Fics With Titles that Start With G (3) Masterlist
part one, part two
garden camping (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: They sit in Phil's parents' garden, sharing childhood stories and making plans for the future.
genre of choice (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Dan and Phil have a romcom meet cute at a horror con.
Gentle (ao3) - Lesbianphan
Summary: Phil doesn't really look at photos of their faces that much. Truthfully, there's only so many gifs and videos of people pointing out how utterly hopelessly in love you and your partner look at each other that you can actually absorb into your brain. Phil's brain feels like mush sometimes, with the amount of feeling right there, displayed for the world to see. This livestream was special though - in so many ways, - and he found himself transfixed by the animated images of Dan's gentle touching of his face, feeling some kind of cosmic shift happening on screen, the realization on the tip of his tongue. Just a fluffy thinkpiece on their current content, and all the little moments they decided to share with their audience these past few months.
get my good side (ao3) - watergator (orphan_account)
Summary: dan and phil try to film a sex tape (just for them)
give this thing a try (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Dan is a cashier at a grocery store, and Phil is his supervisor. One evening at work, Phil surprises Dan by asking him out on a date, and of course Dan, who's had a crush on Phil since forever, says yes. Cue, the freaking out and comfort ensues.
Glad to Be Home (ao3) - ticklishraspberries
Summary: Dan and Phil make up for the time they lost for intimacy on the tour.
Glitch (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Phil wrote a movie screenplay
Gloves On (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: “I can’t believe you ripped the costume off,” Phil says after the camera and lights are both turned off. He’s laughing, but there’s something in his tone that has Dan wonder if it means something other than I can’t believe you actually just got fully naked on the gaming channel.
A fic about accessories and antics.
go your own way (I'd give you my world) (ao3) - itsmyusualphannie (itsmyusualweeb)
Summary: “I’m Dan,” said Dan.
Phil could not look away from him. He thought that Dan was probably the prettiest boy he had ever seen. “I’m Phil,” he said back, because it was polite to introduce oneself to people, otherwise they would remain a stranger. “Phil Lester.”
And so they became friends.
or: a Forrest Gump AU where Phil slowly falls for his best friend as the years go by, but Dan loses himself to the world and his past.
Going Forward (ao3) - softiejace
Summary: When Phil Lester signs his students up for a mental health workshop, no scenario he's prepared for includes running into his ex...
Going Nuts (ao3) - schnaf
Summary: Dan is going nuts in Manchester. But one midnight trip to the supermarket changes everything.
gold (ao3) - catboyhowell (bloodyscarab)
Summary: i got bipolar confidence
wake up like 'shit,' then i feel like the shit
so i guess i'm the shit
gold by brockhampton
Golden Boy (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Phil takes a drawing class in university and needs a subject for his drawing final.
Gone are the days of Wine and roses (ao3) - Lizzyboo
Summary: Dan knew it had to happen eventually. And logically, he knew it was his fault. He was the one who broke it off between them all those years ago. He didn’t expect Phil to be single forever, not really. But he also kind of expected to move on himself by the time Phil would start dating.
or the one where Phil starts seeing a girl and Dan understands that maybe he still has feelings for him.
Good Girl (ao3) - Absolutefilthimsosorry
Summary: Phil calls Dan a good girl and Dan really likes it.
good night bear (ao3) - loveforlester
Summary: “good night bear i love you”
dan howell loves phil lester.
phil lester loves dan howell.
you know the story two soulmates who met on the internet. just something is different.
dan can’t sleep without watching phil’s videos. oh and phil stopped filming videos
Good To The Last Drop (ao3) - Boardgamedanny
Summary: A bloody fic about Daniel Howell and Philip Lester
Gotta Get An Upgrade (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Phil notices Dan becoming more and more aloof and obsessive as the tour continues on. He ends up talking to a high school in New Jersey's resident "stoner" after a fatal mistake is made on stage.
Green Sofa (ao3) - Scuddleduck
Summary: This might be Phil’s favorite place in this house to fuck, he thinks. The beds are nice, and they’ve certainly tested the integrity of the office chairs a time or two, but this green couch in the nerd cave, it really is his favorite.
Grey Sweatpants (ao3) - Absolutefilthimsosorry
Summary: Set after the filming of the fall guys dvp where dan was wearing grey sweatpants.
Grow as we go (ao3) - Mangomelions (orphan_account)
Summary: After ten years of being best friends, Dan decides he can't take it anymore. He moves out, claiming he needs to find out who he is without Phil, and that he can't stay like this forever. Really he just got sick of waiting for Phil to realise they should be more than friends. Very angsty but fluff to come. Based on Ben Platt's song Grow As We Go.
growing up or just going down (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Phil is 15 years old today. He's going to have the best birthday of his life, to kick off the best year of his life.
Guilty Pleasure (ao3) - ThoughtaThought
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at a BDSM club and decide to play. Dan is a rigger and a masochist. Phil is a sadist and a rope bunny. It’s perfect.
Guilty pleasure or: In the devil we trust (ao3) - Fearain
Summary: Basically Dan being obsessed with amazing piano music (and playing said music) and Phil slowly understanding why. Plus some friendship talk about trust, fears and dreams.
Guy Fawkes Night. (ao3) - 221bPhan
Summary: When Dan and Phil have to go to Phil's parents to celebrate, Martin's kids are put into the hands of Dan and Phil.
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phanfic · 4 years
hello, i used to post phanfiction on my ao3 page (softiejace) but i've taken them down and was wondering if you could publish this to spread the word in case anyone goes looking for them? i've reposted them on my side blog @breathlester with the tag "my fic" or "softiejace". i can also submit the fics one by one but i figured maybe this is easier :)
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breathlester · 4 years
moment of epiphany, in gold light
pairing: dan howell/phil lester
summary: a proposal on new year’s eve
genre/themes: fluff, established relationship, proposal, new year’s eve content warnings: mentions of alcohol
The door to the balcony opens, revealing Phil with his duvet still wrapped around his shoulders like a cape, the garish yellow of his emoji pyjamas poking out underneath.
Dan grins in relief, scooting over on the bench. "Did you find it?"
But Phil doesn't move to sit beside him. And when he unfolds his arms in front of his body, no bottle comes into view in his hands.
Only a small, velvet box.
Dan's sat outside on their balcony, wrapped in the sad pimp blanket, nursing a nearly empty mug of chamomile tea. A breeze whistles past his pyjama clad legs that are folded underneath him, and he shivers.
"We really ought to get a portable heater for out here," he yells over his shoulder in the vague direction of the kitchen door, where Phil has disappeared to a few minutes ago on the quest for champagne.
It's New Year's Eve 2018, and they've got a lot to celebrate.
Phil has returned only a day ago from the Isle of Man and naturally, they both opted for ringing in the new year alone together, in the comfort of their apartment. It's odd, really, how much it feels like home, Dan muses, considering that they've spent most of the year away, in hotel rooms, in places they'd never been.
Dan hasn't missed the apartment while on tour, but longed for it quite a bit in the few days he spent with his family. Because of course, it isn't so much the building that offers the comfort and familiarity associated with the concept of home, rather than...
A stray early firework lights up the sky and Dan waits for the noise to fade so he can listen for one of his most comforting sounds in the world - the cluttering of a lanky, clumsy man who at this moment is surely leaving all their kitchen cupboards open on the search for champagne glasses.
Only there's no cluttering. There's no sound at all coming from their flat behind him.
Dan stills.
Waits a moment.
Clears his throat - "Phil?"
Quiet. Disconcerting quiet.
Dan sets his mug aside, twisting around to stare at the door Phil's left ajar.
Calls again louder, more urgently. "Phil?"
There's a muted response then, and the sound of a door closing somewhere in their apartment.
Dan lets his breath escape with a hiss, the tension seeping slowly out of his body, one hand pressed to pounding heart.
"Jesus fuck," he murmurs to himself, then shouts, "Hurry up, you bum, I want my new year's kiss!"
Approaching footsteps, first on carpet, then on tile. The door to the balcony opens, revealing Phil with his duvet still wrapped around his shoulders like a cape, the garish yellow of his emoji pyjamas poking out underneath.
Dan grins in relief, scooting over on the bench. "Did you find it?"
But Phil doesn't move to sit beside him. And when he unfolds his arms in front of his body, no bottle comes into view in his hands.
Only a small, velvet box.
Dan's breath gets caught somewhere between his lungs and his lips.
Phil moves then, two long-legged steps until he's in front of Dan, kneeling down with a little trouble as he arranges the blanket around himself so he won't step on it and topple over.
Dan still hasn't exhaled, or blinked for that matter, ever since his eyes have fallen on the tiny, blue box in Phil's nervously fiddling hands.
He breathes sharply then, out and in and out again, gaze snapping up to Phil's face.
His hair is tousled from Dan playing with it while they've been sat outside, leaning into each other. His glasses are slightly askew, cheeks red and in spite of his blanket he's shivering from the cold - or maybe nerves, Dan can't quite tell. He's wearing the adventure time hoodie that Dan gave him for his birthday years ago, in another life it seems, and the yellow clashes terribly with that of his pyjama bottoms.
In short - he's perfect.
"Dan," Phil says again, voice soft and shaky, and Dan looks at him - looks and looks and smiles, finally.
"Yes," he says.
Phil opens his mouth as though to continue, then seems to register that the word sounds much like an answer to a question he hasn't posed yet, at least not with words.
"You haven't - you need to let me ask you first!" He protests.
Dan tugs on his furry blanket, worrying at his lower lip to suppress the giggle that's bubbling up inside him.
"Well, sorry to tell you, mate, but you're not exactly being mysterious right now."
Phil rolls his eyes, whining his name.
"Daaan. Just let me do this, please?"
Dan's never been able to say no to that face.
"Yeah, okay. Fine," he feigns nonchalance, "go ahead then."
Phil swallows thickly, closing his eyes for a second as he breathes, before looking up at Dan again.
"Dan," he says for a third time.
Dan smiles, nods softly, encouraging.
Phil's eyes brighten and he continues, "we've done so much together, this year. And these past nine years, really. I've loved you since I was 22 years old. I'm almost 32 now, and more in love with you than ever. You have and continue to challenge me to become better, stronger, more confident. You make me happier than I thought possible. You've been my partner in life and work and on stage around the world, twice. And most importantly - you're my best friend. And there's no one else I want by my side as we go into the new year - the start of a new decade in our lives, together. The second of many more, hopefully. Because I want to see you grow old and grey next to me. I want - I want to see kids grow up with you. There's so much more to come for us, I know it, things we can't even imagine yet. And so -"
His voice falters for a bit as he fumbles with the little box in his hands, head lowered.
Dan allows himself a moment to breathe, to became aware that the air is colder against his cheeks now because they're tear-streaked. He sniffles, wiping at his eyes, and Phil looks up at the sound.
His face does a complicated thing when he finds Dan already crying and Dan laughs wetly, shrugging his shoulders.
"Sorry," he croaks.
Phil shakes his head, shuffling closer on the floorboards, and reaches for Dan's hand. Dan gives him both, squeezing his fingers.
"I've thought for so long about what I want to say until I realised it doesn't matter because you already know everything. You know me so well, Dan, better than anyone else. So all I can say is just... will you ma-"
There's a whistle then, followed by a deafening bang, as golden sparks rain down from the sky. Immediately, a second rocket is launched, and then a third and a thousand more, all exploding in quick succession and painting the night blue and green and red and silvery white.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Dan half-snorts, half-chuckles, extracting one of his hands to gesture towards the sky. "Really? Was this your plan then, for us to be literally interrupted by bloody fireworks?"
Phil's eyes are wide, sparks and swirls of colour reflected in them, and he's smiling in surprise and wonder. "No, I -"
Dan leans in to hear him over the crackle and roar of the pyrotechnics.
"I didn't know when I was going to do this and then tonight as we sat here I just realised I didn't want to go into the new year without proposing. So I figured there was no better time to do it than..."
Dan giggles, sucks in a breath. "You forgot about the fireworks, didn't you? Really had your thunder stolen there."
Phil purses his lips, corners curled up in a smile. "Well, I guess there was a minor flaw in my plan..."
He laughs, too, then, eyes scrunching up, and Dan wants badly to kiss him right now - but he still hasn't asked the question.
"Out with it then, before we're sat here 'til 2020."
Phil takes his hands again, lifts them to his mouth to kiss the knuckles.
Dan can feel the edge of the box press into his skin, and then Phil lets go of his hands to click the lid open and says, simply, "Marry me?"
Dan barely hears him over the noise but he reads the words easily off his lips, as though he'd done it a thousand times.
He nods, then nods again, unable to stop the motion once he's begun.
"Yes," he gasps out, choked, "yes, yes, of course, I'll marry you."
"Yeah?" Phil's mouth forms, barely a breath.
Dan just keeps nodding.
Phil's face explodes into a smile, outshining every fireworks display.
The tears are flowing again freely, his breaths coming in big sniffs, heart thundering away in his chest. Dan has to blink several times until his fiancé comes back into focus.
There's a small, velvet box being held out to him in shaking hands.
Inside is nestled the most beautiful thing Dan has ever laid eyes on - well, save for the man offering it to him.
A slender silver ring with a delicate pattern of brilliants, embedded in whose middle is a single shimmering onyx.
Dan hears himself gasp in a breath. Then he extends his hand towards Phil.
"Put it on me already," he whispers, voice certainly drowned out by the firecrackers that are still going off in the background.
Phil struggles with freeing the ring for a second but then the box clatters to the floor and Phil's blanket cape follows as he sits up, pausing for a moment to seek Dan's eyes before he slides the cool metal band onto Dan's fourth finger.
They're both shaking violently now and Dan catches Phil dabbing at the corner of his eye with his hoodie sleeve, blinking furiously.
He sits, admiring his ring for a moment, the way the gems light up when another firework goes off in their proximity.
Then he reaches for Phil, "c'mere," pulling him up with fingers knotted into the fabric of his jumper, until their mouths collide in a messy kiss.
Phil's still kneeling on the floor, hopefully on his blanket now, and the edge of the bench must be digging into his stomach, but he's not complaining - hands sliding round the back of Dan's neck, lips framing his bottom one, kissing at his cheeks and his chin and anywhere he can reach until Dan's giggling breathlessly.
He twines Phil's hair around his fingers, watching the inky black strands caress his engagement ring, and presses his mouth to a spot just above Phil's ear.
"Happy new year, Phil," he breathes. "I love you so much."
His mug tips over beside him when Phil scrambles to his feet and onto his lap, wrapping him up in a proper embrace that crushes his hip against the armrest and pushes Phil's knee into his ribs, and they still haven't got their champagne to toast the new year, but Dan couldn't care less. He just wraps his blanket around the both of them and connects their lips once more.
There are still fireworks going off around them as they kiss and kiss until neither of them can breathe. Then Phil pulls back, just the tiniest bit, and whispers into the gap between their mouths.
"Happy new year, Dan."
*** this used to be on my ao3 page (softiejace). i’m taking my phan content down from there for personal reasons, but reposting it here so people can still enjoy it :) ***
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siriusqueerionblack · 3 years
gonna post my wolfstar canonverse fic tomorrow so i can get started on my wolfstar modern au with (former) poet remus can i get a hell yeah
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wolfstarlibrarian · 3 years
HELLO I was jw what were your favourite fics featuring POC Marauders without the shitty stereotyping 💜
Also thank you librarian for your content. Honestly this is the top tier rec blog in the fandom due to your amazing taste.
Well THIS is a great ask! It’s nice to see fans looking for authentic diversity in fics as opposed to tokenism. Just about all of these fics have been listed on various library lists, but hopefully people enjoying seeing them listed somewhere convenient. Also, this is just a VERY SMALL selection of fics featuring Remus or Sirius as POC, so if you’re looking for more of a certain representation, just send an ask!
Also, a note to authors looking to include representation (other than their own ethnicity) in their next fic: make sure that you read first hand experiences from multiple sources, research with advocacy groups, and THEN try reach out to a peer who can potentially beta/do a sensitivity read for you. It's important that we all try and learn as much as possible on our own before asking our peers to work as our educators. ❤️
POC Wolfstar
Black James & Cuban Sirius
Be My Baby by @remus-john-lupin It’s the summer of 1963, and 18 year old Remus Lupin discovers dance, love, and even himself. (A very romantic and very gay Dirty Dancing AU.)
Latino Remus
Forget-Me-Not by @halictus-writer
For someone who just woke up with amnesia and a bad concussion, Remus Lupin isn't too dispirited. He'll get through it with the help of his friends, taking it one day at a time, as Sirius says. The only (other) problem? There's something important that he's forgetting.
Retrial by phoenixgal
Remus Lupin, host of the popular podcast Retrial, decides to focus on the case of Sirius Black, a man convicted of murdering his high school best friend, for his upcoming season. Remus has gotten too close to his subjects in the past, so he promises himself that won't happen this time.
Desi Sirius
Young Hearts Intertwined by @goodboylupin
There’s a special kind of magic to a wartime wedding.
Latino Remus & Desi Sirius
A Lucky Mishap by softiejace Of course this would be just Remus’ luck - the library printer breaking when the deadline for his term paper is coming up. And to top it off, the pretty boy he’s been running into all week is there to witness his moment of misery… but maybe he can turn things around?
Sephardic Jewish Remus
Candles in the Darkness by @miraxb
In the winter of seventh year, James, Sirius, and Remus are all carrying their own burdens and fears for the growing darkness in their world. Together, they find comfort and light at the Hanukkah celebration in the Lupin household.
Half Syrian Remus
I Tried Writing Your Name In The Rain, But It Never Came, So I Used The Sun Instead by @prefectmoony
Don’t get Remus wrong. He loves his friends, he does! Loves them to the moon and back in fact. They’re his people, his favorite part of everyday, his found family. He’d do anything for them. But the thing is that doesn’t take away from the very simple fact that his friends are fucking ridiculous. Remus knows this, has known it for five years now. But it doesn’t stop him from startling awake on the morning of his sixteenth birthday surprised by the sound of fireworks exploding in their dormitory and a raucous chorus of “Happy birthday Moony!” being shouted into his ear with jaunty gusto.
Chinese Sirius
got a fascination (with your presentation) by @alifeincoffeespoons
When Remus thought of Oxford as a child, he envisioned turrets, laughter, and an unnameable, unforgettable magic. He did not envision vomiting his breakfast all over himself while standing in the halls of St. Catherine’s College.
Cut Your Bangs by @notmycatsname
"There’s something about him that catches Sirius’s eye. His voice is a little whiny, almost off-key. Sirius has heard it time and time again in the bands that Lily plays through their speakers at their apartment but it sounds more genuine, almost heart breaking, through his voice. Remus’s voice."
Black Remus, Desi Sirius & James
Palo Alto by NachoDiablo
Modern AU set in Silicon Valley. It's easy for Sirius to ignore his mixed-up feelings while he's got Remus all to himself, but when Remus starts dating again, Sirius is forced to figure things out before Remus moves on for good. Or before James and Peter strangle them both.
Japanese Remus and Taiwanese Sirius
kavaluan (means white lily here) by @claudiafekete 1926, Taiwan. Japanese empire's prized colony. Remus needed an interpreter. Sirius volunteered.
Philippino Sirius
Problems with Narrative Structure and the Rules of Manly Engagement [+Podfic] by @xinasvoice
"There were easily six hundred people living in the Paramount building in downtown San Francisco. That was a lot of neighbors to get to know, but it only took a single day of living there for Sirius to notice Remus."
Latino Remus & Japanese-American!Sirius
Discards by @picascribit​ When 21-year-old assistant librarian Sirius spots a cute hipster college student at the Seattle Public Library, he just needs to figure out a subtle way of determining whether he’s into guys. But Remus’s life is more complicated than Sirius knows.
Native American Sirius
Grimsfall by @remus-john-lupin
There is a legend in the old city of Grimsfall that a large, black creature used to emerge from the forest at night, and anyone who met its gaze would be driven to madness before the thing dragged them into the depths of hell.
Mexican Remus & Sirius
A Whole Queer County Fair by @bigblackdogfic Two queer Mexican kids talking, having sex, and feeling their feelings in Arizona.
Indigenous Australian Remus
Among The Gumtrees by WolfstarGarden Sirius inherits his uncle's farm, but finding the right farmhand isn't as simple as he'd hoped: Sirius just couldn’t help but wonder if fantasising about his straight farm assistant was maybe one boundary breach too far. On the other hand, perhaps Remus shouldn’t suck on the end of his pen while lost in thought.
South American Remus
The Delegate by @wanderingbandurria
It’s 1921, and Sirius Black is a sailor that wants to prove himself as a political agitator. He sets foot in a lost, forgotten port in South America, where he’s supposed to help with the local organization of syndicalists. He’s not expecting to meet a brown-eyed man who is there to help put his words into Spanish. A man that’s really not interested in anything but doing his job. Nothing more.
Thai Sirius
Whatever Words I Say -orphaned fic
When Remus Lupin is hired to control the antics of famous lead singer of the Marauders, Sirius Black, he knows he has his work cut out for him. Sirius is contrary and has absolutely no chill, and loves pissing off the press. Remus feels up to the challenge, but he certainly does not expect to fall head over heels in love from the moment he meets the charismatic singer.
Something Beautiful -orphaned fic When Remus Lupin’s ex talks him into a drunken tattoo mistake, he goes to his friend and co-worker Lily for help. Luckily her husand’s best mate is a tattoo artist who can help with the cover up. Unfortunately for Remus, the tattoo in in a rather compromising area, and he’ll have to get over his embarrassment. Luckily for him, Sirius Black is just the man for the job.
So many fics and yet so many more to go! As always, feel free to reblog with your own recs!
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waltejend · 3 years
I couldn’t find who made this edit.
Okay i found it: https://www.tiktok.com/@softiejace/video/6901715410387766529?sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=6974140568592418309&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0
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wolfstarwarehouse · 2 years
hello!! i’m looking for this fic in canon universe where remus didn’t go to hogwarts and is a werewolf activist. i think sirius meets him by stumbling into one of the activist meetings or something? thanks in advance!! <3
Your description might apply to a couple of different fics, but maybe this one?
Raised by Wolves by softiejace
“So as I’ve said, my name is Remus Lupin, my pronouns are he or they, I’m 22 years old and a teacher trainee - but the reason I am standing in front of you here today is because I am a Werewolf.”
Several people whoop, someone yells “Hell yeah!”, and Lily even puts two fingers in her mouth to whistle.
Remus grins a little abashedly.
But Sirius sits frozen, his breath stuck halfway down his windpipe.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 3 years
My Faithful Handyman by softiejace Pairing: Remus/Sirius Rating: T Word Count: 1k non-magic au in which Sirius gets harassed for putting on make up in the men’s room and Remus defends him excerpt: “What’re folks like you even doing in a public bathroom,” the bully grunts, “Can’t read signs? This one says ‘men’s’.” “Yeah, and it also says ‘toilets’ and the only thing you’re pissing is us off,” Remus snarls. There’s a quiet little snort behind him...
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thehowlinthenight · 5 years
Tumblr media
Christmas Countdown 2018 Master List
Hey all! I hope you’ve enjoyed these fics as much as I have! Here is the complete list of all fics recced in the fest.
Boredom, Mistletoe and a Bathroom by niccisterls
Christmas 101 by josiemoone
Christmas Confessions by wolfsofwinterfell
Christmas Eve by Hatter of Madness
Christmas Jealousy by Quarter Past Wonderful
Christmas Nerves by curiouselfqueen
Christmas on the Run by lomonaaeren
The Christmas Party by Chlobliviate
Christmas Tickles by TheGuppyo
Coming Under the Christmas Tree by JLPierre
Happy Christmas by Cant_we_just_be_happy
In Winter by LuminousGloom
It’s Christmas & I Hate You by FivePips 
Misfits by bigblackdog
Mistletoe by remuslives23
My True Love Sent To Me… by FivePips
Oh Lucky...Man by bethbethbeth
Oh, Night, and Divine (The Selfish Wish Remix) by imochan
Opportunities Misused by REwrities
Pointing Towards Home by arcticcat621
Of Reindeer and Thestrals by softiejace
Sirius Black and the Effects of Mistletoe by orphan_account
Third Time’s the Charm by liseuse
Totally Tropical Remus Does Christmas by snakeowls
Tracks From the Hearth by Chromatics
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas by Jencala
A Very Wolfstar Christmas by so-it-shines
A Wolfstar Before Christmas by Pockethobbit 
Wolfstar on Ice by YumeNouveau
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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 months
Fics Named After Locations Masterlist
A Little Bit Of California, With A Little Bit Of London Sky (ao3) - twelfthnlght
Summary: (alternatively, dan and phil go outside.)
on an impulsive road trip dan plans right before their high school graduation, the truth will out.
Australian Adventures (ao3) - shippercentral
Summary: An Instagram story of Dan and Phil’s island adventures in Australia seem normal, but what really went on behind the scenes? Why did Dan really cover up Phil’s face in that one story? This semi- normal get away seems to be leaving a lot of questions.
berlin (ao3) - waveydnp and dizzy
Summary: dan and phil meet at a hostel in berlin.
Dan and Phil's Stroll Through Japan (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: When Duncan and Mimei have to cancel on their plans with Dan and Phil for the day, they take it upon themselves to stroll around Japan by themselves.
Disney World Misadventures - auroraphilealis
Summary: Dan, a law student with parents so strict they make him come home every weekend, gets ditched by his friends at Disney World in Florida during his short summer holiday. Alone, he runs into an incredibly attractive YouTuber who nerds out about anime with him, and even buys him a tiny Ciel figurine. Dan, meanwhile, quickly finds himself falling in love, especially after they get it on in a Disney World bathroom.
Glimpses of Portugal (ao3) - adorkablephil (kimberly_a)
Summary: Dan and Phil went to Portugal together May 27-June 3, 2010, but very little is known about the trip. This is a random collection of ficlets that take place during that trip, occasionally incorporating some of the few actual tweets and photos from the trip. They aren't in any particular order, but they all take place during that holiday in Portugal.
how to survive a flight to australia - softiejace
summary:inspired by “will dan and phil survive australia?” in which dan suffers through horror in the form of planes, noise, and other people. but hey, at least he’s in it with phil.
Iowa 80 - realityisnoplacetolive
Summary: In which Phil is stranded in Iowa.
It's Good To Be In Manchester (ao3) - danrifics
Summary: Dan and Phil are in Manchester visiting their friends Ian and Lauren Ian and Lauren’s daughter draws a cute photo of Phil.
(Based on a Phil insta story, link in notes)
Manchester (ao3) - ahappyphil
Summary: 13 March 2010 @amazingphil- “Looking at apartments in Manchester:]”
Memories in Melbourne (ao3) - hilariousandunappreciated
Summary: moments from Dan and Phil's instagram stories in Melbourne.
Moscow to Berlin (ao3) - outphan
Summary: What happens when they get horny on the plane?
New Zealand During Six AM (ao3) - watergator
Summary: Dan and Phil wake up early during their first day in new zealand to get some laundry done.
Phoenix Rising (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan challenges Phil to a period of forced abstinence while on tour in America. The game becomes unbearable, and each man has moments of weakness. In the end, it is all about passion and urgency.
That's What You Get (For Waking Up in Vegas) (ao3) - notanannoyingfangirl
Summary: While revisiting Vegas for Dan’s twenty fourth birthday, Dan and Phil both have a bit too much to drink…. and apparently wake up married. Dan’s not entirely sure that he wants a divorce, now he just has to convince Phil.
Under Vegas Lights (ao3) - LunarLoverrr (orphan_account)
Summary: It's the last night of their Nevada road trip, and Phil has the perfect date planned for his boyfriend. However, he hopes this date will be a stand out among the rest.
Vegas (ao3) - justhavesex
Summary: When Dan turns 30 and Dan makes a video titled 'Vegas', a short home made video with him and Phil at the alter in Vegas. Not when they were younger, but the current them. He wanted to live out everybody's fantasies about them getting married in Vegas, just a tiny bit.
Vegas Lights - softiejace
Summary:2012 is not going as planned, but phil still takes dan to vegas for his 21st birthday, the city that is said to hold adventure, risk and fortune – and maybe a flimsy hope for conciliation?
Venice: City Of Dreams (ao3) - expiredlove
Summary: Dan and Phil are on holiday in Venice, Italy, with two of their best friends. They discover the city with their unprofessional tour guide Phil and end their day with a romantic stop at the Accademia Bridge, which is known for its so called love locks.
We’re Going To Disney World! - dxnhowell
Summary: A future fic where Dan and Phil are no longer youtubers. They’re married and have two kids named Kaden and Josh. Josh decides that he wants to go to Disney World for his birthday this year.
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phanfic · 7 years
after watching louise's new pregnancy video with the boys i was wondering if you know of any fics where she's their surrogate? im sorry idk how to search for it as u have an adoption tag but none for surrogacy
Say What You Need to Say
I found this fic, but it’s all that I could find with Louise as a surrogate
and we seem to have a surrogate tag but not with many fics in it
- tori
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breathlester · 4 years
Vegas lights
pairing: dan howell/phil lester
summary: 2012 is not going as planned, but Phil still takes Dan to Las Vegas for his 21st birthday, the city that is said to hold adventure, risk and fortune – and maybe a flimsy hope for conciliation?
genre/themes: angst, smut, fluff, making out and making up, 2012
content warnings: alcohol, sex
When Dan’s voicemail answers for the 17th time, Phil actually throws his phone across the room. It tumbles over his bed and drops to the floor behind it with a sickening thud.
Not remotely satisfying. Smashing the hotel suite would rather represent his feelings right now. And Phil’s not usually a violent person.
It’s Dan’s fault, he reminds himself. All of it.
Their plane has landed in Las Vegas six hours ago. Now it’s 11 pm, but according to Phil’s body clock that still goes by London time it’s seven in the morning, and he hasn’t slept. The jetlag is getting to him and he just wants to go to sleep, but Dan isn’t answering his phone.
After checking in to the hotel, they had gone to grab dinner and explore the city a little bit, just to get a first impression. Phil had found the bright lights to have a reviving effect on him, brilliant and dazzling. For a few hours, the city had managed to tear him out of the state of gloom that had become costum for him.
At about 9 pm, they had made their way back to the hotel and sat down in the lounge to have a goodnight drink. (Margarita for Phil, non-alcoholic Margarita for Dan, much to his dismay.)
When Phil had finished his drink, Dan had told him to go ahead.
“I’ll be right up”, he’d said. “Just wanna sit here for a moment and soak in the atmosphere.”
Phil had stopped at the reception desk to ask a question. The young blonde had stared at him for a moment before her look softened to one of pity. He must have really looked miserable. No, there are no more hotel rooms available. We’re all booked out. Sorry for any inconvenience, sir.
The downside of booking holidays early: You never know what can happen before you go.
Thank god there are at least two beds.
Phil flops down on his, but he can’t relax. He’s dead tired, and though Dan has a key card, he’d probably make so much noise entering the room he’d wake him up anyway. Of course, that’s not the main reason.
Phil doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s worried.
It’s been two hours since he left Dan at the lounge. He always worries about Dan. It makes him even angrier at the younger man, because he knows Phil would rather die than go downstairs in his pyjamas.
“Whatever, I’m just going to lie down anyway”, Phil mutters to himself.
Let Dan take care of himself. He’s almost twenty-one, after all.
He moves to the windows to pull the curtains closed. The city beneath him is vibrant and bright as ever, only really beginning to gain momentum an hour before midnight.
Phil’s got no eye for it at the moment. He collapses on the bed farthest from the window and pulls the covers up to his shoulders. The air conditioning has cooled their room down to freezing 18° C because Phil couldn’t be bothered to figure out how to change the setting.
It doesn’t matter, though. He’s wearing a hoodie and he’s so tired by now he feels like he’d fall asleep in the arctic.
It doesn’t take him long to doze off.
Things, as Phil has had to learn, never really go to plan. Especially not when you really want them to. Considering their luck of the past couple of months, it’s almost a miracle they made their flight.
Phil has caught perhaps ten minutes of much desired sleep when he’s woken up again by a knock on the door.
It could be hotel staff telling him that the fire alarm has gone off, or that they’ve given them the wrong room, or to ask if he’s missing a piece of luggage. It could be anyone who doesn’t have a keycard to unlock the room with. But when he drowsily trudges to the door and rips it open, the person outside crashes straight into him.
It’s Dan, and he’s drunk.
Phil steps back into the room and Dan stumbles after him, his hands grasping Phil’s shoulders, trying to hold himself up.
In some mysterious way Dan must have managed to get shitfaced with an ID that clearly states he’s still underage. Maybe the barista has made an exception for him. Maybe he’s flirted his way to a drink. Phil wouldn’t put that past him.
Drunk Dan used to be one of Phil’s favourites because of how flirty and needy he gets.
Now drunk Dan is one that he dreads. Not purely because of how Dan gets when he’s had too much to drink, but rather because Phil caves in every time.
Maybe he doesn’t really dread it. Maybe what he really dreads are the mornings after, when Dan will be cold and relentless again, pretending that he can’t remember a thing.
The door shuts with a thud behind them and Phil turns around to go straight back to bed, because Dan deserves to deal with his own problems, and he’s tired as fuck, and he won’t give Dan the satisfaction of even asking why he didn’t answer his –
His thoughts break off mid-sentence because Dan pushes him back until he feels the rough wallpaper against his skin where his hoodie has ridden up, and then Dan’s rough lips against his own.
He wants to pull away but he can’t because Dan’s hands are holding his face firmly in place, palms cupping his jaw; and then he doesn’t want to pull away anymore because it’s been so fucking long, and even though Dan tastes like cheap alcohol that’s better than the stale taste of swallowed anger and suppressed yearning he’s grown used to.
Everything seems strangely more intense, the familiar and long awaited touch of Dan’s hands burning through the fabric of his hoodie, his mouth pressed against Phil’s, chapped and warm. Phil’s head is spinning because they’ve barely talked without it turning into a heated argument in months and now they’re kissing like letting go would kill them.
But just because Dan’s kissing him doesn’t mean he’s sorry. And just because Phil’s kissing back with equal fervour doesn’t mean he’s forgiven.
There’s a difference between making out and making up, and Phil knows it.
Still he finds it hard to resist when Dan’s tongue swipes across his bottom lip, seeking entrance.
You can’t just come in here after making me wait for two hours and kiss me like everything’s okay, Phil wants to protest, but then Dan whimpers into his mouth and grabs the front of Phil’s jumper, grinding down hard against his thigh.
He can’t think clearly when he’s trapped beneath Dan’s body. What he needs is some distance between them.
Phil turns his head to escape Dan’s lips and inhales shakily, then he takes Dan’s hands into his and pushes him gently away. Without the body contact it’s chilly in their suite, and the cool air helps him clear his mind.
Dan’s struggling against his grip, trying to get close enough for friction.
“Dan, stop”, Phil breathes. His heart is thumping in his chest.
“Okay, we need to get you to bed”, he continues in a soothing voice, meanwhile guiding Dan over to the unused bed. “It’s late. We’re both tired.”
Rambling has become his strategy to both keep his own sanity and distract Dan from attempting to seduce him.
The light seeping through the curtains illuminates Dan’s face as he lets himself be sat down on the edge of the mattress. He’s staring up at Phil with heavy-lidded eyes, his cheeks reddened and his fringe wet with sweat. If he goes to sleep like this he’ll catch a cold from the air conditioning.
Phil regards him for a moment. Then he sighs and holds out his hand. “Come on, let’s go take a shower first.”
He doesn’t mean for it to sound like that. But it seems to make Dan cooperate.
The garish light in their bathroom is a rude awakening.
Dan stands in the middle of the room, his dark clothes a strong contrast to the white tiles, seeming lost and smaller than he is.
It makes it easier for Phil to take on the responsible role. He’s the older one and he’s going to take care of Dan like he always has.
“Undress”, he orders, turning his back on Dan to switch on the water. He turns the tap until he feels it’s warm enough.
Dan hasn’t made another attempt to touch him. There’s something authorative in Phil’s voice that makes him comply to his commands just once.
He doesn’t look at Phil as he slips past him into the shower cabin. His eyes close as he stands beneath the stream of water, but his hands are balled to fists at his sides.
Phil knows he should leave so Dan can take care of himself. But Dan doesn’t make a move, he just leans back against the wall, his feet slipping dangerously on the wet tiles.
Before he can think better of it, Phil has pulled the hoodie over his head and tugged off his pyjama pants, stepping in next to Dan. The cabin is barely large enough for the two of them.
Dan’s eyes flicker open and he stares at Phil, seemingly unbothered by the drops of water running down his face. He glances down at Phil’s lips, but this isn’t supposed to be romantic. All he’s planning to do is give him a hand.
Or a mouth, for that matter.
The tiles are hard and cold against his knees.
He’s unprepared for the noises because he’s almost forgotten about them by now. But the moment his lips close around Dan’s shaft, a deep guttural moan elicits Dan’s throat and his knees buckle, forcing Phil to press his hands against his thighs and hold him up.
He tries to focus on his task, moving up and down steadily. When he pulls off briefly to lap at Dan’s slit, Dan’s fingernails dig into his shoulders and he hisses.
Everything goes smooth until Phil makes the mistake to glance up and finds Dan staring back at him, pupils blown wide and lips pink and bitten. Their gazes lock and Phil feels his heart take a leap.
No feelings, just business, he reminds himself, but then Dan whimpers and his nails scratch Phil’s skin as he tries to get a grip, and Phil’s hands move to his hips, thumbs rubbing gentle circles into the dip above his hipbones. He scoots closer until he’s almost kneeling on Dan’s feet to prevent him from slipping, feeling Dan’s fingers tangle in his hair.
Everything is so familiar and so strange at the same time because it’s been weeks since they’ve done this and it feels way too good for Phil to keep a level head.
He sinks down on him once more before Dan gasps and starts to thrust into his mouth without warning, and Phil pulls away, using one of his hands to work Dan through his orgasm while still holding him up with the other. The running water washes everything down the drain.
Dan’s hands uncramp in his hair and slide to his shoulders as he comes down from his high while Phil stands up carefully. Wordlessly, he reaches for the tab and turns it off.
Dan begins to shiver immediately and Phil steps out of the shower before he can cling to him again, only offering a hand to help Dan get out.
There are towels on the rack next to the door and Phil grabs two, throws one at Dan and wraps the other one around himself, suddenly very aware of his nudity.
Their shower episode has built up an intimacy that tears at the seams of Phil’s heart and he wants to destroy it, but there’s still that other part of him, dominant in moments like these, that makes him turn back to look at Dan.
The younger is shuddering and dripping water onto the floor. He looks even more defenseless now, like an abandoned seal pup with his dark eyes and the white towel around his shoulders.
That soft, hidden part of Phil wants to engulf him in a hug to protect him from the cold, but instead he says harshly, “What are you waiting for? Dry off and go to bed. It must be past twelve already.”
Only after he’s slipped into bed Phil realizes he hasn’t gotten dressed again. The thin sheets do a poor job in shielding him from the cold, especially now that his skin is heated up by the shower, but he’s left his pj’s on the bathroom floor and like hell is he going to go back in there.
Just then a ray of light falls in, revealing Dan still wrapped in a towel. He switches off the bathroom light and Phil can hear his feet shuffling closer until he’s towering above him.
There’s a moment of silence in which they regard each other. Phil tries to remember the last time they slept in the same bed. It must have been months ago. He really shouldn’t allow this to happen, not when he knows how much it will hurt to sleep alone again afterwards, but he rolls over to face the wall anyway.
The mattress sinks behind him and a gust of air rustles the covers, but then it’s warm, deliciously warm, and it feels so nice and cozy that Phil can’t help but lean back.
Dan’s chest is pressed against his back, breath grazing his neck, and everything is hot and bold and careful as Phil swallows his doubts and turns around, wrapping his arms around Dan’s shoulders and letting Dan hug him back.
His head is swimming with luck and fatigue, but the latter fades when he feels Dan’s hand graze his tummy and slip beneath the towel. He holds his breath as Dan begins to stroke him, mouth falling open and eye lids drooping because it’s the first time in months that it’s not his own hand.
Dan’s tongue slips into his open mouth, licking the inside of his lip, and Phil moans against him as Dan flicks his thumb over his slit. Heat sprouts in the pit of his stomach.
When Dan slows his movements, Phil lets out an embarrassing whine and curls his hands around Dan’s waist, silently begging him to go on. Dan breaks their kiss, pecking Phil’s lips once more before he ducks under the sheets.
Phil feels his heart pound against his chest, hears the panting of his breath mix with the rustling of the sheets as Dan kisses his way down his stomach, wet touch of swollen lips. He bites softly into the skin on the inside of Phil’s thigh and Phil’s breath hitches, his hands searching for Dan’s head to guide him to where he needs him.
“Please”, he mutters, twining the wet strands of Dan’s hair around his fingers.
Finally, Dan’s lips close around his tip, but only briefly before he kisses the side of Phil’s cock, licks a stripe all the way down to the base. His right hand strokes up Phil’s thigh and curls around his balls.
Phil’s struggling to breathe, his heart beating a mile a minute.
And then Dan takes him in all at once, wet heat engulfing him, that wondrous tongue of his never ceasing to swirl and lick and tease.
It’s so good Phil never wants it to end, but he can feel himself getting closer, so he tugs on Dan’s hair in warning.
But Dan doesn’t pull off, fondling Phil’s balls with one hand and holding his hips down with the other to keep him from bucking up into his mouth as he starts to come. Dan swallows around him, continuing to bob up and down until Phil sinks back, spent and exhausted.
Dan emerges from under the sheets with red swollen lips that he wipes on the back of his hand before he settles in next to Phil, facing him.
Phil’s still working on catching his breath. Dan’s face is close to his, eyes dark and glowing, and Phil just can’t bring himself to care about right and wrong anymore.
He reaches out to stroke Dan’s fringe back and pulls his head against his chest. Dan nuzzles his face into Phil’s neck as their legs entangle sleepily.
Outside their window, people are getting married by accident and losing bets, but inside Dan and Phil are drifting off to sleep, blissful and careless for the moment.
The first thing Phil registers upon waking up is warmth.
The sheets have slipped down past his waist, sunlight filters in through the curtains, and someone is pressed up against his front, head on his chest and one arm slung around his torso.
He looks down on Dan who’s sleeping peacefully yet, and wills the precious moment to linger, because as soon as Dan wakes up he’ll shake off Phil’s arms and jump away, and Phil doesn’t think his heart could take that right now.
He can’t resist the opportunity of gently running his hands through Dan’s hair while he lies there holding him close and ponders.
It’s almost like a dream or like a leap back in time a year or two, back to when Dan’s hair was longer and his dimple was deeper, almost permanently carved into his cheek, and he didn’t flinch or look away every time Phil’s hand brushed against his own. Back when Dan would sleep in his bed every night, curled up against him, and when he’d wake up to a warm embrace and a warm smile instead of a cold bed and a cold cup of coffee left lonely on the kitchen table.
The knowledge that this flashback won’t last is ever present in the back of his mind, painfully poking at his heart.
Las Vegas is the city of deceit and defiency, not of content and conciliation.
As if Phil’s thoughts had woken him, Dan stirs in his arms and Phil grows stiff, his breath faltering as he prepares himself.
But Dan doesn’t flinch or even attempt to back off. Instead, miraculously, he inches closer and nestles up to Phil with a languorous sigh.
Then his lips press a “Good morning” into the hollow underneath Phil’s throat, where is pulse is throbbing too quick.
“Good morning," Phil replies, voice coarse from sleep and stuttering in surprise.
Then he remembers something with a jolt and adds, “Happy Birthday.”
He can feel Dan smile against his shoulder.
“Thank you," he whispers.
Their voices remain low and gentle, as if they’re being extra careful, tiptoeing around their newfound truce. It’s flimsy and unexpected, but Phil knows he at least wants to protect it. Who cares that Dan was drunk last night. If he needed alcohol to work up the courage to approach Phil, then so be it.
Phil’s glad he did it. It’s exhausting to always hold a grudge, anyway.
“You still haven’t told me what you wanted," Phil says low.
“I knew you wouldn’t give it to me if I asked for it," Dan mutters, “so I went and got it for myself, last night.”
Phil frowns. “You did?”
Maybe Dan didn’t spend all evening in the hotel lounge like Phil thought he had, but went back into the city on his own. The thought makes Phil uneasy. Las Vegas is not exactly a safe place to walk around alone at night.
But he doesn’t want to risk a fight, so he just asks, “What was it?”
Instead of replying, Dan shimmies up in Phil’s arms until they’re face to face and kisses him sweetly. When he pulls back, Phil stares at him in confusion.
“Thank you, but what was that for?”
A chary smile takes over Dan’s face inch by inch. “That was my answer, you dork.”
Phil’s eyes widen, then he smiles, too.
“That was what you wanted?" he murmurs. “To kiss me?”
Dan laughs shakily and presses his mouth against Phil’s again, just for a second.
“To kiss you and to mean it and to have you kiss me back”, he elaborates.
Phil watches the rash on his jawbone flare up as he speaks, like it does every time he gets worked up.
“I wasn’t as drunk as I led you to believe. I guess that’s cheating, but I want you to know that I have no regrets about last night.”
“I don’t, either," Phil whispers. “It was the best night I’ve had in months.”
Dan’s eyes are wet and he licks his lips before he continues, staring at Phil’s chin as he speaks.
“I know I need to change, and I promise you I will try. I still don’t know really how, though. I just… I’m sorry for how I’ve been towards you. I’d like to say I just needed my own space to think, but that’s crap. I needed you by my side all the time, and yet all I’ve done is pushed you away as if you were part of the problem.”
“It’s okay," Phil says, although they both know it isn’t, but he feels like it needs to be said.
“I haven’t exactly been the perfect example either. I guess we were both just really overchallenged.”
They stay silent for a moment, holding each other close, listening to the city sounds outside.
“Maybe this holiday wasn’t such a bad idea after all," Phil muses. “It might turn out just what we needed. An escape from the cage we’ve built for ourselves.”
Dan nods, leaning his forehead against Phil’s. “It might even offer a solution.”
Phil perks his eyebrows up. “I’m all ears.”
“We could get married and vlog it.”
A barking laugh tumbles off Phil’s lips and he rolls over, extending an arm to punch Dan’s shoulder, who’s curled up on his side, giggling madly. “What? I think it’s a good idea! Spares us the explanations!”
“No, you know what’s a good idea?”
Phil cups Dan’s face in his hands and kisses his smile.
“You and me. Out there in Las Vegas, celebrating the best birthday you’ve ever had, and will ever have.”
Dan raises an eyebrow at him. “Big words, Mr Lester. I’ll expect you to keep that promise.”
“I will. As long as you keep yours.”
“Deal”, Dan mutters after a moment of contemplation, and leans in to seal it with a kiss.
*** this used to be on my ao3 page (softiejace). i’m taking my phan content down from there for personal reasons but reposting it here so people can still enjoy it :) ***
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siriusqueerionblack · 3 years
The only thing (I've ever had any faith in)
Summary: As the war against Voldemort gains momentum, Sirius grapples with the meanings of love, trust, and loyalty.
"I punched that bastard Dearborn. And he hit back."
"Ah," Remus said, pained. "Why?"
"He was talking shite about you, alright? He had it coming."
Sirius half expected a lecture to follow. Instead, Remus only murmured, "Oh. Sirius," in a tone Sirius couldn’t quite place.
And then he leaned in and licked the blood off his lip.
Canon compliant (First War with Voldemort), Angst and Hurt/Comfort
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wolfstarlibrarian · 3 years
Hello! Do you know of any post azkaban grimmuald place wolfstar fics??
Oooooh this list was a great distraction today and just the kind of hurt/comfort the Librarian was looking for. Thank you so much friend. 
Post Azkaban Grimmauld Place Wolfstar 
The Same Old Dogs by @remus-john-lupin “Did I ever tell you,” Remus begins with the question one morning while setting down a steaming mug of black coffee in front of Sirius beside his empty breakfast plate, “about Neville Longbottom’s boggart?”
If the fates allow by @aryastark-valarmorghulis 1995, Christmas at Grimmauld Place.
Three Days (The Rebuilding the Temple Remix) by victoria_p (musesfool)
It seems they have both learned to hope.
A trail away from doom by softiejace One evening in late August, Remus found Sirius brooding in the attic with Buckbeak and decided to take him out for a walk, Dumbledore’s orders be damned.
Comfort by busaikko "Each be other's comfort kind" (Hopkins)
Good Days by @wanderingbandurria There are some good days for Sirius in Grimmauld Place - days where he and Remus laugh, talk, and cook. On one of those days, the future opens in front of him, with all its possibilities.
Resignation's Overture by Chromat1cs Seeing Sirius Black trapped in a prison of someone else’s design is far less than unfair, especially since he’s only just scraped his way out from one.
A Pair of Brown Eyes by @hp-shessocold Remus is about to turn 40.
Always Love by @catewip Dumbledore's plan for Sirius to hide out at Grimmauld Place brings up past traumas and opens old wounds. When emotions finally reach boiling point, Sirius and Remus are left to pick up the pieces.
La Vie en Rose by ethereal_xo "Remus was lying against him, fast asleep and very human. Sirius was struck with how much older he seemed, now that he was close enough for Sirius to study him. But he still looked as beautiful as ever." It is only Remus and Sirius left in Grimmauld Place after the children return to school. This alone time leaves Sirius facing feelings he buried a long time ago.
Worries go down better with soup by @aryastark-valarmorghulis An evening in Grimmauld Place.
The Hush of Waiting by victoria_p (musesfool) He wants to make this moment last, and he wants to remember it forever.
This is a popular theme in fandom, so feel free to share with your own recs!
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phanfeed-ao3 · 5 years
moment of epiphany, in gold light
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Tmsrbo
by softiejace
The door to the balcony opens, revealing Phil with his duvet still wrapped around his shoulders like a cape, the garish yellow of his emoji pyjamas poking out underneath.
Dan grins in relief, scooting over on the bench. "Did you find it?"
But Phil doesn't move to sit beside him. And when he unfolds his arms in front of his body, no bottle comes to show in his hands.
Only a small, velvet box.
Words: 1842, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dan Howell, Phil Lester
Relationships: Dan Howell/Phil Lester
Additional Tags: New Year's Eve, New Year's Fluff, Established Relationship, Marriage Proposal, Reality, interrupted by fireworks, LITERALLY, SUE ME ok, Domestic Fluff, they're such losers, anyway hope you enjoy this, post ii era
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Tmsrbo
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read-a-jily-fic · 6 years
Any good old angsty Halloween fics come out yet this year? It's October after all. Or just anything with baby Harry, I'm a sucker for baby Harry.
I’ve not read a whole lot of October angsty fics yet, they have all been quite fluffy. If anyone has found any please share so I can add them in. There is one I would recommend you might have already read it, it’s AU so that might not be your thing but it does tug on the heart strings.
Maybe I Waited Too Long - A Marauders Medical AU by YouBlitheringIdiot
This one is a mix of fluff but the notes say there will be angst too.
Nah, she didn’t by bluemione
I love baby Harry too anon. You may have already read them but here are some.
Baby Harry
Minding Harry by YouBlitheringIdiot
For The Family Album by Heather_Grey
A Moment In Time by ElvenqueenSarah
Of Reindeer and Thestrals by softiejace
Time by Novemberthird
If you know any more please share
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