#plus uhhh
cashmoneyyysstuff · 7 months
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think whatever you want but i will forever believe one of katsuki’s love languages is physical touch. i truly believe he’s SO clingy but he tries to keep it lowkey so he doesn’t look like hes being clingy cuz he’s in denial about how clingy he’s being.💀💀
like at the beginning of the relationship, when he gets a little used to showing affection, it’s little things. like standing really close to you or always saving a spot right next to him for you and when you’re sitting next to each other his leg is pressed against yours or he has his arm draped behind you on the couch.
as soon as he gets more comfortable ts dials up to 100😭😭. he has his arms wrapped around you constantly and he’s always just touching something. he’s holding your hand or pinching your nose to scold you, squishing your cheeks in his hands when he gets a sudden burst of cute aggression and sneaking up behind you to place his head on your shoulder when you’re doing something, squeezing your hips occasionally. always just in your space.
katsuki absolutely loves skinship so he’s big on cuddling. when you’re alone together you will never be able to get him off you LMAO good luck trying to go to the bathroom during cuddle time cuz he will definitely just flat out say no💀. he’s a full on clinger and he doesn’t do shit halfway so when he’s cuddling he has no intention on getting up for a while.
i also believe with my heart n’ SOUL katsuki loves kissing. sorry not sorry. he just can’t get enough once he gets one he needs to have at least three more. he appreciates kisses whenever but i feel he likes taking his time, kissing you nice n’ sweet to try to convey how much he cares about you, how much he loves you.
katsuki loves touching you but he also loves you touching him. so convinced as soon as your hands are in him he turns to goo😭😭. he likes when you play with his hair and when you trace his features he swears he could fall asleep right wherever he’s standing. he loves feeling you against him when you hug him and he melts when you kiss him. he loves it when you massage him whenever he feels sore and he always gets all embarrassed when you massage his hands cuz he thinks they’re way too sweaty and they get even sweatier when he sees you so focused on his hands—on him. though he gets all pouty about you touching him cus he’s embarrassed. his cheeks are all red and he tries his best to glare at you as intimidatingly as possible when you poke n’ squeeze at them for being so cute.
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demilypyro · 9 months
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Not me looking at this and realizing I've forgotten fucking everything I ever knew about math
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 month
other half
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redraw screenshots taken from this post i made a while back ignore that i forgot to actually link it for like an entire day
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canon divergence where the poison kicks in earlier/harder, and so instead of having their Dramatique Divorce Hatefuck Fight in the east sea, Di Feisheng gets to whatever beach he's going to storm the sigu sect/fight Xiangyi on etc, and finds Li Xiangyi face down in the sand, poisoned to shit and barely breathing, clearly in zero state to fight because of the near death experience he is currently, uh, experiencing.
no worries though, Di Feisheng has medicine demon on call. Clearly whatever the fuck is going on here is uhhhh Incredibly Sus, given someone has now tried to murder both of the leaders of Sigu sect and apparently actually succeeded killing 1/2, but honestly, not really Di Feisheng's problem! his problem is getting Xiangyi back into fighting shape and then, y'know, fighting him. best of luck to the Sigu sect but he's different.
except of course he -- and everyone else on the boat, one assumes -- rock back up to medicine demon's weird offsite lab living situation, and medicine demon is like good news boss I recognise this poison! bad news boss it's super ultra fatal and also the poison is coming from inside the house alliance
which is very extremely no bueno, both because uhhh who the fuck betrayed him like this he needs their heads on spikes yesterday, and also because what the fuck do you mean there's no cure, fucking work one out!
long story short: di feisheng spends the next mmmmm several years laying low, maybe kinda faking his death/seclusion a little by implication of dropping off the map after a big duel was meant to happen, while he and the few people he's sure he can trust go right the hell through the Jinyuan alliance trying to find all the people who betrayed him.
and also playing the world's scariest nurse/buddy cop duo to Li xiangyi, who is not yet dead of poison thanks to medicine demon's questionable approach to medical ethics and informed patient consent, is very fucking angry about life, and very fucking determined to find out who murdered his shixiong and made him break the treaty under false pretences.
(and also poisoned him, he guesses).
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highoncatfood · 8 months
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variations of my daughter.
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
i was thinking a lot the other day about the parallels between Nico and Iapetus/Bob. Both had their memories wiped in the River Lethe and immediately were told lies about their lives - Nico and Bianca were told by Alecto that they were orphans and both their parents had died in an accident, among other lies we don't know the details of that Nico eventually learned to be false as he regained his memories. And obviously Iapetus was given an entire false identity by Percy. Percy has a tendency to use both of them - keeping them at a wary arm's distance but repeatedly insisting that they're allies and that they should be loyal to him. And both of them know fully well how far Percy's actual loyalty to them extends and are willing to sacrifice themselves for his sake anyways. Percy leaves Nico in the Underworld in TLO, with Nico making an explicit note that he knows Percy doesn't trust him anymore. Percy has just choked him. And he still rallies the forces of the Underworld to come to his aid. Bob begins to remember his true self while in Tartarus and Percy warily reinforces that they're allies and Percy leaves him in Tartarus while Bob sacrifices himself to allow Percy to escape.
Plus, Nico was the only one to keep in touch with Bob and reinforce that Percy is their ally. It reminds me a lot of Nico's conversation with Hazel in Son of Neptune about Percy -
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Nico talks about Percy with personal experience of what it's like for Percy to briefly consider him an enemy. It really makes you wonder what his conversations with Bob were like after Sword of Hades.
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bogusfilth · 6 months
Before 1999, bribes were deductible as business expenses under the German tax code, and paying off a foreign official was not a criminal offense. In such an environment, Siemens officials subscribed to a straightforward rule in pursuing business abroad, according to one former executive. They played by local rules.
At Siemens, Bribery Was Just a Line Item -- Siri Schubert and T. Christian Miller, New York Times
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en-chi-la-da · 6 months
What are your thoughts on Yuma x Vivia? I seem to be in the minority cause Vivia's mostly shipped with Yakou, but I personally see Yakou as more of a father figure to Vivia. Also amazing art as always.
short answer: they mean da world 2 me 💜
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himbopunk · 1 year
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It’s been awhile so here’s a new post for this stuff. I make a bunch of stuff! I mostly make patches for battle vests and jackets and chokers for various flavors of alt people (primary other plus size folks!). I also dabble in earrings, stickers, prints, buttons, etc. 
If any of this sounds cool to you, or if you’re just looking to support an afro-indigenous trans artist, you should definitely check out my shop! Everything you see above is currently available to buy.
(If you’re buying chokers, they’re usually one of a kind items, so check the description for measurements. If you don’t see anything that fits that you like, but you’ve liked other stuff I’ve made, I’ve got commissions open right now. Feel free to message me about those here or on twitter.)
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bigboobyhalo · 18 days
as much as I would like for bad to play anything else that isn’t QSMP I also get why he doesn’t leave. he talks about losing late night trio the same way he talks about mourning lost loved ones, of course he wants to hold on to pepito and leo for as long as possible like fuck man I would too ToT
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rootsmachine · 9 months
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yellowjackets (2021 - present) // "noah's nameless wife takes inventory," c.j. salazar
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fallenguillotine · 1 year
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DESTINY 2 | LIGHTFALL. dev. Bungie. (2023)
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astriiformes · 7 months
Speaking of. Being flattened.
These are from a week or so ago and I'm putting them under a cut because especially with my second surgery, I am really obviously still healing/there are large and obvious sutures but. Behold. Flat Nate.
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littlegeecko · 2 months
ddo you still mess with the scary ass hedgehogs
yes : ] i think they're pretty neat, i just havent had the time to draw em again considering all my new projects are more echo centered (and feed on my adult audience a lot more)
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angelpuns · 9 months
me: I'm burnt out on TMNT:HME
also me: *the visceral need to explain stuff about myself through Leo rn*
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diabelskoga · 7 days
Since I'm out of the hospital ( finally ), consider this an inbox call? Because I wanna throw things at people and I wanna throw Sanji at people-- Mutuals only, of course!
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