#sole's name is adelaide
autumnshighlady · 17 days
I've Always Liked to Play With Fire (part 27)
summary: the long awaited wedding is here
warnings: IC slander, mentions of vomiting
word count: 5.2k
a/n: i haven't updated in months and i am so sorry, my life completely spiralled again and someone very close to me passed so it has been rough and i have not been coping well. enjoy this chapter, we have about 4-5 more left in this story
part 1 // part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20 / part 21 / part 22 / part 23 / part 24 / part 25 / part 26 /
read on ao3
Your stomach churned as if readying to unload what little breakfast you had eaten all over your skirts. The room seemed too small, too tight, bustling with servants whose sole focus was on getting you ready. The air was thick, choking your throat as you tried to breathe deeply. No matter how hard you tried, your lungs would not expand fully. The chattering voices of the servants, who were once silent shadows working under the dark cloud of Beron Vanserra’s rule, was drowned out amidst the noise in your brain.
Desperately fanning your face, you were lightly scolded by a young servant with bright red hair brushing out your eyebrows. “Don’t do that, my Lady!” She chided gently. “You’ll ruin my masterpiece!”
“Sorry…” You muttered, forcing your hands back to your sides. It had been a long time since you had worn a full face of makeup, and you had missed it greatly. The redhead servant had lined your eyes with kohl, smudging out brown and gold shadows on your lids. Your cheeks had been blushed and bronzed to perfection, and a thin, nude sheen across your lips. 
At your apology, she looked shocked for a moment before the tenseness left her shoulders and she relaxed. Your heart ached for her, and for everyone who had worked for the past few centuries under Beron. His harsh rule would be a wound that only time would heal for many. It was evident in the behaviour of everyone in the palace – the surprise when simple mistakes were brushed off after an apology rather than a lashing, the rising warmth of the atmosphere in the palace that had once been silent and cold. Sure, Eris still ruled firmly and it would take a while for everyone to realise he was not his father. But little by little, the icy walls of the Autumn Court were beginning to thaw.
“Wedding nerves, I guess.” You said casually as a set of dangly gold earrings were placed on your ears. Never before had you had this many sets of hands tending to you. A tall male was carefully working on your hair, twisting a loose braid across the back of your head and artfully arranging the rest of your loose hair. Several times, you had attempted to sneak a glance in the mirror to see the full look, but too many servants stood in the way.
“It is certainly a big day for you, my Lady.” The redhead servant agreed, finishing the final touches on your face. Her hands were soft and delicate, light as feathers as she blended any smudges her expert eyes sought out. “An unusual event for the court, too.”
You tensed slightly. “I know it’s not your typical wedding or anything–” you began. But her soft chuckle interrupted you.
“Forgive me,” she said softly. “I did not mean for it to come across that way. It is a new beginning for everyone, and this place could do with some change. The only ones who have an issue with your marriage and title are the old courtiers and males stuck in their ways. But us servants do not share those beliefs. You have our support, my Lady.”
Your heart warmed at her kind and open words, and a smile found its way across your face. “What is your name?” You asked.
“Adelaide, my Lady.”
You gently grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Thank you, Adelaide.”
Adelaide smiled, dipping her head respectfully before grabbing her supplies and beginning the cleanup process. As the busy hands of the servants began to slow, you realised that the moment was approaching faster and faster with each moment. Finally, you took a deep breath, and when the servants retreated their hands for a moment, you shifted to face the large mirror across from you.
Awe filled you as you took in their work. Your hair was styled beautifully, leaving only a few soft strands framing your face while the rest curled down behind your shoulders. Your eyes were striking, the various jewellery you donned designed to match beautifully. Tears welled in your eyes as you finally drank in the sight of your dress. The soft white fabric had red roses and vines embroidered on the bottom of the skirts as well as the bodice. The sleeves were loose, gathering around your wrists in just the right way. The neckline was a modest V shape, complimenting the emerald necklace sat on your chest. For just a moment, your heart ached knowing your mother would never get to see you married. It made more tears well up.
“Now, now, what did I say about ruining my masterpiece?” Adelaide chided, taking a cloth and dabbing under your eyes to catch any stray tears.
“Sorry,” You winced, forcing your tears back. “You guys have done an amazing job. Thank you, all of you.”
The servants grinned proudly at each other, bowing their heads as they cleaned up at the speed of light. “Your escort should be here shortly to walk you down the aisle.” The male servant who had done your hair said. And then just like that, they were gone. Leaving you with your own thoughts.
Your heart was racing. After all these weeks of planning, it was finally here. You weren’t sure why you were nervous – you loved Nesta and Eris. This wedding, this moment of time, was everything you had worked for and more since your arrival in the Night Court. Every sacrifice, every hard choice, had all led to this day. Yet it hardly felt real, even as you stood in your wedding dress, staring in the mirror in awe of your reflection. Countless hours had been spent helping the staff decorate, tasting hundreds of food samples for the menu, sitting bored out of your mind with Nesta and Eris at various meetings regarding not just the wedding, but the official crowning ceremony as well. All of that led to this very moment. And you were sure you were going to vomit.
Thankfully, a familiar voice sounded in your head, halting your rising stomach juices. Please don’t throw up on your dress, I can feel your nerves from here. Nesta scolded. At the sound of her voice, you felt yourself relaxing a bit.
I make no promises, you replied. How are you so composed right now? I’m freaking out.
She snorted. I can tell. Are you forgetting I spent practically a decade training for this thanks to mother dearest?
Right. How could I possibly forget that?
You’ll be fine. We’ve made it this far, a wedding is nothing.
I wish I could see you right now.
Soon enough, love. Just wanted to check in. I’ll see you at the altar.
Ok. I love you.
I love you, too.
Your heart sung at her words. Hearing Nesta say she loved you was like listening to the most beautiful song you had ever heard, one you would never get tired of. The three of you had agreed to keep dresses a secret, saving the big reveal for the aisle. You were itching to simply run out of the room and seek out Nesta and Eris, desperately wanting to see them before the wedding. 
A knock at the door interrupted your urges, and you shook your nerves off as the wood swung open to reveal Lucien. Your jaw dropped as your friend entered the room dressed in heavy green robes with gold accents and a long cloak. His hair was intricately braided back, accenting his chiselled, handsome, face. Lucien smirked at your reaction. “I know, I look hot.” He said, chuckling. 
“This is the fanciest I’ve ever seen you dress.” You scoffed.
“Take it all in now, honey. Because it won’t happen again.”
You rolled your eyes. “As High Lady I order you to dress this nicely more often.”
Lucien let out a laugh. “I will defect to Winter Court if this new title keeps inflating your big head like this.”
Your cheeks hurt from smiling at this point. A comfortable silence settled over you and your best friend as Lucien looked you up and down. His voice was full of wonder as he spoke. “You look amazing. Truly.”
“Thank you, Lucien.” You said as you smoothed your skirts. The room began to feel stifling again as you realised he was here because it was time to walk down the aisle to Nesta and Eris. “Oh gods, it’s time, isn’t it?”
Lucien nodded, extending his arm towards you. “Yes. As much as it’s fun to see you freak out over your own wedding, it’s time to get it together. Your partners are waiting.”
You took one last glance in the mirror to make sure nothing was amiss before stepping off the pedestal with shaky legs, grabbing onto your friend’s arm. “Lucien?” You said tentatively, your voice sounding far away as you tried to calm your breathing. “Don’t let me fall.”
Lucien’s voice was gentle. “Never,” he assured you. So you clung onto his arm, willing strength into your body as you lifted your chin and followed him out of the room.
Nesta steadied her breathing, thankful she had put on a brave face for you during your brief exchange. Truthfully, she was just as much of a wreck as you were. True, her mother had spent years priming her for marriage, but this was not what Mrs. Archeron had had in mind for her eldest daughter. For a split second, Nesta contemplated laughing at the image of her mother’s face as she looked up at the from Hell, crying out in horror at Nesta marrying two faeries, one of whom being a female. It would turn her in her grave for sure.
The servants that had scurried away a few moments ago, leaving Nesta with a few blissful minutes of peace before a guard would come to fetch her for her entrance. You and Eris had pressed if she was really okay walking down the aisle herself, considering you had Lucien and it was custom for Eris to walk alone. She had shook off the concerns, insisting she was more than capable of doing it herself.
But looking in the mirror at her red lined lips, beautifully coronet braided hair, and satin dress with a straight neckline, long sleeves, and gold detailing, she couldn’t help but feel like a child again. A little girl who wanted her mom and dad to hold her hand and tell her they were there for her. Not that either of her parents ever had, and for years Nesta convinced herself she didn’t care. She thought she was loved by them at first, too young to know that some types of love could be bad. And then she became tied to her mother, a moth trapped in the twisted spider web of a cunning woman’s plans to groom her young daughter to please men that rivalled her father in age. Her father had let this happen, not once standing up for her or pushing back on her mother’s harsh disciplining. Just like Cassian had with Rhysand.
Nesta shivered, as if shaking off the mere sound of Cassian’s name in her mind and pushing it as far away as possible. The Illyrian general was aware of the wedding most likely, as formal invitations had been sent out to all of the courts. At first, Nesta and you had pushed back against the Night Court being invited. “As much as I do not want them near us, I cannot do that,” Eris had begrudgingly told them. “It is customary for all court leaders to come and bend the knee to the new ruler, or rulers in our case. If they do not, it will tip the already shakey diplomacy scales within Prythian. But fear not, I added a personal note to their invite saying they were expected to come after the wedding ceremony. They will sneak in as we begin the crowning and acknowledge our leadership and then leave. They will not be here long.”
No reply was received, but Nesta knew some of the Inner Circle would be coming. Feyre was likely too pregnant and too ill to attend, and there was no way Mor would be talked into attending, much to Nesta’s relief. Rhys would have to attend, as would Amren. She had no idea as to what Azriel was currently doing, but her stomach churned at the possibility of Cassian and Elain being there. She prayed that they would elect to stay home. Nevertheless, Eris had assured her the dragons would be there behind the throne as they had been upon the wedding announcement, ready to intervene if needed.
As the clock ticked, Nesta felt those hateful thoughts swimming to the surface again. They had quieted in the past few weeks, letting her have peace from her own self hatred. But doubt began to fill her, and suddenly her dress was stifling. 
She did not deserve to marry you, or Eris. Nesta was not worthy of your kindness and strength, nor Eris’s help and protection. Cassian had always mocked her for expecting to marry a prince, and not a low born bastard like him. But perhaps she did belong with someone who merely echoed the hateful things her own mind said to her.
Nesta wrung her hands together, practising her mind stilling as her thoughts threatened to consume her. But a gentle knock on the door broke her trance, and she straightened her back and smoothed out her skirts. After making sure she was composed, she said firmly, “Enter.”
It was not a guard who opened the door, but the familiar face of Lirilla. Her wavy auburn hair had been decorated with golden bits of hair jewellery, a red ribbon woven into the long braid that went down the back of her head. Her eyes were bright, her once skinny-figure now more filled out into the beautiful green gown she wore. “Hello, Nesta.” She said, closing the door behind her.
Nesta’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Is something wrong? Aren’t you supposed to be at the ceremony right now?”
Lirilla shook her head. “Everything is okay, my dear. But I come bearing an offer. One that you do not have to take, but I would be honoured if you did.”
Nesta cocked her head, but nodded for Lirilla to go on. “My son mentioned you were walking down the aisle alone, is that correct?”
“Yes.” Nesta said tightly. “I have no family here to give me away, so I will walk by myself.”
Lirilla took Nesta’s hand, rubbing gentle circles along her palm. “Forgive me if I am overstepping, but Eris tells me your relationship with your father was nonexistent, and your mother unpleasant. He said nothing more, but I also know that you were once human. And difficult parents or not, being given away at the altar is a common practice in the mortal lands. Am I correct to assume that?”
Nesta nodded stiffly, forcing the lump in her throat back down. No matter how many walls she put up, Lirilla could see right through her. “You know, I have always wanted a daughter who I could walk down the aisle.” The Lady of Autumn continued. “I understand you claim to be confident in walking yourself to the altar, but I know there must be some part of you clinging to that tradition from your old life. I would love to give you away, if you will have me.”
Nesta was glad she was not wearing heavy eye makeup, because a single tear escaped down her cheek. “I would like that very much.” She said through a choked voice. A mother’s love was something so foreign to her. All she knew of it was a twisted, cruel version that could not be considered any type of love. But the kindness in Lirilla’s face filled that void inside of her that her own mother left.
“Then let us get on with it.”
Nesta happily took her arm, allowing Eris’s mother to lead her from her room of solitude and towards the throne room. The closer they got to the large doors, the more the buzzing liveliness of the ceremony began to seep into her bones. She could feel the energy, the excitement of not only her mates, but the crowd as well. The stream of music began to fade as they reached the door, Lirilla nodding to the guards who spoke in whispers. She turned back towards Nesta as silence overcame the hall. “It is time,” She said softly.
Nodding, Nesta clenched tighter around Lirilla’s arm. It seemed like an eternity of waiting encapsulated in mere seconds as she waited for her cue. She took deep breaths, taking comfort in that bond within her that glowed with the presence of her mates.
Finally, the soft whistle of a flute rang from behind the doors, the start of the entrance music. She counted the seconds in her head, and after the 53rd second mark, the doors opened and she stepped through them.
A crowd far bigger than she had expected stood up. Candles and red, green, and gold flowers lined the aisle, similar decorations scattered across the throne room from every lamp, chair, and table. But Nesta did not look at the people, nor their dragons standing proudly behind the three thrones, their heads arching in through the open space. Her gaze was focused on the male at the altar underneath the archway of branches.
Eris was dressed in the most elaborate set of robes Nesta had ever seen. Gold and red draped his shoulders, a green cloak flowing behind him. A long sword rested on his hip, and a crown of gold sat atop his red hair. Her breath hitched in her chest at the sight of this male, her mate who had done so much to help her escape her prison in the Night Court. She almost stopped walking, but a gentle squeeze on her arm told her to keep going. She felt all eyes on her as she made her way towards the altar, but they were like whispers in the wind fading behind her, nonexistent as she focused on the male ahead of her. The soft music rang in her ears, a beautiful blend of notes that captured every emotion in her chest.
When she came to the end, Lirilla released her arm, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek before taking her seat in the front row. Nesta could barely breathe, barely move as Eris stood mere inches away. Eris smiled softly, his eyes tender as he took in the sight of her wedding dress. He extended his hand, which Nesta gladly took. His warm skin on hers brought her back to reality, snapping her out of her trance. He guided her up to take his place on his left side, just as they had practised.
With one last longing look at each other, Nesta and Eris turned to face the crowd, hands joined as they waited for you. 
Right on time, the guard nodded to Lucien as you rounded the corner, signalling that Nesta had taken her place at the altar and it was your turn. The tune shifted slightly, and you knew it was the two minute and forty second mark you had memorised as your cue. With one last reassuring smile from Lucien, you stepped through the open doors and into the throne room.
Your entire body was both numb and on fire as you took your first steps on the aisle. Never before had you been so grateful for Lucien holding you, for you would surely collapse without his support. You ignored the hundreds of eyes that studied you as you approached Nesta and Eris at the altar, their dragons behind them in the distance. Zorzîmril purred as she saw you, and your lips twitched with a laugh as a few guests flinched at the sound. The tune of the music carried you down the aisle, and with each step you took towards your mates the more confidence you felt. Everything you had done to escape the Night Court had been worth it, and this outcome was far better than anything you could have dreamed of.
Finally, you reached the end of your journey. Lucien bowed his head and kissed your hand before taking his place in the empty seat beside his mother. Your eyes pricked with tears as you drank in the beauty of your mates, from Eris’s elaborate robes to Nesta’s simple yet elegant gown. They looked perfect, and you were relieved that you had not seen them before the ceremony for you surely would have collapsed.
You took Eris’s extended hand, positioning yourself on his right side. After scanning the subjects before you per Eris’s prior instructions, the three of you turned towards each other, Eris stepping back slightly so a triangle could be formed and allow you to hold each other’s hand.
Behind you, a priestess stepped up under the archway, her blue robes shining in the light of the sunset behind her. When you snuck a glance at her out of the corner of your eye and saw familiar red hair and teal eyes, your eyes shot open.
The priestess was Gwyn.
You baulked, surprise evident on Nesta’s face as well momentarily. Eris simply winked, and you bit your tongue to refrain from scolding him for all these surprises. You snuck a glance at Gwyn in shock, and she simply let out a smug smile before composing herself and lifting her chin to address the crowd. A squeeze from Eris’s hand urged you to compose yourself as well.
“Citizens of the Autumn Court,” Gwyn’s voice rang clear and strong through the throne room, and pride swelled in your chest. When you had first met Gwyn, she had refused to leave the library. For her to do something like this for you and Nesta was a testament to the nymph’s bravery. “We are gathered here today to witness the marriage between Eris Vanserra, High Lord of the Autumn Court, and Lady Nesta Archeron, and Lady (Y/N) Dreamfyre.”
You felt Nesta almost go giddy with excitement, and you squeezed her hand. You hadn’t heard your last name in ages, and now it was about to change entirely. It was bittersweet – a farewell to your old life, and the start of a new one.
“It is a day that marks a new era for the Autumn Court,” Gwyn continued. “One that marks the reign of a High Lord alongside two High Ladies. May the Mother bless this day and send good fortune to all within the realm. In the sight of the Mother, I hereby see you these three souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words as you bind yourselves in magic.”
In unison, you, Nesta, and Eris all spoke the words you had memorised weeks ago. Words that would be sacred on your lips, a seal of the promises you made to each other. “I am yours and you are mine from this day until the stars collide and eternity comes to an end.” From Eris’s palms, an orange flame emerged, curling around your left wrist and Nesta’s right. It was soft and warm against your skin, flickering gently. A silver flame from Nesta found your other hand, wrapping into it and Eris’s as well. It was colder, like the soothing waters of a creek. You took a deep breath, summoning the power of life within you that you had been practising for the last few weeks. 
Bright white light emerged from your palms, tinted with flicks of blue as it eagerly wound itself with Eris’s flames in your left hand and Nesta’s in your right. So the three of you stood, magic entwining and singing a celestial song. Life, death, and fire mixed together, purring against your skin as it hummed. On your ring fingers on both hands, a small tattoo appeared. It was a delicate vine with leaves, wrapping around the finger like a ring. The same appeared on Nesta and Eris’s fingers – a symbol of your marriage, one that could never get lost or fade. 
As the light of your entwined magic faded, your throat was thick with emotion as you gazed between Nesta and Eris with nothing but love. Gwyn’s voice continued proudly. “It is time for the exchange of vows, which have been written personally by each of the individuals before me. May you speak these words honest and true in the light of the Mother.” With that, the priestess stepped back slightly, giving Eris a nod before shooting you and Nesta a wink.
Eris cleared his throat. “Many males may envy me, for I have the two most beautiful brides in Prythian before me,” He began. “It is a dream of many to marry the perfect partner, a dream that most people are not fortunate enough to achieve. I am blessed to have not one, but two partners and achieve this dream. But Nesta, (Y/N), you are not just my brides. You are my mates, my equals, the force that binds me to this world and allows me to open my heart up.”
Eris turned towards you, amber eyes glowing with pride as he spoke. “(Y/N), you have a strength that rivals the foundations of the earth. Your selflessness and resilience through hard times is something I intend on admiring until the end of my days. You make this world a better place, your presence is like the sunlight that emerges over the mountains on the morning of winter’s chill. I am honoured to have you as my mate, and I will love you until the end of time itself.”
You could no longer hold back the tears that now flowed down your cheeks. Eris was staring at you with such intensity you felt like you were going to burst into flames right there and then. Long gone was the cold mask of indifference that he had sewn onto his face to survive in the harsh reality of Beron’s court. Everyone in the room could see his vulnerability, his love, how he was willing to open up that part of himself for the world to see.
Eris then turned to the other female beside you. “Nesta, you are as wild and untamable as the sea. A force of nature with a determination that inspires me to make change happen in a world that pushes against you. You have been through so much toil and conquered everything in your path, and you have my utmost respect and admiration. I am honoured that you have trusted me on this path.”
You saw Nesta’s face tight as she tried to conceal her emotions. Her lips stretched into a smile, her eyes giving everything away. You took in a deep breath, knowing it was your turn next. The words had been rehearsed in your head for days, playing in your head on a loop. Normally you hated speaking in public, and the thought of talking about your feelings in front of such a large crowd. But it all fell away in the background, and you spoke confidently. “Nesta, I don’t know how I would have gotten through these last few months without you,” you said to her. “You have been my rock ever since I met you, and within the first few weeks of our time together I knew we would blaze through this world like a wildfire. You are strong, you are smart, and I will love you until there is nothing of me left.
“Eris, you have proved yourself to be the most selfless male I have ever met. I love your witty remarks, your sharp mind that is never still for a moment, always conjuring up various ideas and schemes. I love you, and I cannot wait to begin this new chapter with both of you by my side.”
They gently squeezed your hands, the action sending a warm sensation down the bond. The dragons cooed gently from behind you, the rumble echoing throughout the vast chamber. Beside you, Nesta took a deep breath. It wasn’t a secret that she was the most nervous of the three of you to speak her vows. It was difficult for her to say how she feels even with just the two of you, let alone in front of an audience.
But her voice was strong as she spoke, no hint of hesitance of nervousness. “Eris,” She began, her grey eyes meeting the High Lord’s amber ones. “When we first met, one of the things you told me was ‘like calls to like’. I thought that you were simply referring to our powers, but I now realise that it reflects our relationship as well. You match me in mind and soul, and I owe you a debt I can never repay. Both of you.” Nesta turned her blue-grey eyes towards you. “(Y/N), you saved my life. You picked me up when I was at my lowest point, you helped me turn things around. You showed me that life was worth living and gave me the strength I needed. I love you, and my life would not be the same without you.”
Tears swam in her eyes, making you choke up. You glanced at Lucien in the crowd, who was looking at you both with pride in his eyes. Beside him, Lirilla was dabbing at her wet eyes with a cloth. 
“In the name of the Mother, by the power vested in me, I declare you wed.” Gwyn said proudly, voice ringing out clear as day. “Citizens of the Autumn Court, I present to you: Eris Vanserra, Nesta Vanserra, and (Y/N) Vanserra.”
Cheers arose from the crowd, filling you with happiness. Initially, you had expected a strained crowd, filled with disapproving whispers. But if they existed, they were easily drowned out. Leaves fell softly from the ceiling like confetti, and the dragons roared as one. Eris pulled your hands, and the three of you pressed your foreheads together. You were all grinning happily, and the High Lord stepped back for a moment and you pulled Nesta in for a kiss. Her soft hands cupped your cheeks as yours rested on her waist, her lips pressing sweetly into yours as the crowds cheering continued. It was a brief kiss, but passionate nonetheless. Your heart sang as Eris kissed you next, his slender fingers lifting your chin up to meet his mouth. Your insides melted at the pure love pouring from both kisses, mind spinning as you stepped back while Eris moved to Nesta and kissed her in the same manner.
Scanning the crowd, you say a sea of happy faces. It seemed even those who had sneered weeks before had either come around, or learned quickly to put on a happy face. But something tugged at you, urging you to look further. And then you saw them.
At the back of the crowd stood Rhysand, Amren, Azriel, Cassian, and Elain.
taglist (comment if you want to be added): @queercontrarian @kitkat-writes-stuff @moonfawnx @sevikas-whore @weird-and-wise @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet @kingshitonly @ladyofcherries @eerievixen @readingwritingwatching @peacecoffeeandflowers @a-frog-with-a-laptop @shadowqueen25 @lana08 @highladyofillyria @rachelnicolee @ladespedidas @little-darlingo @manonblackbeakquidditchteam13 @demirunner @terorovaerangi @hauntedandhopeful  @younxii @microwaveallthedemons @fanfictioniseverything @lovra974 @maddietheshoe @peaceandcrackers @emy1-99 @lostinfantasyworldsbi @issybee0611 @thoughtfulshepherdmongerkid @belledawnidk @whhyyynottt @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @littlebbb @piceous21 @sevendeadlyshins-blog @searchingford  @marigold-morelli @thesapphiclibrarian @nikovasbitch @chasing-autumns-chill @the-sweet-psycho @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @red-bees @daughterofthemoons-stuff @bloodicka @blackgirlmagicforever @writeroutoftime
71 notes · View notes
invaive · 1 year
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the double (2013) – dir. richard ayoade / the stalker song – autoheart / us (2019) – dir. jordan peele / the changeling's mission (day 7) – pathologic / the one i love (2014) – dir. charlie mcdowell / the disturbing consequences of seeing your double – anil ananthaswamy / doppelgänger (2019) – stan douglas / prometheus (i. 191) – percy bysshe shelley
(alt text under the cut)
Image One: A still from Richard Ayoade's "The Double." Simon and James, both played by Jessie Eisenberg, are in a yellow-lit bathroom looking in the mirror. Each one sees himself in the mirror, but both are focusing instead on each other. They're wearing identical ill-fitting beige suits as they stand in front of the sinks, dark shadows being cast all around them as they watch each other.
Image Two: A screenshot from the Genius page for "Stalker's Tango" by Autoheart. The lyrics read "I know, I know, I know I'm always in your place / But don't you see my dear? / I am your doppelganger, I have your face so / Love me, love me, love me, love me / Love me, love me, love me, love me"
Image Three: A still from Jordan Peele's "Us." Red and Adelaide are seated at a desk, surrounded by tiled walls with multicolored paint handprints smeared everywhere. Adelaide is dressed in all white and recoiling from Red, wearing her signature red jumpsuit, who is holding scissors to her chest. Red has a hand on the back of Adelaide's neck, holding her in place, and is watching her with wild, wide eyes.
Image Four: A screenshot of text from Pathologic copied into a text document. It reads, "With my own eyes, I saw my sister whom I had but slight intimations about. Now I don't know which one of us is which. I must be going insane.
Which one of the two stole the other's name; claimed her calling; seized her destiny?
Please define me."
Image Four: A still from Charlie McDowell's "The One I Love." Sophie, played by Elizabeth Moss, is standing outside in a driveway surrounded by lush greenery with her double. Her double looks exactly the same as her down to the clothes as they stand side-by-side. It's impossible to tell which Sophie is the real one and which is the double.
Image Five: A screenshot of text from an article by Anil Ananthaswamy. It reads, "He felt dizzy, stood up, turned around, and saw himself still lying in bed. He was aware that the person in bed was him, and was not willing to get up and would thus make himself late for work. Furious at the prone self, the man shouted at it, shook it, and even jumped on it, all to no avail. To complicate things further, his awareness of being in a body would shift from one body to the other. When he inhabited the supine body in bed, hed see his duplicate bending over and shaking him. Soon, fear and confusion took hold: Who was he? Was he the man standing up or the man lying in bed? Unable to stand seeing his double any longer, he jumped out of the window." The last sentence is highlighted with a mild yellow bar.
Image Six: A still from Stan Douglas's "Doppelgänger." On the left is Alice-1, played by Dionne Audain, with her hands on her head looking panicked. She's covered in a liquidy slime and lit by an orange light with a completely black background behind her. On the right is Alice-2, also played by Dionne Audain, in the same pose. This Alice is covered in slime as well, but she's lit by a purple light and looks significantly more afraid. Behind her is a green background full of analog technology and yellow flashing lights.
Image Seven: A screenshot of text from "Prometheus" by Percy Bysshe Shelley. It reads "Ere Babylon was dust,
The Magus Zoroaster, my dear child,
Met his own image walking in the garden.
That apparition, sole of men, he saw.
For know there are two worlds of life and death:
One that which thou beholdest;
but the other is underneath the grave, where do inhabit
The shadows of all forms that think and live
Till death unite them and they part no more. (Act I, 191-99)"
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Not Sims - Just Reign
So I binge watched the final 5 episodes today and... I am emotionally compromised. See below for my ramblings and how I attempted to make album art a decade ago.
If you clicked keep reading I'm going to assume you don't mind reading my rambles so I'm just going to indulge myself here. I need to process and getting it out helps me process.
I first saw Reign during my final year of High School and fell completely in love. Quite aside from English History being a special interest for me at the time, Adelaide Kane and Toby Regbo were so gorgeous. Honestly the signs that I'm bisexual were right there but it just did not click.
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If you're my moot you will know by now I am a massive romantic. So of course I would get invested in the Mary Francis love story. Thanks past me for routing for Francis from the start, smart choice.
The outfits took my breath away, as did the wonderful landscapes. I fell in love with everything Mary wore and tried to find a graduation dress that was as close to something like that as possible.
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The music! I loved every track they put with the episodes. Shout out to that one youtube channel that was posting full versions of the songs. I have a playlist with the music from the first two seasons and have listened to it on loop so often. There was a website that would post screenshots of the episodes and I would copy paste and make my own album art. Not to do anything with, they were solely for me to see when the songs came up on my iPod.
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BUT I only watched the first two seasons before I took a break. History wise I knew Francis would die before they had a child, but the end of season 2 seemed to announce his death was approaching and my romantic self could not handle it. So over the next few years I rewatched the first two seasons plenty, and continued to listen to the music. I tried to watch season 3 in my first year at university, I really did. But things were different back then and I could only find low quality episodes because legitimate streaming services were in their infancy, if they even existed.
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During my post grad diploma I would take a train part of the way to my placements. It was on the train that I happened to catch someone watching Reign on their phone. Not just any part of Reign either, the recap that shows Francis dying and Mary saying goodbye to the coffin. You bet any progress I had made towards being able to watch it was reset.
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Following the worst of my depression, last year I began to feel a proper interest in things I love again and I wanted to see Reign to its conclusion. So I got myself the DVDs for season 3 (I don't have netflix, plus I like having physical copies of things) and worked my way through. Since I hate spoilers I didn't want to read the blurbs included in the cover so I never knew which episode Francis would die in, I was happy he was in it for so long. The whole plot with Francis having made Mary a sword for taking back Scotland made me love them all the more.
I gifted myself season 4, the final season, for Christmas. I've been watching it in bits and pieces. I have this thing where if something is ending I try to hold off the ending for as long as possible. But today I was so under the weather that I did watch the last disc all in one go.
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Side note, Rizzio. I can't believe that actually happened! But wikipedia says it did. It really sounds like something a drama show would make up.
I've always known Queen Mary was executed for supposedly trying to kill Queen Elizabeth. I wasn't sure how Reign would tackle that. I figured they would do a flash forward or do that text over screen thing. I love neat endings but my heart could survive not seeing the end of Mary. I begun the final episode, saw Toby Regbo's name in the starting line up and immediately teared up. If he was in the episode then they were certainly going to show her death. Those end scenes, they made me happy and sad all at once. I loved that Francis was there for her, and I loved the flashbacks through their life together. Damn did it make me cry though.
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The main characters have had a place in my heart for a decade. So heck yeah I'm grieving the loss. I know I'll watch it again, so it's not a permanent goodbye, but it's tough to see the end of anyway.
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Decorative Sunday
In 1899, American potter and ceramicist Adelaide Alsop Robineau founded the monthly publication Keramic Studio with her husband, the French ceramics expert Samuel E. Robineau. Initially, the ceramic artist and social reformer Anna Byford Leonard shared editing responsibilities, but within a few years, Adelaide took over sole editorship and the publication stayed in print under that name for twenty years. The above images, collected in a portfolio of 50 plates (40 black and white and 10 color), were reprinted images from a monthly magazine called Design - Keramic Studio, published in Syracuse by the Keramic Studio Publishing Company, date unknown. 
The earliest incarnation of Design - Keramic Studio I have been able to locate is from May 1919, suggesting Design - Keramic Studio was the next incarnation of Keramic Studio, which had concluded its run in that name in 1919. Design - Keramic Studio took a broader look at the decorative arts beyond ceramics and was marketed toward “the art teacher, student and designer.”
Adelaide Alsop Robineau passed away in February of 1929, and art educator Felix Payant took over editorship of the magazine, which was rebranded as Design but continued to bear Keramic Studio as a publisher for a number of years. Payant remained in his role as editor until 1947. Eventually the magazine relocated to Indianapolis and continued publishing until Fall of 1977 under a number of different publishers. 
Find more of our Decorative Sunday posts here. 
-Olivia, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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SAINT OF THE DAY (December 16)
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Born in 931 as the daughter of King Rudolph II of Burgundy, Adelaide was promised in marriage when she was only two years old to a man named Lothaire, the son and heir of his enemy, Hugh of Provence.
Lothaire was killed when still young, and Adelaide was to have a tumultuous life that paralleled the struggle for political power of the times, something she had come to symbolize.
She appealed to Otho the Great of Germany for help.
Having been sought after by various kings and nobles after Lothaire’s death, she was finally married by Otho the Great of Germany, who had invaded Italy.
After Otto’s death on 7 May 973, Adelaide exercised influence over her son Otto II until their estrangement in 978, when she left the court and lived in Burgundy with her brother King Conrad.
At Conrad’s urging, she became reconciled with her son. Before his death in 983, Otto appointed her his regent in Italy.
With her daughter-in-law, Empress Theophano, she upheld the right of her three-year-old grandson Otto III to the German throne.
She lived in Lombardy from 985 to 991, when she returned to Germany to serve as sole regent after Theophano’s death (991).
In 991, Adelaide was invested as the Regent of the Empire.
She used her power as the effective empress to increase evangelization efforts, especially in northern Europe.
She built many monasteries and churches, and also gave much aid the poor.
She governed until Otto III came of age in 994. When he became Holy Roman emperor in 996, she retired from court life, devoting herself to founding churches, monasteries, and convents.
She died in 999 at the monastery of Seltz, Alsace. She was canonized in 1097 by Pope Urban II.
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severevoiddragon · 7 months
I need to talk about over the garden wall and how it works SO WELL with my story (hidden under a readmore so I can ramble to my heart's content, there is also spoilers for my ocs and OTGW so.)
First of all, the storytelling in OTGW is so good. Like. I thought it was gonna go one way but no! Surprise! It's going another way!
I can't believe they fit that much into 10x 11 min episodes. How.
I kept thinking wirt was gonna get possessed by the Beast BC all I've seen fanart of is Wirt being possessed so.
Onto my au, which is not a 1 to 1 comparison, more who'd fit into the correct roles
Callie takes the place of Wirt and Greg, Xavier takes the place of Greg but doesn't accompany Callie through the forest.
Instead, Callie runs away, and Xavier follows her. The adventure happens to Callie, and she is Chosen by the Beast.
Xavier follows her a lot later into the story, and is used by the Beast in the same way Greg gets used.
Cyan takes the place of the Woodsman, and Other takes the place of the Beast. Their dynamic works. So well.
[Redacted because big spoilers for my ocs] takes the place of the Woodsmans daughter, but instead of it being daughter, it's their sister
Rin takes the place of Beatrice, showing Callie around the forest
Adam and Jill take the place of Quincy and whatshername (I don't remember her name sorry, it's the tea lady)
Asher is the tavern keeper, solely BC he'd definitely sing a musical number about the Beast/Other
I'm torn between Emilia being Adelaide, or the girl who has an aunt who keeps the evil spirit inside her in check with a bell (I don't remember her name either)
Anyway that's it, thank you for reading this far, remember to read Secrets of Everwich, my story, which is being posted on @secrets-of-everwich ! :D
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missgryffin · 2 years
This feels like a WIP ask, but isn’t about a specific one — how do you view/balance your recurring side characters? Like Dahlia and Greta and Adelaide. I love them and that I almost know what to expect when they reappear, but you somehow manage to keep them surprising and refreshing and I would just love to hear your thoughts about them/the process!
Ahh I love this question!! It's been really fun for me to build this cast of side characters with you all, and I love that you have come to expect what they'll bring, because I definitely use them strategically. Since I write solely Jily romance (as in, the focus is always strictly on Jily and from their POVs), my main recurring side characters largely began and evolved as exes outside the "set" Marauders-era cast of Marauders + Mary/Marlene/Dorcas, and that's primarily how I use them now. Similar to the discussion about the dynamics at play in this ask, the dynamics of the tropes, backstory, and character arcs at play in a story guide which side characters I use:
Dahlia Fleur-Peri is unique in being both a non-threatening ex of James and a friend of Lily, so I can use her as one or both of those things. Her having French heritage also makes her an easy friend to Lily in AUs where Lily's from/in France and wouldn't have gone to Hogwarts with the main cast of Mary, Marlene, and Dorcas. I consider her a "safe" character, in that she should connote no drama for Lily (or James), but I know there are strong opposite feelings out there 😅 so I tend to minimize using her outside of Eternal Summer. (Though I do miss her!)
Greta McLaird and Edgar (Eddie) Bones are my other non-threatening exes. I like using Greta as a first situationship for James—sort of an echo of the Harry/Cho relationship in the books, where it was really just a first exploration based on physical attraction and Quidditch, with no real substance or hard feelings once it was over 🤣 It gives James some experience and maturity, plus it can be used as a source of internal turmoil (jealousy/denial of feelings, etc.) on Lily's part without causing outward drama or being a "threat" to Lily/Jily. Similarly, Eddie is just a sweetheart of a guy and often serves the role of being a perfectly nice, vanilla boyfriend whose only fault is not being James 😉 There's no drama or outward threat with Eddie either. Lily likes him and likes how he treats her; James is internally raging with jealousy; Lily and Eddie discover after giving dating a go that they're just not the right fit and maintain friendliness; all is well.
Adelaide Selwyn, Cressida Nott, and Garrytt Ollivander (also Chuck Davies but I haven't ended up using him as much) are the Jily threats. They bring the drama, and they bring it hard. They're selfish, vain, catty, and douchey people who 100% exist in the story to cause conflict 🙃 (Though I do try to humanize them at least a little bit.) Cressida is a new name to you all because she's not yet appeared in any stories I've published, but you'll see her in Seasons of Love (and in Scorching Singles whenever I circle back to that one) (and some others that have been in the pipeline). She was born out of the need for an ex who would cheat on James, because Adelaide's so obsessed with him I could never see her doing that. (And the inspo for her name is definitely from the sparse Wiki on the Nott family; in my character profile, she's a descendant of Cantankerous Nott and for a canon fic would be the unnamed deceased mother of Theodore Nott.) So the difference between using Adelaide versus using Cressida comes down to, Adelaide is more of a pain point for Lily, because of how she's manipulative and undermining in her competitive pursuit of James, whereas Cressida is more of a pain point for James, because of how she betrayed their relationship and damaged him emotionally in the process. Garrytt and Chuck are parallel ex options for Lily: Garrytt is the undermining one to James whose pursuit of Lily threatens James, whereas Chuck is the one who's shitty to Lily and inflicts that emotional trauma that she then has to work through when embarking on a relationship with James.
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ratgingi · 1 year
i need to stop posting all my character facts here and actually keep them on a file on my laptop or something
anyway older jack dlc crew thoughts under cut
adelaide, charlie, and roe (according to nobody but himself since he doesnt have any family that anybody can find) were all born and raised in the dialtown area
oakey moved there with his family in his teen years and went to the same highschool as addy and charlie, but was not ever really part of their friend group, he interacted with them a couple times but ultimately stayed strangers
when they got a little older, addy left town to be with her (now ex) husband, and oakey and his late wife moved back to where he was originally from to be closer to kara
charlie never left, hes always been there, and sometime during those two leaving was when he was working on the morgue - he didnt build the place from scratch but he got ownership of an otherwise abandoned building on the outskirts and fixed it up himself
lenora (aka cinder but im gonna be calling her by her first name from now on) moved to dialtown when she was 20, and spent a good few years building her home from scratch by herself, and once that was finished she bought a place in town which she renovated and turned into her flower shop
roe's home is an older house which seems to have been there quite some time, but no one ever really recalls having seen it despite living there as long as some people have. hes similar, in that he claims to have been born and raised there but no one ever remembers seeing him around town and when talking to him most people believe he moved there recently, the only sort of proof of him having been there an extended amount of time beint that hes been the sole worker at/caretaker of the library for a number of years
oakey moved back to dialtown a couple years before kara moved in to be with him, after the passing of his wife since staying at the house they shared was a bit too painful for him, and the place he lives currently was the one his family first moved into
murr on the other hand claims to have moved to the town rather recently, but people remember seeing him around a lot longer than he says hes been there, despite most evidence pointing towards otherwise
murr lives in a seperate apartment building in the downtown area where none of the other jack dlc characters are at
adelaide also moved back into her familys old home when she returned to town with margo after the divorce
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A Toast to the Roman - Last Binding Series - Oneshot
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56529883
Summary: “Mr Ross.” Shit, Robin’s Baronet tone was out – that was how Alan knew he was in trouble. “Did you sell pornography to my sister on an ocean liner?”
“In my defence—” He used his best, most clipped voice. “Your sister bullied me into selling her all the pornography I was carrying. And, if I didn’t sell it to her, I believe the fair lady would have stolen it.”
(In which, Robin discovers Alan sold Maud his porn stash, everyone discovers the identity of the Roman and Alan discovers he's responsible for helping start all of their relationships.)
Word Count: 3,473
A Toast to the Roman
It happened on a lazy Sunday afternoon. A lazy Sunday afternoon of a bank holiday weekend. Naturally, the bank holiday meant Maud had been invited back to the Blyth estate from University – and where Maud Blyth went, Violet Debenham followed. Then, because Robin was Robin, he extended the invitation to Lord Hawthorn, to, “make it something of a party.”
And, where Lord Hawthorn went, Alan Ross seemed to follow.
“That had been my idea – a friendly party,” Robin had said, when they’d arrived. He wore that bright, Baronet smile that was impossible to resist. “A reunion, of the Final Contract Crew.”
Alan smiled back, blankly. “The what?”
“Ignore him,” Edwin appeared from further down the hallway, his arms full of books. “I’ve told him, we’re not calling ourselves that.”
“We need a team name,” Robin said. “Don’t you think?”
Alan weighed that up – figuring out who else would be solidly against the idea of a team name, who would be for it, and which side would be for fun to be with – when Jack said, “This isn’t Oxford, Blyth.”
Robin only laughed. He stepped aside, and welcomed them properly into his house. Alan was starting to feel more and more at ease on these estates, and he didn’t know how to feel about that. Certainly didn’t like becoming accustomed to houses with their own grounds; changing for dinner; days without any plans to do real work. At least he still felt the same zeal to radicalise the staff. At least he would never tire of the way Jack looked at him when Alan did have the clothes to change to dinner: as though he wanted to rip them straight back off and kiss him completely senseless. It was the company – not just Jack, but all of them – that made Alan begrudgingly alright with the whole business. Because they were closer to him than simply friends now. It was like having a second family.
And it was a nice weekend – a good weekend – until Robin leant forward to move a pile of books from the coffee table in the lounge to make room for the chess set, and a purple pamphlet fell out.
There seemed, to Alan, a moment where time stopped, as everyone recognised it. (Purple, Alan thought almost hysterically, was not a very discreet colour.) They’d all been half-asleep in the sunshine drifting through the windows, lounging around, totally full of roast beef dinner with all the trimmings. Now, though, they were all awake. He took stock. Adelaide was (mercifully) in the garden. Maud sat in front of the armchair, legs folded under her, with an expression so carefully clueless it looped right round to guilty. Violet actually sat in the armchair, playing with Maud’s hair, an eyebrow raised and a slight smirk on her face. Entertained.
Both Edwin and Robin were sat on the sofa opposite Alan. Well, Robin was leant over, looking at the pamphlet as though it was a dog who’d slipped the leash and he was trying to catch it solely with his mind. Whilst Edwin was reclining, an elbow on the sofa, his fingers against his temples. He looked faintly sick.
Alan and Jack were on the other sofa. Not close – not practically on top of each other, the way Edwin and Robin always sat. Jack was a respectable distance away, though his arm was over the back of the sofa. If he twitched his hand, he could just graze the back of Alan’s neck – which he deliberately did now. His bad leg was outstretched, his cane against the end of the sofa. He looked impressively uncaring, but there was just a – quirk – to his mouth that showed his amusement.
Alan himself sat on the edge of the sofa, primed like a terrier, and he was desperately trying to school his expression into normalcy. He suspected he was succeeding as well as Maud. He felt nauseous. It was one thing to know that a lot of men had read his pamphlets; it was another thing entirely to come face to face with them – especially when he was good friends with them. Especially when he’d fought alongside them to save England’s magicians – England – the world?
“Ah,” Robin said. “That’s Win’s.”
Edwin’s usually colourless face flushed with pink. “Robin!”
“What?” Robin smiled, easily, and picked up the pamphlet. He still twisted it, to hide the title. “No one knows what it is.”
“Okay,” Alan said. He couldn’t help it. “Even if we all didn’t know what it is, that would only make us more suspicious.”
Jack’s pointer finger traced his neck, and he determinedly did not look at him. No doubt the bastard was smug and smirking. He hated him when he was like that.
“It truly is the guiltiest thing you could’ve said, Robin,” Violet added.
“In that case—” Edwin cleared his throat. “For the record, it’s not just mine.”
“Wait, no.” Now Robin stood, the books discarded, holding Alan’s fucking pornography aloft in one hand. “I can understand Hawthorn and Alan knowing about the Roman. I can even understand Violet. But I would like Maud to explain how she knows.”
Maud ducked her chin, smiling. It was the kind of smile that Alan suspected got her out of a lot of trouble growing up, and he could already see Robin start to relent.
“I happened to stumble upon his works, aboard the Lyric,” she said.
“How?” Robin pressed.
Maud, bless her, probably tried not to. But she couldn’t stop those bright green eyes from flicking to Alan. She might as well have pointed her finger and shouted.
Alan, knowing it was a show of guilt, still looked down. The back of his neck prickled, expecting a nudge from Jack. He didn’t, this time, not with Robin staring him down. It was not so much that their relationship was a secret, but they both seemed repelled by physical affection when other people were in the room. (Apart, of course, from longing looks and ‘accidental touches.’ Perhaps that was part of it.)
“Mr Ross.” Shit, Robin’s Baronet tone was out – that was how Alan knew he was in trouble. “Did you sell pornography to my sister on an ocean liner?”
Violet burst out laughing; Maud giggled; even Edwin hid a smirk behind his hand. Jack though, Jack watched Alan with those piercing blue eyes. He had one eyebrow ever so slightly raised, like a challenge.
Alan, though, wondered if it was a good time to bring up the fact that he’d betrayed them all to Edwin’s evil older brother, and made the whole Last Contract business a hell of a lot harder. Surely that would be a good distraction from selling a Baronet’s sister porn.
“In my defence—” He used his best, most clipped voice. “Your sister bullied me into selling her all the pornography I was carrying. And, if I didn’t sell it to her, I believe the fair lady would have stolen it.”
Maud cried, “That’s slanderous, Mr Ross!”
Robin, though, rolled his eyes, as though he wasn’t truly angry. “Maudie. You can’t bully people into selling you things.”
“In my defence—” Maud sat up, even straighter, her dark hair falling out of Violet’s grasp. It fell around her shoulders in a soft wave. “It made for the most amusing evening we had on that ship.”
“Oh, that’s very true,” Violet added, nudging Maud’s shoulder with her knee. Her smile was dazzling. “Who knew Lord Hawthorn would make such a good character in a Roman pamphlet?”
Robin’s eyebrows rose in interest, looking over them all. Even Edwin looked intrigued. They were both, no doubt, using their imagination, given their familiarity with the Roman’s work. Alan was regretting eating so many roasted parsnips, because they were surely going to be making a second appearance.  Even that would be preferable to them guessing at the intricacies of their relationship.
It didn’t help, of course, that Jack looked so calm about it all – so uncaring – so fucking smug, when he said, “Indeed.”
Alan wanted to bite him, like a cobra. Unfortunately, thinking about biting Jack; about pouncing on his neck and sinking his teeth in; also sent a sting of pleasure through him. Because, hell, when they were alone these days, they alternated between playing out the Roman’s greatest hits and coming up with the inspiration for the next one. Because hadn’t Jack been folded into each of those stories anyway? What was the point of pretending otherwise?
Robin, at least, seemed at a loss. He nodded. Took a breath. Tried, Alan thought, to still be the indulgent, carefree older brother he always was. He twisted the pamphlet in his hand, hitting it in his other palm. Eventually, he sat back down on the sofa. Edwin’s knee nudged his own, in support.
“Alright,” he said. “I’m not happy about it, but alright. That does explain my question. Thank you.”
Edwin rested his cheek on his knuckles, looking Alan over as though he wanted to study him. He decidedly did not like being the centre of attention in this way – it was even worse than being dressed in fine clothes and trotted out to dinner.
“I’m sorry, Robin,” he murmured, and tried to look suitably embarrassed. Really, his mind was thinking back to that night on the ship. Was placing bull horns on the sides of Jack Alston’s head. Would there be any way to convince him to play that part properly, one day? To hear him rumble ‘Cesare,’ in his ear, when he caught hold of him? When he lifted him bodily, as though he weighed nothing and had Alan completely at his mercy.
He had to shift, on the sofa.
Jack. Whose eyebrow raised a step further. Alan narrowed his eyes in reply.
“Allow me,” Jack said, in that low murmur. It was as much of a ‘please,’ as he could ever give. It was the fact that he asked at all, which cut through Alan’s core. The asshole wouldn’t give Alan’s secret away without his permission. Now that he thought about it, he did want to see their reaction.
He nodded.
“What?” Edwin asked, his tongue sharp and his eyes sharper.
Jack, bastard that he was, drew the moment out. Settled himself even further into the sofa, adjusting his leg again, and tilting his chin ever so slightly up in that lordly fashion.
“Books are best read by their authors,” Jack said. He pinched the back of Alan’s neck. Just enough to sting. He had to bite his tongue to stop from laughing. His cheeks bloomed with heat.
There was another moment. A long moment. Edwin looked faintly sick again, his face colourless, his eyes flicking from Alan to Jack. Robin had stopped moving entirely, a half-smile frozen on his face, as though he was expecting them to say it was all a joke. Maud, though, had her hands pressed to her mouth, and looked ecstatic. Violet had hold of Maud’s tresses again, and looked suitably impressed. It was as though Alan writing pornography earnt him more respect, in her eyes, than saving them all from crazy magicians.
Jack, though, Jack looked smug. His hand had stayed just against the back of Alan’s neck. It felt like a claim. Like he’d decided to undress Alan in front of the whole room, and, just like when Jack actually undressed him, it filled him with equal parts embarrassment and excitement. Because everyone in this room was somewhat acquainted with the Roman, and they knew what that implied. Weren’t just placing them both in one of those pamphlets, but confirming it for a fact.  
It should bother him more, that he’d exposed not only his own writing, but his own tastes. But, Maud had let slip too many details about her own love life to Alan – and Jack commiserated his pain from Violet’s chats – and from Robin and Edwin determinedly not looking at each other, he guessed they all had their own tastes. That, at least, meant none of them were alone.
“You don’t mean—” Robin started.
“You?” Edwin asked.
Alan grinned. He couldn’t help it. He opened his hands, his fingers splayed. It was different to admit it when he wasn’t teasing Jack Alston. (When he wasn’t trying to fuck Jack Alston.) It gave him a slight thrill, though, to have this knowledge over everyone. To know that even men like Robin, magicians like Edwin, read his work. And liked it.
From behind Maud’s hands came a delighted giggle. Her eyes shone like jewels. Alan looked at her. He couldn’t help it. He flicked his eyelid in a wink. She giggled more, ducking her chin.
Robin rubbed a hand over his face, laughing soundlessly, still seeming dazed. “But you’re—”
“Older than I look.” Alan leant back, into Jack’s hand. Felt his finger press against the bone of his neck. It sent warmth rushing down his back.
“It’s remarkable, isn’t it?” Jack said. Smug, and, if Alan wasn’t losing his mind, a little proud too. Jack Alston was proud of him. It shouldn’t make him feel like a dog with a bone.
Robin thumped back against the sofa. He still held the pamphlet, and he let it uncurl. Alan got a glimpse at the title; it was the latest. He was still a subscriber, then.
“Damn,” he said. His dark eyes roved over Alan again, and he felt his heart squirm. It was unfair how attractive Robin Blyth was. Doubly unfair that he was much too nice to be in any of Alan’s pamphlets. “You’re a skilled writer, Alan.”
Violet snorted. She finished tying off Maud’s plait. “Please – are you going to wax lyrical about his descriptive writing?”
“Well, it is descriptive.”
Edwin took a folded wooden chess set from the table, and tapped Robin’s leg with it in rebuke. Alan bit his tongue harder, a chill running down his spine by the fact that Jack’s hand was still on his collar.
“It might interest you to know, then,” Edwin said, casually, with just a single sly look at Alan. “That the Roman’s writings played somewhat of a role in Robin and I starting our relationship.”
He said it like a poker player placing a winning hand. It certainly felt like that. For a moment, Alan couldn’t breathe.
He supposed it made sense. After all, they’d all recognised the purple pamphlet here, didn’t they? It was a discreet way of asking if someone else was of a similar persuasion, and he was sure it happened a lot. But, still—
“Is there anyone here who is not in a relationship because of my bloody pornography?” he asked.
“That’s a fine discussion to be having.”
Saints alive, it was Adelaide. Back from the garden, and peering into the lounge. Alan wanted to shrivel up like a raisin on the spot, and never be heard from again, especially with the way she was looking at them all. Thank God for the Blyths, and their infectious laughter. It dissolved most of the awkwardness in the room.
Adelaide looked at them all. She shook her head, and said, deliberately, “I will be reading in my room, if anyone needs me.”
“I’m sorry you had to overhear that,” Robin spoke for the group.
She shook her head again, and disappeared. It left them all looking at each other like guilty children. At least Adelaide’s appearance had knocked some of the smug from Jack’s expression. Alan sat back a little, on the sofa, and felt another possessive graze of touch on the back of his neck. It had answered his question. At least Robin finally had the sense to put the pamphlet back between the books, and pile them up underneath the table, and Edwin had busied himself in setting up the chess board. As Alan watched him, he couldn’t help but wonder – just which of Edwin’s copies of his work were the most well-thumbed? Did he and Robin play them out, too?
Edwin glanced up at him. Alan looked away. He definitely shouldn’t let his mind wander there.
Evidently, it was playing on Violet’s mind too, because she said, “I, for one, am very glad we can all share these details about our sex lives.”
Alan winced; he saw Edwin shake his head, determinedly, where Robin outright groaned.
“No, thank you,” he said.
“Oh, don’t be such a bore,” Maud said, tugging her new plait over her shoulder.
“Maudie.” Robin looked at her.
Maud got his meaning. She wrinkled her noise. “Oh no, you’re right. Let’s not.”
“That’s hardly fair, when I have to listen to Miss Debenham regale me with her stories,” Jack said. He had that fake disgruntled tone, which showed he wasn’t actually cross.
“That’s what friends do, Lord Hawthorn.” Violet ruined her air of manners and dignity by sticking her tongue out.
Alan laughed. He couldn’t help it. The sick feeling had given way to heady one; he’d been met with acceptance; with almost too much eagerness. But it was a secret they were all in together – just like magic, Alan supposed. That was why he felt so giddy. It was so ridiculous. It was ridiculous that he was able to have this conversation at all.
Ridiculous, and yet – it was a secret he could never share with his family. A secret that he was oddly glad to share with this family. His other family. It made him feel confident – powerful – like he’d earnt his place here.
He didn’t want to read too much into what that meant.
“I certainly will be reading the Roman in a new light.” Edwin finished setting up the board. He made the first move, with white, and rested his elbows on his knees as he waited for an opponent.
It definitely wasn’t going to be Alan. The more he played of chess, the less he liked it. He resolutely sat back, trying not to look too much like a cat with the cream. He was giddy, now; giddier from Jack’s proud look and smug smirk. Jack was proud that he’d landed the Roman.
It was Jack who made the move against Edwin. They looked at each other, and Alan suspected it would be a tense match. He nudged Jack’s elbow with his own, when he moved forward. He got a glimmer of those blue eyes on him.
“I know I certainly will be.” That was Maud, also looking far too smug – far too happy about who she could imagine in those pamphlets, now.
“You shouldn’t be reading them at all,” Robin replied – as though he was the epitome of innocence.
“I’m a grown woman, Robin.”
The two glared at each other. Silently, Edwin leant forward to move another chess piece. Jack followed suit. They’d exchanged three moves each by the time Robin stood, clapping his hands on his knees as though that concluded the conversation. (Which meant he’d lost the argument to his sister, Alan noticed.)
“I do have questions, though,” Robin continued. He was heading to the cabinet, and thank fuck for that, because that was where the liquor was kept. Alan felt like a drink. He eyed the sparkling glasses, because it was the only safe thing to keep his eyes on.
“I will not be answering any questions about practicality,” Alan said.
Violet laughed again. Jack made a move that clearly lost him his bishop.
Robin was pouring drinks on the sideboard. His cheeks were actually a faint pink, as though he was embarrassed.
“That wasn’t…” He seemed to be pretending to be more occupied in getting each shot of brandy even. “I rather meant about – where your ideas originate.”
“No,” Alan said. “Not today. Certainly not whilst I’m sober enough to remember. Tihank you.”
Which, at least, got a chuckle out of Jack. Alan kicked his good ankle, and was pleased to see that he left a shoe mark on his Lordship’s trousers. He would not even look at Edwin – still soundly winning against Jack – because he was sure there would be some knowing there.
Robin looked suitably cowed and apologetic (for the time being), as he handed out the glasses. They really were fine things; crystal-clear glass with patterns cuts into them; the likes of which the Rossi family would likely never own.
He really did live in two worlds.
“Can we have a toast though?” Robin asked. Asked Alan, and actually waited for him to nod, cheeks still hot. He was rewarded with another of those bright, Blyth smiles. “Well then, a toast to the Roman – for how his…descriptive literature brought us all together.”
Brought them all together, indeed, Alan thought, as they raised their glasses in unison. The brandy glowed golden in the sunlight coming through the windows. It was warm, kicking Alan’s throat on the way down.
But he was smiling.
And that, he thought, was pretty fantastic.
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ashleysingermfablog · 15 days
Wk 16, 25th of May, 2024
Intergenerational knowledge (Folklores, Passed down learning)
Being a women, what did I learn from my mother, that she learnt from her mother, that she learnt from her mother. Inter-generational knowledge systems:
Matrilineage in my genealogy is very important to my family. Every first born girl is given the middle name May, after my great great grandmother's nickname. I lived with both my mum, my nana and her nana on the holidays as child in Riverhead, Auckland. This side of my family has the Welsh heritage and my great nana immigrated to Adelaide by boat when my nana was 13 years old before they moved again to Parnell, Auckland.
There have always been a level of European superstition in my family. Here are some examples of superstitions the are common and used day to day.
'Touchwood'- to avoid bad luck or a negative event
'Wishing bones'- pulling the wish bone after cooking a roast chicken
'Don't stand in fairy rings or mushroom circles'- we were told as kids that this was bad luck
'Looking for faeries on hikes and building fairy houses'- this was seen as bringing good wishes
'Astrology'- my mum introduced me to star signs and my nana is a firm believer that she is a classic taurus
'Gathering four leaf clovers'- my mum would help us find four leaf clovers
'Making daisy chains'- we did this often as kids, although I wasn't very good at it
'Don't step on cracks in pavement'- thought to be bad luck to your mother
'Don't let a black cat cross your path'- thought to bring bad luck
"Buttercup flowers under the chin'- this was thought to mean that you liked butter
Most of these were very light hearted and not ritually enforced, but they play a big role in my world building as a child. These are also very common ones too.
Here are a list of common and historical Welsh superstitions,
From the text: In the Welsh Tradition- Welsh Folk Beliefs and Superstitions by Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society History Quarterly Digital Archives...
Tredyffrin and Easttown were both originally a part of the "Welsh Tract". It was a tract of 40,000 acres, purchased by a group of seventeen Welsh gentlemen from William Penn in the summer of 1681, Their plan was to form a "barony" in which Welsh settlers would make their own laws and hold their own courts and conduct their affairs in their own language, "the ancient language of the Britons", in accordance with their own customs and traditions.
For a number of reasons, it didn't happen. But if it had, a whole body of Welsh beliefs and superstitions, might well have become folk knowledge in this area, handed down to us today and a part of our tradition.
In 1949 The Philosophical Library in New York published an Encyclopedia of Superstitions, no longer in print. It was the culmination of more than four years of research by Edwin and Mona A, Radford, columnists of the London Daily Mirror, and is a compilation of "more than two thousand superstitions of Britain, ranging over the past six hundred years". Many of these superstitions were found generally throughout Britain (and also throughout the world, for that matter), but a number of them, according to the Radfords, are associated solely with Wales and the Welsh,
Here are their 143 Welsh superstitions that might well still be commonplace among us today and a part of our heritage had the plans for a "Welsh Barony", preserving Welsh traditions, in fact materialized.
None of them comes with a guarantee, however!
Good Luck:
The appearance of a load of hay in front of you means that good luck will attend you. 
If you draw water from springs on Easter morning in jugs, and then throw it on the surrounding plants and shrubs, you will have good luck during the year. 
To see several foxes together is unlucky, but to see a lone one means that good luck will attend you. 
A greyhound with a white spot on it s forehead will bring luck to the people of Gower. 
If you make a cup of hazel leaves and twigs, and wear it , it is possible to obtain any wish. 
Heave a penny over the ship's bow when going out of the dock if you would have a successful voyage. 
If anything from one ship is lent to another, luck goes with it, unless some portion of the article is first deliberately though slightly damaged.
Wealth and Treasure:
If you find the first daffodil, you will have more gold than silver that year. 
If mistletoe is found growing on an ash tree or hazel, treasure will be found growing underneath the tree's roots. 
Black goats on a lonely bridle path mean that treasure is hidden. 
If a christening follows a wedding, the child will become rich and happy. 
A roof covered with house leeks insures prosperity and protects the household from disease. 
If you change from one home to another at the time of the new moon, you will have plenty of bread to spare. 
If, without neglect on your part, articles made of iron and steel, such as keys, knives, etc., continually become rusty, somebody is laying up money for you. 
Money washed in clear rain water cannot be stolen. 
Protection Against Witches:
Water that takes a long time to boil is bewitched; to make it boil, use three different kinds of wood on the fire underneath it. 
Water drawn from downstream before sunrise, and in silence, on any Sunday morning, in one jug from three separate flowing springs, is magical in its use and influence. 
If a woman pulls a garment out of the dolly-tub upside down after washing it, the wearer can never be bewitched. (It must be done accidentally, however!) 
A cross of whitethorn on a broach, placed above the house-door, will keep off witches and their spells. 
May-tree or twigs in each seed bed will make null and void the witches' spells on crops. 
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A bunch of seaweed hanging in the back kitchen will keep away evil spirits. 
A garter made from the green bark of the mountain ash is a charm against witches and the devil. 
Gift of Prophecy:
A sprig of ash (with the triple leaves;, worn on the breast, will give you prophetic dreams.
A sprig of mistletoe gathered ou Midsummer Eve and placed under the pillow will give prophetic dreams.
If a man wraps himself in the skin of an. animal just killed and lies close beside a waterfall, the future will be revealed to him by the sound of the waters.
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If a girl, walking backwards, places a knife among the leeks on Hallowe'en, she will see her future husband come pick up the knife and throw it into the middle of the garden. 
If you go to a crossroads at Hallowe'en and listen to the wind, you will leam all the most important things that will befall you during the next twelve months. 
To cure warts, impale a frog on a stick and rub the warts on the on the frog; they will disappear as the frog dies. 
To cure warts, gather a snail (a black one for preference) and rub it on each of the warts with the accompanying words:  "Wart, wart, on the snail's shell black,  Go away soon, and never come back."
Then place the snail on a branch or bramble, secured with as many thorns as there are warts, and as the snail rots the warts will vanish. 
Adder stones, carried in the pocket, will cure all maladies of the eyes.
If blind people are kind to ravens, they will learn how to regain their sight.
Rub a piece of oak on the left hand in silence on Midsummer's Day, and the oak will afterwards heal all your sores.
If a person suffering from rheumatism creeps on hands and knees under, or through, a bramble bush three times with the sun (i.e. east to west), he will be cured.
To cure jaundice, put a gold coin in a pewter mug, fill the mug with mead, and then have the sufferer look into it without drinking any, as you repeat the Lord's Prayer over him three times.
Sparks struck from stone and steel against the face will cure erysipelas.
Place a sharpened hatchet on the thresh-hold of the house of a sufferer from apoplexy, and he will be cured.
Running water drawn at midnight from any important spring on St. John's Eve will remain fresh and pure for a year, and has healing properties.
If you clothe your right leg first (i.e. put your right stocking on first, and your right leg in your trousers first), you will never have a toothache.
To cure a person of rheumatism, bury him in a standing position up to his neck in a churchyard for two hours; if the cure is not immediate, repeat the procedure at the same time and place for nine days, rest three, and then start all over again.
A portion of a human skull, grated as one grates ginger, and then mixed with a liquid is a remedy against fits.
One can be cured of the falling sickness (epilepsy) by going to the church of St. Tecla in Wales and washing his limbs in the sacred well close to the church, dropping fourpence into the well as an offering and repeating the Lord's Prayer three times; after which a fowl - a hen or cock, depending on the sex of the patient - is placed in a basket and carried around the well and then around the church, with the patient then entering the church and lying full length under the Communion table until the break of day and affering a sixpence as he leaves. Since the disease has now been transferred to the fowl, which is left in the church, the patient is cured.
To prevent drunkeness, take the lungs of a hog and roast them. If a man eats them after fasting all day, he will not get drunk the next day no matter how much he drinks.
Good Health:
If a leaf of the sow-thistle is carried by anyone, he will be able to run and never grow tired.
A man with leek or garlic on him will be victorious in any fight and will suffer no wound, (The leek is the national emblem of Wales.)
If a frying pan is left on the fire with nothing in it, the wife of the house will have puckers in her face. May flowers (a shrub), gathered before sunrise, keep freckles away.
If you endure thirst on Good Friday, whatever you drink during the rest of the year will not hurt you.
If you begin in childhood by taking a dose of sea water immediately on getting out of bed in the morning, you will live to a ripe old age
If the leaves of an oak curl, heat will follow.
Church bells, if rung, will keep thunder and lightning away.
Good Crops:
If you tie wet straw or hogbark 'round your fruit trees on Christmas Eve, they will yield plentifully during the next year.
To get a good crop of cereals, fetch some mould from three adjoining fields inherited by one person and mix it with the seed at sowing.
Milk poured on the ground and porridge thrown into the sea on St. Bride's Day will ensure produce of fish and fertilization of seaweed.
If grass is sown at the full of the moon, the hay crop will dry quickly.
A fine crop of mistletoe at Christmas means a fine crop of corn.Top
Animal Husbandry:
If you want your dairy cattle to thrive, you must give your Christmas bunch of mistletoe to the first cow that calves after New Year's Day.
Wash a dish towel on New Year's Day and put it to dry on a hedge. If you then rub your horses with it, they will grow fat and well.
Calves weaned with the waning moon will never grow fat, but always remain lean.
Pigs bathed in water in which killed swine have been bathed will thrive better and grow well.
Burn a calf to stop the murnin (hoof and mouth disease).
Dogs will go mad if given a bone of lamb at Eastertide.Top
Friendship, Love and Marriage
If you part from a friend beside a bridge, you part forever.
If lovers cross the moon line together they will never marry.
If a maiden wears valerian in her girdle or her corsets, she will attract the opposite sex.
When an owl hoots among houses, a maiden will lose her chastity.
A silver sixpence in the bride's shoe will ensure a happy and prosperous life.
If the bride eats a small piece of bread and butter, cut by the best man, before the wedding cake is cut, her children will have pretty and small mouths.
If a bridegroom rides to the church on a mare, he will have daughters, but no sons.
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To avoid an unlucky marriage, the bride should take a pin from her wedding dress and throw it over her left shoulder or into a fire.
If a bride loses her wedding ring, or breaks it, or has it fall from her finger, she will be unlucky in her married life.
People born at sunrise will be clever, those born in the afternoon or at sunset will be lazy.
A child weaned at the time that birds migrate to or from the country will be restless and changeable in after life.
If a babe, after being weaned, is suckled again, it will become a profane swearer when it grows up.
Babies washed in rain water talk earlier than they would otherwise,
If the water in which a babe is washed for the first three months is not thrown under a green tree, the babe will not thrive.
If you wave a sprig of golden broom over a sleeping person, he will at once sleep peacefully.
A woman who wets her apron overmuch in washing will be cursed with a drunken husband.
To take holly into a house before Christmas Eve will lead to family discord.
Household, Child Care:
Stonecrop placed on the roof of a cottage will protect it from lightning and witches.
Food picked up in spoons made of rosemary will be especially nutritious.
Spring water drawn between eleven o'clock and midnight on Christmas and Easter nights turns into wine.
For a comfortable feather bed, fill the bed sack with the feathers after the moon has passed the full; otherwise the bed will be lumpy.
Wood cut at the new moon is hard to split; at the full moon it is easily cut.
If a new garment is washed for the first time while the moon is new, it will not wear well.
To ride a house of rats, write on a piece of paper  "r a t s  a r s t  t s r a  s t a r"  and put it in the mouth of the king rat.
If ivy which has grown on an old house falls away, the owner of the house will have personal misfortune and the house will pass into other hands
Bad Luck:
No mistletoe, no luck.
It will bring bad luck to hang up mistletoe in the house before Christmas Eve.
If you wear a fern, you will lose your way and adders will follow you.
If flowers that bloom in the summer flower in the house in winter, the house will be unlucky.
If you uproot a plant of periwinkle from a grave, the dead person will appear to you, and you will have terrible dreams for twelve months,
A worm in an oak apple means poverty for the finder; a spider in the oak apple means illness.
It is unlucky to hear the cuckoos before the 6th of April, but you will have prosperity for the whole year if you hear them after April 28th,
To kill a raven is to bring bad luck.
If a goose lays two eggs in one day, misfortune will overtake the farm.
A robin singing, close to a window means sorrow.
If you rob an eagle's nest of its eggs, repose will never again come to you.
To spill water while carrying it from the spring or brook is an omen of sorrow.
It will bring bad luck to stitch or mend sails on the quarterdeck.
If work is continued on Ascension Day, an accident will happen. You must express a wish when a star shoots over you, or you will be unlucky all the year.
To talk when passing under a railway bridge brings bad luck. If you spurt or scatter water from your hands first thing in the morning, you scatter good luck for the day.
The sun hides his face (an eclipse) before any great sorrow or national disaster,
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The mewing of a cat on board ship foretokens a serious voyage.
If geese wander away from their home, it is an omen of fire at the farm.
If the town clock strikes while the church bells are ringing, there will soon be a fire in the parish.
A robin flying over a mine pit is an omen of disaster.
If a dove enters a pithead of a colliery, there will be disaster in the mine.
When plum trees blossom in December, it is a sure sign of death in the house of the owner of the trees.-
If you cut down a juniper tree, you will die within a year.
To pluck a sprig of holly in flower will cause a death in the family of the picker.
To take holly into a friend's house will lead to a death.
If a geranium comes into flower in November, death will visit the family.
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If a member of the family dies at the time of the new moon, three more deaths are likely to follow.
A christening following a funeral is an omen of death.
If the wind blows out a candle on the altar of a church, the minister will die soon.
If any corpse-candle (marsh gas or "will-of-the-wisp") be seen to turn aside, through some bypath leading to the church, the following corpse will be found to follow exactly the same way.
If a pall is placed on a coffin wrong side out, there will be another death in the family.
Two blackbirds sitting together on a window sill or doorstep are an omen of death to someone in the house.
The notes of the night jay are a sure indication of death in a household where they are heard.
If thunder is heard and lightning seen between November and the end of January, the most important person in the village will die.
Should a woman spin at the spinning wheel during pregnancy, her child will be hanged with a hempen rope.
On Halloween, the wind blowing over the feet of corpses bears sighs to the houses of those about to die within the year.
When the Christmas log is burning, you should notice the shadows of people on the wall, for those shadows which appear without heads belong to persons who are to die within the coming year.
When there is a hollow in the fire, a grave soon will be dug for a member of the family.
Should the wearer of a sow-thistle give a leaf to his wife, one of them will waste away and die.
If a mole is found to have burrowed under the wash house, the death of the mistress can be looked for in the coming year.
If a white weasel crosses your path, it presages misfortune or death, but if one runs in front of you, you will be able to beat your enemies.
If the eagles of Snowden hover over the plains, their visit will be followed by disease and death.
Put a small heap of salt on the table on Christmas Eve; if it melts during the night, you will die within a year, but if it remains dry and undiminished, you will live to a ripe old age.Top
If a dead person's linen is not washed immediately after death, the dead will not rest in the grave.
At Christinas and Easter and on All Hallows' Eve, all those who have have drowned at sea come up to ride over the waves on "white horses" (white waves), and hold their revels.
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joshuawithers · 1 month
Vale Stan Hillard
A quick search on the internet for Stan Hillard doesn’t reveal much. You’ll find my name-dropping about a decade ago on Radio Today as I trample on the great legacy of community radio in Australia, you’ll also find that Stan was most recently the President of 2WAY FM and was even presenting radio shows last week. He loved the theatre, and even acting if we’re allowed to call whatever is in that YouTube video as acting.
I met Stan on my first day at 4CRM, Mackay’s Community Radio station early 2004. I’d always wanted to be on the radio, firstly because I’d admired everything I’d heard come out of Triple J, Hot FM, and 4MK’s transmitters since I was a little boy, and secondly because it was the closest I could ever come to being heard - something that didn’t happen much for this kid from a broken home. I walked past and saw a sign on the door about learning radio.
This post to the usenet group aus.radio.broadcast recalls the moment in terific hi skool dropout englissh
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I went up the radio station stairs expecting to find out about some big course and the next day, after talking to station manager Allan Berry, I was in the studio with Stan.
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Dig deeper on Google for Stan and you’ll find a story from the Alice Spring News reported on February 11, 1998, a story containing an anecdote about colour TV coming to the region:
When Alice Springs finally got TV in 1970, it could have gone straight to colour. However, the ABC, the sole transmitter at the time, had put a colour bar on its equipment. “Nobody realised this,” recalls Murray, “but we had a technician here called Stan Hillard in charge of the transmitter. He went to Adelaide and while he was having a look at their equipment, he noticed the colour bar, pulled it out and all of a sudden Alice Springs had colour. “He got into hot water for doing this, the ABC were going to reinstate black and white but the Northern Territory Government intervened, someone in the ABC got their knuckles rapped and Stan was a hero for the town!” Murray has heard that Stan now lives in Rockhampton.
Born on March 11, 1947, Stan passed away this last week, and although the internet leaves much to be imagined about Stan, his leadership, training, and guidance in the early days of my career were foundational and I wanted to honour his legacy by repeating what he taught me on my first day in front of a microphone, before which he’d taught me how to panel a radio show. I quoted Stan on this blog last year, but I share again to honour the mark Stan left on my life and career, and so the people at the back can hear it:
Imagine the audience are the stupidest people alive then treat them with the upmost respect.
It’s my golden rule for broadcasting, publishing, posting, tweeting, threading, tooting, facebooking, gramming, or microblogging. Imagine for just one minute that the people reading this thing, or hearing it, and they have no idea what you’re talking about - explain it to them in a quick and simple way so they may understand and perhaps even engage.
Whenever I’ve failed in life it’s almost likely because I’ve ignored or failed to employ that golden rule.
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bachford47 · 1 month
Family First - American Style
As soon as you do visit coach regretting his insane style the detoxifying methods can then be necessary. He was the editor-in-chief, and founding father of La Stampa, Turin's substantial daily news paper. There are so very many feste, or street parties, in Italy. Each tiny village has the liechtenstein patron saint and therefore its own festa. Is definitely real a real sense of community, along with the effort installed into preparing food, making music, dancing, children's circus, fireworks theatre, cinema, markets and so on, is remarkable. View More: topsonlaaz.com - Top Son La AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Son La AZ: Trần Ngọc Diệp - Tran Ngoc Diep I wonder if phrase Aeolian Energy would ever catch on in English? One thing is actually not the same in Italy is the controversy these windmills cause whenever they are made. Still, they gave us something interesting to communicate about once we climbed. After ineffective treatments from doctors in South Africa, where she lived, she decided to utilize San Pedrolati. "I gave her the tiniest amount", says La Gringa, "then she lay throughout arms and cried her heart out for five hours. Which usually is a good description in the happened actually, because, along with eyes of San Pedro, I saw strands of one's coming from her heart and circling her arm like a tourniquet. I began pulling them out and throwing them away.
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View More: topsonlaaz.com - Top Son La AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Son La AZ: Trần Ngọc Diệp - Tran Ngoc Diep I have just completed the first weekend of my visit back to your USA. It has been a very busy night. On Saturday, my son had his Little League baseball game. We left the house around eleven and did not back again until almost four that afternoon. Then on Sunday we were back to your park for team picture. It has been fun, but it has also made me feel somewhat guilty about the deficit of those opportunities for Emily in the UK. Look to your own bet on life. A person been giving 100% as a boss, an employee, a husband or wife, a parent or mother, a Son La Province or daughter, neighbor, friend, volunteer, as well as.? We are all lured in by simplicity of just giving suitable. Viewing those around us and knowing daily easily "get by" with a standard amount of effort. In his book, "When The Game Stands Tall", author Neil Hayes tells the true story of high school football coach Bob Ladouceur. Ladouceur supports the record for that longest winning streak in football record. De La Salle, the tiny Catholic school in Concord, California won 151 consecutive games from 1992 to 2004, while playing against some of your top football programs in Northern California and apart from. The first rubber soled shoes, not really known as sneakers, appeared in the 1800's. From 1890's Goodyear, just a rubber shoe company at the time, began making rubber and canvas shoes. These comfortable shoes went through variety of names until they chose Keds. It actually was Keds, every time they became made in huge amounts in 1917 that became known as sneakers. The moniker was bestowed by Henry Nelson McKinney, a marketing agent for N.W. Ayer & Son who noted that these shoes were quiet, making truly sound regardless of what surface they came in touch with. Little did Alfredo Frassati and his wife Adelaide Ametis expect, or realize, for one moment, how the young man God sentenced to them on Holy Saturday, April 6th in 2010 1901, would become potent role type the last century. Tin Top Son La AZ News Because he was a frail and sickly baby, these were afraid he could not survive, so his parents had him hurriedly baptized at birth, by their friend Monsignor Rocati in the Church of la Crocetta. Five months later, they enjoy a more ceremonious baptism for their new born baby close to the 3rd anniversary of their wedding, September 5th on parish church of their summer residence in Pollone, il Cangio Church. We camped the night before in order to start the walk up about 2,000 feet already, and so give us more time next day to stop and enjoy where we walking. Is certainly hot in Italy in the summer, but we were quite cool that date. It reminded me that when you are down cruising level, and feeling the heat, consume a lot of easily forget just what altitude does to the environmental. Even a couple of thousand feet can develop a big modification. We needed thick jumpers in the evening in addition to a good sleeping bag. Tin Top Son La AZ 247 I hope this article makes you think about exploring the heights of your own ceiling. I imagine that performing people at topping level is really the nirvana all of us seek. Touch down!
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It was a cold, rainy day in La Jolla. Unusual, although it was winter, it was still unusual for the area. That's why I figured my son stowed coming into our art gallery one morning with a big bulky jacket on and absolutely nothing to cover his feet but new sandals. He always wears sandals, as do many young individuals this beach community. It's portion of the dress code here. I was moved with the story, but touched within soul from the thought of "the ceiling". Wow, I wondered, to deliver everything at amount of my own diamond ring ceiling? Solution is often "no", as well as that's is a hardcore pill to swallow. I had participated in four Himalayan expeditions in five years old. I swore off mountaineering after Mera in ninety nine. I did not bring back to Nepal for four years old. It was no longer safe to go to Nepal, anyway. A violent Maoist revolution against the King had broken out, and have been shootings and bombs going off in Kathmandu. Tin Top Sơn La AZ News But given that I would like them, they so much good. They chip in each day, all round the day long, getting me from here to there, hopping over things, hardly tripping on any path I set aside. They should be cared for. Correctly revered. We got into a packed house in just moments before show time. The Son La Province Center Concert Hall can be obtained in the institution of Music at 1014 S. Michigan Ave. It is a beautiful venue with excellent acoustics. As we made our way towards the seats, we passed several rows of scholars holding their instruments. Because i know the numbers of pressures, I thought how wonderful it should be for aspiring artists to visit to school and place out compared to other artists from day to night. I suspect it is actually enriching experience, particularly once you have the option to work with a guy like Ivan Neville. We stopped frequently to eat wild raspberries and study the mushrooms we found under the tress. Had been holding protected there, but I felt able to learn about them for future talk about. Italians are great mushroom gatherers and they all know about what absolutely and cannot eat. I learned a lot, but would still only eat something I had checked by a qualified first. The associated with being careful cannot be over estimated not only personally, likewise nationally and internationally. Shortage of care has now affected our financial stability, not only locally, but globally. Tin Top Sơn La AZ 24h The government was not careful. Its regulators and legislators were lax. Companies were under careful. Associated with cases their CEO's were greedy and morally careless. Individuals were also not careful, trusting their stability on unstable behavior. Banks gave directly into the demands of want-to-be homeowners together with their own need to make arrangements. Care was not taken over here. Ouch! And here's the insider tip: some sites offer nice views, but sites 82-84 offer ocean front perspectives. Reservations are made through Reserve America 7 months straight up. If you time it right, you will get a prime site. Also, you can check back periodically the particular current month- sometimes are generally cancellations. There are organized walking holidays is going to also suit every budget and level of fitness. For the very energetic, trekking in Italy is fantastic because have the Alps as being the challenge. Whatever you level are generally at, however go in the group a great experienced local guide. Utilized take a self-guided tour where are generally given maps and an itinerary, but find personalized way. You find holidays where you might be based in the centre and take daily circular paths. You can also book a tour that goes from starting point place with your accommodation booked and your luggage transported for a person will. The choice is yours. Many players of burned out coaches brought to mind my son and daughter. These players all seem of having a great deal in general. They usually are put in seo four batters of the queue up and therefore are talented enough to rotate in practically all positions. These boys share a involving the same survival tactics. Tin Top Son La AZ 247 An awesome a feeling of humor is essential. Cracking jokes always seems lightens the atmosphere after the coach flips out. Question are they suppose you want to do to weather the storm. These players attempted to watch their teammates backs while his or her own was definitely breaking. View More: topsonlaaz.com - Top Son La AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Son La AZ: Trần Ngọc Diệp - Tran Ngoc Diep Written By Author in topsonlaaz.com: Vừ A Phía - Vu A Phia Written By Author in topsonlaaz.com: Trần Thu Hoài - Tran Thu Hoai
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crimsonmoonlite · 4 months
Gray Dusk - Queer Rewrite -18+: Chapter 1
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Gray Dusk - Queer Rewrite -18+ - 1. A Tough Decision - Wattpad
Gray Dusk - Chapter 1 - crimsonmoonlite - Twilight Series - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
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August 6, 2008 7:27 PM
Dessert Ridge, Phoenix, Arizona
   Since Phil Dwyer was in the picture, Mom wanted us all to have dinner together in the dining room, and we would usually have it in the living room, watching trash TV or listening to the radio.
   I didn't like Phil much, but he made my mom happy. I only disliked him because he can be small-minded, which can rub off on my mom. It's a chameleon effect. Whoever she spends time with for more than a few hours tends to mirror their interests and beliefs.
   No matter how much my mom has changed, one thing hasn't changed. She loves and adores me, and I know it. She must have seen me playing around with the grilled corn on my plate. We had just gotten back from the church service. I don't mind the church and all, but it's hateful in spirit. At least the church Phil goes to.
   "You okay, sweetie?" Mom asked me to nudge my shoulder, and I forced a smile. I've been thinking hard about the engagement, like dinner the other week and the announcement when Phil was drafted to the Marlins.
   "You haven't touched your empanadas all dinner... Bells, you aren't getting food shyness again, are you?" Mom asked me, confused. I used to fear eating in front of people. Phil always had a look of disgust when it came to me.
   "No, Mama, I am okay," I mumbled. She was so happy, and I didn't want to change the mood. "I... have been thinking a lot about the move to Florida,"
   "Are you worried about what happened to Adelaide?" She asked. Adelaide was one of my best friends before she moved to Tampa. She is a lesbian and isn't shy at all about it. She had gotten a girlfriend and was holding her hand in public and got hate-crimed, scolding hot coffee was thrown into her and her girlfriend's faces.
   "I won't lie and say that doesn't scare me a little," I said, looking down.
   It's been two months since I turned 18. I had my name legally changed from Beaufort to Bella. Mom wasn't thrilled about it, but when she got time to think, she helped me pick out some dresses... though I'm not a dress type of girl.
   "I don't want to hurt your feelings..." I sighed, afraid as she could be quite emotional. She and Phil had been trying to get pregnant, so her hormones were all over the place.
   "What is it, Bea-Bells," she said, concerned. She was still trying to get used to the name change. It was easier to call me Bells because that has been my nickname since I was a baby. My middle name is Bellamy, and they used to put bells on me because I would tend to run off.
   "Well... I was thinking that you have had sole custody of me since I was 8... and that it might be nice if I went to stay with Charlie," I said, and she made a confused face, "He and I haven't gotten to see each other for a while, and he has been supportive with me coming out and all,"
   "Are you sure Bea- er... I mean, Bella, you hate Forks and the cold, wet atmosphere," she looked at me concerned, "Is this your Father's idea? I am going to have to call him,"
   "No, Mama, this is my idea, I promise... I miss him," I shrugged and looked down at my plate, "I do remember a few people from Forks, and I don't know anyone from Miami..." I combed some hair out of my face, "Plus, I hate humidity more than the cold. Remember when we went to the Bahamas on that one vacation?" I asked, and she laughed at the memory.
   "Yeah, when we got off the plane in the Keys to go to the Cruise Ship Port, your hair poofed up in seconds," she covered her mouth, laughing and hugging me. "Well, Baby... if this is really what you want, I will call your father after dinner and work out everything before the High School starts over there."
   "That's okay, Mama, I will call him," I hugged her back and started eating. I tend not to get hungry when there is a lot on my mind. I wasn't looking at him, but Phil looked ecstatic about this; he is one of those stepfathers who doesn't want any stepkids.
   I didn't want to leave my mom to live with my Father, but I didn't want to move to Florida even more. What happened to Adelaide shook me up. She has 3rd-degree burns still healing from that incident.
   No place was safe for people like me, but I would feel safe since my Father is the sheriff of Forks. I don't know the intolerance of Washington, but I do know that my Father has done his best to support me.
   Charlie is an old soul who never left the small town he was raised in, so it surprised me when he was so supportive of me when I came out to him over a letter. He doesn't know how to do anything other than call me on his landline or send a letter, but he has been very supportive. It will be awkward because I haven't seen him in person for three years.
  We both have a problem with social awkwardness, even with each other. Mama told me I got much of my personality from him and his looks. I get his complexion. The only thing I got from my mom was her caramel hair and green eyes.
   When we finished dinner, Mom asked me if I wanted this before I could leave my room. Another reason I wanted to move is to get rid of all of her excuses for having a fun time. She was so young when she married me and didn't have a chance to have a good time.
   I pulled my phone off the charger and called dad, "Hello?" Charlie asked when he answered the phone.
   "Hey, Dad... did I wake you up?" I asked, forgetting that it was an hour ahead in Washington.
   "Oh Bella, Hey Sweetie, this is a surprise... you don't normally call me this late," Charlie asked. I couldn't help but smile when he used the name I told him. "Not complaining, I just- er... is everything okay?"
   "Yes, Dad, don't worry... your um, you know how Mom is getting married soon and moving to Florida,"
   "Yes..." he said sadly, though I knew it wasn't because of the wedding. He may be sad at the thought of me moving farther away than Mom getting married again. He had been over her for a while now.
   "Well, Um... I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind if I moved in with you and finished School in Forks?" I asked and then got a little nervous when he didn't answer immediately. I didn't think about him wanting to live with me now that I was out. Forks are quite a small town, though he doesn't seem the type to worry about image. I was freaking out from the lack of talking, "Um... You-"
   "Of course, Bella... You can move in with me! I can buy you a plane ticket right now if you want!" he said excitedly. I hadn't heard him this excited for anything other than him watching sports.
   "Well, I would like to spend a little more time with Mama before she moves, and I have to tell my friends bye... I can use the money I have saved for a truck and college to buy a plane ticket,"
   "No-No Bella, you keep your money, and I will buy your ticket," he quickly said, sounding happy. It was a relief he was so happy. I know my Father loves me, but I know if I had lived alone for so long. "Just tell me the day, and I will have everything ready,"
   "The 23rd?"
   "Yes, that is okay. School will start the next week... I will have your transcripts and registered at the high School soon,"
   "Love you, Charlie,"
   "Love you too, Bells," he said. Please Comment, Vote, and add this story to your reading lists.
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haledcora · 5 months
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❝ if you want to fight and die for something, that's fine with me, but do it for something meaningful.❞
name . . . . cora hale nicknames . . . . mini derek age . . . .25 sexuality . . . .bisexual date of birth . . . .1994 place of birth . . .beacon hills gender . . . .cis-female pronouns . . . .she/her current location . . . .beacon hills languages . . . .english
zodiac . . . .taurusbad habits . . . impulsive, headstrong hobbies . . . .kickboxing, boxing fears . . .loosing her pack
faceclaim . . . .adelaide kane height . . . .5'4 hair colour . . . .brunette eye colour. . . .golden brown
parents . . .talia hale (mother) siblings . . . .derek hale
𝐕 . . . 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 ! cora hale, was born as the youngest child of alpha werewolf talia hale. her early life was shattered when, at the age of eleven, her family's home was ruthlessly burned down by argent hunter kate argent and her accomplices, resulting in the tragic loss of what she believed to be all of her family members, managing to escape the inferno that claimed the lives of many of her kin.
following the devastating incident, cora's survival instincts propelled her on a journey of escape and self-discovery. believing she was the sole survivor of her family, she fled south through mexico and central america, eventually finding solace among a werewolf pack in south america.
however years later, rumours reached cora about a powerful new hale alpha building a pack in beacon hills, california. shocked by the news and eager to investigate, she returned to her homeland only to fall victim to the alpha pack. captured alongside newly-bitten betas vernon boyd and erica reyes, cora became leverage for the alpha pack's sinister plan to coerce derek hale, the new hale alpha, into joining their ranks. the ordeal led to the tragic demise of erica, leaving cora and boyd grief-stricken.
after helping derek fight and defeat the werewolf pack, cora decided to return to south america, not wishing to belong in beacon hills for a moment longer. however, once again rumours have reached her ears over a strange supernatural gathering within the town, and out of concern for her family she's returned, wanting to discover what exactly was going on.
erica reyes and vernon boyd: the two betas cora was trapped with, she couldn't help but bond with the two, and marvel at their courage in the face of danger. she felt a kindship with them, and upon their deaths demanded vengeance, fighting their killers with a passionate hatred.
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86locksmiths · 7 months
Rescuing Your Day: Exploring Different Types of Car Keys with an Auto Locksmith
Look no further for all your auto locksmith requirements than 86locksmiths. Our expertise lies in the maintenance and repair of auto locks, ensuring swift solutions to get you back on the road promptly!
Exploring Varieties of Automotive Keys
Are you familiar with the diverse array of keys utilized by different car models? The evolution of keys has paralleled technological advancements, leading to heightened security features. A proficient auto locksmith possesses the skill to handle various types of car keys, providing invaluable assistance in critical situations.
Whether you find yourself locked out of your car, have misplaced your sole set of keys, or encountered issues like a broken key in the ignition, a reliable auto locksmith can be your saving grace.
While we hope you won't face these predicaments, it's always prudent to be prepared. For Adelaide locksmiths, there's one go-to destination. Consider saving our number in your phone - 0410 779 163. You never know when you might need it!
Remote Control Keys
Remote control keys bring a heightened level of convenience to drivers, enabling them to effortlessly unlock their vehicles upon approach. This seamless functionality ensures that by the time you reach your car, you can easily hop right in.
Should you encounter issues with the remote door or boot unlock feature of your key, worry not. We specialize in repairing or replacing the sensors that establish the connection between your key and your car. This straightforward solution requires just a single call to rectify, ensuring that your remote control key functions seamlessly once again!
Smart Car Keys
Introducing the cutting-edge technology of smart car keys – the epitome of automotive innovation. As intelligent as they sound, these high-tech keys simplify the process of starting your car. With this advanced system, all you need is to have the key within the vehicle, and presto, your car starts effortlessly. Embrace the future of convenience and efficiency with these state-of-the-art smart car keys.
Standard Cut Keys
The conventional car key, known as a standard cut key, undergoes a machining process that incorporates ridges and cuts designed to seamlessly fit into your car's ignition. Even in instances where the key has broken off within the ignition, there's no need to panic. I've encountered this scenario numerous times and possess the expertise to resolve the issue.
In contrast, modern keys are crafted using a specialized machine known as an end mill cutter. This advanced method introduces additional grooves and precisely cuts the key, enhancing its security features. Although recreating this type of key is more intricate and comes with a higher cost, rest assured that it is entirely feasible!
Transponder Keys
Transponder keys incorporate miniature microchips, crucial for initiating the ignition upon key insertion.
The intricate design of these keys serves a security purpose – without the microchip, your ignition remains inert, bolstering the overall security of your vehicle and making the key challenging to replicate. Fortunately, equipped with specialized tools and transponder systems, our experts can seamlessly replace the microchip and reprogram the key, restoring its functionality with precision and expertise.
Valet Keys
While not as prevalent today, the valet key, reminiscent of a master key system, once granted distinct "permissions" to different drivers. As the name implies, a valet key serves a specific purpose for valet drivers, functioning solely to unlock or start the car. Intriguingly, this type of key did not extend its functionality to unlocking the boot or glove compartment, offering a tailored and limited access feature for enhanced security and control.
Don't let a lost or broken car key disrupt your day – the solution is just a phone call away!
Contacting a car locksmith ensures swift and on-site resolutions to issues such as lost or damaged keys or the aftermath of a burglary. When you find yourself in need, rely on the expertise of an auto locksmith to come to your location, cut new keys, and deliver the optimal car key solution. Your convenience and security, including precise car keys cutting, are just a call away.
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SAINT OF THE DAY (December 16)
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Adelaide was born in 931 in Burgundy, France, as the daughter of King Rudolph II of Burgundy, a member of the Elder House of Welf, and Bertha of Swabia.
She was promised in marriage when she was only two years old to a man named Lothaire, the son and heir of his enemy, Hugh of Provence.
Adelaide and her first husband had one daughter, Emma, born in 948 when Adelaide was only seventeen.
Lothaire was killed when still young, and Adelaide was to have a tumultuous life that paralleled the struggle for political power of the times, something she had come to symbolize. She appealed to Otho the Great of Germany for help.
Having been sought after by various kings and nobles after Lothaire’s death, she was finally married by Otho the Great of Germany, who had invaded Italy.
After Otto’s death on 7 May 973, Adelaide exercised influence over her son Otto II until their estrangement in 978, when she left the court and lived in Burgundy with her brother King Conrad.
At Conrad’s urging, she became reconciled with her son. Before his death in 983, Otto appointed her his regent in Italy.
With her daughter-in-law, Empress Theophano, she upheld the right of her three-year-old grandson, Otto III, to the German throne.
She lived in Lombardy from 985 to 991, when she returned to Germany to serve as sole regent after Theophano’s death (991).
In 991, Adelaide was invested as the Regent of the Empire. She used her power as the effective empress to increase evangelization efforts, especially in northern Europe.
She built many monasteries and churches, and also gave much aid the poor. She governed until Otto III came of age in 994.
When he became Holy Roman emperor in 996, she retired from court life, devoting herself to founding churches, monasteries and convents.
She died in 999 at the monastery of Seltz, Alsace. She was canonized in 1097 by Pope Urban II.
She is the patron saint of abuse victims, second marriages, step-parents, and widows.
Some of her relics rest in the reliquary chapel in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on Notre Dame's campus.
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