#so hopefully the others will be the same way
dante-mightdie · 1 day
So in cult AU do you think Price would let a woman with children get out of doing work if she decided to stay home with her kids or would she still have to contribute? What would be the rules for working while pregnant or postpartum?
oooh good question
c/w: cult!au, mentions of pregnancy and children, traditional relationship dynamics mentioned
so, so far in the series the relationship dynamics shown have been rather traditional (i.e husband = breadwinner, wife = homemaker) but that’s not actually the expectation I see price setting for the cult. john price has never been shown to believe women are not capable of the same thing as men so I see that translating here
every household must have at least one working adult (exceptions can be made for specific circumstances, disabilities, etc.) but for those capable, this is the standard. both spouses may work if they choose too. however, it is encouraged (not mandatory) that one spouse stay at home with the children and look after the household. it doesn’t necessarily have to be the mother, the only reason that dynamic is prevalent with simon, price, johnny and kyle is because they are very key members of the clan. the wellbeing and maintenance of the compound could be compromised if their duties were not taken care of
on the compound, there’s a difference between work and chores. work relates to the main functions of the compound (security, agriculture, maintenance, education, healthcare). those who do these roles are compensated. there is a traditional materinity leave style system in place for pregnant women to give them the necessary time to heal, bond, etc.
chores relates more to the general upkeep of the compound as well as support for the main functions. for example, chores may be helping pick fruits on the farms or milk cows, volunteer work at the clinic, tutoring students etc. new mothers and pregnant women are given a break from manual labour styles chores too. however, many women on the compound still find aways to contribute in ways that they can. some donate breastmilk to other mothers who are struggling to nurse, provide childcare for each other if needed, support groups for new mothers to help each other find your feet kind of thing
hopefully this makes sense and it’s not just me yap yapping
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rosielovesf1 · 23 hours
on the move | LN4
quadrant moving company coming soon
word count: 1k
warnings: none! (but i have not written in toooo long and i have writer's block so please bear with me 😭)
author's note: thank y'all SO MUCH for 100 followers!!! i am on summer holiday so hopefully will be way more frequent with posts than i have been. if you have any story/driver requests, please message me or use the button on my home page :))
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Boxes. Everywhere. y/n ran a hand through her hair, sighing at all that still needed to be done. 
Just picture the apartment. Gorgeous with floor to ceiling windows, a spacious kitchen that filled with light in the afternoons. Most of all, the first place that she could truly call her own after graduation- the incredibly rewarding result of balancing a job and uni for the past four years. 
“Baby, do you want your mugs in with the kitchen stuff or the fragiles?” y/n shuffled over to the kitchen from the bedroom, smiling at the sight of her boyfriend on tiptoe, reaching for the top shelf of the cabinets. 
“Need some help with that?” she giggled, wrapping her arms around him from behind and leaving a soft peck on his neck. He groaned but relaxed into her touch. 
“I think-,” He tugged her arm and she moved to stand in front of him, grinning as she met his green eyes. The room seemed to grow hotter as he caged her in between his arms, the cool granite counter biting into her lower back. There was a glint in his eyes that sent a shiver through her body.
“Lan-” The clock was ticking on her move out date, but a twenty minute break wouldn’t do any harm. Maybe they’d even be more efficient after. She wrapped her arms around his neck, lips parted in anticipation. 
“I need-” One of his hands came up to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“Mmhmm.” The feather light touch was delicious. 
“To stage an intervention. You have so much stuff.” It took her a second to react to the sudden change in mood, a slow grin spreading over his face as he could practically see the gears turning in y/n’s head. He took advantage of the spare moment to nip playfully at her nose, full on laughing when she pushed him back suddenly. 
“I need all my stuff!” y/n protested, crossing her arms defiantly. 
“Baby, you can’t even reach that stuff. It’s just collecting dust up there.” The entire top shelf of the cabinet was cluttered with cups of various shapes and sizes. Some were pretty crystal in pastel colors, others were travel souvenirs sporting slogans like “My friend went to Cancun and all I got is this cup” (yes, there were multiple of those. from the same places.), and there were even a couple that were shaped like animals. The giraffe-shaped ceramic mug had lost its head, and it almost looked a little… phallic… without it. 
“Yes, I can. Watch.” y/n pushed herself onto the counter, taking a moment to steady herself before standing up, now easily at eye level with the cup collection. She smiled triumphantly down at Lando, the moment only dimmed by a sneeze that made her eyes water. Okay, so maybe he had a point about the dust. 
“You’re making me nervous.” He wrapped his hands around y/n’s thighs to steady her, squeezing once to punctuate his words. “Get down, please.” 
She ignored his words and savored the warmth of his touch, reaching for the giraffe mug and grinning at its misshapen appearance. It’d been a souvenir from the zoo when her and her twin brother were children- so well loved that they’d accidentally broken it when deciding who got to take it to uni. 
“Alright, point made.” The reminiscing was interrupted as the world suddenly tilted. She grabbed for the shelf as she leaned forward, Lando gripping her thighs to keep them in place on top of his shoulders.
“Hey! I wasn’t done up there.” She tugged at his curls, planting a soft kiss on the top of his head when he grumbled in protest. “I was thinking of Ratatouille.” 
“That would make you the rat, baby.” That comment earned him a thunk on the head.
Y/n didn’t mind the view from up here- Lando started walking towards the bedroom, where most of what needed to be packed remained. He slowed as they walked through the low door frame, and she smooshed her cheek against his as she leaned down to avoid hitting her head. 
This was the bedroom where she’d studied for her last exams, watched movies with her roommates, even where Lando had taken care of her after a night that was a little too much fun. It was weird to leave it behind, but with her roommates all moved out and the decor taken down, it hardly seemed like the setting of some of her most favorite memories. Lando backed up into the bed, and she fell off his shoulders onto the soft comforter with an oomph. 
“You know…” she said, flipping over onto her stomach. Lando flopped down next to her, humming to tell her to continue. “If you think I should do some decluttering, maybe I should do away with some of my Quadrant hoodies.” 
She’d developed quite a collection over the year they’d been together- one in every design from each drop, and a fair few of Lando’s as well. 
“No. Those stay,” he mumbled, grabbing her around the waist and tickling her across the ribs. She squealed and kicked as she tried to get away from him, eventually straddling him to escape his fingers. 
His eyes raked down her figure at their position, and she just laughed and pushed his face to the side before climbing off. Both staring at the stark white ceiling, she reached to lace her fingers in between his. 
“I’m so excited,” she started, her voice soft. “New apartment, close to my favorite person,” he squeezed her hand at that, “and a new job that I can’t wait to start. I feel like I’m growing up.” 
“I’m so proud of you baby.” They just laid there for a second, savoring each other’s company, watching the dust that almost seemed to sparkle in the late afternoon sunlight. y/n was perfectly content- her favorite person by her side, and a world of new possibilities just days away.
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@y/n-l/n is on the move… and all of her mugs are coming with her
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@landonorris quadrant moving company coming soon
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 hours
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You need to practice
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On the weekend, when you don't have games and you've finished all your homework, you have a kick about in the garden.
Or, rather, Momma and Morsa had a kick around and you save their shots.
Momma's better at shooting than Morsa but Morsa does better headers so it all evens out you suppose.
Either way, you get practice and they get exercise.
It's a win-win.
You're doing well with your academy training but not well enough. Since the time you rejected Germany's offer to have you play for their youth teams, no one else had called you up.
Not Denmark.
Not Sweden.
Some of your peers at Academy training had wormed their ways onto the youth teams, even for just one call up.
But you hadn't.
You don't know what you're doing wrong. You don't know why you're not good enough.
What you do know is that you want to be on those teams. Those teams are stepping stones to get to the senior team and the senior team is the road to joining the big clubs.
The European giants that you so desperately want to play for.
Wolfsburg is your destination, in big blinding lights in your head.
You want to play for Wolfsburg. You want to dominate the German League with them and, hopefully, the Champion's League as well.
But Wolfsburg won't look twice at you if you aren't on Sweden or Denmark's senior team.
Hence why you're practicing now, saving shot after shot after shot in your fancy new gloves, standing in the new goal set up in your garden after a drunk Morsa stumbled into your old one and broke it.
Another shot streaks past your outstretched hands and you kick your goalpost angrily, rolling the ball from out of your net and back to Momma.
"You're not defending properly!" You tell Morsa, arms crossed over your chest," You keep letting her win!"
Morsa laughs, like she can't see how important this is to you. "We're just playing around, princesse."
"We're not! I'm practicing!"
"Take it easy. It's not the be all end all."
"It is!"
You stamp your foot and Morsa laughs again, fondly ruffling your hair and you want to scream.
"You're not at training, princesse. It isn't that serious."
"It is!"
"It isn't."
"Magda," Momma says warningly," Leave her alone."
Momma grabs the ball and starts dribbling.
Morsa still isn't taking it that seriously, making a few attempts at getting the ball again but ultimately leaving Momma enough room to take another shot.
You catch it this time, falling to the ground to hold it against your body like Zećira has always taught you.
You stay on the ground for a while, drawing big deep breaths into your lungs.
Pernille sits in front of you, nudging you gently with her foot. "What's going on, huh? What's got you all high strung?"
You huff and mumble," I don't want to talk about it."
"You're not usually this short with us," Pernille says," Talk to me. What's going on?"
"It's stupid."
"If it's upsetting you then I don't think it is."
"Everyone else has been called up for the youth teams," You let the rest of your words go unspoken.
"You'll get there," Magda says, still standing nearby," It'll happen eventually."
"I don't want it eventually! I want it now! Everyone else has been called up! Everyone else is getting game time with the youth teams!"
"People develop at different times," Pernille's trying to soothe you, to talk you off the ledge," It's perfectly okay to not be going to camps the same time as everyone else."
"I should have accepted Germany's offer when I had the chance!" You say and that's when Magda and Pernille know you're being serious about this.
"Just because everyone else is going doesn't mean that you're a worse player," Pernille says to you," You shouldn't measure yourself against them."
You sit up. "Whatever." You grab the ball, angrily booting it all the way to the other end of the garden. "I told you it was stupid."
You move to go back inside.
"Come here," Magda says.
You ignore her.
"Don't ignore me! Come here!"
She's using her captain voice, the one she used to use when she played for Sweden. You know better than to ignore her now.
You stand in front of her, looking up.
"You worth is not reliant on whether or not you get into the youth teams."
You scoff. "Maybe not to you."
"But don't lie and say big clubs don't start picking out future players from the moment they lay eyes on them. No one watches random youth team matches at club level, not really. But they do watch it at international level. I know that. You know that."
"I know that," Magda echoes," But you have all the time in the world."
"Do I?" You say," Do I really?"
"You're fourteen. You have so much time."
You look away. "No, I don't."
You're growing up now, shooting up like a weed but Pernille's still taller than you, still tall enough to rest her chin on the top of your head and hug you from behind.
"Tell me what you need, princesse. What do you want out of this?"
"I want to be the best. I want you to help me be the best."
"Okay," Pernille says," We'll help you be the best."
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livelaughlovesubs · 2 days
Just some brainrot scraps for Fyodor ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡ (idk if this is cnc or not so I’ll just say it here just in case)
Imagine corrupting angelic Fyodor. Even though he’s an angel, your guardian angel at that, he’s quite stuck up since he thinks that he’s better than a human sinner like you . From the parties to the one night stands you have he swears that you’re driving him insane! One day he had enough of your antics and decided to disguise himself as a normal human and attended another one of the parties you were invited (this was the eighth party this month alone for fuck’s sake!) He swears that he’ll make you see the light of god and make you change your ways tonight, that’s until he finds himself in bed with you as you plow yourself deep into his ass. He tries whining out how this was dirty and how you shouldn’t have sex before marriage but the feeling of being manhandled in such a way made all his words that came out of his mouth unintelligible. His mind attempts to fight back and keeping himself pure but the pleasure was too overwhelming. By the time he had his third orgasm of the night, he mind was so clouded by lust that he completely forgot about his duties as an angel, his wings turning a dark grey as he falls further from god. In the morning you find yourself trapped in bed with a sweaty, clingy and needy fallen angel, his wings completely tainted black as he wraps himself tighter around you. Maybe it was worth it for some of your dick <33
(I feel a bit rusty when it come to writing so hopefully it isn’t too bad kuhuhuhu (┳Д┳))
- 🍮
Nuuu it’s alright haha. I just love your ideas 🍮 anon, and I love angels. Honestly, when you first proposed incubus fyodor I thought: why not angel? Cuz it kinda fit better BUT FYODOR AS A TOTALL SLUT IS ALSO GREAT KEKEKE
Dom!reader x sub!Angel!Fyodor
Warning: heavy on hierophilia, pegging (can be read as a dick), virgin fyodor, hair pulling, overstimulation, sub-space, dubcon, corruption kink, manhandling, no prep, save word (not used), dacryphilia, objectification, degrading, forced orgasm
Edit: I got carried away
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He really wanted to do his job well, seriously. Being a good angel who carry out his lords orders with diligence, never lazing around and protecting you with all his might. But it’s so difficult to like you, to like someone who’s depraved of god’s blessing like this. It must be god’s trial for him, otherwise he can’t explain why someone as great as him got paired up with you. You are basically the incarnation of sin itself! It’s one thing not to stay pure, but to indulge in pleasure every week, multiple times? That’s beyond acceptable!
How despicable your actions were, they were totally against the will of the lord. Were it even possible for someone to be lead astray from the right path so much? Partying so much, drinking, playing and doing satans work… There is no way the pleasure of the flesh would be worth that. Fyodor really couldn’t understand your ways, not like he ever tried to anyway. Instead, since this was a trial given by him by god himself, he planned on giving it his all. To get you to change your vulgar behaviour, he’ll need you to find it repulsive too. Maybe if he criticised and embarrassed you during one of your outings, you’ll be too scared to attend another one? That would be worth a try, no?
With that being said, the angel hid his beautiful pure white wings and descended upon the human realm just for you, to help you see the light and powers of god. Of course he wore clothes that didn’t show any skin, as well as hanging a cross around his neck to display his faith. Today you were going to a bar once again, who would have guessed. Fyodor was at the bar counter, looking for you all over this dirty establishment. At the same time he observed the other humans who were present. Dancing, alcohol, drugs and lust. This place was beyond saving, the people as well. He hoped he wouldn’t need to enter this place ever again.
Finally, after a long wait, he found you. Dressed in revealing clothes, smirking from ear to ear. Even if you were under the spell of the devil, fyodor had to admit that you were pretty good looking. He immediately made his way over to you, smiling, to appear friendly. It surprised you a little, that someone was heading your way without beating around the bush. The angel who was now in front of you said, “I have something to say to you, can we go to somewhere more private?” Stunned but intrigued, you agreed to his request. He looked cute after all, you wondered what he was hiding under these layers of clothing, perhaps some dirty secrets?
He really didn’t plan for this to happen, seriously. All he wanted was to talk to you, and maybe pressure or manipulate you a little. Though you seemed amused by the whole situation? Why even? Then you proposed for the two of you to go to a hotel to have an even more private talk. At first he was sceptical, but then he thought it might be your way to initiate your wish for a better environment, because you noticed how the club is a filthy place. Of course the boy obliged, yet as soon as he stepped into the room, you pushed him and pinned him to the bed.
“Wa-what..!?” He sounded shocked, absolutely confused even. His face was pressed into the pillow by your hand which was on the back of his head, your other hand appears to be on his waist. “Oh cutie, no need to play naive now, there is a reason why you came up to me no?” You’d tease while getting rid of his pants, admiring his awfully slim waist. My my, he was hiding some treasures underneath his sweater after all.
Yes, he came up to you for a reason, but not for this reason!
“No! This is dirty- you.. we shouldn’t… just let me go- ahhhH?!” Fyodor tried to reason with you, until he noticed how his shirt got yanked off. In less than a minute he was butt naked already, how shameful this was. His body wasn’t something for your eyes to see, heck, no one but god should be allowed to see him like this! Unless you two were married, that is, but it was clearly not the case here. Tears were collecting in the corners of his eyes as he gazed back at you, seeing you all prepared and ready for the deed. Your dick was already covered in lube as you lined it up against his sweet little hole, rubbing it between his asscheeks to let him have a pretty good guess on how big the thing was. Oh and how he shivered, shaking as fear and.. something hot filled his senses.
Before he got to say no a second time, you already shoved the tip in, causing him to throw his head back and grip the sheets like his life depended on it. “AaAAAhHHh..!! It hu-hurts..!” He could have spread his wings and shoved you away, though due to some unknown reasons, he didn’t. Staying put like a good and obedient birdy, hiding his face in the pillow as you slowly bottomed out inside him. “MhmMN..! Ooh! To-too deep..<3!” Fyodor would whine and complain about your size, this was his first time after all! You didn’t even prepare him… did you think he was some common, cheap and loose prostitute?
“Fuck, you are damn tight huh, you doing alright over there?” You leaned down and yanked on his hair, causing him to arch his back further. Then you groaned that into his ear, watching him quiver in response. “Uhm-aaHHhnnGhm! I- mHMm!” Poor boy can’t even form a single cohered sentence at this point, too preoccupied with the feeling of your cock inside him. How it stretched him apart, as well as how his walls pulsed and clenched around it. Oh lord.. this was too much for his innocent body to comprehend. “Haaah.. say red if it gets too much, alright? Otherwise I’ll start moving.” You warned him after he didn’t give you an answer. “Ah-no- wait, unngHh!” The moment you started moving, he started sobbing uncontrollably and praying to god. Was this really going to be how his chastity gets ruined? How he loses his innocence? By someone like you?
Dear lord, our father, please pardon him, for his pathetic, unholy and defiled form. He must look so perverted right now. Dick leaking precum everywhere as his bottom got pounded by you mercilessly. You whispered some impure words into his mouth as you did that, asking him if he’s enjoying it or demanding him to degrade himself. Each time he’d refuse and call this sinful, ungodly, and wrong as well as crying even louder. At one point the poor baby was holding onto the cross hanging around his neck with both hands, trying his best to clench onto the last bits of dignity he had as an angel.
It got increasingly harder with every trust, it made him see stars and caused his entire body to twitch like a sinner. Slowly, he could feel himself crumbling and succumb to the devil’s temptation. More pleads escaped his throat, though not even he knew for whom it was or what purpose it served. All he could think about was how sorry he was for failing his duties, and for loving every second he spend with you <3
After his third forced orgasm, the angel- if you can still call him that considering how fallen he was, got so overstimulated and fucked out of it that he completely lost himself to the bliss and ecstasy. Lust clouded and pestered his mind like some spell, it wouldn’t leave him alone. You just felt so damn good, and he adored how your length spread his insides every time you shoved it deep inside him. His own shameful body fluids were spread around the bed, dripping down his thighs, causing the entire scene to look even more erotic. Not to mention the sounds he made….
Since you’ve been fucking him for so long, even you were out of breath. But him? Oh no, he couldn’t stop. He was addicted, hypnotised, whatever you’d like to call it. This is his first time experiencing such sensations in eons, he wasn’t going to be satisfied with only three orgasms. His very first three ejaculations to be exact. You want to stop? Heck no, he’s was going to keep doing this until he exhales his last breath! He was ready to become a whore for you, your very own slut that got banned from heaven.
So the black haired boy was riding you now, bouncing up and down your dick desperately as the cross flew around with how fast he was going at it. He was drooling and melting the entire time, not a single logical thing coming out of his mouth as he blabbered something about it being too good. About how he’s sorry for getting corrupted. The little angel didn’t know, but the more he indulged in these impure pleasures, the more he fell from grace, and the more his wings darkened. The only hint he got from his deity was when the chain of his necklace broke, and his cross hit the floor. It broke into six pieces, yet he didn’t even notice. Oh what a degenerate being he has become. He was sullying gods name with his deeds..!!
At the end of it, not only him but you too were totally exhausted, so much that you both fell asleep after washing up. On the next day, you noticed something soft yet foreign hit your face. It couldn’t have been his hair, since it felt differently. When you opened your eyes, you almost jumped due to the surprise. These were wings, and gigantic ones at that. Huge, raven black wings covered the entire mattress, and it came from the back of your planned one night stand partner. Was this some cosplay? He didn’t wear this yesterday, or did he but you were drunk and didn’t notice? Nonetheless, he didn’t let you leave the bed, instead he held onto you as if his life depended on it.
When he woke up, he had heart-shaped pupils as he stared at you with such a strong want and need in his eyes. Cheeks already flushed pink even though you haven’t done anything yet. He wanted to keep going were you two left off yesterday, despite his body protesting because he was so sore. His insides have been rearranged by you after all, and if he weren’t a holy being before, he was sure his pelvis would be broken by now. You took a while to believe him, as well as understand the situation. Afterwards, you took him in, since it was your responsibility. Besides, now your guardian angel was a horny little bitch bird who is in heat 24/7, waiting to get taken by you. Maybe it will be quite fun?
Now, you made him like this. You made him dependent on the feeling of being filled to be brim and stuffed like an object. Well, at last, his actions were not in vain. You stopped going to parties and random hook ups, since you got a personal fuck toy right in the comfort of your home now <3
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greynatomy · 12 hours
so american
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mapi león x reader
pretend that spain drives on the left side of the road. some of the italicized dialogue is supposed to be the character speaking spanish
happy two years of writing woso fics to me!! thank you for reading!
Who knew going to Barcelona on a very last minute decision was the best choice you have ever made?
Coming off of an end of your United States tour high, you wanted to take some time for yourself after spending months with thousands of people. You’ve traveled the world doing these shows, but never had the time to enjoy these places. 
Touching down in Barcelona, you picked up your rental and made your way to your home for the next couple of weeks.
The first few days were nothing exciting. The beaches were beautiful, same with all the structures. You were very relaxed.
After a week of staying cooped up in your house, you thought it was time to see what Spain has to offer and you were not disappointed at all. You were a tourist and went to all the tourist spots, camera hanging around your neck. You were having the time of your life.
Wanting to end the day on a high, you saw a club you wanted to go to. Seeing there was a waitlist, you had your assistant call and hopefully get you on the list for tonight. 
Fortunately, she was able to.
Making your way to the bar, you had to squeeze through the people a bit.
“Vodka cran please!” 
Getting a nod, you turn away from the bar, scanning the whole place. There was a bit of everything, make-outs, shotguns, dancing, all on their own little groups, no one left behind. You felt like a bit of an outcast, but not for long.
“Hola, bebé.”
Turning to your left, you’re met with an arm littered with tattoos and a neck, another tattoo right on the center.
“Looks can be deceiving. Hmm.” 
“Like what you see?”
“Maybe.” You shrug, grabbing the drink placed in front of you. Looking up, you make eye contact, keeping it as you take a sip through your straw.
“You understand?” She was taken aback that you understood her. You shrug again, playing the mysterious card. She smirks at you, taking you by surprise when she drags you onto the dance floor.
The whole night was a blur, the next thing you remember is waking up to the sun shining through the curtains, the smell of something cooking in the air.
Making your way out of the unfamiliar room, still dressed in the clothes from your night out, seeing a person with a familiar arm littered with tattoos by the stove.
Turning around, Mapi is met with your figure. “Ah, bebé! I made some breakfasts. Come sit.” You sat down awkwardly, not remembering much that happened after leaving the club. Mapi, seeing the look on your face, speaks up, “We didn’t sleep together.”
She thought that was the reason you looked uncomfortable, but that wasn’t the case.
“That’s a shame.” Her eyes almost popped out of their socket. “I’m just uncomfortable with wearing the same clothes from last night.”
“Oh!” She gets up, grabbing your arm and pulling you back into a different room. “Choose anything you’d like and the shower is over there if you want. I’ll leave you to it.”
You noticed how much clothes Mapi owned, excited to ‘borrow’ a few. After a very quick shower, the weather being a bit chilly, you grab the hoodie hanging off the back of a chair and put it on, walking out of the room.
Hearing footsteps coming closer behind her, Mapi turns but freezes at the sight of you. Her clothes pretty much almost swallows you whole.
“Bonita.” Mapi said softly to herself, not intending for you to hear. 
“You said to pick anything.” You shrug, going over to sit next to her.
There was a bit of an awkward silence that filled the room.
“I hope you don’t mind that I brought you to my home.”
“Oh! No, not at all. I’m kinda glad you did.”
The awkwardness went away pretty quickly, talking like you’ve both known each other for a while. She drove you to all her favorite spots, bringing you to her favorite restaurants. before you both know it, it was time for you to go home.
Spending the past couple of weeks with Mapi was something you would never regret. You went to a couple of games incognito, she spent some days at your place, it was like you were both in your own little bubble, not wanting it it be popped.
It’s been two months since you got back home. You and Mapi haven’t lost contact, you’re still very much obsessed with her.
You just put on some comfy clothes after getting out of the shower when your doorbell rang. ‘Who the hell rings a doorbell an hour before midnight?’ you thought. Looking through the peephole, you couldn’t believe it.
Throwing the door open, you launch yourself into their arms, holding them tight.
“What are you doing here?” You mumble, voice muffled into her neck.
“It’s a surprise and you’re surprised.”
She was staying for two weeks, still recovering from an injury. You’ve gone back and created your little bubble and loved every second of it.
You’re driving to your destination, wanting to take a little trip.
“You’re so pretty.” Mapi mentioned, a hand resting on your thigh.
“Wearing my clothes.”
Heat rises up to your cheeks, not able to stop how flustered you are. She sat in the passenger seat, feet propped up on the dash. It almost felt like you were part of a romance film.
It was a few days later, Mapi had gone back to Spain and you were hanging out at your house with a couple of people. There were games, food and drinks. You were a bit drunk and when you were drunk, you get talkative and giggly, even texting Mapi.
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“Did- did you know that Ma-Mapi plays soccer. Wait, no, foot bowl.”
You were hanging off of your friend as she tries to get you in bed.”
“Yes I do.”
“Oh! This is Mapi’s. She told me I can keep it.” You were now burying your face into a hoodie, taking deep breaths in. “Doesn’t smell like her anymore though.” You pouted, tears edging to fall out of your eyes.
“Okay! How about you go to sleep and you can call Mapi when you wake up?”
You were already out cold when she drapes the blanket over you. Walking back downstairs, she’s met by the rest of the group.
“How was she?”
“She’s out like a light and guess what?”
“Talking about Mapi again.”
“Of course.”
Two weeks into the international leg of your tour, you’ve done something that only a few people knew. Having just released an album earlier this year, another song wouldn’t be expected so soon, but here you are on stage, talking to the audience.
“Okay. So as you all know, this tour is all about me spilling everything to you guys.” The whole room breaks out in cheers. “And since I am already spilling everything, I might as well spill some more!”
“As none of you know,” Everyone laughs. “This city of Barcelona has become one of my favorite places that I have ever visited because… I might’ve met someone here.” The crowd cheers. “And they may or may not be in the audience tonight.” The crowd cheers even louder. “Anyway, this was the easiest song I have ever written because, well you’ll know why once you hear it.”
In the crowd, Mapi was with the whole team of Barça, surprised with the little soft launch you did introducing a new song. You’ve both talked about possibly going public soon, but didn’t realize that you were going to do it at your concert in front of all your fans.
You grab your guitar from one of the stage hands, stepping in front of your microphone, grabbing it once the band starts to play.
Drivin' on the right-side road She says I'm pretty wearin' her clothes And she's got hands that make Hell seem cold Feet on the dashboard, she's like a poem I wish I wrote I wish I wrote
Mapi became speechless. Did you really write a song about her? Are you really singing it for everyone to hear?
“Dude you didn’t tell me she wrote you a song!” Alexia gave Mapi a little shove, a teasing smile on her face.
“This is news to me!”
And she laughs at all my jokes And she says I'm so American Oh, God, it's just not fair of her To make me feel this much I'd go anywhere she goes And she says I'm so American Oh, God, I'm gonna marry her If she keeps this shit up I might just be in lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-lo-lo-love
Mapi’s eyes look like they were about to pop out of their sockets. The two of you have never said the ‘L’ word to each other yet, but she’d be lying if she said there weren’t times where she almost said it.
God, I'm so boring, and I'm so rude Can't have a conversation if it's not all about you The way you dress, and the books you read I really love my bed, but, man, it's hard to sleep when she's with me When she's with me
Ever since she left Los Angeles, Mapi has also been having a hard time falling asleep, so used to having you in her arms.
And she laughs at all my jokes And she says I'm so American Oh, God, it's just not fair of her To make me feel this much I'd go anywhere she goes And she says I'm so American Oh, God, I'm gonna marry her If she keeps this shit up I might just be in lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-love
I apologize if it's a little too much, just a little too soon But if the conversation ever were to come up I don't wanna assume this stuff But ain't it love?  I think I'm in love
She wanted to run up on the stage and say the words she’s been wanting to say for so long. You technically beat her in saying it, professing it to her and to the whole audience.
And she laughs at all my jokes And she says I'm so American Oh, God, it's just not fair of her To make me feel this much I'd go anywhere she goes And she says I'm so American Oh, God, I'm gonna marry her If she keeps this shit up I might just be in lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-lo-lo-love
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liked by marialeonn16, user1 and 8,363,829 others
yourinstagram 5 new tunes for ya!! GUTS (spilled) out this friday!!!!!
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user1 AHHHHHH i can’t wait
user2 she preformed so american for us!!!
↳ user3 i loved it so much!
↳ user4 girlie is IN LOVEEE
Mapi and the rest of the team followed your bodyguard, Tony, to your dressing room, eating for you to finish thanking the fans. the door opens not that long after as they all spot you walking in.
You see Mapi right away, running to her, even in your tired state, jumping into her arms.
“Hola mi bebé.”
“Hey. I’m so tired.”
“Why don’t you get dressed comfy so we can go back home.”
“Yeah, home.” You walk away, waving to everyone else in the room, before going to get changed.
Two days after, you were still in Barcelona, specifically making sure you’ve taken a week break from tour to be able to stay with Mapi for a bit. You were both walking hand in hand around the city, wanting to spend time with each other doing whatever, just happy to be with her.
Y/N Y/LN New Fling?
Y/N Y/LN, an international pop star, was seen getting cozy with a mystery woman in Barcelona.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Y/LN started her international leg of her GUTS tour, preforming in Barcelona two days ago. On stage, she announced a deluxe version of her album, GUTS (spilled), where it features a song she performed for the first time called ‘so american.’
In the song, she said that she is “gonna marry her” and she “might just be in love” so, no this might not just be her new flavor of the week. Is Y/N Y/LN ready to settle down?
Y/LN has been previously linked with Lily Rose Depp, Joshua Basset, and Adam Faze just to name a few. None of those has seemed to last. Paparazzi has caught sight of Y/LN going all around the city of Barcelona with her new supposed girlfriend that we’ve found out is María Pilar León (Mapi), who plays on the Barcelona Femení Football Club. Pictures of the two are now circulating online and we have to say, Y/N looks very much in love. Take a look yourself.
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Aren’t they just so cute! Let us know what you think.
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Sitting on the couch watching a movie with Mapi, your phone suddenly starts going off with notifications.
Just a heads up, you’ve been paparazzied with your gf today.
Alright, thanks 👍🏼
“Ugh!” You throw your head back in frustration.
“What’s wrong bebé?”
“Damn paparazzi won’t leave me alone. They got pictures of us and posted them everywhere. I’m sorry. And they said that you’re hopefully not just my flavor of the week. Like what the fuck does that mean?”
“Wait, why are you sorry?”
“Cause I know you wanted to be private about this whole thing and this just ruined it.”
“Hey, hey.” Mapi holds your hands, moving them away from covering your face. “I’m not mad mi amor. We agreed on private but not secret. You can’t prevent people from taking pictures in public, especially of you. Eres hermosa.”
“Yeah, and I don’t want to keep hiding how much I love you.”
You freeze. This was the first time Mapi had said she loved you. You know that you technically said it in the song, but now you’re for sure.
“I love you.”
Mapi guides your face to her’s with a hand on your cheek, pulling you into a kiss. You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss, wrapping your arms around her neck, deepening it.
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yourinstagram i know i’m in love
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freshlove-sturn · 3 days
house on the cape.
based on last friday’s video bc im obsessed with it. (events that happened in the vlog may not be in order just so the story flows how i want, also might add or get rid of some things for that same reason ofc). definitely gonna be multiple parts if yall like it so please let me know!!
summary: when the triplets come back home from la, they reunite with their favorite summer tradition, staying in the house on the cape. amidst all of the familiar laughter, and reminiscing on old memories, y/n can’t ignore the feeling stirring in her heart. something that went deeper than friendship. as she grapples with the fact that her feelings for her lifelong best friend, matt, are more than what’s just at the surface, she must learn to navigate and balance the unspoken feelings, and the gut wrenching fear of risking it all.
a/n: sorry guys but i think im scrapping all my old fics. i just have lost interest in them and i dont want to give yall something that i just half assed yk. i just need something new 😖🙏 don’t hate me pls. also i didn’t proof read and i never do so hopefully this all makes sense LMAO
“BOYS TRIP!” chris shouts through the house.
the triplets are back in boston from being in la. i’d be lying if i said that i didn’t wish that these visits would last forever. being across the country from my best friends sucked.
“oh yeah , and you’ll be there too. you’re one of the boys.” chris points at me, smiling before loading the car with our bags.
“chris please never say that again.” i cringe, but fail to keep in my laughter.
“i agree. that was disgusting.” nick chimes in.
“just wanted to make sure you know you’re included.” chris throws his hands up in defense.
“thanks.” i smile and shake my head before getting in the car.
we were staying at their house in cape cod, something all of us looked forward to each summer growing up.
we arrive at nate’s house to pick him up. after the group effort of showering him in compliments for his new hair cut, we get back in the car.
sandwiched between nick and nathan, i check the time on my phone. nick grabs my wrist and moves it out of the way to give himself a better view of my lock screen.
“that is such a cute picture.” he says admiringly. it was a picture of matt and i. the picture was taken from behind while matt gave a piggy back ride back to the car because my feet hurt from wearing heels to madison’s concert.
“you took it.” i laugh.
“i know. i really out did myself huh.” he hypes himself up. i smile and roll my eyes.
once we get to the cape house, we unload the car. all of our bags scattered haphazardly throughout our respective rooms. the same rooms each of us have stayed in for years. nate with chris, nick with matt, and me, having been the only girl, with my own room.
“let’s go to the beach!” nate walks out into the kitchen, clapping his hands together.
the beach was just within walking distance. matt and i fell behind the rest of the group.
“i’m so glad you’re back.” i tell him.
“me too. i missed you.” he replies.
“i missed you too.” i admit. “a lot.” i look up and meet his eyes. we just stare at each other for a second. we didn’t really need to say anything. it was almost just a mutual understanding that each other were our favorite person.
if only he knew the extent.
the only person i’ve confided in about my feelings for matt was nate. which was precisely why he kept shooting me knowing glances anytime matt and interacted. nate swore that he knew i was in love with matt for years, before i even knew myself.
i can’t exactly pinpoint when i fell in love with my best friend, but i do remember when i realized.
matt and i sit together in the hammock string between two large oak trees in the backyard of the cape house. the gentle breeze swaying us back and forth softly. the sun was going down just to the right of us. beautiful pink and orange hues paint the sky.
“i could stay right here forever.” matt breaks the silence that had fallen between us.
“me too.” i reply softly.
“oh hey i have something for you” he digs his hand around in his pocket and pulls out a baby pink seashell. he hands it it me.
“i’ve never seen a pink one like that before.” he tells me as i admire the gift.
“me either. i love it. thanks matt.” i smile sweetly at him.
“of course.” he returns the smile.
i feel the heartbeat in my chest racing and my cheeks heating up. the feeling i had been carrying around with me for quite some time became abundantly clear.
i was in love with my best friend.
when i got home that night, i tied a string around the shell, and wore it as a necklace. and i haven’t taken it off since.
end of flashback
that was back when we were 16. 4 whole years i’ve gone hiding my biggest secret from the one person i told everything to.
our gaze was interrupted by chris. “jesus, yall are some slow pokes” he hollers back at us.
we both laugh and pick up out pace.
soon we arrive at the beach. i’ve always loved the beach. it truly is my happy place.
especially when i’m with matt.
nick snaps pictures here and there.
“oh my gosh matt look! this is just like your tattoo!” i hold out a shell to him.
“oh shit you’re right.” he holds out his arm, revealing his tattoo.
“that’s sick.” chris admires the similarity while nick takes a picture.
later that night, we all sit in the living room debating on what movie to watch.
“chris im not watching planet of the apes again. we’ve watched it like 9 times already.” nick argues, shutting down chris’s pleads.
“how about grown ups?” matt suggests.
“yes i love that movie.” nate agrees.
“that’s fine with me.” nick shrugs and starts typing it in.
“is that good with you?” matt leans down to where i was sitting in front of him, his voice soft and genuine.
“yeah that’s good with me.” i tell him.
he smiles and pats the spot on the couch next to him, gesturing me to come sit up there with him. i stand up from my spot on the floor and sit down next to him. he drapes a blanket over the both of us.
about an hour or so into the movie, my eyes get heavy. i lean my head on matt’s shoulder, to which he responds with wrapping his arm around me. this was nothing out of the ordinary. there’s pictures going back to when we were in preschool of the two of us practically fused together passed out on the living room floor.
suddenly, a gentle shake of my shoulders woke me up from a sleep i hadn’t even known i fell into. my eyes flutter, slowly regaining focus. when they do, i’m met with matt’s gentle blue eyes.
“hey, you wanna go lay down in your bed? i don’t want your neck to be sore.” he asks, genuinely concerned for my comfort.
i look around, everyone else appeared to have gone into their rooms.
“yeah i probably should.” i say through a yawn.
matt grabs my hand and helps me stand up from the couch. we walk down the hallway. my room came before his and nicks.
“goodnight matt.” i say, slowly turning the doorknob.
“goodnight y/n. see ya in the morning.”
i toss and turn in bed, unable to fall asleep. i stand up from bed, and leave my room. slowly making my way to the kitchen to get a drink, careful to not wake anyone up.
i open the fridge and grab a water. before i can take a sip, i hear a familiar voice behind me.
“can’t sleep?” the sudden breach of silence made me jump a little. i turn around and see matt. he was leaned up against the door frame. his sweatpants falling dangerously low on his figure, his arm under his shirt itching his shoulder, exposing his midriff.
“nope. you?” i set my water down on the counter.
“hm mm” he replies.
we stand in silence for a few moments before matt breaks the silence again.
“wanna go to the beach?”
a/n: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LMK IF YALL LIKE THIS. SUGGESTIONS ALWAYS WELCOME AND MY INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN 🙏 i’m using my old taglist, so lmk if you want taken off or added to it!
taglist: @honestlybabymiracle @pepsiimaxx @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattestrella @luvmxtt @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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cvnt4him · 2 days
Can I request Hawks x reader Enimies/rivals with smut and then fluff towards the end
As you all know I love and adore izuku midoriya, however, I am loving this req mostly because I get to expand my horizons on characters hopefully I didn't stray too far away from hawks actual character, I hope you all enjoy and leave more reqs!!!
Enemies With Benefits.
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You and hawks, or rather keigo takami, had met in UA highschool, he was best friend with rumi usagiyama, she was cool, strong, reliable and trust worthy, they were best friends until you came along.
She never really had any girlfriends mostly because she wasn't too girly, she liked getting her hands dirty, she wasn't afraid to be in the splash zone, which to her surprise, you were just like her, you liked to be messy and get your hands dirty as well, you walked with your head held high and spoke loudly with confidence.
She loved that, you weren't shy and quiet like most girls that attended at the same time as the three of you, you were loud and boasted and demanded what you wanted and made damn sure you were going to get to your goals no matter what it took, you were respectable and she enjoyed that, it wad a breath if fresh air to have a cool girl to hang around in rumi's opinion.
Keigo however, he loathed it. He loathed you, he had so much hatred and spite for you it was honestly impeccable he still was trying to be a hero, he didn't hate you for befriending his best friend, no. But rather because your quirks were so similar, because you were much better than him, faster, stronger, and overall better. You were better. It didn't take a microscope to see that.
So when you were with going against each other in the sports festival, he'd thought he had the upper hand when he got you tit he ground, he was ready to throw you out yet you had s trick up your sleeves, there was a lot of smoke and debris flying around, you shed that to your advantage, blowing tbe smoke and debris his way making it to where he couldn't see, he rubbed his eyes the heavy amount of smoke and sand getting in his eyes, he tried to make out your figure through the smoke yet failed as you flew him out of the ring, therefore winning the battle against him, rumi cheered you on and laughed that her other friend had lost, she was a team player and still congratulated the both of you and told keigo, 'better luck next time!'
But did that anger him even more, not only had he lost to the likes of you, but to his surprise there were agents in the crowd looking and looking over you all to pick out and recruit the best of the best, he knew he had to do a good job, he tried so hard, and when you ajd besten him, it enraged him, a fiery pit of fury burning inside if him, he hated you, your shitty smile, and that shit eating grin you gave him as you turned to look at him with a chuckle, you walked last him and bumped him nearly knocking him over, and fluttering your wings in his face.
"whoops! Better watch out, baby bird."
You digressed, laughing and walking away with a sway to your hips, he growled under his breath before pushing you against the wall catching you and rumi off guard.
"hey, what the hell takami?"
Rumi shouted at him, coming to your defense as you looked at him with a spite filled look, you hated him just as much as he hated you, that hate could be sensed from a mile away, your squinted eyes loomed up to his, his hair covering his eyes from the side but you could see them, his burning, fury filled, yellow eyes, they peered at you from beneath his hair, they stared deep into your own with such hatred, you weren't affected by it, not even phased even a little, he didn't make you scared, you thought he was pathetic, worthless.
"you walk around with your head held high, all high and mighty thinking you're better than me, but you're not. You're some snobby rich bitch from a good family and a good home, you're a self centered, conceited piece of trash who's incapable of love, you push others away and you take, you feed off of others and once there's nothing left for one to give you, you vanish, you're a user, an abuser, and you are a manipulative gaslighting piece of shit."
With every word he uttered, venom spat right along with them, he knew it would be unheroic to fight you head on, he didn't want to get kicked out, UA was his ticket to becoming a hero like his idol, so he fought you with words, he knew they would get to you, by the way tour face looked in shock and anger and slight embarrassment he could tell they defintely hit you where it hurt.
You were speechless, rumi just sat there wide eyed at the both if you before pilling keigo off of you.
"what the fuck, man? How could you say something like that, she's -"
Rumi continued yelling at him for the cruel things he said to you, the words she spoke falling into deaf ears, you both glared at each other with piercing eyes, you growled lightly before scoffing, a smile falling right back onto your face, it angered him even more, how could you smile knowing what he'd just said to you? Had it not affected you?!
You laughed before walking away, rumi stopped talking as you grabbed her attention, keigo's eyes never left you once.
You stopped right next to him, your mouth right next to his ear before you whispered something so vile, so disgustingly crass it made his stomach turn, he wanted to puke, lunge at you, something, everything. But he just froze. Tears threatening to spill from his eyes, not out of sadness or humiliation, but out of anger, be was so angry he almost cried.
"never forget where you came from, you loser wanna be, you're a nobody and you're unloved, how dare, you even come to me, telling me I'm incapable of love when you've never had any to begin with. Speak what you know, not what you think you know."
A smirk was plastered on your face as you walked away, taking your win with pride, your head was still held high as you laughed to yourself, knowing what you'd said definitely struck a nerve.
Keigo takami vowed, that he'd never stop training to be better than you, he was better than you, and he was gonna prove it no matter what.
Years had past, he hadn't given you a single thought since you all had graduated, he became a hero, #2 at that, and you became a---
'this just in, a villain has struck a local bank, making a huge hit, clearing out the entire bank! While we wait for the heroes we--'
Hawks was already on the scene, clearing the bad guys of the money they'd stolen and scared the day with a smirk, giving autographs and taking pictures with his numerous of fan girls.
"awwwh, baby bird, are you trying to get one of these teenagers to love you? How pathetic."
His eyes shot open wide, horror filled them, he hadn't heard that voice, that name, in such a long time. There was no way.. you were the one behind this, he thought it was too easy, there was no way these simple criminals were behind a huge heist, something this big couldn't have been orchestrated by one of these lowlife thugs.
He turned around to see your wings wide and open, you were in a black suit with a hood over your head, a maniacal smile being plastered on your face as you held a finger gun out to him, what were you doing, he squinted his eyes and took his glasses off to get a better look at you.
Was all that was heard from you before he was shot in the wing with a quirk canceling bullet, you had discovered some time ago that yes his wings are apart of his body but they're also his quirk, the bullet won't take his wings away but they will weaken them, he won't be able to fly or even move his wings without being in utter discomfort, suffering as you laugh above him with glee.
He groaned people screaming as need reporters and other reporters cried the scene taking shots of you as you just smiled before being captured by none other than the #1 hero, endeavour.
Everyone hollered and gave cheers and hoorays and the #1 hero had saved the day!!
You pouted as he held you if his shoulder in hand cuffs, you had been on the run for a while, finally you'd been caught, but again to hawks this felt just too easy for him to wrap his head around, he tried to stand before being betrayed by his legs, they were weak, he was weak, everything started to get blurred around him as he looked intensely pale, before anyone knee uit he'd passed out, body thudding against the ground.
It had been three days since he had gotten shot, he was able to move around well and fly faster than ever, all he needed was a little rest and he was back in action!
But he still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, he felt uncomfortable everywhere he went, maybe it was side effects from the bullet, or maybe it was him being hungry, but he just couldn't relax for the life of him.
He tried to fall asleep in his bed without ail, he moved around and shifted all about to find comfort, suddenly his wings felt too big, and his hair was just everywhere, he'd gotten so sweaty he felt like he just went for a run. He sighed in annoyance one last time before finding comfort, he held his pillow and closed his eyes tightly, before something clouded his thoughts.
The way you laughed at him, called him that oh so annoying name, the way you looked.
His eyes shot wide open as he furrowed his brows in anger, he groaned loudly.
It was going to be a long day tomorrow.
He walked around endeavours agency in anger, he knew he was going to have to go and see you in jail he knew he was going to have to settle this lifetime battle you two have had since you were kids.
He sighed and jumped out of the nearest window before flying over to Tartarus, the prison where the most evil, most vile, the most cruelest and inhumane villians go, so why the hell were you there. He thought to himself with a chuckle.
He arrived, being let inside, as he made his way to your cell. Empty. It was fucking empty.
"GUARDS!... Is her cell supposed to be this empty?"
The guards were in shock, one of them sounding an alarm causing a number of people to look around for you, you were known to be in spots you weren't supposed to be.
Hawks groaned, leaving the jail and flying over the city, there was just no way you managed to escape from there threshold. The greatest villain of all time, AFO hadn't even done that, not without hell at least.
He couldn't wrap his head around it, you weren't even a threat to society, you were some bitchy cunt who tried to prove a point that was irrelevant and useless, how did you even get into UA, why did you even go to UA if you were just going to be a villain in the first place?
So many questions filled his head, he was confused angry and hungry, he decided to pop over to the burger shop he and rumi used to go to all the time, you occasionally accompanied rumi as you two were friends.
He decided to take a break and flew down to the shop, he ordered his usual and sat on top of a building eating and staring at the sunset, he sighed in content with his delicious burger before feeling like he was being watched again.
He finished his burger, standing and wiping off his hands, he stretched his wings out and stretched his body with a moan, before sighing one last time as he tackled you fastly on top of the roof, pinning you down with a frown.
"hello, baby bird.~" you sang to him from beneath him, you were still in your prison clothes as you smiled up at him, he groaned as he peered down at you with spite filled eyes.
"awh do you still hate me for winning the sports festival when we were kids? Come on man that was like so many years ago, grow a pair."
You roll your eyes at him as he surprisingly lets you stand up, he moves to get off of you as he sighed in annoyance.
"you're going back to Tartarus."
"I'll just get out again, let's not waste anyone time eh?"
He pushed you back onto the ground, you fell with a thud, groaning and looking up at him in anger.
"what the hell man?"
"we're not friends, I in fact hate you wish I could kiss you with my bare hands, however I am a hero and can't do that, so I suppose I'll just have to send you back to jail, I'm sure they won't mind if you have a couple of bruises."
He smirked and cracked his knuckles, earning an earnest chuckle from you, he rolled his eye before dropping his arms.
"you don't want to fight, baby bird, we both know you just want to sit down and have a talk about friendship and goodliness." You scoff, and laugh at him making him look at you with hate filled eyes once more.
"besides,... I missed you." You admit lowly, looking away from the blonde as you look out into the distance, smile slightly faded and your laughing ceased.
He lifted an eyebrow at you, looking you up and down before scoffing, he didn't believe you one bit, you'd always hated him, and for what? The only time he'd actually treated you with disrespect was when you won the sports festival, he'd always been somewhat civil towards you.
"yeah okay sure, enough games degenerate you're going back to Tartarus."
"why were you even there, keigo?"
You question, looking back at him with a piercing gaze, he shivered at your eyes staring directly into his, his feathers ruffling up slightly, he couldn't look away from your eyes it's like they were sucking him in and hypnotizing him, he didn't remember you being so pretty.
He gulped before managing to get out of the trance you put him in, his eyes shooting down to his feet as he crosses his arms and pulled his wings in.
"you were there for me huh."
You ask, but not as a question, you knew he was, he had no business being there 5 days after you'd gotten put in there, there was no reason for him to be there if not for you.
He sighed and looked back up at you, his arms finding themselves back at his side again.
"I wanted to talk." He answers bluntly, skipping the lies and other lame excuses.
"about what, baby bird? I'm all ears."
You say, the wind billowing into your hair in the best way, the sunsets arrays shining onto your beautiful skin, making you look so gorgeous.
You were breathtaking to him, why had he started to feel these odd feelings about you now? You were a villain it goes against his code as a hero to even affiliate with a villain outside of a mission.
All he could do was look at you, he couldn't think of any words at the given moment, that stupid name he hated so much becoming rather appealing, he thought so hard about your words, it bringing a slight blush to his face.
You smiled, you'd thought he looked pretty well, the years have traded him fairly, he was rather handsome dare you say, his eyes looked more attractive than normal, the vibrant electrifying gaze he has, so intense and sexy, you couldn't possibly look away now.
You bit your lip as you moved closer to him, his eyes watched you closely, your every move his eyes moved along with them, he stared down at you something else filling his eyes that you noticed, want, he wanted you and you knew it.
You wanted him just as badly, the tension between you two becoming rather sexual, his breaths and changed, you continued to get closer to him as your faces were so close, his breath fanned your face lightly, the smell of the burger coming off of it but you hadn't minded it too much, it was kind of nostalgic in a way.
His eyes kept faltering from your eyes to your lips, the way he licked his rather dried lips made you chuckle lightly, you were tired of beating sound the bush, you pulled him into a rough passionate kiss moans and groans coming from the two of you, the way he pulled at your waist and tugged at the bottom hem of your shirt signaling he wanted it off, it caused you to feel hazy, he pulled you deeper into the kiss, tongues gliding and dancing so sweetly against each other like they were made to.
You pulled away, he tried following your lips before accepting the end of it, both of your breaths were heavy as you tried regaining air into your system, he held you tightly looking down at you with those piercing lucent eyes, his yellow eyes become more lust filled and lidded as he looked at you, you swallowed, his eyes never leaving touz waiting to see what you'll do next.
You liked that, he was waiting for you, waiting for you to do something it's almost as if you were in control.
"we should go somewhere a little more private, yeah?" You sing to him, your voice light and breathy as you still tried to catch your breath from the previous heat filled kiss.
He nodded before grabbing you and picking you up, holding you bridal style, it made you squeak lightly, you and wings you could just fly.
"I can fl---"
"i can get us there faster." Was all he said as he cut you off mid sentence, zooming through the sky in what seemed like a very, he hadn't wanted this moment between you two to vanish, he wanted to be as quick as possible to get back to you.
You couldn't fly as fast as him, that's for sure, when he settled you down in his house, coming in through the window you were dizzy, the fastness from his flying causing you to have some kind of jet lag, and you weren't even in the air for that long, you fell against his chest as he quickly brought your lips back to his, pulling your face up by your chin, as he pressed his soft lips to yours, a light sound leaving his throat, he must have really needed you.
You happily kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck as he put you down on the couch, hm getting on his knees as the kiss suddenly broke, you sigh and you watch the way his eyes trailed your body up and down slowly, he looked at you with such needy eyes.
His eyes stopped at your thighs, his hands big warm hands rubbed up your body before coming back down and gripping your high rather harshly z you winced, his eyes shot up to you, but not in concern, he had a mischievous look in his eyes, the need still being laced in his lucent yellow eyes.
He pulled your pants off hurriedly, like he wanted what was behind them in an instant, he looked back down to your now bare thighs, they were so soft and squishy under his touch, the way his warm hands touched you body sent a shiver down you spine, you just looked down at him as he rubbed your thighs, squishing and squeezing them with every touch, he finally pushed your thighs apart, before seeing a damp spot in between your thighs that was on your panties.
A smile shot to his face, you wanted him just as bad as he did you, his hands moved to touch the inner flesh of your thighs, a sigh leaving you as he glanced up to you before looking bad down to your clothed cunt, to weren't embarrassed by the want the dripped from you cunt, you had wanted him and you weren't ashamed of that, especially because you knew he wanted you too.
He moved his face closer to your clothed cunt, taking off his jacket in one swift motion as he buried his face in between your thighs, his eyes rolled shut as he licked a stripe up your cunt earning a whimper from you as your whole body shook, you were instantly hit with an intoxicating feeling inside, one lick from him and you already were ready to take his cock whole.
He kept licking long languid stripes up your clothed cunt, a wet patch forming from his tongue and your juices mixing and dampening the cloth that covered you, your taste danced on his tongue so nicely, he was drunk off of the little that he was given, he couldn't Wait to taste every bit of you.
No, he really couldn't, he ripped out panties off of you with one hand, they broke as he simply threw them somewhere before diving right back into your pussy, his nose tickling your clit in the sweetest way, his tongue licked and slurped all of your juices up expertly, all you could do was moan and kay your head back from the feeling he was giving you, your hand fell into his messy blonde hair as he shook his head around, groaning around your clit as he sucked it, the vibration sending chills up your entire body.
You lightly tugged at his hair trying to get him away from your cunt, you hadn't even cum yet you were heavily overstimulated, it hurt in such a delicious way, he pushed his head deeper into tiur cunt, you hand feel out of his hair at the immense pleasure he was giving you, he looked up at you the entire time, his lucent lidded deep lust filled eyes, staring at your body, the way you moved and squirmed underneath him, he was the one giving you pleasure, you needed him, and he could strip your upcoming orgasm away from you at any given moment.
You wrap your legs around his head, locking him in place and which he happily accepted, he was so pussy drunk, drinking everything you gave him willingly, he slurped and sucked at your clit licking it with light and fast licks, he managed to move from the painful grasp of your legs wrapped around his head to catch a breath, his mouth and chin dripping in your arousal, you breathed heavily, looking at him as he didn't bother wiping his mouth, simply diving back into your cunt and devouring you all over again.
It hadn't taken long for you to cum around his tongue, he guided you through you mind boggling, toe curling, gut wrenching orgasm, you moaned aloud as he drank everything you gave him, staring up at you and watching your face contort in such beautiful ways, your brows furrowing, the sweat slightly sticking to your forehead, the way your eyes squeezed shut, you were too entrancing to be real.
He moved away from your cunt with a smack of his lips, licking every last bit of your arousal off of his lips and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, his breath smelled exactly like you, he hadn't minded though. He moved back up to your face, the strong scent of your cunt sticking to his breath, he pulled you into a somewhat soft kiss, you were still trying to regain your composure before he'd pulled you into the kiss, it was sweet, gentle, and compassionate, he kissed you like he loved you only soon to fuck you like he genuinely hated you.
Before he had, but getting you like this, seeing you in a vulnerable estate, he hadn't necessarily wanted to kill you anymore, he wouldn't go as far I say he liked you more or less just liked eating you out.
The kiss became more passionate, filled with lust and greed from both sides, a groan escaping him as he moves to take off his suit as you grab at his pants attempting to unbuckle this belt, you were so close and yet, the heat of the moment, everything that was once there vanished once his phone rang.
His pants vibration from his phone ringing loudly in his pocket, he rolled his eye before grabbing at it to see who it was.
"shit, endeavour."
He sighed heavily before picking it up.
"go for hawks."
You snort, cringing at this, trying to hold back a laugh as he glared at you, his now he remembered why he disliked you heavily, you couldn't never take anything seriously, hell he bets you even would want him to fuck you whilst he were in an important call, fucking slut.
You could hardly make out coherent words but from guessing you figured it was about you escaping.
Hawks sighed once more before banging up the phone at grabbing at his jacket that was thrown off of him previously.
"awwh, where ya' going, lover boy?" You ask with wide eyes and a pout, he scoffs and rolls his eyes, grabbing his glasses out of his coat pocket and putting them on.
"stay here. I'll deal with your slutty ass once I get back."
He gives you a rebuttal before zooming out of the window before you could even say anything back, you roll your eyes with a smile, laying back on his couch, it was rather comfortable, you'd supposed you'd be there for a while so might as well get settled in.
AN: wow this was an interesting one, I couldn't figure out if I wanted to do a full blown smut or something light so I js went ahead w something light sorry if it wasn't what you'd expected, again this is my first time straying away from my main bae, [my zuzubear] i hope i stayed true to hawks' snarky teasing character!!
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penvisions · 2 days
of beskar and kyber {chapter 20}
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Force Sensitive! Reader (the Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader)
Summary: The push and pull of memories and power emulate the waves you watch from your balcony as you seek more and more solitary time with the wedding looming closer.
Word Count: 6.5k
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical language, angst, we meet readers betrothed and he needs his own warning, reader's mother also gets her own warning, kidnapping, reader is being kept against her will, hostage situation, use of narcotics, use of drugs, sedatives, self-depreciating thoughts, ptsd symptoms, medical trauma, past medical trauma, feelings of inadequacy, sexual themes, sexual content (not detailed), non con touching, unwanted advances, emotional manipulation, unnecessary display of possession, memory loss, controlling family dynamics, marriage set up, sold into marriage, din pov and reader pov, lemme know if i missed any other big ones!
A/N: this marks the middle of the maldovan arc! we've got two / three more chapters before we delve into season two events with our dear tin man. my feelings have been all over the place but hopefully i channeled them well into this chapter for y'all ♡
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Din was used to situations dissolving quickly from what he thought they would be, shifting into quick successions of movements and scenarios his instincts allowed him to maneuver with ease.
But the sight of you covered in nothing but bubbles from a foaming wash, bent over the side of the large communal bath had been something he wasn’t prepared for. Especially since the last time he had been intimate with you had turned out disastrously. His own emotions and devotion to something that wasn’t you tainting the moment and turning it from heated excitement to sour devastation.
The bubbles only reminded him further of the time before that, when you had been propped over his lap, both of you bare and exploring each other’s supple and scarred skin for the first time in the dim candlelight of a bath. It had been…thrilling to see the way your eyes had been overtaken by the pleasure he pulled from you, the sounds you had made…Maker, it had been such a good moment and he wishes you felt that same comfortability around him again. He knows you must to an extent, because he doesn’t see you exchange words beyond pleasantries with anyone around the palace but him.
But even so, with your memory restored he was fully aware that you might not want to be with him in that way ever again. He would have you as you wanted him to, even if it was in no ways at all. His want for you to be comfortable, to be your own person far exceeding his own desires. He only wished you were to stay beside him, his protectiveness over you never waning and increasing as the days continued on, the same he was beginning to feel over the child. You were all three bonded.
And then the sudden appearance of your fiancé, the man who got to hold you and kiss you free of worries was there in the same room as you clad in nothing but a towel with your hair weighted down and damp. The touches he had seen up until that point had been nothing but fleeting, the touches he had witnessed next everything but, setting his blood to boil. The harsh way he had pressed himself to you, trailed his fingers over the sensitive skin between your legs he knew the feeling of all too well, the way he had been rough with you enough for you to cry out. It had been something he was unequipped to handle. His mind had gone blank as his vision hyper focused into stark lines and too bright colors as if he had activated a sensor for his helmet with the touch of button.
The quiet way you had followed him back to your room in a flowing robe with ad’ika cradled in your arms had been another thing he hadn’t been prepared for. The version of you he knew was strong, a fighter, not one to let such things slide. Serving well deserved justice to those who picked on you and those around you, on those who deserved it. The you in front of him now? She was scared, on edge, hesitant. And he didn’t like it at all.
“Mesh’la, you don’t have to heed his command.” He hears the way his voice is strong, but it isn’t for him.
No, all of his strength is for you. A flame he tries to keep healthy and bright even as the situation is something he’s quickly realizing may be far too deep for him to help you escape from.
“I do have to, he – he’s to be my husband, he has to be happy with me. My…my mother would do something if this was to all fall apart because of me.” His heart steels, you need him. You need him now more than you ever had, even back at that compound he happened across you in the largest stroke of luck and sheer circumstance he’s ever experienced.
You had unwittingly helped him, you and the child, to realize that while he devoted his life, mind, and body to the Creed and his way of life: he also needed something for himself. He had been…lonely, if he was completely honest with himself. Leading a life chasing after credits and determined to work any job, hunt any quarry, commit himself to more and more and more in order to achieve the goal of helping to perpetrate his kind long after the world had merely watched on as they were picked off one by one, scattered among the stars in a heartbreaking way.
You had helped him to realize that in order to do so, he needed a little bit of saving himself. And he’d be damned if he didn’t try to help and return the favor now that you needed it in more blatant ways than he ever did. He wanted to return the favor, he wanted you back in his arms, aboard his ship, laughing and sharing bits of food across a table that wasn’t a table. You had been blossoming into someone he felt intense emotion for, love for, someone he yearned to be back by his side and in his bed, whispered words of affirmation and the same love back to him beneath the sheets and in the darkness of his personal quarters. He missed you even with you standing a few feet away from him. Because the person standing before him certainly missed him, even if you didn’t realize it.
“Then leave.”
“Maker, I can’t do that. I don’t even know who I am.” The look you give him is so unlike any other he’s ever seen and it clatters inside his ribs, the urge to move forward and embrace you. But it would be a line crossed, to do so.
“But I do.” He decided to use his words instead, to try and hold you up.
“You what?”
“I know you. I know who you are.”
“From before?” The hope that curls around the simple question almost pulls the truth from him, he’s unsure why he falters in voicing it.
“From…from now. I know you, mesh’la, and you deserve better than this.”
“He’s…he’ll hunt me down. I know it, in my very bones I know it.” The words seem so matter-of-fact, as if you were aware of them subconsciously. The fear and life of solitude you had led because of the very notion of people being after you something your body remembered even if your mind could not. He recalls how isolated your home in the desert had been, how hard it had been to even find the humble building. How it must’ve been a mere shadow of the life you had lived up until that point, but one you had willingly created in order to avoid further conflict and loss.
But yet, here you were standing in front of him having lost everything that made you who you were.
“I’ll protect you.”
“Aliit, you have a child. You have a wife.” And there’s the anger he’s seen flare in you before, the will to not put up with things you didn’t agree with.
“I’ve told you, I do and I do not. She…she is much like you. In a situation she can’t control.”
“Then go save her.” You make it sound so simple, so easy a feat. If only you realized…but when you repeated the words with solid frustration he felt something brim over the top of his chest.
“I’m trying to!” He lets his own frustration get the better of him and he realizes his mistake when you cower. His own flames of anger and anxiety dousing yours to nothing but shadow and smoke.
“Apologies, I…shouldn’t speak so plainly with you. You are working, probably trying to earn credits to fix your situation. I apologize.” You won’t look at him, avoiding his eyes as he tries to catch them across the room. He’s messed up again, and now his punishment is delivering you to the door of the man who is about to do whatever he wants and you’re going to let him. To appease your mother, to fall in line with what you’ve been forced to believe are your duties.
“Mesh’la,” He steps close to you, now in the doorway to the large closet. His words trail off as you turn with a blank face so reminiscent of how you used to look at him. The robe is untied by your hands and falls to the ground. He averts his eyes, not wanting to impinge on your privacy even as you expose yourself to him.
“You heard him, he commanded you to dress me yourself should I not want to. Practically gave you permission to touch me, is that why you don’t want me to go. You want me all to yourself?” Digging into one of the elaborate boxes atop a shelf you throw whatever was inside it at him. It’s all lace and thin straps, a bright baby blue that looks like the shine of starlight on his armor when he polishes it in the cockpit of the Razor Crest. It makes him sick, stomach churning at the connection.
You’re breathing heavily, shoulders shaking and eyes tinging pink as he sees the tears you’re trying to fight off shine in the whites of your eyes as he dares to look up from the floor where the garment had fallen. “All men are the same, doing whatever they want. Taking whatever they want. At least this way I get something out of it, even if…even if it feels like it’s all wrong.”
Your words trail off, the power behind them waning as you refuse to break the connected gaze from him.
“It is wrong, he’s not…he’s doesn’t love you.”
“No one loves me.”
He freezes, taken aback by the conviction in your words even as you speak so quietly, your face still schooled into an expression of no emotion.
“No one’s come to my side after my accident. It’s as if…I had no life before it, no one who was by my side. It’s why, it’s why I’ve taken what my mother says as truth, there’s no evidence to suggest otherwise. Even if it does feel wrong.”
His chest aches, his heart crumbles and settled heavy in the pit of his stomach. He’s failing. He’s completely failing at his task of saving you. He’s making it worse, and he thinks again that maybe you’d be better off without him here mucking things up if you’ve accepted this as your life. You just said so yourself that it seems to be a good set up, better than anything you even remotely recall. But…it would be a betrayal to leave you in the hands of a woman who tormented and tortured you, manipulated you to her will alongside a man who was beginning to show his true colors.
He had. He had come to your side the second he had figured out where you were. But…but maybe it was too late. Your memories warped too much for him to bring them to the light. He thought…he thought he had seen glimpses of clarity in your eyes as he and Cara fight to keep you away from the mind flayer, from the doctor who was the reason for your lack of awareness.
“You have a wife.” You whisper, as if it was the one lie you were being fed that you didn’t want to accept.
“I do and I do not.” He repeats, unable to string together any other words as he sees the way you’re trembling. He’s about to throw the whole plan of slowly getting your memory and mind strong enough to tell you the truth, to blurt it all out in the hopes that it helps you to understand, but you’ve lost the spark of your old self as quickly as it had come to life and he’s missed his moment. Again.
“You have a wife and I…I cannot have you the way- you are not mine to want.” You seem to pull yourself from your inner musings, digging through another pretty package of ribbons and silk. The matching set is a soft pink and you pull on both pieces before bending to retrieve your robe. “Please escort me to Prince Cala’s room.”
The walk to the prince’s room had felt just as damning as the one he had taken to hand ad’ika over to the Imps.
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Din begins to slip more Mand’oa into his conversations with you, hoping for recognition. Hoping to right his wrongs of that fateful night in which you had laid with another man. You didn’t talk of what happened, though he doubted he would be the first you would turn to should something of that caliber occur. He doesn’t ask, knowing that in the deepest part of who he was, he wouldn’t be able to handle the knowledge of your answer should you give him one.
He was being put on patrol of the grounds every morning, his night shift of watching over your hall given to others, never the same person. Probably due to Prince Cala’s command that no one is to get too close to you. But he traded with those who were given the post, giving away what little credits he had accumulated from being ‘employed’ by the palace and anything they voiced wishing they had. Cara making the trips into the city markets to retrieve whatever it was they wanted as she was shifted to duties to prepare for the wedding that loomed closer and closer.
The whole ordeal was reminiscent of his younger days, made it feel like he was back in training or just thereafter as he worked whatever and however many jobs he could get in order to prove for the covert. Though he was significantly older in years, the issue of not getting enough sleep only seemed to upset ad’ika. The child had become increasingly fussy, lashing out in the only ways he knew how and unfortunately one of those ways was slamming doors and throwing food.
The arrival of foreign people of all species to the city and to the palace in particular signal the days of your relative freedom coming to an end. Endless discussions of hushed plans are shared between him and Cara, as they realize they don’t have the currency of time on their side any longer. If there was one thing Din wanted to prevent, as if he truly had any control over things, was the binding of your person to another.
Two weeks, they had only two weeks and the days begin to fly by with no signs your memory returning.
Until he’s suddenly sat across from you one quiet night and you speak words of Mando’a back to him.
Ner kar’ta. Your voice sounds so sweet, so cherished in its damning innocence as you look to him with confusion in your glittering eyes.
Din’s moving from his seat beside you, kneeling before you in a way he never had with another. His hands holding yours and he revels in the warmth of them in his own. He carefully asks if you know what you just said, if you realize the enormity of what just happened, what had just fallen from your lips. He fills his heart swell when you say you think it means exactly what it does.
The words he’s only whispered to you once before as he lay bleeding and struggling to breathe, are repeated lowly. No longer a desperate plea for you to leave him behind, but an affirmation to bring you back to him.
He’s sure he’s far too focused, something he knows you don’t like, direct attention, deliberate attention.
But you’re looking back at him with the same sharpness in your eyes even as they remain partially shrouded, hope filling him and making his heart quicken as he searching for anything, for everything in them so close.
But then the door to your room, to the sanctuary you had both found is suddenly opening and the woman who had caused this entire ordeal is stepping over the threshold with a raised voice full of thinly veiled distrust and aggression born of fear.
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Tension fills the room, your mother in the doorway while you and Aliit remain beside the small lounge set up of chairs, small sofa, and low table. The soft atmosphere between the two of you shattered as the woman barged into your room at far too late an hour. Making you wonder how often she had done so before your sleep had become hard to maintain. What was she doing checking on you under the cover of dark, midnight skies and twinkling stars? A pinch in the crook of your elbow, the column of your neck both flare to life and you worry for the things she could’ve done to you while asleep, before Aliit had taken over the post of night guard.
The rattling of fine porcelain trills, the cups of tea on small serving saucers Aliit had prepared in quiet seeming to irritate your mother as her eyes dart from the set up to the man behind you, to you. A glare marring her beautiful but aged features. Her skin pale unlike yours, though you were seeing underneath the mask you were realizing she always had carefully in place. Hiding and covering things she didn’t want others to see, didn’t want to reveal.
“Stop doing that!” She snaps, dominant hand pointing harshly at you and your body reacts far quicker than your mind. A hand of your own raising up and waving broadly, manipulating hers to lower to her side.
“Tell me.” You demand, patience gone and emotions focused. She sees something in you, at that moment, something that causes her to take a step back and it makes you feel powerful.
“You and the Prince were on holiday. Off on some crowded planet to enjoy in each other’s company as you shop and attend a gala in honor of the news of your engagement. Someone high up in the ranks of the New Republic happy of the coupling. Some startled you as they approached to congratulate you, always so jumpy, even as a young girl. You tripped over your dress, hit your head on the corner of a table.”
“Why don’t I have a mark from the fall?”
“What planet were we on before that allowed me to get the attention of Prince Cala?”
“We were home, darling. K’ath. He was interested in the armor we sell in the wharf.”
“You don’t let me make armor anymore.”
“No, Prince Cala wishes for you to learn other skills that are fitting for royalty of this planet.”
“I don’t mind that, but I wish to reclaim the one thing I can recall from before my accident.”
“I said no, San! I don’t know where this is all coming from, Maker you must be so confused. So out of it you’re manifesting things that simply aren’t true. This is your life, darling, this is it. What we had before…it was not what I wanted for you. But this – this is what you deserve. A nice place to spend your days with no stress, with no worries.”
“I wish to rest! Both of you leave, right this instant!” The rattling of the porcelain is loud, followed by a rather startling pop as the glass of one of the windows cracks.
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“Remove your mask.”
Din keeps his eyes trained on hers, reading the woman with an intensity that only seems to fuel her distrust of him. He knows he hasn’t done the best at keeping his emotions in check while scouting out the palace and trying to remain close to you, he does. It was a task he hadn’t been prepared for in the slightest, something he realizes and feels shameful of. You needed him to be able to keep his head and to go about this mission as if it was any other, you needed him to be able to act as he always does: stealthily, calculated, levelheaded, deadly focused. But he wasn’t, his heart and emotions getting the better of him in a way that could be detrimental to your well-being, to your life, to his and to ad’ikas.
His pause, the twitch of his bare fingers upsets your mother further.
“There are people, someone in particular that may come after her.” She doesn’t budge, keeping her stance in front of the man back at his post outside your door. The moonlight filtering into the lantern light hallway barely enough to see the ire and suspicion in her expression. The slight resemblance to you unnerves him, the reality of this woman being tied to you by blood and fate too heavy a thought when you were so kind and good to him. “Remove your mask, Aliit.”
He doesn’t want to. He can’t. And certainly not for someone as ingenuine as your mother. But…for all the beskar he donned and had been able to share with you, for all the weapons he had in his cache to protect you, for all the skills he had developed over a lifetime, none of it had been able to prevent you from being taken away from him. His Creed had allowed for it to happen, even if it by way of inadvertency. So perhaps…perhaps the display of his face would be the one thing that had jumpstarted this entire situation would be able to salvage it. To give him the time and chance he needed in order to stay and work on allowing out to heal enough to know the truth.
Holding his breath, Din reaches up to unclasp the pin keeping the flowing piece over his cowl. It falls to the right side of his face as braces himself to lower the cowl with steady fingers, though his mind is anything but calm.
He never wanted to show his face, let alone to someone so unfounded in their own beliefs, if the woman had any. She wasn’t deserving, but you….he had been struggling with the desire to show you. But she was premature in her gloating victory, because she waves a hand at him just as he’s beginning to pull the fabric down. He stills, worried he’s been found out but that doesn’t seem to be the case as the woman’s stern face breaks.
“Oh, good. I was worried for a second.” She smirks, knowing she had won the heated exchange, the power of her command being heeded going to her head in the worst way. “No Mandalorian would be foolish enough to throw away their very Creed for someone like San. Maker, I love her. But she’s such a fool sometimes, a little misguided. No idea how she even caught the attention of the person who was supposed to bring her back to me. Must’ve used her body, since her head seems to be empty.”
Resisting the urge to snarl and show just how deep her words cut, Din just nods at her, bowing his head slightly before resetting his coverage over the cowl. An insult to him, he could internalize and ignore. But an insult to you was stirring his instincts to protect, to shield, to kill.
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“What is the meaning of this? Sending my handmaidens away and ordering guards to follow me around from now on,” Prince Cala is sat on the edge of your bed, two guards on either side of the bed. It’s early, the sun barely cresting over the horizon and the sky shifting slowly from dark to light as it does so. Alit has to still be on the other side of the door where your mother had ordered him to remain for the rest of his shift, overriding the royal man’s direct orders.
“My dear San, I’ve sent your handmaidens to tend to things for the wedding. The ceremony will be in a week’s time.” He curls a hand around your wrist, bringing it up to kiss along your knuckles and down the inside of your arm. His lips are soft, but his touch feels wrong, it feels charged: changed. “You’re mine.”
He’s suddenly hovering over you, knees on either side of your waist and pinning you beneath the covers as he brings his face close to yours. His handsome features twisted into a smirk that made your insides lurch. His hands bring your own above your head, pressing them into the plush pillows and gripping far too tightly. Trying to squirm is useless as he lets all of his weight press into you, pushing the breath from your lungs and cutting off the shout you were about to make.
“That guard of yours is to be sent to patrol the city streets, he’s not to come near you again.” He repeats his possession of you, his lips beginning to trail hard kisses down your neck. His breath is hot and sticky against your skin and you try to close your eyes tights in an effort to make the moment go by quicker.
One of his hands trails down your body, boldly giving your chest a squeeze over the thin covers before it’s gone from you completely. But you don’t get to revel in the touch of him gone because there’s a metallic clink you hear the clicking of a syringe just moments before it’s plunged into your still trapped arm.
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“No.” You can’t help the venom and distrust that seeps into your voice, the feeling of being trapped, of being herded consumes you and it’s ugly how it sticks uncomfortably to your insides. You had already partook in countless meals and cups of tea, strolls through the gardens and around the different buildings and halls of the palace. All in the name of entertainment for the guests you didn’t want to interact with. The feeling of being on display, of being paraded around annoying you beyond anything else had since you had woken up in that infirmary bed.
You didn’t like the attention, how direct it was. How people fawned over the tone of your skin in comparison to theirs, how they felt entitled to reach out and caress your skin or face when complimenting you or the dresses you wore.
Head pounding, you feel energy flow through you, something so foreign yet familiar. The same energy that had filled you back when you had confronted your mother a few nights ago. The very same that clattered porcelain and shattered glass though you hadn’t even been looking at either of those things, they were merely in the same expansive room as you. You had tried to focus, in the quiet solitary of that same room, your room, the only place you were truly left alone for only the hours of the night as Aliit dutifully looked over you from just inside the doorway.
His eyes watched you without giving you impression he was doing so with purpose as you tried and succeeded in harnessing it to move random objects around the room. It was…a powerful feeling to wield such a power.
It fills you now, as your mother turns to face you and you clench your fists at your sides to quiet the thought of using it against her. Something in your mind warning of you letting her know that you are conscious of it now, her reaction to seeing you unintentionally wield it telling you it was better kept a secret.
“Excuse me?” Your mother demands from where she has begun to lead you from within your quarters, she’s quick as she grabs at you, your hands twitching with the urge to push her away the second her fingers are curling around you.
“I don’t want to go anywhere with you.” You flinch away from her, her touch far too tight around your wrists. It was as if you were shocked, your body recalling memories you couldn’t consciously do so and you feel the weight of metal heavy around your wrists in her hands around you, around your ankles and neck. Pulling you down, zapping you of any wherewithal for the body you inhabited. You close your eyes against the feeling, mind conjuring up the darkness of a room that feels far too familiar, that is filled faintly with the scent of salted air and willows native to your home world. “I wish to be alone in the week before I’m to be someone else’s.”
Breathing deep, the feeling of the air around you shifts to that of an arid land. Dry, bone-shattering heat suffocates you, your body too exhausted and dehydrated to even produce sweat. The cotton feel of your tongue thickens in your mouth as your head swims with the influence of narcotics and sedatives. The hush of a door opening blinds you even in your mind’s eye, a lone figure silhouetted in the front of the room you feel is so real around you.
A modulated voice speaks out, calling your given name and it startles you. The figure standing in front of you is swathed in shadows, making you believe it’s the one you had done your best to hide from until that very point. But the figure moves, revealing he’s not donning all black nor breathing with the assistance of a compressor.
He’s not the one who expertly wields a blade made of the same energy you feel coursing through you, red and blinding as it buzzes menacingly. The feeling of a handle is strong, the weight of it in your hands as the red spurs to life to form a weapon of your own. It diffuses to white and you feel a sense of calm, of kinship, of connection with the figure in front of you that you now know is armored in beskar.
Your eyes snap open and you seethe at the sight of your mother in front of you, of her still touching you, looming closer. She’s the reason for your feelings, every single one of them. The realization slams into you and it hurts. Your breath catches, lungs burning as you feel like no air is enough to breathe. You’re pulling away from her with more vigor, even as your mind swims at the lack of oxygen to function.
She’s the one who had first shackled you, keeping you under her control with the guise of hiding you away from those you had run home and away from. Their reach endless and their efforts never ceasing.
She was supposed to be a safe haven, someone you could return to after years of being separated. She was supposed to be someone who looked after you, protected you. But she had enslaved you instead, following in the footsteps of those you had run from though her power over you had been in the form of sedatives and metal so heavy it was debilitating. Not the same as the livelihood of someone you feel in your heart, someone who had since passed, someone who had given you a reason to live, taught you all he had to teach, cared for you with all the love he had to give. Donning the same metal you feel around your body, damning you where it had once saved you. The same metal you feel curling over your shoulders, a gift from someone truly good, who exuded care and honor. Someone who was associated with the one who had hunted then set you free.
Someone you could feel very close by. Accompanied by two others that called out to you in their familiarity as you stand in front of the woman who claims to be your mother even as she controls and tears you down to nothing more than errant thoughts she easily manipulates without a second thought.
“Darling, this is highly inappropriate.” You mother frowns, refusing to let you go, as if she knew the hold she had on you had crumbled away. “The medic should’ve…he should’ve fixed this.”
“Nothing’s wrong with me!” The commanding sound of your voice like a stranger’s in your own ears, someone who you don’t recognize. The windows of your room rattle, the tapestries float into the air, that power you feel deep in your very bones all around you, ready and willing to be harnessed.
“There is, San, you’re having delusions. The same thing happened to your father, that’s why I sent him away.” The woman insists, her knuckles whitening with the force she’s holding to you even as you step back, trying to get away from her. You raise your hands to push at her.
“That’s a kriffing lie!” You can’t help the burst of energy that flows from you, knocking you both to the ground. She’s yards away from you, her hands scrambling for something that had been flung from her pockets. A remote. Before you could even think of what it could be for, she’s pressing the button down in the center of it and your vision blacks out as something bright and burning flows through your veins.
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Lethargic, your body is heavy as you leave the infirmary. Even as you move as silently as you can, mind humming with paranoia of being seen, of being tended to, of your mother. All you wanted right now was to see Aliit, to feel the calm only his presence seems to bring you. Especially as the wedding draws near the palace compound become crowded with guests invited by the king and queen, far too many of them displaying New Republic badges and pins. Something that was spiking adrenaline and worry in you for reasons you didn’t know. They had once been helpful, you thought, as the war raged on and landed on the shores of K’ath, their aid had helped to keep the economy afloat and food on the table.
But now, the mere mention and sight of their affiliation sent your instincts into a hum, the feeling of needing to run settling deep in every muscle of your body.  
The room you were in was small, but done up as a bedroom. Colorful tapestries and a four post bed complete with a headboard that had metal rings fastened at the top that unnerved you the longer you gazed up at them from where you lay against the pillows.
The guards are playing some sort of dice game, gathered at the end of the hall when you peek out of the door to the main part of the infirmary. A flash of lightning brightening the scene for you to see as clear as if it was the middle of the day, not well into the night at the only source of light was the lanterns fastened to the walls.
As you round the last corner to the hallway that held your bedroom, the safety of which you were seeking out, thunder rumbled outside. The storm was picking up, the rain falling down in sheets when you pass by a window. The wind shifts and the rain lashes against the windows in a manifestation of your heightening anxiety.
Just as you step into the hall, lightning strikes something far too close. The sharp crack of it hurting the very nerves of your body. The tall, wide shadow in the hall that turns to face you distorts from vague darkness to shiny metallic. The figure is swathed in beautiful armor for a the briefest of moments until the hallway is thrown back into darkness.
But it happens again as the lightning begins to stream down from the storm clouds as heavy as the rain.
The light of the lanterns bouncing off the polished surface of the glinting armor as the man begins to walk towards you. The dark visor across the sporadic flash of a helmet blends into the darkness, making it hard to gauge exactly who it is beneath. It’s overwhelming, the streaks of blinding light through the windows, an assault on your eyes and mind as you try to right yourself from where you must’ve leaned into the wall.
Thunder sounds and you realize you had tensed up, muscles protesting the steps you so desperately want to take, just a few yards to the door. To your room, to safety.
You feel a harsh current flow through your body again, sending you crashing to the floor as your words turn into a scream. Thunder drowning out the sound as it echoes in the hall, rain beating down against the windows. The figure now only a few feet away rushes to your side, catching you just before you could crumble completely. His arms are strong around you, cradling you as you thrash and convulse as more currents strike through your body, no longer a distant occurrence outside of the windows. Seemingly in time with the lightning lighting up the sky in blinding flashes.
But it’s not armor that you feel against your body, it’s the soft give of flesh beneath flowing fabric. Heart thudding at the realization, you realize that the armor hadn’t alarmed you, it had calmed you in its fleeting appearance. It had ben familiar, it had felt like…it had felt like something that had been missing from you the moment you had woken up in a bed and city you didn’t recognize. The presence of a shadowed figure you had tried to fill with the prince, only for it to not fit snuggly together like puzzle pieces. It felt so similar to how Aliit’s presence soothed you.
It must be him, you think as you feel yourself slump against the ground, the figure holding you lowering you both to the ground as the storm raged on. As you gazed up at him through bleary eyes, the silver armor glinted, the darkness of a visor glittered in the flashing light, and then it was clouded by the backs of your eyelids as you felt another current ravage your body. Behind them, you see the crisp image of the armored man standing atop a ramp leading to a ship, a small green figure in his arms as he turns to you and your heart jumps, the prickling of tears sharp as you realize what’s been missing all this time. What’s been hidden in plain sight beside you this whole time.
“San, it’s okay. It’s me, it’s-“ His voice is unmodulated, no vocoder distorting it. But it’s him and your heart swells.
“Din.” You breath out, eyes snapping open and finding his own. The man you loved was staring back at you, his helmet, his armor, all of it was gone to reveal a sliver of his face to you.
previous chapter || next chapter
taglist: @clevergirl74 @strawberri-blonde @js-favnanadoongi @littlemisspascal @moonknight-s-cumdump @bookloverkat @golden-mando @beskarandblasters @feral-ferrule @bearsbeetsbeskar @76bookworm76 @anoverwhelmingdin @sarap-77 @picassopedro @sawymredfox @jessthebaker @genetics4life @mosssbawls @vivian-pascal
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mxnhoo · 2 days
so thirsty (p. sh) - teaser
synopsis : waking up at 5am in the morning, you had an uneasy feeling. being unable to shake the feeling off, you go out of your room to grab a cup of water. the TV that your father had apparently left on talked about an interesting case that had just happened 2 days ago. the case was one of a kind, and it drew you in, making you want to learn more about it because there was this familiar feeling.
word count : 945 words
warnings! : death, alcohol, mentions of abuse, mentions break-ins, mentions of blood, mentions of supernatural (witchcraft, vampires, zombies, ghosts) - lmk if i missed out on anything!
author's note : hi guys! this is a new series that i wanna start and hopefully will finish. in the past, i've written so many things but they were all scrapped because i was too lazy to finish them, so hopefully for this, that isn't the case! fun fact i used to have a writing instagram account for stray kids when i was 11-12 LOL. anyways, i was listening to music on youtube, and when teeth - enhypen started playing, i read the lyrics and the amount of ideas that entered my head was actually insane. i don't have a particular plan on how i'm going to write this, but i hope that the more i write, the more interesting it gets! hugely inspired by @/maatryoshkaa btw, check out 'young god' (it's AMAZING), and also check out the other imagine i posted! anyways, enough rambling, hope you guys enjoy!
05:07a.m , June 18th
opening your eyes, you are met with the darkness that fills your entire room. the only thing that allowed you to see was the light being emitted from the clock that was resting on the nightstand to your right. still laying flat on your bed, you tilted your head to your right, trying to make out what the current time was.
the small clock, with red light emitting from it read '5:08am'. you turned your head back, staring at the ceiling in front of you, the atmosphere being so relaxed yet so intense at the same time. the silence that was occassionally interupted, the darkness. you don't know why, but you felt like something was off. people usually say, 'trust your own gut feeling', but what could be wrong when it was literally 5am in the morning?
break-ins, maybe?
house fires, maybe?
your dad coming in and abusing you, maybe?
even if those possibilities were the case, it wouldn't really bother you in a way. not in a way where it would get your stomach to be this uncomfortable. you sighed, feeling tired. you wanted to go back to sleep, but at the same time you couldn't because of this uneasy feeling you can't shake off.
you slowly sat up from your bed, scratching your neck as you sigh once more, arching your back to do a small stretch. you hover your legs over the edge of the bed, placing your feet to the carpet as you stood up. you dragged your feet along the floor as you made your way to the door, and you could hear sounds behind the door. you slowly twisted the door knob quietly to reveal what was behind your door, and you are met with your sleeping dad on the couch. you looked slightly to your left, and now the soft sounds from behind your door became clear - it was from the TV still being on. the living room reeked of alcohol, and you sighed, quietly making your way to the kitchen, which was connected to the living room.
opening your cabinet, you took out a glass cup and carefully placed it down on the marble counter, not wanting to wake your dad up. you closed your cabinet and while taking the cup into your hands, you start to pour water into it from the water container that was beside the sink. you then sat on the chair behind the counter, and now in your vision was the back of the couch, your dad's foot which was resting on the couch arm rest sticking out and the TV that was still playing. you noticed that the TV was on the news channel, and you were questioning on how your dad ended up even watching this. the news was the last thing your father ever cared about, so why watch it now? your mind was about to wander and drift off until something you heard caught your attention.
"on the early morning of June 16th, tragedy struck Maplewood Avenue as authorities were summoned to investigate a chilling discovery. at approximately 2:47 a.m., the lifeless body of a 23-year-old woman was discovered in an alleyway. initial examination revealed two puncture wounds beneath her jaw. a disturbing twist emerged as investigators combed the scene : a conspicuous absence of blood in the crime scene raised eyebrows and fueled speculation among law enforcement officials. faced with this eerie absence of evidence, authorities are grappling with the unsettling possibility of a supernatural element at play in this perplexing case.
as inquiries intensify, residents are urged to exercise caution, particularly when venturing out alone after dark. authorities will be doing further investigation on this case."
you continued to sip the cup of water in your hands, taking interest into the news displayed onto the TV screen.
'super-natural.. like witchcraft? ghosts? vampires? zombies? no way they're saying it's real..' you mumbled to yourself, finishing the cup of water afterwards. you sigh as you stood up, slowly pushing the chair you were on backwards to not make any noise, and placed the glass cup into the drying rack. you then silently made your way to the living room, picking up the remote and turning off the TV. you looked at your father and rolled your eyes at the sight of him embracing an empty alcohol bottle while being asleep. placing the remote down, you glanced at him one more time, scoffing as you made your way back into your room. you thought you would feel sleepy after having a cup of water, but after learning about the tragedy that had happened just 2 days ago, it kept you up. you had so many thoughts, so many questions.
closing the door behind you, you made your way to work table, opening your computer and turning it on, as well as your desk lamp. your eyes averted to the bottom right corner of your screen, where the time was displayed, and it read out "5:36am". you had about 3 hours before you had to leave for work, and despite still having that uneasy feeling you woke up with, your mind was fixated on the case. Maplewood Avenue? supernatural? no blood on the scene? you want to get to the bottom of it, even if it was practically impossible. it's not like you can go to the alleyway it happened and do investigations yourself, right? for now, you only settled with reading articles online that had the possibility of being related, or even slightly similar to the case. this case piqued you so much, because of how close it felt to you.
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lostbluejayart · 2 days
I am an incredibly huge cowboy bebop fan and I’ve always had lil cowboy bebop OCs in my head but!! I didn’t realize how many other people actually have fully fleshed out a character and make art with them until I found ur account! It makes me sooo happy!
Also I’m curious! I may have missed it bc there’s no way I’ve seen all of the writing about her that exists on ur blog, but does Niah fit somewhere specific in the cannon CB timeline? Whenever I imagine my own characters I tend to pick up right after the ending and imagine that Spike somehow survived :,)
Oh wow this is soo relatable !!! I honestly felt the same way because I rarely see bebop oc's, whether that's in writing or art. And it can, admittedly, feel lonely, but it feels amazingly refreshing when you find others who have their oc's UVU I'm glad you feel some happiness in finding one such as Niah, and hopefully you'll be able to find others as well!
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And as for Niah, her story begins post-bebop after the last episode, about 9 months afterward. Spike obviously survives cause I want him to ahahhaha xD the story is heavily-focused on Niah & Spike's relationship as it slowly develops into something more - it's a slow burn, so there's plenty of interactions between them.
You should def share your own stories/art of your oc's as well! I think people who are looking for such will appreciate it <3
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velvetvexations · 12 hours
it’s so bizarre to me that you never, EVER reblog or post anything about transmisogyny or the transfem experience. like, can you even recommend any transfem-centric blogs for me to follow? for someone so into “solidarity” your trans activism seems pretty focused on trans men only
So there are multiple things going on with this ask.
As I've explained several times before - I don't necessarily blame you for not seeing it, but I have - most social issues give me panic attacks to contemplate. The thing I mentioned triggered me so badly yesterday was something in the transmisogyny tag that wasn't tagged with anything I had blacklisted (not that OP's fault, I added more variations of transphobia warnings so it hopefully won't happen again).
Intercommunity issues are less existential. Things like hate crimes and legislative assaults on queer people freak me out and leave me a shaking, crying, doomscrolling mess. I don't even follow like, literally any of the people who followed me for transandrophobia advocacy because they reblog other things that gives me heart palpitations.
That limits my exposure to intercommunity issues facing transfems specifically as well, the vast majority of people I follow don't put any discourse on my dash at all. However, I have in fact reblogged posts purely about transmisogyny (other than the kind transandrophobes throw at me lol) only to immediately delete them when I see the OP is vile towards transmascs in other posts, completely spoling the message. At least one was even specifically about ways transmascs can be transmisogynistic, which I thought was a fair enough criticism before realizing it was at best one good point in a sea of bullshit directed at our trans brothers. Another time I specifically asked someone how they felt about trasnmascs before I reblogged their very good post about transmisogyny and was delighted when they gave a fantastic response.
Furthermore, I do actually just speak on pure transmisogyny myself sometimes! I talked at length about the immense pain it caused me realizing Alison Bechdel was TERFier than I thought in a way that completely contradicts the strip that made me cry out of appreciation for her. Recently, I've also been talking a lot about the ways butch transfems are treated for not looking cis.
Do I mention these things less than transandrophobia and other issues that affect people other than transfems? Sure. But like...so what? I like doing things for other people.
I don't mean to act like I'm some kinna savior or anything, but as I said just yesterday, helping people outside of your own issues is something I'm kinna obsessed with not just in myself but others too. I'm constantly stressing how cis allies should be appreciated e.g. my previous feelings about Bechdel, and despite how she turned out I still firmly believe that cis allies should be treasured. I've donated money to multiple cis allies to say thanks for their statements.
It's not like I'm just so saintly selfless or anything like that, I'm very self-centered, it's just that being an ally to [x], [x] being allies to me, and [x] being allies to [y] who have nothing to do with me is not only a rare area of activism I can function in, it's one that actively brings me joy. This includes having sent multiple messages to transmascs thanking them when they speak up about transmisogyny, because I want to show them the love so many of them have shown me for the same thing.
Finally, you say my trans activism is focused on trans men. Maybe so, by volume. But, and I've mentioned this before, I've been wanting to do more for everyone else as well, literally everyone. I've asked a bit about intersex issues and am trying to learn more about what non-binary people who don't lean to one end or the other deal with as well, and I also want all my cis followers to feel just as comfortable and supported by me as well - and, of course, that all goes for other transfems as well, whose pain cuts me to the bone.
I'm radically pro-everyone, anon, and I want to help uplift them all without exception. I understand focusing on one's own lane, and I neither judge that nor am attempting to portray myself as a uniquely noble white knight. That's just what I personally choose to put my efforts towards.
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So skelies with a teenage daughter who is just chilling in the living room then door bell rings there daughter looks through the window then scurries off to get there dad to hopefully scare the person off once they open door it's a guy with a bouquet of flowers there daughter immediately takes out her phone clicks on a file with pictures of the same guy with other girls (clearly cheating) and shows there dad and proceeds to tell them that the guy right in front of them is a cheater and a loser and that they cheated on there bestie with there cousin.... If skelies ask how they got that information they just reply with "we have our ways" how would each skeleton react to that and how would they handle the guy at the door
Undertale Sans - He asks you what you want to do. You two can just play dead and leave the door closed you know. If you really want him to go though, he's going to be brutally honest with the guy telling him you don't want him near again and to please leave now. He doesn't want to intrude on his daughter's life so he lets them deal with the rest. If you need more help, you know where to find him.
Undertale Papyrus - He tells the guy you're not here before telling him what he's doing is not ok and to properly lecture them about this. He also informs the guy that the flowers he chose are really bad and to please learn the symbolism behind the flowers because even he is embarrassed for that guy.
Underswap Sans - He goes to open the door in his police officer suit and watches with a big smile as the guy immediately starts to panic and tries to justify why they're here. Blue doesn't say a word the entire time, eventually, the guy apologizes for no reason and runs away. Blue usually doesn't like to scare people with his uniform, but oh well, it's a little satisfying sometimes.
Underswap Papyrus - Well obviously the both of you are not home and you know what, you will be even less home the seconds he teleports the both of you to that attraction park near the beach so you can stop thinking about that idiot. Honey shortcuts the both of you for a fun day to forget this little accident.
Underfell Sans - He tells his baby to not worry about this then opens the door, making sure to look threatening and not happy to be bothered. "ya have the money kid?" "The m-money?" "ya're here for the drug right? where's my money?" He then jubilates as the teenager starts to apologize and retreat, more and more distressed as Red keeps pushing his little game, even threatening him if he dares to come back. You're not seeing that man ever again lol.
Underfell Papyrus - It's ok, he knows the power of his scary face. He assures his daughter he got this, then simply opens the door, welcoming the teenager with one of his best death glares. The poor guy doesn't even know what to say anymore as Edge is simply staring him down in complete silence, the face completely shut down, in a severe expression. He won't have to say anything actually as the teenager apologizes, says that he had the wrong house and immediately leaves lol.
Horrortale Sans - All he hears is that his precious baby is scared and that's because of that man behind the door. Despite Willow running from the kitchen to stop him when he notices his change of expression, Oak opens the door and lunges at the teenager who immediately runs for his life, chased by a very pissed-off Oak on all four, chased himself by a panicking Willow begging him to calm down.
Horrortale Papyrus - He screams throught the door to leave because he won't open. The teenager still insists so Willow opens the goose enclosure and lets his favorite guard birds take care of the intruder. Not five minutes later, the poor guy retreated into a tree, screaming for help, surrounded by 20 angry geese who are waiting for him to come down.
Swapfell Sans - He calmly opens the door, looks at the man from head to toe with a disgusted expression, says "Ew, no." and closes the door to their face, never opening it again. He agrees with you, that man doesn't deserve you.
Swapfell Papyrus - At first, Rus hoped the man would leave, but since they insisted, he went upstairs, picked a big bucket of slime, and then threw it by the window, right on the guy's face. He then chuckles and watches the show as the poor teenager starts to scream and struggle against the slime. He even invites his daughter to watch how pathetic that is.
Fellswap Gold Sans - It's ok, sweetie, he got you. He opens the door, puts his gun on the head of the teenager, says calmly that if he sees him ever again they're going to lose their brain and then casually closes the door to their face. Anyway, do you want a new luxury car to make them so jealous they're going to cry like a baby? He can do that!
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee picks your hand and drags you to his closet. You know what some people say, right? If you don't see the problem anymore, then the problem doesn't exist anymore. As long as you don't leave the closet, that guy does not exist, and when you get out with him eventually, the situation will have magically resolved itself. Trust him, he's a specialist in that.
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simplydnp · 4 hours
I have struggled for months to make friends on dnp twitter, so i tried tumblr and I'm having the same struggle again. How does everyone have so many mutuals, I feel lonely lol
aww anon i'm sorry you feel that way.
mutuals & followers, especially on here, are a little overrated. i'm so grateful i have them, but it's not the be-all-end-all of existence. some people really like to be mutuals, for others it isn't a big deal. especially since you may be mutuals, but it's someone's sideblog so it doesn't show that you are.
true friendship is something that takes a long time to build, especially in an online setting, as it's not like school or work where you're situationally around each other a lot. i wouldn't stress too much.
i sort of fell into friendship on here--my main purpose for this blog was for me to get my thoughts out about dnp, and see what others were saying. it wasn't specifically with friendship in mind. the friends happened along the way. but i think it was a full year before i made an actual friend on my old blog.
there aren't any hard and fast rules that guarantee friendship, but from my experience, people value authenticity. i post to make myself laugh, or something that made me feel wild.
something else that can help is personalizing your blog/blogging experience. you're more approachable if you have a name in your bio (doesn't have to be your government one, but something people can call you). how do people get a sense of your personality? are you writing your own posts, are you writing in the tags, etc.
now, even if you do all of this. there's still no guarantee it'll work. sometimes, people just aren't looking for new friends. and that's allowed. try to make this experience something you enjoy, and then, hopefully, people will share in that joy with you, but if not, being here still makes you happy.
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asvterias · 2 days
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟧: 𝖶𝖾𝗅𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝖳𝗈 𝖢𝖺𝗆𝗉 𝖧𝖺𝗅𝖿-𝖡𝗅𝗈𝗈𝖽
the cast // series masterlist
chap. 1 || chap. 2 || chap. 3 || chap. 4 || chap. 5
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word count: 5.1k+
author’s note: anyways, i hope you liked this chapter! please don’t be a silent reader and interact within the chapter.
tag list: @s0r0ws @starvviss @kjisbae17 @lov3rgiiirl @starless-nightz @random-girls-loves @coolgirl458
ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ➴  ᡣ𐭩 ྀིྀ  ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ➴  ᡣ𐭩 ྀིྀ
Foreshadowing, Reader is once again pulling bitches 😏, Adrianna and Reader are 100% besties!, Reader kinda being naive, Luke trying to flirt with a lesbian but she’s clueless as hell about it 😭
Bold alone are the Dreams
Italics alone are the Reader’s thoughts.
ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ➴  ᡣ𐭩 ྀིྀ  ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ➴  ᡣ𐭩 ྀིྀ
Chiron toured the siblings throughout the outskirts of the camp. “This is a sacred valley. Humans can’t see it, monsters can’t enter it. The world can’t touch it. Great care was taken to bring you two here, and great sacrifice.”
Your eyes traveled to a group of boys, tending to a flower bed, goat legs for humans, the same ones as Grover’s, so they must be the same species.
The three of you ventured into the forest, lantern posts every few feet away, directing the journey. Two owls landed on the tree branches above you, staring down at you as you continued to walk through the forest.
“So, there’s something I gotta tell you. I lost your pen-sword thingy,” Percy remembers.
“Oh, yeah, me too,”
“Hopefully those weren’t your only ones,”
“Check your pocket.”
“No, we lost it the other night, on the hill.”
“Check your pocket,” Chiron repeats.
Sharing a glance with your brother, you two checked your pocket, pulling it an object…the same pen.
“Unless you surrender it, it will always find its way back to you. Magical objects don’t obey the physical laws of the ordinary world. Your pen, my wheelchair, they’re all a part of your father’s world, as are the two of you now.”
“Speaking of our father, do you know where he is or who he is?”
Just like that, someone else dismisses your statement. “I have something to show you,” It was really starting to get annoying at this point. Why couldn’t someone be honest and straightforward at this camp?!
Stopping at a clearing, you observed the scenery ahead of you. It was beautiful, you’d admit that, but this wasn’t a vacation, it was a sanctuary for fellow demigods like you.
“Twelve cabins, for twelve Olympian gods.” He gestured to the specific cabins.
Children walked and ran around the vicinity, an arrow arranged at the front, guiding the different cabins with the gods’ names on them. “Each cabin is home to the children that god has claimed.”
“Great, which ones are we?”
Chiron pauses, looking down as a frown overtook his face. “You have not been claimed, neither of you.”
“What? Do we need to get a blood test or something to find out? It can be done, but my brother gets squeamish at the sight of needles…and blood, but no worries, I’ll hold him down or we can knock him out for a while.” You suggested your insight. “Unlike him, I have self-control,”
“No, no, no, that’s not how it works around here, Y/N,” he chuckles at your thought process.
“Well, when do we get claimed?”
“The gods reveal their design in their own time, not before. Your father might claim you tomorrow, it might be next week, it might be–“
“Never,” You cut him off with an unconvinced yet dejected expression.
“Even now, he still wants nothing to do with us. What are we even doing here? There’s no place for us here.”
“There is a place for you two.” He points to the nearby cabin behind you, “Here…Hermes, gods of travelers.”
“His cabin is home to both his own children and the unclaimed.”
“No, what is needed is for another Hermes cabin to be constructed and built another one.”
Finally walking into the cabin, Chiron looks around at the busy campers. “Everyone. Everyone.”
Percy reaches out to stop Chiron. “Wait– wait a minute.” It was no use, Chiron didn’t hear him.
“Everyone.” He claps his hands together, silencing down their conversations and gaining all their attention. “This is Percy Jackson and Y/N Matthews. I trust you will see to whatever he needs.” He introduced the two siblings.
“I know you feel powerless, but you’re not. All will reveal itself in time.” After that, he left the cabin.
You nudged Percy forward, quickly sauntering over to the two sleeping bags on the floor with your belongings. Sending a hard scowl to everyone who shared a weird glance at your brother, forcefully breaking their eyes off of you two.
Once you approached your belongings on the floor, you groaned in annoyance. Kneeling down on one knee, and opening your bag, you searched for the mini clear bag of seashells your mom gave you a few days ago. You smiled in appreciation, tightening your grip on the object.
“That’s them. I think that’s the girl who killed the Minotaur and her brother.” Your ears perked up at a boy's voice who seemed to be looking your way.
You glared at the boys, dropping your item back in your bag, standing up to your feet, and keeping Percy behind you as the main boy walked up to you.
He was cute, but not your type.
“Listen here, Prince Charming and his goonies, I don’t have the energy for this and neither does my brother. Try again tomorrow, maybe we’ll be prepared for this bullshit of being a bully, got it?”
He had curly black hair, a notable scar on his right cheek, and a toned body.
“Heard what happened to you on the hill. And I just…wanted to say I’m really sorry. I know what you’re going through, believe me.”
Wait a damn minute. He’s good-looking and has a nice personality, oh something’s definitely wrong with him. Either the universe is being too nice or he isn’t what he pretends to be.
You nodded in surprise at his empathy, “Uh, thanks for that, I guess.”
“I’m Luke.” He held his hand out, wanting you to shake it.
“Y/N,” you shook his hand, warningly of the boy’s true intentions.
“Great name.”
“Thanks, you have a basic name.”
He laughs slightly. “So, I’ve been told,”
“My name is Percy, she’s my older sister,”
“Cool, I’m Luke,”
“…I know, I heard you the first time,”
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You were sitting at a mini campfire beside Percy in the middle of the desert as the night sky peaked. He watched as the sand slipped between his fingers and you smiled in contentment.
It was the same voice from your previous daydream, coming from a binding light in the far distance. “Ah, he left you two here, left you with nothing. I know how you feel. You want what’s been taken from you. You two want justice…” A sudden sandstorm crawls at your feet, shaking you back into reality and startling you awake from your sleep.
You shoot up from your bed, gasping in heavy breaths as you remember your surroundings. Looking down at your brother, who slept peacefully, you exhaled a breath of relief with your hand resting on your chest.
Your hand rummages through your hair cloth, scratching the braids underneath the fabric.
“You okay?” Luke asks, arising from his bed.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just nightmares.” You breathed out.
“We all have them, you know. Intense, recurring nightmares. That’s normal here. And the daydreams, and the ADHD, and dyslexia.” He explains to you, “Demigods just process reality differently than humans do. For the first time in your life, you’re just like everyone else.”
“Do you also have a sleeping pill to reduce these nightmares or are those nonexistent with decent fashion sense here too?”
“Sorry to say we don’t,” He chuckles, “But there are other ways to cope,”
“Oh, yeah, like what? Take a walk around the camp. Or maybe, a late-night swim should ease it up,” You feigned interest, unwrapping your hair cloth and tossing it in your bag.
“I like you, you’re funny.”
“I’ve been told sarcasm is my greatest quality,” You smiled, getting up out of your sleeping bag, and yawning as you stood up.
“Do you wanna take a walk?”
“Sure, I’ll wake Percy up.” You shuffled over to wake him up but Luke’s calm voice stopped you.
“No. No, perhaps maybe just you and me. You should let your brother get some more sleep.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and shrugged at his explanation, standing upright and retreating back to him.
“Really? What’s there to talk about?”
Before he could admit it, your brother Percy stirred awake, a tired groan escaping his lips.
“Looks like you owe me a walk and talk, later,” You wink at him, giggling slightly as your brother groans again.
“Sure,” he blushes, “I’ll hold you to that.”
Percy stood up, walking over to the two of you, groggily wiping away the exhaustion out of his eyes.
“How’d you guys sleep?”
“Like a baby,” You sarcastically respond.
“Decent enough,”
“So, Luke, are you also…do you not know who your–“
“Am I unclaimed? No, Hermes is my father.”
“That’s good…right?” You gave him a shrug.
“Not as great as you think.”
“Right, sorry, Luke.”
“That doesn’t matter, we’re all on the same team here.” He brushes off the topic of his father.
Are we really though? Your intuition disagrees with the dark-haired boy, but you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. You just met him anyway, no need for judgment so early.
“Why is that okay? Why do they get to bring us here to just ignore some of us?”
“Spend too much time trying to figure out why the gods do whatever it is they do, you’ll drive yourself crazy. Sooner you stop worrying about that, the sooner you can enjoy what this place actually does offer,”
“And what’s that?” You inquired, fixing your braids.
“Glory,” He tilts his head, glancing at you. Percy noticed the interaction between the two and scrunched in disgust.
You walk ahead of the two, excitedly cheering upon seeing Adrianna by the door.
“Don’t gain a crush on my sister, she isn’t into you like that.”
“What?” He splutters, astonishment written all over his face. “I don’t have a crush on your sister!” He hastily defends the assumption.
“Hmmmm…well whether you do or don’t, a word to the wise, she loves girls, like absolutely loves girls, and completely despises the majority of the male population.”
“Okay…thanks for the heads up,”
“It wasn’t meant to put you at ease, it was meant for you to back off my sister completely.” Percy implied, “So no more weird longing looks at her, or subtle flirting either. She loves girls and is definitely a 100% girl kisser. Stop searching for something that isn’t there, it’ll only affect you here, got it dude?” He insists, raising an eyebrow.
“Totally, got it.”
“Good,” he huffs, “That’s all I wanted to say,”
The two boys catch up as you all walk around to explore the camp. Luke was accompanied by one of his many half-siblings, Chris Rodriguez, and a dear friend, Adrianna Smith who shared the same kindness to the Jackson siblings.
“Demigods have always fought for glory. They used to call it kleos. It’s like this stuff that attaches itself to your name.”
“What if I don’t want any more friends?”
“Then you have me,” He smiles down at you.
“And space,” Percy shoves Luke aside, bringing you closer to him.
“Personal space is very important too and it seems Luke forgot about it. Don’t you worry either, dear sister, I’ll always be here to remind him.”
“Good, I guess,” You agreed, oblivious to his statement.
“At first this place can be really shitty,” Adrianna starts, keeping her arms looped with yours, “But I trust you’re gonna love it..or tolerate it in the end,” the blonde shrugs her shoulders, “It’s really up to you,”
“Stop being such a debbie downer, Adrianna,” Luke rolls his eyes.
“Can’t do that, it’s my passion,”
He continues, “Glory makes you bigger, scarier, more important. People listen closer when you talk, they work harder to be you and they think twice about messing with you.”
All of a sudden, a girl bumps into Percy and exclaims in protest causing the random girl to turn her head, now facing you.
Sparing one glance at the boy, and pushing against his chest, easily shoving him to the ground. Percy lands on the ground with a grunt, as the girl sizes you up, standing beside Chris.
“Give him a break, Clarisse, it’s like his first day,” Luke tells the curly-haired girl.
She briefly looked at Percy and then shifted her gaze onto you.
“Yeah, I bet…” she jeers, cockiness and sarcasm in her tone. “So these are the two newbies, huh?”
Her dark brown eyes flicker from you to Percy, a malicious intent as she smirks. “We’ve met before, right? You’re the same cute clueless girl with the annoying brother I talked to at the infirmary cabin.”
She was nice to you earlier, but now she’s being mean? Probably uses that as a defense mechanism to put her walls up, you could see right through her.
Your face remained stoic, currently incapable of displaying any emotion of gratitude to the girl. This was not the time to approach a bully, much less a self-appointed popular girl at this camp.
You were tired, your body was exhausted and your stomach grumbled in irritation or hunger, possibly even both. This familiar girl bullying your brother wasn’t what you had in store for today, out of all days. Why couldn’t today, out of all days, be peaceful?
You shove her back, using much force to have her stumble back, “What’s your problem?”
Clarisse looks at you in bewilderment and scoffs, “Excuse me?”
“Did I stutter? You bothered my brother first so it’s only fair! Do you feel entitled to bully my brother?”
The curly-haired girl glares at you, stepping up closer, “If I were you, I’d watch my tone when talking to me.”
You step closer to her, “My tone’s staying the same, you got a problem with it, use all that pent-up anger for something good and prove me wrong but if you’re all talk, pipe the fuck down and stay out of my way.”
“Here I was thinking you were nice and quiet, guess I was wrong. So how you doing, clueless?!”
“Fine until I saw you.”
“I doubt that, clueless girl,”
Yeah, you highly doubted that yourself.
“Stop calling me that!”
“No! I like that nickname for you so I’m keeping it!” Taking two firm steps closer to you, she looks you up and down, “If you want me to stop, then make me, Matthews.”
“Another time, I suppose.”
“No, no, no! Do it now, Matthews, unless you’re too much of a pussy to put me back in my place,” She got closer to your face, noses touching and lips barely hovering over the other.
“Well, you are what you eat.” You retorted back, “Does that apply to you too, LaRue?”
She scoffs, ignoring your remark.
“Never in a million years would I ever kiss you.”
“I never specified which girl you would kiss. Which meant I was on your mind for you to be thinking of kissing me.” You teased her. “Never say never, LaRue,”
Her eyes flickered briefly towards your lips, she looked flustered, immediately covering up her blush. She nods her head, feigning to be understanding, and distances herself a few inches away. Considering her impressed by your assertive tone she changed the subject almost immediately.
“Wait, so you’re the siblings who killed the Minotaur, right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Hmmm…I don’t believe it.”
“We’re not asking you to nor do we really care if you believe us, it already happened, we have the proof as well.”
Clarisse partially smiles, eyes trailing down your figure, checking you out as she clicks her tongue, “I like you, you’re quite bitchy, just my type.”
“I’m surprised you’re capable of having a crush on someone,”
“Me too,” she confidently admits, “But I guess someone might change that.”
“Keep on dreaming La Rue.” You scoffed at her flirty remarks.
“You never know, pretty girl.” the nickname rolls off her tongue smoothly.
You hate to admit how sultry her voice was, hanging off that nickname made you flustered. And with that, Clarisse and her posse of half-siblings left as Percy got up from the forest ground.
“Wow, no one’s really stood up to Clarisse like that before,” Luke admits, blowing out a breath of surprise.
“She seems nice.”
“I’m taking it that she’s this camp’s bully.”
“Ares kids, they come by it honestly.”
“She’s not gonna let you live this down,” Chris informs you, observing how your eyes still follow Clarisse’s figure.
“Yeah, I know,” you glance at Clarisse walking off in the distance and drift your attention to your younger brother, “But no one bullies my brother, that’s my job.” you ruffle with Percy’s blonde hair as he rolls his eyes at you.
“Haha, very funny…” Percy sarcastically replies, swatting your head away from his head.
“You’re right, I am the funnier sibling.”
“Says who?”
“Says you. You just said it!”
Luke chuckles at your sibling banter, “C’mon guys, let’s finish the tour.”
“Why don’t they mess with you?”
“They know better.”
“Luke’s the strongest swordsman at camp,” Chris boasts.
“To which I still doubt to this very day,” Adrianna interjects.
“How would you know, you’re always in your father’s workshop all the time,”
“So they leave you alone because of ‘glory’?” Luke nods his head, allowing Percy to continue, “So if I get glory, Clarisse wouldn’t mess with me either,”
“And people think I’m a big deal?”
“Well…” Adrianna trails off, “They think Y/N is a big deal, considering she actually killed the Minotaur, but it’s good to have hope.”
“So that means, our dad has no choice but to claim us,” he assumes, looking at you.
Luke and Adrianna shared a skeptical glance.
“Listen here, little dude, you can’t force the gods to do anything,” The blonde girl advised.
“Well yeah, but it would make it harder for him to pretend that me and my sister don’t exist, right?”
“Or our dad could be really great at ignoring his biggest responsibilities and many years of child support.” You commented.
“Maybe,” Luke squints his eyes.
“To which one?”
“To which one what?”
“Were you responding to me or Percy?”
“Umm…” he blew a breath of uncertainty, “I don’t…Adri knows who I was referring to…”
“Firstly, Adri is reserved for Y/N only, not anyone else. Secondly, yeah dude you weren’t being specific,” Adrianna adds.
“Traitor,” Luke scoffs playfully.
“I think that’s you!” Adrianna remarked.
You saw him tense up at the remark and your curiosity got the better of you. Why did he tense up like that? Is there more to the story Luke is letting on? Does he truly seek good intentions for you and your brother, Percy?
It took him a while to finally answer the question.
“Maybe for both,”
“And the world may never know,”
“Great, right back where we started,” You sighed.
“Nevermind, Luke, guys.” Chris clears his throat, sending the awkward atmosphere, “Let’s put your skills to the test, see if you’re really deserving of glory,”
“Well, great. Where do we start?” Your little brother’s eagerness was clear as day.
You can never figure out if Percy’s pessimistic or optimistic, however, you were a more ‘go with the flow’ kinda of girl.
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You witnessed the girl in the wheelchair, using a bow and flaming arrow, aiming her weapon at the practice target, smiling when it landed the bullseye.
“A good source of glory are feats of skill,” Luke states, handing you a bow and arrow. “So, we gotta figure out what you’re good at.”
“Well, I don’t have it anymore, guess my glory was fun while it lasted,” You shrugged, turning to walk away, patting Luke’s chest, “I’ll see you around,”
Luke reached out his hand to grab you but Percy’s unimpressed gaze stopped him. Percy shoots him that ‘Don’t even think about it!’ stare. Adrianna found it funny how oblivious you were to this current situation and relished the boys’ tactics. So to taunt Luke even further, she grabs hold of your hand, smirking when you accept the kind gesture.
Adrianna tugs on your arm, dragging you back to her, “It doesn’t hurt to try,”
“It may hurt for the bystanders,”
“Stop being such a worry wart, it promotes wrinkles and you can’t have that on a pretty face.”
“You think I have a pretty face?”
“How could I not?!”
“I do have a pretty face, don’t I?”
“Dare I say the most gorgeous one at this camp,” She winks.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Adri,” you playfully reprimand.
“I’m quite certain I can handle things firsthand, I’m a hands-on learner,”
“Oh really?”
“Wanna find out?” She checks you out. You’d be lying right now if your cheeks weren’t so flustered, and tiny butterflies didn’t erupt in your stomach.
Luckily, your brown skin diminished any sight of blushing, only others to assume, just the way you’d prefer it to be. For others to be unsuspecting and unaware.
This was how best friends act all the time anyway so you played along, just for the fun of it.
“Are we here to flirt or are we here to train?!”
“I can do both at the same time,” Adrianna tilts her head at the Castellan boy, enjoying his torment to the fullest, much to his dismay. She glanced at you, a smirk appearing, “How, Y/N, what about you?”
“I’ll need some practice,”
“And I’ll be happy to teach you,” She smugly states, moving closer to you, and settling beside the wheelchair girl.
You shuffled with the bow in your hand, feeling uneasy with the weapon placed in your care. Adrianna hands you an arrow, and the wheelchair girl lights up the tip of the arrow with a generic gas lighter.
“Is this safe?”
“Probably not,” The girl shrugs.
“So you decide to put us all at risk because of your uncertainty?” You asked incredulously, “Oh I’m loving this camp!” You stepped closer to the target, aiming your weapon at the target, closing one eye for better perception, pulling back the arrow, and releasing it toward the target. You held your breath, watching the arrow hurl towards the target, smiling when it landed, missing the bullseyes by a few inches.
“Told you that you’ll love it!”
“Not bad for your first try,”
“Told you,” Adrianna grins.
“Your turn, Percy!” You shoved the two-pieced weapon in his arms.
“I wanna be very clear about this. I’ve never done anything like this, and it looks super dangerous.”
“Ehh and you and Y/N never double-teamed killing a Minotaur before either, ‘til you did,”
“Y/N did all the work,” Percy mumbles, “Why does everyone keep forgetting that?”
The girl moved to light the tip of the arrow on fire, but he pulled away, “I wouldn’t,” He warned the girl.
“Trust me, he wouldn’t,” You stared at the girl who chuckled in your direction, backing away from Percy a bit.
He stepped forward, fixing his posture on the arrow, stretching the arrow back, and releasing it into the air. Too bad his aim was horrible making it fly over to the group of spectator campers. Scaring everyone else, they ducked down, trying to dodge the flying arrow and Percy tripped onto the grass himself.
Your brother blinked once, staring at the distressed faces of the campers, and hesitantly asked; “Should I try again?”
There were many clamors of disagreements after that, earning boisterous laughs from you and Adrianna. Obviously, Percy is now a safety hazard towards bows and arrows, so hopefully he will become more resourceful with another weapon soon.
Next, you two ended up in the camp’s workshop, bustling with sweating eager kids rushing around to create variations of weapons for later use.
“Now we’re in my domain,” Adrianna laughs, ushering you and Percy to wear aprons, gloves, and safety glasses.
“I’ll handle Y/N, Luke you got Percy,”
Luke agreed, disappearing further into the workshop with Percy.
“So your godly parent is…”
“Hephaestus, god of forgery. None of those titles matter anyway if you’re just gonna be a shit dad to your children.” She mutters, eyes lingering on the ground. You could hear the hurt in her voice as she strained to maintain an emotionless tone.
“Adri…” You longed to comfort your friend but refrained from doing so.
“Don’t know why I said that, but continue.”
She hums, encouraging you to continue.
“Everything isn’t okay, you can tell me anything. I know we just met but–“
“Maybe another time,”
“Whenever you feel comfortable,” You rubbed a hand over her shoulder.
“Great, now back to figuring out your skills.” She points to the inflamed metal.
“I don’t deal with melting shit of any kind, I’m barely even trusted to cook on the stove by myself,”
“Relax, Y/N. Just follow after me,”
You place the safety glasses over your eyes, grabbing the hammer. The melted metal was already in place as you repeatedly hit the hammer against it, hoping to mold the heated metal. It was going well for a while, until you lost control and the heated piece of steel flew across the air, landing on heaps of bags.
Your eyes widened when those bags caught on fire and Adrianna grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the disaster.
That was an epic fail!
Apparently, when you reunited with Luke and Percy, the same occurrence happened with your brother. Now some Hephaestus’ kids were currently disposing of fires, accidentally created by the two siblings.
Great minds think alike, you guessed.
“When’s lunch, I’m starving,”
Chris laughed at your question.
“What’s so funny about that? I was serious.” You deadpanned, glaring at him. “I never joke about food, keep that in mind.”
His laughs came to a halt at your seriousness as he cleared his throat, dismissing the slight embarrassment he felt.
“Oh, I love you already, I don’t fuck about my food either,” Adrianna laughs, skipping over to wrap an arm around your shoulder. “C’mon let’s ditch the boys, I have a hoard of snacks to keep you occupied until lunch,”
You giggled at her suggestion, instantly agreeing, allowing her to drag you away to her cabin.
“Seems like Y/N and Adrianna are getting along pretty well,” Chris comments.
“Yep, that’s good.” Percy smiles in recognition, pleased to see you content and not in a gloomy depressed state, troubled by your losses.
He knows you’re burying the pain and suffering, at least for his sake. Regardless if you were putting on a mask to protect him, your brother was highly aware that certainly, you admired having a friend of your own and the happiness it came with.
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The siblings meet up at the dining pavilion, Percy sits in between you and Adrianna with Luke and Chris across from them.
“Is there a Greek god of disappointment?” Percy asks, letting his question linger in the air before resuming, “Maybe someone should ask him if he’s missing a kid.”
“I think they should, you know,”
Percy turns to you, “Oh, gee, dear sister, you sure know how to brighten my mood,” He sarcastically
“I know,” You giggle, “You’re blessed to have me, all of you are, but my future girlfriend will be the most blessed to be dating me,”
“No doubt about it.” Adrianna winks.
“Are you two flirting?” Percy squints his eyes.
“Yes, but in a platonic way,”
Luke attempted to encourage the blonde boy, but Chirs beat him to it as he stared at his brother in confusion.
“Oizys…but she’s a goddess, and her whole thing isn’t really a disappointment, it’s more like a failure,” Chris stated blankly, playing with his food, obviously not reading the room.
“Now I know who never comes to me when I need consolation,” you shake your head, chewing your food.
His brother, Luke blinked incredulously, rolling his eyes at him, and turned to Percy.
“We’re gonna find the thing that you’re good at. I know it.” He reassures the blonde boy.
“Yeah, but do you… like truly? Don’t give him false hope,” You reinstated.
A chiming bell cuts the conversation short, confusing you and Percy.
“Our turn.”
“Our turn for what?”
“Burnt offerings,”
“The gods like the smell, so it gets their attention before you say a prayer,” Luke confirms.
“They like the smell of burnt mac and cheese?”
“You telling me that I must waste my blessed food on deadbeat immortal gods?! Nah, fuck that, Imma eat every ounce of my food. What did those gods do to earn my leftovers, nothing at all,” You exclaimed, raising an eyebrow.
“They like the smell of begging,” Adrianna includes, standing up with her plate.
“That’s believable, but it’s not worth the sacrifice of my food, it’s too precious,” You defended your food, “And also…I ate everything from my plate,” You trailed off, staring down at your empty plate.
“It’s fine, I’ll share with you,” Adrianna suggested.
“You’ll burn what you’ll miss the most, then they know you really mean what you’re about to say, so they listen.” Luke finishes, leaving with his plate alongside Adrianna.
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Later that night, you headed to bed early, exhaustion deep in your bones. Adrianna had spent the entire day with you, departing from you with a comforting hug, and going to her own cabin.
You felt Percy shuffled against his sleeping bag, causing you to groan and stir slowly awake.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You whispered to him, rubbing out the tiredness away from your eyes with concern written all over your face.
“Just gonna talk to my mom,” he clarifies, holding his bag of blue candies in the air.
“Do you want me to come with you?” You began to remove your blanket.
“No, no, I’ll be fine, stay here.”
“Be safe,” you whispered to him with a small grin.
“I will,” he reassures you with a small smile and he snuck out past the many campers in the cabin.
Reassured by his disappearance, you laid back in your bed, snuggling into the cover sheets as sleep peacefully claimed you once again.
Day 1 at Camp Half-Blood seemed to be decent at least.
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likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto any other platforms without my permission.
33 notes · View notes
hamoodmood · 2 days
Being a female mysogynist is no better than being a male misogynist, discriminating against someone because of there sex or race is pretty sad, as is playing the victim card I feel sorry for you having that mindset, there is good and bad in everyone hopefully as you mature you will see this I know you want attention but your going about it in the wrong way.
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Women hating men is like a defense mechanism, in a way to deal with our fears. On the other hand, men hating women is what makes us feel the need to protect ourselves. Males are always quick to claim who's "really" oppressed. They go around committing crimes like rape, murder, assault, harassment, stalking and messing with women's lives. It's no wonder women hate and don't trust men when they're basically responsible for most world's problems. So misandry is not the same as misogyny.
So no, I'm not playing the victim here, in fact I am the victim of SH. I'm not seeking attention. I know it's not ALL men and I'm not hating on every man but what can I do when I'm just scared of them.
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throughtrialbyfire · 3 days
𝐖𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 ♥
i'm on time again!!!! >:3 hoping to make this a habit.
tagged by the lovely @your-talos-is-problematic !!!!
tagging the amazing @thequeenofthewinter @orfeoarte @dirty-bosmer @viss-and-pinegar and @oblivions-dawn !!!!
this is a long snippet of the first draft for chapter 33 of Cycle of the Serpent! sleeping in dorms is proving more difficult than expected for the trio. <3
The only thing the College of Whispers had over the dorms in the Bard's College was that at least in the College of Whispers, it was quiet. Aptly living up to its name, the cynosures shrouded in mystery held silence as priority at certain times of day, unless one was practicing the skills learnt during the day. Wyndrelis could say he missed it. One could not expect everyone to be totally and completely quiet, but at the very least, the dorms were often granted silence. The Bard's College, on the other hand, could never hope to say the same. It did not help that the kitchens were so close to the dorms, where a large hearth crackled and spat. It did not help that the year-round students practiced their instruments long into the night. And it certainly did not help that he couldn't hear the breathing of another two elves beside him. The noises of sleeping in an inn had never bothered him. It was something he'd gotten used to over the years. Spending so many of them on the road meant that the conversations, the laughter, and the playing of a traveling group of bards had become a normal sound to him. But the discordant sounds of several different songs played in several different locations cracked against his skull and thundered through his temples. He would adjust, hopefully. But for now, he bent his pillow over his ears, and stared to the wall. He made vein attempts to push away the thought of how cold the bed was, how small, how empty.
Wyndrelis did not like to be touched. He despised any attempts to hug him, and worse, if someone did and would not let go, he would not hesitate to give them a hard shove to get them off of him. But the minor distance between himself and his two companions in the beds they had shared, while at first deeply uncomfortable, settled into normalcy to the point that not being able to reach behind himself and place a hand on one of them left the room colder than if every hearth in Solitude were smothered. He would adjust. Still, he turned on his side, wide awake against his will and stared to the wall that met him all too closely. How many weeks had the trio been on the road? How many combined days? How much time had he spent drifting off to the dying sounds of an inn at night, to two other's breathings, to two other's whispers for Athenath to give back some of the blankets, for Athenath to grumble a response about how cold their back was, for Emeros to scoff and tug in a way that pulled them from Wyndrelis and left the mage sitting up in dazed, groggy confusion. Apologies and laughter and Wyndrelis grinning, before he gave the blankets a hard tug until they barely covered the other two, the rush of cold air raising bumps on their skin as the other elves scrambled for more warmth. Then they were up, and talking, and then back to sleep as soon as they could with a candle blown out and the sounds of movement below. His chest sunk. He pulled the blankets over himself and up to his nose. He would never have to worry about blanket thieving and being kept awake. That didn't mean he couldn't miss it. The Dunmer closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath, the noise of instruments set aside in slow succession through the dorms sealing the silence around him, and while he did not dream - as he often did not - the flicker of the light under his door carried itself far into his sleep.
Morning roused him from bed with deep apprehension. Did he want to get up? There was nothing the trio had to do, and nowhere they had to go, so did it matter when he woke or what he did with the time he had? But the thrum of life throughout the dorms caught him on its hook, the sounds of people milling about in the nearby kitchens, and even if he wanted to, it would be impossible for him to fall back into unconsciousness now. He greeted the cold that swept over him as he tugged his blankets off with about as much joy as he could muster, which was none at all, currently. He pulled his clothes on in a hurry and combed through his hair with his fingers, his reflection in an inkpot barely doing any good to guide him. But he saw that he was at least half-presentable, and pushed open the door to his dorm. There stood Emeros and Athenath, the Bosmer's hand raised to knock on the door, the Altmer's reaching for the handle, as if they had been disagreeing over which way to wake him. He blinked, brows raised as he observed them both. Neither looked as though they had slept too well, but were still alert, dressed, and ready for the day. He shifted his gaze from one to the other, and entertained the notion that maybe all three of them had been plagued by the absence of the others. Not likely, he scolded himself, and pushed his glasses up his nose.
"What do we do first?" He asked. Athenath grinned. "Let's grab breakfast, then maybe walk around the town?" The Altmer suggested. "We haven't exactly had a chance to enjoy being in Solitude, so…" "That sounds alright," Wyndrelis shrugged, pushing his door closed behind himself. "I should like to peruse the local apothecary. I've got a few things I would like to pick up, if that's alright." Wyndrelis looked to Emeros as he spoke, the Bosmer's words as clipped and calm as ever, but an undercurrent of sleeplessness ran through them like a dark river. He turned to Athenath, whose usual restlessness had been replaced in the night with a mild shuffling of feet, or fidgeting of hands, running a thumb nail under the other nails on his opposite hand. "I'm sure we can do that," Wyndrelis managed a chuckle, Emeros' features lightening as he moved towards the kitchens, ready to begin the day properly.
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