 see you all at the next one 👍🏼
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kaztheghost · 7 months
just discussing PvP and the issues people r having with Blue hiding !! tagged discourse and crit to be safe but it isn't intentioned with either it's just me rambling
Okay I mained bads perspective yesterday but I keep seeing people say that Etoiles and Roier couldn't find anyone to kill for nine hours--and listen . Is it that they couldn't find ANYONE or that they didn't find who they WANTED to kill, because they did see Foolish and Cellbit didn't they? Two people in nine hours is SUPER ROUGH yes but they did run into red more than once and just didn't kill them so idk I'd be more into it if they really didn't see a single player for any time whatsoever but like. Just because they didn't see bad more than once ISNT the same; I think I just mainly take issue with the fact everyone is trying to give bad a hard time for not fighting while refusing to acknowledge the entire server wanted his head on a platter, why should he 1v12?? Like that's ridiculous how is that even content when he'd get curbstomped against that many people, every time people want to fight him it's only AFTER they gather at least four to six people to take him out like be realistic if you want to 1v1 id be like fuck yea but he knows that where there's one there's the rest of y'all not too far away I just do not get it he's not a coward he's using basic common sense (plus even when people offer a 1v1 they're ALWAYS in a vc telling their team where to go to jump him) that is there's One of him and An Entire Server who wants him Dead good as he is (and tbf i also disagree with etoiles calling their fight from the other day a 1v2 because it wasn't--it started as a 2v2 and fit ran because he almost died (I'm aware of the miscommunication btw I don't blame either of them!!! It really really sucks bc I'm sure etoiles could've escaped) but regardless it WAS a 2v2 that bad didn't even Want to take on initially, it would've stayed that way if fit had stuck around because he was going to die anyways ykwim but to say it was unfair when it didn't start off that way is eh 2 me mostly bc it sounds like they jumped Etoiles off guard as if Etoiles and Fit didn't engage them first) HOWEVER saying all that I think they really should try to encourage PVP in different ways than just "everyone go hunt down this one specific player" because then it's kind of just . Like that encourages that player to just hide because why would they fight that many people? Boosting the kill percentage helps but manhunts don't imo they'll just stay underground the whole time and I don't blame anyone who does outside of even Blue--like when Blue and Green were hunting Red, of course red is going to stay hundreds of blocks away to avoid PvP it's just numbers ykwim idk it's purgatory but when you being killed will set your entire team back because there's significantly less of you then everyone else I don't blame them really and I hope the admins can come up with a different way to try and get fights going
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pinkyjulien · 29 days
#NOT TO BE NSFT ON MAIN#But I'm going through it... and by it I mean well... the horn knee#but like. lots of Thoughs about- HFH how Valentin is probably the first trans guy for Mitch#not that its rare by 2077 but because I HC him as demisexual#his first time was late-ish compared to his friends - he didnt had a lot of lovers - then there was Scorpion#who was more of a brother than a boyfriend but I DO HC THAT THEY ROLLED IN THE HAY Alright#But back to the thingy-- He's probably not experienced when it comes to Well Tdicks right#Mitch start to develop feelings for Val too the whole vets group start to notice it hardcore#cause these two gonkasses arent exactly subtle - they're just blind#and so one night while the vets are chillin drinkin the usual#subject comes up like eyy hows it going with V you gonna rizz him up or what#Mitch going PFFF idk what yall talkin about but he's red and suddenly don't know what to do with his hands#conversation goes and he's all like awkward cause Well Duh#Boys take showers together so everyone knows Val isnt Cis- there's others trans folks in the camp too its nothing unusual just an info#and get this... what if. its Butch Grease Queen Carol who gives him tips on how to get his boy all rilled up#while drunk ofc - Mitch wishin he could disapear from the discussion cause it's just too much but lowkey taking notes HKGJDKZKG#while some other vet goes on about how good it feels in there tm and all-- YNOW WARM N WET AND ALL#Mitch just nervously laugh and thanks them for the advices tm even if nothing will ever happen and just change the subject#he def jerk off in his tent tho cause he can't keep the vision out mH. hhhHHFHHF 👁👁#and he'd be like damn here I go doin it over a friend again and feels guilty next time he sees Val#(val def does it too in his northern appartment#idk where im going with this don't mind me JHGJ#sex is such an insignificant part of their love - its present and they explore all type of stuff together#but its not something that would ever be source of problem or doubts if that makes any sense#while simultaneously being important - cause Mitch was Val first time - and in a way Val was Mitchs first too#and his boy sure does feel nice /)UwU(\ weeeee#tbd
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chronurgy · 5 days
I'm starting to dread (ha) Dreadwolf, partly because Solas is the main antagonist and I have...... Absolutely no feelings about him at all, actually. The best I can summon is a big old "meh". And if they center him (which it seems like they plan to) and make a big deal about whether you want to kill him or redeem him or stop him or join him... Well frankly I just won't care and I'm worried that means I won't have a damn thing to care about in the game's main plot
I'm also worried that his success or failure at taking down the veil will be preordained since that's too big of a plot line to leave up to the player - there just wouldn't be any way to structure future games to account for that player choice. This is obviously a less well founded worry, but it makes it really hard for me to care about the stakes of the game
Idk I'm not trying to shit on people who are excited for this game (I am too, despite the bitching and moaning) but it's really hard to get excited for a game when the one thing you know about it is so completely uninteresting to you
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fidgetspringer · 10 months
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- Marten & Nohren -
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twinsoftriumph · 9 months
so if we're seeing the king's corruption and destruction in the series then surely this means elder content RIGHT TGC?
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
It's not hyperfixation. It is just interest. Don't use language that doesn't apply to you
*big sigh*
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saltynsassy31 · 5 months
Oh my god it is actually staring to hurt how little there is for greyghost 😭😭😭
Ao3 has over 200 fics of them, I read almost all of them already (some twice) except the ones I can't physically stomach, I went to fanfic.net cuz I thought "Hey, that place existed before Ao3, should be more, right?"
Seems like Greyghost is a recent phenomenon or something cuz fanfic net had only 33 fanfics in total, most actually being recently and already reuploaded to Ao3 and I've already read them too
Unless I fucked something up in the filters cuz fanfic still kinda trips me out a little gkdksja
I so wish this ship had more attention and love tbh 😔 and I barely got time in my hands to contribute, I wrote like one fic and that's it, I gotta revisit my DP lore cuz man some thing I do not remember happening gkskska
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