#so over chronic illness
gentlemanbutch · 9 months
the way that no one wears a mask at my local LGBTQ clinic, and in fact comments on my mask like it's just this hilarious little idiosyncrasy that I still wear one and not because I'm immunocompromised and we're in the middle of a pandemic ... as if there isn't an airborne virus that literally fucks up your immune system ... as if we didn't lose a generation of queer people to another virus that fucks up your immune system ...
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hussyknee · 11 months
my disabled ass, after (1)good day: "obviously I am cured. in fact it may have all been in my head. who can say? now to rejoin society!"
me, the next day: "it has come to my attention that i may be chronically ill."
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painroulette · 5 months
Maybe this is a hot take, but as someone who literally went to a film school for a masters degree and is an avid video game fan, I feel like there’s just too much media out there that uses things like flash warnings to cover their ass for effects they like, don’t even need?
Like, every music video does not need strobe lighting. Games with blinding effects don’t need that effect to be bright fucking white. I’m sick of living in a world where giving a warning is enough to lock an entire group of people of enjoying art and stories for the fucking aesthetic. There are other ways to make things visually interesting I swear.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I think it would really benefit people to internalize that mental illnesses are often chronic and not acute. Some of us will never be able to jump the hurdle of managing illness, much less sustaining a sense of normalcy. Many of us will never "recover," will never manage symptoms, will never even come close to appearing normal - and this is for any condition, even the ones labeled as "simple" disorders or "easy-to-manage" disorders.
It isn't a failure if you cannot manage your symptoms. It isn't a moral failure, and you aren't an awful person. You are human. There's only so much you can do before recognizing that you cannot lift the world. Give yourself the space to be ill because, functionally, you are.
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noxious-fennec · 1 year
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"الخيل و الليل و البيداء تعرفني ... والسيف و الرمح و القرطاس و القلم" ، المتنبي
Translation: "the stallions, the night and the wasteland know me ... and the sword, the arrow, the parchment, and the pen", Al-Mutanabbi
A tribute of sorts to a man of many attributes.
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dizzy1ife · 1 month
"Remember when..."
No, I wasn't there. Nope. Not that one either.
That was when I first became ill and I was barely able to leave my bed and no one visited me for months.
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raekiez · 6 months
Been thinking about this a lot recently cuz I have chronic pain, I think Old Snake would have a lot of chronic pain from his rapid aging. So, here are some ways he and otacon deal with it <3
Id like to imagine post-mgs4 snake uses a cane (camo patterned). He was stubborn about it at first but Otacon convinced him it would help (and to his dismay, it did). He uses compression socks and gloves, knee braces, heating pads, ice packs, etc. Otacon brings him whatever he needs when he's too weak or in pain to get out of bed. When it's real bad otacon massages his back, helps him bathe, brushes his hair. Snake still tries to do things himself, it's hard to accept whats happening and he doesn't want to burden otacon, but he always ends up overexerting himself and flaring up.
He also has really bad fatigue. He always tells Otacon to wake him up earlier, but otacon always let's him sleep until he wakes up naturally, he needs the rest. Him and Sunny hold off on eating breakfast until snake wakes up so they can all eat together as a family.
Here are some doodles based off of these <3
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salt-baby · 2 years
another non-exhaustive list of good disability experiences because i am going feral from blood sugar variations (first one is here):
- my roommate asking me if I was having a bad hand pain day because they beat me at Mariokart and had no clue how
- the way it feels to replace worn out gear with brand new stuff
- my partner turning to me and going "oh you lost a bit of muscle tone in your neck here" and when I asked how on earth they knew that they responded "you told me that muscle can act up sometimes so I keep an eye on it"
- my parent borrowing my car for a bit and returning it with medical-diet-friendly recipes tucked into the seat pocket
- dancing in the kitchen on a low pain day
- my pt signing paperwork for a permanent parking placard when I was hoping for a temporary one (it lasts until 2026! I never again have to convince a doctor to sign for it!)
- sitting on a speaker in the front while my partners band plays, because it's the most accessible seat in the room, but man what a view
- meeting a person my age with a super cool mobility aid at a party and swapping social media info
- my roommate handing me the shopping cart when we start grocery shopping because I use it as a walker, and inevitably asking me near the end if I'd like them to push when it gets heavy
- calling my car the cripple-mobile
- the secretary at my orthotics clinic calling my insurance at least once a day for two weeks to try and get the authorization through, which is so far above and beyond their job description
- my partner fascinated by the way the skin moves on my thigh, and turning to me to say "I know sometimes your body causes you pain but it really is just so cool"
- the young person who came into my workplace and asked about my ring splints, and then explained that because their friend might have EDS they've been educating themselves on it to support them
- it's not necessarily an easy process, but the satisfaction I get from the progress I've made in loving my body the way it is, scars and messed up joints and pain and all
- also the way my partner tsks at me when my knee is in a bad position while we're cuddling
as always if anyone wants the full story behind any of these my asks are open
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james-p-sullivan · 1 year
I really think we need to start talking about the stigma around hysterectomies and their place in the treatment for the symptoms of endometriosis.
Something I see often is the phrase 'hysterectomies don't cure endometriosis', which is very true, but do you know what a hysterectomy can cure?
And you know the pain I'm talking about. The gnawing, all encompassing agony that surrounds our entire lives. The one that keeps you from going back to school, or uses up all of your sick days and vacation time from work combined, the one that leaves you dry heaving for hours until you pass out on the bathroom floor. That pain. There's truly no describing what it's like until you're living it.
And I cannot describe to you how free I feel knowing I will never have to suffer through that ever again.
If we continue to talk about our pain journeys we can end the stigma against hysterectomies. It will never be a cure-all, but remember that you are not a baby machine, you are a human being who deserves to live pain free. And I'm telling you, it's possible.
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sugar-and-spite · 11 months
pet peeve: when doctors are like "bring a list of your medications" so you make a nice neat list on google docs and then you get there and they're like "oh no, we don't want your list. we just want you to know what you're taking so you can write them on our list, which is not as detailed or nicely formatted as your list"
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tenshi-agerasia · 4 months
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my (belated) (re)submission for the ensemble stars 2023 bigbang (@enstarsbb)
i had the pleasure of drawing for "scattered feathers, new wings" by @chivalri_, a fic focused on wataru and his relations with the five eccentrics and eichi :) read the amazing fic by the equally amazing vari here!!
here's the accompanying animation meme/fanfiction trailer i made:
my etsy for the sticker/sticker sheets!
~ more sticker details at my shop ~
see you all next year!
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calmmyfears · 8 months
Chronic illness does make you feel like you're dying everyday. But then the morning comes and you have to do it all over again.
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swordsonnet · 1 year
the most annoying thing about me/cfs is that it's more like 10 different illnesses in a trenchcoat. i'll wake up with a new symptom and be like "oh okay, guess that's what we're doing today"
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jackalmeat · 1 year
One of my favorite little understated illustrations of the pains Viktor takes to keep others at a distance when he's struggling is his way of addressing Sky Young.
He says her name on only two occasions over the course of the season: the first when he bids her good night in the lab, and the second when he calls out to her in a panic as he realizes that she's been consumed by the Hexcore. The first time we hear him say her name, it's polite but impersonal -- 'Miss Young'. The second time though, it's an instinctive, hysterical 'Sky!'
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And it only becomes clear that 'Sky' is probably how he usually addresses her, as opposed to 'Miss Young', when we see him default to it in this moment of tragedy and scrambled emotion. Which in turn retroactively suggests that his earlier use of 'Miss Young' was a more purposeful snub than might have been evident at first glance.
It's easy to handwave, "Well, 'Sky' is shorter and less formal, so it makes sense that in a panic he'd just blurt out whatever name was faster to say!"........except for the fact that that doesn't really make sense. Or rather, that's simply not how stressed, disoriented brains tend to work. If you're accustomed to calling someone "A" in your usual dealings, it's unlikely that you'll spontaneously be compelled to switch to the less familiar "B" in a moment of extreme emotion, precisely because that's the kind of finnicky little decision that our brains really suck at making under duress. Instead, the brain (and subsequently the mouth) is much more likely to leap to the name that's the most familiar and natural.
Point being: 'Sky' is likely the form of address that Viktor is most accustomed to using with her, since that's where his mouth immediately defaults when the chips are down.
Follow-up point being: if the above is true and 'Sky' is his typical way of referring to her, then that also suggests that it was a wholly conscious decision on his part to instead address her like this--
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--in the earlier scene where she encouraged him to step away from his work for the night and spend a little bit of friendly, low-stakes time with her. The dismissal here is two-fold, emphasizing both physical distance (declining her invitation to walk home together) and emotional distance (referring to her in a polite but decidedly less personal way than is suggested to be his usual). If we assume that he indeed usually addresses her simply as 'Sky', then his choice to revert to 'Miss Young' at this particular moment would have been all the more marked to her, and would probably have had about the same effect as if he'd literally closed a door directly in her face.
(Which would also explain why her eyes immediately go distinctly tearful in response to this line. She isn't merely disappointed that the man she admires and cares about is choosing to keep working rather than walk home with her. She's hurt because, in just a couple of pointedly polite words, Viktor has essentially drawn a boundary around himself and let her know, 'I'm not interested in getting personal in the way that you're asking me to do. Back up. Stay behind the line, please.')
Regardless of whether you believe that Viktor is aware of Sky's romantic feelings for him or not, he's absolutely aware of the fact that she's inviting him to spend a little time with her not simply as a coworker, but as a companion. She's inviting him to make a human connection -- and he refuses it by rejecting both the invitation itself as well as the basic intimacy of even using her name. Not just ignoring the figurative outstretched hand, but actively pushing it away from him; and doing so not because he's cruel, lacking empathy, or dismissive of her, but because the walls are closing in on him, and 'alone' is what he knows when it comes to dealing with his own problems.
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sibelin · 26 days
Sorry to be obssessed about this but it's haunting me : what i learnt from yesterday is that a dermatologist saw my skin six years ago, when it was starting to get real red, and told me "you have to hide it" while it could be either rosacea type 2 or lupus. So he just decided he wouldn't help me and let me suffer one of two known and treatable chronic illnesses, one being deadly dangerous if left untreated. And since I got told "you can't do anything about it", I did hide it so well that my doctor was shocked that I didn't tell her sooner. What can you do when you got told by a professional that you're incurable AND that you have to hide your face forever at 24yo. I am beyond gutted and I am just waiting anxiously to rule out lupus but GOD. I feel betrayed and unlucky and so damn angry :(
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xieliancore · 1 year
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dan heng doodle! (but dragon form)
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