#sokka is a kyoshi warrior
meliake · 4 months
rewatching Avatar is so weird because Sokka is literally the only thing keeping them alive and fed. He constantly is like,
'guys we're out of supplies/ we need to stop/ we're attracting too much attention with the flying bison we should walk' etc.
Like in the ´The Storm' when they're completely out of money and supplies the one to get a job in hopes of making money (he never actually gets paid, the world hates him) is Sokka.
In 'The Waterbending Scroll,' it's Sokka who's concerned about their lack of supplies when Aang sends them in a wave down the river, and is making sure they're careful with their spendibg when in town shopping.
He's also seen to catch fish and gather nuts (I know more often than not he fails to catch things on screen but it's implied he's the one that does most of the hunting and gathering)
It's like- Aang totally would have starved to death or gotten completely off track with often they're completely out of food and money
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ssunphire · 8 days
honestly i will NEVER get over how pretty sokka looked in kyoshi warrior makeup and i think we should talk about it more
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They just didn't want Sokka to wear a dress and makeup and have a great time hanging out with the other girls, the fucking cowards.
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petricorah · 4 months
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i wanted to redraw the princess bride scene but it felt ooc for zuko. think i fixed it [id in alt]
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sokkas-therapist · 4 months
Can I speak on another hot take (maybe) that I’ve been sitting on
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I haven’t seen anyone else on tumblr bring this up yet but it was the first thing I noticed with the shots we get from Kyoshi Island…
Why is Sokka not in the dress??? Or the makeup????? He’s still in his regular clothes, and this is a pretty clear shot of them during his training. In the og series, Suki made him change before she started teaching him anything because it was important to her that if he was to learn the combat skills used by the Kyoshi warriors, he also had to respect their traditions and uniform. It wasn’t just a silly “haha they made the misogynistic guy wear a dress” moment, it was a sign of respect for the Kyoshi warriors, their sacred traditions, and Avatar Kyoshi herself. So why is he not doing that???
Aside from Suki rightfully kicking sokka’s ass in this episode and beating the misogyny out of him, a large message in this episode was the fact that Sokka was deconstructing his misguided enforcement of gender roles by going directly against them and wearing and dress and makeup, even if it was part of a warrior uniform.
At first I thought “ok, maybe they’re just doing things in a different order” but no. In the trailer we see a shot of Suki and Sokka fighting side by side like they did at the end of the original episode, and even then Sokka is still in his regular clothes. It just looks like he’s wearing the top layer of Kyoshi warrior armor over his regular clothes since they’re in a battle.
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I really hate this because not only is it disrespecting their traditions, but it also makes Suki’s character seem like a push over for allowing him to stay in his regular clothes while simultaneously utilizing their armor. Her original character was a total badass, and had such a powerful spirit that Sokka willingly bowed down to, so she would have never let him get away with that.
Another reason to be skeptical of the live action </3
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@zukki-week day four: blue spirit x Kyoshi warrior(s) shenanigans <333
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samleewins · 1 year
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You guys did it! The Lee and Uncle Mushi mugshots were popular enough so I made another!
Once again, if this post takes off, I'll make another~!
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stardust948 · 3 months
Zuko, trying to join the Kyoshi Warriors: Why not?
Suki: No boys allowed.
Zuko: You let Sokka joined!
Suki: Boys. As in plural. That slot is full. No more.
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xxbimboboyxx · 2 months
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More zukka for everyone
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ambriel-angstwitch · 3 months
Iroh: Zuko, where'd you get that bruise?
Zuko: *flashback to falling off a rooftop while talking with Sokka*
Zuko: i'm in a gang, uncle
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dyingroses · 3 months
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Avatar: The Last Airbender + AO3 tags
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gosuckadickgrayson · 3 months
we were robbed of sokka wearing the kyoshi warrior uniform
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jatersade · 4 months
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this too is yuri
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chremes007 · 4 months
Kyoshi Warrior Sokka and The Blue Spirit on mission together
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hey uncle what do i do when a pretty guy in a dress asks me abt my identity
(He found out)
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ultfreakme · 4 months
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Ba Sing Se Days ~💙⚔❤
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