#solarmoon opinions
xaloncat · 1 month
I wanted to rlly quickly explain my thoughts on solar moon and why I don't rlly like it much
Main reason? I see it as incest. It's uncomfortable to me cuz solar sees himself as a cousin to the others.
But let's ignore that, say hypothetically it's an AU where solar doesn't feel that.
My problem with it at that point is that in solars dimension, moon is his ABUSER.
Fundamentally, they are the same person. Yes their actions are different and that's very clear but it doesn't change the fact that solars moon and our moon are both moon. It might not seem like it matters but it's enough to feel uncomfortable to consider someone's litteral abuser but in an alternate universe being shipped with them.
But besides that, it's my opinions on a fictional ship. I don't hate ppl that ship it. I just say 'DNI' cuz I don't wanna see solarmoon stuff because it makes me uncomfy
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dragoncxv360 · 3 months
So uh, in honor of today's episode, I finally drew Solar lmao 💀 (will make a digital version later)
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Kinda messed around with making my own design 'cause I like designing characters and especially outfits (all at once my fav and least fav part of drawing tbh, fav 'cause I love drawing clothes (I wanted to be a fashion designer as a kid actually) but least fav 'cause I gotta cover all the fun anatomy I like spending time on, tho I didn't spend as much time on it this time since I knew it was gonna be covered 😭). Also I like the apron some people (namely @/witchysolfan) draw him in and I've read fics mentioning him wearing an apron so it's canon in my head XD.
Very rough sketches of the VR vs @/ayyy-imma-ninja's design 'cause I wanted to wrap my head around those ones first before attempting my own
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Might try to take more colour inspiration from the VR model/more VR accurate thumbnail design? Idk, we'll see. I did legitimately think Meg's design was canon tho lol so when I saw Solar's actual model I was like wait a minute who the fuck is that??? (I never watched any episodes outside of the very first one several years ago till a few days ago, so I mainly just know stuff about the show from people talking about it and the more canon compliant parts of fics, so I've only ever seen fanart of Meg's design lol)
Also I kept drawing his pants after most of the rest of his clothes and it was making me laugh. My brother told me to give him some damn pants please XD
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(Also if any tsams fans follow me from this post I just wanna give a heads up that this is my first time drawing anything tsams related and most of my dca art is actually my own aus where Sun and Moon are lovers, so if that's not your thing I would suggest not following me 'cause you'll see a lotta sun x moon art. Also I do personally ship Solar and Moon so if that's not your thing again I would suggest not following 'cause you'll see a lotta solarmoon art reblogged and at least some in the future actually drawn by me)
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evilyn-is-gay · 3 months
What's your top favorite ship, and why? :3
For SAMS: either SolarMoon or GlobalPutt (Monty x Earth) and maybe Kids Cove but I don’t watch MGAFS so I can’t make opinions (reasons: they re just cute idk)
In general: probably ENA x Pomni, absolutely no reason, they’re just cute asf
OCs: Sala x Sparrow, my silly little demon lesbians, no reason I just like them
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tsams-confessions · 2 months
Okay ive seen a LOT of hate on ships here and as a multishipper, I wanted to put my two cents in and some out of five stars (I would like to state, with Moon questioning his aroace identity, ships are a bit iffy, but so long as he doesn't outright say he's aroace, I believe he feels some form of romantic attraction)
SolarMoon - 2/5:
its alright, I can see the healing relationship trope, and respect it, but the way they're portrayed together is either codependent on each other or just... So distant. plus, Moon is questioning his aroace identity so my opinion changes on this matter as his identity does too
SolarSun - 3/5:
Genuinly pretty cute, I support it. I love seeing hurt/comfort for the two, both grappling with theur trauma and losing the only person who cared for them at the time. Not really a reason for me to dislike it, just not my favorite.
Eclipse/Anyone - 0/5:
Okay, I know, I know, I just smashed every ship with Eclipse in it together, but theres a reason. One, he just kinda feels aroace to me, and a personal bias, I want the guy dead. He just sucks. I never cared for him, never will.
Lunar/Solar - 1/5:
This would be a 0, however Lunar has said, hes not a child, and his familial relationship with Solar isn't set in stone, but if they end up being related or adopted or whatever, 0/5, same goes for any other incestial ship
SolarRuin - 4/5:
I KNOW RUIN PLAYED EVERYONE LIKE A FIDDLE BUT HE DIDNT IN MY HEAD AND BESIDES, THE TWO OF THEM ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER. And when Moon told Solar, that ruin had tricked them all, the pain and disbelief in his voice, it was just so raw and emotional
Monty/Earth - 4/5:
Not all for it, Monty could be better, but honestly, really cute. I get that Earth was rushed into things but like, that happens sometimes. Unfortunately its part of life, but I think she kind of needed a non familial relationship with someone so Monty was the best thing
Monty/Moon - 3/5:
Okay so this one is iffy, early Moon and Monty, 5/5 PLATONIC partners, loved the sassy friendship, the general toxicity, and all. But New Moon and Monty? Yeah, I kinda ship it, its cute, the banter, everything. Again, if Moon identifies as Aroace, thjs becomes nonromantic, but they seem like they could have a good platonic relationship. THIS IS CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT MONTY AND EARTH ARE NOT INVOLVED
Monty/Sun - 3/5:
Again, only early sun and monty, cause now they dont have that same fling together, but early show Sun and Monty was so cute and honestly it could have happened. Im a glitter golf enjoyer outside of TSBS though, so might be biased.
Gemini/Lunar - 4/5:
Okay, I love Gemini, theyre onr of my favorite characters, and I love their relationship with Lunar, only reason why its not 5/5 is because it always feels a bit more of a Castor/Lunar thing, Pollux just never seemed all that interested which is fair
Sun/Foxy - 5/5:
Honestly, its my favorite ship, even for the joke, its still unnecessarily funny and cute
FoxyMonty - 0/5:
Sorrg For Any misspellings, its past midnight and I've got work tomorrow
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garbagechocolate · 3 months
Hey guys we need to talk about this again it seems
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I got a ask yesterday from that stinky anon who got REALLY aggressive about me refusing to back down from reblogging @tsams-confessions and. My god guys this is not normal.
To summarize what the ask said, it basically blamed me for causing repulsed aspecs to harass and accuse Solarmoon shippers. It went on to say that nobody cared about their concerns until I started reblogging confessions. The ask goes on to call these concerns "whining" and was angered that repulsed aspecs in particular had a "big voice" (me) to back them up. They called repulsed aspecs to be annoying and demanding, calling our opinions puritanical. Then they said that this is why other aspecs turned on us.
So, if you couldn't tell by reading that summary, it's the most blatant display of aphobia ever seen. To say that we were annoying for being upset that the little representation we had is constantly being erased? I personally am not even going after solarmoon shippers specifically anymore, this is about GENERAL APHOBIA in this fandom now. To be so upset about aspecs that just want to have representation in media they enjoy is petty and if you can't understand that it's aphobic the way you're putting your ships before their opinions I don't know what to tell you.
Alloromantic asexuals and Allosexual aromantics have always been favored in bigger lgbt circles, and repulsed aroaces never get any representation, or get treated differently than allos. I'm sorry you got harassed, no one deserves harassment, but maybe you should revisit if you're just aphobic or not. I'll be linking a video that talks about aphobia in a fandom.
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Thanks for your response. I was the anon who ended the ask with 'the fandom can suck it'. When I saw that anon who you and twinanimatronics had assumed to be the one that keeps you know starting shit with you, I really hated that they labeled us as shipbrain or whatever they said. I am aroace who finds comfort in shipping characters and that doesn't make me any less aroace. Can't people like them just let us have this, let us share it and stop taping our mouths? God. We are not even hurting anyone. I posted a solarxmoon and solarxearth mini comic thing yesterday and behold, I believe that same anon found it and is looking adamantly through the solarxmoon and even solarxearth because I didn't use the tsams tag for my comic. I took the comic down fast and turned off anon messages so quick because God that anon was quick to leave nasty messages, six in total and that was panic attack inducing. I'm sorry for rambling about this. I don't know anyone else who got that same anon on their back. It looks like they are persistent for lack of better term and it annoys me+scares me. Can't even share things I like about here anymore. Hoping solarxmoon becomes canon so that anon can shut up already
If Solar Moon became canon, they don't even need to change anything.
The actors don't even need to pretend to kiss or be romanically involved at all.
It's literally as simple as "Oh yeah, we were dating for months, anyway..."
OH AND... FUCK THAT ANON. I know the user you are talking about, I think there's around two or three of them... and it seems like they're dead set on hunting down people who use that Solarmoon or Solar x Moon tag.
Going into popular users in the tsams fandom that I personally don't know... and spreading bad lies and rumors about me.
Like, they typically try to keep it as vague as possible, like "oh I am not talking about dana-chan-the-control-brain specifically....." but they often steal the exact wording and turn of phrase I use.
Cause I have an overly wordy way of talking on the internet.
I've always been this way since I was 15, so I feel my style of speaking is pretty overly wordy, rambly and long compared to most people just because I don't have a lot to share with my opinions with in real life. And I also misspell things a lot cus spellcheck has gotten worse since it became AI trained and it doesn't help my dyslexia.
But how sad is that? That someone is searching out the tag for a ship that they don't like, claim that "it's everywhere" and I'm "poisoning the fanbase" when I'm just.... here... playing with my own dolls, doing my own thing.... and not bothering anyone... Not even putting the ship in the tags publicly because I have Such respect and love for the silly little youtube show, who also plays with fnaf characters like they're dolls.
(just saying.. "bio-organic" and interdimensional travel did NOT come from fnaf I can tell you that much. )
And yeah, if they're really stumbling across Solarmoon or these ships on accident.......Blacklist the tags and move on? Don't come to my messages... Don't harass my friends...
And don't harass other people I DON'T EVEN KNOW because someone just said "hehe but what if they kissed" on the internet?
Like blocklist the tag, and move on.
I know the blocklisting tagging system sucks sometimes, so maybe it's picking up "Solar" like in that case? Just scroll super fast and don't look at it?
And yeah. You don't deserve those nasty messages sent your way at all!
Oh, and if you feel brave enough to reupload your art to tumblr and DM me, I will gladly reblog it here. <3
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sketchtxt · 28 days
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Disclaimer: I am not a proshipper. If you have to ask, I will be blocking you. I also have no strict dni list, but please do not subject me to nsfw. Jokes are typically fine.
I will also note that in the whole arguments between sams and shipping (solarmoon and earth x eclipse) I personally do not ship them, but be. civil. if I catch you with an "[insert other side] dni" in your bio I'm blocking you. there's no reason why both sides can't get along and respect each other's opinions. feel free to block me if it does make you uncomfortable, or if you refuse to keep peace. thank you.
also there will temporarily be tags on this post until I can properly move posts to the new tags and sort them. sorry gamers!
HI !! I'm Sun and I use any pronouns!
🧡 Things I'm currently into: Friday Night Funkin', Slenderman and Slenderblogs, Ride the Cyclone, Markiplier Makes, Minecraft, and more!
My ungodly list of pronouns: she/her, she/sher, vi/ver, ware/wares, whir/whirs (whirr/whirrs), gear/gears, int/ints, glow/glows, he/him, they/them, it/its, and anything else you can come up with !!
🦐 What things will you find on this blog?
well, I will probably post and reblog a lot about the things I enjoy, but besides that, I post art! I do write sometimes, but I don't usually post it.
🍤 My Slenderblogs: @daylily-slender @slenderofspades @sirenslender @poet-tenderman @lost-slenderman @citrineslender @garnetslender as well as @norasong @theamazingleaf who are not slenders but are tied to the lore
🌻 My abandoned blogs: @phonedude-asks @moon-cluster and @agenericarcadebot (I'm too focused on my slenderblogs to properly run these blogs, but I might come back eventually.)
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*outdated/dead tags
Enchantment Table — art posts
Crafting Table — wip posts
Book & Quill — text posts
The Lectern — quote posts
Ultra Space — answered asks
Bleeding Stems — slenderblog posts
The Hourglass Clock — ocverse posts
* Hidden Helpers AU — sams au
* Hallucigenia AU — sams au
* A Generic AU — ruin blog/sams au
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artoutoftheblue · 3 months
Imagine sending someone hate anons over a fucking ship lmao
Like say what you want Abt solarmoon at least you're not doing that
Like. I dont care what people on the internet do, I just ignore the ship and block anyone who ships it, why dont they do the same for us? Imagine getting angry at someone because they dont ship what you ship. I dont get upset when people dont ship Lunar x Castor. I dont get upset when people dont ship Puppet x Solar. I dont get upset when people dont ship Glamrock Freddy x Sun. Like...it literally does not matter....people have their own opinions on ships, and my opinion is that its fucking gross. That's it.
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bittyfromquotev · 2 months
Read this before doing ANYTHING on here. That is not an option.
Welcome to my blog! I’m Q or Bitty :) [PFP by @artoutoftheblue]
Bisexual and she/he/they pronouns as gender is complicated and I really don’t know | AuDHD, OCD, Misiophonia, C-PTSD | 16 years old
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This blog will cover some uncomfortable topics including abuse and other types of violence. If you don’t like these things, I suggest not following me.
NSFW sideblog(for blocking purposes or if you want some of that content): @bittynotsafe
Also an SFW vore sideblog: @gulpingthingsdown
Birthday: October 6
Asks: idk man
Hyperfixations: DCA/TSAMS, vore, Sonic.EXE, Sonic
Special Interest: anything to do with the human body/mind
Fandoms I’m in: Sonic, Sonic.EXE, DCA, FNAF, TSAMS, MHA, Mandela Catalogue(kind of), FNF(kind of), TADC
DNI: Racists, aphobes, transphobes, homophobes, TERFS, Alicia Belle Comyack, Peyton “Robin” Curtis, Israel supporters/apologists, strictly NSFW blogs, pedophiles, proshippers, overly religious people, ableists, Autism Speaks/Light It Up Blue supporters
Info on Alicia
My stance on Autism Speaks
I do not like the Solarmoon ship, but if anyone who tries to interact with me is disrespectful about liking/disliking it, you WILL be blocked. This does not mean responding to hate/disrespect in an angry way. This means telling people that they’re horrible or disgusting for their opinions. That being said, I do NOT like Solarmoon. If you do and are respectful about it, IDGAF.
My mutuals are awesome! I love them :) platonically ofc
Important Tags:
from the bitty jar- any posts that are on here that are not reblogs
the bitty has been yoinked (ask tag)- asks that I have answered
the bitty has broken in- asks of mine to other blogs that were answered, these will be reblogs
brand new bitty- introduction of a self-insert OC
decorating the terrarium- reblog tag :)
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xaloncat · 1 month
I can give you a third reason to dislike that ship: the aphobia.
I realized I left that out in my original post and reblogged it adding that 👍
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sillymoonboi · 4 months
What's your honest opinion on Solarmoon?
To be honest i think its cute
It might not be my favorite but its alright
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fablekitty · 5 months
Mk, opinions on solarmoon?
Should have specified I'm not in to the TSAMS ships. If it were a non TSAMS thing and no one was related, eh. maybe. But no. lol.
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tsams-confessions · 5 months
quite the fandom, isnt it?
dont forget your daily clicks
palestine masterpost
good timezone and welcome to tsams confessions. have an opinion you dont want traced back to your account? frustrated and need a place to yell? just want to sit back and watch whatever drama of the week unfold without actually having to participate? this is the place for you. you can submit just about anything, but there's a few rules
note: while i do accept good-faith criticisms of my judgements in terms of what is and is not allowed here, remember that this is my blog and will operate how i want it to. dont like that? block button's right there. i very rarely respond to hate so dont waste your time
we are no longer allowing people to be mentioned by name. there weren't any major incidents to spark this decision, but the three we got were just spreading rumors about the people in question and that's not what we want here
if you are mentioned/vagued in a post and would like it taken down, or if you sent your own confession and want it removed, please reach out off anon. it has to be the person themself that was involved, we will not take things down at the request of someone else
dont be a dick needlessly. i dont want to see shit like "x child's art sucks" thats not a confession thats just mean
Please don't discuss the solarmoon incest debate. Discussing the ship itself is allowed still
apparently this needs to be added. if we deem your confession to be racist/queerphobic/ableist/etc we will delete it 5a. apparently this also needs to be added. please stop calling characters psychopaths/sociopaths just because they do bad things. that alone will make me delete your confession 5b. please dont make light of the topic of genocide. talking about ruin and his mass killing is fine, just be mindful of her words
Do not censor yourself. This is not tiktok, there is no algorithm, all you are doing is making it difficult to read (or even impossible with a screenreader) and making it harder for people to avoid those topics as needed
just. try to use common sense
other than that, we'll post just about anything we receive even if we disagree with it. that doesnt mean we wont comment on it in the tags though, please keep in mind we are not pretending to be unbiased. we also are not a reliable source of information, do your own research
blog runs on queue, 12 posts from 12pm to 11pm est every day. will increase and decrease as needed
i will block anyone that makes me uncomfortable enough. no, it doesn't necessarily mean what you did was "wrong." i can block for any reason i please, and complaining about it to me is not going to change my mind. accept it and move on.
thats all for now. mod 1blood, signing off
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garbagechocolate · 3 months
I like Solarmoon, but also don't appreciate that some others that like Solarmoon are just being rude to you for you "calling them out" when it's basically just your opinion. I respect people that like and dislike the ship. I don't judge. :)
(Oh god what if this is actually read- MY SOCIAL ANXIETY STILL EXISTS ONLINE-)
frfr some of these anons getting too worked up over it
they don't even realize it aint about solarmoon anymore <3
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Probably the craziest Solarmoon idea I just thought of:
New Moon getting hit with a Love Bug and unintentionally confessing his feelings to Solar, who just assumes its a side effect of the virus.
I really don't like the "Love bug Virus" idea as a troupe. Same issue I have with "Love potion" plots/troupes. Always feels kinda.... meh to me. Not my thing.
But if you mean in just on a metaphorical level I can see that. I do think there is basis for the idea that Moon has a crush and might not know it cause he just doesn't have romantic feelings too frequently to dissect them.
If anything Moon holds Solar's opinion in really high regard and deeply admires his skills. So I can see those developing into feelings first.
Solar is far more subtle when it comes to expressing his feelings on Moon. (unless he's hurt)
So that's something I see.
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ikamigami · 2 days
Let me guess, the leading solarmoon shipper who skewed everyone else's perspective of us Sun fans is the person with a big blog whose url starts with a "T" and ends with an "S"
You guessed that right, dear anon :)
It's usually like that. There's that one person who is mean-spirited and they have big following so their opinions are widely spreaded.
And people mostly agree with them solely because they're the big name in the fandom. Many treat their opinions as canon/truth which is sad to see but unfortunately not surprising at all.
Hope you have a nice day or night, dear anon ^^
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