#so checking which of my short stories i can re-publish
maybebabyplease · 1 year
is there any project you're working on rn? 👀
(yes or no)
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emillyverse · 3 months
Production stages of the Fan Comic of "The Wish Kingdom" !!!
(written by @annymation)
And as promised, here is the "schedule" I said I was putting together for the Comic fic production process.
In the end, this isn't really a "timeline", it's more like a list of what I'll do to build the comic. I want to make all the processes very clear and described to give you an idea of how it will be done and a small idea of how long it will take.
Remembering that I am a human being, not an AI to do things quickly, I have another life beyond networks and this project.
Besides the fact that none of us are being paid to do this comic (although I really wanted to, I'm not going to lie), all of this is being done on the basis of love, affection, positivity and adoration for the initial concepts dispensed by Disney, their classic films that really made that company grow and the main messages conveyed by Walt Disney while he was still alive: "If you can dream something, you can make it happen!" and "It's fun to do the impossible!"
So please be patient and kind to me and the entire team! I already love, adore and thank everyone willing to follow our project.
Well… Let's get started!
1- Rereading and Separating the text:
Starting today (02/26/2024) I will be re-reading Anny's fanfic, separating all of her text into scenes, highlighting the following points:
Characters (designs made by @uva124)
Speeches and facial expressions - the message
Thus defining "who says what, how and in which place?"
Since I will be doing the setting art myself, as the story progresses, I would really appreciate a little help. I'm guessing if you're reading this you've probably already read The Kingdom of Wishes and consequently imagined the scenarios! If you find any images online that remind you of the locations of the scenes in your mind, you can send them to me as a reference! I'm always open to references for drawings!
2- Make the "Thumbnails"
I don't know what term foreigners use to define the thumbnails that make up the first drafts of comics, but here in Brazil, we call them "Doll", in reference to the fact that the sketches are a "test doll" for the comic strip .
Anyway, I digress! It is at this stage that I define the composition of the scenes through sketches. This is where I define what appears or not in the scene, what the scene will be focused on, how I will guide the reader's eye by the meaning of reading the scene, where the lines, the characters, their movements and others will be located… It's a planning phase on how to portray the scenes; the most complex I would say.
3- Review
Here I take a break for two days or three days at most, to relax and forget about the project for a bit. I come back with new energy and review everything that was done, ask for opinions and suggestions from the team, in short, I give a great evaluation and improvement in everything!
4 - Finalization and Publication
In this last step, I transform the sketches into final artwork using graphite pencils, colored pencils and pens that I have available.
When they are all finished, I will publish the comics here and on all my social networks!
I would like to say that yes, I will be posting spoilers for all these stages, watch them at your own risk!
Remembering that English is not my native language, so I really hope everything was understandable! But if you have any questions, you can send questions to me or any member of the team!
And if you want to know a little more about my arts, you can check out my Instagram!
Kisses full of light and stars!
Let's work!!
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copperbadge · 11 months
Because Royals/Ramblers is becoming very long and because Lulu has increased their minimum prices, I’ve been investigating alternate self-publishing options. @thebibliosphere recently warned me (well, not JUST me or anything) away from my primary candidate, Ingram Spark, and I trust Joy; she recommended Draft2Digital so that’s the next one I’m investigating. 
I figured I’d compile the short stories, which would be a relatively small book, and I could try selling that through whatever new channel I go with. It’s a good way to learn how their process works, check their quality, and see how you guys like it before I try it with something bigger. (This may take a while, I’m typesetting the document now but as with all new experiments it often takes extra time.) And if Draft2Digital doesn’t work out I can reissue the book fairly cheaply on Lulu. 
I am however running up against two issues:
1. What to call the thing. Right now I’m calling it “Dinner At The Palace” and that’s fine, but I feel like I can do better somehow. 
2. Do I include the one short story with sex in it? I don’t really want to make two versions of this thing, one with and one without; I also don’t want to place it at the end, because all the other stories are chronological. Maybe I need to consider removing it and saving it for a spicy volume at some point. The football novel has sex, I could add it into that one as a bonus I guess. 
I’m also going to have to do a few rewrites on Cryptofauna if I want to include it, but that’s less of an issue -- it just needs to be bumped from fall of 2022 to fall of 2021, for plot reasons. 
Typesetting is roughly ten thousand times easier now that I have a style guide to work from, I will say. It’s easy enough that I worry I’m missing something because there’s so much I don’t have to go look up.  
Anyway, Royals/Ramblers might be a minute but the short stories should be out in the next month or two, so that’s fun! And the book will come with a timeline of events-to-date so people can marvel at my inability to tell 2021 from 2022. 
And if Draft2Digital is any good, I might consider that overhaul I keep meaning to do, re-typsetting all my older novels to be contiguous with the new style guide and reissuing printings. 2024 will be 15 years since I first published Nameless, so it's tempting. Stressful but tempting.
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FAQ: read before submitting
a note re series: I am more than happy to queue up an entire series on request! if this is what you want, please indicate that explicitly in your submission, especially in cases where the first book in a series and the series as a whole have the same title. otherwise I need to ask for clarification, and it slows down the process of getting your submissions queued up.
where do I submit books?
here. before you submit books, though, please check the list of books that have already been posted or queued. (note: if you’re using the mobile app on an Android phone, you may have to copy the link into your browser in order to access it.)
when submitting multiple books, please submit all of them in a single ask so it’s easier for me to keep track of, especially if you’re submitting them anonymously. also, please include the author’s name!
what counts as having “read” a book?
did you finish the book? then you’ve read it. if you did not finish the book, you have not read it.
do audiobooks / having a book read to you count as having “read” a book?
do you think you’ve “read” the book? then you’ve read it. I’m not here to police your experiences or your relationships with physical books / ebooks / audiobooks / whatever.
does [graphic novel / manga / manhua] count as a “book”?
for the purposes of this poll, a book is a prose narrative, so graphic novels and other visual media with text do not count as “books”.
does [“novella” / “novelette” / short story] count as a “book’?
was it ever published in the form of a book, by itself (i.e., not as part of a collection of texts)? then yes. I don’t care if it was a 10-page pamphlet or a 1000-page behemoth: if it was published on its own, it’s a book. ebook releases count, but short stories published in periodicals (including online periodicals like Uncanny or Strange Horizons) do not.
the one exception is things like The Fellowship of the Ring, which is explicitly the first volume of a single, larger book — in this case you would submit The Lord of the Rings, rather than its component volumes.
does [short story collection] count as a “book”?
for the purposes of this poll, no, unless the stories are linked into some kind of overarching whole. simply sharing a common setting does not qualify (so Le Guin’s Tales of Earthsea would not count as a “book”).
what about [series] as a whole?
no. this blog is asking about single books. feel free to submit multiple books in a series if you’re so inclined, though!
what counts as “fantasy”?
if you think something should count as fantasy, feel free to submit it. I haven’t read every book, and I have a flexible definition of the genre. there are, however, limits to my flexibility — if you send me The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (real, incomprehensible example I’ve seen on a list of “fantasy” recommendations), it’s not getting posted.
if you send me a liminal fantasy like Haïlji’s The Republic of Užupis, especially if it’s not easy to determine from reviews or online information that the book has a fantastic element, it would be helpful if you indicate what aspects of the book mark it as (broadly) fantasy.
note that I am definitely willing to include works of science fantasy like Tamsyn Muir’s The Locked Tomb books. I will not accept Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern books. they’re science fiction, and I will die on this hill.
what about sci-fi?
there’s a blog for that. :-)
does it have to be in English?
no! I read a number of languages and would be more than happy to include books in any language. the demographics of tumblr mean that you’re probably unlikely to get an overall “yes” result for something not in English unless it has a very popular English translation, but I’m always happy to help publicize stuff — and maybe get some book recommendations in the languages I read. :-)
you can see links to all the language tags on this blog here.
could you add more options to the polls?
I’ve considered multiple possibilities and seen many different arrangements of options on different poll blogs, and I’ve concluded that I want to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible, so I will be sticking with just yes and no.
why don’t you include blurbs for the books in these polls?
there are both practical and ideological reasons for this. tl;dr, it’s a lot of work, presents logistical problems for books not originally published in English, and there are books and authors that I categorically don’t want to promote beyond showing people the cover.
check the #faq tag for additional questions and answers.
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lil-tachyon · 7 months
For the last couple years I've been keeping a handwritten list of good horror stories I've read. I guess the most recommendable ones are The Music of Erich Zann by Lovecraft, The Stolen Body by Wells, Mimic by Wollheim, The Thing in the Weeds by Hodgson, Cyclops by Leiber, The Screaming Man by Beaumont, and The Open Window by Saki. I might type up and post the whole list on my blog after I've done some more reading (my list of things I still need to read grows much faster than the other list).
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Including your other suggestions so I can tackle them all in one post.
I wasn't sure I was going to get to all these but I ended up being kinda knocked out by a nasty cold this week and had time to lay up in bed reading through all of them. Which was an absolute pleasure! Thank you for putting this list together. For fun I thought I'd do a mini-review of each story.
For context, I'm the kind of guy that's read probably every H. P. Lovecraft or Clark Ashton Smith story ever published. I had devoured most of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells by the time I was 14. What I'm trying to say is that I'm already a nerd pre-disposed to loving any Weird Fiction or early sci-fi/horror. If that kind of stuff isn't your speed, then adjust your expectations accordingly.
Also SPOILERS AHEAD for 50-100+ year old short stories.
"The Music of Erich Zann" - H. P. Lovecraft - 1921: This was always going to get a recommendation from me, I just enjoy Lovecraft too much. I'm glad I re-read it though, it had been a while and I think this might be one of my favorite of his stories now. The thing that stood out to me this time around was the exploration of the relationship between Zann and the anonymous protagonist. Feels uncharacteristic of a Lovecraft story to focus so much on the interactions between two human characters and it's done with a fair bit of depth. Bonus: no Lovecraftian racism in this story! Also check out this thrash/prog banger from the Mekong Delta album named after this story.
"The Stolen Body" - H. G. Wells - 1898: So when I opened up my copy of A Dream of Armageddon: The Complete Supernatural Tales (a misnomer it turns out, because it didn't contain the other Wells story on this list) I was surprised to find a bookmark exactly halfway through "The Stolen Body" from where I must've stopped the last time I tried reading this anthology over a decade ago. And I can understand why I would've stopped there because this story is kind of a slog. The premise is fine- a man severs his consciousness from his physical body in the course of an experiment in astral projection and is alarmed to find that when he attempts to return to corporeality another spirit has already taken possession of his frame. The problem is that this story is recounted twice- first from the perspective of a friend where, in spite of their incomplete information, it's pretty obvious what has transpired, and then a second time from the astral-projecting protagonist himself. In the protagonist's telling there's an interesting account of his journey through a kind of vapid hell where body-less spirits wander through eternity suffering of boredom and only able to interact with the physical world via mediums but the concept isn't explored in any depth and is recounted in a painfully "tell, don't show" manner. Can't say I recommend, but it's an interesting artifact of a time when late 19th century occultic beliefs showed up in sci-fi. Kind of like how a lot of 50s-70s sci-fi features psychics.
"Mimic" - Donald A Wollheim - 1942: My favorite story from the list. It's weird, compelling, and extremely brief. I won't summarize it because I think you should just read it. Surprised I hadn't heard of it before, especially since there's apparently a Guillermo Del Toro film adaptation of it? Also surprisingly difficult to track down the text. There are a few incomplete versions of it floating around but if you want the full story, I found it as part of this anthology on archive.org.
"The Thing in the Weeds" - William Hope Hodgson - 1913: - Before this, my only exposure to Hodgson had been "The House on the Borderland" (great story by the way), and reading the "The Thing in the Weeds" has me thinking I should dig a bit deeper into his bibliography. Conveys a sense of claustrophobia and anxiety that feels like classic "Weird Tales" fare while dealing with much lower stakes than unnameable cosmic beings. Maybe more horror stories should be set on the open sea...
"Cyclops" - Fritz Leiber - 1965: This is not a story, this is Leiber's idea for a cool vacuum-dwelling space creature dressed up as a story. Dialogue feels totally unnatural, characters are blank slates, tension is set at zero. But the creature is pretty darn cool and the story is very short. So if you want to just read about a neat alien, go ahead!
"The Howling Man" - Charles Beaumont - 1959: I had already seen the Twilight Zone adaptation of this story a while back so I knew the outline of the plot already, but that in no way diminished my joy in reading this. Beaumont's prose is highly engaging and contains a surprising amount of humor that I don't remember being present in the television version. The only real weak point is the ending. I think a bit more ambiguity over whether and to what the extent the Howling Man and the Abbott were lying to the protagonist would've demanded more introspection from the reader. The idea that releasing the Howling Man / Satan is the direct cause of WWII feels a little too simplistic and also depends on this weird assertion that the early Weimar Republic was experiencing an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity that I'm pretty sure doesn't hold up to historical scrutiny. Still highly recommend, a very fun read!
"The Open Window" - Saki / H. H. Munro - 1914: Less a horror story and more a... silly story? I don't know how to describe it other than it feels like the kind of thing you would have to read and analyze for a single high-school English period. Didn't really do anything for me but it's like a 5-minute read so check it out if you want. Does make me wish I could go on one of those "retreats to the countryside for my nerves" that turn-of-the-century English gentleman and ladies are always going on.
"In the Abyss" - H.G. Wells - 1896: A much better Wells story! And I was lucky enough to find this in the other print Wells anthology I own. (I have an addiction to bringing home old paperbacks I don't need but it's a cheap addiction and I don't have the heart to break it. Plus they're all on shelves and alphabetized so my wife can't get mad at me. Anyway, it's the shelves and shelf space that gets expensive...) It can be a little bit "gadget fiction-y" in its description of the submersible but overall it's well-paced with some good tension and a truly weird exploration of an underwater world. Recommend if you're looking for something outright odd or you like specifically underwater sci-fi. Don't recommend if you don't like thinking about the ways you might die in a submersible.
"The Stone Ship" - William Hope Hodgson - 1914: An interesting and definitely weird story, again about strange happenings on the open sea. Stretches the premise a bit too much, both in the actual length of the story and in my willingness to suspend my disbelief of the "scientific" explanation given at the end. I enjoyed it, but for a spookier and shorter take on a similar premise I'd recommend Lovecraft's "Dagon."
Anyway, thank you again @siryl for your recommendations, I had a blast reading through them!
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HOFAS/MAASVERSE THEORY: This is not the story SJM planned to tell us
Listen, if you are feeling let down by the overall lack of an ACOTAR crossover in HOFAS, your feelings are entirely valid and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And I'm saying this as someone who largely finds the Inner Circle insufferable and has the opinion of the less we see Rhysand, the better. But for real. . .point blank, this book was absolutely 100% marketed and hyped as a "crossover" which, in reality, ended up being sort of a stretch. And I believe, that at one point, it truly WAS all it was hyped up to be.
Raise your hand if you felt like HOFAS felt weird, disjointed, and unsatisfying at a lot of points.
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Everyone, right? I don't think I've encountered a single person who can say they never experienced this at any point, even if they loved the book overall.
I'm sure some of you have probably heard by this point that there is a whole first draft of HOFAS out there that was apparently scrapped and rewritten entirely by SJM: SOURCE.
This draft teases a LOT of things that had people salivating, none of which actually showed up in the book we read. Examples:
HOFAS being "split between Bryce in the world of ACOTAR and the characters in Midgard".
Bryce being worried and freaked out over whether Prythian had toilet paper and receiving an answer
Nyx being featured in the story and the IC being extremely protective over him
Receiving an explanation on Rhys seeing Aelin during Starfall
SJM positively gushes over this stuff as she talks about it in interviews. You can literally see the light in her eyes and how excited she is as she discusses it. She compares it to Avengers Endgame and talks about how excited she and others were to see all the good guys come together for something epic and says this reminds her of that. However, there's a caveat. She consistently repeats things like "as of right now" or "in this first draft" or "we'll see what my editor says". Check out this live chat here.
And the next thing we know, she is claiming she turned in her first draft and felt "meh" about it, didn't like where the story went, and re-wrote the entire thing. Ladies and gentlemen, I call bullshit.
Bottom line: I truly believe, and would honestly bet a significant amount of money on, that this first draft was truly the story of SJM's heart and was brought to a screeching halt by her publishing company, who felt they could milk this hype and get more books out of it.
Essentially, if you were expecting ACOTAR 6, sorry can't help you, that was NEVER happening, BUT if you were expecting MORE than what we got, you are entirely within your rights to feel disappointed! That's why things felt weird and disjointed. . .because it was not the story she intended to tell organically and she had to make some pretty significant changes on a short notice.
The silver lining, I suppose, is the fact that I don't think her publishers talked her out of this happening in general. I think they just convinced her to drag it out longer. . .to delay it, essentially. Like I said, get more books in before finally making it happen. Because once that happens, how do you reach a higher peak? What could she make happen after that point that is more exciting than a huge epic crossover? I think that unfortunately, the Asteri were kind of wasted villains, as I don't know what other force of evil could bring all of these characters together realistically. But I do believe it's going to happen.
So yeah, you'll never be able to convince me there's not some version of HOFAS out there that only exists in Sarah's mind at this point, where the ACOTAR characters (and honestly, Aelin and the ToG characters) are much more central characters to the overall story. I'm convinced she wrote this epic story, went to her editors, and was told "Hey, the hype around this is so insane, we COULD do it now, OR we could develop the characters even further and do it LATER" (meaning more $$$$$$ for them). SJM is the QUEEN of changing her mind mid-series but to me, this really reeks of corporate greed and milking the hype. I'm trying to trust the process and tell myself that it's all coming eventually.
So stop shitting on people who complain about the lack of a crossover. We were teased with one and you know damn well SJM wrote one! I'm convinced it was teased and hyped this way because that's the way she originally wrote it and then when publishing convinced things to change the way they wanted them to. . .why tell us? If the already existing hype gets us to buy their book, it's a win for them.
I guess only time will tell!
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teal-skull · 7 months
Hi I saw your post about the phrase "se ei ole mistään kotoisin" and the book you linked looks interesting I just might get it 👀 I have an Amazon gift card that I want to spend on something fun and I was wondering if you have any Finnish book recommendations!! Either with translation or in simpler Finnish works too :D
Ngl you were in my mind when I was writing that book recommendation :3 I hope you will enjoy it if you end up getting it! But keep in mind that because it is humorous it is not a deeb dive but rather scracthing the surface.
I will have to do a confession here that I don't read too much of finnish literature (something that I need to fix)
A general tip: try adding "selkokirja" (or selkosuomi/selkokielinen) to your search. Selkokirjat are books writen, or re-writen into simpler finnish than the original. (yle's website has a section "selkouutiset" where you find news in selkosuomi
Sorry, I wrote you a really long list, but maybe more is better so you can pick and choose.
-The moomin books by Tove Janson! Pick any one, Comet in Moominland and Midsommer Madness are my faves. They were originally written in swedish because Tove was swedish-speaking finn, so finnish editions are translations. There's also comics.
-Not Before Sundown by Johanna Sinisalo. English translation (and many other) is available of this one. This book is about a gay man called Enkeli (angel) who takes a baby troll into his house and tries to take care of it. But troll is part of a wild nature and the night. From tiny snippets we follow how this turns out. Finlandia Prize winner.
-The Unkown Soldier by Väinö Linna. This is THE Book in Finland. A finnish classic and the nation's "collective memory" of the Continuation war against Russia. Many movies made out of this one. According to wikipedia there is a new english translation from 2015, which is better than the previous but some of the localization has been critizied.
-The Purge by Sofi Oksanen. A very dark and depressing book set in the soviet occupation of Estonia. Haven't read this one yet but it is widely popular. Check wikipedia for more info.
-Ja hän huutaa: Splatterpunk-Antologia (Aaave Taajuus, 2014) I took you like violence and blood, well here's a collection of splatterunk short stories writen by different finnish horror authors. Havent read all of them yet, but the ones I have read have been... good in a way of "I wanted to be disgusted and I got what I wanted". Let me tell you, these shortstories are propably the most gruesome shit writen in finnish horror scene. All warnigns ably. You honestly just need to read the backcover. It's only available in finnish but I don't think the language will be too complex.
-Pyöveli by Anneli Kanto. Only available in finnish but it's a humortictic, grotesk story set in medieval Finland following the son of an executioner, a newly (un)happily married judge in Vaasa and a peasant determined to get a new, succesfull life.
- Magdalena Hai writes speculative finnish fiction
Some recomendations by my friends: -Ilkka Remes is a thriler writer but I couldn't find any of his works translated
-Childrens books: Risto Räppääjä -books (K makes references to him in few songs!) and Heinähattu ja Vilttitossu.
-Kepler62 by Timo Parvela (Scifi)
-Varjot by Timo Parvela (fantasy)
-Hirviöasiakaspalvelu, kuinka voin auttaa by Anni Nupponen (monster customer service), the publisher is Osuuskumma
-Leena Krohn writes horror/fantasy
Also some classic finnish books are:
-The seven brothers by Aleksis Kivi, the first novel writen completely in finnish. I read this one, at first it was fun but near the ending draged on way too long, sori Aleksi. You will see this one being referenced all the time.
-The Egyptian (Sinuhe egyptiläinen) by Mika Waltari.
-Minna Canth's plays like Työmiehen Vaimo or Annaliisa. They deal with women's position in the victorian era.
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zentreyatwitchvods · 4 months
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Hello! It's been 5 months since we reactivated the Zentreya Twitch VODs channel. I'm Rayterni reporting back with everything that we have made so far. Due to YouTube’s limitations we’re posting the update here. Feel free to skip to the parts that you want. We hope you enjoy the read! TL;DR: 400 VODs! Playlists! Timestamps! ALL Guilds & Geckos! Things you might have missed due to YouTube not notifying you! A huge word of thanks! Help us find more VODs!
400 VODS
We’re about to cross the 400 VODs mark this week (they are already being uploaded as you read this), as we rapidly catch up with the recent streams! Two days ago we completed publishing 223 VODs in 5 months (71 in 3 days alone), totaling 382 VODs published! Literally thousands of hours worth of streams that were deemed lost forever are now here for all to re-watch, so check out the VIDEOS tab!
We’re also introducing Playlists. It's still at the very early stages, but they can rapidly become the main way of browsing through the VODs according to your interests. Themes such as "SPOOKTEMBER" and "SHOCKTOBER", "New outfit debut", some of Zen’s favorite games and the highly requested "Guilds & Geckos" series have already been added. Feel free to suggest us more! We’re gonna have Playlists for months and years as well since we are not uploading in chronological order. Check out the PLAYLISTS tab to access all of them.
We believe ALL the G&G VODs have already been published at this point, despite some of them not showing up to everybody due to YouTube’s region block. But we are working on having this fixed!
Some of the fans have been voluntarily contributing by adding timestamps to the comments section of the VODs, and we very much appreciate it! In special we would like to thank @WadeTunnell for timestamping lots of recent VODs. This is very helpful to everybody. We planned on start doing this ourselves in the future but this is not one of our priorities right now. So thank you very much to those doing so, and if you feel like doing more while you are watching, you are always welcome.
This channel started out on July 11, 2021, and has been maintained by Zentreya's moderators Barefoot Ellecktric and Shadow Ben, who have been doing an absolutely amazing job through the years! Thanks to them we could keep track of Zentreya's everyday streaming adventures through nothing less than 159 VODs, comprising the whole of the dragon Zen 2.0 era. To the people who have been watching Zen during all those years it's heartwarming to know that so many precious moments have been preserved for posterity. And to the people who are new to the community this is an incredible archive of one of the pioneer vtubers who paved the way for so many others, and who still keeps pushing the scene to the limits, together with her friends, community, artists and vtubers of all sizes.
Unfortunately, due to life and work, the uploads stopped on March 27, 2022. Since then the community relied on Zen's official channel with clips and shorts, but also on fan channels that have been posting VODs here and there whenever possible, some of them regularly. Other fans and friends have preferred to keep their archives offline in backups, in hopes that it could be of help some day. This kind community effort would later be once again vital for the reactivation of this channel.
On July 4, 2023, I joined Zentreya's clippers team and asked her, Ben and Barefoot permission to reactivate this channel, already offering my personal collection of 121 VODs, mostly from the cyborg Zen era. It was an honor for me to have been trusted with this task. On August 12, 2023, the first VOD from this batch was published, which was "LAST DAY AS A DRAGON. 5 MORE DAYS. (05/15/2022)". This was Zentreya's last stream before the big debut of her cyborg model, which would start an entirely new chapter to her career, including new lore contents - Recently Zentreya has announced on her 6 years anniversary that the coexistence of the two Zens, the cyborg and the dragon, is now official within the lore!
Due to the nature how Twitch works and the precarious ways of downloading the VODs, some of them got corrupted in our backup files, including the 2D and 3D debuts of cyborg Zen. These same VODs were found in another fan channel on YouTube, but unfortunately the channel was deleted before we could contact the author. Such relevant VODs would only be recovered months later when another fan, DeadPark, left a message in the comments section of the announcement video, offering to help with a personal collection of 200+ VODs. Before that, 125 others were contributed by 2 other fans who preferred to remain anonymous. So here they are:
2D cyborg Zen debut
3D cyborg Zen debut
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Zentreya has managed to build an amazing community over the years, of fans and friends willing to help keep her legacy alive. All this effort is a labor of love for our favorite toaster, who never ceases to impress us every day with her energy and creativity, her unique comedy, a true passion for vtubing, life, her friends and community. It's the same passion that moves us to now share the joy that we have re-watching her with everybody.
Ever since we reactivated this channel we had such a positive response from the public, the community, whether it's here on YouTube, on Twitter, Twitch, Discord, and we would like to thank all of you for that. The work is far from done, there's still a lot of VODs to upload, and it needs to be a continuous effort for the time being. But it fills us with even more passion to know that you are here together with us. We would like to share some of the comments that we received and that truly keep us more and more motivated to continue with this task:
@jkubal2 - "Thank you for uploading this stream. This was my favorite Zen stream of all time."
@zetanite5538 - "it’s very rare to see a vod i haven’t seen this is a pleasant suprise :)"
@RickardLejonhjarta - "Chat was on Fire that night it was a blast. Cus you can never tell with Zen if she's just trolling or not."
@SnakeSanders97 - "This was so funny and wholesome. When it happened I couldn't tell if it was an accident or if she was just playing."
@ZensMeatSlab - "This was the stream on my birthday hehe. Thanks for this last massive batch of uploads."
@WadeTunnell - "and THANK YOU for uploading the VODs in the first place! There's probably a lot of people who appreciate the hard work and commitment, I know I do! I don't often get to see much of the streams live and having them archived here is wonderful."
@namesz - "I’m always watching the VODs."
@user0102939547874 - "Dear Zentreya this stream sent me on a emotional rollercoster it was so great to see you and your frinds stream for your birthday happy birthday but my heart was broken to hear that you are going through personal problems and i was crying right along with you I hope you can take time to rest and recharge and heal from all of it I wish you nothing but better days one day one step at a time"
@zickykane5206 - "I remember this one...such a good time. :)"
@Kakarot-xt4yz - "I was there and I couldn't stop laughing the entire time"
@jkubal2 - "I remember. But thanks for doing all the work getting these posted. Been watching them a lot lately."
@adrammelechthewroth6511 - "Zen. I know it's a bit late for this but you can kill the naked guy with a katana by pushing him off of the conveniently placed ledge near his starting location. Just some advice if you ever return to playing Dark Souls 3."
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We would like to thank everybody who have been watching the VODs here on the channel, no matter if the people who simply cannot watch the live streams due to different time zones or due to time constraints, the fans who just want to relive the memories of so many fun, chaotic and wholesome moments, or even the people who just joined the Zentreya bandwagon and want to know more about this energetic dragon mommy running around with a bunch of funny geckos.
To all the fans and fan channels out there who have been uploading VODs to YouTube and other sites, we would also like to express our sincere gratitude, and say that we would also love to contact you soon. This individual effort of all of you is just as important, and now you know why.
If you are new to the Zentreya experience you can join the best vtuber community right now on Discord and, of course, on Zentreya's Twitch channel. On Twitch you will find one of the rare channels out there where the chat not only remains active and vibrant 24/7 (the “Offliners”!), but is also always very welcoming, just like Zen's Discord. So don't be shy, come say hi! Making friends and finding people with shared interests is easy, and we would love to have you too.
We would like to invite all of you who have ever downloaded any of Zentreya's streams, no matter if it's just one single VOD or a collection of them, no matter the quality that you have recorded it in, if it's complete or incomplete, even if it's muted or pixelated in absolute potato quality: please, feel free to contact us at any time. You can just send me a DM on Discord (look for the name Rayterni on the Editors/Clippers list or the Artists list), on Twitter, or even by just leaving a comment below, here or on any video of the channel, really! We read and appreciate all of them and will reply to you as fast as we can, so feel free to ask questions and post requests for VODs, tell us which ones you miss, share your memories, your ideas of how you think this channel could improve, and we’ll do our best. If you prefer, you can also contact the moderators (I am not a moderator myself, but you can send me DMs). You can find them easily on Discord or when watching Zentreya’s streams on Twitch.
So far all the VODs from the channel are comprised of streams from the dragon 2.0 and cyborg eras. If you do have or know of someone who does, or any other site out there that has any VODs from the dragon 1.0, we would be immensely thankful if you could contact us with a link, a name, title, any information. If you have a friend or know of someone who does have any VODs, please tell them to contact us or send us a DM, and we will contact them. We just found out very recently that we possibly only have very few of those, probably half a dozen or even less from when Zen joined VShojo. So, again, don't be shy, let us know. We will thank you always on the next update and feature your name with a link to your site, page or profile if you want, and you have our most sincere gratitude.
Due to the way YouTube works we have discovered that you will only be notified about 3 VODs/day, no matter how many we upload. So we will post some updates every now and then here and on the official Twitter page for the channel with links to the ones that you might not have been notified about. For now, be sure to check out the channel's video tab to see. Feel free to request any streams that you would like to watch again, and we will do our best to find them. Here are some:
A Q&A love advice stream with the tactical maid Zen on Valentines day!
Zentreya driving a mom's car vibing and singing along with chat (WARNING: extremely hilarious!)
Zen shows the cake on stream, and her final outfit debut before the arrival of cyborg Zen (here an outfit inspired by Ruler/Altria Pendragon from the Fate/Grand Order series)
Geega teaches Zen some Fortnite dance moves during her reverse subathon! Also Zen takes a byte on a huge, spicy cheese and immediately regrets it...
Futuristic Zen outfit debut, a 12h-long stream and a collab with OVER 100 FRIENDS AND GUESTS!
Zen goes full furry fantasy on VRChat, proving once and for all what we always knew
An adventure of small proportions - gremolin Zen time on VRChat. Another fan-favorite, the gremolin Zen VODs are here to stay
Bartender Zen outfit debut
Zentreya's new 3D outfit in commemoration of her 5 years of streaming
Comfy outfit debut and song cover! She started out as a muted streamer, and with a notepad she inspired many others to also become streamers. Now watch her once again step up the game, recording her own song covers and more!
Once again, thank you all so very much for all the positive reception, for supporting Zentreya and this channel over the years. Thank you Zen, Ben and Barefoot for allowing me to help and for supervising me during this task and for being so patient with me. Thank you DeadPark, WadeTunnell, and everyone who is contributing with the channel as well in many ways! Don't forget to follow the official Twitter of the channel. We see you on the social medias, the chat during her streams and on the comments on YouTube. Let this new year be even more exciting, fun and memorable for all of us! Because this channel is all about the memories that we create and share.
And as Zen always says... KEEP ROCKING! 🤘
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kpopsexstories · 2 months
How I write my short stories
I posted this last week and only now realized that Tumblr deleted half the post before publishing. So here I am re-posting it :)
I felt like sharing my process for how I write (and plan) all my kpop smut for this blog 😀
I work in something called Notion, a project management tool. In it, I've set up my own dashboard specifically for this blog. In this post I'll share some screenshots and insights if anyone's curious 🙂
The screenshots will also reveal a few details about what you can expect next on this blog, if you pay close attention to them 😉
Unfinished stories to prioritize:
The very first thing I see when I open my kpop smut dashboard is a list of stories I'm currently working on, and which I should prioritize. These are the stories I need to finish as soon as possible because they've already been announced or planned for publishing.
If I click on a story it's opened on a new page, where I can write the first draft of the story before I move it to Tumblr. Tumblr doesn't have a good overview of many drafts which is why I do the majority of the work in Notion. I currently have maybe 30 individual un-written story ideas in my Notion story database 🙂
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See the little "Priority Stories" toggle near the top of the left side column? I can click this to change the list of stories I should focus on to "Requests", which will give me a list of all the requests I've received on Tumblr and which I plan on writing a story for. (Because I don't want to get your hopes up in case I never get to your request, I don't want to show this view in the screenshot.)
To the right in the above image, I have a list of my ongoing and planned series, which each have their own page for organizing and scheduling stories. Clicking a series will take me to its page where only stories belonging to that series are shown. I use this for planning the schedule of each series, for example my Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT series.
Sexy Words:
Also in the right side column I have a random sexy word displayed, which changes each time I open the dashboard and which I use to inspire my writing 🙂 I try to learn and incorporate new words so not every story feels the same.
Quick Add Buttons:
Also notice the three buttons at the top ��� these are quick links I can click to easily add new stories to the database of shortstories that powers the dashboard, based on the series they belong to.
To-do's & Resources
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To-do Lists:
In the To-do's & Resources section, I have toggles where I keep various information I need frequent access to. This includes checklists for tasks I need to remember to do, like making specific changes to a certain story or editing something on Tumblr. I add tasks as I think of them and go through the checklist regularly.
The second image above shows the Resources section. Here, I've saved links to articles I've come across and which I use for reference and inspiration. How many ways are there to say the word "penis"?
Current Posting Plan:
This section, seen in the first image above, hides a calendar view of all my scheduled and published stories on Tumblr. I use this view to plan and space out content. For example, I checked it before publishing this post to ensure I'm not also posting a smut story today.
Ideas & Works in Progress
The dashboard features an Ideas section (not shown in the screenshots because I don't want to reveal too much). In this section I can filter through the many story ideas I've spontaneously added to the dashboard, to help myself plan what I should work on next.
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Works in Progress:
In the section shown in the image above I am able to filter through stories based on how far I've come in writing them. I can check stories I've started writing but not yet finished the first draft of, drafts I need to re-read and edit, and stories that are done and ready to be scheduled on Tumblr.
Notice the menu in the image (MMSE, QF, One-shots, Other). Here, I can select an option to view only stories from a specific series. For example, the stories shown in the image are MMSE (Most Memorable Sexual Experiences) stories where I have finished writing the first draft of but still need to edit and proofread.
All Published Stories
The final section of my dashboard shows all stories I've already published (or scheduled to be published) on Tumblr. Here, I can filter through all the stories for various purposes.
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Different Views:
As shown in the second image, I have a drop-down menu where I can choose how I view the published stories. The views include:
All Published by Date: A gallery showing the most recent stories first (like in the first image).
All Published by Style: A gallery in which stories are grouped by the style of sex they contain (Vanilla, Medium, Wild, etc.)
Author's Choice: My own personal favorites. Not sure why I have this feature, but might do something with it in the future.
Table to Count Totals: A table list of all published stories that shows the word count per story and total number of stories I've published. This is the view you see in the third image above. Notice the totals in the bottom right corner: I'd published 77,182 words at the time the screenshot was taken.
Most Liked Stories: A list of all published stories, sorted by the number of likes they've received on Tumblr. This gives me insights into what types of stories you guys love the most.
So there you have it, just a little quick insight into how I plan, organize, draft and schedule all the smut you enjoy on this blog 🙂
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boinin · 4 months
2024 check-in
It's been a while since I talked about Cassis Orange here. For those wondering, I still don't have a concrete ETA on when I'll publish the next chapters. I'm actively writing the final chapters as of now however, after a few false starts and writers' block. All I can say from here is, I'll keep people posted 🐞
For anyone interested in behind-the-scenes rambling about my writing process, more below the cut.
What's holding things up? Well, I like to finish a full draft of a piece, allow myself some breathing space from it, before going back to review, edit and weave together the chapter's themes and ideas.
Emphasis on "finish a full draft". That's a mistake I've made with Cassis Orange. I've always had sight of the destination, and the scenes needed to get the characters there, but not always how these scenes should join up or how they ought to flow.
In addition, nailing down themes and authentic character growth has been challenging. Lastly, the gap between writing chapters 1-8 and writing 9-10 has slowed progress, as I end up needing to re-read what's already there for consistency.
None of this is to the fic's detriment (I hope), but it's knocked my own motivation at times. "Done is better than perfect" is a motto I continually remind myself of. It's taking me longer than I'd like, that's just life. But I remain excited to finish the story, which is the main metric of concern 😉
Anyway, why is finishing a full draft so important?
Here's a quick look at my old drafts folder:
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Chapter 9's main difficulty, despite me knowing exactly what needs to happen, is hitting the right emotional notes and character milestones. I've already made three distinct stabs at the same scenes, none of which really achieve what I want them to.
Thankfully, these particular issues aren't on the same scale as what I faced with Chapter 7. shudders I am confident about where to go next.
If you're wondering, IMO the best solution to this issue is to just... write them anyway. See the events out, imperfect as they may be. It's more insightful to revise a dysfunctional scene from beginning to end, than a half-baked draft that tails off in author despair and confusion.
A recurring mistake, which I'll try to learn from going forward.
|| Spoilers for published chapters of Cassis Orange start here! ||
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This is my note on the oldest draft (which I first started in May, apparently?? holy fuck). Because I wrote out of sequence, the Chapter 9 I'd started doesn't align with the direction Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 took. In fact, it's different enough from what I want to convey that I've considered recycling the draft into its own fic. May still do, but not before I finish CO.
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The "Kunigami Sadboi" draft is exactly what it sounds like lmao. In short, I sketched out some angsty scenes in his POV that take place between chapter 7 and chapter 8. Alexa, play I'm Not Okay (I Promise).
Ultimately, I determined these don't fit the vibe of the Chapter 9 I want to publish. But they served a valuable creative purpose. Even if it's not spelled out for you (the hypothetical reader), it's important that the writer (me) and by extension, the characters, know what happened off-screen.
These drafts are imperfect. But now that I'm carving out the final Chapter 9, I can cherry-pick ideas and imagery from them. No writing goes to waste, even if it's destined to lounge in your drafts folder for all eternity.
Anyway, if you've got this far, you deserve a medal. Instead, have a snippet of how Chapter 9 could have looked, had I hit publish on that older version. Featuring out-of-character weepy Chigiri and indulgent author moralising via Kunigami!
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I'm irrationally fond of this moment, though it doesn't hold up for a number of reasons. It's what the idiom kill your darlings refers to. I can like this excerpt, and it may have some merit, but it doesn't serve the narrative at large. So it dies, along with the 15,000 other words that didn't quite hit the mark 🥲
Here's another snippet, from Kunigami's sadboi days:
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Again, something I personally enjoyed writing. Kunigami's dynamic with his kids is something I treasure a lot about this AU. It's simply one of those scenes that's best kept to headcanon, due to the shape I want Chapter 9 to take.
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ctrsara · 1 year
Things I've Been Reading
Some of these are newer, some are older and I just barely read them. This is not EVERYTHING I've been reading and liking, obviously, but just a quick share!
(Also, if you know these authors are on Tumblr, but they're not tagged, please let me know, or let them know or something, so I can be friends with them and tag them!) (RECS below cut)
Iron Dad: Coming Home by JAWorley:
This is one I didn't try a few times because I didn't think I was interested in Peter hanging out with Toomes. However, I'm so glad I finally tried it, because it was fantastic, and a really different take on the whole Homecoming era. Published:2023-01-02Completed:2023-02-26Words:114889
Shake My Hand (And I'll Forgive You): by Frogdottir: @frogdottirwrites
Post NWH, Peter has been doing work for the Bugle, trying to stay afloat, and suddenly discovers Tony is alive. However, it seems like even before everyone had forgotten him, everyone close to Tony had been aware of it except him. He is hurt and angry and freaks out just a little bit. Incomplete, but 13 chapters so far, and so good! Published:2022-12-20Updated:2023-03-03Words:40572
Atlas Held by Grumperella: @grumperella
After an explosion brings down a building on top of them, Peter is the only thing between Tony, Natasha and certain death. Trapped under rubble together, well... nothing builds bonds like shared trauma. This one was super angsty, but so, so, good! Published:2023-01-07Completed:2023-01-08Words:8401
Distracted By a Dime by happyaspie: @yes-i-am-happyaspie
This is an older story, but I just barely read it, and she's been adding to the series lately. :) Peter Parker thinks he has everything figured out. Where he can eat, sleep and make a little bit of money. What he needs to do in order to continue attending Midtown and being Spider-Man. The Stark-Rogers family throws a wrench in his plans.
Tis the Damn Season (for a Christmas Miracle) by peacockgirl
Yes, peacockgirl really did write an AU of her own story (Long Story Short (It Was a Bad Time) Or AIs Don't Forget,) which is one of my favorites, and it's amazing, too. Highly recommend! Morgan just wants her big brother to come home for Christmas. Tony just wants to figure out why being around his daughter is sending him into a tailspin. And Peter just wants to survive his first Christmas alone without freezing to death in a graveyard. Luckily Morgan Stark is very, very stubborn. And immune to Strange's spell. Published:2023-01-31Completed:2023-02-27Words:23468
Oxygen and Gravity by for_the_night: @imyoursavinggrace (also, btw, people who have different tumblr names and ao3 names make me think I'm going senile. I have the hardest time remembering who is who sometimes!😂 )
A really cool Irondad soulmates AU (Sentinels and Guides) that I just re-read and loved again. It's not complete, but close. n a world where Senintels and Guides are dying out, Guide Tony Stark was very happy just living life without the responsibility of some Sentinel, but when one touch awakens a soul bond with a scrawny vigilante from Queens, Tony’s life changes forever. Published:2021-11-15Updated:2022-06-24Words:28459
A Big Security Issue by FotiBrit: @fotibrit
Short, cute, and amazing! When Peter lost his Stark Industries Staff ID, Tony handed the kid his own. That was never an issue, until Peter had to check in at the front desk. Published:2023-02-01Words:1828
Make it a Good One! by zippe
This one was kind of a unique fix-it/time travel that I found looking through the @irondad-creator-awards categories, so here's another plug for those! Tony and his mess of a fairy god spider who can’t seem to keep himself moving correctly along the timeline. Published:2022-05-08Completed:2022-07-08Words:31435
Where the Love Is by SpaceCowboysFromMars: @spacecowboysfrommars
This one was super different and interesting, and I kinda wish it could have continued. I've never seen the movie, so it was a new story for me. The Way Way Back AU where Peter is reluctantly dragged by May and her new asshole boyfriend, Quentin, to spend the summer in Cape Cod. Summer gets a whole lot more interesting when Peter makes friends with the eccentric manager of Water Wizz, who seems to take a liking to Peter in all his teenage-awkwardness glory. Published:2023-01-12Words:12948
In a Different Light by kingdomfaraway: @asyouleft
An amazing short one! Peter is taken, and Tony finally uses the phone Steve sent him. He needs help, even if it means making night with his former friends and teammates.
And a bonus:
home (is where my heart found exactly where I'm supposed to be) by ironfidus @ironfidus
Another one I found looking through the Irondad Creator Awards categories. So, so sweet and hit all the irondad feels I wanted on that particular day! Six thousand miles away from the city that never sleeps, across continents and on the other side of the North Pacific Ocean, Tony relearns the meaning of home—as redefined in his eyes by a stubborn teenager with a penchant for recklessness.
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flowerprose · 10 months
couple of updates! some new, some not:
i made a sideblog, @flower-reads, for reblogging writeblr/misc writing content, advice, etc. i have a lot of new faces following me, but i don't have a lot of my original content at the surface of this blog, which i realize can be tricky to navigate! this just allows my writing to sit at the top in case anyone's like, "huh, what does this girlie do."
i'm rewriting namesake! i've been debating this for the last two months now. the manuscript isn't even complete, but it's sitting at 130k. 130k and it's not even finished!!! it's too much. i made it into a mammoth, and now it's out of my reach - i can't trim, i can't satisfy my wordiness with my plot goals. so i'm reverting back to my original idea to write this from three pov's (demeter, persephone, and hades), shoving cosmo into the sequel where his lore makes more sense anyway, and aiming for 100k. i'm going to allow myself to cut and paste parts that i love, but this'll also give me peace of mind bc i have a few experimental techniques i want to implement, and i'm so, so excited to just... start fresh with a namesake 2023 doc. i also feel confident with the changes that i want to make and far less panicked and nervous. especially looking forward to telling this story without trying to include ten different myths within one little novel!
in the background, i am still trying to find a home for my weird little poem that unintentionally predicted the titanic fiasco of 2023. i'm also working on some short fiction and might put out some feelers for beta-readers if anyone is interested in poetry or literary short stories (4-6k word counts, typically).
i have edited nine novels this year! nine beautiful novels that went on to publication. freelancing has been going terrifically, and i'm proud. :)
i don't have the time or mental tenacity to do daily updates (as you can probably tell from any attempt i have ever made to do NaNo). but i absolutely love it when a fellow writeblr shares a huge info dump on their wip. they'll do chapter updates, share snippets, discuss their goals all in one post... and this is something i'd like to start implementing for my various WIPs. so expect to see large check-ins from time to time! i especially want to do this for my re-write of namesake. i think it would feel amazing to chronicle my journey from start to finish. my memory hasn't been so reliable the last few years, and if any of my WIPs get published, i want to be able to recount what it felt like from where i started to where i wound up.
i'll be revamping my mobile layout, making a writeblr re-introduction post, and creating 2023 namesake, ahwg, kalsar, and space eater wip introductions soon! stay tuned, and please let me know if you're interested in being added to any tag lists! (or if you're not interested/too busy and need to be let go from any of the lists!) 💖
all of my writing socials, all in one place: twitter - flower_prose, instagram - flower_prose, and threads - flower_prose!
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dduane · 2 years
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It seems for the past few years that every time the beginning of June rolls around, I find myself updating this image with better tech or newer sets or more nicely-made clothes or different hair or whatever. Maybe it’s just sentiment.
If it is, it’s one I embrace. These two characters are where my professional writing career started: the tall dark thoughtful rural lordling and amateur strategist, part-time sorcerer and stubborn seeker after the true Power without which he’ll die young, never learning what he was for: and the short blond bookish Prince-in-exile, hot-tempered and impulsive even when outlawed and on the run, and ever so good at screwing things up...but equally good at (eventually) doing whatever it takes to put them right afterwards, no matter how much it hurts. The plot of the book that introduced them and their world blindsided me over the course of several days in late 1976/early 1977. It  promptly plunged me into two months’ worth of nearly nonstop writing, sold within days to the first editorial team who saw it, and changed the course of my life.
That the culture in which the story took place was both pansexual and polyamorous apparently caused astonishment for a lot of people when it was published in 1979. But right then, that wasn’t the main issue for me. I was more focused on the fact that (like other works of mine since) The Door Into Fire was simply a present for a friend; someone who I wanted to have understand—borrowing another fictional character’s line—that being gay, or whatever else they might be along those lines, was absolutely “fine: it’s all fine”.
...And so it has been, and remains. So here they are again, this pair of incorrigible troublemakers: Herewiss (or Dusty, as his friends and spouses think of him, due to a longstanding tendency in his youth to be found “touching grass,” or indeed dirt, as often as possible), and Freelorn (a.k.a Lorn, a.k.a. “Oh Goddess what has he done now??”). And if they carry a message with them, it’s this: If you’re going to marry a prince (or a Ruler-to-be), marry one who looks at you the way these two look at each other. Forty years and more, now, they’ve been at it. Each of them is the other’s world (while helping the other expand his own beyond just-the-two-of-them). And now, as then, for them as for the rest of the extremely mixed marriage that coalesced around them in the works that followed: love is love.
To all the readers for whom These Two Idiots (as the trope has it) were the first gay/LGBTQ representation they’d ever seen in a fantasy novel, and to everybody else who’s celebrating: Happy Pride.
(ETA: If you want more info about these characters and the other works in which they appear, check MiddleKingdoms.com. … Also: Original image re-rendered for better hand poses [and again after that for improved lighting]. Because can I leave well enough alone? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAno.)
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yvesdot · 2 years
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Exhaustively is going to print!
The story of a girl and her golem. Both agree she’s not doing well on her own, but the golem has his own ideas on how best to help her–not that she’s willing to hear them. A slice-of-life about family, college, magic, and speed-stacking.
I will be printing a select few limited edition bound copies of Exhaustively, newly re-edited, and shipping them within the United States based on interest. Each book will cost a flat fee of $13, which will cover a copy with shipping throughout the US. I am happy to sign, personalize, inscribe, and/or doodle in each copy for you.
Interest check available until 7/31/22, at which point I'll DM everyone. You can also DM, Discord, email, etc. to ensure a copy now, and I'll ship as soon as I have them in.
More info (pricing transparency) below the cut!
I'm not doing this to turn a profit, but I can't afford to lose money on making funky limited edition souvenirs, hence the pricing. I will inherently take the hit on the proofs, and theoretically lose money on the time spent, but hey that's writing. I clarify this because Something's Not Right, my published book, is $10! You'll see in the pricing that a substantial amount of this is the middleman situation where I ship to myself and then ship to you, because the book will only have a limited release.
Math: Shipping 10 books from Lulu to me costs $13.44 for shipping and $3.83 per book. Shipping one book from my state across the country costs roughly $3.25, while individual bubble mailers for each book will cost $1.79 each at my local post office. An individual book thus works out to ~$10.22, assuming nothing goes wrong.
If you want multiple copies, I'm happy to slice US shipping off the price of the extras and make all but your first copy $10! Same goes if you're ordering just one copy but want it in person (and, of course, that is physically possible).
If you want to support me you are welcome to pay more, tip, buy my collection of short stories, go to Ko-Fi or Patreon, or just toss me a reblog! Also you are wonderful. Ask me absolutely any questions you like through asks/DMs/email, and I hope you enjoy!
EDIT: Estimated shipping date right now will be end of August, so please wait up for more updates on that! If the shipping date moves into September, I will individually message everybody who has ordered with that update; otherwise, general updates continue to go here.
Also, if you're international and you want the book anyhow... please ask! The only issue is expense, so if you're willing to pay crazy money for shipping, I'm happy to do it. It's just probably going to be crazy money is all.
EDIT 2: As of 8/31/22, if you want a copy of Exhaustively, please DM me. I'll make up a list of people interested after the initial date, and when I hit 10, I'll DM you all again (no pressure to say yes the second time) and do another printing. This is simply not guaranteed or linear.
EDIT 3: As of 10/31/22, we are done with this round of Exhaustively shipments! Thank you so much to everyone who tipped; you made it possible to donate multiple copies and still come out with an extra $100 to donate to charity during my upcoming OHHOW stream.
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sailorblossoms · 2 years
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Happy Sunday! 
I’m updating my comphet haunted house fic daily (I called it The Same Old Story) and if everything goes well, it’ll be finished by next Sunday. I wasn’t sure what to share, so instead of sentences I’m gonna cheat and share a peek behind my process. When others share these types of posts, I find them very helpful, so... hopefully this will help someone!  
My thing with this fic was “I’ve written enough scenes to want to finish it” (I had 34 different docs, some with only have a couple of sentences written, because I like to write things as soon as they come to me without worrying what I'll do with it, and if I put it all out of order in the same doc it’s going to be so messy I’m never going to open that thing) and also “I don’t want to spend too much time on this and overthink it,” because then I wouldn’t write it at all. 
This was my solution (more under the cut) 
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I used this instead of a refular outline – I figured it was the best way to quickly organize 34 dang docs without losing it. I know some use handmade cards for the same purpose, but for me it’s better to do things digitally, especially if I want to shift around bullet points (If I did this with handmade cards, I’d use a pencil and eraser, not a pen, or I would use sticky notes on a bigger surface so I can easily shift them around). Having everything where I can easily see it helps with “looking at the big picture” in terms of how it all comes together, and it’s super helpful with the time-loop and the repetition. It helps when I’m writing chapters out of order so I'm not getting lost: like if I finish chapter 9 and chapter 4 is only half-way done, I know that because I marked chapter 9 with a green circle here, and 4 with a yellow circle. (A necessary system for me because if I relay on my memory I’m just going to get lost)
It also helps with writing faster, because I’ve already thought about everything I wanted to happen while I was completing the squares. So I’d just look at this while writing whatever I haven’t written yet, and I write it just as it comes to me without caring much about mistakes or wording or the like. I might even write it as [this thing happens here and this character says this] and quickly move on, because it’s faster and so much easier to come back later to re-write. 
In terms of re-writing, I was like “this is an experiment, I don’t care if it’s good, I care if it’s done,” which takes off a lot of self-imposed pressure. When I wrote love song for a vampire I agonized over every damn word and that’s simply no way to live. Here, I didn’t let myself spend too much time on re-writing, wondering whether something could be phrased better or just done better. There’s always room for improvement etc etc but I limited this to “the idea is out and readable.” I read a chapter again when I’m about to publish, I quickly check if I want to make minor changes and then I let it go. 
In short: this is great for experimenting while keeping it manageable, for maybe speeding up and/or organizing the writing process if you need a lot of order to make an idea work, and if for some reason you need to easily see the general plot/outlines of all your chapters at the same time (this sounds very specific haha) (it might also be useful to quickly refresh an author's mind with long fics or fics that are being worked on over the period of months/years) (i didn't use word to make this but you could totally make it in word with the table tool)
tagging @ionlydrinkhotwater @hushed-chorus​ @basiltonbutliketheherb ​ @johnwgrey​ @erzbethluna​  @raenestee​ @carryonsimoncarryonbaz​ @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​ @bookish-bogwitch​  @ivelovedhimthroughworse​ @artsyunderstudy​ @whogaveyoupermission​ and whoever wants to join! 
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viscountessevie · 1 year
Benophie anon here (the first one!) Thank you so much for responding to my ask, it was part rant, part setting the record straight on how benophies were initially feeling after the s3 announcement. Also re: trivias response to my ask: I totally understand why you may not like the book, imo it's probably the worst written book out of the series as a whole, if irc it's also the shortest book in the series, and is at least a 100 pages shorter than rmb, which might explain the pacing (the book has like 7 scenes total) It's also pretty obvious jq just wanted to get the Ben's story out of the way and move on to polin already. I checked the publishing dates for the series and there is only 7 months between tvwlm and aofag, all the other books are a year apart!! So it was definitely rushed. I think the reason I like the story so much is because it has the potential to be phenomenal. Forbidden love, the inter class pairing and yes even the no 5 shenanigans. These tropes and ideas just do it for me. Their story has the potential to be great and I will forever hate jq for not having the skill or patience to deliver on that potential. As for the workplace harassment complaints: idk man let me enjoy my fantasy book in peace✌ . That's the beauty of having eight books in this series! There's something for everyone. The show has a golden opportunity to take what is the foundation for a great story and make some excellent television out of it. I do think that the the reason they skipped over ben is the cinderella aspect of the story, you must remember how much backlash that trope was getting a year ago, the producers probably got scared and pushed the season which is... fair ig? I just hope they don't feel the need to overcorrect the book, the cinderella trope is only like the first 5 chapters anyway and then its a straight forward forbidden lovers trope. The masquerade episode could be one of the best episodes on the show if done properly. Again: the ingredients for the perfect cake are there, The producers just have to follow the instructions and not add any weird shit in there. Sorry for the long reply lol, but you did ask us to write you and essay. (Also I might add on to this essay in a couple hours, I'm definitely forgetting some stuff)
Previous Ask by Benophie Anon
[Part 2 of this ask is below when I answer it!]
Hii bestie, I know this ask has been sitting in my drafts for a while but I'm briefly back to clear out my old asks :)
Thank you for the essay - I really do love reading them and it's just very nice to know that yall are willing to read mine and give the same energy back 😍 I truly have some of the best anons/mutuals/followers ever so thank you yall!
I'm always here to let yall vent and set the record straight - as I always say this blog is a safe space for anyone who wants to make this a safe space and isn't a bigot. I've also sent along your reply to Triv. I had a good chuckle at "Idk man let me enjoy my fantasy book in peace" you're so valid. Do let me know if you do end up reading The Millionaire Marquess since it's similar to Benophie - maybe it's the book that hits the potential of what you're talking abt with AOFAG!
Also hearing about how short the book is and the publication dates,,, JQ REALLY fucked over Benophie for Book!Polin huh that really sucks and I'm sorry to Benophies out there (well the valid ones, the homophobic and racist weirdos can get out of here).
I definitely understand your frustration with books not hitting the potential you see in them. I had that with a book I reviewed recently, Unladylike Lessons In Love (yes I am indeed showering you with all the HR recs because everyone deserves to read outside JQ)
Don't let the execs and higher ups off the hook, anon cos it's NOT fair that they completely messed up the order of the books. Not to mention how they butchered TVWLM. I don't think these people even care abour elevating the books - they just slapped the series name on it for the in built fanbase which ofc the racist part of that fandom got weeded out REAL QUICK after Regé's casting. Now they're using the characters of colour as props to switch out every season to draw in their POC audience. Well they can't do that with the cracker season so good luck to them.
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I'm the same - I only enjoyed AOFAG BECAUSE of Luke T! I don't think I would have been as forgiving of Ben's privileged and lowkey creepy ass in the book if I had read the book first or if Ben was played by anyone else less charming.
I think they aged him down for the ignorance and navieté show version! Also to go with the Marina storyline. He needed to be young and dumb to be tricked by her I guess. Tbh your guess is as good as mine cos this show makes so many questionable choices.
Now at the heels of QC, S3 has a LOT stacked against it. But I don't think the execs or forerunners are gonna even bother trying to redeem her 🤡 so good luck getting the audience to root for her. They're just gonna She's All That it and call it a day tbh. It's going to be bland af and I won't be tuning in. I really am over Bton the show tbh. I'm only still discussing these things cos my blog is so tied to it and my friends are still in it lol. But as you and everyone who follows can see, I have been slowly moving away and expanding my tastes.
To end off, again thanks so much for all your asks! I really do hope S4 is Benophie and they do it justice! For you and my Benophie friends ❤
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