#snek says shit
rateater2000 · 1 month
Technically they/them are the only acceptable pronouns since living beings are comprised of thousands of microscopic living cells.
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arttrampbelle · 9 months
None of y'all actually know shang tsung so lemme fucking school you. Before you start writing hcs
This is shang tsung.
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Also mk:shaolin monks,mk:defenders of the realm. Mk:DA. (Pretty much every one of em except mk(1) 2023)
So do your research before you jump the gun writing him. Play the older games FIRST!!!!!
The new new reboot sucks. (They just had a reboot with mk9-mk11 why tf reboot it AGAIN!?! stupid ass decisions i swear)
Also btw he's always "served cunt" thats not anything fucking new so do better.
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I've been a shang tsung fan. I haven't played this game since i was kid for fucking nothing!
Y'all didn't appreciate cary hiroyuki tagawa coming back. Y'all didn't appreciate Steven blum. Y'all didn't appreciate Richard epcar.
Y'all dont deserve mortal kombat or shang tsung.
Bitch he's always slayed!
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3amsnek · 11 months
saw your answer about stripe ask and i just want to say for anyone out there: don’t use paypal unless that’s the only option for you.
i made a paypal account and immediately, within a minute of making it, it got permanently limited and after days to contacting paypal they still refused to fix it (saying they can’t reveal why it got limited for their safety) and didn’t let me close my account. basically i can’t use my account and i can’t delete it either so my info will always be stored on paypal, which is ridiculous and not safe.
anyway, like i said, if you have another option besides paypal then use that because paypal sucks. be careful!
^^^^^^ no yeah exactly same hat (og ask)
I have a solid guess on why mine is dead so tiny psa if you’re making a paypal account & have legally changed your name in the past like year before that pls triple check that everything official is as consistent and already changed over as possible and you have new IDs already Before you make the account bc they’ll find one tiny thing that hasn’t fixed itself yet and shut you down for possible identity fraud no matter what you do :)
(also if you feel like you need to have paypal so you have an option for customers who don’t have a card I will once again recommend stripe bc I’ve discovered their direct email invoices allow you to accept bank transfers as a payment method (including internationally) so people can just pay using the online banking account their paypal is linked to without having to go through paypal)
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crowleys-ducks · 7 months
I've seen people say Crowley was mean and/or abusive for throwing around Aziraphale's books but you're talking about a guy (gender neutral) who drove his flaming car for miles and who turned goats into birds.
When Crowley throws the books, they splatter on the floor COMPLETELY UNHARMED. No broken spines, no scattered pages, not even a single scratch. If Crowley can stop fucking time, he can toss books without harming them.
He'd never destroy anything that means so much to Aziraphale. Remember who saves Aziraphale's books in 1941. Remember who takes The Nice and Accurate Prophecies book during the bookshop fire. Remember who had a book himself when he created the nebula.
Yes, Crowley loves to throw shit but not at someone else's emotional expense. Have more faith in the snek!
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e-rated-beardo · 1 month
I had ✨A Thought✨ (about forgiveness)
I can't be the first one to connect these clips like this, but here goes...
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Crowley doesn't like that he's a demon. He makes the best of it; our boy (gender neutral) is nothing if not able to adapt. But he resents having to be Evil(tm) by definition, seems to only just accept his snake side (under sufferance), has taken a more human name, distances himself from Hell any chance he gets, etc. And we all remember how he reacted to "you're the bad guys".
At the bandstand, he calls himself unforgivable. Aziraphale has just said "may you be forgiven" and snek's like "lol no did you forget i'm your eViL hEreDiTarY eNeMy" (poking in his own wounds again like he does it for a living); he puts himself down with references to his demonic nature as a sort of challenge to the angel and he's expecting to be rejected for what he is because he hates that part of himself. (And Aziraphale certainly has a habit of bringing that shit up, too; it's a self-defence mechanism, for sure, and Crowley isn't stupid, but I bet it still stings.)
But we know Aziraphale doesn't actually think Crowley is bad. (Right? Nobody believes he thinks that. RIGHT?? Please tell me no-one actually believes he thinks that)
He knew already by Job that Crowley is more "properly good" than most angels. He also knows Crowley has nothing but disdain for Heaven (if he hadn't picked that up by now he'd be very stupid, and it's underlined so many times in the show and the book that Aziraphale is not stupid). So what if when he says,
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he's actually saying "you're not unforgivable, it doesn't matter what you are, you're better than all of them"?
He knows by this point that he has to leave, and Metatrash is most likely watching through the window so Aziraphale knows he can't say much or they'll be in trouble. Maybe this is all he could think of to communicate that Crowley is the best being he knows in all of Creation and that had he any choice, he'd pick him every time?
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fisheito · 1 month
for the question thing!!! do you have any silly hcs about the clan boys (+ the familiars/eito)? can be as wild as u want
sorry in advance if i don't have any HCs for ur beloveds bc i can only offer what my brain chooses to fixate on.... but let's see........
i like to imagine clan members enjoying fun little hobby hours
i pretend they're not busy adults with their own obligations and schedules.... so they just get together like a bunch of retirees and partake in shared hobbies whenever they want 🤗
book club: oli, blade, yaku, garu
horny book club: eiden, morv, blade, edmond if he works up the courage to discuss his fave BDSM PwP short novel with the 3 most shameless creatures ever ... honestly oli could join as well but i'm gonna excuse him from ONE book club so he can get some sleep. maybe he'll alternate days between the two 😆
sewing and knitting together like a couple of serene grandmas: yakuoli. eiden joins sometimes (all serenity is lost when he does)
TARGET PRACTICE! NEW ACTIVITIES!!! DARTS!! ! PIN THE TAIL ON THE EDMOND! sorry idk this is just my way of saying that after the cowboy event, i want to imagine edmond/dante/garu all playing target striking games and it becomes a contest of how split one dart can be down the middle (you can't all be perfect aimers ok aster can't keep buying new darts can u PLEASE throw them anywhere but dead centre).
i know blade could join as well but would it take the competition aspect out of it? he's kind of calibrated to never miss right?? it's not a game anymore. it's just superior blade and pissed off dante and garu cheering (he's just happy to be there) and edmond trying to be civil about letting everyone participate
they are out in the garden. touching grass: yaku is gardening. blade is collecting bugs. garu is digging holes. kuya is bewitching plants at random to spew sex pollen into someone's face (i feel like this is his superpower in SEVERAL fics and i am not complaining). quincy is trying to nap
.but .
he chose the worst place to do it. in the middle of nature's playground (aster's garden)?
garu's kicking up dust into his face. blade is shoving random insects into his face and asking identification questions. yaku screams when he inevitably falls to the kuya traps. kuya can't resist watching the little ones (yakugaru) play with dirt. WHY would you choose to sleep here.
(Topper is nibbling all the edible plants in the garden while skillfully avoiding all the porn plot traps with his superior Toppinstincts)
now for 3 ! single character HCs.......
kuya: wanders the marketplace, and often sees those anti-aging creams with LOFTY claims to their power... he always mocks them and insults the intelligence of all the vain people clamouring to buy the stock. later that day you will see kuya at home, trying those very same creams (procured illegally, of course, because why pay for anything ever) and pretending like he's zero percent interested in the results
rei: in the same situation will just as quickly mock the creams but unlike kuya he'll mean it and will NOT be caught applying the gloop all over his face later. "lmao it's just sunscreen who even believes this shit"
yakumo: i like to give him sneczema sometimes. i know it's implied that everyone in gay gacha has perfect skin forever *waves hand dismissively* BUT
imagine that he loves working with his hands but the sneczema can flare up if he's too rough on em, so he compromises by wearing his gloves. protect that vulnerable skin, yaku!! [insert pun about scaly skin]
His SR clothing material seems soft. Aesthetic reason: slippery smooth like the idea of snek. Practical reason: coarse textures can aggravate skin 😔 only the silkiest coverings for a scaly boy...
i mean. yaku prefers the wet cave environment so we gotta keep an eye on his humidity. too dry and he'l'l turn into a wafer (like in Solaria that One Time)
is this just an excuse for me to mist him with a spray bottle ? at random times because it just seems like fun? perhaps. spritzspritz
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jo-the-nerd · 3 months
ALSO SPEAKING AS SOMEBODY WHO ONLY KNOWS THE BARE MINIMUM OF GOOD OMENS AND THE INEFFABLE HUSBANDS i just wanna say im pretty sure bg3 has their equivalent in bloodweave (gale [the one played by tim downie] + astarion)
my defense:
autistic book nerd and king who has the Audacity to fight God + chaotic theater gay that gives cat vibes and may need Therapy
aziraphale and gale sound like the type that would have solidarity in old man knees . idek if thats canon for aziraphale but it sure as hell is for gale
aziraphale and gale rhyme holy shit thats becoming a legitimate bullet point AJSJSJSJA
the book nerds live in their own private library . gale has a whole ass wizards tower while aziraphale has his book shop (that iirc he doesnt even sell the books in it ???)
crowley and astarion are the same fruit men . i also dont know how to explain that crowley just gives me 8 strength vibes as well . even if he was an angel you cant tell me this man can lift more than three books at once
"fuck the gods that did nothing for us. what if we chose each other" vibes from the both of them (idc what the other endings for gale are hes denouncing mystra in my canon bc i say so <33)
is aziraphale the type to have a cat . he seems so . how about a cat w wings (<-a tressym) . theyd absolutely bond over that
if you replaced the cutscenes of astarions little hissy fits w crowley i think itd honestly still be pretty in character
if i manage to pirate good omens one of these days i will be confirming if my hypothesis is correct <33
Ooooh now we're talking :)))))) I'll try to be brief (< lying)
yup that's them.
'may need therapy' we all know they do, the 'may' is only there bc they either won't admit it (Aziraphale & Gale) or would have to get dragged kicking & screaming before ultimately weaseling their way out of it looney tunes style (Crowley & Astarion)
Aziraphale is an old man in all aspects except one (biologically), however Crowley is the same age and he would definitely have old man knees. he doesn't know what to do with his joints half of the time due to being snek
yeah there are no books being sold in that bookshop fgfjkfggnv. like, it's all first editions and what-not so i totally get not wanting to give any away but then why open a shop??? instead of a collection???
yk what, fair enough. Crowley is a noodle, those arms aren't doing much more opening doors for his angel. tbf he can lift multiple potted plants at once but that's more spite than anything
i could also totally see Astarion doing the Crowley Walk(TM)
"fuck the gods that did nothing for us. what if we chose each other vibes" so true, no notes.
aziraphale doesn't have a pet (yet) but I think he would love a cat (I mean, he's got Crowley hanging around, basically the same). A tressym is just a very peculiar step up from that (consider: it has it's own wings to match him and Crowley, which is really adorable!!)
crowley's hissy fits are great and can likewise be replaced with Astarion's.
similiar additions which would probably still be in character:
C slammed Aziraphale into a wall for calling him nice
C went out into the middle of the street when he got really frustrated/anxious and exploded lightning from his body
C agreed to take care of the bookshop, not selling any books etc. but tossed any books he was holding into some corner whenever
both of them evaded the immediate ire of their higher ups by pointing out a technicality that amounted to 'this word is explained to be different from the one you're using, but through a miniscule footnote on the last page of this giagantic book'
Aziraphale has an incredible hard time overcoming the trauma and toxic mindset upheld by his superiors, including how he views himself and his partner (that one's just sad, sry)
Solid ground for a hypothesis I'd say :))
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ani-dirty-imagines · 2 years
Got any SaneGiyuu nsfw alphabet for us😉😉
Dumbass 🐍 friend
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includes sanegiyuu and explicit sexual content 
a/n: snek friend ilysm 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Sanemi’s actually really caring and a bit playful with Giyuu. He’d ask, quietly, if anything is hurting. When Giyuu says he’s all sore then you can bet Sanemi would go, “That’s what you wanted, right?” with a shit eating grin on his face. 
Sanemi is so soft, so gentle during this time. He tucks Giyuu’s hair behind his ear, kisses his temple and just pulls him close. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Sanemi likes Giyuu’s waist. He loves the way his fingers almost touch when he grips him there. 
Giyuu likes Sanemi’s hand because they are the same hands that hold him. It’s also because he can easily kiss the scars on them. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Giyuu is a cumslut who puts on a show of swallowing cum.
Sanemi likes to give facials.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
They’ve done it in an empty train before. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
They really thought they hated each other so much back then that they could never be intimate with one another. Oh, were they wrong! Even if they’ve got experience under their belts before being together they’re still so fucking anxious to fuck sometimes. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Giyuu likes riding Sanemi.
Sanemi likes pinning Giyuu against a wall and fucking him with his legs pressed to his chest.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Not really. They just forget the condoms and have to drive back to the convenience store sometimes. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Sanemi’s trail is a little bit cleaner than Giyuu’s but Sanemi doesn’t mind. 
Giyuu was actually really surprised that the carpet matched the drapes for Sanemi. He was all like “Oh, it’s silver too?” and then Sanemi bonked him in the head after that. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
So fucking intimate. Not a moment without a kiss on the lips, neck, and wherever the fuck. They can’t get enough of each other. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
They’ve jacked off together. They’ve also had their fair share of phone sex. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Sanemi likes taking control and likes it when Giyuu begs for him. Giyuu likes being bound and he’s happy as long as he gets cum in his mouth and/or his ass. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Giyuu prefers more private places and Sanemi likes to live on the edge. Sanemi convined him to have sex in an empty parking lot before. He fucked Giyuu on his motorbike. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
They’ve set nudes to each other for sure. It takes very little for them to rile each other up. One brush of Giyuu’s hand agaisnt Sanemi’s coupled with an alluring glance with those beautiful blue eyes and they are off to their room. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Giyuu gives more than Sanemi does. Sanemi compensates by picking him up, sitting him on his lap and jacking him off. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Sanemi knows Giyuu wants it to be a combination of both but also knows that the fast and rough part slightly overruns the soft and sensual. He makes sure to litter him with kisses when he fucks him strong enough to have the headboards bumping into the wall. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Once they begin to live together then this won’t be a preference.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Once when they were in a hotel, Sanemi fucked Giyuu against a huge glass window. 
Giyuu has sucked Sanemi off under a table while Sanemi was having a Zoom meeting. He was a relentless tease about it, too. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
They can both handle around 2-4 rounds. Sometimes they can do five when Giyuu has missed him more than usual. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Both of them have personalized collars. Giyuu’s says “slut” and Sanemi’s says “bitch.”  
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Sanemi likes to see how much and how long it takes for Giyuu to beg. He suspends the flesh in his hand after a harsh slap on Giyuu’s ass. He lightly massages him there and watches his partner twitch against the vibrator he’s been teasing him with. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Giyuu gets loud with him. When he’s being fucked by Sanemi then there’s no way he can be quiet. He tells him that, too, with a bite to his earlobe. He groans his command for Giyuu right in his ear and rewards Giyuu with a tug on his collar when he obeys. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Giyuu has a liking for Sanemi’s belt. He tugs on it sometimes and quietly pleads for Sanemi to use it to bind his wrists together. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Both of them have almost the same length but Sanemi’s is just a little thicker. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Oh, they yearn for each other often. It’s also common for one of them go home stressed from work and just begin fucking the other by the entrance door. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Giyuu falls much faster than Sanemi does. Sometimes Giyuu even gets drowsy when Sanemi begins to clean him up. 
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ralphy-succulent11 · 7 months
(This is for fun I mean no harm please)
Wednesday ship headcannons/only gay for now
-Tyler is small soon for various reasons, xavier just doesn't like pressure on his back weirdly
-xavier tried coffee art once...he could only do a penis joke. Tyler smacked him.
-xavier won't stop drawing on Tyler's hands, it takes ages to wash off...
-Tyler is soft as anything when the Hyde isn't doing shit in his mind, xavier is dirty minded to hell so meh
-Wednesday is small but big spoon, Enid becomes a ball for weds
-the addams family practically smothers Enid with family love because "finally someone in the family is dating!!" (Refers to younger gen mostly)
-Enid can and will pick weds up to prevent a murder
-Wednesday nearly killed someone for saying shit about Enid in class...the guy got into a coma.
Ajax x Eugene (idk ship name):
-both love animals alot alot and talk about them constantly
-they bond over having two mams and when their mams met it was awsome af
-ajax plays with Eugene's hair when bored, Eugene wishes he could play with ajax's sneks
-both are innocent, Eugene more so than ajax. The two also love cuddles
That's all for now
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blu3cl0v3rs · 7 months
Badly Summarizing Njnjago
Season 2 Rewrite Edition
the sentences are surrounded by "—"
stay safe :]
"The Ninja" work mininum wage while Meow and Gandalf motorbike off into the sunset. The Devil forces the sneks to work for him, and the snek leaders don't like that, so they try to kidnap Trauma Child. Don't worry, with the magic of ✨️plot convenience✨️, Gandalf and Meow save Trauma Child, and "The Ninja" all get fired. The Devil uses magical lava goop to turn the weapons into a Big Gold Stick-Thing. "The Ninja" meet Brownie, who owns a dojo, and beats Brownie up so they can train there.
The Devil summons pirates, evil Ninja doubles, and a Grundal, and somehow still fails. What a loser. Trauma Child gets aged up with magical tea. The Devil and "The Ninja" time travel and fuck around in the past. The Big Gold Stick-Thing and god's gold weapons from the past are shot into space. For some reason.
Satan's Wife shows up. Instead of actually being a mother for Trauma Child, she's been researching the Green Ninja's destiny. Everyone slow claps for the Best Mother of the Year /s. The Serpentine commit a coup d'etat by literally shoving The Devil out of a helicopter, and Bloo Snek Leader takes over.
Satan's Wife gives a history lesson, and introduced god's greatest mistake: Evil Liquid Cat. Evil Liquid Cat is stranded on the other half of Ninjago that god broke off, which we call the Dim Landmass. Evil Liquid Cat created some indestructible warriors out of stone that we're gonna call the Rockies. Also, you remember the big boi snek that The Devil smacked on the head? Well, the author forgot to mention that it caused big boi snek to fucking explode, and the gooey green remains can animate things. Anyways, the gooey green stuff brings one of the Rockies to life that Satan's Wife found underneath the museum she works at. "The Ninja" trick it into falling into a bottomless pit.
Meanwhile, after the devil got shoved out of a 'copter, he found the Dim Landmass, and Evil Liquid Cat strikes a deal with him. The Devil unlocks a new level of Dim Landmass, now it's not mostly underwater! Satan's Wife hits on Gandalf. The author is disgusted. A bunch of the Rockies are reawakened, and the sneks get locked underground again as the Rockies wreak havoc upon Ninjago City.
Gandalf and Satan's Wife literally attempt suicide via jumping out a building window, but "The Ninja" go "nuh uh" and save their asses by catching them on their flying boat the author forgot about last season.
The boosters broke, so they sail to the Dim Landmass like how you're supposed to use a ship. Freezy's bird friend gets shot down. Demonic starfish eat some of the boat, and they crash land onto a not-lighthouse prison. SURPRISE! Freezy's dad is somehow alive, fixes their ship, and they fly away to the Dim Landmass.
Meanwhile, Evil Liquid Cat and The Devil scoop up a bunch of evil galaxy mud, and are using it to create a super weapon. "The Ninja" get caught trying to sneak in and escape, then they go there with Satan's Wife to try to get the devil's fancy new hat and escape, but not before Meow gets kidnapped and experimented on.
One dramatic hero speech later, and "The Ninja" try to defeat the devil again.
They fail. The devil gets possessed by Evil Liquid Cat, and Trauma Child gets physical trauma as well as emotional trauma! I would say baby's first traumatic experience, but Satan's Wife abandoning him and his entire time at Darkley's takes that title.
Ninjagoans(?) get turned evil, and the possessed devil and his army of Rockies go to Ninjago. Turns out the possessed devil has worse aim than the Storm Troopers and somehow manages to miss Brownie like 20 times. Then, the possessed devil decides to fuck it and uses Russian bombing tactics of "if you have shit aim, just shoot bigger ones in the general area" and launches evil mist everywhere.
The color coded dumbasses have their hero speech as the author spends way too much time looking at the sand physics, and holy shit god had a mech??? Anyways, "The Ninja" fly back to Ninjago, fight the Rockies, and get evil-possessed??? All except for Trauma Child, who unlocks God's fighting style and light beams the everloving shit out of his possessed satan father, which literally blasts the demonic purple blob AND the devil out!
Now, we're left with the world saved, a DILF, and said DILF's brother's dumbass students.
The End.
Or is it?? You'll see next time when I post Season 3!
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rhadinesthes · 1 year
🐍About Me🐍
Got tagged by @n-brio, so let the fun begin~
Nickname: I've had several, but the most prominent are S_D (which I've used since I was twelve) and Snek. I like snakes. There's also the name people call me when they forget my name. Somehow it's always the same, so it must really suit me. XD
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Call Me Little Sunsign
Height: 5'5"
Last Google Search: I've been looking for a certain sausage cheese ball recipe, since I've lost the one I used last time.
Song Stuck In Your Head: Granite (Pendulum), since it's what's currently playing.
Followers: 2
Lucky Number: Killing Defiled Amygdala in only two tries was pretty lucky. That's gotta be my greatest Soulsborne moment.
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Dream Job: I'm trying to write a story/book, so if I finished that and people enjoyed it, that'd be swell.
Wearing: Jack-o-lantern/bat/rat/ivy print leggings, socks, flip-flops house shoes, my middle school orchestra shirt, and a big, cozy jacket. And to think I just ragged on Fred for wearing flip-flops with socks.
Favorite Songs: So many. I'll pick some from a variety of styles: Legion (VNV Nation) Im Guten Im Bösen (Eisbrecher) Theremin [Club Edit] (Covenant) Respite on the Spitalfields (Ghost) Planet Hell (Nightwish) Honeythief (Halou) Das Neue Fleisch (Sielwolf) Resurrection (Christopher Young)
Favorite Instrument: Harpsichord. I love the sound.
Aesthetic: Does goth count? I've been into goth shit since, like, middle school. Otherwise, it's a hodgepodge. Feel free to peruse my Aesthetic tag.
Favorite Author: Lovecraft. I feel the burn of the torches and the sting of the pitchforks already. Honorable mention goes to my two favorite books: A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines by Janna Levin and The Hot Zone by Richard Preston.
Favorite Color: I like blues and greens a lot. And black.
Favorite Animal Sounds: My grandma has this saying: Whistling girls and crowing hens always come to no good ends. So you know what? Shout out to all the crowing hens.
Last Song: Benzin (Rammstein) just finished playing.
Last Series: I've been watching The Last of Us with someone who's super into the games. I never played them. The last shows I was really into were Resident Alien and Snowpiercer.
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I don't have many people to tag, so... @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe, I tag you. Have fun~ :3 It'd be funny to tag @n-brio again and make it recursive. And anyone else who sees this, Kos has planted a tag inside your brain. Hail Mother Kos! Grant us tags!
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rateater2000 · 3 months
Alright so I wanna know-
(Please reblog for sample size!)
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churposting · 5 months
my pronouns? why are you referring to me in the first place???
pronoun talk makes me feel strange in a way that i can't describe but it's like when about
a. trans
b. romantic relationships !!
i don't fit into any of these categories i'm a cis she/her/they because i don't actually care that much about they AND i'm aroace (more on the aro part tho)
i literally don't fit into any of the things people are most likely to experience (???) this shit is going to kill me one day 😭
ooh i should rate people on a terra to ncsasp scale
terra - i think i would cry if terra dmed me but in a Funny Way right? right?
fran - I'M SORRY 😭 fran is like the shadows when i turn off the lights in my parents bed room or the closet things I HATE CLOSETS WHY ARE THEY SO CREEPY. would NOT poke with a fishing rod, switches places with terra depending on the mood lol
skiddlecat - yeah
snek the aro - i mean intimidating af. would poke with a fishing rod
my sister - we need to Talk Less or Talk More. i hate both options.
laser - sometimes laser is cool. very good friend. but sometimes he is like a spider. (i scream bloody murder whenever i see a spider. scary stuffs!)
chazzerbox - only would dm if i needed something or . happy birthday
denko - idk how to feel about denko. But. Scary. i meannnn if i saw that pfp zeraora (?) in like the stupid little bar i would be a little bit scared. dislike (IN A FUNNY WAY I SWEAR please please please believe me) but for all the wrong reasons LMAO
falsegrey- smack dab neutral. reblog buddie :]
ash - would eat out together . only a lil bit scary me thinks
potassium - POTASSIUM. TOAMSTER. LITERAL OOMFIE. ILY /platonic. WATER GUN AND KITTY ENTHUSIAST. NEED I SAY MORE also toamster. warm aura. like toamster
bawe - gay men. hot plight. vampies
mr shit i mean ship i mean shib - would ask for uppies!!! like a father figure .,,
ncsasp - we can put each other in blenders :]
this is going to leave my target audience of just n and some random ass people 😭 I HAVE SCHOOL
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( you rebooted asking for opinions so fuck it )
- I’m still trying to figure out if it would be rude to mock you for being Australian
-holy hell you are. Shakespeare please continue I want to see rhinealice
-funny squid game from Nintendo
-have you ever heard of staarde vaasje
-ok I meant to say stardew valley but I’m accidentally on my Dutch keyboard and that’s too fucking funny
-play it
-you’re invited to my birthday party^1
-what’s your favorite style of architecture
-what’s your favorite historical fashion period (can be anywhere but please don’t be boring 🙂)
- like 1970s leg warmers. Shits boring.
-favorite instrument^2
-favorite German character^3
-holy shit I’m making a tall post
-ok byeeeee
^1: until further notice
^2: if you say violin you are NOT invited to my birthday party violins are the stupidest instrument and they’re overpopulated in the same way invasive species are
^3: please also put a non hexenzirkel person as well (if applicable)
-it is not rude to mock me for being Australian I mock myself for being Australian
-Thank you if you have fic ideas I may be able to write them
-My son who was made in therapy. He will be 1 soon
-Funny squid game until the ai telephone starts learning science
-Ah yes the amazing game staarde vaasje
-Yeah I've heard of it but iirc it costs money to play. Looks cute though
-also yeah my German keyboard autocorrects like that too sometimes
-Thank you I will be sure to come
-i actually haven't thought about that but I think castles are nice :X
-Victorian Era steampunk fashion on top actually. I have these leather goggles on a pageboy hat and a brown waistcoat and. This whole Look and it's great but I can't just stick with the one outfit
-your hatred of violins is justified I used to play one and I hate it too. Nah I like drums but I have a coordination disorder and I also don't own any 😂 can't play for shit
-You know it's Albedo. Altho ig he also counts as a German character cause he's from Mondstadt 😂
-Thank you and I don't mind tall posts
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lavendermerry-go-round · 10 months
So I've been rewatching the final scenes of Good Omens S2 and I noticed something that just fucking wrecked me.
Michael Sheen is bloody brilliant and honestly I have no idea how a single human can hold this much talent in his corporeal body!
(Just to make it obvious, spoilers ahead)
So, Aziraphale says some stupid shit but don't worry, he will say more later, that's probably why I didn't notice this sooner. He tells Crowley that "nothing lasts forever" to which Crowley says "no. I suppose it doesn't" and puts the ducking sunglasses on. 1 heartbreak acquired, thanks.
What I didn't see before (since y'know, I was already crying because the baby snek demon boi is closing up🥺) is Aziraphale's reaction. It is literally barely a second long and there's just so much emotion in there! Micheal! I love you but my heart was already cracking, you didn't have to go that hard!
So the moment he realises what the other was doing, you can see the panic arise in his eyes. Panic and disbelief. Then Crowley looks back at him (and Aziraphale is great at knowing where the other is looking behind those shades, he had a few millennia to get used to it). He looks back at him and just for but a moment, there's this tiny speckle of smile on Aziraphale's face. Maybe he'd misinterpreted the motion? Maybe they are on the same page after all?
Only for that smile to be wiped away instantly of course because in fact this was the one single moment he did not misinterpret in that whole conversation, godsdamnit...
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styxwings · 4 months
I have watched the hazbin hotel finale, and I hAVE THINGS TO SAY. HOLY SHIT- SNEK NO- NIFTY YES-
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