#so I might need to go to a doctor that can hopefully fix it ugh
aarafox · 1 year
Ugh my tinnitus is very bad tonight and I can’t sleep
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ericathefae · 1 year
The Experiment
Alright, update time. I've spent the last... week? week and a half? I have no idea, on avoiding anything and everything like usual. I had a doctor's appointment (allergy, not dopamine) on Wednesday and I have a meeting (in person) with my thesis advisor later today - both have caused quite a lot of stress and therefore avoidance, but I'm also aware that I'm taking the easy way out way too often - it's like I can't quite make myself "sit" with the anxiety (within it more like) and instead all my coping mechanisms trigger to get me out of the situation. Which is a good thing, you know, that they work. It's just not so damn optimal when they sabotage you trying to deal with the anxiety (or even trying to figure out what's specifically causing it).
So, here's what we're doing - and oh, boy am I not looking forward to this, but I think it's genuinely needed for me to start to change anything (after all, medicine wouldn't fix everything, it might make it easier, but starting now will just give me a head start, right?)
Cut myself off from practically all my usual coping mechanisms (during the so called working day, for me that gotta be from when I get up till 6 o'clock in the evening, after that I can do whatever the f... I want)
So no youtube, fanfiction or tumblr! (or any other easily digestible entertainment)
Also, no soda and chips (or other binges), no playing computer games, no sleeping the day away (or at least I gotta try something else before I nap)
The only exception is listening to podcasts or reading in physical books (something I haven't done in a long while and probably won't start again just like that, but I think it's wise to keep a second option at hand)
Other procrastination options are crocheting (it calms me down), cleaning (because that would be an awesome habit to develop) and taking a walk (to get myself away from things, also excercise)
In other words, I'm gonna get up whenever I'm gonna get up (we can work on regular dayrythms later, okay), make a plan for the day, work on that - and when I encounter anxiety or struggle to make myself "do the thing" I cannot use my regular coping mechanisms to avoid it. Instead I have to:
a) Note what's going on (what am I feeling, physically and mentally, write it down) b) Reformulate what I'm trying to do into something that is easy, singular and brief c) Hype it up, get pumped, go and do the fucking thing! d) When done, deliberately celebrate and actively try to feel joy (to help reinforce the brain's reward system > hopefully, with time, that will make it easier to get started and maybe counteract this weird anxiety thing going on) e) Alternatively, if that doesn't work or I'm just not okay right now and need to deal with it before I can do anything else, first: write that down (point a), then choose either: sitting on the floor, just breathing making something to eat or drink crocheting taking a walk (while listening to a podcast is a viable option for all of the above)
This should, if all goes to plan, first of all be really fucking unpleasant (after all, my coping mechanisms are there for a reason and I've definitely been using them as a crutch for years), secondly, teach myself a lot about what's both causing the anxiety as well as making myself used to feeling my own feelings (ugh), and thirdly, make myself spend more time doing rather than avoiding (I am so done with letting my life slip through my fingers > trying to willpower through ain't do nothing, it just causes more anxiety that I have automaticly fled from, but maybe facing this thing head on - not by using brute force but by simplifying and observing - will reveal the way forward).
This is a good plan. Now I just need to follow it. For the record, if I do "fail" and end up using my good old avoidance tactics, here's the consequence: don't beat myself up, be kind, and also I loose 100 gold coins per ten minutes of avoidance. That'll hopefully function as somewhat of a deterrent (the gold I'm refering to is part of my gamification system that I still haven't fleshed out entirely yet).
I'm not entirely sure how this dopamine deficiency + anxiety thing really interacts and what exactly causes what (not to mention the sort of autistic part, but we're ignoring that for the moment since those are things I have learned to live with and work around). I'm pretty sure the overall lack of motivation and difficulty in experiencing joy comes from a dysfunctional dopamine system. The anxiety might be something that I've always been susceptible to, but which gets worse with stress (hello thesis nightmare) - I don't know if it has a direct negative influence on said dopamine system or if it's "just" that I've developed an automatic anxiety response to school work (still not entirely sure why that is, though) that triggers said avoidance and therefore a heavy reliance on coping mechanisms that only serve me in the short run.
In any case, we're trying this - drasticly limiting my available coping mechanisms to make myself avoid less and suffer through more (in the hope that it'll make things clearer). Also, a potential bonus could be less hours just going down the drain unnoticed, since a lot of my usual avoidance strategies take a lot of time - I don't think this'll suddenly make me able to work on my thesis for eight hours in a row, but maybe it'll mean that I'll get the dishes done. Or at least experience some sunlight once in a while.
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geminidentitycrisis · 3 years
The Scent of Leather and Hairspray
Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x F!reader ONESHOT
(WARNINGS! - swearing)
Sooooooo, I have a new favorite Pro, I guess haha
I hope you enjoy, and if you're underage, pretend you're older because I get it, I'd be Hot For Teacher too, but he's not a pedo sorry......
You sighed as, upon exiting the store where you just purchased a frozen drink, the men you passed to enter that store started catcalling you. Just what you needed at the end of a rough day...
"Hey Honey, you'd be cuter if you smiled...!"
"Don't listen to that shit, babygirl, you're sexy as hell, c'mere and hang out a while...?"
Ignoring them the best you could, you kept walking, but they didn't take that very well. "You think you're too good for us, that it, stuck up bitch? Where you think you're goin'?"
You could hear their footsteps approaching behind you and turned to face them after sipping from your drink.
"Guys, please, I've had a hell of a day today and my quirk would probably scar you both for life and what do you say we just don't do this, huh?"
They exchanged glances before fixing you with threatening glares. "You think you're tough, babygirl? We'll see how tough you are when we get through teaching you some respect..." the first one said.
A voice called from behind you and suddenly an arm was draped gently around your neck. You froze, being caught off guard tended to prompt a panic response when you were so tired.
You smelled leather and an overwhelming scent of hairspray.
"What's the trouble, my homies? Pretty sure ya heard the lady, she ain't jammin' to the vibe ya layin' down, ya dig? Beat it."
Heart skipping a beat or two, your eyes grew wide and a blush flooded your cheeks. "That voice...?!"
You whipped your head up to see the one and only Present Mic.
"Ah! I knew it! I knew I recognized your voice, I catch your radio show every day! You're the Sound Hero, Present Mic!" he flashed a grin down at you, winking.
"Oooh, you've got good ears, Listener! Thanks for Hypin' me up like that! Always great ta meet a FAAAN!" he responded in his commentator voice.
One of your would be tormentors interrupted angrily. "Hey, peacock head, why don't you mind your business?"
"PEACOCK...?! You boys best get ta steppin', aight?! Don't make me beat you up in fronta this pretty girl!" he replied in annoyance after his attention was so aggressively stolen from you.
The blush came back in full force and you couldn't contain a dreamy sigh as your lashes fluttered, eyes lidding contentedly now that you felt safe again.
*he said I was pretty~!* you thought.
"You believe this banana hair lookin' motherfucker? You're about to get your ass whooped, fruity!" the other threatened.
"Hey bro, watch your language! There's a lady here!" with the arm around your shoulders, Mic carefully raised it and guided you behind himself as the two started walking towards you both.
Another voice came suddenly from the other side of the parking lot and everyone, with the exception of the blonde who was guarding you, turned to see Eraserhead.
Suddenly these jerks weren't so confident.
"Get lost, both of you, and go straight home or I'll bring the two of you in right now for loitering and harassment." he said calmly but with deep authority.
Mic crossed his arms, glaring at the duo as they ran off after a mere moment of hesitation, his cheeks puffed out slightly. "What a couple creepozoids! You okay, Pussy Cat...?" he quickly spun around to check you out, striking a dramatic pose while pointing at you, the trademark grin already back in place.
You smiled up at him with admiration sparkling in your eyes, clasping the cup you held in both hands and tight to your chest, stepping closer to him.
"Yes, thanks to you! You're my Hero~!"
Mic felt his own chest swell with pride a bit, the grin on his face getting bigger as he relaxed his stance and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.
Usually by now the damsel has already flung herself on Aizawa, but not only were you praising him, you recognized him from just his voice and he was impressed at that.
"I can't believe I was just rescued by my favorite Pro, I am your #1 fan! Please, are you patrolling the city tonight? Please let me buy you a coffee or tea or something?? Just as a thank you...?"
Hizashi laughed rather loudly, one hand emerging from his pocket to be placed over his chest.
"HAHA! Aaaww, how can I say NO when you ask so sweetly?! Coffee sounds like a rockin' idea right about now!"
"Ugh, we don't have time for this, Mic..." Eraserhead complained tiredly.
Eyes rolling in exasperation, the blonde groaned twice as loud. "ugGHHH!! Don't be such a buzzkill, yo! I'll get you one, too, just chill!" with that, he trailed after you back into the store.
You watched as he doctored up the coffee you poured for him, blushing again when he threw a hint of a smirk your way, using the tip of his finger to lift the gold tinted shades he wore and showing you his emerald green eyes. "Don't worry, I'll pay for my boring friend..."
Smiling, you bounced on your heels. "Damn right you will, I'm not HIS fangirl, after all..."
This promoted a slight blush to his face, but he maintained that knockout grin. "Ha! Well, good thing his best friend is here at least, lucky for him I tagged along tonight, huh??"
"Lucky for both of us..." came your soft reply from over your shoulder as you turned to walk away, your hips swaying temptingly had definitely not escaped his notice.
He followed you to the checkout counter and placed some money beside yours, his ungloved fingertips brushing against your own when he does. Leaning down closer to you, he cocked his head, pushing his shades down his nose this time and raising a brow.
"Does my #1 fan have a name...?"
Your smile bloomed again, blushing up at him. "It's  _______...but I might prefer you calling me Pussy Cat...~"
Saying that last bit, you applied a sensual undertone which he picked up on instantly, making his blush spread over his face and grow darker as he chuckled in amusement.
When you guys walked out the door, you noticed Eraserhead seemed really annoyed but tried to ignore him, looking up at the Voice Hero hopefully.
"Listen, I know you're both busy, but if you have just one more second to spare, I can't tell you how much it would mean to me if I could get your autograph..."
Looking away awkwardly, he made a pained expression. "Aw, man, I dunno, we are kinda in a hurry here and stuff..."
You felt your heart sinking when he startled you with another loud laugh. "Hahaha, gotcha! JK! Of course I will, I ain't gonna leave ya hangin' like that, no way, that ain't my STYYYYYYYYLLLE!"
Giddy with excitement, you let out a tiny squeal, quickly fishing out a small notebook and pen from your purse as he set the cups down. When you handed it to him, his fingers brushed yours again, making you bite tenderly at your bottom lip.
They were so warm and soft...
He had started to whistle a cheerful little tune as he spun the pen between his fingers before starting to write in your book, it took longer than you expected, clearly longer than Eraser expected, too.
"Say goodbye to the girl, Mic, it's time to keep moving!" he didn't yell, exactly, too lazy, but he had raised his voice since last.
"YEAH, YEAH, I HEARD YA!!! Gimme a sec, ALRIGHT?!" the volume of the blonde's reply actually made your eardrums flinch and quiver this time, but you smiled anyway as he defended you again.
"There ya go! And hey, just to spite my buddy over there, I wouldn't mind walkin' ya home ta make sure ya get there safe."
The blush came right back, clutching the book to your heart, you gave a weak smile. "No, no, it's okay, really...I took up too much of your time already, and I only live around the corner from here..."
Eyes closing momentarily while you gathered yourself, you took a deep breath before confessing. "...I cannot express how grateful I am for you...not just for saving me tonight, but also for your talk show, hearing your voice over the radio gives me strength and motivation every week...it means the world to me...thank you..."
Beckoning him by flexing a finger, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss against his cheek when he leaned in curiously.
Eyes widening, his whole face became scarlet red and his grin stretched from ear to ear. "AW, YEAH!"
He jumped, pumping his fists in the air and then proceeded to shoot you with his finger guns while  winking again. "Listen, I dropped my digits on that piece'a paper ya got there, Shawty...hit me up sometime if ya wanna chill! I'm down for whatever!"
You were caught off guard by that and checked the page he signed for you, finally reading what he wrote down as he rambled on as background noise about how he wasn't a creep like those other guys and you could say no without worrying about him making a scene, he just had to shoot his shot, I mean you DID kiss ME first ya know...
"For my #1 fan, _______...Thanks for the coffee and stay outta trouble! ...and maybe call or shoot a txt, if your feelin' this funky vibe, too? Live loud, Pussy Cat ;) don't ever let anyone try an put the mute on ya! XOXOX PRESENT MIC!!!"
Followed by his phone number, and there were little hearts drawn around the page.
You were already blushing when he surprised you again by returning your gesture and swooping in to plant a kiss on your cheek this time.
Reaching up to touch the spot, you smiled up at him shyly. "I can't wait...please be safe out there..."
"You got it! SEE YA SOON!" The Pro nodded vigorously, giving an enthusiastic wave of goodbye before grabbing his and Eraserhead's drinks, practically bouncing with every step.
It made you giggle, but you were trying not to get your hopes up too much. For all you knew, he gave his number out to every girl that asked him for a signature.
"Are you happy now...?" Shouta grumbled, taking the cup being offered as he turned to resume patrolling. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HECK YEAH I AM! I'M ON CLOUD NINE RIGHT NOW, I JUST MET MY FUTURE WIFE!!!!!!!!"
You heard him very clearly, the blush traveling all the way down your neck this time, and you couldn't help another small giggle, your heart fluttering with happiness like the wings of the butterflies in your belly.
He just had that effect on you.
Glancing down at the notebook in your hand as you sipped your quickly melting frosty, you noticed in the bottom right corner was a little arrow, below which was written the word "flip".
You looked up again but the two Pro Heroes were already gone.
Curiously, you flipped over the page.
a. YES!!!!!
b. a
c. b
That smooth sonuvabitch had you blushing and giggling all night.
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summerstardust · 4 years
Did You Miss Me? Part 7
Dhawan!Master x Reader --- Previous Missy x Reader
AN: I finished this at like one in the morning, so I hope that this is good!
Summary: It has been over a month since The Master appeared again and him and the reader are living a happy Human life. But through your daily routines together will the reader discover something off about The Master.
Warnings: some alcohol consumption
Word Count: 2832
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“I hate pretending to be Human!” The Master screamed into the air as soon as he entered the apartment. You didn’t know if he was just shouting out of rage or if he actually knew that you were home and the comment was direct toward you. You, however, assumed the former. The two of you had been living together in your apartment for a little over a month now, and most everything was working out. The Master would help you with your studies and you would help The Master with his school plans and pretending to be Human. But then there were days like today where both of you were tired of iterating with Humans. The Master’s reactions were always more bombastic.
You were nestled under many blankets on your couch, having taken a break from doing some homework. Evidently, The Master had not seen you and was just screaming out into the air in frustration. So when he turned the corner and saw your face peeking out from one of your blankets, he jumped and almost dropped his work bag! He gasped and placed a hand over his hearts while looking away from you. You remained silent, but continued to watch his actions. Once The Master calmed down he threw his work bag and plaid purple coat onto a nearby chair and removed his shoes. He then walked over to you and removed your blankets. You were about to protest because of the sudden coldness, but The Master crawled and laid on top of you before cocooning the pair of you in your blankets.
“What was it this time?” You eventually asked, but The Master only mumbled something into your chest, causing reverberations to run through your body. You were unable to hear what he said. “I’m sorry, love, what was that?” Like a petulant child, he dramatically shifted to where his chin was resting on your sternum, causing the pout already written on his face to double.
“The self checkout machine at the grocery store refused to work. I wasn’t able to get  anything and my boss invited us to a dinner party again!” You tried to hold back your amusement at The Master’s complaints while rubbing circles on his back.
“How did you survive before you met me?” You joked.
“I either had random people do my bidding or my TARDIS.” The Master moved to cuddle into your neck and motioned for you to play with his hair.
“Oh, poor little baby! So overwhelmed by having to take care of themselves.”
“You're so mean!”
“I’m mean! You're the destroyer of worlds!” The Master sighed and slumped down onto your shoulder, you continued to run your hands through his hair until he calmed down a bit.
The Master usually only slept at night beside you. He obviously didn’t need to sleep as much as you. Throughout both regenerations you encountered, they often said that Timelords(or ladys) were more advanced than Humans and didn’t need to do things as often as your species, like sleeping and eating. But The Master would always stay by your side and protect you during the night. However, The Master seemed incredibly stressed, more stressed than usual so you told him to take a nap while you went to get the groceries and that the pair of you would discuss the dinner party when you came back.
It was a quick trip to the store without The Master. You loved him, but he was oftly distracting! You noticed that whenever The Master pretended to be Human, they tended to obsess about every Human thing. He tried to explain it to you once, basically he thinks that he must be knowledgeable in every Human thing to accurately convince people that he is Human. You tried to explain to him that no Human is fully aware of everything  on the planet, and that’s just part of being a Human. But everytime the two of you go to the store, The Master insists on extensively researching everything he sees. 
When you returned to your apartment, The Master was not asleep on the couch where you left him, nor had he moved to your now shared bed. Once you crossed the threshold of your bedroom, you noticed that your wardrobe door was open. You were more preoccupied with your thoughts on where The Master could have disappeared to, then you remembered that that wardrobe was the TARDIS. Neither you or The Master had entered it in over a month and a thick layer of dusk had accumulated from lack of use. You were confused by this and wondered what The Master would need in his TARDIS, or what he could be doing in there all of a sudden. 
You slowly made your way to the wardrobe and peaked your head around the open door. The Master was in deep concentration, pushing buttons and pulling levers. You creeped further into the TARDIS and cleared your throat to get The Master’s attention. His head whipped toward your direction, a stern glare clearly visible on his face.
“What are you doing in here?” You asked softly as to not anger him more.
“You aren’t supposed to be back yet.” You were shocked by his response. It was cold and emotionless and completely unlike how he ever treated you. You recovered from your shock quickly, however.
“But I am back. So why didn’t you answer my question?”
“I am allowed to enter my TARDIS whenever I want.” He was just as cold in speech as he aggressively pushed more buttons and pulled more levers. 
“I understand that and I’m not stupid. I understand that you are going through more than I could ever imagine, despite the fact that I constantly tell you that I am here for you if you ever want to discuss it. But despite everything, you have no right to talk to me like that.” The Master stopped what he was doing and you saw his face calm down, and almost look remorseful. Before he could respond you quickly spoke, “Finish whatever you are doing so we can talk about the dinner party.” You quickly walked out of the TARDIS, slamming the door behind you, and exited your room toward the kitchen to actually put away all of your groceries you left on the counter. You didn’t expect to be this upset, because you always knew that this was not The Master’s home. He would always want to go back to space and back to traveling, but you hoped that after this past month, he would appreciate your time together over revenge.
When you packed away the last of the groceries, The Master softly trudged into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table with his head down. You hopped up onto the kitchen counter and swung your legs back and forth, waiting for The Master to speak first.
“An alarm went off in the TARDIS. The Doctor was trying to hack into the console. Probably to see what you were up to because you haven’t been responding to her texts.” His voice was soft but agitated, you could tell that he wasn’t mad at you, it was because of The Doctor.
“I’ve been talking to everyone else, I just don’t want to talk to her. Do you fix everything?”
“Yeah.” He nobbed then looked to you, “I might have to monitor it every once in a while, just so you know.” You nodded and told him that you understood, even though you feared that he might leave.
“We are still going to the dinner party, though.”
“Ugh!!! What? I don’t want to go!” You laughed after successfully distracting The Master from The Doctor.
“You have to, though!”
“But why?” He quickly moved from his seat to leaning his hands on the kitchen counter, trapping you between his arms. His chocolate eyes were pleading that you would change your mind, but you didn’t.
“Because you have to pretend to be Human, Master, and Humans go to parties thrown by their coworkers.” The Master groaned and fell forward to lean his head on your shoulder.
“But you said that I can just call them and say that I’m sick. His voice was muffled, but you eventually made out what he was saying.
“Yeah, but you did that the last two times you were invited. You can’t do that three times in a row. It’s just rude.” The Master sighed into your neck, then eventually moved to look at you again.
“Fine, I’ll go. But only if you wear something scandalous!” The Master smirked hopefully, but you jokingly pushed The Master away from you, giving him a curt “no” before dragging him back to your room to get changed.
You ended up wearing a suit similar to the one you wore to Barton’s party, but with more purple, thanks to The Master and his TARDIS. The Master wore purple corduroy pants with a soft sweater vest and black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Not surprisingly, The Master took longer to get ready than you did. It was funny how anxious he became when he had to impress other people while pretending to be a Human. However, he would never admit to this.
The Master convinced you to use a vortex manipulator he had stowed away deep in his TARDIS to travel to the dinner party, but only if the pair of you travel back in a cab or uber on the way back.
The pair of you appeared about a block away from The Master’s boss’s home, so the two of you could walk to the front door without other guests seeing the alien technology.
You walked with your arm curled around The Master’s, who kept his hands in his pockets out of nervousness. You rang the doorbell and a man wearing a unique waistcoat quickly opened the door. He was already very drunk, sloshing around a half filled glass of champagne, and was grinning like a maniac. He laughed, seemingly at nothing, then bellowed a loud “hello, come inside! Grab a drink!” The pair of you apprehensively looked toward each other, then slowly walked past the very drunk man and into the home.
The home of The Master’s Human boss seemed to be owned by someone who was older than the person The Master described. It was filled with rugs and doilies and random nick nacks of animals dressed in cottegecore like clothing. The home, in general, was covered in an alarming amount of mustard yellow colored things and there were many hand crocheted blankets on armchairs and sofas. Suddenly, The Master’s boss came over to the pair of you, calling his alias name. He was just as The Master described, middle aged and bored of his wife.
“So you do have a significant other after all, Owen!” 
“Yes, I do, sir.”
“But good for you, Owen, they are very pretty!” The headmaster of the school leered at you, thinking that he was smooth. You rejected the leer and curled into The Maser, causing the headmaster to cough awkwardly. “We all thought that you were making them up and that was why you refused to come to our dinner parties. ”
“No, I’m afraid that I’m just not a party person, sir.”
“I had to pressure him to come, I’m afraid.” You eventually managed to bolt into the conversation, most of which The Master’s boss liked to dominate.
“And we are glad that you did, sweetheart!” The headmaster placed a sweaty hand on your shoulder and squeezed, while smiling a creepy smile at you. He eventually left to talk to more guests, so you turned to try and calm The Master down. Throughout the conversation you could feel how tense and angry he was coming at the idea of not being able to retaliate.
You suggested that the two of you should get some food and drinks then retreat to a secluded corner of the home. Eventually, The Master did start cheering up, just from the two of you talking. But then the headmaster’s wife, who was even more drunk than the man who opened the door, came barrelling out of the kitchen threatening to sing her favourite show tunes. 
All of the other drunk individuals were raucously telling her to start singing. You felt The Master shift beside you and you saw him pull out his TCE from his pocket. You tried to non verbally tell The Master to stop doing whatever he was planning, but he was only focused on the light hanging above the headmaster’s wife.
“Don’t.” You finally said, but he did. The Master used his TCE to break a light bulb from across the room. The wife of The Master’s boss screamed in surprise. You glared at The Master while he tried to hide his smirk. 
“Why did you do that?” The Master snorted, unable to keep himself from laughing.
“Why not? This evening has been incredibly boring and some people need to learn to not touch what isn’t theirs.” You couldn’t disagree, it was a boring evening and his coworkers were annoying, but then you saw that a shard or the light bulb lodged itself into the wife’s fleshy arm, and that was too far. You also knew that was adding to The Master’s laughter.
“I think we should leave.” You were stern in your statement, causing The Master’s smirk to crumble. He nodded silently then held out his hand for you to take. You did take his hand, but coldly, before The Master led you through the house and let The Master explain to his boss for your departure. Once outside, you let go of The Master’s hand and he silently called an uber.
The two of you rod back to your apartment in an uber, not speaking to one another or the driver. You only spoke to give a quick “thank you” to the driver when they dropped you off at your apartment, but other than that, the pair of you still did not speak. The Master walked up to your apartment building faster than you, and opened all of the locked doors with his TCE so you didn’t have to. The two of you remained silent while you got ready for bed and changed into your matching purple pajamas. 
“I love you, but please don’t do that again. Especially because your boss’s wife didn't do anything to us.” The Master turned to see you already in bed and moving the blankets to welcome him in. He loved that even though you were upset, you still always thought of him. He wished that he was more like you.
“She was annoying, though.” The Master was trying to make you laugh, but you just glared back. The Master moved to join you in bed.“I’m sorry. I won't do it again, I promise.” You thanked him for making that promise, then wished him a good night. 
You had gone to sleep rather quickly, especially because the day was so tiring, but The Master didn’t have the same luck. You woke up in the middle of the night, originally to get some water from your kitchen, but you were distracted when you saw the light cascading out for the open wardrobe in front of your bed. You then noticed that The Master wasn’t beside you. You slowly crawled out of bed and snuck through the TARDIS doors and saw The Master working away at the TARDIS console again.
“What are you doing up? You should be asleep. You have a big day tomorrow!” The Master seemed shocked and genuinely worried about you, but he was still trying to deflect from being caught again.
“Couldn’t I say the same for you?”
“Yes, but I’m a Timelord an I-”
“Don’t need to sleep as much as I do. I know, Master, you say that all the time. I just don’t understand why you can’t stay the night in bed with me like you have been. I sleep better with you beside me.” The Master nodded and followed you back to bed without a fuss. Once in bed, The Master opened his arms for you to cuddle into his chest. 
In the middle trying to fall asleep, you mumbled out “You never told me that thing you wanted to tell me from a couple of weeks ago..”
“It can wait, my love.” Even The Master sounded tired.
“Are you sure? I know that you said that it wasn’t anything too serious, but-”
“Y/N, trust me. What I have to tell you is serious, but not in the way that you think. I just want to make the moment special, so it can wait.” You sleeping mumbled an “okay” and nuzzled into The Master’s neck, making him smile. He really was treasuring his time with you, especially because he knew that it was going to end soon. So he had to make any moment count.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
Please Don't go Walking Out That Door
(title) After a heavy depressive episode with writing I have returned! \o/ (fuck u helen). Are we gonna mention my word count? Absolutely not. 
Maeve x Lucas. Late nights, bloody days. 4.1k (don’t fuckin look at me)
TW (most of these are squicks): injuries, blood, scars, non sexual upper body nudity (briefly) 
The night stretched on and she felt woozy. 
Sometimes she wondered why she didn’t get help and why she was running this shitshow by herself. At least with extra hands she wouldn’t have to deal with her regulars alone.
The bell rang into the silence, she pressed a hand to her forehead. 
Oh great.
Her head snapped up at the voice.
It was Lucas. 
And he was carrying an injured woman. 
Maeve could just barely see the knife sticking out of her back, and the blood leaking down. The woman was slurring her words, squeezing her eyes shut. 
Maeve rubbed her temples, walking over to the two of them. Her heels clicked on the worn hardwood with her steps. She shut the clinic’s door behind them, closing the blinds around the windows. 
“Good Goddess above, do you get everyone into trouble?” she muttered, taking the injured side arm of the woman. They shifted her to one of the nearest tables. She was complaining the entire time, shaking her arm to get it out of Maeve’s grip.
“Well...no. This one was all her fault.”
“And I can fucking take care of it myself,” she said as Maeve and Lucas shifted her up onto the table. Well those words sounded vaguely familiar. 
“Her fault hm? Let me guess, picked a fight and didn’t realize they were sleazy?”
“...you got it.”
She chuckled, pulling her hair up. “Oh I’ve been there.” She yanked the ribbon closed around her hair, looking at the woman on her clinic table. 
“I need to take your shirt off so I can get a good look at your wounds,” she said, shifting over to look for her pain medicines and needles. A knife in the back could hit a multitude of organs. Stomach, kidney, pancreas, an intestine. 
Sometimes you learn things from experience as well as being taught. 
Lucas looked at the woman as Maeve sterilized her scalpel. “Hey Amani, she’s gonna help you.”
Amani bit at his hand. He shifted away from her, muttering something in a bitter tone. 
“I’m fine! I can fix myself up!” Her voice was a snarl.
Something about the notion of taking her shirt off was bothering her.
Maeve guessed it had to do with something on her back. 
Like a scar.
She set her tools down on the table with a light thump. She was tired and could feel a headache coming on. 
“If I show you the scars on my back, will you let me help you before you bleed out?” She rubbed her temples. 
“I can fix myself.” There was an edge and some very creative swears following it as Maeve tapped the knife. 
“A healing spell isn’t going to do much unless you have very flexible bones and can reach around your back to give yourself stitches. It’ll work wonders for some damage, but can you fix internal? What about stop the bleeding?”
The woman turned away. 
“Amani please. I can’t help you,” Lucas whispered. “I’m useless.”
“You’re aren’t useless,” Amani muttered. “A fucking dumbass for bringing me here instead of helping me home, but not useless.”
“Sorry to say most of my medicine and herbs are locked up as well,” Maeve said, looking at the knife. She would need to get the woman’s shirt off her back to see the wound. 
But maybe not take it of all the way...it was already torn up...and if she didn’t mind the loss Maeve would only need to tear it further instead of taking it off entirely. “You won’t be getting anything.”
She bent over to be eye to eye with Amani. “So you’re stuck with me helping you.”
“Sorry short stack, but the shirt stays on.”
“I will only need to tear it to see the wound.”
Maeve huffed. “I will show you my back if you let me tear your shirt. But this is a timed offer as I do not want you to bleed out on me. Do you know how messy that would be? A pain to clean!”
Amani turned to look over at Lucas. He slapped a hand to his forehead. “So this is the Thumbelina you’ve been raving about? She’s a total bitch!”
She flicked her scalpel. “A bitch with a sharp object. Pick your battles wisely.” Her eyes darted down to the knife in Amani’s back. “If you can be wise at all.”
“Maeve!” Lucas wheezed. 
Amani snorted. “Fiery.”
Maeve stood upright, resting a hand on her hip as she sighed. “I’m used to dealing with people like you. Now, the shirt is going to come off one way or another. Question is; do you want me to knock you out or are you going to comply?”
Amani mouthed the word ‘bitch’ at Lucas. He shot her a glare. “Amani, I love you, but please.”
“Yeah yeah. And you still brought me to the bitchy mean doctor.”
“For a knife lodged in your back!”
“That I can take care of!”
“It’s in your back!”
Amani huffed, turning back to Maeve. “So, if you help me, you’ll leave me alone? The both of you?”
“If you don’t decide to bite me first, yes. You’ll have to stay a little bit when the pain meds kick in since depending on the wound, they can be pretty powerful.”
Amani sighed. “Ugh.”
“This is no fun for me either.”
“So...you’ll show me your scars first, right?”
“We are on a time limit.”
“Your back first.”
She threw her hands in the air, Lucas backing away from the hand holding the scalpel. “Fine! Fine!” She set the scalpel down. “We are on a tight schedule but fine!”
She turned to Lucas, the heels of her shoes the only sound for a moment. “Help me with my dress please,” she said, moving her hair off one shoulder to reveal the laces down her back. 
“You want me to what?”
She huffed, frustrated with the two of them. Her headache throbbed between her eyes. She wanted to rub her temples again. “Just...unlace me.”
“Do you want her to bleed out?”
He shook his head, hands trembling a little as he untied the bow just under the collar of her dress. His touch was soft against her skin, moving quickly with the time crunch. 
Even so, she couldn’t deny the hitch in her breath as he brushed her skin. 
He grazed a jagged scar between her shoulder blades as he finished unlacing her. 
“So what are you…”
“Showing her my scars as I’ve promised. Then I’ll pull that knife out and hopefully she’ll still be alive in time for me to give her stitches. But of course, she insists on this.”
Maeve rubbed her eyes, walking back to the woman on the table. She watched Lucas with an almost...amused glint in her eye. 
Maeve shrugged the dress off her shoulders. 
“Whoa hold on-”
She shot a glare at Lucas. Apparently even he caught on to the scene before him. “Oh relax, it’ll be quick. And I’m wearing something under this.”
“Lucas, we don’t have time to ‘preserve my modesty.’ You may look away if you wish, but this sort of thing is nothing new to me. If she wants to see my scars to be more comfortable with me seeing hers, fine.”
“But you’re-”
“You are abnormally stubborn for someone in your position. It isn’t hard to catch on. If you do not wish to see me undress ever so slightly, then you may look away. But please remember she is bleeding out on my clinic table with a knife in her back. I do not believe we have the kind of time to discuss this.”
“Lucas just admit you like what you see and move on!” Amani called. 
Maeve shot her a withering glare. “And you, you have no place to talk! Making me jump through hoops to take a knife out of your back.”
She held the bodice of her dress to her chest as she looked at Amani. “And here are my scars, are you happy?”
Amani stared at the mess of flesh on Maeve’s back. She knew it was a mess of old wounds. From axes. Arrows. Some burn scars. Bite marks. Knife and sword wounds. She was glad she was related to one of the best healers on her island. 
“Are we good now? Can I just tear your shirt a little to get the knife out?” Maeve huffed, pushing her dress back over her shoulders. She didn’t have time to lace it so she’d have to make due with showing a little bit of skin. 
All she needed to do was just...heal, stitches, medicine, rest. Then she could get them out of her hair and pass out for a million moon cycles. 
“You can tear it a little…” Amani muttered. 
Maeve let out a tired sigh, picking up her scalpel and needles (with sutures already tied neatly, she anticipated someone coming in. But not this).
She tore Amani’s shirt, revealing a bit of marred skin. Gold paint was flaking off and onto the table. Amani twitched under her as she looked at the skin puckering around the knife. 
“Fucking hell doc, your hands are so cold.”
“Oh yeah I know. Would you rather Giant manhandle you?”
“Gods he’d crush me!” “Hey!”
Maeve chuckled, giving the knife a good tug. Amani spewed curses as Maeve muttered something to herself. It was lodged in there pretty good. She suspected it hit an organ as well. She’d have to be quick with healing and stopping the blood. 
“Well Miss. Amani, you might have another scar to add to your collection,” Maeve said, cleaning her hands on her apron. “And I do warn you, this might hurt a little.”
“Do your worst.”
“Oh I will.”
She pulled on the knife. It came out with a spurt of blood. She was right about the organ thing, but thankfully it was only the small intestine. Any higher might’ve been stomach or even a lung. 
Healing spells didn’t work with organs surrounded by bone. 
Amani screamed, swearing in another language. 
Maeve tossed the knife to the side, pressing her apron (her poor apron) to the wound. “Calma síos, ba é sin an chuid éasca,” she muttered, her native language a comfort to her. She breathed through her nose, gearing up for the healing spell. 
There was a spark in her palms
And it faded. 
Cursing, she fought for it back, but each attempt fell flat. 
“Thumbelina?” Lucas asked. 
“I don’t have enough fucking energy for this fucking goddamn spell. Shit.”
“Hey! Watch your fucking language in front of a patient!” Amani said.
“I shall do no such thing you fucking nitwit!” Maeve huffed, sweat dripping from her brow. Her hands were stained red. 
“Can you...draw on energy from someone else?” Lucas asked. 
“I could in theory, but I don’t know what it would do to the other person.”
“Could you use me?”
She turned to look at him, her dress fell off of one shoulder. “Could I what?”
“Use me. My energy.”
“He does have a lot of that- OW!” Maeve pressed the wound a little roughly to shut Amani up.
“I don’t know what it would do.”
“I know you can help.”
“Ugh,” Amani moaned. “Stop flirting and help me.”
“We aren’t flirting,” Maeve said firmly. “Lucas come here.”
He shuffled forward. 
“Touch me.”
“God- just...touch my back.”
He jolted, placing a hand on her bare skin. She sucked in a breath, his hand splayed along her scars. His hand was almost as big as her back was. 
“N-Now,” she breathed. “Visualize.”
“Like what I do to channel my magic?”
He had magic? She wasn’t surprised he had it but surprised he’d use it. 
Nonetheless it lent well. 
“Yes. But channel it into me.”
“Are you sure...it gets kind of...powerful.”
“Just...do it. Giant, she is bleeding out as we speak.”
“Yeah! Help me, then flirt- HEY! Stop that!” 
She pressed the wound again. “Save your breath, you will need it.”
Amani muttered something under said breath as Maeve counted down. 
She was hit with a surge. She gritted her teeth, her hands going numb with the amount of energy. 
Holy fuck. 
“I cannot believe this is just...your magic,” she muttered as Amani writhed under her. Lucas was jumpy, flinching every time Amani slurred out a curse. 
“I’m knitting the wound back together. It hurts like a son of a bitch, but I always stop before they black out. Not healthy to keep going otherwise.”
“Why does it hurt so much?” he asked, his breaths coming out in slight heaves. 
“All magic has its price and drawbacks.” 
She pulled back with a gasp. Lucas leaned against her. Amani stopped squirming. 
“That fucking hurt,” she gasped. 
“Well yeah. You got stabbed in the small intestine. And we still have stitches!” She massaged her temples. She smeared blood along her skin. Mm she’d have to bathe as well. Great.
“You okay there Thumbelina?”
“Mm fine. Just tired. Like you. I’ll be okay. Just gotta fix her up and get you guys some water.” Ugh she was woozy again. Her dress kept slipping down. She kept pushing it up. He watched her.
“You have tattoos on your back.”
“...I do indeed.”
“They’re lovely.”
She stiffened. “T-Thank you.” Amani rolled her eyes. His hand brushed one of her scars, making  her let out a tiny squeak.
“What’s this from?”
“A...brawl with my family.”
“A brawl?” 
“Mmhmm. Hate to brag, but I won. I’m a bit of a feral fighter. I’m sure I can beat you.”
She started Amani’s stitches. Her bodice slipped down her arms. She cursed, pushing it back up. 
“I’d like to see you try and beat me,” he said with a chuckle, holding her dress up and slowly lacing up the back. She went rigid at his touch. His hands were so much warmer than she expected. 
She calmed her erratic breathing, focusing on her needlework. Amani was blessedly silent. 
“I could and I would,” she said, tugging the wound closed.
“I’m like four times your size.”
“Yes but I’m fast. And I have military training. I don’t think you’ve ever seen me in action before.”
“Well no...but neither have you.”
“Ugh can you stop flirting!”
And then the silence was ended. 
“It isn’t flirting, only a conversation while I help stitch you up.”
“Yeah but his hands are all over you.” His hands froze. 
“He’s pulling up my dress.” She knotted the thread, snipping it with scissors she kept nearby. “A mer conversation about me whooping his ass is not flirting.”
“You whooping my ass?” he asked. 
“Now this is flirting.” She turned to look at him. “I would, but I must say, it is a nice ass.”
He opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, and then closed it.
He looked like a fish. 
She giggled, turning back to Amani. She changed the conversation to ignore the heat in the tips of her ears. Even brazen flirting didn’t save her from the effects of the new found feelings she had for him. 
“So I have some pain meds, but they’ll knock you out pretty good if you aren’t careful. I can also fetch you a new shirt if you’d like. This one is kind of a mess.”
She helped Amani to sit up. She ran her hands down the front of her shirt. “No thanks. Rather attached to this one.”
“Of course.”
“Damn, what’s with the way she speaks?” Amani looked at Lucas. 
Like Maeve wasn’t right there.
This headache might turn into a migraine. 
“It’s so proper!”
“Well she normally speaks...differently I suppose.”
“I only get very proper when I have a headache, and the two of you are the root issue,” Maeve groused, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “It was already a long day and now an even longer night.” She always fell back into her aunt's lessons when she was sick.
That or she lost her filter.
She preferred to sound like a lady. She hurt feelings when she didn’t have what little filter on. 
“Ah so this is Maeve? She’s a treasure,” Amani snorted.
Maeve cracked an eye open. “Well a warning about you would’ve been nice as well.”
“He never mentioned me?” She looked at Lucas, jutting a finger at him. “You whore!” 
Maeve threw her hands into the air. “I’m going to get water both for myself and the two of you knuckleheads.”
“Hey!” they yelled at the same time as she walked away. 
“What and you want to spend the night too?” she snapped, grabbing a few glasses and filling them with water from her bucket. She left bloody handprints but she couldn’t find it in her to care. “You need the water for the medicine anyways. I need it for my headache. And Lucas…”
“...we’ll just go with I’m thirsty.”
“Oh yeah you’re thirsty alright,” Amani huffed. “But not for the water.”
Lucas’ face flushed pink. “Amani!”
“Mmm I’m sure,” Maeve hummed, placing a glass in each of their hands. “And tell me, what on Earth would he be thirsty for?”
“...you know, sometimes I wonder if I can find someone as dense as Lucas and it appears that I have.”
Maeve chuckled. “Oh I’m fully aware of what your comment implies. I get enough of it from my little sister.”
...ah so that’s who Amani reminded her of. 
No wonder she wanted to strangle her. 
She just felt like her younger sister. Had the air of her. 
Gods help her if they ever meet. 
“But it’s more fun to watch him squirm.”
Amani’s eyes lit up. “Oh you. I’m starting to like you.”
“Mmm oh...wonderful,” she replied, moving over to look for the pain meds. “More people to bother me.”
“I thought you liked me!” Lucas protested, making her crack a smile. Her headache was slightly dulled by the water, but judging by how much her head throbbed not even sleep would help. 
“On occasion,” she hummed, standing on her tiptoes to try and reach her lactucarium bottle. This tasted vile, but it was effective. 
She swayed a little, being hit with a wave of dizziness. She stumbled backwards, hand coming down to rest on her forehead as she spat out curses. She most likely hadn’t been drinking water. 
...now that she thought about it she didn’t even eat either. The meal Lucas brought sat untouched in her backroom. 
He would kill her if he found that one out. 
Speaking of…
She looked up at Lucas, who had caught her. She stumbled a little, trying to worm her way out of his arms. Amani was chuckling (and then yelping at the pull on her stitches). 
“You okay there, Thumbelina?” The testing offense gone from his voice. 
“Just a dizzy spell.”
“You’ve had a lot of those.”
“This time it’s from a headache. I’ll be okay once you two go home and I can sleep.”
He didn’t crack a smile like she hoped he would. Hers fell. 
“Did you eat today?”
“Did you?” Amani called. 
“Amani this isn’t about me-”
“Don’t make me come over there.”
“...fine. I didn’t eat. Maeve?”
She chewed her lower lip as he helped her upright. He reached over her to grab the lactucarium bottle. He handed it to her as she let go of her lip. “Well, no. I haven’t had the time and it...slipped my mind.”
“...like I said, you’re tiny enough as it is.”
“Like you can talk.”
“Tell him!”
“Shut up!” they both yelled. 
All three of them stared at one another before laughing. The topic of eating all but forgotten. 
“Okay Amani, this stuff is fucking nasty as hell, but it helps. I don’t have it in pill form so we’ll make due.” She poured a little of the lactucarium onto a spoon, and held it up to Amani. 
“What you’re gonna feed it to- ACK!” She shoved the spoon in Amani’s mouth, watching her grumble and swallow the medicine. 
Amani gagged. “Oh fucking shit yuck.”
“Oh yes. And the aftertaste is worse.” She set the spoon down, untying her bloodied apron and using it to pick up her bloody tools and the knife. She watched the woman guzzle down the water she brought with a chuckle. “See?”
“Lucas you chose to be friends with a sadist,” Amani moaned, pretending to swoon. “She’s gonna kill me!”
“Keep up the dramatics and I just might.”
“I really hope this means you two are getting along.”
“Hmm I dunno. Check in tomorrow.”
Amani snorted. “So maybe she isn’t as big of a bitch as I thought.”
“That’s sweet of you.” She dumped the bloodied tools onto a tray to be cleaned later. She folded the stick apron over one arm. She had blood on her cheek. Wonderful. “But I wouldn’t say that assessment was wrong.”
“You two are the worst,” Lucas groaned. 
“Says the person who didn’t eat,” Amani replied. 
“Neither did Maeve!”
“Well I’m not close enough to her to lecture her!”
He glared at Maeve who was looking very smug. “She’s not wrong Lucas dear. You also have a harder job than I do in terms of physical labor.”
“...you had to hold down Amani.”
“Who was being a pain.”
“Hey! I am right here!”
He snorted. “Okay that is fair. Is there anything I need to do with her stitches?”
“I’d give you aloe to put over it but a certain someone.” A man named Sam. One of her...infamous regulars. “Used up the rest of my fucking aloe.”
He shifted at her tone. “...and you...?”
“Well other than chasing him out of my clinic with a bone saw due to being a pain in my ass, using up the rest of the aloe plant I had. Which was a lot. And then taking candy I save for kids? Nothing.”
“...you chased him out with a bone saw?”
“Why yes I did.” She fluffed her ponytail. “So with Amani, you should keep her in bed for a little bit while she heals. Thanks to the healing spell it shouldn’t be too long. Reopening the stitches means coming back to me though and we certainly don’t want that.”
“Uh Doc.”
“I think Lucas is still hung up on the fact you chased someone out with a saw.”
“Well he’d better bring his head back down to Earth or you two will be next. Do you have aloe, or can you get any?”
“Oh yeah! I grow it.”
“Oh wonderful! Just put that on your stitches to help with your skin. Honey is a wonderful antibiotic, to keep your wound from being infected. I’d say no heavy drinking or going out for at least a few days. Four at most.”
“Four days?”
“I’m sure you’ll survive.”
“Come back here in a few days and if I give you the okay, go wild.”
“No more nasty pain medicine?”
“Unless the pain gets bad, no.” She looked at Lucas, who looked like he was trying to do a difficult math problem. It made her laugh. “You should take her home to get some sleep.”
He snapped out of his stupor. “And what about you?”
“Well currently, closed.”
“You should eat something.”
“I will.”
“...god that was so fucking awkward. Can I go home to die in peace?”
“You aren’t dying.”
“I dunno that stuff your little fairy, as you’ve called her, might just do me in.”
She felt her cheeks warm. He talked about her? She knew Amani mentioned it before but not it was really sinking in. “Oh don’t be dramatic. It was only pain medicine.”
She helped him get Amani up off the table, the woman muttering about how she was fine and that she could walk fine. 
“Thank you, Maeve,” he whispered when they got to the door. 
“It was no trouble.”
“Sorry we came so late.”
“I’m used to it.”
“You should get some sleep for that headache.”
“I think I can handle it,” she said with a smile. “You take care of Amani now. Oh and Lucas!” He turned around. “Eat something. Please. It’s not healthy to do the amount of labor you do on an empty stomach.”
“...bootlicker,” Amani muttered. He shoved her. “Hey! I’m injured!”
“When you’re better you can’t use that and then you’ll get it,” he muttered, making Maeve smile. 
She waved them off, leaning against the clinic doorframe. 
Lucas turned around to look at her, shooting her a small and a two fingered salute. 
‘See you later, Thumbelina.’ he mouthed, making something...spark at her skin as she blushed. 
Oh no. 
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ladyscarlettwrites · 4 years
The Next Heir
Chapter 4 The Perfect Family
To say that that Chairman Han was excited was an understatement. Jumin and MC invited him over for breakfast the following morning and announced the pregnancy news to him. He was so overjoyed that he started crying.
“This is just fantastic news! I’m going to be a grandpa!” Chairman Han says as he pulls Jumin into a hug. “I’m so proud of you, my son! You found yourself a lovely wife that is absolutely wonderful and you’re finally starting your own family!” He pulls away to wipe his tears, “I know that I haven’t been the perfect father for you and I deeply apologize for everything that I have done wrong and I hope...I hope you’ll forgive me some day.” 
Jumin still wasn’t used to expressing his feelings and showing emotions but after hearing his father’s apology MC could see his eyes gloss up before pulling his father into another tight hug. “Of course I forgive you...” Seeing that happen in front of her made MC break down and start crying which ended up causing both Jumin and his father to start freaking out.
“M-MC! Are you okay, my love?!”
“Do we need to go to the hospital?!” Chairman Han asked as he started to pull out his phone to dial the ambulance.
“N-No, I’m sorry! Nothing’s wrong, I promise!” MC says as she let’s Jumin wipe her tears away. “It’s probably just the baby hormones! I’m just so happy!”
Chairman Han smiles in relief and walks up to her and gently grasps her hands and kisses her hands softly. “Thank you so much, my dear. You changed our lives for the better and I can’t thank you enough for bringing me and my son closer together. And most importantly, giving us a new life to love and cherish. You’re like the daughter I’ve always wanted.” MC starts crying even more as Chairman Han hugs her tightly.
After a while, when MC finally stops her crying, Chairman Han leaves, talking mostly to herself about all the things he should buy for when they baby arrives. Jumin and MC start getting ready to hangout with the rest of the RFA members and talk to several reporters, that are currently waiting outside of the penthouse, to put the rumors to rest and officially announce the pregnancy. 
MC tries her best to not let the articles get to her. Jumin also has been doing his best to reassure and kisses her hand gently as they stand in front of the reporters. He turns to them and clears his throat.
“I’d like to start off by thanking everyone for finding the time to meet with us on such short notice. My beautiful wife is pregnant and before you ask, yes, the baby is mine. These useless rumors that have been going around, accusing my wife of adultery and having a secret lover. I’ve been with my wife everyday and she is not that type of person. She does not need to be dealing or hearing any of this. I have lived most of my entire life in the public eye but my wife is still very new to this certain lifestyle and attention. So I hope you will all understand when I ask of you all to please; don’t stress my pregnant wife by writing unnecessary rumors. We’d like to be able to have a stress-free pregnancy. Thank you.”
He backs away slightly and motions for them to start asking their questions.
“Mr. Han, is it true that you will be suing the doctor that went behind patient and  doctor confidentiality?” “Yes I am. But that is all I can say about it until I’m done.”
“Mrs. Han! How far along are you?”
MC steps up and shyly loops a strand of hair behind her ear, “I’m not so sure yet. I just found out recently but we will hopefully be finding out soon!”
“Are you hoping for a girl or a boy?”
“It doesn’t matter to me but if it’s a boy, I hope he’s as handsome as his father!” MC giggles.
“What about you Mr. Han?” Jumin smiles as he looks down at MC and brings their interlocked hands up to his lips and kisses the back of her hand. “ I hope it’s a girl and that she’ll look as beautiful as my wife.” MC blushes and looks up at him lovingly as the reporters start snapping photos of them.
“But wouldn’t you want a son so that he could be the next heir to take over C&R after you?”
MC squeezes Jumin’s hand gently when she sees that he looked annoyed at the reporter that asked that question. Jumin squeezes her hand back gently before looking back at the reporter, giving him a cold stare. The reporter shrinks back.
“If we have a girl, she will be more than capable of running the company as any capable man.”
“Mrs. Han, what does your family think of the news? Have you told them?” “And how come they didn’t attend your wedding? Where they not invited?”
“Are you and your family on bad terms? Do they not approve of you marrying someone of such high class as the Han family?”
MC flinches and tightens her grip on Jumin’s hand as she tries not to let her eyes swell up in tears. “I...I’m actually...an orphan. I don’t have any living family members...”
Jumin pulls her close and glares at all the reporters that asked those questions. But before he could say anything the rest of the RFA members appeared right beside them.
“We’re MC’s family now and we’re so happy for them!” Yoosung says as he hugs MC. Jumin tries not to glare at Yoosung only because it was making MC feel better.
The reporters were quick to notice how close Zen was to Jaehee and when they looked even closer they saw that he had his arm wrapped around her waist.
“Zen, are you in a relationship?!”
“Is she your girlfriend?!”
“How long have you been dating?”
MC gasps when she turns around to see that Zen indeed have his arm around Jaehee. Zen smiles at the cameras as he holds Jaehee closer to his side.
“Yes I am and this here my beautiful and smart girlfriend, Jaehee Kang! We just recently started dating but we’ve known each other for a longer time! She’s actually a member of the RFA with me. So I hope all my lovely fans will cherish her as I cherish her like I do and continue to support me and my hard work!”
“Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be on our way.” Jumin bows before he walks away with MC as the bodyguards open the car door for them. The reporters try taking pictures of them as Driver Kim drives off.
“Jumin, we could have waited and given the others a ride as well. We’re all going to the same place.” MC pouts.
“I’m sure that the others came in Seven’s car, my love.” Jumin says as he pulls her onto his lap and nuzzles her neck.
“Juuumin...! You can’t aways do that to try and get on my good side!”
Jumin smirks as he nips her neck gently and rubs her belly gently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just naturally showing my lovely wife, the mother of my unborn child some affection.”
MC giggles as he continues to nuzzle and holds back her moan as he nips her neck again. “W-we’re not far from the restaurant and I’d like to look presentable  in front of our friends and in front of any reporters that happen to be there.” Jumin opens his mouth to say something but MC smirks as she continues, “Unless you want the men to get a glimpse of what I might look like in the privacy of our bedroom? Help them with their imagination of what it’ll be like if I was with them?”
Jumin glares and tightens his grip around her waist and growls deeply, “ No. That’s for my eyes and my eyes only.” He moves her dress a little and nips her shoulder, marking her. “You are mine.”
MC moans softly, “ Yes...that’s right. I belong to you and only you, my love. And you belong to me.”
Jumin kisses her before leaning over to her ear, “Don’t think that you won’t go unpunished when we return home later, Kitten.” MC shivers as she nods her head.
The car stops in front of a huge restaurant. Bodyguards lineup outside and opens the door for them. He gets out of the car and turns back and helps MC out of the car. As soon as she steps out Seven’s fast, flashy car stops right behind their car. MC giggles as Yoosung stumbles out of the car and holds his stomach as he hunches over, trying not to throw up. Zen exits out of the car, yelling at Seven as he helps Jaehee who almost looks sick like Yoosung.
“Just because you have a flashy sports car doesn’t mean that you have to drive super fast and all crazy! Yoosung is over there about to throw up and what about me and Jaehee! My fans will hunt you down if anything happens to my appearance and I’m sure Jumin and MC would hate it if anything happened to Jaehee!”
Seven just laughs it off and hugs the hood of his car. “Don’t listen to the big, handsome meanie, babe! He just doesn’t understand that you’re meant to be driven fast, baby!”
“Ugh, stop calling you car creepy names like baby and babe! It’s weird!” 
Jumin rolls his eyes and leads MC into the restaurant. “Let’s let them figure this out. We need to get you something to eat.” MC giggles as she follows him in but gasps when they see V standing there smiling at them without his sunglasses.
“V!” MC runs over and hugs him, “What are you doing here?!” 
V laughs as he hugs her back, “ I couldn’t just stay away when I heard that my best friend and his lovely wife were expecting a baby! I had to come and congratulate you!”
Jumin walks up and hugs V and smiles “Thank you, Jihyun. It’s nice to have you here to celebrate with us.”
“I wouldn’t dare miss it!”
MC looks up at V, “V, you’re not wearing your glasses...did you...?”
V smiles and nods his head, “After you guys had left for your honeymoon I went and got surgery done to fix my eyesight.”
MC tears up as she hugs him again. “I’m so happy!”
V hugs her back before pulling away when everyone else finally enter the restaurant, “Now let’s go celebrate!
The entire day is spent celebrating inside of the restaurant with the whole RFA members. MC smiles as she watches all of them talking amongst each other.
Jumin leans in to her ear, “Is everything okay, my love?”
MC nods her head, “I was just thinking of something?”
“And what were you thinking about?”
“I was just thinking of how lucky I am. I was always alone ever since my parents passed away and I never thought I’d end up having a family of my own. But hearing Yoosung say that the RFA members are my family now...it just made me so happy! I’m so glad I stumbled upon the chatroom that day. It was dangerous of me to listen to the hacker but I have new friends who are now my family and I met you...the love of my life. And now, the father of our child. You and everyone else have given me everything that I could ask for and I wouldn’t change it for the world!”
Jumin smiles at her lovingly, “We should be the ones to say that we’re lucky...you brought back the light in our lives. We were all suspicious of you and you didn’t hold it against us when Jihyun told us to trust you. Yoosung and Seven’s friendship with Jihyun is better now, Jaehee and Zen are happier now together which I’m sure you helped. I’m sure it’s also because of you Jihyun finally agreed to getting the eye surgery. And finally me, you made me more human. You helped untangle these knots of threads that I had in my mind. You make everyone’s life turn for the best. We owe you so much.”
MC smiles as her eyes start to tear up. Jumin leans in and kisses her forehead gently. “I love you.”
“I love you too, my love.” Jumin looks at his watch, “It’s getting late, so we should pull Jaehee and Jihyun aside so then we can ask them our question.”
MC nods her head and stands up with him. She pulls Jaehee to the side as Jumin brings V as well.
“So what did you want to ask us?” V asks as he stands beside Jaehee.
MC nervously twiddles her thumbs, “Um...so...I’m pregnant and...and we...” She looks up at Jumin so then he could help her.
Jumin chuckles softly and pulls her close as he looks back at V and Jaehee, “MC and I were wondering if you two would do us the honor of being the god parents to our child.”
Jaehee gasps and tears up as she nods her head and hugs MC tightly who tears up as well and hugs her back. “Of course! Thank you so much for choosing me!”
V smiles and hugs Jumin, “I’m honored you picked me as well. I will be more than happy to be the god father! Thank you!”
When it was time to leave, everyone hugged and said goodbye. Jaehee and MC making plans to go shopping later for baby stuff. Jumin smiles lovingly as he watches them. He was really happy to be starting a family with MC and with the RFA members included it truly was the perfect family.
A/N: I am so sorry that this was late! A lot of things came up but I’m going to start the first draft of the next chapter now. Hopefully the California heat this weekend doesn’t stop me! Let me know if you want to get added to the taglist! <3 
Taglist: @misstartrekandel
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reliciron · 4 years
Eternal Empire After Effects
In addition to that post I made a while back about how your characters deal with either the boost in Force sensitivity or the brand new sensitivity for your smugglers/troopers/agents/bounty hunters. I want to talk about the general fucked up-ness that the Commander has to deal with post-KotET.
Like DAMN. Bare minimum, they’ve had to deal with carbonite poisoning, the general mind games of Valkorian, and then they had their mind literally broken in the last chapter. At worst, they get all that, plus taking a lightsaber to the gut. To say nothing of having to fight an impossible war for a little over a year straight with everyone’s hopes and dreams riding around on their shoulders.
A lot of the posts I’ve seen about other people’s ocs has some form of lingering effects from everything. And I just want to talk about it for a minute, cause I live for filling in the scenes we don’t see. [Take this with a grain of salt, as I’ve never played a dark side character, so my perspective will be skewed.]
Long term physical effects:
They were poisoned slowly over the course of 5 years, you can’t tell me that one little dart thing can fix that, at least not right away. This could take the form of lingering nausea, migraines, dizziness. The symptoms of heavy metal poisoning would fit well here. And I hc my consular as having some permanent nerve pain from it.
The stab on Asylum is absolute bullshit in the game. Valkorian or no, there’s no way they’d be walking out. I think I posted a pic I took before, but the stab is easily close enough for the heat transfer to damage the spine. Bone cracks and warps with heat, so you can see the problem there. The wound is almost dead on for where the stomach sits and the lungs, liver, kidney, and intestines are all in range to get badly burnt (yeah I know, alien anatomy might be different, but we’re assuming its mostly the same).
We’ve seen what a lightsaber can do to a blast door in The Phantom Menace, take that and apply it to a person, and Arcann held that blade there a loooong time.
Yes, Valkorian saves them, but I think of it more as he kept them from dying, and not, he completely stopped the blade from cooking them from the inside out. So the three days Lana mentioned are horseshit. The Gravestone’s tiny ass med-bay is absolutely not equipped to handle an injury like this.
I always figured a better way was Valkorian kept them alive long enough for Lana to threaten her way onto an appropriate station and made the doctors fix them. Even so, getting what amounts to several organ transplants, implants to bypass possible spinal chord damage, replacement ribs and vertebra, and a whole lot of skin and muscle grafts will leave your Commander pretty messed up, even with magical Star Wars tech and Force magic. And their allotted recovery time seems to be the length of the base’s construction on Odessen, so there’s no way in hell they’re really done healing by the time they have to go back out into battle.
Specific injuries aside, a year is a long time to fight more or less constantly. At least during the base game you sort of had rests between chapters. They’re gonna rack up an impressive list of injuries, alongside wear and tear like their knees and feet having trouble from the constant running and jumping. And their elbows and shoulders will break down from hours upon hours of absorbing the recoil of a gun or the constant flurry and clash of a lightsaber.
Long term mental effects:
As ugly as the physical stuff is, the mental effects are just as bad. Depending on what class they are, having the goddamn Sith Emperor riding shotgun in their head will fuck them up big time.
Classes who faced off with him more-or-less directly, like the Knight, Consular, and Warrior, are going to have the worst time of it because they KNOW what this sort of thing leads to. The warrior has seen the dead eyed puppet on Voss and knows that could be them soon. The consular had to deal with the emperors children and the First Son. They’ve seen a prominent and powerful Jedi master absolutely crumple under the power of the emperor and he wasn’t even IN there. And Knights have already experienced the emperor’s control first hand.
Not to say the others won’t have trouble with it, it’s just that the reasons will be a little less direct. The smuggler and bounty hunter are used to being their own people, not tied down to anything or accountable to anyone, and now there’s the threat that everything they have will be taken from them and there’s no amount of sneaking or shooting that will save them. Troopers built up their command from basically nothing and now they’re Republic heroes, but Valkorian now threatens the lives of everyone they’ve sworn to protect. The agent is easy, they’ve suffered mind control before, they’ve been slaves in their own body, and they’re terrified of it happening again. And inquisitors were literal slaves who clawed their way to the top, and they’d sooner die than be a slave again.
So just having that asshole there means constant stress for the whole of KotFE and KotET. Insomnia must be a given. How do you know you’ll wake up as YOU? That Valkorian won’t hollow you out in your sleep and walk around in your skin the next day? And for the Knight, Agent, and Inquisitor, I’d think panic attacks are probably a thing, even if they don’t let anyone see it.
The stab will definitely cause some trauma. Pretty sure any wound that gruesome would. And if they didn’t have nightmares before, they sure do now and I’m willing to bet that they might shy away from lightsabers for a while, which leaves an interesting dilemma considering they’re in a war with Force-users, and some of them are Force-users themselves.
Fighting a guerrilla war with an absurdly powerful adversary has to be incredibly taxing, especially for classes who’ve never had to command anything. Smugglers and Bounty Hunters are very screwed here, assuming they care about running the Alliance well. And the burden of saving the galaxy is a heavy one. I can definitely see classes who have saved the galaxy multiple times to be getting increasing bitter about always having to be the one to clean up the messes. Why are THEY the ones who always have to suffer? Why isn’t there ever a hero to save THEM when they need it?!
Agents get their own little special bit here with the bullshit that is Vaylin’s conditioning. They know exactly the kind of misery she’s going through, the powerlessness that one single phrase or word causes. I can understand that the writers couldn’t figure out or bother with a whole separate scene of the agent refusing to use the conditioning, cause then they’d have to figure out how to not have Vaylin murder them on the spot. But goddamn we could’ve at least seen them struggle with it! Maybe an extra few lines of them pleading with Vaylin because they desperately don’t want to use her control phrase. Ugh, at least behind the scenes an agent can have a break down about how they’ve become exactly like the intelligence officers who’d decided that they were too much of a liability to go without a leash they could pull. And now they’ve pulled an identical leash on Vaylin.
And then we have their mind being broken. That could be a post in and of itself. Valkorian came within a hair’s breadth of destroying them entirely, and they were so broken that they didn’t even know their own name. And in the space of 10 or so minutes, they scrape themselves together and fight a god. It’s very impressive (and I’ve got my own issues with that fight) but I don’t think you can pull yourself together that fast after being that messed up without some lingering issues.
Chronic insomnia and night terrors, full blown PTSD, panic disorders, severe anxiety; something THAT traumatic will absolutely leave marks.
And after that? They just keep going. Yeah, things calm down, but they’re still at the head of a very powerful faction now (if not ruling Zakuul), there’s no going back after this. And they’ve got a massive restoration project ahead of them as tensions continue to simmer between the Republic and Empire. The more dutiful characters must be near the end of their rope. There’s no rest, just the next fire to put out, and they continue to run themselves into the ground. And the more flighty characters are now forever shackled by the Alliance. There’s no flying off into the sunset for them. No more anonymity as a bounty hunter or smuggler. Their old life is over, whether the wanted it or not. And how can they really relax when there’s this many people looking at them for direction. They’ve become just like those asshole military leaders who they used to mock.
And for just about all of my characters, they hide it. No one can know that they’re falling apart at the seams. Either it’s about personal pride and acting unphased cause they’re just THAT good, or because they’re trying to be the leader the Alliance deserves and don’t want to disappoint or frighten them by showing just how badly they’re coping. Either way there will be a breaking point.
And even after it all comes out in the open, and they (hopefully) get the help they need. It’s never completely over. Chronic pain and fatigue, depression and anxiety, persistent insomnia; these things don’t just disappear, they’re an ongoing struggle that helps color their future actions.
I just… I really like considering things like this because it hits close to home. Seeing them struggle with some of the things I deal with makes them feel more like people. Cause god knows the writers aren’t gonna put this kind of stuff in there.
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riotwritesthings · 4 years
Baby Crazy
WinterIron, 8k, E, crack | AO3
This is partially because of that video of Sebastian Stan being cute with a kid, and mostly because my friends are terrible influences. By which I mean they’re the best and I LOVE THEM. Here’s some crack. I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m really not. No shame 2020.
For some reason, the children of New York love Bucky Barnes. It’s heartwarming to witness, and it’s making it really hard for Tony to ignore his gigantic crush on the man.  Especially because Tony can’t stop suggesting they maybe have a baby together. The rest of the Avengers just want a vacation.
Despite popular belief, Tony does actually think before he speaks the majority of the time. Maybe that doesn’t include when he’s a little slap happy after a fight, but he feels like that should be forgivable. Especially when he’s watching Bucky oh so gently hand a sniffling toddler back to a sobbing mother, and Bucky has to extra gently loosen the kid’s tiny fingers from his tac-vest. There’s only so much Tony can be expected to stand before his brain just checks out.
Tony leans heavier against the concrete barricade in the middle of the street and, completely without thought, quietly sighs out “ugh, just put a baby in me already.” Apparently not quietly enough though, because Bucky’s head snaps up and around to look at him, eyes wide and, if Tony’s not mistaken, the faintest hint of a blush across his cheek bones. Tony, on the other hand, has a horrible feeling that his own face is bright red as he ducks down behind the barricade with a grumble of “stupid enhanced hearing.”
It would be so much less suspicious if Tony could just play it cool, wave and wink and play it off as a joke instead of some kind of weird gut reaction that he really has no idea where it came from. But no, Tony has a big stupid crush, even worse, he has actual adult feelings, and he has already proved himself incapable of ‘playing it cool’ around Bucky. Mostly at this point Tony is just aiming for ‘not a complete idiot.’
He has a terrible feeling he’s failing miserably, and not just because he’s currently crawling away along the ground behind the barricade. “Don’t judge me,” he says as he crawls past Natasha, because he really does not appreciate the scathing look on her face. Then she shakes her head sadly, which is somehow worse, and Tony pouts as he continues his totally manly and mature crawling flee.
He spends the rest of the day avoiding Bucky, telling himself it’s fine. It’s all fine. It’s just because his head got rattled around in that last fall, he’s not obsessed with the idea that Bucky would make a great dad, that Tony would really like to see that up close and personal. Nope, not even a little bit. This isn’t a problem.
And it wouldn’t be a problem, right, Tony says weird shit all the time, it should be swept away under a constant stream of other weird shit, except... Tony can’t seem to stop doing it.
No one is exactly sure when or why it happened, but somehow the Winter Soldier has become the favorite Avenger among the children of New York. Tony gets it, he really does, Bucky has the whole ‘strong silent’ thing going on most of the time, he’s cool and sweet and just the right amount of a smartass. (It’s possible Tony is projecting, just a little bit.) But then the problems began when the kids actually started to approach Bucky, because nothing could have prepared Tony for the sight of Bucky crouched down and patiently letting a bunch of kids poke and prod at his arm.
Tony was already compromised, how could he not be, watching as Bucky smiled gently at an adorable group of children, but then Bucky had looked up and met his eyes, looking confused and excited and terrified and a million other things all at once. A million things that Tony could read in an instant and he’d immediatly lost himself in about a thousand different day dreams of raising a family together, what the fuck.
It had really forced Tony to deal with the fact that his ‘stupid crush’ is more ‘actual adult feelings that will never go away and will probably eventually ruin his life’, because there’s nothing like watching the man he’s terrifyingly in love with interact with small children to finally and officially ruin his denial. Tony had spent two days locked in his lab stress-building after that little revelation, ignoring the fact that apparently he’d been spending so much time with Bucky lately that Tony was missing him after even a couple hours, and come out of the whole thing almost convinced that he would be able to handle this. He could act like everything is normal, like nothing had changed.
Tony had been very, very wrong. He cannot handle this, and he absolutely cannot act normal. How can he possibly act normal when the second they leave the tower to get some lunch Bucky is swarmed with excited children, and Tony gets to watch Bucky’s small grin bloom into something wide and warm and soft? Tony is only human, okay. One of the kids tugs at Bucky’s pant leg until he kneels down and lets the kid whisper something in his ear, and Tony whines under his breath as he clutches at his stomach.
“Bruce help,” he mutters, quietly enough that he almost definitely won’t be overheard this time, “I think my ovaries just exploded.”
“I’m not that kind of doctor,” Bruce responds absently, and then apparently actually registers the sentence because he looks up from the takeout menu he’s been pouring over to fix Tony with a flat look. “You need help,” he says seriously, “please just talk to the man like a reasonable person.”
“About putting his baby in me?” Tony asks hopefully, then pouts when Bruce just shakes his head and walks away.
“I’m going to get lunch, you can join me when Bucky’s done with his newest fans and you’re ready to act like a human,” Bruce calls over his shoulder, heartlessly.
Tony’s head whips back around at the sound of Bucky’s quiet, rumbling laugh just in time to see the kid’s face light up proudly, and Tony makes another strangled sound deep in his chest.
As a general rule, Tony does not enjoy PR stunts. He just might be able to excuse this one though, seeing as how it is in Central Park, and he gets to actually enjoy some sunlight rather than being shoved in another room full of socialites. And this one is for children, who Tony generally like way better than socialites or the press anyways.
It is both a gift and a curse, really, because now Tony is sitting at a picnic table watching a bunch of giggling kids braid flowers into Bucky’s hair under a tree about thirty feet away. Flowers. Into Bucky’s hair. Tony is charmed, and a little jealous, sure, because he wants to play with Bucky’s hair too damnit, but mostly Tony is just hopelessly charmed.
Tony groans pathetically for the third time in as many minutes and slumps down across the table, barely avoiding face planting into a half eaten cake that, ironically, has all their faces on it. "Real question,” Tony says out loud to no one, “do you think he'll have my babies?"
"I don't... think that's possible, Tony," Steve says slowly, and Tony jumps a little because he maybe forgot Steve was there. When he looks up Steve is making a weird scrunched face, like some kind of prude, as he says “what-"
"Then I'll have his babies, I don’t give a fuck," Tony huffs, dropping his chin to his crossed arms and fixing his eyes back on Bucky. Who is now letting a beaming little girl place a flower crown on his head and Tony doesn't even care that he’s probably going to have to pay for all those ripped up flower beds.
"I don't... think that would work either,” Steve says, breaking into Tony’s swooning again, “seriously, what-"
"But,” Tony interrupts, raising one finger as he turns back towards Steve, “what if he fucks me really, really hard?”
"I don't think you know where babies come from," Sam says and Tony jumps again, because when did Sam get here?
"You wont know if you don't try," Clint points out cheerfully, and when did that asshole get here?!
"Don't encourage him, I don't want to think about any of this," Steve says with a groan, pushing away his plate of food.
Tony finally sits up properly to look around the table in confusion as he asks "when did you assholes get here? Don’t you need to go charm parents or something? I already did my shift.”
"We've been here the whole time, man," Sam says and great, now they're all giving him weird looks, "you need to get it together, there are kids around."
"He needs a basic sex ed class," Clint says, and when Tony looks over Clint is rearranging the remainders of the cake to Frankenstein together what’s left of their faces. Tony doesn’t understand how he’s the weird one here.
Tony has a response to all of this negativity, it is a clever and scathing response and he forgets it instantly when Bucky turns towards the table, waving at them with the chubby little fist of the kid he’s now holding in his arms.
Tony slumps back down across the splintery wood with a garbled groaning sound that turns into a sigh of "fuck I want his babies inside me so goddam bad."
"Gross," Sam says while Steve makes exaggerated gagging noises and pushes his plate further away. “Man up,” Sam says cryptically, patting Tony on the shoulder and Tony groans again. At least it’s followed by the sounds of everyone getting up and finally leaving him alone to his misery / daydreams of how adorable babies made by Bucky would be.
At the sound of approaching footsteps Tony looks up again to ask if they’re sure he can’t have Bucky’s babies only to squeak instead because oh look, it’s Bucky. Still holding a child, both of them smiling hopefully at Tony and Tony’s heart lurches dangerously in his chest.
“Hunter here has something for you,” Bucky says, his voice soft in a way Tony has never heard before and the kid nods eagerly before wiggling around to dig his little hand into the giant pocket on his tiny little cargo pants. Bucky has to shift his grip constantly to keep the kid from tumbling out of his arms as Hunter pulls out a sheet of paper folded over itself multiple times and Tony’s not about to sob, he’s not. Everything is fine.
It’s a welcome distraction when the kid abruptly throws his weight forward, arms outstretched, and Tony has to reach out to grab him as Bucky makes panic face and just tries not to drop the over-excited kid.
“Woah, okay, what do you have for me?” Tony asks, twisting sideways on the awkward picnic table seat so he can settle the kid in his lap and then help to unfold the paper.
It turns out that what Hunter has is an impressively and hilariously accurate drawing of their fight with the giant frog last month, and Tony instantly loves it. He loves it more and more as the kid stutters through an explanation of every painstakingly included detail, like Thor covered in slime, and the exact moment Tony came bursting out of the frog’s chest in a spray of red crayon.
“Hunter, I can’t lie to you,” Tony says seriously once the kid has finished explaining that the Hulk is purple because his dog ate the green, “this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Amazing. Are you sure I can keep it? This should be in museums.”
Tony grins wide when Hunter bursts into delighted laughter, pushing the paper harder into Tony’s hands. When he looks up again Bucky is still standing there, smiling down at them all soft and warm, purple and yellow flower crown sitting a little lopsided on his head, and Tony’s heart lurches again.
"Are we ready to go?" Tony asks, looking around one last time even though FRIDAY has already confirmed they’ve successfully rounded up all the tiny, vicious alien mice.
"Almost, Bucky is taking pictures with a couple kids who snuck past the police barricades," Natasha says, looking entirely too proud of random thrill-seeking kids as she points somewhere behind Tony.
Tony does not turn to look, because that sounds dangerously adorable, and instead just tips his head back with a heavy sigh as he asks "but when is he going to give me a baby?"
"What was that?" comes a voice from behind him, and Tony spins on his heel so fast the armor gouges into the street a little to find that yep, Bucky is right there with an expression that Tony kind of wants to call bemused teasing. Or maybe just confused amusement.
Tony definitely can't run away this time, mostly because the stupid tiny alien mice got into his boots and chewed up the important wires. He’s also pretty sure he can hear Natasha snickering at him, so he figures hey, fuck it, might as well double down. “I said," Tony repeats with an over-exaggerated roll of his eyes, "when are you going to give me a baby?!”
He’s not sure how he actually expects Bucky to respond to that, because Tony has not thought this through at the fuck all, but he’s definitely not expecting Bucky to look surprised for a split second before giving Tony a smirk that is honestly filthy, how dare he make that face in broad daylight. “Maybe once things calm down at work,” Bucky says lightly, patting Tony on the shoulder as he walks past on the way to the transport vans.
“Some of us aren’t getting any younger here!” Tony calls after him, and it’s probably ridiculous to want to pout just because he couldn’t actually feel Bucky’s hand on his shoulder through the armor. He is anyways though, because frankly it’s way easier than dwelling on the fact that okay, apparently they joke about this now. That definitely won’t make Tony’s problems worse or anything, not a chance.
“Well you certainly look like ya are,” Bucky says, pausing to toss Tony a wink before clambering into the back of the van.
Tony is too busy stuttering and blushing to notice he’s moving, and then he’s walking straight into the side of the van with a tellingly loud clang of armor against metal. Natasha outright laughs at him, and Tony is pretty sure he can hear laughter from inside the van, too. Life is so unfair.
“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” Steve demands with slowly dawning horror.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Bucky says flatly, but Steve is not an idiot, and he absolutely sees the way Bucky keeps glancing across the road as he hoists a laughing child up to sit on his shoulder. In fact, Bucky appears to be staring straight at Tony, who’s slumped back against his parked car with an expression that Steve wants to call half pain and half longing. And half stupid.
Steve has already had more than enough of this, thank you very much, but his attempt to storm off down the street is thwarted by Tony chasing him down, clutching at his arm, and frantically whispering “I want his baby.”
“It doesn’t work like that Tony,” Steve says miserably, trying and somehow failing to pry Tony’s grip loose, “that's my best friend, please stop saying these things to me.”
“Okay, but I want it,” Tony whispers back, clearly not listening at all and still staring at Bucky with wide eyes, “I want his baby inside me, and I want him to put it there. Vigorously.”
“Please go back to whining about how pretty his hair is, that was way better than this,” Steve begs, which are some words that he never thought he’d say and these pining morons might actually be the death of him. He never thought he’d miss the days when they just silently made heart eyes at each other from across a room.
As they both watch Bucky boosts another kid up onto his other shoulder while their equally excited dad snaps approximately a million photos on his phone, and Tony nearly sobs out “fuck me, I just love him so much.”
Steve rolls his eyes with a sigh, then snaps his head around to stare at Tony with one eyebrow raised. “Wait,” Steve says slowly, a smirk growing on his face because this is certainly a new development, “what was that last part?”
Tony blinks dumbly at him for a second, like he legitimately hasn’t been listening to himself when he speaks, and then his eyes go wide. “I said he’s hot and I want to have his babies!” Tony says, probably too loudly considering they’re still standing on the street and Steve has to resist the urge to laugh. “I didn’t say that I have feelings! There are zero feelings here, fuck you!” Tony continues, looking more and more panicked by the second and Steve almost feels bad for him. Except for the fact that he does not, not even a little bit.
”Very convincing,” Steve says, patting Tony on the back. Down the street Bucky carefully sets both kids back on their feet and waves goodbye, and Tony makes a strangled sound.
Sometimes, Tony thinks back fondly on when things in his life made a single bit of goddamn sense. Mostly though, he’s accepted this interesting new form of insanity.
Like when he walks into the kitchen to find Bucky and Peter sitting at the kitchen table, Peter giggling to himself as he sticks what appears to be Mario magnets all over Bucky’s left arm. Why wouldn’t this be happening?! Tony can’t help the short laugh that bursts out of him before he manages to smother it down, and Bucky turns to him with a baleful look.
“I’m not crazy about the kid from your first marriage,” Bucky says flatly, and Tony loses control of his laughter again as Peter makes a squawking sound caught somewhere between offended and confused.
“Well, he’s part of the deal,” Tony says with a shrug, and smiles brightly as Peter makes a couple more meaningless noises. He refills his coffee mug, then fixes Bucky with a serious look even as he starts backing out of the room and says “you want some better ones, we better get started on making them.”
“I’ll put it in m’ calendar,” Bucky says with a wink, and Tony pretends to swoon so that hopefully no one will notice that he’s actually swooning a little bit, cheeks warm and everything.
“I am scared and confused,” Peter volunteers, green shell magnet still clutched between his fingers, and Tony laughs his way out of the room as Peter squeaks “am I being adopted?!”
Steve walks into the living room to find Bucky sitting on the couch in the near-dark, face buried in his palms, and is instantly on high alert. “Bucky?” Steve asks, looking around the room, but the TV is currently showing a geico commercial and somehow Steve doesn’t think that’s the problem. “What’s going on- what’s wrong?”
When Bucky lifts his head and looks up at Steve his eyes are wet, and Steve is about to panic right up until Bucky opens his mouth and says “Steve. He’s so fucking precious, Steve. What the fuck.”
“What,” Steve says flatly, because what the fuck is Bucky talking about. He looks around the room again, hoping this time he’ll find some kind of answer, and oh look at that, the commercials have ended and apparently Bucky has been sitting here watching the highlights of last night’s press event. More specifically, the interview Tony had done with a tiny well-dressed child outside the actual event. Because of course that’s what Bucky is nearly crying over. “I hate you both,” Steve says with a sigh that feels like it comes from the very depths of his soul.
“Steve,” Bucky says again, eyes back on the TV, “Steve, do you think Tony’s kids would be as pretty as him?”
“I want to disown both of you,” Steve says, and then huffs in annoyance because Bucky is clearly not listening.
“He has an entire wall of art and letters from kids in his workshop,” Bucky continues on, completely unphased by Steve’s hate, “he can still tell the story behind each and every one of them. Bet he’d make the prettiest fuckin’ babies.”
“I’m leaving,” Steve says, but before he can actually move Bucky is whipping his head back around with a distressingly hopeful look on his face. “No-“ Steve tries to say, because he has a terrible feeling he knows exactly where this is going, but Bucky talks right over him.
“Steve,” Bucky says and completely ignores Steve’s desperate head shaking as he asks “do you think Tony would have my babies? We would make the cutest little babies on the entire fuckin’ planet, I just know it.”
“Nope,” Steve says loudly, finally spinning on his heel and stomping out of the room, “nope nope nope, I don’t want to be a part of this. I’m taking the quinjet, if anyone needs me, don’t, because I will be back in the damn ice.”
“Steve!” Bucky shouts after his retreating back, “don’t you think our babies would be cute, Steve?!”
Tony isn’t sure why people seem so determined to hand Bucky their babies lately, but he’s certainly not complaining. By which Tony means that he is absolutely complaining, because just once he would like to go out for dinner with his teammates without his heart exploding over the sight of Bucky cuddling a chunky little infant close to his chest.
“I want to have his babies,” Tony sighs, hands clutched to his chest, and it really should be more concerning that he’s barely even aware he’s doing it anymore, doesn’t realize the words are out until Steve sighs heavily beside him.
“Tony please, stop,” Steve says, eyes closed and expression pinched like he’s getting a headache, “why can’t you just talk to each other like normal people.”
“I talk to Bucky all the time,” Tony objects, because he really does, he spends more time with Bucky than just about anyone these days. He just doesn’t talk about pointless, useless things, like his feelings, or the fact that his biological cock is apparently chiming like Big Fucking Ben.
Steve just sighs again, looking around like he’s trying to find help but Rhodey and Sam had left them behind almost as soon as they had stopped, the bastards. Tony is helpless to look away as the baby raises one tiny hand to pat at Bucky’s cheek, and when Bucky turns his head, meeting Tony’s eyes as he pretends to bite and then gently kisses that chubby little baby fist Tony makes a squealing sound deep in his chest that finally has Steve walking away too.
Tony goes home at the end of the night and sobs into his pillow. More or less. He collapses across the couch in his suite and presses his face into the armrest as he whines “it’s like he doesn’t even care that I have a heart condition! How am I supposed to live like this?!”
“Then fuck him or die already,” Rhodey says heartlessly, sprawled across the armchair and flipping obnoxiously through a magazine. Tony doesn’t even know where he got a magazine, because it’s certainly not Tony’s.
“It’s like you have no sympathy for my pain,” Tony says, finally pulling his face away from the arm rest to glare at his so-called best friend.
“Ran out of it months ago,” Rhodey agrees, loudly turning another page and Tony is pretty sure he brought that magazine himself, just so he could do this. Tony has to admire that level of dedication.
Tony blasts one of the flying monkeys, actually, real flying monkeys, out of the air as it tries to swoop down at Bucky, and this is one of the times that the insanity level of their lives is a little too high for even Tony’s standards. It’s almost worth it though, because Bucky looks up at him with a quick flash of a grin and his voice is warm through the comms as he says “thanks sugar.”
“You know how you can make it up to me?” Tony asks, ignoring the flush working its way across his face in favor of smirking widely because he can already hear the rest of the team groaning in protest. And hey, great thing about a metal suit, no one can see you blush.
“How’s that, sweet thing?” Bucky asks, also ignoring the rest of their team and Tony can hear the grin in his voice even as Bucky leaps over to the next rooftop and takes aim at another swarm of flying monkeys. Flying. Monkeys.
“Don’t,“ Sam says, and there’s a grunt as he kicks one of the pests out of the air, “this stopped being funny so long ago.”
“You could put a-“ Tony starts, only to be cut off by a combination of his own laughter, Sam’s protesting sounds, and one of the monkeys crashing into him and trying to pry his helmet off.
“Tony please I am begging you-“ Steve tries, and Tony would swear he can actually hear Steve’s soul leaving his body.
“Put a goddamn baby in me!” Tony finishes with maybe a little too much emotion, knocking the monkey and away and blasting it with great prejudice.
“Alright it’s funny again,” Clint says around a burst of giggles, but Tony is much more interested in Bucky’s quiet laugh. It has him smiling all through the rest of the fight, even if it is with goddamn flying monkeys.
“Bruce, I need to ask you something,” Steve says, bursting into the library and he feels bad when Bruce startles hard. Bruce nods though, still looking a little rattled, so Steve decides to launch right into it. “So you know how Tony and Bucky are being extra obnoxious with their super obvious pining lately?”
“Unfortunately,” Bruce says with a pinched expression that Steve knows all too well. He’s pretty sure that’s what his own face looks like all the time lately.
“So I realized, there’s still a lot I don’t know about the world these days, I am constantly learning new things, and it occurred to me-“ Steve pauses, chewing on his lip for a second before he decides to just blurt it out. “They can’t actually make a baby, right?! Because I’m pretty sure they’re just being dumb but I also don’t want to be wrong, and- Bruce, am I going to be an uncle?!”
Bruce just blinks at him for several long, silent seconds. Then he shuts his book with a decisive thunk, pushes himself to his feet, and firmly says “I need a vacation.”
“That’s not an answer to my question!” Steve protests, because at this point Bruce is basically the only person Steve can trust to not fuck with him about this. And Steve has learned his lesson about diving too deep into google looking for answers. That way lies madness.
“Vacation,” Bruce says again, then politely but firmly elbows his way past Steve and out the door.
“I’m not ready to be an uncle!” Steve calls after him, and pouts when Bruce refuses to come back and answer his questions.
Tony did not start the day thinking he’d end it getting crushed by an air-born taxi during what should have been a routine fight, but it looks like that’s what’s going to happen. Because of course the latest bad guy just has to go down in a blaze of exploding glory that knocks Tony to the ground, disables his suit, and flings every vehicle parked along the block flying.
The taxi is just a blur of yellow as it approaches, and Tony squeezes his eyes shut. He peeks one open hesitantly when several seconds go by and he still hasn’t been crushed, and then chokes on his breath at the sight of Bucky standing above him, holding the majority of the car off the ground with no apparent effort.
“Please put a baby in me,” Tony blurts, entire body flushing hot and he’s so far past caring if that’s somehow become his gut reaction to just about everything Bucky does, he’s never meant anything so much in his life.
Bucky smirks slow and filthy, which is unfair to begin with, and then holy mother of god switches to holding the taxi with one hand so he can pretend to tug at his belt with the other as he asks “right now?”
“No!” Comes several shouting voices through the comms, and Tony laughs weakly. It’s probably a good thing the fight is over, because he doesn’t think he has the brainpower to even stand right now and wow, this armor is not erection friendly.
When Tony looks around it’s to see Steve sitting on the curb with his face in his hands, and if he listens closely he can just barely hear Steve muttering something under his breath that sounds like the word ‘stupid’ over and over again. Clint is standing nearby with what appears to be his phone held out, like he’s recording Tony’s mini-crisis here, and Tony would be upset if it didn’t mean there might be actual footage of Bucky catching the car. Which Tony would really like to see. For reasons. Natasha is just shaking her head like she’s ashamed of all of them, and from the looks of it Sam has already flown away.
“Maybe later,” Tony says regretfully, and tries not to moan out loud when Bucky easily shoves the car away.
Bucky offers him a hand and Tony to his feet, steadying him when Tony’s legs threaten to give out and Tony really hopes he can blame that on the unpowered suit.
“This is why I can’t have anything nice,” Tony says with a heavy sigh as Clint tackles Sam off the couch, one of their controllers flying across the room in the process to clatter loudly into the wall.
He turns at the sound of quiet laughter from behind him, because Tony would know that laugh anywhere, and sure enough he looks up just in time to watch as Bucky launches himself over the back of the couch and lands right beside him, arm still stretched out along the back and so close to being wrapped around Tony’s shoulders.
“I don’t know why you want more kids,” Bucky says, grinning over at him before shooting a pointed look at the oversized children still wrestling on the floor. “The ones we already have are terrible.”
“I resent that,” Natasha says from the safety of the armchair, easily winning now that all her competition is thoroughly distracted, “some of us are perfectly pleasant.”
“You’re on thin ice,” Tony tells her, punching absently at the buttons of his own controller because he can’t look away from Bucky’s stupid beautiful face, and his stupid gorgeous smile. Finally he gets it together enough to tell Bucky “that’s why we need more, these are the worst children. We need to replace all of them. If at first you don’t succeed try, try again, and all that.”
Bucky turns back to him with a toothy grin that has Tony flushing hot all over and says “wanna replace all of ‘em, huh? Sounds like a whole lot of tryin’.”
“Get a room,” Clint says, voice muffled because his face is currently stuffed into Sam’s armpit, his own finger shoved into Sam’s ear for some reason.
“That’s what we’re trying to plan here,” Tony says, but it gets drowned out by Natasha’s cheer of victory and the ensuing fight as Clint tries to tackle her out of her chair too.
“Bucky,” Steve says, as reasonably as he possibly can, “you gotta put the baby down.”
“No. Why?” Bucky demands petulantly, clutching the baby closer while it giggles and coos.
“Because Tony is in the corner literally sobbing and looking at cribs online and this is getting out of hand,” Steve says, and when he looks over at where he’d left Tony all he sees is the top of the man’s hair where it’s peaking up above one of the tables lining the edges of the room, and apparently Tony is now hiding behind furniture. That might actually be better, somehow. At least he’s not wandering around asking people for input on baby clothes anymore. “Please put the baby down and just go ask him out like a normal person,” Steve begs.
“I’m not putting the baby down,” Bucky says stubbornly, even as his attention is now firmly fixed on the top of Tony’s head, “did you even see his tiny little bowtie?”
“I did see his little bowtie,” Steve says, taking a deep breath and trying to summon all of his patience. He can’t start yelling in front of a baby, in the middle of a black tie charity gala, no matter how much he wants to. “I also saw Tony basically burst into tears the second you picked up the baby, and if the two of you don’t get it together soon you’re going to drive us all insane. Please just ask him out.”
Bucky looks down at the baby again, bouncing it a little in his arms and Steve kind of hates that Bucky still manages to find a way to look unsure about this. “What if he says no?” Bucky asks, barely loud enough for Steve to hear him.
“Are you fu- are you fooling with me right now?” Steve demands and there he goes, he’s about to completely lose it in front of all these nice because because his best friends are just so stupid.
“Don’t swear in front of th’ baby,” Bucky chides him.
“I’m not swearing in front of the baby,” Steve grits out, “now go ask out the man you’ve been offering to impregnate for longer than any of us are comfortable with.”
Bucky still isn’t looking at him, barely even manages a smile when the baby tugs at his tie and makes an unbearably adorable gurgling sound. “He’s just kiddin’ around,” Bucky says, voice quieter than Steve has ever heard it, “he- he doesn’t mean any of it.”
Steve glances over at the corner again, where it looks like Natasha and Rhodey are trying to talk Tony out of whatever online shopping spree he’s on. Then Steve takes a long, deep breath. “Put the baby down,” he says to Bucky calmly, “so that I can punch you in the face really, really hard.”
Tony knows Bucky is in the living room watching old cartoons for some reason, because he always is on Thursday afternoons, so Tony pours a second cup of coffee and carries it in from the kitchen.
“Coffee for you, oh father of my disaster children,” Tony announces as he rounds the couch, Bucky’s favorite mug outstretched, “I even made it disgustingly sweet the way you like, even though it actually hurt my soul a little bit. I felt real pain.”
“Thanks doll,” Bucky says, easy as anything, leaning forward to take the mug from Tony’s suddenly numb hand. His smile is warm and happy and gorgeous and it makes Tony’s heart start beating triple time in his chest.
“You know how you can make it up to me?” Tony asks, and his own voice echoes hollowly in his ears because he has an idea, and it’s probably a terrible one, but he thinks he might just go through with it anyways.
“How’s that, darlin’?” Bucky asks, grinning wider and he’s waiting for the same old joke but there’s something in his eyes, something Tony knows. Something that has him stumbling a half step closer, licking his lips nervously and shivering when Bucky’s eyes track the movement.
This is it, this is Tony’s last chance to chicken out, to not ruin his friendship with a sweet, clever guy that Tony’s not sure he could actually live without at this point. Tony doesn’t back out. “You could kiss me,” he says instead, voice shaking, clutching his own coffee mug to his chest like it could possibly protect him.
Bucky blinks at him slowly. “You know that’s not how babies are made, right?” He asks, one eyebrow raised, expression slowly shifting from confused to hesitantly hopeful.
“Yeah,” Tony agrees, nodding a little wildly, “but, I thought- you know, I figured it might be a good start.”
Bucky calmly sets his coffee down the on the table. Then he surges to his feet, takes Tony’s face between his big palms and finally, finally kisses him deep and hungry. Tony’s own mug goes crashing to the floor and Tony does not care at all, not when he can finally wrap his arms around Bucky without wondering how long is too long, without worrying that he’ll give himself away. All of Tony’s cards are already on the table here and Bucky is apparently right there with him, fingers sliding back into Tony’s hair and a low, desperate noise rumbling through his chest.
So Tony just holds on, tangles his own fingers in Bucky’s hair, digs his fingers into the thick muscle of Bucky’s shoulder and kisses him back. Tony kisses him back for all he’s worth, because if Bucky still thinks this is a joke then Tony is at least going to pour everything he can into it, going to do everything he can to memorize the feeling of Bucky’s lips against his, Bucky’s nails scratching at his scalp when Tony teases his tongue along the roof of his mouth.
Except Tony is starting to think this was never a joke, not to either of them, because when they break away panting Bucky’s just drags his hands down Tony’s back, pulls him in closer and sighs out “oh- Tony-“
”Also, you should put a baby in me,” Tony blurts, because how can he not, laughing giddily.
Bucky does not laugh. Instead Bucky lets out a low groan, hands sliding lower to palm at Tony’s ass as he growls “I’m gonna fuckin’ try.”
Tony is still laughing as Bucky pulls him into another kiss, and then he stops laughing, gets lost in just trying not to melt as Bucky licks into his mouth, kisses him deep and filthy. Tony completely fails, melts easy as anything under Bucky’s attention and the next thing he knows they’re on the ground, barely avoiding the spilled coffee as Bucky shoves his way between Tony’s thighs.
Bucky bites at Tony’s lip and along his jaw, slides a hand under the small of Tony’s back and hitches his hips up so Bucky can grind against the curve of his ass as he growls out “fuck, babydoll- you been tryin’ to make me think about fuckin’ you all the damn time?”
“Were you?” Tony asks, breathless and delighted, arching his back harder and grinding up against Bucky’s stomach with a shaking moan. “Because that was not an intended side effect, but I am also not complaining.”
“Still thinking about it,” Bucky says on a soft groan, nearly shoving them both across the floor with how hard he’s grinding himself against Tony, “fuck, sweet thing I have been dyin’ t’ get inside you.”
“Then fuckin’ do it,” Tony moans back, fingers scrambling at Bucky’s shoulders, yanking him into another kiss and moaning again when Bucky’s fingers slip down the back of his sweats.
Tony doesn’t even notice the approaching foot steps until he hears the voice of patriotic disapproval, screeching out “hey Bucky are you still in- oh what the fuck guys?!”
“Get the fuck out, Steve!” Bucky yells, voice rough and it sends a shiver all down Tony’s spine.
“We’re trying to make a baby here!” Tony shouts at the same time, tightens his thighs around Bucky’s hips and doesn’t stop grinding up against him.
“I hate you both and I’m so happy for you!” Steve screams back as he high tails it out of the room.
They both dissolve into laughter, and it warms Tony’s heart as much as his pants to feel Bucky’s quiet laugh rumbling through his chest and into Tony’s. He kisses Bucky again, light and sweet even though they’re both smiling too wide to really make it work, and then says “we should probably get out of the living room. I propose my bed, it’s the best.”
“Counter proposal,” Bucky says and then stands up, lifts Tony straight off the ground and up into his arms, “we find the closest room with a fuckin’ door.”
“Hnng,” Tony says in response, and Bucky laughs against his throat, digs his fingers into Tony’s ass.
They end up in the pantry, which is not ideal but definitely the closest option. Bucky presses him up against the shelves and it’s not exactly comfortable but Tony doesn’t care, because Bucky kisses him deeply and starts tearing at both their clothes. And Tony can grab ahold of the shelf above his head, try to rock himself down into it as Bucky starts fingering him open with some kind of oil from a bottle that’s currently abandoned on the floor, spilling everywhere.
“C’mon, fuck-“ Tony gasps out, thighs shaking around Bucky’s hips as Bucky’s fingers press into him again, deep and demanding. “Fuck- please hurry the fuck up, I have been- ohh-“ Tony gets a little distracted from what he’s saying when Bucky finds his prostate and decides to play with that new discovery for a minute, doesn’t let up until Tony’s entire body is flushed hot and tingly, ragged whimpers tearing from his chest and already embarrassingly close to the edge.
“What was that, sugar?” Bucky asks and oh, Tony can just hear the smirk in his voice even if he can’t see it because Bucky is doing his best to turn Tony’s neck into an impressionist painting. When Tony opens his mouth to reply Bucky slides a third finger into him, sucks hard to Tony’s pulse and it turns his words into more garbled moans.
“Fuck me already,” Tony finally manages to snarl out, digging his heels into the small of Bucky’s back and tugging him closer, “god- please honey I have been going crazy thinking about getting your cock in me and- ah, yes fuck god- and I swear if you don’t hurry the fuck up-“
Bucky cuts him off with another kiss, sloppy and breathless and Tony whines as Bucky spreads his fingers a little more, stretches him a little wider. “Been thinkin’ about this too,” Bucky says, swipes his tongue over Tony’s lip and growls when Tony shakes and clenches around his fingers, “spreading you open jus’ like this, fuckin’ you every possible way, stuff you so full you get every one of those damn kids you want so bad.”
“Bucky-“ Tony whines desperatly as every word sends another hot spike straight to his gut and fuck that shouldn’t be so hot but fuck it really is. “Please, please- fuck I swear I’m ready just fuck me open already-“ Tony trails off again when Bucky withdraws his fingers, makes whining noises of protest until the head of Bucky’s cock nudges against him, slick and huge.
And then Bucky starts pressing into him, cock spreading Tony open a little more with every hard roll of his hips while Tony moans his head off, knocking everything off the shelves as he tries to brace himself, tries to shove himself further down onto Bucky’s cock, tires to take him deeper.
“Patience, babydoll,” Bucky says, breath shaking against Tony’s jaw, “gonna fuck you just the way you want I just- damn you feel good- just gotta do this part nice an’ slow an’-“
“Fuck that,” Tony decides, finally gets his hand braced properly and shoves himself down hard, wailing breathlessly as his Bucky’s hips slam against his ass, his cock sliding so deep that Tony swears he can feel it everywhere. “Yes, god, fucking perfect,” Tony sighs and yeah that burns a bit, and yeah he’s definitely going to be feeling it tomorrow, but it is so worth if for the feeling of Bucky’s cock throbbing inside him, the slightly dazed look on Bucky’s face even as he grinds a little deeper.
Bucky’s grip is bruisingly tight on Tony’s hips, pulling him into it as Bucky rolls his hips a little harder. “Wanted it that bad, huh?” Bucky asks, scraping his teeth over the shell of Tony’s ear and tightening this grip to stop Tony from trying to fuck himself on Bucky’s cock.
“Yeah, let me have it,” Tony whines, tightening his legs around Bucky’s hips and he doesn’t care that Bucky’s jeans are digging into his thighs, that his own sweats are still hanging off one ankle, that they’re still in the goddamn pantry. All he cares about is getting properly fucked, the way he’s been dying for, and the fact that Bucky isn’t just giving it to him. “Please honey, fuck me already, make me feel it, fill me up and then fuck me again, gimme everything you got.”
“I’ll give you everthin’,” Bucky promises, warm and earnest against Tony’s lips, then withdraws and thrusts back into Tony fast and hard, knocking a loud moan out of his chest that only gets louder as Bucky immediately starts up a brutal, perfect rhythm. “Gonna give you exactly what you want,” he growls between thrusts, dropping sharp, toothy kisses along Tony’s jaw, “fuck you so full you’re leakin’ with it, an’ then do it everyday ‘til I knock you up good and proper.”
“Holy fuck,” Tony groans, finally releasing his hold on the shelves to grab for Bucky instead. Something goes crashing to the ground, definitely breaking, but all Tony can focus on is the aching pleasure of Bucky moving inside him, thick cock rubbing over his prostate and pressing so deep inside him that his every breath comes out as a warbling moan. “Please, please- oh fuck that’s perfect, you’re so perfect-“
Bucky’s next thrust is hard enough that everything on the shelves rattle, a couple more things falling to the ground and Tony nearly screams before Bucky smashes their lips together again. He licks hungrily into Tony’s mouth and pulls him impossibly closer, until he’s basically just fucking Tony up and down on his cock while Tony wails and clenches around him.
“So fuckin’ good,” Bucky gasps when they break apart again, his thrusts going short and uncoordinated, hips slapping roughly aginst Tony’s ass, “so tight and warm, take me so fuckin’ perfect, tell me you’re close sweet thing, wanna feel you come on my cock.”
“I’ve been close since the living room floor,” Tony says with a sound that’s somewhere between a laugh and a sob, tangling his fingers in Bucky’s hair and pulling him into a kiss that more sharing air than anything, “please, please-“
Bucky presses him harder into the shelves and gets one hand between them, rubs his thumb over the head of Tony’s cock and Tony is fucking gone. He comes with a loud, garbled moan that was intended to be Bucky’s name, orgasm washing through him in heated waves until everything goes a little warm and hazy.
“Tony, Tony- fuck-“ Bucky groans, fucking Tony into the shelves with short, hard thrusts, grinding deep and Tony can feel the way Bucky’s cock twitches inside him, “Tony-“
“C’mon honey,” Tony slurs out, rocking his hips into the next thrust and tugging at Bucky’s hair, “put your fuckin’ baby in me.”
Bucky laughs roughly against his throat, both arms wrapping tightly around Tony and grinding into him hard. “Fuck yeah doll, gonna fill you up so good, knock you right up.”
“Ohh fuck,” Tony moans, shaking as Bucky continues to rub against his prostate mercilessly and it sends shock after shock of agonizing pleasure up Tony’s spine, “c’mon, give it to me.”
“Shit,” Bucky gasps, then sinks his teeth into Tony’s shoulder and comes with a low groan, shelves rattling again as he shoves into Tony hard, comes inside him with several hot pulses that have Tony shaking and whimpering all over again.
“Fuck,” Tony says eloquently, finally going limp in Bucky’s hold and letting his head thumping back against the nearly cleared off shelves as he tries to catch his breath and let his heart rate slow back to something a little more reasonable.
When he forces his eyes open Bucky is right there, smiling at him warm and fond and Tony doesn’t know how he’s just now recognizing all the love in that expression. He really hopes Bucky can see it on his face too, because Tony doesn’t have the breath or brain power to try and put it into words right now. Bucky must get it though, because he smiles wider and cups Tony's cheek again, kisses him soft and sweet like they have all the time in the world. He doesn't seem to be in any hurry to actually set Tony back down and Tony is not complaining. Mostly because he can't quite feel his legs. Partially also because he’s still enjoying the feeling of Bucky buried deep inside him.
They break away from the kiss slowly, still sharing the same air, right up until Bucky shifts his weight and something crunches loudly beneath his foot. Tony giggles, which quickly turns into a pained groan when his head thumps back against the shelves, and then a happy groan when Bucky laughs and it shifts his half-hard cock inside Tony, messy and amazing.
“Can’t believe we finally did that,” Bucky says with another soft huff of laughter, nudging his nose against Tony’s with a goofy grin that Tony can now absolutely admit makes him go all soft and wobbly.
"Neither can I!" Comes a muffled shout from the other side of the door, and Bucky’s metal arm tightens around Tony’s waist as they both jump slightly. Then they’re both laughing, nearly drowning out the sounds of Steve’s All-American Offense as he basically screams “we can all hear you in there!!”
“In front of literally all of our food?! Really?!” That would be Clint’s voice chiming in, and Tony has to tuck his face down against Bucky’s shoulder to try and smother his combination of laughter and breathy gasps.
He can feel Bucky’s come starting to leak out of him, and he tightens his thighs around Bucky’s waist in an attempt to pull him closer. And they’d been having such a nice moment before the assholes arrived. Tony figures the least he can do is talk some shit. “Hate to break it to you puritans,” Tony calls, lifting his head again, “but this is far from the worst thing I’ve ever done.”
“That’s what I told them,” comes Rhodey’s voice, and he does in fact sound unphased. Thank god for college friendships. “Please at least put your pants back on before you come out of there, I know how you are.”
“I just want my Oreos,” comes another voice, and that would be Natasha, and Tony winces because Natasha’s special peanut butter Oreos are definitely one of the things on the ground.
“We were here first,” Bucky points out, voice still low and rumbly in a way that is giving Tony ideas.
”It’s the communal kitchen!” Steve shrieks, and if he doesn’t calm down soon his poor old heart might just give out on him.
Tony laughs, only wincing a little when he hits his head again. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he calls gleefully, “did the community want to get in here then, get in on this?”
“Fuck no,” Bucky snarls against Tony’ throat, arms tightening around him and Tony would swear he can even hear the low grumble of a growl escaping Bucky’s chest.
“Oh ho ho, possessive,” Tony says, delighted, running his fingers through Bucky’s hair and tugging slightly, “I can work with that.”
“Give you somethin’ to work with,” Bucky grumbles and Tony can feel his smirk as Bucky rolls his hips, cock sliding through the slick mess of his come, teasing over Tony’s over-sensitive prostate and almost fully hard again.
“Fuck- yes,” Tony gasps and he’s not sure Bucky even actually went soft, and they are going to have so much fun. “Want it- want you to fuck me so full I can’t move with it- Bucky-“
“Anything you want,” Bucky promises, kisses him again and thrusts his hips forward, presses Tony back into the shelves with a slick, obscene sound and swallows down Tony’s shaking groan.
On the other side of the pantry door, Rhodey shakes his head and says “we should just leave.”
“But-“ Steve starts, only to be cut off by a loud moan that he could have gone his whole life without hearing.
With one last look at each other, everyone scrambles to get out of the kitchen as fast as they possibly can. Steve is going to make them run so many drills for this.
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
Son of Frankenstein
"What did you all do!?" Robert called as he ran into the room and attempted to calm the other doctor down, who screamed as if he was being murdered.
"We did not do anything! He just started pitching a fit!" Miss Flowers defended, scowling a bit at the accusation.
Robert wanted to scream himself, with no doubt in his head that they dashed in here and shoved yet another blunt explanation bomb in his lap to deal with, and it was the final straw that broke the camels back into a fit of hysterics.
He had half a mind to deck every single one of them!
Henry felt as though there was a ringing in his ears that refused to stop...spots danced before his eyes, everything hurt as he thrashed, bones screaming as loudly as he was for it all to-just-stop, desperate to run but legs refusing to listen, just as broken as their owner's mind, his head pounding as if Hyde was tap dancing on it despite the fact the blond-haired hellion had gone scarily quiet.
Suddenly he was pressed against something sturdy and felt a soft pressure against his back, strong hands rubbing his back soothingly, hands that were obviously trying to be careful as to not cause the injured man any more pain as the smell of cinnamon and apples hit his nose.
"Do something useful and look in the cabinet for a mild sedative, I don't want to give it to him yet, just in case he calms down on his own, but I want it out just in case" Robert barely kept from snarling at the lodgers and was grateful when they slinked away to do as asked, looking properly guilty.
The chemist went limp in the other's hold like a puppet with the strings pulled clean out and left forgotten on the floor, and Robert checked a bit frantic for a pulse and calmed when there was a rapid but steady one under his fingertips.
Frankenstein watched the two, mild jealousy stirring in her gut at how easily her son relaxed in the grip of that little chipmunk and recoiled from her as if she bore fangs and a rattling tail, she knew it would be a bit of a chore getting him to see reason, but this was-
Then again, she had not exactly reacted well to things when she had been young either, Harry's skilled hand at caretaking and tending to her sickly body's whims had been part of what she loved about him, she had never, to him, been the one to inherit her family's title, she had just been a woman he loved, Victoria, now she was beloved by dozens of people breaking into the unknown and the one person who she should have been striving to get and give love to had been hurt by her actions.
Yet another whose personality had been soured because their life-giver chose to not consider the consequences...
Had she been too harsh? He was a grown man who did not need babying, he had given up far too much dignity in his circus for the 'normal' people, but he took pride in his work in alchemy.
What had she truly offered at this point besides being the one who spit him out? He got her tendency for melancholy and foul temper when pushed far enough, him hitting a nerve with her about Elizabeth had been a low blow, but she had not exactly had tact with him either and made several low blows herself.
Slut had been a harsh word...slave to the public might have been a bit more suited a phrase, in all honesty, she should not be surprised if the moment Henry became lucid again he threw the S-word at her since she and Harry had not been married before his conception.
Everything else was her Harry, gangly limbs that they magically never tripped over, the soft brown hair that was just slightly wavy, the eyes of passionate fire and smell of peppermint, perhaps that was another reason Victoria had been cruel on her arrival, angered that someone not only dared to try and sanitize mad science, but also who dared to look like someone she had loved and lost, like a specter trying to haunt her, striking out at his face the same way someone might attempt to destroy a bug on their window, buzzing in their ears and not allowing peace.
What did she hope to even get out of reaching out? Telling him, all of them, of her past?
A normal mother and son relationship? Ha! Victoria Frankenstein was far from a mother and she knew it! She did not do warm hugs and kisses, saying I love you's, and possessed no ability to cook, clean, or sew and her nose curled up at the idea of doing.
Ugh, but what possible harm could it do? Kill her faster? Climbing out a window and being grabbed by Creature had done her no lasting damage, cooking her own damn son something or giving him a peck on the head would not be the end of the world.
Now, where was the kitchen in this stupid building? --- Robert once again got the lodgers to leave the room as Henry started to become more aware, the freckle-faced man had no plans of telling him of his breakdown, if he remembered it, that was what happened, but he was not going to shove it back in his lovers face to re-live it.
Whining near the edge of the bed drew both their attention
Henry smiled tiredly at hearing the familiar sound "Zosi.."
Zosimos spun in circles beside the bed, whimpering till Robert scooped him up and settled him next to his master who hugged the pup close with his good arm and giggled when the grim licked at his face.
"I'm going to change the bandages again alright? Seems a few have..come loose" Robert said and was glad when he got a nod of consent and got to work replacing the bloodied or loose wrappings, trying his best to be gentle and feeling bad whenever he saw the other biting back a wince.
But it was the quick glances to the door that worried him the most.
"Don't worry about them, they won't bother you anymore" Robert tried to comfort but could tell that is not what the other wanted to hear.
"Robert, tell me honestly, does what...who...I am ....change how you feel about me? That I am a Frankenstein? The lodgers are all ...acting so...I don't want you to-"
A kiss cut him off
"I do not care if you are a Jekyll or a Frankenstein, all that matters is that you are my Henry, that is who you are, the others will see that too, they just have to get over the hero worship is all..." Robert chuckled cupping his lover's face, noting the still soaked cheeks.
"Like a child with a new toy..." Henry chuckled himself "I don't even know who I am anymore, the past few hours have just been...a blur of emotions I did not know I could feel"
"You are who you make yourself, it's your choice, not theirs," Robert said, feeling very much like those fortune cookies his mother used to bribe him with in order to get him to do his schoolwork, but also knowing that it was true, nothing he said would fix what happened, but, perhaps he could keep it from completely falling apart.
"Can I stay with you a few days? I know it is asking a lot, but I need to get out of ...here...for a while" Henry asked, perhaps stepping away from the society and all its madness would be able to bring a little clarity to his mind.
"Of course, just rest a while now, and I will make the arrangements,"
Had a bloody nose the past few days because of the change in seasons and just tonight I bought a new humidifier (the old one got ick all in it and would not register it had water in it) so hopefully it works ... Not sure if I should take my misery out on Henry or not...maybe save it for my serial!killer au I have planned...
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lu-undy · 4 years
Sick fic comin up! During a weekend Lucien notices how Mundy hasn't been coming out of his van and he gets kinda worried because it was really hot out. He comes to the van only to see a Sniper with a very high fever. Mundy has mood swings as well so he had to force him to Meidc to get treated. Lucien felt bad after and cuddled him to sleep after the check up.
Sick fic is here! Hopefully that does the job for you :D Enjoy!
"How's Sniper?" 
As soon as Engie asked, all heads turned to the one man who most probably knew: Spy. His spoon stopped mid-air and silence fell for a fraction of a second at the dinner table.
"I do not know." He calmly answered, his eyes on the empty chair in front of him.
"Got in a fight with him?" Scout asked and Spy threw him such a murderous glance that it might have been real bullets. "Just askin'."
"Non." Spy simply answered. He didn't like to have his private life exposed and especially not in front of all his colleagues.
"Might wanna check on him, maybe." Engie said. "He was supposed to come get his SMG off my garage, it had a small problem. I fixed it but he never came to collect it." 
Spy nodded and dinner resumed, albeit in the same awkward silence for the next few minutes. 
After dinner, the Frenchman went to Engineer's garage and knocked. 
"Come in! Oh hey, Spy, what can I do for you?" 
"I have come to collect Sniper's weapon. I will go and give it to him." 
"Oh, sure." Engineer rummaged through his tools and metal scraps before he found Sniper's SMG. "I gave it a bit of a polish too, now it shines nicely." 
"Thank you." Spy took it and turned on his heels. 
"Uh, Spy?" Engie called and he stopped sharp. "You sure everything's alright?" 
Spy sighed. 
"I don't mean to bother you. It's just sad to see you like that and I want to help if I can." Engie explained as he wiped his hands on an old rug. Spy raised his eyes from the floor to his colleague but quickly looked away before answering.
"I am not sure. I haven't had news from him in as long as you all did. I might have done or said something wrong, I don't even know. Add to that the fact that he is a solitary man, he has grown to like being on his own… I don't know if I should go and see him or not."
Engie looked up at his friend. 
"I'd say you try anyway. See if he needs anythin'. Worst case scenario he doesn't want to talk to any of us and needs a few days, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like ya." 
"Hm." Spy left the room without adding a word. He walked through the corridor, climbed the stairs back up before exiting the base. He raised his eyes after he closed the door and saw the campervan. The light was off inside, it didn't look like Sniper was there. Yet he could hardly be anywhere else. So Spy walked to the back door and gave a few knocks. 
No answer. 
"Sniper, it's me." 
"Come in." 
Spy pushed the door and entered. The van was indeed dark but his eyes got used to it rather quickly. 
"Engineer has finished fixing your SMG." Spy put it on the counter before his eyes saw a silhouette tightly wrapped in the bed covers. He took a step more and realised that Sniper was giving his back to him. "Sniper?"
"Hm." He answered before coughing a few times.
"Was it me?" Spy asked. 
"Did I do or say anything wrong?" 
"No, what are you - achaa!" Sniper sneezed.
"You are sick. Is this why you have locked yourself up here?"
Sniper grumbled as an answer. Spy raised his hand and let it slither between the bars of the bed until he touched Sniper's back.
"Sniper…" Spy gently stroked his back. "I thought you were furious at me."
"Why would I be? You did nothing wrong." Sniper answered before coughing more. 
"I am happy you are not." 
Sniper felt Spy's hand disappear. A moment later, he heard the kettle. He rolled in the bed to see what was happening. Spy raised his eyes to him and got startled by the sight… Sniper's eyes were red, slightly swollen, he had tears running down his cheeks and a longer stubble than usual. 
"Mon pauvre amour…" 
[My poor love…]
Spy got closer and put his gloved hand on Sniper's cheek. 
"Don't touch me, I might contaminate you with whatever's bothering me…" He coughed further.
"Oh…" Spy turned and poured the hot water into a cup that contained a tea bag. "Here, drink this."
"Nah… I tried and it doesn't work."
Spy's distraught face came back. 
"Have you told Medic at least? If you have been ill for days, it might be worth mentioning it to him."
"Nah," Sniper sniffed and took a paper towel. Spy realised that there were lots of them crumpled on the bed, lying around. "I don't want to see that maniac, especially when I'm weak and can't defend myself if he tries anything."
Spy winced slightly. 
"I understand, but he is our medic. He surely will be able to give you something to help you out of this state… Argh, I hate not being able to touch you!" Spy spat. 
Sniper smiled faintly.
"Sniper, please. Let us go and see Medic. If this lasts longer you won't be able to work and that will mean further problems… Oh and screw this, I will touch you with my gloves on!" Spy did as he said and as soon as he put his hand on Sniper's brow, he felt his temperature. "Mon Dieu, you are very hot!"
Sniper smiled faintly and as he blinked, a tear rolled down his cheek. 
"Yeah, well, you should have noticed it earlier, love." 
"I did not mean it that way. You have a fever, mon amour. Come on, I will help you and we will go to Medic's quarters."
[My love]
"No! I said I don't want to see that freak! Achaa!" Sniper roared and Spy frowned. 
"You have tried curing yourself on your own and that ended up in you being locked up here for absolutely nothing! Nothing! Nothing more than us being separated and driving me crazy because of it!" Spy answered, matching Sniper's angry tone of voice. 
"It drove you crazy?! What about me?! I'm the one stuck there, cryin' my eyes out, sneezin' and sniffing, not bein' able to eat or do anythin'!"
"Oui and you kept me thinking that you were furious after me! I ate as much as you have in the past few days! Now stop being childish and let us see Medic for your illness!"
"Ugh, you're such a pain in the arse, Spook!"
"Don't make me drag you there."
"As if you could!" Sniper answered and Spy snapped.
"Who carried your body back to the base the other day when the enemy Spy backstabbed you, hm? All the way from your nest to the intelligence room, on my own, your lifeless body in my arms! Was it not me?! Oui, it was! So either you cooperate and you go of your own free will or next time you blink, you'll open your eyes on one of Medic's hospital beds!"
"You bloody… Gnh…" Sniper frowned but he started moving. He got down his bed and Spy covered him with his own jacket. He took a nearby scarf and wrapped it around Sniper's neck. He was all slouched and couldn't carry his weight comfortably. 
"Let me help you." Spy put Sniper's arm around his shoulders and carried part of his weight. "Here are your slippers, put them on, good, now let us go." 
"What?" Spy looked at his lover, his tired face breaking his heart.
"Don't - ahem - don't leave me alone with Medic… Stay with me, please."
Spy's face relaxed from his anger. 
"Fine, I will. Now, let us go." 
They exited the van and crossed the base without meeting anyone on their way up until they arrived in Medic's laboratory/hospital. Spy knocked at the door. 
"Come in!" 
He pushed the door and Medic's eyes went to whoever stood there. 
"Oh, hallo Spy. Sniper? What is wrong with him?" 
"You are the expert, Docteur. We had hoped you could tell us."
"Follow me, you'll put him on a bed." 
A few moments later, Sniper was on a hospital bed, Medic was inspecting his vital signs and Spy was standing nearby. 
"He has been in this state for the past few days. He has lost appetite and coughs and sneezes all the time. He also has trouble sleeping and is quite feverish." 
"Ah… Let me see…" Medic took his stethoscope and listened to Sniper's heartbeat. "Can you cough, Sniper?"
Sniper obliged a few times. 
"Hm… When did this whole thing start?" Medic asked as he now took a close look at Sniper's red eyes with a small light.
"Three days ago." Sniper answered 
"Anything you changed in your diet or what surrounds you that day?" Medic asked, putting the light away.
"Uh… No… I don't think I did… I had lunch and dinner like you all and uh…"
"You asked me to help you change your duvet for the winter one that day." Spy recalled. "And you also bought a new pillow if I remember correctly. You had complained that yours was very old and I suggested you should get a new one." 
Medic nodded as he backed off and took notes.
"Ah, yeah, was it that day? Can't remember…" Sniper closed his eyes for a moment and tears rolled down his face. Spy took a handkerchief out and wiped them. "Back off Spook, you're gonna catch whatever I have."
"Nein, he won't." Medic answered as he clicked his pen shut and put it back on his labcoat. "Tell me, did the illness get worse and worse over the days?"
Sniper nodded with his eyes half shut.
"I see. This new pillow you bought, can you bring it to me?" Medic asked.
"Of course, give me just an instant." 
"Spook, wait." Spy turned. "Doc', give us a sec', please." 
The doctor nodded and took a few steps back, he turned to rearrange some vials on the shelf on the wall.
"What is it?" Spy asked, whispering.
"Please come back fast, don't leave me alone with him too long." Sniper answered between two sniffs. 
Spy smiled and wiped other tears on his lover's face.
"Everything will be fine, do not worry. Hold on to my handkerchief and wipe your tears."
"Bugger, I'm crying a river and I can't even control it. Sorry… But yeah, Spook, please…?" 
Spy nodded and held Sniper's hand under the handkerchief.
"Don't worry. I will run to your van and back, is that fine?" 
Sniper nodded. 
"Run fast, ok?" 
"I will." Spy whispered before turning to Medic and adding out loud, "I shall be a minute."
Medic nodded and Spy exited the room, leaving him and Sniper alone. 
"So, what do I have? Is it serious?"
"I will confirm it in a moment but if I am correct, it is not serious at all. Although, you should have come to me as soon as it started. And if I'm correct, the worst thing you could have done is lying in bed…" 
Sniper frowned with his eyes closed. The light was too much and made his eyes tear up very fast. Soon Spy knocked again. 
"It is me, Medic."
"Ja, come in. Ah, thank you, I will take a sample and have a look under the microscope, just an instant." 
Medic disappeared to the room next door. 
"I ran as fast as I could." Spy let his knuckles brush against Sniper's stingy cheek. His stubble had grown quite long. 
"Thanks, love." Sniper answered his eyes still closed but he could feel Spy's presence right in front of him. Sniper was sitting on the medical bed, his legs dangling in the air and between them was standing Spy. He leaned forward and buried his head against Spy's chest. 
"Oh, mon pauvre amour…"
[My poor love…]
Spy hugged Sniper dearly. But Sniper pulled his head away fast. 
"Bugger! The suit, I'm cryin' on it, you'll kill me!"
"Nonsense." Spy pulled him back against himself. "I do not care about my suit half as much as I care about having you in my arms."
"'m sorry, Spook… I shouldn't have locked myself up…" Sniper mumbled against Spy's chest. "Should've come to you… 'm sorry, I'm so sorry…"
"Shhh…" Spy leaned his head down on top of Sniper's. "You have nothing to apologise about. It's fine. Now you know, next time you feel ill, just let me know and follow my advice. If you are ill, you can't think straight.' 
"Spook?" Sniper said, closing his eyes both to rest them but also because Spy's touch felt way too good through his hair. 
"You forgive me?"
"For what?" 
"Bein' a mongrel." 
Spy smiled. 
"Of course I do." And he added, whispering, "I love you, Sniper." 
The poor Aussie smiled and wrapped his arms around Spy's waist.
"Love you too… Love you so much, I've missed you, Spook, I really did." Sniper's fingers clawed into Spy's sides.
"So have I, Sniper. But I thought you needed some space, so I gave you some. I understand it because I am the same when it comes to personal space. Sometimes I just need my solitude." Spy still scratched Sniper's scalp lightly as he murmured to his lover. 
Medic opened the door and had to stop sharp at the door, seeing Sniper's head between Spy's arms and them cuddling shamelessly. But he shrugged and came to them.
"My intuition was right. You are suffering from an allergy, Sniper."
"To what?" His muffled voice asked. 
"Acarids. Your pillow is full of them. Now the good news is that with these tablets," Medic gave them to Spy, "and a few precautions, you'll be back to normal in a few days."
"What shall we do, Docteur?" Spy asked as Sniper's head was still cuddling against his chest. 
"Take 3 of these tablets a day for a week, wash all your bedsheets and get another pillow that's anti-acarids."
"I have some I can lend you." Spy said and felt Sniper nod against him. "Thank you, Docteur."
"No problem. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some paperwork to finish." 
"But of course." Spy answered. 
A few minutes later, Spy and Sniper were in the Frenchman's room, sitting side by side on the sofa. 
"Thanks, Spook." Sniper put his glass of water back on the coffee table. 
"Did you take the pill?"
"Yeah, I just did."
"Is the light too much in the room and you can't open your eyes?" Spy asked.
"A-a bit, yeah… But it's also more relaxing to keep my eyes shut cause otherwise I cry a lot more."
"Let me turn off the lights anyway." Spy answered and did as he just said. "There we are, much better, non?" He sat back next to Sniper who leaned on him. 
"Thanks, love."
Spy smiled. 
"May I make a suggestion?" He asked. 
"Given that you can't sleep in your bed and I have anti-acarids pillows, do you want to spend the night here?"
Sniper blushed. 
"Uh… Here? Here on the sofa?"
Spy kissed his lover's hot brow. 
"Non, not on my sofa."
"Where then?" Sniper asked, confused.
"In my arms. I have missed you terribly in the past few days and I want to catch up all that time."
"We can't do that, love."
"I know, but at least let me have you near me for the next few days, and nights, if you want it too?"
Sniper smiled. 
"O'course I want it. But when you say 'in your arms'...?"
"I mean sleep with me in my bed. It is large enough, even for someone as tall as you." 
They both smiled. 
"If I could open my eyes, I'd…" Sniper's shyness prevented him from finishing his sentence.
"What would you do?" Spy asked. 
"I think I'd… I'd kiss you."
"You don't need to open your eyes for that." Spy answered. 
"But I can't see where your lips are." 
"Non, but I can."
Spy bent on his side and took Mundy's lips between his. They wrapped their arms around each other and clung there for long minutes that only felt like a mere instant. 
"Hmm… Love you, Spook…"
"I love you too and God, how much I missed you. I want to never let go of your lips." Spy answered. 
"M-me too."
Their lips met again as they dived to lie on the sofa. They legs mingled, their hands touched, pulled and grabbed, and soon, Spy added the French to the kiss and Sniper's tears flowed even more with the heat.
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writingithink · 4 years
The Doctor’s Domestic Nightmare Pairing: Ten x Rose Rated: G Wordcount: 2,542 Summary: They visit Jackie to do some Earth-wedding planning. Notes: This is for Day 5 of @timepetalsweek ! I used two of the prompts, the picture prompt and 'family'. A fair amount of the other fics in this series get referenced in this one, but I still don't think you'd be lost if you haven't read them. Extra special thanks to @hey-there-juliet , the best beta ever <3 All mistakes are mine. I own nothing.
READ IT ON AO3 -> copy/paste link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25478851
The Doctor landed the TARDIS outside the flat this time. Anything he could do to make this whole thing go easier (and hopefully quicker).
“How long are we staying?” He turned toward Rose, who was still sitting on the jumpseat, doing something on her phone.
“Thought we might stay the night,” she slowly replied, attention obviously otherwise involved. “Mum’s been lonely.”
“What are you doing?”
Normally she was out of the ship in a heartbeat when they landed at the Estates. This time she didn’t look like she’d be moving anytime soon. Their bond wasn’t providing him with anything useful, just a mix of concentration, mild frustration, and sympathy. They had agreed to both put their barriers up decently high shortly after she woke up, when they started to create a stress feedback-loop in each other's heads. He sat down next to her and leaned over her shoulder to see that she was texting Jackie.
“You know, you can talk to her in person right outside these doors,” the Doctor felt the need to point out.
“No, no, however my phone works now, the sonic or the TARDIS or whatever, it, like- it blocked my texts until I woke up this mornin’. But if you look at the little time stamps, it’s sendin’ my replies as if I didn’t wait a month to answer. I’m texting my mum three days ago,” Rose explained.
“Oh. Huh. Must be the TARDIS. Have you been doing this all morning?”
“Yeah. The first text came through as being from about, I dunno … an hour after we left last time?”
“Well, knowing your mother, she’ll be outside the door any minute. Doubt you’ll have time to finish the week,” he admitted with a frown. The Doctor hoped that all of the guilt he was feeling at keeping the two of them apart was safely behind the walls he’d erected in his mind. Of course, traveling, being away from her mother, that was Rose’s decision (and one that he was immensely, immensely glad for).
But still.
He and Rose had talked, back when they were at the Olympics, after the Isolus. About things, family things, Gallifrey things that he didn’t want to talk about. Thankfully, with the bond, he was able to show her more than tell her, because the words wouldn’t come half the time - a real shock, with his gob. And he’d admitted to her how much he wished things had been different with his children. That he’d been more like them, or they’d been more like him - but they had taken after their mother, who was a very respectable Time Lady, and fit right in. Whereas he never had. Things had brightened up a little when he told her about Susan, but overall the whole thing had made them both very sad, very ill timed conversation to have on a honeymoon.
And now he felt guilty, much more so than usual, at the thought of Jackie being lonely while they gallivanted about time and space.
“I need to change,” Rose announced, jostling him as she stood and bringing him back to the present.
“She’s made some appointments at some very nice places and I have to change. Ahh, I don’t even know what to wear!” she exclaimed, quickly exiting the console room but pausing at the entrance to the main corridor. “If mum shows up, can you stall her?”
“ What?!”
But his wife was gone, apparently off to change out of her jeans and hoodie. The Doctor sighed, circling the console, mentally calculating what repairs he might be able to make some progress on in the time that he would be waiting on her. It really was a shame that humans tended not to pick an outfit and stick to it - things would be so much simpler. Not that he didn’t enjoy all the fun, different things Rose wore. And she did seem to really enjoy dressing up for all of the different places they went to.
Just as he was considering perhaps changing his tie, knocking started up on the TARDIS door.
Oh, bloody hell.
He flinched, expecting a mental zap, but it never came. Right, they were blocking most things out. Ehh … 
The benefits of mental privacy - today, at least. Well, it was obviously necessary but he really didn’t like it. What did it say about him that he preferred to be telepathically reprimanded than to not be telepathically noticed at all?
Probably nothing good.
The Doctor shook his head as the knocking continued, and then jogged down the ramp, grabbing his coat as he went. He opened the door just wide enough to slip out, slamming it closed with his back as soon as he’d cleared it.
“Hello, Jackie!” he greeted his mother-in-law with a wide grin.
“Doctor,” she responded, crossing her arms. Ohh, and he’d been hoping she would have warmed back up after last time. Then again, what had been a month and a half for them had only been a week for her. “Where’s Rose?”
“She’s still getting ready. I never can tell how long it’s going to take her, so I may have landed us a bit, er, prematurely.”
“You’re not lyin’, are ya? She’s not in there sick, or injured, or- or-“
“No no no no no,” he quickly interrupted, waving his hands about, “I would never lie to you about something like that! Rose is fine. She’s just- just- picking an outfit or doing her hair or something.”
“Alright then,” Jackie said, finally seeming to relax … a bit. “Maybe I can give her a hand.”
The Doctor knocked her arm away as she reached for the door, and that was quite rude, wasn’t it? Definitely not doing anything to get back into her good graces, but if Rose was still texting and Jackie had her mobile on her, he wasn’t sure it would still work if her mum entered the TARDIS.
“If you go in, it’ll take even longer!” he insisted, not knowing if that was necessarily true but assuming it was. Jackie had never been in the wardrobe room, so he could only imagine. “Why don’t we head inside? Otherwise we might be standing outside the TARDIS for ages.”
“ You want to sit around the flat with me, no Rose?” She seemed skeptical, and he really couldn’t blame her.
“Yeah! Of course!” The Doctor pasted on what he hoped was a winning smile.
The things he did for his wife.
“Riiiight. Okay, then. Fine. She better be quick about it, though, otherwise we’ll be late. You shoulda waited for her to land that box of yours,” she scolded him as they headed up to the flat. He took the time to really look at her, and realized that Jackie actually looked quite nice today, for once not wearing one of her velour tracksuits.
It was too bad he couldn’t tell her that of course he’d waited for Rose before landing.
“Won’t happen again,” he said instead, hoping that was true.
They entered the flat and the Doctor was sincerely at a loss as to how to proceed. He projected everything that had happened to Rose, just getting an ‘okay’ in response. Her mental presence was frenzied, and he wished he knew how to be more helpful. The fact was, he had wandered into something very human that he had never thought that he’d ever be a part of.
“So, how’s it been?” Jackie called out from the kitchen.
“Hmm?” He wandered into the room to see her moving about, fixing tea.
“I said, how’s it been, the two of you. With your first week or however long it’s been for ya, dating.”
“ Dating?!” the Doctor repeated, and now she was facing him, looking at him like he was an idiot for some reason, but excuse her, what?!
“My daughter?”
“No, I know your daughter, but we’re not dating! We’re married!”
“Right, sure, so you’ve been sayin’, but the fact is you two weren’t even properly together before your alien voodoo ended up accidentally getting you hitched. You can’t go from nothin’ to married like that, relationship-wise, no matter what ya got goin’ on with your shared brain whatever you call it.”
“Bond,” he found himself mumbling, “it’s called a bond.”
“Though if you ask me, you two did go on about like you were together, even if Rose was constantly denying it. I’m not blind, y’know. And it wasn’t just me, either. Ask anyone around here, watchin’ you too making doe eyes at each other.”
“ Doe eyes?! I don’t make doe eyes,” the Doctor denied, though he still was trying to process the whole beginning of her speech. “Wait, did you say alien voodoo?!”
His words fell on deaf ears.
“And don’t get me started on the constant touching. The both of you had to realize that normal friends, platonic friends, don’t carry on like that, clingin’ to each other.”
“Clinging?” He didn’t even have it in him to scoff anymore. This was exhausting. Jackie pushed past him, handing him a cup of tea as she went. “Erm, thank you.”
“Use a coaster,” she told him, pointing at the couch.
Forget the beast in the pit, this was hell.
“Right, yes, of course,” he nodded, quickly sitting down and placing his mug on a coaster as ordered. Ugh.
Still, it was better than the interrogation she’d given him the last time they’d been here. And at least this time Jackie didn’t seem to expect him to say anything at all. Though she had asked him a question. And people called him rude!
His mother-in-law took a seat in the chair with her own mug, giving him the same skeptical look that she had after catching him modifying her toaster. Thankfully, before she could start up again the door opened and Rose walked in.
And she was breathless, panting, having obviously ran all the way from the TARDIS.
And from what little he could get from her over the bond he could tell that she was incredibly stressed and anxious.
But she looked gorgeous.
Her hair was done in soft curls, and she had on a TARDIS blue dress and the same little pink heels she’d worn when they’d failed to see Elvis. He really needed to get back around to that. Might not have time until their second honeymoon, though. Too many different plans. The Doctor couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“Mum!” she exclaimed, immediately wrapping Jackie in a hug.
“Finally! Thought we’d miss our first appointment! I told him, wait ’til you’re done before gettin’ you here, especially if he’s going to cut it so close. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t pass his test, you know, the way he lands willy nilly, and a year late, don’t think I’ll forget that! Who in their right mind woulda given him a time machine if they knew he’d be carryin’ on like that,” Jackie nattered on.
Not a word, he bit out to Rose across the bond and was actually quite pleased with the resulting mental laughter (despite the fact that it had really been a dire warning).
“Sorry for takin’ so long. I think we should still be fine. We’re getting a cab, right?” Rose asked, and they both began heading right back out of the flat.
The Doctor picked up his tea, blew on it, and put his legs up on the coffee table.
“What are you doin’?” Jackie asked him, holding the door open. “Shake a leg!”
“You’re coming with us!”
He looked at Rose, who mouthed ‘sorry’, pointed at her phone and shrugged before remembering that they could speak telepathically.
Mum never said she expected you to come with us until the texts from yesterday, she explained, and I was in such a rush to get here by the time I got those ones that it slipped my mind to tell ya.
“Oh … right,” he tried to cover, “I just … thought we were having tea. And you know how great I think your tea is, Jackie. Saved the world, your tea did. Well, helped my regeneration sickness, which amounts to the same thing in that situation. Free radicals and tannins, have I properly explained the benefits to you? You see-”
“Wait a minute!” Jackie interrupted him, staring at Rose’s hands for some reason. “Where’s your ring?!”
Ring? Ring. Oh bloody, fucking hell.
“Oh, we haven’t-”
Her mother didn’t even give Rose a chance to speak. “We’re to go to all of these places, wedding planning, and he didn’t even have the decency to get you an engagement ring?!”
Exchanging rings. He knew that one! It was a human marriage custom so pervasive that it remained a part of their wedding ceremonies throughout time and space. And he’d forgotten.
“We just haven’t had a chance to go looking yet, that’s all,” Rose lied. “If anyone asks, we’ll just say it’s off gettin’ sized.”
Jackie huffed before stomping out of the flat, his wife trailing behind. The Doctor sat for another moment, positively baffled at how this day was going, then bounded out of the flat after them. When he caught up to Rose, he took her hand and pulled her to a stop.
“I’m so sorry,” he told her, and really, he didn’t even know where to start.
“Doctor, it’s fine, I don’t care about rings and stuff.”
“Not just that, though. But still, that too! I’m sorry for- for not doing this properly, not dating you, jumping straight into everything. I waited too long to tell you how I felt, and now I’m completely rubbish at doing all of these human courtship and marriage things, and you deserve-”
“Doctor,” Rose interrupted him, putting a hand over his mouth. “Y’need to stop listening to my mum. We’re fine. We were fine before you left the TARDIS, and we’re still fine. Better than fine, even. We’re fantastic. And let’s get this straight now, I’m the one who gets to decide what I deserve.”
“And what’s that?” he asked, words muffled by the hand she still hadn’t moved.
You, she declared over their bond, barriers dropped so that a tidal wave of love and affection poured into him.
And then he effortlessly nudged her hand out of the way, pulled her even closer, and kissed her.
The Universe was not kind. It owed him nothing. If anything, he owed it. Because it gave him her.
The hand not clutching her lower back tangled into her hair as he deepened the kiss, his own barriers crumbling as he tried to express everything he was feeling in that moment. Her arms wrapped around his neck and it was perfect. Everything was perfect, and the Doctor had no idea why he’d ever thought otherwise.
They sprang apart as if a bucket of water had been poured over them.
“None of that!” Jackie yelled from across the way. “Get a move on! I swear, this is gonna be worse than all of the lovesick mooning.”
He was mortified.
Rose’s barriers had already locked back into place, her face red.
Tell your mum I’m off to get your ring, he projected before running back to the TARDIS as fast as he possibly could.
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
“Ugh.” Ambriel felt the back of her head. “Doctor, could you help me with my braid? I think it’s crooked.”
“Bring the chair over and I’ll fix it for you,” he agreed, pushing away from his desk. He’d just gotten finished with a batch of combat reports, and he really could use a break…
She sat down in the empty assistant’s chair, pushed it to him with her feet, and turned so he could get to it more easily. “Thanks. It always feels weird when I do it.”
“Really?” He shrugged. “I think it always looks fine.”
“Well, that’s weird. Usually, I don’t do anything with it because, well, it’s not like I’m very busy normally. Even back at my old job, I didn’t have a lot to do.”
The Doctor hadn’t heard much about her old job...hell, he didn’t really know much about her in general. Apparently, she just naturally felt comfortable enough with him to ask for help with her hair. “What’d you do back in Laterano?”
“I patrolled the city, making sure kids weren’t skipping school.” She sighed. “Wasn’t even a fricken’ beat cop, just a glorified hall monitor.”
“Wow. Seems like such a waste, knowing what you’re capable of. There, all done.”
Ambriel checked her pocket. “Damn it, left my mirror in my room. Why don’t you have one in your office?”
“Funny story.” He smirked. “I don’t do a lot outside of work.”
“You don’t? Well that sucks. Don’t have any friends to take you out and do stuff?”
The Doctor shook his head. “It’s not like I have that much work to do, and most of the people here seem to like me well enough, they just don’t come around and ask me to do things.”
“Wow.” She looked at him thoughtfully. “Hmm...I’ve gotta go to the store and get a few things. I’ll see you around, Doctor.”
“I’ll be here.” He watched her leave his office, more than a little envious. If he could walk out like that, even just once in a while...
A few weeks later, Ambriel walked in with a tupperware container and a somewhat brighter look on her face. “Hey, Doctor. Brought you something today.”
“Really?” He hadn’t expected any gifts, but if anyone was going to bring him one, it would be her. “What is it?”
“Cake. Made it yesterday, thought you might like some.” She set it on his desk, and sure enough, inside was a thickly-frosted slice of double chocolate cake.
The Doctor reached into his drawer and retrieved a plastic spoon from a box. “You don’t mind if I mess this up a little, do you?”
“Mess it up?” She watched him heat it in a microwave under his desk, then reach into his fridge and pull out a quart container of vanilla ice cream to top it with. “If you’d told me you had ice cream, I would’ve brought the whole thing and eaten it with you.”
“I’ll have to keep that in mind for next time,” he smiled.
Ambriel took a seat in her usual spot; at this point, the extra chair was parked next to the Doctor’s out of habit. “You really should. Hey, when you’re done, you wanna take a break? You didn’t leave for lunch, so you must be getting sick of this office.”
“Sounds great,” he admitted, “but how am I gonna do that? This cake is pretty good, by the way.”
“Thanks. Followed the instructions on a box. Anyway, what do you mean, ‘how?’ You’re the Doctor, aren’t you? Just grab an Operator who can watch your back and keep you company and go for a walk. We- I mean, you- ah, damn it.”
The Doctor smiled. “If you wanted to go walking around the city with me, you could’ve just asked, Ambriel.”
“...Well, you wanna go window-shopping with me, then?”
“Of course.” He grabbed a spoonful of cake and ice cream. “Here, want some?”
She leaned forward and took the bite without taking the spoon from, licking her lips afterwards. “Yeah, that’s the stuff right there. Really should’ve bought some ice cream on that shopping trip...”
“Heh. Alright, let’s go.” The Doctor finished the slice and scoop, closed the spoon in the container, and set it in his fridge before throwing on his jacket. Once that was done, they were off.
They took a shuttle down to Lungmen, which was starting to feel like another extension of Rhodes with how long they’d been hovering over it, and walked through the shopping district making small talk. As casual as they’d been about it in the office, down on the ground, the atmosphere was different; the streets were tight with other customers and couples doing what they were doing, the lanterns were lit even while the sun was casting a warm glow over everything, and the stores seemed to be offering substantially higher discounts on 2-for-1 specials than usual. The Doctor bought a few DVDs and a cake mix, Ambriel got a new phone case and a pair of headphones to match it, and after a couple of hours, they drifted into an ice cream shop and ordered a pair of cones to sit down with. If there was a time to acknowledge what this had turned out to be, well...this was it.
“For windowshopping, we got a pretty good haul, wouldn’t you say?” He began after trimming down the scoop atop his cone to a conversational level.
“Yeah, I’d say so.” She, on the other hand, had simply bitten the whole thing into submission and was taking her time with the cone, eating it with a chiral motion all the way down. After a short lull, she sighed. “I wonder if the Operators really see me as some kind of killing machine.”
The Doctor furrowed his brow. “Why would they think that?”
“I was bored - you know how I get when I’m not doing a mission - and I went out to the balcony to watch the clouds pass under us, and you would’ve thought I brought my rifle with me and was eyeing some birds that were passing overhead. That sort of thing’s way too messy for me. All that blood raining down on me? No thank you.”
“That’s ridiculous.” He shook his head. “You take care of targets out in the field, but that’s sniping work, not stabbing a guy with your gun barrel like...some people.”
Ambriel smirked. “You mean Executor? That guy’s got it out for me, and I have no idea why! I pay my fricken’ taxes on time, and he still gets on me, asking if I’m ‘fulfilling my obligations’ like I’m some post-grad who crawled in off the street! I swear, it’s things like that that made me leave Laterano in the first place...not that I’d ever leave RI.”
“Really? Even if there were twenty more people like him crawling up and down your neck?”
“Okay, maybe then, but another five or ten I’d probably put up with.” She smiled. “You guys have given me a lot of practical benefits, working for you, and I don’t want to give up my pay grade or my other privileges.”
The Doctor smiled back. “Other privileges, huh? Is that what you call it?”
“I’m just saying, you treat me like I wanna be treated.” Ambriel was down to a nub, so she sucked the remaining ice cream out before popping it into her mouth. “Hope I’m returning the favor, Doctor.”
“Are you kidding? I don’t know how I’d get through the day without you talking to me. The cake was a really nice touch. ‘s why I want to return the favor tomorrow.”
That genuinely surprised her. “What, you’re gonna make that cake?”
“I was thinking you and I could watch some movies at my place. We’ll have cake, ice cream, and this bottle of amaretto I got a while back from my welcome-back party.”
“Huh...I mean, that sounds awesome, but...heh, I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” She touched the braid on the back of her head, reminding herself who this was to her. “Yeah, I’ll come over tomorrow after work. Call me if I’m not there by 5, alright?”
He nodded. “That’s a promise, then.”
“Yeah...It’s a date.” Perhaps without meaning to, that comment reminded them that, in fact, this had also been a date that neither of them had acknowledged; as the Doctor finished his ice cream cone, Ambriel pretended to check her mirror, and the two of them temporarily disassociated from what was happening...because while neither party would openly admit it, they wouldn’t mind spending more time together like this, and hopefully tomorrow would make things more clear. Or, at least, less awkward.
The next day, Ambriel didn’t stop by the Doctor’s office, which worried him; she’d been in his office at least twice a day since he’d braided her hair the first time, so...He called her to check in, and once that was solved, he relaxed. She’d finally had something to do today, she said, so she hadn’t had a chance to come in, but she said she’d be at his place by 5, and a promise was a promise. Or, he supposed, a date was a date. This was a date, no doubt about that. Wait, was his place even clean?
If anyone needed the Doctor for the rest of that work day, the note on his door told them he was busy elsewhere, which...wasn’t entirely a lie. Several hours of cleaning left his place looking good enough for guests, and by the time that was done, he needed to freshen up before starting the cake. Once he was put together, and the cake was baking, the Doctor settled down to catch his breath...and the next thing he knew, there was a knock on his door. He walked with a nervousness he’d never felt but had certainly scene portrayed on TV, and with one more hapless breath, he opened the door. “Good eveni- holy shit.”
“What?” Ambriel gave him a rather tsun glare as he marveled at her attire - hoodie half-zipped with a thin T-shirt underneath, skirt coming halfway down her thighs, long socks capped with a pair of sneakers. “You’re looking at me like you don’t see me every day, Doctor.”
“I don’t see you dressed like this everyday,” he managed as the capacity for communication left his brain along with a sizable fraction of his blood.
She blushed fiercely at that. “I guess not, but...let me inside, will you? It’s cold out here, and I can smell that cake.”
“Right, the cake! Come on in, it should be just about-” Ding! “-it’s done. Make yourself comfortable on the couch. Can I get you anything?”
“Maybe some of that amaretto when your hands are free...Wow, you keep a tight ship, huh? A lot cleaner than my place right now.”
The Doctor chuckled to himself as he pulled the cake out of the oven. “Normally it’s more lived-in, I promise. You don’t mind if it’s not frosted, do you? I have a tub of the stuff, but it’ll just melt into the cake right now.”
“Hell, just bring it all in here together and we’ll mix it ourselves. Boy, it’s hot in here.” By this point, she’d claimed the middle cushion and slipped off her hoodie entirely, watching him with her sniper’s eyes.
“Well, the oven has been on for a while now.” He brought the entire cake, a tub of frosting, a half-gallon of ice cream, two bowls and spoons, the bottle of amaretto and two cups (no wine glasses) into the room on a tray and set everything down on a coffee table in front of them. Everything in place, he grabbed the remote, turned on the TV, and grabbed the stack of DVDs he’d gotten the other day. “Alright, what do we want to watch first?”
Ambriel vaguely remembered the movies he’d bought. “How about the one about the princess and the wanderer from a far-away land? That sounds like the right way to start.”
“Alright, He Came to Victoria, now playing.”
“‘Now playing?’ We’re not in a theatre, are we?” Once the Doctor sat down, she pulled the coffee table closer with her feet and dished each of them a slice of cake with frosting and ice cream, and he poured them each a cup of wine. “You know, somehow, the fact you don’t have wine glasses makes me appreciate this more.”
He swirled his absurdly sweet serving together before taking his first bite. “Really?”
“I dunno, I guess it makes me feel more special; it’s like, you put in the effort to do all of this for me, but since I’m the only one you treat like this, it’s not all polished like you host for people all the time. That make any sense?”
“I think so.” As the Doctor looked over at her, a crucial question came to mind. “Hey, talking during movies - dealbreaker or expected way to enjoy them?”
She smiled. “In a theatre it’s bad, but at home it’s necessary.”
“Good, because I’m not going to be able to watch this seriously.”
“Oh, me neither,” she agreed. “That’s part of the fun with these movies - they’re so unrealistic. I mean, it’s not like the man of your dreams is just going to show up in your life magically one day, you know?”
He thought back to the first day he realized he was falling for her. “Really?”
“No way. Doctor, do you believe in love at first sight and all that?”
“I don’t,” he replied, “but I do think sometimes the right person does just kind of...show up, you know?”
Ambriel looked at him. “From my experience, it takes time to figure that sort of thing out, though. The crazy part is that the couples always seem to know when they see someone that they’re the one, but that’s not how it works...even if it only takes a couple of weeks, you still have to lay the groundwork, you know?”
“Definitely...” The Doctor looked back at her before pausing the movie. “Do we mind if I just skip to the good part?”
“Eh, go ahead.” She turned back to the TV, but he didn’t press ‘play...’ and then she realized he hadn’t meant the movie, and she turned back to look at him.
He smiled nervously. “Ambriel, when was the first time you fell in love? I’d tell you my story, but frankly, I don’t remember it.”
“Um...well, stop me if you’ve heard this before, but it started when I finally passed the last of this stupid series of tests they had me do to prove I know how to use my rifle.” Ambriel shook her head. “I mean, honestly, you’d think I’d just gotten her yesterday, the way they treated me.”
“Heh.” They both knew who she was talking about, but he wanted to hear it all anyway.
She set her bowl on the coffee table and finished the rest of her cup before scooting closer - not next to him, just closer. “The pay was better than in Laterano, and they said I’d have plenty of chances to go into the field, but even then, I had a lot of downtime on my hands, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I heard there was a spot on base with this guy who had a free chair in his office and wouldn’t mind the company, so I dropped by his office and, I mean, I’d never tell him this, but it felt more like home than Laterano had.”
“...That’s sweeter than anything in front of us right now.” He hadn’t meant to say that out loud. “Where do you find someone that lucky?”
“He’s sitting next to me right now, obviously.” Ambriel closed the rest of the distance between them and set her head on his shoulder and an arm around his back, looking up at him with what’d be best described as a serene expression.
The Doctor looked back at her. “You’ve got some chocolate on your lips, Amy.”
“Oh, do I?” She broke into a mischievous grin. “I know what to do about that.”
“So do I.” So saying, he leaned in for a kiss, and after a split second’s thought about messing with him, Ambriel returned the favor.
With their love now ratified with a fudge-sealed kiss, the Doctor turned the movie back on, and over the course of two and a half movies, they finished the cake, the ice cream, the frosting, and the wine before falling into sugar comas on the couch. The next morning, he called in sick for the both of them, and they spent the day in the same spot, finishing the rest of the movies he’d bought and suffering from their poor impulse control together. All in all, for a second date, both of them could imagine better…but neither of them could picture it with anyone else.
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flippyspoon · 5 years
“and then everything just disappears.” for the prompt
Steve was asleep like this happened everyday.
If Billy hadn’t known this was still Hawkins, Indiana, he might have thought that was true.
It was shocking enough that King Steve “The Hair” Harrington had up and kissed him. For all Billy knew, Steve got it on with guys left and right. Although he’d never heard a rumor.
They were still naked in Steve’s bed. 
“Stay,” Steve had murmured, before dozing off.
You didn’t have to tell Billy twice. Now he swallowed, his gaze still fixed on Steve in the dim light of the bedroom. 
Steve had kissed him everywhere, even along the hard ridges of his scars. Steve had looked at him like he wasn’t a monster.
It had been so sudden. They’d just been watching Animal House (again) and as the credits rolled, Steve had stared at him. Billy had allowed himself to stare back. 
They hadn’t said a word which Billy figured was better. He had no idea what the rules going to be or what Steve was going to say now. All he knew was, they were friends and hopefully they still would at least be that.
He had been holding it together pretty good for a while now. In fact, he was doing pretty well. He had a job he didn’t hate and he still went to therapy once a week because he knew now how to handle his shit. And sometimes there was shit. 
“There’s always going to be shit,” Owens had said once, shrugging. 
If Steve flipped and pushed him away, that would be an epic amount of shit.
The thing was, he was pretty sure Steve wasn’t going to.
Billy chewed his lip, enchanted by Steve’s nose, the tiny moles on his cheek, his soft hair…
The sex had been great but just a little bit hurried. 
Billy hadn’t gotten the chance to do what he was now thinking of doing, even if he’d had the courage.
But Steve was dead asleep.
So Billy reached over and ever so softly stroked Steve’s hair. It was soft. His own hair was soft too, what there was of it. It was still growing out from having been buzzed short by the doctors. It curled past his ears now. Steve had said he liked it.  
Steve sighed in his sleep and it startled Billy who yanked his hand back.
Steve’s eyes fluttered open and he smiled softly at Billy, scooting closer atop the sheets. “Mmm. Are you alright? Can you sleep?” 
Could he sleep? The dude he’d considered an untouchable dream since his first day in Hawkins was just now cozying up him, gently resting a hand on his chest and absently tracing one of his uglier scars. 
“Mm, I dunno,” Billy mumbled. 
He sounded as awkward and shy as he had when he’d first come back from the hospital. He’d been like a different person and now he was a different person still. When he was relaxed and hanging out with Max or Steve or Robin nowadays, he felt the most like himself. He could kid around and tease with a sharp tongue and sometimes be grumpy and sometimes cackle with glee and other times he was quiet and content or a little dark and broody and that was also him now, apparently. 
“Are you hungry?” Steve said, his brow furrowed with worry. His leg was rubbing up against Billy’s. He craned his neck to kiss Billy’s shoulder.
“Um, no…”
Steve looked at him, seeming worried. But then he smiled, chuckling. “Are you sure this is alright? If this isn’t cool-”
“No, I...it’s cool. It’s good.” His voice was too loud suddenly. He reached up to take Steve’s hand as if holding him there. 
“Okay,” Steve whispered. 
They rested there silently awhile and the voice in his head that sounded a lot like Dr. Owens or one of the shrinks who was always trying to explain how he might deal with feelings and situations these days pestered him in his head. 
There were a lot of conversations about feelings in therapy.
“You’re good at feeling emotions, Billy,” Dr. Owens had said. “No problem there. We just need to figure out how you can express them in healthier ways. Deal with them before they deal with you...”
He should tell Steve how he felt.
Sometimes Billy couldn’t leave Dr. Owen’s office until he finished the sentence “I feel” five different ways. 
It had sparked a habit. 
He felt like a complete dork.
He also felt much better than he ever had before.
He shut his eyes and said, “I feel...I’m happy...to be...here. With you.”
Jesus Christ.
He opened his eyes and looked at Steve who was positively beaming at him. “Me too. Tell me why?”
He hadn’t expected that.
Steve leaned on his hand, still tracing his curious fingers along Billy’s scars. “Tell me why you’re so happy to be here?”
“Because I’m...glad that happened.” He was turning purple with embarrassment. 
This is bullshit.
“Why?” Steve whispered. He leaned over and kissed that scar he’d been tracing, his plush lips traveling to Billy’s throat. Billy breathed, his arms coming up to wrap around Steve who was now climbing on top of him. 
“Because when I’m with you everything else disappears,” Billy said. Steve stopped and braced on his arms, looking down at Billy with wide, brown eyes. “I don’t mean since we’ve been hanging out,” Billy went on. “Or since I got back. I mean since always. Since the beginning. S’like…” He smiled up Steve, running his hands up that toned back he’d loved to watch tense up with irritation in gym. “Steve Harrington goggles. Everything else goes away. Except now it’s different. It’s...clearer?”
“Ah...clearer?” Steve said. He looked a little lost as if Billy was speaking some other language.
But what was that weird old fashioned thing Susan always said? In for a penny, in for a pound.
“I just...I think I’d be good at it now,” Billy said. “If you want?”
“Good...good at what?” Steve said. His voice cracked all over the place. 
“Good at like...being in love with you,” Billy said. He reached up to touch that soft hair again and stroke Steve’s cheek. 
“Oh,” Steve breathed, and he nodded dumbly. “Okay. Good. Yeah…” He leaned down and kissed Billy, their mouths sliding easily together, tongues meeting and lazily dancing a little before Steve lay down half on top of Billy, and gazed back at him, blinking. 
“Are you alright, Harrington?” Billy said. He couldn’t stop the dopey smile on his face now. He had his arms full of Steve Harrington who seemed to actually like him or was at least willing to let Billy love him. He was dizzy and his mouth already hurt, as if somewhat unused to all this joy.
“Yeah, Steve said. “Just...can’t believe you’re real sometimes.”
I can do it, Billy thought. I can be good at it.
It suddenly seemed as if all that intensive therapy that sometimes involved a lot of sobbing and screaming and storming out of rooms had all been worth it if he could think to himself without feeling shitty about it, that he might actually be good at loving Steve Harrington.
“I’m real, pretty boy,” Billy said, grinning as he held Steve close. “Just you wait.”
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drunklander · 4 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 502
Watched this episode after winning Wynonna Earp trivia (fuck yeah, The Shit Tickets!) at a bar, put on by a queer af podcast, followed by going to see a queer af movie, and was all ready to get my Beauchamp fix... And it was like oh here’s a taste and a hint that we’re gonna end up in a story line similar to what we’ve already done multiple times, but now on to the menfolk.
For real though, this episode was like an OL greatest hits clip show. It had all the stuff we’ve seen before. A time traveler who wants to go home? Check. Rape PTSD? Check. A man being a dad to a kid who isn’t/might not be his? Check. That same man being the absolute worst? Check. Claire being reckless with future medicine? Check. Townsfolk questioning Claire’s medical knowledge in favor of the local Man of Importance? Check. Jamie trying to be on both sides at once? Check. A villain who seemed to have died the previous season and should have fucking stayed dead? Check.
We’ve literally seen all of this stuff before.
For a show that spent the first part of season two claiming to be a political drama and then last season claiming that they “weren’t political” I see we’re back to just leaning hard into politics that have direct parallels today.
No fucks left to give about the system Murtz is kind of my favorite Murtz. Like this dude spent his whole life living by a code and an oath and was fucked over by the system so many fucking times that he’s ready to just burn it all down. Curious to see how they walk the domestic terrorist vs. freedom fighter line with him for the rest of the season.
Got all excited about the bread title card because yay medicinal mold, but of course, the lead character was relegated to the B story.
Old timey medicine baffles me. Like the fact that bleeding someone was like a catchall remedy boggles the mind.
I feel rull bad for Mrs. Whoeverthefuck though. She tried.
Also, shit like this makes me be like, yo Claire, you sure you wanna stay here? Jamie’s really not all that and a bag of chips. But you do you, boo.
Speaking of Jamie, his hair looks really good. A thousand fruit baskets to the new wig person.
Lulz at Knox thinking the Gathering was about being loyal to king and country. Dummy.
Srsly though, Murtz Valmurtz is really getting under their skin. Is he like the *only* Regulator leader?
The convo between Knox and Jamie is literally as relevant today as it is in the 1770s. But yeah, the show IsN’t PoLiTiCaL.
The fact that fuckers think those at the bottom should be happy with their lot because “lol it could be worse” need to be punched in the face and taken out of power. Stat.
Also any time someone in power talks about civility as a reason not to rise up against injustice, I want to punch them. Because they deserve it.
I want to punch a lot of things.
This whole episode is very Les Mis, tbh.
Literalol at Claire covering dead guy’s face and not his body cavity before Bree comes in.
Aw Bree, why you gotta be a buzzkill? We were cheated of badass Doctor!Claire in S3. Let us have this.
Also, yeah, Claire, Bree’s fucking right. Which you’d think you’d know by now what with alL THE FUCKING TIMES YOU’VE BEEN CALLED A WITCH. AND NOW YOU’RE UPPING YOUR GAME TO LIKE NECROMANCY?!
Also the more she says no one will find out the more annoying it is because *clearly* someone *is* gonna find out and we’re gonna be back on the “she’s a witch!” “I’m not a witch!” “you literally have a dead guy in your closet!” merry-go-round again.
Today in most on-the-nose shots ever: How convenient that Marsali just happens to be doing some butchering right there, right then.
Petition for the show to go full Shondaland and just turn into a backwoods medical drama with Claire and Marsali, and all the others (cough the men cough) can fuck on off.
Tarring and feathering is like the old timey version of #AlwaysPunchAFascist but dialed to 11.
Oh the baggage behind Jamie saying redcoat man will someday wear his scars with honor that none of these fuckers know about...
Ok so clearly the English know that Claire’s a doctor so whenever shit hits the witchy dead dude fan, can we please have a quick resolution and not that dumb af “Claire goes to jail and of course her cellmate is a lesbian because Diana sucks at writing queer characters” nonsense?
Man Jamie is *not* subtle with this convo at the jail. Like Knox is right there and he’s just like hey buddies, I have people and we’re Scottish and y’know how we feel about protecting people vs. obeying the English.
Aaand, naturally, the fuckwit preaching civility is the one to kill a man in cold blood. Rise up, motherfuckers. Rise up.
Roger is, and I cannot stress this enough, the fucking worst.
He’s like look how shitty I am at being a soldier but then bitches about having to try to learn. And then he bitches about how dumb it is to shoot at squirrels as if being able to hit a squirrel wouldn’t make hitting a much larger thing, like a man who is shooting back at you, that much easier. And also, how the fuck does he think they get meat to eat? Shooting it, you twatwaffle.
And he’s like so fucking butthurt about being left behind. Like no shit, asshat. You’re bad at being in the past and have made no real effort and you whine a lot and are generally the worst. Of *course* you were left behind. Stop being emo about it and maybe actually try.
“He doesn’t respect me, Bree.” Yeah, no shit. Because you’ve done LITERALLY NOTHING to earn his respect. WHY ARE YOU SO TERRIBLE IT’S LIKE THEY’RE INTENTIONALLY TRYING TO MAKE HIM SUCK.
He also is like butthurt that his wife is a better shot than him when she gets the turkey he misses. How the fuck are we supposed to ship this. Ugh.
Oh Bree, sweetie, Jem won’t get hit by a car, but there are like eleventy million ways to die in the past. Just stick with the “you want to stay with your family” stuff.
Roger clearly doesn’t want to stay and is gonna pull a Fred and make Bree feel bad about wanting to all season, isn’t he. Fahkin’ doucherocket.
“I want to go but I’ll stay for you and look how magnanimous I am as I whine about it and make no effort to acclimate to the time.” Take your martyr card and shove it, Rog.
Shorter Jamie Fraser: “If you stand for nothing, Knox, what’ll you fall for?”
I’m already over Roger singing all the time tbh. Mostly because it reminds me that soon he won’t be able to do that anymore and we’re gonna be subjected to like half a season of him being more insufferable than he already is.
Wait, was Joan already born last episode? Or was there another time jump? Is Marsali preggers with baby #3? I lost track.
I love this scene between Claire and Marsali with my whole heart. Marsali especially.
Although, quick question, how fucking long is Claire planning to keep that un-embalmed body lying around in an un-refrigerated surgery/root cellar? Just curious...
Because you know someone’s gonna find it eventually and that’s gonna be a whole to do and I really need to stop being preemptively annoyed at plot lines that haven’t actually happened yet.
And with all this talk of plowshares and swords, I really am going to be singing Les Mis for days...
How long have these biddies been living on the Ridge? The fucking Leoch folks spent like a minute with Claire before they were like yep, she knows what’s up. These folks have apparently been here for months and are like loool, pass. They live in the fucking woods. You’d think they’d be more open to Claire’s brand of medicine.
Omg are they like the accidental antivaxxers of the Ridge?
I mean, Bree, I think there’s some difference between Claire pretending to be a dude doc and telling folks to wash their hands and Otter Tooth.
Season 2 Claire and Otter Tooth on the other hand...
Ok so Jamie needs more men so that means next week is AHS: Beardsley Farm and then maybe (hopefully) instead of being like lol jk you can all go home, it actually goes right into the battle thing. Still not sure if they’re gonna do Roger getting hanged as the mid-season big thingy and then do the Bonnet nonsense in the back half or keep trying to do both of those at once.
Hey, Roger, pro-tip, next time you see Morag MacKenzie, maybe don’t fuCKING MAKE OUT WITH HER YOU FUCKING DUMBASS.
Claire’s totally right about how they should go back. Honestly, they should. But instead of talking with her like Claire is now with Roger, he’s just being all moody about how he’s bad at the past and wants to go back. You’re shooting yourself in the foot, broski.
Oh hey Husband the Quaker. And is that a fellow Quaker named Hunter with him? Are we gonna get Denny and Rachel this season?! Please and thank you that’d be great, I love them.
Murtz talking to his squad is full on Enjolras being like don’t worry fam, Marius will stand and fight with us. His place is there, he’ll fight with you.
The two very different but very similar ways Murtz and Jamie approach being Laird of their squads is fun to explore.
Bree lecturing Claire about changing the future by saving a few backwater hicks like Claire didn’t spend years trying to fucking change all of Scottish history is a bit rich. Like writers, we get it, you’re trying to be like oh snap, wait for the consequences of this bread!science! But like come the fuck on. We sat through all of season two.
“You’re a good dad, you know that?” Oh man, I’m getting that déjà vu about a shitty man getting kudos for being a good dad to a kid as if that negates all of his shittiness.
Oh hey, Bonnet’s back. Clearly we couldn’t have just let him die last season. Gotta drag shit on for longer than it has to. This is the [Outlander] Way.
If they were gonna keep him around as a villain, they shouldn’t have (in addition to all the other reasons) included him raping Bree. Jamie, Murtagh and Bonnet all making choices within and outside of the law to various degrees in order to make their living in the Colonies would be a really interesting contrast. But nope, gotta just go all in. BeCaUsE tHe BoOk.
Also I hate with the passion of a thousand fiery suns the Jemmy’s paternity stuff. Le sigh.
Remember in season one when the show was about Claire and she was in episodes for longer than 10 minutes?
I miss Claire.
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Soulmate AU Part 8
A/N: Okay, so I’m going to try queuing this so let’s see what will happen. This part of the story is probably the most triggering for some, since it contains graphic molestation. I’ll summarize it in case you can’t bring yourself to read this part: Jester believes she has no soulmate but Jesse is convinced she does, when she goes to chemistry her teacher attempts to rape her but she uses her power and kills him. She talks to the authorities and gets sent back to bed by the end of the day but on her way there Jesse confronts her and forces Noah to reveal himself. Jesse blames Jester for what happened and Noah makes him shut up. Noah tries to convince Jester that he’s sorry and that what happened wasn’t her fault but she doesn’t believe him. She goes to bed worried and feeling more alone than ever.
Summery: Jester has no soulmate, but Jesse for some reason thinks she does. And Mr. Workshire takes advantage of her situation and is a horrible person.
Word Count: 4662
TW: rape, pedophilia, child abuse, manipulation, victim blaming, death, bees
Most people in the world had soulmates, some had more than one, but a rare few had none. Jester couldn’t remember ever getting writing on her skin, and she didn’t feel like trying to write just to get no response. She knew her brother had a soulmate named Malcolm who liked to ruin her plans with his friend Elena, a pretty girl who also didn’t have a soulmate. Jester made fun of her for not having a soulmate but really she was elated to meet someone else. Malcolm and Elena had found out a week ago that she didn’t have a soulmate and had been messing with her for it non-stop, mostly just rubbing it in. Jester supposed she deserved it since she did the same thing to Elena, who was not participating in the insulting much at all. Jester wondered if it was bothering her that Malcolm was making such a big deal over it, she supposed the only reason he was, was because he knew it bothered Jester. Sometimes she felt like the world was against her, and that she was destined to be alone, without a soulmate it felt like almost a fact.
Jester ate breakfast at a table alone like usual. On days where she didn’t have anything planned and Malcolm and Elena didn’t have anything planned she ate alone. She was actually thankful for the time to herself, she had been getting headaches recently and she wasn’t sure why. Sometimes it felt as if the world was slightly scrunched up on itself, like there was a tiny piece of her sight missing and her eyes just jammed the rest together. She had received what was apparently a second angry letter from Father that warned of a surprise vacation coming tomorrow. Jester didn’t know why she hadn’t written, or why she hadn’t remembered that he had written once in the first place. She assumed it had to be related to the head and vision problems she was experiencing. She would explain that to Father and hopefully not get a beating but a doctor's visit instead. Although if the doctor couldn't find anything then she was definitely in for a bad beating. But there had to be something wrong, strange vision problems didn’t just come out of nowhere. She ate her breakfast silently, until she heard two familiar voices arguing.
“I don’t know who the hell you’re talking about, now let go of me!” Malcolm shouted, clawing at Jesse’s hand, who was easily torn off as he probably had less than half of the muscles Malcolm did. Jesse rubbed his hand but turned to Jester with an icy glare.
“What did you do to them, why can’t they remember Noah?” Jesse asked and her head throbbed but she didn’t have any recognition.
“And who is Noah? Why does it matter if they can’t remember him? And most importantly, why do you assume I had anything to do with it?” She asked and Jesse’s glare narrowed.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Noah, your soulmate!” Jesse shouted and it was Jester’s turn to glare.
“That’s not funny Jesse, I don’t have a soulmate.” Jesse growled at her response. She had no idea what had gotten into him.
“We’ve introduced him to you twice now in chemistry, what is with you? And how’d did you get these two involved?” Jesse went on, although he mostly seemed to be talking to himself.
“I didn’t do anything to them, the only one acting weird is you Jesse.” She told him but he waved her off.
“The only connection here is Noah, so if it’s not you, and you’re not faking it like I thought… Ugh, normally Jester I wouldn’t care about your problems, but I know Mother and Father would throw a fit if they found out. I’ll fix this.” Jesse mumbled walking off, Malcolm looked at her with angry confusion, although that might as well have been his expression every time he looked at her. She shrugged at him and went back to eating. Elena’s arm brushed Jester’s back when the two walked away and Jester held in a shiver as much as she could. She seemed to be receiving more touches from Elena recently, she knew that was a bad sign but damn if Jester wasn’t enjoying it. It made her hope she had a chance, that maybe Elena didn’t hate her either. Jester had read plenty of books, she knew the enemies to lovers trope, she’d never say out loud how often she thought of it. How she was still thinking about it as she left breakfast and went through classes.
Chemistry was where Jesse returned to his strange ways, and where Jester’s head tried to tear itself apart. Her vision was jammed right where Jesse was, and she could hear almost static like ringing. Mr. Workshire came over and rubbed her back and she let him, despite how creepy it felt. She was barely paying attention when he leaned down closer until his mouth was right next to her ear.
“I look forward to our meeting after class,” his voice was husky and she hated it and had no idea what he was talking about. Another important thing she had forgotten. Jesse dragged himself and Elena and Malcolm to the front of Jester and she swore Jesse was missing an arm. She couldn’t stop blinking. At least Mr. Workshire left.
“Here he is Jester,” and Jesse’s announcement was definitely showing Jester that she was ill somehow because his arm just cut off. It was like it went behind a wall.
“What?” She asked, less from his announcement and more from the absurdity of her situation.
“Noah, your soulmate, is right here in front of you, what do you mean what?” Jesse asked and Jester’s head pounded. She didn’t have a soulmate, she didn’t remember anyone writing ever. She wanted to hold her head in her hands but that would look weak, so she focused on Elena instead.
“So you two suddenly think I have a soulmate too?” She asked, but Malcolm seemed as lost as she did. Elena’s face was closed off, she examined everyone without giving anything away. She was always better at concealing her emotions than Jester.
“They’re acting like Noah doesn’t exist, just like you are. He won’t say a word to me about it.” Jesse went on and Jester worried not only for her own health but Jesse’s as well. He was talking about someone no one else remembered or seemed to see.
“Jesse, there’s no one there, you’re gesturing to no one,” she spoke slowly, trying to convey that she was serious without looking directly at him and his half arm. Malcolm laughed and they all turned to face him.
“Jester-ing, that’s a good one,” Malcolm chuckled and Jester rolled her eyes. Of course she wasn’t taken seriously when she tried. Jesse also rolled his eyes and seemed to pull and then half of him was gone and Jesters head felt like it was on fire. She could feel herself sweating and swallowed down nausea.
“How the hell can you keep acting like you can’t see him when he’s right in front of you?” Jesse asked and Jester couldn’t stop blinking. There was only half of her brother there, no wall in front of him despite how much it seemed.
“Jesse, whatever you’re doing stop,” she told him, because it had to be him doing something, what else could it be? He growled and moved seemingly pushing something when suddenly Jester couldn’t see any of them anymore. Her seeing just hurt and all there was was blurry people in blurry chairs. She closed her eyes and covered them, disguising it as a massage.
“Alright class, get to your seats,” Mr. Workshire announced and Jester listened to Jesse groan before storming away. She uncovered her eyes and rubbed them, she could see the class again, but her head still burned. She stayed low during class, not answering questions and barely getting the lab done. When class was finally over she was ready to leave only to remember that Mr. Workshire and her had an appointment she couldn’t remember setting up. She had no idea what it could be about, she didn’t need any class help, and both of Father’s recent letters had been about her not writing to him. Nevertheless she packed her things up slowly and waited until he was ready to speak with her. The classroom was empty when he finally motioned her up to his desk. She walked up glad that the head pain had died down some. Mr. Workshire smiled at her and came around the other side and began massaging her shoulders. She waited for him to say something, give an indication of what was going on or what this meeting was supposed to be about, but he didn’t. Jester felt her shoulder relax despite the fact that every part of her was starting to scream “bad! Bad!”
“So what is this meeting about?” She asked, hoping it would distract him and he would stop. She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end as he leaned down next to her neck.
“Tell your friends you just needed some extra help on the lab today, anyone could tell you were distracted.” He whispered before sucking on her neck. Jester froze, her mind went blank. Her heart started beating faster in her chest and it felt harder, like it was trying to escape. His hands left her shoulders and went down under her shirt then back up. Jester felt her back relax into him and it wouldn’t straighten back up no matter how hard she tried. “Are you starting to get worried? Don’t, I’ll take care of you. I’m already helping you relax.” He whispered in her ear and Jester held in a whimper. She couldn’t look weak, there had to be a way out of this.
“I changed my mind, I don’t want this,” she insisted and she felt him grip her stomach tighter.
“You don’t get to change your mind. I know you need this just as bad as I do. We whose soulmates abandoned us have to stick together.” He went on and it sounded way too familiar to what Jesse had been spewing. Jester tried to pull away with her legs but he held on tight. “If you struggle it won’t feel as nice,” and with that growl she struggled as much as her limbs would allow. Her arms wouldn’t listen and neither would her back, but that didn’t stop her from thrashing her legs. She felt them get heavier. In a split second decision she had to choose between reputation and being raped. Losing her reputation would lead to a bad beating, but she had dealt with those before, she could handle those. She wasn’t going to let herself be raped. She screamed and slammed her head back only managing to hit his chest. He held on to her tighter and she felt her legs getting heavier and heavier, but she didn’t stop screaming. There would be bruises on her stomach in the morning and that was all she was hoping to get away with. Yet, no matter how much she yelled no one came. She couldn’t move her legs anymore and her neck was getting heavy as well.  “Shh, isn’t this much better?” He asked and Jester screeched trying again to get someone to notice. She didn’t care that someone would see her crying. She just didn’t want what was going to happen next. When her neck finally stopped responding to her commands he resumed sucking on her neck. He groped her breasts and eventually tore her shirt off, ripping it slightly in the process. The whole time he kept a hand on her, and she realized he needed contact for his power.
Jester came to another decision point. She could use her own power and risk death, or do nothing and get raped. One was a certain and the other was only a possibility, a high possibility considering she had no weapons and no idea who or what she would be summoning. All she knew would be she’d be summoning something dangerous. He unclasped her bra and rubbed her nipples and she felt the itch under her skin rise up until it was gone and out in the world. A loud buzzing started from behind them. Jester felt Mr. Workshire turn and he shrieked and let her go. Jester collapsed to the floor and gasped in air as all her muscles burned back to life. However she didn’t waste another second getting as far away from Mr. Workshire as she could. From her new vantage point in the corner of the classroom she could see that there was a large swarm of bees surrounding and stinging Mr. Workshire over and over again. Jester didn’t hesitate to run across the room and slam the door behind her. Hopefully the bees couldn’t get from under the door, but that wasn’t a large hope. Jester looked around and spotted Malcolm and Elena down the hall.
“Elena!” Jester shouted out as loud as she could and with luck Elena heard her. The redhead turned around and began coming over slowly. “Fucking hurry!” Elena did and Malcolm followed behind her at a slower pace.
“What happened?” Elena asked as soon as she got over.
“No time, room is full of killer bees. Need you to set them on fire.” Jester explained, hoping that her plan would work.
“Where are your clothes?!” Malcolm exclaimed. Both girls ignored him.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” Elena asked. Jester wasn’t really sure how to reassure her until she saw bees start climbing under the door. Elena followed her gaze and flame shot from her hand. The door caught fire and  the bees burned, melting into black goo. Jester opened the door wincing as it burned her hand and Elena shot flames at the rest of the bees. Malcolm gripped Jester’s shoulder and threw her to the ground. His hand stayed over her and he put his foot on her exposed chest.
“There’s a fucking dead body in there Jester, what did you do?” Malcolm asked, although it didn’t feel much like a question.
“He tried to rape me jackass, what the fuck was I supposed to do, let it happen?” She snapped back and he looked down to her bare breasts for a moment before lifting his foot off her.
“You’re going to have a hell of a time explaining this.” He grumbled and Jester scowled at him and wrapped her arms to cover herself.
“There are cameras everywhere in the building, I think it’s very clear what happened, section fifteen or not.” Malcolm didn’t answer her and Elena came over after putting out the door. Elena motioned to Malcolm and he stared at her from a moment seemingly uncomprehending until Elena came over and pulled his jacket off of him and handed it to Jester, who turned around to put it on. No one said anything for a moment, Jester trying to think of the best way not to get killed over this. “You two will come with me to alert a teacher right?” She wasn’t very hopeful, after all, the two spent all their time trying to stop her “evil deeds”. Elena came over and took her hand, and Malcolm came to her other side and together they walked to another teachers office.
The rest of Jester’s day was a blur of answering questions, reviewing video, and answering more questions. The police came, the principle came, for once Jester seemed important to the school. The video couldn’t deny what happened. Her Father was alerted and would be coming tomorrow to pick her up as the council had decided the school needed to give the children more family days anyway. By the time Jester was released it was already time for bed. They had Jester go alone, she could tell the faculty were more on edge around her now. Most of the time if someone ended up dead at Learn to Be it was a student, and every time whoever killed the other got the punishment, no matter the circumstances. But Jester wasn’t like other students from section fifteen, she had a family who cared, who was wealthy, high in the government, and would do anything to make life a living hell for the schools company if Jester didn’t get treated like the victim, especially since she told someone right away what happened. As she traveled down the barely used hallways she jumped about ten feet in the air when Jesse appeared in front of her around a corner, and he was missing a hand.
“Heard that you’ve had an exciting day, killed a teacher.” Jesse’s voice was cool and Jester ignored his words. She had been ignoring the fact as much as she could. If she could ignore it until she died that would probably be in her best interest. “Someone has something to say to you.” Jesse disappeared again and she felt like she might as well be cross eyed.
“Jester,” Noah’s voice was deeper when he spoke like that, and Jester realized she knew who Noah was. That she did have a soulmate. That he was the one messing with her head. That he was the person Mr. Workshire had been talking about before. That she had been planning on exposing him but because Noah had made her forget everything about her soulmate she had forgotten about it entirely. He was the reason she had forgotten to write to Father. Jester could feel her blood boiling under her skin and she didn’t stop herself from twisting into a nasty frown. Noah’s soft green eyes lowered and his long skinny arms hugged himself. Jesse seemed very pleased with himself.
“Took me all day to get him to spill, it actually took the news that you killed someone to make him agree to let you remember! So, how does it feel Jester, to know that your soulmate has been playing around with your mind like play-dough? Aren’t soulmates the best? Can’t wait to see you two get together and be all lovey dovey!” Jesse went on and Jester could feel her skin itch, her power wanting to be released so he would just shut his mouth. So Noah would pay for all the pain he’d put her through. To show that no one could fuck with Jester Quinn and get away with it.
“Do you really think today’s the day to be fucking with me Jesse?” She asked lowly, but Jesse’s grin didn’t lower.
“What are you going to do? Kill me too? Hit me? I’ll make sure Father beats your ass if you lay a single finger on me.” Jesse sounded as if he had won a prize and Jester looked at Noah. She had never really thought about using Noah’s power for herself before, it had never crossed her mind in any of the times they had met. She had just worried about how Father would use it. But she would kill for his power instead of her own. She had already used her voice to get over most situations and obstacles, having a power like Noah’s could solve this problem easily. She could just tell Jesse to fuck off and not tell Mother or Father that she had made him. But Jester didn’t have his power, and she never would. So she turned her attention to the real problem and ignored Jesse.
“Never, and I mean never, fuck with my memory again Noah. I don’t care what your self sacrificing reasons were or whatever. Never again.” She ordered and Noah nodded. “You’re also going to give Malcolm and Elena their memories back.” Noah nodded again at her order. “You also need to understand that I’ve spent almost ten years of my life without you, I don’t know you and you don’t know me. I know I seemed pathetic when I was younger but I’m not eight anymore. I can take care of myself. So next time you think you know what needs to be done, talk to me about it instead of taking action.”
“That’s it, you’re not going to scream and yell at him? He fucked with your head to the point that you killed someone today! What the fuck is wrong with you, why aren’t you hurting him!” Jesse snapped and Jester rolled her neck.
“While Noah fucking with my mind did not help the situation I don’t blame him for someone else trying to rape me.” Jester explained although the words felt bitter in her mouth. It would be hard to get past this in her reputation, she hadn’t even let herself think about it mentally or emotionally. Noah’s head snapped up and his eyes were full of tears.
“Is that your excuse for murder, sounds pretty flimsy to me. With all the makeup you pile on and how much skin you show I’m sure anyone who can get past your disgusting personality would take that as an open invitation.” Jesse scoffed and Jester’s fists tightened. Tears welled up in her eyes and she blinked them away. Noah whipped around on Jesse and his so soft features from before were curled in rage.
“Shut up.” Noah commanded and Jesse’s mouth slammed shut. Part of Jester wanted to snap at Noah to let Jesse go, but she really did want her brother to shut up. Besides, it didn’t really hurt Jesse to be silent for a few minutes. Noah didn’t seem to have any awareness of her inner conflict as he was too busy raging at Jesse. “No one asks to be raped! I don’t understand what’s wrong with you, Jester is your sister and all you’ve done since I’ve met you is try and hurt her. You make all these claims that she’s such an awful person but the only person I’ve seen act awful is you!” Noah was breathing heavily after his rant and Jester had the urge to put a hand on his shoulder, but part of her warned her to stay back. She didn’t want to be scared of her soulmate, but he hadn’t given her much choice.
“Thank you for your defense Noah, but you’re not going to change Jesse’s mind about me. He’s hated me since sometime in Basics.” Jester mumbled, but she wasn’t sure where to go from there. After everything that happened she wanted to go to sleep more than anything. She wasn’t sure what else to say to Noah or even Jesse. Everything was in chaos but still at the same time. Someone was dead because of her, she had almost been raped, but here was her brother confronting her in the hall to make her life worse. She had no idea how Father was going to react, would he blame her? Would she still get a beating? Was this hit to her reputation too much for him and he was finally done with her? Her mind drifted to ways Father would kill her. He’d get away with it no matter what she was sure of it.
“Jester, are you okay? I mean I know you’re probably not because of everything that happened, but I mean you can talk about it with me if you want?” Noah sounded so unsure as he asked, as anyone in his position should. Jesse rolled his eyes at them and pointed to his mouth with a jerky hand. The soulmates ignored him.
“What’s there to talk about really?” There was plenty she had to think about, should she try to make it work with Noah, what about her feelings for Elena, would she live to see daylight in three days? But to talk about it? She never had the opportunity to talk about these things with anyone. It was too dangerous. No one could know about Father and his plans, no one could know Jester’s actual feelings. She had trusted Noah with a little information, that her Father was a bad man in a position of power trying to gain more power, and what had happened? Noah messed with her mind, played with her memories, the memories of the people around her. She had gotten hurt again. No, there was nothing to talk about, just for her to contemplate when she was back in her room, alone.
“I’m really sorry about hurting you, I wasn’t trying to, I swear, I just thought it would be safer if you, you know. Didn’t remember me.” Noah went on again, he didn’t seem to want to end it yet.
“Well it wasn’t, now you know.” Jester's response had Noah wilting in on himself. She heard him mumble under his breath but she didn’t hear what. Jesse opened his mouth though and started walking away, so Jester had an idea. She hoped her brother would be okay, despite the things he said. She couldn’t blame him for hating her. Mother had been poisoning his mind against her since birth, and with Jester following Father’s orders all the time it made sense.
“You’re not alone Jester,” Noah began again, and Jester resisted the urge to scoff. Noah was looking down at his black tennis shoes, there was a tear that his big toe could probably fit through. “When I was seven, I killed my babysitter, Maddie if you remember. She wasn’t attacking me or anything, just insulting my mom, implying she was going to die soon. That she didn’t love me. The usual terrible things. I told her to die. She went out into the street and stood there in her dark clothes until a car hit her right in front of me. It was a hit and run. I hated myself for a long time for it, I had been screaming for her to get out of the way, but at the time I didn’t know the difference between my regular voice and my power. It’s hard to live with, but you can. At least you can reassure yourself that you had no choice, you were being attacked.”
“Is that why you stopped writing?” Jester asked, although she was sure that she already knew the answer. He nodded. Jester tried not to feel angry, but it wasn’t like she had control over how she felt. Only how she reacted to the feelings. Of course he was scared of himself afterwards, but it wasn’t like his power worked through writing. He seemed to have gotten control of it now so why didn’t he contact her again? He had left her alone with her family, not knowing if he was dead or alive. She didn’t feel as guilty about liking Elena. He hadn’t been in danger at all, Jester was in danger all the time.
“I’m sorry that happened to you, but I can’t reassure myself about anything. I had a choice and I made it. I made the decision to kill that man, you didn’t. I appreciate that you’re trying to cheer me up, but I just want to be alone right now.” She tried to keep the simmering flame out of her voice, it was hard to tell if she succeeded since he was already doing sad eyes.
“Jester, you didn’t really have a choice…” Noah tried again and Jester sighed through her nose.
“Yes I did. It’s over. I don’t want to talk about it, or anything else. Good night.” She told him and walked past him and towards the dorm. He didn’t say anything else, but she didn’t hear footsteps to indicate he walked away either. She brushed those thoughts to the side. She needed to come up with a suitable explanation to Father if she wanted to live, and a way to keep Jesse’s mouth shut about Noah’s power, or just about Noah in general.
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thisurlplease · 4 years
Hello! It’s been a while. And I know I have a few asks from Anons wondering if I’m going to continue translating, but I’m on mobile and can’t find them at the moment. So, to answer that... hopefully someday? I’ve had a few really big changes in my life. For one, my husband and I just welcomed our first child into the world in January :) And I’m taking the time while the little guy is sleeping to update everyone (he woke up for a feeding a bit ago so that’s why I’m up in the middle of the night). So as you might expect, with a new baby, it’s difficult to find the time to translate and manage this blog like I used to. If I’m not taking care of him (for example, he’s taking a nap or his dad is hanging out with him) I spend most of my free time cooking or cleaning (things that just need to be done. Plus, I like to cook). Of course, I get a little time for a few of my hobbies, but translating hasn’t been one of them. It just takes SO much time and energy and it’s hard when I only get maybe an hour before I need to stop what I’m doing. Plus, I’ve been negligent with my Japanese studies. And I wanted to finish volume 2 before I gave birth, but I just felt so sick for the first half of my pregnancy and then later on I was just really tired. And before I was even pregnant, I just never had any energy and it started getting to the point where I was spending most days in bed. So, finally I went to a doctor and found out I have Hashimoto’s disease (my body attacks my thyroid leaving me with low thyroid function). Anyway, I take medication for that now and I felt a lot better for a few months... until I got pregnant lol. No one ever tells you just how exhausting pregnancy can be. BUT I’m finding things easier to manage and I’ve even started studying Japanese again (yesterday lol). So my outlook for translating again soon is hopeful. You have no idea how much I want to finish this series someday. I intend to no matter what, it just might take some time. Oh, and tumblr stopped sending me notifications, so I need to fix that, but I’ve been really ugh about reinstalling the app and re-entering my login info. I’ll get around to it.
22 notes · View notes