#so like of course this is how my fursonas turn out
spotlightstudios · 11 months
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I'm wasting time by drawing my fursona (s)!
DJ/Spot (left) is a Cheetah, Theory (middle) is a snow leopard, and Light (right) is a Bunni.
(Fun fact: One time I had a Crocodile fursona. It didn't last very long, but maybe I'll redraw her sometime.)
Actually thinking about going on a spree because I had a few AJ looks that I'd like to Oc-ify :3
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nichoskittycorner · 8 months
Just me and my silly werewolf thoughts again but this is really silly:
Imagine being neighbors with a werewolf but you dont know it cause they're always wearing a fursuit.
They didnt use to do it but everyones scared of their wolfish appearance and the colorful big eyed wolf character costume looks much more inviting.
When you first moved in, you just thought they were a furry dedicated to their fursona. Good for them! But then you noticed it was ALWAYS like that. Were they people shy? Did it help with some anxiety?
Well, only way to find out was by asking. All your other neighbors had no idea why either. Darn, youd have to ask them yourself. You didnt want to be too direct in case you scared them.
So you invited them over for lunch to which they surprisingly agreed- taking note of how realistic that tail wag on that suit was.
You made sure everything was perfect by the time your neighbor came over. Doing your best to make them comfortable in every aspect- even if it does mean having to turn your home into a freezer box so they didnt overheat.
Even if you didnt get answers about their identity on the first meeting, you learned they were super kind and actually a great person to talk to. So of course you had to keep inviting them back.
Soon you kind of forgot about the question. Enjoying their company just as they were. You would get your answer eventually, although it was on accident.
One evening while hanging out, your furry friend asked to use the bathroom. Well they had been over enough times they shouldnt even have to ask! But they were just so polite they couldnt help it.
After several minutes they returned- without the head of their suit. You were greeted by a still fluffy face of a real werewolf. Bewilderment was clearly written all over your face by the time they realized the mistake.
They hadn't realized they forgot to put the costume head back on! But it was too late, you had seen what they really were. Oh this was terrifying and embarrassing.
Would you run away and scream? Tell the neighbors and chase them away again? All they could do was mumble apologies and pray for mercy.
Although you were shocked, you were curious. Going up to them and petting them right on the head. Fingers running through soft and thick fur. A low purr like sound echoed from their chest.
You asked if they could take the whole costume off, which they reluctantly complied. They really were a full werewolf- fuzzy body, strong muscles, tail and all.
"Why did you hide?" You asked after embracing them, sitting back onto the couch and playing with their fur, eyes still disbelieving.
"People get scared by werewolves. I didnt wanna scare anyone. I'm sorry I hid for so long." A part of you wanted to tease why they hid so long from you- you guys were friends after all!
But after hearing they were chased out by someone they trusted last time, it made sense why they hesitated.
You'd never do that! They were your friend! (Maybe more~?) No matter what anyone said, they would have you at least. Even if it meant leaving town together, youd keep your promise.
"We can start off slow, but let's get the people used to you- the real you." You gave them a warm smile and a kiss on the nose. Their tail wagged quickly, making you laugh.
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theman-and-themachine · 3 months
I will go... chronological. Maybe. Very undetailed/detailed in specific and nonsense ways.
THEY MET IN COLLEGE BECAUSE OF COURSE THEY DID. Henry coming from literally like 10~ years of prior homeschooling (could not go to school because. Its hell. and he had breakdowns often). William being shipped over straight from a boarding school.
Their uh. Aquaintenceship starts rocky. William is an angsty almost-adult that needs to control and bully and hurt things and weird people out to get a reaction. Henry is a thing that seems to have no limits, and does not bat an eye at literally any of William's behaviors(doesnt care or geniunely doesnt know that those behaviors are not appropriate (probably engages in some himself))
UH anyways general bullying turns to William annoyingly sticking his nose in Henry's business and going "is that your fursona?" "Yea" "thats cringe" "ok." "... tell me about it."
William gets feelings first. Henry gets feelings soon after.
William gets special interest in Henry(sort of. Mostly a joke but yknow what i mean). Foxy and SpringBonnie are developed around now.
Henry begins to trust William a LOT. he's geniunely interested in what Henry has to say and is extremely supportive of his projects. (Theres def.s some general belittleing maniupulation shit but yknow williams still an asshole, its not like he's a evil villian mastermind he's just an asshole teenager). Henry also hates William, who still picks on him and causes issues and-- aaannd aaand. They get into a fight, privately. Mostly because of Bill pushing his luck and Henry already being worn thin. William gets the shit knocked out of him (and all the sense knocked out, too.). Henry is mentally exhausted and shutting down.
They get to have their first weird intimate moment, or whatever it is like after you have a giant fight. William confirms his crush.
Jojo meets Henry. Henry loves Jojo and JoJo loves henry and theres lots of stuff i can say here but YOU ASKED FOR WILLRY SO: Henry likely compares how he feels about Jojo to how he feels about Bill, and realizes that they are... similar. Very similar.
(Jojo: here is my husbans and here is my husband's boyfriend)
Henry starts to think about (genderly ambigious) springbonnie and projects some feelings onto it.
William's grossness never left but presence of Jojo gets him angry and jealous and Generally swings from I HATE HENRY to HENRY IS LITERALLY MY SAVIOR constantly. Habit starts and never ends.
ANYEAYS ANHWAYS TAILEND OF COLLEGE i think their most important bonding moments are while creating.
Brainstorming ideas off one another. Henry spending ages constructing this perfect plan, measuring, constructing small prototypes, then doing the final thing all in one go. William starting with a spark, making it, adding on, removing, revising, until it's completed. And they both take the same time to do it.
Most of their conversations become the Diner and their Creations. Projecting thoughts and emotions through Fredbear and Springbonnie. "I'm having a kid." "That's awesome man, anyways how do you feel about the visibilty of the performer-eyes." "I think it's visible enough... another coat of paint would look better."
It defiently becomes a sort of safe haven fantasy world, for the both of them. William's already pretty troubled, and gets more stressed with family life. Henry's... also already pretty troubled, and gets a LOT more stressed with the death of Jojo(and his daughter to raise by himself).
I do think Charlie spent a lot of time in the workshop (garages). I still think she was neglected pretty hard lol BUT henry fucking loved her he just is bad at being a bad. Go pay attention to your kid u jackass.
Anyways i think Fredbear+SpringBonnie are developed into their fantasy. I want to live out my days, just you and me, happy and bantering forever.
And then William's youngest dies.
Fredbear = Henry. Henry created everything, William might fancy himself the mastermind but Henry was the one who physicay created everything, who kept up maintence, who killed his son.
William could never bring himself to hurt Henry. Henry is part of HIS fantasy, if he'd destroyed him then William would have nothing left.
He needed this world more than anything else. He needed it to be everything, to retreat into it. He needed Henry to follow him, to abandon the real world that he was still, barely, tethered to.
Pspspspsppsspss charlie cmere.
okayOKAY MOSTLY DEPRESSING AFTER THIS but i do rlly think Henry is still very much ALSO attached to Fredbear and SpringBonnie and their world.and you knoe the guy has dreams(and nightmares) about it constantly. He runs Fredbear and Friends on the tv in the background and sobs into his beer bottle.
Theyre weird together. Heart emoji. I geniunely do think they love eachother. Henry still loves the Bill he knew.
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antisepticcrayon · 1 year
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Posting here too! Just so I can give a longer explanation a bit for the few pieces I've been able to scramble for Sean.
Now I'm not the best at drawing people so it's very rare that I get to try to draw fanart for Sean and the community but I'll share the few I've been able to do!
Starting with the spring banner I made for Sean's server! Has to be one of my favorites becos I loved how it turned out and the fact that I somehow won the banner contest. It's always such a funny shock to go onto the server and see my art there. I've never been so proud of an accomplishment like that.
Next up is the Chase brody youtooz plush concept. Now I did this for kicks and giggles (/hj. Please Sean. We need sad dad plushies.) But it was pretty funny that that reference sheet got way more attention than I thought. And at the time of iris being fairly new was also so funny to me. He looks so sad. I need 17 of them.
King of the daisies portrait! My one piece of fanart that got the most recognition from the community! I spent a grueling 5-6 hours on this piece. It was during a time of art block so I wanted to try drawing realism for a month (didn't go exactly a month but I tried!) And this was my second attempt of the month and it came out so well. I absolutely adore it. And the inspiration came from when Sean announced that white daisies were his favorite flowers. So of course to honor the flow3r king, I did that for him. (Also another reason the banner, he's wearing a daisy crown!)
And finally the anti portrait. This one I made at work actually right before I was contacted for winning a meet and greet ticket to face time Sean through moment house. And to calm my nerves for the next couple days, I worked on this piece. (I referenced an art piece done by turquoise magpie I believe for this one!) But also another part of my month realism challenge!
The 2 realistic portraits hold a special place in my heart. Becos even through the horrendous wifi (and my uncontrollable anxiety) and cutting out during my meet and greet, I had the chance to show him them. I just didn't get to hear or see his reactions properly but the fact I showed him at all for him to see was more than enough.
Annnd then these last art pieces (I'm frankly TERRIFIED of showing. Unsure if it counts as fanart buttt)
These first 2 photos are reference pieces for my "JJ" inspired OC/Fursona. He is considered my comfort character who I tend to draw and doodle whenever I'm feeling down or having a bad day. Jameson (and chase) are my favorite egos and I find comfort in them. Not sure why, but I do. I feel like they just came at times I was struggling the most and brought joy to me though. Just Sean in general has done as such.
And the last photo is a book cover I created for a short story I'm writing with my self insert OC and chase Brody (along with the other egos).
The short story takes part of a community I'm in that surrounds giant/smalls/humans folklore and certain cultures surrounding a time of creatures big and small, Aka G/T! Think of any fairy tales like jack and beanstalk or even japenese animes like the secret world of ariety or movies and books like "The borrowers". (Another comfort for me. I find writing helpful as well for bad days and to also center and express myself again)
Anyways one of my favorite human pieces I've ever completed on my own through lots of practice and failed sketches (my good friend zora rendered and shaded it for me! Actual drawing, linework and coloring done by me!)
Anyways, I hope I'm not overstaying my welcome so I'll cut it off here!
I thank you both for doing this revival! I was never able to participate truely with "septicart" but I'm glad I can right now through this :)
Thanks for reading!
- Dj💜
(I apologize if my wording is wacky! ADHD and dyslexia isn't a fun combination when trying to write and explain things ack)
@turquoisemagpie @rogue-of-broken-time
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imsparky2002 · 7 months
Happy Halloween
(It's almost midnight in the 1950s, and Adrien and Marinette are walking through the forest. Adrien is wearing a letterman's jacket while Marinette wears a cute pink sweater and black blouse.)
50s!Adrien: Mari, you know I like you, right?
(50s!Marinette blushes and giggles.)
50s!Marinette: Yes...
50s!Adrien: And I hope you like me the way I like you.
50s!Marinette: Of course I do!
(50s!Adrien takes a deep breath and then hands 50s!Marinette a silver ring.)
50s!Adrien: I was wondering if you'd be my special someone.
(She squeals and kisses him on the lips.)
50s!Marinette: Oh, Adrien! You've made me the happiest girl in all of Paris!
(The model gives a sigh of relief and picks up his girlfriend, spinning her around before setting her down. He beams with joy before his face falls.)
50s!Adrien: Now that it's official... I have something to tell you.
(He takes a deep breath and looks nervous.)
50s!Adrien: Marinette, I'm not like other guys.
50s!Marinette: That's exactly why I love you.
(He shakes his head.)
50s!Adrien: No... I mean I'm different.
(She looks confused.)
50s!Marinette: What are you talking about?
(Ominous music begins to play as the clouds part and a full moon is shown. 50s!Adrien grunts in pain and falls down to his knees. 50s!Marinette gasps in concern and goes to pick him up. Her voice shakes as she tries to get him to stand.)
50s!Marinette: A-Adrien?
(He snarls and turns around to face her. His eyes are green and catlike, his hair is wilder and his teeth are sharp. His voice is distorted and hellish.)
50s!Adrien: GET AWAY FROM ME!
(The designer screams in horror as 50s!Adrien begins roaring in pain. His body begins to contort, fur appears all over his skin, he grows cat ears and whiskers, and razor sharp claws. He now looms over 50s!Marinette as a werecat. There's a bloodlust in his eyes as he chases after her. She runs for dear life but trips on a rock. He corners her, and swipes at her with his claws.)
50s!Marinette: AAADRIEENN!
(We cut to a movie theater to reveal this is a film being shown for Halloween night. Nathaniel and Marc are in the theater and have differing reactions to what's happening. We hear the sounds of flesh being sliced offscreen. Nathaniel looks disgusted and puts his hands over his eyes while Marc is surprisingly excited, munching on a bucket of popcorn.)
Nathaniel: Marc, can we get out of here?
Marc: Why? I'm enjoying this.
Nathaniel: Rainbow, you hate horror. After we watched The Babadook you had nightmares for a whole week.
(Marc rolls his eyes.)
Marc: Well this is different. Besides, I thought you loved scary movies.
Nathaniel: Yeah! Horror. Not glorified torture porn. All this guy does in the movie is turn into his fursona, kill a bunch of people in increasingly brutal ways, angst about it, and then make out with his girlfriend. At least with Saw, it doesn't pretend to be a retro throwback. Honestly, I think Nino's fell off since his old stuff, and this film proves it.
(He almost throws up as he watches the werecat eat the girl's heart.)
Nathaniel: Fuck this. You can finish watching your gorefest by yourself, babe. I'm getting out of here before I vomit.
(He gets up and makes his way out of the theatre. Marc hesitates on whether or not to follow him. He decides to be a good boyfriend and does so. Marc tries to make Nathaniel see it's not so scary as they walk out of the theater together.)
Marc: Nathaniel, it's only a movie.
Nathaniel: Marc, I told you I-
(He pauses as he notices that all of a sudden Marc is wearing red jacket with matching pants. Nathaniel has the strangest feeling that it's familiar.)
Nathaniel: Wait, how did you do that?!
Marc: Do what?
Nathaniel: You were wearing your hoodie a second ago! It should not be physically possible for you to do that!
(Marc gives him a sly smile)
Marc: Maybe it's the magic of Halloween.
Nathaniel: Marc, what is going on with you?
(A funky beat begins to play and Nathaniel can hear wolves howling as fog fills the streets.)
Nathaniel: Wait, did someone slip something in my drink? Is that why you're acting so strange? Why it feels like we're the only two people in the whole city?
(The writer doesn't answer him and begins dancing to the music. He starts to sing as well.)
It's close to midnight
And something evil's lurking in the dark
(Nathaniel becomes even more bewildered. Marc rarely sings, even to him, and it's usually something romantic.)
Nathaniel: I feel like I should know what this song is.
(Marc ignores him and continues dramatically emoting as he sings.)
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
Nathaniel: You're not going to answer me, are you?
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
Nathaniel: At this point, I gotta be dreaming. There's no way this is real.
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed
'Cause this is thriller!
Nathaniel: Ah, Michael Jackson. Should've guessed by the red jacket. Ok, so obviously I'm dreaming and fell asleep to some Halloween Spotify playlist?
(Marc ignores him and continues singing the lyrics to the song.)
Nathaniel: Thank god. Actually, that jacket looks pretty good on you. Could you bridal carry me home? That's one of my biggest fantasies, not gonna lie.
(He realizes that Marc won't be able to speak to him.)
Nathaniel: Oh right, I guess the girlfriend in the video didn't have many lines after the song started. So it's like an NPC right? If I say something that's not part of the video after a certain point, you don't respond.
(After Marc finishes the chorus, they walk in silence to the graveyard. Pipe organ music begins to play as Juleka's voice booms inside Nathaniel's head.)
Juleka: So, Nathaniel... how do you like my spell? Do you see the true terror of Halloween?
(Nathaniel knew this was still a dream, because he'd be able to tell if Juleka was actually a witch. Still, he played along.)
Nathaniel: Oh yes, I'm sooo scared. How could I be so dumb to say that Halloween isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Juleka: Careful, Kurtzberg. I've only been using a fraction of my power.
Nathaniel: See, this is definitely my subconscious, because I'm the only one besides Marc to use that phrase unironically.
(Suddenly, zombies begin to burst out of their graves, snarling and moaning. He recognizes them as the decayed versions of his classmates, complete with tattered versions of their normal attire and accessories. They start shambling towards him and Marc.)
Nathaniel: Pfft, you remember how I survived Zombizou? And those were the fast yandere types. I can beat these goons by walking at a regular pace.
(He feels Marc's hand grab his shoulder. He has somehow become a member of the undead, though he oddly enough looks a lot prettier than the others. Marc and the other members of the Akuma, Science, Recess and Theatre Class do the Thriller dance.)
Nathaniel: Is it wrong that I still find him extremely hot?
Juleka: On so many levels.
(The zombies maul Nathaniel to pieces as Juleka cackles maniacally. Nathaniel wakes up from his dream, to see he got a text from Marc.)
Marc: U ok, babe? You were mumbling Thriller in your sleep.
(Nathaniel chuckles and texts him back.)
Nathaniel: I think I have an idea for our next issue.
Happy Halloween everybody! I had the idea this morning and this is what I came up with. Hope you all enjoyed it! Leave a comment, reblog, like or ask for future stuff. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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puppy-waves-art · 6 months
i know this blog is primarily for pony art, HOWEVER
i just finished finally designing a fursona that i actually connect to and im so happy with how they turned out, how could i NOT share?
meet kit! they're a puppy! i don't really have much info about them since they're literally just me LMAO. my hair isn't colored like this irl, but if i had the money and time and energy for maintenance and upkeep, i think i would want my hair to look like this...and i want to get top surgery someday, too
i am an incredibly emotional person, and my emotions are a big part of who i am, so i wanted that in the design somehow. of course, there's a wider range of emotion than just happiness, sadness, affection, and anger - but those are the base four emotions that i feel a lot of mine branch off of, and so any other emotion's colors will be influenced by which category they fit in (for me, at least)
gonna be designing my gf a sona too so they can kiss,,
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base credit goes to quardie on dA
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base credit goes to lambrotbases on dA
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theygotlost · 1 year
im really sorry to say this guys but i just cant "get into" succession. what i mean is..... it's a very mainstream show for normal people. it's so normal that last week I was talking with my coworker about it at the marketing office I work at. and people like my coworker don't participate in "fandom". which is not to say they don't enjoy media, of course they do. but they don't let it worm its way into their brains and they don't write analyses or thinkpieces on it and they don't seek out online communities to talk about it with and they don't have blorbos that they rotate in their mind and they sure as hell don't draw fanart or write fanfiction for it or anything of that sort. they just sit down with their family or their friends and watch an episode of tv. and I think that's how I enjoy succession. it's something to watch and think "well that just happened!" and then I turn off my tv and get on with my life. yes I did draw fursonas for the roy family. I did it in the most normal way possible. don't worry about it.
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thewolfwarriors · 1 year
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tl;dr: Ive been in the fandom since the far off ancient year of 2007 so this is a brief reflection of all that
Posting this today on the Winter Solstice, an important day for the Vikings, seemed fitting. Expand for the full text (there's pictures too!)
In the Winter of 2007, my middle school English teacher took us to our weekly Thursday trip to the library. I'd check out any book with the word 'dragon' in the title. I came across How to Train your Dragon by Cressida Cowell and immediately checked it out. I became so obsessed with the book that I learned the hard way that you can only recheck out a book so many times. Thankfully, my parents had given me some money for Christmas and took me to Books-A-Million after the new year! I think the specific date was Jan 8th.
To my ecstatic delight, there was not one, but THREE BOOKS now! After buying them, we went to Cici's Pizza and I had to convince my parents to let me bring them inside. I promised them I would be careful not to get any pizza on them.
I carried those books around with me daily! They were always with me at school. They got scratches all over the covers but they were my friends so I always had them around. I made so many stories of my own through them.
I have this memory of my dad walking into my room while I was reading How to Speak Dragonese.
"You're reading that again?" he asked.
"We need to get you some new books." was all he said.
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It used to say Mew on the inside of the cover before I decided to put the date down instead. That was my first internet name from my ye olde Neopets days. I named myself and all my characters that because I was so bad with naming.
I came up with Mew (now Mewgull) as my first HTTYD OC! She was the an heir to a large kingdom and she turned into a wolf ( I was obsessed with Wolf's Rain and nu-metal AMVS ok? )Then came along her brothers, the Dreadful Drones and the Wolf Warriors as a whole, my first LGBT+ characters (that I can remember at least) and many many more. Mew became my first mascot for my art and eventually I made my own "fursona" (before I knew what that was) based off her.
Annnnnd of course, tons of fan art, animations and even a Doomfang fursuit head. Most of this stuff was lost to time but some I was able to keep! I'll be uploading what's left of my old artwork here soon! I plan to do some redraws as well! ^_^ Some are already on my ancient sarcophagus of a deviantART account
For memories and funnies: here's my Fishlegs cosplay for "Dress up as your favorite book character day" at school! I don't know if it's embarrassing or endearing but hey, man, it was 2012.
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I made the helmet and the necklace myself! I kept the luck lobster claws for a long time but I guess I got rid of them. :( Maybe in the future I'll make another pair! And yes, that's my Horrowcow I'm holding! Thanks mom for takin the picture!
Anyway, if you stuck around this long, I sure do appreciate it. These were all some of the many core memories I had and I love talking about them. I'll probably have many more sentimental ramblings like this in the future (... Sure hope "the Dreadful Drone" doesn't take on a new meaning) and of course, my old art. I'm really happy with how well of a reception my art was got on here so far. Thank you all.
Until next time, Peace.
Mr.Hatman aka Mew -Dragonologist, Wolf Rain's AMV lover, System of a Down/KoRn fan, Poke'mon Master, Cosplayer, Irken Invader, the most Random Epicest Artist xDDDD :3
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starfipufftop · 3 months
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Hiya! My name is Starfi Puffytop [@starfipuffytop], and I use he/him pronouns!!
[pfp made by veluv_art on picrew]
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AFAB gender-non-conforming transman
bisexual + polyamorous
ADHD + OCD + Autism
My name comes from “The Legendary Starfy”, which was a nintendo ds game I played as a kid!! The main character is a little star prince who’s very clumsy and cute, which I relate to [not the prince part… unless someone wants to make me their prince..? jk… unless..?] so I picked that name for myself after I transitioned!!
I really love art and writing, nintendo video games, all board games, listening to music like 24/7, and nature journaling!!
I am a chronic insomniac so I am excruciatingly eepy aaaall the time, but I love a good snuggle in a cozy bed!!
I am currently exploring the furry community, trying to figure out if I’m into that!! I have absolutely no issue with furries, y’all are cool as fuck!! I am just still unsure if I like it/how I like it!! I am currently in the process of making my first fursona, so if anyone has any tips I’d love to hear!!
Special Interest: art [specifically character designing] + writing [specifically dialogue]
Current Hyperfixations: Animal Crossing New Horizons, Skyrim [especially Miraak and Hermaeus Mora, Sheogorath, Cicero, etc.], Puss in Boots The Last Wish, Pokemon Scarlet [especially Arven], Dungeon Meshi, Our Flag Means Death, Sundrop/Moondrop from FNAF, Fallout games [especially Charon from FO3, Arcade Gannon from FNV, Hancock from FO4, MacCready from FO4, Nick Valentine from FO4, Kellogg from FO4, etc.], Spider-Verse [especially The Spot/Johnathan Ohnn + Miguel O’Hara], The Arcana [especially Muriel, Valdemar, Julien, Asra, Vulgora, + Valerius], Madhouse Mike from Cryptid Crush, Eddie Brock/Venom, Ultron from Marvel, Nathan Summers from X-Men/Deadpool, Otto Octavius/Doc Ock from Spiderman, etc.
A brief description of what I look like for those that are curious [or if that’ll add to your experience with this blog]: 4’9”, very soft muscular pear shaped body type, slightly wavy ginger hair in a mullet of course, I wear big ole glasses with a funky pattern on the frames, I have a big round button nose, I’ve had top surgery so I don’t have titties anymore but I have nipples that I still have feeling in, I love to wear cozy clothes like sweaters and fuzzy socks, I don’t really like to wear lingerie but really cute panties is always a must, I have a few piercings on my ears and a septum piercing, I want to get lots of fun tattoos but I haven’t yet, I have very small hands [perfect for holding and stroking🩷], and I have a ton of freckles and moles all over my body!!
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This is an 18+ ONLY blog, so minors DNI!! 
This blog is intentionally anonymous, so I will not be posting any irl pictures of myself or other personal information other than my name!! Please do not ask for any irl pics or info, or else you will be blocked!!
I wish to use this blog to explore my sexuality through primarily writing [with both fully original content as well as fanfic type of content], but I might eventually include some artwork!! I will be writing things that turn me on and that I fantasize about, but I am also interested in collaborating with people if they send me their prompt ideas!! I will only write things I am mutually into, so if I deny your request please don’t take it personally!!
I have been writing for years, both casually and professionally, but I am currently trying to mix up my style and improve my skills overall so please be patient with me if things aren’t going the way I intend at first!!
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I am attracted to ALL genders/non-genders, both sexually and romantically!! I am polyamorous, but I am not interested in engaging in serious relationships through this blog!! I already have partners irl, so I am simply here to flirt and be slutty on the internet!! I welcome engagement with my content, but I have the right to set boundaries and block people if I feel uncomfortable with anything!!
TURN ONS: bondage, size difference, age gaps, being dominated, praise, rough play, [in very specific and safely set up situations] CNC, creampies [but NOT true impregnation], edging, overstimulation, use of toys, soft pain [bruises, light slapping/spanking, hair pulling, etc. cuz I am a big baby lol], crying kink, biting/marking, cuckholding, voyeurism/exhibitionism, sounding [obv not receiving cuz I have a boycunt, but watching it is just lovely!!], possessiveness, corruption kink, roleplaying [especially with mild power play scenarios like professor/student, boss/employee, but it has to be 18+ no matter the scenario], free use kink, tentacles/monsterfucking, choking, rimming, anal and vaginal, oral [both giving and receiving, but damn giving is so divine], fingering, body worship, nipple stimmulation, bullying/degradation [but when it’s mixed with praise, ie “you’re my perfect little dumb slut… good for nothing other than my pleasure…”], growling/animalistic/predator/prey, being pinned down, nicknames for me [ie good boy, sweetheart, cumdump, pretty boy, etc.], nicknames for partners [ie daddy/mommy but not in a step fantasy way, mistress/sir, etc.], gangbangs/threesomes/foursomes, partner swapping, double penetration, fear play [but in a safe/consensual manner with no real harm attached], etc.
UNSURE KINKS: full BDSM, hard pain [intense slapping/spanking, cuts, etc.], spit [I like the idea of it, but I sometimes get icked out by it before I can even enjoy it lol], dominating others [I am definitely not a dom naturally, but I feel like I might enjoy exploring it a little bit eventually], light pet play [not interested in full acts of pet play, but I love being someone’s cute little bunnyboy/puppyboy], nipple clamps [I have really sensitive nipples, so it sometimes is just too painful, but I am in search of ones that aren’t so painful so I can actually enjoy it lol], blindfolding [makes me feel a bit claustrophobic still, but I can see myself getting more into it], etc.
HARD NOS: foot fetish [sorry!! I just have a foot phobia!!], extreme aggression/violence, tickling, any unhygienic fetishes [this includes piss, sorry!!], food related fetishes, giant/ess related fetishes, inflation kink, CBT [obv not the therapy lol], pegging someone else [I love to be pegged and watch others do it tho!! I just don’t like to do that myself!!], using gags [these unfortunately make me feel unsafe, so I don’t like them], swallowing cum [devastated by my inability to do this, it’s just too yucky of a taste and texture for me lol], fisting, wax play [too messy and again yucky texture], age play, step fantasy, slave/master dynamic, etc.
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Please just try your best to be kind, patient, and respectful!! I will of course always do the same, cuz mutual respect is so important especially in these types of intimate spaces!!
Feel free to send me messages/asks with requests!! I am very friendly, but I am also very shy so I might need a little bit of practice doing this online before I get fully comfy with collaborating!! Anyways, thank you for reading!! I look forward to seeing where this blog takes me!!
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ekurzweil · 1 year
that damn shake
Was watching "On Context" by Dan Olsen and a particular line stuck with me;
"In the context of Capitalism, is there any act of rebellion, or is it all just making the machines of Commerce work in favor of your interests?"
This made me think of that one Disco Elysium passage. "Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would *critique* capital end up *reinforcing* it instead."
Anyway, let me talk about furries and the Grimace Shake.
Some context - Before Twitter imploded, the Grimace Shake was a meme that was going around. McDonald's released a shake promoting the birthday of the chain's co-mascot, Grimace. I don't know how it tastes, and I don't think its quality really had a hand in its popularity. It swiftly became a meme when people started making absurdist tiktoks where things turn horrifying after they drink it. This is also largely from the perspective of someone viewing the memes on twitter, because twitter is my most used social platform.
As with anything that passes through popular culture, this eventually made its way into furry circles, because furries are people who live in society. There were plenty of fursonas keeling over in pain from drinking the Grimace Shake. There was some fetish art, too, of course. Overall it was just the effect of a meme propagating. Though eventually, this resulted in some backlash.
"Sure, keep furry weird until it's time to start doing free advertising for corporations."
That was sort of the general sentiment of the Furry Grimace Shake Counter-movement. It's not wrong, really - it is, in effect, free advertising. The Grimace Shake is a product being sold, currently. Making memes about the Grimace Shake - a product of McDonald's - increases their brand recognition.
Okay. Now what?
Furry, undeniably, is counterculture. It's one of the most diverse demographics out there. It's weird and hostile and toxic to most brands, sure, but furries are still people who live in society. For every furry who believes in the Furry Fandom being an independent ant-establishment movement there is another furry who is there for the aesthetics and the art. Critically, furry also exists under one big nation called capitalism. As much as it would be great if good art emerged fully formed out of the aether, furry artists are people who have bills to pay.
Furry brands exist, and though they might not have the weight of McDonald's swinging behind them, they are still brands. Hell, some furries even transform themselves into brands just to survive in the capitalist reality we all live in. As opposed as Furry is to capitalism, furry artists and creators and makers and artisans all have to participate in, learn the language of, and wear the skin of Capitalism to survive. There are the lucky ones who have the opportunity to live in relative safety from this great machine, but there are even more who don't.
I just see the sneering reaction towards other furries doing an absurdist McDonald's meme and get tired. I'm guilty of this too, of course - I've shown my disdain for people participating in or partaking of products that harm gay and trans people. But the Grimace Shake thing-- it's so far removed from the reality of any McDonald's branding except for the name. It is just the vehicle that people use for their own punchline, their own fetishes, their own subversion or adherence to the formula.
Oftentimes it is easy and incredibly seductive to look at anyone interacting with Capitalism and Brands and go "you are participating in the rot." And, strictly speaking, it's not wrong - it is, in effect, participating in capitalism. The Grimace Shake is a product being sold, currently. Making memes about the Grimace Shake - a product of McDonald's - increases their brand recognition.
Okay. Now what?
It's not like the Grimace Shake is the beachhead for a culture war against oppressed groups. It's not like people are buying the Grimace Shake to protest something. It's not like the Grimace Shake was created and owned by a transphobe who collects royalties on the success of their brand. It's a stupid meme where people die violently after drinking a branded shake.
(Even now I've had second thoughts about writing this out because god damn it's just so much nothing. There's nothing here to complain about. But hey, it's my blog, I might as well use it.)
I'm not dishonest enough to grab people by the shoulder and go "if you hate capitalism so much you should come up with a solution!" but there are definitely more worthwhile things to complain about. It would be easier to just say that you don't like the meme instead of trying to launder your feelings through progressive language. I do believe that these feelings of frustration are genuine - but at the same time it feels like the lowest hanging intellectual fruit. "You hate capitalism and yet you participate in it. Curious!"
I just look at those posts on a dying newsfeed and just feel tired.
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feybeasts · 1 year
This is mostly gonna be an aimless ramble about Ideas I Have because I’m fulla those dang things most days, and hey y’all seem to like when I ramble about my OCs so I’m gonna Do That More
so y’know. If you wanna learn what my whole idea for yon’ silley foxtaur is, read on
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THIS FREAKIN NERD started life as an ooooold OC- the grey, wolfy version is the classic Lena from back in the day (courtesy of absolutely wonderful character design by one of my best friends, this was before I was doing art again) and she was an OC who was always near and dear to my heart. At the time I didn’t put two and two together and go “oh b/c she’s my fursona and aspirational as hell, you closeted trans fool” but hey, I got there
I realize that, y’know, ‘sonas don’t need to have lore or be characters, but I like making characters! So Lena does, in fact, have lore. She was, at one point, a regular ol’ person, a human being who pretty much existed on gig work and odd jobs because even in my fantasies, the real world is a gig economy nightmare. The work paid the bills, but it didn’t do much else- one of the most common jobs was delivery, think like, somehow a crappier version of being an amazon courier or somesuch.
Well, on one such delivery job, our gal ended up getting lost- like painfully lost. Instead of her destination, she ended up in literally the feywild, a fact that, despite the very obviously ancient buildings and overgrown mess, she was wholly unaware of. Upon “delivering” the package to the closest thing to an intact structure, she was enticed by fresh food just kinda… left out, we’re talking like a plate of pastries or something, something you could reasonably assume was a “take one” sorta affair.
It wasn’t… that, but bless her, Lena didn’t know that. So she took one… and then another, and another, and another. It’s the classic “oh whups you’re eating the fey’s food, bad idea”, but once she proverbially popped, she couldn’t stop. Which, of course, cursed her all to hell and back- it’s kinda what happens. She was changed top to bottom, and yes, I do mean in the transes-your-gender way but also the bottom became y’know, a fox. And the top was a fox but humanoid- it’s yon form you see above.
It also kinda… made her forget everything about herself. Her name, her age, where she was born- she knew she was human, short term memory was intact, but the rest slipped away… because it didn’t belong to her anymore. Classic fey stuff, eh? Turn you into something, take something intangible because you broke “the rules”.
Well, the new owner of those little details- and by extension, our gal’s fate, was a powerful fey being who was, turns out, the Lord of Debts and Desires, and one of the stinkiest Capital F Fey you could imagine. We’re talking constantly smug, always speaking in half-truths and pregnant pauses, a real piece of work straight outta a fairytale (which, y’know, tracks, considering)
And while this fella was nonplussed about an offering to him- and all the magic with it- being hoovered up by a delivery driver, he had a new lackey out of the deal. And that, friends, is what Lena is- a lackey.
She’s technically a cursed human, but her name is one she picked (it sounded nice, almost like a meta thing I guess) and her history is a bit of a blur past the basic facts. The fey she works for pretty much bound her to a contract: work for him until he considers the debt settled, and she’ll be right back to the old self lickety split.
I’ll let you guess as to how long that is, or whether yon fey actually thinks she’ll want to go back. Because truth be told, part of Lena… doesn’t want to. A big part.
She didn’t expect to be this way, but she’s come to embrace and even… like it more than the old her. It’s confusing, sometimes frustrating, but it feels more like her than she’s ever felt.
…wonder what THAT is a metaphor for? 🏳️‍⚧️
Anywho, there’s another big wrinkle- and that is that Lena isn’t fully a fey being… yet. I say she’s technically human because there’s that little bit of her that feels like she needs to hold onto the old idea of herself- not desperation, just… momentum, I guess. But as her fingers slip from that, she becomes more and more fey and less and less human… well
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I wonder what the outcome will be?
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1863-project · 2 years
I've been thinking a bit about Submas and potential Ableism, recently.
I know it is wrong to have them be Actual animals/pokemon, because its kinda insulting. like just, 'this person's not a Real Human' is such a terrible thing to say. (and a unfortunate coping mechanism that I used to have. "Of course people are mean to me. I don't count as a human. I'm not exactly sure why not ,but Clearly there is some sort of Rule/Classification out there that dictates I am Below Human. Everyone else can see that, and thats just what Is. " I'm just sorta. throwing that out there as a potential example for why that trope can be so harmful and vicious. )
IDK. It took me awhile to realize 'oh. Its not Me, Those people just are bad'. I can't say it helped to have people who thought like me/had feelings similar to me, tended to be aliens and stuff. 'oh ha ha look at the silly alien who has rules about how they eat their meals', when it was 'oh, thats how I eat my meals?...why is that so funny?
This is important, and I think a lot of people don't realize how harmful these things can be to others.
I was bullied from...pretty much kindergarten until I graduated high school, and seeing characters who were like me more or less being treated as subhuman didn't help my self-esteem. I ultimately ended up in a friendship in college that became emotionally abusive and it took me two years to get myself out of it because I didn't think I could or should and the person managed to make me feel even worse about myself.
Seeing people similar to yourself being depicted as non-human, or being joked about/seen as "acceptable targets," can massively impact self-esteem. There's many reasons why the average age of death for autistic people at one point not too far in the past was only 36 years old, and this was actually one of them. Between infanticide from parents who were ashamed of a disabled child or couldn't care for them, bullying and suicide, and struggling in the world without supports and accommodations, a lot of us didn't live very long and still don't. I'm only three years away from that 36 and I think about it a lot, and how lucky I was to have supportive parents. Many people like me aren't lucky. Living in a society that actively rejects you takes a massive toll on your self-esteem and health.
Regarding Submas, there's a big difference between doing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon stuff (the whole franchise revolves around humans turned into Pokemon) or giving them fursonas, etc. and actually writing things where they were never human, because the latter plays right into the ableist trope of "autistic people aren't actually human/are changelings/etc." It's a thing a lot of people aren't aware of because it isn't talked about much outside of autistic advocacy circles - like most disparaged groups of people, it can be difficult to get people to take us seriously outside of our own advocacy bubbles. I've spoken at a conference regarding libraries and autism twice (in 2018 and 2019); both times it was fascinating to see the response from the non-autistic people in attendance. They genuinely didn't know so many of the things that autistic people have known and talked about for years - we're just not heard a lot of the time, although I've noticed it's getting better than it was ten years ago when I was starting out as an advocate. Progress is there, it's just been slower.
Basically, you're not hurting anyone if you're playing around with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon AUs, or if you're giving characters fursonas (I mean, I know plenty of autistic furries!). But if you're writing things where human characters who are autistic or autistic-coded were never truly "human," you need to be careful that you don't slip into ableist tropes that hurt people like Anon here and myself.
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lohlite · 1 year
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It’s been years since I updated the ref of my Easter Bunny fursona Loh! She’s my favorite character that I’ve made and I always look forward to drawing her around Easter every year! I have like... a lot of information about her, so I put it all here!
The Bunny
She calls herself an Easter bunny. And it’s easy to understand why. Each year, weeks before the spring equinox begins, a human that goes by the name Loh turns into a pink and golden bunny. Though, as she would add, it’s more of an illusion of a bunny. She’s pink after all, and has the unique ability to lay candy eggs. Real bunnies don’t do that.
In modern society, that would be an Easter bunny, wouldn’t it? Only, Easter bunnies were only known to exist in stories... Myths. Legends even. Or corporate merchandising I suppose. But not in reality. Until, Loh became one. With a few twists of course. Her long ears can stand up, bend out, or flop behind her, mimicking several breeds of bunny without any of the drawbacks. She has paw pads, common in old cartoons by animators that never studied a real bunny, but different from the reality that bunnies simply do not have them. That, or a kitty-like nose or pointed teeth akin to cats and foxes. Loh still imagined her smile looked better this way, and she was an omnivore so it only made sense. Bunnies can’t eat chocolate after all, and as a candy fiend she could not be denied her own flavorful confections.
The truth was. She was a chimera. An amalgamation of creatures that exist, along with ones that don’t, in a unique form that is simply her. Those ears are not just for show. In fact, they are there to listen to the candy-focused wants of others. If someone says the name of a candy, she will lay an egg with that exact candy inside it! How eggciting!
The Eggs
When someone says the name of a candy, Loh will lay an egg with that candy inside. Simply saying “Chocolate!” will get you a tasty milk chocolate egg (her favorite, and the default) that would put any popular brand of chocolate to shame! You need to be specific if you want dark or white chocolate. If you say “Twix!” or perhaps “Cadbury Creme” you will find eggs with a shell design very similar to the wrappers of each respective “brand”. Only, Loh will assure you, they will taste far better than store bought!
But what’s the limit that she can make exactly? Well, as Loh will put it simply, she can lay a candy egg of anything treat she’s eaten at least once. By eating any candy, her unique ability will allow her to make a higher quality version of it. Fortunately for others, despite candies that she despises (anything with peanuts!), she has forced herself to learn recipes of things she hates to eat, so that she can still make those candy eggs for others. Just because she doesn't like Snickers bars, doesn’t mean she would deny someone their favorite treat!
When it comes to other non-brand specific chocolates, the eggs will take on patterns that she enjoys. Some of her own unique designs she’s made as an artist might appear, but more commonly ones from the Pokémon franchise. Why? She thinks they’re cute. The Togepi egg design being her favorite, you will almost always find one nearby. The eggs often vary in size, but would be recognizably the same size as a chicken egg on average, only more colorful.
Every egg Loh lays is unique, perfectly delicious, edible, sterile, and safe to eat. An interesting attribute to her candy eggs would be that they have the same nutritional value as iceberg lettuce... That is, if you eat too many, you won’t face the same consequences as their real life counterparts. So, if you could choose between over eating on chocolate, skip the Hersheys and enjoy the fact that you can indulge on these candy eggs! You might still find yourself too full though. Eat in moderation!
The Lore
So, why is all of this a thing? Why does Loh turn into an Easter bunny? And why that of all things? Just like with any special interest, it starts at childhood. Loh was born in April, and with Easter being a very mobile holiday, it would always appear before, after, or sometimes the same weekend as their birthday. This meant lots of candy, cute bunnies, pastel colors would always be around their birthday! And as a pastime, Easter egg hunts were one of their favorite activities!
Loh loved to hunt for and hide stuff! And those little plastic eggs they would get? They’d use them to store their treasures when they finished eating the candy inside. And they would keep the colorful baskets to put their stuff in! It became their favorite holiday by proxy. The truth was, they knew Easter bunnies didn’t exist… but they were fascinated by the idea of one. A bunny that could lay eggs? Bunnies don’t do that! And they would have candy? To give to others? The very idea of a creature that would go out of its way to make candy and give it to kids and adults alike sounded too good to be true.
So much so, that they wanted to be one! But how? How do you just, become an Easter bunny? Luckily for Loh, it wasn’t their decision to make. It was their friend’s. A hyper intelligent dragon scientist friend (quite the mouthful!). That, unsurprisingly, Loh found as an egg. Though, he assured them, that was a ONE time thing and he just needed to recharge for a few decades… That dragon was well over a thousand years old. And knew how to manipulate reality in a lot of surprising ways.
You would think finding a fantastical dragon would have phased Loh, and it did! They were a kid when this happened, how cool was it to have a dragon as a friend! Anyone they would tell would surely be jealous, if they were not so good at keeping it a secret. That dragon friend loved Loh’s imagination. While he could make many mind-boggling inventions, it was always Loh’s creativity that would spark the ideas to make them. It’s how their close friendship was fostered. In this lifetime anyway.
Both unfortunately, and fortunately for Loh, this dragon has a long memory, and a desire to make his friend happy. Sure, Loh was just a kid when they said they wanted a way to become an Easter bunny, but the dragon lacked the common sense to know that, and spent years trying to find a way to create one. Or rather, turn Loh into one.
The “wish” Loh made to their dragon friend as a child… Eventually came true when they were ending their final year in high school. The dragon gave Loh a special egg to eat, and upon eating it. POOF! They were turned into a pink and gold bunny! That could of course lay candy eggs. A real life Easter bunny! They succeeded!
At first, Loh was mortified at such a transformation! At the time, they were a “he” and never imagined turning into a female. Let alone one that laid candy eggs! And turning into such a small adorable form? Like, seriously? But, their dragon friend was happier than they had ever seen them… They were tempted to demand a way to change back, but instead, they heard their dragon friend out. He did spend years finding a way to make such a fantasy a reality after all… And it was a pretty fantastical gift to refuse. Though, as they learned, there was really no going back.
The Anatomy
The rules were simple enough. Every year, as Easter approaches, Loh would turn into an Easter bunny. Or rather, it was originally just for a few days… Turns out making a “curse” was a bit trickier and that time frame grew longer and longer before finally stopping just a month out of the actual holiday. Something about “photosynthe-cells” that monitored the moon’s phases to guess the holiday. Eventually Loh learned to recognize when their body was going to change into a bunny, so they wouldn’t transform in awkward situations again.
The bunny design, that “chimera” state, was purposeful. The paw pads were necessary for grip and cuteness as the dragon said. And don’t forget the retractable claws so you can climb trees to hide those eggs! Why sharp teeth? Well, the dragon wanted Loh to still be able to enjoy their own candy, so carnivore teeth made more sense… Human teeth would have looked terrifying. And the dragon friend could speak fine with his own sharp teeth, so he imagined Loh would prefer them too. Buck teeth would make them sound funny anyway! As for the nose? Well, it looked cuter than a bunny nose, and a kitty nose had a better sense of smell. And pink was a given for a cute little girl bunny. As for the gold and other markings, that was always something inherently “Loh” in design.
This chimera bunny illusion state was tough enough… But what about the eggs? How did the dragon pull it off? After all, Loh is only the size of a large cat when they’re a bunny… Laying chicken sized eggs, and multiple at that... How do they all fit in such a small creature, and get past that conservation of mass and energy law of the universe? Turns out that was the trickiest part.
As an Easter bunny, Loh has an “interdimensional womb”. Patent pending. Her female anatomy twists quite literally into her very own “pocket dimension” containing a special womb-like organ capable of converting dark matter into… candy.
Why candy? Well, as the dragon scientist put it, they wanted to test a new technology that could potentially solve world hunger. Dark matter and energy exists in abundance, but no human found a way to use it quite yet. While not infinite, there exists more than can ever be consumed by a tiny bunny.
When Loh mentioned a magical creature existing that could lay candy eggs, it gave the dragon scientist an idea to test how such a thing could exist. And this was his solution. A hidden interdimensional organ that could copy simple candy recipes and convert dark matter into exact edible replicas.
Most foods expire, but candy has a long shelf life. It was the perfect subject to test such a unique biological technology. So, like many times before, Loh was a test subject, as they were many times for other technologies… but at least it turned out fun in the end. Loh couldn’t imagine how such a thing exists inside of them, or rather the pocket dimension she’s attached to? It was still surreal to think about, but ultimately all of it worked to one outcome: Loh is able to turn into a real Easter bunny, that can lay candy eggs at will, and they taste better than any candy that exists!
Over the years, Loh made a hobby of laying as many candy eggs as possible and hiding them in parks for all of her friends to find and enjoy! She loves to make her friends happy, and this was a gift for them! She even found herself always looking forward to turning into a bunny. Being so cute, and a girl, others would look forward to the transformation too! It made her feel… special for once.
Though, Loh did have one question… Why does she still have to lay them??? The eggs!?
“You said Easter bunnies lay candy eggs. What, did you just want them to appear in your hand or something? That makes no sense. This is all an intricate biological process, how would I even get that to work?”
Fair enough dragon scientist friend. Fair enough.
Misc. Easter Bunny Facts
- As a bunny, Loh is roughly the size of a large cat, but cuter.
- It’s impossible to mistake Loh for a regular rabbit. Like, how!?
- The eggs are the size of large chicken eggs, but can vary from baseball size to large marbles.
- Her fur is as soft as the softest minky fabric. Sofffff.
- Her pink fur smells like pomegranates by default, but temporarily changes to the scent of the. last reddish or pinkish fruit she eats. Think strawberries, apples…
- If given multiple candy commands, she will lay them in that order, no eggceptions.
- Her ears are a mystery. Straight up, bent, floppy, how do they work? No one knows.
- She can hear at great distances putting many hunting dog breeds to shame.
- Her favorite egg design is a Togepi egg. She always lays one each Easter at least.
- She can lay “Golden Eggs” to temporarily turn others into bunnies.
- “Bronze” eggs remove that temporary curse immediately.
- Silver eggs are special.
- Eggs she lays around Halloween glow for some reason.
- She has lost count of how many eggs she’s laid over the years. Probably in the tens of thousands.
- Despite having access to semi-infinite candy, she still needs to eat other foods to live. A candy diet would be miserable anyway.
- Since the candy eggs are made of “dark matter” and converted into regular matter, they actually contain no nutritional value whatsoever. But since when was candy eaten for nutrition?
- The eggs are designed specifically to be treats and are not a substitute for food in this way.
- Surprisingly, despite mimicking foods on a semi-molecular level, the candy eggs do not trigger food allergies, so go nuts!
- In early years, laying eggs used to hurt her and make her pass out.
- Now laying eggs is as mechanical and comforting as a quick hug.
- Laying too many eggs at once can still make her pass out.
- Thanks to her big bushy tail and long ears, she can sit like a hen and lay eggs anywhere without others seeing the act.
- She will purposefully give you a concussion by launching an egg at you Yoshi style if you try to watch her lay the egg on purpose. Don’t be weird about it.
- This does not apply to a partner or close friend. But still like, don’t look?
- Rumor has it that there are still eggs hidden from previous Easter events. She can hide them that well!
- Yes, those candy eggs are still good! As long as the candy shell isn’t cracked, the candy won’t expire! They’re similar to honey in that way.
- There’s a way to tell which year an Easter egg was laid. Think tree rings, but less conspicuous 
- She doesn’t know how big her interdimensional womb is and she’s terrified to find out.
- No soul has disliked one of her candy eggs and lived to tell the tale.
- She can make explosive dynamite eggs. This is unrelated to the above fact.
- She’s too afraid to make such eggs for fears of blowing up.
- Her edible eggs are limited to candy recipes she’s eaten herself.
- Other foods can’t be laid because they… Don’t turn out right…
- You cannot force her to lay anything beyond candy.
- Consent is still a factor here, she likes giving people candy eggs so she allows the commands to work. She can ignore “commands” for candy from people that bother her.
- After years of practice, Loh has learned to make a few special eggs for self defense, medical assistance and amusement. She won’t reveal them yet.
- Okay but some medicines are kinda like candy, so some of her eggs can cure sore throats, heal wounds aloe vera gel style and so on.
- The yellow diamonds behind her ears and the one on her back can glow in the dark at will!
- She can make eggs that produce light like a lantern for when she hides them in the dark. The light mysteriously goes out when the egg is broken open to eat.
- Her sharp canines are in fact very sharp. She can and will bite you if you’re mean.
- Her paw pads are super soft and squishy. 
- Her eyes are brown like her human form, the one thing that doesn’t change.
- When not in her Easter bunny form, Loh actually can turn into a few select other creatures too. If that form happens to be female, Loh can lay eggs in that form too! So like, an Easter Pikachu.
- Loh grew up playing Yoshi games and found the whole eggs as a weapon thing very interesting, they have decent aim with their eggs so watch out!
- Why does a seemingly random dragon give Loh her Easter bunny form? It’s just the story canon of her world. Other fantastical creatures exist in her world too you know, she’s just the only candy egg laying bunny to exist. Fire breathing dragons? Check. Rodents that shoot lightning? Check. Portals between worlds? Yep. She fits in just fine in her own way.
- There are more abilities and facts but I can’t think of them right now haha, if you read this far thanks!
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sailorneptune1991 · 1 year
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So I’ve always thought of another fursona, always wanted to have a dalmatian one. Big fan of 101 and 102 Dalmatian movies. Soooo, I started making this sona back in 2013. This is just my progress so far; hope I don’t get art block and give up on him. His name is Ivan he’s of course my age 31 almost 32. I’m pretty excited about him. He’s not tall like Rette’s he’s 5’7. Can’t wait to finish more on him and there will probably be some tweaking along the way. He’s Russian like me. He’s got mint green eyes as you can see the start of them. I’m pretty excited like I haven’t said that enough, I’m pretty proud of myself for how he turned out, especially since I haven’t really drawn in years! 🐕 🇷🇺 🏳️‍🌈#gayfurry #furry #furryart #furries #furrydog #furrydalmatian #gayfurryart #gayfurrydog #gayfurrydalmatian #furries #furriesofinstagram #gayfurrymuscle #gayfurrypup #furryartist #furrydrawing #furrydigitalart #fursona #secondfursona https://www.instagram.com/p/CmdnJFbOTEZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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clowncalvary · 23 days
Reviewing Every Animal Crossing New Horizons Villager (Because I Have Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole) Part 5
This really is just another deep dive into the nonsense that I get myself into. 400+ villagers is so fucking much. But I will endeavour! I will push forward!!
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Dobie: SO, my moirail has this dude on her island and every time that I see him I smile! He just seems like such a grumpy old man that has a heart of gold. 3000 Bells.
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Doc: What a goofy ass looking man. I'm going to see them at the library and they are going to compete with me over who has read the most books. And I will get stupidly invested in the argument before I realize how dumb it is. I'm going to count each individual manga I've read as a full book, Doc, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. 69 Bells. Haha.
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Dom: Awe! I love that we share a nickname and aesthetic! His horns kind of remind me of a large carnival lollipop. Unfortunately there is not enough room for the both of us on my island. 420 Bells.
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Dora: Ugly ass lookin' mouse. Can't they make at least one cute mouse? I'm begging all of you. Please. Mice can be cute! 0 Bells.
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Dotty: Why are all of the rabbit villagers (except that one) so enchanting and cute? I want a separate island just to put them all on now. 500 Bells.
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Drago: Awwww. Someone has seen one too many animes. 0 Bells.
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Drake: This is just a Scooby Doo villain. He is going to scheme to take the fortune of a bunch of weirdos that just turns out to be worthless confederate dollars. 0 Bells.
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Drift: Frog. Ugly. 0 Bells.
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Ed: Giving the horse emo hair was not going to make him better in my opinion, now we just have a blue emo horse. 0 Bells.
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Egbert: This man has never slept a day in his life. He is always staring at the sky. Not wondering, but knowing that one day it will happen. The sky will fall. 10 Bells.
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Elise: >:/ I feel like they are doing this just to taunt me at this point. -8000 Bells. Pay me for the mental damage you have caused me.
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Ellie: She has the charm of an old timey cartoon. I mean, I still don't want her on my island because I can't stand the elephants, but she is still good. 50 Bells.
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Elmer: Horses. Damn Horses. Why are there so many horses? I'm going to freaking count them at this point, but there are so many. Why even bother? 0 Bells.
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Eloise: We are right back to the elephants. Why does she look like flan? Hate that for both her and me. 10 Bells.
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Elvis: This is just the guy that was torturing animals in Robin Hood. The disney version that made all those kids into furries. 10 Bells. 12 because of taxes of course.
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Erik: Now we know what rudolph would have looked like if they removed his nose. Deffo a downgrade. 0 Bells
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Étoile: It isn't bad! I'm just not vibing! Perish! 50 Bells.
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Eugene: Oh! An ugly koala! That's new at least! 10 Bells.
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Eunice: She looks like Muriel's (Courage The Cowardly Dog) fursona that her husband made her because he thought it was cool and would make him money. 100 Bells.
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Faith: A second ugly koala! I did get suckered into scrolling through her wiki, so they did get me with that. 40 Pity Bells.
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Fang: Who gave the wolf eye shadow? Better yet, why can the wolf do better eyeshadow than I can? Love that for him actually. 777 Bells.
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Fauna: Normla is probably the best personality type for it, because that's about how I would describe her look too. 100 Bells.
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Felicity: She reminds me of a model from an old fashion magazine! I also had to look up when Tweed Dresses were in fashion, so I now think she is either really into old fashions or a time traveler. 1960 Bells.
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Filbert: This is not a real man. He is staring at you through your window at night. 0 Bells.
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Flip: -500 Bells.
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doughisaur · 8 months
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Finally, after two months of work, I am over-the-moon proud to show off something I quickly became passionate about: designing a fursona. And not just one, but two!
Over the past three years, I've surrounded myself in a new group of friends that have been so wholesome, friendly, caring, kind, just about any positive synonym you could think of. When I first met them, they were all mostly Nintendo fans, and dominantly represented themselves by Yoshis and Koopas; it actually became a running gag of how many Yoshis there were. However, as time went on, one by one members of this group were exploring new horizons, not out of requirement but by curiosity. What was a group of dinosaurs and turtles became a varied and vibrant group of animals: a duck, bunny, giraffe, crocodile, among many others. The thought never really came up for me much at all to try it myself, I was happy with what I had and I wasn't being forced to try anything else.
A couple times when the topic of furries came about, I expressed interest in trying to design a pig for myself if it was ever pushed upon me that I could no longer represent myself with a Yoshi anymore. Of course, I don't find myself in any position where that would happen, so I didn't need to think much of it. However, that changed while I was on vacation in New Mexico, staying with my boyfriend LilArrin. While in a Discord voice call with these friends, the subject of fursonas came up. While I don't remember the context, I once again shared my interest in trying to make a pig for myself. By this point in time, I had tried to sketch one out, but immediately disliked the look of it once I finished, and told myself I would come back to the idea later when I feel like I could do the idea the justice it deserves. However, I was also right next to Zergy during that call, and he heard me talk about it out loud, and even asked me about it; my response was what I gave above. Little did I know what he had in mind for me, and how far it would go.
Yesterday, I uploaded a six-panel comic that Zergy had drawn for me shortly after I had gone back home, featuring my Yoshi as a piggy, and that caused my brain to fire off like a rocket. Through the next day at work, all I could think of were ideas for this, and what else I could do, how I could draw it...   and unfortunately, what else I was interested in. I've always had an interest in pigs, at least the full pink domestic variety you'd likely see on a farm. Most of their cartoony appearances in children's books or cartoons always stuck with me, I was interested in the design and had been most of my life. I was born in the Year of the Pig. However, Zergy was interested in cows, as early as his own childhood too. Getting to stay with him, I was able to see some of his doodles, which included a couple of designs of a cow character that I really loved. That thought entered my mind that day, and the prominence of having a piggy as a fursona started to shrink, and up came a cow. These two ideas swirled and battled for dominance until I just decided...
Why not both?
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Later on, Zergy makes an attempt to give me a visual of a cow fursona for me, using the pig's body. This process just kept me going and wanting to really nail down what I wanted, and knowing it could be accomplished on the same canvas, I spent almost all of August sketching the two furries you see above: a cow, and a pig. I'm so proud to show these off, I've become really happy with both of their designs and what they mean to me...as well as what they've already given me!
My Yoshi is also not being retired or demoted, he is still the face of me and my main representation. However, in the event that he can't be used or is not preferred, I offer a cow form and a pig form for him to turn into. Accomplished by the power of the Rainbow Scale, it transfers down to the tail of the latter two when he turns into something else. Therefore, these three are not separate characters or beings but are the one. Each of them have "code names" to them, sorta like project files. The Yoshi is known as Cookie, the cow is Milkshake, and the pig is Mochi, but these are all me: Kyle! However, in contradiction, I think it might be best for me to retract those later on and just keep my real name as a form of addressing, with my nickname being Cookie (I seriously love being called this).
Once again, these are not individuals but the same person in a different form. They all share similar details about each other: same hair color, eye color, skin and body color, and the presence of a rainbow somewhere on the body. Originating on the Yoshi, the Rainbow Scale allows forms to be "saved" to it and allows Cookie to swap between others at will. When he transforms into a cow or pig, for example, that transitions to his tail. However, this is also falling in line with Cookie's Softie nature and the ability to manipulate his body either by choice or not. As such, that portion of the body can be humorously yoinked off of him and taken away. Without it, Cookie cannot return to his Yoshi form, nor can he turn into other forms as a Yoshi.
Additionally, because he can be easily flattened, inflated or otherwise, using the Rainbow Scale to turn into other forms doesn't help him out of being misshapen. All three forms use the exact same color palette and feature clothing and outfits that are mostly interchangeable between the three. All of them wear the same circular glasses, can wear the same neckerchief with Royal Emblem pin, have a smartwatch worn on the left wrist and wear the simple Yoshi boots...which somehow stretch and grow for the cow and pig because they are bigger than the Yoshi!
In time, I plan to make new, individual references for all three forms, since the Yoshi portion reuses older art and all three have new and updated outfits that I'd like to show off, and I think it's important to show off details of each. I also think I might end up redoing this reference as well as I feel it could be better laid out and provide more details. In the end, I'm super excited to have these here and I hope you all like it too! This is a new chapter for me and one I'm excited to embark on with all my friends! 🍪🐮🐷
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